#the bloody painter headcannon
recreationalpasta · 11 months
(tw mentions of gore and trafficking rings.)
Jeff The Killer
Always gets incredibly hyped before hand but two hours in and he's bored, keeps going just to up his body count for bragging rights.
Probably robbed a store for a butterfingers
Favorite thing to do is find the most dangerous person and hunt them down. See who kills who faster.
Spoilers: he always wins.
Sometimes he keeps killing just to hear people scream at him about the purge being over, he enjoys shattering their false senses of security.
Ticci Toby
Can barley contain himself leading up, excited to not have to hold back and be so stealthy
Practices ax throwing in hardware stores
Loves to be as brutal as possible, gets a little too into it. Sometimes people have to shake him to get him to realize the times already over.
Immediately whines that it's over and tries to compare kill counts with anyone else who participated.
Definitely goes to a playground to fuck around, might even break equipment on purpose for a laugh.
Finds his way into a medic van and rides around all night helping people get patched up. Easy excuse for kidneys if necessary and he gets to practice medical skills on more than the pastas.
The people in the vans definitely realize he's not human and taking organs but don't say anything because he's helping far more than he's hurting.
Accidentally intimidates anyone who would think to attack the van just with vibes alone.
Likes to go on walks in street clothes, it's the only time he doesn't feel like he has to hide.
Jane The Killer
Hunting Jeff and helping any victims he accidentally leaves alive.
Uses most of the time breaking up trafficking rings because she doesn't have to worry about cops getting in her way.
Uses the chance to stock up on feminine hygiene products for the girls, never know when they will not have access.
Often accepts Nathan's help/company
Kate The Chaser
When she's Kate, she often assists EJ or guards the perimeter of the current hideout. Anyway to feel useful.
When she's the Chaser she's known to wipe out streets of purgers, dragging them away down alleys and slicing apart their weapons. Everyone knows when they see her mask to give her a wide berth.
Often one of the few nights she doesn't have time to feel guilty about her past.
She stole all the art supplies. ALL of it.
Donates some to relief centers or charities, along with keeping an eye out for their safety
Creates large beautiful murals along buildings, they are known to stop fighting nearby. Partially out of adoration and partly out of fear of what she will do if you mark it up.
Sometimes if she's particularly angry at someone for ruining her art she ties them up as a gift for Helen.
The Bloody Painter
Doesn't go out. Finds the whole thing annoying and a waste.
His art becomes a lot more violent, less grace and care. He usually doesn't let these pieces see the light of day because "they aren't my best work."
Pretends he doesn't appreciate it when someone's gifts him a purger.
Finds the whole thing to be pretty hypocritical and foolish. He uses the opportunity to secure their Basecamp.
Always ends up at the nearest orphanage, relief center, or mental institution. No one will ever know how many wounds he's wrapped due to his efforts for their safety.
Checks spies on everyone throughout the night to make sure they are alright. He's always in their corner. He will chew them out after he saves their ass though, just to hide his own sigh of relief.
They are all in this together, he can't lose anyone else.
Spies checks on everyone the same as Tim, mostly hijacks security systems and cameras to do it.
Thinks its funny to call a pasta when danger is coming up only to text them instead and hang up. Enjoys seeing their reactions.
Often the one who has to volunteer to try and snap Toby out of his bloodlust.
Keeps a few extra magazines for his handheld.
Nathan The Nobody
Sticks to the shadows, usually crawling along ledges and drainage pipes.
Same idea as Jane, whatever targets she isn't hitting, he is.
Absolutely fucking brutal about it, we are talking cryptic messages in blood and bodies dragged into shapes of words. Pisses him off that it never seems to fully stop the rings wherever they go.
Takes hostages far past purge time to get "information" most of the time this ends up just being catharsis.
Last question is always about his sister, he hasn't gotten a answer yet.
Scavenges for the group.
Usually doesn't participate, doesn't like the loud noises and the pastas still try to let her enjoy some semblance of a childhood. Most of them get incredibly protective when she does participate,
Jeff cheers her on just because he thinks it's fucking hilarious.
Usually sticks in the house with Kate, sometimes watches Helen paint if she can get away with it.
She has a underlining fascination with gore so it's hard to get her to not be attracted to the displays of it.
No small children have to worry if they are anywhere near the current pasta hideout, it's one of the only reasons Sally will break the rules and leave.
Always knows if Masky or Hoodie are watching her, it's some kind of sixth sense but she lets them think she didn't notice. She finds it sweet and like a fun game of pretend.
Judge Angel
Spent months gathering case files and connecting dots. She uses this as a night to mass exterminate her targets with extreme prejudice.
Sometimes she breaks into a court house and sits in the judges chair, just to feel what it's like. Sometimes she cries while she does not that she would admit it.
Watches nearby prisons, some targets are hard to reach and she's hoping they will make it easier for her by trying to escape.
Ben Drowned
More drones.
Constantly trying to beat his "previous high score"
Jeff gets SO pissed he can't ever kill more then Ben, says he's cheating and a pussy not getting his own hands dirty and depending on machines.
Finds it the PERFECT opportunity to play practical jokes, not to anyone's amusement.
One time he stole all of Jeff's knives only to figure out Jeff stole his controllers. Ended up with a standoff in the living room that masky begrudgingly negotiated.
Nina the Killer
Enjoys the chaos but gets hella annoyed when she's hunting just for them to get killed off by some rando.
Very much feeds into horror movie tropes, sometimes she dresses like iconic horror villains just for fun (if she sees anyone else doing the same thing she guts them on sight. It was her idea first.)
Likes to scare or intimidate people through security cameras, sometimes managed to convince Ben to join in on a "stealth level"
Loves it when people underestimate her, she usually sticks to shadows to hide her scars
Sometimes gos to the rare parties she can find, immediately slaughters anyone "killing the vibe" often the dj too if they don't like her song choices.
Stalks Jeff and tells Jane where he is just to watch them fight for a laugh, sometimes she helps Jane and they both get a good bonding moment out of it.
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incognitonoggin · 3 months
can u pls do sol from tkatb with a reader obssesed with him
Hi anon !! I love Sol omg I’m going to enjoy writing this (๑>؂•̀๑)
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• Sol would be surprised but delighted!
• The fact that he doesn’t have to try to build up a relationship, he can just love you in a genuine way without holding back how he feels.
• Most would think he’d be uncomfortable, seeing how you cling to him and have him practically on your hip in public ( he’s too damn shy to do any PDA so he’s just THERE ), but he’s perfectly fine with it and encourages it
• He’d love being around you all the time. I mean, thats all he wants, right?
