#the rose x male reader
pregnantpony000 · 18 days
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Boothill baby thingy
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minarisplaything · 4 months
Blackpink In Your Area (part three)
pairing: Kim Jisoo x M!Reader/M!OC, Rose x M!Reader/M!OC rating: Explicit wordcount: 4.6k notes: part three of the bpiya series. Rose/Chaeyoung/Rosie are all used interchangeably. this has been in the drafts forever so glad it actually got done lol. tags: doggy style, blackmail, oral sex
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To say that things had changed after your rendezvous backstage would be an understatement.
You were still the luckiest person in the world, able to call Jennie Kim your girlfriend, but now the number of Kims you were involved with had doubled.
At first, you had assumed it would simply be a one-off. That from Jennie to Jisoo to yourself, you had all gotten carried away in the heat of the moment and let your primal urges get the best of you. On top of that, you didn't think it was something Jennie would want to do again, though the whole experience had shown you a new side of her that you weren't utterly opposed to.
Therefore, one could imagine your surprise when you returned home one evening to find Jennie and Jisoo waiting at your apartment for you.
As it would turn out, Jisoo was too shy to reach out to you on her own, or at least with you present, but she had been hoping that you could have another experience together. And contrary to your previous belief, Jennie approved of it. Encouraged it even, much to your surprise. Though when those two women were looking back at you, proposing a dynamic between the three of you, it was damn near impossible to find a complaint.
From that point on, it was like a new beginning for the three of you, but little did you know, your journey wasn't at its fairy tale ending just yet.
A loud, guttural moan echoed in the residence of South Korean superstars Blackpink. The source of the sound was none other than the visual of the group Kim Jisoo.   
During your first encounter backstage, she had been trying her best to muffle her sounds and minimize the risk of discovery. It didn't take long for you to realize that when that risk was removed Jisoo was quite the vocal lover. And in a completely different manner than her bandmate.  
Jennie was vulgar, expletive, and above all else a master at the art of talking dirty. Jisoo on the other hand was loud in the sense that you would know when she was enjoying herself. Moans, whimpers, gasps, pleas for more; what she lacked in vulgar vocabulary she more than made up for in all the sounds she made. 
As evidenced now as she cried out when you began to fuck her with a more rapid pace.  
She had started on her hands and knees but as the session progressed her posture steadily changed to the point where her head was now buried against the mattress; her ass poised in the air and ripe for the taking. It was the perfect position for you to pound into her, your cock spreading her open each time you re-entered her. 
Normally Jennie would be here with you but seeing as she had a scheduled photoshoot to attend and no one else was around you had decided to entertain yourselves. It had taken some trust building to get to this point, where you could be on your own or Jennie could be with her, and you didn't have to worry about anyone getting jealous. But now that you had there was no turning back.  
"You're so fucking tight" you grunted, sweat glistening off of both of your bodies, proof to how long you had been at it. "Are you close? Are you going to cum on my cock, Jisoo?" 
Needless to say, Jennie's vulgar habits had been rubbing off on you in recent weeks. 
She opened her mouth to respond but words failed her.  In the end it didn't matter as her body spoke for her. You felt the familiar sensation of her walls tightening around your length, her body trembling as her orgasm washed over her like a tidal wave.  It was both a feeling and sight you didn't think you'd ever get tired of. 
It didn't take much longer after that for you to reach your own peak; hips rocking against hers and fingers digging into her waist. Obscenities left you as you leaned into her, emptying yourself into her womb. It may not have come with the filthy encouragement of your girlfriend, but it was no less satisfying. 
You had found that one of the handful of differences between Jennie and Jisoo was in the aftermath of sex. Jennie preferred to bask in the afterglow, more often than not leading to a second or even third round of action. Jisoo on the other hand was much more subdued. She preferred to unwind and partake in aftercare. Not surprising considering how rough she liked things to be during sex.  
"You know when Jennie finds out about this, she's going to demand we treat her" you commented as a slipped out of Jisoo, pressing a kiss to her back before falling onto the bed beside her.  
"Is that a bad thing?" she questioned, brow raised as she lowered herself onto the bed, turning her head to look over at you with the hint of a grin on her features.  
“Not exactly.” you couldn't help but chuckle because she was right. If anything, it just meant the night would be a busy one.  
Before you could continue the conversation any further, the sound of the front door opening and closing echoed throughout the house.
"Speak of the devil,” you remarked.
"She's finished early," Jisoo noted, slightly confused.
"Maybe her sixth sense was tingling," you joked.
While there was a grin on your face at the prospect of Jennie being home, Jisoo didn't share your same amusement. Instead her head rose slightly as curiosity and concern marred her features. It turned out that her instincts were right as a voice soon rang out.
"Unnie? Are you home?"
"Shi — "
The immediate reaction was nearly comical. You jumped out of bed, searching for your clothes as Jisoo scrambled as well. Though you hadn't had many interactions with Chaeyoung, better known as Rose, due to trying to keep things a secret, you had heard her voice enough times to recognize it as hers.
In the end, you only managed to gather your clothes in your arms before Jisoo shoved you into the closet. She herself had only managed to slip on a pair of shorts and a loose-fitting T-shirt. To any trained eye, the post-sex hair and aroma would be apparent, but there was no time to consider that as there was a knock on the door.
The question came before the door was opened, and a blonde head poked its way into her room. "Oh! I wasn't sure if you were home or not."
"Ah, y-yes. Yes, I'm here. I had an empty schedule today," Jisoo replied nervously, brushing sweat-ridden bangs from her forehead. "I, uh, I actually just got back from the gym."
Internally, you groaned. She didn't remain quite as composed as her counterpart would in this situation. You just hoped she'd be able to get rid of Rose soon, lest you be stuck in here all day. It was a hope that was slightly dashed as she opened the door further and allowed herself into the room. Before you could come up with any further complaints, however, your thoughts were quickly silenced by Rose coming into picture. You found yourself leaning forward to get a better view through the slants in the closet door.
She wore a black crop top complemented by form-fitting track pants. When she laid herself on the bed, you weren’t concerned with whether she would get a scent of sex that had recently stained the sheets but instead thinking how perfect her ass looked as it was unknowingly pointed in your direction. 
You became less interested in the idle conversation that she and Jisoo began to have and more lost in the fantasies that began to plague your mind. The things you would do to her if given the opportunity. How she'd scream your name as you drove her to orgasm. It was clear to you then that your greed knew no bounds. But despite your cock reacting to the thoughts running through your head, you knew they were just that, thoughts that would never come to fruition.
Fortunately, you had enough self-restraint not to begin jerking off right there in the closet, and after what seemed like a lifetime, Jisoo finally managed to get her to leave with the excuse that she needed to use the shower having been to the gym.
The door closed as she saw Rose off, and there was a pause before you heard footsteps walking towards the closet. Jisoo opened the closet and immediately looked at you with a bewildered expression.
"You're still naked?!"
"...Yes?" you answered sheepishly.
"Get dressed please! This might be your only chance to leave without running into her," Jisoo exclaimed.
Deciding this wasn't the time for jokes, you obeyed her request. Had you been with Jennie, the situation might have been different; you could imagine her coming up with some kind of plot. But Jisoo wasn't so bold. Not yet, at least.
"I'm going to go take a shower, so she doesn't get suspicious. Let yourself out quietly."
You nodded affirmatively, but not before sneaking a kiss that drew a slight smile from the Blackpink visual. With no further instruction, she pushed you on your way, heading down the opposite end of the hallway towards the bathroom. Now that you were seemingly out of the woods, you could reflect on the situation with a bit of amusement. It seemed with each meeting, Jisoo was getting more and more comfortable with her sexuality and your relationship. On top of that, you had gotten a peek at some eye candy when Chaeyoung came to visit her.
You were grateful that she hadn't caught you in the act, but there was no denying that the idea of going to town on that petite body was a tantalizing one. Unfortunately for you, you'd have to content yourself with your fantasies for now.
You slipped out of the house without further incident, unaware of the watchful gaze of a certain petite blonde.
Due to their busy schedules, it was a while before you were able to catch up with Jennie or Jisoo in person again. And while sexting and Facetimes were great, they could never compete with the physical thing.
So, when you finally did get an invitation from Jennie to come over, needless to say, you dropped everything to make yourself available for her. Maybe if you were lucky, you'd even be rewarded after a long wait with a threesome.
"Jennie? Jisoo?" you called out when you arrived at the house. In her message, she was clear that no one else would be around, so you didn't feel shy about making yourself known, especially if Lisa and Rose weren't around.
Instead of a response, though, you got silence. Was she waiting in the bedroom for you? Maybe with a special surprise.
"They're not here."
To say the voice that came from behind you made you jump out of your skin would be an understatement. You nearly jumped through the damn roof! You turned around, heart beating a million miles an hour, to see one of the two people you had been told wouldn't be there. Uh-oh.
Chaeyoung, or Rose or Rosie, depending on who you were, was standing on the other side of the living room, looking decidedly unsurprised and nonplussed about a strange man being in her home. In fact, if anything, she looked like she had been expecting you.
"Uh, hi. I can explain. I don't think we've met — "
"I know who you are," Rosie cut you off.
Oh, no.
With Jennie, you could often read her as being in control or mischievous. Jisoo was often meek and eager. But looking at Rosie, you didn't know what to think. Was she angry and about to out your whole relationship to the public? No, surely, she'd never do that to her bandmates. Maybe she was just going to ban you from ever seeing them again. Whatever the case, she seemed content to let you squirm, her arms crossed over her small chest.
"And I know what you've been doing. Did you really think Jisoo would be able to keep a secret like that?"
You opened your mouth, but no words came out. You guessed it had been rather naïve to think that one of you wouldn't eventually slip up, and that Jisoo was the weakest link. Then again, you weren't exactly innocent with your impromptu encounters while other members were still in the house. You justified it by saying the risk made it that much more exciting, but this was the downside: when you got caught.
"If it makes you feel better, she didn't crack right away when I asked her if you two were fucking. But she has these certain tells when she's lying — they give her away every time" Rose explained. "She told me about you and Jennie which — wow I didn't even know that part." 
As she continued to talk, your immediate fear began to subside. It didn't seem like Rosie was here to expose you. In fact, the more she talked the less angry she seemed and more like she was criticizing your tactics. Which still left you questioning what exactly her goal was.  
Now that your mind wasn't racing, it also gave you a chance to look the idol over. She was wearing another one of her sports bras, and you could already feel a tingling in your loins just at the sight of it. This time instead of wearing track pants, she was wearing running shorts. The kind that came up right to her ass, in fact, you were pretty sure if she turned around you'd see some cheek. It was a lazy, around-the-house type of outfit and yet it showed off her body and slim waist perfectly.
Christ, every girl in this group was a killer.
Honestly, it made you wonder if the reason Jennie was often so willing to share was because she recognized how hot her own roommates were. When you had that first run-in with Jisoo, she had alluded to a past with her that piqued your interest.
You couldn't help but wonder if she had a similar history with Rose, but from the way she was rambling on, it didn't seem like it.
"Take off your pants."
"Uh, excuse me?"
Her sudden demand was enough to break you from your thoughts and look at her in utter confusion. Rosie, however, didn't share your confusion and was looking at you with an expectant gaze, one hand on her hip.
"Were you listening to anything I said? Take off your pants."
You were a little afraid to admit that you hadn't, in fact, been listening to anything she had said and were instead admiring her body the whole time. Rosie seemed like she wanted to be in control, and if you didn't listen, you couldn't help but feel like some sort of punishment was coming. "Alright, alright."
You followed her orders, taking off your pants as she instructed. It was somewhat surreal. Between Jisoo and even Jennie, who could be quite demanding when she got in the mood, you had never been ordered around in this way. And the fact that it was Rosie who was the one doing it was even more surreal. You never would have guessed. Maybe that was why you found yourself getting aroused despite her harsh words.
"Those too," Rosie gestured dismissively at the striped boxers you stood in.
You would have questioned if she was serious, but the expectant look on her face was all the answer you needed to make short work of your last piece of clothing. You couldn't remember the last time you were self-conscious while nude, and yet you were anxiously awaiting Rose's judgment as you stood before her.
"She wasn't lying..." Rose muttered under her breath.
Her voice had lost the commanding edge it had up to this point, almost sounding somewhat shocked.
"What was that?" you asked.
"W-what?" Rose blinked as if shaken from a trance. "N-nothing! Shut up! Or else!"
"Alright, alright, sorry! I was just asking."
You shifted your stance slightly, trying to get comfortable. It was a new sensation. Standing there, now fully nude, and under Rosie's scrutinizing gaze. It didn't help that she seemed particularly transfixed on your cock as she contemplated her words. Part of you was wondering if she had thought this all the way through. She certainly didn't take charge the way Jennie did, but in fear of her lashing out again, you kept any further questions to yourself.
"Here's what's going to happen," Rose started. Her voice still lacked a certain confidence, but you were curious where she was going with this. "You're going to get on your knees. If you can satisfy me, then I'll keep the secret you have with Jennie and Jisoo."
"And if I don't?"
