#the tarot person i met at halloween and i have been talking like. EVERY day
dragqueenpentheus · 1 year
#the tarot person i met at halloween and i have been talking like. EVERY day#and she just sENT ME A VOICE NOTE#and im just like.#blushy anxious and i wanna hang out and !!!!#am UNABLE to tell my OWN intentions let alone hers but im trying to just be CHILL and match her ENERGY#which means i DO have to send a voice mail back nsnskajNDNDJJD#but i think shes really cool and im so happy to have met someone new and on my own and like !!!#shes so KIND !!! and encouraging and smart !!!!#this should all be going in my journal but im feeling daring and posting instead#irl#personal#ANYWAY im excited i have made a grown up friend#i admire her willingness to be so emotionally open and just !! go for the things she wants!!! she runs her own tarot business like thats so#wicked#she posted my etsy review on her insta story and i was giggling all day about it#and weve been playing a game where ill post a daily rough for my tarot deck and she'll guess the card and its been FUN IM HAVING FUN!!!#shes a part of this group of local artists and craftspeople who table at shows and festivals and markets and they have just !!!#a cool little community!!!!!!!!!#i wanna get in there but i also dont want to be. too large about it#one of the people in that community does WICKED stick and pokes and ive been thinking about getting one from her#but what if i do my patened 'getting tatttooed' move and get soooooo awkward and get big foot in mouth disease huh what THEN#well. like all the other times i have done this (every single one) i get some sick forever art out of it#and id even go back to one of the artists probably without crying in shame on the bus the whole ride therebdjsksmmsms#ANYWAY THESE ARE TRULY JOURNAL THOUGHTS MY GOD
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Second Broken Heart
I met someone incredible in October. I wasn’t looking for it, it just happened. We just got talking. 
We planned to meet up and go bowling. It was sort of as friends but it was also sort of a date, but neither of us expected it to go any further. 
Minute I saw him I thought he was so cute. His eyes just... twinkled and it was so, so beautiful. 
We had such a great time bowling, he was much better than I was. We walked around the arcade for a bit afterward, and had some lunch together at the alley. Then we decided to go and hang out by the water, right near the river where we both lived. We sat on the wharf and we chatted for almost 4 hours about our pasts, our lives. He’d come from a very different place than I had, but there were so many similarities. I think we both felt something starting to grow in us. 
Only that night we messaged again, and he told me how cute I was and how nice my butt was. The conversation got a little suggestive but still innocent and cute at its core. He decided he’d like to see me again the next day, so I invited him over. 
It didn’t take long and I made a move on him, and he smiled so warmly when I did because he’d been waiting for it. He stopped the story he was telling and we just kissed and cuddled for so long. It was amazing, and it felt so right from the start. 
He’d message me in the mornings when we were both working, he’d ask if I wanted to catch up for lunch, or go to the markets with him. 
“Thinking of you <3″ he’d send out of nowhere in the mornings. 
I invited him to a Halloween Fair, and he said he was very keen to go and would ask his friends. One of them was another boy. Someone he was good friends with. A friend with benefits. An American guy who had for some reason come to Australia and got stuck here since covid. This guy had an apartment in Berlin, he is very independent, he is everything I am not. And I mean that. I came to learn he is selfish, he is addictive, he is cruel. He was the only other one of his friends that came that night. We had dinner together, me, his friend, and one of my best friends. The American guy came off as charming and charismatic, and while I was sad there was more chemistry and history between him and the other guy than me, I couldn’t be upset. It hurt that night though, as the two of them split off and did their own thing together, leaving me and my friends lost and aimless. Then they left to go and drink as they said they did every single night. 
I spent a night at his house at his invite, he said he wanted me to, he wanted to spend the night watching Schitt’s Creek with me. We watched Cabin in the Woods, we had a few drinks, I had cooked him dinner at my place. It was just such a perfect night. In the morning we got up and he took me to get breakfast at a little deli near his house and took me back home. 
Before that night he had asked the American guy if he wanted to be his boyfriend, becasue his feelings for me were starting to get very intense. The other guy laughed and said no not really. 
We continued seeing each other, doing things, being cute and making memories. Eventually as he was leaving my place one night I ask if he wanted to come to my work dinner with me. He said of course he would, he said he would really like that. The day came and I asked if we should go back to his place after the dinner or what. He said “the thing is, the other guy is staying here with me for a few days. He lost his palce and he needed somewhere to stay. I’m so sorry. Neither of us have an issue sharing a bed with a third though.” 
This kinda threw me off. I said I needed to protect my heart, and that I wasn’t as close with this other guy as I was with him. Eventually I said yeah you may as well come I’ve been looking forward to this and we may as well do it. 
Before we left we had a talk. He asked me if I wanted our relationship to go further. I said I had very strong feelings for him and yes I would but I’d like to take it slowly. He said he had very strong feelings for me too, but he also had feelings for the other guy and he had to choose. He said after the way we spoke he said “It’s you. I want to choose you.” 
The work dinner was one of the most magical and perfect nights of my life. We laughed and drank with my workmates, one of my good work friends drove us home and me and him held hands in the car the whole way home. We got back to his place but couldn’t go in bc the other guy was there, so we walked up to the park near his house. It was a warm night and we swung on the swings and kissed in the street. He walked me over to my friends house nearby and kissed me goodbye. 
A few days later he came over, and something was wrong. He sat down and said he needed to tell me he had spoken to all the people he needed to speak to and he had actually decided it was best for him to choose the other guy. We spoke and I cried. I told him it sucked but as long as he was happy. He told me how the other guy had said he will pay for his passport to move overseas, that he would take him all around Europe and see his smile and excitement seeing those places (covid was never mentioned which was telling). He didn’t say a word about how the other guy made him feel. It was all about the travel, all about the things he could give him. In fact, as we spoke I found out they had already been official for a day. 
I went off the rails after he left. I wasn’t well, I was absolutely shattered. 4 days it lasted, and I couldn’t function. I couldn’t go to work. It was triggering so much past trauma for me that I thought I had worked on. 
But one night, when my closest friends were with me for comfort, he messaged me. “Hey, do you think I could see you at some point?” 
I asked why, and what was up. He said it had been a rough week. He said him and the other guy weren’t working. He said that all he could think about was me, at any moment. He wanted his rock back. I allowed him to come and say what he had to say and I could see he was exhausted. 
