#the two types of discord mods
chaoticace2005 · 3 months
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(Here we have three very different types of lurkers: the one who forgets their in the server, the one who reads all the messages but doesn’t say much but when they do it’s bizarre out of pocket shit, and the one who is illegally in the server and spying on their ex.)
(Also, there are three VCs now: the first one which was dominated by the egg boiz talking on it 427 (they basically have a podcast at this point), a second one which got dominated by Huskerdust drunk flirting, and a third which is (supposedly) used for productive shit.)
(Template by @awfulalignmentcharts )
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phoenixgryphon · 7 months
Why does it feel like the most unassuming Discords have the absolute worst people in them
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mcytblraufest · 3 months
MCYTBLR AU Fest: General Rules and FAQ
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May 4: Discord opens at 0:00, Artist creation starts. May 30-31: Artists with a finished piece of Art can sign up, submitting their work for claims. May 31: Artist creation period ends at midnight. June 2-4: Writers can claim art and be assigned to Teams. June 6-7: Writers who wish to be assigned a Beta Reader can sign up (this is optional) June 9-10: Beta Writers can claim writers/art and be assigned to Teams June 29-30: Check-in #1 July 26: Writer creation period ends at midnight. Unless you have an extension, you must be fully ready to post at this point. July 27: Posting period begins at 0:00 August 2: Extension period ends. Unless you are a pinch hitter, you must be fully ready to post at this point. August 9: Posting Period ends. All work must be completely posted by midnight.
MCYTBLR AU Fest is a mini reverse-big-bang event where artists and writers work together in teams to make stories and art inspired by MCYT and set in an Alternate Universe.
Artists must make a completed Art piece. Writers must deliver a story of at least 5k words, inspired by the art they signed up for. Dark or triggering topics or themes must be tagged for.
You must be a member of the discord, for team matching.
Because of Tumblr, Ao3 and Discord TOS, you must be 13 to participate.
Respect your fellow participants, even when you disagree on fandom matters
You agree to work together with your teammate(s) to make a piece of art and a fic together, and link to each other's works.
All works must be MCYT-centric and set in an AU— no canon-compliance. 
No AI-Generated content.
Discord: Here Ao3 Collection: Here
What is MCYTBLR AU Fest? MCYTBLR AU Fest is a reverse minibang-type event where writers and artists come together to create fanworks centred on MCYT and set in an alternate universe from canon.
How does it work? Artists will have a month to complete an art piece. After a month, once the art is complete, they will submit the art, with information about server, characters, relationships, and any warnings they are opting into, which will be posted anonymously for writers to view and claim, first-come-first-serve. Teams are assigned by mods, and then writers will have two months of creation time to make a pice inspired by the work (minimum 5k words).
What type of MCYT is included? We welcome creations based on any SMP, whether or not they have a canon tag on Ao3. Mianite, DSMP, QSMP, Hermitcraft, 3rd Life, Lifesteal, Witchcraft SMP— it’s all welcome. 
Can I join if my Art is a Game/Web Weave? We welcome all types of art— web weave, game, traditional art, original songs, videos, etc. While the list is not exhaustive, we have outlined some of the baseline expectations for an art piece below.
What are the requirements for art? It is difficult to define precise expectations for art pieces, especially given the broad realm of things that could count as art. We are primarily looking for art that is complete to a level that you would normally post as "finished", ready to inspire a fic piece of 5k or more, containing an audio or visual component beyond the confines of the written word, that does not take more than an hour to consume. While you will have the opportunity to include your understanding of the world in things such as if the relationships depicted are romantic or not, the art piece must stand alone without explanatory text or extra worldbuilding.
The defined requirements for different forms of art are:
Digital or Traditional art: one piece, completed to whatever you would normally post as "finished", ready to inspire a fanfic.
Web Weaves: a web weave of at least ten elements, original or properly credited.
Video/animatic: a video at least 30 seconds long.
Other Art Form: other art forms such as fan games or original songs would fall under this category. If you wanted to sign up with an Other art form, you need to contact the mod team and work out what minimum expectations would be for your art.
Is shipping allowed? Yes. Because there is no broad fandom-wide consensus about how Creator boundaries are to be enforced in specific cases (whether it's okay to write beeduo as /r or /p is an obvious one, or whether it’s permitted to ship Joel Smallishbeans) or between specific fandoms (Lifesteal approach to shipping and boundaries is different from HBG is different from DSMP), the mods will not be policing any specific understanding of boundaries across the event. The event's motivating ethos is Don't Like Don't Read, in that artists will be able to specify for themselves if a given relationship is to be interpreted as romantic or platonic, and writers will choose to opt into that, and NSFW will have to be specifically opted into on both sides.
Is NSFW allowed? Yes. NSFW works are allowed, but must be opted into, both in terms of viewing art and in terms of creating fic. No one under 18 is permitted to opt into NSFW and attempts to do so will be grounds for a ban from this event and anywhere else the mod team touches. For the comfort of the greatest number of participants, and to conform with Tumblr TOS, anything with the tags Underage or Incest will not be permitted to be part of the event. 
Are major archive warnings (noncon/graphic depictions of violence/MCD) allowed? Aside from the content rules governing NSFW (no underage or incest, for the comfort of the greatest number of participants), major archive warnings are allowed. Depictions of real life horrors such as genocide and slavery are not-uncommon motifs in MCYT fics, and the mod team is not interested in legislating which types of horrors, griefs or abuses are inherently worse than others and are therefore off-limits. Because holding writing to a quality standard or saying only survivors can write atrocities is unworkable from a moderation standpoint, the three mentioned major archive warnings (MCD, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Noncon), are permitted to be included.
However, Major Archive Warnings must be explicitly opted into by the artist, and writers are free to not include Major Archive Warnings that their artist has permitted. Delivering un-asked for major archive warnings is grounds for a ban from this event. The mod team reserves the right to warn other mod teams on both the MCYT and Multi-fandom side about your bad behaviour.
What kind of an information will I provide as an Artist? How long or detailed? Artists will be able to specify
the server their art takes place on
the characters in the work
whether the relationships in the work are romantic, platonic, or could be interpreted either way
if they are okay with NSFW work
what age group of people they are okay working with
the type of AU it is
any content warnings present in the work already (i.e. gore, eyestrain, child death)
if the work is nsfw
any major archive warnings they are okay with happening in the story
common fandom themes and/or triggering content that they are okay with happening in the story.
What sort of fandom themes will I specify? While this will not be an exhaustive list of every possible triggering concept, the mods want artists to be able to specify if they are okay with dynamics that circulate in the fandom that may be triggering or people simply may have strong opinions on, and for writers to be able to sort by that. Some of the themes include domestic abuse, alcoholism, family dynamics, pregnancy, dubcon, torture, body horror, dehumanization, child death, non-consensual touching, drugging, etc.
What is a DNW?
Artists will have the opportunity to fill out a DNW, which stands for Do Not Want. This is anything that has the potential to ruin a fic for you, and is where you opt out of content that would trigger, squick, or just render the gift unreadable for you. DNWs must be phrased politely, (so no "No foster aus because they suck and you suck if you like them"), and they must be reasonable, (so no "no blood/injury" if the art depicted shows injury, and no attempting to box someone into a specific gift beyond what is depicted in the art, so no "dnw anything that isn't a modern au where scar is a theatre teacher and grian is a biology teacher and they live in a city named hermitopia and grian has a situationship with mumbo and scarian has a rivalry at a coffee shop for the half-price muffins and jellie has psychic powers she's manipulating the muffin market with" if that is not clear from the art), and they must be specific and clear, (so no “no triggering content"), but they can be as petty (disliking 1st person) or as broad-reaching (no modern aus, no specific ships not depicted, no crossovers with specific servers or fics) as you like. Deliberately breaking someone's DNW is grounds for a ban from the exchange. 
