#hakiojkl hyperion
crqstalite · 4 years
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“When they declared you KIA, I fought it. I couldn’t let go, they said. It almost earned me a psych discharge. As the years went by, I started to believe them...where have you been?”
“...until the Alliance freed me...”
“So I’ve been the only one losing sleep.”
“There were dreams. I saw you die. I saw everyone die.”
“Now you know they were only nightmares.”
“We’ll both sleep easier tonight.”
I most definitely did not spend one of the last days of my sub playing speed-running Hakio through the early chapters of KOTFE to get another Jorgan kiss because I didn’t have any with those two. The second line of the caption, I intended to write about her time away from him, but there’s a spoiler for Shadow of the Sith with the reason she was ripped away from Aric, so I kinda cut corners.
Totally blindsided by this because I was very sad about this reunion but also very happy that she got her man back. It’s such a sweet reunion too, with the little callbacks to their time fighting together, Bioware had better get on their keyboards and program some new vanilla romance interactions next update. There’ll definitely be a special chapter for these two included somewhere soon.
I also figured I should actually play some of my outlanders through Knights but I’ve been too lazy to level them through Shadow. I think Corsha’s going to be next to go through because she’s romancing Koth (I’m prepared to be disappointed, no worries), which I’ll use as a template for Mierrio’s story.
Also like, some of the Knights armor sets are actually kind of nice, like the Trooper one you receive right after Chapter IX. Recolored it in white and orange, chef’s kiss, these screenshots were beautiful.
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crqstalite · 4 years
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ba’shira alyen cadera - of primarily asian descent. as i do more research i’ll find out where. hakiojkl sayito hyperion-jorgan - of african descent. see above. corsha qvael revel - of indian + african descent. see above. mellena ellana wryen-cadera-shan - of european descent. see above.
guess who’s putting off writing more shadow and is instead making more of these artbreeders??
it’s me. it’s always me.
anyways, these are a few edits to show how i see a few characters v. how well i can draw + the clonky swtor graphics (character designer). artbreeder took my boy (axis) and gave him actual eyes instead of red retinas, so he’ll be uploaded another day. while artbreeder has some, say bugs when rendering photos (corsha became something straight off stranger things, probably because the screenshot was a tad dark), it’s still AMAZING for being an AI. so now i have some nice headshots of the babies i was able to replicate in the image mixer.
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crqstalite · 5 years
without you. [kotfe letters]
So I felt sad last night and decided I didn’t want to finish my original thought for Tri and Malavai, so I wrote this monster of a piece, all letters, from my toons to their love interests. Now of course, I’m more sad than I was before and accomplished next to nothing. Is Ronnie canon for the Heritage universe? Bruh who knows at this point?
Written: 10.12.19. Words: 3,799.
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TO: Kira Delux
FROM: Kiveqil Delux
SUBJECT: About Satele
I guess we finally found our answers. That child you assumed Satele had? Finally met him. That's right, Satele Shan, a hero of the Republic and devout Jedi had a son with none other than a commander. Crazy, right? His name is Theron, I'm sure you would've liked him if you were here. Just a tad annoying sometimes, but friendly enough.
Please, Please let me find you,
He sends it, but isn't sure it'll reach it's intended recipient. Guzzling down another glass of wine, he slams his hand down on the bar to get the droid's attention for another. Usually a Jedi doesn't drink, if at all. This one, is in pain and his aura radiates as such. A singular tear slips down his pale cheek as he rubs a hand against his eyes.
TO: Archiban Kimble
FROM: Una'vi Havelzy-Kimble
SUBJECT: Ronnie.
It's been so long, but I would never forget a face. Especially not yours. Not someone who loved me like no one else would. Someone, who even though I fell from the light, never stopped caring about me. Thought I was still the best thing to ever happen to you, right down to every little freckle on my face.
You haven't met Ronnie yet. That's our son's name, but it can't be too hard to change once I find you again, if you want. He was as much a surprise to me as he was to Kiv. Obviously at first he was pissed, but he treats Ronnie like a son himself. I think it's rather endearing, but make no mistake. My heart belongs to you first and foremost, and as soon as I find you, you're getting the longest kiss in the history of kisses, got it?
Updated: I visited Ralltiir with Ronnie today. I...I searched for you high and low, but no one could give me an answer to where you were. I can't find you, Archie. It's been five years, this galaxy is only so big. Where are you?
She shuts off the terminal, rubbing at her eyes as she shifts her grasp on the young, dark haired child in her arms. She chuckles, should her son get any bigger, they'd have to work out the fact that mommy can't pick him up as much anymore. She frowns as she lays him down next to him, the boy curling up on his side against her. Everyday, he looks more and more like her husband, and something about that unsettles her.
TO: Felix Iresso
FROM: Naji Iresso
SUBJECT: Anniversary.
Today's our anniversary, Felix. I'm sure you remember, you always did. How sweet you'd be to me, how you'd beg for me to return to bed with you. Sleep is scarce these days in the Alliance, and most of my time is spent with the Commanders, trying to get things done. But once all the blaster fire has passed overhead, I come back to my quarters every day and pray I see you one last time before I take my final breath.
There is no death, there is the Force. I just wish that the Force would bring you back to me.
With Love,
Delicate singing fills the air as lays on the grass, hair pooling out beneath her as the stars twinkle down at her. Tears well up in her eyes as she prays Felix hasn't become one of them. Simpler times would've allowed her to spend the night with him, more than enough time in the galaxy together. Now all there is, is blaster fire, lightsabers igniting, fighting. So much discord in the galaxy, and not one signature cries out like his does.
TO: Corso Riggs
FROM: Ghenkl Riggs
SUBJECT: My Last Run.
Think I'm gearing up for my last run around the galaxy searching for you, Corso. As dismal as it sounds, I think this is finally the end. I'm not a teenager anymore, I'm not twenty anymore. I'm already forty, and as much as I love you I can't keep perking up at every mention of some smuggler terrorizing the galaxy. I wish it were you, but it never is.
Bet you'd laugh if you saw me now, all run ragged with grey hairs. Drinking more than I should because I know my final days are coming. Rum, beer, the like. Stars, just come home, please.
Fun while it lasted,
It's not hard to see the woman is exhausted, dark circles underneath her eyes as she clenches a blaster in her hand. It's well worn, but clearly well loved as she looks down at it fondly. Rubbing at her eyes, she stands away from the terminal and holsters it. What's running through her mind isn't clear as she walks away quickly, her head held high as she grimaces.
TO: Aric Jorgan
FROM: Hakiojkl Hyperion-Jorgan
Home is where the heart is. That's what my mom says every single day, every day I come back to her. It's been a while since I've been on Coruscant.
It reminds me too much of you. What we've done, what we've accomplished. Who we've saved, who we've avenged in the name of the Republic. After officially being discharged from the military when I did get back, Garza kept a spot open for me the whole time. I never wanted back in, I couldn't handle being in a squad without you as my right hand man.
Blast it, writing things always made me jumpy. I could never get my words out right, and it just sounds back even typing this. But gods, Aric you're my husband. If you've been sending me things, I'm sorry I never found them. I don't know what you're doing out there, but I'm sure you're doing some damn fine work. I don't know whether you're alive or not, what happened to the rest of Havoc.
I haven't been home in years. My heart still lies with you, and until I find you, I'm homeless.
The dark skinned woman isn't quick to rise from her seat after meetings anymore. The way she lingers, as if she's waiting for someone is unsettling. As if ghosts haunt the hall ways of the Odessen base, as she crumples on the ground without her real leg, phantom pains making her cry out for her lover. With no one to save her but her previous comrade, it's a heart shattering walk back to her cabin as she cries over and over again for him to come get her.
TO: Elara Dorne
FROM: Xev'heng Lumere
SUBJECT: Last Life Day.
You've always been good at treating me right. I feel like I haven't exactly provided for you since then.
It's been years, I know. I know someone like you would've found someone else, someone to support you through all of this. I know I loved you, I know you loved me. But I abandoned you, for five years. Five years of pain, five years of longing. I know it's been hard for me, but I can't imagine how hard it's been for you.
I'm searching for you as I write this. The Alliance has been searching for recruits, but as much as they need a new medic, I need you. I need you back, Elara. I've been a mess without you, and I can't last like this.
It isn't hard to see how the man grieves. A portion of his lekku is missing as the other hangs limply down his back. One of his previously lavender eyes has gone grey, though he's always so quick to find his old commanding officer to help her through the pain. However, his suffering hides far beneath his smiles and sarcasm.
TO: Malavai Quinn
FROM: Tri'ama Amarillis-Quinn
SUBJECT: Stations.
It's always been a matter of station with you, hasn't it, Malavai? Statistics, reports, briefings. Rising in the Empire after hitting a ceiling. A rising star before being kept on Balmorra. Then, you met me. Things changed after that, didn't they? You met Vette, who you despised at first before you came to care for her. You met Jaesa, though you weren't ever terribly clear what you thought about her. You met Pierce, who you thoroughly hated, though you worked with him well. And Broonmark, though neither of us grew terribly close to our furry protector.
You tried to kill me. End my life there on the Transponder Station above Corellia. How it pained you so, how I had to hear some of your bones crack sickeningly against the blastdoor. How you made me jump for months afterwards. How I still didn't trust you completely when I agreed to marry you, agreed to let you back into my quarters, back into my heart.
What am I trying to say, Malavai? I'm trying to say that though I was horrible about showing what I thought about you, that I loved you. That I loved the way I could catch you off-guard by planting a sneaky kiss on your cheek. That I loved the way you could catch me off-guard by pulling me in, one arm around waist as you kissed me hard. The way we would wake up together in the morning, and go to bed together at night.
You've surely risen in your station, Malavai. I hope the last few years have treated you well, that you've finally become more than just a Captain. That you can lead an army of your own men now, instead of being in that army. I wish the best for you.
I don't know where the Alliance is taking me, but galaxy be damned if they try to keep me from my husband.
Once you told me you wished to continue being my loyal captain and dutiful husband -I kept your letters after all these years, yes- to that I respond with this: I wish to continue being your imposing Darth, and loving wife. Do you understand that, hubby?
Do you know how much I miss you? How much I still love you?
The Darth is harder to read, her emotions aren't as prominent as others who have lost their lovers. She accepts, she moves on. She continues to cut down those who stand in her way, she continues to be a beacon of hope for the Empire. But something about the way she doesn't let anyone take care of her injuries, is worrying enough.
TO: Andronikos Revel
FROM: Mierrio Revel
Remember how I didn't ever like that you drank as much as you did? How I'd be annoyed when you came back wasted?
I see the appeal now. It gives me time to forget about the pain of losing you. About the pain of being alone. I feel fuzzy, like the last five years have all been a dream instead of my twisted reality. It burns me so bad, but I'm willing to endure a bit of pain just to forget how much I miss you.
Hate wondering whether you've finally kicked the bucket, with all the kriffing shit you get into. Your reckless flying, the way you'd nearly sacrifice your dumbass for me. I can't feel your presence anywhere, and that scares me somedays, Nikky. You never knew whether we were going to be together forever, and neither did I. Back then I wouldn't have cared less for you saying something like that, because whatever came up we'd kill it together.
Now you're gone, and I'm still here. I know you said that we'd be together forever, while we were in each other's orbits, and until the stars finally went cold. I'm scared, Nikky. I really think this is the end. It's been too long for you to still be out there.
Come home, you kriffing dumbass. You know where to find me.
From first glance, you never would've guessed the woman was a Sith, capable of murdering hordes of enemies beneath her lightsaber and lightning. She looked like nothing more than a spaced out spacer, staring out into the void of her ship, throwing back yet another bottle of rum. Something snaps, as she throws the glass bottle against the wall, and it shatters into thousands of glass pieces as she roars in anger.
TO: Mako Li'ui
FROM: Theksevoy Li'ui
SUBJECT: Honeymoon.
I never got you your fairytale ending, and I'm so sorry. It was always 'tommorrow' or 'when we have the credits'. I'm so sorry Mako, you deserved better than me.
If I ever see you again, when I see you again, we're ditching this whole business and blasting off to the far, luxorious corners of the galaxy and living like royalty until the galaxy catches up to us or we die. Whatever happens, we do it together.
Someone in the Alliance (I'm betting it was one of the Ciphers, Nine and Twenty-Six always manage to mess me up) found our records and sent them to me.
I love you, Mako Li'ui.
Everyone was afraid of the brute, Mandalore's Champion. Everyone knows his name, but not his story. No one wants to get close, to make him snap, to make him angry. The only people that have come back without a horror story to tell is the small, thin Intelligence agent. No one knows what she did for him, but he protects her with his life now.
TO: Torian Cadera
FROM: Ba'shira Cadera
SUBJECT: Get Away.
That hunting trip would've been nice, cyare. Should've taken you up on it earlier, before all this Alliance business happened. Had I not been there, I would still be with you. Hunting down the big game, bringing home the prizes with you. Spending every waking moment with my Torian.
Skinned myself a nice beast. Beasts, in fact. Without Bounty Hunting and since I haven't been able to find your Clan (our Clan, right? Never felt all that welcome), been collecting hides and such. Think you'll like 'em when you get back, cyare.
Everyday is my aay'han without you there with me,
The woman is a clean shot, always. The target is never empty, and the holes never waver from the bright red target. It's terrifying, in fact. The way that if you bother her, she turns from the firing range but still shoots perfectly. It's enough to keep anyone in the Alliance from bothering the Mandalorian, even though somedays she wishes someone would continue bothering her. To keep her from thinking these horrible thoughts.
TO: Vector Hyllus
FROM: Rubiksi Delux-Hyllus
I've visited nests. I find them fascinating, and for the most part, they accept my presence. Some kinder nests enjoy my visits, though I had to leave most rather hurriedly, they wish for me to become part of their nests. I'm not sure they understand that I am human and don't wish to Join them, but they let me be.
Those of the Oroboro nest are harder to convince. They know me, and they love me. In a way different from the way you loved me, like siblings, like parents. I spent a majority of my time on Alderaan with them before the Alliance came to be...I had dark thoughts, Vector. I really believed it was time to end it all. The cliff where you saved me became my home for months on end, though every time I couldn't bear to slip off without knowing if you knew I was still alive.
So I didn't. I considered other ways of getting rid of my consciousness. Drinking has always made me nauseous, so I kept away from doing so. Bounty Hunting affected my conscience in a way I didn't think it would after everything Intelligence put me through.
I wanted to Join, Vector. I thought that if I let them absorb me into the colony, that I'd see you again. That everything would just fade away. I remember you once told me you didn't want me to either, because my individuality would be gone. I brushed you off, I'd already known that my individuality had been stripped away by the SIS and Intelligence. But, as the search continues I've accepted that this is who I am, and taking this away wouldn't make you happy.
The Alliance found me, told me Cipher Nine could help them with the fight against the Eternal Empire. I believed they were crazy for a moment there, what would a lowly Cipher do against a galaxy-spanning tyrannical ruler? They were quick to convince me that I could do a lot, and with my ties to Intelligence, it wouldn't be difficult to have a leg up in the war.
I thought if I helped them, they'd help me. They tried to, tried to find you. But they needed me every waking moment, leaving them as an ally of the Alliance made me a target. It isn't until now we've begun really searching for those lost during the war.
I was told Killiks lost a majority of their nests as well. I can't imagine how that feels, but those I built a connection to are in pain. Mutual pain is never something I wished to endure, and for now I've accepted I don't belong with the Empire anymore. My allegiance ended as soon as they used them for canon fodder.
I pray you were one of the lucky ones, Vector.
The most listless out of all the recruits to the Alliance, the lithe human female stares out the window, blonde, brittle hair over her shoulder as she leans against a pillar. It seems everything is too big for the woman these days, as she tries to hide herself among the crowds. A ghost of herself, the amber-eyed agent isn't sociable, and many are afraid to approach her. But, no one wants to admit they're afraid one day they'll wake up and she won't be there.
Some bonus letters from characters who didn't romance Bioware's LIs.
TO: Theron Shan
FROM: [Redacted]
SUBJECT: [Redacted]
Hmm..You've always been a tough one, Shan. Slippery, odd. Never really ever landed on how old you were, whether Theron or Shan was really your name. You're good at your job, I'll give you that.
I'm not going to say I'm sorry for being gone. After Yavin, [Redacted] and I had our differences. She didn't trust me, I didn't trust her. Lana was having her own issues keeping [Redacted] from doing something catastrophic, and didn't trust me not to switch sides again. I'm not apologetic for what I did, and I never will be. I look out for myself first, you three second.
But this? This is rather odd. [Redacted] is an interesting place to hide, especially among [Redacted]. Given, this has been my home for a while, and [Redacted] was easy to convince to let me stay here too. I have my ways, always. But I suggest you go back to pretty boy, think you've really struck a nerve now. But [Redacted] is going to throw a fit if you show that shaven head around her again.
The water front has been a nice home for the last few years as she giggles, baring her teeth as a woman wraps her hands around her waist, tickling her until she can't breathe. Though, the giggles are cut short as the Cathar woman's eyes widen, hearing them before the door breaks down. A shriek as silk flies, one look behind her and she's out the window, tumbling to the ground in little more than a sheer top and a skirt, she begins running, cursing the man's name under her breath.
TO: Aristocra Saganu
FROM: Scy'arla Tuvii
SUBJECT: Red Flame
I didn't understand what that meant until I looked into it among the other Chiss at headquarters. Once I did, you can't imagine the kind of warmth that sent. I'd only known you for a few weeks at best, but I wish I could've gotten to known you better. I know I'm little more than just a Twi'lek in most Chiss eyes, but I really did feel like I was more to you. I hope it wasn't misplaced.
We both have responsibilities past the other's knowledge. I know you're rather important to the Chiss, but I don't pry beyond that. I assume you know more about me, but I don't know how far that goes. I hope if you did learn anymore, it doesn't go much further past my objectives on Hoth with regards to Intelligence. I don't think you could see me in the same light if you knew more, I'm sorry.
Whether this reaches you or not, I'm not sure. You're busy, I'm busy. You're not like other men, I have a past I'm not ready to admit to. I'd like to extend an invitation to a suite on Dromound Kaas if you could ever get away for that long. It's beneath you, I'm sure, but think about it?
The Alliance doesn't seem to have taken the same toll on Scy'arla. The Cipher is rarely around, if at all, as a supplier. Still loyal, and frankly terrifyingly, to the Empire, she can't be relied on. The first assumption is that she is their traitor, that she has finally sold them out. But, when the time comes, her hands are clean, and everyone is left in surprise when the real traitor is outed among them. A chuckle here, an 'I told you so' there, is the all the agent leaves behind.
TO: [Redacted]
FROM: Darth Ezridivia Uvon
SUBJECT: You know what.
I know you have something to do with this. You always did have a hand in the cookie jar [Redacted]. As frustrating as it was to deal with you, I really do wonder whether you assisted Theron with this. You two were always a bit too close, though you argued all the time and butt heads even more than he and Lana did. You'd known each other for so much longer, worked together to get things done. You might've been gone for the last five years, but I just know you're behind this somehow. Theron wouldn't just do this to the Alliance.
I know someone like you, would.
The pureblood Sith woman paces back and forth, as her blonde comrade types away at a terminal. A grimace here, an angry monolouge there. The woman had no shortage of anger for the agent and his partner, even though she wasn't ready to admit that neither would do this without provocation. She fed off the raw emotions of shock and anger from those in the Alliance, but her nearly melancholy wife really kept her from snapping.
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crqstalite · 4 years
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As most eventually come to realize, you can not always point a blaster at things and win. But as these three tend to also realize, anything can be shot, and that they also don’t care. Galactic superpower, God or superweapon, Khaak, Hakio and Ba’shira will stand up to it all with a nice gift to Zakuul -- from Czerka, of course.
