#the more i watch it the more i do wish it were a show just bc of the sheer amount of characters we meet over the runtime
sixosix · 3 days
no one's ever had me, not like you
timeskip!hinata shoyo x reader
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“Are you really sure that you’re swearing off of dating?”
You wonder how many times you’ll be asked that before you finally get pressured into mingling just to get them off your back. But Akane, bless her heart, looks genuinely concerned, like choosing to stay single was a cruel fate she wouldn’t wish for anyone to bear.
“It’s not a big deal,” you tell her. “Dating’s just not for me.”
You think back to all your previous relationships, and find that you have never been more sure of your decision.
“It just means you haven’t found the right one!” To your left, Yuki, who is alarmingly a lot of shots in, exclaims. She becomes violent when drunk. You would know, your arm is starting to turn red from her smacking when laughing.
You shrug uncomfortably. “I’m not looking for any right one.”
Akane and Yuki share a glance.
“Well, if you say so,” Akane cedes.
Then Yuki slams her hands on the table as she bolts upright, expression grave and voice low as she says, “We’re doing it, though, right?”
You laugh under your breath. Yuki looks a little ridiculous, drunk, and swaying on her feet even when standing still. Her grip on her glass wavers, and you quickly pluck it from her grasp, ignoring her protesting wail.
Akane brightens. “Yes! Of course we’re doing it!”
You instead hand Yuki a glass of water. “Doing what? Are you two up to no good again?”
“Yes!” Yuki exclaims at the same time Akane calmly clarifies, “Noya’s inviting close friends out for dinner tomorrow.” Which makes sense, because they were pretty much the same thing.
“Oh! Nishinoya’s back?”
“Just arrived today! He said he’s visiting for a while.” Akane fishes out her phone from her hand, then pulls out the class’s group chat that you could never bring yourself to check ever since it hit 999+ notifications. It displays a picture of Nishinoya holding up a peace sign, face serious, and next to a large airport sign.
You hum thoughtfully. “I guess if you guys are coming…”
“Let’s go!” Yuki pumps her fists in the air. Akane smiles and tells her to settle down. Akane drank twice as many shots than her.
“Who else is coming?” You ask. “I might pass if it’s the entire school.”
“Noya’s not that wild. I heard it’s just his volleyball team, Ryuunosuke, and us,” Akane says. “I heard they’re also celebrating because Noya’s treating his kouhai’s return from Brazil.”
“Brazil?” The other side of the world! “Yuu and his friends sure are adventurous,” you remark in amusement, sipping idly on your own drink. It’s milder than either of theirs since you were assigned as the designated driver.
“You’ve heard of the guy. Hinata Shoyo, I think it was.”
You inhale your drink and start heaving. Akane’s hands flutter all over you in panic while Yuki descends in deep thought.
Yuki snapped her fingers. “Oh, right! Wasn’t that the first year who had a big crush on you when we were in second year? Noya’s favorite kouhai, Shoyo.”
Hinata Shoyo.
The first time you met Hinata Shoyo was when Nishinoya decided to invite close friends to watch them play. It was an ordinary day, and they had just come back from the Interhigh preliminaries. Their coach agreed to let them take it slow and relax, so Noya used it as an opportunity to invite his friends (it was just you who was free) to watch (read: to show off).
Having nothing better to do during club hours, you agreed.
You were late, stuck with cleaning duty, and forced to catch up to Noya, who had first wheeled into the volleyball gymnasium. The door was shut. You took deep, deep breaths before sliding it open and nearly having your face flattened by a volleyball speeding towards you.
Well, of course, it was a volleyball gymnasium.
Luckily, you managed to swerve out of the way and prevent long-lasting damage to your face. But the shock was more brutal than the would-be impact. You gaped at the ball that rolled onto the grass miles away. Just how fast was that thing?
“Y/N!” Nishinoya’s voice rang throughout the stunned silence of the gym.
Your head whipped around just in time to see a little guy with a mop of orange hair bound over to you.
“Sorry! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry—-” He then looked up at you, now only inches away, and seemed to have run out of apologies. His face exploded in a bright shade of red, but his eyes looked like they were bluescreening.
“Oh, don’t worry. It’s fine!” You wave your hand to dismiss his guilt. “I didn’t actually get hit. Well—almost. But I didn’t! That was amazingly fast!” You hoped the praise would snap him out of it, but he was still gaping at you like you’d grown two heads. Or maybe you had something on your face?
Nishinoya comes barreling over soon enough, brows furrowed. “Y/N! Are you okay? You could’ve died!”
You frowned. “Idiot. I’m not going to die from that.”
Your statement seemed to shatter the tension that froze everyone in place. The captain murmured for them to continue practicing as Noya fluttered all over you like a mother hen, insisting on an ice pack.
Tanaka materialized out of nowhere. “Y/N! It’s you!”
“Ryuu!” You exclaim in delight, returning his hug. “Ryuu, it’s nice to see you again!”
Nishinoya turned to the tiny redhead with a raised eyebrow. “You good, Shoyo?”
Shoyo finally flinched out of his daze, narrowly avoiding your curious eyes. “Y-Yes! I’m just—I’ll go get the ball!” he squeaked out, nearly tripping over his own feet on a flat surface.
Nishinoya snorted, sharp eyes following Shoyo. “I think he has a crush on you.”
Tanaka cackled. “No way! Is that why Hinata looks so constipated?”
Hinata Shoyo. You glanced back just in time to catch him fumbling with the volleyball, trembling like a frightened mouse. It’s cute.
Now, you can confidently state that Hinata Shoyo is no longer just cute. Five years later, July, in an unsuspecting get-together party hosted by Nishinoya, and Hinata Shoyo definitely isn’t the same as before.
“Everyone!” Nishinoya’s voice bellows out throughout the venue. For such a small guy, he has the voice of a booming speaker. “Everyone, quiet! Shoyo’s here!”
Choruses of Hinata! echo through everyone as the crowd dispersed and bounded over to where Nishinoya was. You hear a faint laugh and a “Thank you!” From here, you could tell that his voice had gotten deeper. Still light and high, but it was different from the squeakiness you remembered.
Ever since finding out that Hinata had been back from Brazil, it turns out that his grand debut in the Nationals was aired all over. He’s famous now, not just some kid in Karasuno’s Volleyball Club.
“Ooh,” Yuki giggles maniacally. She hasn’t drunk anything yet. “He’s here. Do you think he still has a crush on you?”
“I doubt it. It was probably because I was his senpai back then. Remember how you reacted to Daichi-san visiting our hall? Everyone in our class was swooning, especially the boys!”
“Something about volleyball players, I tell you,” Yuki says, her gaze drifting over to where Akane was giggling as she talked with them. “Hmm. Speaking of them, I think one of them is on his way here.”
Yuki takes one last sip of her tequila shot and leaves without another word. You didn’t have to turn—didn’t even have to move. You can feel his presence the moment he is right behind you, like a burst of warmth hovering, but it’s gold and bright, so you’re not terrified
Hinata Shoyo sits beside you, asking for a drink. You can’t help but stare.
He turned to you, then seemed to do a double take. Hinata Shoyo—now built twice as big as he once was; no longer the cute, lanky, and short kouhai from your past; with neatly trimmed hair and a much deeper voice—stares at you in astonishment. Hinata Shoyo emits a wordless exclamation.
“Senpai!” he exclaims in disbelief.
“Hinata,” you laugh softly, fondly. “We’re not in high school anymore. I’m pretty sure we’re the same age. You can just call me Y/N.”
“Y-You—” He splutters, face tinged pink despite the untouched shot in front of him. “Thanks!”
“You’re welcome.” You smile, tilting your head and grinning wider at the way his eye catches on the curve of your neck. “So, how have you been?”
He forgets about the drink he just ordered, seemingly getting redder in the face as you inch closer. If you didn’t know any better, you would’ve assumed he was drunk. Hinata Shoyo grins sheepishly, blushing and looking beautiful under the dim lighting of the venue.
Swearing off of dating, hmm… 
You consider him—his bright eyes, his wide and ever-genuine smile, and his undivided attention on you. Does he still have a crush on you? Or was it just the surprise that had him so flustered? You throw your head back and gulp down a shot, ignoring the burn that slid down your throat. You suppose there was no harm in finding out.
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okwonyo · 12 hours
﹙ ✉️ ﹚ ──THAT’S MY GIRL. in which ⸝ ㅤ𝖿𝗋𝖺𝗇𝗄 𝗌𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗏𝖺 𝖼𝖺𝗇 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝗂𝗇 𝗁𝖾𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗎𝗇𝗀’𝗌 𝗆𝗂𝗇𝖽.
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엔하이픈 희승 ⠀ ノ⠀ female reader 7OO inspo ;non-idol au fluff established relationship ⠀⎯⠀⠀ pet-names skinship kissing ⠀, recueil . . .
ᙏ̤̫ !wrote this while listening to ‘that’s my girl’ by frank sativa ^_^
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is soft melody that buzzes into the calm air. the rythm goes up in a gentle manner while you delicately put the dishes in the sink. the night is still pretty young and you tell yourself that you or heeseung would take care of it later. the latter, that will most definitely be the one doing the dishes, increases slightly the sound of the speaker in the living room.
too occupied throwing to the bin the used tissues remaining on table to even hear your boyfriend’s footsteps coming from behind you. the realization only hits you when you hear his fingers clacking to the beat of the music, so naturally — you can tell he loves that song. he body moves towards you as he dances, a sly smile showing up on his face.
his hips moves along the melody, he cups your head gently and the music’s lyrics are heard. “that’s my girl,” he sings, well rather speaks, to you.
the gentle and sweet, yet endeared annoyed you give him makes him all warm inside. he delicately put his lips on yours, you reciprocate the action tenderly while posing your hands on his exposed forearms, due to his rolled up sleves, then on his blue jeans’ belt. he holds you as if you are his whole world while he kisses you, because you are.
he loves the way you kiss him; it’s so sweet, so comforting, so pretty and so you. he loves how you grip onto his belt, how you end up holding his hips, how you nose brushes against his. he never wants to change a thing, about you. you don’t need to change a thing baby, frank sativa sings, can you please stay the same, baby? heeseung knows how he feels.
during the kiss, his hands find yours. then, when he pulls away he holds them firmly, encouraging you to dance with a look. a enamored pride fills his body when he watches the way you move. although you claim that you cannot dance, the natural groove you were born with makes you swing your hips in a charming manner, “that’s my girl”, he hypes you up after a chorus of encouraging ‘ay,ay’ accompanied by your timid laughters.
you let him pull you close, you ear against his chest. you can feel his heart beating while he puts his hand on your lower back. his hold on your hand is hanging in the hair, as if it was a royal prom. “can you just be my girl?” he hums the lyrics. his cheeks against your temp and his lips perfectly brushing against your skin.
both slow dancing along the music. getting lost in each other warmth. tonight, it’s only you and him in that kitchen. he thinks you are perfect, the most perfect anyone can wish. how can i even trust the world? sativa asks, as if he reads into heeseung’s mind. he pulls you impossibly closer to his embrace, your scent drives him a bit crazy.
he barely even feels the pressure your feet put on his accidentally, far too lost in nothing else but you. you chuckle an apology and he giggles it off. no, i would never judge you, girl, sativa assures to his dulcinea— your boyfriend couldn’t agree more. “you,” he starts humming the song, a bit too eagerly, a bit too early. you giggle at his mistake, tilting your head up to him and you laugh more when he looks straight before him, avoiding you eyes. still, blushing a bit and giggling with you too. the next time, he he hugs your shoulders, you hug his waist, your chest get pressed against him and he rocks your body to the side.l, , “you know that you deserve the world.”
the sound ends on a soft sound, you think you like it. no, you know you love it. because he thinks about you while listening to it, his girl. the sweet lover pulls away from you, coordinated to your moves. you both hold each other’s end, stepping away from each other as much as the grip can allow. just like in the princess movies, he pulls you back again and you twirl on your feet. your back hits his chest, whipsers in your ear “my baby,” then he gives you a wet cheek kiss.
he stills end up doing the dishes that night.
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zoropookie · 24 hours
♡ chapter thirty-eight — why couldn't it be mini-golf? (💋)
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The dinner party was quiet for the first part.
But not the kind of quiet that would have made anyone into a bad type of uncomfortable. No, it was the kind of quiet that usually hangs heavy in the air with a clear path to stop it. But that path mentioned was definitely not going to be brought up anytime soon, nor even uttered.
The "path" being the eventual contemplation of both your and Kuni's relationship. Or..."relationship"? You had no idea. And frankly? You were too annoyed by Venti's chewing to even think about it right now.
There sat the bodies of Hu Tao, Thoma, Aether, Lumine, Heizou, Yanfei, Ayaka, Xiao, Kazuha, Venti, Kuni, and you at a very long table with what felt like it had no end in sight. Only sounds were the soft clinking of silverware against the china and the eventual murmur of someone to another. It was similar to faint ripples disturbing the surface of the pond.
Venti, seated next to you, was eating away with an unbothered look, feasting at his second dish of the hot pot with numerous amounts of meat. "Oh my god," He said with his mouth full, exaggerated smacks and crunches that seemed to echo louder than the previous ones, grating irritably on your nerves. "Brilliant. I mean, who came up with this?!"
"Been a thing for...forever, actually." Kuni's eyes dulled as he replied with the most unamused tone imaginable, swirling his chopsticks in the soup stock.
"Do you live under a rock?" Hu Tao's eyes narrowed, ever the lively one as she plopped a piece of well marinated pork in her mouth. "It's a common thing, not very new, dumbass."
"Ohhh, no. Don't go and try and make me look like the dumbass." Venti pointed. "Scara~ I know that you were too lazy to try and think of an actual dinner for us out of your busy schedule, but it really reminds me of how creative you can be anyway. I mean, a steamboat?! Your mind! Can I still call you Scara?"
"No." He replied flatly, not even looking up from his bowl.
"Where did you find this?" Venti marveled. "Genius invention, if I do say so myself. Like, watch this." And with that, he put the raw piece of beef inside of the boiling hot broth.
The beef had bubbled inside of the broth, cooking the meat almost instantly. The rich aroma was wafting throughout all of the visitor's nostrils, leaving a tempting bubble of juice that lightly coated the beef he pulled out, making your own mouth water despite your annoyance.
"You wanted to show us... you cooking meat?" Ayaka asked, her voice tinged in a genuine and curious way, wondering if there was an end confirmation to this. Unfortunately, there wasn't, and the rest of the table sighed.
"You know what guys, the art of cooking is lost on a lot of people, don't expect you to know about it. I wish that you could see how philosophical every thin slice that goes into your mouth is, but I'm not your own eyes." Venti threw his hands up in defense.
"Venti...when the pot is at a very high temperature, the meat inside of it usually tends to cook after a few seconds. That's how it works." Aether slowly told him, to which Hu Tao narrowed her eyes in a death-like stare.
"But what about the journey of that high temperature cooked meat?" Venti continued, his tone almost as philosophical as his aggravating chewing. "The laughs, the memories, the stories, preparing this meal together. That's...what makes this dinner more special than others. Our first."
"And our last." Kuni rolled his eyes, clearly unimpressed. "I didn't let you guys into my house just for him to give us a TED Talk on the importance of family time. Just eat the fucking food and save us the theatrics."
"There's no point, he's just going to keep at it." Yanfei sighed in defeat. "He knows what he did. This will never end as long as we're all alive."
"Yeh? What did I do that was that awful?" Venti raised an eyebrow, his lips curving into a pout. "Because what I did do was put those two together at a dinner table right now. You're welcome, by the way." He poked the direction towards you and Kuni.
"He's got a point..." Thoma let out a small chuckle, gaze flicking to the both of you. "You're both being civil right now. Most times you'd just try to bite your tongue whenever you were around each other."
"That's so not true." You scoffed. "I'd say I was very civil. Me, at least. Can’t say the same about others."
"Yeah? Throwing me under the bus now?" Kuni shot you a withering glare. "You asked me out first, don't think I don't remember when we were about to get in the car."
"Hey, quick tip for when you're stuck in conversations you don't want to be in: being proactive helps. Being a fake flirt helps. Someone had to break the ice, and it wasn't going to be you." You shrugged.
"By flirting with me?"
"I mean, it got your attention, didn't it?" Hu Tao replied, leaning back in her chair. "You're smitten."
"I am not smitten. I have intense feelings that should be mutual." His eyebrow quirked up, a hint of amusement softening his features. No matter how defensive his tone was, he knew he couldn't believe anything he said. "You shouldn't be chastising me anyway. I already made myself clear before you got here that I hate the shady shit."
"And I made myself clearer that I didn’t want anything from you right now, no?" You retorted immediately, head shooting towards him with a glare, tone clipped and snippy. "You'd be smart not to bring it here."
Tension rose to a great extent as your words began to make everyone uncomfortable, with the exceeding silence and awkwardness that ruminated between you and Kuni. It was pretty much just the two of you that were giving off an aura like no other. Safe to say that even Venti's attempt of getting the both of them to ease up from what they eventually have to do was a failure.
You glanced at Venti after he began to start moaning despite this, and sighed inwardly. Only he of all people could manage to make eating a piece of meat sound like something else. You threw your chopsticks back on the table, it causing a metallic thud. "Alright. I think I'm done."
"I'm sorry that I'm trying to bring liveliness that you all lack right now. Why is so quiet anyway?" Venti asked, his eyes looking around at everyone's suddenly shifted demeanor.
"You shouldn't be encouraging Venti to be loud, Thoma." Lumine hesitated in her words, trying to disengage the situation. "Let's just do an exercise. We'll say something really nice about the person next to us, and if you have nothing to say, you're going to stay here and help Kuni pick apples as a summer job."
Heizou shot up immediately, slamming his hands down on the table. "I have nothing nice to say about anyone here. Fuck all of you."
"Fat fucking chance. Sit your ass back down." Kuni snarled.
Kazuha frowned, furrowed brow betraying his own confusion. "What did we do...?"
Lumine squinted at him, taken aback by his words before pressing her lips together. "You have to play the game first to decide that, jackass."
“Well, this game already isn’t very fun.” Heizou blurted, saltily sitting back down. “Easy enough for nobody to jump me here though, I’ll take all the compliments I can get.”
"I’m glad that Kazuha and Thoma are sitting next to you and not me.” Hu Tao’s eyes dulled. “I’d blow my brains out before I ever compliment a child trafficker.”
“Okay, good thing we’re not starting with you, then.” Lumine argued with the both of them. “Fuck,” She muttered under her breath, composing herself before she had to speak again. “Then, since you’re one of the last letters of the alphabet, You go first, Xiao.”
Xiao picked his head up, his sharp eyes scanning for the person next to him who just so happened to be Venti. “Oh,” He paused, the rest of the table waiting for his response as Venti excitedly bounced in his seat. “I don’t want to play.”
Venti’s shoulders dropped. “Are you kidding? C’mon, you can’t think of anything?”
“Said he doesn’t want to play, this is our group therapy dinner where consent is the Hail Mary. No compliments for you, too bad, so sad.” Hu Tao stuck her tongue out playfully.
“Your attitude right now is the main reason that one of these days you’re going to get scammed so bad by a pyramid scheme that you’re actually going to start believing the Tupperware you’re selling is valuable. It’s not. It never will be.” Venti squinted.
Hu Tao sat there for a minute, looking into the other’s eyes before scrunching her nose up. “Are you okay? That was extremely specific.”
The rest of the table was silent, until Lumine sighed quietly. “Okay…Xiao, can you at least try to come up with something so we can move on? You don’t have to do it again, this is just a one time thing.”
“I’m grateful,” Yanfei gritted her teeth inwardly. “Never thought I’d have to be genuine anytime soon. Why couldn’t it be mini golf?”
He let out a slow breath, clearly reluctant to even participate in this obviously forced exercise. The more he stalled, though, the longer it was going to take to ebb how uncomfortable it is. “Venti,” He began, voice steady but devoid of emotion. “Your music is very refined.”
Venti clutched at his own heart, making a sound like he just got punched in the gut. “I’ll take it. That’s so cute of you.”
“Yeah! This is a really good exercise for us! We haven’t gotten the time to really appreciate each other as friends.” Thoma smiled. “Go ahead, Venti! Say something nice about (Y/N)!”
“Right.” Venti turned his head to you, trying to fully grasp what he wanted to say. It left eye contact with him very unsettling. “Hm…no matter what happens to you, you’ve still proven that you deserve what you have. Keeping that energy lead you to many people wanting to be around you in result. You should be grateful for that.”
You couldn’t help but stiffen at his words, letting out a small smile tug at your mouth in return. “That really means a lot, Venti. Thank you.”
You took a minute to sink in Venti’s words before you slowly turned to the person who you dreaded giving a compliment to right now— Kuni sat there perfectly. His head rested gently on his head as he leaned against the table with his elbow.
“You…” You stammered on your words, trying to look in your mind for something, anything, you could say that wouldn’t compromise your position. But you knew that despite everything, you liked him a lot. He did prove that he was into you a long time ago, you just didn’t want to admit it. “I like…uh…”
You were unsure how to respond. And Kuni knew that too, so he took the lead. “I think you’re the only person who’s brought me joy in more than just a platonic situation. Being around you is something special to me, I’d rather it not go to waste fighting.”
Your eyebrows furrowed, wanting to look agitated, but his words were so genuine that you were put on the spot. You felt tears brimming up in your eyes in return, trying to hold your eyes open to shun them away, only resulting in them returning tenfold.
You quickly stood up from your seat, bitterness running down like waterfalls. “Excuse me.” You murmured, before rushing off to an undisclosed room.
The rest of the table was silent after that, looking around at each other awkwardly. From what was supposed to be a comfortable exercise turned into something entirely worse than expected. Especially since they all had a feeling that it would go wrong with you sitting next to him.
Kuni groaned, his head hanging and his back pressed firmly against the chair. “Fuck,” He drawled, feeling his patience wear thing. “So fucking annoying.”
“Go after them.” Thoma said amongst the quiet, a warm smile on his face. He knew that even though he wanted to go himself, there was someone who was planning to be with you for a very long time. “You’re good. We’ll all be here when you come back.”
Kuni hesitated, to which Kazuha smiled and nodded. “You said you had Mario Kart, right? We can just play that if you don’t mind.”
“Oh, fuck yeah!” Hu Tao was one of the first people to stand up, shooing Kuni off with her manicured hand. “Go. Bye! We’re going trashing on your expensive equipment for three hours.”
No matter how much he wanted to kick everyone out, he was given a small reminder as to how they’re the main reason why you haven’t given up on him. Unfortunately. So he didn’t say anything, leaving towards his bedroom, the same room he heard you lightly sobbing in.
The room both of you found yourselves in were dimly lit and a complete contrast from the kitchen. It was quiet, but the quiet here was different and heavy and thick— almost suffocating him. You sank down into a plush armchair sat in the corner of his room, sitting in silence with yourself until now.