Is Dark/Violent content allowed? As long as it is something that the artist has not opted out of, yes. For many of us, the source material that originally drew us to the fandom includes major character death, torture, murder-for-hire, death games, public executions, child death and more. The fanfiction that arose from the source material follows in that trend. We will allow dark content to be part of the event, but it must be tagged for. 
We also ask that participants use best judgement in delivering commonly triggering topics un-asked for. We reserve the right to ban people at mod's discretion for delivering unrequested triggering content, under the "do not be an asshole" rule.
Moreover, if your fic is rated E for any reason, (including violence or gore) your entire team must be 18+.
How can I get involved? You can participate in this event as a:
Pinch Hitter
Beta Reader
You can even sign up for multiple roles, as long as you’re very sure you can make your deadlines!
What is a Pinch Hitter? A pinch hitter is a person who saves the day and steps in when the original creator is unable to deliver their work for whatever reason, making a new work on an accelerated timeline. You must reach the minimum word count of 5k. . 
When do I have to join the discord? You have the option to join the dicord and hang out as soon as creation starts on May 4, and if you are an artist, you must join before sign-ups close on May 31. If you are a writer, you must join the discord before claims begin on June 1st. If you are a Beta Reader, we'd ask that you join before claims begin on June 9th.
How does team assignment/claims work? We will release a document with all the art pieces linked in it, and 24 hours afterwards we will release a sign-up form. Writers will be expected to list out out a top-five of artists they want to work with, and mods will match writers with art on a first-come-first-served basis.
How does Beta Reader assignment work? Shortly after writer sign-ups end, writers who wish to sign up for Beta Readers will be able to do so. In a similar way to how writers claimed art, beta readers will be given a list of summaries and then, 24 hours later, will be able to submit a short list of fics they want to help work on. Beta readers will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
What happens if there are more artists than authors, or more authors than artists? If there are more writers, some artists will be assigned multiple writers. If there are more artists, we will put in place a question where writers can specify that they’d be willing to make multiple pieces, and a (hopefully small) number of writers would be assigned multiple teams. 
What if all the artists I list have already been assigned? If every artist you wish to opt into has already been assigned, mods will contact you and ask if you wish to be matched to people who have not yet been claimed. You will then be able to choose if you wish to claim other teams, or wait and hope that there will be more writers than artists, and multiple writers on a team will be opened up. If that happens, you can re-submit your list and be assigned as a writer to one of your original artists.
I’m in [insert time zone here]. What if I’m not awake when claims open? There will be a spot to input your time zone in the discord. Mods will try to open the claims at a time that works for as many writers as possible. The art pieces will also be available for 24 hours before claims so that everyone can view them and pick out the ones that are the most interesting to them. We will aim for claims to open between 7 a.m. and 1 a.m. for as many writers as possible across all time zones. If claims fall outside that zone for you, you’ll be able to contact a mod and we’ll work out an alternative method for claims for you. 
I don’t know what time zone I’m in? Go to timeanddate.com and enter the nearest major city, and it will tell you your current time zone.
What’s a check-in and how do they work? Check-ins are there to make sure everyone is on track to finish their piece in time, and to communicate any issues with the mods! If you know that you won’t be able to check in on a specific date (lack of internet, etc), please contact the mods in advance.
How long should my fic be? The minimum word count is 5,000 words! There is no maximum word count, but we ask you to be mindful of how much you can actually create in these two months. 
If I wrote a multi-chapter work, do I have to have it all posted by the end of Posting Period? You must post your work in its entirety by the end of the two-week posting period.
What does AU mean in this context? AU stands for Alternate Universe and in this case means anything that would make the work not able to be tagged as canon compliant. Alternate endings, role reversals, complete setting or plot swaps, and crossovers all count. As this is a fest specifically to celebrate AUs, we ask that the AU be a significant and celebrated part of the work, not something that could be skipped if you aren’t paying attention. 
Can I create two fics for my artist? Absolutely! There is no maximum for number of fics you want to create, but again, be mindful of not biting off more than you can chew two months of creation time. 
Can I sign up with two pieces of art? You are welcome to sign up as part of the fest with multiple art pieces. However, if you do so, we will ask that you prioritize which art piece you want to be matched on first, and you will only receive a match to your secondary art piece after everyone else has an writer. We’re going to proritize every particpant getting a team before we prioritize every art piece getting a team.
Can I sign up with a multi-piece art piece? If you want to sign up with a web weave that features multiple panels, a long video, a long comic, a series of connected art pieces, a song cycle, or any other more complex/more ornate work, you are welcome to. We just ask that you make sure you can complete your art piece during the month of artist creation time, and keep in mind that if your piece is sufficiently complex, that might restrict the writers who are able to sign up for your piece. But if you think you can pull it off, then go for it.
Can I sign up with a writing buddy— as part of a collab team? You are welcome to sign up as a collaborative team, either an art team or a writing team! We ask that you make sure you work together well, and when you sign up for an team, you must declare that you’re a duo, so people know that they’ll be getting multiple team members and not one. 
Can I submit an art piece that is part of a larger AU? All art pieces must stand alone, so you can't have it that your writer has to consider other art pieces to make a work. The art must also be made specifically for the event. We ask that you not submit an art piece that was made prior to the event, or one that is part of an au you've posted about so often that it will effectively de-anon you. Brainstorming or sketching early is fine.
Once my art piece is done, when can I post it? Art and fic should be posted together, during the Posting Period at the beginning of August. Once you have your art done, you'll have to hold onto it for another two months, while your writer is working.
What if I need to drop out? It is your responsibility to communicate with us if you need to drop out of the event for any reason, and we do need that communication. We know that life is no respecter of fic and art deadlines, so no hard feelings if something happens. However, we would hate for any artist to end up having no fic for their art, so please think about this if you are thinking of dropping out close to reveals. Dropping out after the last check-in without informing the mods will result in not being permitted to take part in further events run by this mod team.
I have a question not answered here? Send us an ask on tumblr, contact @antimony-medusa on tumblr or discord!
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littlemssam · 1 month
Mod Updates
As always delete old Mods Files and the localthumbcache, when updating my Mods!
Calendar Tweaks Reworked Mod a bit to make it a little bit easier to handle. What I changed: You still need to manually allow Exam/Prom to be added via my Interactions. I recommend to do this between Sunday-Tuesday to make sure they get added correctly the next Friday/Saturday. You don't need to manually disable it anymore. It will automatically get disabled: Exam - Fridays at School when attending Exam or when you send them alone after School when the Teen comes back. Prom - When attending Prom. You can still manually disable them, but that is limited to a small time frame, to prevent Issues with the actual Events: Exam - Fridays 8am - 6pm Prom - Saturday 7pm - Midnight When you want to have Exam/Prom two weeks in a row you need to enable it again Sunday-Tuesday. PreProm Invites should now be prevented as well.
Improved Practical Spells - New Spells Upgradios Fixed a Compatibility Issue with my Purchased Items Via Mail Delivered Mod
Improved Practical Spells - New Spell Harvestio Fixed a Compatibility Issue with my Purchased Items Via Mail Delivered Mod
Objects don't share Inventory Update to add a missing Inventory Type, which is needed for my Transfer Inventory Gemology Table Update.
Transfer Inventory Added Support for the Gemology Table. Be aware the "Put all Crystals & Metals into the Gemology Table" Interaction will only show up, when my "Objects don't share Inventory" Mod is installed. EA did not add the Gemology Table Inventory Type to the needed Inventory Tuning and that will cause Errors, when using the Transfer Function. I added the missing Code to the Tuning, which I edit in said Mod, so until EA actually adds the Gemology Table Inventory Type themself this Mod is required for the Gemology Table to work.
Foster Family Fixed a possible LE after Adoption, when Cats & Dogs is not installed.
My Site with all possible Download Links: lms-mods.com
Support Questions via Discord only please!
