#theksevoy li'ui
crqstalite · 5 years
without you. [kotfe letters]
So I felt sad last night and decided I didn’t want to finish my original thought for Tri and Malavai, so I wrote this monster of a piece, all letters, from my toons to their love interests. Now of course, I’m more sad than I was before and accomplished next to nothing. Is Ronnie canon for the Heritage universe? Bruh who knows at this point?
Written: 10.12.19. Words: 3,799.
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TO: Kira Delux
FROM: Kiveqil Delux
SUBJECT: About Satele
I guess we finally found our answers. That child you assumed Satele had? Finally met him. That's right, Satele Shan, a hero of the Republic and devout Jedi had a son with none other than a commander. Crazy, right? His name is Theron, I'm sure you would've liked him if you were here. Just a tad annoying sometimes, but friendly enough.
Please, Please let me find you,
He sends it, but isn't sure it'll reach it's intended recipient. Guzzling down another glass of wine, he slams his hand down on the bar to get the droid's attention for another. Usually a Jedi doesn't drink, if at all. This one, is in pain and his aura radiates as such. A singular tear slips down his pale cheek as he rubs a hand against his eyes.
TO: Archiban Kimble
FROM: Una'vi Havelzy-Kimble
SUBJECT: Ronnie.
It's been so long, but I would never forget a face. Especially not yours. Not someone who loved me like no one else would. Someone, who even though I fell from the light, never stopped caring about me. Thought I was still the best thing to ever happen to you, right down to every little freckle on my face.
You haven't met Ronnie yet. That's our son's name, but it can't be too hard to change once I find you again, if you want. He was as much a surprise to me as he was to Kiv. Obviously at first he was pissed, but he treats Ronnie like a son himself. I think it's rather endearing, but make no mistake. My heart belongs to you first and foremost, and as soon as I find you, you're getting the longest kiss in the history of kisses, got it?
Updated: I visited Ralltiir with Ronnie today. I...I searched for you high and low, but no one could give me an answer to where you were. I can't find you, Archie. It's been five years, this galaxy is only so big. Where are you?
She shuts off the terminal, rubbing at her eyes as she shifts her grasp on the young, dark haired child in her arms. She chuckles, should her son get any bigger, they'd have to work out the fact that mommy can't pick him up as much anymore. She frowns as she lays him down next to him, the boy curling up on his side against her. Everyday, he looks more and more like her husband, and something about that unsettles her.
TO: Felix Iresso
FROM: Naji Iresso
SUBJECT: Anniversary.
Today's our anniversary, Felix. I'm sure you remember, you always did. How sweet you'd be to me, how you'd beg for me to return to bed with you. Sleep is scarce these days in the Alliance, and most of my time is spent with the Commanders, trying to get things done. But once all the blaster fire has passed overhead, I come back to my quarters every day and pray I see you one last time before I take my final breath.
There is no death, there is the Force. I just wish that the Force would bring you back to me.
With Love,
Delicate singing fills the air as lays on the grass, hair pooling out beneath her as the stars twinkle down at her. Tears well up in her eyes as she prays Felix hasn't become one of them. Simpler times would've allowed her to spend the night with him, more than enough time in the galaxy together. Now all there is, is blaster fire, lightsabers igniting, fighting. So much discord in the galaxy, and not one signature cries out like his does.
TO: Corso Riggs
FROM: Ghenkl Riggs
SUBJECT: My Last Run.
Think I'm gearing up for my last run around the galaxy searching for you, Corso. As dismal as it sounds, I think this is finally the end. I'm not a teenager anymore, I'm not twenty anymore. I'm already forty, and as much as I love you I can't keep perking up at every mention of some smuggler terrorizing the galaxy. I wish it were you, but it never is.
Bet you'd laugh if you saw me now, all run ragged with grey hairs. Drinking more than I should because I know my final days are coming. Rum, beer, the like. Stars, just come home, please.
Fun while it lasted,
It's not hard to see the woman is exhausted, dark circles underneath her eyes as she clenches a blaster in her hand. It's well worn, but clearly well loved as she looks down at it fondly. Rubbing at her eyes, she stands away from the terminal and holsters it. What's running through her mind isn't clear as she walks away quickly, her head held high as she grimaces.
TO: Aric Jorgan
FROM: Hakiojkl Hyperion-Jorgan
Home is where the heart is. That's what my mom says every single day, every day I come back to her. It's been a while since I've been on Coruscant.
It reminds me too much of you. What we've done, what we've accomplished. Who we've saved, who we've avenged in the name of the Republic. After officially being discharged from the military when I did get back, Garza kept a spot open for me the whole time. I never wanted back in, I couldn't handle being in a squad without you as my right hand man.
Blast it, writing things always made me jumpy. I could never get my words out right, and it just sounds back even typing this. But gods, Aric you're my husband. If you've been sending me things, I'm sorry I never found them. I don't know what you're doing out there, but I'm sure you're doing some damn fine work. I don't know whether you're alive or not, what happened to the rest of Havoc.
I haven't been home in years. My heart still lies with you, and until I find you, I'm homeless.
The dark skinned woman isn't quick to rise from her seat after meetings anymore. The way she lingers, as if she's waiting for someone is unsettling. As if ghosts haunt the hall ways of the Odessen base, as she crumples on the ground without her real leg, phantom pains making her cry out for her lover. With no one to save her but her previous comrade, it's a heart shattering walk back to her cabin as she cries over and over again for him to come get her.
TO: Elara Dorne
FROM: Xev'heng Lumere
SUBJECT: Last Life Day.
You've always been good at treating me right. I feel like I haven't exactly provided for you since then.
It's been years, I know. I know someone like you would've found someone else, someone to support you through all of this. I know I loved you, I know you loved me. But I abandoned you, for five years. Five years of pain, five years of longing. I know it's been hard for me, but I can't imagine how hard it's been for you.
I'm searching for you as I write this. The Alliance has been searching for recruits, but as much as they need a new medic, I need you. I need you back, Elara. I've been a mess without you, and I can't last like this.