You didn’t bother looking up to see who it was, you knew who it was. Kuni’s footsteps were light and soft enough to tell you that, he took the seat opposite you, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. You were forced to look at him.
He looked beautiful from up close, his features naturally pairing together with the rest of his face. His jawline a perfect structure, his eyes soft enough for you to stare into his violet pools. His hair light and feathery, strands of it sticking in small clusters.
“Tell me what’s going on.” He sat back, mustering up a mix of concern and patience on his face. “I already told you I’m not going to fight with you anymore.”
You wiped your eyes candidly, the back of your hand leaving residue of your tears. A hiccup broke your speech, “That’s the problem, isn’t it?” Your wetted eyelashes brushed against your cheeks as your eyes squeezed shut. “You’re too patient now.”
“Didn’t learn it in a night.” He absorbed your words like they were all that he was able to get in that moment. “I mean, I still have no idea why you came around even this quick. You don’t have a reason to stay by my side as much as I do for you.”
“Oh, of course. Because it’s always different for you. You’re still trying, just like you did when you hated me, it’s confusing. You’re so…fucking confusing.” You looked up again, meeting his eyes with defeat. He was going to be in your life whether it was a friend or a lover, and with the more days that pass with him in it, you start to feel yourself teeter back and forth. “You’re not going to give up, are you?” Your voice was weak.
His eyes never left your face, tentatively taking your hand in his. “I had to get used to the idea of potentially never seeing or talking to you again when I left.” He paused, sincerity striking his face, more of an intense look than usual. “I never want to go through that again so long as I owe it to you. It’s cowardice, and I’d rather face you myself.”
“When will you not owe it to me?” Your heart was hurting, beating faster than it could ever. “I never wanted you to be indebted to me, you did that because you felt guilty, so just squash it already.”
At every second he stayed quiet, the brighter it dawned on you his intentions. He wanted to be by your side as long as possible. “Then it’s all done,” You stared at the hand holding yours, his warmth and steady hands with his skin slightly bulging with his veins, a black ring on his middle finger. “No more games. No more pretenses,” He said calmly. “I want you. More than I wanted anything.”
“Yeah.” You said slowly, a sense of cautious hope blooming in your chest. “I think I kind of do too.”
Swallowing hard, you tried to gather your own sense of resolve here. But all that you were able to even think about was how close he was to you…and the fact that you wanted to suck his face off.
The silence this time was a comforting one, understanding of each other that was unspoken for. He leaned in close to your face, the heat of his breath slowly lingering on your skin, making you ache in a passion you’ve never felt before even when Childe was trying to pursue you.
“Can I?” He whispered.
The breath you had was swept away by his tantalizing voice, nodding slowly at his request. It wasn’t like the last time where the anger and frustration was taken out on the love they pressed into the kiss. No, this one felt a lot better than you ever would have imagined.
The kiss that followed with your words was fluffy at first, the meeting of lips that quickly grew deeper as the months and months of progress they put into their entire history together was no longer at its standstill anymore. His hands snaked across your body, also with an aching desire nestled in his chest.
He tasted amazing on your lips, and you pressed yourself against him in a swift movement, swapping seats gradually. You were dazed, if your eyes could have hearts in them, they would have already.
You didn’t recoil, or protest, or fight him every step of the way anymore. Your tongues danced together in a passionate tango, its foreign-like actions to you making your eyes bleary with love. You were melting into him, no matter how much you didn’t want to give him that satisfaction.
It looks like you have a lot more to explain to your fans than expected.
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YOU ARE on your way to being one of the hottest streamer in your nation at the moment, racking a monthly average of 10 million viewers, but something specific bothers you about it. you know that a lot of people hate you, but there's this one account. one account that's been following you since the early days of your career. they leave a flood of rude comments in your stream, your moderators banned each account they made, but they keep making more. you are at the end of your tether. but you are yet to find out that this persistent cockroach is none other than your friend's friend (and the only other streamer that's bigger than you), scaramouche.
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vampdes · 14 hours
DES says . . . i like peach cobbler so much. this is based on my love for such. hope it’s as sweet for you as it was for me + happy early birthday gift to @asukases . please do enjoy.
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SUM. — gojo satoru fucks like a beast, and, sometimes, even his beautiful boyfriend can’t control him. it’s not gojo’s fault his boy has the prettiest pussy in the world.
CON. warning — afab + ftm reader. fingering, vaginal sex / penetration, piv, no condom, mentions of pregnancy, oral (both receiving), gagging kink (?), pussy eating + pussydrunk gojo, biting / licking / possessive (?) gojo, breeding kink.
NOTES. — reader’s vagina is referred to as: pussy, my pussy, etc. reader deepthroats gojo’s dick.
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“your pussy’s so pretty, baby. .” gojo whispered in-between kisses that he pressed against the plush flesh of the inside of your thighs, “so wet f’me, fuck—” his warm breath pressed against your pussy, just as his long, slender index finger, which pressed against your entrance, being enveloped by your slick, glistening lips. gojo bit his lower lip as he watched his finger be coated in your glistening fluids, imagining how good his dick would look coming in and out of your cum filled pussy.
gojo had you laying on your back with your legs spread wide and your body bare for him and his eyes only. your hands were on the underside of your knee, holding your legs up and apart for him to explore your most intimate regions. before his index finger had successfully entered inside of your entrance, he leaned down and pressed kisses on your tummy due to your eyes being trained on him and the fear showing in your face. it was your first time doing it without a condom, after all, but gojo was sure you’d look so pretty pregnant; nevertheless, he wanted to make sure his boy was consenting and ready for him to continue on. you told him to go slow, your uneven breaths hitching once the tip of his finger entered inside of your pussy.
gojo immediately pressed a kiss against your lips, mumbling: “you’re gonna be okay, baby, we’ll take it slow, promise.”
after the first few minutes of making sure you were okay with the tip of his finger, you consented to him pursuing the full length of his index finger inside of you and the gasp that left your mouth made gojo’s ego groan in pure ecstasy. he waited until you were ready for the other two fingers he wished to put into you, stroking the inside of your gummy, slick walls as he watched your eyes flutter shut and your face and mouth contort in order for you to produce moans that bounced off the walls. once he finished prepping you adequately, he pressed the pink head of his long, girthy cock against your entrance, his tip already being warmed by the heat of your pussy.
“baby, i’m gonna start slowly, okay?” gojo asked, waiting for your consent once more after he intertwined your left hand with his left hand.
“. . please go slow, ‘toru, you’re too big,” you whimpered in response, trying to instill the fact that he is going to go slow once he fully entered inside of you, but only stroking his overflowing ego with the statement that he’s too big for your pretty pussy. gojo leaned forward and peppered your face with kisses, laughing softly and saying that you’re too cute for him, before he positioned the head of his cock against your entrance and slowly, gently but surely moving his hips in order to get his pre-cum smothered tip inside of your warm, gummy, inviting pussy.
once gojo fully put the head of his thick cock inside of you, he made sure to look up from the addicting sight below him in order to check up on you. what he saw was your cheeks being covered with left over streams of tears and more prickling at the corner of your gorgeous eyes. gojo leaned down and kissed each cheek where the tears left marks and cooed, “it’ll be okay, y/n, you’re taking it soo well, my love, so well.” after he had wiped away your newborn tears with his thumb. after he had, once again, gotten consent to make sure you’re ready for him to continue fully without hesitation (your words, mind you, not his), he followed your ‘plea’ and continued his cock’s venture into your pussy. gojo almost doubled over as his cock was overwhelming pleased with the inner workings of your body. your sticky, gummy walls was a mixture of his and your fluids and fuck, he felt so damn good—and he wanted to let his boy know.
“y/n,” gojo whimpered, his bright, blue eyes leaving from the addicting, pornography worthy image of his pure white pubes sticky and wet against your soaking pussy in order to meet yours which were screwed shut before opening in order to look at him, “you feel so, so fucking good—fuck, baby,” he let out a breathless, non-condescending laugh in order to stop his heart from trying to escape his chest, “you’re so wet and i can’t even begin to fucking imagine how good you’ll taste once i fuck your pussy raw and make sure you get pregnant from how much i’m gonna cum in you.” he snarled such vulgar words against your neck with his hands pressed against your stomach, rubbing softly, whispering: “imagine our baby. me and you in her. fuck,” gojo pulled back and sat up, placing his hands on your waist, feeling your skin slick with sweat and slowly exited out of you.
“‘toru, ‘toru, ‘toru,” you breathed, and hand coming up to his chest in order to stop him from providing you with the immense pleasure he was giving you with his dangerously addictive dick, “i’m gonna—nngh, ‘toru. .!” his name rolled off of your tongue as you cried out, your hands pulling back in order to ball up and grip the soaking wet sheets below the two of you. gojo licked his lips slowly as he watched your face contort into that of an aroused, sickeningly sweet expression, he then looked down and watched his glistening cock, covered in the juices that your pretty pussy produced, exit your pussy until just his tip was left inside of your warm, welcoming cavern. he then, against your moaning, already cock-drubk wishes, shoved himself back inside of your with a groan, eliciting a loud moan from you in response—one so loud that the neighbors were sure of his name and nickname you awarded him with—and gojo, being the absolute bastard he is, didn’t give you time before moving his hips in order for his slick-covered dick to move in and out of your puffy pussy.
“my boy’s so pretty” gojo huffed out, sounding in between a shaking whine and a groan, rolling his hips just right so the head of his cock could meet your prostate. he watched at you cried out repeatedly, telling him that his dick’s just too much for you and that you couldn’t take it anymore. he replied with: “but i wanna get you pregnant, baby,” with a pout that rivaled that of the best puppy eyes in the world, pressing down on your stomach so he could feel just how deep his dick was inside of you. doing so made you squirt. you painted his dick with your pussy’s addicting liquid and soaked the sheets below you, you came with his name rolling off your mouth in a broken moan, tears streaming down your face. he, once again, leaned down and licked your tears, making your cheeks sticky with his saliva.
gojo tore you apart, built you up again, and tore down the structure that is his perfect, pretty pussy that belongs to his beautiful boy. he made sure that you know how pretty and perfect your pussy is for a beast of his stature, saying your name in different ways (moaning, whining, whimpering, groaning, growling, snarling) that, combined with his bites, licks, and suckings and, let’s not forget, his cock, made you cum so hard.
and you, the fuckin’ ‘innocent’ minx you are, made sure that he’d get you pregnant tonight and tonight for sure. making sure that he, and the neighbors, know just how bad you wanna have his cum so deep inside of you that his semen has no choice but to fertilize deep inside of you. “gimme a baby, ‘toru, wanna have your baby so bad—” you’d moan and “‘toruuu, oh, fuck, hafta—aah! hafta get me pregnant! ooh, oh fuck, oh god—” you’d whine whilst you stroked his cock with your pussy and his ego with your words. you even worked up enough confidence to switch positions and ride him: you planted your hands on his chest as you lowered yourself onto his dick, gasping and whimpering and moaning all the while, making sure just how wonderous his cock is and how so fucking good it feels inside of you.
once gojo had deemed your pussy was full enough of his cum (you were spilling out onto the sheets), he decided that you both need to taste just how good you feel and felt. so, with him on top and you on bottom, the both of you situated yourself into the 69-ing position. the head of his cock, fresh out of your pussy, covered in his sperm and your fluids, pressed against your lips as his mouth was lowering itself towards your pussy that was spread open by his fingers. you opened his mouth and, due to being so obsessed with sucking his dick, swallowed it half way, allowing his hips to control the rhythm whilst you stroked the rest of his girth that you couldn’t take. your moans, that were retrieved from your mouth due to gojo licking and entering inside of you, groaning softly at the mixture of his cum and your aphrodisiac-like fluids together, made gojo’s cock feel insanely addictive.
that’s when he asked: “fuck, y/n, wanna—can you take it all the way? wanna hear you gag on it, please,” and honestly, with hearing the gojo satoru beg for you to deepthroat his dick, you couldn’t wait to do it.
the two of you decided to switch positions once more, with him sitting on the edge of the bed and you on the ground, with a towel below you for your knees and his dripping cum, with your pretty face below his intimidating cock. your pink, sticky tongue lapped at the length of his cock repeatedly, earning soft groans of praise from him before you kitten-licked his pre-cum smothered head once and decided to take him down halfway, eliciting a loud and harsh and surprised and moan-like “fuck!” from him before he put a hand in your hair. between gritted teeth and a flushed face, gojo asked if he could control you ’til he cums; you said yes.
“oh baby, oh fuck, your mouth is sooo fuckin’ good. . hah, my boy has, aah, the best fuckin’ mouth ever—” he mumbled, eyes staring holes into your heads controlled motions as you got lower and lower on his cock. gags weren’t far and few in between, which made his dick twitch on the back of your tongue each time you (successfully) attempted to have him release you in order for you to breathe. once the two of you mutually agreed that you’re both ready for you to take it down to the base, he did just that. slowly and gently cajoling you as you went along, his toes curling against the carpeted floor of your bedroom once your nose dug into his pubes. gojo thrusted his hips softly, attempting to get deeper into your throat before he head you start to gag and spasm below him.
“one more time, baby, almost there, i swear—” before gojo could finish his sentence you deepthroated his cock once more, making him immediately paint your throat with his cum he pulled you back to his tip as you swallowed, letting a few more ropes leave his aching tip and land on your tongue. the addicting scene of your tongue sticking out for him, your pleading eyes looking up at him, basically urging him on, made him want to breed your aching, puffy pussy more. he watched as you swallowed his cum, knowing that more of it was in your stomach made his guts churn out of pure ecstasy.
“my boy’s so pretty.” gojo whispered later into the night, when your pussy was warming his dick and your back turned to him with it pressed against his chest, as he softly thrusted his hips, “with the prettiest pussy and prettiest lips and the most perfect body ever.”
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links: prequel post (💫) & fem. reader (💫).
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© vampdes . do not repost, plagiarize, or translate.
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hazbinshusk · 3 days
husk x afab!reader. you're a kept pet in the casino, making your way as husk's personal assistant. you've got a good working relationship, but unfortunately he's finding it harder and harder to concentrate around you. the solution is simple if he doesn't want to send you away: he needs to fuck you and those sexy little stockings of yours out of his system. 1.8k
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He doesn’t know how much more he can take of this.
Husk has been distracted. For days now. And an Overlord distracted, in or out of a gamble… it’s far too dangerous for Husk to let it keep happening. He knows better, he really does. And he’s usually far better at keeping control of any given situation. So, why can’t he stop watching you?
It’s not his fault… it’s yours.
Yours, and those fucking stockings you’re wearing.
You’ve been his personal assistant for the last six months – an owned soul tied to his casino and earning your keep running his day-to-day business. Most of the staff here are owned by him, and they ensure that they don’t end up among the chips on the table by doing a good job. And really, he’s had no complaints about you – you’ve done your job well, even seemed to enjoy it. But still, every damn day you’ve come dressed in a short skirt and a button-down and those motherfucking stockings. They shouldn’t be so distracting… nothing about your clothing is overly sinful, especially by Hell’s standards. Occasionally he’ll see a flash of cleavage as you bend over, a sliver of skin above the waistband of the skirt if it comes untucked… nothing more.
But the stockings… they always seem so professional, but when you sit down, he can see the hem of your skirt ride up on your thighs and the lace lining the top of them will be exposed. And despite the fact that Husker can confidently say that he’s just about seen and done it all since he’s arrived in Pentagram City, he hasn’t been able to stop fixating on you since he’s realized you wear thigh-highs.
“Shit,” he mutters to himself as he realizes he’s misplayed another hand, a low growl playing through the back of his throat. You’d just passed the table to set a drink in front of him, and his eyes had turned to that brief glimpse of the swell of your breasts as he’d caught the scent of your perfume. He tosses his cards on the table, tossing back his drink and slumping back in his chair.
He sits like that for a moment, claws circling the rim of the heavy crystal tumbler, his tail twitching back and forth. The other players have sensed the shift in his mood, and even the ones benefitting from his bad luck know better than to comment.
Husk stubs out his cigar in the nearest ashtray, turning his gaze towards you.
You look up from where you’re standing obediently against the wall.
“I need a word.”
You nod, training your face into a well-practiced mask of professionalism despite your confusion at the sudden request. He stands, waving a hand towards the elevator to his penthouse, and you follow after him without a word. Husk doesn’t say anything until he has you upstairs, and every moment in the ride up has you burning with unspoken tension. You twist your hands together behind your back as your only outward show of nerves. It isn’t often that your Overlord is displeased with you, and even then, he’s never pulled himself away from the table to reprimand you. Hell, you’d started to think that he might even be growing fond of you, but perhaps that was wishful thinking. You were just a pet, after all.
Husk set himself down in a plush, velvet armchair the color of merlot, and you move automatically to the bar in the corner to fix him a drink. He takes it from you with a gruff hum, his claws brushing against your fingers. Husk nods, indicating for you to stand in front of him, and you do so immediately.
His tail is still twitching back and forth by his feet.
Husk watches you over the rim of his glass for a long moment, and something in his gaze makes your insides burn. You swallow, squeezing your thighs together. He notices, and embarrassment floods through you as his gaze drops to your skirt.
“You’re a distraction.”
You blink, surprised. “I’m… sorry, sir?”
He blinks, slowly, taking another sip of his drink. He sets the glass aside. “Do you like your job here, doll?”
“Yes,” you nod, and mean it. You like… spending time with him, even if only to fetch him a drink and manage his schedule with the other Overlords and potential new contracts. And as far as soul contracts go, you'd heard of much worse treatment.
“Good,” he tells you, holding out a paw. You hesitate, confused, before taking it, breath catching as he tugs you closer to him. Your knees are caged in by his own, your shins meeting the edge of the armchair. “I guess that means you’re not distractin’ me durin’ my business on purpose, hm?”
You shake your head. “I didn’t—”
“I didn’t think so,” he continues in that velvet voice of his. You can feel the power of it between your thighs, send a tickle down your spine. “Because you’re a good girl, aren’t you, doll?”
You nod, a soft whine slipping past your lips despite yourself.
Husk smiles, huffing a quiet, amused breath. “So, does that mean you’ll do something for me, pet?”
Swallowing, you nod again, just once. “Yes, sir.”
“Good,” he replies, shifting back against the chair more comfortably. “Then come here, and stand over me.”
The instruction stuns you for a moment, but he doesn’t repeat himself; he just arches a brow expectantly. You do as he asks, toeing off your shoes before letting him retake your hand and help you up onto the armchair. You stand with a foot on either side of him, flushing as you stand with his face set only a few inches lower than your crotch.
“Good girl,” he murmurs, and your breath hitches as he runs his paws up over the back of your legs, sweeping them from ankle all the way up to your thighs. They settle there, squeezing at them. He watches the way your flesh bulges ever so slightly over the edge of the lace. “Now, lift up your skirt.”
Your hands shake as you do as he commands, eyes squeezing closed as you hear him hum his approval. You feel the cold shock of his nose brush against your inner thigh before his mouth is suddenly against your clothed cunt, and you moan, almost collapsing on top of him.
“Fuck…” he mutters, his tongue tasting you through your underwear. Even dulled by the fabric, the rough texture of it makes your eyes roll back, your hands curling into fists around the skirt you have bunched up by your sides.
Husk’s claws dig into your flesh, an arm banded around each thigh to hold you in place over him, his fangs tear at your panties and he tastes you in earnest, tongue lapping at your clit before dipping into your already dripping hole. He groans against you at the flavor of it, the threads of your stockings popping under his claws. You find yourself rocking your hips against his mouth, the alternating sensations of his cold nose and his rough tongue against your clit making you see stars.
“Fuck, sir,” you moan as you feel one hand move up to clutch at your ass beneath your skirt, and you’re rewarded for the sound by him sucking on your clit. “Fuck!”
“Taste so good,” his voice is muffled against your cunt, the heat of his breath teasing at the slick skin of your inner thighs, and your knees shake. He lets you lean them against his shoulders, and when you dare to curl your fingers in the fur by his ears Husk groans aloud, claws digging into your skin hard enough to draw blood. “Such a good girl for daddy.”
“God…” you whimper, and when he purrs your legs shake beneath you, threatening to collapse out from beneath you. “Please…”
“Hmm…” he sounds, pressing a biting kiss to the inside of your thigh, just above the lace of your stockings. “‘Please’ what, baby?”
“I need… I need…” you whine as he returns his mouth to your cunt, eyes rolling back. “Please can I…”
“Need to say it, pet.” he tells you, the claws on your ass rising further to untuck your shirt and stroke almost absently at the small of your back. It makes you shiver. It drops away then, and you hear the sound of a zipper lowering, the steady sound of his fist stroking at his cock.
“Need to hear you say it,” he continues after a moment, his voice more uneven than before as his own pleasure builds quickly now that he’s finally taken mercy on himself. “Ask your daddy for what you want.”
“Please can I cum, sir?” you choke out, and you swear you can feel him grin against your flesh. “Please, sir, I need…”
Your whole body seizes as you feel a vibration roll from his mouth up into your clit, his dusky voice now layered over the steady thrum of his purring. “Soon, baby… you’re doin’ so good for me. Don’ wanna disappoint me, do you?”
You shake your head, humming a ‘no’, and he rewards you with a deep, rumbling. “That’s my good pet.”
You can barely breathe by the time Husk finally gives you permission to cum, his tongue on your clit as your whole body curls forward above him. You clutch at the back of the chair behind him, white-knuckled, and when you thank him in a shaking, high-pitched whine he cums too, cursing as his head falls back and his hips rise off the cushion. You can feel the warm threads of his cum land on your calf, and the Overlord catches hold of your waist before you can collapse on top of him.
Husk helps you down from the chair onto shaky legs, and he exhales slowly, the mask of detached, professional Overlord returning. He picks up his abandoned drink, raising an eyebrow at you and nodding pointedly down towards his lap. Still, his voice is softer than he intends. “I’ve got a game to get back to, pet.”
You move forward obediently, color flooding your cheeks as you drop to a kneel in front of him and tuck his softening cock back into his pants. He groans lightly at your touch, tossing back the rest of his whiskey as he watches you through heavy-lidded eyes.
He sets the glass aside without looking away, letting himself enjoy the view of you kneeling between his thighs. Your fingers linger against his zipper for a long moment before you remember to pull them away.
“Get yourself cleaned up, doll. You’ve got twenty minutes before you’re expected back downstairs.”
“Yes, sir.”
Husk watches you rise and pull your skirt back down over the lace of your stockings. His eyes never leave you as you do as he ordered and exit the room, and he heaves a long sigh once you’re gone. He closes his eyes tight, raising a hand to squeeze the bridge of his nose.
