#the character design... the voice acting... the vibes!!
So I’m somewhere in the middle of Chapter 7 and I can already say that Hanzō is going to be one of those characters that will permamently alter my brain chemistry lmao
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fartyahtzee · 1 year
Hey yo what's your opinions on the puss in boots reaper wolf guy (btw I have been asked to mention your sibling did not ask this)
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clockworklozenges · 2 years
The thing about the Mario movie trailer is that Chris Pratt, for whatever reason, seems to be acting as Mario as if he, Christopher Prattinson, has never heard/seen/watched any form of Mario media before.
It's as if they picked people who inherently know the source material and the vibe it's meant to carry, and for the protagonist pulled some guy off the street who knows absolutely nothing about it other than "Mario is the good guy".
Bowser, the way they've merged Jack Black's mannerisms into the character design, expressions and movements, the fact you can barely tell it's Jack Black speaking...and then you cut to The Most Generic Man Ever™, which shatters any immersion or appreciation for the project you may have had.
Pratt's prior characters (Emmet, Dinosaur Man, Starlord, Andy) have fit one of two archetypes, either bland blank slate that's designed to be the epitome of generic or Chris Pratt being a Silly Boy. But Mario has character inbuilt from the off from his design to his Martinet voice lines.
Casting Chris Pratt and not Martinet as Mario on a project where every other aspect has work put into it is like making a gourmet meal, pairing it with a fine wine (Jack Black, in this case) then deciding that rather than subtlety, you're going to just put a kraft single on top and leave it at that.
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Kung Fu Panda 4 Review
Ok, I saw the movie yesterday and I have some thoughts. I think the film is good, but no where near the level of the first two. It's more like the third tonally. But tbf, nothing can top the second film in my opinion. KFP 2 really stepped up in its depth both in terms of its villain and message. The fourth film is very much the opposite. It's also very predictable and you can easily figure out what was gonna happen pretty early on.
What I liked: the animation is still gorgeous. Seriously, there were some very visually pleasing shots. The character models all looked great and I thought it was cool how the villain still has scales when she transforms. The music is also really nice and fun to listen to. The voice acting was also good and I thought Awkafina did a good job (major step up from Scuttle).
Po's dads were also really fun when on screen. It's nice to see them bond over Po and they do work well off of each other. They were the best part of the film, animation aside. The villain is also pretty cool with her abilities. We will talk about her more in a bit. And I did like Zhen and I'm looking forward to see what they do with her in the future. She's energetic and I did like her design.
What I didn't like: too. much. comedy. Ok look, I know this is an animated film for kids, but what made the first three films (particularly the second one) so good is that the balanced the jokes with depth. This film does have some messages, but it's intercut with so many jokes during dialogue that it takes away from it. They really needed to let this film breathe and have more serious moments to just talk and let things sink in. The villain brought back the old villains and stole their abilities (this was in trailer so not really spoiler). Why don't they do more with that? There is so much untapped potential here.
And that's my other big issue with the film: so much potential. Some of the ideas in this film are really, really good, but they only scratch the surface with it. I wanted to know more about the villain. I wanted to see our fave villains interact more. I wanted to see the villain use her powers more. But we don't get that; we only get the bare minimum. In simpler terms, there's no big "wow!" moment that the other films had.
Spoilers below (tread carefully)
Why did they bring the villains back if they were going to do almost nothing with them? The climax of the film was the Chameleon stealing the villains' abilities and fighting Po but we pretty much saw that in the trailer. Tai Lung gets to do some stuff, but I wanted more. Half of his lines were jokes anyway and I didn't vibe with it. Why did they bring him back if he was just gonna comment on things? I don't remember our favorite snow leopard being this comical. He did quip, but there was still a hardened edge to him. Idk. Maybe he got therapy in the spirit realm. Shen and Kai get crumbs, but again, they could've done so much more. And wasn't Kai destroyed completely?
With Shen and Tai Lung, I would've wanted to see more. I'm glad Tai Lung did finally come to respect Po and it does make sense. But Shen? The last time we saw him he rejected Po's help. Unless he too got the same spirit realm therapy Tai Lung did, him bowing to Po does feel very OOC. Nitpicking further, why was Shen brought back anyway? The Chameleon presumably doesn't know who Po is and Shen isn't a kung fu master. With the exception of the fanservice route, this choice only makes sense if the Chameleon was aware of Shen's actions in Gongmen and thought his level of evil would fit her vibe.