"Then I'll tell everyone."
You swallowed hard at that threat. A part of you wanted to call her on her bluff. You still doubted she'd publicly tarnish her friend's careers. But there were other steps she could take just short of that. Still, there was another motivating factor that was stronger than Chaeyoung's threat: you wanted to succeed. You wanted to feel Chaeyoung’s thighs clenching around your head as she came. Most importantly, you wanted to show her that she didn’t have to be jealous of Jennie and Jisoo.
"Well, when you say it like that, it doesn't sound like I have much of a choice..." you said.
"You don't," she emphasized.
From the curt way she snapped a response, you could tell that Rose was regaining her previous composure and feeling more confident about her position. Good. That worked perfectly for your plan and would make her eventual downfall even sweeter. For now, you'd continue to play the role she expected of you.
"A-alright. Just, you promise not to tell anyone about any of this?" you questioned one last time.
"Really?" Chaeyoung blinked at first, as if not expecting you to submit. She quickly recovered. "I mean, that depends on how well you perform."
"Okay..." You continued to play the role of someone who was defeated despite internally brimming with confidence. "So, where do you want to do this?"
"The living room."
"Out in the open?" Your voice held a surprised tone.
"Yes, out in the open. Right where one of your girlfriends might catch you," Rosie replied.
You didn't know for sure, but you could have sworn there was a hint of jealousy in her voice when she said that.
"Alright," you conceded, not putting up a fight again. "If that's what you want. Though you'll have to get out of those."
You gestured to the clothes she was still wearing. She still had on her sports bra and running shorts. And while you could still work with the sports bra, you'd have to get rid of those shorts to do what she wanted you to do. Pointing it out also made you acutely aware of your own nudity which you now realized must have been purely for her own curiosity or some kind of domination play by her.
Chaeyoung gave you an annoyed look, displeased that you had pointed out something she had forgotten. This time, though, she didn't chastise you, instead merely hooking her fingers into the waistband of the shorts and pulling them down her long legs. The reveal showed that she wasn't wearing any panties underneath. You smirked, wondering just how long she had planned for this moment to happen.
"What's that look for?" Chaeyoung snapped.
"Oh, nothing."
"You probably think this will be easy because you already seduced Jisoo and Jennie, don't you?" she taunted.
"Well, I haven’t heard any complaints so far. I think I’m more than capable," you admitted.
Your smug response seemed to work as intended. Chaeyoung’s pretty face scrunched up in irritation. Without further comment, Chaeyoung moved to the sofa, seating herself in it and reclining back. As she did so, she spread her legs, exposing her pussy to your sight for the first time. Your heart skipped a beat, cock instinctively stirring to life in response. The singer didn't have to tell you to get on your knees as you did so of your own volition, if only to get closer to paradise.
"You're already wet for me," you noted, almost in a trance.
"S-shut up!" Chaeyoung snapped again, a hint of embarrassment in her tone as her cheeks turned crimson. Still, she didn't deny it. Instead, she tried to regain her position of power in the situation, "I suggest you get to work if you want to finish before the others get back."
You briefly wondered if she had considered the outcome where you wanted Jennie and Jisoo to discover you. While she might be initially annoyed at Chaeyoung's antics of going behind her back, you could see Jennie ultimately finding joy in this new discovery. She might even take it upon herself to initiate her bandmate into your little relationship. Jisoo might be the only one who wouldn't want this to be discovered. Or at least, not her part in being the one to spill the beans to Rosie in the first place. That would undoubtedly earn her another punishment from Jennie.
Stowing that thought aside for the moment, you returned to the task at hand. You would have Chaeyoung spraying on your tongue, and then there would be a world of potential.
You leaned closer to her sex, swallowing a comment asking if she had shaved just for you. That was likely to rile her up even more than she already was. Instead, you ran your tongue along her outer folds. Her scent was strong, the taste of her juices already beginning to fill your senses. A moan left the blonde, one hand moving to press against the back of your head.
You continued to tease her, tongue tracing around her inner walls, occasionally prodding deeper inside of her. She let out a sharp gasp each time, her body arching. Her hips rolled towards you, seeking out more.
"S-stop teasing..." she groaned.
You grinned, "I'm just doing what you asked."
"D-Don't be a smartass!" Rosie snapped.
She pushed your head back into her crotch, and you returned to the task with an air of smugness. It was really too easy to rile her up. You sucked at her clit, intent on giving Chaeyoung your full attention now. If she wanted you to stop teasing, then you'd give her the best orgasm she'd ever experienced.
You felt her nails digging into your scalp, a moan leaving her. The hand pressing against your head pushed and pulled, her hips rocking in sync with the actions. She was moaning openly now, no attempt at hiding what was occurring. Given she was the one who wanted this to be in the living room, you shouldn't have been too surprised. Though you did wonder if Chaeyoung had an exhibitionist streak to her.
As you continued to eat her out, her hand moved under her top, squeezing her breast. "That's right. T-this is all you're good for. You're just h-here for us to use -- fuck -- use you as we want, you understand?"
"Mmhm," you moaned against her pussy, the vibrations making her gasp.
She didn't quite have the same amount of conviction that Jennie had when it came to such derogatory bedroom talk, but there was potential there. Besides, you were already horny enough to humor her without calling out the stutters she made.
You were starting to realize that there was a bit of an underlying fantasy at play here. Chaeyoung was enjoying the domination aspect of this, but there was another part that was playing in her mind. One you would have no qualms playing along with. Usually so sweet and friendly, she was finally getting to live out her sexual fantasies as her fingers gripped your head tightly.
"I-I guess I see why Jennie likes you so much now," Chaeyoung moaned. "With that kind of tongue... And Jisoo too. I bet y-you're just their obedient pet."
If only she knew the truth, you thought.
You didn't respond verbally but instead redoubled your efforts, your tongue working at her clit with a new vigor. Your fingers joined in the orchestra, slipping two digits inside of her to further push her towards that precipice. You could hear her breathing becoming shallower, the telltale signs that she was getting closer. Rosie seemed to realize it as well as you felt her fingers claw against your skull, almost trying to push your mouth off of her sex.
"N-no, wait, it's too soon," she moaned, despite her hips bucking into your mouth.
But it was too late. You had the advantage and you weren't going to let it go. Not until every muscle in her tight, lithe body went limp from a mind-numbing orgasm.
"Fuck," Chaeyoung stuttered, "fuck you. Cheating...bastard..."
You had never heard the singer be quite that vulgar before and took it as a small victory. You were just giving her what she wanted. It just so happened it had been more than what she could take and as her body shuddered she knew she was losing control of the situation.
As far as you were concerned, you had played this fair and square.
"Oh god!" she gasped, thighs locking around your head as her hips bucked, riding your face.
Her juices flooded your mouth as she rode out the wave of pleasure brought on by her orgasm. Her body quaked on the sofa, her nails digging into your skull as she held your hair tighter than before. Had you not been lapping at her juices, you might've savored the sight. You stayed locked in that position for several moments, letting her ride out the aftershocks. It was only when you felt her body go limp that you finally pulled your head back.
The look on your face was nothing short of shit-eating smugness. Who could blame you? The arrogant woman who had threatened to expose your relationship to the world sat utterly spent and dazed. Her thighs glistened with her release, her hand still shoved under her top lazily. Her head reclined against the cushions, a glazed over haze in her eyes as her chest rose and fell with rapid breaths.
Looking at her like this, you couldn't help but feel proud and accomplished. Especially considering how haughty Rosie had been trying to act leading up to this.
"You know, if you needed an orgasm so bad, all you had to do was ask," you teased. "I'm sure Jennie would be willing to share."
Chaeyoung only nodded dumbly, unable to maintain her bristling act that she had before nor comment in agreement. Your cock was aching between your legs, and the idea of splitting her in two until she screamed your name was enticing. However, that would have to wait.
"You should probably get dressed before they come back. Unless you want them to find out," you teased her before moving to gather your own clothing, your mission seemingly accomplished.
What followed next played out almost as you imagined. Naturally, you didn't keep the rendezvous a secret, informing Jennie of what had taken place during a long bath. After a punishment which involved a few ropes and a vibrator, she gave her consent to have Chaeyoung join your relationship. Jisoo, notably, remained silent during the whole ordeal. You'd make sure to tease her later and get something out of it, knowing that she was the one who had spilled the beans.
For now, though, life was good.
"You know," you said, as you lay in bed, your head resting on Jennie's lap as Jisoo and Rosie slept soundly on either side of you, "It might get a little awkward the three of you being involved in this with one excluded."
Jennie hummed in response, her fingers stroking through your hair, "Maybe you're right. We might have to change that."
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yandereworlds · 24 days
This post has a compiled list of all our original characters. Links with '🖌️' at the end has art attached to it.
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Dae-Hyun Introduction 🖌️
Meeting Dae-Hyun’s dad 🖌️
Dae-Hyun’s reaction to a s/o that gives him small trinkets 🖌️
Dae-Hyun headcanons
Shopping with Dae-hyun 🖌️
Dae-Hyun’s reaction to a s/o that plans to move out 🖌️
Dae-Hyun’s childhood 🖌️
Dae-Hyun with a sick/bedridden s/o 🖌️ (ft. Lukas)
It’s been a long day..
Does Dae-Hyun want to marry his s/o? 🖌️
What would happen if Dae-Hyun and Demetrius ran into each other during a "clean up"?🖌️(ft. Demetrius)
What if Dae-Hyun accidentally made his s/o cry?🖌️(ft. Lukas)
What if y/n tries to seem mysterious when first meeting Dae-Hyun? 🖌️
Does Dae-Hyun have any secret fantasies about y/n? 🖌️
Jealous Dae-Hyun 🖌️
What's the worst thing Dae-Hyun would do behind his s/o's back? 🖌️
Dae-hyun with a cheating s/o headcanons 🖌️
Would Dae-Hyun let his s/o pull his hair?🖌️
How would Dae-Hyun react to someone flirting with his s/o?
How would Dae-Hyun react to his s/o giving him affection?
Dae-Hyun's reaction to sharing the same s/o as Lukas🖌️(ft. Lukas)
Dae-Hyun with a chubby s/o🖌️
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Lukas Introduction 🖌️
What if you try closing the door on Lukas the first time?🖌️
How would Lukas react to sharing a s/o with Dae-Hyun?🖌️(ft. Dae-Hyun)
Would Lukas get flustered if you stare at him for some time?🖌️
How would Lukas react to a polite darling that turns down his offer?
When did Lukas realize he was obsessed with y/n?
What is Lukas like when he is jealous?
What makes Lukas valuable?
What if y/n has no money?🖌️
How would Lukas react to making his s/o cry?🖌️(ft. Dae-Hyun)
How would Lukas react to a sick/bedridden s/o?🖌️(ft. Dae-Hyun)
What does Lukas usually sell or offer?🖌️
Lukas breaking in to prove y/n needs a security system🖌️
Lukas's brother🖌️
What happens after y/n buys the security system?🖌️
Lukas taking his s/o to the mall🖌️
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Demetrius Introduction🖌️
Meeting Demetrius (part 1)🖌️
Meeting Demetrius (part 2)🖌️
What would happen if Demetrius and Dae-hyun ran into each other during a "clean up"?🖌️(ft. Dae-Hun)
How would Demetrius react to y/n short circuiting when first being confronted by him?🖌️
Does Demetrius ever genuinely smile at y/n?🖌️
What are some downtime activities he does with his darling?
What would an outburst look like from Demetrius?🖌️
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Is Dr. Laurence aware how handsome he is?🖌️
Dr. Laurence headcanons🖌️
Dr. Laurence finds y/n's clothes 🖌️
What if y/n was a fellow coworker instead of a patient?🖌️
What if you provoke Dr. Laurence?🖌️
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Dantae introduction🖌️
Dantae headcanons 🖌️
Dantae with a plus sized s/o🖌️
Dantae with a s/o that's terrible at cooking🖌️
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The yanderes receiving forehead kisses🖌️
How do the yandere's react to a s/o that enjoys sitting in their lap?
The yandere's as dads🖌️
How do the yanderes carry y/n?🖌️
What would the yandere's be as mythical creatures?🖌️
Y/n returning home to the yanderes after a tired day at work🖌️
The yanderes reaction to a s/o that can break a melon🖌️
Do the yandere's want children?🖌️
Voice headcanons🖌️
How do the yandere's react to a s/o that brings home an old cat/dog?🖌️
Fun drawings of the yandere boys🖌️
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rosedom · 3 months
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"you have invited CHILDE to a rematch . . . keep your dog on a leash
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✦ㅤㅤ 【 CW 】 dom!male!reader, sub!bottom!ftm!childe, puppy play, collar/leash/dog ears/tail plug, anal play, vaginal sex, riding to g-whiz pipeline, praise + dirty talk, creaming, creampie, alluded aftercare .
A/N : it's about time i continued this(;´д`)ゞ
"is that correct, [PLAYER]? press KEEP READING to confirm."
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"I thought you were bluffing."
You smile. "What makes you think that, puppy?"
