#the type of photos u put in a locket
goldemise · 6 months
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special agents perez and strahm..
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ihave-atummyache · 3 months
Stray Kids Imagine
summary: jewelry that shows the world u are their’s.
6.5k words
im not gonna say nsfw but im not gonna say sfw either…. some where in the middle.
absolute tooth rotting fluff tho!
also my seungmin brainrot is insane rn so like… just read and u will see
this is the song that inspired me to write this, can’t explain why, it just did.
Bang Chan:
Chan is definitely the type to absolutely spoil his baby!! Whether it's with jewelry or clothes or just nice words. He is such a caretaker and genuinely enjoys taking care of others.
He actually got you the locket for Valentine's Day. On the front, it has a pretty floral design and on the back in dainty cursive, it has his initials and your initials. You felt the tears immediately spring to your eyes when you opened the little black box.
"Chan! You didn't! This is so pretty. Oh my God," you can't stop the smile from spreading across your face and Chan can't help but mirror your own expression.
"Open it, love," his voice is gentle and you bite down on your lip to try to fight back the smile a little bit. You grab the necklace and gently unwrap it from the cushion before pulling it out and opening the small locket.
Inside is a picture that you and Chan had taken the first time you visited him. You had asked a stranger to take a picture of the two of you in front of the Han River and it turned into one of your favorite pictures of the two of you.
It was the same photo you used for your soft launch and one of your many phone backgrounds of you and Chan. Hyunjin had even painted the picture and gifted it to Chan for his birthday and it hung in his room, right above his desk.
"Baby," your voice cracks and your bottom lip juts out as your eyes fill with more water, "How did I get so lucky? You're literally perfect, you know that?" You finish your sentence and look up at your sweet boyfriend, his eyes swallow you up with pure love and adoration and you hand him the necklace before turning around and sweeping your hair over your shoulder.
"Can you put it on me?" You ask quietly. He grabs the necklace from your palm over your shoulder and twists it until its perfectly straight. He places the necklace over your head and fiddles with the delicate clasp for a bit before placing a kiss to the back of your neck, something he does every time he puts a necklace on you.
Your fingers reach up and gently touch the pendant, looking down at it again. You truly lucked out on getting the most perfect boyfriend you could ever ask for.
You turn around and press your lips against his, swinging your leg over his thighs and straddling his lap. You grab both his cheeks in your hands and hold tightly before you pull away from the kiss and start kissing him all over his face, his dimples, his nose, his forehead, his eyes.
He can’t stop the giggles falling from his lips at your antics. Your love for the gift made him feel absolutely elated.
"I'm so in love with you. It makes no sense," you confess and pull back to look down at your boyfriend again.
"I'm so in love with you, babygirl. You own my heart," his ears redden at his own confession and he grabs your hand from his cheek, pressing a soft kiss to the palm of your hand.
"You really outdid yourself. If this is what our first Valentine's Day is like together then I can't imagine the rest of the holidays," you giggle at him and he smiles against your wrist before letting his hands drop around your waist, pulling you tighter to him.
"I want to make love to you now. I want everything off except this locket. How does that sound?" he asks suddenly and you smile down at him, pressing into his hips a bit harder, applying pressure to where he is slowly getting hard under you.
"Sounds like a plan," you agree and lean in to kiss your sweet boyfriend again.
Lee Know:
Minho is a bit possessive. We all know this. He can't help but wanting to make sure everyone knows that you are his, even in a subtle way such as a necklace.
"Baby? Are you home?" Minho's voice echoed through the empty space of your apartment. He continues walking further into your house until he finally lays eyes on you in your bedroom.
You were knocked out cold, making time for your daily nap. He chuckles as he shrugs his jacket off and places it in the chair at your desk. He reaches into the pocket of the jacket and pulls out the thin chain. He rolls the pendant in his fingers again, a small smile on his lips.
He approaches you where you are on the bed and uses this moment to really just take you in. You look so peaceful, completely relaxed against your pillows and a plushy hugged to your chest.
He gently moves a stray piece of hair away from your face before leaning down and placing a kiss where your hair just was. You twitch a little when his lips meet your skin but you don't wake up.
He gently moves his hand under your neck, careful not to stir you awake, and clasps the necklace to you. It falls just below your collarbone and he leans down to press another kiss to the skin exposed there.
"M-Minho?" you grumble out, slowly pulling your eyes open and being met with the soft eyes of your boyfriend. He knows exactly where to touch you to wake you up and your neck and collarbone have always made you stir.
"Hi, baby," your voice is still raspy from sleep and you can't help yourself from wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him down into the bed.
He lands on top of you with a chuckle before rolling off of you to the other side of the bed. You look up at him, still a bit dazed in your freshly awoken and cuddly state.
He would never admit it out loud, but he loves when you are sleepy or just waking up. You cling onto him like a baby and it makes his heart want to absolutely explode.
"I got you a gift, pretty," he pushes that same strand of hair from earlier behind your ear and you raise your eyebrows at him.
"Oh? What is it?" you ponder quietly, leaning into his touch. His hand gently trails down your neck before he traces the outline of the chain and rolls the pendant in his fingers.
"You already have it on," he replies, a smirk on his face and your hand slowly moves to your neck, tracing the necklace. You jolt up, suddenly much more awake and get out of bed to look in the mirror at the necklace around your neck.
It's a thin chain with a pillar bar pendant on it. You rub your fingers over the pendant before your notice the engraving on the front. It's his name in Korean on the front but you notice more engraving along the back as well. You gently spin the pendant around and on the back is his name in English.
"Possessive lil guy aren't you?" You tease as he rises from the bed and walks towards you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing his chest to your back. You reach up and gently play in his hair.
"Mhm. You could say that," he agrees and places a kiss on your jawline. You twist the strands around your fingers and smile at your pretty boyfriend in the mirror.
"Your hair is getting long, my kitty," you comment and he breaks his gaze from your eyes to look at himself in the mirror.
"I need a haircut," he replies and meets your eyes again in the mirror. His gaze shifts down your neck, stopping and focusing on your pulse point before continuing down and look at the necklace against your chest.
"Leave it. I like it. Why did you get me this?" You question and drop your hand from his hair to play with the necklace again, sliding the pendant back and forth across the chain.
He shrugs in response and lets his fingers creep under the hem of your shirt, placing his hands against your warm stomach.
