#then i was in sjw side of tumblr when i was like 13/14
dioriysus · 7 months
sorry if u started following me bc of my timsteph shenanigans bc this account is truly everywhere
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rivetgoth · 3 years
I had this friend I met in the Hetalia fandom in like 8th-9th grade who was like, a lot older than me (I was like 12-13 when we met and she was like 17 or so), and we were REALLY close for a really long time, we'd talk and call every day and it got to a point where she was really dependent on me in this awful way where she would like constantly threaten suicide if I didn't answer her texts fast enough and shit like that. She was really rich cuz her dad was a doctor and one time she bought me an entire fucking Xbox One (I did not ask for it like... I'd always been a PlayStation gamer LOL) because she didn't have anyone to play Halo with her. My family still has it and uses it as a DVD player/Netflix machine.
Anyway the really batshit thing about this person (BESIDES the fact that she was like, definitely a pedophile who loved shota and frequently sexted me after she'd turned 18+ and I was like 14 and she also had both a bestiality and incest fetish that she'd talk to me about constantly — I was a kid I had no moral concept of anything and just liked being edgy and feeling mature) was that she was like. A chronic liar who constantly faked identities. And for years after cutting off contact with her I would look back and realize that she had faked even more than I had noticed at the time. The thing is, I knew for sure she wasn't lying about her home life -- Her address, what she looked like, her dad's profession, her age, her house, her pets, etc, were all things I had proof of. But when I knew her she was constantly remaking her Tumblr to escape drama she'd start, and she would constantly make side blogs under pseudonyms and pretend it wasn't her (sometimes it would be random shit like aesthetic blogs under different names or ask blogs for characters or smthn, other times it was like, callout blogs for people she had gotten into drama with where she would pretend to be someone else defending her). I assumed back then that I was always going to be in on it, because she would always tell me whenever she made one of these fake accounts, and sometimes she would encourage me to make a new account too as a sort of roleplay thing where we both pretended to be people we weren't... Until I learned that she wasn't always telling me. Every so often, I would become mutuals with a new account who would start messaging me about my interests and strike a conversation with me. Then something would slip and my "new mutual" would admit that they had actually been my friend all along... Which should have made me immediately cut contact because that's weird as shit, but I was young and she was a close friend, so I would just sorta accept it.
She ended up being like, horrifically transphobic. She got run off her blog twice for being specifically transmisogynistic, first insisting that she was allowed to headcanon canon trans women as feminine men and then on her next blog insisting that lesbians couldn't be attracted to trans women. I was still young and closeted and she was one of my closest friends and was constantly messaging me that the situation was making her suicidal and she was just wording things wrong and totally supported trans people and people just weren’t giving her the benefit of the doubt and she was still learning so I tried to just stay out of it without losing her. Then... I came out as trans lol. She stopped replying to me when I first came out and then made a bunch of vents on her tumblr about how much it upset her and about how “using he/him pronouns for AFAB people is triggering” for whatever fucking reason. She told me her “best IRL friend” who she had introduced me to once on Skype but who never logged in again after and who refused to ever do a group call or anything (definitely another fake account) said that it was irrational for me to expect my friends to respect my pronouns so soon after coming out and that I shouldn’t be upset if I get misgendered. Then she apologized but told me my name and pronouns would never fit me. As you can imagine, as a little baby trans kid who was closeted from my family and terrified of even having come to terms with being trans, I didn’t really have a great defense.
