#the fun thing about looking for that post about Playthings is that I accidentally found a bunch of w*incesties to block
StackedNatural Day 89: 2x11, 13x10
StackedNatural Masterpost: [x]
January 18, 2022
2x11: Playthings
Written by: Matt Witten
Directed by: Charles Beeson
Original air date: January 18, 2007
Plot Synopsis:
Sam and Dean investigate a Connecticut inn run by a single mother where mysterious deaths are taking place. They find evidence of Hoodoo, and try to figure out who is causing the chaos.
Creepy hotels, giant doll houses, they “look the type”, spooky little girls, Sam has a guilt complex, Dean makes a promise he will absolutely not be able to keep, not-so-imaginary friends,
My Thoughts:
This is one of those pre-Cas episodes that for some reason I’ve seen a bunch of times. Like when I think about seasons 1-2, I think about Playthings, Dead in the Water, and Bloody Mary. It’s good stuff! Nice to have an episode for the Samgirls to balance things out a little.
The think I love about Sam’s character, especially in the early seasons when the writers were better at doing his plotlines, is how when he’s faced with a perceived failure on his part, he tends to go all out on trying to prove to himself and others that he’s a good person, where Dean hits the self-destruct button a little more. It’s an interesting character contrast.
Also, I think Sam should get drunk and call Dean short more often. I like when he gets to be funny.
I was trying to find a post that was going around a while ago from someone who hadn’t seen a lot of Supernatural but had been working under the assumption that Dean was queer just based on the scene where Sam says people think Dean is overcompensating, but I couldn’t find it. If anyone knows which one I’m talking about let me know and I’ll link it here later.
The point is, that sure was an acting choice, huh? Sam doesn’t give a shit beyond the fact that he doesn’t want people to think he’s having sex with his brother, but Dean is a bit fixated on why people think they’re gay, and then when Sam casually throws him under the bus as siblings do, he shuts down and looks away and doesn’t respond in kind. And then in one of the scenes immediately following, he retaliates by giving Sam the more effeminate hobby of doll collecting.
Other than that, I really like the design of this old hotel, I like that the bar reminded me of The Shining, I liked the young actress playing Maggie, and I liked the accidental Scoobynatural foreshadowing (although as we’ll see, Dean is going to be way more into Fred than Daphne by then). Supernatural has a bad habit of getting absolutely everything wrong about any cultural mythology that isn’t white (and even some white cultures, too), but at least the hoodoo in this episode was used out of love for protection rather than for evil. I like that the ending is kind of sweet, that at the end of the day Maggie was a child who was acting out because she felt abandoned and alone.
Notable Lines:
“Might even run into Fred and Daphne while we're inside.”
“Of course, the most troubling question is why do these people assume we're gay?” “Well, you are kinda butch. Probably think you're overcompensating.”
“You’re bossy. And short.”
“The more people I save, the more I can change! [...] You have to watch out for me, all right? And if I ever... turn into something that I'm not… you have to kill me.”
“Yeah, what are you gonna do, poke her with a stick? Dude! You're not gonna poke her with a stick!”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 8.3
IMdB Rating: 8.4
13x10: Wayward Sisters
Written by: Robert Berens & Andrew Dabb
Directed by: Phil Sgriccia
Original air date: January 18, 2018
Plot Synopsis:
When Dean and Sam go missing Jody Mills calls Claire Novak and tells her to come home they need to find the Winchesters. As they search for Kaia the dreamcatcher who opened the rift Jody is worried about Patience's vision.
The GOOD backdoor pilot, the team comes together, if not love at first sight than something, Dreamhunter ship origins, brotherly bickering in a blue hellscape, oofta, Claire gets a flamethrower, Kaia “dies”.
My Thoughts:
GOD this backdoor pilot had so much potential, it’s criminal that it didn’t get picked up. I so badly want the girls to pick Jack up post season 15 and be like “Sam and Dean and Cas are on a hunting trip and they haven’t come home in a while” and all of them go on adventures together. Imagine it! (Yes I am open for fic recs.)
I don’t really remember Alex and how she joined the crew, but she’s so steady under pressure, it’s amazing. Add in Patience’s visions and anxiety and Claire’s fire keg, and it’s a great mix of characters. Plus, we get more exploration of Jody’s character and how her driving force is her love for her dead son and her adopted daughters.
