#the influence music alone has over nations
Feeling very angry tonight and that anger is naturally manifesting through fictional characters so now just laying here thinking about how Jaskier’s first gift to Geralt was fixing his reputation solely by taking away his dreaded nickname of “Butcher of Blaviken” and replacing it with “White Wolf” yet he was left so fucking heartbroken and fairly pissed off at Geralt for leaving him that his petty ass took away his biggest gift to Geralt and got everyone to know him as the “Butcher” again through Burn Butcher Burn out of spiteful retaliation
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overandundertarot · 7 months
pick a picture; something positive in your life rn!
Hello. There is always something in our lives that we can appreciate more, something that we may not notice but it can brighten our day! This reading aims to shine some light on that and hopefully raise your spirits!
Pick a picture; (1-4)
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Pile 1;
Pile 1 you have your culture! I get that your culture is very community based and lively. You just have to go outside to feel the rythym of your nation. Scenes coming to mind are music on the street, public celebrations where the whole neighbourhood comes in to rejoice. If you're not in a place to have direct acces to your culture you can definitely seek it out online! Through videos and popculture content, your mood would definitely improve! The nostalgia and love for your nation shines through. Some of you definitely come from cultures of melanated people; Africa, South America, even the diasporas in america or western countries. You have recently been ruminating on past mistakes and actions. You probably already know by now that your inner thoughts and self talk have a huge impact of your daily reality, constant self deprecation can have adverse effects on your mental health. I',m getting that you really don't need me to tell you this and it's somehting that weighs you down on top of everything else. oouuf. For some in this pile, you are simply feeling nostalgic and thinking about the what could have beens because you've made a big move/change(could be physical relocation) or are about to and are feeling a sense of trepidation. Either way, it's good to forget about your problems for a while right now. Indulge in your culture and nostalgia, reminisce about all your childhood experiences growing up in your community, the quirky habits of your family members. Think about and lean into the times that you were happy in the past!
Pile 2;
Hi pile 2, you need to lean into your fun and crazy friends. People with whom you can be accepted fully. Your individuality! Playful expression of your authentic self especially when you feel like you have to stifle it to produce a more easily digestible persona for other people. They don't understand the genius behind what you do and call it weird, but so what!? Something positive in your life right now is that you have the chance to express yourself and have fun! Don't waste it, go be silly with your friends, make childish art. Be playful and dumb. Distilling every step of your creative process to make it more palatable to other people is robbing you of your joy and doing nothing for your art! You may be working with some people at work or school or whatever aspect it may be in your life. I'm seeing that its specifically on something intended for public viewing/presentatipn and while you may have initially been excited about it you feel suffocated by the other peoples influence now. Release this frustration by allowing yourself to have your own creative release and nurturing time alone. Make sure you are giving to yourself, and producing work that YOU are satisfied with, no matter anyone else's opinion on the matter!
Pile 3;
Hello lovely pile threes. You have the fruit of your hard work to appreciate in your life right now! You're breaking out of old habits and starting to look on the bright side of things! For some of you, you've recently gotten out of a relationship that was draining you for a while and you're feeling a HEAVYYY sense of relief. For others, its an issue of self worth that you're finally feeling like you're letting go of. Baggage has been released! Life has been good for you lately, you've been going out, having fun, talking with friends long into the night, laughing more. Definitely, you've seen an improvement in your friendships. There's lighter energy. You've stopped taking things so seriously. I feel like this pile has been feeling such a sense of appreciation for seemingly mundane things that you used to gloss over. Your cup of tea in the morning, the food you eat, the trees outisde your house. Everything is beautiful for you right now and carries hope. You're playful and looking to enjoy life, no strings attached!
Pile 4;
Hello Pile 4, you seem so weary. You may have been drawn to pile 3, so check it out if you feel exceptionally drawn to do so! Pile 4, you defer from pile 3 in that you have not yet broken out into the hopeful, joyous state of release. What you have to look forward to is hope. Hope that things will get better for you. It seems at every turn, its just gotten worse. Things only work out for other people and for you its perpetual suffering right? WRONG! Thats not true. You're in a depressive state right now and you may be leaning into self pity heavily from time to time because that feels like the only way you can get release. However, you keep working towards a better future and IT'S COMING! Keep holding on! This pile reminds me of the song Please,Please,Please, Let Me Get What I Want by the Smiths. Give it a listen I feel like the people in this pile may resonate with it. There are some difficult things you need to do to get out of this limbo and experience real change. You've been putting them off for so long, but you need to go through with them. There's a concept in psychology known as impact bias.(look into it!)Its basically where we overstimate our reaction to future events. In this case its a perceived negative event in the future. Trust me when you do it you'll feel more glad than sad, you'll find that when you're living through the moment you'll feel much less worse than you expect yourself to do. And don't forget the after, there's a reason you have to go through whatever it is that you're procrastinating and it'll result in a happier you.
That is all :) I loved doing this reading I feel like it lifted my spirits too! If it resonated, don't hesistate to tell me. Feel free to leave any feedback here under this post or in a reblog. If you liked the post please like it and reblog! :) Hope you have a wonderful day and see you in the next reading!
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archivalofsins · 11 months
I have seen Kazui's short mv and
He's an intelligence agent, an individual considerably above police officers. More than likely part of the Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office (CIRO) or National Police Agency Security Bureau. Why do I think this? Well-
They are driving around in a car that is noticeably not a police vehicle.
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2. They are not wearing typical police uniforms and they are wearing armbands something not common of regular Japanese police officers.
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3. They have a portable siren to put atop of the car when needed. Implying that up to the point that is needed, they are meant to remain inconspicuous.
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That's an intelligence agent not a cop. This also explains why Kazui would be so interested in who was controlling Milgram and how they caught him.
"I don't think someone like you could be looking over all ten of us right now, there must be some sort of organization behind all this."
Because if he is an intelligence agent, he'd more than likely know everything to do to not be caught by anyone let alone a child.
Also, the song's genre is swing not Jazz. Even though swing derived from Jazz. There is a difference between the two genres. This is Jazz and this is Swing. This is why electro swing and jazz are two different genres.
Intelligence agents are cops but not all cops are intelligence agents. Some Jazz is Swing but not all Swing is Jazz. Hope this helps. I know I'm being nitpicky here, but I don't believe anyone would be particularly okay with me calling all forms of metal music death metal.
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Half his first song notably takes some influences from R&B something else that's stylistic origins ties back to and say it with me this time Jazz. So, this is a very natural and fitting progression in musical influences in my opinion.
Swing music is the more appropriate term here from a character perspective as well. Swing is the embodiment of dance until it gets better music which fits the mindset Kazui has developed over the course of Milgram of lying until it gets better while still holding onto that undertone of doubt and somber depth that Jazz has in general.
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Side To Side
Chapter 249: The Breath Before The Plunge
Characters: Ruby, Law Rating: Teen Warnings: Language Notes: 🫣 Anyway life has been, um, turned upside down for me. I’ve been dealing with new pets, the death of a pet and the grief from it, and depression from the economy and worrying about money. It was hard to write Side To Side because it’s sad right now 🤣. But don’t worry now that we’re actually getting to the chapters where Law is on Dressrosa the chapters will more than likely happen on a better schedule. Thank you to everyone who is still reading this. I really appreciate it.
Ruby groaned as she woke. The sun shone brightly through the window and onto her face. She had a splitting headache and felt nauseous.
“Fuck,” she hissed out and curled into the fetal position. “What in the goddamn,” she groaned.
At least she had the day off.
It was a national holiday that day. One of the most important holidays in fact. Maria had excitedly told her about the day and the all day celebration. Food! Drinks! Music! Dancing! It was a day for fun and joy!
Ruby almost gagged at the idea of celebrating that. It was absolutely Law’s influence. It was his irritated frown and the crease in his brow when he was pissed. She couldn’t help but leech his annoyance off of him despite him being hundreds of miles away.
But she also hated them. She hated what they had done to Law and she hated that such a union was celebrated.
The wedding anniversary of King Doflamingo and Queen Lucia.
How utterly disgusting.
Ruby knew that her and Law’s relationship wasn’t perfect or amazing or sweet or…well anything particularly normal, but! their relationship was definitely better than Doflamingo’s. Absolutely. Completely.
Ruby literally rolled out of bed. She laid on the shitty carpet, her cheek pressed onto the floor. She let out a very loud groan, one that Law would definitely express his annoyance at. She could practically hear his scoff and beration.
Act like an adult. She could hear him say.
She huffed, getting annoyed at him for being annoyed at her in this fake scenario where he was with her in that moment instead of on Punk Hazard doing god knows what with that Caesar Clown.
She wouldn’t know of course. She hasn’t spoken to him in over a month.
A whole goddamn month.
Not a sentence or word or even a strained breath as she tried not to cry.
Nope. Nothing.
Because they needed to be “safe”. They needed to be “quiet”. They needed to be “discreet”.
Which was, of course, the correct path. Law was right. She hated admitting to him that he was right. The smug bastard and his ego that she unfortunately found quite hot and attractive and she definitely wanted to kiss his stupid lips.
“UUUUGHHHHHH,” she let out an incredibly loud groan and slammed her hands on the cheap carpet that smelled of cigarettes. “I’m so annoyed at him!”
She had moved on from severe depression to absolute fury.
Anger at Doflamingo. Anger at Corazón. Anger at Law. Anger at herself. Why in all of the layers of hell did she decide to do this? To leave her nakama and safety? To come to this damn island that was so happy and joyous and thrilling. Where the people were so kind as long as you didn't cheat on them.
And sure the toys were creepy but…she supposed they weren’t so bad.
And it was nice and sunny most of the time. Wonderful weather, actually. Maria had dragged her to many outdoor parties and to clubs that had a dance floor on roofs. Ruby usually felt so guilty about going to these things when she needed to be laying low that she barely had fun.
When had she become such a drag? She would have lived for this type of island in her early twenties. She would have partied all night, drank all night, probably found some random person and slept with them for a portion of the night!
Oh, she was so angry. So, so angry.
She didn’t want this island destroyed. She wanted Law to drop this whole scheme and leave this island alone. These people didn’t deserve this island destroyed because Doflamingo was an awful, terrible, shitty person.
If he would just see what she saw, if he would just feel what she felt, he would understand. He couldn’t be so wrapped up in his revenge that he would hurt…
Oh, fuck her, of course he would hurt people. He was a pirate and not a good person. His epithet was The Surgeon of Death.
And it’s not that she was an angel either. She’s hurt people. She’s killed people. But…
She’s changed! The Heart Pirates changed her. Her wonderful crew, who were full of somewhat kind people! Right?
Well, no, that’s not true is it?
They were pirates.
They hurt people.
They weren’t just having fun on the sea, were they? Sure they weren’t raping and pillaging, but, damn, they weren’t really great people. Goofy? Funny? Having fun? Sure!
But, no, they were pirates.
Had Ruby grown tired of pirating? Had she began to resent the sea, her home? She loved Law, she loved her crew, but she was tired.
She placed her palms on the ground and lifted herself up. She sat cross legged on the ground, her bare back cracking as she leaned forward. She sat down, in her grey sweat shorts, and sighed.