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enhas-pov · 3 days
serial killer
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summary: there’s a serial killer in town and reader is worried about her boyfriend, niki. he’s acting odd
warnings: murder, blood, yandere, forced kissing, obsessive love
word count: 1.8k
it was a friday night, me and niki were sat on the couch watching a movie together. i was laying with my back against his chest whilst munching on some of my popcorn. “what happened?” the tv had suddenly switched from the movie we were watching to the news. “oops, sorry. i accidentally sat on the remote” i reached for it from under me and was about to switch back to the movie when the news caught my attention. “according to police reports, a new serial killer has been identified in our area. the killer has been linked to three murders in the past week. authorities describe the killer as a tall figure often dressed in black. the police are urging residents to report any suspicious activity immediately and we will continue to bring you updates. in the meantime, we want to remind you all to secure your homes and look out for one another. that’s all for now, stay safe” i was in absolute shock. a new serial killer in town? while i was trying to process these news, i felt niki’s hand stroking my arm. “niki.. i’m scared” i turned to look at him and he didn’t look scared at all, it looked like this wasn’t a shock to him. “there’s nothing to be scared of, ___. i’m here, okay? i’ll protect you. i always will” he pulled me in closer and placed a kiss on my forehead. it made me feel less scared and a lot more safer, i knew that i would always be safe with him.
“niki! we’ve run out of conditioner-“ i walked out the bathroom while drying my hair with a towel when i noticed niki putting his shoes on. “i’ll get some on my way back home” he opened the door and was about to leave before i slammed it shut which made him jump. “you mean to tell me that you’re going out, right now? at night? when there’s a serial killer out there? do you have a death wish, niki?” i refuse to let him leave, i don’t want a dead boyfriend. “baby come on. i’m just gonna meet up with jungwon, that’s it. i’ll be safe, i promise” he didn’t seem to be worried or anything, it was kinda odd. “but what about me? what if the killer breaks in and kills me, hm?” i crossed my arms while i was stood in front of him blocking the door. “that won’t happen” he sounded so sure about it too. “and how do you know that?” without giving me an answer, he placed his hands on my waist and lifted me up like it was nothing. he moved me away from the door so he could make his way out. “because i do. i’ll be back soon, i love you” he gave me a quick kiss on the lips before he left, closing the door behind him. i’m definitely not getting any sleep before he gets back. if he gets back..
i was sat on the couch watching tangled to try and make me feel less scared. i guess it kinda worked, until the evil old lady showed up on the screen. i let out a big sigh and my mind went to niki. was he okay? it’s only been an hour, and he did text me twice letting me know he was okay. i should stop overthinking, niki is fine- “i’m back!” i jumped up from the couch the second i heard his voice. i ran towards him and threw my arms around his neck. “i thought you died..” i hid my face in his neck and was very grateful to the fact that he was alive. “i’m really tired, but i couldn’t sleep since i was worried sick about you” i pulled away so i could finally look him in the eyes. i noticed how his hair was messed up and so were his clothes. wait, is that blood on his shirt? “see, i told you nothing would happen to me or you-“ “niki.. what’s that?” i used my finger to point at the red spot on his shirt. “oh, that. i just spilled my drink” i’m not sure why, but a part of me didn’t believe him. i shrieked when he picked me up by placing his hands under my thighs. “let’s go to bed. you said you were tired, yeah?” he walked us over to our bedroom and placed me down onto the bed. i watched him pull his red stained shirt over his head and throw it in the laundry basket. “so, how’s jungwon?” he turned to me with a confused look on his face, like he had no idea what i was talking about. “what?” “you told me you were gonna meet up with jungwon, remember?” i could tell realization hit him, did he lie to me? “oh, right. i was confused for a second because of how tired i am. but he’s good” i slightly nodded, but if i’m gonna be honest niki is acting really weird. he got in bed next to me after turning all the lights off. i could feel him wrap his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him.
i woke up in the middle of the night with no sight of niki. i heard weird noises so i thought he was probably just getting himself water or using the bathroom, but he was taking too long. i stretched my arms before getting up to see what was taking him so long. “niki?” first i looked in the living room, then the kitchen and then the bathroom. where was he? i kept on hearing those noises, so i decided to follow them. suddenly, it stopped and i was stood in front of the door that lead down to the basement. i don’t usually go down there, why would i? out of curiosity and wanting to know where niki was, i slowly opened the door which made a creaking sound. “niki?” i repeated, no answer. as i made my way down the stairs i couldn’t see anything since it was pitch black, so i brought my phone out and used my flash light to look around. all i could see were cardboard boxes and just a bunch of junk we stored down here. i was about to go back up when i stepped in some kind of liquid, it was kinda thick and disgusting. when i flashed my phone down on my feet, my heart dropped when i realized what i stepped in was blood. even worse, fresh blood. “oh my god.. i’m gonna throw up..” i covered my mouth and started backing up when suddenly, i felt my back hit something making me jump. i quickly turned around and my blood went cold when i saw it was niki stood behind me. i was too scared to say anything, meanwhile he was just stood there looking down at me with a blank expression. the stairs were to my left, could i make a run for it? i counted down in my head.
3… 2… 1!
i quickly pushed niki to the side and made a run for it, but he clearly saw it coming. halfway up the stairs, i tripped when niki’s hand grabbed my ankle. i managed to kick his hand away making him groan in pain, “fuck!” it gave me enough time to get back up on my feet tho. when i had finally made it back up, i slammed the door shut behind me, but there was no lock on it. “shit..” get out of the house, that was my first thought. a few hours ago i’d be too scared to leave the house because of the serial killer, but i didn’t know that i was living with him and that he was my own boyfriend. i ran to the front door and jumped when i heard the door to the basement get slammed open. it made me stress and panic which is the reason to why i was struggling to open the door. “come on..!” i kept on twisting the door knob until i finally got it open. the second i stepped my foot outside, i got dragged back in by a strong muscular force and the door was slammed shut. knowing no one could hear me i still started screaming for help, but niki covered my mouth with his hand muffling the sound of my voice. he pushed me up against the wall and held me tightly since i kept on moving around. “shhh. be quiet” he started stroking my hair and leaned in closer to my face. “i’m not gonna hurt you, okay? i would never hurt you baby. i told you i’d always protect you” even though i now knew he was the one murdering people, he still made me feel safe with his words. i know that it’s wrong, he’s not a good person, but i can’t help it. i stopped moving around and screaming for help which resulted in him removing his hand from my mouth and loosening his grip on my body.
“why..?” he cocked his head at my question. “why?” he asked me. “why would you do that to those innocent people..?” i was full of mixed emotions. my eyes were teary, i had this lump in my throat and a pit in my stomach. “innocent? those people weren’t innocent” what? what does he mean by ‘they weren’t innocent’? “i don’t understand.. what did they do?” he placed his index finger on the center of my chest. “they all wanted you for themselves. i had to show them that it would result in bad consequences” did he.. murder people out of jealousy? i felt even worse, like i was about to pass out. “niki.. i can’t“ i pushed lightly at his chest but he didn’t dare to move. “please- get away from me.. i don’t feel so good” he still wouldn’t get out of my way, what was wrong with him? “it’s okay. i’ll make you feel good” “what?-“ i didn’t see it coming, but he smashed his lips onto mine and started kissing me relentlessly. i brought my hands up and started hitting his chest, signing him to get off of me. he didn’t seem to care tho. he just grabbed me by my waist and pulled me in closer to deepen the kiss. i felt him slide his tongue into my mouth, but the feeling of it was weird. he was making out with me whilst i was trying to resist him. he finally pulled away to catch his breath, and so did i. “do you feel better?” to my surprise, i did. the lump in my throat and the pit in my stomach had gone away once he kissed me, i just didn’t notice. he pressed his forehead against mine and looked into my eyes. “i won’t let anyone come near you, ever” the way he was acting, it wasn’t normal. but i couldn’t help but love him even more.
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giamee · 2 days
🏵️ ᯓ★୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ blade x poledancer!reader
request ؛ ଓ @/anon i am on my KNEES for a drabble or fic of fem or gn reader seducing blade. take full creative liberty just PLEASE
gia's notes ؛ ଓ ok this officially marks the start of my blade x the weeknd extended universe. anon thank u for this JUICY juicy prompt <3 i hope that i did it justice
word count ؛ ଓ 1.0k ( + suggestive content but nothing explicit, really unsexy description of a pole routine from yours truly, no pronouns but reader is wearing a skirt, HIGH heels and thigh garter :p )
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THERE'S A NEW FACE HERE TONIGHT. near the back, dark hair and dark eyes scanning the room rather than remaining transfixed on you. that's not something you see every day. it's not just that, but it's all of his body language that makes you think that he's here for other reasons than to watch a show and maybe heckle you in hopes of getting lucky later. he's got his arms crossed against his broad chest, positioned oh so carefully to be able to survey as much of the room as possible.
you wonder who, or what exactly he's looking for as you keep doing your routine. it's a shame, you think. you'd much rather have his attention than the drunken faces hooting and hollering at you, trying to catch a glimpse up your skirt as you do a spin around the pole.
no, he's more... refined. there's an element of self-restraint to him that you rarely see here, and though it really isn't a high bar, it still draws your attention.
you wish that he would step into the light a little more. you could make out his features, just barely thanks to him being so far away and the dim lighting of the club. from what you could tell, he was handsome, all dark and brooding and serious. just your type.
here's the part where you have to focus. you tear your gaze away from the mystery man, rather regrettably, instead fixing your grip on the pole, pulling yourself off of the ground and letting your legs fan upwards as your world tilts on its axis and you're now spinning whilst upside down.
the clamoring crowd at your feet goes crazy, hooting and hollering like they always did. it was a tired routine but they were always impressed nonetheless, if the amount of bills flying at you was anything to go off of. and amidst the chaos of it all, your eyes still manage to travel past them all and meet the ruby eyes of the man stood against the back wall.
he wasn't just letting his gaze wander this time, either. he was really looking at you, all of his attention focused on your movements. a little thrill ran down your spine at this revelation, the connection between the two of you remaining unbroken even as you dismounted as the song ends.
your wish came true. his interest had been piqued.
while he may not be at your feet cheering, you still recognised that look in his eyes that he gave you. the one of lust, an underlying hunger that blazed deep and clawed its way to the surface. it draws you in, keeping you pinned in place even as you danced, and suddenly he was the only person that mattered within this entire building. suddenly, he was the only person that you were performing for.
the next song started playing, a slower one that relied more on sensuality than feats of acrobatic strength. good.
you let your fingers trail along the pole as you take sultry steps around it, finally letting your hands curl around it as you bend low, edge of your skirt brushing against the ground despite the tall heels that you wore. you roll your body upwards again, letting yourself grind against the pole, the hollering crowd distant as your gaze remains locked on him.
at the way his throat bobs as he watches your movements. the way he shifts in place as the room's temperature now feels a couple degrees higher. the way his eyes still meet yours so steadfastly.
you've definitely got his attention now.
you turn, back to the pole as you squat down again, letting your spine arch forwards as your chest meets the floor, hips remaining high. he watches you, hungrily, and you feel that electric stare of his in your core now. at this rate, you'd be leaving the pole wet.
you wouldn't mind letting him get lucky later.
and by the looks of it, he wouldn't hesitate to take you up on any offer you made him.
you're back on the pole now, just a simple pose as you do a spin first, before tucking your leg around the metal for stability and lifting off of the ground again.
more cheers from insignificant men, but what you pay attention to is how the man has pushed off from the wall now, stood up straight all while still watching you.
it gave you a little headrush seeing in real time the effect that you held over him, and you recognised the last chorus of the song, signalling that your time was almost up.
an idea pops into your head, one that deviates slightly from your regular routine.
you turn your back to the audience, glancing over your shoulder seductively as you slowly bend down, fingers trailing past the hem of your short skirt and finally hooking onto the garter you wear on your thigh.
there's cheers at your pseudo striptease, with the way you shimmy your hips more than necessary as you unclip it tantalisingly slow, letting the flimsy fabric slide down your leg until it pools on the floor.
you step out of it, another display of your ass as you bend down to pick it up, finally turning to face the audience with a grin as you twirl it around your finger.
there's men clamouring at your feet, and you resist the urge to roll your eyes at their behaviour in favour of scanning the back of the crowd for him. he's there, still watching you with an imperceptible smirk at your little show.
you hoped he realised that it was just for him.
you recognised the closing notes of the song, deciding to make your exit with one final signal to the mystery man of what exactly your intentions were. you throw the garter, hoping there was enough weight to it to travel far enough to not land in the wrong hands, and that it would sail past heads before landing squarely in the man's palms.
you turn and leave before you see it happen, but when you throw back a last cursory glance, judging by his grinning face amidst a sea of disgruntled ones, you had hit your target.
you wink and blow him a kiss before disappearing offstage. your name was on the door, anyway. it wouldn't be too hard to find you.
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IF YOU LIKED THIS, TRY ... fade into you
hsr men as your soulmate, and the marks you left on them in a past life
alternatively, you can find my hsr masterlist here! ୨ৎ
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royonninjago · 1 day
The Ninja's Roles Within the Team
Something I think the various Ninjago shows do really well is the characterizations of each Ninja. If it was bad, then kids wouldn't wanna watch the show or buy the Lego sets to reenact their favorite moment and create new scenarios for the Ninja to go through.
However, for the past few years a problem I've had with the TV show is that some characters feel more... useful than others. Then there are moments when one character is missing, but the team seems to operate just fine without them, and I think that does a real disservice to the characters.
In contrast, take the ATLA episode "Sokka's Master". It's one of my favorites because it separates Sokka, the only non-bender in Team Avatar, from the rest of the team. The episode demonstrates to both us and the rest of Team Avatar why Sokka is essential to their team. Without him, they're bored, can't figure out where they are or where they're headed on a map, and are overall completely directionless. Its like the precursor to those dime a dozen fantasy mangas where the weak member of a dungeon divers gets fired and the rest of the party ends up deeply regretting it.
I want the Ninjago TV show to demonstrate to us why each member is essential to the Ninja Team, and why without one of them the Ninja Team is worse off or have to work twice as hard to compensate.
Dragons Rising had such a good opportunity to explore this, but unfortunately it seems like the biggest problem the Team faces from being separated across the merged realms is lack of manpower and not much else. In lieu of this, here are some of my ideas as to how each character could prove to be essential to the Ninja.
Lloyd - The Leader. This one is definitely the most obvious. He's had a very clear leadership role since he became the Green Ninja, and ever since Wu left this distinction has only gotten more pronounced. However, I do find myself wishing to see a bit more of a dark streak with him. He was originally introduced as an antagonist, and I don't know about y'all but I still find myself enjoying Three Days Grace ever since I played the Halo 3 campaign at a friend's house while listening to AMVs of their songs.
Kai - The Weapon Master. Although there was never anything to support this, I always thought that Kai made the weapons that the Ninja used in the pilots. He is a blacksmith, after all. I think it would be cool if this aspect was more leaned into and not only make him the guy that creates all the swords and throwing stars and whatever other simple weapons the Ninja use, but to also be the best one at using those weapons. A sword is obviously his go to, but put any kind of simple weapon in his hands and I think he'd be able to use it very well. Imagine how much cooler it would have been in season 11 if Kai managed to defeat Aspheera's sheer power with his incredible swordsmanship skills. It'd certainly tie into his arc that season much better than what we actually got.
Jay - The Scout. Remember that scene in the pilots where the Skulkin cars were trying to reach 88 mph or whatever and Jay was gaining on them just by running? The writers sure don't! Though in all seriousness, whenever the Ninja need to learn a new technique to do something, Jay always picks up on it really quickly. First to perform Spinjitzu and summon his Golden Weapon Vehicle, second to unlock his true potential, third to summon his Elemental Dragon, he managed to surprise Ronin when practicing Airjitzu, not to mention his laundry list of hobbies. If they really leaned into his speed, combining that with his skills as a Ninja would make him perfect for running ahead and reporting back on the enemy forces. In my own little world, I like to imagine him as a PG version of the Scout from TF2 (Jay even had a slight Boston accent in the pilots!).
Cole - The Muscle. This one is also fairly obvious due to Cole's signature Earth Punch, but I feel as though it should be noticed more when he's not around, especially in Master of the Mountain. If I'm remembering correctly, they don't fully acknowledge his absence until they're locked up in the Vengestone cage about to be executed. If I regularly hung out with a dude that could lift a car over his head, I'd be lamenting about his absence whenever I needed to lift a heavy box.
Zane - The Information Officer. Another obvious one, but in this case I feel as though they lean a bit too heavily into it. Yes, he's a robot and yes, it's his job to know things, but I want to see his more dorky and silly side from time to time. Give us more Zane following a bird because it danced and him just chilling (literally) in the fridge at midnight for no reason type of stuff. After all, his greatest fear is losing his humanity.
Nya - The Strategist. I feel as though on a 'don't judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree' level, Nya is just as smart as Zane. Due to his physiology, Zane can hold much more raw information many times over Nya, but I feel as though Nya is much better at putting that information to use. Going back to Master of the Mountain (I realize I'm referencing it a lot, its still fresh in my mind), when Kai and Zane were lost, they relied entirely on the raw data from Zane's internal compass, and because of that they got lost and had to rely on Geckles capturing them to reach their settlement. On the other hand, when Lloyd, Jay, and Nya were lost, Nya was able to determine the location of the Munce settlement by searching for signs of life and finding footprints. Also, I think this characterization fits the Master of Water really well considering water adapts to whatever environment it resides in.
The new Ninja from Dragons Rising are still very inexperienced and still haven't really found their grooves within the team, but I'm still gonna try and analyze them here.
Arin - ???. Right now, Arin's main skills are his unique Spinjitzu skills and his talent with a grappling hook. Its still so early in his Ninja training that he hasn't really carved out a distinct role for himself, though I hope this changes as time goes on. Not too long ago I proposed a cool idea for his future if any of y'all wanna take a look at that here.
Sora - The Technical Specialist. While I don't enjoy the idea of PIXAL being replaced as the Ninja's primary vehicle builder, with Sora being the Elemental Master of Tech it seems very possible that this is where things are headed. Instead of that, I think it better for her to either focus on using her skills in the field or to specialize in Mechs. Both of these ideas come from the Elemental Mech mini-series. I thought the idea of switching up parts on a mech in the middle of a battle to be a fun concept and one giving credence to her being a Field Tech, and whenever she uses her Elemental Powers its for the purpose of creating or altering or fixing a mech about half of the time.
Wyldfyre - The Dragon Expert. Even before the Merge, the Ninja encountered Dragons a lot. Now that there are dragons seemingly everywhere, Wyldfyre seems like the perfect liaison for communicating with these dragons, assuming she can learn to cool off when its needed. She also seems to know a good amount about dragons, considering that she was easily able to identify the Wasting Sickness and make a soup to help ease the pain it caused. There's still a lot she needs to learn before anyone can consider her an expert, but with her love of dragons and the belief that she is one, I think she'd be more than willing to learn.
And there you have it. If you have any ideas or head cannons or questions surrounding this topic, I'd love to hear them!
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octoberautumnbox · 8 hours
Deep breathes Just slowly taking it in. These three would give you best job ever 😉
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One of them giving you the sloppiest handjob and blowjob while the others are rubbing their tits all over your body. Their thighs taking your whole arm hostage when you gently tease their entrance before entering.
"Tsk, like you're not tempted to cum inside all three of them."
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One of the best feelings is Yuri swallowing your load while your cock is still inside her mouth
Yuri isn't convinced that your heart belongs to her. How would you delay yourself long enough so that you would only cum for Yuri?
Kep1er Seo Youngeun, Huening Bahiyyih, Kang Yeseo, Soloist Jo Yuri & Male Reader
Categories/warnings: smut, blowjob, some light spanking, titsucking, hickeys, foursome, thighjob, idk what else there's probably more lmao
Word count: 1,234 exactly ayyy
a/n: no good reason why im formatting this like i would a full-length fic but!! woo not angst! :DDDD
“Tsk, like you’re not tempted to cum inside all three of them.” The speaking voice seems so far away despite your knowledge of the fact it’s coming from right there. You struggle to lose yourself, and it’s like everything in the world is helping you on this front, but for some reason…
Between slurps, Youngeun manages to chime in, “Oppa, why do you taste so fucking good?” before taking half your length into her mouth again, failing to notice nor care that you’re too preoccupied to watch her lips wrap around your tip. She’s working on taking you deeper, and she’s working really hard as evidenced by how she’s learned to use her tongue to reach more of your exposed shaft each time she sucks your cock. Her spit offers the perfect lubrication for you between her cheeks, and the way she fucks her face onto your cock feels almost like heaven. The lewd sounds of her slurps and moans nearly draw out your orgasm, but you hold firm, even if against your will. 
“Of course he does, Oppa is the best.” Bahiyyih’s tone is deep and sultry right next to you, her moans sent straight from her slutty lips right into your ear. You receive another deep exhale of pleasure every time your fingers wriggle inside her tight asshole, and in return she pushes Youngeun’s head farther onto your cock. She’s such a good girl to be behaving the way she is despite getting the second-shortest straw out of all of them, but for what it’s worth, neither of you can really complain. The best you can do, your only consolation, is to pull them out every once in a while and spank her juicy ass whenever she manages to force a new record for the tip of your dick reaching deeper into her friend’s throat. “What I’d do to give Oppa what you two are giving him…” she muses before she returns to leaving more and more hickeys on your neck and chest. Her lips on your body drive you insane, the way she talks about wanting you and being of service to her master almost makes you blow your load right this instant, but somehow, you persevere. 
Just as she says it, Yeseo pulls you in by the cheek harder against her chest. She pulls out her nipple from between your teeth in the roughness that drives her crazy, only to switch in with her other one, equally stiff and ready for more of your sucking. Momentarily the two of you wish you had a third hand to grope her free breast, but she takes it upon herself to grope her own boobs when you’re not doing it yourself, both to maintain her pleasure and to give you an obscene show. You know that deep inside she wants something to stimulate her soaked pussy even more; humping your leg like a bitch in heat was never good enough for her. However, the commands were stern: “Play nice and share, or Oppa doesn’t so much as look at you for a week.” She settles for your mouth on her perky and delicious tits, rubbing her chest in any way she can all over your face while moaning like the slut she can’t deny she is. 
Between the three beautiful ladies offering their tight and sexy bodies to service your pleasure, it really is impossible to pick. Half of you thinks there is no wrong answer on who to shoot your seed into; all of them are deserving in their own right, and if it were up to you then they’d each get a turn getting their wombs filled up and their dreams coming true. But against everything in the world that tells you to just let yourself go and give your girls their well-deserved seed, you hold out. It’s a strange sort of pleasure to have Youngeun work her slutty tongue on your cock while Yeseo rubs her perky tits all over your face all the while Bahiyyih’s ass is yours to spank and squeeze however you like, but for a reason you can’t quite pin down, your body is refusing, not just yet, to allow your orgasm into whichever hole is most convenient. 