Soon she started being really woke like 2014 style Tumblr SJW to save face, she came out as nonbinary and told me in private it was because she felt bad when people called her cis during discourse (she absolutely wasn't nonbinary) and she coined a "new sexuality" that was "attraction only to people you perceive as feminine, regardless of how they identify" -- what this actually meant was "attraction to cis women and not trans women." She ran an aroace help blog despite not being aroace? And made a bunch of pride flags that I still see around sometimes to this day. She would start fights a lot and try to out-woke people and got into a bunch of drama with other SJW types of the day, got into a bunch of drama with TumblrInAction and Mogai-Watch and shit like that, and she claimed for a short while that she had a headmate (FWIW I totally believe DID is a legitimate thing but like. Trust me on this one.) who was transphobic and that it made her so sad, she told me that it was actually that headmate that had been transphobic before, and every so often her headmate would front out of nowhere and misgender me and use really abusive language like calling me a cunt or a bitch or whatever. She started making these "intersex nonbinary" OCs who she would constantly make porn of under the guise that they were representation for LGBT people who were just like, extremely fetishistic cuntboys and dickgirls (they were “intersex” to explain why they could be “girls with natal penises” or “boys with natal vaginas”).
At that same time, she somehow always managed to have these random, very sporadically active trans women mutuals who were apparently amazing friends of hers, who shared some interests with her but also would defend her when people brought up her past, with these long-winded “Well, I’m a trans woman and I think what she said is perfectly justified and everyone makes mistakes and she’s always been a good ally!!” Then one day some trans woman received an ask from her account where she claimed to be a “black trans woman” (she was, of course, a white cis woman) and she freaked out and claimed she had “been hacked by TiA or 4Chan to make her look bad” — I realize now she had just been sending anon messages pretending to be things she wasn’t and forgot to hit anon LOL. Late in all of this she also got into a bunch of hot water for being really antisemitic and saying she didn’t trust Jewish people because they were just like Christians and like, 5 seconds later she came out as Jewish and wrote this whole long sad vent about how she had had internalized antisemitism and then started going by a random Hebrew name LMAO.
In the end the final breaking point was when I found her secret TERF blog, where she had been making posts for months about how trans men are just insecure women who are trying to escape misogyny by stepping on the backs of “fellow women” and using me as a fucking example, and also saying that me not coming out as a trans man had been “basically rape” since she had been SEXTING me when she was 18+ and I was 13-14+ and that it was traumatic to know someone she had trusted was secretly identifying as a man LMAO. She was also obviously saying all sorts of transmisogynistic things, but also had these really bizarre fetish posts about wanting trans women to fuck her...? I confronted her about it and she literally fucking out of nowhere told me that she was in the emergency room with a mysterious illness that might kill her and she was allowed to have her phone but due to privacy laws couldn’t send a picture as proof. While “in the hospital” she deleted the TERF blog and her personal blog. I had known her for literal YEARS at this point (we had met when I was 12-13 or so and by the time we no longer spoke I was a few months from 17), and I was completely stunned to fucking hear this person trying to pull “I’m in the hospital with a deadly disease” at being confronted for some shit like that LMAO. I made a post about it on my public and another “trans woman friend” of hers logged in to vehemently defend her by saying that there’s nothing wrong with AFAB women being untrusting of trans people because female oppression is uniquely traumatic and that there’s nothing wrong with women expressing their sexuality by sexting minors as long as the minor consents and that I was the real predator for “hiding that I was a man” (remember, I’d been a 13 year old closeted trans boy), before never logging in again... 😭 One of the last times we ever talked was when she demanded I refund her for the fucking Xbox and I refused.
Anyway, the long-term aftermath of that is that a few people online (in some random cringe areas of the internet) who archived some of her antics still think that I also wasn’t a real person, since they caught onto how much she lied about too, so they think I was also a sock puppet and I have no interest in clarifying and making myself known to those people LOL. I have no fucking idea where she is now, she deactivated everything after her being a TERF came out. There’s like, so much more to that I could say because I knew her for YEARS and, like I said, she was one of my “closest friends.” Her parents had wildly expensive pure bred designer dogs that she would make Vines of. She wrote Beatles real person fan fiction. For her birthday one year I made her a shirt on Zazzle with an inside joke about one of her OCs... does she still have that? Either way, she was easily the most batshit person I’ve ever known closely online and I will forever associate the Hetalia fandom with people like that.
