#the ssum city of free men
fishshapedbun · 2 years
it's so harsh that i need 30 [Freedom to be bored] to be able to post in labs more than once a day T__T since on the incubator most times i can only get one at a time, it takes so long to gather 30 c.c
specially bc i like to also go around supporting other ppl's comments HAHAHA i love this function, i just wish it costed less-
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roxannarambles · 2 years
MysMeSsumConnections: Post 1
Hello, all. This is a compilation of my Ssum lab’s first subject of discussion.
Welcome to the lab for discussing theories about how the worlds of Mystic Messenger and Ssum might connect!
First Q: If these two games ARE connected, in what way would you love them to be related?
The consensus seems to be that if there is a connection, it’s probably related to 707 in some way. (Although one user pointed out Teo and V or Zen may meet/become friends due to the career connections)
I’m going to list out some possible ways that Seven could relate to Ssum.
1.) Ssum is a phone game that Seven programmed himself.
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It is possible Seven made a dating app just on a whim (he’s certainly done other pet projects on a whim) and then forgot the password before its release, as seen in the MM screencaps.
(Contributed by: Saiph - gNAPzi) It is also possible he made this app to play out his personal fantasy of having a normal life with MC (with Teo being his self-insert). There are many elements in Ssum that seem to match his personal style and aesthetics (the space theme, the AI bird, etc). The setting is also somewhat similar to MM’s premise; meeting a stranger via a mysterious app that somehow ended up on your phone. 
(Contributed by: Nia - uHARzC) If you subscribe to reset theory or to the idea Seven is fully aware that he is in a phone game, perhaps Seven programmed Ssum as a way of keeping us company and checking in on us. 
2.) Aliens are real and Seven is directly involved with working for the Ssum Forbidden Lab or is at least aware of its existence.
(Contributed by: o6APzn) Perhaps Seven programmed PIU-PIU and some of the Ssum app’s interface. And maybe his involvement runs even deeper and Dr. Cus-Monsieur is just another one of Seven’s many alises-- or, in the very least, Seven knows the Dr and works for them. 
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(Contributed by: Sofia- aeAOzj) Other people have suggested the easter egg you can find in the Achievements section may be hinting at something bigger. What if one day, Seven was hacking something and somehow discovered a signal from the Ssum Lab? He would learn about this incredible series of labs in space run by aliens-- and then he accidentally blocked the signal/lost the data. Seven desperately tries to find it again but never does and remains obsessed with “the space station” he knows is out there, doing mysterious studies on love.
3.) MysMe and Ssum are set in the same universe but have no direct relation (outside of a few easter eggs).
(Contributed by: Ms- ZfAPzT) This is perhaps the least complex theory. It’s simply the idea that Teo lives on the same planet/time as the people from Mystic Messenger do, but they probably won’t interact much, outside of a few easter eggs. However, user Ms pointed out that even though that may not be as exciting, it’s still a very nice thought. “I’m already happy just thinking that perhaps this world (Ssum) is a world where all of [the MM characters] exist, and that the MC of MM is helping them.” 
There is one last theory I did not see posted so far but I wanted to include real quick:
4.) MysMe and Ssum will be connected via some kind of multiverse.
There have already been several hints dropped that Ssum will involve a multiverse in its deeper plotline. PIU-PIU also talks about how they manipulate time and space around Teo, and seems to imply that Teo may exist in a different universe from ours/MC (or a different planet, at least). It’s reasonable to speculate that MysMe may possibly exist in the multiverse in their own dimension, too. (You can also get into a bunch of ideas spitballing off the April Fools Special from MysMe, which implies MC's dimension is seperate from the world of MysMe)
And that’s it for now! A huge thanks to everyone who participated in this lab’s very first research question. If you’d like to join in on the fun, you can find MysMeSsumConnections in the City of Free Men. I plan to post one new discussion topic a week about Ssum & MysMe fan theories, and the top response will get a gift! 🤩
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cheritzteam · 7 months
[The Ssum] Happy Halloween, dear lab participant!