All of a sudden, an alarm sounds and the world stops. All three girls stop squirming, and all at once their disappointment fills the air. Youngeun’s lips leave your cock slowly, as if savoring the last few moments of her servitude to you. Bahiyyih leaves one more hickey right on the weak spot on your neck as if saying goodbye. Yeseo pulls away from your face, giving you a longing look, before giving you a peck on the cheek as she gets up and assumes her place next to her unnies, kneeling on the floor beside your chair. 
“Well, girls, I can’t say I’m happy with the results,” Yuri gloats as she uncrosses her legs and rises from her own chair across from yours. “You all failed to make Oppa cum. Fifteen minutes, all three of you at the same time, and just the way Oppa likes it, and yet here he is, cock hard as can be and aching for release. Is this really how little you love him?”
The girls hang their heads in shame. “We’re sorry, Oppa. We’ll be better next time.” They bend to the floor and bow in apology. They stay there in deference to their sunbae, who looks at them with nothing but exasperation in her eyes. 
Yuri turns her attention back to you, her gaze now filled with a deep, dark greed. “I guess this proves one thing, though,” she teases as she pulls their company shirt, her only piece of clothing, over her head. She takes a seat on your lap, squeezing your erect cock right between her silky thighs and right against her soaked entrance. The thighjob she delivers is hellishly perfect, the fragrance of her hair clouding your thoughts, and the way she holds your hands in place to cup each of her perfect tits while she gropes them for you… 
The spot right where her neck meets her shoulders is where your teeth find themselves. They dig slightly into her skin, not enough to break, but more than enough to leave marks of ownership on your favorite girl. You’ve forgotten and are only reminded that you’re now the one fucking her thighs, right as your cum shoots up from between her legs, then landing on her lap, tits, and even some reaching her face. You ride out your orgasm as you rub your cock against the inside of her thighs, each spurt of your thick and warm seed falling onto her sinfully delectable body. And all throughout, she moans loud and depraved as if you’re actually thrusting into her tight little fuckhole, unsure herself of whether you’re inside her at all or not; what matters is she’s the one that made you cum. Not Youngeun, nor Bahiyyih, nor Yeseo, not anyone else but her. Probably from the mere thought alone, her body seizes and her thighs squeeze your cock harder just as her own cum gushes out of her hole to smear all over her thighs and your dick.
“I knew it,” she says, out of breath from her own climax, “your heart belongs to me, Oppa. I knew from the start that you were all mine.” 
a/n: im not into kep1er actually lmao i had to look up what youngeun's full name was then decided not to put it in the tags anyway adkfjgklg
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mschievousx · 2 days
now and then | b.b.
pairing: benedict bridgerton x ofc
summary: loraine silva always knew she was not normal. she loves unusual things. she loves her father's guns, horses, boxing, climbing a tree, falling from a tree, engineering, astronomy... oh, and a man eleven years older.
series masterlist
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xii. twelve: let it go
benedict bridgerton has not left his room for days now. he laid down with his agony, curled on his sheets. his pillow wet in the tears that served as witness of this torment.
most people grieve for those who don't know what they have until it is gone. but, what about those who do know? those who tried their hardest to hold on, yet could only look on helplessly while they lost the thing they loved the most. isn't it so much worse for them?
how many sleepless nights now, he does not know. when they were together, he avoided sleep so he could have more time with her. and now that she is gone, he wishes to sleep more so he might know fewer hours of her absence, and perhaps, spend longer in dreams with her.
it took him days to even talk, forgetting his own voice as he got so familiar with his cries. he wanted to be happy but found it painfully hard as her love was his happiness.
yet, what if love is not here to make us happy? perhaps, it exists to show us how much we can endure.
but benedict did not want to endure anymore.
for the first time in a long while, he was terrified. oh, how terrifying to face the future without the one you planned it with. how can you wake up from a nightmare if you are not asleep?
someone knocked on his door, one that he has recognised as anthony's knuckles by the firmness of the sound. he did not want to stay on his bed forever, so he desperately pushed himself out, trying to see what has been of the others. he neared to open the door slightly ajar before sitting down on a couch defeatedly, his brother surprised by the turning of the knob.
he stepped in, noting the desolateness of the room. he wanted to be there for him, but losing a loved one you were never able to fully love was a different kind of pain—one that anthony was not familiar with at all.
so, he did the only task he was left with. he walked to him, giving the pad he has been holding unto to his younger brother.
"her journal," he maintained his voice in a serene one, seemingly afraid that anything higher would trigger something from the other.
benedict turned to him at that with shock. he did not know she writes. he often thought the girl preferred saying her thought out loud than put it to paper. he opened it, reading from entry to entry, word by word.
a small snicker left his lips when the most he could read about was how the young little silva had fun infuriating him. it was clear on her handwriting—the curve of the letters, the stretch of its end. she was full of excitement when she was writing this. it was written in her point of view. he turned the twelfth page over, only to find that no entry follows anymore.
"why did she stopped writing when she was eight?" he turned to the older, eyes still with traces of redness. it was around the time armand had snitched his daughter to benedict, saying that the girl likes him.
"she said there was no longer a need to write what she felt because she can say it to you directly." anthony offered him a small smile, leaning down to turn the pages to the last, "she wrote on the day she left for the parliament."
the viscount watched as his brother traced each word with his fingers, afraid that it would be lost before he even realises it. noticeably, this one is written in the way her words talked to him directly. anthony placed a hand on his shoulder before stepping back again.
"i guess she knew she could no longer say it to you again."
my artsy,
i think i have loved you since i met you. i just mistook it for curiosity.
there are so many forms of love, and although it may have begun unromantically, i knew you were someone special to me. i would like to apologize—for coming into your life just to break your heart to pieces and leave you in the night.
i really would have loved to be able to attend the astronomical convention with you. we spent a night talking about it. if i knew i will not even get to go, i would have rathered spent the time with my lips in yours.
and so, if regrettably, the gods had it planned that this life of mine will never be enough to show you all my love, i promise—i will find you in another. and hopefully then, i still wouldn't run out of love and continue to pester you on to the next, and next, and for eternity.
because my love, we were never a match made in heaven. i am afraid afraid we are made in both far ends of the farthest cosmos.
and i will search every star, every galaxy, every universe, and every timeline until i find you.
know that i love you, down to my last word.
until we meet again,
forever your loraine
he pushed the pad farther from his eyes, afraid that the ink would smudge and her words can no longer be read. he held his head down, anthony going to his side at once and offered an arm at him.
benedict leaned weakly to him. he had told her before, and now it became his reality. the young lady was a fire—his fire—and he does not find himself worrying even if she will burn him. despite her absence, she still set him ablazed. he longs for nothing but her. how many life does he have to burn before he lives with her? and he could almost hear a whisper.
a hundred more. just a hundred more.
and he almsot felt relieved at that. a hundred more would be nothing. he was even prepared to burn thousands. that was how bewitched he was.
she was lovely—extremely, completely, entirely.
yet, even if it is full of love, all a ghost can do is haunt.
━━━ ✦ ❘ ☽ 【❖】 ☾ ❘ ✦ ━━━
the following day, lady bridgerton could not hold it anymore. her son was spiralling away. she missed him. so, she ascended their stairs, aiming for the room of the said son.
anthony has told her that he was, at the very least, responsive. she did not want her son to be reduced as someone thankfully responsive. benedict has always been full of colors.
he was an art himself.
she knocked, turning the knob and was surprised it was not locked. violet entered slowly, seeing the figure behind a canvas.
she called out to him, "my son, come with us."
there was no response, continuing to walk towards the man. entering the room fully, she could see random sketches of the young silva.
picking up a paper, his mother commented, "she was beautiful."
violet could hear a small hum from her son, still not tearing his gaze away from the art he is currently working on, "she will forever be."
she warmly smiled at that. the son who has repeatedly told her before that what she and edmund had was rare, now utterly taken beyond mortal relations.
she placed an arm around his shoulders for comfort as she took a look at the painting, "you love her so much."
he added a detail on her features, "if i could say it in words, there would be no reason to paint."
her heart broke for his son she almost felt like it was her fault. maybe, that was why the two met each other and loved each other when they were still too young. they were not meant to grow older together.
she placed a peck on top of his head, "will you come out with us soon?"
benedict placed down his brush, exhaling defeatedly. nonetheless, he turned to his mother with a weak smile, "after i finish this."
violet nodded at that before giving him back his solitude. it took quite the days before he completed the artwork. the sun rose and set, yet the stars only dimmed.
on the night he finally finished the painting, the dead of night was clear and the stars began to find their shine once again. a hopeful thought graced his mind.
perhaps, someday, somewhere, at a less miserable time, they will see each other again.
he turned to his table, scrambling to get a paper and pen. he will not let the night go on as if it was just any other night. this darkness shined a light, one he only recognised when the girl was present. and maybe, you can call it a pathetic attempt of hope, it was the young silva watching him as his hand gripped the pen.
my loraine,
i will remember you longer than i knew you, and i will never come to terms with that.
thus, i will find you when you return, even if you are a thousand years late.
give me your permission and i will continue to love you in another. believe that i will run amock across the universe until i find you.
and so, when you see the world ending in the newspapers, trust that it is my work because i still have not met you again.
let us make us happen, some other time.
until we meet again,
forever your artsy
perhaps, they were right in putting love into books and poems—perhaps, it could not live anywhere else. they did say that everything will be fine in the end. and if it isn't, then it is not the end yet.
he has learned that grief is not accepting that she died. it is acknowledging that she is still alive in everything that he does.
and so he hopes—he hopes that all this grief stays with him because it is all the unexpressed love that he did not get to tell her. he will never let this go.
indeed, what is grief if not love persevering.
the pain will remind them of each other. when they meet later, if there is a later, they will recognise each other by it.
and just because this life is painful, it does not mean the next one will be.
taglist: @aadu2173 @imgondeletedis @pumkiinpasties @rebleforkicks @perseny @everavenclaw @datingbtr @peetahpahkah @myo11 @idek-what-to-put @aysamuka
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Gin Akutagawa (self-aware)
Self-Aware! Gin Akutagawa x GN! Reader
Tumblr media
Warning: OOC. English is my second language. Yandere. Mentions of (accidental) stalking.
Becoming self-aware
🔪 With self-awareness came sorrow and anger. Gin's life was a lie. Ryunosuke's life was a lie. Their world was a lie. A reflection of reality. A fantasy, that was shared with thousands of other people.
🔪 With self-awareness came new routine.
🔪First, Gin got a diary. And each page contain similar text. One page each day. Same sentences, that she wrote first thing in the morning.
"My name is Gin Akutagawa. I have an older brother, Akutagawa Ryunosuke. I am from Port Mafia. I am Battalion Leader of "Black Lizard". I was Paul Verlaine's student. I am a girl. My brother and I lived on the streets, before joining Port Mafia."
Day after day. Page after page. Same forty-four words on every page.
Gin wished, that there were more. But she can't remember anything else about her.
🔪 Days were spent patrolling. Trying to find answers, hope, a way out and other people. Tachihara was her partner during the search. And Gin could see, that normally cocky Tachihara looked lost and desperate.
🔪And, when during one of the patrols, Gin and Tachihara found out, that some people from the Government and Hunting Dogs were also self-aware, Gin saw relief in Tachihara's gaze.
🔪 Gin could ask Tachihara about his strange reaction. But choose not to. All of them were stressed out. Her brother became more ruthless. All of them worked hard. Despite everything, they can't find a way out.
🔪 And Gin tried to stay collected. Emotions won't solve anything. Dreams won't solve anything. Gin was glad, that she stopped dreaming at night.
🔪 And then, one day, Gin felt an entity's gaze on her.
The first "hours" under entity's gaze felt like torture. She wanted to scream, to run, to get her hands on someone, who were watching them.
Someone, who saw their past, emotions, thoughts.
But then "night" came.
And with night came dreams.
Gin saw a person.
A normal person doing normal things. Gin could see herself doing the same things, when she was off-duty.
She saw Real World. She saw Entity.
Gin... didn't want to call them Entity anymore.
At the "morning", instead of her normal text, Gin wrote about, what she has learned during her dream.
She wanted to see one more similar dream.
Dreams came every night.
Gin learned more about real world. About Internet, news, culture, people.
Most importantly, she learned more about Their Reader. About them being happy, when they saw Gin and others. About them liking Gin and others. Everyone of them.
No hate. No sick entertainment.
Just curiosity and happiness.
Gin couldn't hate Their Reader anymore. It would be wrong.
She tried to carefully reassure others about you. She didn't want them to hurt you.
And then, time resets.
And Gin once again were getting ready to ambush ADA office.
When they start feeling your presence
🔪 Gin could tell, that she wasn't the only one, who had a change of heart. Something in ADA's detectives' eyes showed her, that they also came to like Their Reader.
🔪 Especially after Boss announced, that they will join forces with ADA to get to the Real World. To get to someone.
🔪 Ryunosuke also seems calmer. Gin could see, that, for some reason, he was trying to listen to something Or hear something? Someone?
🔪 Gin quickly learned, what Ryunosuke tried to do. Sometimes, Gin could hear mumbling. She couldn't make out the words, but the tone was familiar.
[//////////] familiar happiness
[//////////] familiar cheering
[//////////] familiar sadness
And one day, Gin heard them clear.
In previous timeline, her brother supposed to be kidnapped. He was fine in this timeline.
In previous timeline she was supposed to sneak on Higuchi.
In this timeline she decided not to do it.
But she heard the voice. Apparently, her actions didn't change, what Reader saw.
"Gin, you are a force to be reconned with. You are so cool. Wish I can be like you."
And something soft touched her cheek.
Gin felt warm and secure.
[In reality, you pet manga page with Gin on it]
🔪 After that, Gin finally could see Little Light. Floating blob of light. Your emotions. In Gin's eyes, the most perfect and treasured thing in entire Real World.
🔪 Gin started training even harder. Ryunosuke and Atsushi weren't enough to protect you. She will step up as your protector.
🔪 Time passed, more people joined their union.
But then, one day, the purple moon shined above Yokohama.
When you installed BSD Mayoi Inu Kaikitan
🔪 Gin didn't wait, before her SSR Cards became available during Limited Scout. She gifted you her cards herself.
"Okay, Gin, let's try to clean all orbs."
"Whoa! We finally finished this floor. All thanks for Gin's attack."
"I wonder if there will be a special image card for you, Gin."
🔪 Gin can't wait to get to the Real World. To know you better, to protect you, to saw everything, Real World can offer.
🔪 And she will never forget her dreams. About real world. About Reader. About their Guiding Light.
You just get your daily rewards, when you got another note. Another Gin SSR card was attached to it.
"[Y/N]. Hope you are doing well. I have been thinking about having a movie night with Ryunosuke. Want to join us? I will choose movie, Ryunosuke will bring snacks. If you want to join, can you, please, bring blankets? We will wait. Gin Akutagawa."
You smiled and opened Character menu, selecting Gin's card. You pet chibi Gin.
"Great idea, Gin. Thank you for the invitation. I would love to join you and Ryunosuke."
You didn't notice, that Gin removed her mask and smiled.
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justmeinadaze · 2 days
Created a Monster (Steddie X Kas Y/N)
Every time I hear this song this idea pops into my head but it's not what I'm used to writing per say. I wanted you guys to read like a preview and tell me if this is something you'd want more of or a one shot. Or whatever lol Just some feed back :) It's been sitting in my WIP forever but I can't stop thinking about it.
Warning: Steddie X Kas Fem Reader, mentions of grief and how much the boys miss her, I twisted some things from the show obviously. Instead of Eddie fighting, Y/N does. I also read up a bit on Kas so took some lore there. Not really expanded on in this preview but...
Word Count: 1956
Eddie and Steve stare at your gravestone as the preacher continues to spout some nonsense about young souls being angels on Earth and being called back home. No one understood what they were going through not even their friends they had fought with. You were their everything and now… you were gone. 
Steve and Robin sat in the cafeteria of the hospital picking at their food as they waited for Eddie to join them. For the past four months they had been visiting Max while continuing to be moral support for Lucas. Neither boy would let on how jealous they actually were of the former Hellfire member. At least he could still hold his girlfriend’s hand…see her face…kiss her cheek.
“The doctor’s said she’s showing improvement.”, Robin mused as she took a bite of bland rice in front of her. 
“That’s good. She’s a good kid who’s been through too much. She deserves to have a full life.”
His friend nods in understanding, scanning Steve over before reaching for his hand. 
“This is a stupid question but how are you doing?”
“I’m, um, I’m surviving. Eddie’s trying to keep it together for the guys but we’re both kind of floundering.”, he chuckles as he places his fork down and leans back. “I miss her laugh. Every time Munson would tell a joke, she would close her eyes and scrunch her nose… so cute.”
“Yeah, she was.”, his friend softly murmured. “She loved you two more than anything. Y/N would talk about you both nonstop to an annoying degree.”
When Robin playfully rolls her eyes, they both laugh almost uncontrollably until his gradually shift into sobs. Rising to her feet, she wraps her arms around his shoulders and in turn he does the same, his fingers digging almost painfully into her back. 
“I miss her so much.”
When both boys finally made it back home, Eddie silently flopped down on the couch as he grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. Since your passing, the metalhead had moved into the living room since their apartment only had one bedroom. Without you between them they saw no point in sharing anymore. Steve never said anything to contradict but he wished his friend had stayed. Even though they were never intimate in the dynamic, he would have rather shared a bed with his friend than be alone. It was just more of a reminder that you were gone. 
“Another group of men were found dead today outside of their homes, stabbed through the chest, and with nothing stolen or motive perceived from Hawkins PD. We reached out to reinstated Chief Hopper for comment but at this time none was given.”
“Something we should be worried about you think?”, Steve asked as he came up behind his friend to watch the tv.
“I mean, as long as they aren’t blaming me, I’d say no.”
“It doesn’t seem like Vecna either. No broken bones or eyes caved in—” Rising to his feet, Eddie hastily turned off the tv and reached for his jacket. “Eddie—”
“I agree. No Vecna. I’m, um, I’m going to go for a walk.”
“Is this how it’s always going to be?! Are we just going to be awkward around each other now? She wouldn’t have wanted that, Ed.”
A smooth, sarcastic laugh escaped the metalhead’s lips as he turned to face his friend. 
“Yeah? Well, I wanted her here and she’s fucking dead. We both don’t get what we want.”
“So, you’re just going to sully her memory like that?”
“Oh, fuck you, Harrington! She’s the one that ran off even though I told her not to move. She’s the one that decided to fight instead of listening to you and not being a hero. She’s the one who DIED IN MY FUCKING ARMS!” As his voice cracked, he paused to collect himself. “Y/N’s gone. She doesn’t get a say anymore.”
With that he turned on his heels and slammed the door. 
“He’s always been really hot headed hasn’t he?”, the vision of you giggles as you kick your feet against the counter. 
Steve never told anyone for fear of coming off as insane but this is how he processed you no longer being around; he pretended you weren’t gone.
“Yeah, just like you.”
“Excuse me! I was stubborn but not ‘hot headed’, jerk.”
His head hung at the word “was” as his bottom lip began to tremble. Jumping off the counter, you slide over till you were just inches from his side. Even though you weren’t really there, he swore he could smell you.
“Steve, baby, look at me. He’ll be ok… you both will.”
Shaking his head, he wiped the tears that had begun to fall but when he moved his hands away the image of you disappeared. 
“I love you, honey. I miss you so much.”
Eddie pulled his hood over his head as he powerwalked in what he thought was no particular direction. Even after being exonerated people still scowled and hurled insults his way. The ones that hurt him the most were the ones about you. 
Because they couldn’t bring your body back, it was assumed you had died with everyone else. Your family still held on to hope but in the worst way. You parents used to love him and Steve, treating them both like family but after Chrissy’s death everything shifted. They told you to stay away from him and in turn you told them to fuck off. 
Anytime they saw Eddie, they begged him to tell them where you were or where your body was so they could properly grieve. He ignored them as best he could but it killed him because he knew the truth. That’s something he and Nancy could connect on. Every time she told him about her experiences with Barb it comforted him to an extent. He hoped one day he could give them peace like her friend’s parents got. 
Stumbling over his feet, the metalhead finally took note of his surroundings realizing he had walked to Hawkins Cemetery. Sighing heavily, he gave in and let his feet continue to lead him till he was in front of your plot. 
“Y/N Y/L/N. 1986. Loving Friend, Daughter, and Girlfriend.” 
“Fucking basic shit. You were way more than that.”, he grumbled as he took a seat facing your stone. 
“I’m angry with you; so fucking angry. I told you to go up the rope but you insisted I go so I could catch you like Steve had. I should have known better. How could you do that? How could you leave us like that?!”
“I didn’t do it by choice.”, the vision of you replied in a sad but calm tone as you sat on top of your own stone. Eddie’s jaw tightened as he looked in the opposite direction. “Still ignoring me?”
“You’re not real.”
“True…but it helps Steve. At least that’s what you hope after hearing him talk out loud to me the other night. He really hates being alone, you know? He wants to talk to you but—”
“I can’t talk about you with people. Not yet.”
“Ok, then don’t talk about me. Maybe talk about D&D or Steve’s day. Anything else. Eddie, just because I’m gone doesn’t mean you two stop being friends.”
“Don’t preach to me, babe. I don’t want to hear it.”
“What do you want to hear?”
“Nothing. That’s all I ever fucking hear now. I don’t hear your stories about work or your family. I don’t hear you laughing at my jokes or your sarcasm when you’re making fun of Steve for his lack of movie knowledge. I don’t hear your fucking breath in the middle of the night when you’re sleeping or see you bite your lip when you’re thinking about something complicated. I don’t feel your fingers in my hair when I’m lying on the floor listening to music or your lips against mine. Why, Y/N? Because you’re fucking DEAD!”
The vision of you watched with sympathetic eyes as his shoulders shook and he sobbed in his hands. After a few minutes, he wiped his nose on his sleeve, finding you sitting cross legged in front of him with your knees inches from his own. 
“I don’t know how to live without you, sweetheart.”
“Eddie… I never loved anyone on this planet as much as I loved you and Steve. If it meant keeping you both safe…I would die again.”
“It was our job to protect you.”
“And you did such an amazing job.”
Shaking his head, he glanced towards a tree in the distance before turning your way to find you gone. 
“I love you, baby.”
Steve’s eyes snap open at the sound of glass breaking before quickly grabbing his bat and slowly stalking to the kitchen. 
“Jesus Christ!”
“I just go by Eddie but…” They both exasperatedly laughed as the other boy lowered his weapon. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you or anything. I just left the cemetery and I didn’t realize it was so fucking late.”
“Did, um, were you going to see her?”
