#the straightforward cosplay idea is one that I've wanted to do for years and years and years. a complete classic
sheliesshattered · 1 year
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The overdress is all in one piece! And we have sleeves! With bonus screen accurate Rhaenyra ring!
Work has been extra weird this week, but weird in a way that's given me more time to iron and pin and sew than I usually have. So I was able to get through that long list of pressing tasks from my last post, and then pin the two front panels to the side panels (which are already sewn to the back panels), pin the back seams of the sleeves, and sew those four seams earlier today.
With those seams done, the sleeves are sleeve-shaped and the dress is basically dress-shaped. All of those new seams need pressed, and the sleeve seams will need to be hand-finished since the black silk organza is a bit itchy on its cut edges. There's just one more body seam left to sew for the dress, the center front seam, and then the little shoulder seams.
There's quite a lot of finishing to be done, both on the dress and the sleeves. In the above pic, the sleeve is just clamped closed at the underside of the wrist, and once it has its hooks-and-eyes it'll fit a lot more smoothly. And then there's all the seam finishing for the dress, hemming the neck and armscyes and skirt edge, and handsewing on all the trim and beading. Lots to do!
I've been working little by little on the handsewing for the seams finishes for the underdress, and then it will need all its hemming too. But when possible I've been trying to focus on the overdress, because if it came down to it, I would rather have the overdress done and leave the underdress somewhat unfinished. But today is exactly 15 weeks until I have to pack for Dragon Con, so I've still got time, and I'm hoping I can get everything finished to my liking in the time remaining.
Besides the dress itself, I still have a few things to do on the wig, and I've been tracking down the jewelry pieces one by one, and I may actually end up making one piece that I've been unable to find. I also want to make a little handbag to carry all my stuff at con, but that's definitely on the nice-to-have list.
Some days I feel like I'll be able to get through this whole project with time to spare, and other days I feel like I'm going to be working on it up until the very last moment, and maybe have to cut corners to get it done. Getting through this last portion of machine sewing and into all the extensive handsewing will hopefully give me a better idea of how long the whole thing will take.
But, of course, I'm already having Ideas™ about what other cosplays I could make for Dragon Con this year, if I do end up having time at the end of the summer. One of them would be pretty straightforward, and I could use the same pattern as this project with just a few modifications, and I already have at least most of the materials I would need to complete it. The other one is completely ridiculous, with tedious machine sewing and handsewing, but damn it would be fun.
Welp. I guess if I want to have any hope of finishing this cosplay and maybe one or two more after that, I should probably get back to it. My iron awaits!
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daredevilexchange · 2 years
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What’s your fannish ID? He6o or He6oart on most platforms, but I also sometimes go by "Carrot", or my actual name, 'Skye'. My screen name is said 'Nebo', and is Russian for sky, because languages are cool 👀 I picked it years ago and it was short and snappy enough so I kept it, even if it does invite confusion at times.
What types of fanworks do you create? Fanart of the digital and sometimes traditional variety! I have also written original works in the past and am working on an original comic, but haven't written for fandoms before.
What are your favourite types of fanworks, when you’re not creating? I am a voracious consumer of fanfic, lurking and enjoying from various fandoms and being terrible because I am always too nervous to comment T_T But to all the fanfic writers out there, I adore you! Thank you so much <3 I think you have collectively increased my reading speed by a ridiculous level XD Very helpful when going through dry academic papers.
What do you like in particular about this fandom? I'm practically brand new to this fandom as a creator, but I really enjoy fics with DD interacting with the defenders or the punisher. Or just anyone we haven't seen yet - avengers-with-daredevil fics are so cool! (Hopefully we'll see more with the recent MCU news! 👀) I'm generally not a shipper in any of my fandom interests but I will still read and enjoy good content regardless of my personal preferences for creating <3
Of course, I am here for Matt 😂 He's basically one of my all time favourite characters now, and he carved that spot out after I saw only a single episode…which I think is the fastest I've ever latched on to a character in my life.
Do you like participating in fan events? Absolutely! I'm a more active participant in the Final Fantasy fandom (particularly for FFXV) and have been a part of big bang (as an artist), along with contributing art and merch for several fanzines, modding several and running one of my own, all of which was a LOT of fun. Would be totally down for something like that in daredevil fandom too when I have a few more artworks behind me and am a bit more known!
I am also a regular con attendee, though not in the last couple of years, but hopefully again soon! I need to dust off my cosplay skills.
What about your creating process? I have basically been fused to a pair of headphones since I was 7 years old and do everything to a playlist. If I don't have music blasting away it's too easy to get distracted, so it's the best way for me to zone out and focus in on my work (favourites include mostly soundtracks, QOTSA, NIN, Coldplay, Garbage and Ladytron). Otherwise it's pretty straightforward…I tend to get an idea that wont leave, and just glue myself to my iPad until it's done, day and night. Usually culminating in me going to bed at 4am.