He told me how the other guy had been understanding but seemed to be addicted to sex with him. He pinned him to the bed and asked if he loved him. He’d ask him for drugs all the time, he’d want to always get drunk and party. He said “I don’t like the person I am when I’m with him.” “I was with him for the wrong reasons.” “I spoke to my sister and she stopped me and said when you talk about Marc your face lights up, but when you talk about the other guy there’s nothing.” 
I took him back. We’d take it at my pace, but I did it. We’d cuddle, we’d watch things, and eventually one day when I had driven to his house and we went for a walk at that very same park from my work dinner, I said I thought I was ready. And it happened. He became my boyfriend. We were both over the moon, we were both so happy. 
He took me to the markets, we went shopping for tarot cards, we’d have lunch together. He took me to the central markets and we had lunch in a fancy food court and he made me dinner with the things he got there. We went to the beach, and he even took me with him all the way up to Renmark to meet his friends and see the river. He told some of his family about me, they said invite me over on christmas. He made me so happy. When we were in the car we couldn’t stop holding hands or touching legs. We’d talk so much and it was just so right. Everything lined up so perfectly. 
After we’d started dating the other guy got upset, of course. He turned up to his house unannounced and the first thing he said was “do you want drugs?” and told him “you’ve really fucked me over.” 
He said how shocked he was in his behaviour and that he’d dodged such a massive bullet. He said he’d made the right choice for sure in going with me. 
But eventually the other guy did message again. He’d taken himself out into the outback. Suddenly, when I picked him up one day, he said “i’ve been overthinking again. and I don’t know what I want.” 
We spoke about it for 7 hours. I cried. I could tell what was happening. I had only just got one of his christmas presents. A silver bracelet I got engraved. It had a bowling pin and our star signs on it, with the date we sat and spoke for hours at the wharf. I gave it to him and he did take it. 
Eventually it came to ahead that he would decide to not be in a relationship.  
He said “I need to choose between a person and a lifestyle” the person was me, and I can only assume the lifestyle was the other guy. He said if it was all stripped away and it was just between people it would be me. But he doesn’t like living here. He said “I’ll always love more than one person”. And he couldn’t tell me that he wouldn’t leave me to be with the other guy again. 
He said he needed a few days of space, but he would message me on Christmas to wish me a merry christmas. Christmas day arrived and there wa snothing. I sent a messgae just saying “Merry Christmas” and he opened it with no reply. Same on new year. 5 minutes after midnight I messaged “Happy new year!” he opened it and no reply.  I have been absolutely gutted by it for almost a month now. Every day has been hell. I messaged to ask waht was going on and he did respond. He said he couldn’t cope with hurting me anymore. He said no matter how hard he tried he would hurt me. He was trying to “protect” me from that. I responded, he opened it, and no response. 
I know he is back with the other guy again. And it makes me sick to my stomach. He said he loved me. He said “I want to build a future with you.” he said “I want to go to your dream places with you, I want to protect you, I want to have a life with you.” none of those things exaggerated. Those are exactly what he said to me. 
To give it away for someone who hassles him for drug contacts, who takes him to gamble, who uses him for sex even when he doesn’t feel like it, and who will influence him to drink almost every day. 
I love him, and despite what he has done and the choices he has made I still do. 
But I think he has made one of the biggest mistakes of his life. 
It’s so hard. My heart is so empty. 
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reddeaddamnation · 5 years
Imagine: The Arcana characters being stuck in the real world with you
Author note: This came out as stupid as I thought lol
"Asra!" A loud male voice, coming out as a yell was suddenly heard from the room next to the one you were in and darted you up and alert. Was someone trying to break into your house? Did you just hear the name... Asra? You grabbed the nearest object to you that could be used as defence - the knife you were eating your dinner with and slowly walked to the next room, heart pounding painfully in your chest. You heard quiet voices.
"What?" A male voice, calmer than the other one asked "I didn't do anything." A small chuckle followed "You wound me, Ilya." Then a female voice, soft like velvet, remarked indifferently "Then pray tell, how did we end up in a situation like this?" The sound of metal caught your attention, as it scraped on the wall, followed by a petty sneer from another male "And who in the world was in charge of the interior decorating?"
You peeked from around the door and what you saw made you gasp, catching the attention of everyone in the room. They turned around to look at you and you couldn't believe your eyes! They looked just like the Arcana cast! "Who are you?" Asra asked calmly "Where are we?" You couldn't speak. You didn't even know how you feel about this! "Well, if the company is as lovely as this person I certainly wouldn't mind spending several days here. Wherever here is." Julian shot you a cheeky smile.
It was hard to explain to them where they are. It was an even bigger shock to Nadia and Lucio who realized they can't spend Vesuvian money in real life. Nadia needed a shopping therapy to cope with all this. Even if she claimed nothing in the store was her style, she still ended up buying several (quite expensive) dresses. The shock on her face was softly said when the cashier told her he won't take her money. At least she wasn't like Lucio who went into a fit, claiming he could buy the store and the entire mall even, made a scene, said the clothes were ugly and shamelessly asked you for money five minutes later.
Asra was taking all this in more calmly. He had plans to open another shop, but when you told him the people feel differently about magic now, he honestly looked a bit anxious about his future and went deep into thought about what else he could do. Julian didn't give a damn about anything and straight out asked you about the nearest bar, to which you refused to let him go, afraid he will get lost. Muriel tried to act chill as ever even though you could tell he was panicking on the inside and had a hard time finding his place. Portia, on the other hand, was thrilled and asked you about everything, took some of your clothes and had a great interest in technology.
A few days passed and things were seemingly calming down, everyone were seemingly getting along and getting used to the new atmosphere. Nadia was looking through a fashion catalog and cringing at every piece of cloth she saw "Ugh. Do these people not know how to dress?" Julian was playing a video game on the floor and laughing loudly every time he progressed. Muriel isolated himself in your room and of course, you knew better than to disturb him. Portia had snatched your phone to take selfies and caption with the slangs she had learned from you even if they didn't always make sense. And Lucio was in the bathroom, bathing for the fifth time today much to the dismay of the rest of you. "You know." Asra stated as you were sitting together on the couch "You really remind me of my apprentice." You rolled your eyes "You don't say."
