#the coda project
the-coda-project · 9 months
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The Coda Project | 1.05 Sinking in the Quicksand
Dean knows Sam noticed his eyes bleeding when they were fighting Bloody Mary, but Sam hasn't asked why. Dean spirals as he wonders what that means.
Toledo is three hours in the rear view, and Dean still has dried blood flaking at the edges of his fingernails. Itching under his collar.
He desperately needs a shower, but getting out of town before more cops arrived at the trashed antique store was a whole lot higher on the priorities list than stopping to wash up, and he'd had to settle for wiping the worst of it from his face with an ancient KFC wet wipe and a wad of napkins as he'd steered the car toward the interstate with his other hand. He's been fantasizing about hot water and a fresh change of clothes ever since. Now, as he glances down at the dashboard, he silently thanks his baby for the excuse that her near-empty fuel tank is giving him.
"Almost outta gas," he says aloud when he takes the next exit ramp, and in his periphery he sees Sam flinch at the sound of his voice. "You mind filling the tank while I hit the head?"
"Yeah, sure."
It's the first time either of them have spoken in hours.
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hoodie-buck · 2 years
you make me happy
rated: g | words: 1k | read on ao3
bc i had a few feelings about tonight’s episode <3
Eddie can already see the look on Hen’s face, the one that tells him the guys already gone. He can’t see Bucks face, only the determination in his hands, pressing on the guys chest and trying to will him back to life.
Hen’s head shakes and Eddie’s heart sinks.
They exit together, taking the two friends that are still alive out first, their other friend close behind. He already knows Buck is blaming himself; no matter who’s fault it is or isn’t, Buck always bares the weight.
It’s a silent ride back to the station, Eddie knocking his shoulders into Bucks for reassurance, his best friend giving a bleak smile in return. Eddie hates it, hates that there isn’t anything he can do; not really.
They strip of their turnouts and hit the showers, the four of them stood at their lockers after. Eddie turns to Chim who’s already looking to him, Eddie quickly adverting his attention to Buck and then Hen, the two looking sullen, lost in their heads.
With an unspoken agreement between him and Chim, Eddie mentions breakfast, Buck quickly bailing out, followed closely by Hen. He gets it, he does; he just wishes he could take their pain away.
Even so, Eddie isn’t surprised to hear the click of his door turning about an hour later, the tell-tale footsteps of his best friend letting himself in. There’s something so easy and reassuring about it—Eddie wishes it were always like this.
As Buck enters the kitchen, Eddie already has two beers open and ready, sliding one over to Buck.
They drink in silence for a bit, Buck playing with the label on the bottle more than anything. While Eddie will speak in his own time, he knows Buck needs a little push, a reassurance if you will.
“You wanna talk about it?”
Buck shrugs and Eddie waits; now it’s in Bucks hands.
“Are you at ease?”
It’s an odd question in general, though coming from Buck, it’s fairly tame.
Eddie isn’t sure how to answer, several scenarios coming to mind.
“Well, if you would’ve asked me a few months ago, no. But these days—I’m a little more at ease, sure.”
Buck nods though he doesn’t say anything, Eddie prying a little further.
“How about you, Buck, are you at ease?”
Buck sets his bottle onto the counter then, using his arms to press his weight into it as he lets out a heavy sigh.
“That guy, he-he figured out what it means, to be happy, ya know? Like there was this magical thing right in front of him, but then he was just—”
“Gone?” Eddie supplies when Buck chokes on the word.
He knows Bucks been reading Bobby’s AA book, that he’s been trying to find a meaning to happiness, but he’s not sure exactly what it is his best friend’s looking for.
“Are you happy Buck?”
“I’m trying to be.”
Their eyes meet for the first time then, Buck’s a sea of blue and red rimmed. Eddie aches to reach out to him.
“I—I don’t wanna be like him…like-like that guy.”
“In what way?”
He watches as Buck debates for a minute, finally pushing out some truth.
“They were best friends Eds, had been for years, and then when they had nothing, they still had each other.”
Oh. Eddie thinks he understands now.
“You know I-I wanna die sometimes, you know have thought about it, I mean.” Buck shakes his head, Eddie refraining from reaching out again. “But-but it’s also what terrifies me the most. I’m scared of dying and never figuring out what it means to be happy…to be comfortable in my own skin.”
Well that—was definitely not where Eddie thought the conversation was going.
Stepping around the island, Eddie sidles up next to Buck, not stopping himself from reaching out this time as he places a hand to his best friends shoulder. He ducks his head until he captures Bucks attention, those sad blues looking right into him.
“I can’t tell you what the secret is Buck—hell I don’t think I’ve found it myself, but what I can tell you is what brings me happiness.”
