#the koper concert
n3bismel · 10 months
I was an atheist until I saw Jesus standing in my living room
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jokeroutsubs · 5 months
[ENG translation] Joker Out: We won't screw up
A radio interview with Bojan Cvjetićanin and Kris Guštin on the radio station called Radio Koper, from 01.01.2024. The interviewer and author is Iztok Novak Easy. You can read the translation below or listen to the audio in Slovene from the source.
['Carpe Diem' starts playing and continues to play in the background]
Interviewer: Hello, Bojan.
Bojan: Hello, dear friend.
Interviewer: And Kris.
Kris: Hi. It's good to see you here.
Interviewer: Thank you. How would you describe the year that just ended in a few sentences?
Bojan: In a few sentences? Yes, a year that changed our lives significantly and brought us closer to what we imagined our musical dreams to be.
Interviewer: What about you, Kris?
Kris: We have been using the word turbulent all day, today. In fact, it makes sense in at least two ways, because it has actually been very turbulent for us. Mentally and physically. We have also taken so many flights where we have experienced more turbulence than ever before.
['Carpe Diem' gets louder for a few seconds]
Interviewer: Moving on with this year. Eurovision, all the travelling that came before it, Stožice, the tour that followed, the recording in between, and so on. What would you put first? I'm asking you, Kris.
Kris: Even though we went to Eurovision this year, the main event for me was still the concert in Stožice. After all, we announced it a year before the event, which means half a year before we really even started to deal with Eurovision. For us, the whole year was split into before Stožice and after Stožice. Everything we were doing before Stožice was kind of leading up to it, so, once it happened, at least for me, it completely changed the shape of the year. So I have to say Stožice maybe even more than Eurovision.
Interviewer: What would you, Bojan, point out as the most valuable or what are the most valuable new pieces of knowledge or insights that you have gained this year?
Bojan: I would say the most valuable insight is that life on tour really requires a healthy rhythm. I would say that we very quickly realised that there is no room for hedonism or egocentrism on tour, and that it is an extremely complex machine that stops very quickly if the pieces start to fall apart. So the realisation that we, as a group, know how to work but also that we have to do so in harmony is the most valuable thing, I think.
Interviewer: I recently read that Eurovision fans awarded those who made an impact at this year's contest. You have become the kings of charisma. More than 50% of the votes. What is your comment?
Bojan: I mean, it's... not the kings of charisma, it's just the way this competition is, these titles in the end are more of a joke than for real. But it's absolutely wonderful that our name was even included in the five or six categories that were awarded. The fact that we won proves that this year we have been very much present in this Eurovision bubble. I would say that we were a very strong link among all the representatives of the countries at Eurovision. So there were a lot of good vibes and a lot of fun surrounding us. So it was nice that the listeners and the viewers picked that and, like you said, out of 80000 votes, more than 40000 were for us, so that is such a nice start to the New Year. And also, I would say, a very nice end to this Eurovision story.
['Carpe Diem' gets louder and it ends]
Interviewer: Your European tour is behind you. From Helsinki to Belgrade. A lot of sold-out concerts. I read a review of the Belgrade concert in Dom Omladine. All praises, Joker Out. A sociological phenomenon. The new Beatlmania* and so on. How do you manage to stay normal?
(*Beatlemania was the fanaticism surrounding the English rock band the Beatles in the 1960s.)
['Ne bi smel' starts playing in the background]
Bojan: I stand by the fact that all five of us are extremely down-to-earth and normal guys to begin with. That we have a very nice and safe community, waiting for us at home, watching over us and supporting us. That is, of course, our families, our friends and our team. So I would dare to say that we don't have a lot of room to screw up, because there are enough people around us who can grab us and hold us and bring us back down to Earth in an instant. So we don't have this tendency to suddenly become total jerks, but we are who we are and the moment we come back from the stage to the backstage, the gig is over and there is only genuineness left. I mean, on stage we're really totally genuine too, but still. We're on stage and it's a show. So yeah, I would say that we don't allow ourselves and others don't allow us to change who we are.
['Ne bi smel' gets louder for a few seconds]
Interviewer: Kris, Helsinki, The Hague, Wroclaw, Madrid, Barcelona, as I said Zagreb, Belgrade, Novi Sad, Rijeka too. Which would you say was the most emotional?
Kris: So I'll say this: it's really hard to pick one concert or one place that was really the best. Personally, I will say that Amsterdam was the most emotional experience for me, because it was the first time my Dutch family attending a concert of ours. Because before that, ok, they watched us at Eurovision, but after that performance, it's hard to really understand what we do besides that. They know that I do music, but they never really understood what I do until they came to the concert and saw their fellow Dutchies singing in Slovene for the whole concert, while they had never learned one song or a few words of Slovene in their whole life. And they were all enthusiastic until the end and it was a real honour to perform for them.
Interviewer: What about you, Bojan?
Bojan: I have to say that it was extremely emotional, in terms of the fact that we were totally shocked, that people were singing in Slovene in countries you wouldn't think of. I mean, let's say that the further north we went, the more and more it blew us away. As for me personally, perhaps the most heartfelt was in the countries of the region, so to say, the countries of the former Yugoslavia.
Interviewer: Your version of Đurđevdan in Belgrade went viral on tiktok. Was it spontaneous?
Bojan: Yes, totally spontaneous. When we went off stage Jure was feeling unwell and couldn't go back on stage for the encore and I took the acoustic guitar because people were screaming for the encore, and when I came on stage, I said, "Which one are we going to do?" and some of the fans in the front screamed "Đurđevdan" and I said "C'mon". And Đurđevdan was the final encore song. And it turned out to be a great moment.
[an audio recording of 'Đurđevdan' from the concert plays]
Interviewer: Did you notice any particularity, perhaps a difference, between the British organisers, the Spanish, the Scandinavian and those from what you called our former country? Maybe how you were treated by the media?
['Vse kar vem' starts playing and it continues to play in the background]
Kris: If we just focus on the organiser. Before we started our tours abroad, I had never come into contact with organisers. Here, in Slovenia, we treat everything a little differently. Maybe in Slovenia you have such organisers at Kino Šiška* because they are used to a lot of foreign performers. But things are different and I have to say that we have been lucky that we have been less and less involved with them because we have had a bigger and more experienced team around us who have been trained for abroad from before. So, I would say that things are a little bit better abroad. Far from Slovenia being pure chaos and wild, I somehow felt safer and more confident when I was doing concerts abroad, in terms of the performance itself. As far as the media is concerned, of course in Slovenia we were one of the most talked about artists, so we got a lot of attention that we might not have received abroad. Abroad, we had Eurovision media, maybe some national television. So, as far as some commercial networks are concerned, we are still getting there. On the other hand, in the Balkans, all of a sudden it was "wow". All of a sudden the tabloids asked 'What's up with the girls, where are they, where's the party?' and things like that. It's a completely different scene than in Slovenia.
(*Kino Šiška has been the central Slovenian institution of the contemporary concert scene since 2009, complemented by activities in visual and performing arts.)
Interviewer: Do you have anything to add?
Bojan: Yes, I do. Like Kris said, when it comes to organising concerts, things tend to really... the biggest difference is that when you look at the plan and the timeline that you get before the concert, that timeline really makes sense and is accurate to the minute and it sticks to what is written. But I would say that in the Balkans, this is quite impartial, but in the Balkans we were really, I would say, treated like kings. In all aspects. As for the media... At least for me, it was the first time in the Balkans that a music journalist came and asked questions with 100% respect. At no point in the interview was there any hint of cynicism, which is practically in every interview here in Slovenia. Whenever there is some success or praise, there is a small 'but' in the next sentence. There is always something negative to point out, while someone who has a positive attitude also writes a really 100% positive article. And if someone is negative, they write it negatively. So that really really fascinated me. I have to say that the interviews in the Balkans this year were also heartwarming.
['Vse kar vem' plays louder for a few seconds]
Interviewer: Talking about positive things, have you ever had a negative experience? Maybe one... Have you ever had a hard time recently?
Bojan: Yes, absolutely. I'll say it like this, this year we gave our all, everything we had. We didn't have an ounce of energy left, that we could have saved just in case, but we went 800% with our heads through the wall. In every situation. And it left an impression on us, because we were tired and I was so tired that it started to show in certain stressful situations that we weren't used to before. For example, the stage was 1000% the safest place for me, but then by the end of summer, ['Padam' starts playing in the background] when I experienced a panic moment on the stage that then lasted for the whole concert, it left a mark on me and that stress and panic still lasts, for almost half a year from then. So, it's not a joke, when they say that you have to take time for yourself and slow down once in a while. But here we are, that moment has arrived, thank god. Next week we're going to London for two months, where us five are going to make music in peace. Well, in between we're going to fly to two concerts but almost two months in peace. So, yes, I'm very excited for that time.
['Padam' gets louder for a few seconds and continues to play in the background]
Interviewer: Maybe it's important in regards to this: when things start happening like in your case the task of choosing the people to surround yourself with, it's very hard. How do you manage situations like this? Where did you draw the line? How did you choose the people who help you? The people, like you say, who watch over you?