It isn't hard to see how the man grieves. A portion of his lekku is missing as the other hangs limply down his back. One of his previously lavender eyes has gone grey, though he's always so quick to find his old commanding officer to help her through the pain. However, his suffering hides far beneath his smiles and sarcasm.
TO: Malavai Quinn
FROM: Tri'ama Amarillis-Quinn
SUBJECT: Stations.
It's always been a matter of station with you, hasn't it, Malavai? Statistics, reports, briefings. Rising in the Empire after hitting a ceiling. A rising star before being kept on Balmorra. Then, you met me. Things changed after that, didn't they? You met Vette, who you despised at first before you came to care for her. You met Jaesa, though you weren't ever terribly clear what you thought about her. You met Pierce, who you thoroughly hated, though you worked with him well. And Broonmark, though neither of us grew terribly close to our furry protector.
You tried to kill me. End my life there on the Transponder Station above Corellia. How it pained you so, how I had to hear some of your bones crack sickeningly against the blastdoor. How you made me jump for months afterwards. How I still didn't trust you completely when I agreed to marry you, agreed to let you back into my quarters, back into my heart.
What am I trying to say, Malavai? I'm trying to say that though I was horrible about showing what I thought about you, that I loved you. That I loved the way I could catch you off-guard by planting a sneaky kiss on your cheek. That I loved the way you could catch me off-guard by pulling me in, one arm around waist as you kissed me hard. The way we would wake up together in the morning, and go to bed together at night.
You've surely risen in your station, Malavai. I hope the last few years have treated you well, that you've finally become more than just a Captain. That you can lead an army of your own men now, instead of being in that army. I wish the best for you.
I don't know where the Alliance is taking me, but galaxy be damned if they try to keep me from my husband.
Once you told me you wished to continue being my loyal captain and dutiful husband -I kept your letters after all these years, yes- to that I respond with this: I wish to continue being your imposing Darth, and loving wife. Do you understand that, hubby?
Do you know how much I miss you? How much I still love you?
The Darth is harder to read, her emotions aren't as prominent as others who have lost their lovers. She accepts, she moves on. She continues to cut down those who stand in her way, she continues to be a beacon of hope for the Empire. But something about the way she doesn't let anyone take care of her injuries, is worrying enough.
TO: Andronikos Revel
FROM: Mierrio Revel
Remember how I didn't ever like that you drank as much as you did? How I'd be annoyed when you came back wasted?
I see the appeal now. It gives me time to forget about the pain of losing you. About the pain of being alone. I feel fuzzy, like the last five years have all been a dream instead of my twisted reality. It burns me so bad, but I'm willing to endure a bit of pain just to forget how much I miss you.
Hate wondering whether you've finally kicked the bucket, with all the kriffing shit you get into. Your reckless flying, the way you'd nearly sacrifice your dumbass for me. I can't feel your presence anywhere, and that scares me somedays, Nikky. You never knew whether we were going to be together forever, and neither did I. Back then I wouldn't have cared less for you saying something like that, because whatever came up we'd kill it together.
Now you're gone, and I'm still here. I know you said that we'd be together forever, while we were in each other's orbits, and until the stars finally went cold. I'm scared, Nikky. I really think this is the end. It's been too long for you to still be out there.
Come home, you kriffing dumbass. You know where to find me.
From first glance, you never would've guessed the woman was a Sith, capable of murdering hordes of enemies beneath her lightsaber and lightning. She looked like nothing more than a spaced out spacer, staring out into the void of her ship, throwing back yet another bottle of rum. Something snaps, as she throws the glass bottle against the wall, and it shatters into thousands of glass pieces as she roars in anger.
TO: Mako Li'ui
FROM: Theksevoy Li'ui
SUBJECT: Honeymoon.
I never got you your fairytale ending, and I'm so sorry. It was always 'tommorrow' or 'when we have the credits'. I'm so sorry Mako, you deserved better than me.
If I ever see you again, when I see you again, we're ditching this whole business and blasting off to the far, luxorious corners of the galaxy and living like royalty until the galaxy catches up to us or we die. Whatever happens, we do it together.
Someone in the Alliance (I'm betting it was one of the Ciphers, Nine and Twenty-Six always manage to mess me up) found our records and sent them to me.
I love you, Mako Li'ui.
Everyone was afraid of the brute, Mandalore's Champion. Everyone knows his name, but not his story. No one wants to get close, to make him snap, to make him angry. The only people that have come back without a horror story to tell is the small, thin Intelligence agent. No one knows what she did for him, but he protects her with his life now.
TO: Torian Cadera
FROM: Ba'shira Cadera
SUBJECT: Get Away.
That hunting trip would've been nice, cyare. Should've taken you up on it earlier, before all this Alliance business happened. Had I not been there, I would still be with you. Hunting down the big game, bringing home the prizes with you. Spending every waking moment with my Torian.
Skinned myself a nice beast. Beasts, in fact. Without Bounty Hunting and since I haven't been able to find your Clan (our Clan, right? Never felt all that welcome), been collecting hides and such. Think you'll like 'em when you get back, cyare.
Everyday is my aay'han without you there with me,
The woman is a clean shot, always. The target is never empty, and the holes never waver from the bright red target. It's terrifying, in fact. The way that if you bother her, she turns from the firing range but still shoots perfectly. It's enough to keep anyone in the Alliance from bothering the Mandalorian, even though somedays she wishes someone would continue bothering her. To keep her from thinking these horrible thoughts.
TO: Vector Hyllus
FROM: Rubiksi Delux-Hyllus
I've visited nests. I find them fascinating, and for the most part, they accept my presence. Some kinder nests enjoy my visits, though I had to leave most rather hurriedly, they wish for me to become part of their nests. I'm not sure they understand that I am human and don't wish to Join them, but they let me be.
Those of the Oroboro nest are harder to convince. They know me, and they love me. In a way different from the way you loved me, like siblings, like parents. I spent a majority of my time on Alderaan with them before the Alliance came to be...I had dark thoughts, Vector. I really believed it was time to end it all. The cliff where you saved me became my home for months on end, though every time I couldn't bear to slip off without knowing if you knew I was still alive.