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michaelmilkers · 7 years
you said you had a blog about the outsiders right? what made you leave the fandom? what was all the discourse about?
hoooooooooooo boy wow
ok so i was closetgreaser and in case you guys dont know there is a pretty sizable fandom for the book/movie ‘the outsiders’ on tumblr however its still not that big so everybody kinda knows everybody and it got to a point where me and a friend of mine were like. two of the top five blogs in the fandom in terms of the amount of followers we had and attention we got so if something went down with me It Went Down and people would pick sides and shit
this book is like half a century old and yet every few months people found a new thing to fucking argue about but i stuck through it all all of the waves of discourse until the ponypop epidemic, or as i like to call it, the ponypopcalypse.
ponypop was the ship name for ponyboy/sodapop. theyre brothers. ponyboy is 14. yeah.
tbh i think maybe 20 people actually shipped it at the most but the reason why it blew up as much as it did because a few people were like “hey thats fucked up dont do that” and then people showed up in fucking mobs going like “UR TEARING THSI FANDOM APART OVER A SHIP!!!!!! WE R GREASERS WE STICK TOGETHER” and im not even exaggerating on that
and i was like haha okay w/e ive seen worse these people are being dramatic like usual
and then this other blog who seemingly showed up out of nowhere kept trying to hop on my dick
he was an anti sjw who kept im-ing me and sending me asks and trying to argue with me abt various anti sjw stuff (mainly truscum-esque topics. he is cis fyi) and after a while of arguing with him i was like lmao you know what this is going nowhere just leave me alone but the bitch didnt quit and kept messaging me even when all of my responses were basically “k” and started doing shit like misgendering me to try and get a reaction
and he was starting shit in the notes of my friend’s art so i was like you know what fuck this guy so i made a post about all the shit he did and said (he said that non binary genders were a false concept and that feminism is dumb and a huge chunk of the fandom at the time were girls/trans and nb people) 
motherfucker starting lying through his teeth saying that i was the one who wouldnt leave him alone and that he never said any of that blah blah blah
i blocked him and i shit you the entire fuck not every other post of his was vagueing me
and he kept spreading misinformation so i copy pasted our entire im conversation and put it in a google doc
motherfucker said “google docs arent proof” so i screenshotted our entire conversation and put it all onto one canvas and uploaded it
people. still. believed. him. over. me.
i was having major fucking panic attacks over it and i saw someone say i should die and i was like lmao okay im done yall made your choice and i left and so did like 3/5 of the other popular blogs. i dont think any of the people i interacted with are still around at this point
ive checked in on the tags a couple times and its a fucking shit show all of the funny people are gone
fun fact the dude who harassed me off my blog ended up being a 13 year old who watches leafyishere
he harassed me on my other blogs including telling me to “watch my back” (to which i responded with ‘what the fuck i gotta watch out for the fucking sharknado’) and making fun of the time when a group of cis guys threatened to molest me bc i was trans and then i blocked him everywhere
that fandom is a fucking cesspool of garbage and s.e. hinton believes heterophobia is real anyway so she aint shit either
im never going back
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quinnyandco · 7 years
I tried to put the questions in instead of just numbers but alack, too many questions, too little space. 2, 3, 8, 13, 14, 15, 19. And -- *copycatting*-- FOR ALL