"Just because," he replies and you raise an eyebrow at him, not buying it for a second. He lets out a sigh of defeat, knowing you saw right through him.
"I saw some tweets. You're getting a lot of... attention. Male attention, lately. I appreciate them saying how hot of a girlfriend I have but I need them to remember that you are mine," he confesses, rocking the two of you back and forth while his thumbs continue to rub against your stomach.
You hum in response, still fidgeting with the necklace. It's pretty, stunning even. You know it probably cost a fortune but it came from the same guy who told you he would buy you an entire apartment complex so you didn't have to deal with neighbors.
"Also," he places a kiss to where your neck meets your shoulder, "I think it would look pretty dangling over my face while you ride me," he says it so nonchalantly and you smack his arm gently.
"Lee Minho!" You scold but you can't stop the giggle from escaping your lips anyways. He lets out a breathy chuckle against your neck, making goosebumps rise to your skin.
"Never take this off. Okay?" he suddenly asks, his voice much softer and a bit more vulnerable. You turn your head to lock eyes with him and immediately nod.
"Okay," you agree and lean in, pressing your lips against his.
"Is this corny?" Changbin turns his phone to you and shows you the matching bracelets that came up on his feed. They were simple and pretty, a rectangular charm with the advertiser's logo engraved in it. On the other side of the bracelet is half a heart and when placed beside each other, the hearts become magnetic and connect.
"Not at all. I think it's cute, bun," you smile at the screen and then look up at your boyfriend. He is studying your reaction with his own soft smile on his lips, obviously trying to read you and exactly how you feel.
A few weeks later, Changbin is even more giddy and excited to see you than usual. When you open your front door, he is bouncing on the balls of his feet with an adorable, dimply smile on his face.
"What are you so happy about, cutie?" You widen the door further, allowing his infectious smile to cause your own smile on your face. He bounds into your house, slipping his shoes off and making his way to the living room.
Changbin plops down on the couch and only then do you notice the package in his hands. He gently tears it open and opens the box, letting out a small gasp. You approach him from behind to get a look over his shoulder.
"Bun? What is it?" you question and he pats the cushion next to him, signaling for you to sit down. You quickly circle and sit next to him, turning to face him on the couch.
"They came. The bracelets I showed you!” he exclaims and holds the two pieces of jewelry between your faces. You smile at him and his adorable antics before grabbing one from his hand and flipping it over in your fingers.
His name was engraved into this one and on the back of the half heart was your first initial. You glance up at him and catch him already looking at you, big goofy smile on his face.
"You're the cutest ever, do you realize that?" you question and lean forward, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth, "Help," you wrap the bracelet around your wrist and flip it, holding it clasp up to him.
He lets the other bracelet drop into his lap and quickly clasps yours for you before offering his own wrist and bracelet. The chain was a perfect length. It wasn't tight enough to make you feel claustrophobic but it wasn't so loose that it was tickling you or sliding up and and down your arm and wrist.
You grab his wrist, bringing it to yours and letting the hearts connect before giggling at the action. You pull out your phone and take a video of the bracelets connecting before turning both your wrists over and filming your matching names.
"You're just so lovely, my Binnie," you whisper out after tucking your phone behind you. He leans forward, hands around your waist and places his plush lips against yours.
The two of you are so goofy and smiling that the kiss is practically all clashing teeth and giggles. You wrap your arms around his neck and look behind his head, glancing at the shiny metal around you wrist. How lucky are you to be claimed by Seo Changbin?
Little did you know, he felt even more lucky being able to claim you as his own. He felt an immense amount of pride at the fact that he would be walking around with your name on him at all times. He felt even more prideful when he thought about how someone may compliment him on the bracelet or ask about it and he gets to gush about you.
Hyunjin buys you jewelry all the time. He can't help it! He thinks his pretty little thing deserves pretty things. Most are just absolutely stunning necklaces, rings, earrings, bracelets, you name it, he's probably gotten it for you.
The one thing he realizes he has never gotten you, is an anklet. He's seen you wear them before and he thinks they look so pretty around your ankles. He loves the way the chain glitters in the right light and the subtly of the accessory.
Also, being the absolute gem that he is, he absolutely worships your body. Every. Square. Inch. This include your ankles. It's a delicates spot on your body that has become one of his favorites. He pulls your shoes off after a long night and will press a little kiss to your ankle, rubbing out your sore soles.
If he has your legs on his shoulders while pounding into you, he'll turn his head and place gentle kisses and nips to the skin of your ankle. It keeps you grounded and some how drives you even more crazy.
You're sitting on the couch, your feet in his lap and reading your book while he focuses on the show playing in front of him. His hands gently trail around your ankle and down your feet. His touches are gentle but not gentle enough to tickle. If anything, it was making you feel more relaxed and sleepy.
"Do you like anklets, my love?" he suddenly asks and you peer up at him from behind your book, thinking for a moment before nodding.
"I do, actually. I just don't wear them often. They usually get covered up by pants or leggings or whatever so I only wear them when I'm wearing something that'll show them off. Why do you ask?" You inquire, curiously and he shrugs, turning to face the television again.
"No reason," he ends the conversation there and you nod, returning to your book.
A few days later, you receive a text from your boyfriend then a text from the front desk of your apartment complex, notifying you of a package. You hadn't ordered anything. What could you possibly be having delivered? You open the message from Hyunjin first.
loverboy: sent u something (: tell me if u like it honey
You smile, letting the pieces start to fall into place. The package is from your boyfriend and you excitedly bounce up from your bed. You slide your shoes on and make your way down to your apartment's front desk. They hand you the package and it's small, only a few inches wide and flat. You drop your brow to a furrow as you make your way back to your apartment.
You don't recognize the name of the sender but you tear it open as soon as you set foot back into your place. You open the box and inside if a small piece of jewelry with a paper on top. You read the paper first and it says its an anklet.
You smile to yourself, reminiscing on the conversation you two had a few days prior. You pull the jewelry out but what you weren't expecting was for there to be Hyunjin's name on the anklet. Your jaw drops and you smile widely before pulling your phone from your back pocket and ringing your boyfriend.
"You love me sooo badddd," you tease as soon as the line connects. You hear your boyfriend's deep, breathy laugh from the other side of the phone.
"That would be correct. You like it, my love?" he asks. You can't see him but he looked so nervous on the other side of the phone. He leans back against the mirror, surely leaving some marks but he really didn't care at the moment. He chews down on his lip while he waits for your reply.