So I didn't. I considered other ways of getting rid of my consciousness. Drinking has always made me nauseous, so I kept away from doing so. Bounty Hunting affected my conscience in a way I didn't think it would after everything Intelligence put me through.
I wanted to Join, Vector. I thought that if I let them absorb me into the colony, that I'd see you again. That everything would just fade away. I remember you once told me you didn't want me to either, because my individuality would be gone. I brushed you off, I'd already known that my individuality had been stripped away by the SIS and Intelligence. But, as the search continues I've accepted that this is who I am, and taking this away wouldn't make you happy.
The Alliance found me, told me Cipher Nine could help them with the fight against the Eternal Empire. I believed they were crazy for a moment there, what would a lowly Cipher do against a galaxy-spanning tyrannical ruler? They were quick to convince me that I could do a lot, and with my ties to Intelligence, it wouldn't be difficult to have a leg up in the war.
I thought if I helped them, they'd help me. They tried to, tried to find you. But they needed me every waking moment, leaving them as an ally of the Alliance made me a target. It isn't until now we've begun really searching for those lost during the war.
I was told Killiks lost a majority of their nests as well. I can't imagine how that feels, but those I built a connection to are in pain. Mutual pain is never something I wished to endure, and for now I've accepted I don't belong with the Empire anymore. My allegiance ended as soon as they used them for canon fodder.
I pray you were one of the lucky ones, Vector.
The most listless out of all the recruits to the Alliance, the lithe human female stares out the window, blonde, brittle hair over her shoulder as she leans against a pillar. It seems everything is too big for the woman these days, as she tries to hide herself among the crowds. A ghost of herself, the amber-eyed agent isn't sociable, and many are afraid to approach her. But, no one wants to admit they're afraid one day they'll wake up and she won't be there.
Some bonus letters from characters who didn't romance Bioware's LIs.
TO: Theron Shan
FROM: [Redacted]
SUBJECT: [Redacted]
Hmm..You've always been a tough one, Shan. Slippery, odd. Never really ever landed on how old you were, whether Theron or Shan was really your name. You're good at your job, I'll give you that.
I'm not going to say I'm sorry for being gone. After Yavin, [Redacted] and I had our differences. She didn't trust me, I didn't trust her. Lana was having her own issues keeping [Redacted] from doing something catastrophic, and didn't trust me not to switch sides again. I'm not apologetic for what I did, and I never will be. I look out for myself first, you three second.
But this? This is rather odd. [Redacted] is an interesting place to hide, especially among [Redacted]. Given, this has been my home for a while, and [Redacted] was easy to convince to let me stay here too. I have my ways, always. But I suggest you go back to pretty boy, think you've really struck a nerve now. But [Redacted] is going to throw a fit if you show that shaven head around her again.
The water front has been a nice home for the last few years as she giggles, baring her teeth as a woman wraps her hands around her waist, tickling her until she can't breathe. Though, the giggles are cut short as the Cathar woman's eyes widen, hearing them before the door breaks down. A shriek as silk flies, one look behind her and she's out the window, tumbling to the ground in little more than a sheer top and a skirt, she begins running, cursing the man's name under her breath.
TO: Aristocra Saganu
FROM: Scy'arla Tuvii
SUBJECT: Red Flame
I didn't understand what that meant until I looked into it among the other Chiss at headquarters. Once I did, you can't imagine the kind of warmth that sent. I'd only known you for a few weeks at best, but I wish I could've gotten to known you better. I know I'm little more than just a Twi'lek in most Chiss eyes, but I really did feel like I was more to you. I hope it wasn't misplaced.
We both have responsibilities past the other's knowledge. I know you're rather important to the Chiss, but I don't pry beyond that. I assume you know more about me, but I don't know how far that goes. I hope if you did learn anymore, it doesn't go much further past my objectives on Hoth with regards to Intelligence. I don't think you could see me in the same light if you knew more, I'm sorry.
Whether this reaches you or not, I'm not sure. You're busy, I'm busy. You're not like other men, I have a past I'm not ready to admit to. I'd like to extend an invitation to a suite on Dromound Kaas if you could ever get away for that long. It's beneath you, I'm sure, but think about it?
The Alliance doesn't seem to have taken the same toll on Scy'arla. The Cipher is rarely around, if at all, as a supplier. Still loyal, and frankly terrifyingly, to the Empire, she can't be relied on. The first assumption is that she is their traitor, that she has finally sold them out. But, when the time comes, her hands are clean, and everyone is left in surprise when the real traitor is outed among them. A chuckle here, an 'I told you so' there, is the all the agent leaves behind.
TO: [Redacted]
FROM: Darth Ezridivia Uvon
SUBJECT: You know what.
I know you have something to do with this. You always did have a hand in the cookie jar [Redacted]. As frustrating as it was to deal with you, I really do wonder whether you assisted Theron with this. You two were always a bit too close, though you argued all the time and butt heads even more than he and Lana did. You'd known each other for so much longer, worked together to get things done. You might've been gone for the last five years, but I just know you're behind this somehow. Theron wouldn't just do this to the Alliance.
I know someone like you, would.
The pureblood Sith woman paces back and forth, as her blonde comrade types away at a terminal. A grimace here, an angry monolouge there. The woman had no shortage of anger for the agent and his partner, even though she wasn't ready to admit that neither would do this without provocation. She fed off the raw emotions of shock and anger from those in the Alliance, but her nearly melancholy wife really kept her from snapping.
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crqstalite · 5 years
pt. 5, partners in crime  (mako && theksevoy)
this one was kinda fun to write because at first, mako wanted nothing to do with the bounty hunter n his romance. i found it cute she didn’t ever disapprove of it though. i also heard that if you don’t romance her quick enough, she romances torian n it doesn’t end well?? someone’s gonna have to tell me, bc i refuse to go through that heartbreak.
oh,, n if you want to know who his moms are, they’re yuna n ryla from his legacies post.
written : 7.1.19. published to tumblr : 7.6.19. word count : 3,327
tw : possible age issues?? idk, i hc mako as a teenager when they first met (in the encyclopedia she was labeled as 19), an that thek was 23. he’s 26 in this chapter, n she’s 22.
