#the greywaters
dried-up-f1sh · 1 month
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I drew something silly. I'm indecisive with character lore, but personally, I think Genevieve would still like Vox (or the person she thought he was) a bit but also hates the fact that she does. I still need to draw the parts of the comic where they meet. It's gonna take forever before I get to the part where she left Vox's team but I can't wait to work on the parts where she starts working for Alastor.
Anyway, random, but I think Genevieve's favourite movies would be Casablanca and Girl Shy (totally not because I like them).
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amber-laughs · 11 months
personally love believing ashara knows people think she’s jon’s mother and has a sort of a bond to him for it like “hmmm i wonder how my fictional son is doing today?” and i like to think those letters bran said ned and howland send back and forth talk about jon every now and then like i know ned can’t just write “my sonphew still has no idea lol he’s just like his mom miss her so much” but maybe a little “my natural son is a natural with a sword” or maybe get really risky with a “hullen says my bastard is the best horseman of the kids, reminds me of my sister sometimes” idk if i were howland i’d want updates on the kid we killed like 6 people to save
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cam2d · 7 months
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Tahlia Vedra, Lioness of the Parch. Absolutely incredible model to work on, and a real labor of love to work through. Thanks to Games Workshop for the review copy!
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zinger-begonia · 2 years
How to collect & use kitchen grey water to conserve water and water your garden all at once!
1. Soap* up/scrub your dishes:
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2. Put a big pot in your sink:
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3. Start rinsing your dishes:
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4. Mmmm, dirty dish water**:
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5. Let cool a bit if you used very hot water, then water plants of your choice***:
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Do look up the grey water regulations in your area, at least so you know them. Read up a bit more on greywater systems. This may or may not be legal in your area, but understanding why it is or isn't can help you decide how to safely incorporate water reuse into your life.
One of the common big ones is that your not allowed to just let the water sit there, or pool on the ground. A common tactic is to divert the water below the surface of the soil, which can be accomplished easily. Some people don't want you to use kitchen grey water because of concerns around bacterial contamination from raw meat, etc, so consider how you're going to deal with that.
* don't use chlorine or borax (I don't know anyone who does for dishes, but you can't be sure on the internet). If you're quite concerned about your soap, get one that's labeled environmentally friendly or whatever.
** I'm a vegan so I don't have to worry about this, but if you're not, make sure you don't use waste water from dishes that had contact with raw meat or eggs. Because of potential bacterial contamination.
*** soap is basic, so don't water acid-loving plants with this. Never allow the water to pool for any length of time. Here you can see that I'm watering a cucurbit, which are thirsty plants that appreciate extra nutrients.
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peachtozier · 2 months
glad i got to meet u before u died. 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
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warsofasoiaf · 6 months
If greywater watch is constantly moving, how do they train ravens to reach it?
I can't say for certain, but if I was the maester of Greywater Watch, I'd just have a place that ravens would deliver messages which was specifically *not* my castle, and then have a trusted subordinate deliver the message downriver by boat. That way, no one can track Howl(and Reed)'s Moving Castle. Sure, it means that messages take longer to be delivered, but I manage the crannogs. Guests traveling via land go through Moat Cailian and have Stark approval, those who do not must traverse the Neck, and are therefore already are open season for my ambushers.
Thanks for the question, Anon.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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theladymeera · 1 year
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trikis-turntables · 5 months
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Theyre family your honor
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scullbagsandspoopy · 4 months
Mr plumber your 3 hour window ended 20 minutes ago!
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tronodiferro · 1 year
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House Reed of Greywater Watch
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dried-up-f1sh · 2 months
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This is my Hazbin Hotel OC, Genevieve. She's a siren overlord. In this drawing, I just drew her in a different outfit from her usual ones, so yes, I'm aware it doesn't fit her era. Her main outfit is actually a yellow polkadot swing dress. Anyway, here's some info about her:
TW: brief mentions of murder, and drowning
Death Age: 35
Height: 6'7
Powers: She can control people's emotions with her singing, shapeshift, imitate voices, she has hydrokinesis, and she can detect electric fields underwater (kind of like a shark). She's able to do so because she has ampullae of Lorenzini.
Likes: Gardening, cooking, her kids, singing, keeping the hearts of her victims as trophies, making people smile, old movies
Dislikes: Being undermined, misogynists, being watched, being replaced, not reaching people's expectations
Genevieve, a famous singer in the 1950s, and a scientist with a streak of impulsiveness, was opened to a world of crime after accidentally killing a man in self-defence. After getting away with it, she became bolder, killing those who deserved it by luring them backstage after concerts, but unfortunately one night her recklessness cost her.
