#the pastels
slicedupapple · 3 months
The Pastels Playing With Strawberry Switchblade in Glasgow, Scotland, 1982.
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guessimdumb · 5 months
The Pastels - Heavens Above (1982)
I was watching a documentary Teenage Superstar about the Glasgow music scene in the early 80s, and it featured this song, the Pastels' first single (which I think I still own). Absolutely brilliant, lo-fi, shambolic, perfect pop.
It's even better in my dreams
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leclercskiesahead · 2 months
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Beautiful colours
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casimirt · 11 months
Dear Readers,
I'm literally crying over Good Omens right now.
This is what I wanted, OK? This is the pastels?
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tweehearts · 23 days
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themarychain · 2 years
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Vintage passport photos of Stephen McRobbie, of indie rock group The Pastels, late 1980s.
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wheniwakeupiwanttobe · 2 months
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over my shoulder ~~ but im dying to meet you
design mockup
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bandcampsnoop · 3 months
lightheaded are a 3-piece band from Long Branch, New Jersey. Their cassette release last year on Slumberland. It received a fair amount of attention and rightfully so. It's great indie pop with a 60s flair. Now, the band is set to release a full LP on vinyl no less.
In an interview in 2021, the band described their influences as such:
We love The Pastels, mark that down first. Probably the reason we started the band. They set the template. The Feelies, New Jersey legends. Got to mention them. Stephen used to live in the same town as Stan! Dwight Twilley and Phil Seymour, we love all the sorta one-off power pop bands! Felt are very special to us. Belle and Sebastian. The Clientele’s first couple records... The Go-Betweens never missed... just cut us off now, we’ll take up the whole interview.
I still really feel there is a clear Aislers Set/Tele Novella sound going on here.
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spilladabalia · 6 months
The Pastels - Crawl Babies
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historicalaltstyles · 2 years
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Stephen Pastel of The Pastels holding up a tambourine and a Sex Pistols vinyl
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tiredsoundsofagnes · 2 years
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just made the sickest fucking poster for my new indie club. tried to fit in as many icons as possible
also if you're in malmö then, you should 100% come. i play all killer no filler.
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sonofshermy · 7 months
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boywifeineu · 2 months
Finding music through samples that other artists use is a really fun thing to do and I think the best artist for doing this with (for me at least) is Dean Blunt. Aside from the fact that like I’m such a massive fan of his music it is kind of ridiculous how he samples stuff like it’s not even weird or super out there necessarily but it’s just like… idk. every song he samples is just so cool and also just a good song on its own and I have a few bands that I want to talk about that I found through these samples. 1/4
The Pastels
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Ok like the most iconic sample Dean Blunt has yes I know - but also "100" is a hit for a reason and "Over My Shoulder" is like so gorgeous and Dean Blunt's additions to the track are so good. I think I heard this song at first just out of the blue and I was like "oh my god. The Dean Blunt song!" but last summer I actually took the time and started getting into "Truckload of Trouble" as a whole. I have very fond memories of this album from spending a weekend up at a cottage with my friends - specifically, there was a moment on the trip where most of us were in the car going to get groceries and "Firebell Ringing" came on. We had a group playlist sort of thing and I sort of felt bad because I think there were a disproportionate amount of tracks from me on there. Part of the reason for this saturation was because I put like 6-7 songs by The Pastels on there. At this time I was really obsessed with Firebell Ringing - mostly because Katrina Mitchell's vocals were really catchy and the repeating sequence at the end of the track was cool too, although, maybe not the best for a car full of people wanting to hear their own music (maybe I was just nervous about my song suggestion getting good reception though). As time went on I slowed down listening to The Pastels a fair bit but certain songs are still really incredible to this day. Recently, I have found myself gravitating to "Nothing to Be Done" alot. I think I might just really love back and forth vocals in general and on this track its really lovely. It really doesn't feel like a love song from the first few seconds but immediately when the verse starts it just transforms into this very loving track. I don't think The Pastels are the most talented musicians, and a fair number of their tracks definitely fall flat for me; but I still really enjoy returning to them on occassion and listening to the ones I really love.
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mywifeleftme · 3 months
331: V/A // International Pop Underground Convention
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International Pop Underground Convention Various Artists 1992, K Records
My entrée to basically every art scene I’ve ever been involved in was basically just going to whatever extremely DIY festival that scene threw in my city and hoping. You see what seems like an unfathomable number of artists good and terrible (and very occasionally great), hit most of the venues, bars, and spaces worth knowing about, and sometimes even strike up some conversations with people who eventually become your friends. 1991’s International Pop Underground Convention in Olympia, organized by Candice Pedersen and Calvin Johnson of K Records, was the indie model for these fests as I’ve known them, and so it’s as directly responsible for a lot of the good stuff in my life as any musical event I can think of. Everything I’ve heard about it sounds like absolute paradise—the platonic ideal of all the times I’ve picked through mountains of sick screenprinted t-shirts by bands I’ve never heard of, eaten some weird and great food by a tattooed baker, and then ridden my bike on shrooms to catch bits of four shows on the same night, all on a dime.
The lineup on this double-live compilation is all over the place musically, but it does a beautiful job of summarizing the thing indie/alternative music of the era shared despite its sonic diversity: a sense that the music you liked and what it represented could be a space of legitimate opposition to corporatism; that there was something worthwhile in wearing that belief on your sleeveless t-shirt; that the notion of “selling out” had some real conceptual worth; that we’re in this thing together. So, the International Pop Underground Convention LP serves up first-wave riot grrl (Mecca Normal, Bratmobile); DC post-hardcore (Nation of Ulysses, Fugazi); twee indie pop (Beat Happening; Spinanes); noise rock (Melvins; Unwound); grunge-y stuff, primitive singer-songwriter folk, surf rock, plunderphonic DJ sets, and more and more besides, all recorded live and kinda badly but “real.” As individual performances, few are essential, but collectively they are a powerful document of the alternative scene as it existed in the moment right before Nevermind changed everything.
I always think about how crazy it must be for someone like Nikki McClure, an Olympia visual artist who designed a bunch of early K Records sleeves and released a handful of EPs on the label, to have a performance preserved on the same disc as all these icons. On the one hand, it's not like she sits around in awe of like Beat Happening in the same way a fan would—they were friends and part of the same community, and probably still are to this day. But on the other hand, I’m sure when she comes across a copy of this LP there’s sometimes a dazed moment when it seems like that young Nikki singing her funny little a cappella song must be someone else entirely, the record itself an object manifested from a dream. But the International Pop Underground Conventional was real, and in its way, it carries on to this day.
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heavenhillgirl · 10 months
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I am also posting my 5x5 here
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