Kris: In the past it was always like this that we started working with people with whom we naturally developed a bond. With whom we have developed trust before we started the business collaboration or rather business relationship. And that basically functioned really well until Eurovision, then our presence suddenly broadened from Slovenia to the whole of Europe and the whole world, and here what we know how to do, and what the majority of people from Slovenia know, it's not enough to properly tackle the market. So we had to make a few quick decisions, we had to welcome a few people from abroad to our team that we might not have welcomed so quickly in Slovenia. But we said that this is the moment, when we have to trust certain people to help us. We established that trust in advance as much as it was possible. Now we have in our team, for example, people we got to know during Eurovision with whom we have already developed a relationship but we are still developing it and waiting. At the same time we had to say goodbye to certain people in Slovenia, even those who were a part of our team from the very start, because our situation is drastically changing, because our schedules no longer align, in regards to life, ambitions and business. So for me one of the hardest things this year was that we had to say goodbye to people who were with us from the start, because we're moving forward.
['Padam' gets louder for a few seconds]
Interviewer: In March and April you have a new concert tour. Before that, Bojan, you said there will be time for creating.
['Sunny Side of London' starts playing in the background]
Bojan: Yes, next year will be a little experimental from all aspects, so, not just the concert aspect but also from the creative aspect. We'll be creating music abroad for the first time. So, the next two months in London are devoted to writing, making the songs, rewiring our brains.
Interviewer: In English?
Bojan: In Slovene, English and Serbo-Croatian language. Maybe another one, but for now these three are planned. English will dominate for sure but all three languages will be on the album. In March and a little bit of April, we're going on this one month tour. Then we're going to a studio in Germany for one month, where we'll record the album. That is the studio where we recorded 'Carpe Diem' so we're already used to it. We're planning to put the March tour to good use with trying out what we will write and play in our rehearsal space in January and February. So the March tour will be the most playful tour until now, because at each concert we'll try out two, three songs from the new album, at the next concert we'll play another one. So each concert will be actually different and a different experience for the fans and for us. After the studio we are going on a festival tour that will probably also be quite extensive. Then we will return back home at the end of summer and slowly release the album in October, which means another tour for sure and then it's happy new year and merry Christmas and here we are.
['Sunny Side of London' gets louder for a few seconds and continues in the background]
Interviewer: Earlier I mentioned Finland, where you were already during the last tour. One of the concerts is already sold out, as far as I know, in Helsinki. Can you explain this phenomenon? Finland? Is this that story that developed from Eurovision?
Kris: Yes, for sure. I think Finland was the first country ever where we got a golden record and it was for Carpe Diem. We learned about that on tour, when we were in Finland. No one exactly knows the reason why Finland stands out the most. It's definitely the fact that they are big fans of Eurovision, so more of them came in contact with us. Besides that, we had a nice friendship, or rather, Bojan did, with their representative. That gave us additional exposure in this country. But there is clearly something with us and our music that resonates with their ethos and despite all the exposure they had something to hold on to, once they got to us.
Interviewer: You were talking about the golden record. If I mention a few numbers now. Your former PR representative, booking manager, I don't know what else he was responsible for, we're talking about Gregor, of course, he mentioned 45 million streams on Facebook. Now there are more, for sure. Your fee was raised 30 times and it's going up. In short, there are a lot of numbers. What does this bring?
Bojan: This brings a lot of things. Now, in the music business it's common that when you have a bigger fee you have to make a bigger and better production. In the end, it literally comes to proportionally the same fee you had in the beginning, but with a bigger show. In regards to that, our life absolutely hasn't changed. Maybe I could say that it could have if we had stayed in Slovenia... I can say that for sure. If we kept doing concerts in Slovenia we could get more out of it, in a financial sense. In regards to all the other aspects, in other words, how inspirational is it for a musician in how much it fills you, it's incomparable. We don't do music because of money, if we did we would probably either do a different kind of music or do it in a different way. But what drives us, is creating and that new faces in the crowd sing. Especially now, when we started going abroad, it's something incredible. To listen, to see the crowds queuing to come to your concert.
Interviewer: Can you also comment on my question?
Kris: Half of people will always resent you for changing and the other half for staying the same. No matter what you decide and because I personally know that a musician needs to grow in their career, so then I'd rather see that half of the people resent us for changing than for staying the same.
['Demoni' starts playing loudly for a few seconds]
Interviewer: Okay, our chat was recorded at the time that we on Radio Koper realised that Carpe Diem was the most played song in this past year. I told you earlier that the second one was 'Novi val', last year at this time, it was the most played song too. The song that now has an English version, with the great Elvis Costello in the main role. I still don't get it how you managed to pull that off.
Bojan: We don't get it either, honestly. Elvis Costello is someone who was musically connected with the band literally from the start. So, when we first drew the line under this shagadelic rock'n'roll and we called our music this made-up genre it coincided with Elvis Costello, who was acting and singing in the Austin Powers movie, where "shagadelic" came from. So it's an unbelievable common thread that came full circle in the end. Elvis has, in his own words, co-authored with very few people, Paul McCartney is one of them. So, when he told me that he co-signed this song with me, I wasn't really able to grasp that.
Interviewer: Okay. You are a part of the new wave. You're inviting us to the carneval. Generation of love and hope and so on. You are a part of some kind of a new wave that happened several years earlier, the so-called new wave 30 or 40 years ago. You know that there's this phrase that embodied musicians who had changed our story as well, and I dare to say that it was part of the reason why many things unraveled the way they did, for the better. I have a feeling, that you are also, please tell us for all five of you, a part of this new wave that wants things to lead in a better direction.
Kris: I definitely count on all five of us knowing and understanding and feeling that we are a part of the new wave and if I connect to the previous question about Elvis, I think he felt it too. Because this is the bond that we have with him, besides all the surface level things, shagadelic and I-don't-know what else. The bond we have with him is that we both started creating in a vacuum of new music and we made something out of it and I think he could feel it even without beeing present on the Slovene music scene. And if he could feel it, we have to trust ourselves that we are doing something right and we're leaving something meaningful behind us.
['New Wave' plays in the background]
Interviewer: Bojan.
Bojan: We are... the five of us, young people in 21st century, we grew up with the notion that from what we learned from books, everything will be better, all the mistakes have already been made and the world learned something, and now we can flourish. And unfortunately, it is becoming clearer by the day that not only have we not learned from our mistakes, but the mistakes have clearly been learned by those who want to, I would say, take these mistakes to a higher level for future generations who will learn about them in textbooks. So after all the musicians, all the songs that were encouraging peace and love, we are clearly just another wave who can do the same. I hope and believe that for those who want to hear it, we can change their world view and can make their everyday better to a degree that they don't feel a need to share their wrath and indignation with others. In reality, times are stressful and horrifying and we can only make them better by a tiny smidge, and we can appeal to people to be a part of the new wave. I think that the most we can do is that people might be able to recognise within themselves that "maybe I can do this better, I can do it more nicely, and if we share music, if we share love, this new wave can wave stronger."
Interviewer: Good luck.
Bojan: Thank you very much.
['New Wave' starts playing loudly]
Transcript by a member of JOS, translation by @varianestoroff, marusapersic and another member of JOS, proofread by a member of JOS.
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dearmycoconut · 3 months
I've never written anything here but I want to raise really important topic. It's stalking.
So I came from Ukrainian part of fandom and I would like to talk about one person whose behaviour is inappropriate. I am referring to the author of an @/joker_inside_out page in Instagram. You may have met her at many concerts or even heard about her through scandals. If you've seen stories about how some girl in Koper snatched the microphone to sing umazane misli, that was her. And she was proud of being canceled. She even introduced herself as "That-one-girl-who-is canceled". But still after each scandal, she would go to the Ukrainian community and say that bad foreigners think she is terrible, when in fact she is innocent. We felt sorry for her and believed her. But then every day her behaviour and words towards boys became less and less appropriate. Communicating with such person was uncomfortable. Later, we also found her Instagram page and saw that she was stealing ideas from my friends. After that, all communication was stopped.
Before that she also partly moved to Ljubljana and wandered trough city to find guys. She wrote to me if I know their personal information(such as address). She mentioned repeatedly that she would follow them. And now in Riga she is literally stalking guys. From the morning till the evening she followed band. I know this because of the stories she posted on her private account. She's not just a "lucky fan", she's following jo at every opportunity.
I'm worried about Joker Out and hope that nothing bad will happen. You have no reason to believe me, but I don't want people to get away with this kind of behaviour.