"I adore it!" you exclaim, excitedly before scurrying to the kitchen table and sitting down. You place your phone on speaker as you debate which ankle to put it on.
"Put it on your left ankle," his voice suddenly breaks the silence, almost like he was reading your thoughts. You chuckle at how incredibly in-tune he is with you.
"You know me too well, Hwang Hyunjin," you tease and pull your left leg up into the chair with you. You wrap the jewelry around your ankle and clasp it.
"Send me a picture," his tone is more demanding than asking and you cant help but immediately obeying when this side of him decides to make an appearance.
You pull up your camera and turn your leg, snapping a picture then sending it to your waiting boyfriend. As soon as it sends, it says read and Hyunjin hums on the other side of the phone.
"Can't wait to have your legs up on my shoulders later. Gonna look so pretty with my name on you like that," he suddenly speaks up, his voice low. He obviously isn't alone at practice and you bite down on your lip at the thought that someone could hear his dirty words for you.
"Mm. The sooner the better," you agree, rubbing your thighs together subconsciously. If there's one thing your boyfriend knows how to do, it's turn you on with just a single sentence.
"I'm wrapping up here. I'll be to yours soon," his voice is gruff and he hangs up before either of you can say anything else to get each other worked up. You can't help yourself though.
You pad away to your bedroom and take your top off before sitting in front of your mirror and crossing your ankles. In the reflection of the mirror is your exposed chest and your barely there shorts and at the bottom of the screen is the anklet with Hyunjin's name. You press send before you can think too hard about it and he replies almost instantly.
loverboy: you're playing with fire, princess. behave.
"Happy birthday, y/n," Jisung holds the wrapped box out to you and you raise an eyebrow at him, taking the wrapped box with the bow on top from his outstretched hand.
"My birthday isn't for another three months, Sungie," you laugh and he shrugs, biting down on his lip to suppress the smile.
"Christmas came early this year," he replies again and you laugh, placing a hand on your hip.
"Is it my birthday or Christmas? Make up your mind, you goofball," you tease and look down at the gift in your hand again. You sit down cross legged on the floor and Jisung mirrors you, sitting in front of you.
You glance up at him once more, his eyes eager and big as he waits for you to finally open his gift. You smile softly at his cute face before finally beginning to open the gift. You pull the bow off and set it on the coffee table.
You have a shoebox full of mementos from your relationship and he has a habit of topping gifts with a bow and you started to keep them. You can pick out exactly what gift each bow was on still, to this day.
You pull the box from the wrapping paper and slowly open it. It has a necklace, a pretty one. It has two tiny pendants, a sapphire and then a little circular silver pendant with a virgo symbol on it. You flip the silver pendant over and engraved on the back is 'IX・XIV・MM'.
"Baby..." you trail off as you twist the pendant in your hand. Is that an authentic sapphire?!
"Do you like it?" he asks, quietly. You look up at him, shock still on your face before nodding vigorously. A small smile breaks out on his face at you reaction. He quickly realizes your silence is in shock, not because you don't like it.
"Wait until you see the next part," he speaks up and you look up at him, your eyebrows dropping to a furrow. He pulls his hoodie over his head, leaving him in a sleeveless tank and leans closer to you. His hands wrap around a necklace around his neck and you scoot closer.
It was your birth stone and your zodiac sign. You flip the silver circle over and engraved in roman numerals is your own birthday. It was practically identical to the one in your hands.
"Han Jisung. I'm going to cry," you speak out softly. He chuckles and you look up at him, your eyes big and sparkly. Your boyfriend is so thoughtful. Although it is a subtle gesture, it is very clear that he wants a piece of you with him all the time.
"Please don't because then I'll cry," he replies and his hand finds the side of your face, leaning in and pressing a kiss to your lips. Before it can get any deeper, however, you jump up, necklace in hand, and rush off to the bathroom.
You hear your boyfriend chuckle from his spot before you hear him slowly get up and trail behind you. You reach the bathroom and attach the necklace to your neck before turning it and letting the two pendants hang on your chest.
They're so subtle but so pretty. It's a piece of jewelry that you really have no reason to ever take off. It's small enough to go with everything but stands out enough that it would never be overlooked.
"That blue looks stunning on you, darling," Jisung's voice pulls you from your daydream and you turn around to face him, your fingers still playing with the necklace.
"Ya think so?" You ask, tilting your head and he closes the space between you, placing his hands on your hips as you sit back against the bathroom counter.
"Mhm. Although, you do have the magical ability to look good in everything you put on. You even look good in yellow! Who the hell looks good in yellow?" he chuckles and you let your head fall back, a laugh leaving your lips.
"You're too sweet for me. I don't know what I did in my past like to deserve this kind of happiness but i'm very thankful to myself," you whisper and let your hands trail up his exposed arms until you interlock your fingers behind his neck.
"I thank God every night that you're mine," he replies, eyes still big and soft for you. You squeeze your eyes shut at the sappy sentiment and let the blush rush up to your face.
"Maybe i'll just get your name tattooed on me. Just in case I have to take this off," you speak up and Jisung eyes light up at the idea, a bit too excited.
"Would you actually?!" he exclaims, a ridiculous smile on his face and you can't help but roll your eyes, shaking your head.
"That was a joke and you're a little too excited about the idea," you counter and a cute pout makes its way onto his face. You lean forward, kissing the pout from his lips before looking up at him again.
"I love you," you breathe the words out and despite the amount of times you've told each other that you love one another, a blush still climbs to Jisung's face. The same way that you have learned to absolutely adore.
"I love you, endlessly," he replies and leans in, pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
"What's your ring size?" Felix asks, scrolling on his phone and you freeze, almost dropping the bowl of food in your hand.
"W-what? Me?" you question, pointing to yourself and your boyfriend rolls his eyes before looking up at you. A small smile plays on his lips.
"Who else would I be talking to, angel?" he questions and you clear your throat before sitting down in the chair across from him. You push his bowl of food towards him and he locks his phone, placing it down on the table.
"Relax, baby. I'm not proposing yet. I'm trying to get you a gift. Something for your birthday that I think you would like," he speaks up, a cheeky grin on his face when he realizes just how flustered he has gotten you.
