#the nonary games 999
ghostampede · 1 year
currently getting into zero escape and i love how everyone gets little nicknames rn based on their number, it’s so fun and can tell you so much about their character from that alone ahhh
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xanowa · 3 months
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ghostyolive · 1 year
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“What happened to Santa after 999?” He is traveling the world with Snake to do this in as many IKEAs as possible.
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crocrubies · 6 months
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mossuaries · 8 months
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Hope, Faith, Love, and Luck.
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silkenbow · 6 months
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avenge him
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crimson-chains · 8 months
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Finished playing 999! :D OF course Snake was my fave, haha! ^^
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siplick · 9 months
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My piece for the Morphogenesis zine!
Lotus and Seven should have more fans!!!!!
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ultdeimoskinnie · 7 months
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image ID: promotional art for the nonary games collection. it is a collage of all the characters from both zero escape: 999 and virtue’s last reward with the title “the nonary games” across it. above it, a black caption on a white background says “a society where autism is the norm and neurotypicalness is a minority”. END ID.
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shhhhimwatchingthis · 5 months
My Favourite Zero Escape universe thing is the way it shows love flourish after the trauma of the various Nonary Games.
In VLR Junpei is visibly hurt that Clover doesn't trust him, even though it's been 45 years. he says himself he didn't expect it to hurt (but it does!) and despite knowing she has no idea who he is she's the one he ends up trusting most with Quark's life
and the inverse of this!Clover not giving much of a damn about Tenmeyouji or Quark untill its the timeline where he tells her his identity and suddenly her entire strategy to the AB game changes. she can't knowingly betray Quark even by association because it would be betraying Junpei and she could NEVER
Junpei in ZTD revealing to Akane that he works with Seven as a detective. that they keep up with Lotus.
Clover in VLR revealing that she and Light turned down SOIS' offer and they only accepted when Seven told them Junpei had gone missing and they needed to find him(!)
Junpei's search for Akane, in ZTD, years later in VLR, he never stops looking
Phi and Sigma's bond in VLR, the timeline where she betrays out of hurt for Sigma betraying her first. so hurt because the trust she felt was so real
Sigmas anguish in the Incinerator choice in ZTD. Phi's rage if you choose to pull the trigger regardless if Sigma dies or not(remeber they don't know what they are to each other yet)
its a small mention but in VLR Clover mentions when she and Light were recruited by Alice they were put in a room with the other 14 kids who were a part of the first Nonary game and it was 'like a reunion, everyone was so happy to see eachother'
just...love persisting through the horror. there are some things you go through with people where you can't help loving them after. The survivors went through hell together and after they would go back to hell to save each other forever
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ghostampede · 11 months
akane kurashiki from zero escape being schrödinger’s cat girl has scarily has been the only thing that even comes close to what my family situation has been like and that is wild.
when she was 9 her life changed forever in the most traumatizing event of her life- she almost died (the experiments). when i was 12 the same happened to me. (i got outed to my horrifically homophobic family. and then it happened to me again and again.) that day akane both died and survived (schrödinger’s cat girl). that day i survived but part of me died (he died in my childhood bedroom). she spent the next 9 years in a state of life or death completely reliant on how close she was to a certain future event taking place (junpei saving her across time and space). i spent the next 5 (well 4 going on 5) in a state of living and feeling dead completely reliant on how close i was to a certain future event taking llace (me coming out to my family and being cut out/cutting them out). she could literally access every timeline and possibility with her mind (morphogenetic field). i can psychologically access every timeline and possibility with my mind (paranoia and overthinking). her survival hinges on lying to at least one person she cares about and eventually recreating the traumatic event from her past (lying to junpei and the others, recreating the experiment). my survival hinges on lying to my whole family and eventually recreating the traumatic event from my past (if my family finds out im trans too quick im fucked until i come out to them and experience the same dread i did when i was 12 and 13 and 14). some days akane wakes up with a burning fever and feels her reality crumble (she’s dying). some days i wake up chillingly alive and aware (i’m dying).
its hard to explain but that’s the idea. she’s the perfect metaphor to my own suffering. the best way i can understand my own complicated messy feelings is understanding her. if i come out and lose everything and end up homeless and then dead, i lose and was dead from the fucking start. game over, coffin ending. if i come out and push through and manage to survive the bad years, i win and i was alive the whole time. it was worth it for a game won, safe to true ending. my future fate is a gamble all in the lives of those around me. and so was hers. so is hers. (thank god) nobody else i know is going through anything similar, so she is quite literally the only point of comparison i have. and i think that’s absolutely insane.
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bobadookk · 2 months
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falin and june parallels…
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zeroescapeproblems · 6 months
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ghostyolive · 1 year
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999 axe ending experience
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midnight-mismanagement · 10 months
No one:
Zero Escape character during a high-stress situation: Let us take this opportunity to ponder at length a logic paradox as we contemplate our imminent doom.
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mossuaries · 7 months
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across time and space
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