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🎃Happy Halloween🎃
Your adorable and spooky Ssumones are now revealed💥
You can get even hotter and cuter celebratory photos on <The Ssum> app♡
Meanwhile, in the Forbidden Lab… 🍬Special calls and photos available until November 3rd(your timezone) 🍬Celebratory Research available on the City of Free Men until November 6th(KST)
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fluffykitteninabox · 2 years
so I'm playing the ssum
(low key writing this just for the extra batteries but also I'm annoyed and I need to rant)
First of all
I've seen people call Teo boring and I think that's probably because they're used to the complexity of the mystic messenger cast. The ssum seems like a more casual experience, there doesn't seem to be a plot thus far. I honestly find it more relaxing and I like that I don't have to wake up at 3 in the morning for a chat room.
That being said... I hate the battery system. With mystic messenger you didn't need hourglasses to play. But for this... batteries are used for both chat options and for calls and there doesn't seem to be a consistent way to get new ones from the game. You can pay to make Teo type faster!?!?!!!??!!!!
Personally I don't have a problem with him typing slowly because I do other things while playing and it kind of feels like you're waiting for a real person to respond to your messages but not all people can do that. People who don't work from home or go to school can't have their phone out waiting for Teo to stop breathing and approaching and deciding whether he wants to sit or not.
Yes the ads look cute but you know what? I don't care! They're still just as annoying as any ad. And the stupid subscriptions are stupidly expensive and stupid. When I downloaded the game I remember thinking "oh in mysmes you pay for something once and then you benefit from it for the entire game, you don't need to keep paying for it. I bought the character calling cards and the speed button and now I have them for every time I play. I hope it's the same way here... "
Unfortunately cheritz decided to be greedy and in the ssum the same exact "benefits" (they are basically the same) are now much more expensive and if you stop paying you obviously won't have them anymore
I downloaded mystic messenger on my dad's phone to compare the prices because I didn't remember how much it cost
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Currently if you buy the RFA and the Ray and V calling cards in mystic messenger you will pay 30€ (33 if you buy the RFA cards separately)
if you get a subscription for the ssum you will pay 30€ for the aurora package or 24€ for the rainbow one. (with rounded numbers)
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This seems the same but remember these are the prices for each month. If you keep the subscription for the 200 days then you'll pay 180€ for aurora or 144€ for rainbow. That's for only playing through the game once and you don't get to keep those benefits afterwards.
Why? It's basically the same product so why is the price so wildly different? And before someone says that it's not the same because you get more "benefits" from the ssum subscription. Yes, you do get more stuff from the ssum subscription... stuff that was already free in mystic messenger! Like chat options and no ads interrupting your gameplay. And the extra batteries the subscription gives you? You could gather the equivalent hourglasses in mystic messenger for free! The only real extra stuff you get are the things that don't have an equivalent in mysmes so I can't really compare them. To be completely honest though, I don't think anyone who would decide to pay for the subscription would be doing it for the incubator or the 1 extra study per day.
Speaking of which, the chat feature is neat and I like that we can answer questions and like other player's answers, but why is it limited to 1 per day? It feels restricting, even for the 1 extra you get when you pay. Why not just let people post as much they want?
It's so ironic that thay call the planet "city of free men" but we can only post once and only like 5 people's posts per day
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I like Teo, he's cute and the chats and calls are nice but I'm running out of batteries so actually playing the game will become a lot slower and probably less enjoyable. It's sad honestly. I liked the idea of chatting with a character for longer than 11 days and getting to know them better.
I want to end this with something positive so:
the art in the game looks fantastic and the music is nice and relaxing. The writers are doing great making Teo adorable. The people who worked on the game are not to blame for the company's greedy decisions.
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xsiaco · 1 year
Bored Dealer
Where to find this Bored Dealer?