• If you’re going to be physically clingy like stated earlier, he’d always be stiff and flustered with how you touch him and be all blushy from the slightest touch of yours 😭
• You being obsessed wouldn’t bother him in the long run, because like the creator said, he’s very patient with his s/o
• He would LOVE keeping you away from Crowe and others considering the fact that he’s all jealousss🙄
• Yes. He’s a cutie pie and he loves you !
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average-egirl · 1 year
Who fell first vs Who fell harder (Creeps ver.)
Tw: brief mention of murder and sex in Ben's, mention of blood in ej's.
Characters:Jane tk, Nina tk, Jeff tk, BEN DROWNED, Ticci toby, Eyeless jack, Masky, Hoodie, Bloody painter, Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Brahms heelshire, Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair, Billy lenz.
Jane the killer
She fell first, you fell harder.
When you were first introduced to the mansion she was tasked to be your 'guide' of sorts. From the moment you locked eyes she knew you were different, you were special.
Nina the killer
You fell first, She fell harder.
She had just been broken up with, originally Jane was helping her recover but slender forced her to do some missions so naturally you decided to help. Seeing her sad expression made your heart drop, you had to do something.
Jeff the killer
He fell first, you fell harder.
After slender introduced you to all the creeps, Jeff couldn't help but feel just a little jealous seeing you give all of them attention.
You fell first, he fell harder.
Despite what you previously assumed, the mansion was actually quite boring, nobody ever did anything that wasn't killing or fucking. Or, that's what you thought before you saw BEN playing his switch on the couch. Maybe this place isn't as boring as you thought.
Ticci toby
You fell first, he fell harder.
From the moment you entered the mansion you could feel a terrible, dreadful aura coming from everyone in there, except for him that is.
Eyeless jack
He fell first, you fell harder.
You always saw him quietly walking around the mansion, sometimes covered in blood, but you never thought anything about it, little did you know that he noticed you as well.
He fell first, you fell harder.
During a crowded and quite frankly boring party at the mansion you decided to step out for some air, only to see him leaned against the wall smoking, and it appears that he noticed you.
You fell first, he fell harder.
You always saw him holding a camera, and sometimes you would hear people yelling at him to stop recording them all the time, and perhaps it shouldn't have but, it intrigued you.
Bloody painter
He fell first, you fell harder.
While walking through the park you quite literally fell into each other, you apologized, walked away, and thought nothing of it but after that interaction you kept seeing him staring at you while sketching in his book.
Michael Myers
He fell first, you fell harder.
You kept hearing about 'the shape' from the news you were getting sick of it to be honest, all you wanted was for this awful nightmare to be over, and as you walked home that feeling of being watched was only making you wish it even more.
Jason Voorhees
He fell first, you fell harder.
Your 'friends' if you can even call them that forced you to join them on some stupid trip, but after losing them in the woods and hearing some bloodcurdling screams you started running, that is until you tripped over a stick and knocked yourself out, only to wake in a small cabin.
Brahms heelshire
He fell first, you fell harder.
You were hired as a nanny for a doll, sounds easy enough right? That's what you thought until the doll started moving on its own, your really starting to feel like someone is watching you...
Bo Sinclair
He fell first, you fell harder.
Your friends had dragged you on a trip to God knows where, eventually the car broke down and you had to see a mechanic, as your friends went out and explored you decided to sit outside and wait although you could feel eyes on you the whole time.
Vincent Sinclair
You fell first, he fell harder.
You were walking around a wax museum admiring the art when you came across a guy wearing a mask, he looked quite surprised to see you, although you were to focused on your flustered face to really notice- or care.
Billy lenz
He fell first, you fell harder.
Getting perverted calls from some random guy was not something you expected when you joined the sorority, but it was happening anyway, and your starting to feel a presence watching over you at night.
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j0eyj0rdis0n · 9 months
Ok so this has been on my mind for a MINUTE. So here’s my school AU! Please ask questions and please add your headcannons too!! If you want more in depth AU headcannons I’d love to write them!
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Football player and all the girls swoon over him for it. He’s not even the star player?? But hey I guess being a running back is pretty cool? (fuck quarterbacks!!)
Mans barely keeping his grades up
He’s only passing so he can stay on the football team
One of the “popular” guys since he’s just so well known by all the creeps. Everyone sits with him and the football team at lunch
Varsity volleyball player and she’s GOOD. Like she’d get a full ride scholarship for college
Star player unlike Jeff
She’s also in Choir! A soprano of course. It’s more of a just for fun thing so she doesn’t take it too seriously but she definitely tries her best (please come to her concerts)
Straight A student. Don’t play with her.
Cheerleader!! 100% a flyer. She cheers exclusively for Jeff too. Not quite the cheer captain but close in the ranks. One of the best at tumbling and gymnastics
Social butterfly and everyone knows her. She’s on hoco court for sure.
I feel like she’s always just a little short of the top. Socially, academically, athletically. She just seems to get overshadowed
Pretty decent student, she’s more interested in a social life than academics though.
Cross country/ track. She’s set the most records in the school history. She can compete in anything but prefers long distance or sprints
Super humble about her wins and records, not a fan of the spotlight that her athleticism gets her
Pretty damn smart, but she’s quiet about it. People just know she sits in the back and does her work.
High A grades
Varsity basketball. Definitely a starter too. Combo Guard 100%. She gives me Caitlin Clark vibes?? (look her up she’s badass)
Probably also does track but just because the coaches knew she was tall and she could jump hurdles like no one’s business
On the side she spends a lot of her time in the art rooms since it’s quiet and she gets some alone time
Also a pretty good student, more on the B sides of grades though,
I feel like this kid is in everything for some reason?? But definitely varsity soccer as his main activity. He’s a goalkeeper mainly but he can swing to whatever position you need him to be. He’s probably in bowling with Ben too
But he’s 100% in band too. He plays trombone (the best instrument) he’s in concert band, marching band, and jazz band.
He’s pretty popular too just because he’s cute and pretty much an all rounder
Average student, doesn’t have much time or attention for homework so that’s where his grades fall
HUNK. This man is the star wrestler of the school. Probably in the 182lbs weight class. People are SCARED to wrestle this man.
Doesn’t talk much, just does his work and gets tf out. Honestly most people avoid him
Pretty good student too, high B’s to medium level A’s
He participates in the field portion of track and field. Loves that he gets to throw shit
Baseball boy!! Those pants look damn good on him too. Usually a pitcher but sometimes a shortstop. Loves running so this shit is perfect for him. The girls LOOOOVE him. Like imagine Brian in the uniform with that goofy smile???