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ghouljams · 2 months
"She's going to fuck that old man"
The discord in flames part 2 as everyone screams at each other “HOW DID YOU NOT NOTICE” “YOU’RE A FUCKIN MOD FOR THE SERVER YOU SHOULD’VE SEEN HIM JOIN”
"Professor Mactavish" leaves the discord and it falls into chaos.
"Who's Mactavish?" Someone asks after the message pops up that he's left the server.
"He's in engineering," Someone else fills in.
"I'm in engineering he's Prof Riley's friend," An image is sent of him for reference, "I think"
"That's the guy that was coming out of Love's office the other day..." Yet another voice chimes in at the same time another says:
"I see them at the pub together, they're definitely friends."
"What does he know 👀"
"Who let him in?"
"@ mods"
"How bad is the security on this thing"
"Love/Ghost confirmed?"
Messages fly across the screen faster than anyone can keep track of. Mariah rubs her temples watching "multiple people are typing" turn into rows and rows of text. He phone buzzes next to her as her discord pings with notifications that her laptop can't keep up with. She pushes away from her desk to roll over to her roommate's. She drapes herself dramatically over her friend's desk with a pout. Only to be shoved off the O-chem textbook she was obscuring. Her computer dings incessantly and her roommate looks up from her studying to glance back at the noisey thing.
"Is that your weird discord?" Katie asks as Mariah drapes herself over the desk again.
"It's not weird."
"It's a little weird," Katie pushes, "What happened? You anthro prof finally get laid?"
"Another professor got in," Mariah pouts, turning to rest her chin on the edge of the desk. Katie hums, settling a hand on her head.
"There, there," She pats.
"You know a Dr. Mac- uh" Mariah narrows her eyes, staring at the chemistry notes pinned over her friend's desk, "Something- Something Scottish. Engineering prof."
"Wow," Katie draws the word out, "Gotta say, I'm almost offended for the guy."
"Shut up, I'm under a lot of stress."
"No, no, I get it," Katie flips the page in her notebook, scratching Mariah's head, "Running a shipping discord for two real people is a lot of work. Someone should honestly give you a nobel prize for it."
"You haven't seen them," Mariah grumbles, before snapping her fingers "Mactavish."
Katie hums. She does that when she's thinking. Mariah thinks it might be to keep her from talking more to fill the silence, but she's never had any solid evidence that the habit started with her. Mariah glances up at her, Katie's scrolling through her phone, and turns the screen to her.
"This guy?" She asks, and Mariah nods, "Yeah I'm pretty sure he blew up the chem lab last semester, think he's stalking my professor."
"Which one?"
"The pretty one."
"You think all your professors are pretty," Mariah sighs.
"The mean pretty one." Katie set her phone down and resumes her studying.
"The married pretty one?" Mariah balks, Katie shrugs, "Man, that sucks. Shouldn't he be in therapy or something, and not stalking my discord?"
"We can only hope." Katie grumbles. Mariah pushes away from her friend's desk, spinning to address the pile of DMs and moderator messages on her computer screen. Ugh. How can she be expected to do any classwork with this sort of chaos dominating her screen?
Mariah sighs and scrolls back up to read through the slowly dwindling chaos. Life is hard when you run a semi-successful campus shipping discord.
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tellmeallaboutit · 1 month
knock knock (Raphael x F!Player)
Chapter 1, In Which You Install The Mod
FOREWORD: inspired by this post
SUMMARY: Careful which mods you install for BG3. Did you read the terms and conditions carefully?
TAGS: meta romance, psychological horror, smut, the character is the player, Raphael is after you, you wanted him, you invited him to our world, he accepted your invitation
RATING: explicit
You hesitated for a moment before downloading this “Devil Wears Nada” mod. It felt slightly inappropriate, absurd as it may sound. There was something disrespectful about making Raphael deliver his final monologue in the nude.
Well, you would have to live with offending a bunch of pixels because you do want these screenshots. You put the salt and vinegar Pringles out of the way and wiped your fingers on a napkin before committing this digital sin.
Clickity-click-click. You dragged-and-dropped the mod where you wanted it to be and launched Steam. Now to load the saved game where you made the deal with the devil and gave him the crown of Karsus… pretty much any saved game really. 
Raphael had been spared in each one of your playthroughs.
A sigh escaped you when the devil still appeared fully clothed in the game; had something gone wrong? You double-checked, only to realize that you'd forgotten to activate the mod - odd, since you clearly remembered doing so. Leaving the game, you dragged the mod back into place.
On your phone, in the Devil's Den discord chat, you informed everyone of Raphael's stubborn refusal to undress.
MAKE HIM! came the immediate reply, followed by STRIP THE OLD MAN, accompanied by raunchy gifs. Couldn't help but grin at that.
Back in the game, you loaded an earlier save file and sank into your chair to watch Raphael emerge from the flames, clothed once again. “You son of a…”, you muttered to yourself. It was getting late anyway; this would be your last attempt before calling it a day. Tomorrow is Tuesday and thus another work day. 
“It won’t be long before you come knocking at my door”, Raphael said, looking straight at you from the wide screen. This wall-breaking sequence was brilliantly executed—you had to admit it—very eerie.
Raphael let out a deep, hearty laugh, head thrown back, pearly teeth glistening in orange-red lighting. You didn’t see this animation before. They must have added it with the latest patch, so you moved in closer. 
Handsome as sin, this devil - if he asked for your soul, you’d hand it over on a silver platter.
Suddenly, he fell silent for several seconds, staring directly at you from across the digital divide. You reached for the mouse to check if there was a glitch in the cutscene when Raphael's voice sliced through the silence.
“You are quite eager to see me naked, aren’t you? Naughty little mouse,” Raphael taunted.
What the fuck?
You recoiled in shock and slammed your laptop shut. A shriek must have escaped your lips, but you were too stunned to notice. It took a moment for your heart to settle and for you to remember what date it was today.
A quick glance over the watch on your wrist confirmed: it was the first of April. April first, two thousand and twenty-four. 
It was an April Fool's joke from the modders.
Oh, fuck. Having recovered from the initial shock, you cautiously opened your notebook, only to be greeted by the familiar "ta-ta" outro. Oh, fuck. This is some kind of really fucked-up prank. How did they get this voice line?
AI, probably. Not probably. Definitely. There was no way they could have involved Andrew Wincott.
You scanned the game screen for any other surprises, but found none. Picking up your phone, you opened Discord and began recording a long voice message - your fingers too clammy to type.
The replies came soon after.
Haha, this is so fucked up, did they really do this? Hm. I have to try it myself. RECORD IT, RECORD IT PLEASE!
You stared at the loading screen but couldn't bring yourself to replay it. Instead, you searched “Raphael naked mod April joke” and clicked on the first Reddit thread that popped up. You didn't even bother to open it; a quick glance at the preview comment – “crazy I almost had a heart attack” – was more than enough.
Enough for today.
You quickly brushed your teeth in the bathroom and changed into short pajamas before glancing at the laptop on the other side of the room, its camera eye peering at you from across the room. You closed the shutter.
“Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you”, you read somewhere.
You tucked yourself into bed, phone in hand, blanket between your legs. Was it time for a quick stroll through selected Raphael / Tav bookmarks?
No. Well, maybe. The threesome with Haarlep, just a quick re-read to help you fall asleep quicker. You were creeped out, but not that creeped out. You’ve heard of such meta jokes before. Black & White did it, Metal Gear Solid did it, too. 
But still… they really should tag this sort of stuff.
Your nightly reading was progressing nicely; things were getting interesting - “the ridges of his devil cock stroking your sensitive walls” interesting. Your hand slid into your underwear, working your finger past your hair down to your clit. This scene was very well written, you could almost feel it, picture yourself spread open between Haarlep and Raphael. 
The smut got better and better right until your phone vibrated in your hand, and you dropped it on the blanket.
Unknown caller ID.
Don't answer it, came the panicked, irrational thought as it grabbed you in a chokehold. 
