#the muffins are in love and they dont even know it
skyburger · 2 months
kirby is like the funniest character to have in smash and like listen. they couldve just not given him his copy ability in smash but they DID and he has so many stupid outfits because of this and it fucking rules. why are these real images of an official unmodded first-party nintendo game. this is awesome
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ruvi-muffin · 1 year
Will sam still play veth ????
BC I WANT HIM TO !! ????
But also
Like listen, w tm9 they could rly go ham w hireing and promoing marginalized voice actors bc So Many Characters are poc. Like... ik they're probably Thinking about it but like
Same w beau like, i could see it but also ;;;; she's marisha's Baby
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blitheringbongus · 2 years
Chocolate muffin or blueberry 🧐
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cosmicviber · 9 months
anyways ive been having a 6 hour anxiety attack hows your night going
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dickmastersfruit · 4 months
ok the art you sent me has me spiraling but imagine getting it on with alastor maybe hes a little pissy or whatever so he’s extremely in the mood to bite EVERYWHERE and i think we all know its not weak little bites its hard bites especially if hes in a bad mood and definitely hard enough to draw blood and then be starts swiping that blood up with his finger coating them with your blood and drawing little smiles (especially smiles its literally alastor) and hearts all over especially on the readers face
My Painting
Pairing: Alastor x F!reader
Warnings: Alastor being horny and lowkey a vampire, accidental housewife kink oops, if you hate blood dont read this
Word count: 765
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There wasn't much light shining through the windows anymore as you sat on the counter waiting for Alastor. You took in the smell of the home baked muffins in the oven as you looked out the window as the sun set. The front door slammed shut making you jump off the counter and you waited patiently for him to notice you standing there. He finally walked into the spot where a little bit of light shined on him. You took in his disheveled clothes with rips and the light traces of blood across his whole body.
“Well how was your day?” You joked as you looked him up and down turning on the overhead light so you could get a better look at him.
He rolled his eyes, muttering to himself. Something about some evil tv man and how he wants to kill him so badly. You stared at him with a soft smile as he continued muttering to himself. He looked like a child who was told no for the first time as he began pacing around.
“Hon” You say, getting his attention as he finally took you in. An apron hugged your waist as you wore a white baby tee that stuck to every curve of your body and jean shorts. He smirked, taking long strides toward you.
He pushed you against the kitchen counter as he stared down at you like you were his prey. His hands slowly wrapped around yours as he pinned them behind your back leaning down to gently bite your earlobe.
“God look at my little housewife” His staticy voice said, breaking the silence that had previously been there. His hands let go of your wrists but instead he set a firm grip on your hips. “I didn't even know you had this,” He said, pulling at the strings that tied the apron behind your back. It slowly fell as your tight clothes were now on full display for him.
“Well usually i'm done cooking by the time you come home my love” You say as you move your hands to the belt loops on his pants moving him flush against your body. “But maybe I should wear it more often” You smirk, staring up at him. 
His eyes darkened as he brought his mouth down to your neck. It started out slow and sensual. His lips moving slowly nipping softly as he moved down your neck to your chest. The more you whimpered and withered under his touch he not only sped up but he began to bite harder. Finally as he reached your neck again he bit down hard. You moaned loudly bucking your hips into his as he bit down like a starved man
“Alastor jesus” You whimper as he backs away smiling watching the blood run down your neck. Instead of cleaning it up he bit down again on the other side of your neck. Blood began to spill down as you winced at the pain. You could feel it dripping down, you couldn’t tell if you were grossed out or incredibly turned on. Maybe both. 
The blood had finally reached your white shirt. “Oh no, my little housewife is a little dirty” He said sarcastically as he ripped it off your body leaving your top half naked as he stared intently as the blood spilled down your chest.
His hands reached up grabbing your boobs as the blood smeared across his hand and your chest. You could tell he had an idea as a sinister smile formed across his lips. He began to trace his name in your blood and many other vulgar words across your neck and chest as he continued biting to make more paint for his beautiful painting.
He soaked his fingers in the blood and made little smiley faces across your chest. You giggled as he drew little pictures in your blood. “I'm running out of blood” He pouted. 
Before you could even react to his words he was biting deeply into your skin causing you to yelp in pain. That was definitely leaving a scar or some sort of mark. Instead of light dribbles of blood it gushed out as he grabbed more blood and began to paint small hearts on your face. He looked you in the eyes as he licked one long strip across his whole hand, your blood now dripping down his chin as he sucked the blood off his fingers. 
“My beautiful little painting” He says before leaning in kissing you hard. The taste of his spit and your blood lingering in your mouth.
Masterlist Alastor Masterlist
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moonstruckme · 4 months
happy new year lovie!!!! i feel bad for requesting this bc just thinking ab the volume of ur inbox is a little overwhelming and ive gone a bit overboard 😭
but..... bodyguard!james finds out his mum is quite sick right before his shift one day and leaves to take care of her after letting reader know. he has to take the week off and reader is visiting and bringing them their favorite homecooked meals everyday (which she has memorised bc, bless him, james loves to talk abt his mum) and james is LOVEEESTRUCK. she's there, bright and early every morning (with a different bodyguard bc god forbid she leaves the house with no protection right in front of james' own two eyes!!!) with muffins and flowers and bags of food in hand :( james is enamored and so sweet on her!!!!! and reader is obsessing over how vulnerable and emotionally in tune james is at a time like this!!!!! i'm thinking maybe confessions are getting pretty hard to hold back by the end of the week ☹️🩷
thank you! (if you do decide to write this or if you dont for letting me ramble on in your asks x)
Don't feel bad my love! Thank you for requesting :)
cw: sick family member
bodyguard!James x fem!reader ♡ 1.3k words
No matter how many times James has visited home throughout his adult life, he always manages to discover something he’s forgotten about living there. Like how particular his mum is about the way the dish towel is folded, or which drawer the scissors are kept in, or the ungodly amount of door-to-door salesmen that come by on a daily basis. 
Lately, he’s being plagued by the last. He recalls them being vaguely annoying when he was younger, but James’ family is currently going through a difficult time that leaves one with somewhat frayed nerves. He very nearly snapped at a particularly tenacious primary school student selling chocolate yesterday. Not one of his finer moments. 
So when the doorbell rings while his mum is trying to sleep down the hall, James has to make an effort to reel his wrath back in before he’s even answered it. 
Funnily enough, any negative emotion completely evaporates when he sees you on the front steps. 
“Hi,” you say, looking apprehensive. 
“Hi,” James echoes. He opens the door the rest of the way, nodding to the fill-in guard you’ve brought with you. “Hey, Singh.”
Singh nods in return. 
“I hope it’s alright that I just came by.” You give him a sheepish sort of smile. “I didn’t even realize I don’t have your phone number until now. You’re always just…there.” 
James laughs, the mood that’s descended over him since getting the call about his mum lifting slightly. “Yeah, I suppose I am. What brings you out, sweetheart?” 
You hoist the bags you’re carrying a bit higher in your arms. “I brought some stuff for you and your mom, if that’s okay.” 