Suddenly you were interrupted by hurried, loud and heavy knocks on the door. It didn't stop until you reached the door and open it. "You know, this is a nice change." Nadia stated with a slight smile "I could use a break from the courtiers." Not even a moment later, just as you opened the door, you were met with just the people she was talking about. "There you are!" Vulgora, who was knocking, yelled, looking past you to your guests. "Oh no." Julian groaned. "I see doctor Devorak made it as well." Valdemar stated with a mocking grin "I honestly thought you would get lost, knowing you."
Angrily, you gathered all your courage and stepped up to Valdemar, pushing him back "You have no idea how long I've been meaning to roast your ass off, you dickbag! You think I'm gonna let you talk shit to Jules without getting an asswhooping, huh? Well, I've got plenty of beef with you." You yelled in their face, cracking your knuckles. Valdemar was really more shocked at your words than anything, because he didn't understand them and just stared at you with wide eyes. "Excuse you?" They sassed "Roast me?" Volta interrupted with a murmur "I wonder how that would taste like..." That was really the only sound for awhile, because everyone was watching you mouths agape, trying to explain the words to themselves. "You go, Y/N!" Portia exclaimed, clapping her hands.
"What a circus." Valerius scoffed, his usual wine glass in hand "We are coming in." He pushed past everyone, making his way inside "You have no idea what it took us to get here. These peasants dared mock us! What did they say... Something about a... Halloween party?" You tried to contain your laughter at that statement. Valerius sat on the couch with a groan, lifting his legs up on the coffee table. "You!" He called out at you "Wine. Your most expensive kind. I don't drink anything cheap." You raised your eyebrow, walking back inside, basically slamming the door in the other courtiers faces. "Weird flex but okay." You stated indifferently, confusing everyone once again. "Flex?" Valerius repeated. "Vally?!" Lucio's loud voice was suddenly heard, startling everyone. Valerius looked at him. "Count Lucio..." Valerius grumbled "Do not call me that."
"Lucio!" You yelled "He is not staying here!" Lucio raised an eyebrow "Yes he is. The rest can sleep under a bridge, but he is staying here." Was he testing you? Bad idea. "Alright." You shrugged, walking over to the door and opening it, where the other courtiers were still standing, but you paid them absolutely no mind. "Here is a doormat. He can sleep here since you want him around so much." They both stared at you with shock, offended "I will not allow this!" Lucio sassed, but you weren't having any of that. "The house is mine, bitch." You stressed the last word "If you don't like it, you both can sleep on the doormat."
After throwing both Lucio and Valerius out, the mood was much more light. Even Muriel decided to open up a little. Julian was just as flirtatious towards you as before, but the pickup lines Portia read to him really made you cringe. "Y/N, I would take you to the movies but they don't allow snacks inside." He winked at you with a smirk, before turning around and murmuring to Portia "What does that mean?"
Asra was really nice to you, giving you Tarot readings whenever you want and offering to teach you if you wanted, but he never really figured out that you were the apprentice all this time. "You're a natural!" Asra exclaimed when you successfully read the cards for him "You remind me so much of my apprentice back in Vesuvia!" You gave an awkward smile nodding your head "Thanks, Asra."
Portia made an Instagram and gained thousands of followers in a short period of time and posts cat videos and aesthetic photos with a lot of hashtags. Nadia too became an Instagram model and even planned to become a writer. You were confident she would do great because she was a great writer. Portia not once asked you to get a cat, but you had to deny her every time. "Portia, there are so many people here, all we need is a cat!"
Muriel... You noticed he was more peaceful now. He fed the pigeons every morning, noon and evening and ever since he lived with you, suddenly all the stray dogs and cats started living around your home. He even built them a small wooden house, along with a birdhouse for the sparrows and other little birds.
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creaturebloom · 6 years
this is a 65 question ask meme and im the bitch that’s filling it all out at once to waste time
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you? oh yeah definitely, but it’s usually the other way around where everyone else is real and i am not
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you? idk like a 2.5 i guess
3. The person you would never want to meet? i mean. i don’t know ??? how can i know who i don’t want to meet until i have met them and decided they’re the worst
4. What is your favorite word? akimbo
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be? i would WANT to be a weeping willow, but in all honesty i’d probably be a birch or some type of maple
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought? i honestly cannot recall
7. What shirt are you wearing? a grey pajama shirt
8. What do you label yourself as? the skeleton god
9. Bright room or dark room? i mean if we’re talking the absolute brightest room vs the absolute darkest, i suppose i would pick brightest.
10. What were you doing at midnight last night? for once i was actually asleep
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far? god probably like 8 years old was good
12. Who told you they loved you last? my dad
13. Your worst enemy? it me
14. What is your current desktop picture? it’s a landscape in the style of like miyazaki movie backgrounds
15. Do you like someone? romantically ? no
16. The last song you listened to? poison vine - noah gundersen
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up? just like physically destroy one person ???? idk man. like the consequences of this would probably be too far reaching for me to even fathom. do i get caught ?? does it spark paranoia worldwide ? a string of copy-cat murders ? could i live with myself knowing i killed a human being ?
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face? nazis
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do? idk like. the idea of a slave that has to do stuff for me for a day is kind of wild. if i can like, make a billionaire my slave and then force them to redistribute their wealth then i’d do that
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional) my bones !! i can’t show them to you though, not yet
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do? i guess the opposite of nonbinary is SUPER binary so i’d be like half man half woman and i’d look exactly like a halloween costume
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it? no, all of my talents are pretty out in the open
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of? one unique thing ??? i don’t think anyone really has unique fears. if you dig deep enough they all sort of boil down to the same few things in the end. i guess the most strange fear i have is that spiders will be in my slippers, and so i do not own or wear slippers.
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. oh shit ok. idk all the ingredients but one time i ate a vegetarian bahn mi in chicago and it was like the most heavenly sandwich i’ve ever had. i want that again. endlessly.
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it? honestly at this very moment in time i would buy groceries, and also maybe a pad of watercolor paper
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go? oof, leave immediately ??? that limits my choices bc i don’t have a passport. i guess i’d go to like. god idk oregon ? colorado ??? the pacific northwest somewhere.
