#that many others just kinda seem to miss the point because it’s such a unique and interesting arc to give to a companion
ahalliance · 9 months
i don’t get how people can complain about the writing “doing Martha dirty” when that same writing gives her an ending that addresses her treatement over the course of the season, allows her to finally put her to foot down, to establish her self-worth as an individual and to air out her grievances, and gives her the most respectful and satisfying exit from the TARDIS we’d yet seen in the show . like it’s one thing to dislike the direction the writing team took with her arc and to criticise it (perfectly fine) and another to somehow miss it entirely lmao . the ‘martha feels out of place, second best, and like a rebound’ is an intentional piece of writing that gets resolved by the end of the season . like that wasn’t smth they threw in for shits and giggles, it had in-story repercussions
#and if u don’t think those repercussions were Enough then that’s totally cool and smth to start a discussion over#but . don’t act as if they didn’t happen lmao??#i just . yells#like i have my own criticisms about the writing (giving the ‘i feel second best to this dude’s past love interest’ to the first POC#companion was . probably not the best of choices let’s be real#though there’s some leeway there as im assuming the character was written before audtions . but still . could have been reconsidered#idk i totally understand why people aren’t fans of the storyline itself (outside of how coherent the writing is) but i think it’s a shame#that many others just kinda seem to miss the point because it’s such a unique and interesting arc to give to a companion#i like fresh ideas!! i like the doctor Actually being portrayed at someone who is clumsy with relationships and emotional intimacy!!#i like it when his trauma spills over in ugly and complex ways like we see in season 3 in regards to his friendship with martha#and i like it even better when his accidentally cruel actions and mistakes get brought up and criticised by the narrative!! like it does in#the end of s3!! it’s so good!!#i enjoy 10 because he’s my favourite wet cat but also because he is allowed to fill up room like a real traumatised individual would#it’s like . okay i enjoy ‘ooo the doctor is the oncoming storm ooo he’s hurt and killed so many people ooo’#but it’s also good to See the actual ramifications of that shit you know . hearing about his legend status is always fun but damn man#is it satisfying from a character analysis POV to see him hurt the people around him . to see him treat his friends poorly on accident#because of his own character flaws . like that’s GOOD#and it just sorta irks me sometimes bc people will have this smug attitude of ‘well MY blorbo isn’t a rude piece of shit and is actually a#paragon of morality’ and like girl i don’t give a shit . that’s fine in small doses but it’s not what’s compelling#people tend to like interacting with ‘angsty traumatised edgy characters’ if their edginess is contained in a nice little box that doesn’t#overspill . fuck no give me the characters that are loud and ugly and unpleasant about their trauma THAT’S THE REAL SHIT#jay rambles#dw.txt#10.txt#marthaj.txt#sometimes u wanna treat the blorbo from your show like a real person sure but sometimes it is better to remember that they are fictional#and there to be considered as part of a bigger story and as an item to analyse . case in poiny#point#maybe i shouldn’t be surprised by this though since people still get hung up over rose quartz
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simplyreveries · 4 months
I don't know if someone has already requested this, but can I request the first years with GN!Reader who always falls asleep in weird places like on a tree branch, in the closet, under the table, or in the middle of the field, etc.? So the boys have to carry them back to Ramshackle Dorm.
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ace trappola
at first, he was confused and even shocked at your strange ability to feel comfortable enough to sleep practically anywhere but of course it turns into him snickering and laughing whenever he catches you. he'd nudge deuce and tell him you're doing it again. he seriously could've died laughing and had to hold it in when he saw riddles frustrated and confused expression when you were passed out asleep underneath a table after an unbirthday party.
it comes to a point where he doesn't seem fazed or concerned if you're missing from class or something- he'd probably shake his head playfully and think you're just off sleeping somewhere unusual. he'd go off to find you most of the time. doesn't know how to wake you up, he's a, (loving) ass but he likes to stack random things on you either until you wake up or it falls. he's gotten in trouble multiple times for which in class. he'll call you a "sleepyhead" and sometimes tries to fool you and tell you you've slept through the whole day-!
much to his surprise,,, during an instance where you're just too hazy and too tired to be fully there. he groans and resorts to helping you back to ramshackle having you lazily use him as some support when walking back together. he'd tease and tell you you're lazy- but ace has never left your side when it's getting late, and he needs to wake you up or help you get back to ramshackle with the help of deuce.
deuce spade
ok not going to lie he's a little concerned. he's literally wondering how you manage to remain perfectly fine and unharmed when you somehow fall asleep int he most inconvenient and even dangerous spots. he's usually nervous and has a look of worriedness for you. deuce literally never felt more confused and SCARED when you fell asleep once inside the alchemy room... it's just waiting for disaster with mishaps in there.
deuce felt unsure if he should wake you up half of the time and when he does try it's too light of shaking or too quiet of talking to do anything. around that time ace or grim try suggesting splashing water on your face. he'd immediately figure out how to wake you up as soon as they mention that.
the time when he visited ramshackle and found you curled up in front of the steps asleep (doesnt matter how many times he's used to this he still is freaked out a bit akjshjhksk) he'll probably end up asking the ghosts for help in getting you back inside... it's almost dark too! he worries at the thought if he hadn't come over. doesn't really scold you but nervously does try to remind you to be more careful-! the last thing he wants is for you to end up getting hurt yourself because of this unique quirk of yours.
jack howl
the first time he witnessed this was an... experience, he was in the middle of track, and you were just sprawled out laying in the grass in a sunny spot. at first, he thought you were resting maybe... not actually fully asleep. he kinda just stares and tries to figure out in his head only for grim to tell him "...ya this is normal for them".
jack gets concerned like deuce and genuinely doesn't know what to do. he wants to help you but not abruptly wake you up. so, in other times where he finds you doing it again and again- he gets kind of used to it by now and doesn't seem to question it. he silently does make sure you're fine. like that one time you were peacefully asleep on a bleacher, and he quickly had to catch and stop you before you quite literally ROLLED off. you have this poor guy sweating.
though, in another time when its getting late and knows you should be back at ramshackle, he huffs and prompts to bringing you back there himself - a little annoyed by grim's snicker and climbing onto his shoulder but he does seem to make sure to look out for you. jack just prays you don't wake up, so you won't have something to tease him about later on...
epel felmier
epel silently stared for a few seconds in shock, letting himself slip cursing slightly in confusion. he regains his composure and doesn't bother waking you up if you seem- alright? he seemed to tell ace and deuce about it and they were already used to this, ace only laughed.
he panicked slightly as he found you sleeping on the floor in pomefiore once- vil would not be impressed or happy to see that and give you and probably him some small lecture. or when he found you sleeping on the steps inside the school?? does your back not feel pain?? those are times he'd actually try to wake you up, even if it took him a few attempts.
he does take it upon himself to help you get back to ramshackle, when you're not too far from it yet still managed to fall asleep right by the gate. he found grim complaining and trying to wake you up, with no luck with his paws. like ace would, grim would have you lean on him groggy and tried and he'd help bring you to ramshackle, sighing but he started to even laugh at the whole ridiculousness of it all when he's telling you to be more careful outside.
sebek zigvolt
initially, he didn't even notice you fall asleep as he loudly going on about something. he was a little shocked at first but quickly didn't hesitate to wake you up, claiming with his booming voice that it was improper at school and dangerous...! "and i thought silvers sleeping habits were terrible...!"
he is a knight (in training) and is keen with good senses and quick reactions- so like with jack, if you're literally about to fall or roll in your sleep when your off asleep in some crazy spot he'll swiftly move and stop you. grumbling how unusual it is. and he would never admit it, but you did once startle him when he found you sleeping in a tucked area, he literally reached for his magic pen. would die if you found out and deny it profusely.
it doesn't matter with all the scolding... sebek does help you. and like all the other times wouldn't dare to admit it and his slight soft spot for you. after a few failed attempts at waking, you he'd make sure you get to ramshackle himself, which is no sweat for someone like him. he couldn't believe you were sleeping outside for so long it was starting to rain!
