#thats not just a RPer Thing
rukafais · 1 year
sometimes i have a normal experience listening to author interviews and sometimes i just get jumpscared by ra salvatore going “oh yeah i made kimmuriel oblodra as a wizard in everquest”
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nobuverse · 9 months
Mei Fan Headcanon: Fate of the other Edels
Not all of the attempted fusions between God and vessel were successful. It was something that was, coldly enough, predictable from the very beginning.
Shiori Ymeoji 's body was simple too frail to survive the process. The shy, but ambitious girl who had reminded Mei Fan so much of her little sister could not take the strain of the summoning process. It failed before it had even truly begun.
Michiru Otori, the deceptively fierce stage girl who had stopped at nothing to ensure Akira's success, fought too much. Though many of the mages assumed the fusion would have been successful if she did not, she refused to be part of it. She survived, though where she resides now after the traumatic experience is unknown.
Yachiyo's fusion with the Nature Goddess was successful, but Mei Fan remains unaware of her current whereabouts. She can only guess she serves the mage which forced her into this position.
Finally, Akira - the actor that Mei Fan had admired so much, the very inspiration for joining Siegfield to begin with; did not survive being used as vessel. Her soul, despite all appearances and expectations, was far too different with that of the Cesistal Goddess- the most powerful out of the five.
Mei Fan's summoning ritual was just before that of Akira's, as the second most promising fusion to be successful. As she escaped shortly after her fusion, she remains completely unaware of Akira's death.
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vindicta-reliquiae · 22 days
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jizzlords · 26 days
❤️ Judge me... // @rollinpinwheel
talking shit to ur face (affectionately) / judgement day 🧑🏾‍⚖️
ah yes, @rollinpinwheel... the original robot fucker within hell, id think. that's not in a remotely bad way, either. more like praise. admiration. support. get your thing on 🩵 absolutely, yessir.
i didn't even know there was a niche for robo fizz. i mean, i knew but i didn't know how intense until i met you. and boy, do you have a niche. that's an infatuation if ive ever seen one. and for that, kudos. lots of it. you've singlehandedly created a blog for your robo fizz army and Pin is probably leading it. it's so inspiring, too. the art (GOD the art 🧎🏾), the different fizzie's, canon gave you an inch and you went MILES.
you're one of the passionate rpers. with flying colors, hands down, no questions asked. you have your blog going with hella fizz and you fuel yourself doing it, too. thats power and motivation and it's the contagious kind. you make sure the robo fizz's exist and you serve as a passionate reminder and that gets me going fjsbjd PLUS you're just one of the sweetest people around. you try to make people feel included and you bring sparks of passion along with it. hard to say no to that, makes people wanna follow suit. you're doing amazing, my robo fucker (enjoyer) and i can understand the appeal as a robot writer. igetitigetitigetit. keep going strong.
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elxgantcaptain · 3 months
51. How do you think the RP/Fandom community has grown or changed since you started?
57. Name one or two other hobbies apart from writing you have. How did you get into them?
54. Aside from writing, how do you spend your free time?
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51. Hmmm, I've been on tumblr since the early days, even before I properly stepped into the rp community. I'd say as a whole the rp community HAS grown somewhat? The majority of people seem to be more adamant on rules and more understanding that people have life outside of rp, the veterans I think have learned the most on their time on here and grown both as writers and people which really help shape the community. But there are always either newbies or rpers who use the platform for more... Personal reasons, whether for their own means or otherwise.
57. Ooo, I can say that I crochet outside of writing? I remember wanting to learn how to make things one day and just buying one of those magazines that come with a hook and some wool and patterns, I started watching youtube videos and taught myself how to crochet. I've made a whole bunch of plushies since. Other than that? Hmm... I'd say drawing? If that counts xD but thats something I've ALWAYS done <3 I also like cycling and walking but i haven't done either in a while, need to do that again <3
54. Free time? I have a lot more now that I used to, but I also attend uni studying design for tv and film, we're currently painting and building a set to be filmed on for Notts TV. I've also been gaming a lot more recently, I've been split between house flipper, animal crossing and skyrim atm xD though I've now bought Spyro reignited which I need to play.
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malka-lisitsa · 10 months
Can you speak on writing a character you're unsure anyone will write with? I have a lot of work to put into my muse, but I'm anxious they won't be well liked.
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Hi nonnie! I absolutely can!
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First and foremost? You should be writing for YOU AND YOUR MUSE.
Those two things are the MOST important part of rping! You don't pick a muse (usually) For someone else you pick them bc you love them, you pick them for you! (picking up a muse for someone else is also valid but not the point of this particular ask.)
I will tell you that writing an OC/AU/ of muse that isnt particularly well liked can be hard to get interactions or visibility for- there are elitist corners of the rpc that just will not even look in an oc's direction unless they are perfectly canon compliant yadda yadda-
But youre not here for them, youre here for YOU AND YOUR MUSE!