A tiny hand fists around his heart, squeezing pleasantly. “Course it is,” he all but coos. “Come on in. Singh, you alright to stay here and keep watch?” 
Luckily, the other man doesn’t think to remember that James is currently on leave, and so defers to him with a curt nod. James shoots him a smile as you come inside, closing the door behind you. 
“They put Singh on day shift?” he asks, taking one of the bags from you and leading you into the kitchen. “He’s barely finished training.” 
“He seems fine,” you say in your good-natured way. 
“He took you to a location that’s never been reconned without even bringing another guard to post outside.” 
“It’s your mom’s house, Jamie.” The smile is evident in your voice, sweeter even than the smell wafting out of these bags. God, he’s missed you. “I doubt he suspects either of you are going to try and hurt me.” 
“He should be prepared for the possibility,” James says, but he can’t manage to work any menace into his tone even to tease you. You tilt your head at him, mouth curving up to one side like you’re well acquainted with his particular brand of silliness, and he lets his grievances go instantly. “You didn’t have to bring us anything, angel face.” 
You flush a bit at the endearment, directing a soft smile down at his family’s old wooden table (which is great, because now James is in the position of being jealous of a table). “I wanted to do something,” you reply simply. “How’s your mom?” 
“She’s alright.” Not great. Not worse, which is always good. If the only thing he accomplishes in a day is that she doesn’t get worse, James can feel good about that. “She’s sleeping in this morning.” 
“Oh, shit.” Your voice drops to a hush like the breeze blowing through leaves. “I haven’t woken her, have I?” 
James grins. “No, you’re good. She can sleep through anything.” 
You lose a breath. “Right, well I brought some meals to last you a few days,” you say, digging some containers out of the bag. “It can all be heated up whenever you’re ready to eat, and—oh, also some flowers. I know it’s stupid, but I thought they might brighten things up for you two.” James doesn’t think it’s stupid at all, but you go on before he can tell you so. “Can I put these in your freezer? I brought some muffins for this morning too, if you want them.” 
“Yeah,” James says, the word leaving him on a breath. “I mean, yeah to both. Thank you.” He grabs several of the containers as well, showing you to the freezer. You both start cramming them in between things, wherever they’ll fit. He takes note of the food as it goes in, a heady warmth growing in his chest. “Did you make all of this?” 
You hum in brisk affirmation. “I had plenty of time on my hands yesterday. Turns out things are pretty boring without you around.” 
“How’d you know what to make? This is all—these are our favorites.” 
You turn to him, a tenderhearted sort of smile curving your lips. “You talk about your mom a lot, Jamie,” you say. “I know all her favorites by now. And the things she’d make that were your favorites, too.” 
James hadn’t realized he’d spent so much time rambling about his mum. It hurts his chest a bit to think of it now, worse to think that you’d been listening so intently. 
“This is only really enough to get you through a few days,” you go on, oblivious to his yearning, “but I figured I’d come back with more if you’re both alright with it.” You look at him as you pack the last of the food away, your gaze careful. “I don’t want to intrude or anything.” 
“You could never intrude.” James isn’t sure how he gets the words out, his heart ballooning until it’s nearly cutting off his airflow. The cool air breezing onto one side of his face stops, and he realizes you’ve shut the freezer. “This is just…so, so kind of you. I don’t know what to say.” 
“James.” Your voice is soft. Your smile has faded, and now you look at him with an unabashed, steady kindness. “You don’t have to say anything. I can’t stand the thought of you and your mom going through this. I wanted to help, somehow.” One of your shoulders comes up in a sheepish half-shrug. “Even if it’s really small.” 
He wraps his arms around your shoulders, and you hesitate only a second before bringing your arms around him too. You squeeze him tight. James lets himself relish the feel of it, lovelorn. “It’s not small,” he says fervently. “It really…it means a lot, sweetheart.” 
You only squeeze tighter in response. When he lets you go, your gaze is sad. Worried. You ask without prelude, “Are you doing okay?” 
James gives you a half-smile. The truth of it. “Yeah, we’re alright over here. It’s hard to see her like this, but I think everything’s going to be okay.” You nod, solemn in your understanding. “Sounds like I might be doing better than you, actually, if your company’s bad enough that you’re entertaining yourself in the kitchen all day.” 
You crack a smile at that, and James’ heart lightens. “Yeah, Singh’s no you. He doesn’t seem to like to chat.” 
“Ahh, so that’s why you’ve really come out here, yeah? You just missed me.” 
“You’ve caught me.” 
It’s said like a joke, but James’ pride inflates foolishly nonetheless. “I hate that I can’t be there,” he says. “Especially now that I know they’ve put Singh on my shift.” 
“He’s not so bad,” you laugh, heading towards the table. You fold up the bags. “Anyway, it’s more important that you’re here. And I’ll be back in a couple days to restock you.” 
James fixes you with a look as you start for the door. “You really don’t have to.” 
“I’m going to,” you say breezily. “Don’t forget to put the flowers in water, and the muffins are strawberry chocolate chip.” He grins. His mum’s favorite. “I’ll tell Singh you were raving about him.” 
“Oh, please do.” He rolls his eyes, feeling lighter than he has in days. “Thanks, angel.” 
You shoot him a smile worthy of the moniker as you go out the door. “See you in a couple days, Jamie.”
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mxlktxa · 9 months
shameless plug, tlou masterlist - quick reads/rambles
𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘭𝘢𝘸𝘴; @jinxtheplanet @solaceocean
an; just to have a little something something while i work on two something somethings ;)
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“abby, no! that is raw cookie dough, stop fucking eating it!”
“its so good though!”
“youre gonna get sick, you big dummy! do you know how serious salmonella is?!”
“not serious enough to stop me!”
you chased after the huge set of muscles, throwing a spoon at her as she ran off with a bit more of the cookie dough from the mixing bowl. the bowl you were trying to hide from her to bake her some of your delicious vanilla sugar cookies alongside a large coconut cream pie, abbys favorite treat you make for the anniversary you both loved to celebrate. the blonde managed to sneak into the house while you were preoccupied with your phone and began scooping small servings of the raw mixture into her mouth.
“abby, seriously, stop it! you’re gonna get sick!” you began to soften your voice, too worried to be angry any longer, “i dont want you to be in the hospital for this, abs. its so stupid.”
abby turned to you as her smile faltered due to your behavior change, “hey, baby look, im sorry, okay. i couldnt help myself. i love when you make those sugar cookies,” both hands were on the sides of your face, kissing your forehead, “and that coconut pie? dont even get me started. oh! and your muffins and sweet bread are heaven sent.”
you giggled, hiding your smile as abby seemed to be going nuts over your baking skills. soon you both calmed down, now settling for a nice hug to give you comfort. abby placed plenty of apologetic kisses on your head, swaying you back and forth.
“i give it six hours before a fever starts to kick it.”
“huh?” the dirty blonde questioned.
“then youll shit yourself because youve got diarrhea, possibly start vomiting.”