Nitpicking aside, there was so much opportunity for Po to confront his villains again and have a deep, serious moment with them. Whether either side likes it or not, they're reunited for a short amount of time. Why not capitalize on this great opportunity?
Speaking of the villain, so much untapped potential. Her design is great, her abilities are really cool, and Viola Davis does a good job voicing her. So why doesn't she get to do more? Imagine a really cool fight sequence where Po confronts her, but she shifts so much that it begins to mess with his head. Or she transforms into the older villains and Po is caught off guard? Instead, we get half the climax spoiled for us in the trailer. What was really cool about the other three was that we got multiple fight scenes with them to showcase their abilities. Thus, the final battle dialed it up to an 11 and we got a truly epic finale. Here, it feels like there should've been more, but there wasn't. Even her backstory feels lacking. It's there... but only surface level. Even Shen, arguably the cruelest of them all, had nuance and depth.
Also, why couldn't we get more of the Furious Five outside of a glorified cameo? Tigress and Po friendship is truly amazing.
As much as the jokes miss, there are some good bits. Shifu trying to deal with Po's shenanigans always crack me up. I also like the bit where Po tries to meditate and his thoughts get in the way. Because hey guess what, that's what my head is like and it's really freaking hard to quiet it down. So, there's that. I just wish the writers didn't feel like they had to insert jokes in almost every line of dialogue, you know? Li and Ping dad adventures are great except half the lines are jokes about how worried they are for Po or how not tough they are. Why not have a deeper conversation? I think it would make everything feel more natural.
I also wish Po himself was a tad more mature. I'm not expecting Shifu or Tigress levels of seriousness, but I felt that he kinda was a bit too childish. Po is one of those characters who loves to have fun, but knows when he has to be serious. However, he also likes to lighten things up with comedy. In this movie, it felt like he only really leaned into the comedy side of things. He had his moments, but I'll be honest, I really missed the "the only thing that matters is what you choose to be now" levels of dialogue. The proverb joke got old real fast, ok?
Grace Randolph from Beyond the Trailer described this movie as episodic and I can see it. The story bits are very segmented between the villain, heroes, and Po's dads. The flow and pacing of this film really needed to be upgraded.
Ok, that's all I got for now. I'm sure I'll think of something else to say (aside from encouraging everyone to rewatch KFP 2 because I'll never get enough of that film).
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campbell-rose · 1 month
Tiresias the Prophet
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Anybody else ungodly hyped for the underworld saga i've literally been listening to snippet song on repeat. Tiresias's voice is heavenly. i did research and Hera turned him into a woman because he hit snakes that were mating with a stick??? he's so goofy and real for that. i refuse to draw him as a haggard old man that voice and that backstory do not vibe with old man with beard.
Also if i ever did an animatic, his hair would be so fun because long hair like what I've given him would act like a living organism, swaying in the air and twirling like snakes.
side note - viv related stuff is dragging down my mental health so i'm going to indulge my epic fixation to feel better bc character design for greek gods is so fun
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I haven't played less of p, but can keep asking questions!
Do you have any propaganda for playing the game?