“Guess I’ll take something for the headache and eat breakfast,” she mumbled like she had a hangover despite not having one.
She stood up and started to get ready for the day. She threw on a camisole and slipped on fuzzy slippers. She threw her long hair up in a bun and then brushed her teeth in her tiny bathroom.
She had finished her yogurt and was sipping her fucking terrible coffee when she heard a loud cheer from outside. She walked to the window and stared out of it.
There was a parade.
Floats, balloons, clowns, dancers, confetti, food. It was so very bright and joyful. And fun, she supposed. Not for her, of course. She was bitter and hated Doflamingo and Lucia. They were terrible, evil people.
She sighed and started to walk away from the window when the largest float caught her eye. Her breath hitched and she hid behind the curtain.
“Shit,” she hissed. “What a fucking dumbass move, Ruby.”
Of course Doflamingo would be on the float celebrating him. She peered through the curtain and saw the obnoxiously pink feather coat. Her heart sped up and her stomach clenched in anxiety. If he saw her…
She looked over the float and blinked when she saw a tall woman in an elegant dress. Ruby did her best to get a clearer view of her without showing herself.
That was Lucia.
She was tan. She had long black hair. She was very tall. Not as tall as Doflamingo but still quite tall.
She looked quiet and serene. Like the celebration meant nothing to her. Ruby wondered if it was because she didn’t want to be around the citizens, not enjoying being around those beneath her station. Royalty tended to be like that.
But she was quite beautiful. At least from what Ruby could see.
Then again Ruby’s boyfriend was also tall, tan, and had black hair. Ruby wondered what Lucia’s eye color was but wouldn’t dare leave her flat to find out.
She huffed and closed the curtain. She was no longer interested in seeing a celebratory parade and had definitely cut it too close by watching what little she had.
She placed her mug in the sink and filled it with water. She let out a long sigh before placing her hands on her hips. Once the parade was over she would…what would she do?
Perhaps she would go to a restaurant. She knew there was no way she could grocery shop. It was her fault for being an idiot and not buying groceries before she ran out of food.
There would be plenty of events to keep her busy, a ton of food, but she probably shouldn’t leave the flat. If the Family was out today, then she could be caught. She was sure that they would recognize her. If she had been just some random pirate then they wouldn’t have cared, but she was a pirate on Law’s crew.
She was a pirate on Law’s crew, who had a bounty, and who also destroyed a slave trade that Doflamingo had owned. She also killed Knotely but she doubted Doflamingo cared about him.
At best, Ruby was an annoyance. At worst, and this one was probably closest to the truth, she was a weakness for Law and would be used against him.
She sighed and walked to the bed and collapsed on it. She would stay in and read the new romance books she bought the other day. She would make a cheap meal with the rest of the rice and some seasoning that she had. She would stay safe, she would stay hidden, and she would stay quiet.
Ruby sat on the bed as she reached the end of her second novel. The sun was setting in the distance, turning the sky all sorts of pretty colors. The celebration was still going strong. Cheers and music and happy people.
She sighed and closed the book. She laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling.
“This sucks,” she said. “Really fucking sucks.” She laid on her side and looked out of the window. “Maybe I’ll just fall asleep. I have some sedatives left.” She reached over to the nightstand and grabbed the bag of pills when there was a knock on the door.
Her skin pricked in fright as she stared at the bag of pills. Who was at her door? Was it Doflamingo? Was it Maria? Did Law somehow make it Dressrosa and completely ignored the plan they had set up for their meeting!
Ruby got out of bed, her heart racing. She walked to the door, her hands shaking as she looked out the peephole. She immediately relaxed.
She opened the door and smiled at her neighbor.
“Julia,” she greeted. “How can I help you?”
“Ah!” The very small older woman grinned. “I came by to give you this!” She shoved a paper plate covered in foil into Ruby’s hands. “I know how hard it is to enjoy celebrations when you’re grieving. I thought that since you may not want to enjoy the parties today that I might bring you something to have a…private celebration.”
“Oh,” Ruby said, her throat squeezing as she tried not to cry. “Thank you. This is…this is very kind of you,” she said.
“You’re welcome,” she said and turned. “Have a great rest of your evening.”
Ruby closed the door and breathed. She smelled the garlic in the dish and her mouth watered. Rice really wasn’t enough to sustain her. She stood at the counter eating her chicken with such energy that she was certain that Julia had put some sort of magic in it.
After she finished the food she took a shower. She washed her face, brushed her teeth, brushed her hair. She laid on the bed in her grey shorts, stretching her arms and breathing.
She laid back onto the pillows and closed her eyes. The food that she was giving had settled into her stomach and she felt good enough that she would fall asleep.
And she almost had.
She had begun to drift off when her den den mushi rang. She blinked open her eyes and stared at it.
“Why is he calling?” She muttered.
She reached for the snail on her nightstand and took in a breath.
“Hello?” She answered.
“Ruby,” Law’s hushed voice said. “Are you alone?”
Ruby swallowed. “Yeah,” she breathed. “Are you?”
Her brows scrunched together and she stared at the snail. “What does that mean?”
“I left Punk Hazard,” he said and took in a shaky breath. Ruby knew that breath.
“Why are you hurt?” She asked.
“That’s not important,” he said. “I’m on my way to Dressrosa,” he said. “With…allies.”
“Allies?” She questioned. “Who?”
Law was silent for a moment. “The Straw Hats.”
“The who?!” Ruby shot out of bed.
“Pipe down,” he hissed. “It’s a long story,” he sighed. “One that I’m too tired to go into right now,” he huffed and then a small hiss came from his mouth in pain.
“Law,” she said softly. “You’re in pain.”
“I’ll be fine,” he croaked. “I can handle this.” He sighed. “I’ll be there in about three days, according to Nami-ya,” he said. “I’ll meet you at the port we discussed.”
“Okay,” she said, her heart leaping out of her chest. “I-I…I missed your voice,” she admitted. “I missed you.”
He sighed. He didn’t respond for some silent moments. “I missed you, too,” he whispered. “I won’t speak to you again until I’m there. So continue to lay low until I do.”
“I will,” she said with a nod. “Get some sleep, Law, you sound like you need it.”
“I do,” he said with a half chuckle. “Ruby,” he breathed. “I love you. I hope you understand that. I love you more than…” he trailed off. “Well, it doesn’t matter. I’ll be there soon. Good night.”
He hung up.
Ruby stared at the snail and heard the dial tone through the speaker. She swallowed and let out a breath.
“I love you, too.”
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airasilver · 6 months
Opinion: Here’s who should have won Time’s ‘Person of the Year’
Updated 10:07 AM EST December 8, 2023
Editor’s Note: Holly Thomas is a writer and editor based in London. She is morning editor at Katie Couric Media. She tweets @HolstaT. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author. View more opinion on CNN.
Taylor Swift is Time’s 2023 “Person of the Year,” and apparently, I’m the only millennial woman on Earth who doesn’t feel seen.
OK, that’s an exaggeration. But since the announcement, it’s felt like a specific corner of Spotify Wrapped got bitten by a radioactive spider and attained superhuman powers.
I’m happy for her, I guess. I’ve nothing against a seemingly pleasant person having a lovely time, and there’s no denying she’s had a stellar year. As Time’s feature details, Swift’s now made more No. 1 albums than any other woman in history, has world leaders begging her to tour their nations and has reportedly become a billionaire. “Swift is the rare person who is both the writer and hero of her own story,” says Time. That’s great. I just don’t find that story especially compelling.
Ugh, I feel so mean. I’m well aware this will upset people, and I’d never want to rob anyone else of their joy. We’ve all had conversations with people who simply don’t “get” the music or TV we’re into. Typically, my response to such complaints is, “That’s OK, it wasn’t made for you.” But part of what’s making me so squirmy is the sense that Swift, and the stories she tells through her music, are basically aimed at me. If you lined me up alongside everyone I know who’s currently rhapsodizing over her success, I’d be indistinguishable. But I’m not biting. That’s not because I think there’s anything wrong with her. If anything, my choice for Time “Person of the Year” would be more problematic.
Historically, the title’s recipient has often been a provocateur. The idea isn’t necessarily that the “best” person wins — though that’s certainly been the case at times — it’s that the person who’s had the most influence, for “good or ill” over the previous 12 months, is recognized. Previous winners have included Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Greta Thunberg, Martin Luther King Jr. and Elon Musk. This year’s shortlist included the Hollywood strikers, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Barbie, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Trump prosecutors, King Charles III and OpenAI CEO Sam Altman. Time ultimately named Altman CEO of the year. I think he should have taken the top title.
In case he hasn’t yet crossed your radar, Altman is the 38-year-old chief executive of OpenAI, the tech startup responsible for creating ChatGPT. ChatGPT is a revolutionary generative artificial intelligence chatbot that was launched in November 2022. It’s since astounded observers by passing exams at law and business schools, writing effective job applications and computer code and composing part of a political speech for Israel’s president.
The implications of that tech alone are both miraculous and terrifying, particularly given the potential for disinformation campaigns to influence the presidential election in 2024. Many companies besides OpenAI are vying for a bite of the lucrative AI market, competing to develop newer, evermore sophisticated systems. Though the Biden administration recently introduced legislation to regulate the exploding industry, the pace of development is so rapid that it’s often difficult for governments to keep up.
The mysteriousness and speed of the AI race were evidenced in November, when, less than a year after ChatGPT’s launch, Altman was fired suddenly by his company’s board. Just days later, Microsoft, OpenAI’s biggest stakeholder, announced it was hiring Altman to head up a new AI team. This prompted a mass revolt among OpenAI’s staff, almost all of whom threatened to quit unless Altman was rehired. Within days, he was, and the board that’d fired him was replaced.
The circumstances around both Altman’s dismissal and rehiring were remarkably murky. In their statement announcing his sacking, the original board accused Altman of “being not consistently candid in his communications,” but didn’t elaborate on what that meant. Even more worrying, Altman’s return and the restructuring of OpenAI have been characterized as a victory for AI “accelerationists” — those who believe that the tech should be developed as fast as possible, unconstrained by safety concerns. The episode proved that Altman wasn’t just capable of spearheading potentially the most significant invention of the 21st century so far. He was able to upend the ecosystem that created it within days.
This, I think, is what’s lacking in Swift as Time “Person of the Year.” Her predominance in the entertainment industry is undeniable, but her story is essentially one of becoming mega-successful within an existing framework. As she told Time, we live in a patriarchal society fueled by money, so “feminine ideas becoming lucrative means that more female art will get made.” It’s not a million miles from, “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.”
The impression that no one’s anticipating any controversy from Swift anytime soon was reinforced in November when Gannett, America’s biggest newspaper chain, hired the first-ever Swift correspondent. The journalist in question, 35-year-old Bryan West, is a self-avowed fan. Odd though some might find it to hire someone with such an obvious bias, West has argued that it’s no different than “being a sports journalist who’s a fan of the home team.” Whether you agree with that comparison or not, it’s undeniably in his professional interests for Swift to remain popular and relevant — and it seems unlikely that the appetite for stories about her will wane anytime soon.