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leopardom · 2 months
because it’s gonna be 12 months from the start of this fandom (kinda mostly here anyway), would you like to give me a fav moment from every month so far (can be fandom related, can be only jo related)? if that’s something you’re in the mood rn 🩷
absolutely 🤩
welcome to the ✨Joker Out Chronicles (May 2023 - March 2024)✨ as viewed by user leopardom
this is gonna be a list of fav moments from every month so far and since i couldn't choose, it's gonna be both band related and fandom related
this is gonna be long so more under the cut
May 2023
band: the whole eurovision journey from befriending all the contestants to Bojan's date and eventual engagement with Käärijä to the band giving condoms to everyone and their mom to the rehearsals to the iconic turqoise carpet to the Käärijä sauna to the voting promo to the qualification to the finals to Bojan licking the camera and to Joker Out becoming pretty much esc legends despite finishing 21st in the final. the beginning of everything, absolutely chaotic but i wouldn't imagine it any other way
fandom: the formation this sounds cliche yes but i was here since April 2023 and it was... very silent. the non-esc related jo stuff were limited and people were still discovering them so yeah i was sitting here hoping that after esc people would stick around so we can scream together about the band as a band and not only as esc contestants. and thankfully people did that and here we are now 🥹
June 2023
band: first international gigs the gigs in Dublin are one thing but then came the announcements of the Nordic tour, the Warsaw gigs, the headline gigs in Novi Sad and Zagreb... honourable mention to Stožice going sold out
fandom: Tavastia 1.0 there's absolutely no way i will even forget how the jo, ka and esc fandoms had a collective meltdown when Bojan casually showed up in Helsinki and then joined Käärijä on stage on both his Tavastia gigs (mind you both as a singer and as a dancer lmao). no wonder why this moment still has a chokehold on all of us. 9th of June 2023, you will always be famous
July 2023
band: the appearance of Demoni scream i know that festivals and the first UK run were important and gave us some iconic moments too (like some slay outfits and Jan's sparklative confusion), but the damn Demoni scream is so dear to me it kinda tops it all. it's so good to see how Bojan embraced it after that first time (2/7/23 in Škofja Loka) and now there can't be Demoni without the scream/growl/whatever you wanna call it
fandom: the Jance wedding on stage iirc the Jance brainrot had started spawning before 29/7 but that Saturday night was the cherry on top. so glad we got to experience this live as well since there was a livestream going on that night and we saw Jan putting the veil on Nace himself <3
August 2023
band: the Koper gig i wasn't even there okay but judging from the content and people's comments on it, it was probably one of the most iconic jo gigs. also my favourite jo video in existence is coming from that night (here) side note: i've been to Slovenia once in my life, 11 years ago, and funnily enough we were staying in Koper and i recognised the place they had the concert. anyway, visit Slovenia and Koper, it's a very nice small seaside town and it's worth the visit <3
fandom: the collective screaming about things to be completely honest i don't remember much from that month in terms of fandom, but i kinda remember how most of us had started diving into the band's past more and more and “new” old content was posted almost every day. videos, photos, gifs, interviews, the amazing @jokeroutsubs translating more old content...
September 2023
band: Nordic tour i won't even start talking about this because you'll never hear the end of it. we all know what the Nordic tour was. even the release of SSOL, the first single after esc, can't top this whole thing, sorry
fandom: google drive content and *shocked gasp* Nordic tour another collective meltdown for the fandom. first being bombarder with backstage videos on a damn google drive folder (that ended up being a frequent occurence in the following months) to the whole run of the Nordic tour. do i need to say more? i feel like i can't. only this: Nordic tour, you will always be famous
October 2023
band: Stožice not much to say here either. they sold out a whole arena months prior to the actual concert date. it was their moment. a milestone (probably their biggest to date). and it was amazing to witness this in any possible way, whether it was by attending the concert or watching an ig livestream or keeping track of the photos and videos of that night
fandom: Stožice and Halloween outfits the chokehold both the Stožice and the Halloween (aka pilots and flight attendands) outfits had on the whole fandom... also love how we collectively agreed that Kris' Stožice outfit was his version of Princess Diana's revenge dress and how the Halloween outfits sent the fandom into a spiral in means of creations (fanart, fanfics etc)
November 2023
band: the whole touring well they did have a number of gigs during November and they seemed to be having so much fun 🥰 so much that at the end of November they announced their first proper european tour
fandom: collective screaming about things once again i mean all the gigs were feeding us well. the outfits alternating or not, Jance/Bokris moments, Bonace getting more spotlight (Bojan was and still is going through something during Demoni and Ona like wtf was he doing to Nace was it the serbian lyrics waking up something wild in him 😭😭😭). there was a lot going on back in November… honourable mentions: this Bokris moment, cvjetits (x x) and Kris riding Jure
December 2023
band: the whole Munich experience there's a good chance jo don't remember their whole stay in Munich for the first time as one of the best ones ever, especially if they think about the 1,5k euro taxi they paid as part of making it to The Hague in time for the next gig. but if anything, i feel like this captures their whole vibe as a band; ✨purely chaotic✨
fandom: european tour vlog and Bojan with the bi flag we waited for a long time for a Nordic tour vlog. maybe we didn't get it as an individual video but even as part of the whole tour vlog it was great and definitely worth the wait. also it was a great xmas gift let's be real 😌 now Bojan with the bi flag was probably not a very huge fandom moment and my bi ass may be biased here (this rhymed lol), but seeing him wrap himself with the bi flag followed by that speech before Barve Oceana in Barcelona will always be such a precious moment to me and i'll cherish it forever 💖 note: when i saw them last month in Munich i immediately started crying when i heard the first notes of Barve Oceana live; not only because i love the song and i finally heard it live, but also because i instantly thought of that moment of Bojan with the bi flag and the speech)
January 2024
band: Joker Out cooking livestreams London era my beloved (i never thought i'd say this about a city in the UK out of all places). their whole stay in London was an Experience both for the band and the fandom but well they got their chance to show the world they can cook besides playing music and they did. now let's not get into the kind of cooking they did, but the livestreams were very entertaining and bless them for doing them 😅
fandom: death by Damon Baker's photos yeah no i don't think i need to say more here, i'm still not over those photoshoots and i still can't quite believe they actually happened. like?????????? jo???? photographed individually or not by Damon fucking Baker???? ugh 😫 on that note i want to add that i loved and still love how those photos sparked the creativity in this fandom. from analyses of each photo to fanfics to fanart to creating anything in general. one of my favourite moments of the fandom <3
February 2024
band: release of Everybody's Waiting the whole road to the release of this single was Something with the band continuing the usual shenanigans and with Damon still releasing unseen photos of them. the release of it may have gotten us divided because of its language or the path they chose to take music-wise (it's not everyone's cup of tea and that's more than fine), but personally i like this for them. it's different, it showed a different side of them which they wanted to explored; they got a chances to do it and they did it. and you know what? it's so good live
fandom: death by Damon Baker's photos, Jure edition this could be merged with my fave fandom moment of January 2024 but this one is special because we just saw another Jure like WTF WAS THAT 😭 anyway i loved how we all kind of lost it when his photos dropped note: the moment Damon posted Jure's photos i was on my way to meet my friends in Dresden of all places and i was so shocked by what i saw i almost ran into a lighting column on the street 💀💀💀
March 2024
band: Jan and Bojan playing the piano at every gig of the tour i could've said the whole tour is my favourite thing from this March and it's not like it's not, this is a big moment for the band. it's just that once again i'm a bit biased here. many people, my pianist ass included, wished there would be a piano or some keyboard on stage during the tour because come on if Jan plays the keys for Everybody's Waiting studio version then why not do it live too? and you know what's better? not only there was a piano on stage for the whole tour, but not only Jan but also Bojan played it. however, Bojan playing it for Everybody's Waiting and Jan playing it for Padam, Metulji and the cases where they had special guests (like in Estonia with Alika, Lithuania with Monika and Belgium with Gustaph)... those were not on my bingo card and they were the most pleasant surprise ever 😌
fandom: meeting each other at the gigs when the tour started and even though i knew i would go to at least two gigs, i was extremely nervous because this meant i'd probably come across other fans from here and social media in general. as a person with anxiety, one of my worries was how i'd be perceived and how i'd manage to not come across as a snob person because i'm shy and scared to talk to people i don't know. as the tour went on and i saw people meeting each other irl after only knowing each other via tumblr/twitter/instagram, i got more nervous but also had a warm feeling in my chest because seeing people meet, bond over things they like and have fun at gigs together is actually very wholesome 🫶 i hoped i would get to experience this too at the italian gigs but i was still nervous. and then, around the middle of March, i made the spontaneous decision to do the Munich gig too, but instead of getting even more nervous i just got myself on autopilot. and i'm glad i did because if i hadn't i wouldn't have met some of you neither in Munich nor in Milan or Padua. i wouldn't get to trade stuff and joke about things and talk about fandom stuff or even about fanfics lmao 😂 anyway, point is that i most probably was worried about nothing. i got to meet so many people at the gigs and i had so much fun despite the inconveniences that may had showed up in the way (i don't wanna talk about it tbh) and everyone was so welcome and lovely i'll never shut up about it 😭 also i’m taking this opportunity to say that if we attended the same gigs but didn't get to meet, i'm so sorry about it really but we will do it at some point i'm telling you! and i also wish i get to meet more of you from in here so we can yap about things outside of tumblr too. btw i still have stickers to give away and i will make more whenever the time comes again <3
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rosefrancaise8 · 1 year
One and a half days in Venice - a gift our itinerary offered up as soon as we decided to put Italy first and France second. We caught a water taxi from our hotel’s boat landing to the Marco Polo airport at 4am this morning. Waiting in the hushed darkness for the sound of a boat engine, ducking awkwardly into the cabin and then thudding across the open lagoon in the pitch dark, it felt like we were on a solo adventure all our own - but as we arrived another two water taxis moored alongside us and the departure terminal was heaving with bleary-eyed travellers just like us who might also have been thudding along the lagoon to catch their 6am flights thinking they were the only ones. A wonderful exit that we will always remember.