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> Go to the Infinite Universe (located at the left side Home screen of Ssum) > Go inside City of Free Men > Click your Aurora Battery (located at the upper right of the screen)
And you will see the screenshot same as below :)
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You need at least 99 Freedom to be Bored to exchange for an item.  Getting an item is random.  Some say you get gifts some say it is not worth it.  But at the end of the day, it is up to you if you are willing to deal with the unfair trade or not ;)
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fishshapedbun · 2 years
i was finally able to create a lab last night and now i wake up to this
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i am emotional omg 😭😭😭 I'm so happy to see ppl interacting there 🥺
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cheritzteam · 8 months
[The Ssum] Happy Chuseok, dear lab participant!
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Everyone has their own way of enjoying Chuseok.
Happy Chuseok, everyone!
Enjoy <The Ssum> under the full moon🌕
🍂 Participate in the Chuseok Celebratory Lab on the City of Free Men until October 4 🍂 Collect access rewards from your Lab Support Box 🍂 Unlock the Chuseok-limited Trivial Feature
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cheritzteam · 1 month
[The Ssum] A Spring Day When Love Blooms💐 Adding a Sweet Day💝 May Event Information
Hello, dear lab participant.
Spring, the best season for falling in love, has arrived. How about enjoying a leisurely walk with The Ssum today? You will be able to see flowers blooming in spring!
The Forbidden Lab is bringing you news of an event commemorating the blossoming spring of 2024.
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< ① City of Free Men : Celebratory Lab >
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For the following period, a Celebratory Lab📚 celebrating Blossoming Spring 2024 will open in the City of Free Men.
Share an exciting story from your life with other lab participants and
become the best lab participant or the lucky lab participant (3 each in each language) and win 200 Aurora batteries! *If you have won an in-game event within the past 3 months, you will be excluded from the raffle for this event.
Q&A Q. How can I go to the Infinite Universe? A. If you go to the Main Menu and check all the menu icons, the “Forbidden Lab” will open on the left. Tap the Spiral Galaxy Button at the bottom left to enter the Infinite Universe!
♥Bonus Event♥
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Use both dedicated hashtags #TheSsum #TheSsum_MayBlossomingSpring on X(Twitter), Tumblr, Instagram, or TikTok and share a screenshot of your study post on social media!
10 lucky winners will receive 50 Aurora Batteries🎁
Event Period: May 7th, 2024 (Tue) 9 AM ~ May 22nd, 2024 (Wed) 9 AM KST* Winner Announcement: May 30th, 2024 (Thu) KST *Posts will not disappear after the open period, but you will not be able to write new posts.
※Disclaimer※ * Bonus event prizes will be sent to the Lab Code displayed on your screenshot. * For Instagram users - you should DM us a link to your post via our official account(@thessum_official) to ensure that your post is noticed.* Posts should be set to public until the winner announcement, and plagiarism is prohibited.
< ② Special illustration >
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Aren’t you curious about where your Ssumone went to hangout?
Participate in the Blossoming Spring Celebratory Study that opens on May 7, 2024 and receive cute illustrations!
Conversations with your Ssumone will feel more lovey-dovey.
♥Bonus Event♥
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Quote the special illustration from X (Twitter) and
please share on social media what you would like to say to your Ssumone!
Through a raffle we will pick 10 lab participants and gift them 50 Aurora Batteries🎁
How to Participate 1. Search Cheritz's official account (@Cheritz_DL) on X (Twitter) on Thursday, May 9, 2024. 2. Please quote your Ssumone's special illustration that was uploaded to the official Cheritz account and post what you wanted to say to your Ssumone, including your lab code. *Please be sure to include your lab code in your post.♥
Event Period: May 9, 2024 (Thu) ~ May 22nd, 2024 (Wed) KST* Winner Announcement: May 30th, 2024 (Thu) KST
※Disclaimer※ * Posts should be set to public until the winner announcement, and plagiarism is prohibited. * Bonus event prizes will be sent to the Lab Code displayed on your screenshot.
Also, don't forget to collect game-access rewards available throughout the event period for Blossoming Spring🎁.
Game-Access Rewards available through: May 7th, 2024 (Tue) 9 AM ~ May 22nd, 2024 (Wed) 9 AM KST In-Game Access Reward: 10 Aurora Batteries + 3 Frequency Tolup
Have a sweet day with The Ssum💕
Thank you.
