#that or I'm just some weird terminally online guy for thinking you should probably actually know who the people you're getting claims from
notbeetle · 3 months
it's interesting how the vast majority of the people on this website just don't actually know anything about like the broader internet politics sphere. Like... you see liberal bloggers reblogging articles from The Grayzone about the Israeli genocide in Palestine and then two posts later reblogging something from like. prismatic-bell about how you should vote for 99% hitler or whatever.
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yelenabelovasbxtch · 10 months
Crush On An Archer PT. 3
A/N: No way I'm releasing parts on back-to-back days. On top of my shit I guess. I feel like we are getting closer and closer here people! Stay tuned...
Kate Bishop X f!reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Not proofread
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The wheels of your plane touched down at JFK and as you turn your phone back on you see another msg sent 2 mins ago from Kate pop up. 
“Hey, I tracked your flight updates online, I’m just waiting in a nearby parking lot whenever you get your bag and are ready.”
You got off your plane and you could feel the palms of your hands start to get sweaty. Why were you SO nervous to see her? You guys are just friends and based on how she talks to you about guys it will probably only ever be just that. You’re trying to remind yourself that she doesn’t like you like that and you guys are teammates so it’s not weird that you hang out. You’ve been texting constantly for the last couple of weeks, you probably talk to her more than most of your other friends at this point actually so it should. Not. Be. Weird. 
…yeah but it still is. 
You send Kate a text telling her terminal 2 is where you will be exiting, that you have your bags you’re just making your way through the airport. She hits you back saying okay and she’s on her way.
As the automatic doors slide open and you take a step out into New York’s warm summer climate you take a look around trying to spot Kate. You decide to pull out your phone and start typing out a message asking her what car she drives when all of a sudden you hear someone call your name.
You look up and there’s Kate waiving an arm at you three cars down with the sweetest smile on her face. 
You can feel your heart practically beating out of your chest. She’s got this cheeky grin that almost gives off a hint of nervousness as well as she opens her arms wide for you to hug her. 
You go in only wrapping one arm around as you continue to hold your luggage with the other. This move is something that you haven’t stopped thinking about since, why not just drop the bag and give her a full hug? It’s fine…it’s only something you will be overthinking for the rest of the year. 
“Hey! How was your flight? It’s so good to see you!.” 
“It was great, yeah, it flew by.”
Kate giggled at your little pun, “here let me take your bags!” She says going for your luggage and before you had a chance to even try to stop her she already grabbed it and was walking towards the trunk.
“T-Thank you!” 
“No worries, hop in.” She says opening the door to the back seat. 
Back seat is kind of odd. 
She quickly hops around the other side of the car and also hops in the back seat. You were confused at first but then quickly realized there was a man in the driver's seat. 
“Arnold, this is Y/N, Y/N, Arnold. He has been our family’s driver for years now and is taking us to campus.”
“Lovely to meet you Miss. Y/N.” He says.
Wow okay so she… comes from money? 
“Wow Kate, I didn’t realize you had someone else driving, you didn’t have to come all this way to pick me up.”
“Y/N, seriously it is not a big deal. Besides, now I at least have some company as we drive to campus…not that you aren’t great company Arnold!!”
“I enjoy talking to you too Miss. Bishop but I will give the two of you some privacy.” He says as his hand touches a button above his head causing a privacy screen to roll up giving the two of you your own separate space. 
“So, how’re you feeling about your classes this year?” Kate asks. 
“Pretty good, I’m just glad I got most of the ones I wanted. My first semester is pretty hard but the second not as much, what about you?”
“Yeah pretty much the same. Not really looking forward to school though, I’m pretty trash at math and one of my business courses requires a section on it so I am not looking forward to that.”
“I mean, if you ever need a tutor or any help I could always be of service. I am not like a genius but I finished top in my class for the last three years or so…so I would say I know a thing or two.”
“Wow so she’s fantastic at archery and a genius? Student athlete perfection. What can’t you do?”
“Haha trust me, I am FAR from perfection. I cannot write a good essay to save my life. It is a real struggle.”
“Okay so what I’m hearing is I will proofread all your written work and you explain math problems to me and together we just become super successful student athletes together.”
“Haha, yes. I like the sounds of that.”
“Do you have any open days in your school schedule?”
“Thursday nights are open after practice.”
“Did you want to try to get in the habit of meeting up on Thursday nights then to study together?”
Wow…she wants to see you once a week outside of practice?
“Yeah I’d love to.” Was saying love too much?
“It’s a date. Or well..many dates- technically.” 
You could feel your face getting hot just from her saying that as you try to squeeze out a smile with your unbelievably large eyes just staring at her. A nervous laugh escaped your mouth and you were hoping she didn’t notice the sudden shift in mood for you but she definitely did. 
Kate was the best person to talk to though because she just loved to talk, nonstop. She decided to change up the subject and start talking about other stuff going on in her life, friend drama, archery, family, her dog, literally anything and everything until you guys got to campus. She dropped you off at your apartment and being the person she is, even got out of the car to grab you your bags and everything. 
This is your chance to try again at the hug thing if the opportunity presents itself.