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inbarfink · 4 months
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Okay, so… The ending flashback in “I Remember You” is often assumed by fans to be specifically the moment where Simon and Marcy first met. Like, Simon stumbled on this Weird Gray Kid crying in the middle of the apocalypse, cheered her up with a dolly and only after that Simon started taking care of Marcy full-time. 
However, while this seems to be a pretty logical interpretation of the scene - a look at the original storyboard actually reveals that was not the original intention.
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You can argue whether or not it was properly conveyed in the finished episode, but the intent was supposed to be that these two already knew each other and were already a tiny lil’ post-apocalypse family (‘he has left her alone for some reason’ implies that they would usually be together at this point).
I mean, since this idea wasn’t really all that clear in the actual episode, a lot of people who did know about the storyboard notes (myself included) still assumed it wasn’t really canon. You know, it didn’t seem like such a big deal. What’s the big difference between Simon giving Marceline Hambo on the first day they met or not? What difference does it make?
And even when this idea was discussed, it was generally within the framework of, like, speculating about a possible connection between Simon and Elise (Marceline's Mom). And/or that Marceline specifically knew Simon before the War. Since neither of these ideas ever really came back in the Show itself, most people just kinda forgot about these Storyboard notes - if they ever knew about them in the first place.
It’s only very recently that it suddenly dawned on me; what was the original intent behind that scene, what is the meaning it was trying to convey, why was it so important to specify that Simon and Marcy already knew each other in that flashback. 
If this is Simon and Marcy’s first meeting then the narrative is, like we mentioned above, that lil Marceline was crying in the rubble because she misses her mom or she just really processed that the world has been destroyed, or because she was tired, or hungry. Then Simon sees the poor little girl weeping and immediately sets on to cheer her up and help her in whatever way he can. That is still a very solid narrative that focuses on Simon’s kindness and strong parental instincts. I can see why so many people are attached to it as their interpretation for that scene. It certainly makes sense for Simon’s character overall and Marceline’s relationship to him.
But the intended meaning is actually uniquely important as a part of “I Remember You”. Because the narrative implied by the fact that they knew each other at that point is that Simon has left Marcy alone ‘for some reason’ (scouting ahead? Forging for food in a dangerous area?) and Marcy probably started crying because of that. Maybe he was taking longer to come back than he promised her to, maybe she just started getting anxious because she’s a little kid all alone (who already has abandonment issues pre-packaged from her mom). 
But whatever the specifics are, with this one extra detail of ‘they know each other’ it seems extremely likely that Marceline was crying because she thought Simon had left her forever. 
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But Simon did come back, ran straight to her, comforted her and reassured her that no, he didn’t leave her behind, he’s right here. And then he gives her Hambo as both an apology for leaving her behind and a reassurance.
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A reassurance that he’s still here, and he’s not going to leave her.
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tomoeskiss · 3 months
the main problem people have with this reboot is that making it is just plain disrespectful. brandon lee literally put his heart and soul into this role and ended up dying for it. for all his life he had been in his father’s shadow and this movie was supposed to be his breakout role and help him step into the light, but it ended up being his final act due to negligence.
the whole setting of the movie based on the trailer just doesn’t look right. the original had this unique 90’s gothic setting and i get that it’s a remake and they’re trying to go for something modern but that just takes away from the crow’s entire charm. even the soundtrack sounds horrible and don’t even mention the character designs… there’s no soul in the movie.
then there’s also the fact that in the original, eric and shelly are completely innocent, they fought for what was wrong and ended up being killed for it. in the reboot trailer it seems like they both were inmates and met in prison?? huh???? the whole point is that they’re completely normal people that get something terrible done to them. that’s why the crow brought eric back in the first place.
there’s also supposed to be a clear distinction between eric before he died and after. in the original it’s very obvious how much he has changed. he went from a normal guy to a man mad with grief. but in this reboot he just kinda… looks and acts the same? he goes from a wannabe soundcloud rapper to a wannabe soundcloud rapper with bad makeup on, there seems to be no personality change. there's plenty of examples like these where they've completely missed the mark. in the comics there’s multiple people that become a crow, not just eric draven. they could’ve used one of those characters to continue the story.
i know you can’t judge an entire movie based on a short trailer but just the circumstances surrounding the first movie is enough of a reason to not like it. even the author of the comic didn’t want to remake it cause he himself thought it was unnecessary and disrespectful but he ended up working with them anyway so they didn’t completely butcher it. many reboots have been made throughout the years of various films but there’s a reason people are SO pissed off with this specific one. because, unlike other reboots, this movie had it’s lead actor die on set while filming. the crow is like a memorial to brandon lee, they weren’t even planning on releasing it but his family and fiancé encouraged them. brandon died only a few weeks before his wedding, similar to how his character died only a day before his. the movie is literally dedicated to him and his fiancé and it states that at the end of the movie.
the original crow is a constant reminder of the tragedy and what could’ve been which is why it’s so bittersweet, which further adds to the setting and overall mood of the film. the creator, actors of the original movie and even brandon lee’s friends and family didn’t want the reboot to be made and if that’s not telling then i don’t know what is. i do feel for bill skarsgård and the rest of the cast, they must’ve worked so hard only to be criticized but this reboot should never have been made in the first place, because it’ll never live up to the original.
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thegratefulsouth · 3 months
TWD Caryl - A Tree Fell in the Forest
I just finished watching TWD and searching a bunch tonne of stuff on this here Tumblr which I'm brand new to, and I have thoughts.
I am strangely drawn to imperfection, its beauty, and TWD sits in this place, hovering near almost faultlessness (characters), to being nearly unwatchable (where did the characters go), sometimes within the same episode. It's utterly fascinating! I am hooked! A little late, yes, but isn't that the story of my life.
I honestly have not felt this way about characters since the late 90's, when my 17 year old Willoz shipping heart waited desolately for Oz to return, and ... we all know how that turned out. Ah, shipping. I literally had not shipped a single ship since that day. Until I watched The Same Boat. TWD has some pretty special characters. Though I love Bojack and Ozark and Travis Fimmel's Ragnar, I did not feel compelled to examine the inner workings of those beautiful humans/humanoids beyond the show.
There I was, happily not shipping a ship, apart from my own relationship with my own beloved, which I ship ecstatically every day. (This is the kind of ramble I can indulge in when I think readership will be non-existent). Got another ship in!
Anyway, my point is that a Caryl romance is clearly canon, even though the relationship isn't (yet?).
I didn't actually fall in love with Carol until she listened to my urgent pleas to take care of the Wolves at the start of season 6. I should point out that I have ADHD so I didn't always have the dopamine? Emotional regulation? Focus? To listen to all of your speeches, Rick, or to watch entire episodes devoted to new characters, Tara, Magna, Alpha. So, apparently, I missed entire stuff.
Even after "C'mere", I just thought Carol and Daryl had this extremely unique soulmate bond, like that of Ragnar and Athelstan in Vikings. It is an extremely rare and unique portrayal of a transcendental devotion that cannot be likened to any other kind of relationship, because there are no other relationships like it. The bind encompasses every aspect of love and support needed to utterly fulfull and complete someone.
At this point I had stumbled onto Tumblr because I realised I needed pro-Carol recaps from Carylers, as they seemed to best understand and grasp this very special character. I went back and rewatched from the beginning and I was shocked. I rewatched (and noticed for the first time) the flirting, the hesitation, the banter, the unspoken LOOKS, oh so many. Drew the links from Consumed ("I kinda like it." "Stop.") Watched interviews, waded through the mass of gaslighting that abounds, which seems to wrap itself around every subtle, telling moment.
Why? Because it's fascinating. A mystery. Pretending something that happened, did not? A tree fell in the forest and some people did not hear it. Well I didn't hear it either! But I went back and found the tree. That tree is on the damn ground.