Also probably in yearbook (if he has time, he gives me lazy vibes)
Decent student too, probably high C’s and B’s
Honestly might dabble in bowling with Ben and Toby
No sports for him! If he was going to participate in any sports it would probably be swim team? Honestly not a sports guy though
But this man is in the honor society!! Like he’s SMART
Excellent student, like all 100%’s
Everyone comes to him for homework help, but of course he charges
Varsity bowling!! This man is a NERD and he’s damn good at bowling. Not quite a record breaker but definitely someone scouts look at
He started the team and reps it like no one’s business. He tries to get everyone to join.
He only gets good grades because he cheats
Also the leader of the gaming club!
She’s on the dance team 100%. Loves the outfits and looooves solo’s
But honestly she focuses more on 4H. She focuses on livestock and loves raising sheep. (Yes I know this is more of an out of school activity)
She’s probably in the garden club too! I feel like she just likes agriculture? Everyone gets along with her she’s just a sweetie
Great student! High A’s and she studies all the time
Either in marching band or color guard I can’t really decide. She either plays flute or trumpet! But if she’s in color guard she 100% has a solo/ feature moment in the show
She’s super shy but everyone seems to get along with her because she’s a sweetie #2
I also feel like all the guys try to get with her just because she’s so beautiful
Also a really good student! Studies all the time and probably has a study group
Another non sports guy! Doesn’t have anything against it but it’s just obviously not for him.
He’s the art club leader and takes it super seriously! He tries to get everyone’s art in papers, fairs, and exhibits.
Everyone thinks he’s kinda weird but they respect his dedication to art and others
Another really good student, he doesn’t have to study though
School newspaper editor/writer. He knows everything about everyone and has no problem writing a dark column about them
No one talks to him at all, they don’t want him to write about them
He’s also a theater kid, idk he just gives me the vibes
Decent student, he’s just casual about it
Non sports guy pt. 197583.
He’s in the sewing club and absolutely loves it. Everyone thinks he’s gay for it though (Jeff teases the shit out of him)
He’s also a theater kid, more on the props side of it though
Also a high B’s student
She’s in ROTC and she makes it her personality
Tries to get Clockwork to join all the time and they’re besties
I feel like she’s kinda dumb so probably high D’s to low C’s
This man plays golf and he’s super chill about it!
Wears his scarf out on the green lmao
Not popular at ALL and he likes it that way
Also a super good student and again, super chill about it
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skinwalker-bratz · 5 months
Creepypasta and MH characters at the beach 🌊🏖️
Just here to relax, she would probably be all the day chilling and drinking something cold while feeling the cooling ocean breeze. She will avoid the sun as much as possible.
She would be trying to make the best sand castle in the world, and collect some seashells to decorate it.
Smile dog
He would be exploring the beach and eating everything he shouldn't.
He would join Sally into creating the sand castle, but he would succeed and make it so big you could explore inside, of course you would get buried after the sand collapse.
I can imagine her going to the sea in the early morning to swim a bit then coming back before the sun gets hotter.
Tim would be drawing random things in the wet sand near the water, also he would be catching some shells and chill with Jane.
He would be the asshole throwing the salt water on the others in the sea. Then burying himself in the sand.
I don't think he would like the beach that much, he would be just there chilling while observing the others.
He hates beach. Dude is only there before he's forced or the others dragged him. He hates the sensation of sand stuck in his body (and eye sockets) mixed with minerals of the ocean, also it's too hot for him, so jack would be far away from there or in the sunshade all day.
He would enjoy the relaxing sounds of the waves, the beach would be a good place to inspire him.
He would be playing football or whatever game he could there, and obviously far away from the water.
Would be the one helping Jeff getting buried, then he would be digging down like a dog to see what is below all of the sand. (That Albert Einstein and Tesla song plays)
She would try to get a tan and end up with a sunburn.
Would be trying to surf in the ocean, she doesn't care for getting drown or lost.
This guy's swimming and having a lot of fun in the water. But if anything touches his feet there, he would run straight to the beach.
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thegrimdog13 · 7 months
Creepypasta x Marble Hornets Halloween headcannons (pt. 1?)
•Ben always makes EJ dress up as Jason Voorhees to go scare all the other “proxies”
•EJ doesn’t really want to but Ben always convinces him with the promise of a potion that makes EJ’s demon stay at bay.
•Jeff only takes Halloween seriously and will go all out without making a joke of it. Because he will go all out on Christmas but make a joke out of it the whole time.
•Jeff loves carving pumpkins and the worst part is that he likes taking out the pumpkins guts the most
•Jeff carved pumpkins with Sally every year but she always lookes grossed out at the pumpkins guts so Jeff does it for her. 
•Jeff always carved his face into the pumpkins.
•Sally almost always does a cute face on her pumpkins
•LJ literally refuses anyone buys any candy because he wants them to use his candy
•You never know when LJ has poisoned the candy or not before you eat it.
•LJ mostly just dresses up as other clowns for Halloween.
*Nina has definitely begged Jeff to be the joker and she definitely worn a Harley Quinn outfit. Jeff hated it so much. 
•They always throw a big Halloween party
•Jane the killer tries to dress up as the opposer to Jeff every year. So most of the time when Jeff dresses up.. if he dresses like the Joker she will dress as Batman. 
•Jane Everlasting is not apart of the gang but she sure as hell wears a Micheal Myers suit while tracking Jeff down on Halloween.
•Ben goes as all the meme costumes with the occasional video game character 
•Slenderman with dresses up as Jack the pumpkin king or nothing at all lol
•Laughing Jill tried to force LJ to do twin costumes with her every year. She only sometimes wins
•Liu dresses up as the most silent characters 
•Masky and Hoddie dress up with each other most years or while similar characters.
•Toby dresses as dumb shit
•Lulu always gives people those gummy eye candies 
•Lulu will set up a trick or treat route every year.
•EJ loves giving out candy on freak or treat
•LJ has a new Halloween apron every year
•Judge Angel almost always dressed up as some sort of demon because she thinks it’s funny
•Bloody painter paints pumpkins instead of carving them
•Kagekao dresses up as the Cheshire Cat a lot 
•Kagekao usually just sits somewhere height at the Halloween party’s waiting for something interesting to happen.
If you guys want more let me know ! 
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Hello! Can i get bloody painter x little reader with separation anxiety? Even out of little space they need to at least be able to get to him (sorry if i did this wrong)
Bloody Painter x little!reader
**BP maybe be slightly OOC I haven’t written for him in a while**
Contains: short read, Littlespace, CG/l dynamic, honorific (daddy) used, established relationships, angst, and fluff
**Ageregression and Littlespace will never be sexualized on this blog**
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You looked up at the clock, your leg bouncing faster as you saw it had been nearly an hour and you still hadn’t heard from Helen. You took a deep breath and whispered to yourself
‘It’s okay, it’s fine, just because he hasn’t gotten back yet doesn’t mean something bad is happening.”