This is why Altman, not Swift, ought to have been Time’s “Person of the Year.” His impact on the world could be exponentially more consequential, but not nearly enough people are aware of him or the implications of his technology. Every move Swift makes, however incidental, is the subject of feverish intrigue and speculation. Over in San Francisco, Altman is making moves that could change the fate of the world. And until a month ago, most of us were unaware he even existed.
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I don’t know about Sam Altman but I agree, it shouldn’t have been Taylor. She’s just a musician who is everywhere and in everything.
At least I’ve seen good and bad on the AI front. Good and bad from Hollywood and etc. Taylor? Just everyone praising her? For what? Her singing? Her tours? (Where people died but while they bitched at males for things out of their control, Taylor is praised for it….doesn’t make sense to me.) Her making us spend money we then complain about?
She’s not that good of a singer. I don’t like her anymore. She’s the same as any other singer out there.
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eretzyisrael · 11 months
Certainly they have reason to be proud of their race, which, despite the heavenly malediction and the hate of Christendom, has now taken possession of so much of the goods of this world without striking a blow in battle, or sustaining the burdens of national life.  In music, in money-making, in politics they play a great part. A Jew owns the purest vintages, the best cigars, and some of the finest horses in the world, not to speak of paintings, statuary, jewels, and china, and as the civilization of the world advances so does the Jew come to the front, not of the combat, but of  the gleaners who gather the fruits of victory.  In  Vienna there are more Jews than crossed the Jordan with Joshua to smite the tribes of Canaan. In the Austrian Empire there are as  many Jews as there were in Judea in the time of Titus—far more than there were in the captivity. 
While the reporter is bending over backwards to praise Jews, his praise is indistinguishable from the slanders of the antisemites. The Jews are parasites who do not directly contribute to society; they are opportunistic money makers, they control the news media and tilt reporting to be favorable and profitable to them, they all have the same opinions and act as a bloc for their own welfare. They are rich, and their influence is only growing.
Notably, Baron Paul Reuter was born Jewish and converted to Christianity. In this article, he is still "of Israel" and considered a Jew with the same opinions as all other Jews. 
This section on Jews was reproduced in a number of other newspapers in the following weeks as stand-alone articles. 
This essay was written six years before Wilhelm Marr - who coined the term "anti-semite" - wrote his first antisemitic publication, The Victory of Judaism over Germandom. Amazingly (or not,) Marr's essay not only echoes the same themes as the NYT in 1873, but which also claims seeming admiration for the Jews:
Without a shred of irony, I publicly proclaim the world-historical triumph of Jewry, the news of a lost battle, the victory of the enemy without a single excuse for the stricken army. I should like to believe that such candor deserves something better than the zealous Jewish accents of the newspapers. It is no ostentatious prophecy but a deeply felt conviction when I say that no more than four generations shall pass before the Jews usurp absolutely every office of state, including the very highest.
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hyojongpromo · 1 year
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Dawn Remembers Relationship With HyunA “Fondly,” Explores Sacrifice on New Song “Dear My Light”
“There are some situations where letting go also helps people shine, though,” he tells Teen Vogue.
Kim Hyojong, known by his stage name Dawn, is done with the spectacle. In the music video for his confessional new single “Dear My Light,” wisps of smoke efface the K-pop star, and a media circus confronts his anonymous silhouette. It’s a powerful statement from an artist whose private life has been broadcast everywhere online for the past year.
That’s not to say his songwriting isn’t personal. He’s just being intentional with how it’s packaged. “Even if there’s something I want to hide in my life,” Dawn says over a video call, “whether I share it or not is up to the music.” Form is everything to him, and the acoustic “Dear My Light” is first and foremost a letter. The subject remains nameless, though its addressee would be immediately obvious to even a casual K-pop listener.
In 2018, soloist HyunA revealed that she and Dawn had been secretly dating, contradicting a statement from their company. At the time, he was just beginning to break through with his group Pentagon, while she had been making a name for herself in the industry for nearly a decade. The move got them kicked from Cube Entertainment, though they were signed by P Nation, Psy’s label, shortly after. In the following years, fans honed in on the underdog romance. For better or for worse, HyunA and Dawn became inextricably tied in the public’s mind.
Last year, when the couple quietly let their P Nation contracts expire, few predicted what would happen next. “We broke up,” a post to HyunA’s Instagram read. “We decided to remain good friends and co-workers from now on. Thank you always for your support and care.”
Now, at his new creative home AT AREA, Dawn is ready to start fresh — but “Dear My Light,” his reentry into the K-pop scene, isn’t tinged with regret as you might expect. It’s defined by its gratitude and grace. Ahead of its release on April 13, Dawn spoke to Teen Vogue about stepping into the spotlight alone and being understood by the ones who matter most.
Teen Vogue: “Dear My Light” is your most personal, raw single to date. What made it feel like this was the right next step for you?
Dawn: Well, it is what I’m experiencing right now. I just so happened to also meet and find a new family in AT AREA. In our conversations, the idea of wanting to put sincerity in music came up often, which is how this single came to be.
Teen Vogue: How would you describe the message of the song, in your own words?
Dawn: I think every person, no matter how bright they are, has a dark side. I am like this, too. There are times when the darkness becomes darker. This happened to me, but then, during that time, I met someone who was a great light in my life. This person was able to make my darkness become light again. It’s these sorts of experiences and feelings that allowed me to make this song. As I was writing it, I felt as if I was writing a letter to this person.
Obviously, what I experienced was a breakup. But this person was such a light to me that even now I remember them and our moments together fondly. These memories could become faint and disappear altogether later on, but I believe the traces of the person will always remain.
Teen Vogue: Writing a letter to someone can be very cathartic, even if there’s the possibility they might not read it.
Dawn: I think of it like this: This person was a light for me, but I was also a light for them. If this person is the person that I know them to be, then they will definitely read this letter and correctly understand what I tried to say.
Teen Vogue: There’s a lyric: “Even if I have to let go a lot of me for you to shine / I’m fine.” Have you felt that way in your career as an idol, that you’ve had to let go of a part of yourself?
Dawn: In Korea, there is a negative perception towards idols dating. This does influence the situation. But both me and the person I dated, in my mind, were people who shined more if we were honest [with the public about our relationship]. There are some situations where letting go also helps people shine, though.
Love is between two individual people. There always has to be a certain amount of consideration and sacrifice from one person to the other. But rather than sacrifice, I like to think of it as care and consideration. In any relationship, care for the other is necessary.
Teen Vogue: It’s fitting that you bring up your life as an artist and your life as a part of this relationship, because those are two things that became very publicly entangled. How have you been unraveling those threads?
Dawn: The events overlapped with each other. I left my old company on good terms, but I left because I wanted to do something new. At the time, I wasn’t sure what that was. I wasn’t prepared. At the same time, the person that I loved most said they needed some time alone, so we were apart from each other.
It was a hard time in my life, but now I see that hardship was what helped me clearly determine what path I needed to follow. I’m going to continue to think back on that time and follow this path as I move forward.
Now, in my new company, I’ve figured out what type of music I want to do, the things that I have to do, and the stories I have to tell. I also figured out what I want to tell my fans who love me. As difficult as that time was, it was also eye-opening. I plan to continue to work through it with my company in order to find a variety of things that I can offer beyond just music.
Teen Vogue: With you moving to AT AREA, are we going to be seeing more hip-hop and R&B influence in your music?
Dawn: Not necessarily. Rather than dividing it into genres like hip-hop, R&B, dance, or EDM, I think K-pop has its own specific appeal. As it continues to influence and be influenced by music across the world, K-pop continues to develop. Rather than saying I’ll do R&B or hip-hop, I think it’s better to say that I will continue to do K-pop.
Teen Vogue: In the past, you’ve described “Dawndididawn” as an introduction to who you were as a soloist, at that time. Given your life and label changes in the past year, would you say this is a *re*introduction?
Dawn: I don’t really consider it a redo. No matter how much I would want to redo something, the Internet already has all the things I have done. [Laughs] They’re not going away.
But also, I don’t want to redo anything. It’s a path I’ve already walked and I don’t see it as bad. I like what I have done. And there were fans who liked that me but have stayed with me, so I want to build upon that rather than redo. The only difference is that the person I was then is different than who I am now. But I love both.
Teen Vogue: How do you hope fans will view this new chapter?
Dawn: It’s nice that people know Dawn the artist, the entity that is Dawn, but my real name is Hyojong. I was afraid to let people know me because Dawn the artist is spectacular and strong, but Hyojong is, in my mind, a very plain, sometimes cowardly, and not necessarily impressive person.
I tried to hide Hyojong, but now I want Dawn to be Hyojong and Hyojong to be Dawn. Hyojong is stronger and continues to become stronger. And I personally find that impressive.
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zannolin · 10 months
4 7 AND 17!!!! -kai
HI KAI my beloved thank youuuu <3
4. Do you prefer writing multi-chapter or oneshot fanfictions?
oneshots full stop. okay well rolling stop. i love multi-chapters in theory but my god i hate the execution they take SO long to write and i have to keep so much straight and i have to pick CHAPTER TITLES and have you noticed how people are the worst about commenting on multichaps? if you post a oneshot people seem to be more likely to leave you a lovely comment with all their thoughts. post a multichapter and people won't comment 'til it's over or just leave a one-line comment like "can't wait til there's more!!" and it's like why did i even put in all this work if it was miserable to write and there's no joy in posting HUH. but also i do love when i have like one person i know is reading it and i have a reveal happening at some point or a crazy cliffhanger and i get to see their reaction to it. moth's reactions to the fey au were very fun back in the day. so yeah i'm a oneshot girlie but i keep writing ill-advised multi-chapters and telling myself "this time it will be different" (it is not different the best it gets is subreddits calling your fic "super underrated" which is not actually the compliment people think it is).
7. What’s a trope you love to write?
love to write a good college fic. found family, of course, is a big one. and hurt/comfort is my beloved.
17. Are there any writers and/or stories that you consider an influence?
writers (fic): @/rebelpeas, @/eirianerisdar, meri, laquearia, @/rarilight, @/blusandbirds, aknightley, YouAreInAComaWakeUp writers (other): maggie stiefvater, tamsyn muir, t kira madden, carmen maria machado, my sister, ann patchett, kristen arnett, edgar allen poe, lemony snicket, tolkien (obligatory), shel silverstein, probably wayne thomas batson unfortunately
stories (not book specific): the scorpio races, the secret life of bees, the twistrose key, the polar express (2004), fnaf, the oz books, home alone 2: lost in new york (1992), parallelograms by agrestenoir, pins and needles by mutterandmumble, national treasure (2004), the truman show (1998), the half of it (2020), frances ha (2012), the goose girl by shannon hale, the starcatchers series, the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe, the haunting of hill house (2018), mabel podcast, welcome to night vale podcast, alice isn't dead podcast, the odd life of timothy green (2012), moulin rouge! (2001), the spiderwick chronicles, over the garden wall (2014), the x-files, object 3921.0045.371, catalog entry by wrishwrosh, this one (well, one and a half) christmas musical production the church where i live put on (that i was in fun fact) that involved two characters reuniting after like 30 years that left an unbelievable impact on my 12 y/o brain, mlp:fim, and star trek....to name a few.
i feel like that explains both everything and nothing about my writing.
ask game!!