In terms of my creative history, I was an artistic kid but I stopped creating for a various number of reasons during college (I'm in the UK, so that's age 16-18) right up until I finished my undergraduate masters in 2016…and it wasn't until I started my PhD that I realised I needed a good stress outlet and picked it back up again…so given the time I lost, I've been trying to be productive with my time and hone my painting skills. My favourite sort of work is the old religious renaissance works so I really want to reach that level of artistry with understanding lighting and accomplishing realism, but keeping textures and brushstrokes. I'm working mostly digitally as it's definitely a cheaper way to learn, but if I can paint something amazing on canvas one day I'll be thrilled. I have a lot of influences, so sometimes I'll see a work by someone and get inspired to try a totally different colouring style, but my best works tend to come back to my strongest influence.
Do you interact a lot with other fans? In this fandom, I'm basically brand new, but I do a lot of interacting with FFXV fans. We're a small community that's only decreased in size as interest waned after the game's release, so it's pretty easy to sort of know everybody? I am always down for making new friends but tend to need a bit of a push as I often feel like I'm intruding on the cool kid's table when I branch into a new fandom XD My approach is to basically just make content and exist on the fringes waiting to get roped in. I'm a lot more active at talking to people on twitter though so feel free to poke me on there!
Is there any particular piece you'd like to showcase for this post? Probably the second of my Daredevil/Matt Murdock pin trio.
I designed this one and two others (Black outfit(s) and horned S2 outfit) as a set to make into acrylic pins, but I think I'm particularly proud of this one because it took me so long and went through so many revisions…I felt like I was more critical of this artwork than of anything I've done in the last year, including multiple zine pieces 😂
After I finished the first one with the S2 outfit (which was a fun experiment with textures) I was kind of impatient and raced into wanting to paint Matt with no costume, so I forwent any kind of face study and just started sketching and painting using the same palette from the first one, and wow did I have to redo it so much. This trio of DD pieces was both me learning how to draw/paint Charlie Cox, but also a test to see if I could consistently apply the same palette to multiple works of art despite my photo references being all over the place in terms of both colour and lighting. I think it was a success overall, and I learnt a lot from these pieces, including how much I really enjoy painting Charlie Cox 😂
Do you have other fandoms you'd like to talk about? Ah, I float around different circles but Final Fantasy is probably my home base of sorts. Mostly I am really into video games, so my interests lie there a lot (FF, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Detroit Become Human etc). Tolkien's works are another big area of interest for me, but often my interests tend to lie in one-off areas because I am difficult to impress.
I tend to enjoy a wide range of things, and when I fall really hard for a character or series I am compelled to create. I think few characters inspire me enough to form the kind of attachment I have with daredevil now - the last one to do that was Ignis from FFXV, and just a quick skim through my past works will show that I absolutely put that passion into art (and buying merch - I think my bedroom can probably be described as 50% Ignis shrine at this point). What can I say, I love virtuous acrobatic characters with hidden depths, especially when there's a dichotomy to their personality 👀
Is there anything else you want to tell us about yourself? A bit about me, I suppose: I am from the UK and in my early 30s, a recent graduate with a PhD in Observational Astronomy, a threat to all coffee supplies everywhere and a huge fan of philosophy, architecture and politics/law. As a kid I was known for: breaking up fights on the playground, being "the artist" kid and wanting to know literally everything about anything (give me any subject and I will just fall into a pile of books). My academic history is a mess of contradictions because I had no idea what I wanted to do with myself at 16 and I was your stereotypical straight A student with options in everything XD
If there is a Starbucks within a mile of my location, I have probably been there (and bought a mug,). I one day hope to live in a big city because places like London, Tokyo and NYC are architecturally fascinating and 24 hour coffee shops are not a thing in my smaller city XD. I tend to keep a lot of my thoughts private and mostly I live on discord. And I am really into fashion and am as attached to my sunglasses as I am my headphones (though some of that is due to light sensitivity XD). My preferred pronouns are also They/Them, but I am pretty chill about it so no worries if you forget 🙌
I do post a lot of FF art, naturally, because my other love is Ignis. But I can see my hyperfixation on Matt is definitely going to lead to a bunch of art on that side - and I have a few sketch plans in mind for October prompts (probably doing those face studies I neglected too 🤔) So give me a follow if that doesn't bother you!
Also, I talk a lot! Definitely something to note (but you probably guessed that by now!)
Where can your fanworks be found? Twitter, tumblr and IG are where I post things (cross-posting mostly, though I am not particularly good at remembering instagram exists outside of being a place for me to appreciate other people's work 😂). I have a couple of storefronts but they're currently going through revisions, and I also forget to use tags too often 😓
Twitter - https://twitter.com/He6o Instagram - https://instagram.com/he6oart Tumblr - https://he6o.tumblr.com Patreon - https://patreon.com/he6o
Or everything all in one place! https://he6o.carrd.com/
Thank you, @he6o !
banner by @context-is-for-kingpins !
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sagemoderocklee · 7 years
Since your editing Alliance will that make any major changes to the chapters that are already up or just small things? The pace does pick up! You write the characters so well, do you think its cause you've watched alot of the show? Or when you write a character do you kinda go back to the series and focus on a character to get a better idea of how they talk and everything? I ask because I've had ideas for stories but didn't think I wrote the characters right, then get annoyed @ myself lol.