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crqstalite · 5 years
pt. 16, ancestry. ( aric && hakio)
finally got around to writing another one. i had writing block for a hot second over the last week, so that’s why this didn’t come out as soon as i would’ve liked. sorry for the continuous filler, but i did need some time to flesh out hakio’s family before continuing on (they will have a bigger part in this story, especially tyqin, who contacted thek n ba’shira)
oh, and yes. tyqin is a drag queen.
written: 9.14.19. word count: 4,235.
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character file: hakiojkl hyperion, colonel of the republic military
thankfully, elara arrives only a bit before dinner, ending the embarrassing confrontation with voonie and her mother. her mother threatens to give aric a talking to before they leave, but welcomes elara with a sunny disposition. once the three of them get settled, hakio introduces them to the members of her family. voonie doesn't bother with elara, questioning aric and whatnot, but baishya and apani have the most questions for both members. darjev doesn't leave his room until dinner is called, and josie is happy to listen in for the time being.
to say the least, dinner's rather quiet between the members of havoc. the younger members of the hyperion family ask all sorts of questions, those they can't answer legally (e.g, who do they work for), those they can't answer morally (e.g, how many people have you killed), and just...rather odd questions to say the least (e.g is aric afraid of cucumbers). no one acknowledges elara's accent or heritage (a win in her book), and more or less the twins are curious about the firepower the assault cannons have.
her mother shuts down that discussion quick when their eyes light up ecstatically as hakio delves into her favorite topics, weapons. it's not that she doesn't understand why, which is why she switches the topic to less dangerous tactics, which elara leads. hakio figures it's still a shock for her mother, and still a sore spot for the rest of the family. the brewing war has taken the form of their injured daughter and sister, and having three soldiers eat dinner with them in lounges with ruler-straight backs and only a chuckle here and there, is probably bringing the mood down.
her mother won't look at her directly anymore either. as much as she hugged her and and laughed with her when she first arrived, her eyes still speak volumes. disappointment is the loudest, longing is another. anger hides behind her eyes, the quiet fire blazing as she takes everyone's plates from them, disappearing into the kitchen.
it's been too long since she's been home. everyone's changed, and she feels as if the kids she grew up with no longer know her, and she no longer knows them. they easily banter back and forth with each other, telling jokes as if the reason they're here is no big deal. like nothing's happened, like nothing's changed. like their sister isn't on leave, like she's been here this whole time.
it's disheartening to say the least. how close she and her mother used to be, through her training at the academy, through school. through her father's death, through the accident. they used to be two peas in a pod.
what happened?
"i'm here!" a loud and cheerful voice says, the front door shutting loudly as baishya and apani jump up from their seats excitedly and josie rolls his eyes, darjev making sure their mother really was gone and putting his feet up on the table. "did you all miss me?" she barely overhears.
"yes!" the girls and josie say in excitement.
"who's arrived, major?" elara asks quizzically, out of earshot of the rest of her family, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
"i'm not sure." hakio responds, head in her hands, a headache coming on. holding her head up, she rubs her temples. "probably one of our family friends."
"nope, it's ty." darjev says, overhearing their conversation as he looks up from one of his hologames. "he's coming with us to the hospital, and against mom's better judgement, she invited him to come over for dinner. he would show up late, that's tyqin hyperion for you." darjev scoffs as josie frowns.
"tyqin doesn't mean to be late, he's just been busy lately." josie says, frowning at darjev's comment. hakio holds back a sigh, josie's protected tyqin since they were children, deflecting the blame or taking it all himself. it's admirable, but rather annoying. "maybe he has something for you, hakio!" he jumps up, and dashes out of the living room, a blur of blue. darjev lazily looks over to her.
"i'm gonna murder that man at some point." he says nonchalantly, as if he's forgotten elara and aric were sitting at the table and he was just admitting what he'd done the day prior. "push him off a balcony if i could."
"that's our brother you're talking about, darjev." hakio narrows her eyes, eyebrows furrowing. "don't go around threatening your family."
"family? tyqin hasn't been my brother for a long time, hakio." he responds dryly, grimacing as he pulls another bread roll from the basket on the table and stuffs it in his mouth. "even you know that."
hakio knows that good and well, but it still doesn't make it any better. her eldest and youngest brothers had never gotten along well, their personalities clashing hard even as children. now that they're adults, she's afraid of the fallout from years of disagreements and arguments. tykurt tended to be the middle man and break them up, but he apparently hadn't been back to the apartment in years. apani, baishya, darjev and josie were the only hyperion children that still lived in the house with her aging mother.
something about that makes her uneasy for the future. "why do you care anyways? you ran off to the military and didn't even contact us after the accident. why'd you even come back tonight?" he questions, raising an eyebrow.
"that's because i care about quinne." she answers firmly, her cheeks heating with the realization that it's true. she's been disconnected from her family for so long. it has been a long time without seeing them, and maybe she should've tried harder to come back sooner. then, it's also not her fault she's out protecting the greater galaxy and the coreworlds; as well as coruscant from galactic threats. "i'm here for her."
"good to know that you've forgotten about the rest of us." he fires back. she opens her mouth to speak again when he cuts her off, "what about the twins? mom hates that baishya wants to go into the military, apani wants to be a field medic like the imperial you brought. marli's in training right now, won't even be back until graduation. and guess what? it's all because of you. you're gonna be the reason mom lives alone, waiting until one of us gets promoted or dies to see us again."
aric and elara both stand from their seats, the aforementioned cathar muttering something about getting some air and heading towards the balcony. now alone, hakio isn't afraid to bring out some of her worse not-for-those-outside-the-family arguments. as selfish as it sounds, she's glad they're gone so that her xo and medic don't think of her any different. "and so what? obviously you and tyqin are going to be here forever, slaving away to some corporation until you pass out from heat exhaustion or smoke inhalation. if they want to follow their dreams, why do you want to stop them?" she asks, trying not to raise her voice in case those out in the foyer can hear her.
"mom already lost dad. she nearly lost quinne. she lost you. she's still holding onto what she has left. what's it gonna take for you to care about the rest of your family again?" darjev asks, crossing his arms. "one day, no one's gonna be looking out for you because they know nothing about you, nothing about where you've been, who you're friends with, what you're doing." he pauses again, watching as she changes her own stance to pick up her glass. "you haven't been my sister for a long time. don't start acting like you are again."
and with that, tyqin and his procession of hyperions enters in the dining room as her mother comes back with a towel over her left shoulder. darjev makes a beeline for the stairs, heading up to his room. all she can hear is static in her ears as she tries to stabilize herself with this realization. her blood is boiling, how can he just say that and get up and pretend nothing's changed? that what he's said doesn't hurt more than a bullet to the chest?
hakio didn't know her sisters were planning to go into the military, she hadn't even noticed her quiet sister was gone at the academy. he was right, she knew nothing about her siblings. the childish wonders they'd once all indulged in, didn't matter anymore. the dolls were traded in for dresses, the books were traded in for medical magazines, the hairties for guns.
she hadn't been the only reason for this.
"oh. my. stars." tyqin accentuates every word, shrieking in excitement as he dashes over to her, hugging her as she tries to remain upright. "my sister, a hero of the republic is finally back home!"
"good to see you too, ty." she says, trying to shake off the previous conversation and give her older brother a bear hug. he has all sorts of bags in his hands, his face painted as if he's just been at a party. and as well as he acts, he stinks of alcohol. he must've been out before he'd arrived, which while not odd, was weird he'd go partying before visiting his injured sister in a hospital.
then again, this was also tyqin hyperion. well known queen and partier on the lower levels of coruscant. "ooo, girl. i knew i snatched weaves, but where did yours go?"
"i shaved it, dumbass." she says, trying to lighten her mood as she lifts tyqin's hands from her bare head. the curly-haired male rolls his eyes as he pulls things out the bags he's carrying, laying them out on the dining room table as the younger kids' eyes widen in excitement.
"brought some things for ya'll though. sorry hakio, had i known you were coming i would've bought you something too." he says, though she knows he's not. as much as he didn't know, he probably also isn't very sorry for leaving his sister without a gift. the younger ones were always his favorites (and voonie. voonie made it clear that whenever gifts were handed out, she got something expensive too), and he was always rather stingy (even though yuvi can -and often does- pay for everything without complaint) with his purchases for other people. evident, in the new nails he has done and the way his clothes shimmer in the low light of the dining room.
"it's not that big a deal." she finally says, choosing the least argumentative response as her siblings go through their gifts. hakio doesn't make much of a note of any of them (partially because she doesn't care, partially because her mind isn't on what lifeday gifts come early they've received), and instead decides to head back up to her, aric and elara's room until it was time to leave.
"wait for a second sweetie. where are you headed?" tyqin asks, his nails just ghosting her arm as she begins up the steps, josie, apani and baishya still gushing over the expensive gifts and her mother wiping off the table. "you aren't going to be a no-show like darjev are you?"
"of course not. but if we're heading out soon i need to get dressed." she says, and hurries up the stairs so that tyqin can't say anything else. he's such an airhead sometimes, she's not concerned whether he'll remember this and question her about her behavior later.
finally upstairs, she punches in the code and enters her bedroom, where elara is sitting on her cot and reading off a datapad and aric is pacing back and forth in front of her window. both stand when she arrives, before she gives the universal sign to relax. no one speaks for a moment before elara sits back down on her cot, shutting off her datapad. "are things...alright, colonel?"
"things are fine, elara." she says softly, giving her medic a smile. "whatever happens here, stays here. we hyperions just...show love differently."
understatement of the millenia, she grumbles to herself.
"permission to speak freely?" aric growls. hakio sighs, before nodding. she wonders what has aric so riled up. "whatever business is going on between you and your family, how do you just let your brother treat you like that?"
"how much did you hear?" hakio asks, cocking an eyebrow. she's rather suspcious now, aric tended to be much more in her life than she would've liked already, which she figured was typical of someone who was trying to court you, but found that odd he would eavesdrop. it seemed rather out of character for him.
"the captain and i accidentally overheard you on the way up. our deepest apologies, sir." elara apologizes, not meeting her eyes.
"it's difficult to explain. my family's been fractured for a long time, my return home has just solidified it for some." she responds, fishing out her bag from under her bed (careful not to touch the sheets atop the mattress) and pulling out garments of clothing. "i'm going to the hospital with my family in a bit. will you two be alright alone?"
"of course, sir." elara answers, aric still grumbling somewhere behind her. the sun is just setting over the horizon, and a glance at a chrono on her wall says that it's barely early evening. chances are, they wouldn't stay long either, so maybe havoc wouldn't spend the night. "whatever you need, we're here for you."
"thank you, elara." she says, putting her civillian clothes over one arm and leaving the bedroom to change in the bathroom. as soon as she steps outside, voonie passes by and she grins mischeveously as she pockets a tube of makeup.
"that cathar is keeping you rather busy." her sister purrs as she follows her into the bathroom, the door not closing fast enough to keep the dark skinned girl out. "how many men are on the team anyways? military men are always so hot."
"none that would be after you." she deadpans. yuun? definitely not, she wasn't even sure whether gand had mates outside of their own species. tanno? hakio shivers at the thought, it could either go absolutely horridly, or worse. ryean? the poor zabrak would have a heart attack over all the skin the woman showed. if her eyes were on aric... "could i get dressed by myself, please?"
"there's something going on between ya'll, isn't there?" voonie questions again, as hakio crosses her arms. voonie moves to primp her hair a bit, slathering something over lips. the two women in the mirror don't look all that different, but the way they hold themselves is. it's like being in high school again, hakio with the baby puffs and voonie's hair flattened and relaxed. one was clearly popular, dressing nicely though she had to work for it, and the other not caring with others thought about how she dressed. "by the stars finally. thought it'd take you forever to get married. even if he is non-human." she says, an e-cigarette in hand as she blows out a stream of smoke that makes hakio cough.
"go outside with that thing. and i don't care anyways. whether i get married or not isn't any of your business. now get out and let me get dressed." she says, nearly pushing her sister out the door with more force than is probably necessary.
"hmph." is all she can say, brushing her hair away from her shoulder and turning away from the bathroom. rolling her eyes, she pulls off her shirt before sticking the next one. however, she catches a glimpse of all the scars on her chest, and the muscles that came along with them.
she can't imagine what life would be like if she never left the apartment. she wouldn't look like this, that's for sure. maybe she'd be closer to her siblings and her mother. but she wouldn't have had the same experiences, nor would she know what she knows now. she wouldn't know aric, elara, forex, tanno, yuun, ryean or synntai.
but was it worth it? the accident with the junkers, being drafted into havoc squad? the betrayal?
for once in her life, hakio isn't sure.
"my dear, baby sister." quinne says hoarsely, coughing a bit as hakio comes to sit by her bedside. quinne shuffles to sit up, a grim smile on her face as she visibly winces. "finally, you've come to see me."
"i'm sorry, quinne. i've been so busy with havoc-" she says, before her eldest sister cuts her off with a finger to her lips.
"so talkative. nothing's changed. i know you're busy, hakio. and that's alright. you're saving the galaxy one battle at a time, and i admire that so much." she says, her dark brown eyes glittering in the white light of the hospital's room. "i wish i'd gone into the military all those years ago. unmarried, without kids."
"but you still love them, right?" hakio asks, a little nervous with the wistful tone her sister's voice was becoming. she has three kids and a husband, so this is rather odd. "you're representing the republic as a senator anyways. you do more than i do."
"that's kind of you, hakio. as much as i'd like to take that compliment, it's not true. i'm more a figurehead than anything else." her face scrunches up in pain as she stops talking for a moment before shaking it off, "sorry, the painkillers haven't been working for a while."
"don't be sorry. this wasn't your fault." and that's enough to get her blood boiling again. this was never quinne's fault, and she shouldn't have to say sorry for being in pain while her family visits. "i'm bringing whoever did this to you to justice."
"oh, hakio please. don't do anything stupid." she takes her hands in hers, trying to calm her down. "what happened, happened. it's like when darjev and tyqin used to fight. whatever the issue was didn't matter the day after, and on a grander scale, that's all this is. whoever shot me will forget about it later."
"that's...not how war works, sis." she says. the bandage wrapped around her chest is proof enough. the imperials weren't just going to give up because one person told them to stop. in fact, that'd make it worse. "the empire will just keep fighting, and i have to be there to stop them."
"then do just that. fight the battles, win the war. whatever you have to do. then you can come back and settle down with the rest of us." quinne says, smiling, "little hakios running around here and there. what a thought."
"sure." hakio says. as much of a wish that is for voonie, her mother and quinne, to say the least hakio isn't interested in settling down. the empire isn't going to roll over when she says 'i do' to someone. the republic will never be safe, and she can't exactly chase after agents if she can't see her own feet. "maybe." she answers uneasily.
"or not." quinne makes a movement to shrug, but winces instead. "my soldier baby sister probably doesn't want to step away from the frontlines, huh?"
hakio finally looks up at her face, really looks at her. quinne hasn't been a young adult for a long time, but for some reason she looks much older than she should. the way she smiles, the way her skin crinkles around her eyes. she's not sixteen anymore, and she's really someone else now. she's the senator of a whole planet now, she's the mother of three and a loving wife. and a doting sister as she rubs her head. "just don't forget how fragile life is. i attended one funeral for a hyperion killed in action. i'm not attending one for you too."
"long as you don't die first." hakio says, and quinne smiles. standing from her chair, she stretches her arms over her head, yawning. it's been a bit, and she was the last one to come in. it must be dark by now. she might as well take elara and aric out for a bit, it'd be late and there wouldn't be as many attendants at the spaceport. as much as she should spend time with her family, everyone is looking sleepy. being in space and on different planets so often makes her a little off the r.s.t time zones, hence why she isn't exhausted right now. "guess i'll be going, quinne."
"alright. i won't let my colonel of a sister get too caught up with little old me." she says, shuffling back into a position to lay down. "don't be a stranger."
"'course." hakio says, waving as the door closes behind her. letting out a sigh, she heads down the hall back to the waiting room. her family heads outside, chattering between each other as darjev ignores the others, and voonie continues quizzing her about her state of affairs with the men on her ship. when they return to the apartment, hakio is exhausted by answering question after question. her room is surprisingly quiet when she returns, and under closer inspection, elara has fallen asleep on her cot with her datapad in hand. slowly taking it from her so she doesn't wake her friend, she shuts it off and puts it on her desk, and puts the spare blanket on over her. at least that way she won't freeze through the night.
"hakio?" aric asks, sitting up on her bed. "didn't know when you'd be back, and elara passed out a while ago."
"she's been working since before i left. maybe we should all go out tomorrow, relax a bit." hakio suggests, turning on the shade to her window so that the skyline of coruscant can't see inside her room. "what've you been up to? not snooping around my childhood bedroom, i hope." she smirks as aric chuckles.
"i'd never. your mom actually talked both our ears off and gave us the leftovers from dinner. she's sweet." he responds, "she told us about your family, your dad. she let it slip she doesn't want you in the military anymore."
"i'm not surprised." her voice quiets as she sits next to her second in command, her head hanging. "as much as she wants it, this is who i am. i'm not sure i'm ready to give it up, whether my family loves me more or less because of it. i guess i lost sight of making them proud when i got drafted into havoc."
"don't apologize for wanting to make a difference. you're protecting the republic. sure i understand why they're upset, but that's on them. you can either bend to their will doing something you'd never be happy slaving away at, or you can do something that you would do for the rest of your life with no questions." aric responds. "you can't do anything about how others feel. whether you want to settle down or not, that isn't their decision to make."
"i..guess you're right." hakio responds. possibly he'd also been through this decision in his past. maybe his parents had also been hard on him. cathars did tend to mate for life, as she'd learned. maybe his family had been looking for him to marry better than they did. "if you weren't a soldier, what would you be doing, aric?"
"i don't know. this has always been me." he pauses as if he's thinking. "what about you?"
"you probably already know from the conversation at the dinner table. i was supposed to take over my dad's repair shop. tyqin and voonie used to apprentice there, and since i was the least girlish of the family, he figured i would've liked it. then he died while i was away, and the shop went through foreclosure. by then, i knew i wasn't coming back to coruscant, and my family knew i was the only one that didn't visit anymore. they didn't bother asking me to come back anymore." she frowns. it's all true, maybe if she'd stayed things wouldn't be the way they were now. maybe her dad would still be alive. maybe things would be the way they used to be.
aric seems to read her mind and uneasy thoughts as he puts his hand over hers. "it all depends on what you want to do, hakio. are you happy with havoc?"
"more than anything. i like protecting those who can't protect themselves." she answers firmly, staring back into his emerald green eyes.
"then that's all that matters." he says, as she smiles. for real this time.
"thank you, aric." she says, tipping his head just a bit as he looks confused before she kisses him. standing before he can do anything else, she looks over her shoulder slyly as she grabs her lounges from earlier. "i'll be back, i'm going to get a shower."
"y-yeah." he responds, "i'll be here."
"i hope so." she giggles, stepping over elara's sleeping form, the door closing behind her.
as much as she hates the idea of retiring, maybe being...lifemates with aric(that's what he called it, right?) wouldn't be so bad. well, if he likes her like that. her real emotions have only just emerged, it'd be a shame if he didn't feel the same.
but...hakiojkl jorgan does have a nice ring to it.
by the stars, now she was thinking like voonie, she though angrily as she turned the scalding water on. finding quinne's attacker first, aric later.