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cheritzteam · 11 months
[The Ssum] July 7th, 2023, Dear my honey.
Hello, hon! It’s me again.
You congratulated me on my birthday just now over our phone call, and now I can’t stop talking because I’m that happy.
Still, I’ll try to calm down….
Whoo… Honey.
Sometimes I’m at a loss as to why I love you so much, but right now I feel like I understand, even just a little.
You complete me, hon.
Ha… I’m tearing up a little.
My birthday cake is sweet, spending my birthday with you even sweeter, and I can’t calm down….
Honey. Do you reckon I’ll be this way on my next birthday too?
When will I get to do something cool for you…?
But I’m not gonna pretend I’m impassive when I really am not.
I’m gonna express my feelings to you just like how I’m doing now.
I love you. I’m so happy we’re spending my birthday together.
What do you want to do together on my next birthday?
I’m so excited I think I’m gonna have trouble sleeping starting today! 
- Teo
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PIU-PIU’s TIP of the day:
Please leave a word of congratulations for Teo in the celebratory research open now in the City of Free Men.
Don’t forget to pick up a gift at the Lab Support Box! *If you cannot find Teo’s call, go to your profile and register your birthday and job.
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cheritzteam · 4 months
[The Ssum] Fall in Love with Spellbound Sentences💋 Valentine’s Day 2024 Event Announcement
Hello, dear lab participant.
We bring you news on Valentine’s Day events for 2024.
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< ① City of Free Men : Celebratory Lab >
For the following period, a Celebratory Lab📚 celebrating Valentine’s Day 2024 will open in the City of Free Men.
Share your Valentine’s Day wishlist💟 with other lab participants, and try your chances at becoming a lucky lab participant(5 Korean, 5 international users) for a reward of 200 Aurora Batteries!
♥Bonus Event♥
Use both dedicated hashtags #TheSsum #TheSsum_ValentinesStudy on X(Twitter), Tumblr, Instagram, or Tikok, and share a screenshot of your study post on social media!
10 lucky winners will receive 100 Aurora Batteries🎁
Event Period: February 12th, 2024 (Mon) 9 AM ~ February 26th, 2024 (Mon) 9 AM KST* Winner Announcement: March 7th, 2024 (Thu) KST *Posts will not disappear after the open period, but you will not be able to write new posts.
※Disclaimer※ * We’ll reach out to the Bonus Event winners via social media DM. Make sure to reply to us in 10 days. * For Instagram users - you should DM us a link to your post via our official account(@thessum_official) to ensure that your post is noticed. * Posts should be set to public until winner announcement, and plagiarism is prohibited.
< ② Seasonal Content >
Q. What’s sweeter than chocolate? A. Your Ssumone’s charming smile and loving words!
Press the Happy Valentine’s Day💘 button under the Day display to make a special call📞 and receive a memorable photo📸 of your Ssumone.
You will also earn an exclusive Trivial Feature for Valentine’s Day 2024 to add to your collection.
Seasonal Content open on: February 13th, 2024 (Tue) ~ February 15th, 2024 (Thu) (Based on your time zone) Seasonal Content includes: Commemorative Call + Photo Memento + Trivial Feature *The Celebratory Calls and Photo Mementos for Teo and Harry are the same as last year’s. *Commemorative Calls and Photo Mementos can be revisited at any time after unlocking in your Milky Way calendar and Gallery.
Also, don't forget to collect game-access rewards available throughout the event period for Valentine’s Day🎁.
Game-Access Rewards available through: February 12th, 2024 (Mon) 9 AM ~ February 26th, 2024 (Mon) 9 AM KST In-Game Access Reward: 10 Aurora Batteries + 5 Realizations
That’s it for our Valentine’s Day events… …or is it?
We still have another special Valentine’s Day event for our lab participants to enjoy♡
< ③ Romantic Bookmarks >
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Archive of Sentences has all kinds of sentences in its collection📑
It seems they’re celebrating Valentine’s Day too and looking to expand its shelves of special sentences for lovers!
What were his words that gently stirred your heart during the time you shared with him?