He leans down and takes a spoonful of food into his mouth and you clear your throat again, telling him your ring size for each finger. He quickly grabs his phone and opens the notes app, writing down your answers.
"What are you wanting to get?" you question and he looks up at you from over the bowl, an eyebrow raised.
"It wouldn't really be considered a gift if I told you what it was, would it?" he asks and you take a bite of your own food before shaking your head.
"Can I have a hint?" you inquire instead and Felix chuckles. He always tries to not tell you when he's getting you a gift because it always goes this way. You beg and beg and beg for him to tell you what he got you.
"Sure. It's a ring," he replies sarcastically and you narrow your eyes.
"I gathered that, you little shit," you grumble and he chuckles again, gently kicking your feet under the table with his own.
"You'll love it. I promise," he assures you and you glance up at his pretty eyes. They stare back at you, big and sparkly.
"Promise?" you question, slightly appeased by how assured he is that you'll enjoy your gift.
"Pinky swear," he stands and reaches across the table, holding his pinky out. You stand as well and interlock your pinky with his. You both kiss your thumbs and press them together before leaning towards each other and pressing your lips together in a soft kiss.
The night before your birthday, your boyfriend decided to spend the night. He claimed he wanted to be there as soon as the clock struck midnight so he was the first to tell you happy birthday but he also wanted to be the first to give you your gift... well gifts.
"Happy birthday, my love. You make me the happiest ever," Felix speaks up from beside you. He had to have been watching the clock because you didn't even notice the time change while scrolling through social media.
"I love you," you simply reply and sit up from his chest to kiss him softly on the lips. He pulls away quickly, much quicker than his needy self usually does, and walks towards his bag. He reaches in and pulls out a gift bag before making his way back to the bed and sitting crosslegged facing you.
"Open," he demands and you chuckle, locking your phone and taking the bag from Felix's slightly shaky hands. You reach in and pull the tissue paper out before you're met with three boxes.
You pull all three out at the same time and toss the gift bag to the side before opening the first box. Inside is two rings, both have pinkies on them. If they're placed together, it looks like a pinky swear. You open your mouth to thank him and gush about how much you love him but he interrupts you before you can.
"Open all of them and then let's talk," he chuckles and you smile, nodding in agreement before moving on to the next box. It also had two rings in it and engraved on the inside was you and Felix's initials and your anniversary date.
Finally you reach the last box and open it. A pretty diamond ring sits by itself in the box and you gasp. It was the exact ring that you had favorited a million times on your Pinterest and you look up at Felix with tears in your eyes.
"Felix..." you trail off and he's already looking at you with tears in his eyes.
"Okay, I lied. Maybe I was thinking about proposing. So, y/n... will you please marry-"
"Yes!" You interrupt him before he can finish and throw yourself into his lap, "A million fucking times, yes," You scry into his shoulder and you can feel the deep chuckle leave his chest as he buries his head in your neck.
“I love that choker that Innie had on. With his name on it? I just know it costs an arm and a leg though,” you chuckle to your friend on video call and she nods at you.
“No but seriously. The stylists ate with that one. The whole look was just-”
“Okay! No thirsting over Jeongin! Please!” you interrupt her and she just laughs at you as your bedroom door creaks open. You look over your shoulder and are met with your boyfriend’s pretty face.
“Thirsting over Jeongin?” Seungmin questions, an eyebrow raised at you and you chuckle before pointing at your phone.
“Somebody is talking about how good Innie looked in that choker with his name on it,” you roll your eyes and your friend laughs on the phone.
“You started talking about it first!” She objects but you shake your head at her.
“No, I said I wanted one of my own. I didn’t say anything about how he looked in it. I was commenting about how good I would look in it,” you defend yourself and Seungmin chuckles, plopping down on his stomach on the bed next to you, mirroring your position.
“Mm. That definitely would suit you, pup,” he chuckles when you immediately blush, knowing your friend is listening in on the other side and watching you two.
“As hot as you two probably look fucking, I would rather gauge my eyes out than witness it. Love ya, y/n. Bye!” she rushes out before hanging up the call, not even giving you time to reply.
You let your head fall into the pillow, burying your burning face from Seungmin’s eyes. You felt hot all over and all he had done is give you one little compliment.
“You got me all flustered, Kim Seungmin,” you mumble, your voice muffled by the cotton but he just chuckles before flipping over onto his back and pulling you towards him.
“Hush. I’m the one that’s hard right now because of this thought, not you,” he counters you and you slap him gently on the chest, mumbling out something along the lines of ‘because I don’t have a cock that can get hard’.
A few weeks later, you’re at Seungmin’s place when there’s a knock at the door. He opens it and at the doormat is a package. He grins before picking it up and taking it to his room. You’re too preoccupied in the kitchen, fixing some food, to even notice he hasn’t returned until you hear him call for you.
“Baby? Come here!” His voice calls out to you and you turn around, realizing he isn’t in his chair where you last saw him and make your way to his bedroom.
“Yes? I wanna get this food done before the boys get home… what’s that?” you point to the leather in his hand and he holds it up, facing the outside towards you.
It’s a leather choker with big silver letters, “KSM” on the front. He reaches behind him and pulls out something that couldn’t be anything short of a collar with a little tag on it.
“Come here,” he beckons you to him and your feet move before your brain can even process that he called you towards him. It’s like your body moves on autopilot with him, ready to obey his every command.
“Kneel.” he demands and once again, you oblige. You settle on your knees between his legs, resting your hands on either one of his thighs.
“Which would you like to put on, pup?” He asks, a smirk playing on his lips. The pink choker/collar catches your attention again and you gently pick up the tag, turning it over.
On the back, it has simple writing: ‘Property of Kim Seungmin’. You flip it over again and instead of your name on the front, it’s just says ‘Pup’. You shift on your knees and pull your lip between your teeth before looking up at Seungmin through your eyelashes.
“You pick,” your voice is soft and you place both your hands back on his thighs, rubbing gently as your eyes dart back and forth between the two chokers.
“You like them then?” he asks and places both chokers into one hand before using his free hand to gently stroke the side of your hair, pushing a few stray strands behind your ears.
“I do,” you nod, forcing the words out. You know he will scold you if you don’t use your words and something in you tells you that being a brat wouldn’t work in your favor right now.
“What a good girl you’re being. So obedient. How about we wear the black one while you finish dinner and while we’re in front of the boys. We’ll save the pink one for just us,” he strokes your hair again and you nod.