“wait, what?!”
“youll be in pain as well. just some abdominal pain, of course,” you turned away from abby, leaving her to silently panic at what you just said, “im just fucking with you but it is gonna be bad. now, stop eating anything thats raw.” you sighed, walking back to the kitchen to start prepping the baking sheet.
“does that include you?” abby questioned, a small smirk on her face.
the comment flew over your head as you placed your focus on the task at hand. slowly your brain started obsessing with what she said, piecing together what she meant. your head slowly rose, eyes filled with annoyance while abby held back a chuckle, “you slut! stop being so nasty!” and with that you threw the whisk at her, having to chase her down once more since she started eating the remains of the raw mixture from the tool.
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nothing-tolose · 2 months
All Because I Liked A Girl.
A/N: HII FIRST TIME WROTE THIS FIC. English isn't my first language and I'm still learning, I hope u guys can understand me;) If there's anything wrong please let me know! xoxo
Divider credits to @cafekitsune <3
Part 2
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You were so in love with her. You weren't sure how many times you think that you're the luckiest girl alive because you're dating your girlfriend, Ellie Williams.
Your girlfriend that you dreamt about since you got into high school a year ago. You always thought that it would be impossible if she can be your girlfriend in the future, or at least to be your friend. But it changed when she talked to you for the first time six month ago, when you accidentally bumped her and your drink was spilled to the ground.
You started talking with her after that, since you both have a lot common interests. Three weeks passed, Ellie started to calls you with some petnames such as princess, angel, muffin or even bae. You never asked her why, and you didn't want to ask.
It was perfect. So perfect that you never really thought it'd be end up so bad.
You just got into your second monthversary and you had a really really good time with your picnic date with her. God, you wish you can stay here like this forever.
But happiness won't last long.
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You woke up by the ring on your phone beside you.
You wondering why. I mean, who the fuck is gonna call you this morning? Today isn't a weekday though. You took your phone and staring at the screen and it was your friend who's calling you, Lauren.
"Lau, I just woke—" You stopped your words as you hear how she breathe, it seems like there's something wrong, "Lauren, are you okay?" You asked.
"Am I supposed to be okay?" She sounds so infuriated, "Oh my fucking God, you're being a hot topic on school's blog and everyone's talking about you, Ellie, and her ex, Anne. And I haven't found the original post yet so please don't—"
You hang up the phone before Lauren finished talking, your fingers were scrolling up and down into the browser and school blog. You didn't do anything wrong, didn't you? And you never be a hot topic before so you got a little confused and nervous. The first thing you saw, is someone in anonymous replies was talking about you.
Oh, so Lauren wasn't joking.
"What's going on here?" You whispered, "Don't check the other replies, don't check the other replies..."
Your fingers definitely doing the opposite.
so she stole ellie from anne? such a shame
ellie was just playing with her, guys :( HAHA
I WAS RIGHT. she's a slut by stealing someone's girlfriend. ugh, and if she still have a face to appear in school this monday im gonna kick her ass and fucking spit on her
Your eyebrows furrowed, jaw dropped as you didn't believe on what you just saw through your phone.
No, really, you couldn't even tell what is going on right now. Everyone was talking really really bad to you, they were crossed the line.
Ellie? Anne? And you?
"What the fuck did I do?"
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filmofhybe · 5 months
airport buddies.
🥥 pairing : ot7 x oc! 8th member of enha • GENRE : fluff
WARNING: mention of food , crowding , pushing , Profanity
; AUTHORS NOTE : sudden thought of me being the 8th member of enhypen hit my brain while watching Golden Disc Award. And obviously credit to @srjlvr bc her 8th members works inspired me!
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정원 jungwon
as one of the members in the hyung line, jungwon as the leader, still keeps his eyes on you as fans would be crowding you guys despite them keeping a distance. Because you guys was once mopped at the terminal before and you got really injured, he would tell you to grab onto his bag as you walk towards the exit. He would sometimes tell you to link arms with him, and these sweet moments are captured by fans, speaking up about how attentive jungwon is about previous situations and how he cares about his members safety. You feel really safe around him and your glad he’s taking care of you. (You would also guide him through the crowd if it gets to chaotic.)
“y/n hold onto my bag so you don’t get lost.”
“wonnie I’m fine trust me.”
“no I don’t trust the crowd after what happened. You deserve to stay safe around me.”
“If you insist, but one day I would need to stop doing it because you won’t be with me.”
“you both shut up please I’m too tired for this argument every damn time.” Your manager chuckled as he watched both of you having the “I need to keep you safe!” Argument every time before stepping out of the terminal.
희 승 heeseung
He treats you to food before you guys board the plane. He knows your morning temper is horrible, having to wake up in early in the morning to get to the airport, than having to deal with flashing cameras before checking in already made your day ten times worse. So when you guys are waiting to bored the plane, he will treat you to something sweet, like a chocolate cookie along with a blueberry muffin. Or just anything you want. He cares about your health especially your body is still growing. (Sometimes you would reject his offer, however he would still buy it just in case you start complaining about how hungry you are on the plane)
“y/n~ let’s go get food shall we?”
“I would love to but I’m tired…” you sigh as you cuddle into your hoodie more, keeping yourself warm.
“come on, let’s go get some food before boarding, you can pick whatever you want.” He smiled as he noticed you jump out of your seat after what he said.
Walking towards a small café, you picked out a cookie and a refresher. Heeseung picked something for each member and himself before paying everything. He watches you munch on your cookie, smiling once again to know that all he needs to do to make you happy is food.
박종성 Park Jeongseong
MR DRAGS YOU ALONG TO SHOP. He’s the person to shop at those designer shop before boarding in his spare time. Even though he has good style, he would always drag you along with him. He thinks you giving him opinions about what he should get makes his purchases worth it. Like he had said before “y/n has better taste than I do, people may not admit it but she really does. I’m glad she is always willing to come shopping with me.” Despite you being so tired, you still enjoy walking around with him. You guys usually come out with around 3 bags of stuff. Fans always assume you both have some spending problem at the airport 😭
does this sweater look better than the other?” Jay placed the black sweater in front of him, holding the other color beside him as he switch in between the two.
“I like the navy blue more. It suits you better… it also matches the Prada sunglasses I got you.” You suggested as you grab the navy blue sweater. Placing in front of his torso.
“Nevermind i agree with you. My jawline stands out more.” He smirks, before trying to escape from your slapping.
“We get it park jeongseong you have sharp ass jawline now get your sweater.”
“Jesus Christ I enjoy shopping with you BUT NOT YOU HITTING ME?!?”
심재윤 Sim Jaeyun
The “I can’t stop gossiping” duo. Oh my gosh you both just can’t stop yapping the moment you step out of the van. Is like you guys are high school best friends talking about the latest gossips. You guys would link arms and whisper into each others ears, but laughing extremely loudly after what you heard from the other. Is the media pressed about your interactions? Sometimes (because they can’t take good pictures of the group without you both not talking) however they enjoy watching you both laughing your ass off to whatever your laughing about at 5 in the morning.