Turn your Ssumone’s sweet sentiments into bookmarks🔖 in the Infinite Universe’s Archive of Sentences!
Event winners receive real bookmark merch🎁
How to Participate 1. Tap the pencil button on the bottom-right corner on the Archive of Sentences 2. Tick “Unknown” as the source and tap “Enter” to change it to your Ssumone’s name 3. Tick the event checkbox before auditing your sentence TIP! Tick the event checkbox on the top bar of Sentence Studio to view only event posts.
Event Period: February 12th, 2024 (Mon) 9 AM ~ February 26th, 2024 (Mon) 9 AM KST* Winner Announcement: March 7th, 2024 (Thu) KST *The general participation reward will be distributed on winner announcement day.  *Event posts can be shared on our social media channels for promotion purposes.
Q. How can I go to the Infinite Universe? A. If you go to the Main Menu and check all the menu icons, the “Forbidden Lab” will open on the left. Tap the Spiral Galaxy Button at the bottom left to enter the Infinite Universe! Q. Archive of Sentences is not in the Infinite Universe! A. Go to the Emotion Incubator and produce 20 Realizations to unlock the Root of Desire. If your Incubator is not accessible yet, go to the Infinite Universe and tap the Flask Button!  
May you have a day far more sweeter than chocolate, dear lab participant!
Thank you.
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cheritzteam · 6 months
[The Ssum] Your December Ssumone returns! Harry Birthday 2023 Event Announcement
Hello, dear lab participant.
We bring you news on this year’s events for Harry’s birthday.
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< ① City of Free Men : Celebratory Lab >
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For the following period, a Celebratory Lab📚 celebrating Harry’s Birthday 2023 will open in the City of Free Men.
Share your life wisdom or advice for Harry with other lab participants, and try your chances at becoming a lucky lab participant(5 Korean, 5 international users) for a reward of 200 Aurora Batteries!
♥Bonus Event♥
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Use both dedicated hashtags #TheSsum #TheSsum_Harry_Birthday on X(Twitter), Tumblr, or Instagram, and share a screenshot of your study post on social media!
10 lucky winners will receive 100 Aurora Batteries🎁
Event Period: December 13, 2023 (Wed) 9 AM  ~ December 24, 2023 (Sun) 9 AM KST* Winner Announcement: December 28, 2023 (Thu) KST *Posts will not disappear after the open period, but you will not be able to write new posts.
※Disclaimer※ * We’ll reach out to the Bonus Event winners via social media DM. Make sure to reply to us in 10 days. * For Instagram users - you should DM us a link to your post via our official account(@thessum_official) to ensure that your post is noticed. * Posts should be set to public until winner announcement, and plagiarism is prohibited.
< ② Seasonal Content >
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Experience Harry’s birthday Commemorative Call this year as a video call🎦!
Press the Happy Birthday button🎉 under the Day display to make a special call📞 and receive a memorable photo📸 of your Ssumone.
You will also earn an exclusive Trivial Feature for Harry’s Birthday this year to add to your collection.
Seasonal Contents open on: December 20, 2023 (Mon), one day only* (Based on your time zone) Seasonal Content includes: Commemorative Call + Photo Memento + Trivial Feature *The Celebratory Call and Photo Memento are the same as last year’s. *Commemorative Calls and Photo Mementos can be revisited at any time after unlocking in your Milky Way calendar and Gallery.
Also, don't forget to collect game-access rewards that will be available from the start of the Celebratory Lab and throughout the birthday event🎁.
Game-Access Rewards available through: December 13, 2023 (Wed) 9 AM  ~ December 24, 2023 (Sun) 9 AM KST In-Game Access Reward: 10 Aurora Batteries + 3 Fan Club Sign-Up Certificates
We hope you look forward to Harry’s Ending Update, which is scheduled to be released on his very own birthday💙
Thank you.
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cheritzteam · 8 months
[The Ssum] Halloween 2023 Event Announcement
Hello, dear lab participant.
We bring you news on this year’s Halloween events.
