#the actual draw lies in dissecting the internal struggle of the protagonist
clowndensation · 2 years
'enemies to lovers' is such a limiting concept, and it always goes in the wrong direction. like no, i don't want a poor misguided antagonist who sees the error in their ways after continuous encounters with a kind and forgiving protagonist. i don't want the soft comfort of a character who believes they're beyond redemption realizing it's never too late to change, that their past doesn't have to dictate their future.
i want a protagonist and an antagonist who are foils of the same distorted, horrifying desire. i want the protagonist to see the beauty and the joy and the revelry in their antagonist, to envy them for their freedom in succumbing to their desires - desires that the protagonist has repressed within themselves for their entire life. i want the mere existence of the antagonist to seduce the protagonist with the possibility of what they could be. the idea that if they just stopped caring, if they just unburdened themselves from the chains that hold them back, they could find happiness beyond anything they've ever known. i want them tortured with the knowledge that the only thing getting in the way of their own happiness is themself, and the dread of knowing that that self is crumbling in the face of everything the antagonist represents.
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