Ajax swallows harshly; the movement of his Adam's apple is enthralling, a nervous up n' down that you follow with your eyes. It's not obstructed quite yet, but the leather in your hands begs to encircle his throat; so, too, does the strip of it that hangs and brushes against your feet.
"I just—" A pitiful whine bleeds into his words as he shakes his head, tilting it obediently back to allow you to clip the collar in place. You gently cup his neck in your hands, satiating that itch of yours.
You tease with a small, "You just?" even as he shifts from leg to leg, the tail-plug you've donned him with a heavy weight in his ass. The tail—a bright orange, the faux fur of it striking against his pale n' scarred skin—only accentuates the pretty headband on the crown of his head, one ear pointed up and one left floppy like a lil' puppydog.
He whines. "Stop teasing." 
"'m not," you defend, albeit weakly for you know you've been caught, red-handed and hands-full of Ajax, releasing him to instead tilt his head up by his jaw and to fiddle with the clasp at the end of the leather strip. It's equal in color to the collar he already wears, and it clicks into place easily; you allow yourself to whistle at it. "Pretty puppy, all leashed up for me."
Of course, any retort or complaint from him falls short when you've got him fixed in your lap; Ajax's body trembles, foot to head, as he softly moans into your own throat. You can feel the cool metal of his dog tag brushing against your skin—just like the way the fur of his tail, still snug inside his ass and pressing against your cock where you're balls-deep in his cunt, tickles at your legs.
Deep and husky, small groans tumble from your throat with each rhythmic clench of his cunt, teased wide from your fingers, earlier, and now stretched to its limit with you buried inside. "Relax, puppy," you have to say, have to stroke his tense thighs with the broad palms of your hands to soothe him.
"I—mm—I can't, you're—" he hiccups, soft and low but keening. "You're too big."
You quietly laugh, but the movement of your torso jostles Ajax slightly and makes his grip across your shoulders tighten. "Sorry, sweet thing," you murmur, letting him relax into you with a bated sigh.
In apology, you run your fingers—feather-light—across the tops of his thighs, jumping from freckle to freckle, and kiss him on the top of his head, right between his pretty puppydog ears. The droopy one brushes your cheek in semblance of a kiss.
It's endearing—cute, even; or rather adorable, like a real puppy, the ones you see across every city—, the way he nuzzles into your throat. You think he'd purr if he could.
(Puppy, kitten: same fucking difference.)
"Pup," you murmur (because this is puppy-play, tonight), thrusting your hips up once, twice. He cries out at the pleasure, at the friction of your pelvis bumping against his sensitive cock.
But then you still, and you gently tug his head out of your throat by the soft n' worn leather leash. "Eyes on me, puppy," you murmur. "Let me see those pretty blues."
His eyes are half-lidded where they meet yours; they're dark and heady, the pupils blown wide. He whines, and his lashes flutter; but they do not close.
"Good boy." A deeper red erupts on his already-ruddy cheeks, spilling down to his neck and his upper chest. The collar is a tantalizing divide.
"Please, please," he whimpers—all fucking puppy-like and cute, and, oh, how you want to ruin him: ruin him, until his ears fall askew and all he can do is helplessly whine into you.
You hold him by his love-handles, the soft, strong fat a perfect fit in your palms, as you begin to gently move him in your lap. His hips roll—back and forth, gentling along like waves lapping against a shore—helped along by your hands; the whole while, you've got the leash held snug in your one hand, pressing against his side.
There is slack, in that leather. After all, the leash—the collar, too, and the tail and the ears—are all a ruse; they all serve a purpose, simply, in allowing Ajax to not only love but to be loved in turn.
He is, in all senses of the word, a puppydog: he's loyal to a fault, putting others—the Tsaritsa, his family, you—above himself. But in this, he is greedy—like you've got a treat dangling in front of his nose, just out of reach but so, so easily able to beg for. And, dog person or not, you're certainly an Ajax person.
After a while of the soft back n' forth, your thighs and cock slicking up more in his and your arousal's both—a mix of your pre—, you decide to up the ante, just a little.
"Hold on, puppy," you murmur, rather sudden. He has all of a second to hold on—hands scrabbling for the hair at the nape of your neck, tugging, grasping on like he's got thick, thumb-less paws—before you're pressing him back and down, belly-up on the mattress.
"Ah!" He yelps out loud, the switch of positions making the plug press further into him. Your cock slips out, but only for a moment; you easily right that wrong, sliding in all smooth and tender. You've got your knees pressed to either side of him, under him, his thighs open across yours and his hips tilted up.
"Ready?" you ask.
Ajax whimpers, and he nods.
"Good." With a parting kiss to his nose, you take tight hold of the leash—the handle of it fitting perfect in your fist—and lean back on your heels. He mewls when your cock drags out, and cries when you pull him back by a hand on his hip.
You're able to move him how you want him—all with one hand. It makes him dizzy, whimpering small, punched out noises with each thrust. "Oh, please!"
What's even better, is the saccharine way he can feel the plug rubbing against your cock, even through his flesh; he arches into you, testing the gentle give in the leash. You follow him, but the pull is a heavy weight; you do not choke him, but it keeps him right where you want him: looking down at where your cock meets his.
"Look at yourself, puppy," you groan out, bringing the leash down to your wrist as you press down into his lower stomach. Your other hand keeps him steady by his hip the whole while, forcing him to meet each thrust of your hips. "Your pretty cunt takes me so well."
He stares, transfixed, at the lewd picture, at the way his cunt is spread wide on you and accepting each bump, each bud against his g-spot.
You grin, devilish. "Look at this thick cock, too," you murmur, dragging your hand down—right through the thick curls at the apex of his thighs, trailing to his navel in a way you so desperately want to lick—to stroke him off. "I can feel it throbbing against me, hm?"
Ajax whines, at that. "I'm so hard for you—"
"All for me?" You gently rub at his cockhead, providing sweet friction against his most sensitive spot. His back arches, more whines spilling from his parted lips, and—and just like you wanted, his ears come askew. "Oh, 'Jax," you coo. "Your ears came off."
You start like you're going to right them, but to do so would mean to dislodge your thumb from his cock; he whines, shakes his head, small pleas and, "No, leave it, 'm so close," circling your ears.
You give him mercy, today. "Puppy's gonna make a mess for me?" you ask, light but groaning, soft moans of your own slipping past your restraint. He's clenching so perfectly around you, throbbing and wet, and his cock jerks against you in a way that sends your mind spinning.
"G'nna cum! Please, please," he starts to beg. "Please, can I cum? I've been—" he hiccups, "—so good for you, haven't I? Haven't I?" It's a testament to how far he's gone that he babbles so endlessly, each plea sending you closer and closer to your own edge.
"You've been perfect for me, puppy," you coo. "Such a good boy for me. G-go on then, cum all over my cock—I'll fill you up, just the way you like it. Gonna fill you up nice n' deep, make sure it all stays in you right where it belongs."
Rather suddenly, Ajax's thighs begin to jump anew, his cock pulsing heavy beneath your fingers—and just like that, he's gone. Pretty n' sticky white, thick and opaque, dribbles past your cock, the base surrounded in the starts of Ajax's release.
"Good boy, good puppy," you murmur, keeping your thrusts even and your thumb gentle against his cockhead. He cries and mewls and whines, ears completely gone now as he thrashes; all the while, the clench of his cunt sends you over your own edge, filling him just like you said you would. "My perfect boy."
You stay pressed deep into him as you move away your fingers from his cock, letting the leash fall from your other hand's tight grip. Little red imprints—hardly harsh, and surely soon to fade away—stay stuck in the freckled skin you leave behind.
"You did so good for me, sweetheart."
He laughs, breathless, whimpering slightly when he jostles your soft cock from its comfortable rest. With a sigh, you pull yourself from his warm, wet cunt, and you watch, enraptured, at the sticky white that clings to your cock, at your cum dripping from his messy hole.
Sweetly, you ask, "Still think I'm bluffing?" even while you tug at the plug in his ass, gentling it out and soothing his whine with a rub against his other hole. (You definitely don't do it to rub the mixture of your cums into his ass, too. Nope!)
He grumbles, once he relaxes into your touch, into the warm cloth you bring up to clean away the mess. "No," he says. "I'm sorry for doubting you."
But then, he grins. "But if doubting you gets this treatment, maybe I should do it more often."
Sly bastard.
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oh my god;; i hope i did him justice. he's my good puppy o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ also, unrelated: i'm gonna be updating my masterlist tmrrw c; expect more annoying spam on your timelines, i apologize . . .
19 FEB. 2024, @rosedom, rosey .
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redbleedingrose · 1 year
A popular winter trope that I always see (or would it be considered more of a concept?) is person A sticking their hands up person B’s shirt to warm their hands on person AB’s stomach. How do you think each of the bat boys + favorite Vanserra bros would react to that? (Especially considering the headcanon that fae males give off a lot of body heat)
Hi love <333
Amazing question, sorry for the late response!!! I literally am in love with this trope!
This male would not even flinch. I think he would be the kinda male to pull you by the hips into an embrace if you did that or pull you into his lap so that his heat radiates even more. He would probably go about doing whatever needs to be done, and he would do so silently holding you against him.
He would let out his wings so that they could wrap around you as he continues working and moving around.
He would absolutely press an occasional kiss to your nose or lips or forehead and just continue on with his work.
Busy high lord.
But whenever he is done, he would lift you up into his arms and settle into the couch in his office in front of the hearth and would spend the rest of the evening murmuring softly into your hair, using his warm hands to stroke your back.
LMAO Cassian would absolutely let out a yelp. I think you like to do this playfully, just to get a reaction out of him or tease him. Sometimes you stuff your cold hands up his shirt to rest on his sensitive nipples chest and sometimes you stuff this up the back of his shirt to rest in the space between his wings.
He would immediately clock in that you are a little cold, even though you were doing it to mess with him, and would throw you over his shoulder and carry you to bed for some snuggles.
He would absolutely insist on doing these snuggles naked because "direct body heat sweetheart, can't let anything get in the way"
This may or may not devolve into him warming you up in some not so safe for work ways...
Poor male is so worried about you constantly. He always wants you comfortable and happy around him and is going out of his way to make sure that you are doing okay.
If you even give him the slightest hint of discomfort, he will do everything in his power to help you. So if you shoved your freezing cold hands into his shirt, he would immediately be taking off his cloak and wrapping it around you in an almost hasty manner, muttering at you while rubbing your arms up and down, "And this is why I told you to wear a cloak, come here, let me warm you."
His cloak has some residual warmth that bleeds into you and is clearly oversized because it is slipping off your body at every movement. One of Az's wings will wrap around you as he shoves you into his side so you absorb some of his heat. His shadows, that usually leave a cold whisper on your skin, are caccooning you and Az into a warm space.
"Oh my beloved, are you cold?"
He wouldn't even wait for your reply, he would already be sliding your hands out of his shirt so gentle, so soft and would slide his fingers through yours, bringing them up to his lips and pressing in warm kisses at each finger pad. And then he would cup your hands together and breath a puff of fire right at your palms that doesn't touch you, but instantly provides heat.
And then he would press warm kisses all over your cheeks and forehead and nose and lips and neck, and pull you into a warm embrace that allows for him to sway in a little dance, letting his body heat permeate around you.
A ring of fire that is maybe an inch tall would surround you as he sways you back and forth, leaving kisses on your temple.
Sometimes he will just carry you to bed and lay on top of you to warm you up with his face buried into your neck, laying kisses at the junction between your neck and shoulder.
I think Lucien would look down at you with a smirk on his face and wiggle his eyebrows, "looking f'me to warm you up sweets?"
He would let you keep your hands up his shirt as they move around and find warmth against the smooth skin of his chest.
His hands would come up and smoosh your cheeks together so he can pepper kisses onto your lips as he moves you backwards into the wall so you can lean up against it as he makes you weak in the knees
I think he would proceed to messily make out with you for a good few minutes, running his hands all over your body, squeezing at your soft skin
Eventually one of his hands would settle at your lower back as his warm tongue plays with yours. He would press you fully against him, letting his body heat soak into you. His other hand would be stroking your cheek or running through your hair as he nips at your lips.
Thank you so much for the ask and I hope you enjoyed the stuff I came up with for it <3333
I miss you all so much and I miss writing. I wish I could put out more, but life has gotten very busy. Thank you all for the continued patience.
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essentiallyleaf · 8 months
Ya know what , I'll give you an idea
As a commercial pilot how bout a kink "plane sex"
And pls write Rosé with this kink
day 15. body worship. with. rosé.
1268 words.
kinktober ‘23, idol x male reader, body worship, lots of kissing and licking, feet stuff, abs stuff, oral sex, fingering, squirting, minor plane stuff, the dialogue just goes places idk, hold onto your suspension of disbelief for dear life, blasphemy(?).
this is barely even related to the ask, isn’t it? sorry, icyphilosopher, i really am (thank you so much for the inspiration though). well, my excuse is i watched Queen & Slim (it was alright, the soundtrack might be the best part. that and Daniel Kaluuya) and felt like crime today.