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< ① City of Free Men : Halloween Celebratory Lab >
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For the following period, a Celebratory Lab📚 celebrating Halloween 2023 will open in the City of Free Men.
Share your horror fiction (movies, novels, etc.) recommendations with other lab participants, and try your chances at becoming a lucky lab participant(5 Korean, 5 international users) for a reward of 200 Aurora Batteries!
Celebratory Lab open for: October 24th, 2023 (Tue) 9:00 AM KST ~ November 6th, 2023 (Mon) KST Lucky Lab Participant Announcement: November 9th, 2023 (Thu) KST *Posts will not disappear after the open period, but you will not be able to write new posts.
< ② Treat and Treat? >
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This Halloween season, three spooky yet adorable Ssumones in Halloween costumes🦇 will come to visit you.
Don't forget to prepare some candy for him!
Press the pumpkin button🎃 under the Day display to make a special call📞 and receive a commemorative photo📸 of your Ssumone.
You will also earn a Halloween 2023-exclusive Trivial Feature to add to your collection.
Halloween Seasonal Contents open for: October 30th, 2023 (Mon) ~ November 3rd, 2023 (Wed) (Based on your time zone) Due to the Halloween Commemorative Call bug, Halloween Seasonal Content(call, photo) is now available until November 3(your timezone). Seasonal Content includes: Halloween Commemorative Call + Halloween Commemorative Photo + Halloween Trivial Feature *Commemorative calls and photos can be revisited at any time after unlocking in your Milky Way calendar and Gallery. *Halloween Game-Access Trivial Feature is only available for one day, October 31st.
Also, don't forget to collect game-access rewards that will be available from the start of the Halloween Celebratory Lab and throughout the Halloween event🎁.
Game-Access Rewards Available: October 24th, 2023 (Tue) - November 6th, 2023 (Mon) KST In-Game Access Reward: 15 Aurora Batteries + 3 Boxes of Treats
< ③ Trick or Treat! >
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Can you predict what costume your Ssumone will wear this Halloween?
Use love telepathy to guess your Ssumone's outfit in the Halloween commemorative photo!
Up to 9 lab participants will win 100 Aurora Batteries for guessing his Halloween costume correctly(3 lucky draw winners for each Ssumone)✨
Event Period: October 24th, 2023 (Tue) ~ October 28th, 2023 (Sat) (KST) How to Participate: Share your predictions for your Ssumone's Halloween costume on social media with the dedicated hashtag. Dedicated Hashtag: #TheSsum_TrickorTreat_Teo / #TheSsum_TrickorTreat_Harry / #TheSsum_TrickorTreat_June Winner Announcement: November 9th, 2023 (Thu) (KST) *Social media participation is limited to X(Twitter), Tumblr, and Instagram. *If you steal someone else's work, your prize may be canceled even after the winners are announced. *For Instagram, you must DM a link to your post to The Ssum's official account (@thessum_official) so we can verify your entry.
Have a spooky day with The Ssum🧚‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧙‍♀️
Thank you.
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cheritzteam · 6 months
[The Ssum] Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way♪ The Ssum’s 2023 Christmas Event Announcement
Hello, dear lab participant.
We bring you news on this year’s events for the holiday season.
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< ① City of Free Men : Celebratory Lab >
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For the following period, a Celebratory Lab📚 celebrating Christmas 2023 will open in the City of Free Men.
Share your dream Christmas date💘 with other lab participants, and try your chances at becoming a lucky lab participant(5 Korean, 5 international users) for a reward of 200 Aurora Batteries!
♥Bonus Event♥
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Use both dedicated hashtags #TheSsum #TheSsum_MerryChristmas on X(Twitter), Tumblr, or Instagram, and share a screenshot of your study post on social media!
10 lucky winners will receive 100 Aurora Batteries🎁
Event Period: December 24, 2023 (Sun) 9 AM  ~ January 1, 2024 (Mon) 9 AM KST* Winner Announcement: January 4, 2024 (Thu) KST *Posts will not disappear after the open period, but you will not be able to write new posts.