You repeated this statement a couple more times before you stood up and grabbed your favorite stuffed animal, you cuddled them close as you contemplated what to do next. You didn’t want to bother him, you didn’t want him to leave because you got too clingy.
You decided you’d just go check on him and opened the door and walked out of your room, one hand was dragging along the wall next you as the other clutched your favorite stuffed animal close to you as you approached Helen’s room.
You knocked, hoping he had come home and just forgot to greet you, when the answer you had hoped for never came you twisted the knob and walked into his room. You made a beeline for his bed and flipped onto it, taking in his scent and trying your best not to cry.
“Sweetie?” You felt yourself getting shaken
“Hey, little one, c’mon it’s time to get up.” You groaned in response before sitting up and rubbing your eyes, you looked for a bit before your eyes focused on the pale, dark haired man infront of you
“Oh, hi daddy.” You mumbled out, Helen smiled softly at the nickname
“Hey, Sweetie, why are you in daddy’s room?” He asked and you shrugged
“Got scared, I was alone.” He nodded and pulled you into a hug
“‘M sorry, sweetie, I didn’t mean to make you scared.” You wrapped your arms around him and buried your face in the crook of his neck.
He was home, you weren’t alone.
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How the creeps bring in groceries
Headcannon: The creeps take turns going grocery shopping for the week, usually the creep is picked at random. Probably by playing rock paper scissors? Who knows, I just like the idea of the pastas needing to act like normal people for a hour to refill the manners pizza rolls and chocky milk supply.
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Doesn't bring anything in
Jeff, Lost silver
Grabs a few bags and comes back for more
Jane, Kate, X virus, Trenderman, Splendor, Clockwork, Hoodie
Brings everything inside in one trip
Toby, laughing jack, Slenderman, Masky
Carrys the milk in and nothing else
Ben, Helen, Offenderman
Try's to carry the milk but can't
Sally (she's trying her best!)
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xxtoby-torturexx · 2 years
Ticci Toby head cannons/ my au
He loves raccoons and keeps talking about having a army of them one day
He has ADHD tics and can't feel pain
He does things like putting spoons in microwave and burning down the kitchen etc
He has a lot of bruises cuts and scrapes because he runs around a lot in the woods and trips sometimes since he can't feel pain he won't notice till it's mentioned
He sees masky hoodie as his dad's .
He is quite stealthy
He hates the naptime spray
Everyone except splendor has naptimed him
Believes he's a material gworl
W a f f l e
He wants to see his mom again since she's still alive but others know she will call the cops on them
He thinks about lyra when he's not around others which is not common but when he goes to bed or on a solo mission he starts to cry over it
Ever since he joined the mansion he actually started being more social.
He still has voices in his head but he doesn't hear them alot anymore
The pastas stop actually aging so he's 19 still
He is really chaotic
Very talkative
Who should I do next?
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co-habit-ation · 7 months
I don't know why my brain decided to settle on this
But I'm imagining a during war relationship between Bloody Painter and Jeff. I imagine they weren't exactly in the same circles nor were they really the type to hang out together.
Though I think part of Jeff was drawn to BPs own loner tendencies. Like BP isn't the type to cuddle or spend time touching others. He spends his time hands busy elsewhere. In my mind maybe that appealed to Jeff.
So they sort of spent time together in silence when Jeff was too tired from his duties and too wired to be touched. He quite liked their interactions.
BP probably liked them too. Puppeteer and Angel's were his mates but they were talkative, excitable. When Jeff came to him it was always quiet. He could hear Jeff's anxious heartbeats and the way he played with his hoodie strings. Those little noises were nice while he was painting.
Those interactions were probably on BP mind as he watched the army fall apart after Jeff's disappearance.
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Creepypasta kink headcannons!
In honor of (late) Valentine’s Day 😏 yk the drill, mentions of sexual topics! Do not read if uncomfortable!! MDNI 18+
Jeff the killer
-major sadomasochist, LOVES pain and loves causing pain too.
-hard dom energy fr
-definitely has a knife kink omg, but like almost to an extreme level, it’s a little concerning. He also loves fucking to horror gore movies and tbh has some more taboo kinks I won’t go into much detail abt.
-his biggest fantasy is fucking someone from behind and seeing all the pain he’s inflicted on them (scratch marks, slap marks maybe some blood ykyk)
Jane the killer
-tbh major role player, soft dom energy too.
-orgasm controller, loves overstim or teasing. Just LOVES giving someone immense pleasure that they just stop working completely.
-has a specific roleplay idea that she LOVES, oddly religious, like she’s a cult leader ‘sacrificing’ a new recruit, but sexual.
-like she likes pretending to be a leader of sorts and tying up whoever she’s with and either 1. Eating them out 2. Fucking them or 3. Putting a vibrator to them, until they physically can’t anymore.
Ben drowned
-switch energy, can be totally submissive and 100% dominant whenever.
-morning sex is top TEIR.
-loves filming ykyk and keeping pictures. Totally a masochist too.
-DESPERATE SEX, never ending sex or something like that ong. Maybe a slight breeding kink and bondage.
-I think his libido is pretty high tbh, so his biggest fantasy is probably like sneaking into his spouses shower after sex and fucking them again. Like he’s into desperate, passionate sex where neither can get enough of each other. Like he wants to be pussy-whipped by the end of the day lol and his spouse would be dick-drunk too.
-pleasure dom. She LOVES giving head, like genuinely one of her fave things.
-or like obsessive and possessive sex yk. She likes showing her territory or something like that. Like proving her worth whenever she gets jealous???
-Ik I headcannon her as ace, but ace people can still feel sexual desire! It’s a spectrum! This is when she does get yk.
Ticci Toby
-switch easily
-he likes his senses being taken away, but like ALL his senses except for touch. Bro is a huge masochist fr. Like if you put noise cancelling headphones and cover his eyes he’s hard as an mf.
-adrenaline junkie at heart, is a little bit of a voyeur, but more risky than the other pastas. Like public bathrooms, alleyways, or like under the blankets when hanging with other pastas.
-tbh lil pervy
Judge Angels
-dom ass worshipper lol
-idk the name but likes getting a show, like stripteases??? Tbh thinks they’re silly but like, likes the idea that someone is actively TRYING their hardest to arouse her. So basically humiliation.