You stared at the screen - the call went on and on - and pushed it aside. Swiped to the right in one quick motion and heard an automated female voice:
"This call is from Europol. We would like to inform you that your identity card number has been misused. For further information please press 1."
You hung up immediately, recognizing this as one of those scam calls that had been making rounds recently. Your mum had received one too. 
Nothing to lose sleep over.
You put the phone down and turned your back to it, trying to calm down. Screw the fanfic, you were not in the mood anymore. Well, you were, but…
Another time. 
It took some time before you could relax, your gaze fixed on the blank wall in front of you, re-playing that cutscene all over again in your head, occasionally wandering to the large window looking out over the courtyard (what a pitch black night). 
Eventually, you did. 
As you drifted off to sleep, a voice whispered in your dream:
“You are quite eager to see me naked, aren’t you? Naughty little mouse”.
The silky soft voice was so lovely; it made you feel less alone. A small smile crossed your lips as you slept.
Yes, Raphael. Very eager indeed. 
Tomorrow. You’ll try again tomorrow.
NEXT: Chapter 2, In Which You Meet A Tall Dark Stranger
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pictureamoebae · 2 years
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DECIDEDLY NEUTRAL CURTAINS in sheers and opaques by amoebae
The curtains that came with the Desert Luxe kit are everyone's new favourite build item, and for good reason. The neutrals they come in are great, and work in all types of rooms, but come on... they needed more swatches, right?
I've recoloured the curtains in Image Spectra and in my Dream Pop palette, and both have the option of the original sheer fabric or a new opaque material. You can of course have both in your game at the same time.
Tip 1: If you use the opaque version, the window shader glitch is gone, which is nice. In its place, however, you'll find that the underside of the wooden rail is black. This is a side effect of the object shader I used. It can be hidden by using the stand-alone curtain rail that came with the kit.
Tip 2: I've used the same wood colour for all swatches. You can use the stand-alone curtain rail from the kit to hide it and change it to whichever other option you want. If you use the TOOL mod by twistedmexi I recommend scaling up the curtain rail by about 0.003 to prevent any z-fighting (the flickering that happens when two textures overlap in the same space).
TOU, requirements, and credits: Share and use as you wish, but please do so freely and always allowing others to do the same with your resulting content. Requires Desert Luxe. With thanks to @fiddlefolk for the Image Spectra palette.
Find me here:
pictureamoebae @ tumblr
amoebae @ twitter
amoebae @ patreon
amoebae's TS4 screenshots @ flickr
amoebae's cc, builds and ReShade presets in one place @ flickr
amoebae's amoebas discord server
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sterekcollabang · 3 months
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🖤🌈Sterek Collabang Signups🌈🖤
2️⃣ Signups are STILL OPEN for two more weeks! 2️⃣
The form below will be open until March 18th, 2024. The forms for writers to submit their pitches will go live at the same time.
For those that are curious, here are some numbers
TOTAL: 33 Individual Signups!
Writers: 24
Artists: 16
7 people have signed up to participate as both writers AND artists!
Writers have a minimum of 10k words.
Please check out our Criteria page to see the list of art types we've been asked about (and many of which we've already have signed up!) We'll accept any medium as long as it's not AI!
Also check out our FAQ page for more thorough information about how this Bang works.
The Schedule and Rules are also easily accessible pinned on our blog.
💙🧡See you soon!🧡💙
Also, our Discord server is active and flourishing if you'd like to hang out with the mods and participants. If you're not sure you want to participate but would like to be a part of our server and community, you can send us an Ask, DM one of our Mods, or email us ( [email protected] ) and we'll be happy to send you an invite link to join as a CheerLeader.
If you'd like to offer your services as a Beta Reader to our writers, follow the same process to receive an invite link to join as a CheerReader.
Copy pastable version: https://forms.gle/mf1E7ZLLBQRZgNFg7
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petalruesimblr · 28 days
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Hello everyone! As I have gained a lot more followers since my last #Followers Gift, I'm now back again with another one. This time I'm sharing two part-time careers: Stadium Operations Staff and Plumbob Pictures Studio Tour Guide.
To ensure we're all on the same page, please take a moment to read my #psa regarding these careers, click here.
If you are interested, click on ’Keep Reading’ below for more information and pictures of the Stadium Operations Staff and Plumbob Pictures Studio Tour Guide Part-Time Careers.
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Stadium Operations Staff
Download Link: Sim File Share |
Career Details:
Available for: Young Adults and Adults Available Languages: English Rabbit Hole: Stadium Uniforms: Paper boy uniform from the journalism career Packs Needed: The Sims 3 File Type: Package 📣All descriptions for the levels, tones and metrics as well as skills required, salary, uniforms and other details are provided on the pictures above.
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Plumbob Pictures Studio Tour Guide
Download Link: Sim File Share |
Career Details:
Available Languages: English Uniforms: Report processor uniform from the business career Packs Needed: The Sims 3, Late Night (Movie Set RH) File Type: Package 📣All descriptions for the levels, tones and metrics as well as skills required, salary, uniforms and other details are provided on the pictures above.
Required: NRAAS Careers Mod
Known issue: The Career_Pic_s (the image that will show beside the level name in the game) will always appear dark. I have already checked the Job Centre Discord and it seems to be a common issue. There was advice to make the image white, which I did try, but it didn't look great due to my limited editing skills. So, I resorted to using two different pictures for the icons instead and have included them in the picture above for reference.
Final Notes:
I tried something different this time and placed the details of each career on the pictures above instead of using game screenshots, making it look cleaner and more organized. I had fun doing it during boring work hours but let me know still if you all prefer the game screenshots instead.
I limited both part-time careers to young adults and adults only as I don't think elders would fit them in terms of the required strength needed to be standing all day realistically in those settings.
For their uniforms, I debated whether to stick to the game uniforms, use the bouncer uniforms that came with Late Night for the stadium part-time or make custom ones for both. I decided to use the game uniforms instead for now and may come back to update these careers for the uniforms, though I don't have a set date yet for when that might be.
As stated above, you will need NRAAS Careers Mod for these careers to show up in the game and as long as you have the latest version of it, it should work for higher patches.
I’m not fluent in any other languages to translate so if anyone is interested in translating this career, please don’t hesitate to send me a message here or comment on this post and will let you know the details.
I have tested this career in my game, so far it is working and all scripts are showing up. All feedback is very welcome to help me learn and improve my skills so please let me know if you experience any problems on your end and I’ll do my best to sort it as soon as possible.
Image by pikisuperstar, brgfx and macrovector on Freepik MissyHissy step-by-step tutorial Job Centre Discord
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AITA for stalking a grifter even when everyone else let it go?
I’m a writer of fanfiction. I write a lot of short fics for different fandom zines and sometimes run zines myself. I have worked with a ton of different people, all with their own ways of running zines. I never had a problem with any of them until a few years ago when one zine organizer started getting called out for shady behavior. At this point, I had already worked with them on a dozen zines, and because I was always working on multiple at a time I never noticed that some of these Zines never went anywhere. I was busy and I just figured they were sorted.
So, when this started going down and call out posts got made I checked back in to the discord servers and blogs for the zines. Half of them collected money for the zines, and never delivered. Some just stopped production because she’d vanished and stopped replying to anyone. It’s at this point I found out that this person had hundreds of zine projects running at once, and most of them not completed or sent to the people who paid for them. All off of our FREE work.
There was a big blow up. People picked sides. A lot of us creators left and removed our work from the unfinished products. People demanded refunds. The scammer’s supposed mother made an appearance in one server saying she was just stressed and to be nice to her. It was insane. People were scammed out of thousands of dollars. It was really shitty for about ten minutes before everyone on the creator’s side shrugged and moved on. Meanwhile, there are still people out there genuinely upset that they lost pretty big chunks of money and no one could help them.