hi welcome to the lies of p propaganda
literally a mix of bloodborne and american mcgee's alice when it comes to aesthetic, vibes, themes and battle systems. if you liked either of them and are upset that bloodborne won't get a port and alice won't get a sequel this is a good alternative
the devs confirmed a sequel and a dlc btw. and they're indie so they shouldn't have many problems
INCREDIBLE soundtrack, and here's some examples of my favorites because i need to share quixotic, memory of beach, shattered memories, hall of fame and arche abbey everywhere
the boss fights are difficult, but most of them are very fair and easy to learn the patterns of. while some are clearly fodder... anyone who played a soulsborne game know that every now and then you have to deal with a curse-rotted greatwood or a witch of hemwick if it means you can have a pontiff sulyvan or a lady maria in return!! if you don't mind spoilers i highly recommend checking out the battles with the king of puppets or with champion victor
tackles themes of overcoming grief, different ways to deal with it, rebirth, what it means to be human, being your own person and honestly and lies, with the latter especially being the most prominent one and heavily implying that even if honesty is good, sometimes a lie is a much better option for everyone
INCREDIBLE visuals hello
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i need to talk about how good the monsters design is because body and mechanical horror fans rise UP
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you can actually mix-n-match every single weapons you can find around, not including very overpowered boss weapons, and you can have a cannon arm?? like yes it's far from being the fastest weapon but consider: i can either hit and dash or i can make the boss explode
Your Choices Matter you know when a game promises you that they don't. well they do they DOOO literally every single choice starting with your very first one matter HEAVILY in the end
i can't stress enough how good the characters are, they're all full of life and energy and Love. you get a puppet in love, a beautiful charismatic old woman, a spunky young mechanic, whatever the fuck venigni my dad venigni has going on, an actually pretty fun version of the cricket and even pinocchio, who like most soulsborne seems to have little to no personality, is way more human from the get-go, with a lot of characters noting that he's so easily annoyed by their bigger-than-life personality and dramatique
this game made me cry SO many times between the music the lore and the incredible writing and voice acting. it's weird to say i didn't expect that much from it, like when the first trailer arrived we all went haha bishounen pinocchio bloodborne game, but the various npcs and even some bosses feel so human that inevitably seeing them going through situation destroyed me fr fr
but seriously the small details fuck me up so bad. the fact that pinocchio starts by making heavy mechanical noises whenever he moves and occasionally twitches and makes no noise when he attacks and the more "good ending" choices you make the less mechanical noises he makes and the more he occasionally grunts whenever he's hit is so nice?? they literally change every single one of his animation if you aim for that ending and it's so!!!!! aaaa
and also you can play fashionsouls the clothes have no effect other than being fancy so you can literally wear whatever the fuck you want and i, personally, find it very fun. big fan of the workshop master clothes btw that was my main until i unlocked the white clothes
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i could go on but it would fall in spoilers territory fnasdmg point is. play lies of p
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rockanroller · 5 months
i actually watched the first two episodes and i just gotta say they left me feeling just kinda…meh?
beautiful BGs, props to the animators and designers, some really good character acting.
but the plot flow… was so… empty? yeah, they packed in a lot of exposition and character intros but to the point there was little room for you to like…sit with the info, laugh, or enjoy a moment before having to listen for the next piece of lore or story point. not to mention some of the lore was straight up confusing.
some shots gave enough pause, just overall it felt very like… bloated/rushed/one thing and then the next with no real interest or entertainment taking place inbetween (to me) if that makes sense?
i can see how less critical folks that are attached to the characters would enjoy this though. but of course it leaves the question of how would this experience be for fresh new audiences who *don’t* know all the lore?
ironically Adam had me dying. i was not expecting to laugh at him after reading his various lines showing a misogynistic douche but the way they were executed slayed me—though tbf i suspect it was due to the ep already had worn me down combined with his first batch of lines being more “Preppy Jock Thinks He’s Cool But He’s Clearly A Dumbass” vibes to me, then of course the misogyny trickled in and it was like ok jerk villain got it.
other occasional moments gave me a chuckle i can admit as much.
Katie Killjoy was awful. to me she was completely out of place with Brandon’s voice, that was just…him. she only had a few lines so who knows if she’ll show up and they felt it was fine for a one-time gag—idk we’ll see.
Valentino… …bro… his accent was all over the place… i couldn’t even tell what it was “supposed” to be until he delivered some pre-song lines but until that he was slipping between accents i couldn’t place, back to a flat American “Just Some Guy” accent then back to a deeper accented voice that I couldn’t place…woof, just odd.
Angel’s trauma felt sudden/forced in like a lot of things in the episodes did.
the whole redeeming sinners thing i felt wasn’t executed great either, i had a hard time understanding Charlie’s outlook as it was shown in the episodes. and her values? she literally **applauds** Sir Pentious for his performance in a growth exercise for declaring that he will not do drugs and he will wait to have sex until after marriage, and Angel Dust is standing right there like…girl what?
does Charlie believe that shit or is she just going by what she thinks will get sinners into heaven? it’s unclear. she also seems generally off-put and disturbed by several of the sinners in the Happy Day In Hell song that she allegedly wants to redeem so badly/cares so much about so…what does she see in them?
idk, thems my first impressions. opinions subject to change.