We packed what we could into our short stay in the Hotel Ca D’oro in Cannaregio - a Vivaldi Four Seasons violin concert in the church of Santa Maria della Visitazione on the waterfront near San Marco described on our brochure as a jewel of Venetian architecture - and an exhibition of Vittore Carpaccio’s 15th century drawings and paintings at the Doge’s Palace. We saw two panels painted later in his career that had sat either side of the original organ in the church we visited in Koper, Slovenia - and a centrepiece of that church that had been removed for this exhibition, leaving the altar and the tour guide bereft.
In his younger days, Carpaccio made exquisitely detailed charcoal and pencil portrait drawings as studies for his paintings. Much later, when inspiration had started to fade, he had these familiar faces to fall back on. I was reminded of my late aunt who skilfully and lovingly created a family photo album for her sister (my mum) about 50 years ago and when her own memory was fading many years hence found so much joy in what she had created - a beautiful aide memoire in which everyone had been named and given a reference number. I hope Carpaccio looked back on his early creations with the same satisfaction.
In between the concert and the exhibition were Select spritzes, i cicchetti snacks, molti espressi, thousands of steps and a trip to Lido on the vaporetto so that we could make best use of our 2-day travel pass. Such an extraordinary place - so vivid you can’t take it in, vulnerable and yet resolute in the face of all these strangers dragging suitcases across its paths in lock step hour after hour, day after day. I can’t imagine not being one of them again.
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myxghyn · 1 year
First of all, gue mau ceritain how my feels, hearts and situation on singpore 17 March 2023 (still remember the hype!)
Gue berangkat dari Jakarta tanggal 17 March jam 08.00 AM (which is the D day concert) rasanya setiap menit tuh laaaaamaaaa banget karena udah gasabar tingkat tinggi untuk one air w harlord HAHA. kenapa nih kok ga masuk-masuk pesawat ya, akhirnya boarding jam 08.15 AM dan take off jam 08.40 AM. dipesawat tidur aja karena harus siapin tenaga ketemu one and only Harry Styles. LANDING juga di Singapore jam 10.30 AM everthing was smooth from take off, landing until immigration veryvery smooth!
Karena gue nunggu temen gue dia dari Surabaya, harusnya sampe Singapore jam 12.00 PM tapi pesawat delay (fuck you B). Yaudah buat killing time gue jalan jalan aja ke Jewel, karena first time singapore juga (turis mode). Geret geret tuh koper kemana aja, liat Waterfall Jewel, muter jewel, masukin store sana sini cuma buat liat aja. Liat jam udah 12.30 PM laper dong karena udah jam makan siang juga sih. Langsung kita ke B2 Terminal 3, banyak bgt pilihan makanan tapi jatuh hati ke Makanan Thailand agak mahal jujur tapi worth it bgt dari porsi dan rasanya! Liat jam udah mau jam 2 ternyata temen gue udah landing yaudah kita habiskan makan dengan cepat, langsung ke atas karena ya kita harus buru buru ke hotel. Ternyata dia di imigrasi lama banget cong😀 setelah keluar kita gunakan cara cepat yaitu grab aja udahlah Bandara - Hotel karena kalo MRT kita abis waktu (karena tau dandan lama).
*Pro tip: ke B2 mall apapun di singapore karena itu surga HAHAHA
Sampe hotel langsung bongkar koper, mandi dan dandan. Jam 4.15PM kita kelar langsung cus cabut ke Stadium. Hotel kita deket sama stadium jadi jalan aja, ternyata banyak rakyat Indo yg nonton jadi jalannya ga sendirian dan menyenangkan lah menuju Stadium.
Sampe stadium beneran terkagum kagum karena everyone very stunning and drees up well (merasa kureng bgt jujur🥲). Langsung mencari where booth merch karena ya takut bgt ga kebagian apa apa sih. pas banget q-ing cepet banget ga ada 5 menit udah dilayanin dan very informative banget Tim Merch nya which I very love!
Kita foto dong ga afdol kalo ga foto hahaha, terus di fotoin sama harries sg kayanya dia arahin kita foto dan BAGUS banget shout out for you sis! udahlah kita cari minum dulu di kallang wave mall, lelah banget karena buru buru untuk sampe Nasional Stadium.
After that, gate open lalu kita security check dan dapet Uncle nya very nice and great humor. Sumpah perasaan saat itu cuma omg this is real? this is what I want to be? sangat campur aduk perasaannya lah. Mencari Gate 9, jalannya santai aja gitu ga buru buru banget, pas udah depan Gate 9 sangat amat shaking... Lalu, Scan tiket terus masuk. langsung di suguhkan Stage yg speckta! Gue bener bener susah memproses itu semua(until now)🥲
Lanjut mencari section lah kita, section 114 Row Q Seat 28-29. Melewati section 112, 113 mulai "omg kita tengah banget!!!!" lalu sampailah di section 114, mencari Row Q DAN ITU BENERAN TENGAH dan deket tangga (this important)!1!1!1!!! gua beneran speechless karena wow this could be realLLLLLL. I never thought that my section is that good, my luck unlock 1 hahaha.
Show mulai jam 08.00 PM, tapi udah hype ABISSS karena ya masa engga? while than that, jajan lah terus jadi social worker karena Fan Project SG ya that fine hahaha😀
Lampu mulai gelap, mulai heboh ternyata ya belum mulai. Band mulai masuk OMG this best feeling ever! Mulai opening music and art, and HARRY STYLES COMING IN!!! AAAAAAAKĶKKKK.
But, you know what I was freezing. Karena masih amazed dan diotak tuh OMG THIS IS FUXKING REAAAAALLLL😭😭 ada kali 3 menit di lagu pertama, nyanyi engga berdiri engga video pun engga. but that was best feeling ever. Finally I meet my idol from 2012😭 baru deh nyanyi teriak everything I want it, gue tumpahkah disana. tapi dilagu ke2 dan ke3 gua masih freezing lagi karena sangat amat amazed COYYYYY.
How could be he really fine, smart, good humor and wise in one time!!!! HOW COULD MR HAZZAAA??? sebelumnya gue ngehype dia biasa aja karena karya dia, sekarang gue obsessed WITH HIM a every single reels on my insta is HIM on HSLOT? PCD IS REAL AND HARD FOR ME, EVEN I DONT WANT TO MOVING ON!!!
And I hate because the show is over. It was insane!!! I really want attend again his show maybe in Wembley? HAHAHA just create another dreams🤣
And I want to shout out the security in this show, veryvery stirct and on point. the show end in 10.02 PM and they only gave us 15 minuets to leaving indoor stadium. on 10.12PM the stage begun to unload and they stared clean up indoor stadium. Wow very appreciated!
Ah, sekian cerita pengalaman gue dan 1 hari yang merubah gue selamanya. I have good core memory for HSLOT, National Stadium, and the Harries.
Thank you, Harry Styles for lovely show♡
- Nad, Singapore | 17 Mar 2023
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regioonlineofficial · 9 months
Afgelopen zondag 17 september heeft 'Vocaal ensemble Sola Re Sonare' een grote prestatie geleverd. Het kamerkoor zong in de Sint Bavokerk aan de Herenweg in Heemstede een concert met muziek uit de 16e en 17e eeuw. Op het programma stonden madrigalen uit Italië en Engeland, aangevuld met een aantal Italiaanse madrigalen van Schütz en afgewisseld met instrumentale muziek die paste bij het programma van het koor. Koperkwintet 'Michaëls Koper' klonk schitterend vanaf het oksaal, Joop van Goozen speelde een aantal prachtige orgelwerken. Al met al een zeer afwisselend programma met het koor in de hoofdrol. Die rol pakte het koor met verve op. De geenszins eenvoudige muziek werd met zichtbaar en hoorbaar plezier, een mooie koorklank én haarzuiver over het voetlicht gebracht. Alles a capella gezongen, ga er maar aanstaan als amateurzanger! Het publiek was razend enthousiast. Binnen korte tijd toch een eenheid Extra vermeldenswaardig is het feit dat het koor weliswaar al 30 jaar bestaat, maar dat 14 van de 18 leden pas vanaf 2021 bij het koor zingen. Dat het koor in zo'n korte tijd al een eenheid is geworden is een prestatie van formaat. 'Sola Re Sonare' is als een feniks uit de (corona)as herrezen! Wanneer u er niet bij was dan raden we u aan om naar het koor te komen luisteren op zondag 17 december om 15.00 uur in de Oude Kerk aan het Wilhelminaplein. 'Sola Re Sonare' zingt dan een kerstprogramma in het kader van de theeconcerten. Mis het niet! Meer informatie over kamerkoor Sola Re Sonare Wilt u meer weten over het koor, kijk dan eens op www.solaresonare.nl. Een aanrader is ook het filmpje dat scholieren van Hageveld deze zomer gemaakt hebben over het koor. Dit is gemakkelijk te vinden op youtube door te zoek op ´kamerkoor Sola Re Sonare 2023´.
