#thanks y’all for being here 💚💙 and happy new year
wigglebox · 5 months
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Personal (2023) 🌈✨
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frizzdotbizz · 1 year
obligatory new year’s reflections (cringe warning)
ok so sorry if i’m starting out w a downer but now that the new year’s here, i need to get stuff out of my system: i’m trying my damn hardest to look forward to what comes next and overall i think i’ve achieved that. but i can’t help but feel scared as well. scared that my overall mental health and well being has become more fragile then ever before. scared of reaching out to the art community online and worrying about being able to trust again or end up hurting others. i was sent to a breaking point so severe that i was hospitalized for it. i’ve been hurt badly and i’ve done my fair share of fuck ups that i’m never going to be able to fix. all of this and adding on to recent realizations regarding family members on top of everything made 2022 by far some of the most painful, harrowing years i’ve endured in the longest time. i pray that i’ll be able to move forward and never go through what happened during the fall ever again.
that being said, i am extremely, wholeheartedly thankful for all of the ppl who stuck around during all this as well as all the good parts of last year. not only did they supporting me during those hard times, they’ve given me hope for what’s to come and time again they’ve showed me how loving, kind, and wonderful friends they’ve been overall. not to mention that i was able to open up more w their other friends and reconnected to another older friend group i haven’t reached out to in a while. all of this and being strong enough to still be here in this world, alive and typing this very post made everything just as memorable and worthwhile. i wish i could name everyone all of my online bestie’s one by one…..i want to so bad but idk i feel really corny shouting out y’all like that shgsgs. but if you’re reading this, you know who you are! i love you all so so SO much and will love and support you all back as you guys did for me!!💖
happy 2023 guys!!! let’s all move forward to a better tomorrow ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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