2. Say your OC made a playlist on Spotify. What bands would be on that playlist? Any specific genres?
Berlin - He’s this weird mix between folksy stuff like Fleet Foxes and indie rock like Bastille. Lark - She would be blasting the Maroon 5 and Halsey through her car speakers, but also listening to stupid stuff like Bad Lip Reading songs on the down-low. Kes - 10 hours of Latin prayer chants, and her side playlist of random Florence + The Machine/Lana Del Rey/Daughter stuff that she listens to on private mode.Arthur - half his playlists have like one song in them, and it’s always something that you’d never actually figure that he’d listen to, and you’d be right because he hasn’t clicked on that playlist in 4 months. he makes his own music more than he listens to it. the playlists he does regularly use are for parties. lark also made him a playlist that he keeps meaning to listen to but somehow every time he clicks play, he never hears anything and then it’s over. Amber - doesn’t know what a spotify is, doesn’t care, has better things to do |Sitara - like, I WANT to listen to her playlist. because she’s one of those people who loves music but gets tired of it quickly, so she’s always finding new stuff and her playlists are a total mess. Every genre. It doesn’t matter what it is, she can find an occasion for it. Edward - a playlist containing nothing but “Be a Man” from Mulan on loop3. What kind of video games would they play? Any specific titles?Berlin - Lol okay, he was MADE for first-person shooters. But is he actually playing them? No. He’s playing those cute little flash games with bunnies hopping onto logs or something. Lark - Overwatch, because of the team-building element. She’ll usually only play video games in general if she’s with other people, except for the Sims which she’ll play alone if she needs character inspiration.Kes - Is somehow ridiculously good at the first-person shooters. This freaks her out. And she still doesn’t *get* the Sims but she plays it sometimes anyway because it’s fun to pretend to have a happy familyArthur - he will be HORRIBLE at anything he tries, unless he hyperfocuses on it, and then suddenly he is champion at everything and people refuse to play with him anymore. Amber - she’s really good at portal and she doesn’t even try to be. it just kind of happens. also she finds surgeon simulator to be horrendously inaccurate and she refuses to play it. Sitara - why on earth would you kill people in a video game when you could do it in real lifeEdward - DITTO. but he’s like, super good at tetris and doesn’t tell anyone. 
bonus: Nick plays Crossyroad. Don’t ask. he just does. 
8. How does your OC keep track of time? Do they have a planner? A calendar?
Berlin - He has a lot of people barking instructions at him, so he never really has the chance to forget what he’s doing or when he’s supposed to do it. But he’s naturally really organized so he’d probably have a planner otherwise. Lark - She’s usually on time because she hates to be late to the action or disappoint anyone counting on her. But sometimes she gets distracted by like, people on the street during her commute. Kes - time is a human construct, who needs it? the goddess will tell us when to leave and when to arrive. the moon spirits speak her truth into the ears of those who will listen Arthur - has owned approximately 500 planners in his life. it doesn’t matter how much he writes in them. he forgets they exist and is late anyway. Amber - has owned approximately 0 planners in her life. she is a perfect piece of ENTJ timekeeping. she doesn’t need a watch, or the sun, or you, probably. Sitara - has neatly plotted out her day, or hired someone to do it for her. Usually on time, but if she’s not, it’s because she decided it wasn’t worth her time to be there in the first place. Edward - is honestly more of a diva than sitara most of the time. he shows up if he wants to show up. you can’t tell him where to be. 
13. If you are an artist, and if your OC can draw as well, could you replicate what their artstyle looks like? Or, if you can’t, could you describe it?
Berlin - once he smeared some blood on a rock and called it art Lark - doodles on the margins of reports and discarded typewriter pages. Is better than she thinks she is but’ll never do anything with it. Kes - paints and writes all over the walls of her shed. No specific style; she’ll try anything you’ll teach her. Arthur - Cannot draw, doesn’t try Amber - wouldn’t actually be bad at it if she’d just sit down and learn for like five minutes Sitara - Has developed her skill over the years and is probably the only character I have who could actually paint your portrait and would gladly do it. Edward - what is paint. it has the word pain on it. is it like that 