I’m also a big Donna girl, and she is a total badass in this episode. She’s really come into her own in hunting in a big way, which is super satisfying to see.
The monsters are kind of charming in that they look like Doctor Who characters, but the giant looks ridiculous. If you don’t have the budget to do good cgi, you shouldn’t do cgi. Half the reason the earlier seasons look better is that they use practical effects more often.
I love watching Sam and Dean sit in a hellscape and bicker. It’s just very funny to me that all they did this episode was eat hot lizard and get captured.
Kaia and Claire are a great ship and I really wish we got to see them interact on screen more. It’s awesome that Claire’s queer status is going to be confirmed in reference to Kaia later, but it seems crazy to me that we never see their reunion. They hit so many good romance tropes in this episode and then it gets kind of abandoned. They showed each other their scars! They want to protect each other from danger!And hey, speaking of Kaia coming back, is there any explanation of how she survives that stab wound? It seems like it should have been extremely fatal without serious medical intervention, especially since Dark Kaia removed the impaled object which is a big no in first aid. I guess Dark Kaia could have bandaged her up before going through the portal, but she should have major damage to her internal organs.
The colour palette of the Bad Place is hysterically bad. You need to balance it a little better when the fire is practically green onscreen. Phil Sgriccia’s weird shaky-cam-fast-zoom-reality-tv style directing makes another, slightly more subdued appearance, but it’s taking down my enjoyment of him as a director significantly. Rewatch the scene where Patience comes back into the house after trying to leave and tell me that he was making good choices.
Notable Lines:
“I kill monsters. That’s who the hell I am.”
“It's Sam and Dean, they’re missing. [...] They were on a hunting trip and I haven’t heard from them in a few days.”
“This is just all way too freaky. I mean, your mom’s out burying a monster in the backyard.” “Well, §you gotta bury him somewhere.”
“If you go, I’ll go with you.”
“Donna, I cannot lose another child.”
“I’ll protect you.”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 9.0
IMdB Rating: 8.3
In Conclusion: These episodes are a really interesting look at how much the show has developed from early to late seasons. The colour palette is worse, but I love when it allows itself to be an ensemble show.
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floralseokjin · 5 years
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Hello, everyone! Even though Devil Seokjin’s story has been complete for quite some time, I am still not ready to give it up /sobs/. I still receive some asks about the universe as a whole and how it works, and because I am in the middle of writing a Hoseok story set in the same world, I’ve been imagining and creating a more in depth universe as I go. I think it would be beneficial and informative if I compiled it all into one post. As well as fun! 
I’m unsure if there are any loop holes, or perhaps, if I will change some things in the near future, as I began writing The Devil’s Wears Armani before I even thought of the universe and how it works. But if anything changes, I will update this post! Additionally, if you notice something I haven’t spoken about, or have any other questions, please ask away! 
The more I write about this universe, the harder I fall for it. Some things found in this post I have already included in existing fics, some will be included in the Hoseok fic, and the rest are saved for two additional ideas I may get to writing,  Yoongi and Jimin’s. So, fingers crossed! 
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i. how being a devil works ii. how hell works  iii. how selling souls work iv. characters in the universe v. stories in the universe  vi. potential stories in the universe  vii. characters with no stories 
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i. how being a devil works
• A devil works pretty much the same way as a human. They have the same lifespan and will die of old age eventually. The only difference is that they can not die from human illnesses. Terminal or other. 
• Although that’s a little up in the air now! With the revelation that some devils can turn more human with their time on earth; like catch the flu, needing prescription glasses, getting drunk etc (Seokjin, I’m looking at you...)
• Devils do not have any magical powers. They are just a lot more cunning than your average human! The only “magic” per se, is the removal of the human’s soul. 
(See more: iii. how selling your soul works.)
• You cannot get turned into a devil! You’re either devil or human. However, if a devil mates with a human, they will create halfbreeds! These can die from human related illnesses, but can reside in hell if they like. 