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crqstalite · 5 years
drabble, resignation (aric && hakiojkl)
originally intended to be a short drabble on why hakio couldn’t put up with aric in the early days of havoc squad, and then sprouted into an explanation of her backstory with ‘the junkers’ when she was younger. for some reason, i like giving my characters a real reason to be so tough, or act that way at least. for hakio, it’s because she doesn’t want to be caught unaware anymore.
god, this trooper is going to be the death of me. as well as this chapter, because i cringed as i wrote some of aric’s crueler lines. i pray to the swtor gods i can be forgiven.
written : 7.6.19. published to tumblr : 7.6.19. word count : 3,167
tw : ptsd, anxiety attacks.
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“a good record doesn’t make a good leader.”
rookie, brat. she’s heard everything from that man (at least she thinks so) and it’s driving her up the walls of the thunderclap. whether her newest addition, elara can tell, she doesn’t know. the ex-imperial keeps to herself, and it seems like whenever hakio even steps outside the little line of expectations that aric has for her, it’s a snide comment here, an offhanded comment there.
it gets to her.
and she’s this close to snapping. she hates how he’s so blunt about his thoughts too, not even hiding how much he’s annoyed by her position. on one hand, she can understand. maybe this position was for him. maybe he should’ve earned it instead of her.
but it’s hers now, and she doesn’t know whether he can tell, but she’s working her damned ass off trying to do her best.
has she ever run a crew? no, hell no. she didn’t intend to leave ord mantell as a lieutenant either, but it happened, and aric hasn’t been able to discuss, and it’s pissing her off to hell and back. she’s never been good with her emotions, always on a short fuse. and leaving her with someone else with a short fuse is not a good mix. one of them is going to set the other off, and she doesn’t know who it’s going to be.
not to mention her anxiety is getting worse. shaving her hair before arriving on ord was a big enough change, one that scared the shit out of her as a woman with no hair (voonie said it made her look proud of her cyborg modifications and very strong and brave), how the others at the outpost would regard her. but running havoc squad, as it’s CO? that’s banking on sending her over the edge, as it all gets worse. nights she spends awake because she can’t breathe, reliving those weeks she spent half-concious receiving her cyborg modifications, and then being in the hospital.
and the tanker.
oh god-
“hey hakio, whatcha thinkin’ about?” she turns her head to the miraluka private, who grins at her as he shifts the rifle in his lap. “got that thinkin’ look on your face.”
“goin’ home next week, private. gonna see my brother and his baby, then my sister and her new husband.” she responds, retying her hair into a ponytail. originally she’d worn it in it’s natural afro, but it was getting hot around her neck and shifted too much against her helmet. “miss em’ like hell.” she responds as she puts the helmet back on.
“of course, everyone does.” he rubs his goatee as he mulls over his own thoughts. “goin’ home to my wife in a couple a weeks. merla’s gonna have my twins.”
“congrats, oz.” she says. ozy was one of her favorites in their small squad, even if he was older than her. she had her mother and father, but no uncles or aunts, and while she was still in basic training, ozy filled that roll. hearing his stories about his pregnant wife, who was due when they return. she was already planning to head home to her family, meet persie (tyqin’s new baby boy), and then head out to meet ozy’s twins, and merla. he looked out for her, told her what she needed to train for, what she needed to study on. only reason she passed basic training and made it through the academy was because of him. “i’ll be down there a week after i get home.”
“‘course, you gotta take care of yourself too, sergeant. merla makes it sound like m'babies are taking their time.” he chuckles, before turning back to her. “you take your time to, maybe find you a man to calm you down a bit.”
she doesn’t hear anything just as she opens her mouth to laugh at what he says, and the tanker hits something. not until later does she find out what it is, but that scene will forever be burned into her memory. the laughing face of private ozy grell seconds before disaster.
a loud rap at the cockpit door makes her jump out of her seat, hand going for her blaster before realizing it’s the last person she wants to see at that moment. heart racing, she slides it back in it’s holster on her hip, standing rigid as she tries to calm herself. “sergeant.”
“lieutenant.” he says. “we were supposed to be planetside half an hour ago, you forget?”
“no, i didn’t.” she did. sometimes she got to thinking, trying to calm one panic attack and gaining another. she’s stifling tears, thinking about how ozy had never met his twins, but she did. merla and her stayed in contact in the early days, but one day she didn’t return her calls, and hakio gave up trying after she was transferred to ord mantell. “just let me get my gear and we’ll head out, jorgan.”
“dorne and i have been ready to go. just waiting on you, as always.”
the as always grits against her already bruised skin. she tries to ignore it, but after yet another attack, she can’t. she just can’t. she’s too far gone now to do so, and she just wants to be left alone at this point. private grell, sergeant hyperion, lieutenants young and varz. commander tavarii. all assumed dead until they found her, half alive underneath the rubble, clinging to life.
commander lunar tavarii. a twi'lek woman who didn’t take shit from everyone, the one who had to keep ozy from giving her the answers, had to make her find things out herself. taught her how to shoot at point blank range, made her into the soldier she’d was today.
still had the same blaster the commander gave her weeks before the accident. spraypainted purple, the same color as her skin. had their sigil engraved into the handle of it.
hakio ran her fingers over it as often as she picked it up.
offered her some consolation.
“lieutenant?” jorgan’s voice snaps her out of her thoughts. “do you just want me to take dorne planetside for this mission, if you can’t do it yourself?”
he must be far enough away that he can’t see she’s breathing hard, heart almost beating out of her chest as her anxiety rises in her throat. she’s panicking, having a full-blown attack now and it’s scaring her. this isn’t the first time she’s hand an attack since arriving on the thunderclap, but the first time it’s even been this bad. first time jorgan would ever see her trying to recover from one.
and hell, he’s not helping with his stupid comments.
you’re not good enough anyways. why keep trying to prove yourself to the likes of him? you’ll never be good enough for him anyways. it’s just a matter of time before he’s your CO.
“hakio, please. i don’t want you getting hurt.” her mother buries her in her shirt, hugging her like her life depends on it. “promise me you’ll be careful and stay out of harm’s way.”
“can’t promise that mom. i have a duty to the republic now.” she adjusts her formal wear, trying to keep it from creasing before she leaves for graduation. “promise you i’ll always come home though.”
“all in one piece, i hope.” her dad crushes her in another hug, essentially ruining her hair, but she hugs him back with just as much raw strength. “can’t half you walkin’ around on one of these on your wedding day.” he refers to his missing left leg, cheekily smiling as she grins back.
“alright dad. i’ll promise that.”
she couldn’t even keep that promise. now he’s gone, he’d never walk her down the metaphorical and physical aisle, handing her off to someone, making them promise to take care of her when he was gone-
“lieutenant. you can have your personal moments on your own time. we’re on a schedule here.”
she’s done. something snaps in her as she whirls around from where she was previously standing to gather her things from the weapon locker, sliding her rifle back to wear it had been in the gun stand. “you’ve just got nothing good to say, do you sergeant? every damned comment, every sly remark and retort. i don’t know whether you hear yourself when you talk, but you’re a fucking asshole.”
she can’t bring herself to raise her voice at him. tavarii never did, and she doesn’t intend to either. but something about his face changes as tears begin pouring down her face. she can’t stop it, all the memories are flooding back too quickly, seeing their families, realizing their soldiers weren’t coming back. their wives, husbands, fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers.
their families.
when merla was by her bedside, trying not to cry as she told her about the twins, hakio unable to speak. a girl and a boy, at least six or seven by now. at least she thinks. hakio tries her best not to think about the time in between now and then.
that she’d been the only one to survive. “you want my position? take it. fucking take it because i’m not putting up with you anymore.”
her helmet goes rolling across the floor as she pushes past him, dashing past c2-n2 to leave without dorne or jorgan. she’s breaking down, she knows that she is as she heads out into the spaceport. she has nowhere to go, she hasn’t even contacted garza yet to let her know they’ve landed.
well, jorgan would. she knows that he would. just as fast as her promotion arrived, it’d be taken from her.
maybe she’d just resign.
stars knows jorgan would be pleased to run havoc without her.
“is she usually like this, sergeant?” dorne asks as he picks up her helmet. dented by the throw, but she’d received it on ord mantell, only taking it off once or twice in the field to cool off. it’s still in pristine condition, surprising by all the firefights they’ve been in with her wearing it. “is she an angry person by nature?”
“no. she’s not.” he holds back a growl. he’s not angry with dorne, and he’s not angry with hyperion either. maybe, he has been too harsh.
“ran with the junkers a bit.” she patches herself up, wrapping a bandage around her exposed bicep, ripping off what she doesn’t need with her teeth. she pauses, looking at the roll of bandages like it holds some sentimental meaning to her. “…just got there as a private two years before the accident. got transferred over, got promoted to sergeant while i was there.”
he knows a little about the junkers. never crossed paths with them (the deadeyes often ran missions alone), but always heard good things about what they did on balmorra and corellia. only big thing that he’d heard before their dissolvement was that there was an accident, one that hyperion had been part of. “only survivor after the explosion.”
aric’s curious. he thought they’d dissolved after the accident, not that hyperion had been the only survivor of said accident. “never forgave myself after that but…can’t dwell on the past i guess.” she turns to him over her shoulder, throwing on her undershirt and moving to pick up the pieces of her armor. “let’s get going sergeant, hoping to find needles by life day.”
she’s a strong woman, she shows that time and time again. saved him more times than he can count on his fingers and toes, and is a frightening shot with both a blaster and a rifle. the way hyperion throws herself out there is terrifying, and inspiring.
but, he was beginning to see the chinks in her armor. how loud sounds when they weren’t in battle terrified her, how he’d get up early and find her slumped over in the pilot’s chair with a datapad in hand. sometimes, she seems to go for days without eating anything, how she’d always have hands running on her modifications when she was thinking. the zr-57 on ord mantell, it hadn’t seemed like a big issue in the beginning, but the more he thinks about it, the more he realizes hyperion didn’t have a firm grasp on the situation. she’d ask question after question about the specifics, the radius of damage, what wiring ran through it. she wanted to know because she was comparing it to the bomb that had killed the junkers.
he was beginning to realize that maybe his CO didn’t have it all together, even though she tried time and time again to show that she did. aric himself recognized from his previous team that she was experiencing a form of ptsd.
“this is none of my business, i’m sorry. but sergeant, you may want to talk to her when she returns. she’s not alright.”
“i can see that, dorne.” he says, a growl escaping him anyways. rubbing his temples, he sets the helmet down on the holoterminal. “well, she won’t be back for a while, so whatever you need to get done, do it now.”
“yes, sir.” she nods curtly and heads back to the med bay. the more he looks at the helmet, the more he realizes he’s messed up. that what he’s been doing isn’t right, and it’s clearly taken it’s toll on her. he’d done his research on the accident. the bomb that had taken out the junkers’ tanker hadn’t been anything near the zr-57, but strong enough to immobilize a republic tanker. done by imperials, he figured. hyperion must’ve know everything to know about that bomb.
is he still jealous? yes, quite a bit in fact. the position should’ve been his. but, hyperion’s molded to the role. the way she checks on dorne and he before tending to her own wounds, even after only a couple of fights on the way back to the ship. the way she’s awake until he and dorne have settled down, the way she makes sure they have their things before retreating to her private quarters.
she’s social with dorne. spent a good deal of time talking to her after acquiring her on taris, one of the few smiles hyperion’s ever graced him with. well, graced anyone other than him with. it’s been as icy as hoth between them since they left ord mantell.
this might be her tipping point.
and he doesn’t know whether she’s coming back or not. dorne seems to just accept it, but knowing what he knows about hyperion, he’s concerned she may not walk back through the ship doors. but why does he care so much all of a sudden? this is what he was waiting for, a chance to demote her and become CO again.
but, something about the scarred lieutenant makes that feel sour just as the thoughts cross his mind. it just feels…well wrong. he shouldn’t wish that on her. she’s worked hard, just trying to impress him even. but he ignores it, in favor of finding every little issue she’s ever had, every little mistake she’s ever made.
which is why when it’s late at night, and he hears the familiar shink of the door leading to the outside of the thunderclap, he stands up a bit straighter in the weapons locker, finishing up with her rifle. cleaned and outfitted with a couple of mods he had lying around, he hadn’t even realized he’d been working so late. dorne had already had a round through the 'fresher and had an mre by herself by this time.
her steps are light, even weighed down by durasteel boots. peeking out of the small armory, she’s not even looking up at him, holding herself up by the wall of the ship. it seems she can’t make it any further by herself, because she slides down the wall and buries her face in her hands. he figures dorne wouldn’t hear it, probably sleep by now, but his heightened hearing picks up on her soft sobbing. she would hate for anyone to see her like this, he’s met other soldiers like her. they never do, but any comfort from him would make it worse.
but he knows her better than dorne does. and while he doesn’t know what makes her tick (other than him), he figures he’s better than nothing.
scratching off a letter to her, he picks out an mre. when she disappears to her quarters, he leaves it outside her door and knocks softly. maybe she wouldn’t find it until the next morning, but…
well, it was the little things, he figures as he lies awake in the shared quarters, falling asleep to the sound of dorne’s soft breathing across from him.
you fell asleep before you came back to eat. nothing special, and i know you probably dislike me after this afternoon, but take care of yourself. can’t get yourself worked up over me if you can’t stand on your own two feet.
she drags herself out of bed when she hears the knock. from how soft it is, she figures it’s dorne. there’s a note left with the mre, so as she goes to prepare it, she reads it through blurred eyes. she’s not sure whether someone forced him to write this as an apology, but it lifts her mood a bit.
she considers resigning again. it was the only thing on her mind today. she didn’t even end up leaving the spaceport, she just climbed until she couldn’t get down in her current state, right on the top of the thunderclap. nar shaddaa’s lights taunted her from outside, but she’d hate to be seen like this by anyone. within or outside of havoc.
hakio doesn’t think she could handle seeing jorgan again after the afternoon. she’s embarassed herself so badly, and stars is this going to haunt her everyday until she dies.
but as she picks at the ready-made meal, she considers it. leaving it all behind? and what for? to sit around with nothing but a target to shoot at and no way to express herself as a senator’s sister?
she scribbles a letter back in her loopy script, and padding into the weapons locker, she stashes the paper in between her rifle and his.
i don’t just forget to eat. though, i am grateful for your concern over my health.
i assure you this won’t happen again.
he finds the card nestled in the weapons locker the morning after. she has better handwriting than he’s ever given her credit for, but as they head out the next morning, he pulls her aside while dorne is gathering her things.
“something out of line again, sergeant?” she raises an eyebrow, crossing her arms over her chest. same sass, but puffier eyes, which the the worst case scenario, makes her look sadly pathetic.
“no. just…blast it, glad you’re back, lieutenant. thought i’d have to run havoc myself.” the words spill out of him unintentionally, but the hardened look in her eyes lifts for a moment.
“oh.” she tries not to make eye contact with him, but mutters a 'thank you.’ when dorne returns from the medbay and they head off into the bowels of the smuggler’s moon.
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crqstalite · 4 years
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An elite squadron made up of Colonel Hakiojkl Hyperion-Jorgan, Major Aric Jorgan, Captain Elara Dorne, Captain Xev’heng Lumere, Lieutenants Tanno Vik, Yuun, Jaak’lo Khethak, Synntai Pakar, Ryean Wystern and Sergeant Vza’haria Atiya. Though coming from rough beginnings on Ord Mantell, the crew has slowly grown larger and more powerful. Also made up of the sub-group that operates alone at times, Mayhem Squad, the Republic is in good hands as long as this crew is active.
Hakiojkl Hyperion-Jorgan.
Rank: Colonel, Commanding Officer
Sub-Class: Vanguard
Specialist: Heavy damage dealer
Jaak’lo Khethak.
Rank: Lieutenant/Specialist
Sub-Class: Vanguard
Specialist: Covert Ops
Xev’heng Lumere.
Rank: Captain
Sub-Class: Commando
Specialist: Medic
Synntai Pakar.
Rank: Lieutenant
Sub-Class: Commando
Specialist: Demolition
Vza’haria Atiya.
Rank: Sergeant, Specialist
Sub-Class: Vanguard
Specialist: Sniper
Ryean Wystern
(not pictured)
Rank: Lieutenant
Sub-Class: Vanguard
Specialist: Technician
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crqstalite · 4 years
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Fuck Leontyne Saresh.
Fuck Theron Shan.
Fuck the whole damn Republic while you were at it.
Hakio and her respective squad were being pulled off a very-well deserved leave to deal with what? Yet another SIS agent's fuck-up? A whole month, the longest time they'd had off, so she had to be grateful for what they did get. It could've been two days.
She was usually much more understanding about these situations, she did sign up for this and she would lay down her life for the Republic any day of the week, no questions asked. But at the same time, there was a point that every soldier asked themselves 'what in the blazes did I get myself into this time?'
Today seemed like it was that day for her.
Hakio wasn't about to blow it off and run. Going AWOL was never the answer and would probably result in a hefty sentence if she even managed to make it out of the core worlds. Though she did have yet to see how and why Republic SpecForces needed to get involved on an Imperial planet. Saresh had sent them some very odd places after Garza had stepped down for the time being, and all of them were getting closer and closer to being in direct offense of the Treaty of Coruscant. Now traipsing all over Imperial territory with no regard for the loss of life that would surely result? That just absolutely stunk of trying to get them off the map entirely while their faction was in shambles. While it was, yes, an opportunity to weaken the Imperials further after what had occurred on Makeb and more recently their Emperor's reawakening according to intelligence reports, it seemed poorly thought out when she ran it through simulations. Ryean often concurred with this opinion. Saresh believed that it was the prime time to cripple the Empire and in turn, the Emperor himself. No one had spoken out against her, so here they were, a few hours out of orbit of the Imperial planet.
An absolutely outstanding plan theoretically, one that she'd like to shred in real life since she was the one that had to carry it out with her own squad.
However, she also wasn't such a horrible person that she'd send the newly formed Mayhem Squad off on their own just so she could sleep a couple more hours. Ziost, from Saresh's point of view, was one of the most dangerous missions they'd handle, if not the most dangerous. Going directly onto an Imperial planet without any other SpecForce teams to back them up? Hakio could very easily see where she was coming from. A lot of the new squad that had formed under Havoc were still a little too green for her to feel comfortable about just overseeing their missions from Command even though they were all rather experienced in the field, but it was Garza's suggestion she let Jaak'lo and Vza'haria be the primary leaders of the operation. It had taking some toiling with, but eventually she gave the order.
Whatever questionable things Elin Garza had done in the past, Hakio still trusted the woman with her life. Maybe thought twice about what she said, what she advised her to do with Havoc Squad while she was on military leave (after all this time the woman still hadn't given up anything about Eclipse Squad to Command, but stepping down for some time would have to do with the current state of the galaxy), but she had yet to steer her wrong too badly just yet.
It would be good to give them a chance to shine their true colors, to see if they really were capable of leading a Republic squad with the reputation it had garnered in the past few years. Not that Hakio liked to doubt her people, but this would be a training exercise with some very real consequences if things went wrong. If they did split from Havoc in the near future, as Command would surely see fit to do, it would be nice to know which pair of hands Mayhem would be in when she wasn't overseeing them anymore.
Captain Vza'haria Atiya wasn't green -- stars she was an original member of Havoc Squad. Older than Hakio herself, for stars sake. She had years of experience that Hakio would die to get her hands on, a Mirialan sniper from the heart of Coruscant who she's sure was born with a sniper rifle in her hands. Though she was often cold, yet also calculating and easy to anger, if anyone should've been leading Havoc, it should've been Vza'haria. Yet her near-betrayal landed her with a ten year sentence and on the military blacklist until she was past her prime. The talent was surely going to go to waste in a prison cell, until Garza pulled her out only a third of the way through to rejoin the squad to track down Fuse on Tatooine. She was still technically on watch, but her service fighting Rakton gave her a chance at leading again for Havoc's sister squad, Mayhem.