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The private jet has barely taken off when Rosé starts taking her clothes off, starting from the black heels, then proceeding with the black cropped blazer, the high-waisted black shorts, along with the belt and the chains attached to them, the polka dot black shirt, and finishing with the black stockings and her black underwear. She puts them all in a black trash bag and throws herself on the beige leather sofa face first, completely naked.
“Fuck this ‘No fires on the plane’ rule.” She complains into the beige pillow.
“I mean, if you want to burn them now and cause a fire, making the jet collapse on itself and getting us buried on the bottom of the northern Pacific, go ahead.” You reply nonchalantly as you take a sip of vodka while sitting cross-legged on one of the beige armchairs.
“Honestly, compared to the prospect of a ten-hour flight with you, that doesn’t even sound that bad”
It’s Rosé’s habit to burn clothes, phones, cars, (people,) anything that can be linked to her in a meaningful way, after every job. This time it was a fairly straightforward drug trade with this Yakuza syndicate in Osaka: give the talcum powder, take the money, go home. The road was somewhat bumpy and a couple heads had to pop, but what can you do. Oh, and the getting naked in front of you part, that was a thing way before you two started fucking.
You stand up from your seat and duck next to the couch as she turns her head towards you. Start caressing her smooth, long blonde hair as you admire her graceful features. How could such a cold, brutal criminal look so angelic?
“Are you in a hurry?”
“Leave no trace.” She recites her mantra matter-of-factly.
“You think someone’s on our trail?”
You lay on top of her and start kissing her shoulders, from the left, then move her hair to kiss her neck, to the right, and back a couple times.
“Someone’s always on your trail.” Your kisses start heading down her back, each a little wetter than the previous. “You know how it always ends with people like us, right?”
You think you hear Rosé’s voice break for a split second, but you could be wrong. Place your hands on her shoulders and start slowly making little circles with your thumbs as you keep traveling down.
“We get greedy and scared and die sad and alone?”
“We always trust one person too many”
As your trail of kisses gets to her lower back, right above the curve of her ass, you flip her body around. Bend her legs on her chest, then start massaging each foot with one of your hands, going from the middle of her soles, to her heels, to the balls of her feet, untangling her muscle fibers all the way through. You hear her humming in the meantime.
“So? Would you stop living your life for that?”
“I would try my best not to end my life because of that.” You bring her feet to your mouth and start pecking her toes, then travel down the inside of her feet and up again kissing her soles. “Plus, it gives me a sense of peace, of liberation”
“Ashes to ashes?”
“In that analogy, I would be… God?”
Take a long lick from her heel to the ball of her foot, ending by wrapping your lips around her big toe and licking all around it.
“Do you feel like one?”
“I don’t think God sees himself like we see him” She moves her other foot towards your mouth to signal you to switch, which you do, as your hands reach towards her small breasts and start softly playing with her rosy nipples. “Powerful men need people to adore them to feel immortal. Immortals don’t need our attention to be powerful”
“You think God is a woman?”
“I think God is a depressed fuck.”
You let out a chuckle. Then lower her knees again and place yourself between them to start kissing and licking her wonderful, sculpted abs. Your right hand almost instinctively starts lightly rubbing her already wet outer lips, your left grabbing her plump asscheek.
“What a short couple billion years alone in the button room could do to ya”
“But honestly, working on the wrong side of the law… I think it’s hard not to feel like one” She starts panting a little in between words.
“Ego?” Your mouth slowly travels down her lower stomach while your fingers play with her nub.
“Just, pure facts. I could kill a man that crosses my path at any time, and I have. Mmmmh. We just, own their lives. The decision to let them live on, or to end them, right then and there. It’s all ours. Yeahh- How do you not feel all-powerful when you have that?”
It becomes hard for her to complete a sentence without any moans in between.
“Does it matter?”
Rosé’s focus is probably directed away from the conversation, and towards the feeling of your fingers opening her lips wide and your tongue taking one long lick from the bottom of her slit up to her sensitive clit.
“I don’t know them. Are decisions over the lives of people you don’t care about even worth making?”
You take several shorter licks around her slit, side to side, up and down, once in a while penetrating her hole slightly.
“What do y-youh care about?”
As her moans become longer and more frequent, her sentences become simpler and shorter.
“Right now, taking my money home”
Your tongue digs deep into her pussy, you try to reach every corner and crevice of her heat with it, and her whimpers tell you you’re doing a pretty good job at it.
“And th-en, what?”
Your mouth detaches from her right as she sounds like she’s going to give in. You get on your knees and pause for a second, looking at the empty floor of the plane. 
“...I don’t know, a legacy?”
“Villains have no legacy, they only leave bloody paper and hate behind them”
You get back down to face her, staring right down Rosé’s deep brown orbs. Your fingers return to her lower lips, and two of them make their way into her slippery walls, drawing a loud groan off of her. You start pumping in and out of her at an ever increasing pace.
“Love. I want someone to come back home to, to be there, waiting for me, to heal my wounds.” She’s now moaning right in your face, her pitch getting higher and higher, signaling her impending high, but her eyes are wide open and locked on yours. “To be able to spend time with, in silence, without it feeling awkward, not needing to worry about the future, just looking at her in the eyes, and, being in love.”
A few final pumps and Rosé starts repeatedly contracting around you, a stream of unholy water covering your entire hand and wrist in a profane coating, only a deep, tongue-filled kiss muting her screams as she finally can’t keep her eyes open anymore. You close yours with her as her arms wrap around your neck. The kiss lasts far longer than the already lengthy while she takes to recover from her strong orgasm. As both of you stare into each other’s pupils again, you’re the first to talk.
“How do you know when you’ve found what you’re looking for?”
“I don’t know. I think I’ll start from, looking at the junk I’ve collected on my way, before burning it”
god is a journey. progressively, leaf.
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bpsmuts · 1 year
Truth or Dare - Rose [PART 1]
Rose x Male Reader
Words: 1.036
Summary: Your Childhood friend Rose and you spent the night at her place and decide to play truth or dare...
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"Come on, be a little more daring!" Rose yells at you after you've picked truth for the 3rd time in a row. "Fine. Dare" you give in. "Finally, I thought I was gonna be stuck asking about your boring sex life all night" Rose replied.
Using her opportunity she finds a good dare. "I dare you to kiss me!" she says. "On the mouth" she adds before you could protest. "Really Rose? I've known you since Elementary School" You try to protest without luck.
"You've also seen me in underwear a dozen times, hell I've changed in front of you... and you're scared to kiss me?" Rose mocks you. "Yeah but that's different" You try to protest once more. "Okay fine, if you don't wanna do it its fine... didn't take you for such a chicken" Rose teases again.
You typically didn't let stuff like that get to you, especially if it came from Rose, but at that point you knew you had to prove her wrong. You stood up so fast that you practically leaped onto her, making her fall over, before planting your lips on hers for a full 10 seconds.
"Am I still a chicken now?" You ask as you move off Rosie and both of you sit back up. "No, but I hope this isn't the furthest you'll go"- You knew Rose was just saying these things to get into your head and you knew that it was also working perfectly, but you didn't care, you wanted to prove yourself to her.
"Okay your turn!" Rose tells you in her cute New Zealand accent. "Truth or Dare Rosie?" you ask her. "Unlike you, I'm not a pussy... Dare!". "I dare you to touch your boobs for 1 full round" You say confidently. "Touch my boobs? Seriously? I'd do that if you ask nicely, give me a real dare Y/N" Rose shatters your idea.
"A real dare?" You ask surprised. "Okay, I dare you to... uhh.. let me take off your panties and keep them!". "See now that's a proper dare" Rose happily replies as she gets up from the floor.
You slip your arms underneath her skirt and slowly pull down a pair of red lacy panties. "Red huh?" you ask her intrigued. "Had to match the skirt Mr. I have no idea how fashion works" Rose responds mockingly.
"Dare!" You tell Rose, before she could even ask you. "I dare you to kiss my lips" Rosie responds with a smile on her face. "Again?" you ask while moving closer to her face. As your lips are about to reach hers Rosie however intervenes "Stop! Not those lips" Rose tells you with your lips just inches away.
You freeze and think for a second before Rose whispers "My Vagina" She slides back "You want me to kiss your vag-..." you abruptly end your sentence as you've already been picked on too many times by her this evening and instead comply and move towards her crotch.
"And Y/N, French Kiss please!" Rose adds as she opens her legs, revealing her slightly wet pussy to you. You've never seen it before, even though Rosie has changed in front of you a couple times... You've just never been interested in her the way you are now.
As you get closer to her core, you can feel the warmth radiating from her and you even pick up a sweet smell coming from her folds directly.
Right as you are about to start your dare, you realize that this is the time, you can prove Rose wrong once and for all. She's teased you for so long, calling you a chicken and even though it was just friendly banter, you wanted to show her your other side.
You start by kissing her inner thighs, to bait out a witty comment from her, which worked perfectly. "You know that isn't my vaginAaahh" Rose can't fully finish since she felt your warm tongue hitting her clit right as she finished her sentence.
You grab her by the hips and start making circular motions around her clit with your tongue, making Rose moan loudly for you. "AAahh Y/N, you were supposed to kiss it!" She moans, but you're not stopping.
You've made it your mission to show her how wrong she was about you. Your tongue briefly moves to her opening, getting it wet, before returning to her clit and your right index finger teasing her hole.
After teasing her hole, you slowly push in your index finger, making her squeal. As you look up, you can see that Rose has started to support her upper body with her hands and her head hanging back all the way as you continue to pleasure her.
"Oh god Y/N. P-Please add another one" Rose stutters in between her moans. Her wish being your command, you quickly pull out, lick your index and middle fingers until they're nice and wet, before slowly inserting them back into her pussy.
"A little further d-down, y-y-yeah a tiny bit lower" Rose guided you towards her g-spot. Hitting hit resulted in loud screams of pleasure from her. "AAAAHHH FUCK, RIGHT THERE Y/N!!".
You continued with the same pace and it didn't take long for Rose to get close to her orgasm. "Y/N.. Y/N I'm gonna cum, you're gonna make me cum Y/N. Oh my god, this feels so good." Rose's moans get louder and louder as she reaches her climax.
You can feel her legs shake as her upper body falls onto the ground, her arms not being able to support her anymore. You let her ride out the orgasm, removing your fingers, but gently licking her pussy.
"Oh my god that was good Y/N" Rose stammers, while she drags herself to her bed for support.
"Well.. I dare you to return the favor" you tell her with a massive smile on your face.
"Is it okay if I return the favor tomorrow morning?" Rose asks sheepishly, still shaking a little. "I don't think I have any energy left in me after what just happened."
"Sure, but I want a little extra for the delay" You answer with a smirk.
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apollodarling-writes · 10 months
can you please write Acotar yandere Azriel x reader headcanons and can you also make reader? their mate because I think being Azriel mate will just amplify his yandere tendencies, because we all know how Azriel would do anything for a mating bound
nonnie ily your brain is so big.
tws: caging, confining, intimidation, uses his shadows to keep tabs on you and stalk (???) you, reader is kidnapped by enemies of the night court for information, azriel slaughters said enemies
Yan! Azriel who initally met you through Feyre. Rhysand had agreed to let Feyre bring a close friend of hers to dinner and you waltzed in, immediately feeling the bond snap in place.
Rhyand sensed something was going on, talons gently scraping against Azriel's mental barriers and found out that the two of you were mates.
Rhysand, being the cocky matchmaker he is, moved Cassian from beside his brother in arms, and politely asked you to take a seat next to Azriel.
Yan! Azriel whose shadows are quick to lick at your flesh, weaving between your fingers and fidgeting with your clothing, eager to become familiar with their Master's mate.
Yan! Azriel who is quick to retract them, apologizing to you in a quiet tone, making sure to avoid your gaze.
Yan! Azriel who, after you leave for the night, orders his shadows to keep a close watch on you. He can't have his mate getting hurt!
Yan! Azriel who sees you coming over more often to spend time with Feyre, catching your sneaky glances with a soft gaze.
Yan! Azriel whose heart pounds in his chest when you approach him, your body language hesitant yet eager to become more familiar with him.
Yan! Azriel who gazes at you longingly, his instincts telling him to keep you safe no matter the cost.
Yan! Azriel who always, always knows where you are and what you're doing- courtesy of his shadows feeding him this information.
Yan! Azriel who doesn't know how to tell you that the two of you are mates, so he ponders on it for awhile.
Yan! Azriel who, while planning how he should tell you one day, is mortified and unbelievably angry when his shadows inform him that you were in danger.
Yan! Azriel who immediately winnows to your location and finds that one of the many enemies of the Night Court had caught wind of your familiarity with the High Lord's Inner Circle and had kidnapped you for information.
Luckily, Yan! Azriel was able to slaughter all of the guards in time to rescue you before they hurt you too badly!
Yan! Azriel who can barely contain his fury when he sees that your lovely skin is bruised and bleeding, tears streaming down your cheeks as you tremble in fear.
Yan! Azriel who is quick to murmur sweet nothings and unshackle you, winnowing back to The House of Wind to patch you up.