The rpc is also full of people who would LOVE to rp with ANYONE!! A lot of positive people who will be happy to build you up and help you further develop your muse with you!
It might be hard getting them off the ground for sure, I had a LOT of trouble getting off the ground because of who I play- BUT do NOT GIVE UP. DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED. There are people who want to write with your muse! And not every person that doesnt want to means you or your muse are not "worthy"
Sometimes theres just no real good way to get two muses to interact without EXTENSIVE AU plotting. Thats no ones fault and thats ok! You AND your muse are MORE than worthy, and have every right to be here. You WILL find your partners to write with. Doesn't matter if its a small group or hundreds of followers. Whats important is the writing, and your muse. As long as you have both? Well then youve already accomplished your biggest goals! GO OUT THERE AND TRAUMATIZE THEM LIKE THE REST OF US DO <3
AND DONT BE AFRAID TO SHOOT YOUR SHOT. See a big name rper? Tumblr royalty? Follow them. Do it. If they dont follow back THATS OK! It's ok theyre not interested, and sometimes that has zero to even do the the character or writing! Some muns just need a very specific curation of their dash! THats not on you and thats ok!! but now you KNOW! You cant know unless you try and you might be REALLY surprised the people you can get a follow back from. Its like a rush of adrenalin to see someone you idolize follow back or even first!
But again, not getting a follow back has nothing to do with you or your muses worth. So if you dont get a follow back? Shrug it off! Keep following keep shooting your shot! Some of the most amazing writers I have the pleasure of knowing came from blogs that were not that well known.
But the most important part of this is dont. give. up. No matter how slow it is, keep going. Everyone starts somewhere, you'll find your group and I promise youll have some incredibly rewarding threads you never even dreamed of.
Who knows, in ten moths you could be tumblr royalty too, never know if you don't try.
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idk if youre okay w people making their own posts about your characters but uh. drops this. for u
ps: i should say the diamond-thing is like... the thing the rpers use to get out of the mindscape, and i headcanon that a person inside the mindscape of another (ex: tf lunar in moons mind) could hear things their host was saying so.. idk tf lunar hearing how Happy his sun, moon, monty, etc sound without him :)
psps: i know this is tf lunars design AFTER he gets his own body but. idk i just wanted to draw it
OKAY thats it i'll shut up now sorry for the wonky anatomy hope you enjoy it hahaahaahhah :)))
OOOO I absolutely LOVE THIS!! It looks so pretty! Of course, I’m completely fine with people making art of my aus, I love seeing what people make! I think you really captured the scene I was thinking of well!
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websitestar · 5 months
My names Jake(I also go by Cain), I'm 22, bigender and a white jew. I'm diagnosed with a lot of disorders, but my important ones are autism and DID. My special interests are homestuck, FNAF, eckvanet/ARGS, and vintage toys. THIS IS MY ROLEPLAY HUB
My Active blogs: @redcr9ssnine @personallaptop @7minutesinpurgatory
And my main is @toontowncreepypasta
I tend to be very block happy. My blogs are not mutual exclusive, and I unfollow/refollow frequently. I'm sorry if I come off as cold, I'm not a social person oocly and I have had very bad experiences in the rpc when I was younger. I love communication! It makes everything run smoother.
I don't do a lot of ic = ooc, I have nothing against self projection and do it literally all the time (all art is self expression, its silly to pretend that its not) but I also play jerks and dickheads and like to write plots, if that isn't your thing or you specifically roleplay just to journal your experiences, i am not the right rper for you. i don't speak through my characters, and genuinely unless you communicate with me oocly, i will assume if you're still interacting with me and talking to me in character that things are okay ooc.
I don't rp smut, don't ask. I won't rp with anyone who rps pedophilia or proshipping, or romanticizes weird shit. I block racists and transphobes. *I DO NOT ROLEPLAY SMUT*
I love to write things to be as silly as possible. Thats almost always the goal. Even as a horror writer and someone who writes almost exclusively weird and bad people, my first goal is to be funny.
As a heads up I occasionally reblog things with the F slur or the Q slur, and only tag it if its being used in a derogatory way.
General CWs for the blogs
Most of my blogs have extremely heavy themes of religious trauma and mental illness, and most of my characters are victims to assault, abuse, sa, or child abuse/csa. They are not perfect victims and will not behave as such. I often write a lot about body horror, psychosis, unreality, religion, obsession, stalking, etc that may make you uncomfortable. While I tag everything accordingly keep it in mind when progressing please. 👍
Here is a rundown of each blog/What the character is.
@redcr9ssnine - Kankri Vantas, canon compliant
@peace1maker - Kankri Captor, post-sburb
@personallaptop - Two fankids that share one body. A Mage of Blood.
@playttimes - Sollux Makara, No sburb au
@r41nb0wpudd1ng - Mituna Makara, no sburb au
@redsexbyvessel - A non supernatural/Modern Evan Myers from EMH.