Her second in command, also Lieutenant Jaak'lo Khethak was green, very green -- and it wasn't a joke at his skin color either. Yet another Mirialan, Jaak'lo had been in the military for a shorter amount of time than Hakio had been part of the original Havoc Squad before he was already being shoved promotion after promotion. He was an extremely talented covert ops soldier, and often got in and out of places that even Jonas couldn't boast about. He was actually recruited at Jonas' request, because eventually his off-the-books operations (that were, yes, successful, especially for a one man team, evidently digging up some Republic secrets that would get quite a few Colonels and Commanders in some serious trouble) were gaining the attention of the SIS and the poor kid would end up getting himself into some serious trouble if the brass found out about it. Garza had her concerns at first with his 'shoot first think later' attitude that reminded her of Aric in a way, but he'd quickly shown that his stealth generator was not just for show.
They could surely handle Ziost's mission with Xev'heng, Synntai and Ryean by their sides, but it didn't still mean that Hakio wasn't going to worry about the state of her team. Something just, doesn't sit right with her about the entire operation. Landing a direct attack on an Imperial planet? Especially in a time of panic that no one even understood? Something that had the entire Imperial faction scrambling to get it together? Forget that she was pissed that Theron Shan had dragged her into to this (effectively, he'd dragged the entire Republic into his mess from her perspective, so it was totally justified), there was about zero other reports coming in from anywhere. How quick Havoc had been contacted only a day beforehand after their last mission to Belsavis to quell an uprising, it was just plain weird. Saresh hadn't checked any of her sources, all that was known (or was being released to the general public -- the military who turned a blind eye to this, and all intelligence reports were either locked to her or simply weren't being shared) was that something big was going down, and a line of Jedi was in danger. Not even a basic mission report had been forwarded to her or Aric, no briefings that held any real information to it. Only that Theron Shan had lead them there without anyone's knowledge or approval, and now he was in real danger for some reason or the other. Things were way too hush-hush for it just to be an extraction mission for a single SIS agent and a handful of Jedi and not have other factors at work.
Something just didn't add up. Hakio would never say she was the smartest out of the bunch, she rarely was and often wasn't afraid to admit it when she didn't understand something, but even Vza'haria was lost on this one. There were too many unknowns for her to be gung-ho about landing. A lot of caution was to be exercised here, yet no one lived up to that expectation.
And that was just a tad bit too terrifying, being without all the answers. Uncovering things on the field had never gone well for Hakio beforehand. The cybernetics and scars that littered her body made her living proof that one extremely brief report could be the end to a soldier as you knew them.
She had no reason to believe it would now.
Without being under someone that had history with them, it wasn't as easy to get away with things, or get out of unnecessary missions. They couldn't reject a mission from up top, which was an injustice within itself, but there also wasn't much they could do about it until they landed on Ziost. Yet again they were simply pawns in the Republic's war, and for the last few missions, they were getting way worse at chess than Hakio thought they could be.
A whole building full of people, and not one person could be bothered to stop and think, hey, this might get a lot of people unnecessarily killed! We should get more intelligence before we send our top squad onto an Imperial-occupied planet!
Stars, she fucking hated working for the brass. Since Corellia, it felt like that was all they ever did. Moral or otherwise, they followed orders and dealt with the fallout from their decisions on their own. Not like she'd have the job she did now if she didn't accept the way things were, even if it earned her a lot of questions from her parents, or from her siblings after ops that went all the way right...but still made people ask a lot of questions that legally, she couldn't answer.
With a sigh, she sits down on her bed with a huff, running a hand through her short afro. Picking up her datapad off the night table, she scrolls absentmindedly through the few reports that have been received from Command, all overridden by Saresh's new order to Ziost. The day of training she'd planned while they were en route was enough to blow off steam and get the stress of the mission out of her head for a period of time. The team was improving marginally, and it was enjoyable for most involved. Tanno and Synntai had managed to make the entire thing a competition again (though Elara reminded them both multiple times that not only were they opposite genders, that they were completely different species with different skillsets physically), but the raw power they expended was enough to let Hakio sit back and let them burn themselves out. Yuun, while often quiet, was strong in his own ways without the flashy barbells and whatnot. Elara continued to remind her that though she was a medic, that did not mean she was weak or powerless.
The crew had grown since Coruscant, when it'd just been her and Aric traipsing through government regulations and conspiracies galore for the first time. How he'd managed to make every single mission insufferable, how she would do anything to get fifteen minutes away from him, if that. All her buttons had managed to be pressed by the man in the early days, and there were a lot of times she was ready to give up the mantle of CO for just three seconds of relative peace. Then came Elara, a breath of fresh air compared to the Cathar, who she'd bonded with quicker than Aric, heritage and past with the Empire entirely forgotten for their now friendship. At that point was when the Republic sat up and took notice of Jaak'lo, and he began working covertly for Command and in turn, Havoc. Fourex had become her favorite droid in the entire galaxy after Nar Shaddaa. Vza'haria and Ryean had come in on Tatooine and Alderaan respectively. Tanno on Balmorra, Xev'heng on Hoth.
How much her family had grown since then, what she'd given up for them, and what she'd gained because of them. Yes, she'd had a family beforehand, but people she could share the military life with was simply more comforting than people she only saw once every year. With a heavy heart, Hakio fingers the ring beneath her shirt, the one that hangs on a strong golden chain around her neck, typically underneath her armor. She wasn't often able to wear it properly except for during leave, but today she'd had to forgo wearing it to keep from breaking it entirely. It was one of her most important belongings, a simple silver band that still held so much meaning all these years later. It seemed so delicate, yet it'd seen her through the Battle of Ilum without shattering in two. She smirks, her lifemate (it was still such an odd word to use, especially regarding that of her and Aric Jorgan, someone she couldn't even stand three years before hand, even if they had been married that long) had been so concerned about getting her something fancy and shiny that he hadn't even considered that maybe she didn't want anything like it until she mentioned her lack of interest in jewelry only a few months beforehand while they were camped out in the trenches of Balmorra. The look on his face, one of mild relief with that new knowledge. At the time, she hadn't even known he was thinking of marrying her, much less proposing to her.
Such an arbitrary concern now, about whether she'd have a pretty rock on her finger and an out-of-this galaxy wedding. All the things that became meaningless in the following months.
And here they were, about to face down yet another unknown evil. She shakes her head, there were always so many in this line of work. Well, this time it was known, it was the whole Emperor of the Sith bearing down on the galaxy again. It was never fun, and she never knew whether everyone would return to the Thunderclap again because of it. Whether she'd hear the laughter of the team's demolitionists in the cargo bay, or watch as Xev'heng and Elara honed their craft in the medbay, or even share the galley with the rowdy team ever again. Whether someone's bunk would have to be stripped, whether she'd have to attend a funeral in her rarely worn formal wear. Whether someone's weapon would never leave the weapon rack again, if a room remained dark because they weren't there.
Her grip tightens on the ring, before unhooking the necklace and sliding it off the chain to admire it in the dim light. Whether she'd ever see Aric again, was always the question in her mind when she left the Thunderclap. She'd pledged her love and life to him as her lifemate until the end of her life, but that 'to death do us part' line was always hanging over their heads like a dark cloud because of just how easily it could become reality. It was striking just a tad bit too close to home every time the words crossed her mind. There were plans in place for this kind of thing, who would get what, who would be promoted, who would lead. Who's family would have to be tracked down first to ask them the hard questions about what to do now.
It wouldn't make it any easier, watching as her life unraveled, either from heaven or her empty Coruscant apartment. It would leave her with less questions about what to do when he was gone, and she wouldn't be as much of a mess after it all, but she could only imagine how her mind would twist things oh so dramatically. How it would be unbearable to be anywhere that they'd been together, as she'd been by Aric's side since she could remember. To do anything without him, after finally finding the person that loved and respected her, would destroy her from the inside out.
She was still considering dropping the mission entirely. Though, she didn't know how to, they were already too close to Ziost to just drop out now. How to tell Saresh she wasn't interested in risking her life like this for a mission with little to no intel, reliable or otherwise. They were The Havoc Squad. They were one of the most important SpecForce squads in the Republic, if not the most important. If they weren't at the frontlines of most missions, the brass was afraid people would lose hope in their war against the Imperials. Since they'd continued fighting after Corellia and won while they were at it, the brass decided they were the poster children of the military now. Stepping down, for any reason, would paint the Republic in a bad light.
And Saresh simply could not have that, now could she?
Stars she hated her.
"You're overthinking again." Aric says knowingly, and she snaps her head up from her palm, clutching the ring tightly as she swivels her head around to the doorway, dropping the datapad on the mattress in surprise. Hakio had been caught yet again, and she'd been surprised by Aric many times before, and this probably wouldn't be the last time. She was notorious for having tunnel vision when she's focused (or overthinking, as she's been accused of), metaphorically, and this wasn't any different. He'd gone to shower what felt like only a few minutes before hand, but a glance at the chrono on the wall alludes her to believing that it had gotten away from her. She, in comparison, was still sticky with cooling sweat, which was a disgusting feeling now that she focused on it, "What is it about now?"
"Nothing, everything. The usual." Hakio answers, relaxing as the blast door slides shut again, leaving them in relative privacy. Something hits the ground loudly just up the stairs from their quarters, she knows the sound rather well. She winces, though it isn't muted so she assumes it's not a body (one bad argument between -of course- Synntai and Vik that ended in a scuffle that was probably better designated as a fight between subordinates), but it did sound rather expensive, durasteel against durasteel, "Debrief didn't go well with Jaak and Viz, huh?"
"Somehow, I doubt that's it for either of them." He answers, hesitating for a moment before sitting down next her. Almost instinctively she lays her head against his shoulder, feeling the tension drain out of her muscles. It's a comforting touch that she relishes in, and a quiet but obvious purr alludes her to that he isn't exactly hiding his own enjoyment. His fur is still damp, but not wet enough for her to shy away from it, "They seem as if they're in varying states of preparation though, Viz has gotten a little too quiet, and I'm sure Jaak is on the holonet where he shouldn't be. I think it went well."
"It's like watching my younger siblings before a major exam again." She says sarcastically, and he holds out his hand for her, and she takes it, intertwining their fingers together. His own ring glints against the dim light of their quarters, silver against his auburn fur. A tingle runs through her senses as he leans back against her. She sighs, eyes flickering to the datapad next to her before closing her eyes and leaning against him, "I thought I was making the right decision, letting them lead us through Ziost. Though, more and more I think about it, don't you think something smells way too fishy about this? Like...something just isn't right? Especially with us only being contacted yesterday about everything...she can't actually expect us to be okay with this, can she?"
"Hakio, I've learned questioning Command never got us anywhere good, or any closer to answers. If you're really concerned, couldn't you pull a few people from the mission? Eleven people anywhere is already pushing it, maybe it's better we only bring the people we need." Aric considers, before pushing a leg around her so that he has her a sort of hug instead, and she's beginning to melt into puddy at just the feeling of him around her. This, was why people didn't mix business with pleasure, she could never get anything done when he was all cuddly like this, "We don't really need two medics, do we?"
"With our crew? Aric that's like asking for a death sentence." Hakio rolls her eyes, looking up at him. He chuckles darkly, a grin on his face that matched the one that was slowly creeping up on her as well, "As 'classically trained' as our dear Alderaanian heir is, I doubt he even knows his way around a kolto injection. As for Viz, I'm pretty sure she sees medics as optional. You saw the injuries she came back with from her solo mission to Nar Shaddaa. She's a good leader, but absolutely horrid about asking for help when she needs it." Hakio groans, the Mirialan was toting around a few blaster wounds as well as a broken wrist before she'd returned to the Thunderclap during mid-morning reps, and claiming that she didn't need a med droid because here she was, standing on her own, right? That was honestly one of her many fears about Ziost, that Viz would get hurt and put everyone else above her health and stay fighting much longer than she needed to.
Elara had already told her there were plenty of injuries, such as Vza'haria's wrist (that according to records had been snapped plenty of times before and had an extended range of motion because of it), that wouldn't ever heal properly since she didn't take the downtime required for them to heal.
"Everyone comes back with a story from Nar Shaddaa. And that's something she'll have to work out for herself, just like you did." He responds, as she picks up her datapad again during the moment of silence. Just reaching over for it, she pauses to see if Aric would stop her or if he would become upset with her need for it (it felt like all she did was look at the stupid hunk of metal for the last couple of days, and now with their midnight holocall from Saresh hanging over their heads, she's sure he's even a tad bit frustrated that she hasn't had time for him). He shifts so his arms are around her waist instead, his head on her shoulder now as he looks over it, maybe curious about the contents. His purring grows louder as he gently nudges her neck with his chin, and it takes quite a bit of willpower not to drop her shoulder entirely. Hakio's getting a tad too warm to be comfortable, but that's what she got for marrying a Cathar -- entirely not about the way that he made her feel, "Besides Viz though, I'm sure some part of Havoc will get called out for something while we're on Ziost. If we don't make the decision, I'm sure someone up top will for us. And with the lack of information, we could get stuck down there and people could die across the galaxy because of it."
"We're not the only SpecForce squad in the galaxy, but I see where you're coming from. Elara or Xev'heng could be useful somewhere else instead of being on Ziost. Though I wouldn't want to seperate them, you know how Xev gets." Hakio deadpans, thinking of how irritable and quick to anger the Twi'lek medic became without his wife. It wasn't always immediately obvious, but it did quickly become difficult to handle at times. She would think that a medic would be more soft-spoken and understanding, but Xev'heng rarely was soft or understanding to anyone.
"If it's a matter of life or death, he'll wait a week to see Dorne." Aric advises, "Your call though."
"No, no you're right, as you always seem to be for some reason." Hakio affirms, rolling her eyes playfully, "I'll start thinking about team composition in a bit, get people where they need to be before we get to Ziost. Do we even have clearance to land yet?"
"Not as far as I'm concerned, and I highly doubt that we're going to get any sort of clearance to begin with. Think this was a split second decision by our favorite person in the Senate." He growls, scrolling down the list himself absentmindedly as the aurebesh drawls by in a dizzying array of blue, "Isn't the safest op to be screwing with rules and regulations either. Really think there could've been more planning involved, but isn't much we can do 'till we land."
"We'll have to get someone to hit Coruscant for resupply while we're gone anyways. I'd send C2, but he's down for repairs this week because Yuun is updating him and Fourex. Not to mention that we're already nearly there. I don't even have a comprehensive list of who else will be down here with us except a couple Jedi masters that she just happened to mention on the report." She sighs defeatedly, before looking up at him, "Swear this job is going to be the literal death of me. Is there anything we can't go without?"
"Not anything I can think of at the moment. Some of your lighter armor needs basic repairs, but I'm guessing we're going full commando so it shouldn't be a problem." Finishing the thought, he presses a kiss to her lips, and she sinks into the touch. It's as euphoric as the first time, as it often is. Staring into his emerald green eyes, she smiles tiredly, laying flush against him. Hakio can't name another person in the galaxy besides her parents who she's felt safer with than Aric, yet it feels like every moment is another opportunity to lose him. He presses another kiss to her temple before asking, "You ever wish we were normal sometimes? Home somewhere else than a ship? More stable jobs, maybe a litter of runts while we're at it?"
"Normal, is overrated, sorry. What would I even be doing without the military? A housewife?" Hakio asks, chuckling. It's a question that's been thrown around for years, never with a concrete answer either. The military had been sown into her from a young age, and to just leave would be an injustice to her upbringing. Not to mention this was all she knew, she wouldn't know much better to be anything better -- because there wasn't anything better. With all the death and danger and bloodshed, yes she was sure she could acquire a job less gory but it wouldn't make her happy, not the way protecting people did. While productive, being someone like her mom or like her other siblings just didn't interest her. Of course, the idea of being a mother wasn't a horrid one, just not one she wanted to put into practice. Anyone with her and Aric for parents...she wasn't sure she wanted to see the results with all of their flaws. Not to mention that she was thirty four and still lived off rations instead of just cooking 'like a sane person' (courtesy of her older sister Quinne Hyperion, who had lived with both her and Aric while she'd been down from a concussion; the woman despised the fact that neither partner knew much about 'fine cooking'). At least hungry soldiers accepted it wholeheartedly without a second question, including her lifemate, "Think I would go mad within the week."
"Maybe." He teases, sliding the datapad out of her hands and next to them on the mattress so that her attention is on him again, "Maybe not. Never knock it 'till you try it, right?"
"I tried it for nearly twenty years. I hated every single second of it, especially because you weren't in it." She murmurs softly, a genuine, if not also softer smile crossing her features. He scoffs, Aric Jorgan was never one for affection in the pure form, but it didn't mean that he didn't appreciate it, his smile mirroring her own, "To be absolutely clear, I wouldn't want to be anywhere other than on the Thunderclap fixing things, or on Coruscant with the roar of traffic around us and waiting to hear if anyone's caused a scandal lately, or without you. So I don't wish to be normal, I never would've met the people that make me who I am now. That's the answer to your question."
"I don't know where you get all this sappiness, but it looks like it is far too late to get out of it." He snickers. She gives him a look, although the intentions are kind, so she isn't particularly offended by the comment, "Don't ever change, yeah?"
"I think I can keep that promise." Though her mood has lifted considerably since he'd arrived, her expression drops again as her com beeps with an unanswered call, her eyes darting to where it sits charging on it's port. Hopefully, not anyone that would be too pissed with her not answering when they called, "Promise me you'll be careful on Ziost, please. You said it yourself, it's a dangerous op to be playing games with and--"
"And I wouldn't know what to do without you. I know." His hand tightens on her's, trying to comfort her. He isn't exactly smiling at the thought, but she knows that he would do just about anything for her. The injuries he'd sustained while under her direction still makes her heart ache. It was all for her, it was always for her, "We're mates for life, and death doesn't exactly come easy for Jorgans, I hope you know."
"Believe me, I'm sure every medic on Coruscant can vouch for that opinion." She responds, a sad smile on her face as her thumb brushes a scar running along Aric's jaw, "Doesn't mean we're immortal though, Aric. Promise me that you'll be careful, please. It might not mean much, but it'd give me peace of mind at the very least. Know your CO actually gives a shit if you come back or not, and that your wife will miss you so very much if you don't."
He looks nearly apologetic as he tries to form his words, fumbling with his thoughts before he can compose it all, "I promise I'll come back to you, Hakio. I always will. Imps can try to take me from you, but can't promise they'll be alive after it all."
"That's...such a veiled threat, Aric. But I still appreciate it nonetheless." She's less worried now, and more amused by the idea. One that she knew was entirely true and not at all a ruse to keep her from worrying. He captures her lips again, gentle at first before she nips at his bottom lip.  It was the little things that kept her going, the late nights, the brief touches disguised as bumping into each other. Coming home to him was what made it all worth it.
The comm rings incessantly again, so as disappointed as she is, she pulls away from him. Fixing her shirt and picking the blasted thing off it's charger, she waves a goodbye as she leaves their personal quarters and up the stairs to the empty cockpit.
Business before pleasure, as much as that business interrupted her pleasure, it was also the thing that lead her to the love of her life. Hell, if it lost her love, then someone would have hell to pay. She would not go quietly.
She loved him, and before she was Major Hakiojkl Hyperion, she was Hakio Jorgan.
"Major Hyperion speaking..."
"Twelve O'clock!" Hearing Aric's voice over her com, Hakio whips around just fast enough to leap out of the way of yet another Sith, sliding on the snowy duracrete. He swings his lightsaber around again, but a sniper shot knocks him backwards onto the ground. Blood pools from his shoulder, and she jacks his head with the butt of her rifle as he rises again. Knocked out cold, but not dead from the look of things. Still breathing, yet not all there. One and the same with the rest of the people they'd faced.