-would totally be down to peg tbh, like she likes being a hard dom and like making someone who is normally so authoritative or monotone and making them pathetic and subby.
-loves corruption.
-sadist dom frfr
-if you’d be aight with it he’d totally slap you, ONLY DURING THE DEED THO. He does hit irl or without permission, he just likes the look of marks or like mascara tears.
-loves tying people up a lot too with his yellow strings.
-also has a slight breeding kink lol I wonder where that came from
Nurse Ann
-soft dom fr
-I know I said she’s soft, but like she totally is into blood play. But she’s like gentle and praising yk, like she’d totally cut you but she’d lick up the blood and give you praises :)
-small… tiny little mommy kink going on yk. Don’t know where it comes from, but it’s definitely a thing that gets her going lolz.
-is a sexual yapper istg, like she talks a LOT. I feel like yes, she does moan, but she also just TALKS.
Bloody Painter
-switch mostly dom tho
-I think he’s into food play tbh, like whipped cream and chocolate syrup. LOVESSS making messes. (Hates cleaning them tho, coward.) he just likes the sweetness yk and also has an oral fixation so yk.
-loves being cockwarmed omg. He loves just forcing you to feel him and not being able to do anything about it. Or even just staying in you after sex because your so warm and tight he doesn’t wanna leave.
-specific sounds??? Like odd ones tho, like gagging sounds or slurping sounds. Whether sexual or not he doesn’t know why he gets hella bricked
-switch (leans submissive)
-has a kink for hands, like LOVES hands and forearms omg. Not the super veiny ones, but the skinny defined ones. Loves getting like (consensually) groped and manhandled.
-I AM NOT GOING TO LIE, I think she likes the idea of ghost-fucking. I mean, she is some sort of ghost now, but like, the idea that someone dead is watching her she doesn’t know about and is able to touch her??? Like it gets her turned ONNNN, idk maybe she thinks it’s her dead fiancé 😭
-does not make that much sounds during tbh, like let’s out light whimpers but nothing else. What she does do tho??? She moves. A lot. I don’t think she has a kink for being tied down as much as she’d like being held down 😏
-hard dom
-believes in power balances, and is totally into soft BDSM.
-he’s hella into spanking and is a slight sadist (he balances it out tho with like overstimulation) he’s not at all a masochist fr
-huge fan of dirty talk and pet names, like tbh kinda nicely dehumanizes??! Idk if that’s the word I should use. But he LOVES like dumbing down his girl and like idk like “just sit back, I’ll take care of you baby, just let me do that, alright?”
Laughing Jill
-tbh I really don’t think she’s that much into sex at all. Like sure she’ll give head and whatnot, but her libido is too low for me to have much headcannons.
-I feel like she’d be into pegging and probably more of a pleasure dom. When she’s subbing than she’s getting the attention yk, but she’s a classic gal yk, she likes the basics.
-sweet, simple and passionate sex yk, like with soft moans, and light scratches on the back yk.
-probably a dom
-I feel like he’s kind of repulsed by sex tbh tho, like his drive isn’t that big. When he’s turned on tho things r spicy 😏
-big thing for mirror sex, like he loves seeing peoples faces as he’s fucking them. It just gets him into a rut, also like, he kinda compares himself to how he looks in the mirror, so he’ll go faster and harder to “compete” almost.
-nylon fetish probably, but without the feet aspect. He just likes ripping them open and fucking someone deeply yk. He probably loves the whole idea of stockings and whatnot too, like THIGHS. Someone needs to thigh fuck him stg.
Laughing Jack
-switch (mostly sub tho tbh)
-electrostimulation tbh, he LOVES getting the shock of it. Literally. Like this ties in hella with his strong masochism. Idk whenever he gets shocked, he just always gets hard and needy. Desperate mfer.
-shibari bondage, but on HIM. Loves being tied up 100% just the feeling of the rope on his skin turns him on, like the slight burn he gets when it rubs certain places. It hurts like a bitch, but he only gets hornier.
-masochist (as listed above), he LOVES being slapped n whatnot. It’s a little hard to hurt him tho.
Jason the Toymaker
-soft??? Hard??? dom
-somnophilia (fucking someone who is asleep), he LOVES waking someone up to pleasure or just completely surprising someone awake like that. The sleepiness and all of it he just finds adorably arousing.
-dumbification?? He loves dumbing down his spouses during sex. It gives him a power balance thing idk. It also might just be like an innocence thing too.
-he also just generally loves having full and total dominance over his spouse sexually, like he WEARS the pants and princesses you, so don’t question him.
-hardest dom in town.
-loves hatefucking and just taking complete control over whoever she’s with. Even if she’s with a dom, somehow she will break them down to a sub.
-loves aphrodisiacs and other stuff like that. Also does not like giving pleasure, she only takes it. Whenever she does give pleasure it’s only to turn herself on more than what she is so she can get full use of you and your body.
-very selfish lover tbh
Homicidal Liu
-switch (leans sub)
-boob fucker, loves the honka honka.
-aggressive toy user, like he brings out toys that look like actual SAW contraptions fr. Even has a rose toy and one of those moving fleshlights. Does not use his toys that often, but uses the others on you a LOT. Has nipple clamps for you.
-also really into spanking and gagging (getting gagged 😏) he likes the ripple ykyk. LOVES cumming on you and in you too, fr this man is a cum machine…. He wouldn’t mind getting overstimulated.
Nina the Killer
-bratty sub
-along with Kate, loves exposing herself and having her body be on show. Would probably be interested in getting watched by another person while getting screwed.
-loves being praised and called princess, but sometimes when she’s sad she wants something hella physical to make herself feel worse.
-gets more wet when getting dirty talked to more than being touched lol
-prob a switch
-TO BE HONEST,,, COSTUMES LIKE SEXY HALLOWEEN COSTUMES. Those are his kink + if there’s STOCKINGS. He basically cums in his pants fr.
-tbh think he’s kind of vanilla, but like, in a free use type of way. Like he’s into like taking you whenever he feels like it (if he has your consent) and also being used whenever you feel like it.
-but like aside from the costumes and free use thing, I think he’s simple like that yk. Idk I don’t think he has that much pizzazz in his sex life, bro just LOVES quickies.
Kate The Chaser
-mostly dom
-has a specific fantasy for car sex and doing it in inconvenient places. Not a voyeur, but if you guys were in an abandoned house she’d totally do you against multiple surfaces. Or like a tree deep in the woods.
-LOVES mutual masturbation, or like stalking someone while they’re masturbating. Also loves having someone fucking her thigh.
-gets off on exposing herself (only whenever asked to by other people.)