“no because I heard that he’s really bad at singing..” Jake whispers as he links his arms with you. Leaning into you as he tries to tell you the latest updates on the entertainment industry.
“No way I thought she was good enough to make it..”
“bitch he was like iM sUpER sHyYYy iM sUpeR sHY.” Jake intimates whoever he was talking about, making you both burst into laughter behind all your members. The members were confused on the sudden laughter. Who on earth laughs this much at 5 in the morning with camera flashes in their face.
“But who are we to judge…? I mean he tried at least.”
“Stop we can’t be rude at least he tried…”
“Keyword tried..”
The ones to say they shouldn’t be judging after gossiping about it😭 just too unserious
성훈 Sunghoon
The matching fit duo. You both somehow always have matching airport fits. Making favs believe you guys did it on purpose (sometimes). But both of you never complain about it. Because of how good both your stylist it, fans always try to take lots of pics of you when you guys are standing next to each other. But sometimes it’s the opposite, you would accidentally wear his shirt while he is uses your bag. And fans loves how you guys share each others items for time to time. (Ps. They love to question you guys.)
“y/nnie!! Where is your bag from?”
“I don’t know, sunghoon got it. It was the first bag I saw so I took it. I’m so sorry!”
“Is okay!! Sunghoon! Are you and y/nnie matching today?”
“We didn’t mean to match again today. It was by coincidence. Do you guys like it?” Fans started agreeing that they love your matching outfits. You both thanked them for noticing and were both flattered by how cute your fans are.
선우 Sunoo
THE SERVING CUNT DUO!! Because both of your age are really close to each other and you both have basically the same brain cell. You both constantly like to tease each other and laugh at each other. You guys do not care if it’s 12 at night that your at the airport, you guys would do the must random shit ever. Eg. A catwalk while linking arms, or writing on your phones pointing towards each other. “SUNOO SPILLED MY COFFEE.” “I DIDNT YOUR FOOT KICKED IT!!” Sigh the members are tired of you both but I guess they find it kinda funny as well.
“WHY ARE YOU TRYNA EXPOSE ME?!?” You asked sunoo as you watched the younger boy laugh at the message - “Y/N FORGOT TO WEAR SOCKS TODAY!!” On his phone. Ready for fans and media to see.
“YOU ARE EXPOSING ME TOO!?” he gasped as he reads yours - “SUNOO CRIED ON THE WAY HERE BECAUSE HE FORGOT HIS DITTO DOLL!!” You shrugged your shoulders as you quickly stepped out of the van before he can reach you.
Fans and the media captures this funny moment as your members silently laughs at how immature you both are. But they don’t complain at all.
にしむら りき Nishimura Riki
The mother and son duo. Being one of the oldest of the group, and you promising to take good care of Niki. You constantly make sure he is alright and his passport is kept safe with him. Fans starts taking notice that you would hold onto his passport after hd lost it once, and he is comfortable enough to hold onto your bag as you make your way through the crowd. Some even noticed that he would buy you medicine before boarding because he knows you get ill easily while traveling. Lots of people treasure your relationship dearly and they always appreciate how you take care of each other very well. (You take Care of other members as well but most of the time Niki because he’s the youngest.)
Fans and media captures a brief moment of Niki handing you his passport. “y/n can you hold onto my passport so I don’t lose it again?” He whispered beside you. Nodding as you take his passport into your hand.
He grabs onto your purse as you walked through the crowd of people. You would look back at him from time to time to make sure he is behind you. Grabbing his hand when it starts getting more chaotic. His grip is now tighter around you, you look back reassuring him that your here and he would be okay. “Niki is okay I’m here your fine. Your passport is safe as well don’t worry.” He can sense you smiling at him, even though your mask covers half of your face.
Fans was touched by both of your little interactions at the airport. Knowing Niki still relays on his older members even though he just turned 18. They know he is still a baby at heart and still need caring. And they thank you for taking care of him like he’s one of your owns.
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© filmofhybe on tumblr — do not copy , translate or share.
networks ~ @kflixnet @k-films @/k-labels @k-neighborhood
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pink3princess · 1 year
john wick x reader hc/ramble
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cw/tw: um..a little silly, a little goofy, a little fluff, age gap ( reader is 20+, John is in his 40’s), mentions of tattoos, gn!reader
an: I’m in my keanu reeves era; also this gif makes me dizzy🥴😵; anyways enjoy whores
oh my god his hugs :(
i just need to lay down on his chest and for him to rub his hand up and down my back reassuringly after a long day >:(
he loves when you scratch his beard like a dog(is this weird lol) he finds it so domestic and intimate
ok so...he’s old, so let’s imagine he stayed out of the crime world… he has such old guy hobbies its so cute (he's beekeeping age yk)
he’s into gardening, he's in a band (bassist duh), he fixes up cars and motorcycles
the first time you noticed his back tattoo was when you two went swimming for the first time together
you didn't want to be a creep, but you had to stop yourself from drooling over it the rest of the day
you actually had to stop yourself from licking him head to toe like a popsicle but
speaking of tattoos, he LOOOOVES when you trace his back tattoo; if he can't sleep and you start to trace the pattern, he just melts
and if you have tattoos, he loves to do the same to you
he'll kind of lull you to sleep like that, taking his time with light kisses in between
on another note...i bet he does the 'dad on a vacation snoring so loud he has shaken then entire room awake' snore
and when you get woken up by said snore you're a little annoyed, but whenever this happens you just move to the guest room
after moving to the guest room and getting settled down, you get woken up ....again, only to see this BIG SCARY 6 FOOT ASSASSIN curled up next to you under the covers, hugging your waist as if you were a stuffed animal he couldn't sleep without :(
and you're like "...i actually came in here to remove myself from you-"
he's creeps around the house very quietly, almost like a ghost (unintentionally)
you could be doing laundry, folding the clothes and when you turn around to put them away, he's just there in the doorway like 🧍‍♂️ scaring the life out of you
once you two move in together, he'll gift you a dog :( like you're own little family :(
assuming that reader is in their 20's and john is in is 40's, how could you possibly pass up any opportunity to make old man jokes about him <3
" you know, in a couple of years i get to put you in the old folks home..."
"yeah right🙄, i'd like to see you try honey"
he takes care of you in every way; he makes sure you take your meds, and that you eat at least three meals a day; small everyday things like that :(
if you fail a big test or have a bad day at work he's waiting for you at home with a tub of icecream and ready to spoil you with affection
even tho he's a man of very little words, he'll know exactly what to say to make you feel better with words of praise and affection :(
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skyburger · 3 months
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shut the fuck up im playing sky burger
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ruvi-muffin · 1 year
Characters that were never shown love and care and thus has no idea how to show it to others, and yet are brimming with the need to be caring in all things except outward expression, finding love and care through found family and one person who Gets It, who may or may not be struggling in silence as well with things the aformentioned character may or may not be tied up in and boy howdy did that get complicated real quick
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dixons-sunshine · 2 months
i i love your brazilian reader so much😭😭 we dont really have that kind of representation😔 maybe could you write something with her and young daryl? maybe she could be an exchange student and got friends with daryl and is teaching him how to make brazilian food(and desserts too)? that would be adorable!! i love your writtings soo much💕
Run Away With You | Daryl Dixon x Young!Brazilian!Fem!Reader
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Summary: Meeting Daryl Dixon was one of the best things to ever happen to you. He was introverted and shy, but with you, he was free to be himself. While preparing one of your favourite desserts, you suggest something to Daryl.