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be? wait what am i supposed to figure out if i don’t drink booze ??? like if my plan was to sell it, i’d have to get a liquor license, and that’s a can of worms i don’t care to open. i think i would ask the angel if instead i can get a lifetime supply of, like, that good bahn mi sandwich i was talking about a few questions up.
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? no nerds allowed
29. What is your favorite expletive? i’m pretty partial to fuck, but honesly yikes is what i say most often even though that’s not a swear word. petition to make yikes a swear word.
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno? hey so one time there was actually the threat of a fire in my house and despite all these questions no one does anything like that. i put on my shoes, grabbed my phone, sunglasses and water bottle because they were all immediately available as i was exiting the house. so as much as i’d love to grab my box of treasures and keepsakes, i absolutely would not and i know this about myself now.
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? yikes. i can see the appeal of this for a lot of people, but for myself it’s just uhhh not feasible. i’d always wonder what i erased, and at some point i would uncover the truth. i wouldn’t like to live with that kind of mystery going on.
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! oh thank god. i’m moving to a colder climate with universal healthcare.
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back? okay i would strike a deal here and let’s say i can bring back two pets instead of one person and in this case i would bring back rusty (family golden retriever), and also kohji (brother’s shepherd mix). i’d like to say i’d bring back my cat, but i have two cats now and i know my brother would really like his dog back.
34. What was your last dream about? i don’t really remember, tbh. i’ve been having a lot of weird dreams tho
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]? yes i am a VERY good [something]
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital? yes ! it was terrifying and i’d never like to do it again thanks
37. Have you ever built a snowman? no, somehow this was never presented to me as an option any time i’ve been around snow
38. What is the color of your socks? buddy i’ve not worn socks in months. but also generally they are striped with various colors.
39. What type of music do you like? gay stuff
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? sunrises
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor? chocolate
42. What football team do you support? oh i sure don’t
43. Do you have any scars? yes, many
44. What do you want to be when you graduate? considering that i am no longer in school, the answer is that i want to do whatever i feel like doing at any given moment
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? i suppose i’d cure my mental illness (which i’m working on, so, this will happen)
46. Are you reliable? oh, no. no thanks. i absolutely am but i hate feeling obligated so i always choose to not put myself in situations where someone needs to rely on me for anything
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be? i guess i’d ask if they’re happy
48. Do you hold grudges? i mean. i don’t forget things ........ but i am capable of forgiving people
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create? nope ! i’ve seen movies, i know what horror that can cause
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had? one time my sister and i were talking to our aunt, and we could not for the life of us figure out if she was trying to GIVE or SELL us some rabbit fur coats she had ......... it’s been over a decade and we still do not know which it was
51. Are you a good liar? yes
52. How long could you go without talking? several million years
53. What has been you worst haircut/style? sorry my hair is indestructible and because of the natural texture it looks great no matter what. i’m blessed and i know it.
54. Have you ever baked your own cake? what kind of person doesn’t bake their own cake ????? rich people i guess
55. Can you do any accents other than your own? yes ! but not very well
56. What do you like on your toast? butter, and occasionally cinnamon sugar
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of? some cool clouds
58. What would be you dream car? a honda prelude with the pop-up lights
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain. i do sing in the shower sometimes, but not loudly
60. Do you believe in aliens? absolutely
61. Do you often read your horoscope? almost every day, but i do my full birth-chart horoscope so that it’s accurate, and not like horoscopes from the newspaper
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet? n
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons? i mean are they not the same thing. tell me a dinosaur and a dragon are not basically the same things.
64. What do you think about babies? yeah they’re alright. i never want to be in charge of one but i’m alright with them
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of. i guess the most interesting thing i can think to ask myself is which tarot decks i have, and i will tell you. i have the prisma visions tarot (which is amazing), and also the shadowscapes deck (beautiful!), and also a deck of runes that i made myself with a sharpie on a pack of pepsi branded playing cards
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aranyaphoenix · 6 years
Please Do Not Tag Me With Things About Racism
If you can’t listen to someone’s painful life experiences with objectivity or compassion, then do not read what is written below.
Do not read if you are some politically correct SJW that gets offended easily.
Y’all know I’m European-American. What is broadly called “white.” Most of y’all know I hate the term “white” because “white” is not an ethnicity or a nationality any more than “brown” is.
I am one of those “white” people who has been on the receiving end of racial hate and mistreatment.
I am someone who has had to live in poverty, been denied public assistance, and got turned away from food banks because they had already met their quota for “white” families. This thing that everyone talks about called “white privilege?” I’ve never seen it. It’s never done anything for me. Being “white” actually COST me, so I don’t know what the way I look is supposed to have gained me here.
I lived with no heat or air conditioning for eight years, and every winter we had to plug in electric office heaters in the few rooms we could use, and stay bundled up indoors. I learned to forage in the woods out back so that we’d have more food to live on than what little we could get with what my family across the country could spare.
And because I’m “white” I have been told that I deserved to live this way. Or that my suffering and everything I’ve had to live through is invalid, because I’m “white,” and therefore it’s all “nothing compared to...” #whiteprivilege
I love yoga, meditating on mudras and chakras, colored mandalas, world mythology, international holidays, languages, and I learned basic hula when I was 10. I like honoring the traditions of other cultures and participating in them.
Yet, I see on tumblr every day where “non-white” people are yelling “Culture appropriation! White people suck!” for some European-American, or actual European, or any “white” person enjoying and appreciating something that has its origins in a culture other than their ancestral one.
BUT AT THE SAME TIME, these accusers of “white people” are also using “WHITE PEOPLE THINGS.”
Tarot, a European creation
Western astrology, which is from the Greco-Roman cultures (European/white)
Every European pagan holiday that got “APPROPRIATED” by the Christian church: Valentine’s Day, Easter, Halloween, even Christmas and all its customs were originally for the Yule solstice.
Triple spiral and triquetra tattoos
ELVES (they’re Germanic in origin, you’re welcome)
The entirety of European folklore that became the basis for most known modern fantasy
Darkwashing European gods in the same day that they complain about whitewashing of a video game character or non-European god, even if the lightness was unintentional.
I hate the fucking hypocrisy, okay.
I hate the subject of racism AT ALL, okay?
It’s a tired subject for me, and there’s a 50/50 chance that anyone will even listen to the shit I have gone through.
A few have. A few understand.