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the-friendliest-freak · 11 months
Okay just to make it clear
I don’t hate MFN - in fact, I think it’s fucking spectacular. I don’t have it in me to hate this game, hell I don’t have it in me to even slightly dislike it. I love this game. I just had a couple critiques with the endings. That’s it. That is all.
You can critique a piece of media and still think it’s good!
So, lemme go over what I liked about it, which I did in the previous post but admittedly a lot of it was dedicated to criticism:
The level design is so jam packed with charm, it’s amazing. Each section has its own distinct vibe. The open world aspect was pretty risky but due to the inherent charm of each location no re-runs become boring.
The puzzles make my brain hurt and that makes em fucking great. Especially the ones that make you actively notice the level design, like the one in the playground area. That blew me away when I first realised it.
Okay I’ve held back for long enough so GORDON Gordon Gordon Gordon god I love him so much
The fact that they give Gordon a canon reason as to how he’s skilled with a wide array of weapons - that’s something a lot of games simply fly by, but MFN explains it by having him be a soldier!
On the same topic, they give him a reason as to why he can’t just pack up and leave the second he realises his life is in danger - he’ll get fired if he does (there’s also a secret ending where this happens, which I like).
The voice acting in this game is fucking impeccable istg every puppet sounds unique and distinct
Subtitles I love you
All the animations are fluid and full of character!
The save room music instantly calms me
Y’know all those fanfics for horror game fandoms abt helping the monsters? I read those a lot. This game gave me so much nostalgia for them
The character design is delicious, each puppet has their own vibe and personality that you can garner from just their appearance alone
Gordon. He has a surname now. That is all.
I’m tired I think that’s all. I love this game sm
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itsclydebitches · 5 months
Cinder is a lot more sexualized then the male parts of Salem's inner circle
Like tyrian is shirtless sometimes but that does not feel as...drawn attention to, as say, the lingering shots of Cinder's butt or thighs. Or her wearing short shorts and high boots you know what I mean?
I do, anon. RWBY got a lot of attention back in the day for its anti-upskirt technology, but that doesn't give it a free pass for all the other ways you might (and it does) sexualize the cast. I've never been inclined to give RWBY too much shit in this regard because it is pulling from media with a LONG history of such designs and cinematography - it feels unfair of me to act like RWBY is uniquely responsible for such problems when I'm simultaneously willing to overlook, say, the 90's "gag" of Yusuke flipping up Keiko's skirt - but there's nevertheless a voice in the back of my mind constantly asking things like, "Why are so many of the girls fighting in heels?" and "Why are they dressed like they're going to the club and not the literal TUNDRA??" I'd kill for the whole cast, but the girls in particular, to get a re-design that focuses on fashionably compelling practicality, rather than sexy fanservice. (Though Ice Kingdom did a good job overall, particularly for Ruby.) Sure, RWBY didn't give us panty-shots, but one of the first characters we're introduced to is literally designed like a dominatrix.
If we're talking about outfits though... I'd say Emerald gets hit the worst out of Salem's minions. Yeah, Cinder is definitely sexualized in a more general sense as the tall, white (that's not a coincidence), long-legged beauty who sensually conjures fire as she prowls towards the heroes, camera focused on her hips swaying. But Emerald?
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She suffers from the same problem Yang has. AKA, if your woman isn't classically beautiful (like Wiess and to a different extent Blake), or cute / child-like (Ruby, Penny), but is instead going for a sporty, comparatively masculine-esque vibe... then they've got to show a LOT of skin. RWBY makes it sexy by just denying them clothes. You're entering dangerous battles on the daily? You want to protect yourself? Too bad. The audience needs a midriff and cleavage and your whole arms to stare at. Shorten the skin-tight pants so we can see some leg too. Oh, Yang has to have long pants because she's heading into the coldest Kingdom in Remnant? Never mind that, cut a strip out to show her thigh.