Yan! Azriel who is gentle as he cleans and dresses your wounds, shakily pressing kisses to each.
Yan! Azriel who explains that he keeps tabs on all of the Inner Circle (except for Rhysand) when you ask. It's a safety precaution. He's lying.
Yan! Azriel who takes a deep breath and admits that the two of you are mates, watching as your eyes light up and your lips part with delighted shock.
Yan! Azriel who is shocked that you seem so excited and that you take being his mate so well. It just makes him love and appreciate you more!
Yan! Azriel who goes off on his own to build a cozy home for the two of you with his own two hands, creeping you out surprising you with it when you say you wanted a home of your own one day.
Yan! Azriel who, after the Mating Ceremony, slowly becomes more possessive and controlling in subtle ways. He just wants to keep you safe! Can't you see that?
Yan! Azriel who uses magick to trap you in your shared home when you keep trying to leave... Is he not enough for you? Is there something that's you need done? He can do anything and everything for you, so please just stay put!
Yan! Azriel who understands why you're ignoring him, but if you keep it up, he'll have to resort to drastic measures to get you to talk to him again.
Yan! Azriel who threatens persuades you to keep quiet about what's been going on at home. You wouldn't want your family to get hurt would you? Keep those lips of yours sealed, darling. His shadows are always keeping watch.
Yan! Azriel who is elated when you finally come around, giving into his efforts to keep you safe and healthy.
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shadowdaddies · 10 days
I’m in desperate need of more ACOTAR x male! Reader. I’m a pretty newly out trans dude and the lack of x m!reader content is criminal. I lovedddd your Eris x quiet male reader, but I would love to see more!!! Maybe with a louder/vocal reader?
hi! thanks for your patience with this request, I've been a bit slow getting to them lately but I hope this is worth the wait❤️‍🔥
Echoes in Autumn
Eris x m!Reader smut
Warnings: smut below the cut, light bondage (fire play)
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Taking a small sip from the chalice in your hand, you surveyed the room of nobility before you. Lord and Ladies danced, drank, and droned on in conversation about trivial matters which they held in the highest esteem.
Fighting the scowl that played on your features, you scanned the space in search of the one person you were there to see when a familiar firm hand ran lightly across your backside. 
You gasped, eyes wide as you turned meet Eris’s amber gaze. A dark chuckle left his lips. “So reactive, as always,” he purred with a wicked smirk before turning to look out over the room of people. 
“It is terribly boring here, isn’t it?” he sighed, swirling the burgundy liquid in his own glass with a grimace. 
“I don’t know why I bother coming to these events,” you lied, praying to the Mother he wouldn’t notice how your face flushed as you stood so close to the only reason you came tonight.
Eris was perceptive as ever though, eyes glittering with mischief as they burned into the side of your face. “There are far more interesting places in the Forest House,” he mused, arching a questioning brow as he turned toward the ballroom doors. 
Setting your drink down on a nearby table, you followed the swift-moving flash of dark red hair as Eris’s long legs carried him out the doors. The moment the wood clicked shut behind you, Eris’s hand moved down once more to your ass.
Pulling your body flush against his own, his free hand wound it’s way under your waist coat, warmth gripping your ribcage in desperate attempt to get as close as possible. Heat spread through your body, as though his flame was spreading through you like wildfire. 
Lips crashed to yours, hungry and searching. Eris’s tongue slid along your mouth in silent request, a hand brought down sharply on your ass when you didn’t comply. Your breathy moan granted him the access he craved, the taste of cinnamon overwhelming your senses as Eris’s tongue danced with yours.
Hips ground against each other, his hard length rubbing your own with delicious friction. Groaning into his mouth, you pulled back to catch your breath and were met with Eris’s wild eyes and mussed hair. “My room, now,” he growled, taking your hand in his to guide you down the long hallway.
Unlocking the door to his bedroom, Eris pulled you inside and in one fluid motion, whirled you around behind him. Back against the door, you were hypnotized watching the outline of the Autumn heir’s toned form in the dim faelight, the way his hair caught the glow like a soft flame. 
The lock clicked in place behind you, snapping you from your daze just as Eris began to pull frantically at your coat and shirt. Bare chested, you bit down a moan at the feeling of Eris’s lips trailing down your neck to the exposed skin of your chest.
Your own hands fumbled for his shirt, tugging at the buttons of the tunic with such fervor several of them clattered to the ground. Eris pulled back, looking to his ruined shirt and letting out a low laugh. 
“Eager, are we?” he purred, but you couldn’t be embarrassed when you saw the same hunger in his own eyes. Lips found yours once more, this time slower, as though he remembered he wanted to savor this moment.
Eris drew one finger down your torso, sending shivers down your spine. With a playful tug at the hem of your pants, lips moved to trail along your jaw, down to your neck. 
Just as he reached the soft spot on your throat he knew would send you reeling, his hand dipped into your trousers, wrapping around your hard length. Head slamming back against the door, you brought a hand to your mouth to stifle your lewd moan as you jerked into his hand.
“No,” Eris huffed, lips pulling away from where they’d sucked bruising marks on your neck. Flames wrapped around your wrists, pulling them taut over your head. “I want to hear every pleasurable sound I wring from you tonight.”
Cheeks warm and flushed, you nodded vigorously under his gaze. “Good,” he purred, cocky demeanor back to play as you felt your remaining scraps of clothing burn away to ash. 
Eris knelt down before you, whiskey-colored eyes looking up through long lashes as he licked your length from base to tip. “Fuck, Eris,” you moaned, eyes rolling back with pleasure. Pumping slowly, torturously, up and down your cock, Eris licked the sensitive vein, sucking on the tip, edging you until you were a babbling mess.
“Eris, please,” you pleaded in a whine, “I want you to take me.” Eris’s cock twitched in his pants at your words, the cuffs of flame releasing you in favor of Eris walking you back towards the massive four-poster bed, lips never leaving yours.
“Lay back,” he directed with a nod, hands working to remove his own pants. You crawled to the center of the bed, back arched to show off the ass you knew he loved. Eris smirked appreciatively, crawling behind you on the mattress. 
Hands slid up the backs of your thighs, stopping to squeeze the flesh of your ass as you heard a needy groan from behind you. “So good for me,” Eris murmured, emanating heat against your backside when you felt a cool liquid drip over your tight hole. 
Slowly, Eris pushed one finger inside of you, both of your groans echoing through the room as he pumped and curled, working you open for him. As nimble fingers brushed that most sensitive spot, you collapsed into the pillows, muscles contracting while you tried to muffle the lewd sounds that left you with no control.
Suddenly, Eris’s hand was withdrawn, the absence of his touch leaving you cold. “I told you not to hide those noises from me,” he warned before effortlessly flipping you onto your back.
“Do you want me to take care of you?” the heir questioned, brow arched as he stared down at you through a curtain of flaming hair. 
“Yes, Eris,” you pleaded, still breathless from the pleasure that had been ripped from you moments prior. “Please touch me.” You reached toward him with your hands, only to find them pinned once again in circles of flame.
“Good boy,” he cooed, hiking your legs to your chest. The tip of his cock prodded at your entrance, and he smirked. “Let’s hear it, then.”
With a single thrust, Eris’s cock stretched you out, impossibly full when you felt his head brushing your walls perfectly. You knew you wouldn’t last long as he started moving, each thrust calculated and precise to drive you over the edge. It was almost frightening how well he knew your body, how he played you like an instrument for his own pleasure while you laid there, a helpless, moaning mess.
“Eris,” you gasped, voice hoarse from screaming when your wide eyes found his to tell him you were close. “Together,” he grunted, movements growing faster as you felt delicious warmth pulsing along your cock. 
Looking down, you found those tendrils of flame working your length in tandem with Eris’s thrusts, the overstimulation sending your into your orgasm almost instantly. 
Your release splattered all over your chest, Eris’s filling you up before slowly pulling out. Still catching your breath, you looked down to see Eris, tired and watching you with pure adoration.
“How do you feel?” he asked, hands gently rubbing the inside of your thighs as he lowered them to the mattress. 
A small bubble of a laugh escaped you at the ridiculous question. “I think the entire Forest House could attest to just how good I feel.”
A soft smile graced Eris’s lips, caramel eyes flicking to the mess on your stomach as hunger filled his gaze once more. “Stay still,” he mumbled, tongue already on your skin as he licked you clean, sliding up your body as he did so.
Elbows rested on either side of your head, Eris dipping his mouth to yours for one last languid, slow kiss before settling into bed next to you. 
“Eris?” you whispered, heart thumping at his soft sound of question. “You are the only reason I look forward to these events,” you admitted softly. 
Those soft lips pressed to your temple, arm snaking around your waist as your limbs tangled and bodies melded into one. “And I you.”
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the-ultimate-puppteer · 2 months
I just found your page and I can’t stop reading your headcanons! I do have a request for all of team RWBY (Even though I know you said a limit of three characters) This doesn’t have to be a poly ship.
How would team RWBY to finding out their boyfriend is a masked superhero? The kind that gets mentioned on the news and on the internet. They don’t tell team RWBY who they are, but they find evidence like the mask in their bag, or their secret stash of gear and tools.
Team RWBY discovering their Shared Boyfriend is a masked superhero
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•To dive right Into it the girls were worried about you like super worried about you
•You were tired all the time and were acting introverted and asocial… well more than you usually are
•They thought of ways to approach you about your current state but none of them knew how
•Yang and Blake though that they should just go at it the same way Yang got Blake outta her funk
•Though that fell flat when they realized they didn't even know what the cause was
•That's when Ruby came up with the brilliant idea to snoop around you're room to try and find clues
•Needless to say the rest of the team was in
•What they found however wasn't what they were expecting
•They found all types of gadgets in hidden places in your room and they also found trauma kits which was very worrying
•They also found quite a stockpile of dust which made them worried that it was stolen which brought up a whole new issue
•That's when they found it, the mask and hoodie you were when you go out to fight crime
•That when it all clicked, it's also when you entered into your dorm room
•Chaos ensued after that
•Ruby being Ruby had the most vibrant reaction shouting out that you were the vigilante thatha been appearing on the news and how cool it was
•Yang being almost as loud commented that it was actually pretty cool and flirtatious commented about how she's the girlfriend of a superstud now
•Blake being the calmest of the bunch said how everything makes way more sense now and pouted a bit saying why didn't you tell them
•Weiss being weiss scolded you about how you haven't been getting enough rest and about how dangerous what you were doing was but that she supports you and just wants you to take better care of yourself
•You being you took it all in stride and promised everyone that you take better care of yourself, but you felt the need to bring up that they could've just asked what was going on with you and you'd have told them
•Then you teased them about being so concerned for him that they couldn't help but snoop into your business, saying they must really be smitten with you
•Needless to say that ended up with a very embarrassed Team RWBY
This is the Vigilante Costume Reader uses
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808airsoftbros · 2 months
The Half Engine (Blackpink)
Author: Just a teaser hint for my upcoming Halloween oneshot. If you want to see more of my stories check out my Masterlist
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The Original Half Engine story was by: [thebogieboy] (His Youtube) Genre: Crossover/Horror
Author's POV
It was a ordinary day on the island of Sodor, the engines had been working hard all day on their branch lines delivering passengers and goods across the island.
They were all looking forward to a goodnights long rest at the sheds, everyone that was except for James.
"How long are we going to be kept waiting? At this rate, will be home by nightfall," James sighed as he was waiting at the station.
"Have no fear, James, I'm confident will be back home in no time!" His driver assured but that didn't help ease his mind one bit as he had already seen the sun about to set down soon.
But it didn't help the fact that the weather forecast that there will fog this evening meaning their visibility is limited and travelling down the tracks will be dangerous.
Thankfully for James, he didn't have to wait much longer as his last passengers boarded the coaches.
James blew his whistle as he puffed out of the station to the next, the trip lasted about a couple hours and by the time he shunted the coaches into the yard, it was dark and foggy as predicted.
Despite Jame's headlamp shining brightly, he could hardly see a thing ahead of him so he had to travel down the line cautiously to prevent him from hitting anything.
Despite the Driver and Fireman being experienced navigators, they were eventually lost in the fog, and they didn't know they travelled down into a abandoned siding on the line.
"Stupid fog... I can't see a thing..." James muttered as he puffed down the line.
"Yeah, can't see anything in the distance either, no signs, nothing I'm afraid..." His driver replied and sighed.
"In that case, why don't we just get rid of these unused..." James paused as he saw something that caused his boiler and firebox to freeze.
James applied the brakes slowly putting him into a halt, the fireman and driver were confused and asked what he had stopped for.
However, James couldn't mutter a word out of his mouth as he shook nervously and the Driver got out of the cab to see what was wrong and they gasped as they caught the sight of a scrap engine.
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"W-what the bloody hell?! What kind of sick person would scrap an engine like that?!" The driver exclaimed as they couldn't believe what they were seeing.
It was indeed a sorrowful sight to see the empty soul of an engine lying on the side but this was different... The engine was cut perfectly in half without error.
