beseira · 1 month
watch me
this was going to be a great performance, seira wanted to make sure of that. she’d never worked this hard on a performance, not even during her idol days. nothing could go wrong, every detail was important to seira. she’d learned her parts of the song and the dance a long time ago, now she was just making sure everything was good. she’d never done a concept like this before, which feared seira a bit, but she was sure with hard work she could bring a good performance.
she finds herself with fellow team member hyunki, the two going over the dance and their facial expressions together. “for this part, would it fit better if i tried to look serious or sexy?” she asks the other, any advice during this performance very important to her.
sending it too... @behyunki
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jueunbe · 6 months
✦ . ˚ —  @behyunki
jueun was almost done putting the finishing touches on hyunki's makeup when she decided to take a step back to admire the work she's just done. "you should go around like this more often. drawing your brows like this definitely makes your eyes pop even more!"
while she hadn't been actively searching for a following, jueun's garnered a decent amount of followers on instagram for other people to reach out for her for collaborations. it's how she got to know hyunki as well and although they had different audiences, she didn't see how a collab would hurt. if anything, it'd only further her outreach.
"i hope the dance you'll be teaching me is easy enough. i don't think i've done a dance routine since i was like eleven." she's done a few things here and there back when she was a pageant kid, but she doubts it was anything like what hyunki did unless he was twirling batons around.
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srmedia · 2 days
Tumblr media
JANG HYUNKI has joined sr media as of JUNE 5, 2024.
he is on a full contract which expires JUNE 5, 2025.
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lucielxbe · 1 month
luciel has been working well with his team. the concept they were working out came out fantastic the more they worked on it together. maybe he was a little lucky that he’s placed into this group, that and the concept was something he was quite familiar with. but things aren’t going to go so smoothly all the time, it’s a rocky road up ahead.
he’s been watching his previous performances and studying himself; there’s a reason why his rank isn’t going up. he’s good. he knows this, but that spark isn’t there yet. a spark to tie all elements of his performance together. there’s something holding him back, as if there were invisible chains clasped around his legs, a looming shadow over him.
so he eventually approaches @behyunki himself. he’s never spoken to him prior to this team, but he realises that the latter is an excellent performer. “if it’s alright with you and if you have the time, would it be alright to ask you for some advices when it comes to expressing your emotions in your face while performing?”
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besiwoo · 1 month
king of hearts starter for @behyunki
"it's us again," siwoo says, smiling at hyunki. their last performance together had ... less than lackluster feedback from the judges if he's being honest. and while siwoo was one to usually have snide remarks ready at the back of his mind, he didn't quite blame them this time. still, he at the very least knows he's able to work well with hyunki – their previous chemistry with pink venom had helped prove so.
siwoo sifts through the accessories, thinking of what might fit best. "something hearts related for your calling card," he hums under his breath. this, siwoo thinks, is something i can get used to. it's no secret that siwoo quite enjoys fashion ( from the way he'd dress himself, always careful to try and look his best ). "a heart bracelet or brooch would look nice," he says, "since we don't have the budget to go with my personal favourite, the alexander mcqueen locket, we'll need to get a little creative," he jokes. he tugs at the collar of hyunki's outfit and smiles, placing the brooch subtly against his chest.
"what do you think?" he asks, guiding hyunki to the mirror. "you look really good. if i was an audience member, you would've stolen my heart," he continues, patting his friend on the back.
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bechaerin · 1 month
✦ * · ˚ @behyunki
it was interesting to see what the group had come up with for this next round. there weren't a lot of times chaerin was required to be creative with her monthly evaluations, and she couldn't help but wonder if she would've been as creative if she was a contestant herself.
she was listening to the ideas hyunki was suggesting, simply nodding along as he explained his perspective. there wasn't a whole lot she was allowed to say in this aspect, so she wanted to leave it up to the group and simply guide them in the right direction when she deemed it necessary.
"if i'm understanding correctly, you're saying the formation for this part wil be different from the original because of the storyline you've created, right?" she had a tablet in her hand as they watched the original choreography together to see which parts would need to be switched for the group to pull off the story they had in line.
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betouma · 1 month
at the end of the day, choreographing and dancing is his element. although he knows what he should focus on now, and that singing shouldn't be an afterthought, they still need to figure out a choreography that can actually capture the storyline they're trying to tell. even though they have the costumes and know what props they have in mind, it's all about performance. touma knows that coming up with a good choreography to correspond to the concept would get them better points.
it's another session of brainstorming with @behyunki, they've been at it for a while. still, it'll be worthwhile—they need everything to be better than just good, especially with another round of eliminations based on this upcoming performance. it's nervewrecking, but it's important to remain positive and optimistic during times like these.
