#the hidden memory (farscape)
isagrimorie · 11 months
Screencapped the Hidden Memory moment between Aeryn and Crais:
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I love how Aeryn is rubbing this moment in Crais's face, he was the reason why she's no longer a Peacekeeper and the turn tables. Now he's in the horrific Aurora Chair.
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This. Moment.
"Your oath means nothing to me! You made sure of that. You destroyed everything. I lost everything because of you! Do you know what I learned when I was away from you? Everything I lost isn't worth a damn. And I don't want to go back to your past."
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Claudia Black is so good. (I wish Jeri Ryan and Claudia Black were in a show or movie together).
But also I'm so glad Aeryn got to say this to Crais, I love how Aeryn realized how everything she held up on a pedestal wasn't worth anything, that it was only worth dust.
(What if, what if Seven and Aeryn met? What if???)
And then Aeryn leaves Crais on the chair after putting the Aurora Chair on full blast. And I love that.
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zavuya · 10 months
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marnie85 · 2 years
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1x20 - The Hidden Memory
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janhooks · 1 year
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violetren · 2 years
Aeryn, rescuing John while still recovering from organ failure: how are you?
John, just spent a cycles getting tortured:
John, doing shit: I'm fine, are you okay?
Aeryn, also doing shit: I'm better.
Both of them, looking at each other well aware they both look halfway to dead:
Aeryn: ok, time to go.
John: yup, let's go.
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sophsun1 · 10 months
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1.20 The Hidden Memory
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Ok, so as I said in my post about that article where Kurtzman basically said that filler episodes should be avoided in Star Trek, I started talking about Farscape in the tags, but it started getting too long, so I want to make a separate post.
I was thinking about "filler" episodes in Farscape, and as I was looking through Farscape episodes, I realized that a lot of Farscape episodes can be considered "filler". I've recently started calling them "stand alone" eps, though. It sounds more accurate. I noticed that most of the time in Farscape, the major plot advances are in the multiple-episode arcs a couple times per season. Like, most of season 1 was what you would call standalone eps. Did it further the plot of "the peacekeepers are after us and John has wormhole knowledge that Scorpius will do anything to get?" mostly no. We see it in Nerve/Hidden Memory, and then at the end of the season in Family Ties. Then in Mind the baby (2x01) they're still inside of the main story arc of dealing with the peacekeepers who are after them and putting Talyn in danger also. Episode 5 is important for a lot of backstory (but also character driven). And then we don't get into any more major movement of the plot until the Look At the Princess trilogy (s2 eps 11-13).
And then the next time the plot gets moved forward is in the Liars, Guns, and Money trilogy (s2 eps 19-21), and then in Die Me, Dichotomy and Season of Death (s2 ep 22 and s3 ep 1).
And then Self-Inflicted Wounds parts 1 and 2 (s3 eps 3-4). Then ep 6 (Eat Me) is critical to the storyline of the rest of the season.
Actually, I'm looking at the season 3 eps, and season 3 is a pretty equal balance between plot advancement and character/relationship development. But especially with the multi-part episodes like the Infinite Possibilities 2-parter, and the Into the Lion's Den 2-parter there's plot advancement.
The season 4 eps 2-3 are major plot episodes. And then no more plot-heavy eps until Unrealized Reality, Kansas, and Terra Firma (eps 11-13). and I guess the rest of the season is actually pretty plot heavy except for ep 14. It doesn't sacrifice the character interaction and development, but the plot is moved forward or is key to the overall arc for the rest of the series after that.
So really, only less than a 3rd of Farscape episodes further the overall story along. Most other episodes are important for character development and world building. Some of them are true stand alones in that there isn't really a lot of character development, either, just kind of like a fun ep (Like Through the Looking Glass or John Quixote).
So idk, it's kind of like there are 3 types of episodes in a lot of shows. I'm thinking of Farscape, Firefly, Fringe, and Star Trek here (like TOS, TNG, VOY, DS9). There are plot heavy episodes that contribute to the overall plot or main story arc, episodes that develop characters either in relation to the plot or just backstories, and then eps that nothing really happens except a fun adventure. With Firefly I actually don't really know if they developed a min storyline yet, except for the whole thing with River. I guess that was supposed to be the main arc? But most episodes were kind of standalone eps. Like adventure of the week kinds of things which allowed for character development and character interactions/relationship development. Fringe had a bunch of "monster of the week" episodes. Some of them gave character backstories or expanded what we know about the characters, but didn't really push the arc forward (or at least you didn't realize it at the time, but like 10 episodes later it turned out to be something significant lol).
But shows like Gilmore Girls... I guess shows like that are character driven most of the time. Most of the story arcs had to do with relationships. And there were arcs like Lorelai and Sookie opening their own inn, and there were a couple episodes that almost fully revolved around that. But it doesn't really have one main storyline or arc. Even sitcoms are like this. the story arcs are usually relationship related and each ep is kind of stand alone.
I'm thinking this main storyline and filler episode thing is unique to scifi shows, actually??? Specifically the "old" ones before they started making shows that only have 6-13 episode seasons.
New Star Trek series like Picard and Discovery are 98% plot and 2% character or relationship stuff. Same with a show I watched recently called Emergence. Character relationships were developed, but every episode contributed to the one storyline. Also currently watching Containment and it's the same way. Both of those shows had 13 episodes.
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basingstokemercury · 2 months
My Farscape rewatch is on hold because I was up to a dark episode and then dark stuff started happening irl and I can't face The Hidden Memory at the moment
But I just wanted to say that Lani Tupu is phenomenal both as Crais and Pilot, Crais should have lived, fantastic character and actor who ought to be better known.
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weirdpsychoticlife · 1 year
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isagrimorie · 11 months
it’s been a while since i watched “hidden memory”. and that moment between aeryn and crais:
“Do you know what I learned when I was away from you? Everything I lost isn’t worth a damn. And I don’t want to go back to your past.”
The way I figure out how my favorites have almost the same tropes. Children who grew up perfect soldiers of a conquering empire.
Forcibly pulled away from said empire, lost, confused and realizing what they had before wasn’t worth a damn.
Aeryn Sun 🤝 Seven of Nine
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satanic-fruitcake · 1 year
Farscape was so galaxy brained (ha) when they decided to put glistening sound affects over Stark moments in A Hidden Memory
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marnie85 · 2 years
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You know what I give you Crais? Your life. I will make you watch - your life.
1x20 - The Hidden Memory
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lilbreck · 11 months
So I'm doing the comfort watch of Farscape, as I said I was going to. I got to Nerve/The Hidden Memory and remembered how tragic Gilina's story was.
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Farscape - The Best of Season One
Farscape – The Best of Season One
Price: (as of – Details) Farscape: The Best of Season One is a three-DVD set honoring the best of the award-winning series airing on SCI FI Channel. The six episodes selected for this DVD set were personally handpicked as the best by Rockne S. O’Bannon, Farscape’s creator and Executive Producer: “Premiere,” “DNA Mad Scientist,” “A Human Reaction,” “Nerve,” “The Hidden Memory,” and “Family Ties.”…
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zavuya · 3 years
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mollymauksworld · 4 years
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