They LISTEN with compassion to the shit I have lived through, and ACKNOWLEDGE it rather than try to invalidate it. They SEE the hypocrisies that I’ve seen. And you know what?
That’s how they gain me as an ally.
An ally is someone who’s in the fight with you together. You don’t abuse or knock down someone you want to be your “ally.” Especially if you are trying to gain them as an ally in a fight against HATE ITSELF.
The people who have treated me like my vampire-pale skin is some kind of SIN, and that my very existence is offensive, are every bit just as hateful and abhorrent as any neo-nazi.
So please guys, don’t tag me with things about racism. Do not show me memes about racism. I have already seen both sides of racism.
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bestgamingitems · 3 years
Best Gaming Chairs For Adults Updated January 2021
Halloween days could also be equivalent to the day for teenagers since they will have numerous enjoyable on today. Nevertheless, adults may also have enjoyable simply as a lot as what youngsters have. There are some methods you have to do for make this dream come true. All you have to do is to ask all your buddies for celebrating it collectively and likewise put together the reward for probably the most imaginative make-up and costumes.
Moreover, you too can serve some terrifying meals in addition to the scary drinks. You probably have already ready all above, you're about to have the Halloween occasion for adults prepared. In briefer rationalization, you may observe the next guides.
The very first thing you have to do is to plan the occasion. Selecting the theme may also be an amazing concept. Then, you can also make a listing of invitation. Invite all your mates you need them to be there. Ship all these invites with the notice of the theme you could have chosen in addition to the costumes your company ought to put on. It may well assist them determine what costumes to put on.
The subsequent step is to brighten your home for horrors impact. You possibly can add crepe paper streamers and likewise balloons for a full-fledged impact of horror. For making your occasion extra alive, you may play some quick video games similar to musical chairs, bobbing for apples, or charades. As an alternative, you too can dip into Halloween temper with tarot card readings or Ouija board. Nevertheless, it's a must to take into account that many of the adults like to speak. Spend a bit time to go to and speak one another. Don't stick on the actions you could have deliberate.
One other important factor within the occasion is the drinks and the meals. As the concept of the meals, you may put together popcorn, pretzels, cheese and crackers, finger sandwiches, mini-quiches, cocktail wieners or meatballs, deviled eggs, or veggies and dip. As the concept of the drinks, you may put together blue Curacao which is combined with vodka or orange juice. Additionally, you may combine alcoholic punch with an eerie solid.
Come to consider it, youngsters these days favor to remain residence. What is the cause behind? Properly, it's all due to an innovation that was created on account of an advancing expertise particularly throughout the 21st century, it's no apart from the video video games. Video video games that are outlined as an digital recreation that gives interplay with a consumer by way of a video machine. This type of gadget had youngsters hooked for lengthy hours together with adults, however, as mother and father, work at all times will get in the way in which.
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At the moment's era of children spend hours staring and enjoying with the machine. There are additionally cases the place they already overlook to eat their meals simply because they're nonetheless enjoying. Grownups additionally love these type of exercise, since that is additionally one nice technique to share bonding moments along with your kids. These video games are actually fascinating whenever you have a look at it, however sitting on a chair the place you'll most likely keep for fairly a while, must be snug, in order to stop any again aches or butt aches.
Any type of desk gaming chairs for adults, is suitable. Sure, they're. They're additionally considerably cheap as a matter -of-fact. However actually, these types of chairs will be unable to provide the consolation that you simply want for a time period. Desk chairs are often too strong and too laborious to sit down on. Online game chairs don not have legs, they arrive straight involved with the ground, which additionally permits you to recline the top half to make you calm down, identical to in an airplane.
On Friday, August 31st my neighbor Jeff and I went to Charlotte to a breakfast on the Weston resort to listen to my buddy, Coach Joe Gibbs talk about his new e book scorching off the press: Recreation Plan For Life, co-authored by Jerry Jenkins.
I might say there was a fairly good turn-out. Over 1200 folks, to be precise! We sat on the desk subsequent to Charlotte Mayor Pat McCrory. There have been a number of former NFL gamers there and a few NASCAR of us too. Joe was launched by his son J.D. who's now the President of Joe Gibbs Racing.
Joe at all times has an amazing humorousness and a few fantastic tales from his soccer days on the gridiron.
So here is a man who was a bodily schooling main from San Diego State College. He goes on to be offensive line coach at 4 main faculties earlier than shifting as much as the Nationwide Soccer League. For seventeen years, he served as assistant coach to the St. Louis Cardinals, Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the San Diego Chargers earlier than getting the decision to turn out to be the brand new head coach for the Washington Redskins.
Regardless of dropping his first 5 video games with the Redskins, Joe went on to steer the staff for 12 seasons and led them to eight playoff appearances, 4 NFC titles, and three Tremendous Bowl titles.
In 1996, Gibbs was inducted into the Professional Soccer Corridor of Fame in Canton, Ohio. He was one of many winningest coaches in NFL historical past, at the moment having a file of 124 wins and 60 losses, and a post-season file of 16 wins and 5 losses.
If that weren't sufficient, upon retiring (the primary time) from the Redskins, in 1992 Joe centered his full consideration to his NASCAR race groups and now boasts three Nascar titles. Driver Bobby Labonte holds one title and Tony Stewart received two championships. And this season is trying sturdy along with his latest drivers, Denny Hamlin, Kyle Bush and Joey Logano. Joey is the youngest driver in Dash Cup historical past to win a race at simply 19 years outdated.
So it's actually an honor and a privilege to know Joe and his spouse Pat personally. I first met Joe when the Lake Norman Younger Life space was birthed, splitting off of the Charlotte space eleven years in the past. My spouse and I had been honored to chair the grownup management committee of this non-profit highschool youth organzation - younglife.org. We frequently held our month-to-month assembly on the Gibbs residence the place Joe could be strolling round with one of many grand infants on his shoulder with a burp material. Joes' son J.D. and spouse Melissa joined the committee and likewise proceed to actively assist Younger Life.
So Joe has been on this grueling whirlwind tour selling his new e book, Recreation Plan for Life for a few month now. His fierce dedication and focus which are paying homage to his teaching days is clear as he travels the nation getting the phrase out.
How did this e book get began? Thanks for asking. He commissioned a research that basically requested the query, What are the important thing subjects that may lead folks to a "profitable" life?