The thing is, I’ve had experience with this type of scammer before. They don’t want to stop, and they’re notorious for rebranding and starting all over again. So, I kept a causal eye out. I didn’t really spend a lot of time on it, because I’m still busy, but when certain styles of zines popped up on here I would do a quick look over at the mods and check a few profiles. Nothing in the past two years really caught my eye. Until a few days ago when I found a new zine that had her style of promotional stuff, typing/grammar, etc. I almost left it because it wasn’t really my business, but it pissed me off so much that she came right back and would probably scam thousands more out of people in different fandoms. So I triple checked a few things like profiles, etc. and was 85% sure one of the mods for this zine is her. When I mentioned this to a friend who also did work for her zines and got scammed, they acted like I was super weird. Not exactly for looking into it, but explicitly that I “still cared about all that.”
I guess everyone else just kind of moved on, and forgot about it. I thought it was pretty normal to be wary of scammers after being scammed, but the fact that they’re saying I’m weird for still caring that it happened is making me feel like maybe I did something wrong? I haven’t done anything about it yet because I wanted to run it by my friend who shared that experience with me, and now I feel like I’m the crazy one for doing something I thought was pretty normal if not a little wary.
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mcytblrsexymen · 1 year
Highlights from the Mod Chat Pt. 2
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[ID: discord message from Fiendish Bots/Glorious Sideblogs, reading: why are you telling me what's bumming people out on twitter]
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[ID: discord message from fake GeorgeNotFound fan, reading: I saw that. First of all, who is out here saying we have principles, It has been reacted to with the Clap emoji 10 times.]
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[ID: discord message replying to Fiendish Bots/Glorious Sideblogs, reading: get gud, I started in he... the reply from number one howl simp reads: whats the term for skill issue but in reverse. thats u it has been reacted to with the Laugh emoji three times]
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[ID: discord message from fake GeorgeNotFound fan, reading: looked at this message, went over to Spotify to type in the song I wanted to lsiten to and go halfway through typing "Wilbur soot" instead It has been reacted to with the Laugh emoji five times]
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[ID: discord message from classically trained drabbler, reading: okay im getting back to voter frauding]
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[ID: message from SAD GAYISMS for SEXYLAMPNAP, reading: tumblr this is a terrible message to give me because now i know i can try Homestuck01 on accounts en masse and eventually get into one an image of a tumblr alert reading "That password is known to be included in compromised password lists. Please choose something more unique."]
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[ID: discord message from Fiending Bots/Glorious Sideblogs, with a picture of the GoodTimesWithScar v Technoblade poll attached. The messages read: Someone reported it for mature content I appealed]
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[ID: discord message from roxxy, reading: in ither news i need you all to know i just sent a bee to hell with a hose it has been reacted to with the CryCatScream emoji six times]
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[ID: discord message from a capricious and willful god, reading: doc officially won rendoc divorce]
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[ID: discord message from [binaural + bisexual], reading: IS THIS HOW IT FEELS WHEN YOUR TEAM WINS THE SUPERBOWL It has been reacted to with the Laugh emoji seven times]
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[ID: discord message from Fiending Bots/Glorious Sideblogs, reading: holy shit that poll was a thousand years of battle]
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[ID: discord conversation: [Binaural + Bisexual]: loving the grian fans cheering for his demise SAD GAYISMS for SEXYLAMPNAP: we did it for the daily-grian mod husband even let me vote on his account i love being married the first message from sexylampnap has been reacted to 7 times with the 100 emoji]
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[ID: discord from [binaural + bisexual], responding to an image from Fiendish Bots/Glorious Sideblogs: okay so here's the deal: you play stupid games you get blocked it has been reacted to once with the 100 emoji]
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[ID: discord message from former leash kid, reading: i wont start shit [two "press x to doubt" reacts] promise]
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[ID: discord message from VOTE FOR TECHNOBLADE, reading: Tbh I think I'm gonna rally the techno voters (all 1.5 of them who follow me) to vote for scar because our block guy deserves to get beaten by the sexyman champion it has been reacted with the 100 emoji 3 times]
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[ID: discord messag from Fiendish Bots/Glorious Sideblogs, reading: the siren song of infographics]
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[ID: discord message from Fiendsish Bots/Glorious Sideblogs, reading: instructions unclear: who? a photo of a twitter comment from loeufmf reading "I WANT THAT TWINK OBTLIRATED" is attached]
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[ID: discord message from undercover weeb, reading: I'm fairly certain Wilbur would be delighted to have sexual tension with Grian it has been reacted to twice with the pointing emoji]
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[ID: discord message from Fiendish Bots/Glorious SIdeblogs, reading: yeah the appropriate way to respond is "excuse me you could balance a glass of champage on this ass" it has been reacted to nine times with the Clap emoji]
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[ID: discord message from classically trained drabbler, reading: he is so cute but also human cleo is disgusting and offputting to me]
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[ID: discord message from roxxy, reading: this is making me emotional, weirdly and its not the q in fishnets...... Hm it has been reacted to four times with the Laugh emoji]
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[ID: discord message reading: I'm seeing mcytblrsecxymen posts being blocked for the word "terf" and I was like damn what fresh discourse is this you're dealing with??? Anyway it's the word quarterfinals it has been reacted to with the Sob emoji four times]
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[ID, discord conversation: classically trained drabbler: listen our guy is fighting here in the trenches alongside us while your guy sips wine and plays his harp away from the battlefield. vote for joe, a guy of the people [binaural + bisexual]: A true sexyman lets other people get their hands dirty]
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[ID: discord message from former leash kid, reading: i think i'm going to vote etho bc it's what doc would want from me]
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[ID: discord message reading: listen everything that I'm learning about joe makes him seem like the coolest guy ever actually like. damn I would sit down to drink with him. however quackity looks like a lesbian in that one photoshoot so like recognizes like and whatever It has been reacted to two times with the 100 emoji and three times with Pensive]
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[ID: discord conversation: SAD GAYISMS for SEXYLAMPNAP: i live voter fraud c/ping passeords is the best idea i've ever had classically trained drabbler: guys i know voter fraud is fun and sexy but the joeguys are outnumbered 40 to one pls be nice to us SAD GAYISMS for SEXYLAMPNAP: IM EVIL]
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[ID: discord message from [binaural + bisexual], reading: bad sleep schedules rule the polls, 😔 it has been reacted to three times with the Pensive emoji]
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[ID: discord conversation: Fiendish Bots/Glorious Sideblogs, attaching an image of a tumblr comment where user honq said "IF YOU VOTE QUACKITY I"LL DRAW ETHO AND HIM KISSING!" [binaural + bisexual]: that is a fascinating offer]
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[ID: discord message reading: I was on call w her and my mum today talking about how much fun I'm having and my mother wanted to see what the fuss was about so she googled "Minecraft poll" and said wow they do one every year! it has been reacted to six times with the Laugh emoji and eight times with the Joy emoji]
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[ID: discord message reading: now time to throw my whole ass into voting for cleo thank god I am a feminist]
506 notes · View notes
eg4mccc · 1 year
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Last Call for Infants Patch Prep!!
(graphic credit: Bonxie)
Tomorrow is the day most of us have been waiting for, the patch to prepare Sims 4 for INFANTS!!! It promises to be busy on support Discords, so I thought I'd start off with a few essential things you should know about getting help from Deaderpool's server.
First of all, READ our #server-info channel!!! There is a lot of information there that will streamline your experience with us. We always know who doesn't bother to read it, by the questions we see in support. We're going to be getting slammed by people with broken mods/cc, please do your part to make things easier on everyone involved, on any server you visit.
Pay close attention to the types of mods/cc/creators who may very well get you banned. Don't bring them to our server.
The people manning support channels are volunteers. Don't be an ass. We're not getting paid to help you, and we don't have to put up with rudeness, disrespect, trolling, and so on. We have no issue with banning people who can't behave properly on Deaderpool's discord. Don't try us.
