#the joke is overused but it was my first time doing it sooooo
owlliehehe · 3 months
Arthur and port staring at a frog
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Gabriel: "I heard you got a hold of some marmelada-"
Arthur: "Oh, you mean 'marmaladoo'" ?
Gabriel: "..."
Gabriel: "Uh, yeah sure."
Arthur: WaIT-
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Both: "is THAT...."
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Arthur: "FRANCIS!!"
Gabriel: "No way."
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Top 5 least favorite zoophobia character designs
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Welp, got the positive list out of the way. Now yet me give you the list inevitably more people will like because everyone apparently likes it when I'm negative. Go figure. Vivziepop has a whole arsenal of character designs, and here are some of my least favourites. Same ground rules for my other list apply here. And first, some dishonorable mentions.
DM 1: Jack and Damian
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First things first, I don't hate the designs of the main cast. Yeah, they're simple compared to other designs in zoophobia, but, as I've said before, I like Vivz's more simple designs. But out of all the main cast, I disliked these designs the most for one reason. At least everyone else looked like their respective animal. Spam looks like a fox, Vanex looks like a cat, Kayla looks like a kangaroo, and Zill, despite the crazy colour scheme, looks like an unidentifiable creature. These guys? Damian is supposed to be this demonic jackal, but, if you look up jackal in Google Images, you'll notice that he doesn't really look like one. He looks more like some kind of wolf or fox. I don't mind the ears (hell, the horn-like, long ass ears could be his signature look ), or the eyes (he IS a demon ) but, fun fact, jackals have black ears, a black tail, and a distinct black patch of fur on their backs. Some liberties can be taken with colours, I suppose (I mean, we have a freaking purple cat in our midst, you think I'm drawing the line at the canines? ), but perhaps parts of his fur could be made darker in order to get him to resemble a jackal. Jack is a wolf/jackal hybrid, yet he looks more like a domestic dog or a rabbit. It's mainly his ears that cause the problems. Maybe give him more wolfish ears. Seriously vivz, what wolf or jackal looks like that?
For this next entry, I shall perform my best Nicholas Cage impression. *ahem*
DM 2 : Most of the Party Dawgs
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*cough * Anyways, now that I've finished my hyperbolic reaction to the party dawgs, let me single some out. Koko, Mint, and Raven. Koko (aka the purple one with purple clothes) literally looks like a clone of Mint (the green one). The only differences between the two are colours, hair being parted on opposite sides, and slight clothing difference. And let's be honest, Raven literally looks like another Jayjay. But hey, at least their colours don't make my eyes bleed.
Now onto the list proper.
5. Tom
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Look, to anyone on this site who wants to know what I think of Tom, he's just meh. There's nothing really that special about him. Oh, you're a lonely demon? It's not like we have someone in the main cast like that already. Oh, you can be something of a charmer and attract a lot of ladies? Hi Zill! And Tom's design isn't helping his case. He looks like a recoloured Bozzwick or a genderbent Ink. There's nothing really creepy or strange about his appearance. You could argue that his eyes are strange, but plenty of other characters have strange eyes, and Tom's eyes aren't even the strangest. He doesn't look demon-y. He looks like another edgy teen. And yeah, I might be a hypocrite here because I love Damian's male human design, but in his case it's kind of funny. I mean, it's just amusing to me that someone like Dame (who is also the anti christ ) looks like a hot topic addict. It's just so weirdly fitting it's hilarious. Same can't really be said for Tom though. ....
4. Styx, Tentadora, and Jillian.
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Three way tie! Whooo! Okay, but in all seriousness, I put these guys here because they all suffer the same problems. They need some adjustments to their designs and a change in colour pallets. Go back to ch 3 of zoophobia, and look at how much these guys seem out of place in hell. These three characters become a major distraction as your eye is immediately drawn to them instead of whatever more important scene is going on. Give them a colour pallet that helps them blend in a little more. Jillian, I feel, since the poorer parts of Hell are have a more Western feel, should have a more Western influence since that's where she came from. Maybe give her boots or a bandana. around her neck. Styx needs the most change since he looks like a recoloured Damian. Take the ears and tail away. Perhaps give him a more Victorian influence while keeping Tenta's western influence to represent their clashing personalities. Maybe give Tenta a hat or apron to make her look more like a member of Hell's staff.
