#dw audios
ouidamforeman · 1 month
*putting on a big finish dr who audio* it’s just me and my obscene noises of anguished suffering against the world
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donutdrawsthings · 3 months
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I've been listening to the 8th Doctor's audio dramas and decided to design what I'd like to imagine a Vortisaur looks like! >:o)
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clockworkouroboros · 2 months
relistening to some of the earlier Big Finish stories is so so important for the reminder that a lot of dr who is actually bad and it’s an absolutely necessary part of the dr who ecosystem. imagine if every story were a scherzo or the natural history of fear or jubilee. dr who is healthiest when it’s mostly shitty and then they hit you with one of the most incredible insane things you’ve ever encountered. and right after that it’s bad again
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i-like-media · 3 months
The Doctor Who audio dramas really are something else
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marmalademouse · 2 months
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Donna, Queen of Goritania
Finally listening to the audio dramas (the ones including Donna at least) and “Death and the Queen” is such a fun story. I’m really sad we didn’t get to see Donna in a 1780’s gown. So I made this… I know Donna wouldn’t have liked the fashion of putting powder in one’s hair, so I let her keep her glorious red hair.
My silly little head canon: At one point during his travels, the Doctor found this portrait on an obscure planet or some kind of transit space station. And of course he took it with him. So somewhere on the TARDIS there is this portrait of the Queen of Goritania and the Doctor rarely dares to look at it, for the pain is too much. But when he does visit it, hours pass without his notice… /Takes place before the 60th anniversary happy ending of course./
(Original portrait: Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, and the wife of King George III.)
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raspberry-gloaming · 5 months
The tonal dissonance between episodes of Gallifrey is hog wild I swear
One episode we're back to political debates, plot twist after political plot twist because they're all so cunning and iconic. An election drama.
Literally one episode later: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!
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zephyrd17 · 30 days
Gallifrey people: please tell me which audios are Brax centered
I'm trying to steal his personality for writing /hj
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just-browsing1222 · 3 months
I can't believe there is an alternate whoniverse where Pete Tyler invented the Acheron.
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gnougnouss · 7 months
The thing about Robert Shearman for big finish is that he has never written a single sane character in those audios. Jubilee, Scherzo, the Chimes of Midnight, The Holy Terror : ALL of the characters here are deranged. To the point where the doctor has to act the voice of sanity in most of those (except scherzo where both him and charley are at their height of mental derangement anyway).
And in the Holy Terror and the Chimes of Midnight that's easily explained : those characters are not real. They are a fiction and the fiction is from someone who is mentally unstable so obviously everyone here would be as well. In scherzo it's only Eight and Charley and after what happened in Zagreus you too would be disinclined to normalcy.
But Jubilee... What the fuck.
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Ten and Donna ducking behind a table in the middle of a life or death bar fight to talk shit about one of the teams playing in the game on the TV is perhaps my favorite gift Big Finish has given us
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ouidamforeman · 21 days
Can’t handle meeting other Dr Who fans in public bc how am I supposed to break it to them that i only care about the novels, audios, and underground/unauthorized media without sounding pretentious when i am unfortunately 100% earnest about it
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madfantheyinablueblog · 4 months
16 and 53? (If you're doing the ask game 😁)
I'm finally answering the ask game that I reposted like a month ago, whoopsies!
16. Who is the most human Doctor?
This is a complicated question tbh. Normally I'd immediately go with Eight, but he's both the most human and least human Doctor. At the same time. He's put through the ringer and he's an incarnation that lives through the end of the 19th and the entirety of the 20th century, in the role of a human (with no memories of being a timelord). So he's been through the most human stuff and gets injured and isn't immune to danger. But at the same time, Eight is very eldritch and not human, like, at all. But honestly, thinking more about it, I'd also say the Third Doctor. He's so damn good at blending in with humans and he spends the majority of his time working with people.
53. Monster(s) that scares you most?
When I was younger, the weeping angels scared the everloving hell out of me. My mum used to joke that she would get a life-size angel for our garden just to mess with me (Luckily we never did).
For Classic Who, I'm freaked out by Fenric. The idea of needing to rely on your faith is really scary to me. Especially considering I have a lot of trauma around religion.
For the audios, just the concept of the Neverpeople scares me (so more than anything, I'm scared of the timelords and what they're capable of). The idea that you're not just killed, but completely erased from history freaks me out. Like you're leaving no legacy behind, no memories. Nothing you've done would matter. Whew, yikes!
Most recently, the wasp(s) creature from the EDA The Eater of Wasps. It didn't particularly scare me, but it did really gross me out. I'm sure you can tell why from the book title by itself lmao
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clockworkouroboros · 4 months
scherzo but with eight and fitz
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i-like-media · 3 months
Can someone please direct me to some pirated resources for the 8th Doctor's audio dramas. Specifically Storm Warning 😭
Spotify prevents me from listening to literally 97% of all the "free" audio dramas of the 8th and it's driving me crazy
Thank you,,,
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dawnflames · 9 months
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Zagreus 2.0, aka “Perfection”
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raspberry-gloaming · 5 months
"I have often said Narvin that one day, if you are not careful, you will destroy the universe by making a mistake."
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