"But Clyde, the girls don't need to wear armor because of aura--" then why the hell does Jaune bother wearing that heavy-ass suit? Is it weight training? Does he just think it makes him look cool? ...or does it exist in case his aura breaks and he's allowed to wear more protective gear because there are different gender expectations attached to his design? The aura argument is just a modern rehashing of the Supergirl sun argument: using made up lore to "justify" getting your women characters into skimpy outfits, despite the men rarely being held to the same standards.
Tyrian is actually an interesting exception here and if I were less tired I'd think through this argument more, but something something as the "crazy" character he's allowed more leeway in breaking those expectations. Also the open shirt shows off his scars, which likewise help sell how dangerous he is. With the exception of characters like Cinder and Nora - whose injuries are Important Character Moments the audience gets to see play out - scars are surprisingly uncommon in Remanent. Or, again, they're severely downplayed so as not to interfere with that classic beauty design (like Weiss', or even Yang who gets a perfect cut when losing her arm). So when you see a character with giant scars spanning the length of his chest, an open shirt drawing deliberate attention to them... that makes you go, "Oh shit. What's he been through to scar like that in a world where most people make it out of fights with no permanent damage?"
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corporatefrog · 1 year
꒦‧₊ ꒷ HEADCANNONS: team stan with a rich friend! ✧.*
✧.* tags: college au, ✧.* Characters: kenny mccormick, kyle broflovski, stan marsh, butters scotch. eric cartman a/n: the request was for a friend like Cher Horowitz from clueless but i haven't seen clueless in forever so i kind of just wrote it like having a rich friend! team craig is on the way tomorrow !!
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Youve got yourself a sugar baby right here
Lit rally so happy to carry your shopping bags for HOURS 
Just buy him some auntie anns and he’s good for the day
Whenever cartman makes fun of him for being poor, you pull out $100 and and just hand it to kenny 
“Guys let’s go to the $100 store! Oh wait, you can’t go eric :( sorry, i guess you’ll have to keep saving the tips from the job you don’t have”
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He’s your voice of reason
“No don’t spend $300 on that bag it’s fake leather” 
Don’t ask him how he’s suddenly versed in designer fabrics 
He helps you with your homework
You offer to pay him but he says it’s not necessary
Definitely doesn’t fight you on it though,,, 
Who's going to say no to $50 for helping someone with their math homework?
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He doesn’t know how to act around rich people
Likes to get fast food with you and make you guess how much things are
“So we’re going to get 2 milkshakes and 2 large fries”
“Okay! I’ve got $40 in cash, is that enough?”
"...not exactly"
please don't take him to a fancy dinner
he will in fact freak out and find a way to fall out of his chair while dragging the table cloth with him
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He gives kenny shit but this little bitch with do ANYTHING for money
Fucker is your butler now
You could ask him to be your footstool during class and he’d be on the ground in a SECOND
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Is baffled that you’re rich and you want to hang out with HIM??
You guys go shopping together! Stopping in plushie stores! 
Tbh he’s kind of like a little pet
But in the best way
He’s just having a good time because you’re having a good time 
And you have a good time because he’s such a good vibe
“And then we have to stop by spencers because they have a collab with my favorite band right now, then we’re going to the burberry store-”
“Well geez, yn, that’s one of those really expensive stores”
“Butters I literally own three islands off the coast of greenland. I could buy this mall if i wanted to.”
He is, again, baffled
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mioviaz · 2 months
thought i’d do a little talk about how well i personally think the twdg season 4 kids were designed, personality wise, since i want to get myself back into twdg while including my interest for character development and building.
i think the ericsons kids were made so well because they all have such distinct personalities and vibes , and ive noticed this while making pinterest boards for them funnily enough (my pinterest is @mioviaz 😉) they’re all so incredibly designed that i can just look at let’s say marlon and go ‘oh yeah , he’s a baseball jock’. and it’s definitely through some of their voice lines, the way they act, the clothes they wear and especially through louis and violets backstory’s to coming to ericsons. these were all so well thought out in their creation.
and i think other people agree as through all the twdg fanfics i’ve read (there’s been a lot) all the kids are portrayed having the same vibe and hobbies and aesthetic in every one. even characters like sophie who weren’t even in THE GAME, telltale carried the “she’s an artist” trait for her throughout the game and it stuck so heavily in my head and others that we built her character up off of that one bit of info.