“So, are you just unpacking tonight and stuff?”
“Yeah, pretty much. That and probably cleaning. My roommates are such a mess and when I’m not around to pick up after them, it doesn’t get done.”
Kate’s brows furrowed at your comment. “That’s not very fair to you.”
“Yeah, is what it is. I have gotten used to it. Besides, I don’t mind cleaning, I find it pretty relaxing.”
“Haha maybe I should have you come over sometime then.” She says sarcastically.
You laugh nervously again totally not thinking about how you would absolutely take her up on that given the chance. Anything to spend more time with her. 
“Well, have fun unpacking and with your therapeutic cleaning haha.”
“I will, thanks so much again for helping me out and picking me up from the airport, seriously it meant a lot.”
“Of course! Anytime.” She says as she passes you your bag and turns around to get back in the car. 
Damn. No hug. Guess you’ll just have to keep thinking about the fact that you fumbled the one chance you got at that.
*3 hrs later* (10:00PM)
You check your phone, Kate messaged you. 
“How's the cleaning going?” You were honestly surprised she reached out since you just saw her and the two of you talked for so long today. 
“I actually just wrapped things up, it wasn’t as messy as I thought it would be but the bathroom was gross.”
“Haha, that’s living with 3 other girls I guess right. What else are you thinking of doing tonight? You must be pretty tired after your flight.”
“I’m not sure, I’m actually not that tired. I had a shower so I feel a lot better now but my body doesn’t seem to want to go to sleep. Wbu?”
“Ugh nothing, I’m bored just bored lol.”
“Yeah true, I was thinking of watching a movie or something maybe tonight and then trying to sleep after that.”
“Ouuu what movie were you thinking of watching?”
“I don’t know, something comforting. I was leaning towards a Harry Potter movie but I feel like that’s too big of a commitment. Maybe like a Disney movie or something, maybe Mulan or Moana.”
“Ugh both are SUCH good choices, Moana is SO good but Mulan is a classic and one of my personal favs.”
“I think I am leaning towards Mulan.”
“Sounds like a good idea to me.”
Would it be crazy to invite her over? It’s too late right? And you already saw her today. Is that too much y/n Kate time? Fuck it right? You’re just friends, she will probably say no anyways. 
“Hey you wouldn’t want to come over and watch it with me would you?”
Fuck. The immediate regret sets in once you hit send. But you couldn’t unsend the message in case she had already read it. The three dots pop up showing she’s typing, then they disappear…popped up again…and they’re gone. They haven’t come back. Fuck. You can feel your heart racing. You practically threw your phone across the bed and then all of a sudden you hear your phone ding and immediately throw your body towards it. 
“I’d love to.” Your eyes widen at the text as another one pops up. “I’ll be over in 10.”...
“Actually 15, what’s your favorite ice cream flavor?”
“Ouuu, I’d have to say Strawberry.”
“Okay, see you soon <3” 
The heart emoji at the end of that text had you sitting still for a solid two minutes straight when you suddenly snapped out of it and realized she’s going to be here in 10 or so minutes and you need to make yourself look more presentable. You hop out of bed, brush your teeth, brush your hair, put on some cute PJ bottoms and an oversized hoodie as you get the softest and fluffiest blankets and pillows arranged nicely on your bed. You light a candle from bath and body works to make it smell nice and turn off the overhead lights and on all of the mood lighting in your room. 
“Hey I’m outside.” 
You go to open the door and Kate is standing in front of you with her dark hair tossed up in a messy bun, wearing plaid pj pants and a tight black tank top that is clinging to her leaving practically nothing up to your imagination.
“HEY!” She says excitedly as she holds up two pints of ice cream. 
“Come in, come in.” You say gesturing her into your apartment. “My room is the first on the left.”
“Wowww it’s so nice and very clean in here.” she says with a giggle.
“Haha. Thank you, I try.” I got the movie all loaded up on my TV, take a seat, I’m going to go grab us some spoons. Do you want some water or something?”
“Yeah, water would be great, thank you.”
You grab what you need and come back to see Kate comfortable on your bed. 
“Hey, thanks for bringing ice cream.”
“Of course, you can’t have a movie night without a little treat!”
You get in bed and hit play on the movie. Although you were in your own space you couldn’t help but be overly aware of every part of your body and everything you were doing. Breathing heavy, eating loudly, how you were sitting, how you looked from her perspective, everything was racing through your mind and you could hardly focus on the movie. You were trying so hard not to look over at her because you didn’t want to create an awkward moment but it felt like you were FIGHTING your intrusive thoughts for an hour straight and it was making you exhausted. Towards the end of the movie you could feel your eyes getting heavy and next thing you know you’re waking up the next morning in your bed. You look next to you, no Kate. 
Fuck please tell me you didn’t actually just dream up that entire scenario. That sucks. God she’s such a big part of your life now that you’re dreaming about her. Even your subconscious is teasing you. 
You grab your phone to check the time *9am*.
“Morning sleepy pants. I had fun last night. I figured you were exhausted so I ended up taking off after the movie was done. Blew out the candle, put away the ice cream and dishes in the sink.”