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character song : just one yesterday, fall out boy
character file : theksevoy li'ui, grand champion of the great hunt
Theksevoy happens to like surprises. Keeps him on his toes, never a dull moment. As the champion of the Great Hunt, he figures for a couple more years, there won’t ever be anymore. In a galaxy locked in turmoil, the most he can ask for is a few quiet minutes.
Especially on the Mantis.
Not that he wants a few quiet minutes. It seems Blizz is always underfoot with sometimes useful-usually-not projects, Gault has some new scheme that Torian doesn’t 100% approve of, and Skadge…well Skadge is plotting the murder of a Hutt. Of course, never permitted by Theksevoy himself.
Fun times.
Of course, he can always rely on his first partner in crime, Mako. She’s always in the cockpit, poking around in old SIS or other Intelligence files. The way she’s just calmly standing or sitting there, sometimes humming to herself of talking through a firewall, is cute. Finding new bounties or just wandering the holonet for a bit, Mako’s a real diamond in the rough.
She’s tentative though. Always careful, always stepping lightly. That’s what makes her such a staple in not only bounty hunting, but also in their private lives. She makes him slow down and just enjoy how their romance progresses. Mako had been one of the first women to ever make him feel that way, even going as far to not just turn down his marriage proposal when he’d asked, but literally make him wait until she was ready. He’d been on so many bounties before joining up with Braeden, Jory and Mako, and often women most literally threw themselves at him. He’d gotten to the point where he couldn’t even remember his last conquest’s name.
It was bad.
But Mako had changed him for the better. Turning him down so many times confused him at first, before realizing she really was following her own morals, not just being a…well for her sake he wouldn’t repeat what he originally had thought. For the first time in years, he wasn’t interested in getting into her pants, rather more excited by the thought of getting to know her. She was mysterious (Gault once told him she often laid it all out on the table for him, he was just oblivious. It almost earned him a good sock on his remaining horn.), and he liked unraveling her. Not in the most literal way (though he’d thought of it before), but he learned more and more about what made his slicer tick. What made her smile, what made a giggle bubble out of her.
And he loved it.
“Hey Thek!” And there she was. Getting up, he opened the door to his private quarters, and she held a bag in her hands. He’d asked her to move in with him a while ago (before his botched proposal) and while she’d denied him then, she finally accepted a few days ago. He let her have her time, but it seemed today was the day she chose to.
He would’ve waited a lot longer if that’s what she needed.
She was a pretty sight when she wasn’t preparing for battle (she was pretty on and off the battlefield, don’t get him wrong, but when she wasn’t wearing at least five pounds worth of durasteel?). She wore her casual clothes around the ship, as everyone did (Blizz was always in that…shawl? Theksevoy wasn’t hugely curious what he looked like underneath it and resigned to only knowing his gold eyes through the darkness), but something about them made her softer, younger in his eyes. Theksevoy was aware she was younger than him, but was surprised to find it was only a few years and a few months than the decade he assumed seperated them.
Of course, that had been one of 100s of thoughts when he’d first started courting her, and almost turned him off completely when he really thought about it. Of course, he was also twenty-six now, twenty-three when they’d first met, but Mako had seemed to only be a teenager when they first met. She’d recently turned twenty-two, putting her at around nineteen when he’d arrived on Hutta.**
Today, like most days, she had her dark hair in a ponytail. It’d grown out over the last two or so years, so she usually kept it up once it got out of control. He’d done the same (he ended up shaving the sides and allowing himself to have a manbun, something Mako commented on not being as menacing as the undercut he’d had previously), and it was up at the moment.
“Princess.” He responded, as she gave him a knowing smile as he leaned over for a kiss (she was much shorter than he was, of course he was also 6"2) that she denied.
“You know, I’m not a little girl who needs pet names, Thek.” She says, walking past him as he stands in the doorway, the door closing with a satisfying shnk.
“Never said you were, Mako.” He responds as she puts her bag on the floor, putting a loose hair behind her ear. As she seems to settle after taking in her surroundings (what surroundings he didn’t know, it was pretty empty), he moves and comes to sit on the bed where she stands next to, as she yelps as he pulls her closer to him. He’s looking up at her now, and she looks startled, her face red, but she doesn’t struggle away from him. “I just like to think of you as my princess.”
“And what are you, my knight in shining armor?” She rolls her eyes as she tentatively puts her arms around his neck, leaning into him (certain extremities are too close). She smells of ship oil and metal, but there’s also something sweet under there that his nose can’t pick out. It’s her smell, and god does it drive him crazy.
“No, I figure I’m more of your prince in shining armor. The one with a blaster on his hip.” She laughs, a genuine girly laugh that makes him a smile all the same. He answers her with this exact answer anytime she asks this same question, and he loves the reaction she has, that knowing smile that graces those lips of hers. She finally allows him a kiss before he hoists her up, her legs immediatly going around his waist in panic. She yelps again, not expecting it as he laughs in response. There’s a playful growl beneath it before Theksevoy goes for her again, softly pulling the hair tie out of her hair, her hair falling around her shoulders.
Somedays, he really does feel as if she needs a protector. She’s small, very small. A good half a foot or so seperates them, maybe more. She’s thin, though she’s put on some weight since their crew had been formed, not that he needed a woman with a stereotypical figure, but he worries sometimes. Mako seems fragile, though her shot with a blaster is insane for someone who admits to be primarily a slicer. In the beginning, he treated her that way, leaving her on the ship in favor of (in her words), ‘almost getting himself killed’ by himself because he didn’t want to be responsible for getting her killed. They got into plenty of heated arguments that almost made him kick her off his crew, and another time where she almost left for good.
But, he doesn’t try to act like one anymore. She’s gotten him out of more scrapes than he can count, with her quick tongue and morals. Kept him from killing a couple of suprisingly helpful gangsters and other unsavories, though both of them agreed on the shady nature of the Thul family. He loves it when her small hands fit into his like second nature, when he can easily lift her into a bridal carry when he feels like it, or when he carries her back after a particularily tiring mission (even if she claims she doesn’t need it).