14. If your OC owned a Tumblr blog, what kind of content would they post?
Berlin - I actually have a private blog for Berlin and it is entirely pictures of snakes, jackets, bunnies, and depressing quotes. Lark - She has two blogs–one for her professional stuff, and the other for maximum memeing and opinion pieces. Sometimes she mixes them up and her professional people get a horrible wake-up call as to her sense of humor. Kes - Meditations, uses it as her personal journal, a little bit of a SJW when she’s tired. accidently follows a NSFW blog because she thought they just wanted to be her friend and she didn’t look at the content first.  Arthur - if there was ever a theme, it died long ago. also he might still be confusing facebook with tumblr because the colors are too similar. forgot his password. Amber - queen of throwing shade to people. has 2000 followers and she doesn’t know why because she didn’t ask them to be there. why are 2000 people following a blog about sutures. surely they have lives. leaves arthur to answer her hate mail, and answers serious asks from medical students if she feels generous. Sitara - KITTY PIX Edward - I tried to ask him what he’d have on his blog and he just looked at me really scarily and i stopped asking. 
15. How do they type? Do they use emojis? Do abbreviate and shorten words?
Berlin - if he likes you, he doesn’t care. you’re getting whatever he’s dishing out at that particular moment (this includes random bouts of existentiality that you never asked for). Lark - Always has the perfect word for every situation. Understands emojis and internet speak the day it emerges on Tumblr. probably started the “me, an intellectual” meme. gif queen. Kes - doesn’t know why you’d type when you could just….talk to people?Arthur - Autocorrect is NOT his friend. But he never corrects autocorrect because by the time he realizes his mistake he’s already forwarded it to you and your boss and your aunt. He and Lark have gif wars.Sitara - Doesn’t even have a phone because someone would probably find a way to hack it and she is NOT being taken out by a camera phone scandal. Amber - Only answers texts at 2 AM. Perfect grammar. Has never used an emoji in her life. Deletes them if they automatically show up. Edward - you texted him once, and he replied telling you exactly where you could stick your texting. you were never brave enough to contact him again.  
19. Does your OC like to collect things? What kind of things do they collect?
Berlin - he picks up rocks sometimes, and then puts them back because they might be some convict’s soul and he’s not in the mood to cart around convict souls in his pockets.Lark - she has an entire drawer full of feathers. she picks them up off the sidewalk every time she sees one while she’s out walking. she also has a pen collection and a playbill collection from all the shows she’s been to. she draws mustaches on the ones she didn’t like. Kes - hordes books. also doesn’t really have any books. but if she had money and a house she’d have a lot of books.Arthur - he’s got a touch of kleptomania about him so he’s inadvertently stolen every pen that anyone has ever given him. I guess that counts. (Some of them are from Lark’s collection, and if she’s noticed, she hasn’t asked for them back)Amber - does not see the point of useless junk hanging around. just clean up your life. Sitara - she has a collection of pawprints (ink pressed onto paper) from every cat she has ever owned/cared for. they’re in a little drawer in her room and she looks through them whenever she misses them. Edward - do scars count because he has a lot of those and they don’t seem to be stopping. 
If you’re not too mad at me for clogging up your feed, send me an OC ask here! 
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baereaved · 7 years
All of the odd-numbered OC asks!! >:3c
u devil~ thank u for all the asks omg
send me some oc questions~
1. Your first OC ever?
kairos. i think. probably.well in all honesty i had plenty of self-inserts before him OTL OTL OTL but i think  he was the first proper oc i madei might just think he was first bc he was the first one i hallucinated, but eh. he’s been around a good while
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
i haven’t omgstraight up didn’t know that was even, like, a thingsomeone let me adopt ur child
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
screamsmorgan, probablyi mean u can’t rlly know morgan w/o knowing the other dozen ppl in his universe anyways sOplus he’s adorable and important to me, so who better, reallyi feel like he’d be the one i’d write about if i was gonna, like, make a book or webcomic or smth
7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?