She's partially glad that it's an Imperial this time, they've already run into quite a few Republic soldiers. Thankfully, none she knew by name, rank or face. No one that had flown down with her, no one who's squad she could get into contact with now as far as she was concerned, but a lot of them went down easy enough so that she didn't have to watch them die. A pang hit her heart at the thought, how many orange and white uniforms were now stained by blood that they'd spilled over the last few hours. They'd all been attempting to kill them mercilessly yes, but under the influence of something vicious. She couldn't help but feel guilty, and was sure that it was something that Command would try to cover up in the mission debrief with the Senate. The few that they'd picked off through necessity (just as she predicted, Vza'haria had sustained quite a few injuries without ever telling anyone until they'd regrouped) had stopped glowing the odd, unnatural red that seemed to be the norm among those controlled by some odd force once they died. Hakio was no Jedi, and didn't even begin to understand the inner workings of the Force, but there was definitely something Jedi-ish about all of this, of not Sith. The Sith they'd just been fighting, like many other Force users they'd been unable to kill outright, continued glowing, but didn't move again.
It was time to move on. New Adasta, as she'd learned the name of the city that they had landed in, was littered with bodies and controlled people alike. To say the least, she was very glad that Aric had talked her into leaving the Thunderclap with Xev'heng, Tanno, Yuun, Fourex and Synntai. Leaving the ship here while they wandered around would've probably left it in the hands of some very desperate Imperials trying to get off planet.
Now that she thought about it, she hadn't heard much from anyone lately. Of course, other than the team's coms, people kept quiet as not to be caught by Imperial forces. It was standard protocol, so she didn't suspect much just yet, but their hour check-in was coming up soon. A few squads had already dropped out of contact with the rest of the strike force, Aurek, Cresh and Resh were missing as of the last periodic check up, not to mention how many squads had reported losing squadmates to the Emperor's control. To put it simply, no one could afford to swerve from the mission entirely and track them down, so for now they were simply considered MIA. It was frustrating hearing the silence as each squad called in except for them, and she winced as Krenth's CO kept asking when they'd be back. She had half a mind to think that they were looking for their sibling or loved one on the opposite team.
Hakio didn't want to come across the squads, dead or controlled. She'd never be able to get the picture out of her head, she already knew that much.
No one had managed to find anyone from the squads as they scoured the city either. Whether they'd turned and become part of the murderous populace or simply were hiding out from Imperial forces...it was anyone's guess at this point. And no one wanted to play that game of chicken either.
Not everything had to gone to shit just yet though, the intel was plentiful and she was sure Command would appreciate it. The Imperial forces who weren't controlled just yet were being pushed back, alongside the civilians who were just trying to make it to evacuation shuttles. Saresh had yet to contact any of the squads though, and for now it was just learn and return. And fight back as much of the Imperial military as they could. Civilians were off-limits for everyone, though with the bodies that littered the ground, that they'd been killed in the crossfire, not intentionally. If anything, the few with stab wounds from vibroknives were surely civilian-civilian kills. The aching grows more potent as she averts her gaze from a child who lay motionless against a building.
It was frustrating at best, disastrous at worst.
She was going to wring Theron Shan by his neck if she didn't get out of here within the next few days, or the Emperor himself. Not only had she not heard from a single Sixth Line Jedi within the time they'd landed (no other squad had managed to either, so she took that as a bad sign), it was not to mention that not many knew just how long they were supposed to be here either. With all of the similarities in armor among the snow, this wasn't supposed to be a siege on Ziost, it was a siege on the Imperial military. One that was being lost, not because of idiocy on either army, but because of this new controlled force that was eating away at the planet's population and the opposing forces.
"Viz, three O'clock!" Jaak'lo yells, another Imperial taking a shot at her that Hakio hadn't seen previously. She'd have to hand it to the Lieutenant when this was all over, he was nothing if not extremely versatile in the field, not to mention detail-oriented and precise. Before Vza'haria can even begin to react, something pushes her out of the way, surely the Force again. She hits the ground hard, smacking onto the duracrete with her armor and groaning audibly. Hakio takes a battle stance, cocking her rifle and scanning the area. A flash of a blue lightsaber leaps out of the shadows, striking down one of soldiers in the the encroaching platoon of Imperial soldiers she hadn't seen before. She can't even begin to try and land a shot anywhere in fear of hitting them, but it's very clear that they're not controlled. Which the accuracy and battle tactics, the Emperor had yet to get his hands on them.
Double green sabers follow quickly after, and in the distraction she races over to her fallen soldier, who was already picking herself back up and brushing off her armor with little more than a gentle acknowledgement that she would be okay. Jedi then, she figures as the pair finish off the attacking force. She darts a glance to Aric, who's been perched up on an apartment balcony for a while. He nods back in acknowledgement, and she starts off towards the pair. They're in Jedi robes, dark, long and brown, as she can see from where she's standing now, but there are bits of gold on the armor plating here and there that throw her off of believing that.
No one just...stole a lightsaber and got away with it, right?
For her sake, she hopes she's not walking to her death.
With that information, she treks on across the relatively empty (other than the soldiers, who she gave a wide berth as she crossed) dim street. A sign is flickering in and out, pink and blue, blue and then dark. In the light, one of the assumed Jedi turns around, a Mirialan male with a deep scar across his face, one that was still healing faces her first, "We have a visitor." Is all she can make out from reading his lips as he whispers to his companion.
"What can I do for you, sir?" He asks once she gets close enough to hear. His purple eyes dart to the insignia on her shoulder, "Havoc Squad was called here? Here I was thinking we were the only ones here."
"Then we'll skip the pleasantries. Good eye, and yes. Thank you for what you did, though I'm not sure I appreciate having people thrown around." He looks sheepish for a moment as she calls him out on his past actions only a few minutes ago, before recomposing himself and straightening, "Major Hyperion of Havoc Squad."
"Ah, I apologize for that. It wasn't meant to be an act of violence, though the gentle push wasn't exactly what I intended." His voice is much younger than she'd originally assumed she'd get from the scarred man, yet he's apologetic all the same so she isn't about to chew into him, "Knight Whyatt Grace. My padawan, Dhyndre Djaal." He says, motioning to the woman beside him, who glances up from her now dark holocom. A few shades lighter than she is, the woman has short blonde hair beneath the hood, and piercing blue eyes that seem to glow in the shadows. She flexes a prosthetic hand in greeting, though remains silent.
"I apologize if I assume too much, but you're Sixth Line, aren't you?" Hakio asks, taking in their small outfit. She couldn't see much past them besides a classic speeder bike, one that went out of style on Coruscant ages ago. She holds up a cease fire sign on her hand to get the rest of her squad to stand down, before turning back the two Jedi, "Haven't come across many of you yet."
"I'd be surprised if you hadn't. But we've been separated from the main group for a couple of days now. I wouldn't say that's normal but from the look of things, I'm assuming the Republic's many forces are pretty scattered as well?" He questions, as the rest of her squad crosses the street, Vza'haria rounding out the back, "Have had to hide from a couple squads I think, couldn't figure if they were Republic from a distance though."
That piece of information is enough to make her think the three missing squads had been controlled, but she pushes down the pain for the time being, "We're not exactly the entire Republic army, but yes. We're scattered across the planet, trying to push back Imperial forces. Just as Saresh requested, if you can believe." The sound of clattering boots on the ground makes her shuffle further into the shadows, the Jedi following her lead. Just as they manage to get Elara into the alley way after them, more Emperor-controlled soldiers walk down the street aimlessly. The red glowing is absolutely terrifying to watch as it wafts off of them, and she doesn't turn back to the pair until they disappear around a corner. A sigh of relief settles over the eight people once they're gone, "You haven't been turned yet?"
"I'm sure we can ask you all the same question. People have been turning out of the blue for the last two days, a lot of the Sixth Line has. Master Surro...I haven't seen her since we landed." Dhyndre adds softly, lowering her hood and brushing her hair out of her face, revealing more burn scars along the left side of her face, "Theron Shan. My master and I have tried to get into contact with him for a while, yet no one has any idea where he is. He was the whole reason we were called here."
"Only the blasted Emperor knows, I'm sure." Aric growls under his breath, though she can't even make a face because of her helmet covering her features. Turning away from him, she rolls her eyes anyways, he is right. If everyone is having the same issue with the agent, then she doesn't feel nearly as angry, "Same reason we're here, though I'm sure Saresh only sent us to save his screw up."
The pair share a look, but it's one of understanding instead of one of confusion, "We can sympathize. Though we probably aren't the best example of Jedi to begin with, we are technically black ops anyway." Dhyndre admits, wringing her hands out, "We were sent to infiltrate Ziost, but clearly things kind of went sideways. Theron's a good guy though, he's never lead me astray before. Something's really wrong with all of this, I know it. None of it makes sense."
"Can definitely see where you're coming from on that one." Hakio answers, before her com rings again. Pressing the button the side of her helmet, she listens into the static before it connects, "Go for Herf and Mern."
"Havoc, Mayhem, you're the only squad that's checked in for the last few minutes. You're late by an entire five minutes." Nern's squad CO says sternly, sighing in relief though, "Onith and Jenth are the latest squads to miss their check in, and three more have reported one or two soldiers lost to the Emperor's control. Have you been able to find any of the missing squads?"
"No. We've been alone since we landed, only a couple Imperial patrols." Hakio responds, forming a fist with her left hand as she glances over her own squad. Great, two more squads missing. Out of the thirty squads that had been brought onto Ziost, that meant twenty five were still out there. Others, she was beginning to think were really KIA. MIA was a little too hopeful for this situation if she's being entirely honest, "You?"
"We lost Rwen a couple minutes ago. They started to just...lose it. Catatonic even. Finally they just went red. During that, we just had to leave before they came after us. Multiple stories of the same thing happening to other squads are coming in by the dozen." Hakio can nearly hear Nern's CO shaking his head in disappointment, or maybe frustration, "No one from Havoc or Mayhem is showing signs? Trill mentioned being attacked by one of their squad members because they stuck around too long after the change."
"Not that I know of, no. I have all six of us here." Hakio says, flashing a look over them. No one seemed particularly out of it, so she figured they were good to continue. She gives a longer look to Vza'haria, who's armor is splattered with blood and dented in a few places, but she's keeping a lookout so the concern is dimmed, "I'll keep an eye out for them, Nern squad. Got a couple Sixth Line with us, Saresh want anything from them?"
"Not as far as I'm concerned, no. Though with how many I've seen, keep them close. The Jedi Order in general has lost many today, and I doubt they'll want to lose many more. You got names on them?" He asks.
"Dhyndre Djaal and Whyatt Grace." Both Jedi perk up at the mention of their names, and she can hear the repeat of their names over the com to someone else on Nern's CO's side, "Think the Grandmaster will be happy to know that she hasn't lost them all. If you can, get them to an evac point. Intel is saying that no one is being controlled on the space station or the fleet, and most Force-users seem to be the most affected."
"Could I get that in writing? Hell could I get everything in writing?" She asks sarcastically, and Nern's CO chuckles offhandedly, "I've got you though. I'll keep an eye out for any squads, and I'm assuming Saresh hasn't allowed us to pull out yet, has she?"
"Someone will let you know if she does. Sure from her eyes, we're winning." He says frustratedly. He says something she can't make out, before she overhears a scream. Static takes over the com.
"Nern? Nern Squad? Narvon Squad! Sorin, status!" She can't hear anything, no matter how much she tries to get a response from them. Taking her hand from her ear, she looks up at the small group around her, "Safe to say Nern Squad is down, I think."
"Blazes, not them..." Elara murmurs, disraught. Ailast Sorin had been a close friend of Elara's since Belsavis, and had managed to become acquaintances with Hakio herself. Narvon was his pride and joy, and knowing the Rattattaki was down only makes the entire situation worse, "Major, what do we do next?" She asks, turning to her.
"Whyatt, Dhyndre. Would you be missed if we got you off planet?" Hakio asks quickly, Jaak'lo pulling out his holocom just as the though rise. A map of New Adasta appears in the projection, spinning gently as a red dot lands somewhere on the map that she doesn't focus on immediately. Surely an evac point, "Whether I'm weak-minded or not by your standards, I figure we gotta get you out of here."
"I doubt anyone would know we were missing, or care." Whyatt responds, a worried look in his eyes as Dhyndre turns to him, "I'd be more afraid that the Emperor would try to take hold of one of us. Evac ship or not, as far as I know as long as we're still on planet or in orbit we can still be controlled."
"What would you do with us gone? Wouldn't it be better for us to stay and help?" Dhyndre interjects, "We're Knights, not cowards. I don't stand down in the face of danger." She says firmly, crossing her arms even in the wake of her Master's disapproval.
"The face of danger is taking the form of the Emperor himself, Ms. Djaal. This not a face you should stand in, I'm afraid." Ryean insists, his softer voice attempting to convince the young woman. She's never been more glad to have a diplomat on the team, because she looks halfway convinced, if not less conflicted than a few moments ago, "No one should have to be here right now if they don't have to be. And with the rest of the Sixth Line down and Theron MIA, your safest place would be back on Coruscant."
"I'm helping with or without you, Havoc. Even if Theron's dead, I'm still going to do my best to finish the mission. I'll leave when the intel is solid." Not exactly a compromise, but it seems she's more open to leaving eventually rather than a solid never.
"Dhyndre--" Whyatt starts sternly, before cutting himself off. Something rumbles underneath their feet, the sound of electricity arcing through the air, "That's the power dampeners. Someone's turning them off."
Hakio can hear it herself, and intends to ask why someone would be doing that in the middle of an invasion, but not before something hits the ground behind her. Whipping around, her eyes widen as she can see Vza'haria on the ground nearby, head in her hands. Pausing for a moment, she rushes over, taking a knee to look at the woman. Hakio can't figure what's wrong at first, maybe she's hit her head or maybe she's been shot somewhere. There's no blood, so she attempts to do a once-over. She can barely get her head up when the Mirialan shrieks, causing her to cover her own ears. Bent over on all fours, the woman is heaving for breaths, struggling to do much other than even stay upright. She yanks her helmet off, damp strands of blonde hair hanging over her face. Hakio opens her mouth to call Elara over, she isn't sure whether Vza'haria is having a medical emergency and needs that attention or not, but something's odd...off about her quivering as she tries to pick herself back up off the ground.
Sorin's last words become evident in her mind as she considers what is happening. It only becomes more obvious as her hands first begin to glow red, then it moves up the rest of her armor. Scrambling up, she gives Vza'haria one last look over her shoulder before running the direction back towards her squad, "Go!" Is all she can get out as they follow after her. Pressing a hand to her ear, all she gets is static at first before someone picks up, "Go for Herf and Mern!"
"I hear you Havoc, what's going on?" Krenth's CO picks up, and she's glad as she rounds out the back of the group, keeping one eye on them and the other behind her in case her fallen squadmate -- her sister is following behind them, "Havoc?"
"Reporting a turning, we've lost Captain Vza'haria Atiya to the Emperor." She can barely choke out, willing the tears away, "One more lost."
0 notes
crqstalite · 4 years
★ ★ ★
decided on doing my colonel of havoc squad, hakiojkl hyperion-jorgan because she’s coming back in shadow of the sith at some point, and i haven’t actually written for her in a long time.
Hakio only shaved her hair because it used to get tangled a lot and on the battlefield, it doesn’t provide you with brushes meant for her hair. Plus, her afro was becoming a tad unmanageable.  So, she’s content with having no hair at all. At some point in between Ziost and her recruitment to the Alliance, she had to let it grow out to a small ‘fro, and has kept it neatly trimmed in a style like this <<. Currently, she doesn’t intend to let it grow out again, in fear she’ll look like her mother.
Hakio is most literally one of the best snipers the Republic has ever seen. In the beginning she often contended with Aric because of this, but has resigned to knowing he could snipe someone trying to take a shot at her from at least a 100 meters away. She still finished first in her academy and it’s one of her favorite pasttimes to take shots at targets with her squad from time to time. Skytroopers and Knights alike did not stand a chance when the Colonel was recruited.
Hakio is horrible about guessing skill levels when dueling others. Most would consider her short and stout with all the armor on at a hefty 5″6, but most of it’s muscle beneath it. Yes, she endured the teasing and hate from others at the Academy because of how she looked, but she also became one of the best hand-to-hand fighters the Republic’s ever seen. She can disarm Aric pretty quickly with less effort than first assumed, and even Aygo’s surprised when she arrives to the Alliance and begins whipping his soldiers into shape. Not to say that she knows how to gauge when enough is enough though, she’s broken a lot of ankles and sent a few to the med bay because of it. She is an arm-wrestling champion within the Alliance though.
Hope that satisfied your curiousity! Thanks for the ask, Dela <3
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crqstalite · 4 years
archives, deceived. [vza’haria.]
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To introduce in the extended universe of the famed Havoc Squad, I introduce Vza’haria (Vza, pronounced Viza) Atiya. Her brothers will be introduced in time, but for now, here we are. I also wanted to explore the idea of the original Havoc Squad more than in-game, especially since they aren’t touched again after Chapter 1 in-game. I, obviously had a soft spot for Vanto (Fuse), because I’m a sucker for double agents. So they were romantically involved on the down low.
Also technically takes place before the events of Shadow of the Sith. The Mayhem Squad (all Havoc Squad OCs beyond Hakio) will return?
Published: 12.15.19 Words: 2,317.
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
Atiyas are big. They're strong. They're the conquerors, the winners that always come out on top. Being the recognized, prized, medal-worthy sniper of the esteemed Havoc Squad was what Vza'haria was known for. That was her, this was her. She wore the colors proudly, never letting her own morals get in the way of getting the job done. Alongside a Jedi Master as her brother and a Tythonian Defender as the other completing their family, she had her work cut out for her as the only triplet fighting the Empire without the Force.
This was her legacy. Saving people, and doing a damn good job while she was at it.
But this...this would haunt her for all her days to come.
They're surrounded by Imperials, Havoc has officially defected. We've been abandoned by the Republic, the Imperials will make this better, she remembers Vanto saying in the dim light of the crew quarters after everyone else has gone to bed, Maybe it won't be the best, but it's better than now.
Seeing the troopers on the opposite side of the war milling about nearby as she recalibrates her weapon, she's wondering if this is the right decision. If Garza thought this was the best idea for them. Had she known? Does she know?
Deep down, she knows the answer is no. She knows this isn't what she would've wanted. This isn't what is right. Vza'haria is about to start quaking in her boots as the bomb is lowered onto the supply ship. Her head is spinning, all she can think about is Ando Prime. Being left behind and surrounded by soldiers who flew the Emperor's flag. They had been abandoned, she later learned after they returned to the Core Worlds, battered and bruised. She'd nearly been past repair herself, had Needles not injected her with a sedative that left her feeling just about nothing and being unable to even move on the ride back to Coruscant. Vanto had to carry her back on planet, the pain was beginning to ebb back into her consciousness and she passed out shortly after she saw the Republic insignia over the military hospital.
They'd been reinstated into the military, but they weren't without their reservations, her especially. For months she couldn't walk on her own, much less even shoot in the shooting range. It was ages before her hands stopped shaking, or phantom pains shot up her spine. Ando Prime had been the straw that broke her.
Ord Mantell had simply been the first place they could defect properly from. They'd awarded her, trying to cover it up before it came out in the media. Harron had never been rightfully angered, Bex, Zora and Ryler weren't far behind. She and Vanto had been on the fence about carrying out the mission. They knew first hand how dangerous it could be to those inhabiting Avilatan.