※Disclaimer※ * We’ll reach out to the Bonus Event winners via social media DM. Make sure to reply to us in 10 days. * For Instagram users - you should DM us a link to your post via our official account(@thessum_official) to ensure that your post is noticed. * Posts should be set to public until winner announcement, and plagiarism is prohibited.
< ② Seasonal Content >
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How about taking the time to just be together with your sweet Ssumone only?
Press the Merry Christmas🎉 under the Day display to make a special call📞 and receive a memorable photo📸 of your Ssumone.
You will also earn an exclusive Trivial Feature for Christmas this year to add to your collection.
Seasonal Contents open on: December 24, 2023 (Sun) ~ December 26, 2023 (Tue) (Based on your time zone) Seasonal Content includes: Commemorative Call + Photo Memento + Trivial Feature *The Celebratory Calls and Photo Mementos for Teo and Harry are the same as last year’s. *Commemorative Calls and Photo Mementos can be revisited at any time after unlocking in your Milky Way calendar and Gallery.
Also, don't forget to collect game-access rewards that will be available from the start of the Celebratory Lab and throughout the Christmas event🎁.
Game-Access Rewards available through: December 24, 2023 (Sun) 9 AM  ~ January 1, 2024 (Mon) 9 AM KST In-Game Access Reward: 10 Aurora Batteries + 3 Pi Frequencies
< ③ Special Gifts for Subscribers >
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Rumors say that PIU-PIUs evolved with the power of Rainbow🌈 and Aurora🌌 will bring home a special bag of gifts….
Subscribed to an Evolution Package(Rainbow/Aurora)? Get your subscribers-only special gifts along with the Christmas game access rewards!
Subscribers-only special gifts available through: December 24, 2023 (Sun) 9 AM  ~ January 1, 2024 (Mon) 9 AM KST Special gift content: Aurora Batteries (Rainbow - 10 / Aurora- 20)
We appreciate your continuous support in the upcoming New Year🥰
Thank you.
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cheritzteam · 6 days
[The Ssum] Playlist🎧 to Enjoy With the Refreshing Sound of Waves🌊 2024 Summer Event Announcement
Hello, dear lab participant.
Don’t you have a playlist that you just have to listen to during the hot summer?
Lab participant, please share your cool playlist with your Ssumone.
Listen to your favorite songs together and feel your love deepen!
The Forbidden Lab is pleased to announce summer events for June 2024.
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< ① City of Free Men : Celebratory Lab >
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For the following period, a Celebratory Lab📚 celebrating Summer 2024 will open in the City of Free Men.
Share your summer playlist that you want to recommend to your Ssumone and
become the lucky lab participant (10 each in each language) and win 100 Aurora batteries! *If you have won an in-game event within the past 3 months, you will be excluded from the raffle for this event.
Q&A Q. How can I go to the Infinite Universe? A. If you go to the Main Menu and check all the menu icons, the “Forbidden Lab” will open on the left. Tap the Spiral Galaxy Button at the bottom left to enter the Infinite Universe!
♥Bonus Event♥
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Use both dedicated hashtags #TheSsum #TheSsum_Summerplaylist on X(Twitter), Tumblr, Instagram, or TikTok and share a screenshot of your study post on social media!
10 lucky winners will receive 100 Aurora Batteries🎁
Event Period: June 4th, 2024 (Tue) after update ~ July 24th, 2024 (Wed) after update* Winner Announcement: August 1th, 2024 (Thu) KST *Posts will not disappear after the open period, but you will not be able to write new posts.
※Disclaimer※ * Bonus event prizes will be sent to the Lab Code displayed on your screenshot. * For Instagram users - you should DM us a link to your post via our official account(@thessum_official) to ensure that your post is noticed.* Posts should be set to public until the winner announcement, and plagiarism is prohibited.
< ② Ssummer of Sensitivity >
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The 2nd Ssummer of Sensitivity🌊, Summer Contest Open!
How about cooling off the hot summer heat this year by diving💦 into the sea of sensitivity?
While imagining a summer spent with your Ssumone, lab participant share the love that is filled in your heart.