3. Elijah
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Look, I know a lot of people love his design, but Eli's design bugs me on a couple levels. Why? Well, look at some of the other snake characters that take on a bi-pedal stance, such as Gustav, Quinton, the Max brothers, and Castello. You might notice something. ...slightly different autonomy wise. Look, I appreciate that Vivz is making some of her characters look vastly different than others, but in this circumstance. ...why? Why does Eli get to have a more snakey influence? Shouldn't he resemble Gustav since their both snakes? Why does Eli get to have a snake head, but none of the other snakes do? I know, Dollcreep came up with Eli's original design, but Dollcreep came up with Gustav's original design too. There, we had the same problem with heads we do here, so yeah, this reflects on Dollcreep as well for inconsistency. Besides, Vivz could've fixed this problem while redesigning Elijah. As for the colour pallet, while yes, pink and white are overused in Vivz's characters, I'd argue it makes sense here with Eli being albino. However, I'd make the colours on his face and in his hair lighter. Albinos can't really keep pigments in their skin and hair, so it'd be impossible for Eli to be as... covered in pink as he is. Unless he, for some reason, constantly dies his hair and paints squares on his face. That would actually be pretty funny.
Damian : Eli, you've been in the bathroom for 2 hours, what are you doing?
Eli: Putting pink squares all over my body. As normal people do.
Damian : But...why tho?
Eli: Aesthetic.
2. Jayjay
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AAAAAAAAAAAH! MY EYE-- yeah, I'm not doing that joke again.
Look, I liked Jay in the Die Young video. Her colours weren't as saturated and they worked well together. Everywhere else? Not only do her colours clash terribly against each other, with a few exceptions, her colour pallet is always so bright it's actually painful to look at for more than two seconds. Her design in Die Young was just fine. It communicated exactly what it needed to about Jayjay. Not to mention it used contrasting colours in a way that was nicer to look at. Lesson here kids? Jay doesn't need a loud design. She needs and effective design.
Also, any Dollcreep fans who try to come out of the woodwork to say shit along the lines of "Dollcreep did it sooooo much better "
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....no he didn't. Get off my front porch, you wannabe edgelords. I'm the non straight edge Lord of social ineptitude here!
And number one goes to......
1. Whitney
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.....you know, if I didn't already use the Nick Cage joke already, I'd be hamming the shit out of it rn.
Look, I wasn't sure if I wanted to keep this dude on the list, since unlike the others, I dunno if vivz is still using him, and I didn't want to go after a character she may have abandoned, BUT JESUS ALMIGHTY.
This design actually hurts my head when I look at it. Take everything I said about Jayjay and stick it here, except times 100! The colours are far too bright, and clash horribly. ..to quote my buddy, @imviotrash when they first saw him, "What even is Whitney? "
I'll leave so I don't need to look at this much longer, but as usual, tell me what you think!
I apologize for wasting your time.
Ps. Let me know your favorite or least favorite zp designs! I'd love to see what others think!
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alwaysinmyheartnct · 7 years
chenle confessINg
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wow looking back at this i rly got carried away :”))))). i love china line so much thank you for requesting this hunty xoxo :-))) i hope you enjoy!!! - admin amy
- ok so you how you met chenle
- in english class you had to go into groups for a project
- the teacher assigned the members of each group in order to break up the cliques 
- unfortunately you were separated from your best friend
- u were like NOOOOO MY FAV :( 
- bUT you met the one and only zHONG CHENLEE WOOO
- your teacher gave y’all some time to get to know each other, to brainstorm for ideas for the project and assign roles
- you had seen the other people before but one person in particular caught your eye
- i wonder who
- he was smiling from ear to ear and he just exuded energy it was hard to take your eyes off of him but you hadn’t exactly noticed him b4 
- when he introduced himself he did a mini dab 
- & u were like this boi is a special one 
- so by the end of the session you & chenle were going to work on a part of the project together WEE
- so y’all had a lil bit of time left to talk so you went into ur lil sections 
- when chenle approached you he was ok kinda calm still holding it together
- however when you talked he just started giggling hysterically
- “chenle r u ok?”