He could have responded sarcastically but your words lingered in his mind. 
“Yeah… I just needed to hash some things out with her.”
“I know how you feel. Sometimes I get really angry at her to but then I get confused because I don’t know what to do with that.”
“Yeah.”, Eddie laughs as well. “Fuck, this sucks.”
As his friend nodded, a shadow on the wall caught the former jocks attention. It looked like a figure but that can’t be right because they were on the fourth floor of their complex. Just as he began to glance to find out what it was, their window shattered causing both men to fall to the ground and cover their heads. 
Steve recovered first, swiftly grabbing his bat and blocking the weapon that begun to swing down towards the metalhead. To his surprise it did stop it but as soon as he pushed the figure back, the bat cut cleanly in half. It took him a few seconds to realize the stranger in front of him was wielding a sword causing him to duck out of the way as the person continued swinging it at him. 
While trying to find something to defend himself with, he heard Eddie call his name and turned just in time to see him slide another sword his way. 
“Isn’t this fake?!”
“Please! We’re nerds! Do you think Y/N and I would buy anything fake!?”
Just as Steve unsheathed the weapon, it clinked loudly against the strangers. Both beings went toe to toe with the pretty boy surprising even himself. He got too cocky, however, lowering his guard just enough for the figure to punch his chest knocking the wind out of him as he fell to the floor. 
The armor the figure was wearing loudly tapped against each other as they stepped forwards and pointed their weapon at Steve’s throat. With wide eyes, he watched as the person took off their helmet and casually tossed it to the ground as their hair fell around their face.
The boy whined as you tilted the sharp weapon up towards his chin causing him to stretch his face out of the way. 
“My master sends his regards.”, you hiss as you step back and raise your sword. 
Before you can do anything, something hard collides with your head and you faint to the ground.
“Ok, I’m not dreaming right? Or hallucinating?”, Eddie asked as he reached for Steve’s hand to help him off the ground. 
“No, dude. At least I don’t think so…”
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cattimeswithjellie · 2 days
Stream Recap, ZombieCleo, 6/09/24
((Since the first few of these I did seem to be going over well so far, I'm doing some more and we'll see how it goes. I am going to call them Recaps from now on though, because in almost every case I'm working off the VOD, pausing, going back to figure out who said and did what, etc. This Recap is from Cleo's Twitch VOD for Sunday, 6/09. I watched the stream live but parts of it were moving much too fast to note down accurately!))
0:00 Cleo goes live. She is on the Hermitcraft server, in the front yard of her base. She says hello to everyone, especially the weirdos in chat. She realizes the chat has been left in emote-only mode and turns them back on. She tells Chat she has just gone through her mail and there is a lot of it. She got two horn-of-the-month club deliveries at once, and she needs to meet with Joel about armor stand work. She has a sand and gravel coupon and a Mission Possible mission, so much to do!
1:40 Cleo goes into the house, warning Chat as she goes that she has “lored” in here. There are eight books she has written just for this room, all for the lore. She goes back outside and spots Cakebot on the roof, then laughs about how she always sees the bot and, thanks to the long distance and long nametag, thinks it’s Scar sneaking up on her.
2:40 Time to get started! Cleo shows off the Tower, which needs to be dug out into a tower base. They say they are actually working today which doesn’t happen often, especially this past week or two. Cleo has been too sick to reasonably work and so has been taking a sensible rest. A chatter asks if Cleo is going to die today. Cleo says they are feeling better, somewhat, and not going to die. The cats are fighting in the background.
4:20 A chatter asks why their message was deleted. Cleo tells them to read the rules. She greets Cam the mod.
5:30 A chatter engages Cleowo mode. Cleowo interacts with the chat and thanks subs. Today is the first day Cleo has been feeling well enough to go outside in awhile. She quotes The Little Mermaid as a prose poem. The Little Mermaid was the first movie Cleo got to watch in the cinema, and that’s how old she is. A chatter plays a spicy jelly bean. Cleo says they also moved into the new office, which is mostly clean and painted and pretty.
7:45 Cleo leaves to get tissues and wishes everyone a happy Pride. She needs birch wood for the build and goes to find it in the basement. Cleowo mode ends. She thanks subs and donos as she navigates through her base.
9:20 Back at the tower build, Cleo needs to figure out something to do with the roof. They contemplate maybe blocking it off entirely. Chat is trying to remember their first Disney movies. Cleo assures them that this is not a quiz and they don’t need to remember or share that information. ((For the record: the animated The Little Mermaid released in the UK in October 1990. This probably makes Cleo slightly younger than the livestreamer, whose first Disney theater experience was Who Framed Roger Rabbit.))
10:30 A chatter asks if this will be on the test next week. Cleo adopts an extremely ominous voice to reply that nothing will be on the test next week because “NEXT WEEK DOESN’T EXIST!… because it’s an abstract concept.” A chatter plays a cheerful musical sting that makes the whole thing sound like the last punchline in a sitcom.
10:40 A chatter says they will not disclose their first movie because they are too old. Cleo says they are not going to force anyone to disclose anything in chat, movie telling is not mandatory. Everyone is cool here, no narcs allowed in the chat. The mod reminds Chat not to get specific about ages. Cleo agrees and promises that one of these days she will remember to support the mods on that issue, but possibly not soon. Cleo lines up a zinger on herself, delivers it, says that was mean and blames chat for it.
12:00 Back to design talk. Chat continues talking about movies and theatrical productions. Cleo removes most of the mangrove from inside the tower in order to replace it with sandstone. She agrees that the Lion King musical is great and reminds Chat that she is very tired. Being sarcastic all the time can be a problem for her because people don’t always understand it and can become offended very quickly. Chat likes that Cleo is sarcastic. Cleo points out that the people who do get offended tend to leave and then badmouth her on the internet. Her first inclination is to ask them to come back, but then she realizes they would not do well in her chat anyway and so she doesn’t care very much.
15:00 Cleo tells a story of someone who didn’t understand their sarcasm, who got very offended when they said Cleo was wonderful and she replied “I know.” Chat is definitely on Cleo’s side for this one. A chatter says content creators don’t owe the attention of sub thanks to their audience, but Cleo believes that it is important to thank donos and subs, though sometimes she does miss things. She says she is known for being a screwup, even as she misjudges the blocks she is placing for her new wall. She sighs.
17:00 A chatter asks if Cleo is doing anything for Pride. They answer that they do not like in-person events because they are not good with large groups of people, but does participate in Pride things online. Being a member of the community, they feel, gives them a pass on having to do too much stuff. Cleo did enjoy MCC Pride. The tower area is clean now, but needs shaping and a couple of floors.
19:00 Cleo organizes her inventory for building. She has a lot of stuff she doesn’t want or need. She finds sixteen anvils and wonders sarcastically where those could have come from. She needs spruce but doesn’t think she has any. A chatter asks why she doesn’t use background music. Cleo explains that she has an Epidemic Music license for her main channel but not one for the VODs channel where this will be uploaded, and YouTube Music has neither sufficient music nor a good player. Other solutions for royalty-free music has gotten streams muted in the past because of YouTube’s overenthusiastic AI. They tell chat that if Chat has any good suggestions, they are listening. A chatter suggests using the Hotdogs on Your Face song exclusively, but Cleo jokingly claims not to have enough cards for that. Cleo has forgotten what they are doing.
23:50 Cleo thanks the subs. She remembers that she was putting in floors. A chatter plays the Hotdogs On Your Face song. Cleo is now hyperaware of the lack of background music. She says that she is not going to upload this VOD, so she will see about doing some Epidemic music. She asks chat for what genre they want. Suggestions include “Silence,” “Lofi,” “Elevator Muzak,” and “Jazzercise.” She chooses “beach destination chill.” A chatter plays “Hug a Creeper.” Cleo says they’ll get there. A chatter asks Cleo to give some building techniques. Cleo suggests making a build more interesting by starting with a basic structure and then adding purpose-based additions. That is the easiest advice they can give, they are all tapped out for building advice. The chatter admits they were hoping to get some building skill through osmosis. Cleo sadly informs them that she has tried the same thing many times by sitting next to other hermits, but it does not work.
26:30 Cleo goes back to assembling supplies. Pixlriffs raids into the stream. Cleo welcomes the raiders and tells them that in this stream they are being obnoxious and facetious and other ous words. A chatter comments “So a normal Cleo stream?” and they respond “No, this one’s got music in.” They try to build a staircase in the tower and decide a ladder is a much better choice for the space involved. Pix’s chat tell Cleo that Pix was playing Elden Ring, a game Cleo knows nothing about. She hopes they had a fun time.
28:00 Etho is mentioned in chat (due to the “Ladders” nickname and his love of ladders). Cleo tells the chat she didn’t know about the ladders thing for a long time after meeting Etho. She didn’t know Etho before Hermitcraft and thus is much less in awe of him than folks who literally grew up watching his videos. She is aggressively _not_ an Etho fangirl. A chatter says they heard he was washed up. Cleo laughs and jokes that he washes up for supper sometimes. Chat is very enthusiastic about Etho, trying to counter Cleo’s amused dismissiveness with a list of Etho accomplishments. This is difficult because Cleo is not an Etho viewer and does not do redstone and is thus unimpressed by the Etho Hopper Clock.
30:00 Cleo decides to create a secret room to avoid having to deal with the unusually-shaped space at the edge of her base, while simultaneously trying to convince Chat that Etho is Just Some Dude. Chat is having none of it. Chat is also very in favor of Etho and Cleo as a Life Series comedic duo. A chatter mentions that Impulse also has a common redstone device named after him, the sorting system. Cleo declares this fact “cool” and reiterates that the things they know about the Hermits could fill a very small book, or maybe a pamphlet.
32:00 Cleo thanks the donos and subs, and makes a few more Etho jokes. They work on coming up with a design for the entrance to the secret room. Chat is still in Etho-mode and suggests maybe Cleo is secretly obssessed with Etho. Cleo points out that they didn’t even bring Etho up, only responded to Chat bringing him up in the first place. She assures Chat her days of not taking Chat seriously are coming to a middle. She blames Chat fully for this.
35:00 Cleo mentions new TCG cards are coming. Two of Cleo’s cards are already done and they are very good! A chatter activates Hydration time and everyone has a drink. Another chatter asks why Etho fans are here and not on Etho’s stream. Cleo laughs and asks why Etho fans are so obsessed with her. A chatter activates Posture Check Time. Cleo’s TCG cards are always good because they choose amazing artists, but they will not say too much so as not to give anything away.
37:30 A chatter asks how Cleo is feeling after Doc’s pigicide. Cleo answers “Litigious.” The tower elevator is coming together and needs signage. A chatter asks what her favorite minigame is, besides Decked Out. Cleo points out that they do not play very many minigames so don’t really have a favorite. They put signs in the elevator shaft to hold back the water.
40:00 A chatter asks what kinds of builds and genres Cleo would like to try in the future. Cleo says she mostly just builds what she is feeling at the time and doesn’t care too much about overarching themes or what other people think about it. She begins filling the elevator with water source blocks. A chatter says the build reminds them of the Owl House. Cleo does not know what the Owl House is.
42:00 Xisuma joins the server, says hello via in-game chat, and asks what Cleo is up to. Cleo tells Xisuma she is finishing her builds before Thursday, then explains to Chat that Things are happening on Thursday. Xisuma asks Cleo if Thursday is a secret. Cleo is not sure but says the details are probably a secret. Chat suspects that it is either a court case or base tours. Xisuma asks if Cleo needs anything, but they reply they are nearly ready and just have to finish building.
44:20 A chatter say that it is not difficult to guess what is happening, Cleo invites them to actually guess, if it is so easy. She says no special guests and no court case is happening, just Hermits doing Hermit stuff. A chatter says Joe mentioned base tours after the Hermitcraft meeting. Another chatter guesses update day, but Cleo explains that only Xisuma cares about update day. Xisuma messages again to offer wood and Cleo asks for spruce for the floors.
46:30 Cleo finishes the elevator and jumps down for more supplies. A chatter plays the Feral Ghoul sound from Fallout and startles her. Cub logs onto the server and exchanges greetings.
47:30 Cleo says there are a lot of things that need to be figured out right now, like whether a particle effect from ender chests goes through slabs. They currently have a floor that seems to consist of dark gray wool, carpets, and ender chests. Cleo takes up some of the wool and carpet and begins placing slabs over the chests. The answer appears to be “kind of.” A few particles are making their way through the wood slabs. A chatter who is the maker of the Armor Poser mod proudly announces that the mod is ready for 1.21 and hopes Cleo is excited. Cleo congratulates them and endorses the mod to Chat but says she has no input on when the Hermitcraft server will actually update. Chat notices that Cleo has not confirmed or denied base tours as a possibility. Cleo says they can see why chat might think that and continues not to confirm or deny. Xisuma drops off some spruce and flies away like the Lumber Fairy. Cleo declares that X is the best and has forgotten again what she is doing. A chatter plays Sour Jellybean.
50:40 Cleo remembers it is time to Hug a Creeper. They set spawn and fly into the air, falling from a high place. They collect up their bits while gloating about being able to legally claim sour jellybeans as a business expense. Pearl signs on to the server
51:50 Cleo responds to a chat suggestion that trapdoors might let in more particles than slabs do. They make a bunch of spruce trapdoors from some of Xisuma’s logs and place some of them down, but it’s hard to see the particles in the current testing area. Cleo begins picking up the floor to move elsewhere and mentions receiving a troubling message from Pearl in the mail. She flies down to her mailbox and shows the large quantity of mail parcels she talked about at the beginning of the stream, including one that contains a single block of purpur and requests that Hermits buy more purpur from Pearl. Cleo confesses that she doesn’t like purpur at all but feels like she should maybe buy some from Pearl anyway as she clearly seems to be suffering. Chat somerwhat incoherently tries to inform Cleo that the parcel is from Joel, who lost a bet with Pearl and was forced to advertise the Purr-Purr shop and raise sales for Pearl. Cleo eventually parses what Chat is trying to say and is no longer concerned about Pearl’s message.
55:00 Cleo goes back to picking up the trial floor from the wizard tower. Pearl writes in the in-game chat that Chat has been losing her sales since 2024. Cleo tells her that purpur is gross, but because it is Pearl selling it, they will buy some. Cleo likes the look of spruce trapdoors over ender chests and decides to buy purpur in celebration. Chat asks what time it is for Pearl. Cleo believes it’s around 6am, Pearl-time. Pearl says she has a minigame to build. Cleo tries to convince her she does not have to build minigames at 6am.
57:10 Cleo arrives at the purr-purr bus and admires the new dumpster, saying it’s a good addition. She doesn’t really understand how Iskall can hate diorite so much when purpur exists and is a much better target. They shake their head over the prices in the shop but buy a bunch of chorus fruit to make end rods, plus some end stone. According to Cleo, buying purpur-adjacent things definitely counts as supporting the shop. Pearl is grateful. Cleo says that Pearl is undercharging and pays extra for all the chorus fruit. As Cleo flies away she notes that between herself and Cub, they have most of the server’s money right now.
59:30 A chatter asks what the bottom half of the vTuber looks like. Cleo adjusts their stream position to make the entire vTuber figure visible. Chat is impressed that Cleo has legs. FalseSymmetry, in stream chat, comments “omg legs (in caps)” to circumvent the stream rule against all-caps. Cleo shows off the limited set of movements available to the full-body figure, then puts the figure back in the usual place.
1:01:00 A chatter mentions that the vtuber figure can walk and can be used to replace the default character in certain games such as Valheim. Cleo confirms that it can be used for some games, like Valorant, and she could stomp around in there as Cleo if she wanted to. She cannot use the model on VR games because it is above the poly count. It’s primarily intended for vtubing. Using it for VR would be pretty rough on game performance.
1:02:15 Someone plays the Poe Poe Siren (Skizz singing the Poe Poe song) outside Cleo’s base. It is definitely Scar, who just signed onto the server. Cleo fetches their own horns and plays Skizz’s “Dang it, Scar!” horn, then yells for Scar to come back with a warrant. They go back inside just in time for Scar to play Xisuma’s “This is Illegal!” horn.
1:03:00 Cleo realizes that this is a war. She plays Etho’s “There was some kidnapping involved” horn.
Scar retaliates with his own “Trader Scar’s not going to eat you” horn.
Cleo plays Grian’s “I’m eating a curly-whirly right now” horn.
Scar plays Impulse’s “Say it and we’ll bleep it out” horn.
Cleo plays her own “Oh no-woh, not Joe-wo” horn.
Scar plays Ren’s “I’d like to see your butt, please” horn.
1:04:10 Cleo yells to Scar that she has run out of horns and demands to know where he is. Scar flies overhead and repeats the Ren horn, followed immediately by the Michael Scott “I declare Bankruptcy” horn. Cleo giggles and declares she needs to buy more horns, then remembers she has an ace in the hole. She heads for her mailbox, finds and plays the “I see you” horn from the Horn of the Month Club.
1:05:15 False logs into the server just long enough to play her own “OMG hiiiiii” horn, then logs out. Cleo play’s Gem’s “That’s Amazing!” horn. Th3Pooka raids into the stream.
1:05:45 Cleo thanks the raiders and welcomes subs. They have once again forgotten what they are doing. Chat reminds them that they are working on flooring.
1:07:00 Someone plays a horn from The Office outside. Cleo plays the “I see you” horn, explaining that even if she doesn’t see him, she has to play the horn. She returns to working on her floors. A chatter asks what program the vTuber model was made in. Cleo does not know but points the chatter to the link for the designer, MotherLyra. Zedaph suffocates in a wall.
1:08:20 Someone plays the MGM Lion horn, startling Cleo. They follow it up with a horn (maybe Etho or xB?) saying “I chop, I dig, your mom is really big.” Cleo plays the “Dang it, Scar” horn again. Someone plays Scar’s “Take a look at how big my booty is” horn. Cleo plays Tango’s “I see you” horn again and yells to Scar that she only has limited horns . Scar, who is stream-sniping, disclaims responsibility in in-game chat, even as someone plays Iskall’s “What are you doing?” horn. Cleo guesses it must be Cub. Cleo decides it’s either Scar or Cub, or both, or Pearl, or Tango, or Xisuma. Scar asks Cub in chat where the alien horn is.
1:09:50 Cleo attempts to go back to work, while admitting that they are not trying very hard to work. A chatter asks why Cleo has so many ender chests. Cleo says it is for the particle effects, then jokes it is because they have an addiction but most people don’t comment on it. In game chat, Cub tells Scar that the alien horn should be at the shop unless someone already bought it. Cleo wants to know more about the alien horn. Outside the window, Pearl plays Scar’s booty horn again and flies away. Cleo plays the “I see you” horn again. Zedaph suffocates in a wall again.
1:11:10 Cleo bemoans her own lack of horns, while Scar suggests that the alien horn has probably been sold. A chatter plays a scary noise, but Cleo is currently immune thanks to all the horn shenanigans. They go back to work, declaring loudly that they are feeling bullied, and it is because the hermits are bullying them. It’s not just one of those feelings, it is definitely bullying. Pearl assures Cleo in chat that it is only love. Cleo replies that one can bully with love, and invites Chat to “Ask me how I know.”
1:12:10 Cleo asks Cub if he’s done the Xisuma legs horn yet. Cub says not yet, but maybe for next batch. Cleo is pleased about that possibility. They want to hear the legs horn, because it is weird. False rejoins the server. Xisuma, who has been silent for a long while, asks what about his legs in game chat.
Cleo tells him they’re very pretty. Cub explains that Xisuma made a remark that tickled Cleo. X says thanks and that he never skips leg day. Cleo chuckles and mutters “nerd”
1:13:30 Cleo confesses proudly in game chat that they always skip leg day. Scar thinks someone got the alien horn from the shop and appears uncertain about what to do. A chatter plays Xisuma’s “Legs Legs Legs LEGS!” sound, which Cleo had forgotten was an available bits-reward sound on their channel. Scar plays the “Darth Vader Breathing” horn but Cleo is distracted. A chatter asks where the Legs soundbyte is from, and Cleo tells them it’s from MCC Pride where they were on a team together. Scar plays the Michael Scott “Inside Joke” horn. Cleo greets Scar and/or Pearl, possibly both or neither, whoever is out to get her, specifically.
1:15:15 Cleo talks about MCC Pride and hopes no one was expecting them to win. Scott has not officially told Cleo that they are being added to teams as a nerf, but that it’s just generally known. Cleo’s role in MCC is “ballast.” Scar asks Pearl if she bought the Alien horn, Pearl does not know what he is talking about. Someone plays the “Hello there!” horn. Cleo runs outside yelling “Oh my god, hiiii!” but no one is there. Cleo is disappointed, and asks that whoever is blowing horns at least say who they are. Chat believes it’s definitely Scar. Cleo plays the “Dang it Scar!” horn again.
1:16:45 Zedaph falls out of the world. Xisuma describes this as Zed doing Zed things. Cleo agrees and says that’s pretty much his job. A chatter asks Cleo what is their favorite “Cleo thing” to do. They say sleeping, mostly. A chatter asks if Cleo has any information on books or info about lgbtq+ issues. Cleo says not really, they don’t read up on it much, just experience it from their own perspective. They refer the chatter back to the chat for recommendations.
1:19:00 A chatter asks why the floor only has a certain number of ender chests under it. Cleo explains that it’s going to be a summoning circle, and the ender chests are in a circle under the floor to provide particles in that exact spot. A chatter asks about using a spore blossom for more effect, but Cleo explains the range is too wide. A chatter plays sour jellybean. Another chatter plays a door noise. Cleo turns the music back on. A chatter notes that Cleo now has a convenient crawlspace under the floor. Cleo agrees, but says they did not plan it that way, because planning is for losers. She parenthetically adds that she is a loser. Zedaph blames Tango for his untimely death in in-game chat. Cleo agrees that most things are Tango’s fault.
1:21:30 A chatter asks how people are playing noises and jellybeans, Cleo explains the Streamloots program. Another chatter admits that they have read a great deal of fiction and anecdotes about the lgbtq+ experience, but not much nonfiction and nothing to really recommend. Cleo agrees that this seems pretty common, and talks about how if mainstream sources won’t provide gayness, the community will make it for themselves. A chatter plays Favorite Things, and Cleo says mostly intangible things, like the way you feel in the morning when the sun is rising and you know people you hate are suffering. She says she doesn’t understand why people think she’s so sinister all the time. She also likes petrichor.
1:23:45 Cleo begins texturing the new floor with slightly lower trapdoors in places. They talk with Chat about queerness in history and how it is difficult to know exactly what it was like in the past because so many things were different. They reorganize their inventory again and go into the mines to find a box of crystals for decoration. Cleo is too tired for in-depth discussion on these serious topics and just needs to get some crystals. A chatter puts the chat into emote-only mode, Cleo refers to that as the “Cleo says stop” button.