in the sense that i’ve made them up, then yesand in the sense that some of them are ocs for other actual stories, then also yesin the sense that i’ve ever written anything for them, absolutely noti’m way too lazy to write OTL OTL OTL
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
i mean someone can take catboy if they really want them like they were a Mistakebut for the most part i quite like having them all to myself lolololol
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
jesúswhich makes sense, considering his namesakein my mind when i made him i was like “if ur gonna name him jesus u can’t be givin him all the perfect traits like he still needs flaws and things” and then that just. didn’t happenhe is sweet and gentle and quiet and kindand also he’s traumatized and terrified of acting out and he screams in his sleepbc i’m a terrible person and i love to torment my smol kids
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
god, all of themcielle, notably, since she will fuck u up and also. winters. she’s literally my dgm oc whose general is winters and they get along terrifyingly well, so. yes.also katrina and benji and dessa and hendrik and reese and rien and nyla and listen, i could go on
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
yes, absolutelyi also enjoy it when ppl tell me abt their ocs, mostly so i can grill them for oc info lololol
17. Any OC OTPs?
jesús and luc, dessa and shiv, olivia and ekundayo, rien and the sweet embrace of deathi rlly need more couples so, like, subject to change
the rest are under the cut~
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
i don’t think i even could pick oneumi haven’t mentioned enlil yet, i suppose, and i mean? he’s not very developed, but he brings me an indescribable amount of peace when i talk/think about him, soi’m not actually sure if it’s okay for me to use that name, but eh. if not people can yell at me and i’ll change it. names are hard sometimesbut anyways i don’t have much of anything on him? he’s deaf. generally pretty calm and relaxed. like shiv, except actually a good personidk what it is abt him, he just?? puts me at peace? makes me feel good? like i only made him last year but he’s like, the personification of what nostalgia feels likeso he’s really important to me just bc of how comforting he is. like just thinking abt him could probably get me out of an anxiety attack
21. Your most artistic OC
santa is my nameless oc (as in, the game. he clearly has a name) so 1. he is art and 2. he is an artist himself lol, mostly a painterhelena is pretty artistic too, and is a sculptor
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
already answered~
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
listen okay all of them started out as self-inserts. all of them. they’re all at least partially based off me.i’ve been thinkin abt this for an hour and i still can’t come up with anything OTL i’m p similar in different ways to all of them, so i’ll have to leave it at that lol
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
already answered~
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?
nyla, for fun, and benji, bc he’s Cool and Edgy and mr. survivalist who would probably be an actual detective if he wasn’t, like, 14
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
i was gonna talk abt my bae rosaire here but he’d be a youtuber, somona is my edgy 13 yr old bab who would probably have a blog full of anarchist shit and different alternative rock lyric postsalso, she’d be part of that shoplifting side of tumblr
33. Your shyest OC?
rosetta nicoletteshe’s the softest and purest and everyone needs to protect her
35. Any sibling characters?
pollux and isabela……i think that’s it. i need more siblings asap
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human
santa’s a doll. dessa and shiv are a demon and angel, respectively. i have a couple other angel charas too that don’t have names yet but are gorgeous, so |D also all my space charas aren’t human. opluxx is an ogre. i think. catboy is self-explanatory.
39. Introduce any character you want
ekundayo is my beautiful bab and also olivia’s long-distance gfi haven’t done a ton of development on her but i love her bc listen they’re one of those relationships where olivia is literally the most stoic intense fucker around who will kill u and ekundayo is the purest and softest around everyone but then u see them together and olivia’s obviously happy and totally whipped by her sweet but also unexpectedly dom gf and i love them, okay
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
well. yes, but we had a falling out since then, so i feel it’d be wrong to post it herei’d love to see some more fanart of my ocs~ i should commission smth from someome sometime
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
already answered~
45. A character you no longer use?
o'malley johnson, valentia, kiriko and akumukiriko and akumu were my old bleach ocs, o'malley johnson was just a kickass dude, and valentia was my stereotypical yandere childsimce i don’t care for bleach anymore and i don’t have universes for valentia or o'malley johnson, i haven’t done much w/ them, but i still like the last two
47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child?