At the beginning, Vza'haria had gone along with it. She'd nearly died, and all she got was a measly medal and promotion. Vza'haria had, yes, signed up for this, but not abandonment. Not to be forgotten for an unsanctioned mission. She believed in the cause until she really met the Sergeant, a feisty cyborg woman from Coruscant with a cause. Vza'haria hadn't met anyone who'd so willingly stood up to Lieutenant Jorgan (and lived to tell the tale), and her morals were in line. She really believed in what they were doing on Ord Mantell, and never bat an eye at their requests. Hakiojkl (as she later learned while sifting through files to cover up any suspicious missions that could get them caught) fought for the Republic through and through, nearly dying in a mission on Corellia for the cause. She'd suffered so many injuries she had been labelled as honorably discharged for a while before she simply picked herself back up and was redeployed to Ord Mantell.
It made her feel horrible to lie to her. It made her sit up at night instead of sleep just because of how absolutely guilty she felt. Vza'haria made a pledge to serve the Republic, fought alongside her brothers to make the Republic a better place.
And here she was, awaiting the finalities of exchange. Ready to change her entire identity for another faction. Was she really ready to give up years and years of training for one squad? This wasn't who the Atiyas were. But she needed to survive, and the Imperials might've been able to help. Vanto puts a hand on her shoulder, a strained smile. An attempt to cheer her up and that ultimately failed.
She doesn't even have to shout. Her presence is loud enough on it's own. The Sergeant has arrived, stalking her way through the stronghold. Still bleeding scars adorn her face and her uniform is torn in unarmored places, "Sergeant. I thought my orders were very clear. You're not supposed to be here."
Wraith, Zora, moves to point her rifle into the back of the Sergeant, who throws a glance over her shoulder but otherwise doesn't move her steeled gaze from their CO, "I'll take her."
"No, Wraith. The Sergeant deserves to know the truth." Vza'haria can't bear to meet the other woman's eyes. She's shivering, though it's baking in the volcano turned Seperatist base. They'd never been friendly, but she still feels horrible. At least Harron has chosen not to murder her outright. At least that part of him hasn't changed, "I had hoped it wouldn't come to this. I harbor no ill will towards you. You're everything a warrior should be. But I'm afraid the Republic no longer values her warriors-even the very best among them."
"That's insane! Havoc fought the Empire for years, and now you're just going to give it all up?" A fire burns beneath her dark eyes, standing as tall and as rigidly as she can. Pain is showing throw the cracks though, and Vza'haria is painfully reminded just how deep they are in the stronghold. It was not an easy climb, she knew that much, "You were the shining example in the Republic, and now you've turned your back on it."
"The Empire respects warriors, Sergeant. The Republic's top officials, on the other hand, have decided to cast us aside." He says. In some ways, he's right. Even she has to admit just how painful it is to be treated as canon fodder, "The truth is that no matter what they may say, the Republic senate doesn't actually believe it can win another war against the Empire. That makes you and I a threat. Every Havoc Squad victory fires up people's imaginations, fills them with pride-which means the bureaucrats can't afford to let us keep succeeding."
As slowly as she can, her hand nears the blaster attached to her hip. It seems natural, as she had her arms crossed previously, "We can win. The Republic has done it over an over again. You say the bureaucrats can't let you keep winning, but elite groups like us are what keeps the Republic's heart beating. You're really willing to see your faction go under as soon as you leave Republic airspace?"
Harron sighs, "If only you'd been with us longer, Sergeant, you would understand. You might've even come with us."
It's now or never.
"The Republic abandoned us. During a mission on Ando Prime, they simply left us to die. But I won't try to persuade you. Honestly, I hope you die with your ideals intact. The rest of us will never have that luxury."
It's now.
"It didn't have to be like this." She whispers, her blaster trained on a spot right in-between his lungs, "I admired you, Harron. I really did."
There's a click of a rifle, Zora has the barrel of her's trained on her back in the nearly exact same spot. The Sergeant is surprised, eyes wide as she tenses, "If only you'd been able to hold on a little longer."
"I'm surprised, Shadow." Harron doesn't move, but there's a sad chuckle to his voice. She can see Vanto's own disappointed face out of the corner of her eye, but she steels herself for whatever he might say to try and convince her, "I knew you had your reservations, but I thought you were with us until the end."
"Do you know what the Empire will do with that bomb? The Republic hurt me, but I won't give a bomb to them knowing they would kill innocents. That's on your conscience, that's on every single one of your consciences," She says. She's giving up the squad she's always been part of, but killing civillians is where she draws the line. The Sergeant, Hyperion, has pulled her own rifle out and the Imperials are swarming her, "I though you were better than the monster I saw you become."
"You were with us for just as long." In a flash, Harron has her disarmed, holdout blaster skidding away on the durasteel and she falls on her chest, hard. The wind is knocked out of her as she looks up, coughing, "You saw what the Republic was capable of, and yet you still fight for them. If this isn't what you want, then leave."
She struggles to get up, before Wraith shoves the butt of her rifle down her spine and she cries out in pain. It's long enough that everyone has boarded the shuttle, and she can't get up fast enough to follow after.
"Time we were off. Colonel Vorr? Please give the Sergeant and Shadow the warrior's death they deserve." And in a flash, her squad is gone, transport shuttle flying away before her eyes. All the memories, the long nights, the battles, the fights. They're gone. They've abandoned her as much as the Republic has.
Blaster shots. Hyperion has taken up cover behind a stack of crates, and faster than even she can she's sniping heads and taking out soldiers. She's snapped back into reality herself, pulling her rifle out herself and shooting through blurry eyes. Vza'haria had never been emotional, in fact most labeled her as cold. Most recruits were scared of her. But this struck a chord, hard. She was alone in the galaxy, again. Someone else had turned their back on her.
There isn't a word exchanged between her and the Sergeant on the way back to Fort Garnik. She can't bring herself to speak, and she figures that Hyperion doesn't exactly have a lot of good things to say to her either. Vza'haria is going to be labelled as a traitor to the Republic, even if she hadn't left with the rest of Havoc. She still carried out the missions leading up to the capture of the ZR-57.
The General is at Command when they return. At first, the betrayal isn't outright discussed. For a fleeting moment she thinks it's been forgotten. Jorgan has been demoted to a Sergeant, but Hyperion has been promoted to Lieutenant. It's nearly laughable, had the previous events not just occurred. The man wasn't happy, though there's a sense of pride in the new CO of Havoc Squad. For another moment, she's just a tad jealous. It should've been hers. She'd served in Havoc longer than either combined.
It's a glorified chewing out once both of them leave. Vza'haria Atiya is dishonorably discharged from the Republic military. That's fair, she's to be transported to Coruscant and tried by the Senate on the other members of Havoc. But, she'll be held in prison until then. Vza'haria refuses to call her family because of the shame that comes along with it. She doesn't want to see the disappointed faces of her brothers, of her fathers. She doesn't even know how long it will be until she sees any of them in person again.
She's frustrated. Not just with Harron, but with the Republic. She can see their perspective, and can even agree with it. Maybe she should've gone with them in the end, become an Imperial soldier instead. No one said she couldn't be a beacon of hope for the other side.
But in the end, the guilt would eat away at her. At least now, she's still part of the Republic.
"Vza'haria Atiya, you are hereby reinstated as a Sergeant of the Republic to Infantry Squad 326, code name Havoc Squad."
She never thought she'd hear the day. When she'd be regarded again as a soldier instead of a traitor by Command. She swells with pride, though she salutes instead. Hyperion, Jorgan, Dorne and Forex are with her as the holoprojector shuts off. To be able to fly the Republic's flag again is a blessing in itself. She's a sniper again, legally this time.
The mission to get here still hurts. To see Vanto one last time before he's carted off to prison, right where she'd just been. It took a piece of her, and out of sight of the others she finally gets the kiss she was promised. Just...in the worst way possible. With the worst timing.
Once they retired, they were supposed to be together for the rest of their lives. It was supposed to be her and Vanto against the rest of the galaxy. Once the war was over, they would never see the Empire again. Vza'haria Bazren was supposed to be the beacon of hope in the galaxy.
But now, she was never seeing him again. Not without a holoscreen between them.
"I love you, Vanto."
"I love you too, Vza."
"Well, I think this counts for a congratulations. One for the promotion, and the other for finally getting off that dustball." Hyperion says, a smile on her face, "Dorne, there's nothing against that is there?"
"Not that I know of." She responds, though there's something that tells Vza'haria that there probably is and she's trying not to bring down the mood, "I'll prep the ship for take off."
She's Havoc Squad again.
But at what cost?
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crqstalite · 5 years
Can you do the character profile for Hakio please? ~
Tumblr media
Full Name: Hakiojkl Bea’tri Hyperion-Jorgan
Gender and Sexuality: Female, Demisexual
Pronouns: She/Her
Ethnicity/Species: African American/Human (Modified with cyborg implants)
Birthplace and Birthdate: Coruscant, 3676 BBY
Guilty Pleasures: Lying around at home in nothing but a t-shirt
Phobias: Bombs, betrayal, losing family
What They Would Be Famous For: Being the CO of Havoc Squad
What They Would Get Arrested For: …In Imperial space, being the CO of Havoc Squad. In Republic Space, I doubt she could get arrested without her first rattling off her rights and also why what she’s doing isn’t illegal. Thank Elara for that.
OC You Ship Them With: Kurzul’sul (JC), he’s calm and isn’t very demanding. Plus, there’s a height difference between them. Both of them are cuddlers too.
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Scy’arla (IA), she’s not exactly happy that Hakio’s the reason her brother stayed with the Republic.
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Action & Romance!
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Mysteries, Comedies and ‘Feel-Good’ movies.
Talents and/or Powers: None, but she is one hell of a shot. Later, when she meets Theron, she gets one implant modified so she stays connected to her team via holonet.
Why Someone Might Love Them: Hakio is patriotic and a real trooper. She doesn’t let the little things affect her, and is a fighter and a lover at the same time. No one gets left behind in her squad.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: Hakio has a hard time really explaining her emotions, and if she can’t explain well enough (or someone pisses her off enough) her already short temper will probably snap in half.
How They Change: After dealing with Saresh, Hakio is quick to realize the Republic is losing it’s backbone and no longer believes in what it stands for. Disallusioned, she realizes being pure light side and trying to take the high road all the time can be more destructive than taking the easy way out.
Why You Love Them: Hakio is a fluffy cuddler baby! She was supposed to be a Cathar, but I didn’t own the species at the time. She isn’t afraid of being a bit bigger than most woman in SpecForces, or that she doesn’t have any hair. She stands for confidence in your own body, and in fact has yet to truly stand down to any man in her way.
Thanks for the ask, Luhcy! I love answering them from you :)
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crqstalite · 5 years
OC Song Meme
because i dont have any photos of the many otps together, i decided to do a solo song meme for my toons >:)
═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══
kiveqil delux
glad you came, the wanted.
i picked this song for kiveqil because it’s most literally his personality. he’s glad he’s found a family in his crew, including his wife, new padawan, doctor, previous wrath and soldier. he’s glad they’re here, he’s glad they’re alive and with him.
una’vi havelzy-kimble
trouble, neon jungle.
i picked this song for una because it’s (again) her entire personality. she’s trouble, and she’s proud of it. as a grey jedi, she no longer follows the jedi code or participates in the jedi order. she accepts she’s teetering on being a sith, and that’s okay. she likes to be trouble, and if people don’t like it, she’ll write them out of her story.
naji iresso
all the stars, kendrick lamar & sza.
i picked this song for naji because she accepts everyone. that they may have come from a less fortunate background, that they’re rich and have no idea what to do with it. that they’re coming back from a spice addiction, that they can’t get close with others, that they’re scared of war and it’s repercussions. as an ambassador to the rift alliance, she’s ready for whatever comes toward her, and is ready to become friends with anyone who’s willing.
ghenkl riggs
level up, ciara.
i picked this song for ghenkl because it literally means she’s leveling up. what past traumas affected her, she’s now moving past them and doing what she loves, and isn’t going to be shamed for it. she’s beautiful, strong, powerful and rich. and stars be damned if anyone’s going to hold her down from reaching the next level.
hyrenne hajak
be careful, cardi b.
i picked this song for hyrenne, because she struggles to keep real relationships (not unlike the kids at my school). she’s too free with who she loves and trusts, and gets too bored too quickly. instead of showing real emotions, she hides behind holos and acting tough. spending credits on lavish things is only to replace the person she wished she could spend them on, and acting tough in front of others is only to replace the fact she can’t protect her lover because she doesn’t have one.
hakiojkl hyperion-jorgan
juice, lizzo.
i picked this song for hakio just because of the fact it literally means she believes she’s beautiful no matter what. though i have yet to touch on it, she is a little bit thicker and more muscular than most woman, leading to a bit of off-putting bullying by men and women alike before she was drafted into havoc. through acception, hakio is a strong, beautiful woman and doesn’t apologize for it.
xev’heng lumere
starboy, the weeknd.
i picked this song for xev’heng because he is a literal starboy. as much as he isn’t innocent, he tried to protect his older sister the best he could before she ran away from the faction that raised him. living among the stars afterwards, xev lets the galaxy take him where it pleases. he doesn’t try to force fate anymore after his meeting with his sister, and what happens, happens.
synntai pakar
change, zach callison.
i picked this song for synntai, because while she has very little character development, she’s strong and never gives up in a fight. while her past has been rather difficult, and struggles get her at every turn, she never puts her head down and is always ready to make a change. synn (or tai) is always trying to make a difference in the galaxy, hence the chosen song.
ryean wystern
boys, lizzo.
i picked this song for ryean, because while it isn’t the point of the song, he believes everyone is beautiful and doesn’t always need someone to lean on. he likes to be the emotional support of havoc, and is also gay. also why i chose this song, as he’s had many lovers throughout the years, but has yet to find the one. he thinks they’re all rather handsome though, short, tall, thinner, thicker. he isn’t ever picky.
tri’ama amarillis-quinn
god is a woman, ariana grande.
i picked this song for tri’ama because the song is literally referring to god as a woman. considering the way malavai sees her, i figured this was a good song for the powerful emperor’s wrath. the way she radiates pure power and isn’t afraid to flex it, makes it obvious she’s deserving of this song.
sho’jka tabari
poker face, lady gaga.
i picked this song for sho’jka (or dusk) because of his literal poker face. he doesn’t show his real emotions unless he has to, and often they’re rather out there and amoral. he doesn’t have many friends because of this, and is very cold because he can’t read a room. he is good at sabaac because of it though.
mierrio revel
shameless, camila cabello.
i picked this song for mierrio because it it mostly describes her relationship with andronikos and how freely she shows her love for him. it also shows that she doesn’t care who knows what about her. she’s powerful, and she will not apologize for it.
kavelle valhal
bodak yellow, cardi b.
i picked this song for kavelle because while she is proper, she also doesn’t give a flying fuck about anyone. given, she’s not as per se, traditional (being trained by mierrio, of all people), she’s extremely powerful. nearly on par with ashara and xalek though being years upon years younger, kavelle fights with the spirit of a lion, and happens to also like to seduce men into doing what she wants. a shock of lightning or a night alone usually gets the job done. and with pierce, a trooper and inquisitor can get a lot done together.
theksevoy li’ui
16 shots, stefflon don.
i picked this song for thek because while it is powerful as fuck, it’s also about a girl protecting her mom. as bloodthirsty as he seems, thek just wants to protect his motley crew and family, and will do anything to keep them safe. hence why i selected this song for him.
ba’shira cadera
cool for the summer, demi lovato.
i picked this song for ba’shira because it’s her whole personality. she’ll party all night long, and rarely if ever cares what others think about her. she’ll drink, she’ll drive (not in that order), she’ll definitely get down with you. but, she always returns to torian in the end, and has never cheated. she’ll party all summer long if she could, and works to make her cash in the end.
rubiksi delux
nightmare, halsey.
i picked this song for rubikisi because her life really has been a nightmare. nothing goes right for her, from being abandoned as a baby to being taken in by her siblings who eventually disappeared in a plume of flames. being taken by the empire didn’t help either, and she’s accepted that her life is a literal nightmare. as much as her crew tries to help, she knows she isn’t special, and is just waiting until the day she can go to sleep eternally, and finally be free of this nightmare.
vscyla ‘scy’arla’ lumere
other friends, sarah stiles ft. zach callison, dedee magno hall, estelle and michaela dietz.
i picked this song for vscyla because it details the fact that she got left behind. the republic didn’t care to come and get her, and of course she turned to the dark side. so absolutely angry, she fought back, becoming part of intelligence. though it’s an absolute bop, it’s rather depressing. she hates the way the story ended, and is fighting back against it with brutal force. she brings others into it, even though they had nothing to do with it, and isn’t afraid to hurt herself in the process.
pretta kachsi
i have questions, camila cabello.
i picked this song for pretta because she has so many questions. why did kal leave her? why couldn’t he just stick it out with her? why did marr pick her, of all people? why was she put in carbonite and not left to die? why was she chosen to be the outlander, when there were so many others to do that job? why doesn’t kal love her anymore?
kal malik
sunflower, post malone & swae lee.
i picked this song for kal because as dangerous as he can be, he’s a true sunflower. he’s been through hell and back not only with the imperial intelligence and sith empire, but also with an abusive family and eventually, an abusive wife that didn’t treat him right. but now, he has a loving boyfriend and good friends, while also trying to reconcile with pretta. as much as the alliance can throw at him, he’ll always be the sunflower in the darkness.
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crqstalite · 5 years
pt. 6, familial ties (aric && hakiojkl)
gOD this one’s a long fucking read. it didn’t take that long either, which is why i’m very upset it took three days to write partners in crime. *shrugs*
anyways i love hakio & aric, so they have quite a few chapters compared to the others. hakio n mierrio are my babies (and i recently finished the trooper and inquisitor storylines oof), so they might have more chapters than the others. i apologize in advance.
i also love elara. like, adore her not in a romantic sense but in a sisterly sense. i just love her and her interactions with the female trooper. and i love hakio’s siblings. i intend for her chapters to have a lot of the hyperion chaos included in them. and poor aric is just trying to understand it all.
promise the others will get involved very soon.
written : 7.7.19. published to tumblr : 7.8.19. word count : 4,693
════ ⋆★⋆ ════ character song : scared of the dark, lil wayne ft. ty dolla $ign & xxxtentacion
character file : hakiojkl hyperion, aric jorgan & elara dorne
“hakio?” it’s early two mornings after, and she’s not up yet, surprisingly enough. even tanno’s usually up by now, and that’s unusual in it itself. “not up yet?” he asks lieutenant dorne, who happens to be the only other one still on board the thunderclap during their three weeks of leave. where yuun and tanno went, he’s not sure. maybe if he’s feeling friendly, he’ll ask when they get back.
“maybe she’s taking a morning to herself, captain. stars knows she needs it after not sleeping for so long.” elara responds, putting a hairtie around her wrist as she brushes it to the side of her head. it’s one of the few times aric has ever seen it down, and he thinks it’s pretty. maybe not as pretty as his girlfriend (?), but it’s nice to see elara’s relaxing around the others since hakio made kalor back off. “are you concerned?”
“maybe.” he says defensively, his eyes flicking to the still closed door across from the cockpit.