1:28:00 Cleo finds the geode and begins harvesting crystals. They love amethyst noises, and wants to put amethyst under carpet someplace in the build. There are not as many crystals as Cleo was hoping for, and they take some time to free up more faces on the crystal-producing blocks. “Crystals are going to become important!” she teases. She agrees with chat that amethyst needs more block variations, since it is a far nicer color than purpur. The crystal noises are very soothing.
1:31:20 Cleo says that the most annoying thing you can call a geologist is a “crystal girlie.” Chat does not understand the term. A chatter says their geologist friend doesn’t like being called a rock-licker. Cleo says rock-licker is fine and if they don’t want to be called a rock-licker they should stop licking rocks. Cleo explains that a crystal girlie is someone who believes in crystals for healing and energy alignment, rather than studying them scientifically. Chat has a discussion about eating rocks. Cleo advises that many rocks are inert and can be licked, but that one should not lick rocks instead of taking medicine. Some rocks should not be licked at all. Cleo specially advises Chat not to eat uranium and suggests (then immediately unsuggests) that they look up radium girls. ((A sad story from history of some workers who became the reason for later regulations.))
1:36:00 Cleo transforms her crystals into “charged crystals” by renaming them on an anvil, then puts them in a similarly-transformed “Lead-lined Storage Crate.” The box goes into the new tower room for decoration. A chatter plays Teeny-tiny Zombie Cleo, Cleo sings the song. Cleo looks for one of the lore books in the library room that has information about crystals. They do not find it, but find a note about crystals in a cupboard. Pearl asks in chat for verdant froglights. Joe has been buying all Etho’s stock, but Cleo has some in storage. She invites Pearl over to get some. A chatter plays spicy jellybean.
1:41:10 Pearl arrives and yells hello. Cleo provides her with several stacks of verdant froglights, even though Pearl only truly needed four. Pearl is happy for the extra froglights because she likes the green tinged light. Cleo says green-tinge is the best tinge. Pearl says that pearlescent froglights are also pretty great. Cleo says they’re not her favorite. Pearl says she’ll let that slide because Cleo has been so generous and flies away. Cleo blesses Pearl’s little cotton socks and calls her adorable.
1:42:30 A chatter says that Pearl was their first introduction to Hermitcraft. Cleo says that is valid but also unusual, Pearl is not one of the more common vectors into Hermitcraft. A chatter plays Giant. The first chatter explains that they started watching in S8 with Pearl and Gem and their friends. Cleo is happy about how the community has grown. They also can’t wait for the new paintings. Cleo creates a painting to cover the secret door, but does not particularly like the only design that covers the space.
1:45:00 Cleo declares it’s time to clean up the roof, because it looks like arse. Pretty arse, but arse. They are not worried about structural integrity because magic, but some crossbeams would look nice. Cleo says that sometimes it is hard to explain their thought process while building because sometimes there is no thought, just building. They begin adding crossbeams to the interior roof and talking about building process or the lack thereof.
1:49:40 A chatter asks if Cleo has a favorite fan song. Cleo says no, they have not heard many and generally try to keep their research in a bubble. A chatter plays sour jellybean. Cleo says she will watch most Hermit stuff, but the fan stuff can be biting. She wants to keep just a little sliver of joy in her life. She goes on to clarify that “I’ve got two diamonds” and other songs written just for her are exceptions, but fan stuff can be mean in general and she avoids it. A chatter mentions that Doc talks about fanfiction on stream all the time. Cleo says Doc is insane. They don’t need to worry about what Doc is doing, because it is always THE WRONG THING. Chat is not happy about the idea of anyone being mean to Cleo. Cleo clarifies that in fan spaces, fans tend to assume she will not be there, and they tend to speak their minds bluntly. When they’re talking about the character, it’s just opinion, but when they talk about her as a person, it’s hard to deal with. Cleo does not fault the fans, it is a difference of perception between Cleo as the person and Cleo as the character. What they are doing is not harmful in itself, but Cleo seeing it is harmful because it makes her feel bad and she has learned to avoid it. At the same time, 99.9% of the fandom is lovely.
1:55:20 A chatter says their partner is trying to watch every hermit, but doing so during Decked out in S9 got pretty tiring. Cleo does not recommend trying to watch every Hermit because that is too much and too difficult. They realize that many people like other hermits more than they like them, and they’re okay with that. They will never be everyone’s favorite and that is fine. Pearl, in in-game chat, agrees that Hermitcraft is fantastic because of its wide variety of creator styles. Cleo has a hard time finding her saplings and wonders if they might be in the orphan-crushing machine. Chat is confused about the orphan-crushing machine, which appears to be a bonemeal farm. A chatter plays Hydration Time.
1:58:00 Cleo reiterates that they avoid fan spaces and explains that fans sometimes just say rude things on the internet. She can know that a take is bad (“Cleo doesn’t deserve to be on Hermitcraft’) but that doesn’t mean it won’t sting. Pearl chimes in with a story about a Tiktok she saw where all the comments were kind except the ones about her. Cleo is instantly sympathetic and assures Pearl she is wonderful while threatening the lives of the haters. Tango alerts the server to potential lag incoming. Cleo says she doesn’t mind living and letting live with people who are mean to her, but nobody can say bad things about Pearl. Pearl says that most of the community is wonderful and she’s just getting used to living with the bad part. Cleo asks for advice about how to do that, because she has been on Hermitcraft for nine seasons and it is still hard. Cleo talks about the fine line between not feeding the trolls and not clapping back when it would be better to do so. A chatter plays Favorite Things. Cleo says it’s the mail system, because they had nine messages today and it was cool.
2:03:00 Pearl messages that when she starts feeling bad about fan negativity, she reminds herself that she shouldn’t care about the opinion of anybody she wouldn’t be willing to take advice from. It is silly to let the words of the haters have any impact. Cleo agrees that this is valid. They would not listen to those people’s advice, and would also probably say something very nasty to them. A chatter plays gross jellybean, much to Cleo’s chagrin. A chatter plays Giant Zombie. The jellybean is bubblegum, but Cleo would’ve actually preferred the mouthwash alternative. Bubble gum is a bad flavor.
2:05:50 Cleo wonders sometimes if she goes a bit too far, and mentions she might have been a bit too enthusiastic in verbal sparring with Doc. They reiterate the information about their TCG cards and the new expansion. The crossbeams are almost finished, and Cleo adds some above the windows. A chatter says they would not want to make Cleo mad, and Cleo confesses their bark is much worse than their bite. She also does fake anger a lot, because it is funny. When Doc killed the pig, she did get a bit too into the bit, but it was okay in the end. Doc shouldn’t have killed the pig! It’s okay, Cleo says, because he’ll suffer. A chatter asks what an HHH stream is. Cleo explains it is Hermits Helping Hermits and they haven’t done one for awhile because they and Joe are both busy. Cleo thinks she may have frightened Doc just a little bit and laughs about it.
2:10:10 A chatter plays Cleowo. Cleo says she doesn’t think Doc’s scared of her, more that he felt sort of guilty when the pig thing turned out bigger than he intended it to be. A chatter suggests that Doc didn’t realize Cleo was serious when they said they were attached to the pig. Cleo agrees that’s exactly what happened. Cleo has finished one building and has another one started, but they need to decide what is going to go inside on each floor. She takes a tour through the building. A chat plays emote only mode.
2:13:20 Cleo says it’s about time to call it a stream. They switch to big Vtuber mode and thank the chat for subs and donos. They insist that nobody sends them anymore firstborn children because they already have too many of them. Cleo raids into a non-hermit friend and ends the stream.
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skzdust · 2 days
Room 514
Part 2
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Summary: You’re moving into a new suite halfway through your sophomore year at Stay University, populated by three guys: Jisung, Changbin, and Bang Chan. You meet their friends and quickly become a part of their group, but you find yourself wanting more with Jisung…
Pairing: Han Jisung x Reader
Includes: watching a show, a snowstorm, Romantic poetry, gummy candy
Word count: 1.9k
Taglist: @weirdowithaphone
Author’s note: In most of my writing, I use italics to denote character's thoughts, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to do that in part 1 of this fic, but I did it in this part! I hope you guys like it! Also, poem referenced is "She Walks In Beauty" by Lord Byron. I changed around some of the pronouns for a gender neutral reader.
Reblogs, likes, comments all appreciated!!!
Part 1
You ran your fingers through your hair, leaning back in your desk chair. Your room was usually not where you’d studied when you’d lived with Catherine, but having your own room made you want to try it.
It was not going well, but you weren’t sure if that was the fact that you were working on calculus or the fact that you were used to studying in the library.
You got up and opened your door, hoping that if Jisung got home, he’d come to ask what you were up to.
You were studying for about twenty more minutes before that wish came true.
“Knock knock.” Jisung’s head poked around your doorframe, grinning.
“Hey, Jisung.”
“Oh, that’s not a good tone.” He stepped into the doorway with his whole body. His body… his waist is so small, it’s ridiculously hot.
“Yeah.” You sighed. “This calculus is kicking my ass.”
“Do you want me to help? Or would a drama show be more helpful?”
You closed your textbook, which was not helping at all. “Drama for sure.”
“Perfect. Want to go get snacks?”
You stood up. “Absolutely.”
Jisung grabbed a second, thicker jacket from his room, layering it over the one he already had on, and you went to leave. He paused with his hand on the door. “Don’t you want a coat or something?”
You shrugged. “I’ll be fine.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I’m wearing a jacket already.”
A few minutes into the walk to the on-campus convenience store, you regretted your decision. There wasn’t snow in the air or on the ground, but the forecast said a snowstorm was on the way, and clouds were beginning to gather. The wind was cutting, blowing through your jacket with ease, and you shivered.
“You cold?” Jisung noticed your struggle.
“No.” You lied, hugging yourself.
“Lies.” He began to take off his heavier jacket.
“No, don’t do that.” You elbowed him. “I’m not stealing your jacket. You’re gonna get cold.”
“No, I’m not. Han Jisung never gets cold.” He glanced at you with a smile that practically made you weak in the knees.
You mentally shook yourself. I need to chill. He was just a guy. So what if his smile was gorgeous… and he was giving you his jacket because you were shivering, even in this weather… and he stopped in your room to see what you were up to…
Chill! Out!
Jisung held out his jacket to you, and you took it with a sigh. “Han Jisung never gets cold, huh?”
“Never.” He breathed out through his mouth, watching it fog in the air. “Even in a snowstorm.”
“We better try to be inside before that hits.”
He nodded. “Don’t want you getting chilly.”
“I don’t want either of us to get frostbite.” You put the jacket—his jacket—on, taking a deep breath. It smelled like his cologne.
He shook his head. “No one’s getting frostbite.”
When you got to the store, you immediately gravitated towards the candy aisle. Jisung followed you, picking up a chocolate bar. “Ooh, it’s got caramel.”
“You like caramel?”
“Who doesn’t?”
You nodded. “Good question.”
You looked around for a little bit before finding your favorite gummy candy, and you and Jisung walked to the front of the store to check out. Jisung got his caramel chocolate bar and a bag of pretzels, and you got your candy and a bag of microwave popcorn.
You looked at Jisung with a serious look on your face as the cashier scanned your items. “You have to have popcorn if you’re watching something.”
He nodded with an equally serious expression. “Of course, of course.”
Jisung paid, and you walked out of the store. A few snowflakes were beginning to stir in the air.
“We’d better hurry.” You looked at him. “I really don’t want to get caught in this storm.”
He looked up. “Yeah. Let’s go.”
It was about a ten minute walk back to your hall, and you were praying the storm would hold off for that time, but you weren’t that lucky.
“Shit.” Jisung whispered as the wind and snow began to pick up. “We need to get inside. No frostbite today.”
You changed course for the nearest building, which happened to be Hill Hall, one of the English buildings. You recognized it from a creative writing class you’d taken. You scanned into the building and pushed the door shut against the wind.
“So what’s the plan while we wait for the storm to blow over?” Jisung tilted his head at you, looking a bit like a confused squirrel.
“I guess we can sit in one of the classrooms.” You shrugged, leading the way into the building.
It was a Saturday, and you didn’t see a single other person, even as you ventured further. Jisung suddenly turned into a random room. “Look at this one!”
The room was slightly bigger than a standard classroom, but it didn’t look like one. The walls were lined with books, and a few shelves stood in the middle. A couple of desks were pushed against the wall.
It was familiar. “Oh, I’ve been in here. It’s the little poetry library.”
“Poetry library? I didn’t know we had a library aside from the big one.” Jisung looked around. “And I’m an English major!”
“You’re an English major?” You echoed.
“Yeah.” He grinned. “With a comms double major, for something actually practical.”
“Wow, double major.” You were impressed. “So, you’re smart.” As well as cute. That’s just not fair.
He laughed. “I don’t know if I would say smart. I’ve been known to make some pretty bad decisions.”
“Well, y’know. No one’s perfect.”
“That’s true.” He turned to the shelves. “Do you know anything in here?”
“Yeah, I had a 101 that focused on Romantic poetry. Wordsworth, Byron, Keats… all those guys.” You waved a hand. “I liked the class, but I don’t remember a lot of it.”
He looked at the ceiling for a moment, thinking, and then looked back at you. “They walk in beauty, like the night of cloudless climes and starry skies; and all that’s best of dark and bright meet in their aspect and their eyes.” There was something in his eyes, something you couldn’t quite place.
Your heart fluttered in your chest, and you did your best to suppress your feelings. “We learned that one! Lord Byron, right?”
“Yep.” Jisung smiled. “It’s one of my favorites.”
“And you have the beginning memorized? That’s cool, I’m good at songs, but I can’t remember just words.”
He shrugged. “I really like poetry. I have the whole thing memorized.”
“The whole thing? I could never.” You waved a hand. “I really liked that class, but I’m not that good.”
“I’m sure you could, if you wanted to.” There was a twinkle in his eye. “I could help. I’ll quiz you. Next line, ready? ‘Thus mellowed to that tender…’” He made a rolling motion with his hands. “Fill in the blank.”
“Uhhh….” You racked your brain. “What’s the rhyme scheme?”
“I think ‘bright’ is the rhyme.”
“Well, it’s gotta be ‘light’ then.”
Jisung smiled. “See, you’ve got it! I’m sure you could do the whole poem if you wanted.”
“I don’t know that I want.” You pointed at him. “Why would I when I could just ask you any time I need a Romantic poem?”
“Romantic in the nineteenth century genre sense, or in the love sense?”
“Either. That poem is both.”
“I know a few love poems.” He shrugged. “Not all of them in the Romantic genre. Important clarification.”
A horrible idea occurred to you. “Do you use them a lot? Got a partner you quote them at?”
Jisung laughed. “Nope, no partner. I keep them in my back pocket just in case I need to flirt.”
Your heart jumped. “So… were you just flirting with me?”
Jisung practically jumped towards the room’s one window, pushing back the shade and hiding his face. “Just… ah… exemplifying my knowledge of the Romantic genre.”
“Mhm.” You nodded, eyebrows raised. He’d been very noncommittal. I’m gonna let him be noncommittal.
“Looks like there’s a break in the snow, if you want to go back to our room. I have an idea for a drama we can start!”
“Yeah, let’s go.”
Jisung led the way out of Hill Hall, and you made a face as you stepped into the snow. “My socks are gonna get all wet.”
“Do you want me to carry you back?” Jisung said, a teasing smile spreading across his face.
“You’re making fun of me.” You said, smiling back. “You hate me!”
“I do not!” He protested. “Why would I offer to carry you if I hate you?”
“Oh, I’m chivalrous?”
“Chivalrous Jisung, that’s what they call you.”
He laughed. “That is not what they call me.”
You made it back to the dorm just in time. The snow was starting to blow around in heavy gales as you approached the door.
You made it back up to room 514 and set out your haul of snacks on the coffee table.
“Let me get a blanket.” Jisung walked into his room, and you reluctantly slipped off his jacket. You’d considered “forgetting” to give it back, but it was covered in snow.
He returned with a fluffy throw, and you held out the jacket. “Sorry, it’s all snowy.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it.” He took it and shook it out by the door as you sat down on the couch. “No harm done!”
He walked back over. Please sit next to me…
He sat next to you, throwing the blanket half over himself and extending the other half to you. You scooted a little closer on the couch to curl up under the blanket, swallowing hard.
Jisung reached over you for the remote, his arm brushing your leg. You swallowed again.
Jisung seemed oblivious. “Okay, it’s this show called The Immortal and the Restless. It’s got a vampire, it’s super funny.”
You smiled. “Sounds good, I love a vampire story.”
Jisung bared his teeth and made claws with his hands. “I want to suck your blood!”
“Terrifying.” You were unable to stop the giggle bubbling up in your chest.
“That’s what I was going for.” Jisung sat back down, a self-satisfied smile on his face as he queued up the first episode of the show. “Ready?”
“One sec.” You grabbed your candy. “Okay, ready.”
He pressed play, and you opened the bag. “Want some?”
“Sure.” Jisung took one of the candies. “Ooh, I love these.”
“Me too.” You smiled. “We should do this regularly. Looks like a long show.”
“Yeah, that sounds good.” Jisung nodded. “If you don’t like it, though, we can find another one.”
“I think I’ll like it, I like vampires.”
He did the teeth and claws again.
“Thank you.”
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Watching Him
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Warnings: 18+, smut, pure smut, fingering, slight praise kink, slight choking kink, begging, no use of Y/N, I think that’s it.
Summary: Eddie is getting ready for work but you don't wanna see him go.
Eddie x Original Female Reader
Word Count: 2.4k
“I know you were right. Believing for so long”
Eddie's voice gently pulled you from sleep, his melodic tones echoing off the bathroom walls as he imagined himself performing a solo concert. With no need to rush from bed, you nestled deeper into your sheets, basking in the beautiful serenade of your husband.
“Away from these long, lonely nights I'm reaching for you, are you feeling it too Does the feeling seem oh so right And what would you say if I called on you now”
You had always believed Eddie had what it took to make it big. When he came to you a few years ago, his heart on his sleeve and tears in his eyes as he admitted he couldn't do it anymore, you comforted him. He traded in his rockstar dream for the life of a business owner, and the sacrifice paid off. Now, Eddie owned one of the most popular record shops in Chicago.
He still played local shows occasionally, but he was content selling records and being his own boss. It may not have been the future that 19-year-old Eddie dreamed of, but he couldn’t have asked for anything more beautiful. Coming home to his gorgeous, smart, and sexy wife every night was the best part.
The sound of the shower shutting off made you shift in bed. Still naked from the night before, you lay on your stomach, the blanket draped just above your waist. Turning your head toward the bathroom door, you waited for Eddie to emerge, eager to see your stunning husband. Nearly ten years together, and you still got butterflies in your belly when you saw him naked. He always took your breath away, and you prayed that feeling never changed.
Eddie continued humming the Air Supply song as he exited the bathroom, the steam from the hot shower adding a dramatic flair to his entrance.
Your eyes silently followed him around the room. He scrubbed his wet hair with a blue bath towel as he walked to the closet. Leaning over, his perfectly toned backside was on display. He twisted his long hair into the towel before standing up straight to sift through his clothes.
As you both got older, Eddie had become more meticulous about his appearance. Not that he didn't care before, but now he put in noticeable effort. After a moment of consideration, he pulled out a couple of shirts, finally settling on an old tour tee from Dio's 1987 Dream Evil Tour, a green long-sleeved plaid shirt, a pair of blue jeans with a few worn rips, and a belt. He then made his way to the chest of drawers where his jewelry and cologne were neatly arranged beneath a mirror that was littered with photos from over the years.
You watched from your spot as he dressed. Boxers first, then jeans, a shirt tucked in, belt through the loops, and a plaid shirt tied around his waist. It wasn't until Eddie began sliding on his rings that you finally spoke.
"You're so beautiful."
Eddie's eyes snapped to yours in the mirror, a smile tugging at his lips.
"Have you been watching me this whole time?" he asked, turning to face you, leaning against the drawers.
You smiled and began to sing, "I'm all out of love. I'm so lost without you."
Eddie threw his head back in laughter, and you laughed with him, burying your face in the pillow to muffle the sound. The scent of Eddie surrounded you, you lingered in it for a moment, inhaling deeply. Then you felt the bed dip on Eddie's side. As you turned to face him, his lips brushed your shoulder, sending goosebumps cascading across your skin.
“I wish you didn’t have to work today,” you spoke softly. Eddie's lips lingered on your skin, planting a trail of kisses as his breath warmed your neck. “I know, baby,” he whispered between kisses, “but I’m down two employees,” kiss “and that new Alanis Morissette album releases today,” kiss “so we’re gonna be slammed.” His fingers slid through your hair, pulling it gently away from your face so he could capture your lips with his.
You pouted as he pulled back. “But do you have to leave so early?” you asked, turning over. The sheet slipped, barely covering your chest, but your pert nipples were unmistakably visible through the thin fabric. As you stretched, the sheet fell farther, revealing your breasts fully. “Isn’t there anyone else who can open the store?” you pleaded.
Eddie smirked, reaching for your breast. You gasped as his warm, calloused fingertips teased your nipple, giving it a playful pinch.
“Didn’t get enough last night?” he cooed. Your hand trailed down your body, but before it reached the valley between your breasts, Eddie caught it, pinning it above your head on the pillow.
“No, no, sweet girl. I can’t have you doing my job for me,” he tsked, his other hand continuing the journey down your body. His fingertips teased your skin, and your free hand began to move toward your center, but Eddie gave another warning tsk, and you clutched the sheets, anticipation building.
His fingers traced lazy circles around your belly button before skimming the soft flesh of your pelvis. He lingered briefly over the small patch of hair that hinted at your most intimate heat. Your hips lifted, trying to guide him to where you craved his touch most, but Eddie resisted, teasing you with his restraint. Instead, his hand found its way back to your breast, squeezing your nipple until it stood painfully erect. His lips soon followed, closing around the hardened bud and sending waves of pleasure through your body.
Next to the sensitive pearl of nerves at the apex of your thighs, your breasts were incredibly responsive. Eddie knew exactly how to drive you wild, having brought you to the brink with just his mouth before. When his teeth grazed your nipple, you couldn't help but arch into him, desperate for more. His mouth moved to your other breast, while his hand trailed over your collarbone, wrapping around your throat with a possessive squeeze. Leaning up, he captured your lips in a filthy, demanding kiss, his hunger palpable.
As he pulled away, his hand slid up your neck, his middle and ring fingers resting against your lips. You parted them eagerly, your tongue curling around his fingers as he pushed them into your mouth. You sucked them slowly, your eyes locked on his, feeling the electric connection between you intensify. When he withdrew his fingers, he didn't hesitate. In an instant, his hand moved to your pulsing clit, and the sudden, intense pleasure made you gasp.