Genre: Fluff.
Era: Pre apocalypse.
Warnings: Mentions of abuse.
Word count: 839.
A/n: I wrote this at midnight while almost falling asleep, but I hope you like this! And thank you, @v1rtualv4mp, so much for helping me with the translations! However, some phrases are from Google translate and the recipe for the dessert in this was found from Google, so please feel free to correct me regarding any mistakes!
And with this fic done and my inbox cleared out, I can now officially say that requests are reopened! Feel free to send them in!
“Should I fill it all the way up or nah?” Daryl questioned you, holding the tray in his hands.
You shifted your attention from the stove to him. “No, only three fourths of the way. That's what my mom taught me.”
Daryl nodded and followed your instructions, carefully pouring the custard into the dough-filled muffin cups. Afterwards he handed the muffin tray to you, carefully observing as you placed the tray in the preheated oven.
Daryl leaned back against the counter. “How long do we need to bake it fer?” he questioned, motioning towards the oven.
You joined him against the counter, leaning your head against his shoulder. Daryl stiffened momentarily before relaxing, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you closer into his side. He pressed a soft, tender kiss against your temple, smiling softly when you let out a small giggle.
“For about one and a half hours,” you answered him, checking the time on your wristwatch. “So we have to take it out at about four-thirty. Then we let it cool down for ten minutes and then we have ourselves some delicious Pastéis De Nata.”
Daryl hummed. “Portuguese Custard tart?”
You rolled your eyes at him, sending a playful smile up at him. “Sure, if you want to be a falante de inglês chato,” you joked, earning a faint, playful jab to your side, making you laugh. “Hey! Do you even know what I said?”
“Nope,” Daryl replied, shaking his head with a faint smile on his face. “But I do know tha' it probably wasn't a compliment.”
“You're right about that,” you laughed and nodded, nuzzling yourself snuggly against his side. However, you withdrew from his hold when he flinched in pain, sending him a concerned look. “What's wrong, amor?”
Daryl shook his head. “Nothin'. Jus' my father who got a bit carried away last nigh'. Nothin' I can't handle.”
Your heart sank to the depths of your stomach at his revelation. You took his hand in yours and interlaced your fingers, squeezing his hand reassuringly. However, you knew that Daryl hated addressing his home life out loud, so you opted to try and cheer him up.
“You know, we could run away together.”
Daryl raised his eyebrows in surprise, an amused smile gracing his beautiful features. “Yeah?” he asked, looking into your eyes. “And where would we even go?”
“Brazil,” you answered instantly, shrugging your shoulders. “I might be biased, but I do believe that it's one of the most beautiful countries in the world. I just know you'd love it.”
Daryl thought it over for a moment, before letting out an approving hum. “Well, let's say I agree to run away with ya to Brazil. What would we even do?”
“A gente poderia ir no Carnaval, e talvez visitar meus avós,” you mumbled to yourself, soothingly rubbing your thumb over your boyfriend's knuckles. You giggled at the confused look he gave you. “It doesn't matter what I said. We could do anything you want, gatinho. Just name it and I'd make it happen.”
“I've always wanted to go check out what Brazilians do during that festival ya keep ravin' 'bout,” he admitted, shrugging his shoulders. “So we could start with tha'?”
You smiled and nodded. “Anything you want, amor. We'd have to wait for Carnaval to start in a couple of months, but we could make it happen.”
Daryl smiled. “Have I ever told ya tha' I love ya?”
“You have,” you nodded, stepping into Daryl's arms and peering up at him. “And I do, too. Eu te amo tanto.”
You leaned in and kissed Daryl on the lips, savouring the taste of him. However, the moment was short-lived, because the power soon went out, causing you and Daryl to look at each other in confusion.
“Well,” Daryl started, looking towards the oven. “Guess tha's gon' take longer to get ready.”
You rolled your eyes at him. “Seriously? That's your concern?”
“Wha' can I say?” Daryl mused, sending you a playful smile. “I was really lookin' forward to tha' custard tart. Would've packed some fer our journey to Brazil.”
falante de inglês chato: boring English speaker.
amor: love
A gente poderia ir no Carnaval, e talvez visitar meus avós: We could participate in the Carnaval, and maybe go visit my grandparents.
Eu te amo tanto: I love you so much.
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mountymase · 1 year
serendipity - two
all of these daydreams come back to me at night
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pairing: fem!reader x mason mount
summary: you don’t know his name, he doesn’t know yours - along with many other things you don’t know about each other… but every night, you’re both there, meeting in different scenarios in each other’s dreams, hoping that someday your dreams will come true.
author: SURPRISE MF!!!!!!! LOL! this is what happens when I don’t feel pressured: I write. and I write some good stuff! DONT FORGET TO LEAVE YOUR FEEDBACK!!!!
warnings: series will contain fluff, angst, language and smut. italic parts are for the dreams!
word count: 2.672k
Moving to London wasn’t the hardest part, but adjusting to a whole new work environment was certainly a difficult task but not because the people there were bad — their dynamic was surely different, but everyone was so friendly that you never missed the Danish office. Not for one moment. So when you received text messages from your former colleagues and they tagged you on their Insta stories, you felt bad for not missing your days there.
Between adapting to your new life, having April and Archie around daily, and finishing decorating your new flat, you hardly had the time to miss anything from your old life.
Except him.
He wasn’t there anymore, in your dreams. Your nights were as dark as ever — it felt like there was a void and they were meaningless. Probably like every night should be, but not since he appeared to turn your sleep into more than getting enough rest for the next day. The consequence of this was you sleeping poorly and feeling tired all the time because he wasn't there to make you feel safe, and your best friend just assumed it was because you missed (your now ex-boyfriend) Henrik.
“I don’t,” you blurted, getting a hand squeeze and a confused frown in return as April placed her cup of coffee down. “I mean, I do. He’s important, but it was not the same.”
“Every relationship has its own rough path, love.”
You shook your head, letting her hand go. “It’s not a rough path when there’s a third person involved.”
April’s jaw dropped as a gasp escaped her lips. “He cheated?” She breathed, taking both hands to her chest, clearly shocked.
“God, no! Henrik would never!”
“You cheated on him?” Her voice reached a note higher than it was appropriate, making a few curious glances make your blood boil under your skin.
“Can you keep your fucking voice down, please?” You clenched your fists, long nails marking the skin of the palm of your hand. “You know better! I’m no cheater!”
“I’m sorry,” she shrugged, giving you an apologetic smile. “Who’s the third person, then?”