He drops the pink collar and wraps the black choker around your neck, securing the buckle. His hands trail down either one of your shoulders, making chills rise at his touch.
“So pretty. Such a pretty puppy for me, aren’t you?” he asks and you nod quickly, trying to keep being the good girl he wants you to be.
“Let’s go finish cooking, baby,” he leans down and presses a kiss to your forehead, helping you off your reddening knees and back towards the kitchen.
“Here, babe. I’m gonna be gone for a few weeks and I know that isn’t too long but I’m still gonna miss you like crazy,” Jeongin hands you a little box and you smile at him. It’s rare that you see this soft, confessional, side of him. It’s cute and so very sweet.
“I love you, Innie. I miss you already,” you lean forward and press a kiss to his lips. You look down at your hands and open the box. Inside was a little black bracelet with a small, rectangular attachment and a leather strap.
You pull it out, eyebrows dropping in confusion. You drop the box and flip the bracelet, examining the leather strap. On the inside was a little message, burned into the leather.
lNo matter how far, my love for you is never ending.
“Innie, I’m gonna cry,” your bottom lip drops into a pout and he gently takes the bracelet from you. He secures it on your wrist and in this moment is when you notice that he has the exact same bracelet in a different color on his own wrist.
“I haven’t even told you the best part and you’re already tearing up, crybaby,” he chuckles and you blink away the tears behind your eyes. You squint at the nickname and he leans forward, kissing the furrow between your brows.
He drops your hand and reaches up to touch his own bracelet. When he does, yours glows and vibrates. He touches it three times, causing three vibrations and it lights up three times.
“No matter where we are, I can tell you I love you and we can tell each other that we’re thinking about one another,” he smiles at you, sheepishly and you let out a shaky breath. He’s so cute, it hurts.
“Baby, I don’t want you to go. Ever. Can’t you just stay here with me forever?” you ask quietly and interlock your hands with his. You bring one hand up to your mouth and gently kiss his knuckles before letting his arms fall, keeping your hands locked together.
“If I could, I would, honey. I hope you realize that. You’re so important to me and I’m scared I don’t tell you enough. I love you in a way that is honestly so terrifying. Nobody has ever owned a part of my soul until I met you,” he confesses and brings your hands up to his mouth, kissing your knuckles in the same way you just had.
“You don’t have to tell me, Innie. I know you love me. You know I love you just as much, don’t you?” you question and he immediately nods. He knows that you belong to him just as much as he belongs to you.
“I’ll be back before you know it. It’s only a few weeks,” he reassures you before leaning in and letting his lips entangle with yours.
A week later, you’re sitting in your office. The days have seemed much gloomier and longer without your angel here to be with you. He truly brought a kind of light to your life that you had never though would be possible. He literally brought technicolor to your life and you couldn’t be more grateful.
As if he somehow knew you were thinking about him, the bracelet on your wrist suddenly vibrates. You jump lightly at the surprise and smile down at the bracelet when it vibrates three times.
You pick up your phone and send a text to your boyfriend.
i love you most. goodnight my love. i miss you like crazy
You knew it was close to 3 am in his time zone and you know he wasn’t near his phone but it was still nice to know he would be waking up to the texts of reassurance from you. You press the bracelet three times, confirming in that moment that you love him too.
a/n: i gotta stop calling jisung cute but like... hes so cute>_< seungmin is so sajagsgssk. i NEED him. BAD.
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heffrondriving · 2 years
kendall is Best Boy actually,
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polydeuces · 2 years
MGG x Fem! Reader
requests are open!
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liked by ajcook, tchalamet, kirstenvangsness, and 3,924,194 others
y/n/l/n: photos of you that i would keep in a locket if i had one. miss you & so cited to see you.
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kirstenvangsness: “so cited” is official a thing this iconic trio says! also the first photo scares me! ⤿ y/nl/n: omg so happy i could fit the requirements to have it be our thing, kv. also, if you’re scared seeing the photo imagine being the one taking it, that’s scary!
pagetpagetgram: weirdest man ever
liked by gublergram
y/nlotsoflove: This is so funny yet adorable
bishopbriggs: i love u both so much 🤍
cancely/n: You’re far too young to be with him and quite frankly I think it’s alarming that you publicly display and encourage this type of relationship. He needs someone who understands him and is at the same level intellectually, honey.
ajcook: why is he like this 🤦‍♀️
y/nisafake: u r just trying to get his money and fame. we all know that. u are a leech who is sucking up all of his riches and putting urself on a pedestal now that people recognize ur face. go back to being irrelevant, please for everyone's sake.
billieeilish: y/n it's not too late to leave him for me
liked by y/nl/n
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liked by matthewlillard, j0shstewart, and 248,945 others
gublergram: Once upon a time there was a boy who loved a girl, and her laughter was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering.
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bethriesgraf: I’m not crying, you’re crying!
reidstie: he quoted the history of love by nicole krauss :((
ashleyosborn: I am so in love with your relationship honestly
mggandme: she doesn’t deserve you gube, you’re so sweet and thoughtful.
matthewlillard: Poetic caption but oh so many photos to make memes out of!
grayclouds: y’all are so mean over on y/n’s post and yet perfect angels over here.. way to switch up, shame on you.
y/nl/n: I love you, gube.
liked by gublergram
mggupdates: no one’s gonna talk about how the first outfit is giving Spence vibes
gtfoy/n/n: Be with someone your age that knows you and whose future aligns with your own.
j0shstewart: the daylight to your dark nights
liked by gublergram
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ptilopseth · 4 years
🐚📚 🥰 for whichever f/o has been on your mind tonight or lately! [@ofieugogyshz]
thanks i’ll die for u... also while we’re here i love ur passion & enthusiasm for your ship with lance it’s so cute....
will do with ptilopsis, evan, mostima!
shell emoji: What do you do to feel close to each other when you have to be apart? ptilopsis keeps a little pressed white lily on her person, probably fashioned like a keychain. i have a pic of her and i in my wallet...