Carol and Daryl are so in love with each other it hurts. Their romance exists. Therefore, I'm gonna ship it.
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akgaereporter · 5 months
꩜ briizes: seunghan/wonbin/taro main dancer discourse 🤕
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tldr: an ot7 account made a big thread on why seunghan is vital to riize's lineup, talents and visuals wise. they explain why his dancing is needed to balance the team but some taro/wonbin stans took it as shade towards their biases dance skills and ended up seeming lowkey ot6..
so everything started with this ot7 user posting a thread in korean about how seunghan is vital and unreplaceable within riize. they mentioned things like how his visuals and proportions blend the group properly, how he’s the mood maker and has good sense in variety and comedy contents, etc. very well written thread btw, here’s the link to read it if u havent already !
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anyways, the issue started bc of the part where nomad talked about seunghan’s dance position within riize. they praised him for his flexible movements in contrast to shotaro and wonbin’s “rough street dancing and standard styles.” they also said that after watching the member’s fancams, seunghan is the member best at “using his upper body” and “highlighting the details of the choreography.”
here is the whole translated paragraph transcribed from the ss:
“Additionally, in order to widen the range of performance types that a group can handle, it is best if the specialized styles of each dance member do not overlap too much. While Shotaro and Wonbin's characteristics are rough street dancing and standard styles, respectively, Seunghan's style, in contrast, is very flexible and allows him to control the strength and weakness well. Also, by analyzing the members' fancams, we can conclude that the member in Rise who uses his upper body the best is Seunghan, and more importantly, Seunghan is the member who is the best at highlighting the details of the choreography among the members. In this way, the three dance line members are already the best combination, complementing each other's shortcomings, so if even one of them is missing, the quality of the performance will inevitably decline.”
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this thread sparked a lot of seunghan praise:
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now idk abt yall but after reading all these, the first thing on my mind isnt “ok but what about x member..”. this is clearly about seunghan, how he affects the performance/stage/vocal dynamic of the group, and what they lose without him. this is for seunghan and about seunghan, RELATIVE to the other members, not comparative. but some people clearly have other things in mind..
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things got kinda messy from here🤕
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and some people just straight up revealed they dgaf about him fr☠️
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and youll never guess whats in shawty's bio..??
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like hmm?? if 2+2 is 4.. how can you support an ot7 riize if you think he doesn't bring anything to the group? that hes not vital in anything? that they're doing fine w/o him? like im genuinely curious but anyways..
some people clocked how weird these reactions were but the damage has lwk already been done bc this is such a strange discourse to have at all🤕
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☆ my opinion
again i just think its crazy how u can call urself ot7 when u dont believe he’s indispensable to the group? the whole point of nomad’s thread was to showcase what seunghan brought to riize, and why this ot6 body isn’t bringing out their full potential as vocal&performance artists. there are so many things to take into account here:
because one member is good at a certain aspect of a skill doesn’t make another members’ any less than..
the thread was to show seunghan’s unique differences from any other member, and highlight what the group loses by not having him. not to say “hes better at x than y member,” but to say “this is how seungan’s skill contrasts any other member and creates a better result.”
riize is a team, teams have members, members are going to have distinct styles that they execute best. shotaro is obviously the main dancer as he's very versatile and can cover a wide range of movement, but that doesn't change the fact there are details & aspects of seunghan’s dancing that he makes most noticeable, & that differ and contrast shotaro’s in a good way. those differences make them look better as a group. like yes taro is a pro dancer, but he has a more "x" style while seunghan accentuates more "y" movements, and "x" and "y" work together perfectly with the rest of the members on stage. its not about who is better, it’s about how they look together as one.
i feel like some taro/wonbin stans are referring to individual skills, which explains why they're bringing up taro's past as a dancer. individual skill is a whole different story, and again, that wasn't the purpose of the thread, it was to show what riize loses as a group by not having seunghan.
the “better at moving his upper body” part is one of those details seunghan highlights, but that comment is an opinion on nomad’s part, so ofc u can disagree with it. however the undeniable fact is that seunghan is very talented at dancing with his upper body, and whether x member is better than him or not isnt the point - it was included to show how he and only he executes it differently than others to create an enhanced look on stage. i think its funny how theres literally a part of the thread where wonbin is agreeing that seunghan has the most flexible upper body in an interview but some milkteas were still acting like nomad saying that is a snub to taro??😭
getting mad at a seunghan praise tweet for praising seunghan is odd behavior. u can of course have preferences, but to call it “discrediting” shotaro is a huge stretch. no one is downplaying shotaro’s skills as a dancer, in fact nomad’s thread is one of the only threads ive seen actually articulating and placing focus on seunghan’s dancing, so to say it was “objectively untrue” is crazy and i think we should just let hongjjangus have nice things. if u disagree, and think taro is better at something, gone ahead and make ur own thread like this user did (maybe with a less shady caption🤕) instead of creating a space for people to feel comfortable demeaning seunghan's skills comparatively to other members.
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like who was speaking on him??😭😭 some people have definitely lost the plot but at least its a minority.. unrelated to these screenshots but theres srsly an epidemic of briizes who are lowkey moving ot6 but claiming its in the name of supporting riize's active members so be careful who u call oomf & stay strapped in these streets😕🙏🏽 seunghan WILL be home soon trust me ladies.. im psychic
[c l o s e t a b ?] ◀ ⇨ akgaepop.com
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longbobmckenzie · 11 months
Season 6 Volume VII Thoughts
Okay, gangbang is cancelled. These boys are Not It™️. Well, except Andy.
Thoughts on the Boys
Hamish is the wurst. Honestly I'm not entirely surprised because he always did kinda look like a trust fund baby to me, but I'm sad for the people who were looking forward to him
Marshall's chat is dryer than the toast he makes. Ugh. I was excited for him because looks-wise, he's HOT. I want him to rail me. I had the hottest idea for him in the gangbang fic idea. But it's amazing how fast I soured on him.
Francis is exactly what I expected. Ew.
Andy is... really nice and sweet and precious. To be protected at all costs - therefore I will not couple up with him only to break his heart.
Other Thoughts
Me entering Casa, meeting the boys: "Hmm, something someone's missing." Honestly, having a separate date on the roof with Marshall was so weird
Also, Marshall sure mentioned being TWINS with Ozzy a whole lot of time, despite Ozzy never mentioning having a twin, and despite the assets indicating that Ozzy is 24 and Marshall is 27.
Same goes with the Ozzy story, like yeah I believe Ozzy fired him, but I don't believe Ozzy was a snake. It just seems like they wanted different things and Ozzy wasn't happy with the way Marshall was handling him. I trust Ozzy
I didn't actually take the gem scene to learn about Elliot and Grace but I heard afterwards and lol. Grace, girl... That whole situation is a mess
FB's obsession with celebs continues!
Okay, MC and Grace both seeing Marshall for the first time and thinking it was Ozzy? Um, beard and tats? Hello? FB, stop it with the twin identity crisis thing, please, I beg you. They're clearly different people. Also interesting how Grace didn't mistake us for Amelia this time, she's learning!
Another day, another special chat with Amelia. *yawn*
Okay, I'm just going for Marshall at every opportunity because I want the D, but HOW COME YOU CAN DO BITS WITH ALL THE OTHER GUYS BUT NOT HIM!?! Seriously. I checked the scripts and Marshall is the only one with a unique scene, the other boys all share the same one. Rude on so many levels.
Theories under the cut
Marshall is lying about being twins. He says it too much, so I think he's just trying to somehow gain sympathy with MC.
If you pick Marshall to share a bed with, Amelia starts to say he's the one she wanted to share with. She doesn't do it for the other guys. I think she'll bring him back if neither MC nor Grace do
Hamish is (thankfully) probably not an LI. Maybe one of the other girls picks him, but shame on them if so
The fact Bella points out that MC and Elliot are both single and it would be safe to pick someone means we're probably going to be forced to (I mean, we all thought this anyway). Might bring Marshall back just so I can dump his ass, OR pick Andy after flirting with Marshall the whole time
That's it, that's all. I honestly don't care enough at this point to think about all the potential Casa fallout.