@beedbuugs - Limeblooded fantroll, no sburb
@theunfunnyjokes - Aradia Makara, post-sburb
@psiionic - Canon divergent Helmsman
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mxrpchronicle · 1 year
fan sessions are fun!!! in simplest terms is like a loosely plot based unholy mashup between script and paragraph styles
most in-character interactions will be over a group chat memo (script) while anything that happens "irl" will be paragraph, like land quest grinding, meeting other characters in-person, dreamself stuff, etc etc.
the actual plot tends to vary, but for the most part you need to be familiar with at least the very basics of how the sburb machines and lands work. no one really expects you to be an expert tho
however if u dont actually care abt sburb thats fine, its kind of the least interesting part of a fansession
theres a lot of opportunities for building relationships w/ other characters, torture ur own oc or just give them development in a way a slice of life chat wouldnt, and ofc give them cool aspect based god powers. imo the heart of any good fansession is the relationships yc builds with their teammates since thats what drew people to homestuck in the first place
buuuut the biggest drawback in a fansession is often its cooperative nature. ppl who dont know how to hold a convo, ppl who make really baffling rp decisions, and as always the ppl who are unable and unwilling to communicate ooc. id say like 80% of fansessioners are good seasoned rpers but u know how parp is sometimes lol
anywayy im going way too long lmao sorry but i recommend giving a session a shot some day if possible! (oh and lpt: if you join one and end up not feeling it dont be afraid to just drop the chat! its 1000x better than ghosting the chat and hoping the mods will kick you for inactivity. speaking as an occasional fansession mod myself ghosting is such a fuckin pain)
please please please keep infodumping about fan sessions in my ask box. you have no idea how much i enjoyed reading this.
while we're collecting fan session info, other than ghosting, what are some common mistakes that people make? things you wished they knew that they don't appear to?
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inimikal-archive · 2 years
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🔥:  This  one  is  really  just  a  personal  peeve,  but  people  who  look  for  other  people  to  block  in  the  rpc  are  uncomfy  af  to  me.  Like,  I  just  don’t  think  anyone  has  any  reason  to  scoot  around  the  rpc  blocking  random  people  they’ve  never  interacted  with  before  &  who  are  otherwise  not  doing  any  type  of  harm  or  posting  any  kind  of  “harmful”  content  &  couldn’t  really  be  bothering  them  in  any  way. 
LIKE  its  fair  to  make  an  exception  to  this  if  the  blockee  is  close  to  /  interacting  with  someone  who  is  “problematic”  or  who  has  done  harm  to  the  blocker, but  they  really  should  AT  LEAST  avoid  treating  the  blockee  like  someone  who  is  out  to  get  them  personally  when  they’re  no  where  near  them  &  probably  don’t  even  know  about  anything  the  person  they’re  interacting  with  did,  nor  is  it  likely  that  they  condone  it  or  would  patriciate  in  it  themselves. 
But  people  are  def  the  weird  to  me  when  they  stumble  upon  someone  else’s  blog  &  feel  the  need  to  block  them  because  of   nothing.   Like  the  people  that  get  upset  when  they see  someone  who  seems  to  have  more  rp  partners,  threads,  friends,  ships,  nicer  graphics,  more  complex  hcs,  etc  than  them.  ( WHICH  IMO,  I  really  think  feels  red-flaggy.  I  remember  when  people  used  to  go  BATSHIT  at  people  for  having  “high-follower”  counts  &  that  was  ugly  ass  envy  &  imo  a  lot  of  the  time  so  is  this. ) 
This  is  super  common  with  dupes  because  ““dupe  anxiety””  but  its  also  taken  off  just  as  a  general  conduct  thing  &  I  really  hate  it,  imo.  I  think  its  really  not  suited  for  something  that  is  meant  to  be  a  community  environment  /  experience.  There  is  nothing  more  awkward  than  stumbling  upon  a  random  person  in  your  fandom  who  has  you  hard-blocked  for  no  noticeable  reason.  Like  sure  its  their  “”right””,  but  its  my  right  to  think  thats  weird  &  probably  unnecessary.  Like,  I  can’t  imagine  being  that  pressed  by  the  existence  of  someone  who  has  done  nothing  to  me.  Like  if  your  mental  health  is  so  negatively  impacted  by  the  perceived  success  of  a  total  stranger  who  is  not  doing  a  single  thing  wrong,  let  alone  doing  anything  toward  you, it  feels  like  maybe  a  community  environment  isn’t  the  most  suited  for  people  who  have  those  kind  of  issues ? 