Don't post the same thing in multiple channels, and don't post the same thing on multiple servers simultaneously. If you don't use two lanes at once in a brick and mortar store, why would you try doing it online? It's confusing and not efficient for anyone trying to work with you. The exceptions would be, if staff refers you elsewhere, to either a different channel, or to a separate discord server, in order to better address your issues. Otherwise, pick one channel on one server, and stay there.
BE PATIENT. Expansion patches are legendary for being super-busy. We'll do our best to get to everyone as soon as possible. There's no need to bump your post, or poke us, unless it's obvious your post has been skipped, after a few minutes/posts around yours are being handled. We're human, stuff happens. Don't get angry about it, just remind us, and we'll move forward from there.
If you're a long-time player, please watch out for the new players, if this is someone's first patch, they're likely to be pretty shocked at the damage. If you speak more than one language, we'd LOVE to add you to our group of Interpreters helping in #bilingual-support. If you're familiar with our server's layout, please help new people find their way around. 
Please do not pester creators for information. They're all aware this patch is likely to break things, and they would rather spend their time updating their mods and cc for us, than having to respond to tons of "your stuff broke!" posts on their pages. Don't be that person, just keep an eye on the various #mods-news type channels, Scarlet's list, Luth's forum post, and so on. 
This is not our first rodeo, you can trust us to help get you through the damage and back into your game, in the most painless way we can manage.
If we all can work together, we can minimize patch fallout in many ways. Bring a positive attitude, and your popcorn, and get ready to see the show... it's going to be a rocking week!
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mcytblraufest · 1 year
MCYTBLR AU Fest: General Rules and FAQ
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TIMELINE: May 13: Writer creation starts, Discord opens. May 13-15: Writers seeking Beta Readers can sign up (having a Beta Reader is optional) May 17: Beta Readers can claim stories and be assigned to Teams (having a Beta Reader is optional) May 29-30: Team Check-in #1 June 12-15: Writer seeking Artists can sign up June 17-18: Artists can claim stories and be assigned to Teams July 1-2: Team Check-in #2 July 10: Podficcer creation start. If you are working with a podficcer, this is your creation end date, and their start date. July 17: Main creation end. Unless you have an extension, you should both be ready to post at this point. July 17-23: Posting Week
MCYTBLR AU Fest is a mini big-bang event where artists and writers work together in teams to make stories and art inspired by MCYT and set in an Alternate Universe.
Expectation: Writers must deliver a story of at least 5k words. Artists must deliver a finished piece of art inspired by the story they signed up for. Dark or triggering topics or themes must be tagged for.
You must be a member of the discord, for team matching.
Because of Tumblr, Ao3 and Discord TOS, you must be 13 to participate.
Make a good-faith effort to respect streamer boundaries
You agree to work together with your teammate(s) to make a piece of art and a fic together.
All works must be MCYT-centric and set in an AU— no canon-compliance.
No AI-Generated content.
Discord: Here
What is MCYTBLR AU Fest? MCYTBLR AU Fest is a minibang-type event where writers and artists come together to create fanworks centred on MCYT and set in an alternate universe from canon.
How does it work? Writers will have a month to start work on a draft. After a month, at the half-way mark of their draft, they create a short summary/synopsis of their fic, which is posted anonymously for artists to view and claim. Teams are assigned by mods, and then teams will then have another month of creation time. Artists will create art based on the story they chose, and writers will finish their fic (minimum 5k words).
What type of MCYT is included? We welcome creations based on any SMP, whether or not they have a canon tag on Ao3. Mianite, DSMP, Hermitcraft, 3rd Life, Lifesteal, Witchcraft SMP— it's all welcome.
Can I join if my Art is a Playlist/Web Weave? You can particpate as an artist if your art is:
Digital/Traditional Art
Web Weave
What are the requirements for art? The requirements for different forms of art are:
Digital or Traditional art: a minimum of one piece, finished, inspired by the author's work.
Podfic: a podfic of the author's work, edited to whatever a baseline level of editing is for you.
Playlists: a minimum of one playlist inspired by the author's work per 5k, rounding up, to a limit of three required playlists. Playlists must be a minimum of an hour each.
Web Weaves: a minimum of one web weave inspired by the author's work per 5 k, rounding up, to a limit of two required web weaves, with at least ten elements each.
Other Art Form: other art forms such as fan games, original songs, would fall under this category. If you wanted to sign up with an Other art form, you need to contact the mod team and work out what minimum expectations would be for your art.
If I want to make more web weaves, can I? You can make as many pieces of art as you wish, the limit is just on what is required/expected by the mod team. For example, if your writer wrote a 10k work, you would be required to make two web weaves– but you could do as many as you want. If your writer wrote a 50k work, you would still only be required to make two web weaves, but you can do as many as you want.
Is anything required from me if I'm working with a particular type of artist? In general the requirement is just to be collaborative and communicative with your artist, but the one exception is if you are working with a podficcer. A podficcer can't start work until your work is complete (including editing), so to make sure they actually have time to record, anyone working with a podficcer will be required to finish a week early (so your writing completion deadline would be to finish by the 10th of July, instead of the 17th). In addition, podficcers will be generally expected to post near the end of posting week, so that they have two weeks to do the recording.
I heard there was web weaves, can I sign up for web weaves only? To increase matching opportunities, as a creator you must opt in to at least two types of art.
Is shipping allowed? Yes. For the comfort of the greatest number of participants, we ask that participants make a good-faith effort to ensure that any shipping is boundary-respecting, but because there is no broad fandom-wide consensus about how that is defined in specific cases (whether it's okay to write beeduo as /r or /p is an obvious case) or between specific fandoms (lifesteal approach to shipping is different from HBG is different from DSMP), the mods will not be policing any specific understanding of boundaries across the event. The event will operate on Don't Like Don't Read, in that everyone will have the chance to pick for themself if they are comfortable working with any specific ship, romantic or platonic, and it will not be permitted to change the nature of a relationship to /r after teams are assigned.
Is NSFW allowed? Yes, nsfw is permitted as long as it respects creator boundaries. When pitching a work, it must be clearly stated that the work contains NSFW content. To sign up to create an NSFW work everyone on the team must be 18+, and adding NSFW to a work after teams have been assigned is not permitted, even if everyone on the team is 18+. For the comfort of the greatest number of people in the exchange and the mod team, nothing that would warrant the tags Underage, Rape/Noncon, Dubcon, or Incest would be permitted.
If noncon isn't permitted, is non-consentual touching (platonic) allowed? As technically a punch in the face counts as non-consensual touching, and pvp is a classic part of most MCYT canons, we find banning all nonconsensual contact to be unnecessarily restrictive. As long as nonconsensual contact is not sexual in nature, it is permitted, however, it must be tagged for adequately along with any other potentially triggering content.
Do you allow dark or violent content? Yes. The lore of many mcyt servers includes death games, abuse, cannibalism, murder-for-hire, and other dark or violent themes. However, all potentially triggering content must be tagged for and those tags must be part of the sign-up, so collaboraters can make an informed choice to get infolved or not. Moreover, if your fic is rated E for any reason (including violence or gore), your team must be 18+.
How can I get involved? You can participate in this event as a:
Pinch Hitter (Artist)
Pinch Hitter (Writer)
Beta Reader
You can even sign up for multiple roles, as long as you're very sure you can make your deadlines!
What is a Pinch Hitter? A pinch hitter is a person who saves the day and steps in when the original creator is unable to deliver their work for whatever reason, making a new work on an accelerated timeline. In case of pinch hitting a fanfic, you will will be asked to either write using the original writer's outline, or pitch a new story for the artist to pick among. If you are an artist, you will step in to make a new piece of art for a writer whose original artist dropped out.
Can I participate as a beta reader? Yes! Matching with a Beta Reader will be optional, but creators will have the opportunity to sign up to have a Beta Reader join their team for brainstorming, accountability, spellcheck, editing, or whatever else they need. Matching beta readers will be first come first serve.