“don’t be, jorgan. she’ll be alright. i’ll bring her breakfast in the next couple of hours if she doesn’t get up herself.” she says, filing through a book of papers. he figures it was the medical report she’d recently published (and subsequently he’d skimmed through when given the chance), as she disappeared back into the medbay, her preferred workspace. then, he’s alone again. he’d already gone through all their weapons for when they return to work, but he has nothing else to be doing. he figures they have another twenty reports before being considered done, so they can leave that for the week before they get back.
he’s beginning to see why hakio is always so stressed during leave. there’s nothing to be doing, no one to be hunting down, no one to be reporting to. they literally have all the time in the world, and nothing to be doing with it.
he considers taking her out a couple of times, but figures he’ll wait until she’s mentally stable again, and maybe has slept a couple hours more. there are some nice places opening up on the galactic market that he knows she’s been dying to try since he brought it up.
he busies himself cleaning and recleaning the rifles. and his mind runs away while he’s at it. stars, is she a good kisser. after the small debacle the night prior, (which he understands, and would never take advantage of) she did allow him to accompany her to her private quarters after elara had gone to bed. it’s a bit of a mess near her workstation, but other than that, it’s pristine clean, just as he’d expect from her. but in the darkness, it doesn’t fully register.
and they can’t keep their hands off each other. he’d never taken hakio for such a person, only showing any sort of weakness once since they’d been together as a crew (one where he wants to slap his past self a couple of times and ask him to understand what his co is going through), but the only words he can find for her is that she’s not fragile when it comes to loving. neither of them ended up removing any clothing, but he may have nipped her a couple of times on her neck that even in the dark, he knew would scar. she didn’t complain, and stars…one of his fingers had brushed against one of her breasts and the whine that escaped her, it made him hot just thinking about it.
she fell asleep a while later, and for a while, let her do so. she was calm for once, breathing softly as she curled into him. it was weird, he’d rarely ever see her without her armor, and with just a shirt and trousers, it was like she was a completely different woman. the way his name danced over her tongue drove him mad, and that look she kept giving him. god, it was full of lust, and when she wasn’t completely out of it from not sleeping the last couple of days, he intended to give it to her for as long as she’d take it.
he felt bad for leaving her, but he’d gotten up before she did and couldn’t get himself back to sleep. watching her sleep just felt weird, and wrong even if they were together. he’d pressed a light kiss to her forehead before slipping out of her loose grasp and putting her underneath her blankets. she was out cold, and he’d figured he’d let her stay that way.
he smiles. aric does a lot of that these days, especially when he’s around her. she doesn’t smile a lot either, but it’s infectious when she does. hakio has a tooth missing, it happened back on tatooine. one of her back molars that she lost and he subsequently had to help get her painkillers after the battle was over. ended in a trip to a medical bot as she gazed daggers at him. she also ended up chipping her right front tooth, something he notices everytime she talks. or smiles. while it was most likely a bad experience that caused it, he thinks it’s cute.
he’s so far in thought that he’s done the rifles again in record time. is this what boredom feels like?
“how did already know you’d be in here?” lifting his head, he finds hakio leaning against the door frame, still disheveled from the night before, rubbing her eyes. “is this all you do, aric?”
“no.” he says, padding over to her as he minds her bare feet. “took you long enough to get up.”
“hm?” she asks, scratching the back of her neck as she stands up straight. “haven’t looked at a chrono yet, but i feel better than i have in a long time.”
“i can imagine.” she moves to put her arms around his neck, and he rests them around her waist. she groans as her shirt (oversized, he doesn’t know why) brushes against the bites from the night prior. “sorry about that.”
“it was hot in the moment, i’ll live.” she says, pressing her lips to his. her eyes lidded, she tries blinking awake before resting her head on his shoulder. “really need to do this ‘sleep’ thing more often.”
“i think you should.” he responds, halfway considering to carry her back to her quarters if she’s that tired, when he hears elara approaching. he sees her before he hears her, which is odd because he’s sure he’s got everyone’s footsteps figured out by now. hakio’s more awake now, as she stands, loosening her arms around aric’s neck to hold them at her side, turning to face her subordinate. “lieutenant.”
“captain. major.” she responded, clearly stifling a laugh of some sort before her face returns to it’s neutral tone. “you have something on your private line, major.”
“oh. thank you, elara.” she says, padding over to the holoterminal. she thinks to herself for a moment, looking over her shoulder to aric and then elara, and then decides to play it with them still in the room.
“people of the republic, a blow to our ranks has been felt across the galaxy today. quinne hyperion, a senator of the republic over the planet taris was mortally wounded, possibly past being able to return to her station or survive her wounds. surrounded by family, hyperion is not expected to make a full recovery.”
because he’s standing behind her, aric doesn’t immediatly know her reaction, but elara puts a hand over her mouth in shock. quinne’s face appears in the holo, and aric feels a part of him shatter. he’d met quinne once or twice, when they’d been stationed on taris and then again after the events of the gauntlet. she was a strong, dark skinned woman who stood a few inches taller than her younger sister, short hair that curled around her ears with a smile that could kill. she wasn’t hugely kind to him while they were stationed there, more concerned about her sister contracting a disease, but after the gauntlet became a bit nicer to him, even mentioning she thought someone who was more by the book would even out her sister’s chaotic energy.
and someone had attempted murder.
the holo continues playing, “however, the culprits seem to be imperial aligned. one attacker of five was captured and brought in for questioning, but died of his wounds before being able to release information. film captured by the senator’s security footage reveals this woman to be easily identifiable for the crime-” the woman flashed onto the screen, grainy but short haired, mask, glasses and dressed in all black with what aric assumed he recognized as imperial intelligence’s symbol on her right shoulder. “if you have any information, the senate tower is waiting.”
elara moves to put a hand on her shoulder as aric shakes his head. she nods, and just comes to stand next to her instead. he does the same, and he’s more concerned when he realizes she’s not crying. very much so, she is instead steel-eyed and staring straight ahead as the holo goes out. hesitantly, he attempts putting a hand on her shoulder as her head slowly turns to him. “heads are going to roll for this, sir.”
“you can bet on that.” elara says, giving her a comforting smile. sad, but attempting to be comforting. “we’ll be here if you ever need anything,sir.”
“we’re not murdering anyone.” she whispers. turning, she doesn’t exactly…stalk to her quarters, but walks with more passion than aric thinks she needs at the moment. “elara, set a course for coruscant.”
“yes, sir!” elara responds, heading into the cockpit as aric considers whether to follow her into her quarters. at the last second, he decides he will. she’s thrown open her storage cabinet, pulling out a bag and picking out clothes.
“hakio. whatever you’re planning, lets not think too irrationally.”
“i’m not thinking irrationally aric. quinne would be on coruscant right now and-and i need to go and be with her, and them.” she pauses, clearly getting choked up as she says her sister’s name, stuffing another shirt into her bag. “hyperions never leave each other behind, and i won’t…i will be by her side as long as she lives, aric.”
“of course, hakio.” he says, contemplating his next words. “when can we expect you back?”
she stops packing for a moment, and rubs unshed tears out of her eyes, attempting a smile towards him as he walks closer to her as she grips her bag. “a-aric i know you’ve never met my family, and this is probably the worst time to do so, but…blast it! would you come with me? i just…i can’t be alone right now.”
“i-yes. i will. whatever you need.” he says. “do you plan to leave right now?”
“that holo is two or three days old, aric. i have to go now, she could be dead already.”
“then i’ll begin packing. we leave when we land.”
elara says that once she’s packed and gathers her things, she’ll join them in a few hours. hakio doesn’t protest, even extending her invite to their resident healer. they hug, and he and hakio leave into the spaceport to catch a taxi.
she’s quiet, quieter than usual. they take said taxi up to where he assumes her family’s apartment is, and she leans against him. hakio’s not crying, but rather, and most likely, in shock. he doesn’t try to talk to her, instead laying an arm around her shoulders. inwardly, he’s freaking out. this is his first meeting with her mother and her siblings, and it’s because one of them is so injured she needed to be hospitalized, instead of her taking him on her own free will.
it’s not about meeting her family, he knows that, but whatever impression he leaves, he hopes it’s a good one.
“my parents?” she questions when he asks what they’re like, because hearing her silent and upset it’s bothering him. she tenses up, and he begins to regret his decision before she answers, “well, my dad died a bit before the accident with the junkers. my mom…well you’re probably gonna like her. she’ll hate you, but, well ba'anthra hyperion has never particularily approved of my sibling’s partners.”
“why’s that?” he prods. she’s told him little things here and there about her family, their quirks and loves when talking about more domestic things than guns and alcohol. she enjoys talking about her family, even if the topics of why they were brought up aren’t always that great.
“well, quinne’s first boyfriend, lewi basically abused her and ran when she got pregnant at seventeen. i was maybe nine or ten at the time, so i still don’t know all the details because it makes her uncomfortable. she got remarried, had three other kids, so it ended somewhat well for her.” she quiets as she reminisces, eyes lowered to her hands. “those are my nieces and nephews. sydros is the youngest, and dyrka is the oldest…shit what-what’s gonna happen to them if she dies?” the last part is a whisper, and it’s clearly a strain on her to say the last word. he squeezes her shoulders, trying to comfort her as her amber eyes go up to meet his.
“uh, what about your older brother?” he tries changing the subject. “tyqin, right?”
she gives him a small smile. “you might hate him as much as my mom might hate you. he’s a prick. and that’s not just years of teasing talking either. ran against my sister for a position in the senate and almost won, except the lower sectors liked quinne better because of her 'charitable nature’. he didn’t take it well and has been a spoiled prick since.” she chuckles sadly. “we consider his husband an enabler for buying him things still.”
“what do you think?” he asks.
“oh. no yuvi’s most definitely an enabler. pretty sure tyqin’s also a gold digger, don’t tell him i said that, but every time i see him, he’s always got some new present to show off. like a new wrist chrono, or some new robes or a new blaster outfitted with mods you and i would drool over and pray to deities to afford. can’t figure why he wants one, he’s a shit shot. planning to steal that mx-45 one of these days.” she muses for a moment. “actually, do tell him i said that. stars knows voonie and marli would agree.”
sounds like he’ll fit right in, as she talks more and more about her siblings. they must’ve been close before she enlisted. she’s still not fully smiling before they land, but she’s feeling a bit better as she talks. hakio doesn’t let his hand go once he helps her out of the taxi, squeezing his hand in hers.
the apartment isn’t huge, but it’s clearly well lived in as she leads him inside. however, they’re not even four feet into the apartment when a streak of red hair launches themself onto hakio. he tenses nearly immediatly, reaching for the blaster he’d left on the ship.
“hakio! it’s so good to have you home!” when the dust settles, hakio is hugging a girl a few years younger than them. when she raises her head, he can pick out from her descriptions that this is one of the twins, apani or baishya. red hair, and matching scars across their foreheads. “gah! it’s been way too long!”
“i know, i’m sorry 'pani.” she responds, ruffling her younger sister’s hair. “missed you too.”
“you know it!” this time, hakio’s knocked off-balance, staggering under the weight of baishya as she runs up to her as well. “missed you so much, sis!”
“i know, i know!” she says, regaining her balance as the twins pull themselves off of her. aric can already tell that’s he’s gonna have one hell of time telling them apart while he’s here. she wasn’t kidding when she said after twenty-eight years she still has a hard telling them apart.
“you’re definitely late, but everyone’s already here, even darjev!” one of the twins says, before both of their faces fall. “quinne’s been asking for you.”
“oh.” she says, shifting the bag on her shoulder. “where is she?”
“they’re keeping her at republic medical. since she’s a senator, it’s basically free for us to visit her, but after the surgery we have to regulate ourselves to a few visits a month.” one of the twins says. “we’re all going to visit later tonight.”
“okay.” she says as one of them grins.
“but! all that’s out of the way because they say she’s gonna be fine! or, better than dead.” the other one says. “i wanna know everything about havoc, starting with the fact you’re as buff as dad was!”
“o-of course.” she says, throwing a glance to aric. he’s not sure what he makes of these two other than that they’re very enthusiatic. she mentioned her whole family loved each other and often would have big celebrations once someone returned to the apartment and birthdays and whatnot.
they caught the glance and then followed it back to him. “and you brought a soldier home too? what is he, your bodyguard?”
“he’s a cat, that’s what he is, 'pani.” through the jestering, he can tell apani is more soft-spoken while baishya talks loud and speaks her mind. or maybe he’s got them mixed up again.
“he’s not my bodyguard, and yes he is a cathar, baishya. keep your comments to yourself.” she says, the major in her creeping out to her sisters. “alright. now if you two are done, where’s mom?”
they look inbetween each other before grimacing. “unless you like your life, she’s in the kitchen.”
hakio is very stressed. a part of her cried in joy when apani said that quinne was going to be okay. as she passed through the halls, apani and baishya update her with the current events of the hyperion household, and she’s halfway to taping over baishya’s mouth with all the embarassing things she admits to in front of aric. other than their comments on his position and why he was here, they ignore him for the most part.
they’ve really grown. when she left at twenty-one, they were still in school, just barely seventeen. seven years later, baishya has grown considerably from her high school body. she’s wearing a shirt that’s way too short for her long torso and trousers that are probably sticking to her thighs. she cut her hair as well, tying it up into space buns. apani hasn’t grown much, still having what baishya calls a junior high body with her flatter chest and skinnier body type. it’s not bad, but unusual. she wonders what happened, and intends to ask later. but, she smiles seeing they still have matching scars she can clearly see, and redyed their hair red.
she steps into the kitchen, not hugely sure what to expect as the twins stand back, with aric across the hall. “mom-”
“hakiojkl bea'tri hyperion!”
she shivers in fear. she hasn’t heard her full name in years, and spoken by her mother no less. she’s got an apron tied around her waist as she stalks up to her, a mother’s fire raging behind her eyes. while hakio stands at a firm 5"8, her mother is 5"10, and other than aric and tanno, she’s not used to being around people that are taller than her. especially not her mom.
“where do you think you’ve been?!” she opens her mouth to answer before her mom swoops her into a bone-crushing hug. she smells like home, like all the spices she uses, the perfume she wears, and the smell of low-grade kolto she used to use on them when they were kids. it’s enough to make her start crying, which she’s trying not to do, but a few tears escape anyways. her arms go around her mother as they stay there for a few minutes before her mother takes her face in her hands. “goodness girlie, you look like you’ve been through hell and back.”
“you could say i have.” she says, chuckling darkly. she’s been through a whole war, and the fighting isn’t over yet.
“i know that. i kept tabs on havoc since you joined their ranks.” she sighs. her mother would do that, most likely knowing she’d do so after the accident with the junkers. “stars, where’s all your hair sweetie?”
“shaved it off.” hakio responds. “easier to deal with.”
she grunts in response. “all muscle, just like your father. you’d better stay here a while, let me fatten you up a bit.” hakio chuckles as her mother’s face softens. “it’s good to have you home, bea.”
“feels good to be home, mom.” she says. “the twins bombarded me at the door. i don’t even know how they knew i was here.”
“they saw the taxi from the window. bai came back and told me before going to find you.” she responds, waving her spoon in the air as she punctuates her words. “all your siblings are here, go and talk to them. dinner will be in a couple of hours, and we’ll go and see quinne after that.” her gaze lifts from hakio to what’s behind her, and frowns. “oi! what’re your intentions with my daughter, cathar!?”
“mom!” hakio exclaims, terrified by not only her shout through the kitchen, but also the fact she even noticed him. “he’s not here for that, he’s just a friend!”
“that’s what apani said too. plus your ears are turning red, i know it when my daughters are lying.” she says, walking past her, as hakio’s face heats. oh how foolish she was when she thought because of quinne’s accident aric would be looked over for the most part. “mom, i’m not lying, really!” the twins are giggling as she drags a hand down her face, following her mother out of the kitchen and into the hallway, where aric is already being bombarded by questions by not only the twins, but also josie.
she’s making motions for aric not to answer at all before josie hugs her as well. “hey sis!”
“hi jos.” she responds, giving up on trying to get aric away from her siblings. josie was only fifteen when she left, twenty two now. his fluffy hair is dyed blonde as she rubs her hands through it. he’s the same height as she is now (she’s beginning to consider that she got the short end of the stick with growing up too quickly, maybe all that kolto stunted her growth), and he’s just as happy as she remembers leaving him. his freckles are showing through in the light of the apartment as he grins. unlike her, he has all of his teeth.
“i don’t have any intentions with the major, i’m her xo and nothing more.”
“xo?!” all three women question. hakio’s beginning to realize her family probably knows little to nothing about how the military works, and they probably think an xo is literally what you sign your mail with to your beloved.
beloved? well, would she go along with this lie? apani and baishya would be upset she didn’t tell them, and her mother would go absolutely ballistic if she were married they next time she came back to the apartment.
shit wait, married? where was all of this coming from?!
“xo stands for executive officers, you swarmers.” she says, hands on her hips. “leave aric alone, he’s just here as my friend. which reminds me, i forgot to give elara our address.” hakio remembers, afraid her medic might be in the spaceport and confused about where she was going on the city planet. “which room am i staying in today?”
“yours, unless you want a guest room.” her mother says, glaring daggers at aric. ���i’ll bring in a mat if he’s staying too, as well as this 'elara’.” hakio’s beginning to think she just sounds salty she didn’t get anything juicy out of her xo. they head up the stairs towards the living area as she realizes aric is…he’s laughing at her.
“something funny, captain?” she says a little too harshly as she moves to open her bedroom door, stepping inside as she puts her bag down.
“no. just, if this is only a portion of your family, i’m terrified to meet the rest of them.” he slides his own bag down next to her as she turns around to meet his eyes. “are you embarassed of me?”
“no! of course not, it’s just-gah! i don’t like telling other people of my private life, and sometimes it’s hard to figure what i’m going to tell them. and this is my family, not some bartender. and-no, i’m not embarassed of you, aric. i’m not, a promise you i’m not. it’s just…hard i guess. i’ve been around the military for the last seven years of my life, and keeping secrets is just second nature now.”
she’s babbling, and she knows that. he doesn’t seem to care though, as she keeps running herself in circles. if she had hair, her fingers would be running through it as she used to, and the more she thinks about her habits, the more she remembers she picked them up from quinne and-
and she’s still talking, and he’s still listening.
“so in short, you’re scared how they’ll react?” he fills in for her. hakio slides her arms around him as she lays her head on his shoulder.
“my mom would only hate you because you’re a soldier.” she responds, before looking back up at him. “just like how she hated havoc for a while because it was so dangerous. but i figure i’m still alive.”
“and i’m glad you are.” aric responds, kissing her forehead. “didn’t you say elara needed your address?”
“mhmm.” she said, moving to grab her holocom. rattling off a quick message with her address, she sighs. “might as well introduce myself back into the lion’s den before dinner. coming?”
“might as well.” he echoes her as she goes to open to the door, but not before pulling her back to him with an arm around her waist. it makes her smile as she already knows what he’s going to ask. “a kiss for your xo before you go?”
“'course.” she answers, allowing him a kiss, one that if left alone would progress into much more, but before that idea can even be entertained, the door slides open as they freeze.
“hey hakio, mom was-” voonie stands there, in all of her half-naked glory in a dress that doesn’t even reach her knees and a pair of a strappy heels that would be fit for a stripper. but, that’s not her immediate concern as voonie’s face changes from one of confusion to a smirk of plotting. “i knew it! there was no way you dragged a man here without him definitely being more than friends with you!”
“voonie! what did i tell you about coming into my room without permission?!” hakio asked, annoyed. albeit it had been seven years since she’d given her older sister this rule, but it still stood. the thirty year old rolled her eyes.
“it’s been seven years. marli’s done worse things than just innocent kisses on that bed of yours.” she says, giving a shit-eating grin that says this information won’t be private for much longer. “mom is gonna freak!”
“voonie!” she runs off back down the stairs, calling for her mother. she also looks back to her bed, glad she nor aric had sat down on it since they’d been here, and swears to change all the sheets before she goes to sleep tonight. “i swear to-”
“let her go, she was bound to find out anyways.” aric says, reigning in her emotions. “what’s the worst that could happen?”
“a lot, aric. a lot.” she’s less panicking and more embarassed her older sister had found her lip-locked with her so-called friend. neither she nor aric were very pda-friendly, and voonie wasn’t helping. “stars, i hope elara gets here soon, or i might lose my mind.”