&  I’m  sorry  but  MOREOVER,  9  times  out  of  10  when  people  are  feeling  the  ���need”  to  be  blocking  other  rpers  who  don’t  engage  with  them,  they  don’t  just  stop  at  blocking.  That  need  is  coming  from  a  weird  place  so  not  everyone  is  content  with  “blocking”  someone  &  going  about  their  day.  They  gotta  be  looking  for  reasons  to  justify  their  “feelings”  &  if  they  can’t  find  or  twist  things  to  make  reasons  they’ll  just  make  them  up  cos  that  feels  better  to  a  lot  of  people  than  simply  acknowledging  that  have  jealousy  issues  &  managing  themselves.  Because  honestly  blocking  rarely  ever  solves  this  type  of  “”issue””  in  the  first  place  because  there's  not  really  anything  blocking  can  do  to  someone  who  doesn’t  follow  /  interact  with  you.  Literally  nothing,  tbh.  The  only  thing  blocking  does  is  stop  someone  from  following  you  &  removes  their  ability  to  contact  you  on  the  blog  you  blocked.  How  does  that  solve  anything  if  the  person  doesn’t  talk  to  you  &  doesn’t  follow  you  in  the  first  place,  its  really  the  stupidest  thing  when  you  actually  think  about  it  &  to  insist  to  everyone  who  finds  this  behaviour  off  putting  that  there  is  rarely  hostile  or  shady  motives  behind  it  just  feels  a  little  gaslight-y  to  me  with  all  that  in  consideration. (  &  completely  contrary  to  my  lived  experience  with  this  type  of  thing,  hence  my  problem  with  it. ) 
This  works  fine  in  normal  fandom  environments,  by  the  way.  Like  for  example  you’re  blocking  someone  because  you’re  sick  of  seeing  their  flaming  hot-takes  or  awkward  headcanons  in  your  fandom  /  character  /  ship  tags.  You  don’t  have  to  have  ever  followed  or  interacted  with  that  person  for  blocking  them  to  have  benefits  for  you  in  that  respect  because  you’re  encountering  them  in  a  very  public  place.  But  rp is  totally  different.  We  USUALLY  don’t  post  ourselves  in  fandom  tags.  We  usually  don't  try  to  exist  in  public  places  from  the  get-go.  We’re  all  kind  of  restricted  to  our  little  communities  were  you’re  probably  not  gonna  be  seeing  much  of  someone  if  you’re  not  following  them,  least  of  all  their  “opinions”  or  “headcanons”  or  “ships”,  that  might  rub  you  wrong,  unless  you  are  actively  visiting  their  blog  &  looking  at  their  content  directly. You’re  only  gonna  see  them  on  your  dash  if  your  rp  partners  are  writing  with  them  &  blocking  will  not  solve  that.  Filters  solve  that.  Filtering  out  the  URLs  should  be  where  it  ends.  It  doesn’t  give  any  hostile,  discouraging  (even  if  unintentional)  signals  to  anyone  who  doesn't  deserve  them  &  preserves  the  community  spirit.  But  thats  just  my  opinion  on  that,  heavily  influenced  by  unpleasant  experiences. 
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kyokyo866 · 1 year
Ooh 5. share one of your favourite headcanons!
So this one is a bit of a very strange headcanon all things considered but I hold it dear. So I have a headcanon for Italy that during certain times of the year he gets pnemonia and other sicknesses real easy, due to thats the time of year where the canals of venice flood so his lungs get a little fucked up. In the modern age hes trying to be better about his health so it doesnt knock him out when that season comes around, like he had a smoking habit to cope before but he's been quit from it since like, the 2000s.
Why is that particular headcanon dear to me? I used to run a rp russia blog on tumblr and there was a very very sweet italy rper that we were pretty close to getting a ship with those two, and that was one of their bigger head canons for their version of italy and I thought it was super neat so I just kinda hung onto it
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prideraiised · 2 years
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|| Oh actually I should probably explain that--- For my own amusement, rather than just making every version of Konami an AU of the same character, I went, as the kids say, sicko mode and instead decided each Konami would be their own independent character with their own independent personality and gimmick, to elaborate: GX Konami, OOC referred to as Kazuki: Empathetic and kind to a fault, the goodest boy of all time. Plays spell counters. Somebody legitimately not capable of being cruel or harbouring hatred.  Will always show kindest to everybody no matter what. The strongest of the four as a duelist. The most simplistic as a character of the four but also just...baby boy. Baby. 5ds Konami, OOC referred to as Pride (hes the namesake for this account!):  The most outwardly charismatic Konami and the easiest to get along with. Plays Dragunity. Openly friendly and socially outgoing but harbours a lot of regret and self loathing for things that have happened in his life that were out of his control. Also the most self-driven Konami. Where as the other 3 are more reactionary, Pride is the most likely to go out of his way to progress plots on his own accord. (He’s also a ghost unit and placcidos dad and the dark signer of the whale and I’ll be honest hes totally boning down with Sherry because seriously what the fuck was going on in tag force 5ds) Zexal Konami, OOC referred to as Lust: (I’ll be honest the most under developed of the 4) Certified little skrunkly. IRRITATINGLY friendly. The kind of guy who will sit next to you on the bus when every other seat is open to start a conversation, ahs been referred to as a psychological terrorist. A dueling idol in heartland who’s one and only desire in life is to make people smile. A prodigal talent in song and dance, when he speaks theres always a slight melody to it. Just a little ball of energy and good vibes. Plays tellarknights. 