What kind of a summary will I provide as a writer? How long or detailed? We ask that you keep your summary to two paragraphs or shorter, about as long as the AO3 Summary + Author's Note boxes. When you write out this summary, you should be about halfway through your draft, so you will have a general sense of how the story goes. In addition to a description of your fic, we'll ask that you list out the Server it takes place on, what type of AU it is, any ships (romantic or platonic), the expected word count, what age group of people you are okay working with, and any trigger tags that you expect to take place in the story.
When do I have to join the discord? You have the option to join the dicord and hang out as soon as creation starts on May 13, and if you are signing up either as a Beta Reader or wanting to be matched with a Beta Reader, you need to join the discord before signups close on May 15. If you don't need a beta reader or you already have someone you normally work with, you only have to join the discord before author sign ups close for artist matching, which is June 15.
Why do authors have to be halfway through their draft to sign up? How are you checking this? This is both to decrease the number of people who drop out halfway through, and to make sure that the artist definitely has something to work with. If you write your entire fic in the weekend before the posting deadline, that means the artist has a matter of days or hours for them to do their work, which isn't fair. Writers will be expected to submit a google doc with their half-draft in it at sign-up, for mods to verify word count.
How does team assignment work? We will release a document with all the summaries in it, and shortly afterwards we will release a sign-up form. Artists will be expected to list out out a top-five of stories they want to work with, and mods will match artists with stories on a first-come-first-served basis.
What happens if there are more artists than authors, or more authors than artists? If there are more artists, some fics will be assigned multiple artists. If there are more authors, we will put in place a question where artists can specify that they'd be willing to make multiple pieces, and a (hopefully small) number of artists would be assigned multiple teams.
What if all the fics I list have already been assigned? If artists outnumber authors, mods will set your list aside for later. Once every fic has one artist, we will assign you as a secondary artist to one of your chosen fics. If authors outnumber artists, you will need to submit another claim. While mods will update the form throughout the claiming period and remove fully claimed fics, there may be some delay with removing fics if we are unavailable.
I’m in [insert time zone here]. What if I’m not awake when claims open? There will be a spot to input your time zone in the discord. Mods will try to open the claims at a time that works for as many artists as possible. The fic summaries will also be available for 24 hours before claims so that everyone can read the summaries and pick out the ones that sound most interesting to them. We will aim for claims to open between 7 a.m. and 1 a.m. for as many artists as possible across all time zones. If claims fall outside that zone for you, you'll be able to contact a mod and we'll work out an alternative method for claims for you.
I don't know what time zone I'm in? Go to timeanddate.com and enter the nearest major city, and it will tell you your current time zone.
What's a check-in and how do they work? Check-ins are there to make sure everyone is on track to finish their piece in time, and to communicate any issues with the mods! If you know that you won’t be able to check in on a specific date (lack of internet, etc), please contact the mods in advance.
How long should my fic be? The minimum word count is 5,000 words! There is no maximum word count, but we ask you to be mindful of how much you can actually create in these two months.
If I wrote a multi-chapter work, do I have to have it all posted by the end of Posting Week? You must complete your work by the end of posting week, but in the cases of longer works, you may want to stretch out posting. In cases where you want to extend posting, you will be able to send in your draft to be verified by the mods, and then post just 40% of the draft during posting week.
What does AU mean in this context? AU stands for Alternate Universe and in this case means anything that would make the work not able to be tagged as canon compliant. Alternate endings, role reversals, complete setting or plot swaps, and crossovers all count. As this is a fest specifically to celebrate AUs, we ask that the AU be a significant and celebrated part of the work, not something that could be skipped if you aren't paying attention.
Can I create two pieces of art? Absolutely! There is no maximum for number of pieces you want to create, but again, be mindful of not biting off more than you can chew in a month of creation time.
Can I sign up with two fics? You are welcome to sign up as part of the fest with multiple fics, especially given that the word count is reasonably achievable for many people. However, if you do so, we will ask that you prioritize which fic you want to be matched on first, and you will only receive a match to your secondary fic after everyone else has an artist. We're going to proritize every particpant getting a team before we prioritize every story getting a team.
Can I sign up with a writing buddy— as part of a collab team? You are welcome to sign up as a collaborative team! We ask that you make sure you work together well, and when you sign up for an artist, you must declare that you're a team, so people know that they'll be getting multiple writers and not one.
Can I submit a fic that is part of a larger story? All stories must stand alone, you can't have it so that your artist has to read other works to understand your existing work. The fic also must be written specifically for the event. We ask that you not submit a summary for a fic that was already written prior to the start of the event. Brainstorming or outlining starting early is fine.
What if I need to drop out? It is your responsibility to communicate with us if you need to drop out of the event for any reason, and we do need that communication. We know that life is no respecter of fic and art deadlines, so no hard feelings if something happens. However, we would hate for any writer to end up having no art for their fic, so please think about this if you are thinking of dropping out close to reveals. Likewise, it would suck if an artist put a lot of effort into creating art for a fic that ends up not being written, so authors, please inform us in advance if you must drop out or think you will not be able to complete your fic on time. Dropping out after the last check-in without informing the mods will result in not being permitted to take part in further events run by this mod team.
I have a question not answered here? Send us an ask on tumblr, contact @antimony-medusa on tumblr or discord!
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zkbigbang · 3 months
ZKBB 2024 Writer Guidelines
Story Requirements:
All stories should be centered around Zuko and Katara and their relationship.
Oneshots should meet a minimum word count of 6,000 words when completed, and multichapters should meet a minimum word count of 10,000 words before the end of the event.
Stories must be rated G or T on AO3
Big Bang fics must be new, standalone works. No continuations of existing series or published WIPs are allowed.
Story ideas should be secret before the start of the event to allow for fair, anonymous project bidding.
Use of any AI text generators is not welcome in the Big Bang.
Stories will be posted to an anonymous AO3 collection for two weeks at the end of the event before writers’ information is revealed publicly. This rule is intended to give lesser-known writers more visibility - please do not discuss specifics of your Big Bang project outside of the event server until writers are revealed.
Summary Submissions:
After joining the event Discord server, all writers will have to submit information about their planned story for artists and betas to bid on. In case you’d like to get an early start on writing up your summaries, this is the information required on the summary submission form:
A working title for your story: This can be the title that you plan to use when you post to AO3 or something as simple as “Fake Dating AU” or “CoD Canon Divergence”
The type of story you’re planning to write: oneshot or multichapter
A “short” summary of your story: the type of summary that you might use to promote your story on AO3 or Tumblr. This summary doesn’t have to cover the plot of your story in detail - it can just be catchy and capture the ~vibes~ of the story
An “extended” summary of your story: a summary/outline that includes more plot details and important scenes for your potential artists and betas’ reference. This summary doesn’t have to be extensive, but it should give your team a better idea of where the story is going and the sorts of scenes that could be translated into artwork
Any AO3 archive warnings that will apply to your story
Any other content warnings that may apply
Other planned relationships that will appear in the story
What type of beta reader you’d like to work with: SPaG, Planning, Creative, Cheer Reader, etc
How many Discord channels you want for your project: we’re offering up to 3 text channels and a voice channel for every project. If you change your mind about this later, just let your mod know.
Sample summary submissions (from current mods' past Big Bang fics) can be found here.
If the mod team has any questions or concerns about your submission (if you’ve accidentally chosen the same working title as someone else, or you’ve included content warnings that don’t usually appear in G or T rated fics, for example), we’ll be in contact with you before getting your project channel(s) set up in the server.