Half of the boiler, cab, funnel, and whistle can be seen, and they wonder how this would be possible as no skilled scrapper is capable of such a thing.
"I don't wanna know! Get me out of here! Get me out of here!" James demanded as he was too terrified to linger any longer.
The crew were quick to agree, they boarded into his cab and James reversed out of the abandon line as fast as his pistons and wheels can take him.
Back at the sheds, the engines were finally able to rest after a long day of work, Sir Topham Hatt arrived to deliver some news to the engine but they had to wait as James was absent.
Finally, James arrived back at Tidmouth sheds and the others were a bit worried and curious as to where James has been all this time as it was late in the night.
"Ah, James, so glad you can join us," Sir Topham Hatt greeted but James didn't reply as he was still too shaken from what he had seen earlier.
"Anyway, onto the point, I've come here to inform you all that we will be visited by celebrities from Korea, so I expect all of you to be on your best behavior, we do not want to give a bad impression, do we? Gordon, I'd like you to transport them from Vicarstown to Tidmouth Station, there we will begin the tour," He explained to the engines and they were quite intrigued and excited as they never had celebrities coming from across the world.
After that, Sir Topham Hatt got into his personal car and drove away from the sheds.
The engines chatted a bit about tomorrow until they eventually fell asleep except for James who could hardly sleep as he had a dreadful feeling that something or someone was watching them from the distance.
The night went on without any incident, James hardly got any sleep but still carried on with his duties as Gordon coupled to the express coaches and made his way to Vicarstown to pick up the guests along with Sir Topham Hatt.
When they arrived, Gordon saw a group of four young women, they stared at him with such curiosity and fascination that it almost made Gordon nervous.
"Ah, good morning, girls, I hope you all had a safe and pleasant trip! It's such a pleasure to have you all come to my railway, my name is Sir Topham Hatt II, and I'm the second generation running this fine railway. This is one of my prestige and trustworthy engines, Gordon, he will be taking you all to Tidmouth station, and we will begin our tour from there!" Sir Topham Hatt greeted to the four girls and they all smiled.
"Thank you for having us, sir, my name is Jisoo, I'm the eldest, and this man here is my manager," Jisoo introduced herself.
"I'm Jennie, I'm the second oldest, surely, you've once watched our music videos?" Jennie introduced herself with a hint of pride.
"My name is, Chaeyoung but everyone calls me Rosé, it's a pleasure to meet you~," Rosé introduced herself with such elegance in her voice.
"Hello, I'm Lisa, the Maknae of the group! This railway is such a nice place!" Lisa introduced herself as she admired the scenery and countryside.
After the introductions, the girls and the Controller boarded onto the express coach and Gordon puffed out of Vicarstown and began the journey to Tidmouth station.
As I finished doing my morning routine, I put on my work uniform, put on my coat, I put on my shoes, and walked out of the dormitory to Tidmouth sheds.
It was early in the morning at five am, I yawned a bit as I greeted Thomas as I was his driver.
"Good morning, Y/N, I heard we're getting visitors all the way from Korea!" Thomas greeted and I nodded.
"Yeah, I heard about it, they're a Kpop group called Blackpink, I doubt you heard of them... Ya know, since you're an engine," I replied.
"Oh, you'd be right, who is Blackpink and what is Kpop?" Thomas asked as he was slowly generating steam in his boiler.
"Kpop is a music genre, it's quite popular nowadays, can't go one day without hearing one of their songs, and they are talented singers and dancers, I watch them some time," I answered as I was shoveling coal in his firebox getting ready to start the day.
Then we heard a loud whistle and I recognized it to be Gordon as he rolled onto the rolling platform and joined the rest of us in the sheds.
I was wondering what was going on as Gordon should be heading out to take the express coaches by now but I was shocked to see Blackpink themselves.
They were walking with my boss Sir Topham Hatt, and they all stared at the engines with wonder and fascination.
"Good morning, everyone! I'd like to introduce you all to Blackpink, and they have come here for a tour around the island as I announced last night! To start things off, I'd like you all to introduce yourselves!" He instructed.
Henry, Emily, Thomas, Percy, and Edward all introduced themselves to the girls and letting out loud whistles as they generated enough steam in their boilers.
All except for James who still looked uneasy but he snapped out of his trance and introduced himself giving a fake smile trying to hide something.
"Wah, it's such a pleasure to meet you all! I heard so much about this place and it's amazing to be here in person!" Lisa replied as she walked up to the engines.
"Now, Thomas, Y/N, and Elliot, I'd like you to give them the tour around Sodor. Toby will be taking over your branch line for the day, that will be all!" The boss ordered us and we nodded.
"Yes, sir!' Thomas acknowledged and the controller got into his car and drove away leaving us alone.
I showed the girls inside of Thomas's cab, I let them blew the whistle a few times, but while I showed them around, I noticed James looked uneasy and so does the others.
"James, is everything okay?" Edward asked with a hint of concern in his voice.
"Oh, it's nothing..." James tried to play it off but it wasn't going to deter Edward one bit.
"Well, if I don't know any better but is quite rare... Poor little James has seen a ghost," Gordon teased.
Henry and Gordon laughed but the others remained silent including Y/N and the Blackpink members.
"I-I did see something..." James softly spoke up and the two stopped laughing.
"And what is that?" Henry asked in an amusing tone.
"I saw a scrap engine..." He answered and their smiles dropped to a confused to look.
"A scrap engine? That's it? I understand it's rather distressing to see those poor souls but we've all seen them plenty of times yet you never once looked this disturbed," Gordon pointed out but James sighed.
"T-this one was different, the engine was cut in half without a fault... Never seen anything like that before," James mentioned and the others were deeply disturbed.
Myself, Jisoo, Lisa, and Rosé, we're also disturbed about this, except for Jennie was very skeptical about the whole thing and wondered if they were just hallucinating the whole thing.
"James, you must've seen a victim of... 'The Half Engine'..." Thomas replied to him with a nervous look on his face.
"Thomas! This is no time for teasing!" James angrily growled.
"I'm not teasing you! I know exactly what happened!" He assured and Edward insisted on telling us.
Looking at Jennie's skeptical expression, I thought she wouldn't bother listening but she stayed and paid attention to Thomas anyway.
"A long time ago, when Sir Topham Hatt I was running the railway, it was the time when the North Western Railway was founded, many engines had been brought here to help including myself and others. However... there was one engine that was different," Thomas paused as he recalled the tale.
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"Something horrible went wrong with her construction, she only had half a face, and the other half being her smokebox door, we could hardly understand what she was trying to say, maintenance on her was a nightmare to watch or listen to, and through all of this... She was in immense excruciating pain, every night we heard her crying and pleading for the pain to go away, it was so horrid that many of us could hardly stomach it," Thomas explains the whole story and the girls were in deep shock about this and again deeply disturbed.
Lisa and Rosé looked at each other with fear written all over their faces and Jisoo didn't say a word but Jennie was skeptical as ever.
"But the nastiest of us and even some of the crews saw it as nothing but a joke, this would all boil up inside of her and one day, her behavior changed for the worst... She became more violent, snapping at everyone she came across, even those who pitied her, and to make things worse, at night, she traveled down the sheds and down a heavily forested line, and when she returned, she swore that we would all perish on this railway, in her gargled barely identical speech, and we began to believe she was possessed and deranged in all her suffering, seeking any ways to get rid of her deformity,"
"Eventually, the Director of the Railway had enough, and he ordered another engine to take her down the smelter yard to be cut up for scrap, at the same time, myself and another engine were heading home from work, but as we made our way down the line, we saw smoke and multiple sounds of fire engines, we rushed to see what happened, and there was a sight I'll never forgot..." Thomas again paused.
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"We never saw her again after that day... But rumors spread from workmen about noises on foggy nights, they all told us the same thing, it sounded like someone screaming in pain, and now it seems like her spirit still roams around the railway to this day..." Thomas finished his tale.
Again, the others were silent as the grave, deeply disturbed and terrified of this, the girls were shivering as they looked down the line wondering if perhaps the Half Engine was watching them.
"Pft. What a load of rubbish! Come on guys, you can't be seriously believing this is all real?! It's fake! Just like every other folklore tale! James, what you say may have been a hallucination!" Jennie exclaimed but the others didn't seem to agree with her.
"Jennie, I'm being serious here! It's all real and I was there!" Thomas warned her but she scoffed.
"Yeah, sure... Almost as real as any other scary ghost engine story!" Jennie sarcastically replied and Thomas sighed in defeat.
But little did Jennie know was that something was lurking in the shadows of the yard, watching the others before disappearing in the wind.
I swore I caught a glimpse of an engine down near the shunting yards but it vanished before I got a good look but I have a bad feeling about the whole situation especially for Jennie's safety.
We continued on the tour as scheduled, the camera crew and the girls were vlogging around the island as Thomas, Eliiot and I, were travelling down the main lines.
When it was getting dark, we head down back to the main line and concluded the day as we got good footage for their Youtube channel, and we arrived back to Tidmouth sheds.
After I finished putting Thomas into his designated shed, I guided the girls to the dormitory where they'll be sleeping for the rest of their stay.
"For a railway dormitory, it sure is nice..." Jisoo complimented.
"Yeah, not bad, right? Provided a place to stay and get paid, can't really beat that," I replied and chuckled.
"By the way, Y/N, is the Half Engine, real?" Rosé nervously asked and I sighed.
"If I'm being honest... That is up to you to believe what is real and what is not," I spoke to her with a solemn tone and she gulped.
Not wanting to intrude any further, I bid them goodnight and I went back into my own dorm to get some rest for the night.
Jennie's POV
As we settled into our dorm, the girls were getting ready for bed and go to sleep but I wasn't tired yet as I wanted to find out myself if the story of the Half Engine is real or just made up to scare us.
Regardless, I don't believe in the thing but I'm willing to give it a shot, I grabbed my phone and flashlight.
I snuck out of the bedroom without waking up the girls as I quietly exited the dormitory, the night was foggy and quiet giving an uneasy ambience.
Despite all of that, I pressed on as I made my way into the heavily forested line where the Half Engine is said to reside.
I pop up my camera app on my phone beginning to record my investigation.
"Alright, Blinks, this is the investigation of the legend of the Half Engine, where it says is a ghostly engine with half a face and the other half being her smokebox door. To be honest, guys, I'm not too sure about the whole thing, so let us find out!" I started the recording as I ventured down the foggy line.
Ten minutes into my mischief yet dangerous investigation there was nothing out of the ordinary that appeared other than some owls and occasionally deer.
Eventually I was starting to grow bored and figured this whole thing was a waste of time and began pondering if I should just head back to the dormitory.
"Aish, you know what Blinks, I'm tired so this concludes-" She was cut off when she heard a loud banshee like scream causing her to freeze.
"U-uhhh... D-did you hear that...?" She nervously asked the camera and again the scream was heard but this time it was louder.
Then I heard a faint sound of puffing of a steam engine heading my way along with the banshee-like scream.
"W-whos there?! This isn't funny?! Thomas is that you?!" Jennie called out but there was no response.
But at the corner of my eye, I looked into the fog and my stomach dropped as I saw a rusted engine charging at me. But her face was skeletal and the other half being her smokebox... IT CANNOT BE!!!
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"AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!" I screamed in terror as the deranged engine was charging torwards me and was about to run me over.
I closed my eyes standing still then I heard someone shouting out my name as I was trembling and frozen in terror.
I opened my eyes fearing to see that ungodly engine but it was long gone and I sighed in relief when I saw Y/N with Thomas with worried looks on their faces.
"Are you okay, Jennie?" Y/N asked as he shined his lantern in his hand.
"I-I guess..." I answered as I was shaken.
"You really shouldn't have gone out this late, do you know what could be out here? Bears, wolfs, and maybe even dangerous people," Y/N scolded me and I looked down in shame.
I pulled out my phone to call my members as they are probably worried sick about me but I gasped when I saw my phone cut clean in half without error...
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"N-no way... How is this possible...?" I trembled as I tried to figure out what the fuck happened to my phone.
"You should consider yourself luckty it was your phone... Instead of you," Thomas spoke and I looked up to him.
"What do you mean...? The Half Engine did this to my phone...?" I nervously asked and Y/N nodded.
"Not many people live to tell their tale... Instead, they are found with their corpses cut in half... Just like the engines. I saw her once myself and that's why I consider myself the luckiest man on the island," Y/N explained and shivers ran down my spine as I felt thankful that it took my phone instead of me.
Thomas and Y/N gave me a ride back to the sheds and he guided me back to the dormitory and I was in for a lecture from Jisoo that night but that was the least of my concerns.
Whatever I saw... Whether it be the Half Engine or not, I will never forget it and I feel like this will haunt me for the rest of my life.
I feel sorry and regret that I didn't believe Thomas and instead risked my own life to prove that the Half Engine is nothing but a made-up folklore tale.
Throughout the rest of the trip, nothing happened and I never saw the Half Engine again, but the thought of it lingered in my mind, and sometimes... At night, when I sleep... I feel being watched by something or someone.