I just want Roberto back.
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kainagant · 9 days
do u have any thoughts about the kind of hypothetical relationships nagant could've had with other villains ( the league, shie hassaikai, mla, etc) if they had ever been explored in canon?
hey anon, thanks for the ask. the answer to your question is yes, kinda, and not yet. but by the time i am done writing out this post the answer will be yes, yes, and hell yeah.
i have definitely thought about lady nagant's interaction with the lov. mostly because (exposed) i'm a dabihawks shipper and i also subscribe to the fanon that lady nagant and hawks knew each other a little bit more than canon would imply. though i think with kaina's personality she was probably a little bit closed off, even with little keigo, but she was definitely big sister-ing, just from a comfortable emotional distance. anyway au kaina gives dabi the scariest shovel talk he'll ever receive, and all she did was point the barrel of her elbow at him and say "watch yourself".
the other league members think shes cool. mostly. i think there would be preliminary distrust due to her hero status but then they get to know her a bit and discover that she actually has good takes. i think shiggy could appreciate that shes critical of hero society without just regurgitating stain's beliefs. she has her own perspective and firsthand experience to back it up. he mentally adds her grievances to the compiled list of "reasons why the lov are committing unspeakable crimes against humanity, if anyone ever bothers to ask"
(cut for length)
i have kinda thought about kaina's interaction with the shie hassaikai, but mostly through the lens of her and chisaki. honestly the 8pods would be like. she's god. for real. or maybe she's actually the devil. chisaki already fills the god position for them and kaina clearly doesn't fear god (chisaki) so she's just a different beast entirely. basically they are all shocked by how casually and oftentimes brusquely she talks to chisaki. kaina herself is a bit weirded out by the 8pods insane worship of chiskai. "he's just a guy???? he's not even that cool cmon guys what am i missing…" chisaki grumbles "stop telling them that, it took a lot of effort to convince them im god" /j
okay jokes aside i think kaina would sympathize heavily with many of the 8pods downtrodden experiences. i mean she sympathized with chisaki, which not even the paragon of forgiveness and saving everyone (midoriya) was really willing to do. let's be real, for as much as kaina has a cold shell, she's very very gooey and warm on the inside and she sees this ragtag group of wet cats that chisaki scraped off the street, and she adopts them. with her unique brand of acting like she doesn't care when actually her heart aches whenever she thinks about what they went through.
i just want to preface this next part by saying that i'm a little bit biased against the mla. not to say that they're bad characters or that it's wrong to like or enjoy them, but from a personal standpoint i've never found them as compelling as other villains. i mean their motive is like. borrowed from another guy. and maybe if they had personal experiences with quirk discrimination, like toga or tabe, they might be more sympathetic. its not that they don't have a point, its just that its obvious that all of the members have a lot of privilege, and it makes me wonder how well they actually understand what destro wanted for society. also their motive is kinda funky because its a lot more relevant to the time literal decades ago that destro was actually living in. not saying that quirk discrimination isn't a thing in present day canon but like. we see it in the opposite direction that the mla sees it. we see people who are quirkless be treated like they're worthless. and the mla seems to want a society that only reinforces this issue, by assigning value to people based off of their quirks.
this is all to say that (i'm projecting) lady nagant would probably not like the mla that much. even putting aside whether their motives and beliefs are sympathetic or not, i think kaina would see the obvious privilege that they have, the pressed suits and influence and wealth, and be like. damn. did society really hurt you or did it actively benefit you? i also think on an individual level, members like curious and trumpet would irk her. like, btw, i love curious and i think that her being a media piranha makes her interesting, but also kaina would think she's incredibly annoying and invasive. kaina would also aliken trumpet to the hero commission, with his (what is essentially) brainwashing of his followers.
at the same time though, i think kaina has probably carried out hits on people like the mla. and although she may not agree with their ideology, she doesn't think that means they should be silenced. let the people speak, even if she thinks they're insane and wrong. because she believes that people deserve to have the whole, unfiltered truth, and then make their own judgements.
tl;dr on the mla thing. she wouldn't be besties with them, but she wouldn't necessarily hate them or anything. probably just scoff whenever they try to talk to her. like ok, re-destro, whatever you say (internally thinks he's stupid).
a more light hearted headcanon could be curious hounding kaina for the "untold story of the treacherous hero" etc etc. they develop an unfriendly rivalry in that kaina spends a lot of time trying to avoid curious and curious spends a lot of time hunting her down. maybe they have hate sex. this sounds like the plot for a crazy enemies to lovers slow burn rarepair nagacurious that i will not be writing. but yeah that could happen. maybe even throw curious character development in for flavor. i mean it starts out with curious relentlessly pursuing lady nagant, it evolves into "ok my interest in you has evolved from just pure journalism and now i'd like to kiss you and go on dates" and at some point lady nagant actually explains her tragic backstory, and the character growth moment is curious not betraying kaina's trust, and actually keeping the juicy details to herself. to reiterate delusional: i will not be writing this fic.
anyway thanks so much for the ask, anon. most of this was like. crack taken seriously and definitely in an au, but yeah. i love thinking about lady nagant, and i really enjoyed considering how she might mesh with the other villains in the series.
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magmythedevil · 1 year
Hi There! So, I'm the one who made the ask about the criticisms Murder Drones has been getting lately and I wanted to make one more ask to follow up on it. I hope you don't mind and that this doesn't bother you at all, feel free to answer if you want and if you feel comfortable. 💙
So, I've seen the hate for MD get worse and worse (Some people have even made fun of others for loving the show and calling it Mid Or Awful) at least when it comes to over on Twitter..I've even seen someone say that the show is going the HB route when it comes to a show going downhill. If you don't know what I mean, basically Helluva Boss (another webseries on YT) started to slowly go downhill back in S1 sometime around episode 4 of the first season which is where I myself actually started to see a drop in quality and saw just how flawed it was, it's especially worse when you find out nothing was planned out. But, things got REALLY BAD for the show when S2 arrived and more and more critical videos and posts started to come out for Helluva..although with that show, I don't see anything being improved and getting better, especially since the creator herself sees herself as untouchable and sees no flaws with her shows and just absolutely refuses to take criticism.
But with Murder Drones, as I've mentioned..I'm kinda worried and concerned that this show could end up not improving on the issues people have had with the series and more people being thrown off and pushed away from it, some have already called it a drop in quality from Glitch Productions and it's weakest show or just not giving it a chance at all. Of course, there's absolutely nothing wrong with criticism and it's important to hear criticism as it can help you improve and some fans have pointed out and agreed with the criticisms, at least when it comes to it's pacing problem + adding too many mysteries and not answering others we need answers too. Someone also pointed out about the teasers Glitch throws at us when hinting at the next episode drop, some have called it a copout and just there to get us hyped and just false advertising and a cheap way to get fans to watch the show. As I've mentioned, some fans pointed out that telling by the thumbnails and teasers for the recent episode, everyone thought this was gonna be the darkest one yet for the show and a turning point but it ended up disappointing some in the end, ect. I kinda do fear this show going down the drain and even losing interest in the show myself and how people may view it. I'm even worried about the show being rushed, I fear that the reason both 4 and 5 have been struggling with it's pacing + some other issues is because the show is probably trying to rush to the finale, afterall we only have 3 episodes left before the season ends (S1 is supposed to have about 8 Episodes) and we aren't sure where the show goes from here, honestly.