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littledreamling · 1 year
Tea and Books Asks
The Dreamling Nation server had the bright idea to turn this ask game into a tag game
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Anyway, here’s mine! I’ve already answered a few of these and if you sent me an ask, the answer will be here instead. Sorry for the long post and thank you @firemandeanbuck for the tag!!
1. What period of history do you enjoy learning about?
I love learning about the Renaissance (roughly 1300-1700) in Europe, especially how science, religion, and geopolitics all tied together to shape and influence each other. A lot of that has been fueled by my love for Hob, so I wanted to know as much about the time period he would’ve lived in as possible, but I also fell in love with the interplay between Germany, Italy, and the Ottoman Empire during that time period, as well as whatever the fuck the Iberian Peninsula was doing. I’ve just barely started scratching the surface but it’s already so fascinating to me.
2. Who is your favourite fictional character and why?
Has to be Hob, without a doubt. I love his optimism and almost violently positive outlook on life. He’s not a good person, but he’s not a bad person either. He’s just a person, a true representation of humanity, and I find myself relating to him a lot.
3. What do you order at a café?
Something far too sweet and complicated. And probably a muffin or a croissant or something.
4. Libraries, botanical gardens, or art galleries?
All of the above, but I prefer aquariums over all of them
5. Do you have a favourite film soundtrack?
Is it weird if I say Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron? Because Hans Zimmer put his heart soul and bussy into that soundtrack and it’s full of absolute bangers. Also Interstellar and… pretty much everything Hans Zimmer has ever done honestly
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6. What does your dream home look like?
Bright, filled with books and plants, with lots of textures and soft things. When I was younger, I had a dream (one that has been revitalized thanks to conversations in the dreamling nation server) of living in an old church, either Episcopalian or Catholic because I love the stained glass and architecture. Also, religious trauma lmao
7. What makes you feel better on gloomy days?
A good book, good music, walking in the woods, talking to friends, generally attempting to bring light back into my life in any way I can. I generally find that the days when I most want to crawl into a dark hole and be left alone are the days when I really need brightness and good company
8. What are your top three films? Books?
Films: The Hunt for Red October, Angels and Demons, and Stardust though I could list at least ten more very easily
Books: I haven’t been able to do a lot of reading lately, so I’m going to fall back on my tried and true favorites: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, The Abhorsen series by Garth Nix, and the Goblin Wood by Hilari Bell
9. Are you an organized person, generally?
My adhd forces me to be, if only as a coping mechanism. I alternate between states of disorganized chaos and meticulous order, usually corresponding to my stress levels and how much I’ve been procrastinating lmao
10. Do you have a favourite classic novel?
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. I read it in middle school and fell in love; it’s the only assigned reading book I’ve ever finished cover to cover.
11. What character archetype or trope is your favourite?
I’m not really sure to be completely honest… I suppose I go in for tortured souls who endure, not despite, but because of. I like characters that have every reason to quit but continue anyway, even if (especially if) they know they’re doomed to fail.
12. Do you prefer baking or cooking?
Baking for sure. I’m a scientist at heart and while baking can be creative, it’s all about following clear instructions that (usually, hopefully) lead to a clear outcome without much variation. That’s the goal anyway
13. Which season do you feel at home in?
Autumn. I love the colors, the crisp air, being able to bundle up but still look nice (unlike winter, when I just look… kinda frumpy and perpetually exhausted). All of my favorite holidays are in the fall, including my birthday (which isn’t a holiday but should be) so it’s just a good time all around.
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14. What is your opinion on poetry?
I love poetry. To me, it’s like a puzzle, seemingly so basic and straight-forward on the first reading, but each successive pass reveals new meaning. It fascinates me and I wish I was better at reading, writing, and analyzing it.
15. Do you speak formally when texting and emailing?
Sometimes? It depends more on the context and what device I’m using to write. On my phone, absolutely not, I almost never capitalize anything and grammar is… an afterthought at best. On my ipad and computer, though, I’m in the habit of using proper punctuation and capitalization because I use those devices to write fics.
16. How do you organize your music playlists?
Very haphazardly. Mostly based on vibes (on spotify, I have two folders called “Cool, Calm, and Collected” and “Hot, Violent, and Agitated”) but also by activity (“walking in the woods” and “writing” for example). My spotify is a mess that only I can ever make sense of, which works really well for the most part but can be very frustrating when I’m driving and my friends are trying to navigate my maze of music playlists
17. Who is your favourite author?
I think I’m contractually obligated to say Neil Gaiman…
18. Chai or hot chocolate?
Hot chocolate, all day every day. I have an incurable sweet tooth and hot chocolate is one of my comfort drinks, especially in the face of writer’s block or intense stress. In fact, I’m thinking about making some right now.
19. Do you prefer forests, sea shores, or meadows?
Forests. I love the unique quiet of a forest, a hush that isn’t a hush at all once you really start to listen. I’ve always felt very connected to nature and forests in particular and I could spend all day wandering between trees, listening to the sounds of life all around me.
20. If you were to cultivate a fruit orchard, what would you grow?
Pears. They’re my favorite fruit and I’d want to have them on hand as often as possible. I don’t know the first thing about growing pears (or any fruit, really) so I have no idea how hard it would be or if I’d be any good at it, but I’d definitely try!
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I’m tagging @aquilathefighter @ghostboyjules @mathomhouse-e @sonata-ix @wizardofgoodfortune and @tj-dragonblade
Feel free to ignore if you’ve already done it or don’t want to!
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x----tine · 5 days
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Goodnight Sweet Thing
June 03, 2024
Two female wrestlers. One giant ring of Jell-O. One night only. Earlier this month, in celebration of Cristine Brache’s second book of poems, Goodnight Sweet Thing (anonymous Publishing, 2024), the artist took her pages to the stage with co-director Sigrid Lauren in an original theatrical adaptation at 4n studio in Chinatown. Starring Emily Allan, Betsey Brown, and Joshua Weidenmiller with a live score by Ryan Woodhall, the sold-out show carried themes pertinent to Brache’s series of work over the last few years, including America’s Sweetest Dream (NADA, 2023) and her short film titled Carmen (2023), all of which explores the complexity of power dynamics, mortality, and the female psyche.
Words by Vivien Lee
Photos by Alon Sicherman
Robert Greene, the author of The 48 Laws of Power once said that power is an invisible realm that envelopes society, where people continually battle each other though no one is trained to talk about it. Only when you make mistakes do you realize how political people are.
The rules of the game are simple, a referee in a fetish mask (Joshua Weidenmiller) exclaims to the crowd. Please. Don’t. Hurt. Me. Borrowing lines from Brache’s poems, the actors’ fragmented dialogues are a jarring display of cognitive dissonance in a three tableau narrative involving sports, the psyche, and polite society. The opponents, named Nothing Girl and Mary Magdalene, face each other in front of the nation’s flag, topping each other from the bottom, moving in-sync, writhing in a pool of red gelatin. The audience laughs, not knowing what to expect next. In the second scene, Josh plays an analyst examining Betsey in a lounge chair, an element of Jungian and Freudian influence on the night’s inquiries. Among those inquiries, the show’s co-directors probe into America’s obsession with the masking of oneself in order to survive and exist in reality; the juxtaposition of constraint and consequence deeply embedded in our daily roles.
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“Sports mirror the facade of contemporary life,” Sigrid describes her and Brache’s vision for the evening, or poetry in motion, as she calls it. “We’re expected to perform, constantly pitted against one another within the capitalist machine under the scrutiny of a faceless judge.” One summary of the show could be more or less a marriage of central ideas revolving around interdependence, the unconscious, and PsychologyToday.com.
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The third act ends with a play off of a prom scene, a celebratory tradition rooted in gendered competition and peer judgments. It would make sense that the use of Jell-O also holds origins as a 20th century symbol of another American invention—specifically aspic, molded vessels that once encapsulated long hours of domestic female labor as privileged entertainment. Inspired by the fetish magazine Blushes, Brache’s book cover depicts an AI-generated image of a mannequin-like woman with a man pouring water over her legs, imbued with an idyllic quality aesthetically referencing JCPenney catalogs from the ‘80s and conventional (or otherwise sanitized) notions of beauty.
Victorian era music plays in the background. Nothing Girl pushes Mary forward, who prays on her backside. Why does being sick last so long? She screams. “She’s sick because she’s staring at her reflection,” explains Sigrid. “She’s sick because she is using others, because she has to work too much, or maybe, because the machine is sick."
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theprayerfulword · 2 months
April 21
Jeremiah 2:2 I remember the devotion of your youth, how as a bride you loved Me and followed Me through the wilderness.
Philippians 1:20-21 I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. 21 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.
Proverbs 18:9 He who is loose {and} slack in his work is brother to him who is a destroyer {and} {he who does not use his endeavors to heal himself is brother to him who commits suicide}.
Psalm 27:4 The one thing I ask of the Lord — the thing I seek most — is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord’s perfections and meditating in his Temple.
Philippians 2:15 that you may prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world,
Deuteronomy 7:9 Know therefore that the Lord your God…keeps His covenant and His lovingkindness to a thousandth generation with those who love Him and keep His commandments.
May you ever be prepared to answer with humility and sincerity any questions about your choices and your dedication to God in a spirit of peace. Joshua 22
May you be very strong and most careful to obey all that God directs you to do in days to come, without turning aside to the right or to the left. You have seen all that the Lord your God has done in times past to the powers which have resisted God's will in your life, and how the Lord fought for you as you walked forward in confident obedience to take your allotted inheritance. He will push the enemy out before you, breaking their influence on those around you. You will take possession of your own nature – in your heart and in your mind – as the Lord your God has promised, while you reject and withstand those powers you once served, and hold fast to the Lord your God. Joshua 23
May you be certain to not associate or ally yourself with the stray impulses that remain in your heart and your mind after you are given the victory over a habit or influence that controlled you, or entertain the thoughts that lead into the snare again, for you may be sure that the Lord your God will then no longer drive out those powers from before you, but give you over to their hand. Joshua 23
May you be very careful to love the Lord your God above all else you hold dear, for the Lord has defeated all your enemies, from the least to the greatest, and no principality will be able to withstand you, therefore you will rout a thousand because the Lord your God fights for you, just as He promised. Joshua 23
May you know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the Lord your God has given you has failed, but every promise has been fulfilled. Joshua 23
Do you feel yourself small and alone, My child? Do you question how you can accomplish anything for My kingdom with your few and weak resources? Do you feel separated and isolated from the great works and monuments of religion? Do not despair, My little one, but be strong and faithful as My disciple, continuing in the discipline I am teaching you, enduring in the path I set before you, standing firm in the truth I have shown you. Do not shrink back but persist as My true follower who holds fast to what you have of Me, and from Me, so that you will not suffer loss in My appearing. I will make a little one to become a thousand, and the smallest a mighty nation. It will not require majestic architecture or awe-inspiring music or solemn ritual or other elements that touch the soul, for these inspire pride, which engenders rivalry and division. It needs simply you, closeted with Me, knowing that I, your Redeemer, live. It needs only you allowing your heart to seek Me, to know Me in My fullness, to receive all I have for you, to find My heart of service. Though it appears as drudgery, though it takes you where no one observes you, though it is unexceptional in the eyes of those with status in the world, humble yourself to express it to those I bring you to. I am giving you the calm strength of faith to be exceptional in the ordinary things, to be holy in mean streets, to live an ordinary, unobserved, ignored existence as My disciple. As you empty yourself, I will fill you, men will see My glory, and you will be a good and faithful servant, effective in My kingdom.