Eyeless Jack
-Soft dom 100% fr
-YOU KNOWWW he has a breeding kink, like that’s just who he is. He can’t help but to cum in you when you look so pretty :(
-totally a somno too, but he’d never act it out unless y’all have talked about it.
-also likes predator/prey play, this one connects with bondage. As he is literally a demon, he LOVES fucking someone significantly weaker or something of the lines.
Dr Smiley
-experimentalist at heart, switch probably.
-likes temperature play, like with ice and candle wax yk. He loves to test out his babes reaction to the sudden changes. He likes feeling them too, especially the ice going down his happy trail.
-medical play 😔 he likes to act as a doctor who takes advantage of his patients in his lab, but he’d never actually do that. It’s just roleplay.
-also huge munch btw, loves having his face be sat on.
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incognitonoggin · 3 months
Hi wondering if you could do them together? If not do separate and what you feel comfortable with 🙏🏼
Yan proxies with an s/o that tried escaping and failed-nsfw if you can-again only if ur comfortable
Includes: “Ticci” Toby, Masky/Tim, Hoodie/Brian
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• You seriously thought you’d get away? How cute.
• The second you had kicked ‘em off of you and began to run, he was quick to yank your arm back and have you shrinking under his gaze.
• You could immediately tell he was kind of pissed, but you’re his sweetheart! He has to be patient with you.
• … Doesn’t mean he’s going to be gentle though.
• Will drag that same arm to the nearest flat surface (be it a wall for Christ’s sake) and off to pound town you go!
• Sex will be full of.. I guess.. Claiming???
• He’ll go on and on about how you’re his and how your hole(s) belong to him and how you’ll never amount to anything without him and you’re better off stuck with him (in a positive way, I suppose…)
• You’ll be left with dozens of marks afterwards and he wont hesitate to be passive aggressive and rough😭
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• Have fun with this man!
• He’ll pull you back tightly by the waist, and drag you on into his lap
• Will yank your pants off right then and there, just barely giving you the time to process everything.
• “You want to leave? Really? How about we change that.”
• As i said in a different fic, he will be silent but you can tell by his never ending glare that if you fuck up he will NOT hesitate to get violent.
• Very fast and roughly paced. Gonna have your eyes stinging and your lips moving in a repetitive motion as you mumble your pleas
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• Why would you run away from this man WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU /HJ
• He’s running up behind ya and covering your mouth with his hands like he’s got chloroform or something on them
• It’ll feel suffocating at first, but similarly to Brian, he will just throw you down and start fucking torturing you 😔
• It’s worse compared to the others, he’d be VERY cocky (ha, get it?) about it and mock you whilst you beg.
• Lord, the repeated slamming into your hole while he yanks your hair back (damn near breaking your neck) must be so violating 😟
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average-egirl · 1 year
Today's my b day! So here's some little birthday hcs. I wrote this at 4am so sorry if the grammar is bad lmao.
Birthday headcannons
Tw: mention of sex in Asmos and levis, mention of blood in bps, nothing else.
Characters: Jane the killer, Nina the killer, Bloody painter, Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Vincent Sinclair, Mammon, Leviathan, Asmodeus.
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Jane the killer
First of all she's a very busy woman but she would never in a million years forget your birthday.
She luvs you too much :)
She would get you a dress/shoes/some kind of accessory.
Probably something leaning towards the gothic style.
Would get you your favorite kind of cake and sit in your room while you too eat it.
Slightly more affectionate on this day.
Nina the killer
Of course she wouldn't forget your birthday!
You silly silly goose.
She would get you some plushies.
By the time she gave them to you she had already given them a name and social security number.
Would get the other creeps to help throw a surprise party for you. :))
She's already very affectionate but it's like 5x as bad on your b-day.
Bloody painter
Helen would definitely remember your birthday.
Your the best thing to ever happen to him after all.
He would make a painting of you and give it to you as a gift.
It may or may not be made out of your ex's blood.
I hc that he can bake so he would make you some cupcakes. <3
Normally he's not super affectionate but today he's a little more clingy.
Michael Myers
This man would not remember your birthday 💀
He wouldn't get you a present either.
Okay okay he MIGHT throw some pads at you. Tough luck if you don't use them.
Ain't no way in hell he's gonna so much as look in your direction. 🥲
Overall 0/10
Jason Voorhees
Obviously bby boy would NOT forget.
He's way too sweet.
Would get you some flowers along with random things he took from victims.
And probably a condom he thought was chocolate.
He can't bake :( BUT no worries because pam can :)
He's just as affectionate as any other day.
Vincent Sinclair
Just like everyone else on this list he wouldn't forget.
You lil cutie. <3
He would make a little wax figure of you as a gift.
He might also draw some lewd pictures of you and him.
With the help of his brothers you would get a barely edible cake, but it's the thought that counts.
Normally he's not very affectionate, and today's no different.
He probably forgot until the day before honestly.
Once he remembers tho he would immediately run to get everything needed.
He would get you some very expensive jewelry.
Did he go into even more debt to get it? Yes. Does he care? No, not really.
He and his brothers through you an epic birthday party.
Very affectionate. Like always.
He wouldn't remember until like three days before your birthday.
He only remembers because of his brothers tho.
He got you an awesome anime figurine and some video games.
+ He probably got jealous seeing you hang with his brothers so- BIRTHDAY SEX.
Again, he and his brothers through you an epic birthday party.
Just as affectionate as any other day.
He wouldn't forget, he never forgets.
Your present is...Sex.. tbh you should know that tho.
What do you mean you want a real gift? He is the gift.
Aaand once again, He and his brothers through you an epic birthday party.
He's always incredibly affectionate. and hot.
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j0eyj0rdis0n · 10 months
I saw that you were taking all kinds of requests and matchups and was wondering if you could please do a stalker matchup? If not, a romantic matchup would be just as good!!
I’m a 5’4” cis girl who’s grey heteroromantic and ace. I’ve got a sleeper build, green eyes, and too many freckles on my face and body. During the Summer, I work as a head lifeguard but get zero respect from my coworkers which I’ll admit I cry over in the shower every night lmao- I’ve been through every kind of abuse so that’s also v fun and silly but I’m actually in a much better place both physically and mentally rn!
