#the light hits * hyunki
beseira · 1 month
watch me
this was going to be a great performance, seira wanted to make sure of that. she’d never worked this hard on a performance, not even during her idol days. nothing could go wrong, every detail was important to seira. she’d learned her parts of the song and the dance a long time ago, now she was just making sure everything was good. she’d never done a concept like this before, which feared seira a bit, but she was sure with hard work she could bring a good performance.
she finds herself with fellow team member hyunki, the two going over the dance and their facial expressions together. “for this part, would it fit better if i tried to look serious or sexy?” she asks the other, any advice during this performance very important to her.
sending it too... @behyunki
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inhobe · 3 months
hello all! it is i, chy (hyunki & xiaoli) bringing you my third (and more than likely final) muse to wannabe! introducing, ryu inho. he is 22 years old, and currently attending hongik university while majoring in computer engineering. for work he works mostly at a flower shop, and sings at bars on weekends. inho is charismatic, loyal, flirtatious, and very friendly. below i included more information about him, as well as some general plot ideas we can potentially work off of, then there is also links to his profile (i am working on a longer plot page)! i always love to brainstorm otherwise! if you'd like to plot feel free to like this and i will come bother you!
(discord available upon request)
(tw for mentions of abuse, drug use, abandonment, and teen pregnancy)
inho was born december 05, 2001, a sag baby
raised by a single mother, and his dad dipped before he was born
his mom was 16 when she had him
they allowed his mom to stay she graduated high school but kicked her out the same day
his whole life they were poor and required a large amount of government assistance to get by
inho has a terrible relationship with his mother. she blames him for how her life ended up
she would verbally degrade him, and frequently left inho home alone to go party with friends or her new boyfriend and do drugs
there were times she or her partners would physically abuse him
up until he was about thirteen he never fought back, but then he began to, both with his words and his fists
has a problem to this day with his temper and getting into fights, has punched many a hole into a wall
his dad briefly would show up on occasion, but never for more than a few weeks
when inho was 17 his dad got his mom pregnant again with his little sister, inhye
inhye is the light of his life and he works very hard to protect her and give her a good life
nowadays she frequently lives with him and he finds a way to take her to school and pick her up daily, and the flower shop owner lets him have her around
only interacts with his mom when he can't have inhye in his care and has to bring her back
completed his military service directly out of high school and came back about september 2021
started at the flower shop he works at immediately and also finding bars to sing at sometimes
chose to major in computer engineering mostly because he is intelligent enough for it, but also it will provide good money for him and inhye
not sure what he wants to do long term
inho loves singing significantly more than working with computers or at the flower shop, but isn't sure how to achieve that dream
most of his connection to idols is through some friends and his sister
ex(s) - i imagine inho probably had a partner possibly during his military time (february 2020 - september 2021) that he only saw during that time, and probably one longer term partner while in high school (march 2016-february 2020) and those are both fairly open for plotting
fwbs/hook ups - inho is very flirty and with spending his weekend nights in bars and his week days being flirty at the flower shop, he is known to take some people to his bed. recently went through a Tough Time and had a month or two long period where he really went ham
friends - he keeps a large circle of friends around him and enjoys company. so people he's known since high school, met at uni, met at his work. very open!
fellow students - just classmates, whether they share a major or not
a colleague - i imagine only one or two other people work at the shop with him
honestly would love to put him in a band, so if anyone wants a lead singer, hit him up
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beseira · 3 months
let's dance ♪ ♪ ♪
seira was still unsure what got her here, what in her had decided on auditioning for next gen. seira hadn’t been fully immersed in the show during the first season, but she’d briefly seen it. at that time she didn’t think she would ever join, she was already an idol, why would she join a show for people who want to become trainees? but her group disbanded, she left the company, and now all she was was a barista. she wasn’t sure what to do with her life, if she should try becoming an idol again or not, but here she stood, having joined next gen.
time had flown by, she barely remembers auditioning, and now she’s here, in the show. she’d auditioned with rap, not confident in any other skill, but now the focus was on dance and singing. she finds herself struggling, it’s harder to remember dances than she remembered it to be. struggling a long time alone, she decides she doesn't wanna struggle all alone. her eyes catches someone, and though she doesn’t know them, her feet walk in the direction of the other. “you’re hyunki… right?” she swallows her spit “you’re quite good at dancing, do you think you could help me?” she shows a smile “it’s fine if you’d prefer practicing alone!”.
sending it to... @behyunki
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