"we'll be split into two teams," he recalls the decision they've made with the rest of the team. "should we do something special for seira's reveal?" he hums, thinking. "and movements that showcase a bit of chasing and dodging."
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bejordan · 2 months
closed starter — ( / ˙ ˖✩ - @behyunki ) //
as each day progresses, 𝐉𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐀𝐍 didn’t realize how many road bumps this journey of his would have. he was ready to give up and move on to something else.
maybe become a painter on the side? or still remain the angelic dancer he’s known to be for quite a while. no, he couldn’t just up and quit. how would that make him look as he became older? what would his future look like if he were to just quit?
many thoughts crowded the young male’s head to the point that he forgot that he invited 𝐇𝐘𝐔𝐍𝐊𝐈 to the practice space. the two decided that this would be the perfect time to discuss more about the group they were both included in, getting to know each other better and 𝐉𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐀𝐍 needing some advice on this rollercoaster of a journey. his mind may be jumbled, but he’s hoping this practice can becomes less stressful and more of a guidance.
while waiting on his friend, the lyrics to 𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐊 𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐌 continued to blast through the speakers; with the male positioned in front of the mirror and taking his time to go through the choreography a few more times. not only for exercise and learning purposes, but to sharpen his moves even further.
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beyuwol · 5 months
› into teyvat … ☽
at this point, it's probably no secret that yuwol needs to find a newer set of hobbies. something that isn't too involved with music, in general. that's still a work in progress ( and will continue to be for a while ), but he thinks he's doing a bit of character development spending more time than he thought he would in the christmas market. mostly in an effort to accompany ( @behyunki ), still—yuwol argues that it counts. this could undoubtedly be a good opportunity to get some gifts too. luckily, he doesn't have to look for so many.
a testament to how many friends he really has.
"did you find anything you like?" he asks, following along, browsing through booths as they walked. "buying something for yourself, or as a gift?" he makes a mental note to pay attention to what hyunki seems to linger on. yuwol can probably be discreet enough to buy the other something behind his back—he just has to be careful and observant. both things, yuwol is rather confident he is.
something catches yuwol's eye, suddenly. "oh, hey," yuwol calls out for the other boy, pointing to one of the stalls subtly. "that looks familiar... aren't those characters from the game you play?" the name is escaping him at the moment, but hyunki should know what he means. "there's keychains, photocards, small posters... they're wearing santa hats in the keychains."
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bejoomi · 6 months
* ♪ – life imitates art
joomi and sua decide, temporarily, to divide and conquer. there are just too many market stalls for them to visit together, and chances are, even splitting up they still won't be able to see everything before it's time to return home so joomi can go to bed at his little old man time and get more than five hours of sleep before training.
he pauses at one in particular, full of different pieces of art. has he seen any art like this during his browsing today? he doesn't think so. there has been some art here and there, but no stall that he saw dedicated entirely to art. it's been a lot of food, clothes and jewelry. there were some potters in there, and some people making soap and different flavored tea, but this is new.
he just admires it for a while. he and sua's place could probably use some artwork, actually, and he'd love to support local artists, but with his tight trainee budget, he doesn't know if he can justify it. he might have to text sua to come see if he falls in love with any piece in particular, though. they can probably swing it if they split the cost.
for now, he just takes in everything, like he's at some art museum. "did you paint all of these?" joomi asks of the women running the stall; whichever of them decides to answer.
–– @behyunki
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bexstevie · 6 months
< w. @behyunki >
it’s so cold out, but the excitement of performing has his body thrumming. it feels good, for once– after months of being in a slump where performing felt like standing in front of the judges on next gen and failing to meet impossible standards. instead, there’s a hop to his step. his smile, though frozen to his face, is beaming and contagious. it’s christmas time, and it’s not going to bum stevie out this year. he’ll make his own fun! 
and starting back up with dance is the first step. a little bit of busking, even if it feels kinda silly to try when it’s so cold out. art doesn’t stop for anything though; and as long as there are others suffering with stevie through it, it’s not that bad.
like hyunki, who stevie bounds over with a happy laugh. “hey! ready to dance?” he rocks on his heels, one hand shoved into his pocket and the other tucked around the warm thermos of tea. “hopefully my limbs aren’t too stiff– i’ve been practicing, but with how cold it is…” he’s also hoping the tea will warm and energize his body a bit. as long as stevie has a reprieve from the cold, it shouldn’t be that big of a deal. “i think it’ll be fun though.”
