#the prove that reiner's been having haunting visions of her and levi
dont-f-with-moogles · 7 months
Okay, so here are my thoughts…
There was obviously a ton of emotional gut-punches, as befitting the finale to this 10 year obsession. Here are the ones that made me tear up the most, I guess!
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1. What I find the most haunting part about Zeke’s death is how effortlessly Levi kills him in the end. One strike to the neck and then we move on to the next scene. For Levi, Zeke has personified the senseless carnage that he has seen claim the lives of his allies. Only, once his goal is fulfilled, there’s no sense of relief. Not straight away, anyway. It feels empty; much like the realisation that no gesture can ever hope to balance out the heavy losses which Levi and the scouts have endured. Later, when Levi sees his comrades in a vision there is some respite, but even then Levi’s words sound uncertain… that this is the best result they could have hoped for, after so many lives have been paid in sacrifice.
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2. Jean and Connie standing shoulder-to-shoulder as they face their supposed deaths, remembering the vow they took as scouts all those years ago.
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3. Jean gripping onto Reiner, reminding him that he too is a member of their regiment; one who shares their unwavering devotion even in the face of defeat.
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4. Levi’s frustration his broken body; his desire to fulfil Erwin’s last order and honour the sacrifies of the fallen, so that none had died in vain.
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5. Armin’s fury at his own weakness. I find Armin so relatable at the best of times, and this scene was incredible. Such an emotionally-charged moment to see him urge himself back on his feet so that he can prove to himself that he was worthy of being saved all those years ago.
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6. Even for those that aren’t invested in this ship, the burden placed on Mikasa to not only accept the death of a loved one but to play the role of executor is heart-breaking. This was the moment when such knowledge crushed her.
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7. Probably one of my favourite things about the whole ending of AOT is how it doesn’t aim to leave its audience with sentimental platitudes. It’s a series focused on conflict which reinforces the notion that the cycle of violence will never end all the while humans exist. This scene with Eren and Armin reminded me of Erwin’s warning much earlier in the series:
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And, to stop this getting too heavy, I’m gonna end on this disgusting moment. You know when you’re cleaning the shower drain and you pull out a bunch of hair (*retching sounds*) Tbh it totally spoilt the Eremin bromance for me…
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Same, Armin, Same.
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iamnightduchess · 4 years
Midnight Train (S4E2)
This is a kind reminder that tomorrow night's episode will feature Reiner's infamous nightmare scene - Mikasa & Levi. We'll get to see young Mikasa again in MAPPA's style 💖 (i hope) nope. It was WIT’s footage.
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Inb4, Porco said Reiner's been having a nice dream. Indeed 😏
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