books emoji: How do you spend your free time together? Do you usually go out or do you prefer to stay in? kal’tsit gives us very little free time BUT on the occasion that ptilopsis and i actually DO get a day off it’s usually spent kinda lazing around, relaxing, since being part PMC is very taxing. we both sleep in super late (ten am is comparatively late), maybe get breakfast at some lungmen cafe (or DIY breakfast which i always burn), hang out at the flat and watch some tel of vision.. or take a nice walk around lungmen.. you know... cool things
hearts face emoji: What was the first thing that attracted you to your FO(s)? What was the first thing that attracted them to you? Who fell first? meta answer: i was a fan of ptilopsis for a while ‘cause she was an aoe healer (queen), and i liked her personality/voicelines and the way she expressed herself cos of her oripathy, and also i remember watching some CN videos and hearing her ‘tactical support system online’ voiceline and i was like Oh whos that i love your voice. i figured out it was ptilopsis & then a while later i decided to invest in E2ing her and then it turns out that was a really good idea (she’s my first maxed out operator!!), idk where i’m going with this lol but it was just her in general... in-universe answer: i think i’ve said this before but i admired her from afar for a little, and then it was essentially the same thing as the meta answer (you just seem really cool) and i think it was all history from there? see the covid-19 type beat fic
stupid cringe ass
shell emoji: What do you do to feel close to each other when you have to be apart? so because of the way 1.3 works there’s never really a reason we wouldn’t be near each other, unless evan’s in the lab.. BUT post-1.3 when (i assume) we move back to primary gracetown & we have to spend the day apart for work/life reasons.. he probably has one of those locket/opening keychains u can put a photo in, cause hes corny like that and all... i have a couple pieces of paper in my wallet of his poetry that he gave to me ;3;
books emoji: How do you spend your free time together? Do you usually go out or do you prefer to stay in? okay so the funny thing about this one is that because of marrian-eliza’s general... location... we kind of Have to stay in, and also going out into the actual facility itself COULD get us killed, so mostly it’s just evan’s dorm since i don’t have one lmao (not in my pay grade also eliza probably hates me). evan doesn’t get a lot of free time with the medusa project and all, but on his off days he probably works on a lot of different art stuff, usually poetry... i work on art/writing and stuff, or messing with my ES, which delights him
hearts face emoji: What was the first thing that attracted you to your FO(s)? What was the first thing that attracted them to you? Who fell first? meta answer: this is hilarious because he came from my own brain and i’m pretty sure i sat down and engineered him to be exactly my type so i really have no answer other than ‘uh. .yeah?’ in-universe answer: probably his just entire everything. the aesthetic, the way he carries himself, he really gives no fucks and lives for causing a scene. also he’s very pretty... and yeah i definitely fell first there’s absolutely no question about it, i’m just that kinda person fkjsgh
shell emoji: What do you do to feel close to each other when you have to be apart? urgh this one hurts. mostima’s very fleeting as it is in canon so even tho she loves me i feel like we still spend a lot of time apart unless she’s at RI (in her eyes time probably passes real fast cos of her time powers but uuhh not for me). she goes back on her phone and looks at the texts we’ve had/pics we’ve taken together.. subconsciously when she’s out i spend a lot more time looking at the clock than usual, or just studying clocks/timekeeping pieces in general.
books emoji: How do you spend your free time together? Do you usually go out or do you prefer to stay in? again kal’tsit gives us/me no free time but on those rare days mostima LOVES to take me to different (close) places to show me all her favorite food joints and hole in the wall shops. we buy lil trinkets and snacks and stuff it’s a very very enjoyable time. i kinda fall asleep on her shoulder as we take the metro home fsgnhsdg...
hearts face emoji: What was the first thing that attracted you to your FO(s)? What was the first thing that attracted them to you? Who fell first? meta answer: her aesthetic! i’ve said this before but her third skill is so fucking cool and i fell in love with it instantly. i looked her up but forgot about her since i didn’t know the banner schedule but then i saw her come up again, did one ten roll, and now we’re here. in-universe: i heard about her from PL/kal’tsit, then when she finally joined RI i read her case file(s) and i was like... oh shit... but then we hung out more and as it turns out she’s super chill and really cool... i don’t wanna say this but mostima fell first >> i’m really chill and i (try to be) a good listener... so she was like... love you...
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blackjacketmuses · 5 years
★ ☆ ❉ ✯ ⍟ ♌ ♎ ♒ 🌷 ꕥ 🍀 for your BSD muses!
★ what kind of phone do they have?
Dazai: From what I can see in the manga, he has a touchscreen phone, not an iPhone but probably some other brand. It’s Very battered from how much trouble he gets himself into, but it still somehow manages to function perfectly. He has another phone, an older-model touchscreen phone, that he used to use in the mafia; he hasn’t gotten rid of it Just In Case, but he doesn’t use it anymore and it has a different number than his current one.
Poe: A slightly well-used touchscreen phone. It doesn’t see much use as a phone, but it’s pretty useful with some other things.
Fedya: He’s very tech-savvy, and tech is one of the few things he really splurges on, so he has a top of the line touchscreen phone. He keeps it in a black phone case with a Rats logo on the back.
☆ what is their phone’s background?
Dazai: His new phone has a photo he took of an ocean view from a certain spot in Yokohama as the background. His old/mafia phone has a candid of Chuuya.
Poe: Until recently it was a cute picture of Karl in a witch hat, but nowadays it’s a picture of Karl sitting on Ranpo’s head.
Fedya: A picture he took on their travels, a selfie of him and Kolya and Vanya on their hotel balcony in France, the sunset and city lights behind them.
❉ do they have any pictures on their phone?
Dazai: Oh, tons and tons and tons. All sorts of things, from silly candids to important references to things to blackmail pictures to pretty landscapes and pretty strangers. He likes taking pictures.
Poe: Not very many, he does take some pictures of interesting sights and lots of pictures of Karl being adorable, and sometimes he’ll take pictures of people or places for book references and take pictures to remember books or other tings to ook up later, but he’s not an avid photographer.
Fedya: Lots and lots of pictures of interesting things and sights, random candids of Kolya and Vanya, some pictures of his friends in the Syndicate, generally just stuff that catches his eye. He has a photographic memory of a sort but sometimes a visual reminder is important.
✯ what do their texts look like? do they use emojis often? what kind?
Dazai: [to: slug] chuuuuya are u there chuuuuuuuuya pay attention 2 me im bored :C
Poe: [to: Ranpo] I just got a package of American candy for you today, Ranpo, if you’re free later. If not I can always bring it over?
Fedya: [to: Vanya] if kolya is being a little shit again: don’t forget, the hotel is the one with the bright red shutters, three blocks from the plaza with the statue of the woman with the dolphin, and our room is 456. see you when you get back.