Shit. So it wasn’t a dream and you just fumbled for the second time in one day by falling asleep.
“Fuck. I’m sorry did I fall asleep next to you last night?”
Three bubbles popped up as she typed away.
“Haha. More like ON me.” she replies. Your face confused until a picture follows through 2 seconds later of you practically drooling on her shoulder. 
How are you ever going to recover from this one? You probably should transfer schools.
“FUCK. I am SO sorry omg I will def be making this up to you.”
“Y/n, it's okay haha. You were obviously tired after your flight, I can’t blame you travel makes me sleepy too plus it was late. Did you get a good night's rest at least?”
“Yes, definitely.”
“Good, you’re going to need your energy because we are going out tonight and I’m not letting you fall asleep at 11pm again.”
“Haha alright, sounds like a plan.”
“Good. Relax for the rest of the day, I’m coming over at 7 with vodka and good music so be ready babe.”
“See you at 7” 
– End of Pt 3. –
Taglist: @yelenaslyubov @youreatotalposer @jeyramarie @flosbelova @bridgecitybrad @justthis-stuff @chloe7076 @ailenepuff @ravenclawbitch426 @mellowladyangel @amcg0605-blog @kassies-take @yelenaswife1996 @wandanatchick @lilroachsworld @inluvwithfictionalwomen @x666hours @natashaswife4125 @onetruwhore @karmasgxrl @hopelesslyfallenninlove @setsuna1415 @swiftdazer @imobsessedwithmilfss @madamevirgo @louisprettybab @splatalia-jumpanova @jediluka @t00manyfand0ms @oohlala666 @kates-abs-slay @scmg11
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bondsmagii · 2 years
As an artist who happens to do some NSFW work, I have slowly watched the internet grow more and more inhospitable to anyone who doesn't produce "pure" (e.g. marketable), censored, corporate-friendly art. It's fucking disheartening, even more so to see most of the art community congratulate it as if censorship has EVER been a good thing for art. NSFW getting banned from site after site should alarm fucking everyone. But sexual content (hell, even artistic nudes) is an "acceptable" target
I hate the corporate internet. I hate the bootlickers who celebrate whenever a platform gets censored. The internet does not need to be "child friendly", that's just republican purity rhetoric repackaged. "Think of the children" always seems to arise especially whenever it comes to queer content,. My content ISN'T for kids. I don't want them to look at it, I shouldn't have to just stop posting or stoo making art on the chance a kid may see it bc they're lying about their age to see adult content
the way I've always seen it is that "think of the children!!" tends to be a dogwhistle. who it's a dogwhistle for depends on the situation, but it's always a dogwhistle for a bunch of people who are actually personally uncomfortable over some other aspect of the issue, but who recognise that stating this outright will not win them popular support. so for example, fundamentalist Christian groups crying "think of the children!" so they can target any kind of LGBT content or expression, from gay characters in TV shows to the right for guy couples to marry. or TERFs crying "think of the children!" so they can target trans people, most likely trans women in particular. or even apparently progressive Terminally Online leftists crying "think of the children!" so they can demand increasing censorship, all based on the fact that they don't like the content so they feel it should be banned forever. I am immediately suspicious of any argument that appeals to some idealised vulnerable victim group, because I have not yet seen an example of this where the real motives haven't been insidious and completely incompatible with my own morals. if your campaign has the same slogan as TERFs and alt-right conspiracy theorists, it's maybe time to have a good long think.
I totally agree with the fact that the internet shouldn't be family friendly, too. I think it should be like any open public space -- there should be dedicated areas where children can go and be safe, under supervision from a responsible adult. but there should also be places where adults can go and be safe from the risk of being held responsible for someone else's unaccompanied child seeing something they shouldn't. it's not our responsibility to look after other people's children. we have a responsibility to stay out of dedicated spaces for them, such as children's game websites and forums, but with technology how it is today there's no excuse for a child to be allowed free, unattended reign on the internet. it's the parent or guardian's responsibility to ensure that their child is using the internet safely. the real reason that websites bleat on about being "family friendly" is because that's code for "advertiser friendly", and as always, this is all about money.
finally, I'm gonna fucking say it. kids reach a certain point, probably their mid-teens, where a lot of them are going to be curious about fucked up shit. this might be looking up dark shit on a Wikipedia binge, or wanting to have a laugh at weird porn, or even wanting to test themselves with endurance games like shock sites and gore. this is normal fucking behaviour, and I think it should be allowed. you very quickly find out if its not for you, and with no major harm done. not to mention all of the people I know who were into dark shit as teens have grown up to be perfectly normal adults with a good grasp of their limits and an idea of how to sensibly consume and interact with dark media. the biggest freaks out there are the fluffy cottagecore positivity happy ending people, who are often pro-censorship and not above sending harassment and threats to people who love fictional villains. I truly believe that the complete avoidance of any dark themes and the refusal to interact with anything that isn't safe or happy leads to a noticeable decrease in empathy. these people interact with the world based only upon what makes them feel good, and inherently this prevents them from interacting with situations without putting themselves at the centre of it.
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