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minarisplaything · 10 months
Gala Gal ft. Blackpink Rosé
pairing: Rosé x male reader rating: Explicit wordcount: 2.8k prompt: a young journalist gets a chance of a lifetime with Rosé at a recent event.
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Being a writer for a celebrity magazine has its advantages, such as getting to attend grand events like the Cannes Film Festival, or in this case, the MET Gala. Now you might think, where's the fun or excitement in that? A bunch of rich people dressed in overpriced clothing and posing on the red carpet while you have to ask them redundant questions that no one truly cares about outside a small niche of fans.
That is a reasonable question to ask, and a fair point to make. Hell, there are times when you wonder to yourself just how legitimate of a job this is. You certainly hear that question from your parents enough. But the answer to all of those questions comes from the woman currently walking towards you.
"Thank you for your time," you say to the current girl in front of you.
You have been interviewing some girl who is apparently 'the next Olivia Rodrigo,' which is a wild title to have, but you digress. As you bid her good-bye, a sudden chorus of "Rosé! Rosé over here!" erupts from the group of photographers, followed by a series of flashing light bulbs.
Your eyes flick over to the red carpet area near you to see none other than the 26-year-old starlet, Roseanne Park. Otherwise known as Rosé from Blackpink.
You have never crossed paths with her at any events you have covered; which you just toss up to bad luck or god punishing you for some crime you can’t remember. Either way, it seems like you will finally be getting your chance. Judging from this distance, she is just as beautiful as she appears in all her photos.
Her blonde hair is flowing down her back while loose bangs frame her face as she smiles for the camera. She is wearing a black dress that is form-fitting at the top, held together by two thin straps, and flares outwards at the waist. Frankly, she looks stunning. It is a classy dress that still manages to spark arousal in you. Though, you will keep that last part to yourself.
It is only a few moments later that you have to compose yourself as the press woman directs Rosé towards your vicinity. Adjusting your stance, and growing erection, you cough and put on a friendly smile as she walks over.
"Hi, I'm with Eros Magazine," you introduce yourself, managing to remain composed.
"Rosie, it’s nice to meet you," she says sweetly. She is even more beautiful up close, and that smile is practically paralyzing. Given that you don't trust your tongue at the moment, you decide to keep it simple.
"So how are you tonight?" you question, knowing how many times she must have answered it already.
"I'm great! It's a little cold tonight, but I'm excited to be here," she starts in her accented voice. "I love the Museum of Arts and supporting a good cause is always great. There are so many beautiful dresses and people here. So it's all feeling great right now!" she says, remaining smiling and bubbly throughout her answer.
For your part, you merely nod your head and smile, holding the recorder up to get every word. You go through the litany of typical red carpet questions: what projects are you working on, how's the music coming; all the typical things you could hand in to your editor when a story is due. You can see the press woman getting antsy though. Typical. Figuring you only have one or two questions left, you decide to venture out a bit.
"So, you're going to be going on tour again soon, that must be exciting..."
"It is! You're actually the first one to bring that up all night," she says, a hint of surprise in her voice.
"I do like to do my homework beforehand," you joke with a grin before continuing, "That being said, how do you manage to have fun and unwind? Even at these events, you have to keep a certain image, right?"
Rosé is quiet at first, and for a moment, she glances around as if to check that the coast is clear before she answers, "Oh, you know the girls and I find out ways to have fun. And this is actually my third year at the Gala, so I’ve found the little tricks and ways to have some fun."
There is something about the way she looks at you as she speaks that screams there is more than meets the eye to her words. Maybe it is the coy tone to her voice or the glint in her eye as she smiles. Whatever it is, you suddenly find yourself wondering exactly what ‘some fun' entails.
"By the way," Rosé says, interrupting your thoughts, "Eros Magazine...as in the Greek word for erotic love?"
Again she fixes you with that mischievous grin.
"Uh — yeah. Nice catch," you stammer, causing her to giggle.
"I like it" she says, a look you can’t read in her eye. Before you can ask anything further, the press woman begins to nudge her on to the next reporter. "It was nice meeting you."
"You too, have a good one," you reply, watching her intently as she walks away.
If that is your first and last interaction with the K-pop star, then you can say it has been interesting if nothing else. You get the feeling there is more to that little minx than meets the eye, you are only disappointed that you’d likely never get the chance to delve a bit further.
Covering the event means that you gain access to the party but hardly anyone does any real reporting. After all, these kinds of events are meant for the rich and famous.  To cement their status as celebrities, they then sneak off inside to where they can have their fun. For the most part, you reporters stay together, talk, and drink the free liquor that is available.
You expect your night will be spent at the bar, winding your time down until it reaches an acceptable time to call it a night. But first things first, if you are going to be here on the company dime, you might as well get your money's worth.
"I've been looking for you all night!"
You are in the middle of ordering yet another drink when a familiar accented voice reaches your ears. Turning in your stool, you lay your eyes on Roseanne Park for the second time tonight, only this time there is something a little more...loose to her demeanor. You get an explanation when you spot the glass in her hands and briefly wonder how many she had at this point.
"Me? You must be confused," you say, both amused, curious, and a bit confused, "I don't think anyone at this party has said I’m wanted."
"Well, you are!" she says, smiling as she moves towards you, "And now that I've found you, I have something to show you."
"Don't you have famous friends to entertain?" you question more than protest as she places her drink on the bar and takes your hand.
You catch a glimpse of a hint of a pout on her features, "Don’t worry, they’re occupied." Again, there is that suggestion that something more is going on. Of course, there is the very realistic possibility that your mind is just running away with crazy, erotic theories. But that potential doesn’t stop you from being any more turned on by the thought. Coupled with the fact that Rosé is dragging you through a gala to god-knows-where and you are practically dreaming. In that moment, she could take you to hell for all you care.
"You're going to love it, trust me," she assures, looking back at you as she continues leading.
"Oh, I’m sure," you reply. Your mind is racing with things from a blow job to taking her from behind, so needless to say, you are a bit disappointed when she stops at your destination.
"A photo booth?" you ask, a bit amused at how silly it seems.
Rosé is either undeterred or doesn’t register your lack of enthusiasm as she simply nods, still smiling and pulling you into the booth.
“It's fun! Come on," the blonde insists, pulling you by the hand into the photo booth. Judging by the size of it, the booth is clearly an afterthought to the gala planners, or maybe it just isn’t meant for two people at the same time to occupy it. You do your best to squeeze yourself in so she can close the curtain behind you. To your surprise, Rosé neatly slides onto your lap, her perfect, tight ass sitting right on top of where your hard-on has been growing for the last couple of minutes.
"Alright, so it takes six photos then prints them out there," she points to the deposit box under the screen. She either doesn't feel the bulge pressing firmly against her ass, or she is very good at playing naive.
"Okay," you nod, as if you are bothering to pay any attention to the pictures. 
As she shimmies on your lap to get into a better position, you decide to be bold and snake your arm around her slim waist, only to receive no complaints from the pop star. A countdown shows up on the screen, and when it says CHEESE, Rosé throws her arms around you, smiling openly as you try and fail not to look too bewildered. The screen replays your photo, and you can’t help but laugh at your own expense.
"Not bad," you grin, as the counter starts for the second photo.
"Not bad, but I think we can do better!" she says with a determined look on her face. When the screen says CHEESE again, Rosé suddenly leans over and licks the side of your face. You are so surprised you don't know how you react until the photo replays.
"Oh my god! That's great!" Rosé laughs.
You take the next few photos in the same fashion, going for ridiculous and silly in each one. After every photo, Rosé would shift her weight on your lap, rubbing against your erection each time. You are certain that she has to be well aware of what she is doing, and by the time the countdown for the last photo appears, you have made up your mind.
When the screen flashes, you turn Rosé's head to you and push your lips flush against hers. To your surprise, it takes less than half a second for her to respond, her hands moving up to cup your face. You kiss passionately like that until the simple need for air breaks you apart.
"I was starting to think all my work was for nothing," she says, a devilish grin on her face.
You raise an eyebrow at her; apparently, all your theories have just been confirmed. "You planned all this then?"
"I told you we know how to have our fun at these things," she comments, twirling a strand of hair in her finger.
Mischief gleams in her gaze for a moment, “Maybe later. I know you’re a reporter, but you shouldn’t ask too many questions.”
She places a delicate finger to your lips as she gets up off your lap. The low ceiling of the booth doesn't allow her to stand up fully, but she doesn't have to as she crouches and reaches under her dress and begins pulling down her panties. "Fuck...these things are definitely ruined. I practically soaked them."
Her comment is more to herself than you, but your cock only grows harder at the revelation. You watch as she slides her thong down past her ankles, and her eyes fall to your crotch. With nimble fingers, she works on your button and zipper, springing free your aching cock.
 "Oh wow..." she mutters, eyeing it with an animalistic hunger. "I would love to wrap my lips around that..."
"You're more than welcomed to," you groan, starting to get that sense of teasing with the amount of anticipation that is building. You are tempted to just force her head onto your cock, but you stop short when she speaks.
"Later. We don't have a lot of time."
Your disappointment at that statement is short-lived as she stands again and turns around. Rosé lifts her skirt and hovers over your lap. Grabbing hold of your member, you let out a groan as she positions it at her entrance, rubbing it for a second in her dripping juices. Unable to hold out, you thrust your hips slightly upward, causing your tip to pierce her folds.
"Mmm, somebody's anxious," she purrs, her accent coming out thick.
"Can you fucking blame me?" you say through gritted teeth, reaching out to grab her waist. Before you can yank her down, she beats you to it and spears herself on your rod. "Oh fuck," you let out, feeling how tight her petite body is.
"God, you feel fucking amazing," you mutter into her shoulder.
"Ah~...and you're...much bigger than you look," she says, clearly trying to adjust to the size she just filled herself with in one go. Apparently, the discomfort isn't so bad as she soon begins lifting and dropping herself on your cock slowly. "Try not—ooh— to get too loud," she moans out, her ass rocking against you.
"Speak for yourself," you grunt, your hands gripping her waist firmly as you start to move your hips to match the movement of hers.
You can't wrap your head around the fact that you're fucking a member of one of the most famous girl groups in the world in a photobooth at a gala with hundreds of celebrities. Thankfully, you don't need to wrap your head around it, as long as you keep fucking her. With that in mind, you take control of the pace, gripping her waist and forcing yourself up into her. Each time you spear her pussy, it's like another piece of heaven. Her pussy is squeezing you like there's no tomorrow, only increasing the pleasure you get with each thrust.
"Shit, yes, yes! Fuck me," Rosé chants in a loud whisper as she puts her hand on the console to steady herself as you thrust up into her.
"God, you're fucking tight," you moan, continuing to pound her Australian pussy. "Someone could look in here at any second."
"Oooh, I know," she lets out a shuddering breath.
"You're getting off on that, aren't you?" you continue the dirty talk, sliding a strap off her shoulder so you can push her top down to fondle her pert breast.
"Yes, yes! It fucking turns me on," Rosé pants.
For a moment, you fear she has given you away, but you're too far gone to truly care at this point. Her hands slide down the console, and you're only aware of what happens when the shutter of the camera makes you look up. Looking over Rosé's shoulder as she bounces up and down, you see your photo displayed, Rosé's mouth opened in pleasure.
Grinning to yourself, you increase the speed of your thrusts, determined to get her orgasm face by the last photo.
"OH!" she squeals, surprised by your sudden turn of action. "Oh fuck, right there. Keep going," she pants, her hand covering yours and holding it firmly against her breast.
You squeeze firmly, shoving every inch of your meat deep into her snatch. Her lithe body arches back into you. She's panting heavily, each thrust causing her to take a sharp breath. You turn her head towards you and kiss her, her hand gripping the back of your head. It's sloppy and passionate, perfectly fitting the current heated moment that is occurring.
"I'm close. I'm so fucking close," Rosé chants, continuing to grip your head as she moves her hips to yours.
A few moments later, you have to cover her mouth with your hand as she shrieks her orgasm. Her walls clench around you as she comes, her juices flooding your cock.
"I'm going to cum," you warn, knowing you aren't going to last through her orgasm.
"Mmmph," Rosé says, until you remove your hand, "In me! Cum inside me!"
You don't take a second to question it, instead thrusting your hips upward, your cock pushing into her one last time as you empty rope after rope of your seed into her womb. You continue unloading into the star for what seems like eternity until you both finally collapse in the booth. Her body heaves on top of yours as she tries to catch her breath.
"I don't think I've ever cum that hard before," you pant, causing the Blackpink singer to giggle.
"Don't speak too soon," she says, leaning back and kissing you softly on the lips. Thinking of what she could have planned only causes your cock to twitch inside her with anticipation.
One thing is for certain: this girl certainly knows how to have fun.
BUY ME A COFFEE - if you enjoy my stories considering buying me a coffee! always appreciated, never required.
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yandereworlds · 5 months
Hi! Is the request still open? If it is, I wonder what Dae-Hyun would react to a s/o who often gave him small trinkets? Like items that the s/o remind them of him?