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actuma · 2 years
Nederlander koopt meer digitale producten maar minder goederen online
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In 2022 gaf 74 procent van de Nederlanders van 12 jaar of ouder aan iets online gekocht te hebben. Dat is minder dan een jaar eerder toen 77 procent iets online kocht. De verkoop van digitale producten en diensten bleef vergeleken met 2021 gelijk of liet een groei zien, terwijl er online minder goederen besteld werden. Dat meldt het CBS op basis van de nieuwste cijfers van het onderzoek ‘ICT-gebruik van huishoudens en personen 2022’ dat jaarlijks van april tot juli wordt gehouden. In 2022 namen ruim 6 duizend mensen vanaf 12 jaar of ouder deel aan het onderzoek. In 2022 zei 74 procent van de 12-plussers, ongeveer 11,2 miljoen mensen, iets online gekocht te hebben gedurende de drie maanden voorafgaand aan het onderzoek. Dat is minder dan een jaar eerder toen 77 procent iets online kocht. Mensen waren in 2021 tijdens de coronapandemie meer aan huis gebonden en kochten mogelijk meer online. Het percentage online kopers in 2022 is wel iets hoger dan in 2020 (71 procent). Vaker digitale diensten en producten via internet gekocht Van de 12-plussers kocht 46 procent in 2022, net als een jaar eerder, films of series via een streamingdienst of als download. Iets meer mensen kochten een abonnement voor internet of mobiele telefoon of muziek via een streamingsdienst of download dan een jaar eerder.Online kaartjes kopen voor de bioscoop, een concert of een cultureel evenement is sterk gegroeid van 8 procent in 2021 – toen er in de culturele sector nog beperkingen van kracht waren wegens de coronacrisis – tot 34 procent in 2022. Ook het kopen van kaartjes voor een sportevenement of -wedstrijd nam toe van 2 procent in 2021 tot 9 procent in 2022. Vooral fysieke goederen minder online gekocht In 2022 kocht 53 procent van de bevolking van 12 jaar of ouder via internet kleding, sportkleding, schoenen of accessoires zoals tassen en sieraden. Daarmee stonden deze producten aan kop van de online aankopen maar werden ze iets minder vaak online aangeschaft dan een jaar eerder. 43 procent bestelde online maaltijden bij een restaurant, fastfoodketen of cateraar. Ook dat was minder dan in 2021.Verder kocht rond een kwart via internet cosmetica, sportartikelen, meubels, woonaccessoires of etenswaren, opnieuw minder dan het jaar daarvoor. De grootste afname ten opzichte van 2021 is te zien bij het online kopen van meubels, gedrukte boeken, kleding en maaltijden. Meeste goederen gekocht bij Nederlandse webshops Zeventig procent van de Nederlanders van 12 jaar of ouder kocht goederen of producten bij Nederlandse webshops, 22 procent kocht ook producten uit andere EU-landen en 12 procent ook uit andere delen van de wereld. Van een particulier, bijvoorbeeld op Markplaats, kocht 22 procent online producten. Online kopen populairst onder 25- tot 45-jarigen Vooral 25- tot 45-jarigen kopen via internet; in 2022 kocht 88 procent van hen online goederen of diensten, ongeveer evenveel als een jaar eerder. Van de 75-plussers deed 34 procent online aankopen, ook net zoveel als het jaar daarvoor. De afname was het grootst onder de 65- tot 75-jarigen; in 2022 winkelde 61 procent van hen online, in 2021 was dat 68 procent. Bron: CBS Read the full article
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dutchjan · 5 years
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April 03, 2019
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mmultiversal · 3 years
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Last event in Berlin, before Multiversal hits the road again for two summer retreats in Besançon(FR) and Koper(SI) in August and September. Come numerous, and spread the word: Multiversal #111 07/08/2021 at Villa Kuriosum Doors 18:00 on stage: CATARAT Hell Nova- Cello, E Bass Sò Salvotian - Baritone Sax Clèar Panthèr - E. Guitar, FX Mars Master- Drums https://soundcloud.com/user-156815570 DAHL x CARINZ Tim Dahl - E. Bass, FX Carinz - Action https://youtu.be/-BYYP42E4SA https://cargocollective.com/timdahl/About-Tim-Dahl KHORKHORDINA x BAUER Carina Khorkhordina - Trumpet Eric Bauer - Electronics, Objects https://youtu.be/G1FcMwCNfNI https://www.khorkhordina.org/ https://eric-bauer.net/ KRISPEL X BUSATO Markus Krispel - Reeds Marcello Busato - Drums https://bit.ly/3kGTvTS JUGENDWERKHOF harsh but noice https://lowlifehighvolume.bandcamp.com/ https://www.facebook.com/JWH.HARSH.NOISE Fezaya Firar Emre Sarigol - Electronics Melih Sarigol - Electronics https://soundcloud.com/fezayafirar POGO x TAVIL Mat Pogo - Players, Voice Utku Tavil - Snare, Electronics http://www.burpenterprise.com/burp/units/mat-pogo/ http://utkutavil.tumblr.com As it is mandatory, please bring your sanitary paperwork with you to be shown in case of an inspection by the authorities. Only the bar in the garden will be operating. Indoors where the concerts will take place, it is advised to not to smoke and wear a mask if you feel like it. In the basement where the second stage is, it is mandatory to wear masks. FB Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/334523251501361
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freundlichebram · 4 years
Hajj’s diary: The Beginning
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim :)
Tiada Tuhan selain Allah, dan Nabi Muhammad adalah utusan Allah.
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Akhirnya setelah sekian lama, diberikan keinginan untuk update cerita Tumblr tentang cerita saat berhaji. Niatnya hanya ingin berbagi, karena itu, nanti akan jarang ada foto diri, karena memang ingin menyimpan memori untuk diri sendiri (syukur-syukur kalo ada yang baca dan ada manfaatnya). Oke, bismillah, kita mulai.
Tahun 2012, alhamdulillah ibunda tercinta dapet rejeki nomplok dari hasil warisan orangtuanya, dan bapakku tercinta kemudian menyarankan uangnya digunakan untuk buka tabungan haji. Bank yang kami tuju waktu itu Bank Muamalat (BM), karena BM ini merupakan bank syariah pertama di Indonesia dan mumpuni dalam mengurus dana haji. Setelah didaftarkan, bank langsung mengeluarkan surat tanda pendaftaran dan juga nomor urut pemberangkatan dimana kami diberi antrian tunggu 7 tahun, yaitu di tahun 2019. 
Time flies, dan tahu-tahu bapakku heboh di akhir 2018, karena beliau ingat kita sudah diberi antrian haji di tahun 2019. Awal tahun 2019, akhirnya bapak ke Kementerian Agama Kota Cimahi untuk konfirmasi keberangkatan, dan alhamdulillah memang sudah ada di list nama yang diberangkatkan. Disinilah keseruan (dan juga sumber ke-uring-uring-an kami) dimulai. 
Kelompok Bimbingan Jamaah Haji
Awalnya, kami dikenalkan dengan Kelompok Bimbingan Ibadah Haji (KBIH) Baiturrahim, dengan pimpinan dan juga pembina kami kelak di Tanah Suci, Pak Hj. Asep Sopandi, yang alamatnya di Cimahi Selatan. Bimbingan dijadwalkan diadakan setiap Minggu, mulai pukul 9 pagi hingga menjelang Dzuhur. Anggota KBIH Baiturrahim ini ada sekitar 50 orang, dan kami semua cenderung kalem. Ya, yang heboh ada juga sih. Anyway, so far sebelum memulai ibadah haji, bimbingan memang sangat diperlukan. Buat apa sih ada KBIH?
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1. Pengenalan Ibadah Haji, makna, dan esensi. Sayang banget kalo makna ibadah haji hanya sebatas “menjalankan rukun Islam yang kelima”. Hajj is way more than that. Sepengetahuanku yang terbatas, ada banyak pesan tersirat dalam ibadah haji yang tidak hanya membahas masa lalu, tapi juga sangat baik untuk menjalani masa depan. Misalnya, mendalami kisah Nabi Ibrahim AS dan Nabi Ismail AS, sekaligus mendalami kesulitan-kesulitan yang kita hadapi nanti, dan apa hikmahnya untuk kehidupan di masa depan muslim/muslimah.