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beseira · 3 months
let's dance ♪ ♪ ♪
seira was still unsure what got her here, what in her had decided on auditioning for next gen. seira hadn’t been fully immersed in the show during the first season, but she’d briefly seen it. at that time she didn’t think she would ever join, she was already an idol, why would she join a show for people who want to become trainees? but her group disbanded, she left the company, and now all she was was a barista. she wasn’t sure what to do with her life, if she should try becoming an idol again or not, but here she stood, having joined next gen.
time had flown by, she barely remembers auditioning, and now she’s here, in the show. she’d auditioned with rap, not confident in any other skill, but now the focus was on dance and singing. she finds herself struggling, it’s harder to remember dances than she remembered it to be. struggling a long time alone, she decides she doesn't wanna struggle all alone. her eyes catches someone, and though she doesn’t know them, her feet walk in the direction of the other. “you’re hyunki… right?” she swallows her spit “you’re quite good at dancing, do you think you could help me?” she shows a smile “it’s fine if you’d prefer practicing alone!”.
sending it to... @behyunki
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jueunbe · 24 days
✦ . ˚ — @behyunki
with only the last round left, it almost feels like they've all come full circle. jueun remembers being in this same practice room with hyunki as they prepared for their first group stages and how she teased him about not forgetting her when he placed first. now, here they were with her in the first position instead and only the live finale left.
it was wild that it took this long for hyunki and her to be put in the same group, but she's glad it happened to be this last one. jueun had the upmost faith in hyunki's skills, and she believed they could do well with this final song. "the song lyrics kind of reflect our situation, don't you think so?"
looking down at the lyric sheet in her hand, she let out a chuckle before humming a few of the lines again. considering these were original songs made for this show, jueun wondered if that was what the producers had in mind while they were making this song. "i hold the stars and moon and i dream. i really like these lyrics," she says with another nod. "it almost feels like we're living in a dream."
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behaein · 6 months
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — @behyunki
"you know, maybe i should have listened to my aunt and gone to college when i could."
whenever haein found some free time in her day, she spent it visiting hyunki on campus. having come to korea with another goal in mind—one that utterly failed—college had never been in her plans. however, the more she met people around her age who were all attending university, she couldn't help but feel a ping of jealousy.
of course, there was nobody else to blame but herself, and it felt a little too late to attend now. that's why she took every opportunity she could to bother hyunki on his campus instead. admittedly, she's spent a few days pretending to be a student as well, and nobody would bat an eye.
"although the hike up to some of the buildings would leave me exhausted before class even begins," she commented before fanning herself a bit. it was winter, but the walk to hyunki's campus had still left her out of breath for a moment. "anyway, what do you want for lunch?"
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be-points · 3 months
+1 rap, +8 presence
Moodboard/Edit: +3 points to distribute to any performance or ancillary skills [ x ]
Playlist: +3 points to distribute to any performance or ancillary skills [ x ]
Solo/Headcanon 1: +3 points to distribute to any performance or ancillary skills [ x ]
0 notes
besiwoo · 10 days
celebration after episode 4 of next gen. starter for @behyunki
he's drunk – on both happiness and alcohol. it's the first time his team has won something, the first time he's received some sort of praise on next gen. and it isn't like siwoo's unfamiliar with praise ( growing up the way he had, he was surrounded by it. though whether they were genuine or not, would be a different story ). still, the feeling of winning... of being looked at, it felt good.
it had started off as him inviting hyunki over for some celebratory drinks, nothing too fancy. a simple; "we should head over to my place, as a celebration." but it would have been a lie if siwoo said that he hadn't noticed the glances, the subtle stares – it would have been a lie if siwoo had said that he'd never reciprocated. that he didn't find something fun in the way he let his hands linger a little longer on hyunki, anticipating what kind of reaction the boy would give.
it's cruel, on siwoo's part. but it's fun too – and siwoo's always been one for fun.
this time though, he's genuine in his invitation for a few drinks. really, siwoo isn't the type to make friends quickly, yet he'd been able to form a friendship with hyunki easily. still, he finds his cheeks going red, tipsy from the alcohol that he'd been pouring. "hyunki," he says, and he's leaning closer to the boy, "do you think you did a good job capturing the hearts of the audience?" he says in english, his accent peeking through again. "i think we chose a good brooch for you," gently, he taps hyunki's chest, allowing his hands to stay there a little longer than necessary.
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