this was such a random thread tbh but i was in the car listening to phoebe bridgers and thought of it okay bye
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drovvninq · 8 months
ch season 2 opinions
i don't like the new characters' color schemes other than frida. i think the colors work well with her and her character.
confucius' character was wasted, i wish he had more screen time with jfk other than the keyboard warriors scene, plus his bright colors make me want to scream:(
HARRIET TUBMAN'S DESIGN DRIVES ME CRAZY. i understand the whole "ohh her old design wasn't important and the only scene she had was a canceled test scene" stuff but like i wish they'd kept it. she looks like a highlighter to me and i wish they'd given her SOMETHING to make her look more like harriet, maybe the old hair design. she could be any black historical female figure and it wouldn't be surprising.
the new principal girl is fine, idrc about her that much. she isn't too out there but i also think it's really stupid they made her related to joan it just seems like a way for them to get her more screen time
*gulp* ships::
they ruined joanfk, joan didnt act anything like the sarcastic gothy teen she used to be, she was obsessed with being popular and looking cool (ex. cleocoming), and jfk only made sex jokes. no war puns, no funny magic man-esque one liners, nothing. plus he became super clingy and just not the jock he used to be. the whole reason they worked was because they felt open with each other and told each other everything, but in the reboot they hide all sorts of stuff from each other.
i hate harriet and jfk. they should've used that time to develop frida and cleo, who are
the most random ship ever. cleo gave me such homophobic vibes in the first season and to see her date another woman with NO ARC is terrible. she AT LEAST couldve had a "i can date girls?" gag. but no, nothing. it feels so cash grabby and shallow.
i have no sentimental attachment to harriet and confucius, so them dating meant nothing to me. it felt like watching two random people make out: weird, strangely random, and confusing.
it's so scudworth coded to have him in love with a woman that wants him dead.
cleo had no important points except for cleocoming where she didnt even act like herself. i assume this was to hide the fact that she got a brand new voice actor, but i think she's doing fine. the script is the issue. she's no longer manipulative. she's just mean. the old cleo would've thrown the blood pumpkin rumor right back in joan's face.
the "clone leader test" plot sucked. should've made another cloney island plotline.
booo topher i hate him
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hajihiko · 1 year
Now that youre done with v3 may I ask about what your final thoughts on each character are? (Briefly, if you dont feel like elaborating too much-- like a senstence each maybe?)
Ok warning for opinions: I'm not head over heels for a lot of the cast
Shuichi- sweet boy I like his emo vibes (both in jest and also how he's actually pretty emotional)
Kaede- sweet girl gone to soon :'( why do this to the girl Protag
Kaito- fun guy I like him I hate his hair. Hypocrite (character trait) (not moral judgement) (affectionate)
Maki- grew on me a lot her expressions are cute. Also hypocrite (same brackets as above)
Himiko- good voice acting and I guess the character development was pretty good! Never grabbed me as a character tho
Keebo: my beloved. I didn't think he'd be so important! Thank you for being helpful and rational sweet robo boy.
Tenko: I've been told the translation made her a lot more aggressive than the original Japanese text but she sooooo annoying about the Degenerate Male thing and it was too much of her dialogue
Angie: most fun design, biggest cutie. I know she was kind of sinister sometimes but I forgive her BC I actually enjoyed the time she was on screen.
Korekiyo: coolest design, actually kind of intriguing character, but then the backstory hit... I dunno I could continue to be interested I guess but it's a little weird now.
Miu: I liked her more at the start but then I feel like she didn't grow at all? It's like she started being a bit different when Kaede was still protagging and then she just didn't stop being The Overtly Loud And Suggestive One.
Gonta: darling. Precious. Probably one of the saddest cases :(
Ryoma: I'm biased because fsr I liked him from the start. Didn't get a chance to develop much. Get him some therapy.
Oh my god there's so many of them aughshdh
Rantaro: pretty and good voice. What a waste of a good design since we didn't get to see him do like anything
Kirumi: I like her potential and I probably would have ended up liking her if she'd lived, but kudos for being one of the few calm and helpful characters.