2. Jalur komando pemerintah sebagai regulator ibadah haji dan umrah. Bayangkan ada 3 juta manusia tumpah ruah di lokasi yang sama, dan tanpa pengelompokkan yang sistematis, pasti akan ada simpang siur. Ibadah haji adalah ibadah yang inklusif; penderita penyakit parah macam penyakit jantung aja masih bisa ikut (kecuali yang _damage-_nya besar ya, misal TBC, Paru-paru, cuci darah, dst), sehingga dibutuhkan informasi yang akurat per jamaah. Jadi ketika ibadah raya dijalankan, ada SOP dan kegiatan preventif yang bisa dijadikan basis bagi regulator untuk perawatan dan meminimalisasi kekacauan. Setiap jamaah diberikan gelang pengenal yang HARUS selalu dibawa kemanapun kita berada, bahannya dari semacam perak. Jadi, kalo pait-paitnya kita hilang atau pendamping kita hilang, tinggal samper pos Indonesia terdekat atau pos pengamanan haji terdekat, nanti bisa diarahkan untuk pulang ke tenda masing-masing. Ya, baru paham ini pas udah sampe di Mina.... Mina gede banget boook!
3. Memudahkan urusan administrasi. Meskipun kadang informasi di grup itu simpang siur, tapi seringkali sangat memudahkan. Administrasi untuk jamaah haji banyak sekali, misalnya 
daftar ke Kemenag setempat dengan dokumen a, b, c, d; 
pengurusan visa yang _wallahi, _karena butuh biometrik langsung di agen yang ditunjuk sama utusan Saudi, namanya Visa Tasheel, dan ini ngga semua ada di wilayah NKRI, jadi butuh jadwal per kloter/wilayah/pulau; 
pengaturan kloter dan rombongan; 
administrasi pembayaran dan per-akomodasi-an (termasuk aturan pembagian koper, warna tali koper, dan hal perintilan lainnya, dan 
pemeriksaan kesehatan. ini yang wajibbbbb banget ada, dan penting banget. Jujur, cukup salut dengan poin ini karena bertahun-tahun pengalaman dengan jamaah haji, kepastian sehat ini sudah terukur dengan seksama. Misal, sehat tok, atau sehat dengan syarat dan ketentuan tertentu. 
4. Sarana silaturahmi bagi sesama jemaah. Yah, manusia mau gimanapun akan lebih nyaman berpergian dalam kelompok. Tapi kan tetep harus saling kenal dulu dengan individu masing-masing di kelompok itu. Dengan kegiatan bersama yang kurang lebih makan waktu sekitar 4 bulan, jamaah akan mulai menyesuaikan diri dengan karakter masing-masing dan menemukan rasa nyaman dan aman, semacam “ini nanti teman-temanku yang akan bareng sebulan setengah bersama di Tanah Suci”. Best way to comfort ourselves in the middle of unknown place. Plus jadi kenal sama emak-emak sepuh hebat pejuang haji yang walaupun secara fisik terlihat mungil, tapi motivasinya untuk berhaji wah jangan ditanya. Anak muda mungkin kalah. 
Jadi, intinya KBIH bisa membantu menyampaikan informasi untuk hal-hal di atas. Dan, tentunya KBIH adalah “rumah” kita di Tanah Suci, identitas jamaah nantinya akan berkaitan dengan KBIH nantinya, kecuali memang jamaah tersebut mendaftarkan diri secara mandiri ke Kemenag ya. Beda cerita. 
Tes Kesehatan Jamaah Haji
Dimulai dari lima bulan sebelum keberangkatan, jamaah diminta memastikan kesehatannya di Puskesmas domisili dengan membawa bukti pemeriksaan. Pemeriksaan di Puskesmas dilakukan dua kali. Biasanya, di pemeriksaan pertama akan ketahuan ternyata ada penyakit-penyakit tertentu. Nantinya, hasil ini bakal ngebantu Dinkes untuk penempatan jamaah di kategori tertentu, dinamakan RISTI (Resiko Tinggi). Dan tentunya, hasil pemeriksaan dan diagnosis ini bisa bantu jamaah yang ketahuan ada penyakit untuk mengurangi resiko dulu dengan pengobatan intensif dari dokter. Oiya, ibu hamil dilarang berangkat juga, jadi antriannya ditangguhkan ke tahun depannya.
Selain itu juga, hasil dari pemeriksaan ini nanti bisa dijadikan patokan untuk tes jasmani berupa jalan/lari dengan waktu tertentu, dengan tabel-tabel yang hanya dokter dan Tuhan yang tau artinya. Tapi akunya juga males nyari tau sih hehe, intinya kayak grafik hubungan waktu tes jalan/lari dengan detak jantung dan tekanan darah gitu hehe. Tapi hasil tes jasmani ini ngga terlalu ngaruh sih ke berangkat/tidaknya jamaah.   
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Setelah dinyatakan istito’ah atau mampu secara kesehatan, jamaah akan diberikan suntik meningitis dari Puskesmas dengan harga 150 ribu rupiah, yang maksimal diberikan dua bulan sebelum berangkat. 
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Sudah bimbingan, sudah istito’ah secara kesehatan, artinya bisa pelunasan.
Pelunasan bisa dibilang salah satu sistem canggih hasil proses administrasi haji bertahun-tahun sih. Jadi, sistem bank ini terhubung dengan Puskesmas domisili jamaah ya. Apabila Puskesmas sudah menyatakan OK, Bank akan memproses pembayaran dari jamaah. Jadi, jamaah nggak bisa ngadi-ngadi nih; padahal ngga boleh berangkat, eh kok malah maksain mau berangkat padahal kesehatan tidak mumpuni. 
Pelunasan tergantung sama harga total yang ditentukan pihak Saudi per tahun. Biasanya, pemerintah Indonesia memberikan subsidi juga, untuk tahun 2019, subsidi yang diberikan sampe loh 50% dari harga yang dikasih Saudi. Masya Allah tabarakallah. Total pembayaran tahun 2019 adalah Rp35.250.000
Nantinya, sebelum keberangkatan, uang pelunasan jamaah akan diberikan kembali dalam bentuk Riyal sebesar 1,500 SAR (eqv. 5 juta Rupiah). Yah, mayan kan buat beli makan pagi sama belanja oleh-oleh. Ehehe ehehe
Visa Tasheel
Ini nih ribet, wkwk. Jadi, mulai tahun 2018, pihak Saudi hanya menerima jamaah haji dan umrah yang punya visa biometrik. Dan biometrik ini hanya diserahkan sama agen yang ditunjuk Saudi secara spesifik, namanya Visa Tasheel. Sedangkan, nggak semua wilayah di Indonesia punya perwakilan Visa Tasheel. Di Bandung sendiri, Visa Tasheel ini ada di ex-BE Mall di Jalan Naripan, yang bahkan letaknya di lantai yang kosong melompong. Untungnya, di bawah ada food court nya juga sih hehe.
Visa ini diurus secara kolektif dari Kemenag domisili, yang pengurusannya dibantu oleh KBIH. Ceritanya adalah sebelum berangkat, eke mau ngonser dulu bok di Bangkok, kan sayang ya jarang-jarang BTS buka konser di ASEAN. Eh, keburu paspornya harus dikumpulin. Ndilalahnya, jadwal biometrik Cimahi pas banget seminggu sebelum konser, dan paspor kan otomatis jadi syarat bikin biometriknya. Alhamdulillah, negosiasi sama pihak Kemenag, paspor yang udah dikumpul boleh diambil dulu, dan nanti dikembalikan lagi, dengan syarat ada surat pernyataan. Deg-degan banget waktu lagi biometrik, doa kenceng-kenceng supaya si Bapaknya ngga lupa sama pasporku. Eh, pas udah beres biometrik, pasporku sudah di tanganku lagi :’) Right away after the concert, sampe Bandung, seminggu kemudian paspornya langsung dibalikin ke Kemenag. So happy! Shoutout to Pak Agus Kemenag Cimahi yang kasih solusi!
Balik lagi ke sistem Tasheel ini, pas musim haji, perwakilan Tasheel langsung buka beberapa kantor lagi di beberapa kota di Indonesia. Tapi, ya..... jamaah dari daerah yang ngga ada perwakilan Tasheel nya mau ngga mau harus ke kota-kota perwakilan itu. Bayangin, ada yang sampe terbang dari Ambon ke Makassar buat daftar biometrik. Di Bandung aja, pas jadwal kita biometrik, bareng sama ratusan jamaah Kab. Subang yang dateng kolektif pake bis. Masya Allah ya... usaha mau bertandang ke rumah Allah tuh :’)
Hopefully soon, this administration will easily reachable for other jamaahs outside major lands too.
