#the creed of the kromon
johannesviii · 1 year
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Your dash has been blessed by the Oroog
please accept these healing roots and minerals
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thediaryofriversong · 5 months
god people were right when they said not to listen to The Creed of the Kromon
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pluralzalpha · 6 months
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poppiesforthirteen · 1 year
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awkwardtuatara · 2 months
Okay so I listened to The Creed of the Kromon. Um. That was definitely an audio that existed. There were some good things, but they're outweighed by a general sense that the story doesn't know what it's doing, and a lot of mischaracterization, mainly on Charley's part. If you want to see C'rizz then listen to Part 1 and maybe Part 2, everything after is not handled well.
Good things first: I do like the situational irony that this supposedly chaotic universe actually just runs on its own rules. It makes sense that the Time Lords would think of anything different from their own world as wrong, and it also aligns with what we learn in Scherzo, that there are intelligent entities out there running experiments that are also cruel enough to run them like that. The scene where the Doctor's laughing at his interrogators is fairly fun, although it's like 1.5 minutes that really don't justify listening to the rest. Some parts of the soundtrack were pretty nice? And I'm not super attached to C'rizz yet, but he seems interesting and I do want to see where he goes next. The Kro'ka seems like a fun antagonist as well.
Unfortunately, the rest of it is just... not good. I think the main problem is how Charley was written. They did her so bad. She's portrayed as either helpless or reckless, with little say in her actual fate, and she's constantly crying out for help from the Doctor or C'rizz in a way that really doesn't align with her previous behaviour. Is this "the bravest person in the room" Charley? "Take my hand anyway" Charley, who is just as strong as the Doctor, albeit in different ways? Edwardian Adventuress Charlotte Pollard? Sure, she needs help, she gets scared and desperate, but not at every single moment something vaguely challenging happens. That's not consistent with her behaviour. Scherzo literally just happened. And she doesn't even remember what happens to her at the end. It's like the writers realized that they didn't have much of a story to tell and nothing they did here had any impact on character development, so they decided to erase the story from the overarching plot as much as they could. (Also, despite what should be fairly high personal stakes at any given point, the plot still somehow manages to feel boring.)
I feel like the general disgustingness and clumsiness of everything in Parts 3 and 4 is fairly self-evident, so not much comment there. I was listening to this audio while doing something else, so at least I wasn't focusing on those parts as much.
Despite being a story about a Zone running on bureaucracy, there are a lot of little gaps in internal consistency - Charley introduces herself as Charlotte but the Kromon alternate between calling her Charlotte and Charley; the Kromon all have some kind of shared spirit influencing them but they're also all controlled by the queens, which themselves are controlled by that spirit which can't even do anything to stop their destruction; most notably, the Kromon don't know what time is, but C'rizz frequently asks about the length of duration, even referring to "minutes" and "hours." I know that when the Time Lords referred to "a universe without time" they meant that there was no structure that could manipulate and shape time, so subjectively time would still pass, but only in a linear and consistent way. But the Kromon clearly still have a sense of before and after that aligns with the passage of time, so why don't they have anything to describe it?
It just doesn't feel like there was a purpose to this story. Ironically, it felt scattered; the plot made sense, but only if you just accept everything and don't think about the weird characterization. I think this is the first audio that I kind of regret listening to.
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geronimomo-spd · 1 year
me: littiraly can't wait for Luci! oh and i can't wait to get to the Stranded stuff!! oh and i heard Natural History of Fear is really good!!
brain: so finish The Creed of the Kromon
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sacha-da-1 · 2 years
Me listening to the Divergence Arc like: “Cult vibes! Cult vibes everywhere!