May you be counted worthy of taking part in the resurrection from the dead and the age to come where you can no longer die since you are a child of God. Luke 20
May you not be like those who enjoy the outward appearance of righteousness, and love the recognition of others, striving for the places of social prestige and public honor, yet acting without mercy toward those without power, and finding no grace to extend to others who do the same as themselves, for such people will be punished most severely. Luke 20
May you disregard the opportunities for an outward show of righteousness to gain the recognition of others, and disdain the options to strive for places of social prestige and public honor. May you, rather, focus instead on searching for those who need mercy and have no power to repay, giving grace to those who struggle in battle as you do, for this reflects the love of the Father as His son. Luke 20
May you learn to acclaim the Lord and walk in the light of His presence, for righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne and love, with faithfulness, go before Him. Psalm 89
May you rejoice in the name of the Lord all day long and exult in His righteousness for His is your glory and strength, and by His favor you are made strong – indeed, your shield belongs to the Lord, the Holy One of Israel. Psalm 89
May you call out to the Lord, “You are my Father, my God, the Rock my Savior,” for He has bestowed strength of a warrior on you and anointed you with His Spirit, sustaining you with His hand, strengthening you with His arm, allowing no enemy to subject you to tribute nor any wicked one to oppress you, crushing your foes before you and striking down your adversaries. Psalm 89
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Cape Verde, a small island nation off the coast of West Africa, is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. With its stunning beaches, vibrant culture, and welcoming locals, Cape Verde is a destination like no other.
One of the first things that visitors to Cape Verde will notice is the stunning natural beauty of the islands. From the white sandy beaches of Sal to the rugged cliffs of Santo Antao, there is no shortage of breathtaking landscapes to explore. The crystal-clear waters surrounding the islands are perfect for snorkeling, diving, and other water sports, making Cape Verde a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts.
But Cape Verde is more than just a pretty face. The islands are also home to a rich and diverse culture that is a blend of African, European, and Brazilian influences. This unique cultural mix can be seen in everything from the music and dance to the food and language of the islands. Visitors to Cape Verde can immerse themselves in this vibrant culture by attending a traditional music or dance performance, sampling local cuisine, or exploring the colorful markets that dot the islands.
One of the highlights of any trip to Cape Verde is the opportunity to interact with the friendly and welcoming locals. Cape Verdeans are known for their hospitality and warmth, and visitors to the islands are sure to feel right at home. Whether you're chatting with a fisherman on the beach, shopping at a local market, or enjoying a meal at a family-run restaurant, you'll be struck by the genuine kindness and generosity of the people of Cape Verde.
In addition to its natural beauty and vibrant culture, Cape Verde is also a great destination for those looking to relax and unwind. The islands are home to a number of luxurious resorts and spas where visitors can pamper themselves with massages, facials, and other treatments. Whether you're looking to de-stress with a yoga class on the beach or indulge in a day of pampering at a spa, Cape Verde has something for everyone.
But Cape Verde is not without its challenges. One issue that affects many women in Cape Verde is dysmenorrhea, a condition characterized by painful menstrual cramps. Dysmenorrhea can be debilitating, making it difficult for women to go about their daily lives. In Cape Verde, where access to healthcare can be limited, many women suffer in silence, unable to get the help they need to manage their symptoms.
Fortunately, there are ways to treat dysmenorrhea and improve the quality of life for women in Cape Verde. One option is to use over-the-counter pain medications, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, to help alleviate the pain. These medications can be effective in reducing the severity of menstrual cramps and allowing women to go about their daily activities.
Another option for managing dysmenorrhea is to use hormonal birth control. Birth control pills can help regulate the menstrual cycle and reduce the severity of cramps. In some cases, women may also benefit from other forms of hormonal birth control, such as the contraceptive patch or the hormonal IUD.
In addition to medication, there are also lifestyle changes that can help women in Cape Verde manage their dysmenorrhea. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and stress management techniques can all help reduce the severity of menstrual cramps and improve overall well-being. Women in Cape Verde can also benefit from seeking support from healthcare providers, who can offer guidance and advice on managing their symptoms.
While dysmenorrhea can be a challenging condition to live with, it is important for women in Cape Verde to know that they are not alone. By seeking help and exploring treatment options, women can take control of their health and improve their quality of life. With the support of healthcare providers, friends, and family, women in Cape Verde can overcome the challenges of dysmenorrhea and live full, healthy lives.
In conclusion, Cape Verde is a destination like no other, with its stunning natural beauty, vibrant culture, and welcoming locals. While the islands offer a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts and relaxation seekers, they also present challenges for women dealing with dysmenorrhea. By seeking help, exploring treatment options, and making lifestyle changes, women in Cape Verde can manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life. With the support of healthcare providers and loved ones, women in Cape Verde can overcome the challenges of dysmenorrhea and thrive in this beautiful island nation.
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lizseyi · 2 months
Amid An Uncertain World, What Was The Mood At The Latest London Fashion Week - Skywire
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The biannual trade show London Fashion Week (LFW) is typically an exciting showcase for luxury brands’ latest wares. However, many journalists, influencers, buyers and other movers and shakers invited to LFW’s February outing could have reasonably expected it to feel somewhat subdued. 
After all, long shadows have been cast over prestige goods purveyors in recent weeks and months. Although the long-awaited end of the COVID-19 pandemic ushered in a flurry of spending on high-end clothes, accessories and jewellery, a recent rise in inflation has decelerated this renaissance. 
The Chinese market has long been a reliable source of revenue for many players, but even that once-roaring economy has since started spluttering. Three British houses — Burberry, Mulberry, and Watches of Switzerland — have seen their shares fall by more than 40%. 
Nonetheless, if February’s LFW was anything to go by, the industry remains determined to turn a corner — or at least weather the continuing economic storm. As a digital agency in London, we have ascertained a number of eye-opening trends our clients could benefit from pursuing. 
Bigger is better
Designers including Edward Crutchley and Eudon Choi were clearly keen to make a statement, showing off coats with comically oversized lapels as well as shoulder pads reminiscent of the ‘80s.
That’s far from the only example of brands evidently attempting to harness nostalgia, as we will further explain a little later. Meanwhile, whether intentionally or not, Holzweiler’s giant puffer jacket definitely exhibited something of a resemblance to the Marshmallow Man of Ghostbusters fame.
Also, it wasn’t just with clothing that design got adventurous. One good case in point was the hefty Labrum London-designed backpack comprising various national flags.
The little flourishes 
Yes, we have just drawn attention to the (literally) big stuff — but we can’t overlook the small-and-impactful touches, either. The London-based fashion designer Susan Fang made good use of cascading crystals, while the womenswear label Di Petsa took inspiration from pearls. 
However, one trend especially well-represented at LFW was the use of bows, which had already made their way onto homeware towards the end of 2023 and have now popped up in the autumn/winter collections of Richard Quinn, Molly Goddard, and Bora Aksu, among other designers.
A fresh rush of nostalgia 
Given the state of the world (let alone the fashion world) right now, it shouldn’t be too surprising that many designers have harked back to earlier times now remembered (rightly or wrongly) with fondness. 
The Noughties was a particularly strong theme at Burberry’s show in Victoria Park, where Amy Winehouse music played in the background as models of the era, including Lily Cole and Agyness Deyn, strolled down the catwalk. 
In a different take, the up-and-coming, Ukrainian-born womenswear designer Masha Popova paired flowing skirts with Ugg boots for a look straight out of the 2010s. 
If your luxury brand is eager to infuse its promotional campaigns with retro vibes in a way that chimes with the target market, our digital agency in London can help. For insights into how, please enquire to us by emailing [email protected].
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ericleo108 · 3 months
The Industry
03/01/2024 Click here for Spotify, Apple Music, or Youtube. “The Industry” is my 71st official release and my 106th track published. This is my biggest and most elaborate release so far. It has more features than tracks. This has been a long time in the making. I had some trouble getting the features through my distributor but distrokid came through for me. The beats and major feature production comes from Anno Domini. The entire project was mixed and mastered by Keyano and the cover art is by Gigzlogo from Fiverr.
I talk about this blog post and other updates in the latest Sunday update here:
This album is called “The Industry” because it features many artists, big and small, from the music industry while also being about “The industry” as in the economy. I did the best I could with the limited resources I have. I would like to thank Anno Domini for this opportunity and for make this a dream come true and Thank you to all the featured artist.
90% of the CO2 in the atmosphere over the last 10 years came from 3 products, gas, oil and coal. This is who I’m referring to when I say “Big Carbon.” I was gonna just say “big oil” but it’s more than just big oil and saying “carbon” is really focusing on the problem.
The album approaches sociological problems and by the middle I bring in my personal perspective. I firmly believe we have a lot of the problems we do because religion which distorts zealots worldveiw. Thinking being gay is wrong, the earth is only 6 thousand years old, or the rapture is gonna happen really affects how people perceive and affect the world, and since we live in a democracy, political and societal outcomes as well. I believe inaccuracy in thinking comes from the distorted worldview of religion, and in America that means chirstianity. This means it’s fundamental to attack followers reality at it’s core because it is the basis in which they project their actions. I just hope Kurupt isn’t a devote christian or he might be upset. 
I do not condone violence peroid, let alone against congress members, although I think they basically deserve it. With that said, I tried showing Mitch McConnell as little respect as possible. You know, I’m human too and between his policies, greed, and lust for power representing an abhorrent party that he has enabled to regress the nation, it’s not hard to hate him, and as an artist I’m just tapping into that very real sentiment. People will cheer when he dies like they will Dick Cheney or how they did Harry Kissenger. The world would be a better place if you off’d yourself Mitch. Not because your death would solve our problems, but because your influence on power needs to end. Honestly, I don’t like Mitt Romney, but I took a different approach and said people should be like him because he’s actually retiring. Listen, I know the replacements might be worse, but they could also be way better. I would be satisfied with a maximum age requirement if we couldn’t get term limits. 
This release was going to be 12 tracks long, not 10. I had the hardest time getting this published. I went through CDbaby and it got rejected. I published it without the KRS-One or Gucci Mane feature track. After much deliberation, I have since went through distrokid to publish the “Heavy Hitters” EP which has the Krs, Gucci, and a snoop dogg feature that was supposed to be on the “Westside Connection” album but got rejected by CDbaby as well.