⍟ any games on their phone? what kind? how often do they play?
Dazai: Oh, yes. He has several. Most of them are solitaire or mahjong type games, mindless distractions for if he gets bored (but not interesting enough to need his full focus, which he still needs to pay attenton to his surroundings), but he has a couple of those games where you have little towns or businesses to run and stuff. (He shamelessly likes the ones with cute art/characters.)
Poe: Is it an escape room phone game? He has it. Those dumb 50 Rooms games, Escape The Room, little logic puzzle type games; he’s addicted. He’s even bought some of the ones that have only the first chapter free. He loves them so much. He also absolutely has a few pet-collection games like Neko Atsume.
Fedya: He has a revolving door of games, really. He tends to have 5 or 6 on his phone at any given time, and they’re all different, and he gets bored and switches them out when he finds new ones that look fun and interesting. 
♌ how do they drink their coffee/tea?
Dazai: Coffee as sweet as he can possibly manage to make it without it becoming a different drink, full of sugar and milk, though he’ll drink tea with less of that, just a little milk and sugar. He likes chai tea best.
Poe: He takes his coffee black, actually, though he’ll occasionally drink it flavored if he finds a flavored creamer he likes. As for tea, he likes tea with lots of milk, usually herbal tea or herbal/floral/berry blends. 
Fedya: He drinks tea and tea only, strong tea, with lots of sugar, honey, and raspberry jam. (He’ll use any kind of jam, depending on what’s available, but raspberry is his favorite.) He’s incredibly picky about coffee and doesn’t like most of it, because he likes it strong, but the stronger it is the harder it is to cut the bitterness, and he hates the bitter taste. 
♎ is their closet tidy or are the clothes just being thrown inside or lying on the floor?
Dazai: He is a filthy heathen who tends not to hang anything up, ever, and leaves it on the floor haphazardly. He keeps his clothes clean, really, but he never puts them away properly. They’re always wrinkled. 
Poe: He’s very neat and precise with mot of his clothes in his closet, making sure they’re all hung or folded neatly, except he’s usually a little less careful with his sleepwear, since he sleeps in it and it doesn’t matter much.
Fedya: He tends to live out of a suitcase a lot of the time, so he by necessity keeps everything neat and tidy. 
♒ their cleaning routine - laundry/dishes/cleaning the rooms
Dazai: Hahahahaha, that’s adorable, he doesn’t clean. He puts out the trash when he needs to and does laundry when he starts running out of clothes, keeps things generally off the floor, and washes up dishes if there are any dirty ones so they don’t sit and get gross, but other than that he doesn’t really think it matters, and it’s boring and tedious anyway.
Poe: He does laundry once a week, and though he lives in a hotel he tries to keep things as clean as possible. Otherwise he doesn’t really need to do it himself, since housekeeping is a thing (and he did have staff at his home beforehand). He does know how to clean, and he likes things tidy, but he doesn’t have to.
Fedya: He lives out of hotels, so he has the same housekeeping thing Poe does and doesn’t need to do much himself. He tends to get tired too easily to do much cleaning, too, so it tended to be Vanya who took care of cleaning/chores and the like (since Kolya is Not the type).
🌷 what do they have in their wallet?
Dazai: He tends to just carry cash in his wallet, since he loses it a lot of the time; his ID and other things he carries in a sealed coat pocket or keeps them in his desk drawer. So, usually cash. Probably about 5500 yen (50 USD), give or take, at any given moment. 
Poe: Some cash (usually about 8800-11000 yen / 80-100 USD) in smaller bills, his Massachusetts ID card and travel visa, his old Harvard student ID, two credit cards, a couple membership cards to, like, bookstores etc, and Karl’s pet registry card.
Fedya: He doesn’t actually leave the hotels he stays in much, but when he does his wallet has cash ( usually the local equivalent to about 50-60 USD ), a couple credit cards under different names, a few fake IDs and visas, and a hotel card key.
ꕥ what’s usually in their trouser/jacket pockets or purse?
Dazai: His wallet, the keys to his apartment, both phones, a matchbook from Lupin, a folded up photograph that he keeps in a sealed pocket on the inside of his coat over his heart, a set of old dogtags he assumes belonged to his deceased father ( a soldier named Yakumo Koizumi ), his suicide manual, and a good bit of odds and ends and useful things that he never knows if it’ll come in handy or not, including at least a dozen bobby pins and paperclips for lockpicking. 
Poe: Wallet, hotel room key, his phone, treats for Karl, a couple packages of candy just in case of Ranpo encounter, a notebook and pen, a book if he can manage to fit one.
Fedya: Wallet, phone, two or three USB drives, package or two of candy, a pillbox with some medication in it, a box of bandages, a pen or two, a switchblade, and a few odds and ends that might come in handy.
🍀 what kind of jewelry are they wearing? what’s their favorite piece?
Dazai: None, unless you count his bolo tie. He loves it a lot, thanks. 
Poe: He doesn’t really? He does kind of like interesting looking tie clips or cufflinks, though, even if he’s too shy to really be that flashy. He has a few, though, just in case he’s ever brave enough.
Fedya: None, really, though he was able to salvage a necklace of his late mother’s before he left Russia, a very simple pewter locket on a chain he keeps close to him. 
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the-cryptographer · 7 years
miranova23 (@kaiba-fangirl​​) replied to your photo:
Hey no prob! On mobile rn (& should be doing hw <.<) but as far as the ~controversial~ ships, I know they can still be aged-up or the ship name used for just any other kind of relationSHIP. Heck, most of the characters are canonically underage, and there's even the reveal of Seth & Atemu being cousins, buuut it's Ancient Egypt, & does that mean their reincarnated spirits count as cousins??? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ btw finally wrote out a long-time-coming brothershipping post. we seem to be on the same page though 👍 As far as ettushipping i don't really have anything else rn i guess... but I'll keep u in mind =)
It took me a minute to realise you were referring to locketshipping aka tabloidshipping aka incesty Mokuba/Seto. For some reason, probably just wishful thinking, I thought at first maybe you meant battleshipping (Jou/Seto/Yuugi) or buddyshipping (Honda/Jou)...