He put collectively a tremendous checklist of Christian males (Josh McDowell, Chuck Colson, Ron Blue and plenty of others) to write down on a wide range of subjects, which is woven collectively by Joe's private testimony. He may also be interviewing for video all of those authors (every dedicated to do 4 hours of interviews with Coach Gibbs over the following 12 months). Gibbs considers this his legacy work.
The foreword is aptly written by former Indianapolis Colts head coach Tony Dungy who has additionally received a Tremendous Bowl.
The e book is interwoven with many desirable tales from Joe's colourful profession and abruptly begins with the taking pictures loss of life of Redskins participant Sean Taylor.
This can be a should learn for anybody severe about true success. I extremely suggest it. Nevertheless you may't have the copy that Joe signed for me... until you title is Dave. Not.
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andersonswalsh · 6 years
Fic: Teach Me How Love Goes (for Klaine Advent Day 9/24)
I have nothing to say. These boys are still idiots.
Day 9: Inch | Day 8 | Day 10 | AO3
Kurt knows he needs to speak with someone about this...thing going on with Blaine. He doesn’t trust Rachel’s advice, and he’s been terrified to let his dad know that Blaine and Tina are back in his life. Burt may be wise, but he’ll just bring up the reason why Kurt broke up with Blaine in the first place.
The best person to talk to, he decides, is his hairstylist Joanna.
“So what are we doing today?” she asks as she sets him in front of her booth, towel drying his hair after washing it.
“Just the usual inch off the top,” Kurt says. “And maybe some lowlights? I think I need something.
“Oooooh, sounds like there’s someone in the picture?”
Kurt chuckles. “Seriously, Jo? I’ve been coming to you every other month for five years. If I had someone, you’d be the first to know after my dad and Rachel.”
“No, no, there is someone,” she continues, reaching for the scissors. “I can call Becky up to bring her tarot cards over.”
“Please leave your wife out of this,” he sighs. “And tarot cards wouldn’t help me at all.”
Joanne pauses as she’s carding a tendril between her fingers. “How complicated are we talking here?
“I’m teaching the daughter of my first boyfriend.”
“It’s complicated, Jo.”
“I have all day.” Joanna glances at the clock on her workstation. “Or until 7 when my next appointment comes in. Chin up.”
Kurt raises his head. “We met my junior year of high school, his sophomore year. He was a part of one of the show choirs we were facing and I was told to spy on the group. I was going through a lot of shit with this bully at the time, and he kind of became my mentor. He’s bi, but he took a guy to a dance previously and was beaten up.”
“Yikes,” Joanna sympathizes.
“Mmhmm. I ended up transferring to his school when things escalated and I crushed hard on Blaine. I told him about my feelings at Valentine’s Day, but it took him a month after that to ask me out--that in itself is a long story. Eventually I went back to my old school, but Blaine transferred that fall. We did everything together, until I moved out here.”
“Long distance broke you up?”
“It was part of the reason. I was inattentive after I started working at Vogue, Blaine was lonely and cheated on me. It hurt for a while, but at the same time he was still my best friend.” Kurt watches Joanna snip away at the crown of his head. “He flew out here that Christmas with my dad and--I don’t know, it felt like we were making progress back to where we were. Well, come January, a mutual girlfriend of ours asks him out. I flew to Ohio for a wedding and she assumed I was coming for him and let me have it. I left there and didn’t see either of them again until this past September.”
“Is Blaine still with said homewrecker?” Joanna asks.
“He is,” Kurt says. “Like I said, their daughter is in my class this year and they’re expecting twin boys next year.”
“I know. But at the same time, all of my feelings for Blaine are trying to return. And it sucks, because he’s one of those parents who wants to be involved. He came to help with our Halloween party at the last second and he didn’t hesitate to sign up for the holiday one this week.”
Joanna switches the scissors out for an electric razor. “Do you think he’s doing this to impress you?” she asks.
“Not at all,” Kurt replies. He bites his lip as the razor tickles the back of his neck. “Blaine always put others before him. This is just who he is.”
“You know what you need Kurt? You need to get laid.”
His mouth drops. “Seriously, Jo?”
“Crushing on your married ex? And a student’s dad? That’s trouble, Kurt. Let me and Becky take you to Club Lexus tomorrow night. A good fuck should get your mind off of Blaine. And while we’re at it, do you trust me to do some magic with your color? I think I see a gray in here.”
“Joanna!” Kurt gasps as she cracks up.
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adorkablephil · 7 years
Fic: Imaginary Friends (Chapter 4)
Title: Imaginary Friends Summary: Nothing’s AU ... except that Dan and Phil have been appearing in each other’s dreams since childhood without realizing it because they’re soulmates. Everything on the outside looks like the reality we’re used to irl. Rating: Teen Word Count: 1440 (this chapter) Tags: Soulmates, AU, But Kind of Not AU, Except That There’s Magic, Certainly Not a Typical Soulmates AU, Dreams, Getting Together, Friends to Lovers Author’s Note: I’m really hoping this doesn’t immediately get massively overshadowed by Halloween baking, but I’m posting it anyway. Fic also available on AO3 here
[Masterlist of all Imaginary Friends chapters on Tumblr]
Chapter 4: No Such Thing As Magic
Around age 10, Phil first started noticing that he seemed to attract weird people on the street and on the bus, and he worried that it meant something was wrong with him. But his grandma had told him it was just “the Skill.”
His grandma knew a lot of things, including how to read tarot cards and tea leaves and other mysterious things. She knew about magic. And she told him that she had something called “the Skill,” and that he had it, too. She said it was genetic, but not everyone got it.
She said they were special.
Many people in the family thought Grandma was crazy, but Phil loved her, and he trusted her, and he didn’t think she was crazy at all. They spent long afternoons just talking as she lay cards out in various patterns or just shuffled them idly, or looked at the palms of Phil’s hands, or just sipped her tea and talked about the ways the world really works, which was always much more interesting than what they taught him at school.
She told him that quite a few people had the Skill, but most never knew it, because it worked differently in each person. She thought maybe, long ago, it had once been something everyone had, but now it only showed up in a comparative few, and some only faintly.
Her own Skill leaned toward divination, but everyone was different. Some might be able to influence other people’s thoughts, or communicate across long distances, or make themselves pass unnoticed, or manipulate their dreams. Really, it could be almost anything.