But, back to the criticisms, most criticisms I've seen for MD is that the comedy is pretty bad (or not being funny enough for adults, or something like that) and ruins scenes that do not need them, mostly the intense moments, the shipping and hinting at romance, (Someone on Twitter literally called Nuzi another version of Starco (Star Vs.) I'm not joking!) the direction for the show, since many have mentioned that the story is all over the place and it seems like such a mess and doesn't know where it wants to go and that's kinda understandable..although I don't know much about Liam and how he does his storytelling, so maybe I'm missing something. For anyone who's familiar with Liam please let me know, because most people have pointed out they see the writing as lazy and rushed, but others have said that Liam has a unique and interesting way of telling stories and that's why the show leaves people confused, but idk..as I've said, maybe I'm missing something. I didn't know much about Liam Vickers and what he did beforehand before making MD, I did know a bit about Cliffside, but nothing before that.
Sorry for this post being super long and too detailed, but I wanted to add onto my ask from the other day and see if anybody else has been worried and feeling the same way, I know MD has a huge fandom, but I wonder how others feel when it comes to criticism. I know some fans understand that it's okay for others to dislike the show, but I've noticed the criticisms have gotten a little harsher, at least from what I've seen from people. But, I honestly want to know yours and even everybody else's answers, for anyone who want to give their opinions on this issue that's going around for Murder Drones lately. Are any of you worried and concerned for the future of the show and does it make you sad that the show has been bashed and shit on lately? Is anyone (especially if you're a huge fan of the show) worried about losing interest and the future of the show, or no?
As for myself and how I see things, I'll always love and adore the show and I'm enjoying where we're heading for the show and after that cliffhanger of Episode 5, it left me both excited and invested to see where we go from here, I want MORE of this show and wanna see where we go next and how this season could end. Although, I certainly do hope that Liam and the team do listen to some of the criticisms the show's been having lately and improve on that in the future, especially if we get more seasons of the series. Murder Drones really does mean a lot to me and I think it definitely deserves more love and appreciation, sure it's popular and has a fandom, but not many really talk and discuss about it when it comes to a webseries like Helluva Boss, you know? I remember discovering MD for the first time and it was during a hard time in my life and when I was struggling with my issues, it really helped me happy and smile during hard times and it's just so comforting and I just don't think I'll ever stop being hyperfixating on it. :3
I myself havent see any criticism at all, Just the fandom making memes, fanarts being happy and making theories. The only one i saw was sarcastic chorus's review where he says that episode 5 was the weakest one because the episode felt more like a a set up episode for next one.
And i have nothing more to say than what i alredy said before; I trust the creator and i believe things are going great and when the right time comes everything will make sense.
So If you want a very "scientifical"review analysing everything to say If things really are going bad or are going great im the worst person for It lolll, im just a guy who is in love with everything about the show so im unable to see things in an negative way
Also, comparing murder drones with Helluva Boss doesn't make sense.
These are two completly different shows that are being made in completly different ways, Just because hb is a big indie show doesn't mean all of the other indie shows are being influenced by It c'mom.
Its the first time Liam has gone this far with one of his stories, All of his other projects are unfinished (because you know, animation is hard and expensive) So please give the guy a chance before making those weird "things are going downwhill :/" assumptions
Idk what you guys are so afraid of, the story is going great for me, just because some episodes weren't as good for you as the others ones it doesn't mean that its a "helluva boss situation"
Also, the "It has to much comedy, It should be more serious" thing doesn't make sense for me, murder drones was never meant to be that serious, at least, not when its ins't needed, some people saw how dark episode 3 was and thought all of the other ones would be similiar to It and thats why some guys get disappointed every new episode.
Also on the Topic of the teasers, i agree that the teasers really make things seem like things are going to be more serious when they acctually arent, but saying glitch is doing It on purpose to get views is very.....they just like to make suspense, theyre not clickbaiting you and its very weird that you think that,
theyre just artist doing their best to give a good show. Theyre not a another "evil viviziepop" playing dumb with their viewers, you guys are traumatized JEEZZZ
maybe you just got anxious because you see way to much negativity, try to calm yourself. this is one of Liam's biggest projects, i can assure you this story and Its characters are in great hands.
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forcebookish · 9 months
I'm sorry but the crazy hate for top doesn't even make sense at this point. like even in comparison to some other characters he isn't as bad yet they all get treated like innocent meow meows and he gets villanized. repeatedly drunk driving and putting innocent lives in danger? my poor baby :( manipulating a whole scheme to get back at a guy you hate with no concern for how it will destroy others? king behavior! (And tbh no hate to sand I respect what he did lol but there's no need to lie about what it was). recording people having sex and commiting numerous other crimes? he's just in love :/ and I don't even need to get into how Boston can do all the sick shit he does and still be called a "bad bitch." Is top a flawed character with MANY issues he needs to work on? yes absolutely but if you're gonna call him the scum of the universe you sure better do it for all the other characters too is all I'm saying.
anon, you're absolutely right!
although, i don't respect what sand did - i just love him for it lol that man is insane 🤣 he finally did something interesting to me🫢 and the fact that he did it, knowing how much it would hurt ray in the process? just the rotten cherry on top of the shit sundae he served that friend group. now that is messy. and at least he seems to actually understand the gravity of how fucked up what he did was once he saw the consequences, unlike boston😒 who really had the gall to say that he "let" topmew have their happily ever after, after he had tried to sleep with top again and continued to lie to him about mew and ray - only leaving top alone because top finally stood up for himself, pushed him away, and shamed him about it.
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the point is that all these characters are flawed; they'd be boring otherwise. that's the case in literally all storytelling. does BL fandom think that all their faves in other series are perfect? no one is perfect.
however, top's flaws are what make him perfect to me. he's a well-crafted character who is fun to watch. plus, if you make a list of all his "sins" and "faults," he doesn't compare even slightly to these other characters. besides mew (uh, at least before ep6 lol), he's literally the least messy of them all - he's just a mean girl, who slept with someone else because the objectively worst of them tricked him through some of the nastiest, most underhanded means i have ever seen. all his other negatives aren't even unique to him - in fact, he seems to be the only one of the boys (besides mew) who doesn't do anything nasty unprovoked. we've seen in literally every episode what he said here is true:
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and even when ray "messed with" top by telling him he wanted to give whoever punched him in the face a trophy (because *checks notes* top was irritated that ray raised his voice about mew not wanting to leave the party. and that he's dating mew... that's it lmao ray was rude just from top hitting on mew. he didn't even know him yet! what kind of "if i can't have him no one can" kinda bullshit is that? wtf ray, grow up! ), top just stared at him sadly - and that was when he still thought that ray was sleeping with mew.
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every (idk, i might be missing a couple) other "flaw" of top's could be used to describe other characters in the group:
"smug" because he's hot and rich (ray)
"smug" because he's "good at sex" (boston)
promiscuous (boston)
drug user (ray)
lying/not telling mew about sleeping with boston (boston and nick)
"betrayed" mew by sleeping with someone else (boston)
not mentioning that someone kissed him without consent (mew)
punches someone in the face (sand, ray, boston, and mew lol)
he "stole" (tbh i'm not convinced) someone's lover (boston)
and guess what? he's stopped doing all of those things. (i'll concede this: he might get in another fight later. i hope not, i'm a little over all the punching soz mew can have his attempted drowning of boston tho, i won't complain about that.) (and he's definitely going to relapse and take mew's pills, probably in the next episode. but at least he's stopped before then - i haven't seen any evidence that ray has ever tried to get sober.) can't say the same for the other characters.
meanwhile, negative things he hasn't done that others have:
violated consent (boston and ray)
instigated a physical fight (sand and ray)
insisted that the person he was seeing was "just a friend" (ray and boston)
recorded someone without their consent (nick and boston)
made fun of mew for being a virgin (boston)
smashed his own phone into pieces so he could steal a sex tape (sand omg i really cannot get over how truly insane that was)
hit the person he's sleeping with (boston and ray)
drove while drunk/high (ray)
got high and sent his best friend a sex tape of his boyfriend with their other friend ON HIS BIRTHDAY, AT THE BIRTHDAY PARTY WHERE BOTH OF THEM WERE (ray lol also can't get over that one. and everyone saying he did it with "good intentions" like nah just because he knew that mew wouldn't fall in love with him over it, doesn't mean that he didn't do it out of revenge against boston and top - even if he thought he was avenging mew. ON HIS BIRTHDAY, BITCH. maybe he convinced himself he was doing the right thing, but he did it because he was angry and high.)