• Most devils are just like humans. They see themselves as equal and alike, and have no qualms with befriending/falling in love with one. These are usually the ones who live on earth! But there are exceptions. Jimin for example; he likes living on earth and has no problem being friends with humans, but he doesn’t think he will ever fall in love with one, because they wouldn’t “get” him fully. (Cue, a potential Jimin oneshot.) Also, there are probably also devils who live in hell but have no qualms with humans. 
• However there are also devils who segregate the species. Hoseok for example, who is only interested in them for sex. And there are also devils who hate earth and wish the integration never happened (again, Hoseok.)
• There are probably also more “evil” devils, lurking in the depths of hell (maybe even earth) but that’s not really a part of the universe I will ever concentrate on. However, they do exist. 
• A lot of humans obviously know of the existence of devils, it’s just a very well kept secret. They blend in so well, it would be impossible to tell anyway, unless they disclosed it to you! Many businesses in the human world are run my devils (popular or small), and most devils on earth work beside humans in normal day to day jobs. 
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ii. how hell works
• Devils can choose to live in hell or on earth, due to the integration of both species that Seokjin’s father implemented back when he was alive (Seokjin’s father was the original CEO of the accounting company on earth and after his death Jin took his place as both CEO and “King” devil.)
• Seokjin just like his father did, and his grandfather before him, keeps hell in check and is in charge. Head devil if you will! Seokjin’s twins are the heirs to hell and shall share it when they come of age/Seokjin gives it up/he dies. 
• That’s why he leaves Hoseok in charge whilst he lives on earth. Now Hoseok makes sure everything is in check while he’s away. Hoseok is his childhood family/best friend (their fathers were close friends) so Seokjin trusts him with such a job even if their lifestyles are vastly different now. 
• Hell is filled with the devils who don’t want to live on earth or just ones that share their time between both. It is also filled with the humans who sold their souls. 
• A devil will take a human’s soul most of the time without disclosing the truth behind their decision. Which is; once agreeing to sell their soul their life is a ticking time bomb. They will die within the year and thus get sent to hell to live there for eternity. (See more: iii. how selling your soul works.)
• A human can only reside in hell if their souls have been taken. It is impossible any other way unless they are a halfbreed (half devil, half human). 
• To put it simply, hell looks and acts like earth for the most part. Devils have companies and jobs. There are rich and poor ones. The humans must work too. However, if they are lucky enough or cunning enough they can survive by finding a devil mate who will look after them. The night life in hell is very prominent. It’s all about partying and sex. 
• The only difference between hell and earth is that there are levels. This is a little hard to explain, but basically the level I talk about and will write about (Hoseok oneshot) is the top level of hell (the one closest to earth). The most civilised level. One that works like developed (and capitalised) countries in the human world. You work to live and pay your dues. 
• I’m not sure how many levels there are but the deeper you go, the deeper you go into no mans land, or more fittingly, no devils land lol. These literally could range from red terrains, pitch black land, and the deepest of levels, the true pits of hell, filled with fire and hot lava. It is said, that the True One, Satan himself lives there. In my mind, some levels are used by certain devils (maybe the most evil ones), some are used as tomb storage for the dead demons. One is used as a type of prison (devil and human) and some are used for the now immortal, soulless humans when things get too eternal/overpopulated. (See more: iii. how selling your soul works.)
• I have also wondered how hell would work as a whole… Like is it just as vast as the world above? How would that work? Surely Seokjin couldn’t be in charge of the entire stretch of endless lands in hell and to be honest, that’s something i’m still thinking about lol. In my mind, the best scenario is for there to be multiple devils who are in charge of separate stretches of land. (ie. America, Britain, Asia etc in the human world, but of course, they’d have their own names in hell!) When Seokjin says he rules hell that would be an exaggeration. He is just one out of the multiple devils that rule hell together! He would only rule one part of hell if this idea is true! But yeah, still working on this one, and seeing as I’m concentrating on Seokjin’s area of hell in this universe, it doesn’t matter anyway!
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iii. how selling your soul works
• So a lot of humans accidentally summon a devil (See TDWA.) This means they would have no prior knowledge that demonkind exist until then. Summoning would basically be “I would sell my soul/I want to sell my soul…” etc and then poof, a devil appears!