Phil’s Skill drew people to him, she said. And so other people who had a bit of the Skill, even if they didn’t know it, would feel compelled to approach him, would want to be near him or interact with him. That’s why strangers sometimes reacted oddly to him. They were just people with a bit of the Skill, being drawn to him for reasons they didn’t understand. Grandma’s imagination had always seemed a bit wild, so Phil didn’t know what to think, but he listened, because she was his grandma and he loved her, and she gave him ginger cakes with lemon icing.
He shouldn’t be afraid, she said—the Skill was a good thing. And oftentimes, if two people’s Skill worked in complementary ways, it could form an unbreakable bond. It had been like that for her and his granddad. Her Skill had told her that he would come into her life someday, that he would be her soulmate, but she didn’t know anything about him except that they were connected. She didn’t know what his name was or what he would look like, only that he would come. And his Skill, weaker than hers, only gave him the power to recognize the Skill in others. But when he came up to her at a cousin’s wedding and asked her to dance, their eyes met and she immediately knew this was him, the man she’d always seen in her future. And she could see in his face that he knew it, too.
And so, since Phil’s Skill drew people to him … someday, another Skilled one who was drawn to Phil could turn out to be his soulmate, just like her and his granddad. Her own Skill at divination told her that it would happen. Someday, Phil’s Skill would draw his soulmate to him, and their bond would be stronger than he could possibly imagine.
Phil listened, but as he grew older he became less and less sure that he believed it. Even though he loved his grandma, he was pretty sure there wasn’t any real magic in the world, not like in his dreams. And, as years went by, he never saw any proof of anything she’d said. He never heard or read any other reference to “the Skill,” no matter how much he searched. Strange people continued to accost him in public for no apparent reason, but he never found any “soulmate” … and after his grandma died, he slowly forgot the last traces of any faith he’d once had in her magical knowledge or ability to predict the future.
Whenever someone would bark at him on the street or say something particularly strange out of nowhere, Phil would think wryly to himself, “Yeah, that’s because I’ve got the Skill,” but he didn’t really believe it. He couldn’t remember if he ever really had.
The first time Dan came to visit him in Manchester, Phil met him at the train station, and when their eyes met for the first time something like electricity arced between them. Phil immediately glanced away, then shyly back again, and they smiled at each other. He felt some strange sense of recognition, but convinced himself it was just the result of dozens of hours on Skype.
“I can’t believe I’m really here,” Dan had said, sounding awestruck. “I’ve been wanting to meet you for so long and now … here we both are!” Phil had opened his arms, and Dan had dove in for a tight hug.
“I’m glad I was finally able to lure you away from the captivating delights of wonderful Wokingham,” Phil joked as he released Dan again, immediately missing the warmth of the slim body against him.
“I just couldn’t stay away from you and your animal magnetism,” Dan grinned. Phil raised both hands like claws and roared, making Dan laugh.
In the years that followed, Phil would always be grateful to the universe for bringing such a wonderful friend into his life, and it all really started with YouTube, and with that day in the train station.
It was like Fate.
Maybe his grandma would have said that the Skill drew Dan to him, that maybe all those weird people on the street were just the price he paid for having the power to draw this one person to him at the right time … but Phil didn’t believe in the Skill anymore, if he ever had, and the Internet certainly made a lot more sense as an explanation. Even Fate made more sense, or at least a lot more people believed in it. Nobody believed in “the Skill.” It was just some idea his crazy grandma had come up with to romanticize how she met his granddad.
And now she was gone, not there to argue with him, and so Phil dismissed his occasional wonderings about how magical it seemed that Dan had ended up coming into his life the way he had. He supposed thoughts like those were what led people to make up romantic, mystical, ridiculous stories about things like “the Skill.” Okay, maybe tarot cards and tea leaves might be fun, and they might make for entertaining videos or party tricks, but they weren’t really magic. They weren’t really real.
YouTube and Twitter and the Internet were real, and they had brought Dan into his life. It was that simple.
He didn’t need to believe in magic. He didn’t need magic. He had Dan.
And … at night … he had his shadow. Nearly every night now, since the time with the starlight, they came together in his dreams.
Often literally.
He spent his days with Dan, his best friend in the real world … and he spent his nights with his oldest, truest friend, the one who had always been there for him, but only in his dreams. The one who—he could feel it, the way he could always feel things in his shadow dreams—the one who loved him. Really, truly, deeply loved him. Loved him in a way Dan never would, with kisses and touches and passion and want. And, yes, Phil loved the shadow, too. His dreams were filled with desire and pleasure and the bone-deep knowledge that he was cherished. So, yes, of course he loved the shadow.
But maybe not exactly the same way he loved Dan. Because Dan was real, and the shadow was just a dream.
If anyone had ever forced him to choose, Phil would have chosen the Dan who didn’t love him over the shadow who did, because Dan was Dan. The shadow was just part of Phil’s imagination and always had been.
It was just that, as his sexual and romantic frustration had grown in daily life, his subconscious had apparently taken to satisfying it in his dreams … where Dan would never know and it could never ruin their friendship.
Dan never needed to know how Phil spent his dreaming nights.
Even when they slept every night side-by-side on the tour bus.
Author’s End Note: My basic idea of “the Skill” comes from an excellent series of fantasy novels by Robin Hobb, though I have skewed the concept quite a bit for my own purposes. The series starts with a novel called Assassin’s Apprentice, and I highly recommend it.
And a final thank you: Again, thank you bazillions to my patrons, @jorzuela, @itsjustmestef, and she who shall not be named! If you, too, enjoy my writing and would like to support me, leave a tip in my Tip Jar or learn about how to become a patron. Or, you know, just like, comment, and/or reblog!
[Continue to Chapter 5]
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heister · 6 years
1 year out...