Oke, setelah semua-semua-semua administrasi selesai, koper dibagikan beserta kelengkapan jamaah yang lainnya, misalnya _nametag, _gelang jamaah, koper besar dan koper kecil. Nantinya, koper besar dikumpulkan ke KBIH H-7 sebelum keberangkatan, untuk meminimalisasi kekacauan di hari-H. Di hari-hari ini nih berita-berita keberangkatan mulai seliweran, dan pastinya kita ikutan deg-degan dan nggak sabar :’) 
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Mecca and Madina, please be kind to me :)
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
As mass shootings rise, experts say high-capacity magazines should be the focus
As mass shootings rise, experts say high-capacity magazines should be the focus
By Griff Wittes | Published August 18 at 6:23 PM ET | Washington Post | Posted August 19, 2019 7:45 AM ET |
It took a shooter all of 32 seconds to spray 41 rounds outside a popular bar in Dayton, Ohio, this month, an attack that killed nine people and injured 27. A lightning-fast response from nearby officers prevented a far higher toll: When police shot him dead, the killer still had dozens of bullets to go in his double-drum, 100-round magazine.
The use of such high-capacity magazines was banned in Ohio up until 2015, when a little-noticed change in state law legalized the devices, part of an overall rollback in gun-control measures that has been mirrored in states nationwide.
With the pace of mass shootings accelerating — and their tolls dramatically increasing — criminologists and reform advocates are more intently focused on limiting access to such accessories as one of the most potent ways to curb the epidemic.
Restrictions on the capacity of bullet magazines will not stop mass shootings, but they could make the attacks less deadly, giving potential targets precious seconds to escape or fight back while the shooter reloads, experts say.
“The high-capacity magazine is what takes it to a whole other level of carnage,” said David Chipman, who served 25 years as a special agent for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. “It’s the primary driver for why we’re seeing more mass shootings more regularly.”
Chipman, who now serves as a senior policy adviser for Giffords, a group that advocates for gun control, said banning the devices “does seem like a logical policy choice if you’re trying to stop a killer from turning into a killing machine.”
The odds that Congress or state legislatures will act still appear relatively remote. Powerful gun rights lobbying groups, including the National Rifle Association, vigorously oppose high-capacity magazine bans or limits, arguing that criminals will find a way to obtain the devices regardless of the law, just as they do with weapons. Would-be killers, they say, can always arm themselves with multiple weapons or magazines, effectively skirting any ban.
A man in Philadelphia held police at bay for seven hours Wednesday with an arsenal of weapons and ammunition that, as a felon, he should not have been able to have at all; he shot and injured six police officers before surrendering, and authorities have said it was a “miracle” that no one died in the shootout.
Still, a growing body of evidence suggests that past federal and current state-level restrictions on magazine capacity have been effective. And with high-capacity magazines becoming a staple of mass shootings, experts have an ever-longer litany of case studies to bolster their argument. 
Magazines like the one used in Dayton have little utility in hunting, law enforcement or self-defense. But high-capacity devices, which are readily available online and in stores, have been used in more than half of all mass shootings in recent years, including especially deadly attacks in Las Vegas, Sutherland Springs, Tex., and Parkland, Fla. Taken together, those three attacks from October 2017 to February 2018 claimed 101 lives and injured 459 people at an outdoor concert, in a church and inside a public high school. 
They were also used in the 2011 Tucson shooting of then-Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), for whom Chipman’s group is named. That attack was interrupted when the shooter, who was using a 33-round clip, stopped to reload and fumbled the fresh ammunition. A bystander seized the chance, clubbing him in the back of the head with a folding chair while another tackled him to the ground.
With smaller-capacity magazines, said Robert Spitzer, a State University of New York at Cortland professor who has written five books on gun policy, “you could still do bad things. But not nearly to the same scale.”
Studies have bolstered the view that a ban could have an impact. 
Magazines with a capacity of more than 10 bullets were prohibited from 1994 to 2004 under federal law that included a prohibition on assault weapons. But since the law lapsed, gun crimes involving high-capacity semiautomatic weapons have increased markedly, research conducted by George Mason University criminologist Christopher S. Koper found.
A Washington Post analysis in 2011 came to a similar conclusion, finding that the percentage of firearms equipped with high-capacity magazines seized by police agencies in Virginia dropped during the decade covered by the federal ban, only to rise sharply once the restrictions were lifted. 
In more recent research, to be published in the coming months, Koper and his colleagues have found promising signs about the potential for large-capacity-magazine prohibitions and their ability to yield reductions in mass-shooting deaths and injuries. 
Boston University professor Michael Siegel has found that states limiting the size of magazines are less likely to experience a mass shooting. Nine states and the District of Columbia have such bans on the books, with most limiting magazines to 10 bullets.
Until 2015, Ohio had its own restrictions, capping magazines at 30 bullets. But the Republican-dominated state legislature erased those rules as part of a broader package of changes aimed at loosening gun laws.
“They just slipped it through,” said Cecil Thomas, a Democrat in the Ohio Senate. Following the Dayton attack, Thomas and other Democrats are pushing for new limits. 
Thomas, a 27-year veteran of the Cincinnati Police Department, said he had to worry as an officer that, with a 15-round clip and one in the chamber of his pistol, criminals would outgun him. “My little nine-millimeter would be useless against an AR-15,” he said, referring to his standard-issue handgun and a high-powered rifle that has proved popular among mass killers.
The Dayton shooter’s killing rampage — carried out with a large magazine and other equipment obtained from a friend — has only deepened Thomas’s conviction that the laws need to be toughened. He said he hopes Republicans will be amenable to a change that would not infringe on the legality of guns themselves. 
“I hear all the time from Republicans about the constitutional right to bear arms,” Thomas said. “I say ‘You can bear the arms. But I don’t know if you have the right to bear all the ammunition in the world.’ ”
There is precedent for accessory bans, even with pro-gun-rights Republicans in charge: The Trump administration last year banned bump stocks, the device that allowed the Las Vegas shooter to fire a semiautomatic rifle almost as fast as a machine gun.
In Ohio, however, there is little indication that a renewed magazine limit is viable. Republican Gov. Mike DeWine — who was greeted with cries of “Do something!” in his first appearance after the Aug. 4 Dayton attack — has proposed a range of measures that includes background checks and increased funding for mental health care. 
A high-capacity-magazine ban is not among them. In a legislature dominated by Republicans — as well as some Democrats — who prize their ratings with the NRA, few dare defy the group, which calls magazines with more than 10 bullets “standard equipment for many handguns and rifles” and disputes findings that suggest limits can be effective. 
“There’s not a shred of evidence that high-capacity-magazine bans work,” said NRA spokeswoman Catherine Mortensen. “Politicians ought to focus on solutions that keep guns out of the hands of dangerous criminals.”
The situation is similar at the federal level, where President Trump has expressed a willingness to work with Democrats on background checks. But he has said there is not sufficient “political appetite” for any bans — despite the fact that polls show a large majority of the public in favor. Republicans in Congress have echoed that view, with many recoiling even at the idea of stronger background checks.
Democrats on the presidential campaign trail have said they would prioritize the magazine issue if elected, and they have expressed incredulity that it has not been addressed.
“Who in God’s name needs a weapon that has 100 rounds?” former vice president and Democratic poll leader Joe Biden asked a crowd in Iowa. “For God’s sake.”
Whether anyone needs them, many people evidently want them. The NRA estimates that more than 250 million magazines with a capacity of 11 rounds or greater are in circulation. Of those, 100 million have a capacity of at least 30 rounds.
Gun experts say their popularity has undoubtedly grown as technology has advanced, making the devices lighter and less prone to jams.
A 100-round drum is still too heavy to make it useful for law enforcement or for self-defense, and it is not needed for hunting, said Rick Vasquez, a retired firearms officer and trainer for the federal government. 
At the range where he and other professionals shoot, he said, he has never seen a 100-round magazine in use. 
But to a certain demographic, the appeal is all about the image.
“You put it on your gun and take a YouTube video of yourself,” said Vasquez, who now runs Texas-based Active Crisis Consulting. “It looks really cool to the younger generation.” 
At the online gun retailer Cheaper Than Dirt, where a drum similar to the one used in Dayton is on sale for $181.33, fun is what is emphasized.
“This 100 round drum magazine lets you shoot while your friends reload,” the seller boasts, noting that whether “stress relief or Zombie horde destruction fire this magazine lets the good times roll.”
Cheaper Than Dirt did not respond to a request for comment.
Even if a 100-round magazine is not particularly useful, Vasquez said, he believes there is little benefit in banning it. The Dayton shooter, he said, “wanted to create havoc. He could have done that with 30-round magazines, 20-round magazines or 10-round magazines. It didn’t matter.” 
Gun-control advocates say that misses the point. And they say they suspect the real point for the gun industry in defending high-capacity magazines is that they are lucrative.
“They make a lot of money off these devices,” said Laura Cutilletta, who, like Chipman, pushes for gun control at Gifford. “They’re reluctant to let any law get in the way of their profit.” 