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riverspond · 2 years
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tloczek · 4 months
I will not finish the creed of the kromon I just don't have it in me this is too disgusting what the fuck
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humandisastersquad · 5 months
so I’ve been pronouncing C’rizz wrong this whole time lol
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drwhowatch · 7 months
The Creed of the Kromon
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I much prefer these less abstract concepts - bug-eyed monsters is what this show was built on! Decent planet in this other universe with not a drop to drink. Not sold on the over arching villain yet. Charley unfornately has to become the new termite queen. C'rizz is introduced rather tragically, but is nice to have a non-human companion again. The Doctor isn't overly exciting this story and it ends too abruptly
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clockworkouroboros · 3 months
relistening to some of the earlier Big Finish stories is so so important for the reminder that a lot of dr who is actually bad and it’s an absolutely necessary part of the dr who ecosystem. imagine if every story were a scherzo or the natural history of fear or jubilee. dr who is healthiest when it’s mostly shitty and then they hit you with one of the most incredible insane things you’ve ever encountered. and right after that it’s bad again
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gotyouanyway · 5 months
ok fr how do u get through the next life i thought creed of the kromon was bad but this is borderline unlistenable
honest to god in heaven you just have to power through.. there are some bits that are really worth hearing at the end that set up the eight/charley/c'rizz dynamic for the remainder of their stories and sort of (sort of.) wrap up the divergent universe arc, even if the rest of the story is a total slog :|
and this isn't related but can someone please genuinely explain to me what's so bad about creed of the kromon.. it's not my favourite by any means but i've listened to it a few times and it's literally fine? like i thought it was completely normal for a mid tier bf story.. did i actually miss something for real
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poppiesforthirteen · 1 year
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boypussydilf · 7 months
listening to eighth doctor audios like
surreal psychological horror
surreal psychological horror
even more surreal even more psychological horror
the creed of the kromon
surreal psychological horror
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geronimomo-spd · 1 year
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she is so lucky she does not remember any of this, because if she remembered she might have just emotionally explode she might have forgotten but i never will get the images in my mind out jesus Christ even so there were some funny lines and bizzare deliveries of otherwise annoying lines and a lot of mental blocking from my mind but i will say this
as usual spoilers under the cut!
Crizz is wonderful and interesting, i liked how he and the doc worked together in the end, good for them, i did notice how they were really honering Crizz and the guy who protects the borders's words put it into horrible context but i do like Crizz as a simple guy who just got incredibly traumatised and now looks for meaning in the doc and charley, and he is just so sweet and caring so that's nice!!
im gonna take a fucking nap, or eat something, ir watch a funny movie!! heck i need a fucking shower, anything to forget this
ill try to keep it short but they turn Charley into a fucking slug, its horried, discusting to listen to, and a complete step too far, GOOD FUCKING JOB THEY MADE HER FORGET THIS BECAUSE IF THEY EVEN EXPECTED HER TO REMEMBER A SMIDGE OF THIS EPISODE I WOULD HAVE STEPPED THROUGH MY SCREEN AND SLAPPED THEM, like!!!! what the actual fuck!!!!
AND THE FACT THEY MAKE YOU LISTEN TO EVERY, SINGLE, STEP, OF IT, LIKE PLEASE GOD WHERE IS YOUR HONOR, i genuinely hope they are stopping with this horrible physical horror to her because this feels like peak!!!! fuck!!!
heck i am very excited about the next episode and i was planning to start it right away but fuck i need a break jesus, C'rizz feels nice but he is not worth it for this episode, like i can sort of develop a timestamp map of like, important moments with Crizz you need to know and then not listen to anything else but that would mean relistening to this and no thank you, at this point just read the transcript and move on.
i thought nothing would beat the saddness of Minuet in hell's breaking down a mentally ill amnesiac doctor for the hell of it unpleasantness, but this is just worse, THEY COULD HAVE JUST SKIPPED SO MANY KF THE SCENES WITY HER AND JUST KEEP THE FOCUS ON C'RIZZ AND THE DOC NEAR THE END AND THAT'S IT BUT NOOOOO, i don't even know if this is objectively horried as i think, all i know its just generally unpleasant and discusting and not building up to anything interesting like Scherzo, jees
why is this one weirdly funny like I don't wanna compliment this one but it made me giggle several times lol, it was weirdly witty ill tell you that much!! and some cute (??) Charley and Doctor friendship moments in the beginning but yeah,
also after forcing the doc to drink the elixer and then he just drowns them all with hus tecno babble i will talk until i die science talk abd littiraly making them explode from an experiment that he made them do was so awesome, using the power of infodumping for good!!! overall some cute moments, but absolutely horried moments that are not worth it lol, fuck
ok funny deliveries and fave qoutes lets go!
Doctor: i have to, sorry, stand still, please! Charley: no. oh doctor, I don't need a hug Doctor: Su Shaka ha!
awwwwww the way he was like WRAAAA to fuck up some spirits, the shouting has been put to good use!!
doctor: we can worry about his interest when we find the old girl (the tardis) Charley: yeah, i never thought i'd miss her so much lol
after Zagreus it makes absolote sense that Charley is surprised by how much she misses the tardis!!
where are you from? Doctor: Gallifrey ;)
not the doctor saying Gallifrey with such weird sense of pride and zest and anger, the hater of Galifray, my idiot
"you must have some use, what is it? Charley: i've often wandered"
C'rizz: how will we Doctor: we will use our wits Charley:that bad ah?
LOL YEAH they are finishing each other's sentences hehe, C'rizz is fitting in quite well
Any objections? doctor: yes!! Crizz: ...yes? overolled!"
"do we wish to pollute our gene pool woth her mental stubbornness and immaturity?" Charley: Immaturity??? what??" Doctor: "Charley is not more immature then i am!" HE SAID IT IN
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