Theksevoy adores her. And he lets her know, every damn day. “I love you, Mako.”
“I know.” She says, after they pull away, her still sitting on his lap. “You’ve only said it six trillion times.”
“Oh, I know. And I’ll make sure you hear it, six trillion more times.” He responds. There are so many things he’s itching to do, just through habit from before he began romancing Mako, but he represses those urges as that girly laugh echoes through the room as she unwillingly pulls herself off him. She begins by pulling out a few of her clothes and heading to one of the storage lockers. “Oh, that one’s mine, Princess. I got another one for you.”
She’s quiet as he lays back on the bed, before speaking again. “This looks and smells suspciously like Gault’s from the medbay.”
“He didn’t need it, it was empty.”
“Thek.” She scolds playfully, putting a hand on her hip, “What if he did?”
“He didn’t.”
“No, I mean how do you know he didn’t?” Theksevoy shrugs in response. He doesn’t care, that’s how he knows. Gault’s resourceful, and he has another one, albeit full of medical supplies but another cabinet all the same. Not like he even needed to empty it before hefting it up to his own room.
Mako rolls her eyes before pulling out her personal effects and carefully storing them where she pleased. If she were like every other woman he’d wooed, he’d look through her undergarments at some point. Well, his younger, much younger self would. His older self would’ve just waited until they were on his bedroom floor.
However, before his thoughts get too out of control, someone’s knocking on their now shared bedroom door. Mako shrugs as she turns back to the cabinet, rolling a blaster on her thumb (he smiles knowingly, he taught her that trick) as she puts it away. Torian’s on the other side of the door, “Hey Torian.”
“Thek.” He pauses for a moment before continuing, “Someone’s on the holo.”
“Who’s calling at this hour?” He mutters out loud. It’s not particularily late, (this is also coming from a man who doesn’t sleep until 3 am I.S.T*) but usually calls stop coming in a bit after eight. Not many people call him either, which makes this so much odder. “Anyone we know?”
“I don’t think so. I think it’s a broadcast.” He responds as Theksevoy follows him out to the holoterminal, Mako trailing behind. Gault is making his way up the stairs, as Blizz is sitting precariously on the railings. He doesn’t hear loud snoring, so Skadge must be planetside again. The holo begins to play as Torian turns the terminal on.
“People of the Republic, a blow to our ranks has been felt across the galaxy today. Quinne Hyperion, a senator of the Republic over the planet Taris was mortally wounded, possibly past being able to return to her station or survive her wounds. Surrounded by family, Hyperion is not expected to make a full recovery.”
“This is what it was?” Gault asked, crossing his arms as he flicked a bored look to Theksevoy. “This thing has been beeping for hours, I thought it was something serious.”
“It is something serious! That poor woman.” Mako mused, “Her family must be devestated.”
“However, the culprits seem to be Imperial aligned. One attacker of five was captured and brought in for questioning, but died of his wounds before being able to release information. Film captured by the Senator’s security footage reveals this woman to be easily identifiable for the crime-” The woman flashed onto the screen, grainy but short haired, mask, glasses and dressed in all black with what Theksevoy assumed he recognized as Intelligence’s symbol on her right shoulder. “If you have any information, the Senate Tower is waiting.”
The holo cuts out, leaving the crew in silence. “Well, I didn’t do it, so that cuts down on culprits.”
“No shit, Thek.” Mako whaps him lightly on his arm before frowning. “That’s really messed up.”
“That’s true. There is no honor in killing someone who can’t defend themselves.” Torian mused, seeming just as far in thought as Mako. Theksevoy himself had never met a Hyperion, possibly his crew had. The woman in question he’d heard stories of while he was on Taris hunting Torian’s father, as well as apparently a relative, a then Lieutenant in the Republic Army who had also been on-planet at the time. Rumors aside, the Hyperion’s and their extended family were not only huge, but influential as well.
“When did this happen anyway?” Theksevoy questions. It must’ve happened today, or he never knew because he hadn’t been on the holonet in the last couple of days. “Don’t remember ever hearing about it.”
“Happened a couple of days ago, I think. Long enough for Intelligence, or whatever branch of the Sith they’re under now to put out a statement that whatever happened wasn’t sanctioned by them.” Gault states, pulling out his personal holocommunicator and connecting it to the terminal. “This came in today, though.”
The terminal flickers to life again, and a man takes the place of the reporter. He looks afraid, turning this way and that over his shoulder as he begins his message, “Hello? Hello? I don’t know whether you can hear me but,” here he lowers his voice to a barely audible whisper, “My name is Tyqin Hyperion, brother to the recently mortally wounded Senator Quinne Hyperion. I do not know you, but I was told by a, well scoundrel, off of the black market of your…talents.” He looks over his shoulder again before staring back into the camera, “Please, whoever is out there, please bring my sister’s assaliant to justice. If you receive this message, please respond to my private holo. I will not let this attack against the Hyperions and the Republic go unnoticed.” The holo flickers out as the crew considers the man’s words.
“I know, I know. I should’ve told you earlier, but given we were running for our lives a couple of hours ago, Thek.” He says, putting his hands up in defense.
Theksevoy crosses over his arms. It’s an interesting thought, it really is. The Hyperions, while influential now, haven’t always been and only recently appeared in galaxy wide news once Senator Quinne was elected. But, more and more of them are appearing, especially the Colonel, H…H something Hyperion. Big name in the Republic, even bigger name after the attack on the Gauntlet a while back. Started calling her 'Bane of Intelligence’s Existence’ by mercenaries here and there.
Influential usually equaled money. And this Tyqin Hyperion might have enough money to sneeze at.
“Thek, I know that look. We are not swindling this senator’s brother.” Mako says, more sternly than earlier.
“I’m not going to swindle him, Mako.” Well now he wasn’t, not without his (hopefully) future wife’s permission. “He’s asking for help, and asked for us to find whoever hurt the senator…”
“If that doesn’t sound like a bounty, I don’t know what does.” Gault answers, shrugging. Torian gives him a sour look, seeming to agree with Mako.