I don’t anticipate any major changes to what’s already up. I’m mostly going over the posted chapters for grammar, sentence structure, and consistency. If I do end up changing anything vital I will make a post about it over at @thealliednationssaga​ blog and I’ll definitely let people know when I update the next chapter as well.
I’m so glad that you feel the pace picks up. I know the first few chapters are really kinda slow because they set the stage for the entire fic, so I always worry that it puts ppl off. I just re-read the prologue and chapter one last night--and like the prologue I love, but chapter one has some things that need serious fixing. at least i think so lol but i’m a perfectionist. like honestly you should see the notes I have for this fic lmao 
oh man. thank you so much. that means soooo much to me you have no idea. because like this fic--like smh there are literally so many characters and I do not know how I managed to get all these different perspectives into it and write them all well enough? like that makes me so happy!!! especially cause I started out not being quite as familiar with so many characters. 
For writing them, it really depends on the character. Like Lee and Gaara I think are the ones I’m most familiar with. Lee because of cosplaying him and roleplaying him, but also because of shipping him and Gaara so much. I spent a lot of time thinking about them as individuals and as a couple and why it all works so well, so like with them it was a lot of them being my faves so I always rewatched the parts of the series they were in, but also I just spent a lot of time on my own thinking about them. 
With other characters, it was a lot of reading the Naruto Wikia, actually. I honestly have not read the manga or watched the anime enough. It actually took me a long time to even start writing Naruto fanfiction because I didn’t feel comfortable enough with the characters or the world. It wasn’t until after I cosplayed Lee in 2010 that I started to write fic for the series. And that was when I started writing Alliance, in fact. 
So, characters like Ino, Hinata, Kiba, Chouji and some others, who I hadn’t spent as much time thinking about or seen enough of in canon, I went to the Wikia. 
Honestly, I feel like I’ve spent more time on that Wikia than anyone who doesn’t contribute lol The Wikia is what saved me in terms of finding small bits of information about characters, villages, techniques etc. And it helped with the big things too. It was a super handy reference. Especially for someone like me who skipped a LOT of the series. I jumped around a lot with Naruto. So my canon knowledge can be a little spotty. It’s fine in terms of Alliance if the character isn’t a central figure, but if they end up being important then the Wikia is basically my go-to. 
After a while though--and again I’ve been working on this fic for 6 1/2 years, so it’s been a long while--characters just become easier to write. Like, you might start off kinda shaky with them, but the more you write them the more familiar with them you get and eventually it starts to just come naturally. 
Also, I think a lot of the credit goes to my editing process which is intense. Like this fic has been done for like a year and a half or something??? But it’s not fully posted because my editing process is intense. Going back over what I wrote really helps. With each individual character, they all have their own arcs. So I have a set of questions I can focus on for each character, and then branch out a bit on an individual basis. 
If you’re not feeling confident with writing a certain character, I definitely recommend not only reading about them outside of the content itself, but also just practicing writing them. Put them in a situation and just let it flow. If you feel stuck, it’s probably because it’s unnatural for the character (although you could also be overthinking). You can always make a list of traits you feel that the character has and then write drabbles or something to explore those aspects of the character.
Like let’s go with Lee because I’m super comfy with Lee. Let’s say you don’t feel confident writing him, but you really love him. So ask yourself: What do you know about Lee that’s important to his characterization? What do you think his most defining character traits are? What are his goals? What are his fears? 
For the first question, let’s just focus on one aspect and see where that takes us. Let’s look at Lee’s speech patterns. His speech patterns are very formal, which lends itself to more flowery speech. This also indicates that, as a person, he is very respectful. He would always defer to someone’s rank, unless familiar with them (ex: Neji), and he is always very courteous even with strangers and enemies. Lee also never curses, which follows that he probably doesn’t like vulgar language at all and would be very sensitive to it. 
So already we have an idea of Lee’s voice. The voice of a character is super important because you want to make sure each voice comes through strongly, otherwise it can get kind of muddled, especially if there’s a dialogue heavy scene. And with characters like Lee, Kankurou, and Gaara (for example), who have very particular voices either in their speech patterns (formal speech for Lee, drawling and very casual for Kankurou) or in their inflection (Gaara is generally very monotone, even deadpan at times), if you don’t have a grasp of their voice, then you lose a lot of characterization in that. If Lee curses while he’s sober, then he’s OOC. If Kankurou doesn’t drawl and use a lot of contractions, he’s OOC. If Gaara isn’t concise and straightforward, then he’s probably OOC. Gaara is more nuanced though because he does emote a lot more later in the series and you have to take the situation into account. 
I could honestly go on and on, but I feel like I’ve gone overboard. You definitely did not ask for a lesson in creative writing and here I went and did one anyways so I’m gonna shut right the hell up lol I feel like just that first question is a good enough aid if you need it which you probably don’t and I’m just being ridiculous >
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