I’m doing a 4+1 in forensic science and chemistry and because of that people think I’m smart… I’m actually so incredibly gullible it’s hilarious. I have a colorguard scholarship and found my nerdy people there. I like to paint water sceneries, surf, fish, practice self-defense, watch horror movies and horror gameplays, listen to classic rock, and listen to hip-hop/rap. I’m an ESFJ-A and 3w2 so I work really hard to impress others because that’s where a lot of my happiness comes from! I hope I didn’t write too much and you don’t have to include all the random stuff but I’m so excited to see what you come up with! : ]
Hi!! Thank you for the request! I'm happy someone had the courage to ask! I'm glad you're doing better, no one deserves to be treated that way! I hope you enjoy and this hits well for you <33
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I match you with... Bloody Painter! 🎨
He's the type to watch you allllll the time
When he saw you painting by the lake, he was instantly in love
So from there he followed you home, waited until you were asleep and absolutely stalked the SHIT out of your paintings.
He probably took some too 👀
When you'd finally realize your art stuff going missing, you'd get suspicious of course. Which leads him to leaving new and different supplies at your doorstep. Often stuff that was incredibly expensive and that you probably couldn't afford
Once he realizes you're in the color guard, he'll paint equipment for you to practice with (new of course so you still have your plain ones).
He'll follow you to work, watching you from afar, sitting on your tower watching the kids and families in the water. But when he sees your coworker badmouthing you... It's over... (more on this further down!)
Honestly as I was reading this, it was hard for me to choose between EJ and Helen but obviously here we are!
I feel like he's secretly attracted to your build. He enjoys seeing your muscles pop when you're doing things. Whether it's an obvious display or you didn't intend for them to show, he loves it.
The mask makes it way easier for him to hide his endearing smile when he watches you
I don't feel like he's really an outdoors person but he would certainly take time to come watch you practice with your flag or ride the waves. Just make sure he's properly protected from the sun! (man burns, he doesn't tan)
Like I mentioned before, he loves seeing the way your muscles work effortlessly when you toss your flag or when you stand up on your board against the harsh waves. (it makes going outside at least a little enjoyable for him to be able to watch you)
Often the two of you will have painting dates. He paints all the time (with blood or not) and when you ask him to go out to the lake to paint the scene, he'll happily join you. I imagine you'd take breaks to fish as well, allowing yourself to get fresh eyes. He would definitely include you fishing into his elaborate painting.
He's the type to always boost you up. He likes your painting? He'll shower it with compliments. You couldn't catch that toss? "It's okay my love, practice makes perfect!".
Just know, you don't have to work hard to impress this man at all. He's madly in love with you and he's stunned by all of your diverse talents.
When you come home in tears from your shift at the beach, he'll hold you in his arms and let you tell him what all happened to make you so upset. Throughout your explanation he'll give you soft kisses on the top of your head, making sure to let you know he's listening and he cares for you.
He's definitely a double hand holder too when things get serious like that
It'll take a few days for him to get the job done, but that's only because he's particular. Probably close to a week later you'll be greeted with a small painting when you get home. On the canvas is finger-painted hearts and his signature, along with the name of your coworker who talked badly about you.
Hopefully they can find more staff! 😁
I hope you enjoyed this! Feel free to come back and request any time! You could even give yourself your own anon emoji if you'd like 😉
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eldritch-nightmare · 9 months
Had smth in mind based on those Jeff Headcannons you did,,,,,What about The Doll Maker or Bloody Painter(or both idk I’m indecisive) yandere Headcannons but with a willing reader,,,Thought abt that while listening to Ayesha Erotica, idk how
a/n: your wish is my command. going with the bloody painter since i haven't really written much for him here yet. this one got away from me a bit. sorry if it's messy, but i hope you find enjoyment from it nonetheless <3
yandere bloody painter with a willing s/o.
warnings: gn!reader, yandere content, puppeteer cameo bc why not, crush at first... smile?, reader goes to an art school, reader has some questionable morals, stalking, possessive behavior, murder, blood, breaking and entering, the public nor authorities doesn't know that helen is the bloody painter in this btw, morbid painting, a brief description of gore, idk art so sorry if i describe it incorrectly.
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Oh, man. I can see him behaving in two different ways. One is the way he'd behave around you if you were there in his childhood and the other is if he met you after everything happened. For this, we'll focus on how he behaves after everything happened.
Helen is very emotionally reserved and pretty apathetic, to be honest with you. It's very difficult to get close to him. I like to think that you two met while he was getting some more art supplies.
He saw you struggling to pick between two paints and, being the artist that he is, he decided to do something a little nice for once and help you out.
And, a little bit to his surprise, that led to a rather lengthy conversation about art as you detailed to him the art project you were working on and how you really weren't sure what direction you wanted to take it because the prompt given to you didn't give you any ideas.
And as we all know, Helen is nothing if not an artist. So, obviously, he listens to every little detail you provide him and offers some advice that may help you out before you two go your separate ways.
Huh. Why'd his chest suddenly feel all warm at the sight of your smile?
He finds himself drawing your smiling face later, thinking that maybe the warm feeling in his chest was just a random burst of inspiration. I mean, he is an artist after all. Inspiration tends to strike at the most random times.
His dear friend seems to think otherwise.
"Aw, does Helen have a little crush?" -> "If you don't have anything of value to say, then please keep your mouth shut."
He doesn't have a crush on you. Not that he knows what it's like to have a crush, I mean he's never been in love before, but he doesn't. No way.
Then he sees you again, and damn. I guess The Puppeteer was right. He does have a crush. Oh well. He accepts this revelation immediately and comes to terms with this newfound feeling rather quickly.
It's just a small crush, one that he's sure will go away soon. But he's never felt this way before, and the feeling leaves him curious, so he finds himself actively seeking you out.
He doesn't consider it to be stalking at first, just... studying. But then he follows you home one day, and he realizes that maybe these feelings of his aren't as small as he thought they were.
Does he feel bad for stalking you? I think, momentarily, he questions why he's doing this but... he's not a great guy in the first place. He does kill people and use their blood as paint, after all.
And you're aware that someone is watching you. You can feel eyes on you most nights. You should be scared, you know that, but... for some reason, you don't. If anything, you start leaving your blinds open more often.
Helen will sometimes even sketch you while he watches you. The way you hold yourself and the way you move around... it just makes him want to capture every moment he can in his sketchbook. He even briefly considers picking up photography as a hobby the longer he watches you, but he decides to just stick with his own form of art.
But he really likes it when he gets to see you make your own art.
And that's when he breaks into your home for the first time. You were out with some friends, and when you came home, you noticed your door was unlocked. At first, you didn't really think much of it, but when you went to your room, you couldn't help but feel as if something were off.
It took you a while, but you soon discovered that some of your drawings were missing. Thankfully, none of the ones you drew for class were missing.
You had no means of contacting your stalker, which you suppose is a good thing, so instead you just wrote on a piece of paper and taped it to your window.
'Glad you like my drawings.'
And the next day, taped on the outside of your window was a little doodle of a smiley face.