• Humans could also know a devil beforehand and sell their soul that way. But one thing is for sure, they rarely know of the consequences. A lot of the devils who take souls do it just because they can (it’s fun/asserts their superiority/used as a bragging tool etc). Some devils will not go through with the soul taking if they think it’s for stupid reasons (and of course, it they are a little more humane!)
• Humans think it will get them what they want instantly but of course there is a price and that is death! After selling their soul they will die within a year. They are always given what they asked for/what they wanted, before that but are unable to reap the benefits in the long run (depending on what it is). 
• Also note; some humans want their soul to be taken so they can go to hell, despite the repercussions. (I have a yoongi fic planned with this sort of storyline). Maybe they hate earth, want to follow someone, or are just plain greedy and think they know it all. Whatever the reason, a lot of the time they are not always tricked.
• Does a human change upon their soul getting taken? Not really, but their humanity would drop substantially after residing in hell for a long time. They would harden as a person and often become greedy and self obsessed (if they weren’t already). But it’s more so hell changing them as a person, not the removal of the soul. 
• A devil will rarely take the soul of someone over 50. They do not want OAPs roaming around hell (ruins the aesthetic lol) but of course there are exceptions.
• Once in hell, you are there for eternity. It is impossible to escape, and that effectively makes them immortal. They do not age, and are basically cursed. Living forever in a place that is not their own, nor are they truly welcomed/respected. (Of course there are exceptions.)
• Like i said earlier, they have to work, but if they find a devil mate then they usually look after them/help them out. Only problem is only a small percentage of devils are monogamous in hell, so they can get pretty bored of their human “plaything” quite quickly. Not that a lot of humans care. They can sometimes be hooking up with numerous devils at once. Basically everyone pretty much loves sex in hell lol, but maybe some fall in love who knows...
• Humans can also fall for other humans. There’s no rule to that either, and that would probably work out better considering the whole immortality/cursed for eternity thing. 
• Humans can not conceive nor impregnate in Hell. 
• One last thing; which is again a little up in the air and something I need to work on, is that I probably need to think of an overpopulation problem. If devils are takings souls willy nilly it’s going to get pretty crowded fast. This is where the levels come in! I’ve already said there is a level working as a jail. There is a law to follow even in hell, so anymore breaking it in the top level will get dropped to “jail” (human and devil.)
• Living for eternity doesn’t seem pleasant at all, so I have an idea. If a human gets bored of life, they can just stop existing. That includes no eating or drinking and eventually they will become immobile, not really alive nor dead. This means they can be kept in tombs in a deeper level of hell! Haven’t really thought much about that, for example, is it the human’s choice? or are they forced? Is there a time period in which they can exist in the top level of hell?? Again, all up in the air, but possible solutions. 
• And lastly, is there a way a human can officially “die” in hell? They wouldn’t really need to seeing as they could be kept immobile but I have been toying with the idea of incineration to be the final, fitting death of any soulless humans. (They would have to be immobile first.)
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iv. characters in the universe (so far)
— Seokjin (devil; ruler of hell, residing on earth.) — Hoseok (devil; seokjin’s second in command, residing in hell.) — Jimin (devil; friend of seokjin’s, residing on earth.) — Taehyung (halfbreed; best friend of jimin, residing on earth.) — Yoongi (human; seen in ‘My Sweet 666.’) — Namjoon (human; seen in ‘My Sweet 666.’) — Jungkook (human; seen in ‘My Sweet 666.’) — TDWA oc/reader (human; seokjin’s wife and mother of their twins, residing on earth.) — Burn in Hell oc/reader (devil; seokjin’s cousin, residing in hell.)
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v. stories in the universe
— Seokjin → The Devil Wears Armani (3 parts.) → My Sweet 666 (oneshot.) → The Devil’s Family (oneshot.)
— Hoseok → Burn in Hell (she said) (oneshot) 
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vi. potential stories in the universe
— Yoongi → Untitled (oneshot; set in both earth and hell.)
— Jimin → Untitled (oneshot; set on earth.)
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vii. characters with no stories
— Taehyung (he falls in love with TDWA oc/reader’s best friend in ‘The Devil’s Family.’) — Namjoon (does not know the devil universe exists and will never know.) — Jungkook (does not know the devil universe exists, but eventually will one day when he meets and falls in love with a halfbreed woman on earth.)  
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see you in hell!
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