Arc-V Konami, OOC referred to as Wrath: Former assassin of Academia, would be sent to ‘handle’ people who may end up being a threat in the war. A special agent also known as the ‘executioner’ who fusion natives would know of. Eventually realised that academia were the bad guys in the war and hid out in the synchro dimension before meeting Yuya and being dragged along in a series of unfortunate events. He exists to challenge the themes or arc-v and also for me to re-write it because seriously name an Arc-V rper who didn’t do that. Rather than the literal deus ex machina of the normal ending, in tag force timeline Wrath is the one to defeat z-arc in a straight 1v1 as the culmination of his arc learning to accept the lancers and their mindset and fight on their behalf because he’s finally found something and, more specifically, someone, he can believe in. He plays Metalfoe/true-draco. Thats the extreme tl;dr of the konamis dm me questions.
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THANK YOU for hitting the nail on the head. Mains are stupid! and unfair.
and i do wanna be clear my opinions on exclusives and mains doesnt mean i wont interact, u shouldnt, or that i now hate you. its a cautionary tale from experience the things i have encountered when interacting with said blogs that practice these things.
Nor do i not understand that on a general basis we all tend to gravitate towards 1 blog or the other. we tend to rp with a few people even if you have thousands of followers you'll always rp with a small group of people, its how the site works.
however now your announcing trhat certain people hold more weight in your lore then others. ur announcing point blank these people are more important even if you intending too its how it feels.
you cant have a system where u tell people straight up. "our rps because you are not a main/exclusive. will no longer have signicant weight on my lore." and not expect to evnetually drift into rping with select people.
imo thats just not a system where it have long potential to not cause uproar in your mutuals. it doesnt feel like a system that has long term growth gain involved nor an intention to expand your lore with everyone.
in a rp people want to feel like their rps have weight
when u do rp with another person and u reference even in background like. "did you hear about the shooting in the bank last week? that shit was crazy.": and u had like a bank robbery with another rper
that rper now gets to go "HOLY SHIT, THEY REFERENCED MY RP IN THIS OTHER RP."that rper gets to go on and feel like their rp had weight
it did something
even if that weight is background lore for another rp.
when u announce mains/exlusives u lose that.
people will feel like that their rps dont matter.
and that comes from both personal and from what i've seen...and the accounts of other people i have talked with.
you cant have a system where some rps have more note weight then others and expect that everyone will be ok with that or it wont upset others. That they didnt join the secret club when they had the chance.
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jerek · 2 years
alright. bonus lore time. i literally never thought anyone was cringe if i ever had a problem w u it was ALWAYS about wrathion.
since fall 2021 ive developed a new talent which is my cortisol randomly spiking and making my stomach too acidic which can and has made me vomit 10 times in a day and put me in ER-level pain and i think it has something to do with the lil polycule of rpers i was with back then.
roster was, iirc (at the time)
26 y/o male / nb
38 y/o female
mid 20s male
mid 20s nb
early 20s female
19 y/o me
18 year old nb
26 year old was the one who made the discord, roleplayed anduin, the rest of us were literally self shippers with ocs. (except me i played sylvanas)
was a SHIT ton of wranduin in there!!! i'm not evil though so i put up with it. i asked once can they please stop putting wrathion porn in there, they were like "thats cool bro i respect your triggers" and put it in a different channel still accessible for the girlies who love to trigger themselves.
so like. heres where the mysterious food poisoning came in. when i say 'dissociative' i may not mean DID as diagnosed by a trained professional after 15-20 tests but like. i couldnt even express to a therapist how shit i felt bc i was not consistently the same type of person between appointments. if you make me come in every week, next week i will not remember why i felt the way i felt last week. i'll vaguely remember what i said, but she's not me anymore lol.
and sometimes it's THAT, the true saint norman experience, sometimes it's possession (thinking other people's thoughts) and sometimes it's dreaming but girl SOMETIMES it manifests as like.
Imagine going up to norman bates and telling him he cares too much about his sick, declining, codependent mom.
Me but when you smack Wrathion I feel it. He's a metaphor for me. I think in his voice. I damn near pray to him ig, being a mormon I can tell you he is the only reason ive ever felt 'the spirit.'
Cringe? Yes!!!!! Out of my control? Yeah 😭
There is no center to my being. i dont identify as anything. i'm not the name my parents gave me, but i am the characters i use to puppet out whatever emotions. Internet sexting for so long has eaten away at my boundaries so much there is no longer any reason for her (who i was born as) to exist or for me to relate to her.
Rping in that group gave me so much dopamine I couldn't sleep, consistently had the feeling that my stomach muscles were splitting down the center, migraines. Literal food poisoning symptoms. It was really fun still!!!!!