You didn't give this odd relationship much thought, to be honest. You thought it was kinda cute that this random stranger seemed to derive some type of joy from watching you. He hasn't done anything to hurt you, and his intentions don't seem malicious, so you honestly had no problem with it.
Of course, your friends definitely thought it was weird. They think that you need to report your stalker to the police, but you choose to ignore their concerns. You reassure them that if you ever feel as if you're life is in any danger, you'll inform the authorities about what's happening.
So, it goes on like this for a while. Helen would mostly stick to watching you from afar, but sometimes he'd break into your place while you're sleeping just to get a closer look at you. Sometimes, you'll wake up and there will be a drawing of you on your nightstand. You keep those drawings tucked away safely in one of the many empty sketchbooks you own.
Then a... domino effect of sorts took place.
You started going to a new café since it was closer to where you lived and closer to the school you attended. -> There's a cute barista there who always flirts with you whenever you buy a coffee or get yourself a treat. -> You humored their behavior because you thought it was cute, so you would flirt back sometimes. -> It became routine, and a couple weeks into the routine, the barista just up and vanished.
You thought they had quit, but you overheard some of the other employees at the café whispering about how they hadn't heard anything from them.
Something that should have been completely unrelated, you lose your red paint. You can't find it anywhere.
Continuing on with the domino effect, a day or two goes by and you hear on the news that the barista you had been flirting with was found dead in their home, drained dry of their blood. The police believe this to be another victim of The Bloody Painter.
You wouldn't have thought much of it, but then you notice a note taped to your window.
'There's a gift for you in your kitchen.'
And when you went to your kitchen, you saw a container resting on the counter. It wasn't translucent or see-through, so you couldn't see inside of it, but there was another note resting on top of it.
'I saw you were out of red paint, so I got you some more. We should meet up this week and paint together, don't you think? I'd love to see what you can create with this.'
And the note wasn't signed with a smiley face this time. It was signed with a name.
Helen Otis.
You set the note to the side and one quick look inside the container told you that he had given you blood to use as paint.
It didn't take you long to piece together what was going on here. The blood he had given you was no doubt the blood of the barista who had been murdered, which means... your stalker was that serial killer that's been all over the news these past few months.
The person who has been breaking into your home and leaving you those drawings was a serial killer. And he... he trusted you enough to tell you his name?
Holy shit, that's a lot to take in.
You should be panicking. Hell, you should be calling the police to let them know about all of this. You'd be doing the world some good if you did that, and it would save a lot of lives.
But your gaze drifts back to the note, and your mind wanders to all the drawings he's made of you, and... this was just so...
Cute. It felt romantic, even.
He killed a person you had been flirting with and gave you their blood as a gift. That has to be his way of letting you know that you were his.
You didn't even think about what you were going to do. You took the container of blood and you took it to your room. It didn't take you long to set up a tarp on the ground since it was no doubt going to drip onto your floor and you really didn't need blood stains in your carpet.
And you searched up a reference of what you wanted to paint, and you immediately got to work.
Later that night, while you were sleeping peacefully in your bed, Helen was breaking into your home for the nth time.
The reason why is because you had left a note for him to see on your window, one that had certainly caught his attention.
There's a gift for you in the kitchen.
You've never left him a gift before, so his curiosity was certainly piqued.
He made sure to be quiet as he made his way to your kitchen, not wanting to wake you up. He wasn't ready to meet you. Not yet.
When he gets to your kitchen, he certainly wasn't really expecting to see a canvas resting on the counter, a white sheet covering whatever was painted on it. A sticky note was placed on the sheet as well, and Helen stepped closer to it to read it.
This is what it looked like, right?
p.s. I'm willing to take you up on that offer.
And on the corner of the sticky note, there was a small smiley face doodle. How cute.
With the note read, Helen wasted no time carefully removing the sheet from the canvas, a subtle excitement coursing through his veins.
And... oh. Oh, you're as fucked up as him, aren't you?
What he sees is a downright devastatingly beautiful piece of work.
The painting was completely done with just the blood he had given you, with a few pencil marks for shading, and it depicted the murder he had committed just a few days prior.
He imagines that it was rather easy to find a photo of the crime scene online, but you were somehow able to capture the scene perfectly and you weren't ever there.
From the way the body was hanging upside down from the ceiling, a few buckets underneath it to collect the blood dripping from it. The way lifeless look in their eyes that you had done with a pencil... the gashes all over their body...
You had passed the test he had set up for you.
He took this as a sign of acceptance. A sign that you wanted to be his. You wouldn't keep the blood and make such a masterpiece with it if you didn't, right?
A slight smile formed on his face at the thought, and he stood there and admired the art you had made for him.
Hmm... maybe he'll stick around until you wake up...
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aresthelostboy · 9 months
No female reader
No female characters
This is all gay shit
Seriously, I won’t be answering shit like ‘x fem!reader’ or anything
Might do FTM reader
I do poly!couples (from the same fandom)
I do angst, fluff, suggestive, headcannons, imagines, fics and such
Metal Family (Dee, Glam)
Tokyo Ghoul (Uta, Nishio, Juuzou, Shuu, Ayato)
Twilight (Carlisle, Jasper, Aro, Caius, Marcus, Emmett, Alec)
Vampire Diaries (Damon, Klaus, Elijah, Kol, Finn)
Horror (Predator, Michael, Ghostface (Billy and Stu), Vincent Sinclair, Bo Sinclair, Deacon Frost, Eric Draven, Leatherface, Pyramid Head, Hannibal, etc.) If the character you want isn’t there, you can always request and find out.
The Boys (Homelander, Black Noir, Lamplighter, The Deep)
Kingsman (Agent Whiskey)
Creepypasta (Jeff the Killer, BEN Drowned, EJ, LJ, Jason the Toymaker, Bloody Painter, Ticci Toby, Candy Pop, etc.) If the character you want isn’t there, you can always request and find out
Resident Evil (Heisenberg, Leon Kennedy)
Spider-Man (Hobie, Pavitr, Miguel)
Call of Duty (Ghost, König)
American Horror Story (James Patrick March, Kai Anderson, Tate Langdon, Dandy Mott)
Obey Me (Lucifer, Mammon, Asmodeus, Satan, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Leviathan, Simeon, Diavolo, Barbatos)
Helluva Boss (Moxxie, Blitzø, Stolas, Striker, Fizzaroli, Asmodeus)
Other: Le Chiffre, Howl Pendragon, Jonathan Crane, SCPs, Billy Hargrove, Sally Face…
If a specific character isn’t here, please feel free to ask but be aware that I may either not know the character or dislike writing for them!
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