exposed his friend's darkest secrets about their love lives to their partners, only to hurt them because he's miserable (boston and ray)
and i don't think top would. (maybe the driving while drunk/high but based on the kind of drugs he likes, i don't think he'd be able to, like, stand let alone get in a car lol but we'll see.)
and by compiling this list, i don't mean to say that all these characters are evil, except boston, and by his own admission lol,
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or that they're bad characters, just that the hate top gets is ridiculous and disproportionate. i'm not even saying that you have to like him, just don't exaggerate his faults or blame him for all the shit boston did to him. oh, you hate him based on "vibes?" don't act like it's not because he's played by force and you don't care about forcebook. it's not subtle😒 we can see your clown shoes😒
and this isn't really directed at you, anon, i know you mean well, but i am really tired of the fact that top fans seem to be the only ones who feel the need to say stuff like "he's flawed" and "he has issues," when every single fucking character is and does. why do we have to be defensive? we don't. he's a good character, and not even a bad person lol
i fucking love him, no caveats. i love everything about him.
AND ANOTHER THING lol i should just shut up but this is really bothering me: i am SO annoyed by these "huh i guess top does love mew" and "huh i wonder if top has some sexual trauma" posts LIKE REALLY??? REALLY???????? NOW YOU THINK SO?? FUCK OFF. like on one hand, yeah thanks for fucking FINALLY coming around but he's only acted like and said he liked mew LITERALLY EVERY EPISODE and only slept with boston because he was CORNERED and BECAUSE HE LIKED MEW AND FELT BETRAYED BY HIM LIKe JFOWJIWHGIOWJSFKL RAAAAAAAAH ok i'm done
so glad you dropped by, anon, clearly i needed to get some stuff off my chest 😅
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kiwanopie · 1 year
You get the things you deserve is seriously so so good!! I loved the way you dropped subtle hints throughout about the names/girls, I seriously could read this fic over and over it’s just such a smooth and easy read if that makes sense? Like the pacing and change of mood felt so seamless!
I’m kinda curious about oikawa’s character.. he seemed so genuinely interested but then it was revealed at the end that he’s done this with several different girls, and it suddenly got me questioning all of him and the y/n character’s past interactions!! Were his feelings for her “real” this time? (Real in the sense of like he really wanted to be with her long term and wasn’t going to just drop her after a few weeks like he did with his previous flings) cause at the beginning he had this inner dialogue about how he has never had a similar sexual experience with anyone before and that he felt like this was the first time he truly connected with another person. I couldn’t really tell if what he was thinking was true and he really did feel differently about y/n compared to every past fling, or if that was just the way his mind worked when he was really infatuated with someone, like thinking every fling is better and more special than the last and every girl is the one for him since he’s forgotten the rest of the girls? I’m so sorry hahaha I know you intended for the ending to be open to interpretation but it’s really got me thinking and theorizing!! Like I can’t tell what is a more sad scenario, it turning out that y/n was never all that special or unique to him or y/n actually being special and ~the one~ but he blew any chance he might have had because of his past behaviour. Both are pretty sad now that I’m thinking about it 😭
Oh man I honestly want to go back right now and read it again to see if I missed any other hints!! Thank you for the excellent read!!!
Oh man, so many things were going on in the background.
I’ve reread that one shot a few times and there’s a lot of things I took out that I felt were over explained but in hindsight should’ve stayed in. But I’m saying all that to say that Oikawa really felt for the reader.
In the beginning, after mentioning how he felt about the one night stand he gets into all the nervous feelings he’s experiencing by being in the presence of the reader. He mentions that “He thinks he may have liked you even before that rager last night.” And that’s because he did. Maybe not to such the degree he did post one night stand, but he knew you were the transfer and he knew you shared his morning lecture with him. And like the conversation among his friends referenced, you definitely came up a few times at some point - all very positive things. So, you’re new and beautiful and already well received among his group of peers, there’s probably been a few times that you caught his eye during your first lecture and he ogled at you a bit. You know, blushing cheeks, lingering glances, the usual signs of budding interest.
Mai and Ayumi, scorned women that they are, notice that shit straight from the jump. It’s a similar routine, leading to disaster like a ticking time bomb and at first they want to cut it at the bud. Like you said, they look at you like a little sister, if what happened to them happened to you they wouldn’t know what to do with themselves. And of course you saw what his behavior did to them when he got what he wanted last time. Mai still hasn’t recovered and Ayumi locks up like a deer in headlights whenever they’re in the same room anymore. When you first hear about him you fucking hate this guy.
But here’s the thing, Oikawa never initiates these honey traps when they go down. He’s attracted to these women, sure, but they come to him. Ayumi, Mai, Yūka, Chihiro, they were all fans of him at some point. They approached him. And of course he egged them on when he realized there was something to gain from being with them. Mai was probably the most time he’s spent chasing but, there are differences in the way he interacts with the reader as opposed to everyone else.
It’s easy to miss but reader says: “Walk you home when it got too late.”
Oikawa is blatantly interested in the reader before they meet at that house party. Even at the house party he’s nervous, he has to drink himself into a coma just to make a move. Ayumi and Mai notice that difference, that this time he might have something to lose, so obviously they decide to take advantage of that.
Not to confuse, reader did accidentally fuck him at the beginning. Reader’s natural allure was already being weaponized before the story began, she just naively underestimated his ability to talk his way into somebody’s pants. But thankfully it works out in their favor. It confirms the fact that Oikawa really did like the reader and it makes it all the more easy to string him along like she did. The deal was to wait until he wanted to make something serious out of it and break his heart.
There’s also little things. Oikawa texted the girls during class and let them sit with his stuff during practice. Most of them were resorted to “The girl oikawa’s probably fucking right now ig.” And were all mostly limited to school time - they came to him. You, on the other hand, he walks to class and bites into his practice time for. He doesn’t just text you during class, he gets there early just to sit next to you. He texts you first thing in the morning. Changes his coffee order cause he knows when you’re done he’ll want you to sip on his and he wants you to enjoy it. He sends you heart eyes across the cafe, holds your hand when he walks you home in the chilly weather, hugs you tightly before he leaves. He even calls you in his free time and lets you talk through his earbuds while he studies. When you said “People look at me like I’m your girlfriend.” You really meant it.
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kozykricket · 7 months
random urge to make a long as heck post about matpat
im gonna say though if your take is simply “i just miss when they did more The Science Of and applying real world logic to games” then. yeah honestly fair take/criticism. but this post isnt really about that. its clearly not as sensationizable but yknow im seeing more of that type pop up from other yters
tldr of this is i like his goofy cherrypicked headcanons esp for games without actual deep lore, but i do think its bad when he chooses games like hollow knight or deltarune, games with actual deep lore and stuff to theorize on, and takes his wacky spin on things, as it feels disrespectful
unless its very very clear that its a joke theory, like theres no way he thought sans was ness, it was just a fun little headcanon of his
anyway, long version
whenever people call out matpat for being insane with his theories im like
no yeah they are weird.
i think its just… theyre moreso just wacky what if scenarios than actual lore analysis
and as someone who spends time reading and watching actual like, lore theory videos and story analyses? i respect what matpat does because its a unique niche. sure, it may not be fitting to call them theories, but at this point i feel like a Game Theory is distinct from a theory about a game
like, i think matpat is a good case study for how you can cherry pick evidence to support like, any claim, if you try hard enough
i think like. sure, back then he had more videos of actually predicting what s games story was, but even then theyd occasionally get wacky
and the prominence of stuff like “mario is a psychopath! ash is dead!” has only gotten bigger
so as a massive undertale lore nut…
do i hate sans is ness? no. because i dont look at it like i look at actual ut theories. if i want utdr theories i go to like, andrew cunningham or jarujaru.