Tsumugi: props for being incredibly unassuming if I hadn't already known. They really made her just boring enough to be not suspicious, but not too boring to be suspicious again. Annoying voice tho
Kokichi: only surpassed by the monokubs in how much l don't like him.
Monokubs: die
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bestanimatedmovie · 25 days
Revenge of the Underrated
59. Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust vs Arthur and the Invisibles
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Vote in the other polls!
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
It seamlessly blends gothic and cyberpunk aesthetics, making them look like they belong together. The vibes are immaculate, the fight scenes are insane and the horror is very gothic. It has vampires in space, cyberpunk mercenaries with biblical imagery, half-vampire vampire hunter cowboy, gothic organ and chorus music, werewolves, cybernetic vampire horses, gothic castle and campy costumes. What else can you ask for? (But I do recommend watching it with subtitles, the voice acting in the English dub is pretty atrocious.)
Arthur and the Invisibles
I won't lie to you... Its not a very good movie (a bit problematic too?) but i am submitting it because it latched so strongly in my brain when i was 9 i was known as the Minimoy kid at school. It's about a boy named Arthur (actor is Freddie Highmore, some might know him by his work at the Good Doctor and The Bates Motel) that is staying at his grandmother's home for the summer, she is having economic dificulties because his grandfather went missing a couple years before and all he left was strange trinkets and notebooks about the minimoys, very tiny people small as a seed of rice. Arthur starts reading and collecting clues and finds a way to go look for his grandfather and transforms into a minimoy. He finds that there is entire cities of minimoys living in his grandmother's yard - while real estate businessmen are doing their best to try and have the grandmother's home,planning to bulldoze and rebuild the lot thus destroying all of the minimoys and he goes on and adventure with the pricess Selenia and prince Betameche to help him with his mission and also their own- to try and kill an evil fascist minimoy dictator, Maltazard. They travel trough the minimoy cities by being lauched by a slingshot, by boat that's a shell of a nut, sleep inside a poppy, go to a bar and drink booze to 80's music, and i won't spoiler much more, but it's a very fun movie for me by the concept itself. All the characters designs are fun (sucker for long elf ears that move) and the worldbuilding is also very cool, all the different minimoys and the vision of how life would be when you are smaller than many insects, made me wonder about magic many times.
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thesoftboiledegg · 2 years
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The "laughing sociopath" trope has been done a million times, but I think this episode did a decent job of making Prime Rick brutal but intriguing. Good character design, too. He's instantly recognizable and has "badass sci-fi dude" vibes without being corny.
Also, giving him Rick's season 2 voice was brilliant on Justin Roiland's part. He went back to an earlier "version" of Rick like it's nothing. People act like he just does silly voices, but he knows what he's doing.
The voice totally fits because he's similar to C-137 but without the character growth. I'd actually say that he's worse--C-137 is no gem of a human being, but I don't think he could just shoot a Jerry like it's nothing, even at his worst.
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crimson-amarone · 3 months
Fancasting for a Trigun live-action tv series/movie!! I know we got just Trigun Stampede, but we can’t let Cowboy Bebop get a live action and not Trigun right??
For all my selections I would say about 75-80% are actors I have seen in one or more of their most well known roles. For anyone else I narrowed down to 2-4 options and I did extra research into their filmography, interviews to hear their voices and general vibe, etc. And I also looked at what kind of roles they trended towards—sci-fi/fantasy and superhero media giving them bonus points.
See below for info about the actors and my runner up choices for each character. I included tidbits like their age, height, and notable roles.
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For Vash and Knives I wanted to first look for real life identical twins. After some research, I believe I found a fitting pair. Cole and Dylan Sprouse, best know for their childhood roles in the Suite Life of Zack and Cody. Although I don’t think I knew their adult roles as well as their Zack and Cody days, that real twin dynamic just adds that extra layer.
Of the two, I found Cole having a softer look, and lately it appears he’s been going with black hair which seemed fitting if we think about black-haired Vash at the end of TriMax. Dylan’s look has just that different sharpness and edginess that I slotted him to Knives.
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Ruby Cruz (Kit Tanthalos, Disney+’s Willow) is a very talented young woman and recently made a feature length movie debut as Hazel Callahan in Bottoms (2023) and will be starring in an upcoming rom-com The Threesome. (See notes about edit below.)