“I don’t know,” you sighed in frustration, rubbing your forehead with the tip of your fingers as the frown was back on April’s face.
“Are you high?”
“No, but you’ll probably ask that again once I tell you what’s been happening.”
For the next hour, sitting in a corner in that little café, between chocolate muffins and more cups of steamy coffee, you told April the whole truth about your dreams. She listened, smiling when you shared how you felt every time he held you in his arms. Not once did you feel like she was judging you, and you felt a bit foolish for not telling her sooner and getting it all out of your chest — she was your best friend and you always shared everything, no matter how pathetic it’d be. Letting it all out made you feel lighter, maybe even a bit less miserable since you stopped dreaming of him even if you felt like half of you was still missing.
Not knowing his name wasn’t a problem for the ever-creative April, who always tried to get something positive out of every situation. With both of you being massive Grey’s Anatomy fans, she decided you’d start calling him McDreamy from now on. It was a bit foolish but seeing how invested she was made your eyes quickly burn with tears you fought hard to stop.
“I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you, Apes,” you reached for her hand again, squeezing it softly.
“Don’t be silly. I’ll always be around, and it’s so wonderful seeing how in love you are…”
As hard as it was to admit, you did love him. A stranger, a man you had no idea who it was or if he was real — but that pair of brown eyes and the way the corners of his eyes wrinkled when he smiled, and that constellation of freckles sprinkled across his face… made you flutter.
“Funny you mention his brown eyes,” April said, making you frown this time but you remained in silence, waiting for her to continue. “You always dated men with blue or green eyes, but remember when we were fourteen and you convinced me to draw the man you’d like to marry someday?”
That was the moment you felt the whole place move too fast and everyone around you too slowly. Your hands and the back of your neck tingled, a knot formed on your throat and stomach and you felt the urge to vomit. Memories of a twelve-year-old you were all over your mind, so vivid that if you stretched your arms just a bit you’d be able to touch them and feel them. McDreamy wasn’t so unfamiliar to you, his face was familiar for a reason and the possibility of him being a fantasy made you panic.
If it wasn’t for a pair of strong arms holding you, your body would hit the floor so fast you’d end up hurt once your vision blurred and it all went black.
That name was all Mason could think of for the past two months, besides all the frustrating situations he found himself in. Missing the woman of his dreams, Chelsea having a bad season and his contract negotiations going nowhere he wanted, Mason hoped he could just run away and start fresh. He made an effort to be rational, think of something that’d explain why you weren’t there anymore to bring the only comfort he had in the middle of his chaotic life. But nothing involving you could come with the word “rational”.
He missed you, deeply.
He missed the warmth of your skin and how soft it felt under his touch. Mason missed your smell, he missed your hair between his fingers and mostly, he missed how natural and loving you had been. How he never felt like this for anyone else in his life, and how he found it when he least expected it.
Loving you gave him purpose.
And now you were gone, vanished.
“Mase? Are you listening?” Carlotta, his stylist, waved one hand in the air and snapped her fingers, trying to get his attention as she drank down her latte.
“Yeah yeah, sorry… the Dior collab?” Mason sighed, pouring sparkling water into his almost empty glass.
“I’m supposed to go to their office on Thursday to pick some outfits for you. Would you like to come?”
The Nike + Dior collab was something major, and being invited to be part of it with a few other well-known and influential names got Mason pumped up at first, but it all disappeared once you faded from his life too. You never shared information that was too personal, scared of waking up for sharing more than you should and ending the little time you spent together, but Mason always silently shared his happiness with you whenever something good happened — he shared sadness and frustration too, and without asking anything, you’d soothe him either with your nails softly scratching his skin, making him both relax and get the most delicious chills running down his body, or with your smile. The sweetest smile he’s ever seen.
Mason chewed the inside of his cheeks, not wanting to disappoint Carlotta, but also not knowing how to say no. “Training on Thursdays is usually tough, maybe we could FaceTime?”
“Mase,” he didn’t move his eyes from his glass to look at his friend when she called him; Mason just let out a long, exhausted sigh, when Carlotta reached for his forearm and tried to comfort him with a soft squeeze. “I’m here whenever you feel like sharing what’s been happening.”
Mason nodded, offering her a side smile in return. “I know,” he muttered. “It’s good knowing I’m surrounded by people who care, I know I’ll figure things out soon.”
“That’s the spirit!” Carlotta waved her imaginary pompoms in the air, sharing a giggle with Mason. “FaceTime, then?”
“Sounds good. What kind of theme will this shoot have?”
Carlotta was ready to answer him when, a few tables away from them, a small group of people tried to help a woman. She groaned, trying to get a glimpse of what exactly was going on, but without any success. Mason leaned to his left, stretching his neck hoping he’d see something but there were so many people around the woman that all his eyes caught was an arm hanging in the air as a man walked her out of the café.
He spent another hour or so talking to Carlotta, mostly about this Nike + Dior campaign and the lavish party both brands would throw once all the photoshoots were wrapped, with his own being the last one of a series that were taken with other athletes.
A golden bracelet glistening on the floor when he was about to walk out of the café caught his attention, and it was like his soul left his body. Like there was no blood rushing through his veins, but at the same time he could feel it burning under his skin as his heart pounded against his chest — so hard it hurt, that Mason could swear he’d vomit it.
He’d seen it before. The golden vintage bracelet, with a poppy pendant that his fingers played with so many times before.
In his dreams.
The familiar scent of orange blossom somewhat comforted you because it meant you were home, the dim sunset light forcing its way between the half-closed curtains brought some cosiness to your new and recently fully decorated bedroom. But it didn’t take long for anxiety to creep in again, forcing you to shut your eyes and do your best to focus on your breathing as you repeated the sequence that usually soothed your nerves.
Flashes of what happened before you blacked out filled your mind again, along with memories of a distant past when you were a 14-year-old and spent your afternoons at your best friend’s house, making plans for the future and daydreaming about your potential husbands – although you always made clear you’d marry last because your career would always be the main priority. April was the hopeless romantic in this duo, and not so surprisingly, she’d become a mum just five years later.
Three knocks on the door followed by the most adorable and fuzzy ginger hair showing up behind the door brought a side smile to your lips. Archie was the perfect combination of the sweetest, shy, and sassy child you’ve ever seen; the most precious gift April could’ve ever given to you when she asked you to be his godmother and you proudly accepted.
“You can come in,” you cooed, finally seeing his face. Green eyes sparkled with curiosity and worry, he carefully held a Spider-Man mug in both hands and took short steps toward the bed. “What do you have in there, munchkin?”
“It’s hot coco, mummy made it for you,” the six-year-old said, slowly stretching his arms to you. “I told her you’d feel better if it was in my Spider-Man mug.”
A loving smile spread across your lips, the sorrow in your heart being quickly replaced by the joy that Archis always brought into your life.
“You were right,” you said, carefully sipping the hot liquid. “But do you know what would make me feel even better?”
His eyes widened a bit when you leaned forward as you were about to share a secret. “Huh?”