“I don’t like it. This Senator’s brother is clearly in grief.” He responds. “What if he’s doing something he might regret? If we kill this woman, what if they find out that he was the one who hired us? It could put a target not only on our back, but also his.”
“We’re also avenging the Senator. Albeit we’ve committed some crimes the Republic might be aware of, this could also earn us some favors from them in the future.” Theksevoy says.
“What about Intelligence though? We don’t know whether this woman is a rogue agent or not. And, she wasn’t alone either.” Mako reminds him. “This could get us killed by the Sith.”
“Well Mako, we live on the edge right? You only live once, unless you’re an undead Sith, right?” He asks, shrugging away her answer as she rolls her eyes. “If it makes you feel any better, we’ve done worse things. Things both of you agreed to.”
Torian sighs before nodding. “He’s right Mako, we might be missing an opportunity if we pass this up.”
Mako pauses for a second before catching his eye. “We do need to restock the weapons locker. Count me in.”
It was a while before Mako returned to their shared quarters. Theksevoy couldn’t help but feel like he’d missed something again, but she eventually did return, seeming a bit more downtrodden that before.
“You’re really stupid, you know that, Thek?” Confused, he turned to look at her, even though she didn’t make eye contact, or at least wasn’t trying to. Arms crossed, her eyes pointed to the ground. She was upset, a distinguishing position that struck fear into his heart, as he figured he was the cause.
“You’ve told me that before, but that’s also usually before we start fighting again.” He scratches the back of his neck, a bit nervous. The last fight they had was years ago, and that was the time where he realized touching her when she was angry only made it worse. So even though he wanted to hug her, he kept his distance. “Mako, I’m sorry, I guess if it bothers you that much we won’t call Hyperion back.”
She’s quiet for a bit, clearly mulling over his offer he assumes. But instead, she runs up to him, her small arms going around his torso. “You’re really stupid, Thek. This is gonna get you killed.”
Softly, he puts his own arms around her. “A lot of things might get me killed, Mako.”
“I know, but we all have our time Mako. Might as well go out with a bang, right?” She gives him a downright sour look as she pulls away from him, stalking back towards the door.
“How am I supposed to love someone who’s trying to get himself killed everyday?!”
He sighed. They’d had this conversation so many times before he didn’t bother counting anymore, and sometimes he avoided answering, but this time he wouldn’t. “Mako, have I ever told you about my moms?”
“You’ve only ever told me that they were the bravest people you ever knew, and that they died for you.” Her voice wavers at the end, muffled in his shirt as she eventually looks up at him, no doubt thinking of Braden. “Why?”
“Because I asked them the same question day after day after day. I never understood why they kept fighting, I just wanted them home everyday so that I could keep feeling safe. Mako, I was maybe five at the time, I didn’t understand that they were freedom fighters. But I think everything came into perspective when they died. Not only were they protecting me, but our entire village.” He pauses. He’s never told anyone about his life on Ord, and never really intended to unless she in particular asked. “So you ask why I do this? Maybe I’m not protecting a village, but I am protecting those I care about, and making a few credits along the way.”
She considers his words, mulling them over. She might have her own stories about whoever raised her, but he’s not going to pry, not when she’s so vulnerable. “No one lives forever, Mako. I intend to enjoy myself while it lasts.”
“That’s why you asked me to marry you. Because you knew you wouldn’t be around forever.” She says quietly, stepping closer to him. “You were afraid if you didn’t act then, I’d leave. Or you’d run.”
“Maybe, maybe not.” He answers, as she sits down next to him, arms around herself as she leans against him. He puts an arm around her as she relaxes. “You don’t have to, I don’t want to ever make you feel like you’re obligated to.”
“Maybe one day I will be Mako Li'ui. Just..not today.”
“And that’s alright. I’d wait decades for you.”
* = Imperial Standard Time? Is there a Standard Time for the galaxy?? Idk, maybe there is n I blasted through the conversation discussing it??
this one was harder to write. i actually do like these companions (i fucking hate skadge. im sorry but he’s so unlikable that i actually aired those complaints in-game to him.), but gault n mako were the only ones i really connected with. i think maybe i was so busy trying to romance mako (i didn’t understand why she rejected me until i went on reddit) that i kinda just,, didn’t pay attention to torian n blizz until the end. so i don’t really know his personality? comment if i should change it or i should just wait until my female bh (ba’shira wryen,, finally got started on my other server) meets him on taris. i hear his romance is vv enjoyable, n with the few convos i can remember, i am excited to run through them.
oh, and canonically, thek is most definitely a night owl.
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crqstalite · 5 years
pt. 7, counting stars (corso && ghenkl)
ewww this part is kinda really bad near the end with my botched attempt to be a little nsfw. didn’t work but i tried.
anyways! ghen is on the hunt for kiv while planning her wedding, plans on inviting hyperion & co. and speaks with her old partner in crime, theksevoy!
written : 7.8.19. published to tumblr : 7.15.19. word count : 2,761 ════ ⋆★⋆ ════
character song: counting stars, onerepublic (totally made for corso and a romanced female smuggler. change my mind.)
character file: captain ghenkl riggs, corso riggs.
“i dunno.” she says, chugging down another glass of whiskey. “white?”
“ghenkl, you know what i mean.” risha says. “you have a pile of credits you put away for this, and all you can think of is ‘i want a white dress’?”
she thinks for a moment, “ruffles?”
“stars, you are impossible.” risha puts down the datapad as she takes a sip of her own drink.
“well, why don’t you do it? you seem to know a lot more than i do.” she responds, as risha sighs. “let’s not forget that i’m a gunslinger, not a wedding planner.”
“don’t you have even a small idea of what you want though? you’re getting married, captain. for most women they can only dream of having a fantasy wedding like yours.” risha deadpans.
“i’m also legally able to officiate weddings on my ship.” ghenkl offers, shrugging.
risha rubs her temples. ghenkl is a little apologetic, but also mildly tipsy. she had been out the day before, sometimes doing some charity work, but mostly just drinking until risha had to come and get her. she wouldn’t say she had a real problem, even if it was borderline addiction. of course, a nice corellian whiskey every couple of days sated it.
but ghenkl never was a girl to fantasize her weddings. as a little kid she was aware her parent’s marriage was rocky, and when kiveqil was born, it only got worse from there, leading them to have been divorced. their father just made their lives a living hell, leading her to run away to the bowels of nar shaddaa with a preteen kiveqil to keep her little brother safe.
didn’t always have the best idea of what a good romance was supposed to be like. hence her more, player like attitude once she got off ord mantell. weddings? you might as well take her back to school.