Eddie's fingers moved with expert precision, circling and pressing against your most sensitive spot. Your body writhed beneath him, every nerve ending alight with desire. His mouth returned to your breast, his teeth grazing your nipple as his fingers worked your clit relentlessly. You could feel the tension building inside you, a tight coil ready to snap.
"Beg for it," he demanded against your skin, his voice a low, seductive growl.
"Please, Eddie," you gasped, your voice trembling with need. "I need you."
A wicked smile curved his lips as he increased the pressure, pushing you closer to the edge. "That's my girl," he whispered before claiming your mouth in another searing kiss.
Desperation clawed at you as Eddie's fingers worked you with unrelenting precision. Your hips bucked wildly, seeking more of his touch. Your grip on the sheets released and you instinctively grabbed hold of his arm, your nails digging into his flesh. It was your only anchor in the sea of pleasure he was drowning you in. Your hips bucked against his hand, desperate for more, for everything. His muscles flexed under your grip.
"Eddie, please," you whimpered, your voice raw with longing. "I can't…I need you…"
His eyes darkened with want as he watched you unravel beneath him. "You want it that bad?" he taunted, his fingers never slowing their torment.
"Hold on tight," he commanded, his voice husky and full of promise. He didn't ease up, his fingers relentless in their assault on your clit. Your grip on his arm tightened, your knuckles whitened as you tried to stay grounded. The coil inside you tightened further, your body tensing as you teetered on the brink.
Your body arched into him, your moans swallowed by his kiss. Eddie pulled back slightly, his breath hot against your lips as he watched you with dark, intense eyes. "You look so beautiful when you're desperate for me," he murmured, his voice sending shivers down your spine.
"Do you like this?" he asked, his thumb pressing harder against your clit as his fingers slid inside you, curling to hit that perfect spot. "Do you like being at my mercy?"
"Yes," you breathed, your voice barely more than a whisper. "I love it."
His fingers quickened their pace, the pressure against your clit building to an almost unbearable intensity. "Eddie, please," you begged again, your voice breaking. "I need to come."
His smirk widened as he dipped his head to take your nipple back into his mouth, his teeth scraping against the sensitive skin. The dual sensations were almost too much to bear. "Come for me, baby," he commanded, his voice muffled against your breast.
With a final, skilled flick of his fingers, Eddie sent you tumbling over the edge. A wave of ecstasy crashed over you, your body convulsing with pleasure. Your cries filled the room as he continued to work you through your orgasm, drawing out every last bit of bliss. You clung to his arm, your nails leaving crescent-shaped marks on his skin.
As you came down from the high, your body trembling and spent, Eddie leaned in close, his breath hot against your ear. "That's my good girl," he praised.
"You did so well for me."
He slowly withdrew his hand, his fingers glistening with your release. He brought them to his lips, his eyes never leaving yours as he tasted you, a satisfied smile spreading across his face. You were breathless, your body still buzzing from the intensity of your climax.
"Mmm delicious," he moaned, leaning down to press a lingering kiss to your lips, sharing the taste of your desire. You moaned softly, your body still trembling in the aftermath.
You basked in the afterglow, your body sated yet still craving him. As your breathing steadied, he began to pull away. You reached for him, your hand finding the knot in the shirt around his waist. "Eddie," you whispered, your voice still breathless. "Let me…"
But Eddie caught your wrist, his grip firm but gentle. "Not right now," he said, shaking his head with a teasing glint in his eyes. His tone was commanding yet tender. "You've had some fun. Now, you wait."
"But, Eddie…" you protested weakly, your voice still heavy with lust. "I want to make you fee—" but Eddie silenced you with a lingering kiss, his tongue teasing yours. "I'll be back later," he promised, his voice a low, seductive purr.
A deep pout pulled at your lips.
He chuckled softly, his hand on your chin, his thumb pulling at that protruding lower lip. "Patience, Love," he murmured, his eyes locked on that lip as his thumb ran across it. You could almost see what he had planned for that mouth playing out behind his eyes. “And then, when I get home, I'll give you everything you want. But for now, you'll stay needy."
Your heart sank with disappointment, but the promise in his eyes stirred something deep within you. "But I'll be thinking about you all day," you whined, your voice a mix of longing and frustration.
"Good," Eddie replied, his tone wicked. "I want you to think about me. Think about what I'll do to you when I get home."
His words sent a fresh wave of heat through your body, reigniting the embers of your desire. He kissed you again, deeper this time, leaving you breathless and aching for more. When he finally pulled away, he stood up, adjusted his clothes, and looked down at you with a mischievous smile.
As he turned to walk back into the bathroom to wash his hands, he held your gaze. He brought his hand that had just been in you back up. "I shouldn’t be washing this off," he grinned, inhaling deeply, savoring the scent of you on his skin. "Should save it for a snack on my drive in."
You bit your lip, the thought of him savoring your taste even after he left making your need for him even more acute.
He finished getting ready, and you watched him, your body still tingling from his touch, feeling the emptiness where his warmth had been. He knelt on the bed one more time, a knowing smile on his lips.
"Don't touch yourself while I'm gone," he whispered against your lips, his voice soft but commanding. "Save it all for me."
Your breath hitched at his tone, and you nodded obediently, the promise of more to come later making your heart race. He pressed one last kiss to your forehead.
"Be a good girl for me," he whispered, his lips brushing your ear.
With that, he left, the door closing behind him with a soft click. You lay there, your body still tingling from his touch, every nerve ending alive with anticipation.
You lay back on the bed, your mind replaying every touch, every kiss, every command.
Tonight, when he came home, you would be ready for him. You could already picture it: yourself on your knees by the door, wearing nothing but lacy panties and a pair of black heels, your body trembling with longing. The anticipation would make the pleasure he had in store for you all the more intense. Every second of waiting built the fire inside you to an unbearable height. You smiled, already counting the hours until he would be back, ready to fulfill every desire he had stirred within you. The thought of his reaction, the way his eyes would darken with lust when he saw you waiting, sent a shiver down your spine.
You spent the day in a haze of anticipation, every minute stretching endlessly. But as evening approached, you prepared yourself, slipping into the delicate lace, stepping into the heel, and taking your place by the door. The minutes ticked by, each one bringing you closer to the moment he would walk through that door and claim you again. And when he did, you knew the pleasure would be worth every second of the wait.
Hope you enjoyed!!
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bldhrry · 2 days
A Court of Passion and Daydream
Chapter Eight | Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? Azriel x OC!Reader Masterlist
word count: 8.7k
warnings: cursing, blood, violence, attempted sa
author's note: kind of a filler chapter that explores Celestia's background, but it does shed Some light on the situation between her and Azriel. sorry if anyone finds it boring; i like to make sure my writing has sustenance and it's not just action all the time if that makes sense. i promise the rest will be more focused on moving the plot along. thanks so much for the likes, reblogs, and comments! lmk what you think :)
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The next morning, Cassian, Celestia, Azriel, and Rhysand met Devlon and his seconds at the House of Wind.  Celestia and Azriel kept their distance from not only Devlon and the other Illyrians but also from each other.  Cassian and Rhysand greeted the Camp Commander with tense hand shakes as they led them to the balcony to watch the trials.
Cassian, Celestia, Azriel, and Rhysand made their way to the ring, walking down the spiral stone steps.  Cassian and Rhysand acted as a buffer between the other two and let Celestia lead the way and Azriel and his shadows trailing behind them.  He wished he was in the front.  Every second they spent in the tiny, dark staircase was agonizing.  He kept watching as she stepped down, her hand on the railing letting it drag and feel the cool stone’s ridges and cuts.  Her scent was overwhelming and he wanted nothing more than to lay at her feet and confess his feelings and the truth of the bond and beg her to come back to him.  He did none of that though.  Instead he just took what he could: memorizing her backside, scent, and the way that she walked.
The trio made it to the ring to see Nesta, Emorie, and Gwyn already stretching.  Cassian made his way to the group, instructing them on how the trial would go and what exactly it was for and what it would mean if they won.
“The most important thing to know when trying to beat this is that you have to work together,” he emphasized.  The trio of females nodded.
Azriel and Celestia and Rhysand watched from the outskirts of the ring letting the General handle it; they all figured it would be best given the company they had upstairs.
“I don’t think they will take us that seriously if the Lieutenant General, who is a female, is leading the trial and not the General; we need to show force and keep to the ranks.”  Rhysand had said hours prior.  Celestia just rolled her eyes.
The trials began and Nesta, Emorie, and Gwyn breezed through the first quarter and then began to struggle.  Celestia glanced up at Devlon and he had a smirked spread across his lips and she growled.  Fucking asshole.
The females recovered, seeming to remember Cassian’s one and only advice.  It took them an hour and a half, but they completed the trial with a whoop and a group hug.  Now it was Celestia who smirked and Devlon who growled.  As she watched the Commander, he leaned towards his seconds and they began to whisper and nod their heads.  They were too far for Celestia to hear what they were saying, so she broke her one moral code: she entered Devlon’s mind and listened in to the conversation.
“They completed the trials which means they’re qualified for the Blood Rite.”  Devlon said.
“They’re not Illyrians,” said the short, stocky soldier.
“Who gives a shit?  Someone needs to show Rhysand he can’t fuck with our lifestyle.  We put these females in and they die, which they will, he’ll stop with the whole ‘females need to train’ bullshit.”  Now it was the leaner, fair haired soldier who spoke.
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“They’re going to put them in the Blood Rite!”  Celestia screamed.  Nobody was listening to her and she was growing more frustrated as the minutes passed.
“No, they are not,” Cassian growled.  “I told you; this was just to piss them off.”
“I saw it.  I heard him say it.  They are going to do it.”
“What do you mean you saw it?”  Rhysand crossed his arms.
“I looked.”  Celestia raised her head with pride.  “You don’t get to show these bastards that females are as capable as them and for them to not want to ruin that and show how much stronger they are.  I’m sorry you three are blind to the true nature of males, but I am not.”  All three males flinched.
“They are going to throw them in there like they did me and who knows what they’ll do to them.”  She let out a deep breath and looked at the ceiling.
She turned and looked at Cassian.  “They fear Nesta and they’ll crush her by any means necessary.  Trust me, I know.”  
Cassian had a troubled look in his eyes and he sat on Rhysand’s desk, gripping the edge until his knuckles turned white.  “We can’t do anything if they put them in the Rite.”
Everyone nodded their heads.
“They’ll kill us all if we try to stop them.”
Everyone nodded their heads again.
“So, what do we do?”  Rhysand asked.
“We prepare them.  Train more and make it more aggressive.”  Celestia had her arms crossed and started to pace the room.  She hadn’t noticed how close she had gotten to Azriel until she was in front of him and his presence wrapped around her.  She stopped and her wings twitched and flexed, spreading out just an inch.  She rolled her head and kept walking.
“If I did it and won by myself, then they can do it with the three of them together.  We need to show them my Blood Rite.”  She looked up at everyone, a determined look set in her violet eyes.
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They had been able to coax Gwyn to leave the library and come to the Manor with the promise that nobody but Celestia, Azriel, Cassian, Rhysand, Feyre, Nesta, and Emorie were there.  It also helped that Nesta promised to have another sleepover.
Celestia didn’t like Gwyn for obvious reasons.  Her need to be around Azriel made her have to continuously roll and crack her neck to relieve the tension building in her neck and shoulders.  But she wasn’t about to let her die.
“How are we going to see her Blood Rite?”  Emorie asked, accepting a cup of tea.
“We’re all going to hold hands and I’ll send it to your minds,” Celestia explained through a mouthful of cheese; it was the only thing that she found would stay down when she was around Azriel.
Azriel stood at the back of the room, next to the doorway with his hands in his pockets.  He surveyed the room but never let Celestia out of his sight.  She wore an oversized sweater and leggings with her house shoes and she sat crisscrossed on an armchair, a plate of cheese in her lap.  She looked relaxed and comfortable to the naked eye, but he noticed her rigid posture and the way her hands trembled slightly.
“You’re a daemati, right?”  Gwyn spoke up and a flash of annoyance crossed Celestia’s face but it quickly went away and she nodded.
She plopped another cube of cheese in her mouth and smirked.  “Don’t piss me off and I won’t peek in that head of your’s.”
Gwyn’s face paled and Rhysand sucked at his teeth.  “Celestia,” he warned.
“I’m kidding!”  She raised her hands in self defense.  “I don’t do that…” she trailed off, “sometimes.”
“But that’s how you figured out Devlon’s plan.”  Nesta now spoke, a glass of cider in her hands and Cassian behind her, his hands secured on her shoulders.
“Yes.  It’s invasive so I try not to, but I knew he was planning something.  He’s a fucking dick and the last thing that needed to happen is you guys going in there unprepared.  I grew up Illyrian so I had an idea of what I was facing but you guys, minus Emorie,” she gestured to the females, “don’t.”
Everyone nodded and Azriel crossed his arms.  The movement made Celestia look up at him and he froze.  Her gaze gingerly looked him over and he felt exposed under her violet stare.  Her eyes were lighter than Rhysand’s, but he hadn’t seen their shine since the day he left her.  Guilt forced his eyes to break away from her’s.
She felt defeated as he looked at the floor, moving the threads of the rug around with his shoe.  She sighed and cleared her throat.  “Alright,” she clapped her hands, “shall we begin?”
Everyone pulled up their chairs and linked hands.  With a nod to everyone in the circle, Celestia let out a breath and slumped into the chair, her mind branching out to everyone, allowing them access to the memory of the Blood Rite.
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Her mother had gone to Velaris to visit her mate, Rhysand’s father.  The four were sound asleep in their respective rooms; Celestia in the room she shared with her mother, Rhysand in his own room, and Cassian and Azriel in their shared room.  She had completed the Blood Rite trials months prior, but was informed because she was a female, she would not be allowed to participate.
“You’re lucky we even let you do this in the first place, girl.”  The Camp Commander at the time sneered.  She felt defeated, but Rhysand had said it was for the best; she would remain safe and she had the knowledge that she was just as good, maybe even a better fighter, than her Illyrian counterparts.
The night before the Rite, she was dead asleep in her bed when the sound of a thud woke her up.  She groggily opened her eyes and looked around her dark room.  As she looked to her right, she saw a dark figure in the shape of a male, frozen in place leaning over the bed with something in his hands.
She let out a scream and jumped out of the bed, dodging the figure as he lunged for her.  She bolted through the bedroom door and made her way downstairs; despite her mother being an Illyrian, she never allowed weapons in the room, keeping them in a closet near the front door.  That’s where she needed to go.
She heard a crash and the figure, no, a male, came out of the room and tried to grab her but she jumped over the last few steps and rolled, bouncing to her feet.  She turned to go to the closet, when hands grabbed her and she screamed, thrashing and jabbing her elbow in the face of whoever held her.  They stumbled backwards and yelled out.  It was Cassian.
“What the fuck?”  He growled and held his nose.
“There’s somebody in the house; he’s trying to get me.”  As she explained, the male bounded down the stairs and halted, eyeing her and Cassian.  By then Rhysand and Azriel had rushed out of their rooms, weapons in hand, with only their sleeping shorts on.  
For a few moments, everyone eyed each other, crouching slightly in anticipation gauging who was going to strike first.  It was Azriel.  
Before anyone could process what was happening, he darted to the assailant and tackled him.  Celestia made a break for the closet, swinging it open and grabbing her dagger.  She turned around to see Rhysand and Cassian moving towards Azriel who, to her shock, was raining punches down on the male.  The male held his ground as he fought back, punching him so hard everyone heard a crack and Azriel stumbled, letting the male overtake him.
It was no use because Cassian and Rhysand pulled him off of Azriel and pinned him to the floor.  She tossed Rhysand her dagger and he held it to his throat.
“What do you-” he stopped and studied the face that lay underneath him.  He knew him.  He was one of the seconds for the Camp Commander and he had participated in the Blood Rite with Rhysand.  Realization washed over Rhysand's face and he looked at Celestia in shock.
The door swung open and a male, bigger than the one laying on the floor and the Camp Commander walked in.  “Enough with the theatrics, boy.  Let him go.”  The Commander said and Rhysand did just that
The bigger male that walked in with the Commander made his way towards Celestia and even though she fought and tried to get away, he locked her arms behind her back, preventing her from moving.
“You said she couldn’t do it,” Rhysand snarled.  Azriel and Cassian moved behind Rhysand, flanking his sides.
“We changed our minds.”  The Commander said casually.  “I didn’t think it was fair to exclude someone who clearly beat the trial fair and square, female or male.”  He shrugged.
“You piece of shit,”  Cassian said through gritted teeth.
The Commander simply put his hand up.  “I’m done with this.  You’re lucky I’m feeling merciful tonight and not going to kill you three for intervening.”
“We didn’t know.”  Azriel panting.  His face was lopsided and it looked like his jaw was broken and he looked at her with an exasperated look in his eyes.
“I know,” he said plainly, “which is why I’m letting it slide this one time.”
She had begun to cry.  She was going to the Rite completely unprepared.  She had no shoes and was wearing shorts and a shirt.
“At least let her dress properly.”  Azriel pleaded, gesturing to her current state.  “She wasn’t allowed the time to get ready.”
Rhysand shot him a look of pure warning.
“Fair enough.  One of you, go and grab her something, but after that we’re taking her.”
Rhysand nodded and headed towards the stairs.  He took his time going up, gripping the railing.  As he looked through her wardrobe, he fought back tears.  She was going to be killed and if she wasn’t immediately killed…he didn’t want to think about it.  He grabbed her a sweater, a thermal long sleeve, boots, a hat, and thermal leggings.
The entire time he was gone, Celestia kept looking between Azriel and Cassian, begging for them to do something but they didn’t.  Instead Cassian looked at her with pity and Azriel looked at her with rage.  He wasn’t mad at her, no, he was mad at the males standing in front of him for taking her away.
Rhysand came back and the male holding Celestia pushed her forward and she silently took the clothes and went into the bathroom to change.  None of the males spoke when she was gone, simply exchanging threatening looks. 
She found a sense of confidence as she looked in the mirror and dressed.  She was powerful and a good fighter, beating every male that challenged her.  The camp feared her when she walked through the camp with her fighting leathers on and sword strapped down the middle of her back.  She will do this and she will win.  
She exited the bathroom, her head high.  She nodded to her brother, Cassian, and Azriel and they nodded back understanding her nonverbal farewell.  She walked back to the male that had restrained her and looked him in the eyes.  He seemed to cower slightly under her stare.
He placed a cloth over her nose and mouth and she collapsed.
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She woke up wet.  Confused, she opened her eyes and saw white all around her.  Snow.  There were bodies around, all winged males.  Illyrians.
She was in the Blood Rite.  The memories from the previous night came flooding back to her and she shakily got up, trying not to make any noise, but the snow crunching under her feet started to rouse the soon to be warriors.  Before she could be noticed, she started running away, towards Ramiel.
She headed towards the thick forest to her side.  She knew everyone else would start heading towards the mountain, but if she stayed behind then she could trail after everyone, hopefully unnoticed.  She scaled a tree and sat on the highest branch that could support her weight and looked towards the mountain.  They had been placed far and she couldn’t imagine reaching it in a week; it looked like it would take a month especially in the current weather conditions.  She could see a mass of bodies spread out in the fields and trees below her and her stomach churned wondering how she was going to win this undetected.  She knew she wouldn’t, but one can hope.
As night fell, she climbed down and keeping the mountain to her left, began walking, gripping the makeshift bow she had made tightly.  She knew fae monsters would be lurking the woods but she would gladly take them on than a male so she kept her eyes peeled and ears alert for growls and footsteps.  Thankfully, she heard none.
A few hours passed, and she found a small cave.  After scouting for anybody inside or around, she made her way in, covering her tracks and the entrance with sticks, leaves, and moss.  She lit a fire and cooked the rabbit she had gotten.  Silently she ate and cried; she didn’t want to die.  After she ate, she put the fire out and covered the embers and ashes with dirt.  Then, facing the entrance of the cave with a wooden knife, she fell asleep.
She woke the next morning with the sun hitting her face through the gaps of the entrance.  She rubbed her eyes and sat up, studying the position of the sun; it was early morning.  She gathered her supplies and continued on her way to the mountain.
She didn’t see anyone and she began to grow suspicious.  There was no way they had all gotten ahead of her.  There were hundreds of males in these woods and not a single soul was around.  Yet, she kept going, stopping every new and then to stop by a stream to drink.  Night came again and with no cave in sight, she climbed a tree and sat there, looking up at the sky.
The constellations were gleaming brightly and she named each one in her mind as she looked up.  The sky was so wide and never ending and it made her feel so small.  She thought about her mother and the way she also loved the skies.  She believed that it would tell you things if you looked close enough.  She was superstitious in that sense; she claims she knew she was pregnant before the healer because she saw the shape of a hand and belly in the sky.  That’s when she decided to name her Celestia if she was a female.  A tear fell at the thought, the fact told to her throughout her childhood; a constant reminder that she was loved dearly by her mother despite what she had done.
She fell asleep to the thought of her mother and if she was cheering her on from where she rested.
Morning came and the sun didn’t wake her, but voices did.  She peeked down and could see a group of males, seven of them, were speaking in hushed, but excited voices, boasting about the males they had killed thus far.
“My father said they put Rhysand’s sister in here.  Stupid bitch thought she could show off and we wouldn’t teach her a lesson.”  She leaned over the branch and could see the one speaking.  It was the Camp Commander’s son, Stanis.
The males around him were other Lord’s sons.  She knew them all; they were cruel and brutal in the ring and made it a point to challenge her and beat her down every chance they got.  As she got stronger and better they became more aggressive.
“You think we’ll catch her?”  Another male spoke, this time it was Burke, another Lord’s son.
“She can’t hide for long.  Everyone is going to be looking for her.  She has nowhere to hide.”  Stanis replied.
“We’ll kill her?”  A soft, high pitched voice asked.  She looked at him and recognized him as the butcher’s son.  His name was Tym.  He was only 14.
“Fuck no,” smirked Stanis and the group laughed.  Tym’s face went as white as the snow.
Celestia leaned back into the tree and stared ahead.  She needed to get out of here.
She waited until the group had left and she couldn’t hear their wretched voices, or laughter, or footsteps before she climbed down the tree.  She looked around and sensing no one, she went West towards the side of the mountain.
By the time nightfall came, she was too exhausted to find a cave, so she scaled a tree and passed out.
She marched on the next morning with no incident and no sign of the group from earlier.  Night fell once more and she sighed in relief when she found a cave and without thinking, from pure exhaustion, she entered.
“Don’t move,” said a deep voice.  She held her hands up and looked around the cave.  She couldn’t see the person.
“Who are you?”  The voice echoed through the round cave and she cringed and looked behind her.  She hoped nobody could hear.
“Celestia,” she said quietly.  