Buck doesn’t look away, doesn’t try to pull out of his touch, so Eddie takes that as his sign to go on.
“Christopher is obviously at the top of my list, along with the 118. You know, the family we choose.” At that Buck cracks a smile, the sight warming Eddie wholly.
He takes a risk then, trying not to reveal too much of himself while comforting Buck at the same time.
“And then there’s you, Buck. Having you in my life makes me happy. You make me happy, no matter how much of a pain in the ass you can be sometimes.”
That gets Buck ducking his head with that private smile of his, and Eddie chuckles a little for it.
When their eyes meet again, it’s Buck who speaks this time.
“You uh, you make me happy too. And Chris, of course.”
Eddie smiles. “Yea, he’s a pretty great kid.”
“You did a good job raising him Eds. Best father I know.”
“Yea, well I’ve had a lot of help.”
Bucks brows raise in that shocked way he always gets whenever Eddie lays out the truth.
“Yea well, it-it makes me happy, being—being with you guys.”
Eddie knows it does, but it still makes him melt a little to hear it.
Pushing the beers to the side, Eddie looks to Buck with a pointed stare.
“C’mon, let’s go catch some shut eye before we have to get Chris from school.”
Eddie grabs Buck’s arm before he can protest and drags the man to his room and down onto the bed with him. Buck lays there a little stiffly, Eddie pulling his best friend so that Bucks back meets his chest, their hands linking together at Bucks front.
He can feel Bucks heart beating a little fast, knows his is too.
“Is this—is this ok?”
Eddie buries his face into Bucks neck, squeezing where their hands are interlocked.
“Yes. You make me happy, Evan.”
After a few minutes, Buck relaxes into Eddie’s touch, his heart beat steadying itself.
“You make me happy Eds, always.”
Sometimes happiness can’t be described. It has to be seen, felt. Maybe happiness wasn’t a feeling at all, but rather the people you surrounded yourself with. It wasn’t something you achieved, but rather found, Buck and Eddie finding happiness in each other.
tagging squad below, lmk if you wanna be added or removed <3
tags: @buddiextarlos @fearlessdiaz @mansikkaomenabanaani @confetti-cupcake @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @swiftiebuckleyhan @loveyourownsmiilee @justsmilestuffhappens @honestlydarkprincess @prettyboyandthekid @corgiqueen14 @zainclaw @constructiononsunset @djdangerlove @bifirefighters @mr-and-mr-diaz @blaidddrwg1982 @buddierights @crazyfangirlallert @imsupposedtobewritting @dickley-buddie @panicatthediaz @princessbb @jacksadventuresinwriting @prettyboybuckley @rogerzsteven @eddiediazisascorpio @daughterofbuddie @gayhoediaz
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its-coda · 15 days
Change of plans. Commissions are closed until late june, but the cheeb comms will be open until a bit later after that. I’m gna fucking die lmao
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felikatze · 17 days
FELI genuine question would it be annoying if I got in your DMs and nitpicked details on your Loop-related pages for the script project (Noticed typos/formatting errors and some missing portrait info while copying stuff over onto my sheet)
PLEASE FUCKING DO i beta-read none of this basically because when i finish a page my eyes start going fuzzy. recently i caught a stray quotation mark and it made me want to scream so bad. give me an itemized list i'll blow you a kiss (platonically)
god i need to make a loop fight script specifically for the fanfic i'm slow cookign rn
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kordeliiius · 1 year
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a bunch of supporting character concepts
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spookykestrel · 1 year
Those horrors really do be never ending 😓
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jester-step · 2 years
what i love about the beginner’s guide is that every time i rewatch it i discover something new
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I for one thoroughly appreciate that Troy Kotsur took one look at Daniel Durant and thought “Is anyone gonna be this kid’s father figure?” and did NOT wait for an answer 
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power-chords · 2 years
Other potential Breakbeatles selections: “Natural Selection” by UNKLE feat. The Black Angels, “No One Knows” by Hybrid (this bird has flown), gotta be a Soulwax remix that fits the bill, knowing what I know about James Murphy I could make the cheeky argument that “All My Friends” is LCD Soundsystem’s elongated study of the “Hey Jude” coda (but there’s also plenty David Byrne in there), I will definitely make the argument that “All The Love In The World” is Trent Reznor’s “Hello, Goodbye.”
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dragunova · 1 year
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this is still a wip (very far away from being finished) but im in love with how these 4 look so far
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mobbothetrue · 1 year
please just know the SECOND my brain starts to work with me and lets me painlessly read anything I will be binging coda concerto. its on my mind all the time. hopefully that day is soon
No rush! God knows I’m slow as anything getting chapters done, haha. Your comments are always a delight but not at the cost of your health.