“well, i suppose you don’t really have to have one. who are you inviting anyways?” risha questions, running a hand through her hair. it’d been a difficult morning, ghenkl found that because she wasn’t hugely picky, apparently that made it harder on the selected woman to plan her wedding.
“didn’t think too hard about that.” she looks down in her glass before brushing her hair out of her eyes. “risha, you remember me telling you about my brother?”
“depends. which time?” she smirks, and ghenkl breaks into a sweat. she’d only told risha once about her family, at least that she could remember. “one where you were sober, or when you were blackout drunk?”
sheepishly, she smiled. there were a lot of situations where she wasn’t fully conscious of things she told risha, and this might’ve been one of them. “while i was sober.”
“well, you did. you told me that the last time you saw him, he was carted off to the temple. you also mentioned you’d been watching over a girl named ana'la at the time before she also was kidnapped. you mentioned you’d never had the time to really sit down and search for either of them.” ghenkl’s surprised she remembers, she doesn’t even remember ever telling that much to risha. then again, she’s having a hard time remembering ord mantell too, it’s been a long time since she’s been back. “i’m assuming you’re still looking for him?”
“been trying to. reports are too scattered, and the council doesn’t exactly give out  brochures when you ask about their masters.” she’s getting a headache, just thinking about the conversation she’d had with a togruta master, kiiwiks, or something about kiveqil’s current location. 'everywhere and nowhere’ was the frustrating answer she’d gotten from everyone, as some locations were dated from years ago, and others seemed impossible. but no one knew where her little brother was right now, and if it weren’t illegal and morally questionable, she’d shoot everyone who was hiding where he was. “apparently ran off with some carsen girl after his trials. got himself a ship and has been helping out 'round the galaxy. took out the emperor at some point, so he’s got that goin’ for him i guess.”
risha cocks an eyebrow. “i-what? what exactly is he?”
“a jedi master. why?” she asks, looking over to her female companion as she pulls out another datapad. “not exactly huge in the news, if that’s what you’re looking for.”
“you said you haven’t seen him in years?”
“not since i was seventeen.” risha shows her the datapad, a quick drabble written about who she’s assuming to be kiveqil with a gathering of four other humanoids and a droid. “where’d you get this?”
“apparently he received commendations a while back on coruscant. he could still be on planet.” risha responds. “looks like he got himself a crew. the carsen girl you mentioned is a jedi knight.”
“risha, this was three years ago.” she says, sullen as she hands it back. ghenkl does smile a bit at seeing her brother’s face. he still has that chilidish grin to him as the two humans (one kira and the other only listed as 'doc’) have their arms around him with cheeky grins. scars here and there, particularily around those amber eyes of his.
they look like children. children forced into a war much too quickly. she sees it in corso’s face everyday, and it makes her so sad. “it’s outdated, and i’ve already seen it.”
risha rolls her eyes knowingly, “did you read it all?”
“of course i did.” she grumbles.
“well, then you would know he’s also a battlemaster. my guess is that’s he’s on the frontlines somewhere.” risha answers. “we could start looking there, a little slicing here and there and we could locate someone from his crew. the carsen girl i’ve never met, nor the sergeant, droid or sith lord. but i have heard of this 'doc’ before. tracking him down shouldn’t be too hard.”
“and with the doctor, we find his patient.” ghenkl muses. “you are a genius, risha.”
“i’m aware.” she responds, taking another swig of wine. “now that i’ve got that out of the way-”
“my next guest is that major i was talking about.”
risha’s face fell into one of confusion and mild disappointment. “you plan to invite major hyperion to your wedding?”
“yes, of course. why do you look so sad?”
“she could arrest any of us for the multiple crimes we’ve committed the last couple of years. she’s a soldier and holds fast to laws. those things we rarely if ever pay attention to.” risha deadpans. true, she’d broken a few laws that finally caught up with her on voss, but hakio had yet to arrest her, so she figured she was somewhere in the 'tolerance’ chapter of the major’s book.
“who says we have to admit to things we did?” ghenkl shrugs as risha sighs. “besides, we’re like best buds now!”
“she didn’t even remember your name the last time she saw you.”
“given! it was six in the morning and we all were exhausted.”
“sure.” risha responds, skeptical. “we’ll put that on the list of maybes. anyone else?”
ghenkl thinks for a moment. finding ana'la in time would be impossible (for a fleeting thought, the gunslinger didn’t even know whether she was still alive or not), and finding kiveqil was priority number one. the major would probably reject her invitation, but she’d send it anyways. “rogun?”
risha is silent and just drops her head in her hands. “you’re impossible.”
“that’s only another type of possible, risha.”
she’s bored. corso’s already gone to bed, and like any good smuggler, she doesn’t exactly follow good sleeping habits. so instead of lying awake in her husband’s arms, she’s in the communal area near the holoterminal, splayed out on the couch watching a holodrama on the lowest volume she can.
so in all, not unusual in the slightest.
however, her personal holocom immediatly begins beeping as she slips off the couch with a pained 'ow’ as she rubs her knee where it connected with the ground. slipping it out of her pocket, she pushes her hair back so she doesn’t look like a swamp monster straight out of hutta to the person on the other end of the line. “hello?”
“good to know your com code is the same as always.” her face brightens through her exhaustion. the person on the other end is none other than her partner in crime (and also ex), theksevoy li'ui, who’s standing with his arms crossed but a smirk on his face. “got a job.”
“what else is new?” she asks, blinking a couple of times to focus on the projection of her friend. “you’ve always got some violent job, li'ui.”