I made the statements I did without really contextualising them within the context of the ygo fandom. It didn’t occur to me you were referring to a distaste for the fandom presence of certain ships or the way they’re presented. So... sorry I got kind of weird on you in the tags.
below the cut is tl;dr about controversial stuff and incest and sibling abuse
re: tags. I know people in fandom use the term ‘pedophilia’ as a catch all for... whatever they view as having the potential of including child sexual abuse. I personally think maintaining the distinction between pedophilic and ephebophilic attraction patterns (which people may or may not act on), and acts of child sexual abuse (for which attraction may or may not be a factor) is important. But really I knew what you meant when you said what you said, so I realised I was being pretty nitpicky. But also, even more generally, I think people should be free to write about controversial and potentially disturbing topics, so long as they realise what they’re doing and include proper tags/warning.
re: scandalship. Usually when I’m talking about incest ships I’m not talking about cousins. Not that cousin incest isn’t technically incest, but it’s allowed in most of the world today including some US states. And it doesn’t have the same kind of relational baggage as parent or sibling incest. The bigger part of what makes things incest in my mind is the person having been closely involved in the other person’s formative childhood development in capacity as a parent or sibling, and it almost without exception coincides with abuse. Malik/Rishid is an incest ship in my mind because Rishid was undoubtedly a brother to Malik during his upbringing. (Isis/Rishid is harder for me to make a call on because we see less of their relationship. It’s not clear whether they were raised together in an intimate proximity, or whether they really relate as siblings. So, depending on what headcanons you’re working with, I think both incestuous and non-incestuous interpretations of a romantic relationship between them could be valid.)
But, in terms of what you were talking about in your post here - I haven’t run into a lot of Mokuba/Seto personally - not enough to view it as some sort of fandom problem. But admittedly I haven’t gone looking for fics specifically featuring the two of them, so maybe that’s why. I know I’ve seen someone else also complain about the abundance of Mokuba/Seto in the search for gen fic, and I also had a similar experience pretty recently, so presumably it is a common fandom experience. I was searching through doujinshi on pixiv and opened something that I assumed to be Kaibros gen but was not. I had actually long since thought the internet has massively desensitised me to everything, but I actually shuddered irl. This isn’t to condemn the artist - admittedly I think everybody should label/tag things like that but I assume they did and I was the one that went around clicking links without taking the time to read the Japanese. But from a perspective of what I found disturbing was the kind of ease that you described in your post - that kind of moves between something I’d consider part of a very close and caring and acceptable sibling relationship, to something unacceptable that immediately undermines the validity of Seto and Mokuba hugging or sharing a bed in a nonsexual context, but also tries to capatalise on and continue off of the ‘cute’ vibes set up by what could have once been reasonably interpreted as a platonically intimate gesture, instead of a symptom of abuse.
(Yeah, for the record, I don’t think it’s abnormal for siblings to be physically affectionate to a degree. A lot of siblings aren’t as close as you and your brother, even siblings with more or less amiable relationships, but I agree it’s odd and unfair to assume that you guys can’t or shouldn’t be platonically affectionate. Otoh, though, I feel like it’s not always easy to spot a family resemblance, so I get how people may be confused. And also just wanna throw out there that sibling sexual abuse is more common than anybody wants to admit, and there’s a critical lack of attention towards the issue compared to rarer types of child sexual abuse, so it’s unfortunately possible that people are projecting their own unhealthy histories and dynamics onto you.)
But, hmm, there was another case I had where I ran into (appropriately warned for) Mokuba/Seto that I think handled the topic pretty delicately. It was about a Seto that had a plethora of sexual desires (including feelings for Mokuba) that he felt unequipped to find an outlet for - partly because of the ferocity with which he isolates himself and pushes away human contact. It was an unsettling story - but what made it palatable for me was the way both the narrative and Seto himself were keenly aware of how inappropriate acting on such desires would be. Seto’s guilt-ridden, convinced of his own monstrosity, and desperate to escape to VR (or wherever he can go to not deal with anything even remotely like an emotion). Seto immediately understands this attraction poses a threat and threatens to topple every way in which he’s tried to protect Mokuba. And Mokuba’s increasingly worried for his brother, and too naive to really understand exactly what the big deal is - even when Seto crosses the line and kisses him (and immediately pushes Mokuba away and runs off and curls up into a ball of self-loathing). And, when VR proves to be an insufficient method of escaping his own humanity, Mokuba finally convinces Seto to reach out to Yuugi, and Seto agrees because - even thought the last thing he wants to do is reach out to anyone - he cares more about remaining a good brother to Mokuba than maintaining the comfort of his own emotional isolation. So it becomes a reassertion of how much Seto values Mokuba as a brother and puts him first, rather than an expression of sexual violence.
I’m not saying this story is something for everyone (it’s not. it made me uncomfortable at times. and the solace that it was meant to make me uncomfortable was enough to soothe me, but I realise that’s not enough for everyone.) It also doesn’t blend with my personal headcanons, tbh, and it’s not something I would be interested in writing about with regards to Seto and Mokuba. But as a reader and letting the author take the reins, I enjoyed the fic, and I see the merit in it exploring the concepts it did. Far more than I see the merit in exploring Seto and Mokuba in the context of ‘aw, cute they’re hugging. now they’re kissing. uwu’ But, idk, I’m also not the arbitrator of what fiction has merit or isn’t too irredeemably creepy for anyone other than myself.
idk, like I said, I haven’t run into much Mokuba/Seto during my (mostly relatively recent) run of the fandom. Maybe it’s a bigger issue than I envisioned. And, well, I can’t stop people from creating fanart of Kaiba and Mokuba cuddling with whatever understanding they have of the circumstances behind the scene. But- yeah. I don’t support locket-/tabloid-/brother- shipping them in that manner. I’ve heard a lot of people just say ‘Kaibros’ to refer to Seto & Mokuba as a unit. But I don’t know if there’s a consensus on what people use as a tag for gen Seto & Mokuba things *shrugs*
(And, um, just more generally regarding the Kaiba brothers - I think they can be pretty unhealthily codependent, but no more than I’d expect two brothers having been through foster care and alone against the world to be. I don’t mean to undermine how important and loving and their relationship with one another has been, and how much it has been a saving grace for them.)
Anyhow, sorry for this upsetting tl;dr but- Thank you again! And, lol, yes! Keep me in mind for all things ettushipping related! And polarship and pupship and rivalship and battleship and 5000 other things tbh, lol.
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