America in Decline - Cappadonna, ZENRequium
Big Carbon - Kook G Rap, Duce McGuire
Smeagol - Cam’ron
Bomg First - Jadakiss, Soul Stretch
Captalism - Rich G
A Lesson
Honey - Kurupt
The Cold - Planet Asia
Independent - Juvenile
Lace Em Up
America In Decline
To all my young brothers that hustle and flip
Get your money be humble
Killer bees everywhere yo we call it the Jungle
Some real nice Cheba
The government control that medical refund
Tattoo on my stomach that's the symbol of death
Yo I'm coming
You only got a little bit of time left
Back out the hood
I be the reclaimer
I punch deceivers in the face and roll on the flame
Hooky player
Survival of your forcedness
The board of education and all of that court shit
I'm from the street first then I went corporate
I'm out in Cali somewhere eating crawfish
I'ma pescatarian my ex-girl whorish
The angel of rap and country like a tourist
Even the terrorists
Know I got the rawness
The whole world ain't nothing but a fake Egypt
With these Devils acting like they tryna lead it (ayo)
I'm bout to leave here on a ship
Niggas turn zombie's they receiving the chip
I'm out here
With my mind on flip
I'm in the zone
Got the garlic in my system
My whole team drop knowledge and wisdom
We drop knowledge and wisdom
America in decline
Can’t afford to find
A house, food, education
Or care for your child
It was all by design
By the oligarchy
You can’t make ends meet
Cuz they rigged the economy 
America in decline
Can’t afford to find
A house, food, education
Or care for your child
It was all by design
By the oligarchy
You can’t make ends meet
Cuz they rigged the economy 
While you struggle to cop it
And made a deposit
Corporations make record profits
Billionaires are leaving on rockets 
And you are left to pay costs kids
Vampires should suck dick
Seamen has more life than blood
They looking at me like
I know what it was
When they changed the rules
Made America loose
By listening to fools
And never replacing them with new
Blood, new faces
America disgraced with
Wretches that won’t have to face
The destruction that all their laws have made 
From restructuring to give money to the paid
They’ll be dead and gone
But America will fall
Cuz what they did is wrong
And a selfish con
Guess the Process 
Is to stifle all the progress
Feather they’re own nest
And reap all the profits
America in decline
Can’t afford to find
A house, food, education
Or care for your child
It was all by design
By the oligarchy
You can’t make ends meet
Cuz they rigged the economy 
America in decline
Can’t afford to find
A house, food, education
Or care for your child
It was all by design
By the oligarchy
You can’t make ends meet
Cuz they rigged the economy 
Most of the world living on child support
Instead of talkin’ shit out
They’d rather take it to court
I used to think I was rich man
I realized I’m poor
That’s why I take an opportunity
When it knocks on the door
I drop bombs with psalms
To feed my mind so I’m calm
If you don’t see it or believe it
Let me sound the alarm
And I ain’t running from the problem 
Imma face it head on
I used think I was a man
Now I see I was wrong
It was all designed with a higher power in mind
They got money to start wars
Is feeding the poor a crime?
What if we all fortify?
Stand together unified
We could stop all the lies
I promise they’d be petrified 
America in decline
We can’t afford the disease
A hundred people have to die so that one lives with ease
America in decline
We can’t afford the disease
A hundred people have to die so that one lives with ease
America in decline
Can’t afford to find
A house, food, education
Or care for your child
It was all by design
By the oligarchy
You can’t make ends meet
Cuz they rigged the economy 
America in decline
Can’t afford to find
A house, food, education
Or care for your child
It was all by design
By the oligarchy
You can’t make ends meet
Cuz they rigged the economy 
Big Carbon
(Kook G Rap Lyrics Unknown)
Fuck big carbon, they’re the problem
They bought the news so they control the column
Been licensed, to pollute commons
And stifle innovation, top to bottom
Fuck big carbon, they’re the problem
They bought the news so they control the column
Been licensed, to pollute commons
And stifle innovation, top to bottom
You wanna invest
In income-producing assets
That make you money
That’s steady and passive
You won’t survive long unless you stretch
I still hope for the best but expect regret
I’m talking to the cats that I never met
I wish you peace my friend a bed to rest
Don’t ever let um convince you
Your needs shouldn’t be met
Everything is free
You just need materials and labor
Corporate endorsements
Are when the police protect property
Over the environment
That they pollute silently
So I dissent and live defiantly
While Carbon heating the entirety 
Global criminal conduct is how science sees it
The pollution, kills millions a year
While they lobby and interfere
With policy to limit there’s
While they should really be in jail
Fuck big carbon, they’re the problem
They bought the news so they control the column
Been licensed, to pollute commons
And stifle innovation, top to bottom
Fuck big carbon, they’re the problem
They bought the news so they control the column
Been licensed, to pollute commons
And stifle innovation, top to bottom
Now they pretend to be spiritual individuals 
Testing us like a physical
Kill us with chemicals 
Confiscate our residuals
Poisonous minerals
Force fed by the cynical
Think they school’um
But disregard the principles
Actin invincible
And aint talk’n mic in the mechanics
But all we need is a miracle
But they don’t like it when we’re lyrical
The devil’s being disguised
But we’re conscious they’re identical
But still got the keys to the solution
Cuz that big carbon pollution 
Got’um contradicting their constitution 
And then COVID cost so much confusion 
Then they blinded up with stimulus checks 
And called it a contribution?
Just be mindful of your investments
Success ain’t meant to be comfortable
Remain restless
And stay attended to your checklist 
Don’t let’um slow you down
Keep use of motion until you’re breathless
Fuck big carbon, they’re the problem
They bought the news so they control the column
Been licensed, to pollute commons
And stifle innovation, top to bottom
Fuck big carbon, they’re the problem
They bought the news so they control the column
Been licensed, to pollute commons
And stifle innovation, top to bottom
I say see no evil hear no evil
No I can’t compare to people
Take a needle, try a shot 
Heroine, I swear it’s lethal!
You’ll be throwin’ up mean lean
Dozzin’ off wake ‘em up
Hurry up tell ‘em that he owe the boss
And he know the cost mob night holocaust
Mob lights flower tossed
Hard white throw us off
Gucci this dress pants Lenox sweater
Yes France
Just glance, wanna fight!?
Here I am let’s dance!
Do-si-do you lookin’ like a lovely ho
One, two bloody nose dripped down on his bloody clothes
Got what you wanted, I make it stick
Ain’t got to be handicap man make a wish
What you want Laker tick’s? Ski slopes, major trips?
Razor to ya neck disrespect I’ll lay ‘em stiff.
Round table round off sound off damn let the pound off!
I’ll show you what is lethal
And Infecting the people
Turning them into Smeagol
Like they Anemic and feeble
Like plastics in your blood
Pathogens in puss
Earthquakes, wildfires 
Famine and floods
I’ll show you what is lethal
And Infecting the people
Turning them into Smeagol
Like they Anemic and feeble
Like plastics in your blood
Pathogens in puss
Earthquakes, wildfires 
Famine and floods
Like Covid from the lab
Spreading across the map
Killing all your moms and dads
Leavein homeless children sad
Lethal like a chemical spill
Of dioxins that kill
Agent Orange, where’s the source
That left your newly born deformed?
The payment for the rent is tall
While families aren’t at all involved
Take oxycontin when hurt and fall
And end up addicted to Fentynyl
War in the middle-east, Russia and Ukrain
Give us an excuse to sell them weapons and then bang
No healthcare from the burn pits
That cause asthma and the serpent 
Lies bout what the purpose is
How they thank you for your service kid
When you Paywall healthcare Inequality kills 
But corporations are fulfilled for denying the bill 
While they pray in the steeple, 
We put money over people
I bet you heard, protect and serve
But they use their guns instead of words
Safety is a fallacy, with rampant police brutality
They show up at the rally scene
Turn to violence and battery
I’ll show you what is lethal
And Infecting the people
Turning them into Smeagol
Like they Anemic and feeble
Like plastics in your blood
Pathogens in puss
Earthquakes, wildfires 
Famine and floods
I’ll show you what is lethal
And Infecting the people
Turning them into Smeagol
Like they Anemic and feeble
Like plastics in your blood
Pathogens in puss
Earthquakes, wildfires 
Famine and floods
Bomb First
Three and a half years if they catch you with a gat
All that mean now is that niggas is shootin’ back
War is something I got the taste for 
Out on bail bigger gun than the one I got the case for
Never can tell what I might do I ain’t nothing like you
I put my Dutch out on your night boots
Pull my nuts out on yo wife in the mic booth
Then situate with her at the end of the night too
Those were the happy days these the real years
Niggas is brain dead in shit bags and wheelchairs
For the record I don’t give a fuck who ya team is 
And you don’t want it with me ‘cause I’m an extremist (Ugh)
Get back, take that, this rap, we blast
What’s a rat to a cat, or a bomb to a gat 
An opinion to facts, guessing compared to the math?
This a stick-up, bitch what, give me what you have
Like Pac, we bomb first 
We act, while you ponder
We adapt, you dishonor 
What you have and leave squandered 
I learned to be gangster from congress
Support the enterprise for profit
Lobby money with stock tips  
Like the drug money you pocket
The real terrorists are republicans
The gun-toting Smith-n-west’n grins
That come from killing the innocent
And claiming they deserved the shit
You small time, just tryna to survive
But if you get caught you’ll do more time
For selling drugs than a rapist
Makes sense if it’s a racist
System with most of the cases 
We make criminals of patients 
Yea Marijuana still illegal, although it’s medicine for people 
A textile, a food, with no overdose, but claim that it’s lethal
Are you a broke citizen down on your luck
Well find a way to get your money up cuz we don’t give a fuck
Get back, take that, this rap, we blast
What’s a rat to a cat, or a bomb to a gat 
An opinion to facts, guessing compared to the math?
This a stick-up, bitch what, give me what you have
Like Pac, we bomb first 
We act, while you ponder
We adapt, you dishonor 
What you have and leave squandered 
I learned to be gangster from congress
Support the enterprise for profit
Lobby money with stock tips  
Like the drug money you pocket
Why we try to fake like we don't know our system is wrong?
Its the land of the free? 
It's independently owned
I could try to
hold up, let me break it down in a song
I could try to, hold up
If you smart about your taxes
you might not even pay
And it's legal in your business
You can buy them away
Or you donate it to "Charity”
This is not advice
And we just talking
This is therapy
More and more
I feeling like we living in a parody
Only say I worry we ain't aware of the
Effect that we gone have
And Imma say this with sincerity
Every generation getting harder even barely
And even when I think of having kids it start scare me
Get back, take that, this rap, we blast
What’s a rat to a cat, or a bomb to a gat 
An opinion to facts, guessing compared to the math?
This a stick-up, bitch what, give me what you have
Like Pac, we bomb first 
We act, while you ponder
We adapt, you dishonor 
What you have and leave squandered 
I learned to be gangster from congress
Support the enterprise for profit
Lobby money with stock tips  
Like the drug money you pocket
Get the elderly out of Congress
How much have the fucks
Already cost us?
Capitalism works
That’s why millennials are poor
Gen Z is even worse
And both parties want the war 
Thanks for the carbon
You left for your children
You literally got them coal
And robbed them of a pension
They enacted their vision
But it corrupted the mission
And Boomers left a society of despotism
You know I mean?