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It would be deeply touching, he thinks of it as his s/o bringing him tangible pieces of their love; a token. He's never had a true bond since his mom had passed, and receiving a gift - no matter how small - feels like a big deal to him. He'll be tempted to try and repay his s/o with something of equal sentimental value, but he's a bit worried at fumbling it. That doesn't stop him from trying his best though. Anything Dae-Hyun's lover gives him, is proudly displayed within his home, or put in a special box that he often opens to look in when he misses them.
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abandonedafterimage · 3 months
I can feel my Homestuck interest coming back soooo
You guys should send me Strider requests, or just homestuck requests in general. the striders are my fave tho (yes, also Bro)
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Its been a while so some of my homestuck knowledge has left my brain, so what some things are called have probably left my brain. but thats not gonna stop me.
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supercap2319 · 10 months
"You're going to help me find someone, Y/N." Hope stated. She sounded so sure of her request, that it would be pointless for Y/N to argue, but he did it anyways.
"And why the hell would I ever want to help you? After what you did to Josie and Lizzie's father. What you did to Silva. Forget it, Hope." Y/N said.
Hope smiled. "I'll repeat myself. You're going to help me... Or I kill live-action Ken doll."
They both knew what she was referring to. To Sky. If Y/N refused to help her, she'd take it out on Sky. Immediately, Y/N felt this wave of anger, fear, and nausea. "You stay the fuck away from him, Hope." Y/N's eyes flashed light blue as ice forms a pair of fairy wings on his back.
Hope's smile widened. "No need to show off, Y/N. I know you're powerful. Which why this is going to be so much fun. Causing so much chaos and pain together."
"Who are you looking for anyways?"
"Landon's brother. Clarke."
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louislovesdilfs · 6 months
this is a Doctor who fanfic, it's almost like a big experiment that I'm doing with a lot, LIKE A LOT, of theories or headcanons in it, crucial to this story (not all of them but whatever). I will put every source I use in this fics and if this series continues they will be A LOT. today's source tho it's just one @/whynotjohnlock I took something from them so thank you for the informations. There are some "uncanny valley" references but I tried to explain them as best as I could, let's just say it's full of nerd stuff and it will only get worst :)
pairing: 9th Doctor x reader (will eventually become 10th later on.)
English is not my first language so I apologise for the mistakes.
The street Y/n is walking in makes him nauseous, he saw that street so many times...the buildings, the houses, the people...all the same all the time, it's like living a nightmare: 20 years always in the same place with the same faces and the same dreams, dreams that not even he can believe.
Y/n lights up a cigarette letting the smoke fill his lungs and brain, it's poisonous yet it feels so good, the way his brain gets dizzy everytime the smoke gets in his body it's what he needs, it's the best feeling he can get in that small town somewhere.
He looks at the too familiar place with dead eyes, not even an emotion, maybe disgust for the place, he knows he will die in the same house he grew up in, like all the people in that fucking place, he will die sad and alone like his father before him, and the father of his father; lonliness and bad behaviour run strong in his family, as much as he hates it he is his parents' son, he has the same destructive, hot tempered and maybe pessimistic side of his father but the horrible, pathetic, useless kind heart his mother had..great woman his mother, always there to help the others until one day she helped the wrong person.
The street is looking as he remembers except for a tiny little detail, there's a phone box hidden in an alley, he has seen that alley a million times before but that blue box? it appeared from no where, almost a glitch in the matrix, he thinks; he's such a nerd.
Y/n steps closer carefully looking in case the owner is around, he feels the blue wood on his fingers genlty caressing it with his right hand, it's almost like the blue box can feel it, Y/n can swear he saw it light up for a tiny second. He steps away shaking his head, the door of the box is locked, he does take a picture tho, unusual to see something like that, it brought up feelings Y/n forgot he had.
"and who are you?" A voice behind him makes him flinch for a second, he never heard that voice before, Y/n turn around trying to go back to his stern look rather than the curiosity that made his face soften making him look like a kid.
"Is that yours?" Y/n asks crossing his arms, the man is wearing a big leather jacket and he's almost bald with a really noticeable nose, but overall he looks attractive Y/n has to be honest with himself
"answering a question with a question?" The man smirked in a sort of cheeky way, not arrogant even if it seemed that way
"avoiding to answer the question?" Y/n shot back tilting his head slightly, the man was a bit taller than him, probably much older, his eyes were at least, to the point where his face didn't match them.
"that is mine" the man answered in a calm tone, he looked weird tho, he didn't fit in properly, he was an english guy with a northern accent owner of a blue box in a hidden alley. Y/n looks at him suspiciously, his mind racing trying to think about what could be in that blue box, the most stupid reason comes to his mind but it's too late to stop his own mouth.
"what do you hide there? drugs? It won't take long for someone to notice it, it's a small town people talk." Y/n says looking around the alley but apparently there was nobody except for them, the man looks at Y/n puzzled and then speaks
"will you talk?" he asks waiting for an answer, Y/n raises his eyebrows, he was so weird, yet fascinating.
"no.." Y/n answers unsure looking between the man and that blue box
"great then, see ya" he says entering the blue box, but he leaves the door open, Y/n looks around the box, he hears noises coming from inside, he takes a look not sure what to expect but anything was better than the usual.
The blue box was bigger on the inside, Y/n couldn't believe his eyes, he steps in rapidly scanning the place and taking information, he processes everything as fast as he can but he feels his mind about to explode; the man is going around the console pressing buttons untill he notices the young man and smirks
"do you always come in when you're not invited?" he asks looking at Y/n with the same smug face as before
"do you always leave the door open for strangers?" He answers back quickly, too busy wondering around with his eyes to pay attention to the man
"this is the TARDIS, Time And Relative Dimension In Space" he explains crossing his arms and leaning on the console
"I was going to say bigger on the inside but.." Y/n starts to walk around biting his lower lip to think "maybe pocket dimension, this TARDIS is probably on another plane of existence or does it expand this one?" Y/n asks but wasn't waiting for an answer he just keeps thinking stopping sometimes humming a bit and then keeps talking
"if it travels in the fourth dimension, commonly known as time then it has the ability to change its weight and size...even appearance" he kept going mostly talking to himself
"it needs an incredible amount of power...a star maybe, a black hole even if less likely..fascinating tho, this can't be human and neither can you" He turns to the man who had a surprised look rather than a smug one, even a little bit amused by the man wondering around his TARDIS
"almost like uncanny valley just less scary I guess, my brain recognised you as an human being, yet something about you seemed off even if I couldn't recall what was it," Y/n affirms tilting his head to the side, that's what he always does when he's pointing out or suspecting something or at least that's what the man in the leather jacket noticed about him.
"so, what's your name?" he finishes getting closer to the man
"The Doctor" he answer with a tiny smirk crossing his arms in front of Y/n
"Doctor who?" Y/n asks raising his eyebrows, 'The Doctor' chuckles, he heard that question a lot Y/n thinks,
"just The Doctor" He says smiling at Y/n, a wide smile impressed by the younger man knowledge
"apparently you don't need me to explain how the TARDIS works.." he says while Y/n shrugs
"I failed physics 4 times, I know it by heart now" he explains in a low tone as if someone else could hear him and call him a nerd.
"you want to see it in action?" The Doctor says pressing some buttons as Y/n tryes to play it cool and hide the excitement
"is that even a question?" he just says screaming internally, finally something different, he can't believe he is leaving that small town, this can't be real, he might have bumped his head and now he's in coma.
"where are we going?" Y/n asks still focusing on the Doctor's movement, which buttons he presses and when, he can almost feel the levers and buttons under his fingers, he wants to drive the TARDIS, just to know how it feels like.
"anywhere you li-" as The Doctor tries to finish the sentence the TARDIS shakes making both of them fall to the ground, Y/n bumps his head as he groans in pain raising his hand to reach his head.
As the TARDIS stops Y/n stands up still holding his head massaging it and then turns to The Doctor with a stern look
"who gave you the licence, a fucking monkey? no not even a monkey, they would drive it better!" Y/n complains but the other man doesn't listen to him, instead he steps outside with a courious look on his face, Y/n follows him mumbling things under his breath
"we're in London?" he says looking around, Y/n scoffs
"anywhere in time and space and you bring me in London...in 2005!" he whines following the man in the city, Y/n clearly doesn't fit in, with his earrings and general piercings he looks like the lost member of the Tokyo Hotel however he tries to let the weird looks from the people slide for now,
"I didn't bring you here, the TARDIS brought us here for some reason," The Doctor answers
From that moment on things happen, they meet Rose,she's great and Y/n likes her. they fight with mannequins and a disgusting looking thing, Mickey is there too, not as great as Rose but whatever. It's time to go, Y/n knows the Doctor wants to take Rose with him, something is going on, it's clear in their eyes. Mickey is hiding behind a pallet, pathetic, Y/n thinks but doesn't say anything about it.
"a lot of good you were" Rose says looking at the man who's leaning on the TARDIS doorway, Y/n is outside, watching the scene carefully, his bleeding due to scratches on his face he tried to clean them with a tissue but that's what he gets for starting a fight with mannequins.
"Nestene Consciousness? Easy" he says with a smug smirk, Rose and Y/n let out a scoff
"you were useless in there, you'd be dead if it wasn't for me"
at the end of it Rose runs in the TARDIS, The Doctor smiles widely running to the console, even Y/n let's out a little smile looking at Rose, letting her know he's happy she came with them.
"Right then, Rose Tyler, you tell me. Where do you want to go? Backwards or fowards in time. It's your choice. What's it going to be?" The Doctor asks turning to Rose while Y/n quickly turns to him with a annoyed face,
" hey! what about me?" he says, after all he still didn't get a trip, or well he did but in London, 2005...that could've gone a bit better honestly.
"I don't talk to people with a black eye" he says turning to Y/n who mumbles "wait until I get you a black eye"
After the end of the earth, Y/n feels bad, mostly because Rose was so sentimental and sad of watching the earth get burned, he insisted watched, he watched with relief, the place that hurt him many many many years ago is burning down, he's watching it burn down. Rose calls her mom, she feels homesick, she doesn't want to look at it, Y/n tho he is watching every second of it, he's silent, his hands in his pockets, his face still bruised by the first trip, in his eyes the reflection of his world burning but no sign of sadness, to be clear no sign of anything. Rose's homesick, Y/n's home makes him sick.
The Doctor notice it, he sees the difference between his two new companions, he sees the difference in how they perceive things, when they killed Cassandra, Rose knew it was the right thing and maybe was even ok with it, Y/n wasn't, he glanced at The Doctor with rage and disappointment, how could he kill someone so easily? The Doctor tries to put a hand on Y/n shoulder but doesn't, instead Rose talks while watching the asteroids
"The end of the Earth. It's gone. We were too busy saving ourselves. No one saw it go. All those years, all that history, and no one was even looking. It's just" Rose stops not able to continue, The Doctor shifts his gaze from Y/n to Rose smiling as he easily understand her better than he can understand him.
"come with me" he says heading back to the TARDIS with rose following him, Y/n tho stays still amd that's when Rose notices the white knuckles of the man getting white while his fists get tighter,
"Y/n, you're coming?" she asks touching the man's arm lightly almost afraid, his hand relaxes as he looks at her trying to fake a calm expression as his gaze softens
"sure," he nods forcing his lips to curve in a smile.
They're back in London standing in the crowd, kids crying, people yelling and all that, Y/n sighs looking around, he doesn't understand if he's as relieved as Rose at the sight of normality but for now he turns to the other two as the Doctor begins to speak
"You think it'll last forever, people and cars and concrete, but it won't. One day it's all gone. Even the sky. My planet's gone. It's dead. It burned like the Earth. It's just rocks and dust before its time." he says opening up, Y/n remembers what they said, the last of his kind, he listens closely not talking or interrupting, he just listens to the man. 
"I'm a Time Lord. I'm the last of the Time Lords. They're all gone. I'm the only survivor. I'm left travelling on my own 'cos there's no one else." he continues after Rose asked a few questions
"you have me, us" she corrects herself looking at Y/n, he looks at her and The Doctor nodding even if he knows it's not how Rose thinks, it's cute how she thinks that enough but it's not, The Doctor is alone, he doesn't have anyone to share his grief with, as much as we try no one could understand his feeling, he's alone, he will always be alone no matter how many companions he has no one will ever fill that void, Y/n knows as he looks in The Doctor's eyes and The Doctor knows too as he look at Y/n almost like he read his thoughts
"You've seen how dangerous it is. Do you want to go home?" The Doctor asks the both of them but mostly looking at Rose, she hesitates for a few second but before she can answer Y/n speaks
"I want chips, who's with me?" he says as the other two laugh and nod
"chips it is then" The Doctor says and Rose takes his arm looking up at him
"Right then, before you get me back in that box, chips it is, and you can pay." she says chuckling slightly flirting with the man
"no money" he answered and Y/n let's out a light scoff almost like a chuckle
"my treat," he says looking at the two
"see that's a gentleman" Rose jokes nudging The Doctor
"yeah, he almost won me" The Doctor says and Y/n winks at him
the three laugh heading to get chips before going back in the TARDIS for another adventure.
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