Milly was a tricky one for me. I have a couple of runners up below. My current pick is Mina Sundwall, especially for her role as Penny Robinson in Netflix’s space family drama Lost in Space.
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Although I’m on board with the HC that Wolfwood is Latinx, I had to go with famous werewolf Jacob Black from Twilight, Taylor Lautner. I got a couple other choices below too.
Liam Hemsworth (or Chris idkkkk). Nuff said?
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Rem was a bit hard to choose. I had to go with Candice Patton as a personal big fan of her role as Iris West in The Flash as a DC fan. She has just the right oh-crap-I-have-kids-I-am-not-prepared-at-all motherly acting vibe down pat that is essential for Rem.
Despite the fact that Christopher Daniel Barnes is always smiling in photos, his breath of filmography makes him such a good fit for wise Drunkle Roberto.
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Being so effing hyped about Nicholas playing Lex Luthor in Superman Legacies (2025) he has the perfect mix of heroic and villain roles for Legato’s psychotic righteousness. And he’s already had blue hair (and fur all over his whole body) as Hank “Beast” McCoy, c’mon too easy.
Zazie Beetz… that couldn’t have been a coincidence? Like Studio Orange must have know about this actress when they worked on the Beast’s revamped design. For a second option I’d probably pick a child/adolescent actor but Zazie can pretty much take whatever form they want, so why not both? Edit: I’m going with Scarlett (Trixie from Lucifer). Very very talent young woman. She’s funny, smart, sassy.
Role: Vash the Stampede
Actor: Cole Sprouse
Age: 31
Height: 6’0”
Best known role: Cody Martin ( The Suite Life of Zack & Cody)
Runner-up Actor: Mason Dye (Jason Carver, Stranger Things)
Role: Millions Knives
Actor: Dylan Sprouse
Age: 31
Height: 6’0”
Best known role: Zack Martin ( The Suite Life of Zack & Cody)
Runner-up Actor: Christopher Lowell (Sebastian “Bash” Howard, GLOW and Jess, How I Met Your Father)
Role: Meryl Stryfe
Actor: Ruby Cruz
Age: 23
Height: 5’3”
Best known role: (Kit Tanthalos, Disney+’s Willow)
Edit: I swapped Ruby Cruz in for Bex as I learned how far along Bex was in their gender journey. As much as I respect Bex’s journey and the gender representation is important, I still want to pick someone I feel leans more feminine for Meryl.
Runner-up Actor: tbd, maybe Christine Lee or Ana Yi Puig
Role: Nicholas D. Wolfwood
Actor: Taylor Lautner
Age: 32
Height: 5’8”
Best known role: Jacob Black (Twilight movies)
Runner-up Actor: David Castro (Raphael Santiago, Freeform’s Shadowhunters)
Role: Roberto De Niro
Actor: Christopher Daniel Barnes
Age: 51
Height: 5’11”
Best known role: Spiderman (Spider-Man 90s), Prince Eric (The Little Mermaid 89)
Runner-up Actor: Edgar Ramirez (Bourne Ultimatum 2007, Carlos the Jackal, HBO’s The Undoing)
Role: Milly Thompson
Actor: Mina Sundwall
Age: 22
Height: 5’6”
Best known role: Penny Robinson (Lost in Space, 2018)
Runner-up Actors: Liana Liberato, Kennedy McGann, Ellie Gall, Luna Wedler
Role: Rem Saverem
Actor: Candice Patton
Age: 35
Height: 5’4”
Best known role: Iris West (CW’s The Flash)
Runner-up Actor: Lyrica Okano (Nico Minoru, Hulu’s Runaways)
Role: Legato Bluesummers
Actor: Nicholas Hoult
Age: 34
Height: 6’3”
Best known role: Nux (Mad Max Fury Road), Hank “Beast” McKoy (X-Men movies), Lex Luthor (Superman Legacies, 2025)
Runner-up Actors:
2. Samuel Larson (Joe Hart, Glee) 3. Charlie Heaton (Jonathan Byers, Stranger Things) or 4. Brenton Twaites (Dick Grayson aka Nightwing, DC’s Titans)
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