“Cuddles with my favourite person in the world,” you patted the empty side of the bed, making Archie throw his head back and a cheerful laugh fill the bedroom. He jumped on the bed right after you placed his mug on your bedside table and quickly wrapped his arms around your body.
“Are you going to die?” Archie mumbled, hiding his face in your shirt. You frowned and, before you could say something, he continued: “I was at the Zoo with daddy and I overheard him on the phone with mummy, she said you fainted.”
“Archie, love…” You cupped his face with both hands, making your godson look at you – his teary green eyes blinked repeatedly, trying to push the tears away, as he sniffed. It was painfully adorable. “There’s nothing to worry about. I’ve been very tired lately, just working a lot and finishing decorating the apartment. And I’m feeling much better now that you’re here.”
“Do you promise, momster?” You giggled at the nickname he came up to you: a combination of mum and monster, something you called him quite often. According to Archie, you were too important to be called auntie, and godmother was too long.
“I promise, my little monster.”
It wasn’t long until April decided to check on you – she found a half-asleep Archie in your arms, mumbling how he couldn’t wait to take you to watch him play football so he could score a goal for you until he finally crashed and low snores fell from his parted lips. The constellation of freckles spread across his face was utterly adorable.
“So…” April started, sitting on your bed. “What the hell happened?”
“I had a flashback to our teen years after you mentioned the drawing.”
“But why?” She frowned.
“Because it’s him, Apes. The man I described to you when we were fourteen is the man I’ve been dreaming of, which makes me believe he’s just… someone I imagined.”
“He can’t be.”
“Apes, I know you’re a hopeless romantic but please,” an exhausted sigh parted your lips. “Be fucking reasonable.”
“I refuse myself, Y/n.” April shook her head, repeatedly, not wanting to believe it’s all been your subconscious trying to fill something, you just didn’t know what, because when he showed up for the first time you were in a happy relationship.
“You’re seriously not helping.”
“Would you describe him again? So I can draw him.”
A knot formed in your throat and it was a hard one to swallow. “I love you for doing this for me, but I won’t. I know it was just my mind playing tricks on me, and end of discussion.”
April pouted, and though you were deadly serious about not talking about it anymore, you knew her all too well. She wouldn’t let go, but she’d remain quiet for a while — you hoped to find something else for her to be distracted because it meant she’d focus on it and finally leave you alone.
You talked for a little while, mostly about Archie and how well he was doing at Chelsea FCAcademy. April had sent videos of him multiple times, but you’ve never attended an open training nor a game in person, it’s always been on FaceTime when you were free from work.
Not far from your new apartment, Mason found himself alone at home — tucked under a heavy blanket and a grey hoodie, body was lazily thrown on the dark L-shaped sofa with only the TV lighting up a living room that was too large for just one person. When he bought the house, Mason thought how incredible it’d be to have his family there as many times as he could and that someday he’d have his own family to fill the space. He hoped his own family would get so big he’d have to buy a new, larger house.
With the golden bracelet between his fingers, poppy pendant shining, Mason’s thoughts were everywhere. He remembered, clear as daylight, when you mentioned in one of the dreams that the bracelet belonged to your grandmother and that the pendant was a gift from your dad before he left and it was your favourite flower. It couldn’t be just a coincidence, especially because it was exactly the same bracelet, so he allowed himself to feel all the joy rushing through his veins, warming his heart, body, and soul.
You were real.
“I promise I’ll find you Y/n, whatever it takes.”
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shuxiii · 1 year
Jealousy isnt my groove
Hanni pham x reader
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One thing about loving Hanni was the amount of times she attempted to bug you and bother you every second, but all of her antics would always fail. You could say you weren't easily fazed or outspoken, and Hanni adored challenges, especially if they involved you.
First she'd wear all your favorite clothes, from your shirts to your hoodies. One thing she didn't take from you were your checkered blue pyjamas; those trousers were your absolute favourite, so she did the obvious.
"Hey yn dont you think i look cute in your clothes?" She cheekily smiled back at you, twirling a little.
You who seemingly paused completely, the once bread on your hand fslling off to your lap.
Hanni nibbled the inside of her cheeks, thinking she'd finally gotten a reaction from you, but you murmured something that instead of a proud smile made her ears hot.
"You do look good in my clothes, wear them more" you smiled back at her before picking up the bread and focusing back at your work.
She was stunned; she was certain this would work, yet there was not a single irritated look on your face.
Oh, but she's not done yet; if she can get hyein to behave for a whole day, she can elicit a reaction from your normally calm demeanour.
Second, jealousy. One thing she hasn't seen you do was be possessive or slightly be jelly around people who talk to her. But she couldn't make someone hit on her on the spot in front of you, but one day it did happen out of the blue.
"Hey, yn should we get this sweets for hyein?" Hanni asked, gazing at the pasteries.
You hummed in agreement, holding the bags of cupcakes and muffins.
Suddenly Hanni felt a tap on her shoulder, she looked back, to see a tall, decently good looking guy (or maybe because she was 5'4) tower of her.
The guy nervously gazing back at her, who seemed to be flustered at her precences.
"U-Um hi, I was wondering if I could get your number? Youre really my type" he stuttered, avoiding Hanni's gaze.
Hanni gazed back at you, looking for any reaction. You had your hand covering your mouth, as if shock. Hanni mentally celebrated thinking you were jealous to see others hit on her.
But then, Hanni heard your faint meladious giggle, she glance back at you seeing you holding back a laugh. Hanni was befuddled at your reaction, why were you laughing?
You then patted the dude, catching his attention.
"I'm sorry buddy but this pretty lady here, is already taken"
The guy then prupofusely bowed an apology shortly leaving you guys.
"I was suppose to be the one to tell him that" Hanni crossed her arms against her chest, her cheeks puff out of frustration.
You held her hands. "Well you were too busy looking at me, I know I'm pretty nini but dont lose your focus" you pulled her out the bakery, leaving Hanni with flush cheeks.
They say all actions come with consequences, and that sure hit like a truck to Hanni.
Hanni forgot her phone, so she texted you through Minji's phone filled with guilty asking you to bring it to her, you agreed having nothing to do that day.
It has been 30 minutes exact since she texted you, your house wasn't too far from the building she was worried what was taking you too long.
She heard faint giggles outside their practice room, she decided to check it out, as she opens the door she looked at the corner of her eye a few block away was you talking to one of the members of le serrafim, sakura.
It seemed like she got you all busy to even bother to notice her few blocks away from you, both of you giggling at something Sakura said all mushy looking, if someone else saw this, they would have thought you and sakura were dating.
She didn't like it one bit, Hanni sarcastically smirked and if this were a cartoon you would have already seen smoke coming out her ears.
She started walking to your direction, you were so dead later. Her footsteps gwtting faster and heavier, catching your attention, you look for the sound to see Hanni gazing back at you with a different light.
"Hanni, sorry I took so long traffic got me" you went beside her, closing the gap between you too.