0 notes
crqstalite · 5 years
pt. 4, off duty.
this and thek’s chapter took the longest because while i enjoyed their romances (aric n mako) they also took a higher place on my favorite romances, and aric was actually the first ever companion i had (i started playing in 2011 but never got past the prolouge), so i wanted to do him some real justice. in all, i think for the trooper companions everyone ends up getting their spotlight (bc i’m really bad at writing other companions unless you’re the first companion of the class or the love interest) bc i love the trooper companions. the story could’ve been better, but a 8/10 for me.
small tw : anxiety attacks.
written : 6.29.19. published on tumblr : 7.6.19. word count : 3,956.
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character song : hooked on a feeling, blue swede
character file : major hakiojkl hyperion of the republic army
An odd word for a Major of the Republic Army, more so for the Commanding Officer of Havoc Squad.
But somehow, she’s technically (supposed to be) the definition of that word right now.
Or she should be. But, the reports from other cells of the Army are calling to her, and it’s now candlelight hours, a definition once told to her by an officer on Coruscant, and in Tanno’s words, meaning she should be sleep by now. She doesn’t think she’s gotten that far, filing a few away for presentation to Garza in the near future, but her eyes are drooping as she moves on through the mountain of work.
Of course, the Thunderclap is silent as they move slowly in the vacuum of space. Elara had been busy at work on some reports earlier in the day, but Hakiojkl had politely asked her to enjoy herself during their few weeks of leave. Tanno and Yuun had also attempted helping her file them away for a later date (Yuun helpful as always, even if he didn’t fully understand them, but Tanno still trying, futilely, to get her to do some R&R with the rest of the crew), but she’d sent them away as well. M1-4X was going through some of his own updates, so he was in a low-power mode all day. (Tanno made fun of him a few times before getting bored and residing to the storage room) Everyone slept somewhat peacefully, except for her.
Aric had been the most persistent though. She’d tell him to leave, he’d come back five minutes later to help her. She’d tell him to leave again, firmer, he’d come back again. While it wasn’t frustrating, four eyes were better than two, it’s was her job, not his, to finish these and keep a standard of order and punctuality. Not to mention that like the others, she didn’t know how long it had been since her XO had taken a few weeks of leave himself, even though he’d been with her the longest.
He’d given her a disgruntled look at the idea before leaving for the last time fifteen minutes ago, “If that’s how you want it.” Before pressing a kiss to her temple.
Maybe that’s why she hadn’t gotten anything done since he’d left. Her face still burned from the interaction just thinking about it. Hakio wasn’t good at loving, and she knew it. Jonas’ advancements made her uncomfortable, and she’d shook them off like water. But something about Aric made that cling onto her. He wasn’t flirtatous, whatsoever, and in the beginning seemed to be jealous of her new position as his CO. She’d assumed he would always be like that, and nothing she did or didn’t do would make him more willing to follow her.
But somehow, they’d ended up like the ‘star-crossed lovers’ from the holodrama she used to watch with her sisters as a child. They weren’t moving fast, and that’s how she liked it, but even just having him around made her feel safe, protected with him by her side. When these feelings had first surfaced in her, she panicked. It was wrong to feel these feelings for your squadmate, especially someone that you shared a ship with. You had nowhere to run if things went bad, and if that was the case, whenever they were alone with you, you could be killed, or worse, handed over to the Empire without a second thought.
It wasn’t practical.
Romance was an impairment.
Growing up as the youngest of six girls and three boys, she’d seen her fair share of romance. It sometimes was small, and bloomed into something more beautiful, like with her oldest sister, Quinne and her husband, Niko, and sometimes it was hot and passionate, like with her brother Tyqin and his husband, Yuvi. As they all got married off before she left for military training, often her sisters would try pairing her off with the boys around her age, which always went worse than intended. Josie, her youngest brother attempted pairing her off with girls in his grade, which ended in Deandre leaving her because she couldn’t put up with Hakio always been at the Army camp.
It wouldn’t have worked in the long run, and she figured Deandre was only with her to get closer to Josie. That or to be the gold digger she turned out to be once she married Josie.
Unlike other girls, she’d never gotten that pulsating heart feeling, her face didn’t go red seeing anyone shirtless, male or female. When she’d eventually been promoted Sergeant and subsequently transferred to Ord Mantell, she’d just resigned to accepting she was ace. And that was okay, it meant there was no rushing home to someone because you’d been out all day saving the galaxy, it meant no having to share an apartment or a room, and it definitely meant not having to try and impress your partner with MREs because you couldn’t cook (that was primarily based off an offhanded comment Aric had made, and it was halfway true with Hakiojkl herself).
But the Cathar had weaseled his way into her heart somehow. It kept her from focusing, even on her better days. She’d never admitted to anyone about it, even her siblings, who made it their job to call every other day, even if they didn’t know that another sibling had called her just a day before.
Her eye twitched at the thought of it (or it could be the caffeine she’d had today). She was gonna have to have Elara begin blocking her siblings’ holocalls one of these days, they were getting more distracting than Jorgan.
“I’m not in love, am I?” she whispered under her breath, eyes scanning over the datapad’s bright light, stylus in her mouth as she made a movement to stretch. Closing her eyes, she yawned as her shoulder popped, relief flooding into her body. Eyes open again, she was ready to begin working once more, but instead her eyes locked onto Aric’s.
He’d been standing behind her with a cup of something steaming as she yelped girlishly, something she hadn’t done in years while in the military. He was also startled, as she must’ve been so deep into her work (or her own thoughts) that she hadn’t heard him come in. “Jorgan!”
He restabilizes the drinks and places them down next to her on the desk, a mischeveous grin crossing his face as he sat down next to her (she hadn’t bothered putting away the chair he had been sitting in before, knowing he’d just be back). “Sir, permission to speak freely?”
“Stars, yes, permission granted.” She’s trying to calm her racing heart, not uphold protocol right then. Whether because Aric was in private quarters right now or because he’d startled the Force right out of her (if she was force-sensitive), she figured it was a combination of both.
“Thought you were sleep in here for a minute, brought you something.” The cup was warm as she sipped at it, as she immediatly relaxed from the adrenaline rush. Well, it was still there, her face hot and heart racing. But, she smiled, it was a thicker drink she’d enjoyed back on Hoth when they’d been stationed there with Yuun. However, Aric hadn’t been with her then, Elara had joined her. She’d make sure to ask how he knew how to make it later.
Glancing over at him once she’d had her fill, she put the cup down. “Thank you, Jorgan. But if I may ask, why do you keep coming back? I told you I had this.”
He considers his words before speaking again, “Major, you’ve been working on these reports for the last three days of leave. I figured if you wouldn’t listen to anyone else, you’d listen to your XO, sir.”
“Yes, I’m fully aware of that, Captain.” She hadn’t been aware how long she’d been working.
“Elara believes you haven’t slept in those 72 hours, sir.”
“How does she know that?” Elara, perceptive as always must’ve noticed how clumsy she was getting around the ship, as she’d spent the first half of the day nursing a bump on her forehead and bruised ego for running into one of the Thunderclap’s walls. She hadn’t slept in a couple of normal sleep rotations though, she knew that. She figured any medic would know the signs of exhaustion.
“Didn’t say.”
They’re both quiet for a bit as she continues with her work, words swimming and formulas disappating as the night wears on. He doesn’t say much as they work side by side, where they’re at their best. It seems like whether on the battlefield or on the Thunderclap, everything faded away except for the task at hand when they were together. Aric had her back, and she had his.
Always would, she hoped.
However, maybe another hour later, her grip on the tablet is loosening, and Aric picks it up out of her hands and puts it down on the desk, looking up from his own. She doesn’t fight him as she leans back in her chair, blinking away the awaiting exhaustion. It’s like she’s missing pieces of the night, she can’t even remember whether she’d eaten before coming back in here after helping Yuun and Elara with something. Something she couldn’t remember right then. Crossing her arms and lowering her head, she was beginning to blank on the day’s events.
“Hmph?!” She’s dozing off once Aric lightly shakes her awake as she flails, jolting up and mildly confused as she steadies herself, scanning the room for any sort of danger. She’s out of it, completely. “I’m awake what’s-”
Aric’s grinning and she must’ve grimaced because it disappates. “Nothing, you fell asleep for a moment there and I figured you should sleep in a bed, sir.”
“Oh.” Danger averted, she guessed he was right. Sleep was calling, and her body desperately cried to answer. “Yes, of course.”
Stumbling out of the chair like a drunkard, her legs almost gave out beneath her, after not standing in so long. Aric stood in a split second, helping to stabilize her even though she made a weak motion to wave him off. “Stars, I’m not a child, Jorgan.”
She could almost hear his thoughts contradicting that statement, but figured she wouldn’t say anything else. He paused, as she made a motion for her storage closet, where she kept most of her clothes when she wasn’t wearing her armor. She desperately needed a bath, a nice run through the 'fresher, maybe a hat afterwards but definitely a shave, the fuzzies on the top of her head were coming in fast now. But just as that thought crossed her mind she turned back around. “I’ll be alright now, thank you Captain.”
“Yes, I’ll be out of your hair, sir. Good night.” He left, as she considered the white shirt she’d thrown off. It wasn’t even hers, she figured she’d know her clothing (It didn’t have Dorne written on where the tag should be, and she’d know if it were Yuun’s or Vik’s.), but it seemed she had been wearing Aric’s and he hadn’t mentioned it. No one ever made a big deal if you wearing someone else’s training shirt during drills, you were sweating and working out so no one cared as long as they got washed.
“For the record, you kiss like some people punch.”
After that episode in the weapons locker, she’d left the situation between them alone, and Aric seemed happy to leave it that way. She didn’t even know whether she remembered what he said correctly, but it had left her feeling like she’d done something wrong. Out of all the endorphins she felt, her main thought was 'Are my kisses supposed to feel like punches?’
A fleeting thought led her laugh at the idea of calling one of her sisters. If they knew, especially if Voonie knew, she’d either have Aric’s head or come down to the Thunderclap herself. She figured having no advice was better than having biased advice.
In that moment, she decided on just tossing the shirt back on and leaving the room, bare feet and all. It hadn’t been that long since he’d left, and she got lucky as he was just passing by the holocom in the middle of the ship as she nearly tripped over herself on the way down the stairs. (Hadn’t been the first time, thank the Maker that only Yuun had been on the ship that day, or Tanno would never let her live it down. Nor would Aric, but he’d be more discreet about his jestering, as would Elara.)
She wasn’t sure if he had heard her first or just…sensed her coming down the stairs (probably the former, Hakio enjoyed the 'going in guns blazing’ aspect of being Havoc Squad, not being an ace in stealth), but he turned around before she crossed the few millimeters between them. “Major?”
“Aric, you once said kissing me felt like a punch, didn’t you?”
He paused, clearly thinking over his words before responding. Even though her nerves were shivering in the darkness of the Thunderclap, she felt hot as she waited for his response. “Yes, I did.”
She doesn’t allow him another sentence as she steps to connect them both. She keeps that comment in mind, but she figures she’s less forceful than the first time. He seems surprised for a second, but he doesn’t pull away, instead melting into her. Her siblings always seemed to have a description for kisses they experienced, but for now, Hakio had none. It was just, euphoria. She felt nothing and everything at the same time. It’s one of the few times neither of them is in combat armor, so his hands are bare as they seem to just know to rest his hands around her waist, and without durasteel covering her, she could feel as it happened. A strong grasp keeping her in place as she tried her best to not shiver through the experience.
He doesn’t let her go once they do pull apart, quietly gasping for air in the dark of the ship, his face illuminated by the low-power of the holocom. “Better?” She whispers, questioning.
“Still feels like a slap on the wrist.” He chuckles lowly before kissing her again. “But, I’ll take as many slaps as you’re willing to give.”
She decides not to comment on the lude innuendo. This is the closest they’ve been since then, out of sight of the others and not in the middle of combat. This is the safest she’s felt since, well at any point in her life, maybe the exception being with her family. He’s strong, she’s known this since the days she’s caught him with his shirt off by accident (Elara’s made it a mild concern how Vik and Aric walk around the ship shirtless after drills, but at the time, Hakio made it a backburner issue and responded she could do the same if she wanted.), but it was different with his arms actually around her. He’s soft, and while she can’t describe it, so is his fur. Makes her want to run her hands through it.
They’re both breathing hard, trying to remain together as Hakio finally let herself go. As if all the anxiety of never loving before was taken away by Aric himself. She smiled as he leaned his forehead against hers, standing in each others arms, neither ready to let the either go. The fears subside, for now, but they scream to be let out again, expressed.
“Yes?” She whispered in response. She lifted hers to meet his emerald green eyes that softened at the sight of her, every time she walked into the weapons locker.
“I love you.”
She freezes for a second. No one has ever said that to her but her own family, so it’s a new thought to connect loving to someone that didn’t share blood with her. For a moment, all the fear and anxiety floods into her, feeling as if an attack is coming on again. Her heart is racing, too fast, her palms are becoming sweaty and she feels dizzy. But not in the way her siblings ever described to her. It doesn’t feel right, and it scares her.
“Hakio?” He seems concerned now, placing a palm on her cheek. She’s willing back tears as she tries to re-align herself with the situation at hand. Throwing caution to the wind is beginning to have it’s toll on her, and she’s afraid of so many things if they truly become involved, romantically at least… “Are you alright?”
“..Y-yes.” A few sneaky drops of water snake their way down her cheeks.
“You clearly aren’t.” He loosens his grasp around her waist, taking her hands in his. “Hakio, talk to me.”
“I’m fine, Jorgan.” She’s not fine. She’s hoping he doesn’t notice how she employs his surname instead of his first name, but he does.
“Hakio.” His voice takes on a warning tone as she looks back up at him, nearly sniffling away tears. Blast it, this is embarassing, she’s supposed to be the hardened Major of the strongest Special Forces unit in the known galaxy and here she is crying because she doesn’t want someone to care about her and get hurt.
Emotions really do get in the way.
“I’m afraid then.” She’s worried he won’t hear, but he’s very clearly listening. “Aric, if you and I get…'involved’, what if I die one day? What will you be left with? What if Garza transfers one of us, and I never see you again-”
“Hakio, breathe.” Somehow he’s well-versed in the attacks she’s had. None have been particularly this bad, or this intimate, as they keep their voices low, the others sleep only a couple of feet away behind a closed door. But he knows, and she follows his advice. She’s calming down, but the fear gnaws at her. They’re real fears, things she never wants to face, a world without Aric. “Whatever happens, happens. It’s business as usual Hakio, and we can’t control that. And y'know what, that’s okay. I’ll still love you, and I figure you love me, even if I haven’t heard you say it.”
She nods as he brushes away another stray tear. “You got it?”
“I got it.” She whispers as he goes in for another kiss. “I love you, Aric Jorgan.”
“And I love you too, Hakiojkl Hyperion.”
Somehow, she and Elara are working together the next day, mostly Hakio fixing up some of the ship’s life support systems while Yuun is out and just talking together. She and Elara gained a sister-like relationship while working together, and they trust and enjoy one another’s company to just end up spending a whole day together without ever explaining to the crew that. Not as well-oiled as she and Jorgan, but Elara has definitely been added to the small family Havoc has become.
“Major, permission to speak freely?” Elara asks as she hands Hakio a hydrospanner.
“Permission granted, Elara.” She says, rubbing her forehead before continuing with her work. The dark hairs trying to grow back are a reminder that she needs to shave again, or face the consequence of looking like a spiky plant until she gets a small afro again.
“Can I ask you about something?” Elara questions, handing her another tool as she ties her hair up. “Something…personal.”
“Of course.” She says, with one tool in her mouth and the other in hand screwing in the last part to an upgrade on the medbay’s cot. Squinting, it’s almost in, just about…
“I saw something that I didn’t fully understand last night-
Not unusual. Well, maybe a little. ‘Less a beast from space had wandered onto the ship during the night-
-It’s about your relationship with Captain Jorgan.”
The screw falls onto her eye as Hakio screams out a profanity, hitting her head on the cot, just barely rolling out from underneath it, Elara wincing as she tried to get a good look at the damage the cot had done to her Major, taking her face into her hands to inspect. “I’m sorry, I know it’s none of my business and all.”
“How much do you want to know?” Hakio asks, one hand covering her eye as Elara let her go. Damn, it stings like a bitch, and she wasn’t planning on explaining anything until she and Aric had discussed more. Elara wasn’t meant to see anything either, which is what concerned her more. How much had she seen of last night’s encounter?
She kept herself from dragging a hand down her face and groaning.
“Nothing! I didn’t intend to ever find out that way, I figured you’d tell me when you were ready.”
Elara Dorne has to be the most understanding and polite woman Hakio had ever met. Asocial her ass.
“I’m not hugely curious, really. It was partially obvious to the untrained eye.” She chuckles, and Hakio figures she’s accidentally blushed to cause a reaction from the ex-Imperial. “No offense taken, but it seemed you always chose the Captain over me in the early days. After overhearing his stricter nature, I originally figured you were trying to impress him, but as months passed, I learned you were, in a way I wasn’t expecting.”
“Wasn’t expecting?” Hakio questions as she nurses the second head-bump she’s had in two days as she listens to her Lieutenant.
“Not exactly.” Elara’s in thought for a moment before continuing, “I saw you as my CO when I first arrived from Taris, just a smidgen kinder than Kalor. But eventually, I realized you were nothing like him. You cared for your soldiers, each and every one of us, and you approved every request I ever made towards you, where Kalor would surely refuse. However, you were a strong woman, and I’ve met other per se, 'warrior women’ like you. None I know of ever married.”
“Elara, I’m not married-” She cuts herself off from the inevitable 'maybe’ Elara may respond with.
“I know that, Major. But the way you interact with Captain Jorgan, even around just Havoc, I find it cute. I would never inquire what you do behind closed doors,” Hakio busies herself with tinkering some other gadget to avoid looking at Elara, as she’s sure her face has gone a brighter red than it should against her darker skin, “But I think you both make a fine couple.”
“Thank you?” It turns into a question near the end as Elara hands her another tool as she returns to work on her datapad. “Thank you, I mean, for understanding.”
“Oh, of course, Major.”
“Hm?” Elara questions as if she didn’t hear right.
“You heard me, Lieutenant. My name is Hakio, I suggest after two years you use it.” She lifts her head from her gadget to look at the blue-eyed woman as a small smile graces her lips. “I think of you like a sister Elara, and sisters don’t use their sister’s titles to address them.”
“Oh. Of course, Hakio. Did you by any chance finish the reports that the Marshall sent it?”
Hakio groaned. “No, I almost fell asleep last night at my desk while Aric was helping.”
“It’s not that big a deal, really. I was just curious. You are on leave.” She pauses again before leaving the medbay. “Did you and the Captain sign Form 3578-K?”
Hakio is very close to banging her head against the wall if Elara brings up another thing she didn’t finish last night because of her panic attack and general exhaustion. Elara chuckles outwardly, “Just put it on your to-do list, Hakio!”
Hakio shakes her head, halfway smiling and the other half of her blushing madly. Would he sign it with her? She didn’t know, maybe she’d wait for him to ask.
Walking past the holocommunicator, it alerted her there was a message waiting to be played. Must’ve been a broadcast, or whoever was calling would’ve called her personally.
oh i also took some liberties with how the trooper ship is laid out,, bc while writing this i thought the captain’s quarters was across from the cockpit. it’s not :/
but for now i guess it is lol. i also adore elara dorne, and i intend to play her romance through at some point ;) but for now, she’s like a sister to hakiojkl, and helps her with more feminine things bc who are we kidding hakio’s a dumbass to anything that doesn’t include a rifle.
0 notes