heck i really really disagree with his take on minecrafts lore but i also respect that he does it, because minecraft was kinda made for thinking up your own stories and explanations
are they often insane? yes. is that whats entertaining? to many, yes
i dont fault him, in short. its a niche market and someone has to do it. someone had to make a video on why peachette means the toads are like, replacing peach and making a new queen bee of sorts. banger.
i think its just when he chooses games that DO have actual serious lore communities and tries to make an actual lore video on them that its bad. thats when it fails. (see hollow knight)
but for mario? ofc i wanna hear his funny thoughts
in terms of fnaf, i think his crazy mind with bonkers ideas just meshed really well with the nonsensical lore of fnaf
in conclusion, i dont watch him much but i dont reaaally agree with hate on him, even if i can understand absolutely malding after hearing him try to make a serious theory about a game you love (so sorry hollow knignt fans)
in terms of him as a person? having watched markipliers powerwash pals video with him, he seems like a nice guy. also definitely past any sort of edgy phase
not that i idolize him tho tbh
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theinstagrahame · 3 months
Saw a headline about the CEO of AI being really excited about the prospect of Generative Large-Scale Computing (AI) giving billions of players a chance to make their own content for games. I also nearly applied for a job at a company that makes LSC/AI models for video games (the market is bad y'all, but I couldn't bring myself to do it).
Which got me thinking about the future of gaming, and honestly, it feels like it's gonna be bad.
One of the selling points seems to be the chance for each player to have their own unique experience, shape the game with their choices and actions, that kind of thing. But like, I kinda don't want that? Don't get me wrong, I like playing games where choices matter and branching storylines give me some replay value.
But I also like knowing that other people are having those experiences too. I like talking to people about my favorite side characters in games, and I love the memes based on their iconic lines. I like commiserating with people about the hard parts, or swapping tips about stuff I found but others missed. I enjoy that video gaming, even when it's a single player experience, can become a social one through shared moments. And even when there are interesting, unscripted moments, they're a fun surprise.
The promise of LSC AI gaming is essentially to do away with this. All moments are both unscripted and unique. Players will talk to NPCs who will respond "like they're people", so who knows what you'll get?
I worry that this also threatens the dying art of the walk through, because nobody's going to have the same conversations. Not all game really heavily on dialogue, but I'm picturing future iterations of Disco Elysium or Baldur's Gate where you genuinely cannot know what dialogue options lead to what outcomes, because there are none.
It's bad enough that we currently have some AI-written online guides with totally made up locations and events. Now the game is going to do it for you. At its worst, it'll direct players on random journeys to nowhere. At best, it'll be impossible to tell when an NPC is misleading you on purpose for game reasons or just because you used the wrong keyword.
I dunno. Just, with the layoffs in gaming and the tech industry in general, with so many rich people putting so much into the marketing hype of LSC AI's, and with so little being done to mitigate it all, everything looks more and more bleak...
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Rank the Wilbur Songs :D (u can include the incel trilogy if u want, I just don't know those songs very well so I didnt)
YIPPEE!!! Gosh I’m looking forward to this :D
Okay, to make this easier for me, I’m gonna rank all the songs by album/trilogy/etc, and then make a list of my Very Favorites at the end :)
Maybe I Was Boring
1. White Wine In A Wetherspoons — before a few weeks ago I didn’t even realize this was one of Wilbur’s songs aksgajsgajf but I LISTENED AND INSTANTLY WAS LIKE “OHHHH THIS IS A FAVORITE THIS IS A FAVORITE OH MY!!!” I absolutely love the more visual lyrics, ones that describe places or moments, and the image of hurrying up flights of stairs and finally sitting down to drink, coupled with snapshots from London… immaculate. Simply immaculate. Gosh I love this song. Pretty much every lyric in this song are some of my favorite lyrics of Any song Ever oh my gosh oh my gosh
2. Maybe I Was Boring — again, the visual lyrics really make me love the song :D And it has such a pretty sound, and the lyrics themselves are so poetic, and just… GAH!!! I’ve listened to this song way more times than any of the others in the single (to the point where I kinda forgot about all the other songs til a bit ago lol). AAAAAH AND I LOVE THE END WITH THE REPETITION YES YESSSSSSSSS
2. It’s All Futile, It’s All Pointless — TIED WITH MAYBE I WAS BORING HECK YEAH!!! I can’t choose between them :’0 I really really like them both!! The quick strumming is sooooo satisfying to my ears, and the way Wilbur sings in this song specifically is just… yes.
3. For Memories — the big reason I’m not as big of a fan of this song is the plucking bits! I really like guitar-plucking in songs, but I don’t really like the way these plucks sound. Not my style! I do, however, think the lyrics are really sweet, and I love the strumming bit towards the end :D If it wasn’t for the strumming, I don’t think I’d have this song in my library though :0
E-Girl Trilogy
1. I’m In Love With An E-Girl — IT’S SO DARN PRETTYYYYY AAAAAH YES!!! This one has been my favorite out of the trilogy for months and months now, and I’ve listened to it a bunch :D I really like the way Wilbur sings in this song, and I really like the lyrics, and the sound, and the plucking, and the strumming… it’s just a good song!!
Not exactly pertinent to me ranking the songs, but there’s a short behind the scenes video (HE LOOKS SO NERVOUS AKSGAJSGAJSG) and an animation (one of the first MCYT animations I ever saw!) for I’m In Love With An E-Girl that I really like :)
2. Your New Boyfriend — This one’s… sorta nostalgic for me? Not exactly, because I only discovered it a little over a year ago 😅 But it reminds me of first getting into the whole DSMP fandom, so it’s special :) I really really like the backing track/vocals!! It has such a pretty sound, and it’s unique and catchy as well :D I don’t like the lyrics all that much though; if I did, this would probably rank higher than I’m In Love With An E-Girl! (psssst this was also the first song I ever learned on my ukulele)
3. Internet Ruined Me — I don’t dislike the song, it’s just… not my style. I do, however, really really like the bit at the end, with the repeated, “we used to sleep on call together”. GOSH I love that bit.
Edit: okay I’ve been listening to Internet Ruined Me a good bit lately, and I think it’s growing on me :0 Still my least favorite out of the trilogy, but I seem to enjoy it more and more with each listen :D
Your City Gave Me Asthma
1. La Jolla — LA JOLLAAAAAA!!! FOXIE, IF GOLDEN HOUR IS YOUR SONG, THEN LA JOLLA IS ONE OF MINE!!! GAH!!! Gosh, just. Oh gosh. This song. Ough. It is beautiful and deep and emotional and filled with longing and wondering and missing and so many other feelings and the way his voice sounds and the incredible guitar and the static-y telephone sound effects… it’s breathtaking. It’s such a beautiful song. I love it so so much. Oh my gosh.
It is also the only song I’ve ever fallen asleep to XD
2. Jubilee Line — :’( It’s a really stunning song, and it sounds lovely but the lyrics are so sad and the story behind the song is even more sad and just… gahhhhh!!! I really enjoy listening to sad songs, and this one is… incredible. It’s so good.
3. Since I Saw Vienna — YES!!! WONDERFUL LOVELY SOUNDS HERE!!! I’ve listened to this song a bunch this year :D It’s got such a folk-y wandering vibe!!