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marzellamusic · 5 years
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Hello hello, we’re back! But soon on the road again 😎 Tomorrow, we’re heading to Slovenia for 3 dates. Then, a complete change of scenery from a concert in Orbe (CH) on the 31st of August 🙃 and finally, a concert in Padova (IT) on the 4th of September. We’ve missed you and are happy to be back ❤️ Dates below: 27/08 Hrvoji SL (Floating Castle Fest On The Road) 28/08 Gračišče SL (Floating Castle Fest On The Road) 29/08 Truške SL (Floating Castle Fest On The Road) 31/08 Festival Moulin-Mouline, Orbe CH 04/09 @parcodellamusicapadova , Padova IT 🌹 Mais bien le bonjour, on est de retour 😎 Mais bientôt de nouveau sur la route. Demain, direction la Slovénie pour 3 dates. Ensuite, dépaysement total avec avec un concert à Orbe le 31 août 🙃 et pour finir, un concert en Italie le 4 septembre ! Vous nous avez manqué ❤️ Dates et lieux ci-dessous : 27/08 Hrvoji SL (Floating Castle Fest On The Road) 28/08 Gračišče SL (Floating Castle Fest On The Road) 29/08 Truške SL (Floating Castle Fest On The Road) 31/08 Festival Moulin-Mouline, Orbe CH 04/09 Parco Della Musica, Padova IT (à Koper Slovenia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1o22IDI5k4/?igshid=1cr9kq44d5axz
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crabbielife · 6 years
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
1. PO dan pembayaran ditutup pada 5 SEPTEMBER (Rabu). 2. Pembayaran harus lunas pada tanggal 5 SEPTEMBER, 21:00 WIB. 3. Untuk yang memilih opsi shipping, transfer pembayaran akan dilakukan 2x: pembayaran barang dan pembayaran shipping (KOR-INA dan domestik INA). Pengiriman domestik akan dilakukan dari Surabaya. 4. Bagi yang memilih opsi shipping, barang tidak akan dikirim jika pemesan tidak melunasi ongkos shipping. 5. Bagi yang memilih opsi pengambilan di lokasi konser, aku bakal nentuin jam dan tempat pengambilan. Mohon diambil tepat waktu. Barang boleh diambilkan/dititipkan orang lain, tapi tolong bilang aku dulu. 6. Setelah melakukan pembayaran, harap mengirimkan bukti ke email [email protected]. No rekening (MANDIRI only) akan diinformasikan via email/hape/chat 7. TIDAK MENERIMA ORDER UNTUK KOPER (tidak ada tempat).
Slogan Towel 207.700 Soju Glass set 409.000 Shinhwa Knight badge 275.000 Leather Key Ring 516.000 Air Freshner 570.000 Clutch bag 677.000 Bag pack 945.000 T-Shirt 435.500 Sweatshirt (green) 811.000 Hoodie (black) 1.213.000 Nametag 275.000 Luggage belt 248.000
Terima kasih 🙂
[PO] Shinhwa ‘HEART’ Concert Merchandise RULES 1. PO dan pembayaran ditutup pada 5 SEPTEMBER (Rabu). 2. Pembayaran harus lunas pada tanggal 5 SEPTEMBER, 21:00 WIB.
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shytiff · 4 years
Small September Wins
1 - its JK's birthday, and BTS also got #1 Billboard 🥺 and then dave uploaded a video of him shaving his eyebrows. Somehow theres a lot of stuff happening as Sept starters! I hope all goes well in this month. Aamiin. DL, 6P
2 - DL, e (exercise), finished to 4 padi (took a while, but i still try to be proud), watched in the soop ep 2 yay!!!
3 - DL, e, edited 3 articles, 5P. Drank janjiw’s hazelnut latte and im still not sleepy (its currently 11 pm). like usually bcs i dont move a lot and its a boring routine day to day, im not 100% “awake”. most of the time im running on probably 90-95%, like there’s still that feel of tiredness looming behind, a slight feel on the head. (except after exercise or freshly woken up and bathed) but after coffee, my head doesnt feel the usual tiiiny weight, my eyes somehow feel like they’re fully open lmao. i see the bed and im not even thinking abt laying down and sleeping. my head feels clearer, if that makes sense. is this how other ppl feel all the time? but i feel sbux’s coffee doesnt quite have the “effect” on me like janjiw do. maybe bcs it’s arabica vs robusta. and today my back feels somewhat strong and not tired!! my legs were sore from yesterday but i can sit and do stuff for a while and not feel like ugh on my back
4 - DL, edited 1 article, MPI briefing
5 - DL, planned to run and i even changed but the weather turns SUNNY all of the sudden, and when i change back into normal clothing the suns gone lmao, watched parasite (and afterwards seeing the posters and tidbits about it), ordered damm eat (quite good, but the butter rice was a bit lacking), attended ma 50th anniv on zoom and wadah gerabah (kdm's seminar on financial planning)
6 - DL, e, 2P, ordered koper bebek pak boss (kgn!!! Taste good and oily as always just the way i like it), finished listening to Tentang Anak: Montessori just bcs i was curious
7 - DL, 2K (kompre lisan kak shela), A, the lecture was all day long so its a great distraction while im fasting, the dinner was spicy chicken so i was chugging a lot of water and my stomach was half water half food
8 - DL, D (Dhuha), 15K
9 - DL, 5K, met up with atikah and lau @ mcd citra 7, talked about coding design and branding (a refreshment from medschool vibezz), did delirium ppt for thursday submission (amazed i didnt do it 2 hrs before deadline)
10 - DL, pelatihan apd, google meets with shiko to do delirium ppt, edited 2 articles
11 - DL, E, 8K, wow nemos first webinar is finally published
12 - DL, e, joons birthday!!!!, eidcp (shock and pain), in the soop 4, mpi briefing, played among us with shiko
13 - DL, 20K, 3IKK (Cicil soal DK IKK)
14 - nugas EA bersama manusia2 terstruktur dan rapih anti deadliner club im like wow so this is how other rotations work? lmaooo
15 - DL, did KMKP QA together with B9, cicil DK IKK but my progress was sooo slow, slept in early even though i dont deserve it since i can feel the looming fatigue
16 - DL, lazed around the first half of the day wtf tif ingat kompre :((((, read kak diptas note on acls but i forgot it already (its only been a couple hrs) fkdigital obesity, did DT EA
17 - ask something for the first time in mpi class by my own will lmao. Todays class was very spontaneous. Listed sponsors contacts. DL, 3k
18 - DL, sent soal pld to alya, qc soal pld, finished ppt 1 hr before discussion, slept in until 9 am, my mood feels better after playing among us and werewolf with candra jiwa. i was alive until the very last seconds until i finally died and the evil won. i for sure CANNOT be a detective. Played until 12 am. my sour soul was cheered up, so glad i joined
19 - DT resume submission while lying in bed, kompre briefing, in the soop 5 while exercising (Emi Wong, standing HIIT), rapat sponsor nemo, read PPK Primer, diskusi asinkronus, my will to do things deteriorated again
20 - DL, hamstring and glutes sore af, 4IKK, read some PPK Primer, played among us with dajen and anak merpati, group call w shiko
21 - DL, did geriatri assignment, cicil ikk (even though turned out i did the wrong questions ffffffff), cbl at night from 19:30-21:00. Tried indomaret point's baper coffee and it did make me focus more on my laptop and deadlines to catch. Bts tiny desk concert omg!!!
22 - DL, cicil IKK as always~ geriatri discussion, drank indomaret points caramel latte and studied a bit for kompre. Somehow my stomach is less bloated when i drink coffee the night before :/
23 - DL, 1A, kompre study, dk ikk 17:00, coffee (palm sugar, indomaret point). Im not drowning in assignment... Yet
24 - DL, EA task training and simulation, cbl from 13:00-17:00 powered by sbux vanilla latte, passed out until 20:00, ate sum food, did DT
25 - wtf its friday already?!, DL, task training, spontaneous J-2 announced meeting with dr Dyah, tried ara's cake, rapat nemo and sponsor nemo, caramel macchiato~, ICORPS RSUI, cicil ikk terosss
26 - DL, have no will to do stuff, read some bitly kompre, ordered burgushi chicken mentai, cicil IKK
27 - 1A, alhamdulillahh finished reflection after a lot of stumped moments, it literally took me a day to make wtf. Its only 2 pages. And thats about it lmaooo. Played among us with solid
28 - DL, 1A, woke up at 11 am lmao, horein sam, cicil dk ikk, group call shiko. Didnt do a lot od things today but my mood is definitely better
29 - DL, will sleep at about 11 pm ish (slept through prof men’s lecture huhu) --> after posting this played my phone and slept at 12, anamnesis practice with ness ren, finished tugas harian geri
30 - DL, anam geri, finished status, and then did nothing else except reading painter of the night :(((( i didnt even do ikk. I got no fighting spirit today
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hiyaa, my dad is from slovenia but my mom is from croatia and we live in croatia and ive been in slovenia only once sadly, my dad is from gornji grad and it is a pretty cute place, we are going again for new year so can you suggest some nice places where people maybe celebrate new year on the streets or a good place to watch fireworks or smth?? hvala~
hey! most bigger towns and cities have organized celebrations with open-air concerts, while only some still have fireworks – Ljubljana, Bled, Koper and Murska Sobota do, Portorož does too, but on the eve of 1 Jan, while others don’t / will only have fireworks from private parties (here you can read an overview of what will be happening in the bigger towns for new year’s eve, while this article covers where there will be fireworks – both in sln)
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