“true.” he shrugs. theksevoy has always been an off and on again kind of partner, when they were much younger (she was twenty-five, he was nineteen) they’d met on balmorra while she was doing a gun run. originally, neither had known the other’s faction, primarily because ghenkl was never hugely patriotic and thek had yet to enlist in the imperial military. eventually she did find out, but neither really cared either because they weren’t tied to their faction the way the military or force sensitives were. there was a fling when she was twenty-seven and he was twenty one, but it didn’t go anywhere and they remained just helping each other out with staying out of trouble with the fuzz. be it lying or murdering, they were a good team. without morals, yes, but that was okay. “how you doin’ this time of year?”
“well, it’s twelve r.s.t*, so i should be sleep. but y'know the usual, supply runs, outrunning the fuzz, earning credits legally and illegally.” she answers, leaning back on the couch. “you? heard you won some big comp a while back.”
“you’re lookin’ at the grand champion of the great hunt, gorgeous.” he winks, and she rolls her eyes. he’s still a huge flirt, and it makes her laugh everytime he tries it. he has some woman she doesn’t remember the name of, and she has corso. but no one said they couldn’t keep being chaotic together just because they got tied down. “won me a nice sum of credits, some serious recognition out there.”
“as always.” she says. “that’s what makes the galaxy go 'round, right?”
“you got it.” he says. they make observations about each other, about how one of her horns is missing (shot off by a just missed shot by some gangly sniper), how he’s wearing a not-so intimidating manbun, and just about life. ghenkl loves her crew, but there’s something so inticing about a man halfway across the galaxy and aligned with a different faction. maybe if she didn’t have corso, they’d be together no questions asked, a deadly power couple with insane accuracy. but they’re not, and she’s okay with that. “wait, go back a second.”
“which one?” she asks, turning back towards the projector. “growing out my hair?”
“no, you said you’d tied the knot with someone.” he says suspiciously, raising his eyebrows. “didn’t take you for the marrying type.”
“oh yeah. cap'n ghenkl riggs.” she’s about to answer when the man himself answers instead. corso brushing sleep out of his eyes, and yawns. “thought you would’ve come to bed by now, ghen.” there’s a touch of jealousy in his voice, and her mood plummets. this must’ve looked odd, talking to a man over the holo in the middle of the night in sweatpants and a sports bra, who wasn’t her fiance.
“i couldn’t sleep. i was watching holodramas until thek called.” she answers, sitting up. “thek, this is corso riggs, my fiance. corso, this is theksevoy li'ui, one of my partners in morally questionable crime.”
“nice to meet you, kid.” thek bids him hello, and corso is mulling over his response. thek turns back to her, “really though? color me surprised.”
“don’t you have a girlfriend too?” she asks in response. “or did you break up with another one of them?”
“i’m perfectly capable of romancing a girl without making it a one night stand, ghen.” he says, cracking a grin. “except for you, of course.”
“ha, i know that.” she says, as corso shifts uncomfortably, frowning visibly. she’d never told him about any of her previous relationships, especially the one with thek. it lasted longer than she wanted it to, one day they’d be all over each other, but the next they’d be at each other’s throats. it wasn’t healthy for thek, who she knew was still a bright-eyed kid at twenty, and it wasn’t healthy for her either, stressing about not only not getting him killed but also tying herself down much too early. “what’s this girl’s name anyways? wanna call her and make sure you haven’t driven her crazy yet.”
“mako. hasn’t left me yet so-”
“who are you talking to?” she hears a high pitched voice, which immediatly sets off an alarm. how old is this girl? she doesn’t sound any older than ghenkl did at sixteen. however, she appears on the projector as well, and taking stock, she figures the girl is maybe somewhere over legal age.
“old friend of mine. ghen, this is mako. mako, you’re talking to the captain that runs port nowhere at the moment-”
“whoa, captain ghenkl delux? you’re like, one of the most inspirational women i’ve ever heard about.” ghenkl taken aback by this. no one’s ever called her inspirational to date, but mako’s smile is infectious. “sorry about that. yes, my name is mako.”
“nice to meet you.” she says, sitting back next to thek. “what were you talking about?”
“nothin’ mako. isn’t it late where you are?” thek asks, as mako pulls out a datapad of her own and furiously begins typing.
“it is.” she shrugs. “you can tell me all about that job tomorrow, cool? friends don’t let friends pass up opportunities for a big payout.”
“you got it, cap'n.” he does that wink that probably swooned mako straight into his bed, and she smirks back before she shuts her holocom off, leaving her and corso in the darkness as she stretches her arms over her head.
“you wanna head to bed, corso?” she asks, moving to get up. he’s silent, but before she can utter an apology, he yanks her back down so that she’s sitting a little awkwardly, but he shifts her to be sitting directly in his lap. “alright, what’s gotten into you?”
“who was he?” he asks, and a part of that gruff voice that only comes out when he’s trying to flirt with her. “why was he calling you in the middle of the night?”
“it happens. i.s.t is nearly the exact opposite of r.s.t, sweetie.” she responds. “just an old work friend, and he’ll give us details for a job tomorrow.”
he looks unconvinced, but she changes that as she leans down to press a kiss firmly on his lips. “you’re mine, and i will be yours. now and forever.”
“i know you will cap'n.” he responds. he smiles at her, and she grins. something about corso always makes her just that much more giggly, and she has no idea why. however, her grin turns a bit darker as she rolls her hips over his.
“how about you show me just how much i belong to you?” she asks, glancing at him through lidded eyes as he shifts to get her off of him.
“ghen, you’re gonna be the death of me.” he responds breathlessly, as she gets up. “why do you do this?”
by that time, she’s already got her sports bra off, arms over her now exposed chest as she sits next to him. “because i can, that’s why, corso.” one of her fingers traces her breast lightly, biting her bottom lip. “well? don’t leave me wanting.”
he’s not pale, but stars can she see his face go red in the dark of the ship as his eyes meet hers. he’s soft, and is always looking for a reaction before continuing on, kissing her roughly before tracing his nips down her body.
to say the least, they have one of the best nights ghenkl thinks she’ll ever have in this lifetime or the next. now, marriage isn’t sounding nearly as bad as when she was six or seven. especially if she gets to spend it with a man who not only knows his way around a blaster, but also knows full well how to woo his wife.
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