5. Losing Face — This is gonna sound so weird, but this song gives me major nostalgic vibes; but specifically nostalgic vibes for youth group of all things?? When I was little, I went to youth group/awana at church, and the music that was played there sounded very similar—backing track-wise—to Losing Face! So whenever I hear this song I’m reminded of doing youth group as a little kid :)
Which is a bit strange alsgaksgakgsha because these lyrics aren’t exactly church-y lol
6. Your Sister Was Right — This used to be one of my favorites from the album, but as I’ve listened to the other songs I’ve found myself liking this one a bit less! I still like it though :) The plucking is so cool gosh
7. I’m Sorry Boris — I’m a very sensitive person and the guitar squeaks always make me jump 😭 WHY ARE THE GUITAR SQUEAKS SO LOUD. ORDINARILY I LOVE HEARING GUITAR SQUEAKS IN SONGS BUT THESE ONES ARE WAY TOO LOUD AND THEY STARTLE ME. Ajsgajsgaksgajf other than that, it’s a really pretty + emotional song, and La Jolla’s, “you know it takes a lot to move me / if you figure it out, tell me” compared to I’m Sorry Boris’, “I’ve figured out what can move me” will never not make me <3 :’)
Speedrun Opinions On Extra Wilbur Songs!
2. Karen Please — this one just sounds good lol. Loooove the chords/strumming pattern :D I’ve learned this one on ukulele actually!! And the lyrics are… interesting! Very very interesting!
3. Screensaver — the lost beloved <3 Dude this is one of the first Wilbur songs I ever heard :0 I used to listen to it a lot. THE LYRICS AND STRUMMING ARE SO GOOD AAAAAAAH
4. Vitriol — Wilbur’s very first original song, if I remember correctly! And- okay. The vocals. Are kinda. Really not good lol WHICH MAKES SENSE!!! IT WAS HIS FIRST SONG AND HE DID NOT HAVE MUCH EXPERIENCE WITH SINGING!!! But gosh it still makes me cringe XD However, someone got that song and made a Lovejoy version of it, and I really like that :D I think if Wilbur wanted to, he could rework the song into something brilliant!! It is truly a lost relic <3
-17. The Nice Guy Ballad — yeah we’re going into the negatives here. This… is one of the very few songs I vehemently dislike. It makes me real uncomfortable :/ And I kinda get that; I know Wilbur isn’t actually singing from his POV, but from the POV of the crappy stereotypical “good guy” in movies. But like… ah. I really don’t like this song. I’ve only ever heard the full thing once and I have no desire to hear it again.
So! *claps* now that I’ve got the rankings out of the way, I’ll give a little list of my Very Favorites from every album/single/etc!!
Ja Jolla, Diegetic Little Freak and White Wine In A Wetherspoons! All my favorites :D Good good songs!
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greywindys · 1 year
It’s a crying shame how little Ace actually amounted to in Gorillaz, especially in contrast to his fandom presence…it’s one of the many concepts of Gorillaz that was good in theory, and maybe would’ve worked better in another project, but was hampered by legal and budgetary issues and the project’s unique nature, that ultimately should have had more thought put into it beforehand and maybe should’ve been scrapped altogether to focus the budget where it needed to be instead. And then then writers just say Ace is in a bunker away from his gang now, despite how upsetting that is to fans…I wish they’d think through their jokes more too. I kinda hope they don’t attempt more crossovers if this is all we get, as harsh as that sounds.
Of course, I’m sure the above isn’t a big deal to you, as someone who probably wasn’t a PPG fan before Phase 4.
I watched PPG a little bit growing up, but yeah, it wasn't a cartoon back I really watched with any regularity and I wouldn't call myself a fan. I'm neutral towards it.
Ace also debuted in Gorillaz around the time I was starting to realize that making complex predictions was kind of pointless. I knew in my soul that he wasn't actually going to do anything. I still played along because I didn't really want to damper the spirits of my friend who were Ace fans, and a part of me still wanted to believe in depth theories could actually come to fruition.
If I'm being honest, while I think you make great points, a part of me isn't too torn up about it. His presence was more about Murdoc than it was about him getting his own story arc, and I *do* think they were pretty clear about that from the beginning. The extra plans that Jamie mentioned were basically limited to having a few lines before "Tranz" ...so I don't think he was ever meant to have a game-changing presence...people just got wrapped up in their expectations (unless I'm missing other news that's come out since then).
That being said, I also don't think you're being harsh. I agree they probably shouldn't write anymore crossovers unless it's a collaborative effort where they can guarantee that both projects receive a more balanced amount of screen time and they can actually use the characters. Deciding to use a cartoon character from anther source before establishing all the copyright/legal stuff ahead of time seems kinda...disorganized. But that's classic Gorillaz haha.
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winns-stuff · 2 years
Okay I’m so sorry y’all I did not do the appreciation on the day I said I was going to at all. It’s a lot of good stuff going on and I’m a little busy, but besides that I would like us all to take our focus on one of my favorite characters, one that needs no real announcement but I’ll be giving it to him anyways, the intelligent and brilliant Hephaestus everyone! Please clap.
I’ve loved him ever since we saw Hera meeting up with him (or was it Persephone..? I’m not sure it’s been a while since I visited that chapter so please bare with me) he kinda reminded me of myself but much calmer and mature which I personally think is amazing because of how many goofy characters we’re starting to see 24/7. I enjoyed the vibe he gave as soon as he came onto the screen, I don’t know something about it really comforted me to the point where I felt relaxed and calm, it was like some sort of warm energy that overcame me whenever I saw him. Which added onto my attachment to him as a character because I only really like characters who give me good feelings, most characters especially the main cast has started to give me off feelings about them and I can’t help but be bored with it. So it was great for me to actually get to connect with a character that gave me all the fuzzy feelings that you feel for any character you find comfort in.
Yes y’all he’s one of my MANY comfort characters, something about him makes me feel safe and I genuinely feel like he’s the best thing that ever really happened in LO. I loved how tame his personality was with others and how professional and skilled he was while in his element. I also really enjoyed his character design, everything about him was so different and we don’t see many differences in the characters anymore so it was refreshing to see such a unique design just pop into the story. I feel like it added a lot more color (not literally but.. you know, metaphorically I guess) and it was a good contrast compared to the other characters.
Also, I just really love his glasses. They’re so tiny and cute I could literally stare at them all they, and I know it sounds weird but there’s something so oddly satisfying about how they just sit on his face I think it’s funny.
I would love to see his story, I miss him a lot but I don’t believe he’ll come back unless we pan over to Ares. And yeah, if y’all didn’t know I hate Ares, many people in this fandom love him but they also forgot that he basically coerced a very young Persephone to kiss him, to me it’s kinda backwards to just hold Apollo accountable, and by this statement I am no way saying that he shouldn’t be held accountable at all, I despise Apollo as well and I’m glad that people are going in on him, I’m not trying to give him pity or anything I just would’ve liked to see all the men who has done bad things or inappropriate things to Persephone be treated at the same caliber. Why are we congratulating Ares when he did that and continues to sexually harass Persephone and force himself upon her whenever he can.
Sorry for that mini Ares rant just wanted to make i things clear. Anyways, back to the star of this post now what I was saying is that I would’ve loved to see more of his story because I feel as though it would’ve been interesting and as much as I hate to say it I’m kinda curious about how Rachel would interpret it. Even though I feel like she would definitely butcher it in some kind of way that wouldn’t be satisfying for me and other people who love his character, I just want more content of him. I just need to see him interact with other people and have his own thoughts and motivations and stuff, genuinely seeing him would make me the happiest girl on Earth.
But I’m worried about seeing him as well, it seems like Rachel is leaning into more really weird “funny face” and yelling humor more as the story continues and I don’t want her ruining one of the many things I love about Hephaestus just for a “good laugh”, I just want him to be himself and not be season 3 beamed.
Anyways, that’s the end of the appreciation post but it surely won’t be the end of the appreciation in general. I could talk about this man all day and I genuinely love every single detail about him, but hopefully I appreciated him to the fullest. I really needed this post anyways, with this whole sex scene scandal getting closer (yeah I saw the previews for it) I’m getting more and more distraught and just angry. I just wish that Rachel could get her point across without just shoving sex in our face every 5 minutes, not everything relationship related has to be about sex let the couple breathe please and focus on other characters. But yeah, thank you so much Hephaestus for forcing me to think about positive things for a bit.
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