Writer Check-Ins:
At each formal writers’ check-in, you’ll be asked to provide your current word count so that the mods can gauge your progress. Suggested word count milestones for each check-in are:
Saturday, May 18 - Oneshots: 1,800, Multichapters: 3000
Saturday, June 8 - Oneshots: 3,600, Multichapters: 6,000
Saturday, June 29 - Oneshots: 5,400, Multichapters: 9,000
Saturday, July 6 - Writers' Draft Deadline
Saturday, July 20 - Oneshots: have the first 2,000 words of your fic edited, Multichapters: have the first 3,000 words of your fic edited
Saturday, August 10 - Oneshots: have the first 4,000 words of your fic edited, Multichapters: have the first 7,000 words of your fic edited
Saturday, August 24 - Have your entire fic (or chapters up to the minimum 10,000 word count edited
As always, feel free to reach out with any other questions. The mods are more than willing to help!
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sweetjazzpride · 4 months
requests open!
hello, i’m lorelai (she/her) and i make epithet erased pride icons. i make different types with different characters, here are my main ones:
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basic / duotone
pastel / white shadow
transparent shadow / object
transparent object
up to two flags per ask (sexually and romantic preference can be one flag)
no fake sexualities (super straight, MAPs, etc.)
up to three effects per ask
three icons are done per ask with different sprites (or less depending on the amount of sprites they have, ex. yoomtah or lorelai)
if you want the icons to contain anything other than their sprites, or you want an alternative flag to be used, let me know
please don’t ask for my main. have a nice day! (moots who got sent this on discord no you didn’t)
EDIT 2/8: If you want effects, you need to put it in your ask! Don’t assume I know what you want! If you don’t name a specific one, pastel is going to be the default.
- Mod Lori 🤍
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Sterek Reverse Bang 2024
*April 15, 2024* - Sign-ups open via Google form
*May 30, 2024* - Art due, sign-ups close
*June 2, 2024* - Art goes up for viewing
*June 8, 2024* - 7 pm UTC - Claims round 1
*June 9, 2024* - 7 pm UTC - Claims round 2, if necessary and until all art has been claimed.
*June 14, 2024* - Check-in 1: Teams must confirm that they have made contact and are good to collaborate.
*July 14, 2024* - Check-in 2: Team update: Writers submit an outline of 200-500 words to their artist for comment and mods for check-in.
*August 11, 2024* - Check-in 3: Writers should have 3k written. They will submit a draft link to the mods and their artist. Artists will confirm that their writer has been in communication with them and that they have seen the draft.
*August 30, 2024* - Last day to request a pinch hitter and receive a one year ban. Dropping after this date will result in a permanent ban.
*September 14, 2024* - Check-in 4 aka The Final Check-in: Teams must confirm that they are on schedule to post. Writers will receive a link to a Google form for submitting their drafts. Drafts should be 80 % done with any parts/scenes that are not yet complete outlined. Artists will confirm that their writer has been in communication with them and that they have seen the draft.
*October 6, 2024* - All collaborations posted to the challenge collection on AO3.
*October 11, 2024* - Moderated posting starts and runs until all collaborations have been posted.
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**RULES and EXPECTATIONS for all Participants**
Sign-ups open April 15th via Google Form.
By signing up to participate you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the rules.
While the mods will send out reminders in the Discord server, it is your responsibility to meet the Sterek Reverse Bang deadlines.
Communicate with your partner within 48 hours of your claim being confirmed. Mandatory partner check-ins should be met as well. This is meant to be collaborative and fun.
>>>Check-ins are mandatory and deadlines are strict.<<<
Participants must be 18 years or older.
Participants need an email address that they check on a regular basis, a Google account for sign-up and submission forms, and must have a Discord account.
Any questions or disagreements should be taken to the mods.
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In the regular reverse bang round the following types of art are accepted:
painting/drawing (traditional, digital, mixed)
mood boards
fanvids (min 30 sec)
original gif sets (min 6 gifs)
>>All art will be uploaded through a Google Form so you must have a google account.
>> In the spirit of anonymous claims, no watermarks, signatures etc. are permitted during initial submissions! If you are worried about art theft, you can add "Sterek Reverse Bang" as a watermark. Signatures will be added for the final posting with the fics.
>> Artists are limited to submitting one or two pieces.
>> Art must not have been published before, been a commission, or be associated with a fic at the time of claims.
>> When you submit your art, it should be finished. You may of course keep working on it until posting.
>>You may choose to create more art or headers for longer fics but this is not a requirement.
>>If you do not regularly have communication from your writer or you have not seen an actual draft as a deadline approaches, please contact the mods.
>>If you feel like an explicit dislike of yours is being disregarded by your writer, you are not being kept up to date with major story changes (especially when the deadline is approaching), or your input is not being heard, please contact the mods.
>>TLDR Your mods are here to help but we can’t help if you don’t talk to us.
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>> Minimum word count for fics in this challenge is 10k.
>> Artists' prompts and requests need to be followed unless both writer and artist agree to something else.
>> Squicks and triggers have to be followed without discussion.
>>Authors may not demand or request changes to the art. The artists may offer to do this, but that is up to the discretion of the artist.
>>Fics must be in English.
>>Submitted drafts for check-in must be typed and be in a standard document form (.docx or Google Drive). iOS extensions or photos will not be accepted.
>>Writers must follow all check-in dates, including sharing an 80% completed draft with the mods and their artist by September 14, 2024.
>>All fics should be posted in their entirety on the submission date.
>>You must tag for any of AO3’s major warnings and use appropriate tags, including the Sterek Reverse Bang tag.
>>All fics need to be beta read. If you need help finding a beta reader, you can ask on Discord. Mods for the bang will not assign beta readers.
Like a regular Bang, a Reverse Bang is meant to be a collaboration between artist and writer. Think of your artist like a partner in your creative process and follow the sharing guidelines that we have laid out in terms of sharing outlines and drafts. Everyone has their own creative style, but do be willing to listen to the input from your artist as you write. One of the joys as a writer is having a collaborative partner to bounce ideas off of and talk through your WIP. Your artist will probably love to be part of this process.
>>>This means that you should regularly be sharing drafts with your artist.<<<
>>TLDR Your mods are here to help but we can’t help if you don’t talk to us.
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>> Should any participants drop before claims, no harm done, no worries.
>> Should any participants drop out after claims without extenuating circumstances, participants may not be allowed to take part in the next round. In any case, talk to your mods! There is usually a solution, both for the person dropping and the person remaining in the bang (e.g. finding a pinch hitter), and the sooner one is figured out, the better.
>>If you drop before August 30, 2024, and request a pinch hitter, you will receive a one year ban. Dropping after this date will result in a permanent ban.
>> Should a team wish to drop out by mutual consent, they may do so, but may not post their work as part of the Sterek Reverse Bang Collection.
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The STRB is meant to be a collaborative effort between artist and writer. Part of the fun of the process is working with another creative person to make something new in the Sterek fandom. With that in mind, we have a set of things you should be talking about with your partner.
**First check-in: June 14, 2024**
Teams must confirm that they have made contact and are good to collaborate.
Talk to your artist/author partner and exchange:
Names and pronouns
Account names (AO3, Tumblr, Discord)
Best way to communicate
Any general ideas you have
**Second check-in: July 14, 2024** - Team update
Author to Artist contact
Writers submit an outline of 200-500 words to their artist for comment and to mods for check-in.
**Third check-in: August 11, 2024**
Writers should have 3k written. They will submit a draft link to the mods and their artist. Artists will confirm that their writer has been in communication with them and that they have seen the draft.
**Fourth check-in: September 14, 2024** - The Final Check-in (insert klaxon siren here)
Teams must confirm that they are on schedule to post. Writers will receive a link to a Google form for submitting their drafts. Drafts should be 80% done with any parts/scenes that are not yet complete outlined. Artists will confirm that their writer has been in communication with them and that they have seen the draft.
Artists and writers are free to decide mutually on how much contact they wish to have and in how much detail they wish to collaborate.
🟡 **Check-ins** 🟡
All Check-ins must be done on time and are mandatory. Missing a check-in forfeits your art prompt (writers) and will result in a year ban (before August 30th) or permanent ban after August 30th.
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Sign-up via Google Doc
You may sign up as both an artist and a writer.
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