And then when the wrathion shit happened like. Whispers of nzoth in the back of my brain started tickling my self defense instincts for no reason. No reason bc I had put up with literally everything including the wrathion shit, the only difference was I personally didn't enjoy wrathion porn.
I knew I was irrational. Not liking a certain type of porn is one thing, I was fighting off the old gods trying not to start some shit.
Prob shoulda communicated! Communicating last time gave me a trigger myself button though. Literally the [triggered] meme.
Eventually you get the feeling that shit is going down the drain whether you like it or not. The rp's stopped, everyone's switched to FF and your laptop can't run it. It's all just kinks, someone posting once or twice a day with "imagine li-li stormstout [redacted]" getting reacted with 😏 emojis.
So I posted screenshots bc I knew the other half of the world, the one with everyone else in it, would feel as alienated as I did. I'm back in 2015 as a 13 y/o dominatrix prude and I want the feeling of 'we know what's wrong' I got from the ER. Literally went to sleep 5 minutes later because I knew I'd be guillotined.
I wake up and I have no idea why I did that. It's been years since I tore off the chunk of me that will do literally anything to be included, those two halves don't communicate anymore.
But shit's fucked now!!
It was always about wrathion. Literally always about my shitass fixation on blizzard's favorite 7 year old to unbutton the shirt on. Girl why
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entiish · 2 years
why are minor fcs not allowed in the rpc? no one out here that i've seen is rping nsfw with minor characters...
hi, it’s skye.   hey anon, this is kinda a complex question so lemme just give you my theory on why people are hyper cautious, it's still gonna be looooong but you asked me and i go off lmao. first off, i gotta disagree with you respectfully anon bc there are people in the rpc (we don't claim them) who roleplay usfw content with actors who are underage at the time, some people don't even use resources and just use the platform for taboo shit. it's real, it happens and yeah, it's a thing, ive seen it and dealt with it. we rlly can't be ignorant of those people who still use tumblr for gross shit, but we can do everything we can to stop them when we find em. i’m so so glad you’ve never come across it or had to be exposed by it, im truly thankful, you are not ignorant for not being aware or exposed!! but it is a real ting and it’s bad when it comes across your dash or into your inbox or roleplay in any form, i cant be any more honest w you right now. i dealt with it twice in one roleplay, each time even though i was swift and ruthless and not having it and did my duty as admin, i was mentally taxed to a mASSIVE degree. and they were not the first nor only times.
so, onto ur question in general, i agree that kids are IRL so kids naturally exist in the RP worlds we create. that's a fact, you can't create a world without having children in some capacity. but that doesn't mean you need to WRITE and PLAY a child.      and here is where i think this blanket mentality and rule has come from in the rpc and content creating community, speaking as someone who's almost 28 and has been in the rpc since i was about 14/15.
not all people have good intentions!!! not all people are decent and moralistic and have respect. and that's the plain and simple truth, i've seen too much shit on this platform in however many years ive been haunting it, and hella people who create resources (myself included) know/have seen the sad truth that some try or succeed in using underage resources to portray unsavoury things, i don't need to be explicit, but we know there is a nasty lil underbelly of people who still think it's "okay because it's not real". NO, i am absolutely wholeheartedly NOT implying thats you anon, nor anyone else who is curious on this topic. not at all 🙏🏾 —— however this means, to protect ourselves, lines must be drawn for what we personally deem appropriate for ourselves, the community, friends, fellow users, all of us, which has lead to this commonplace rule in the rpc.
now bear with me, because i have played characters who were underage (for me, aus, that is under eighteen), i had six characters in this world when i was around 17yo myself, also underage. one was seventeen and then one was a twelve year old, i played these characters within the moralistic and reasonable bounds, like you would write a character in a book. this world was based in the survival post/apoc world. and yah it was rather wholesome to form bonds with elder characters, to have them learn and develop... at that time, the seventeen year old was relative to my age and was very much an outlet for me — tbh i still use this muse, but she as aged as i have, and as for the younger one, there was no question that i was going to actually respect the age capacity as did everyone in this roleplay, it was an amazing and respectful community i still remember nearly a decade on. i had no ulterior motive, i just wanted a challenge outside of my normal bounds, but i also did not use resources because i didnt think it was needed. ig thats just a personal thing for me? who knows. at the time i was personally a minor, and i don’t speak for the underage rpers out there though i was one, but at the time it was not something that was a blanket rule anyway and not for the community who was underage themselves.
so we jump ahead now, as an adult, a decade later, a we've all learned a lot and become more aware and educated on HELLA stuff; whats appropriate and whats not, what we personally find ok and so forth. my next milstone is 30 (rip) and i have no desire to play the role of a child; even in a world that would expect such, even in a world that i create, even in genres where it is completely reasonable and normal to have characters under eighteen. the moralistic side must come out where we, as adults, have to consider... "why do we need to play a muse underage when we know, on the real, it's not necessary to a roleplay experience?" the answer is, we don't. adults don't need to create and pilot a child character, or a teenager, really. maybe on the sims, or in a video game, in your own time, but not really here. and to be honest if your muse is a late teen, then why not simply age them up that year or two? it changes very little in the grand scheme of things.