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And no worries about that either!!! My blog is a little all over the place so I never really expect people coming in from, like, ao3 or such to follow me, haha
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agentravensong · 2 years
curse you, davey wreden, for making me think about the beginner’s guide on a day i have other things to do
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silleye · 1 month
ok fuck having a self insert oc what if I just draw me and spy 😭😭😭😭
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its-coda · 1 year
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My take on the Suzaki twins. Incomprehensible hc dump below :
In summary, they were twins but after Ryo died, Masashi started to have an identity crisis.
Assassin/Bodyguard duo
Ryo is the older twin.
Ryo prefers using the dagger, occasionally uses the sword.
Masashi likes to switch it up more, especially making a show of it with the transformations, baffling his enemies. He becomes much more motivated when his enemies give him good reactions.
Masashi seems to be the more “responsible” one compared to Ryo because Ryo is more open to having fun and getting drunk in public, while Masashi is a bit more reserved bc he doesn’t like “making a fool of himself in public”. Usually ends up having to keep tabs on his brother from causing problems.
Despite that, Ryo is the more “mature” one of the two (at least when sober), with him being more level-headed and calm under pressure. Masashi is more prone to lashing out and getting carried away by emotions. They’re both pretty impulsive in their own ways though.
Ryo likes to act like he’s lazy and doesn’t care, but he’s actually really good and serious about what he does.
Masashi has a bit of an inferiority complex, and is constantly trying to one-up Ryo. Though whenever he tries to do so, Ryo ends up upstaging him. This has been how it is for almost all of their lives.
Despite constantly fighting, they work really well together, and are inseparable.
They understand each other really well, but they feel like they can’t ever be that close or truly vulnerable to each other. They can’t ever get along in the way everyone else thinks they do. They’re both fully aware of this, of them preventing themselves from getting too close.
They fight and kill together, yes. They drink and celebrate together, yes. They ask the other what they want for dinner, yes. But do they ask the other what’s wrong when they notice the other being quieter than usual? Do they apologize when their insult hurt more than intended? Do they acknowledge their constant need to be better than the other? ….No, they don’t.
What was supposed to be the usual job went awry when their opponent turned out to be stronger and more prepared than they anticipated.
While they did put up a good fight, one of their pursuers managed to catch Masashi off-guard, disarming him. They charged at him, and without thinking, Ryo stepped right in front of Masashi, taking the sword straight to his chest.
Ryo took the sword off, and killed them with it. Meanwhile Masashi didn’t know what to do, and just started yelling at Ryo for being so careless because HE’S supposed to be the calm one under pressure, instead of just blindly doing something stupid.
Ryo couldn’t say much, but he tried to calm Masashi down, like he usually does whenever Masashi got too hot-headed.
He didn’t make it, and now Masashi really doesn’t know what to do.
He started hanging around Earth Angel more, mostly because it was Ryo’s favorite drinking spot.
Almost no one knew about Ryo’s death, and if they asked, he just told them they went their separate ways.
People couldn’t really tell them apart when they’re together, and only going off of how they act compared to one another, so now people just assume which twin he was with no direct comparison.
Since Ryo’s death, he started going out to drink more, and he finds himself trying to act louder and more of a “cheerful” drunk because he doesn’t like looking so depressed in public.
Because of this, people started calling him Ryo. The Earth Angel mama, the regulars, and even his clients. He never bothers correcting them, though. He also only ever introduces himself as Suzaki, yet they always seem to call him Ryo or otherwise imply so.
He eventually joined the Yakuza, though I’d like to think he’s not part of the Matsugane Family. He’s from another family, and Hamura hired him later on because he needed an assassin.
No one in the family knows his first name, and the people of Champion District call him Ryo, so “Masashi” started to fade into the shadows, until even he isn’t sure of who he really is.
He kept spending his days at Earth Angel almost everyday. The other patrons kept asking him about “Masashi” and how he’s doing now. “You two were always together, so why haven’t we seen him by now?”
Someone heard rumors of him joining the Yakuza, and they all immediately assumed that was “Masashi”.
“Who knows, maybe he thought that would make him stronger than me. He’s just trying to act tougher than he really is.”
He never actually introduced himself with his first name, so he’s always just whoever people call him as, and he never stopped to consider who he believed himself to be.
He decided he was going to draw a clear line between “Masashi” and “Ryo”. He’s “Masashi” when he’s an assassin working for the Yakuza, and he’s “Ryo” when he’s getting drunk in Champion District. That’s why his whole “Ryo” persona is pretty two-dimensional, only centered around being a drunk getting free drinks from others, because he’s not exactly CLOSE with Ryo, at least not enough to know how he really thinks, and certainly not enough to act like him all the time. That’s the only thing he knew about him outside of being an assassin/bodyguard, and like I said, he drew a clear line between “Ryo” and “Masashi”, and being an assassin and all that entails falls under “Masashi”, thus having no place for it in “Ryo”.