Can you feel me?    
Let me rip a minute 
On these insipid decisions
And intended intention
Of the economic agenda
Trickle down economics
You gotta be fucking kidding me
Kill yourself
If you think it’s answer economically
Capitalists make money off disasters
They got the shock doctrine mastered
And make global warming happen
They’ll buy with no logos
Sell it with girls that are Gogo
Say the love is all Eros 
And it’s meant for the pharoes
Cuz it makes fat cash destroying things
Just look at Oprah and Hawaii
Just set up a charity to funnel your money
And get it back in taxes, singing and humming
How it’s so terrible, my property value rose
From a disaster that left the island tattered
Disaster capitalism is on the rise
And makes society more stratified
Your misfortune is by design
Because they like you desptotic when they buy
Global warming is old, all they are is frontin
They make new ways take and plunder
We knew about carbon pollution in the late 1800 hundreds 
And big oil is still trying to convince us it’s nothing
Capitalism works
That’s why millennials are poor
Gen Z is even worse
And both parties want the war 
Thanks for the carbon
You left for your children
You literally got them coal
And robbed them of a pension
Capitalism works
That’s why millennials are poor
Gen Z is even worse
And both parties want the war 
Thanks for the carbon
You left for your children
You literally got them coal
And robbed them of a pension
You know I’m saying?
These fucks man
So glad Mitch McConnell died
Cuz he’s an awful senator
You know they could retire
But they cling to power
That’s why we hate him
It’s selfish and pervasive
In the Senate chambers
To stay and embrace it
Look, You’re not gracious
For bogarting a replacement
That’s more tenacious 
And doesn’t wanna enslave us
It’s not advantageous
To have geriatrics takes and
Are also patients
It affects whole nation
Won’t let you fly an airline past sixty-five
But if you wanna run a country
You can do it till you die
We got all these politicians holden on to power
When they should be Mitt, take a hint, and retire
Capitalism works
That’s why millennials are poor
Gen Z is even worse
And both parties want the war 
Thanks for the carbon
You left for your children
You literally got them coal
And robbed them of a pension
Capitalism works
That’s why millennials are poor
Gen Z is even worse
And both parties want the war 
Thanks for the carbon
You left for your children
You literally got them coal
And robbed them of a pension
You make me do this
Rich G
You know that right?   
Try and change the system from within and it changes you
So I'm stacking change what else you expect Rich to do
Corporate lobbying has the ear plus pockets of politicians
Follow the money to make sense of their decisions
Corrupt officials ain't just a third world issue
Defense contractors enriched each time we shoot a missile
Consumer society created planned obsolescence
Pushing insecurities through ads on adolescents 
Valentines days invented by hallmark cupids a profiteer
This a letter in a card to say its fucked up dear
I'm sincere we need an overhaul of the government 
Conglomerates have it their way and we loving it
Capitalism works
That’s why millennials are poor
Gen Z is even worse
And both parties want the war 
Thanks for the carbon
You left for your children
You literally got them coal
And robbed them of a pension
Capitalism works
That’s why millennials are poor
Gen Z is even worse
And both parties want the war 
Thanks for the carbon
You left for your children
You literally got them coal
And robbed them of a pension
Get the elderly out of congress
There should be term limits 
If we want progress
Listen, if if you can be too young to run the country, 
you can be too old
And that’s all
A Lesson
This is just a fair warning
I love to get horny
And give a fuck, what your story
Not yet, you’re not sorry
Ever since the inner circle I’ve stepped in
I’ve been sharpening lyrical weapon
To slit your throat, make um joke
About how you been flex’n
Haven’t done a mixtape in years, ya know
My music’s all original
Put in work, and ya I’m finna blow
And get paid off the residual
I would love some MCEE
To have a problem with me
Say my name, and make it sting
While make’n a scene
I ain’t scared of you
I’m flattered dude
I ain’t gonna battle you
I’ll serve you in a dark padded booth
So don’t bring me negativity
Unless you want some energy
That aggressive and offensively
Exposes what you pretend to be
No one owns my mechanical
No one takes my publishing
I say what I want 
And make money from stunt’n see
I’m a grown adult with a baby face
You ain’t gonna take my place
You ain’t got the mental state
To keep up with my pace
I’m a vetran, could wreck them
But rather make’um my brethren
Give an ultimatum to uphold
As I expose the deception
Fuck what you think
You ain’t convincing me
Unless you have overwhelming evidence
This is how it’s gonna be
Bitch shut the fuck up, why you talkin that shit
You sound like a child, that’s throwing a fit
You never grew up, but blew up big
They’re what you consume cuz you still a kid
You get what you give 
And they ain’t into shit rap
This ain’t a diss track
It’s a lesson for your bitch ass
I could make amends
Yeah, I’m down to make friend
But that’s not the intent 
Of motivation you intend 
You didn’t jock me when I’zz underground
Said you were down with the sound
Now you wanna come around 
Like you was alway down 
Gi’me an excuse
To write about the truth
Rap it in the booth
And make this happen to you
I ain’t never had a rap beef
Don’t want one, but I’d happily
Show you that I have teeth
And run it like an Athlete
I’m sure its not your too big to respond
It’s the contract your on
It doesn’t allow freedom at all
To defend your own honor
What’s more important is the dollar
Its not from your squalor
And the rights that you squandered
Who wants your Dumbass comments anyways
We were happy that you went away
They want to run, be free today
From you and your stupid ways
You feel no shame
From the problems you create
But if you want to inundate
I figured you could get a taste
Fuck what you think
You ain’t convincing me
Unless you have overwhelming evidence
This is how it’s gonna be
Bitch shut the fuck up, why you talkin that shit
You sound like a child, that’s throwing a fit
You never grew up, but blew up big
They’re what you consume cuz you still a kid
You get what you give 
And they ain’t into your shit rap
This ain’t a diss track
It’s a lesson for your bitch ass
I want this shit banging in my headphones, you understand me
Let me hear that beat
You dig
I'ma address some shit
Let y'all niggas know the real
I've been dormant for too long
Everybody want it, but do you wanna get it
I'm sick of all these niggas bullshitting
I'm sick of all these bitches
I'm sick of how these bitch niggas tripping
And how y'all get these passes to these snitches
Neighborhood crippling
Dog pound gangsters in the building
I'ma treat these niggas like bitches
Show em to the wolves and the vultures
The hyenas and my siblings
So they can experience what they say they really living
Man, let me show you how deep it really gets
And then I'ma show you the power of membership
One on the hip, illegal extended clip
I'ma show you niggas the power of membership
The viking and the villain
Riddling, couldn't stop this adrenaline
Mind bending forensic technical chemist
One for the bro, walk up and explode
I'ma show you niggas the power of membership
Nigga, we everywhere
I’m everywhere rocking that cosmic debacle
108 the prophet, understand ergonomics
Of electric ultrasonic magnetic harmonic
Conscious balls of telepathic diagnostics (stupid)
That’s what my artistry’s about
While you run your mouth for clout 
Or tryna turn Um out
I like them questioning “how?”
I hope they listen to learn astronomy, sociology and doubt
How Jesus could be god and not just arrogantly pronounced
As the truth, when the use of religion is a arroused
By consolidating power and giving it to the house
Because it doesn’t make sense
You know space is immense
And it was all meant for us
Is what Jesus presents
The Bible is a fairly tale
Contradicts itself everywhere
It takes an ass like dairy air
To think it’s really fairly clear
I’m sorry, I should stop, but nothing is
And the subject of the song is dumb ass shit
Jesus hates you
Jesus hates you
Jesus hates you
But it really doesn’t matter cuz
Jesus loves you
Jesus loves you
Jesus loves
But really doesn’t exist
I don’t do it to be mean, even shine or make you cry
It’s really a function of the perspective I entice
To say thinking and intelligence is nice and is desired
Is like saying dick and pussy is best when combined
Jesus hates you
Jesus hates you
Jesus hates you
But it really doesn’t matter cuz
Jesus loves you
Jesus loves you
Jesus loves
But really doesn’t exist
But to put it susincly Which is good to provide
Your like a bug attracted to light
Cuz Bees don’t spend their time Explaining to flys 
Why honey is better than shit to survive
Jesus hates you
Jesus hates you
Jesus hates you
But it really doesn’t matter cuz
Jesus loves you
Jesus loves you
Jesus loves
But really doesn’t exist
The Cold
This me and Asia, they say I’m gifted
I like misdirection and to put it simplest
I don’t think for myself, so yes I’m Christian (often)
I run it like the church, inquisition
Whether winter or fall I love the cold
It reminds me of my blood and it’s oxygen threshold
When the light from your eyes goes dull and closed
Is when I’ll stop coming after your throat
And we don’t play that gangsta shit
All my moves I make legitimate
In broad daylight I have the sense
Everything you have figured, isn’t
I suggest if you don’t wanna catch a case
Show some discretion, respect, and grace
I ain’t hard, but I ain’t a bitch either
You may try the takeover and then find that I’m the ether
Is the atmosphere to ethereal like gravity
Or since it’s clear do we not see it mattering?
I wouldn’t bring me back unless your eager
To figure out why they fear the karma I teach her
Weather winter or fall I love the cold
It reminds me of my blood and it’s oxygen threshold
When the light from your eyes goes dull and closed
Is when I’ll stop coming after your throat
I Molotov mics in the night
With the energy to cause a street fight
Knuckle up baby, buckle up
It's dangerous on the ave
They flaming guns 
Slanging crumbs 
Hennessey and Jamison
The eyes of the jungle Blood shot
The disgruntled smirk of a crook
Posing for the pic, in his first mug shot
My seven and a half is working oh that's for certain
We in the lab cooking and jookin'
Until its closed curtains
I'm busting shots at the serpent for a purpose
The seven stars represent the seven churches
Watch what you worship
Don't miss the revelations
You'll be caught up like the listeners
Still caught up on my first shit
Assassin with the blade catch a niggas fade
It's a rapture on the stage when you capture these grenades
You'll be a fossil once
Once they really understand the gospel
El Chapo with chopped cheese and a taco
This me and Asia, they say I’m gifted
I like misdirection and to put it simplest
I don’t think for myself, so yes I’m Christian (often)
I run it like the church, inquisition
Weather winter or fall I love the cold
It reminds me of my blood and it’s oxygen threshold
When the light from your eyes goes dull and closed
Is when I’ll stop coming after your throat
Weather winter or fall I love the cold
It reminds me of my blood and it’s oxygen threshold
When the light from your eyes goes dull and closed
Is when I’ll stop coming after your throat
I suggest if you don’t wanna catch a case
Show some digression, respect, and grace
I ain’t hard, but I ain’t a bitch either
You may try the takeover and then find I’m the ether
What’s a mind to a god
Time to a thought
Price to some art
Or lies if you're smart?
What’s a mind to a god
Time to a thought
Price to some art
Or lies if you're smart?