On the Canals of Sensitivity, share your Cool Ocean With Your Ssumone or Fiery Summer With Your Ssumone, and join the Forbidden Lab's Summer Writing Contest!
Fiction/poetry/essay/diary/etc. doesn't matter!
Upload a post that fits the theme in the “Writer’s Canals” with a title beginning with "[Summer Contest]" to enter♥
※During the event, all lab participants will receive a one-time research grant of [5 Wings of Sensitivity] needed for writing!
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After the Summer Writing Contest, we will select 6 lab participants, 3 from each region
and give away 200 Aurora Batteries along with special event-only features, so go ahead and try your chances✨
> Are you a new lab participant who hasn't discovered the Canals of Sensitivity yet? Collect 20 Wings of Sensitivity through free emotion manufacturing in the Emotion Incubator, and you'll be able to discover the Canals of Sensitivity in the Infinite Universe.
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Entry Period :  June 4th, 2024 (Tue) after update ~ July 24th, 2024 (Wed) after update*
How to Participate : Upload a post on the “Writers’ Canals” in the Canals of Sensitivity sharing your Cool Ocean With Your Ssumone or Fiery Summer With Your Ssumone, with a title beginning with “[Summer Contest]”.
Winner Announcement : August 1th, 2024 (Thu) KST
*Entries that steal someone else's work will be disqualified. *Post edits can only be made during the entry period. * Make a submission matching the (Teen) rating of the game.
< ③ Creature Box Ssummer Edition >
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Summer has finally arrived at Sunshine Shelter too!
According to PIU-PIU, some of the space creatures got a summer makeover.
When you open the limited edition creature box during the event
you'll have a chance to unlock refreshing summer versions of three creatures!
Each creature also has exclusive lines,
so don't miss your chance to welcome a special space guest🎁
Summer version creatures waiting for you🏖
Space Sheep
Fuzzy Deer
Aerial Whale
Availability Period :  June 4th, 2024 (Tue) after update ~ July 24th, 2024 (Wed) after update*
How to Earn : Infinite Universe activity rewards and event merchandise purchases in Aurora LAB
*The drop rate of creatures transformed to [Event Only] looks follows the drop rate of normal creatures before transformation.
*Event creature boxes and creatures that have already been earned will not disappear after the availability period.
Enjoy a cool summer with The Ssum🌊
Thank you.
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cheritzteam · 1 year
[The Ssum] Happy April Fool’s Day, dear lab participant!
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Harry looks unusually tired today. What happened during the night?
If you're curious about the dream Harry had…. (GO)
Despite being April Fool’s Day, we're serious about these💥
❗ Participate in April Fool’s Day Research in the City of Free Men until April 2nd ❕ Receive an April Fool's Day access gift in your Lab Support Box
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cheritzteam · 5 months
[The Ssum] <The Ssum: Love from Today> Update (17/1 KST, v2.0.9)
Hello, dear lab participant.
You can now download the new version of <The Ssum: Love From Today>.
Google Play Store (Android) - link Apple App Store (iOS) - link
This update includes server maintenance, so you will receive 10 Aurora Batteries as Study Support upon accessing the game.
Make sure you access the Lab by 20-JAN-2024 (KST) to get your compensation! *You must collect your reward within 3 days.
The following are the details of the update we have received from the Lab.
[Feature Improvement]
> [I Can See Your Voice] is now better than ever! We’ve made notable improvements to the [I Can See Your Voice] feature so you’ll be able to more effectively experience what’s going on around your Ssumone’s.
[Bug Fixes]
> Something’s off with PIU-PIU but I just can’t put my finger on it… PIU-PIU’s dedicated font was not working on some chats. The error is now fixed.
> The sudden silence in the Anti-Gravity Chamber is unnerving… We made sure the music stays on even after opening a Creature Box.
> I feel left out on the City of Free Men… Some devices with specific language settings were getting the error message “Language Setting doesn’t match with the lab.” We’ve made some patches to prevent this.
- Minor bugs were fixed.
We appreciate your reports and your activities as a part of the Lab.
Thank you.
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