Hanni ignored your reasons, you could have sworn you heard her scoff, were you caught in the traffic or too busy talking to someone else.
"Oh and I met sakura unnie here, I accidentally bumped into her" you explained, still Hanni avoided your eyes.
"Yep, she seemed lost I decided to help her, and surprisingly enough she was looking for you" Sakura said, feeling the thickening tension between you too.
"Are you guys close?" Sakura asked.
"Yes, unnie she's my girlfriend" Hanni spoke, bold move there. You coughed a little choked up at the sudden blunt behavior Hanni was acting.
"Oh, so she's the one you kept talking about" sakura giggled, slightly had an idea what was happening.
Shs left shortly bidding you guys goodbye since she had to rehearse more. That left both of you two alone in the hallway.
Hanni took her phone out of your hands, turning her back on you quickly tried leaving to back inside the practice room, but you were too quick than her.
"Oh nini i forgot I brought you some food here for you and the others" you stopped her, handing out the plastic bag.
"Okay" she dryly replied.
You noticed quickly the sudden change of her behavior.
"Are you okay?" You hesitantly asked.
"Are you sure?" You asked again.
"Yeah, why don't you go back and talk to sakura unnie or something" she looked back at you with a glare before puffing her cheeks out crossing her arms against her chest, she took the plastic bag before muttering a forced thank you as she tried to attempt to walk away.
But you hugged her tightly not letting her go out of your grip, she tried squimring out your hold.
"Yah! Let me go" she shrieked.
"Are you jealous hanni pham?" You giggled.
"Are you insane yn?" She sarcastically asked back.
"Well then you'll have to miss practice because I'm not letting you out my hold" you hugged her more tightly, making it more harder for her.
She started making grumpy noises "GERH FINE YES IM JEALOUS WHAT ABOUT IT"
There was silence for a few seconds before you started bursting out of laughter, loosening the grip on her. She was able to get out of your grip but you still kept laughing as tears started to form in the corner of your eyes.
Seeing you filled with so much emotions bursting out, made Hanni's heart skip a beat.
"Whats so funny?" She asked.
"You" you calmed down now smiling ear to ear at Hanni.
"Hanni, you do know you're the only one I ever want. Theres noone else like you, others may be pretty but their face doesn't transform into sunlight when they talk about music"
Hanni's heart felt like it was about to explode into bits, you moved a little closer to her. "I fell in love with you, when I first discovered that I could turn your cheeks pink with just one word. Then i fell in love with you"
You closed the gap a little more, so close that your lips are almsot brushing at each other, just a few inch away until,
"Yah enough I'm leaving, gerh youre so annoying yn" she grumbled, pushing you away soflty turning her back at you walking away.
"I love you too Hanni pham!" You yelled, making her glare back at you.
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moonandsunwoo · 2 years
txt reaction to you moving in next door
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# — pairing: txt x reader // strangers to smth
# — genre: fluuuuuff hi
# — warnings: none except a tale as old as time (that we love)
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Another requested one!! Thanks for you kind words <3 i wasnt quite sure if thats what you meant (you said txt x reader so i assume a reaction with usual member specific sections) but if it isn‘t then feel welcomed to send another ask and specify! Im probably overthinking this but i just wanted to visualise my thought process (not that it was anyhow long). Have a nice week!
It is a bit longer than usual bc i wanted to include some sort of backstory! I am still scared of tumblr messing with my post as soon as i add a *read more* thingie, so i hope you can forgive me if i dont add one. If someone knows why it does that or how to fix (even better), please let me know!
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Soobin — When you moved in, Soobin was thinking of preparing a welcoming gift - a little housewarming present you know. Especially because you would be right next door and he figured that with roommates like his, and their volume, it would be better to start off on a good note. Of course Beomgyu clowned him for it, but before Soobin could think twice, he‘d ring your doorbell with a bunch of flowers (he hoped seasonal but honestly he had no clue), and a box of muffins. Those he almost dropped when you opened the door however because oh my goddess you were cute- he almost forgot to introduce himself. When he returned to the dorm around a warm chat and a coffee in your half-furnished livingroom later, the redness of his cheeks had yet to fade and he (+ txtease) realised that this crush would probably remain for some time.
Yeonjun — He walked out the door one sunny day and straight into a huge box that was (a bit clumsily) placed in front of the it. You had apologised profusely and invited him for tea or coffee as a compensation for his poor foot. Little did you know that Yeonjuns foot had stopped hurting the second he had fully taken you in (which was fast) and he felt not mad but motivated to help you move in next to their dorm asap = so he could get to know you more also asap. And he did help, he carried boxes and lamps and bags into your new apartment, joking and discussing with you as if you and he had always been friends. You were so easygoing and friendly, Yeonjun felt drawn to you. Who knew that one misplaced box could be the start of such a cute friendship - or even further (but thats a story for another day)
Beomgyu — He heard suspiciously loud thuds from next door and decided to check it out. He heard from someone that they would get a new roommate (Beomgyu hoped for someone fun this time) so he assumed that the moving in would be the source of the concerning noises. He was absolutely correct, because the moment he was ringing your doorbell was the moment you singelhandedly decided to move your massive bed across the room. With more or less (less, significantly less) success however. So when you opened the door you were slightly out of breath, hair sticking up and face shiny — and Beomgyu almost cooed. He swore he had never seen something lovelier than you (and you thought the same, in all honesty, c’mon it’s Beomgyu) and immediately offered his help. Later he wondered if the universe really had to test his physical strength to such an extent but ultimately he wasn‘t complaining. Just like his self-proclaimed “minicrush“ wouldn’t stop growing after that :)
Taehyun — The two of you met in the lobby as strangers, entered the elevator as strangers and got off at the same floor as acquaintances. Or as “half friends” how Taehyun would describe it to his friends, not without feeling his heart warm a bit. When both of you pressed the same button it sparked a conversation and a laugh, and somehow the two you just clicked instantly! Taehyun felt grateful that you were the new neighbour and excited to spend more time with you. A frequent thing he’d do, was coming over to help you set up furniture or decorate. He always said he just liked doing stuff like this, but in reality he came for time spent together afterwards. A bit tired from the work and hungry, but happy and in good company, just glad to have met the other one. (I SHIP IT)
Hueningkai — He had been relaxing at home when the doorbell made his heart jump slightly. Opening the door made his heart jump again - for a different reason this time. You had (after overthinking it twice) decided to visit all your neighbours on the same floor and introduce yourself, bringing a little treat. Nothing big, but homemade, and Hueningkai would never grow tired of praising the taste. Like literally, he wouldn’t. stop. That was partly also because his brain short-circuited the second he invited you into their dorm, simply because you were so pretty and he was so not prepared for it. He also completely forgot you would be moving in so all he could really say with confidence, is that your gift tastes excellent (because it did) and since it seemed to make you smile and relax a bit, Kai decided to tap the full potential of it. Look he’s a shy boy, but shy never stopped a friendship from blooming (the lack of effort does tho, btw) and it surely didn’t stop yours from blossoming, trust me.
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