Sooner or later I’m gonna figure you out
And all I’ve really found, is how cowards get down
How they bring um out bring um out bring um out bring um out
It’s hard to tell that you aren’t really a clown
I’m not tryna develop what you sell
I’m hear just to tell
You, you need to get help
I’m not tryna develop what you sell
I’m hear just to tell
You, you need to get help
Weather winter or fall I love the cold
It reminds me of my blood and it’s oxygen threshold
When the light from your eyes goes dull and closed
Is when I’ll stop coming after your throat
Weather winter or fall I love the cold
It reminds me of my blood and it’s oxygen threshold
When the light from your eyes goes dull and closed
Is when I’ll stop coming after your throat
Always committed, every day I was wit it
Well recognized for the ways that I did it
Indepent player that’s how you get it 
The people know whats happenin but they ain't gonna admit it 
Always committed, every day I was wit it
Well recognized for the ways that I did it
Indepent player that’s how you get it 
The people know whats happenin but they ain't gonna admit it 
Been rhyming ten years
Still haven’t broke even
I do it for the love
Cuz it Damn sure ain’t the money
But give me some funding
And a beat that funky
And I’m Gonna pop off, 
Guaranteed if you market me
You know what’s the difference between me and those puppets
About a hundred and fifty thousand dollar marketing budget
Having an audience is currency
That I don’t have currently
But I’ve invested in a catalog
And marketing um urgently
Need money to grow
And give um what they wanted
Need money for marketing
Just like any product
But I’m free, my own boss
Though I can barely pay the costs
I do what I want, I say what I please
They ain’t got no strings on me
I do what I want, I say what I please
They ain’t got no strings on me
Always committed, every day I was wit it
Well recognized for the ways that I did it
Indepent player that’s how you get it 
The people know whats happenin but they ain't gonna admit it 
Always committed, every day I was wit it
Well recognized for the ways that I did it
Indepent player that’s how you get it 
The people know whats happenin but they ain't gonna admit it 
I didn’t have a mentor
I started on my own
Everything I’ve done
I’ve had to do alone
300 dollars a month
Is my total budget
By the time it’s right
To promote there’s nothing
What a great community America has
Put in work every day but never paid for that
Which you made to get the bag
Americas so great that it’s people can’t
Afford necessities cuz they don’t get paid a living wage
How is the national debt doing today
All the money went to corporate pay
While you can’t afford a place to stay
Having money for food
It must be nice
Having money for goods
It must be nice
America The great
Where the people get raped
Of their financial stake
of what the community creates
Always committed, every day I was wit it
Well recognized for the ways that I did it
Indepent player that’s how you get it 
The people know whats happenin but they ain't gonna admit it 
Always committed, every day I was wit it
Well recognized for the ways that I did it
Indepent player that’s how you get it 
The people know whats happenin but they ain't gonna admit it 
Lace’em up
Let me rock it for a minute
I’m not a gimmick, yo I live it
Positive and different 
Like an ace word to tennis
They on the lean sippin
I live the dream envision
Thinking as they listen
From start to finish
If you want me on stage with
Raps for your entertainment
I need that bag, and the payment
From fans demanding my graces
Until then it’s about branding and landing these placements
Finding some way to get paid and get
The love so it make me continue with it
Not wanna quit, and give’um this gift
I do it for the love, the fun and the win 
Dabbin up a friend, bought what happened, what it is
This that classic flow with lyricism
Don’t kow tow, just listen
I’m here to help the mission
Unlock your inner vision
May not always agree
But I’m always for peace
Capeesh, I need you
To Keep it real with free speech
Lace’em up, lace’em up, lace em up, lace em
I’m just a man try’na create and make it
Be humble, burst your bubble while still being gracious
The music speaks for itself and felt as a statement
Lace’em up, lace’em up, lace em up, lace em
I’m just a man try’na create and make it
Be humble, burst your bubble while still being gracious
The music speaks for itself and felt as a statement
I’m that ill type, I kill mics
They’re all like, that was real right
It makes me feel like
A shooting star in the night
Glittering and glistening
On a path that righteous
Spread my name across the sky
Catch your eye, decide this
Music is a symphony
And it gets to me, and I write this
Hoping it goes gold
Like a touch from Midas
Don’t have to decipher
When I pop up in the Cypher
I’m a fighter that stifles
Don’t wanna make me your rival
Cuz I got stamina, and a brand that run
Edutainment for the audience
Since started up, I got the love
Harbored luck, and toughened up
It’s a cold, cold world even when it’s sunny
It’s about what you sold and only if it makes money
Most can’t make ends meet or afford to fill up their tummy 
The rich claim it’s hard work when they really got lucky
I bubble up and double up
On the trouble, I’ll sum it up
If you want it, I can get it done
Til you get enough, and feel the love
Lace’em up, lace’em up, lace em up, lace em
I’m just a man try’na create and make it
Be humble, burst your bubble while still being gracious
The music speaks for itself and felt as a statement
Lace’em up, lace’em up, lace em up, lace em
I’m just a man try’na create and make it
Be humble, burst your bubble while still being gracious
The music speaks for itself and felt as a statement
I bought these beats
For my artistry 
On standard lease
From Anno Domini
So If you like this rap, think it's dope like morphine
Buy the track, to show you support me
I bought these beats
For my artistry 
On standard lease
From Anno Domini
So If you like this rap, think it's dope like morphine
Buy the track, to show you support me
Lace’em up, lace’em up, lace em up, lace em
I’m just a man try’na create and make it
Be humble, burst your bubble while still being gracious
The music speaks for itself and felt as a statement
Lace’em up, lace’em up, lace em up, lace em
I’m just a man try’na create and make it
Be humble, burst your bubble while still being gracious
The music speaks for itself and felt as a statement
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mosesdumpin · 11 months
Took a long break from tumblr and came back only for a personal blog not meant to be widely read but decided to look at the xg tags and man... tumblr users are still cranking out really dumb takes based on hearsay despite 15 or so years of maturing social awareness. I'd really like it if we stopped using CA as a term describing anybody utilizing a tool/concept originating from race-based cultural identities. The usage does NOT immediately define appropriation, and I would have thought this site was more comfortable with nuance. Remember the word "reappropriation" in order to remember what "appropriate" means in this context. Dictionary definitions aside, appropriation is a misuse and, above all, a THEFT of whatever the subject implies. You can use the term when someone is using culturally defined attire/makeup to make a mockery of the culture in the same way we might dress up like a nurse on halloween. This is the root of "my culture is not a costume" talking point. It also applies to people who use culturally defined ideas to benefit in some way at the expense of that specific culture. This applies to a lot of white rappers in the west - taking good music from good artists but being palatable to white people instead of white people... ya know... stopping being racist. Its an exploitation of racism specifically that edges out artists. It also tends to be mediocre to bad in quality since... as can be obvious... the experiences of people in a culture are more earnestly expressed in whatever it is that was stolen. Now... if we look back at musical history specifically, we should be looking at WHO has been dominating top 100 charts/hits over the last 15ish years compared to the years previous. This is a good thing! Black people doing numbers but this doesn't mean that fight is over ofc. What this means is that the global soft power of western media has gotten noticeably darker. This subsequently means that people drawing genuine influence from western media will be drawing influence from black people without the context of American black history AND without actually interfering with black spaces. Frankly, I consider it a lot more honest when a kpop/asian group actually openly recognizes the black influence on their music, and it annoys me without end that the primary CA critics of XG don't seem to see a difference between a kpop group dressing up like "gangsters" in durags saying the N word vs a group whose most criticized media (their non-canon raps and such. Non-canon? W/e) is essentially "we stand on the shoulders of greats and aspire to them" There are better arguments to be made for CA when applied to the relationship between the japanese and koreans, especially about historical power and oppression vs modern nationalism but nobody is making those arguments. Instead we pretend that Everywhere is America and if it looks like locs from 300 feet away if we squint then its locs and they're racist. (for the love of god Jurin did not have locs at HITC) but also I'd like to remind everyone that asians are not white and broadly painting the same CA rules on non-white people, let alone non-western, is going to require a lot more nuance to enforce. Addendum: does this slack regarding knowledge about the white and black cultural relationships diminish over time and XGs popularity? Yes. Do I give them further slack because I know how many black and non-asian POC work on their projects? Yes. Do I wish they had someone sit them down to explain the tightrope they need to walk if they want to aim their entertainment in the same direction as the black people they admire? Absolutely. If you are black or a person of color I don't think its right to be policed about these sort of opinions (and I am posting here as a personal collection of thoughts and not... for instance ... in response to someone or in a more public space) so I hope this isn't taken that way if someone stumbles on this.
0 notes
musicarenagh · 1 year
PRESSURE's Demonic Oath Sets the Stage for a Gripping Story Metal Journey In their latest single, "Demonic Oath," PRESSURE unveils a glimpse into their upcoming EP and sets the stage for a captivating narrative. Serving as the opening track, this release establishes the tone for the stories that will unfold. The band, led by the commanding voices of Olli Violet and Olof Jönsson, takes on the roles of Demon Commanders, pledging their hearts and souls to lead a dark and perilous campaign within the realm of flames. PRESSURE's forthcoming album delves into the perspective of demons, aiming to shed light on their world and offer insight into their existence. The underlying message behind these stories is one of not judging a book by its cover, reminding listeners that even demons have stories worth telling. By inviting audiences to embrace the darkness and immerse themselves in the flames, PRESSURE paints a vivid picture of the two Demon Commanders and their enthralling tales. Hailing from Stockholm, Sweden, PRESSURE was formed in 2018 with the goal of exploring the unspoken pressures that permeate our lives. Their unique blend of rock, metal, electronic, and pop influences, known as Story Metal, has made a significant impact on both national and international stages. The band's melodic prowess, thought-provoking lyrics, and heavy soundscapes serve as vehicles for addressing inner and outer pressures while embracing the desire for change and confronting personal demons. With over 1.5 million streams on Spotify alone, PRESSURE has made a name for themselves. They push boundaries, recording their songs in different countries despite obstacles like pandemics and war. Their accolades include awards such as Album of the Year 2022 by MetalPedia, Best Rock Song by the US radio show ENDIE FIYA, and numerous chart-topping hits. Additionally, the band has fostered a strong connection with their fans by recording special versions of requested songs for birthdays, cancer survivors, and other meaningful occasions. PRESSURE's discography showcases their diversity and commitment to storytelling. Their debut album, "Path of a Shadow" (2021), introduced the world to Story Metal, seamlessly weaving together different languages, styles, and genres to deliver a unique perspective from the shadows. The follow-up release, "In a Dark Heart We Trust" (2022), with the inclusion of Olli Violet, delved even deeper into heavier and darker territories, expanding their sonic landscape from '80s rock to modern metal. With their latest single, "Demonic Oath," PRESSURE unveils a tantalizing preview of their upcoming EP, promising a captivating journey through their unique brand of Story Metal. As they continue to blend infectious melodies, powerful storytelling, and their distinct personalities, PRESSURE stands out among the multitude of rock and metal bands. Their success, vast experience, and relentless dedication to crafting immersive narratives make them an act to watch in the music scene. Listen to Demonic Oath below Follow Pressure on Facebook Twitter Spotify Soundcloud Youtube Instagram  
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