however, i stand on the grounds that you can have NPC children, many of my muses have had children of their own in game, they can certainly have casted faces if you are into family graphics, comprehensive masterlists and the like (i def am) but only use child actors who have consented to have their face shared, and continue to respect ethnic backgrounds my dawgs ofc. (i made that decision as an admin, with the support of my rpers after i asked their opinions & in a genre where many of our adult characters had children or even younger siblings of note.) and look i even believe in writing little interactions within your replies if your character is a parent or guardian as kids usually pipe up and react and i feel that can add authenticity when relevant, but they are always NPCS (non playable characters). there is nothing inherently wrong, generally speaking, with acknowledging the children in our characters lives and worlds; our characters could be teachers, parents, elder siblings, paediatricians, and thats 10/10 great.    BUT, and this is where it all comes back to in the rpc community these days & reasonably so... non playable characters such as children do not need a plethora of resources. especially not when, even though we might revere and celebrate their performances and we want to hope everyone is good deep down, we cannot and do not risk putting out resources that can be abused.  for me?? i will never stop honouring and revering and GASSING UP the child actors who eat/have eaten the screen, i will make gifsets of them, i will hype them, i have so many movies that inspired me as a child that i’ll honour in my own lil giffing way, but i wont turn them into what will be a barely-accessed resource that could be used for something unspeakably nasty. i wont put my name or soul anywhere near that hellfire zone i know exists 🙅🏽‍♀️🙅🏽‍♀️🙅🏽‍♀️  and i also dont feel the need to anyway
maaaaany creators choose not gif people underage, whether 18 or 21, and they have the right to do so as they are the creators, particularly fellow adult creators. many admins choose not to include people underage, and they have the right to as the creator and admin of a world. i, as a whole ass adult, do not feel comfortable doing that personally, i don't think any adult should be playing a character that is underage, mainly because i don't see a reason why is needed and also because i dont think there is a storyline to sustain me unless i was doing some sort of time jump; children shouldn't be exposed to adult things when you are on a public and open forum. that's my personal stance. it really comes down to this, it's your choice. if you sincerely want to write a character who is underage in some way and you sincerely want to respect and do this character accurate justice and challenge your writing chops like i did, it would be up to you to create the resources, or you to create and take on the burden of monitoring a world as admin where anyone can try and rationalise some whack shit and you have no warning or heads up, IT HAPPENS. A LOT OKAY. (*flashbacks fr* 🤢) OR you can find someone who feels comfortable writing like that and do a private 1x1 to explore the dynamic or storyline or world, tbh perhaps write without resources? bc that doesn't diminish anything as a creator. hell, go write one-shots, write stories, write novellas and let your creativeness grow!!! many authors write children's/underage/teen characters, that is not weird, in my own writing time i do. however it is weird to demand that others create or interact with what they feel is a personal boundary, it is weird to gaslight people into thinking they’re hyper-fixated on the bad things by having a personal boundary like this, i’ve seen that a whole lot for some reason.     as it seems, most the rpc that i personally interact with are well into adulthood alongside me and share that personal and moral boundary that we don’t wanna dabble, as is our right. it also seems that the majority of people in the rpc have that same boundary. it’d also posit that the reason why it might seem a bit staunch and all that shit is because the damn boundary keeps getting pushed on. i srsly don't think any of us would be this extreme and strict on it if the personal preference and boundary hadn't been disrespected so many times, or if we hadn’t been exposed to the nasty side of tumblr where we see it happening.
also, if you weren't here on the platform, there was a seriously horrid period of months and months a few years back where legions of fuckheads were bombarding the tags of the rpc with every DAMNED trigger in the WORLD (all the nasty, all the trauma, it was visual and vivid and horrid, it was a full on attack weaponising our tagging system, i dont wish it on anyone). i went through it and we all came out very traumatised from that, personally that is one of the events that makes my boundary and rule so strict. as well as like... TOO much personal experience.
look tbhtbh i'm a bit tired and kinda stoned rn, so i hope this rambling makes some sense, i have a lot of thoughts and theories on this, i don't speak for ANYONE else so again this is just my pov and my theory as a rper, admin, rpc homie, gifmaker, whatever you want to call me. it all comes down to is respect and choice. and i respect that there are people out there - rpers, authors, creators of all kinds - who write from an underage POV (harry potter, fkn twilight, the secret garden, ASOIAF, little nightmares, the last of us, i could srsly go on and on), and i respect everyone, including myself, who’s choice it is to set that boundary and stick to it 🫶🏾 i hope maybe i shed some light on one perspective.