The first time he ever introduced himself as Ryo was when Yagami wandered into Earth Angel. After that exchange, he wondered why he lied to Yagami. He never technically lied about his name before, but being “Ryo” when he’s at Champion District just felt so natural that being anything but “Ryo” feels so wrong. Maybe it’s because he can’t merge his two “lives” together. He knew Yagami when he was “Masashi”, and “Ryo” didn’t know Yagami.
So he kept being “Ryo” to Yagami, and when he grew to respect him, he decided to help Yagami fight the Keihin Gang without considering what that would mean to his separate “identities”. He would have to fight as “Ryo”, but fighting was only for “Masashi”, so that line between the two started to blur.
There’s a difference in lying about who you are exclusively in one closed space compared to lying about it in public. It stopped being the exception, and it started to feel real.
And now as he helped Yagami defeat the Keihin Gang, more people knew him as “Ryo” despite them knowing “Masashi”, because he couldn’t really hide his true personality all the time, especially when it’s not “Ryo’s” place to be.
Even Yagami noticed that “Ryo” doesn’t act all that different from his brother.
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kordeliiius · 1 year
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They’re far from being fully-realized characters yet I’ve already fallen hopelessly in love with both of them
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crowdvscritic · 3 months
crowd vs. critic single take // GOING MY WAY (1944)
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Photo credits: IMDb.com
The Church of St. Dominic is dying. Enter: Father O’Malley (Bing Crosby), who has been sent by Catholic Church leadership to revive an unenthusiastic congregation meeting in a building they can’t pay for. Father Fitzgibbon (Barry Fitzgerald) has been leading St. Dominic's for 45 years, and change doesn’t come easily. As they fight to relieve the church’s mortgage and support the struggling members of their parish, though, Father Fitzgibbon begins to see maybe he does need help after all, and maybe he needs it from someone less orthodox like Father O’Malley. 
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CROWD // Going My Way straivags its way through an episodic story. Fitzgibbon fights a cold and negotiates with creditors. O’Malley supports a runaway teen who dreams of being a singer, bumps into an old flame, and plays baseball with the boys in the neighborhood (with a shout-out to my shuttered hometown team the St. Louis Browns!) The duo plays checkers and golf, and we watch a full song performed from the opera Carmen. The adagio pace is a feature, not a bug, though perhaps it’s why, in a rare move, I needed to watch this Best Picture winner a second time because I couldn’t remember what happened not long after my first watch. 
That said, the tone is also why this is a rare feel-good Best Picture winner. If Bing Crosby is in your movie, almost by default one of your themes becomes the power of music. Music gives hope to all of the parishioners of St. Dominic’s, and it literally solves life’s big problems for several of them. While the plot may not move with the efficiency and humor of White Christmas, it’s hard to complain about any story that gives Crosby the chance to sing.
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CRITIC // The Best Picture winner this film reminded me of most? 2022’s CODA, another feel-good narrative about the power of music. The biggest reason I kept comparing them in my mind, though, is the eras they were released. CODA was a heartwarming story released as we were exiting a pandemic, and Going My Way won Hollywood’s highest honor just two months before V-E Day. Sometimes when the world around you feels almost too much to bear, you need an escape. The same could be said for last year’s winner Everything Everywhere All at Once or this year’s Best Picture nominee The Holdovers. (We’ll see how world events play out in 2024 and if this trend continues, but it’s unlikely we’ll see another feel-good nom about Catholic priests given the baggage we have now, as outlined in 2015’s winner Spotlight.)
It may have less of a legacy today than competitors Double Indemnity and Gaslight, but at the time, Going My Way was a big winner. In addition to the top prize, it brought home trophies for Best Actor (Crosby, which Christian Blauvelt’s book Hollywood Victory noted was new range for this superstar), Supporting Actor (Fitzgerald, the only person to be nominated in both lead and supporting categories before rules prevented it from happening again—talk about category fraud!), Director, Original Story, Screenplay, and Original Song. Today’s audiences may not find it innovative, but it hits all its marks, and its arcs are universal, such as an older generation dealing with its obsolescence or the rich holding those meant to help a community hostage with their finances. (The Bishop’s Wife and It’s a Wonderful Life would go on to explore this idea with more depth.) Though there is a surprising lack of spiritual experience with God given the setting, it is also refreshing in our moment to watch the clergy devote their lives to bettering their neighborhood. 
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