It’s been an emotional week as I’ve looked back on my first week volunteering with Lighthouse Relief and Cross-Cultural Solutions a year ago. Two years ago I would never have guessed my path would lead me there, and a year ago, at the onset of that journey, I would never have predicted how long I would stay, how deeply I would be impacted, and what the future would hold upon my return. Those close to me know that reintegration this year was easy socially and culturally, but really, really tough professionally and financially, as I’ve been trying to figure out sustainable next steps for my career after this experience, after finishing grad school, after all of this…
The truth is, I’ve always been prone to jealousy, and in this case, I’m jealous of my own self. I’m filled with envy for the person who lived in Greece a year ago, who worked alongside fantastic people every day, who had the privilege of spending the work day around youth that opened her heart in ways she never expected. It’s not even so poetic as all that -- I miss the bar around the corner and all the friends I made there. I miss my routine. I miss my room at John’s Hotel and the staff there who made it feel like a home. I miss my breakfast smoothie. I miss being sick of greek yogurt and spanakopita. I’m mourning the slow waning of my Greek comprehension. I miss Dashti’s falafel stand, fries smothered in tahini and mayonnaise. I miss the joy of a cold coke on a hot camp day, and I miss hanging out with the boys in the cafe in the mornings, sometimes sharing breakfast, sometimes making a friendship bracelet, sometimes struggling to decipher a conversation through the static of a cross-country phone call from a friend recently resettled elsewhere.
I miss the stone place and stories like the time the team jumped off the bridge, got swept away in the current, and got picked up by the security detail on the Saudi Prince’s yacht docked downstream. I miss the shit out of Bogart and all of my friends on staff there. I miss shopping for a Halloween costume in a country that doesn’t celebrate Halloween, and still managing to pull off an awesome costume and party. I miss my cactus, Lenny. I miss the rotating cast of volunteers from CCS and Lighthouse, especially the crew I started with and the folks I ended with. I even miss all the stupid doomed crushes I had there. I miss shopping at Jumbo. I miss singing along to the Smart Market jingle in the CCS van on the way to camp. I miss counting the bends in the road from Chalkida to Ritsona. I miss describing every few weeks to new volunteers how to find the pants store.
I miss making friendship bracelets and teaching youth how to make different designs. I miss each youth I met. I miss the grinning faces and I miss the sad ones too. I miss the chaos of “magela” launch days and the moments when, somewhere between broken Arabic and broken English, and understanding would dawn. I miss playing bilingual jenga. I miss my months-long magnetic poetry project. I miss the entire YES crew. I miss working on our mural outside the distribution center. I miss failing miserably to produce a quality enough phone video to use on the CCS website. I miss all my old CCS friends who passed through Greece while I was there. I miss the dirt on my feet when I wore sandals instead of the close-toed shoes that were technically required. I miss the getting-to-know-you activities at Lighthouse’s weekly meetings. I miss exchanging horrified looks with coworkers that time the clowns were racially insensitive.
I miss the weekly shopping trip. I miss having someone else make my bed and take out my trash every day. I miss going to the beach with my girlfriends. I miss hiking throughout Evia. I miss my numerous thwarted attempts to go canyoning. I miss squeezing into tiny cars to visit each other’s houses. I miss making Christmas cookies together. I miss the drama of the CCS laundry room. I miss Hot Hot Burger and smoothies at Passion and pasta at Lupo. I miss pornstars and penicillins at Negro and that time I really truly thought a barge was going to crash into the bridge. I miss hearing about my friends’ successful dating ventures in Greece and bemoaning my much less successful forays into Greek Tinder. I miss playing Jungle Speed and that one time I grabbed the totem so fast it slipped out of my hand and knocked Zoi in the eye and I thought she’d never talk to me again but she did. I miss how every Greek dude I knew rode a motorcycle and how they were almost all named Giannis.
I miss my going-away party. I miss the drunken cheesey potatoes at the stone place and the wine mushrooms. I miss seafood on the water. I miss being sooooo over frappes but then yearning for one on the days the cafe in camp opened late. I miss cooking with my friends in the Youth Space. I miss watering our collection of plants that slowly diminished one angry or bored child at a time, no matter how spiky they were. I miss hearing Clark loudly singing Ain’t No Mountain High Enough off-key in the Child Friendly Space and in general miss all of the conversation around baby shark doo dooo doo dooo doo doo. I miss the green place and the red place and that time I ate octopus after getting my octopus tattoo without stopping to think about it and how I haven’t eaten octopus since then. I miss getting that tattoo, when Giorgos called for a “mythos” and Melissa and I exchanged horrified classes thinking he was asking for a beer before tattooing me, when really he just meant the generic meaning of “myth.”
I miss learning how to drink ouzo the right way. I miss everything about Chania during my Thanksgiving vacation to Crete. I miss the youth who unexpectedly left while I was on vacation, who I never had the chance to say goodbye to. I miss celebrating birthdays in camp. I miss “I Will Always Love You” karaoke sessions. I miss drawing stencils for spray paint art projects. I miss talking with the quiet ones. I miss watching Moana. I miss wearing the same vest every day with the same cut pieces of string in the pocket plus whatever I may have confiscated the previous day and forgotten to put back, scissors, box cutters, lighters, pens. I miss figure drawing and cartoons and fashion week. I miss the good days and I miss the panic attack and nagging headache days. I miss the warmth of a Greek summer and the chill of its winter. I miss videochatting my best friend from my hotel room.
I miss office days. I miss bottles of wine and ouzo sneaked up to hotel rooms. I miss the garden place. I miss never knowing the names of anywhere and always calling them “the [descriptor] place.” I miss the going away parties for staff and long term volunteers. I miss the really gross rose that ruined all roses for me. I miss the potatoes with parmesan and an egg from hot hot burger. I miss drinking with Tina at the John’s bar before and after going to Bogart. I miss random pullovers for scenic overviews. I miss the camaraderie with my team. I miss really, really trying to make self-care Tuesdays a thing. I miss leading yoga and using essential oils during the cool down. I miss my semi-daily tarot draws and poetry writing ritual. I miss my friends.
There’s no tidy way to stop, at this point, in saying what I miss. I could go on. I miss the life I had, and the lives with which mine intersected and continues to intersect. I want to celebrate, too, that this isn’t all in the past, that even while I can’t go out to eat at the same places I used to, or see the same faces every day, many of these amazing people are still in my life, and I am grateful for those connections and the meaning they bring to my life.
Over the coming days/weeks I would like to share with you some of the incredible projects and good work my friends from this period of my life have been and are doing around the world, particularly in easing the refugee crisis. I continue to strive to be as involved and supportive as possible from afar, and can’t wait to share some of these amazing initiatives and experiences with you. Thank you for your support. It helps ease the difficulty of being away from the people and places I yearn to be among once more. All of the love - M.
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