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1. My following isn’t small by any means, not to mention I have several well established blogs and I have been roleplaying on this website since 2010. I am in three different extremely popular, highly active fandoms to boot, so not to rub salt in these wounds of yours but I think a survey my active mutuals across my blogs probably does hold a good indication of what is “common” rp practise. Listed activity levels are very common. And as a side note it was brought up a slew of reasons why some people’s estimated activity levels might not add up to reality and they’re valid points. Holding hate toward these people and being disrespectful is really a you problem. By all means, this is a vent blog, you can come to it and vent out those nasty feelings all you want, but that doesn’t mean you’re not gonna look embarrassing doing it, even if most people can’t put a face to the complaints. “Low” “high” “medium” etc, activity listed on someone's blog may not be a perfect indicator of the frequency of rp replies that are being posted but its a good start as far as gathering a clue as to what the blog’s rp activity is like. I also assume you’re fully capable of actually LOOKING through the blog to properly determine for yourself whether or not this is a person who is putting out the kind of content and activity that suits you. Thats really the bottom line.
2. I’m almost 100% sure this was completely covered in one of the submissions and you would be completely agreed with. Those kinds of people suck. I’ve encountered them too, especially over the last few years and they do totally suck, you’re valid in being unhappy with those people. Now personally, I dont feel any need to harbour hate or frustration toward them. They disappoint me but that's the extent of how far my negative feelings toward them go because at the end of the day this is indie rp on tumblr. Its a hobby, not a serious contract. This being said some jerk who approaches you to write and then never delivers is a far cry from just being a random blog that does near nothing to incense you into believing you’re going to be a magic exception to their lack of rping. I think it was also pretty clear this was the topic, not jerks approaching and wasting time which we obviously all agree are, in fact, jerks.
3. Yeah. Thats what people should do. No one argued against this. Don't follow the kinds of accounts that don’t work for you and you’ll minimise your frustration. Explanations and alternatives as to why some people don’t rp on their account and why some people blog hop were offered and readers were asked to consider these things before they decide to be hateful toward the types of people in question, spurred by the fact that it was mentioned people had experienced receiving hate from random followers for not being active and for blog hopping. Someone in the comments also mentioned not understanding why some people think they can label themselves a role-player when they don’t rp on their accounts. It was then explained that some people use Tumblr to advertise and rp elsewhere, ergo, that's no ones business and just because a blog doesn’t have rp on it doesn’t mean the blog can’t say they're an rper because you’ll never know whether they’re rping or not under these circumstances: I believe the point was it doesn’t matter what someone calls themselves if they’re not approaching you and promising interaction that they’re not delivering.
4. Your own misfortune isn’t mine and isn’t majority. The rpc here would be completely dead if blog hoppers and no-rpers were as big of a problem as you say. I don’t think it would be possible for me to have several highly active rp dashes if these people were oversaturating the place and driving all the “long term” rpers out. Most of the people I personally write with have been rping here for as long as, or near as long as I have. I have relationships between my muses and others that have been developed for over 8 years. I meet new people almost every other day and discover they’ve been been rping here for a very long time too and have similar long lasting partners and friends. I think the shortest partnership I have and the relationship that they’ve developed with one of my muses and theirs is now nearing 9 months.
That aside I’m pretty sure a solution to your problem was mentioned: Group rp. Group rps are stricter with their muses, plots, activity levels, in character content and so on. They would be a pretty good fit for someone who is apparently struggling to find people with consistent in character activity and long lasting threads. If there is no current group rps to your taste, make one. If you can’t get a group rp off the ground its very likely you’re in a very small / non active fandom as most of the popular / active rp communities here have multiple group rps and new ones popping up all the time. Not being in a popular fandom is probably more your issue than blog hoppers.
I also wanna say. I wouldn’t want to write a single thread for six months if I didn’t have to. If you have a thread that goes on for six months you’re probably exhausting the fuck out of your rp partners and there's another one of your problems right there. I’m assuming in order to get such a thread you must have plotted it out extensively and even so with such extensive plotting its probably not necessary to write that thread consistently for six months. You should have laid down the basics in your plot, and followed the script to create the scene then moved on to the next scene? Unless you're randomly adding stuff as you go along and that would drive me insane. A lot of people need breaks and need new, fresh scenes/plots to stay stimulated. They can always build on from the last ones and have those intersect, but in general its good to have breaks and finish scenes so no while I’d call myself a long term rper as well I wouldn’t endeavour to make my threads last for more than six months if I didn’t have to. I’m not saying you're wrong for wanting threads like that but yeah, of course you're a minority in the current rpc as a result. I also dont understand how you can admit that a lot of the rpc in general follows “trends” and then complain that my big volume of “trendy” followers and mutuals are not a majority?  Again, consider making a group rp. You’ll probably have more success finding people who are compatible with you in that type of environment. Other than that, if you’re having THIS much trouble on tumblr maybe you should try another website? I also wanna say, this disagreement aside, you seem like the kind of person I would personally be writing with (barring a six month long thread lol) and I hope you find more compatible rp partners and satisfying threads in the future.

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