- so y’all exchanged numbers adn set a date to meet to work on ur section 
- in the time frame before working on y’all’s section he would always dab in your direction in the hallway
- at first you thought it wasnt for you 
- but you caught on soon enough & started dabbing back
- tHe first time you dabbed back chenle got sOOOOO EXCITED 
- he legit ran over to you and shook you by the shoulders 
- y’all had this shared moment of elation it was beautiful
- ok ok so when y’all meet at the library to work on the project 
- you worked on it for like 30 minutes before the conversation veered off tangent
- don’t worry you completed your work first looool stay in school kids give your best effort
- somehow or rather you were talking about dolphins????
- anyway you soon found out you shared the same sense of humour as chenle 
- so when y’all were in class together y’all would just be giggling all the way 
- it rly doesn’t matter what anyone says y’all would just be giggling
- cue the oh my god meme 
- even after the project ended and which you got an A in thanks chenle y’all still hung out
- sent each other memes 
- 100 day streak on snapchat omg!!!!
- however suddenly chenle got so shy around you 
- he was hesitant to do dabs now wtf????
- he would blush whenever he saw you and run away  
- he would also stutter when he had to talk to you
- and he eventually just started ignoring and avoiding you aw :(
- you thought you did something wrong so u asked renjun
- renjun was like OOOOOHHH GIRL U DONT EVEN KNO 
- you were still confused tho 
- you felt so sad bc you started to heart bbbeat for this boi 
- he was so cute, handsome, so energetic, y’all could talk about anything for hours 
- you were rly :((((((((((
- so renjun legit had to sit chenle down after school in one of the empty classrooms bc nothing was happening after 2 weeks of this and asked him whats wrong bOi 
- chenle cant rly hide anything from renjun so he just spills everything
- “bro she’s rly rly rly so beautiful anD she laughs at all my jokes!!!!! she doesnt overuse memes!!! but what if she doesnt like me :((((((”
- at this point renjun was prolly like dis boi dumb af
- so renjun had to encourage chenle to confess to you
- it took 3 hours prolly + chenle screaming 
- so one day you found a lil note on ur desk in chenle’s handwriting that said 
- “meet me at classroom 02-06 @ 2pm - chenle”
- in normal situations you’d be hesitant to go but since this is the first chenle initiated contact you had in decades, you were so fired up to go
- when u got there the door was closed and the lights were off 
- so u opened the door slowly to peek inside incase donghyuck’s pranking u again 
- and you find chenle surrounded by fairy lights with a guitar in his hands 
- &&& he starts singing got7′s confession song 
- you tbh start crying in the middle of the song cause you're so soft for chenle
- he suddenly perks up like dID I DO SOMETHING WRONG 
- stops playing and rushes over 
- “iM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY i didn't mean to ignore you or to run away from you :(((( as you can prolly tell i-i like you. i have for a long time now and i just- i- if you want to reject me its ok we can still be-”
- you cut him off with a tight ass hug 
- he was like oH she dOES LIKE ME AND HE STARTS BEAMING 
- you look up and his face is so red and his smile is so wide 
- ur kinda nervous but manage to say “i like you too”
- he just looks down at you like youre the most precious thing he has ever had in his arms and wraps his arms equally as tight around you 
- y’all are so happy 
- but then you hear a lil sniffle from the back of the classroom
- so you slowly pull apart from chenle and on the lights 
- guess who it is 
- donghyuck has tears running down his cheeks
- marks like “bro y u crying” 
- stfu mark at least i have feelings
- “hey at least i caught it on camera” - renjun 
- you just laugh lightly and return to chenle’s embrace 
- the dream team is rly happy for y’all they even prepared a cake 
- so when y’all are sitting around eating cake 
- chenle just looks at you and gives you this look filled wiht pure adoration and love 
- leans in to peck your cheek 
- y’all both turn beet red 
- you didnt rly care abt their teasing bc at least u have chenle by ur side now
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