While attempting to dispose of a body by throwing it off a pier, her still conscious victim dragged her to the sea with him as they drowned together. One moment she was kicking and screaming against the water as it forced its way into her lungs, the next moment she woke up to the feeling of cold concrete and reddish skies. That's when she realised, she was in hell.
Determined to continue her career as a singer, she decided to work alongside a strange demon who called himself Vox. He promised her a world of ideals, similar to that of the life she lived before it was tainted with sin. Unfortunately, this dream involved the destruction of herself in order to fit the expectations of everyone. To be completely flawless at the expense of her individuality. Sure, it was unhealthy, but she was used to it.
Eventually Vox's partnership with a certain moth man drove her away, but it was for the better... or for her it was. That's when she decided to work for the radio demon, a friend who taught her that she didn't need to create an image of herself for people to enjoy, just to be adored. She assisted him in his killings by broadcasting her songs and putting demons to sleep, so he could carry out his next step. He was more than capable of doing it all on his own but her assistance was appreciated.
She enjoyed it all. She enjoyed showing up to the studio, being greeted by the familiar sight of his wide, almost uncanny, smile every day, but one day it was gone. He was gone. Genevieve's old habits returned and with it, some crippling abandonment issues.
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practicalsolarpunk · 2 years
Anon asked:
Is the phosphorus in the dish soap not a concern? I was told in school that there’s a lot of phosphorus in detergents in dish soap, and that phosphorus buildup from detergents causes problems in the ecosystem, but iirc that was more about like, large scale rather than small. But still, do you know anything about this?
What a great question!
Yes, phosphorus buildup can cause problems in ecosystems, specifically algal blooms in bodies of water. Yes, dishsoap and detergent have contributed to these problems.
However, depending on where you are, there may not be any phosphorus in your soap. The EU and Australia have banned them, some US states have as well, with lots more places putting restrictions on them too. Even if they haven’t been banned in your area, there is most likely a phosphorus free soap you can get.
Furthermore, even if your soap does contain phosphorus, it isn’t much. Agriculture uses far more as a fertilizer, spreading it on fields where it can run off into streams and rivers and then out into places like the Chesapeake Bay or the Great Lakes, where it causes massive algal blooms.
Also, it is used as a fertilizer. Small amounts tossed into garden beds will help boost your plants! And most soils will filter out the phosphorus long before it reaches groundwater.
So, I wouldn’t toss soapy water directly into a stream, but the phosphorus that dish soap may contain isn’t likely to cause any environmental problems.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phosphates_in_detergent  (check out the sources on here)
 - Mod S
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cam2d · 9 months
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Freeguild Steelhelms for my Greywater Fastness army! These models were a ton of work but I'm so, so happy with how they came out. Thanks to Games Workshop for the preview copy.
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farsight-the-char · 11 months
Warhammer Sunday thing said “ cracking reveal of new miniatures” for Cities of Sigmar.
My guess will probably be Gunners, and maybe a Cannon.
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bumblebeeappletree · 1 year
By planting the rain before you plant (with water-harvesting earthworks) you will be able to harvest ALL free waters (such as rainwater, stormwater, greywater, air conditioning condensate, or in this case—broken water line runoff) that exist or appear on site.
We had just completed the passive water-harvesting earthworks (but had not yet planted them) at the Tumamoc Resilience Garden when a water line above the garden burst in the night, and filled the earthworks. The big flow from the broken pipe took the path of the stormwater that the garden and its earthworks were designed to capture. All worked wonderfully! No water was lost—all was harvested within the rain gardens.
In this video Brad Lancaster shows you the captured water, and describes nuances of his design that can help you with your passive water-harvesting designs and implementations.
The site is in the dryland city of Tucson, Arizona where average annual precipitation is 11 inches. Filming was done May 10, 2022 in the middle of our hot, dry season. Summer rains usually come the end of June or early July.
Get more info on how to do this and harvest many other free, on-site waters at:
where you can buy the new full-color editions of Brad's award-winning books, "Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond" at deep discount direct from Brad at:
For more videos that expand on this one subscribe to this channel at:
Tumamoc Resilience Garden
Passive water-harvesting design by Brad Lancaster
Expert backhoe work by Little John Exacavating
Expert rockwork and finishing work of the earthworks by Dryland Design
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marsconer · 1 year
to me, this are howland reed.
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