The person hummed and she could hear him move.  He was to her right.  As his footsteps got closer, she edged towards her left, keeping the wall behind her.
The male stood in front of the entrance and the moonlight washed over his face, revealing his features.  It was Kristoff, the welder’s son.  She relaxed; he was kind and the only person who tolerated her in the ring.  She couldn’t say he wouldn’t kill her right now, but she could say that he would hesitate before he did it.
“I was just looking for a place to camp for the night.  I’ll leave and if anyone asks if I saw you I won’t say a word.”  She earnestly promised.
He pondered for a moment, glancing outside and looking up at the sky,
“You won’t kill me and steal my stuff?”  He looked at her.
“No.  Will you?”
She reached out her hand and he took it, giving her a firm shake.
They decided not to light a fire.  They were closer to the mountain now and there were going to be more Illyrians than before.  They talked about what they had seen so far.  He was placed with the majority of the fighters and everyone woke up at the same time and a bloodbath ensued.  He was able to get away, hiding in the bushes outside of the clearing.  Since then he found body after body and it only got worse as the days passed.  She told him she hadn’t seen or heard anyone since yesterday morning.  He shook his head when she told him of what Stanis had said.
“I’m not surprised.  He’s had it out for you since day one.  Even when you started you were still better than him.  That and he’s just a pig.”  Stanis chuckled and Celestia couldn’t help but laugh through her nose.
They slept on other ends of the cave that night, both holding their daggers to their chest.  Just in case.
She woke up, but kept her eyes closed.  Through her eyelids, she could tell it was still dark out, but she felt a dark presence looming over her.  Behind her, she could hear gurgling and she shot up and turned around.  Someone was crouching over Kristoff and she caught the gleam of a knife, a real knife.  Clutching her wooden dagger, she pounced on whoever it was and he let out a startled scream that was cut short as she dug the knife into the side of his neck.  He continued to grab at her arms that were around his shoulders, but she didn’t let go of her grip, deciding to push the blade deeper.  As he started to fall backwards, she leaped off and stepped to the side, letting the body hit the ground.  It was Burke.
She heard the gurgling sound again and rushed to Kristoff.  His throat had been slashed open and he was bleeding out.  She covered his neck with her hands, eyes brimming with tears.
“No, no, no,” she cried.  She tried keeping pressure, but the more pressure she placed, the more he couldn’t breathe.  She couldn’t save him, he was going to die.
“I’m so sorry,” she said over and over and he just looked at her.  He reached his free hand up and she let go of his throat and wrapped her hands around his, kissing his knuckles,
He looked at her, blood spilling out his mouth and she sobbed.  It wasn’t long after that he stopped choking on his blood and his head rolled to the side, eyes wide open.
She sat next to him, staring at him, then the blood on his body, and then the blood on her hands.
She got up and started to gather both of their belongings, apologizing to his dead body for taking his things.  She was focused on putting the supplies together and processing Burke’s attack and Kristoff’s death that she didn’t hear the footsteps approaching the entrance of the cave or the person that grabbed her and slammed her head into the wall.  The only thing she saw was darkness
She was being dragged.  She could feel her arms on either side of her head and the snow coating the back of her sweater.  It was smooth as she glided on top of the ground and when she opened her eyes she saw she was surrounded by trees and two males were holding her ankles as they walked forward.  In the distance she could see a fire and smoke flowing to the sky and unintelligible voices.  She closed her eyes and darkness took her once more.
She roused again to voices; they were closer and louder now and some were laughing.  She was on her stomach, her head to the side and her face burned.  She moaned and tried lifting it, but it felt heavy and she plopped it back down.  It was snow that was making her face burn; frostbite was getting to her.
The voices stopped as she tried to move around and a few announced that she had “finally” woken up.  Someone shushed them and they walked to her, kicking her side and rolling her over.  She whined in protest.  Her head was throbbing.
“About time you woke up sweetheart.”  It was Stanis.
They were in a small clearing, surrounded by forest and a few boulders that the males were using as seats.  They set her up against the trunk of a tree and tied her hands behind her with rope.  Real rope.  The males looked at her with wonder, like they had never seen a female before.
Probably haven’t even touched one either, Celestia thought.
Then the beating began.  Sat on the ground and bound, Celestia had no choice but to accept every kick Stanis threw at her; her stomach, chest, and face were plummeted by his boots and she began to cry.  The males around her encouraged his crusade of violence, saying that she deserved it and someone needed to teach her a lesson, that she was a female and would never have a place in the legion.  This was all things she heard before and it just pissed her off.  Soon after she didn’t even feel the kicks and she began to focus on the rope around her hands.  The knot was done poorly and she started to move her wrist around, making the knot unstable and loose
Stanis took a break, his chest heaving with the exertion.  With a grin he kicked snow in her face and she relished in the coolness.  Her face and head were so hot.
With the knot unstable, she silently worked on getting her hands free.  She played asleep, as the males drank and ate.  These motherfuckers had ale.  She was growing more angry.  They were hunting her, they killed her friend, they had beaten her, and they were cheating.  And for what?  For being female and daring to be part of her people?  She didn’t want to be like the other females in the camp who did chores all day, watching the festivities from their windows.  She wanted to be a fighter; she wanted to be important.
The more angry she got, the heavier her breathing became until the males noticed.
“I think she wants more,” one of the males said, laughing.
Stanis laughed and he got up and made his way over, standing in front of her.  He crouched and leaned close to her, his breath, stinking with ale, fanning her face.  
He put his mouth next to her ear, brushing it with his lips and smiled.  “You think that big bastard Cassian can fuck you good?  I’m going to show you a real good time.”
She rolled her eyes; again with the Cassian allegations.
And that’s when she bit his ear off.
Stanis screeched as she latched onto his ear.  He fell backwards and she went with him until the bottom of his ear detached and it was dangling in her mouth.  She chuckled and spit it out, leaping on top of him, punching him over and over.  She was reaching for the second wooden dagger she had in her pants when she was picked up and carried over to one of the boulders.
“Let me go!  Get the fuck off of me!”  She screamed and kicked at the two males holding her.  She spit Stanis’ blood onto them and they flinched, flinging her against the boulder.
Stanis was still screaming, clutching the side of his head looking at Celestia in horror.  All she did was give him a bloody grin.
The two males that had dragged Celestia away still stood next to her, holding her arms so she laid flat against the front of the rock.  Some of the males went to help Stanis, covering his ear with snow and bandages.  The rest sat in shocked silence, wide eyes moving between Stanis and Celestia.
After a few minutes, Stanis pushed the males surrounding him away and stalked towards her.  He slapped her and when she started to laugh he slapped her again and again and again.  She could barely feel it, she was laughing too hard.
“You fucking bitch,” he snarled, grabbing her by the throat and pulling her towards him.  
Her only response was to spit blood in his face.
That set him off.  With a look to the males standing on either side of her they let her go and he spun her around, pushing her into the rock.  She collided with it, her feet giving way under her.
“Grab her,” he commanded.
With their arms, they held her arms and shoulders down.  She struggled against them, throwing insults and threats to everyone around, but the sound of a belt unbuckling made her stop and the realization set in.
She looked over her shoulder and Stanis had his belt hanging loose and the buttons of his pants undone; she looked up at him, terror in her eyes and he just smirked.
He placed his forearm on the small of her back and with his other hand he jutted her hips out.  Celestia started to scream in protest, the sound echoing through the trees making birds caw and fly away.
“Please,” she begged.  Tears, blood and snot were covering her face and she began to hyperventilate.  She couldn't move and she felt pressure on every inch of her body; she was trapped and had nowhere to go.  He was going to defile her and she had no chance of escaping.
But still, she writhed in their grasps, screaming, pleading, and begging.
“I’ll do anything.  Please don’t do this.  I’m begging you.”  She kept crying and for some reason she thought about Azriel. 
The day she completed the trial he had pulled her to the side, his scarred hands were warm against her sweaty, wet face.
“If you get sent to the Rite,” he began, “horrible things might happen to you.”  He held her face tighter and his hazel eyes were ablaze with something she couldn’t name.  “But, that doesn’t diminish you.  You have done great things and will do great things.  Whatever happens to you does not define you.”  He let go of her face and kept looking at her, his expression unreadable.  
She just nodded, lost in his eyes.
The cold air against her bare ass shocked her and she came back to reality.  Stanis had been able to pull her pants down slightly but as he began to lower them more, she kicked backwards hitting his shin.  He yelped and grabbed her hair, yanking her head backwards.
“I’ve always wanted to do this, but you’ve always had your dogs around you.  Tell me sweetheart: what do you do in that house alone with all those males?  How many ways and times have they taken you?”  He purred in her ear.  He had his face next to her temple and she was able to swing her head to the side, slamming into his head.  
He howled in pain and held his head in his hands.  But before he could continue his assault, something plucked the male on her right up in the air and he was thrown across their makeshift camp, into a tree.  His back collided with a crack and when he fell to the ground he didn’t get up.
Everyone began screaming as the offender made themselves known, jumping from the top of the boulder.  It was a Suriel.
The Suriel went for the male on the left next who hadn’t moved and with a swipe of its bony hand, his entire neck fell out.  The male had no time to react.  Stanis was the first to run, but the Suriel ignored him, aiming for the rest of the group to its left.  The Suriel moved quickly, almost like it was winnowing to male to male, slashing throats and guts until none remained standing.
At this point Celestia had gotten dressed again and was cowering against the boulder.  She couldn’t run or hide; the Suriel would get her no matter what.  In a brave attempt, Celestia, with shaky hands, grabbed her belongings near the tree she woke up by and sneaked her way in the opposite direction of the Suriel, avoiding all the dead bodies.  The only one she looked at was Tym; the poor boy.
Before she could exit the clearing, she heard footsteps behind her.  Accepting her fate she turned around and was face to face with the Suriel.  She lifted her eyes to the Suriel whose bony teeth were now upturned into a smile.  It nodded its head.
Celestia nodded back in appreciation.  It had saved her life and was now letting her go.  With a deep breath she turned around towards Ramiel.
“Girl,” the Suriel called out to her, its voice raspy.  
Celestia stopped and turned around slowly.
“Listen to the shadows and hear their songs.  They will sing for you for the rest of your life.”  And then the Suriel vanished.
She ran through the night, only stopping once to eat and sleep.  She refused to think about what had happened and what could still happen.  She was lucky to be alive and she couldn’t even wrap her head around what the Suriel had done.  She didn’t even know they were capable of that.  The only thing she thought about was what it had said to her: listen to the shadows and hear their songs.  They will sing for you for the rest of your life.  She wasn’t sure what it meant.  She had shadows, but only when her powers weren’t suppressed.  Did the Suriel want her to express her powers all the time?  Did she have other powers she wasn’t aware of?  
She shook the questions away.  If she didn’t stop thinking she would be stuck here forever or get the courage to trap it and ask what it meant.  No, she couldn’t do that.  She needed to reach the peak so she could go home.
Night became day and she continued towards the Pass.  It was around three o’clock when she saw the bridge that connected the forest to Ramiel.  She sighed in relief, leaning her head up to the sky; thank the gods.
The unfortunate part of the bridge was its location.  There were no trees or brush to cover its location, so if she were to make her way to it she would be out in the open.  It was early afternoon which meant that the warriors had already been making their way to the mountain and most had to be close or already on it.  The Pass was the least taken route for it was difficult to climb and had no real, established path upwards.  Cassian, Azriel, and Rhysand had taken it and told her the best way to climb it.  She gripped her bow and set for the bridge.
She walked as quietly as she could, keeping her head on a swivel checking in all directions for enemies.  Even though she saw none, she was still cautious.  Her encounter with Stanis and his group were enough to never feel safe in these woods again and maybe even for the rest of her life.
No, she shook the thought away.  Azriel said it wouldn’t define her so she wasn’t going to let it.  It was a thing that happened and it was something that she survived.  She was going to win and she was going to be fine.
She reached the bridge and looked behind her at the treeline, scanning for movement.  Seeing none she turned back around and gingerly placed her foot on the bridge; it held.  So, she walked, holding both rails.  She was halfway across the bridge when an arrow whizzed past her head.  She ducked, hitting the bridge and she could hear shouting behind her.  She turned her head and saw Stanis and three males; they must’ve survived the attack.  
She scrambled up and started running across the bridge, still holding on to the rails as the bridge swayed back and forth.  Their voices were getting closer and more arrows were flying at her, but she kept running.  If she stopped, then it would be over.
She had gotten to the other side when she got hit.  She screamed as she fell forward, hitting the rocky ground.  It was embedded in her shoulder.  She got up and sat on her knees, peering behind her.  It was jutting out and blood was beginning to trickle down her back and when she tried lifting her arm but it stung so bad she dropped it immediately.  She looked at the males and they had stopped at the other side of the bridge and were watching her, grinning evilly.  They were enjoying this.  
She grunted as she snapped the bow, alleviating some of the pressure and got up.  Giving them a vulgar gesture, she started up the mountain.  
She knew they were following her and it scared her, but she didn’t stop.  There were four of them and one of her, so the odds weren’t really in her favor but she couldn't think about it.  The only advantage she had on her side was her size, but at the same time that was her biggest disadvantage.  Again, she didn’t think about it.  She was smaller than them and was a better climber, probably.  
When she couldn't hear them anymore, she wedged herself into the side of the mountain and took a deep breath, leaning her head against the rock.  She closed her eyes and swallowed.  She let herself sit there for a minute, gathering her thoughts, feelings, and strength.  She looked at her wound and blood was oozing out, but it was slow; that was good.  She had time to reach the peak and go home without the risk of losing too much blood or getting an infection; she hoped at least.
She got up and resumed her expedition.  The sun was starting to set and the wind on the mountain was picking up, bringing cold and snow.  She had begun to slow down, exhaustion starting to take over.  Her eyes were heavy and she kept stumbling, but she didn’t stop.  She couldn’t stop, really.  The four males weren’t far behind her; every now and then she could hear one of them laugh or groan at the exertion.  If she stopped to rest they would surely find her and finish what Stanis had started.  She shuddered at the thought.
Night fell and she could barely see.  The sky was covered with big, thick clouds and she could barely see the moon.  She stopped and closed her eyes, listening.  She heard nothing, not even the crunch of snow or rocks being shifted, just the wind blowing around her face.  Despite the cold, she was hot, sweating dripping down her face, sticking her thermal long sleeve to her back.  It was then she made the decision to camp for the night.
She woke again to the sun on her face.  This time it was just peeking over the horizon and she was grateful she woke up early.  She hoped the fools down below would sleep in.  But she would be wrong.
A few hours later she could hear murmurs and pants and she silently cursed, turning around.  A couple hundred feet away were Stanis and his puppets trying to figure out how to scale the small mountain wall that led to where she was.  She became frantic; they must’ve walked through the night while she was asleep.  She silently cursed herself again.  She should've kept walking.  She would’ve made it to the Pass by now and a few more hours would be the summit and onyx monolith: her ticket home.  She began to jog, careful to avoid rocks and boulders hidden under the snow.  They heard her footsteps and Stanis called out to her, promising to make her pay for what she did to his men.
She didn’t care if they could hear her.  She just needed to get to the Pass.  
Her jog came to a stop when she was faced with a mountain wall.  She groaned and looked up; it was at least 50 feet tall.  She turned around at the sound of feet stomping and saw the heads of the males as they made their way up the slope.  She had no time to lose.
Moving her weapons around, she grabbed onto a ledge and then found her footing on another and started her climb.  The ledges were small and brittle and she kept slipping and almost falling.  Her nails were cracked and her hands were bleeding, but luckily she was halfway up the wall.  The unlucky part was that the males had caught up to her and were beginning their ascendant.  They kept calling out to her, throwing insults and threats like before, but she ignored them, keeping her focus on finding the right rock to grab.
One of the males was a better climber and as she neared the top he reached up and grabbed her ankle in an attempt to yank her down.  She screeched and kicked him, trying to shake him off.  He held on and continued trying to get her to slip her grip on the rock.  She refused.  She was fed up being hunted by these bloodthirsty idiots.  With a swift kick, she hit him in his nose.  He cursed and grabbed his nose, but the blood coating his hand loosened his grip and he fell.  He fell 40 feet down, past Stanis and the remaining two males and hit a jagged rock.  Celestia cringed, but kept moving.
She reached the top and whooped, pulling herself over.  She laid in the snow for a moment, catching her breath and crying.  She was so fucking tired.  She rolled over and peered over the edge; Stanis and the three males were at least 15 feet away.  She checked her arrow supply and found she only had one, so she knocked it into her bow and sat up on her knees, leaning over the edge.
She called out and the closest male looked up and caught an arrow in the eye.  He fell 35 feet down.  
Stanis and the remaining male roared in anger and began to climb faster.  Celestia’s only response was to laugh.
She never liked killing like the other males in training, but she was saving her life.  It needed to be done.  She would grieve and reflect on her sins later.
It was late afternoon at this point and the sun was beginning to set.  She only had a few more hours to reach the peak.  She was so close.
As she kept going, she faced no more climbing adventures and she was glad for it.  The gap between Stanis and the other male was close but she tried not to let it bother her.  She was ahead and that was all that mattered.
By the time she reached the Pass the sun had set and it had begun to snow.  Her hands were numb and they were beginning to burn with frostbite.  She turned around and the males were still at her heels.  
If the sun had just set, she thought, then that would make it around 6 o’clock which means I have 6 more hours to reach the summit.  If I move fast with nobody following me I could make it in 5.
So, she pulled out her wooden dagger, and waited for Stanis and his friend.
They arrived in thirty minutes which meant Celestia had thirty minutes to kill them both and make it to the summit.
They looked winded when they saw her.  She had time to relax and set her mind to what she wanted to do, but they were surprised to see her, waiting like a predator.  
“Hello boys.”  She smiled, waving her dagger.
They exchanged a look and then they attacked her.
She knew they would be hot headed.  She either killed their friends or had them killed, so when they attacked she easily stepped to the side and took the male she didn’t know by the arm and threw him against a boulder.  He yelled in pain but dropped to the floor.  She moved quickly to push the knife into his throat  Then, she turned to face Stanis who held his metal dagger in his hand.
“You didn't think I’d come prepared did you?”  He said to her surprised expression at seeing a real weapon.
“I always knew you were a fucking cheat.”  Then she went for him.  They fought in tandem using their dagger and fists to fight one another.  The only advantage she had on him was that she used her entire body to fight, not just her hands.  She kicked and swiped at him, causing him to stumble every now and then.  She started to tire.  They had been fighting for too long and if this didn’t end soon she wasn’t going to make it to the peak.
She made the mistake of looking over her shoulder at the moon, trying to gauge what time it was, but Stanis punched her square in her jaw and she fell to the floor, the dagger sliding across the snow and over the edge of the mountain.
He pounced on her and began to hit her over and over; her face, stomach, and chest were his target practice.  The arrow was digging into her shoulder more and she yelled in pain.  
She fought back though, holding off his attacks and scratching at his face.  With one hand she grabbed his wrist, keeping his arm suspended in the air and with the other she pushed her thumb into his eye until he bellowed and fell backwards, holding his eye.
“You’re a fucking freak just like your family!”  He screamed, scooting backwards.  He kept moving until his back hit a rock and his body stiffened and he went pale in the moonlight.  By that point she had gotten up and retrieved the dagger he had dropped.  She stalked towards him, her prey, and smiled, dropping to her knees so she could straddle him, their chests touching.
“Wanna know what I think a real good time looks like?”  She purred, her lips grazing his remaining ear.
Stanis didn’t reply.  He just looked at her wide eyed, terror filling his eyes like hers had and she just smirked at him like he had.
“This,” she grunted and drove the knife into his neck and dragged it across, nearly decapitating him.
He gasped and tried to grab at his throat, but she held his arms back.  She watched as he bled to death, suffocating on his own blood.  She got up and admired her work, cleaning the blade off with her sweater before stuffing it into her pants.  
She spat on his body.  “That’s for Kristoff you piece of shit.”
It was almost 8 o’clock by the time she resumed her trek up the mountain, the Pass and her victims behind her.  She guessed she would reach the summit in the knick of time, but she was wrong.  She would reach it with an hour to spare, setting the record for not just the fastest summit on Ramiel, but the first female to do so.
She was winnowed into the Commander’s tent at Windhaven.  He was asleep when she got there, and his seconds, the ones who grabbed her a week ago, were also asleep.  She cleared her throat and they woke up, their expressions turning into one of surprise when they saw her there, beaten, bloody, bruised, with an arrow sticking out of her shoulder.
They all looked at her for a few minutes, but she kept her eyes on the Commander.  “This was your son’s.  You’ll find him at the Pass of Enalius with his neck cut open.  He put up a good fight.  You should be proud, Commander.”  Then she threw the dagger on the table and walked out of the tent to her house.
When she got back to the house, she found Rhysand, her mother, her uncle, Cassian, and Azriel passed out on the couch, the armchair, and the floor in the living room.  They jumped up at the sound of the door closing and her kicking the snow off her boots.
“Oh my sweet girl,” her mother called out and ran to her, wrapping her arms around her.  Even though the arrowhead was tearing further into her shoulder, she didn’t move.  Her mother’s embrace was warm and comforting and she smelled like home.  And as she rocked her back and forth, she began to cry.
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Celestia woke up with a start, pushing her chair back and hitting the hearth behind her.  She didn’t know where she was and she couldn't recognize the people around her.  Everyone was looking at her, some were crying, but all had the same look in their eyes: fear, despair, pity, and sympathy.
She jumped when she connected with the hearth and pulled her dagger out from her leg pointing it at everyone.  “What-” she began, but Rhysand grabbed her arm.
“It’s just us.  You’re safe.  You are not there.”  His voice was calm and soft, like velvet.  Like the blanket her mother had given her for her 12th birthday.
She looked at him, her eyes were crazed and her violet irises had been reduced to black pupils.  She kept looking at him then around the room, panting.  She was having a panic attack.
Rhysand repeated himself, trying to pull her towards him but she whimpered and shook her head, pulling back.
“Stop.  Don’t touch me,” she was crying.  “I have to go.  Please,” she was sobbing now.
He let go and she made a break for the door, bumping into the couch and side table and then Azriel, who caught her by her elbows.
They locked eyes and his gaze was unlike the ones around her.  It was soft and loving and there were hints of yearning.  She could only gape up at him, tears streaking her cheeks.
“Do you need me?”  He asked.  His voice was hushed, but sincere.  
He searched her eyes for an answer, but she gave him none.  Instead she ran out of the room and up the stairs to her bedroom, slamming the door.  
She clutched her chest and the panic continued to build.  Her room was dark with a fire lit in the hearth and all she could think about was the night with Stanis in his camp and how it looked the same: dark with a fire.
She ran to the bathroom and threw up until it was just bile and then she sobbed, wishing she was in her mother’s embrace where she was warm and safe and happy.
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