#the two probably spend the night snugglin in bed
alch3mic · 3 years
Beast taking care of sick s/o (writing prompt)
you: And don’t even think about coming over!! 😤
bonehead: too late im already at the store ill be over soon
you: Omg I’m fine! I can take care of myself so just go home!!
bonehead: if you say so
Stars above he was just way too stubborn sometimes! It really made you wonder what you saw in such a single-minded brute like him..
Okay, well you certainly saw a lot.
He was sweet, incredibly charming, very thoughtful and always knew just what to say to make you laugh. That's why you loved spending so much time with that dork.. but today...
The two of you technically already had plans to meet with some friends today for a night out on the town, that is until you woke up a few hours ago with a killer headache and a throat dryer than the desert that no amount of water seemed to satisfy. Despite your best efforts to push forward and go about your day, it was no use. It was too hard to even leave the bed much less spend a whole night out so you just had to cancel.
Of course Sans being the ever observant skeleton he was, thoughtfully asked why and you just merely responded with 'I'm not feeling great'.
Now THAT was the understatement of the century.
Hell you were practically sweating bullets now with a fever threatening to constantly shove you over the edge of dizziness, but still you... you just..
You just didn't want to trouble Sans anymore than you probably did.
Having to cancel your plans already put you in such a sour mood that all you wanted to do was just lay down and wallow in your own misery.
By yourself.
With no one else around.
Not even your big, loveable boyfriend.
You finally set your phone down with a huff, burying your face back into your pillow as your whole body ached in pain.
Ugh, you felt like absolute garbage.
Plus you just turned Sans away! You knew it actually wasn't really all that much trouble for him to go around town with that teleporting ability of his.. but still!
You felt like such a jerk, all because you were still frustrated about canceling your plans and your head was such a clouded mess of illness and emotions.
..And now you missed him.
Great. Just great.
Maybe if you weren't so stubborn you'd text him again saying 'Just kidding! Please come over. I miss you so much!' but oh boy would he never let you hear the end of it.
..Or maybe he'd take some pity on you because you're not feeling well.
....Knowing him he'd probably just say something funny, like a joke or a cheesy pun that'd have you smiling in a matter of moments.. like..
“honey, i’m home~!”
..Yeah.. something goofy like tha-
"HUH?" you sat up, quickly regretting that decision as your head spun in circles.
Ugh, okay maybe you were even worse off than you thought. Now in your desperation you were imagining hearing your boyfriend down the hall, like he'd just stepped through the front do-
"ah, there's my little beauty."
"Y-you-!" you choked out, glancing at Sans as he stood in the doorway. "What are you..!"
"you said go home right? well i'm home now sugar, so don't worry your pretty little head about a thing, alright?" he said with a wink, throwing his jacket on to your desk before sitting on the edge of your bed.
"That's not what I.."
His touch silenced you as he gently brushed the back of his hand against your forehead, the cool feeling of his bone a very welcome relief to the heat swarming your brain.
"stars yer burnin' up something fierce doll.. why don't ya lay back down for me and relax a little, hm?"
The amount of concern and tenderness in your tone made you too weak to resist, carefully easing yourself back to laying down in your bed. Luckily Sans' cold hand followed, carefully moving aside some messy strands of hair as he lightly stroked your cheek.
"that's a good little kitten.." he murmured gently, making you flush a bit more. "i gotcha some stuff that'll hopefully help. gotta admit i don't really know a whole lot about human illnesses but thankfully the ol' internets always got some answers.."
Your eyes felt a bit heavier listening to the rumble of his voice beside you, barely catching the sounds of him rustling through a bag until he placed something even colder against your cheek, making you squeak.
"hehe... yer too cute."
"S-shuddup.." you muttered, grasping on to whatever he was handing you.
It seemed like a sports drink of some kind, the coldness and bright color reminding you of just how dang thirsty you were.
There was a bit more rustling as he pulled something else from the bag.
"..Cold medicine?"
"heh.. yeah i uh, wasn't sure what'cha got so i figured grabbin' the most common thing would be alright... no good?"
"No! That... that's great actually," you said, taking the bottle from his hands and giving it a lookover as a small laugh sipped out. "You just had to buy the most expensive brand huh?"
"hey, nothin' but the best for my kitten," he said, gently reaching out to place his hand on your cheek again.
You giggled, setting down the medicine before grasping on to his arm and settling into his touch.
"Thank you Sans.." you said softly, closing your eyes for a moment. "..I'm sorry I had to cancel tonight."
"didn't i say not to worry your pretty little head sweetheart?" he chuckled, his thumb now lightly caressing your flushed skin. "besides, we got plenty of opportunities to go out again. what matters right now is that you focus on gettin' better.. so is there anything else ya need?"
"Just you," you muttered gently, your eyes feeling heavy again.
Luckily you didn't miss out on the slight flush of red that found its way to his cheekbones, that goofy smile that you've come to love so much now on his face.
"Stay with me?"
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