i don’t think so? maybe. hmu
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes
god, rienrien would be the worst anti-sjw shitty memelord and i ha te
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arwenkenobi48 · 7 years
Tagged by @allthewians <3
Tagging: @khara-chan, @grand-admiral-asshat, @inthepurplefog, @xiamei-sami and @conscientiousmonster (no pressure)
the last
1. drink: Water 2. phone call: One of my aunts 3. text message: A friend of mine from college  4. song you listened to: The Cure by Lady Gaga 5. time you cried: Earlier today 6. dated someone twice: My ex-gf... *shudders* 7. kissed someone and regretted it: Funnily enough I’ve never done this 8. been cheated on: Nope  9. lost someone special: Yes 10. been depressed: Until very recently 11. got drunk and thrown up: Does it count if you get drunk on sugar? If so, then in 2013 (worst year of my personal life tbh)
3 favourite colours
12. Black 13. Purple 14. Earth blue
in the last year have you
15. made new friends: Yes, I have <3 16. fallen out of love: I have...a lot 17. laughed until you cried: I find the weirdest things funny so yes, I have :3 18. found out someone was talking about you: *cringes* yep 19. met someone who changed you: Idk who hasn’t done this 20. found out who your friends are: Yes <3 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: I don’t have Facebook
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: N/A 23. do you have any pets: Nope, but I want a cat, maybe two 24. do you want to change your name: Yeah that’d be neat 25. what did you do for your last birthday: Went to see Star Wars identities (best day of my life!) :D 26. what time did you wake up: Approaching 9AM 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Discussing my SW faves on Discord  28. name something you can’t wait for: Starting sixth form college in September :D 29. when was the last time you saw your mum: She’s in my house right now XD 31. what are you listening to right now: Closer by Halsey and The Chainsmokers 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: I can’t remember tbh 33. something that is getting on your nerves: The current state of the world and the SJW side of the Star Wars fandom 34. most visited website: DeviantArt, Tumblr, Discord and Youtube   35. hair colour: natural brunette, frequently dye it different colours 36. long or short hair: Short 37. do you have a crush on someone: Do Clone troopers count? If so, then Fives <3 38. what do you like about yourself: Oh man... I’m very forgiving and open-minded, I guess...  39. piercings: Nope (religious and medical reasons) 40. blood type: B positive 41. nickname: Arwy <3 42. relationship status: Single (but I want a bf)
43. zodiac: Cancer
44. pronouns: idk...anything goes, I guess 45. favourite tv show: TCW, Rebels, Studio C, Rick and Morty    46. tattoos: No (same reason as no piercings) 47. right or left handed: ambidextrous
48. surgery: Never had surgery 49. piercing: N/A 50. sport: Swimming 51. vacation: Either Spain or Canada I can’t remember 52. pair of trainers: When I was 9, I think
more general
53. eating: Nothing 54. drinking: Nothing 55. i’m about to: Read ‘In Cold Blood’ for my summer work 56. waiting for: My exam results to come through 58. get married: Yes please <3 59. career: Writer and soon-to-be film student
which is better
60. hugs or kisses: both...? 61. lips or eyes: Eyes 62. shorter or taller: Taller 63. older or younger: Older 64. nice arms or nice stomach: I can’t decide tbh 65. hook up or relationship: Relationship, definitely 66. troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant
have you ever
67. kissed a stranger: Nope 68. drank hard liquor: No 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: Nope  70. turned someone down: Yes 71. sex on the first date: No 72. broken someone’s heart: I hope I haven’t (but it depends on the person) 73. had your heart broken: Yes 74. been arrested: Almost 75. cried when someone died: I cry over the deaths of strangers (it would be shockingly OOC if i didn’t cry) 76. fallen for a friend: Yes (but I wish I hadn’t)
do you believe in
77. yourself: Sometimes 78. miracles: Yes 79. love at first sight: Yes <3 80. santa claus: Nope, never XD 81. kiss on the first date: Sorta 82. angels: Yes 
83. current best friend’s name: I have too many friends to single them out :3 84. eye colour: Brown 85. favourite movie: Here’s a few: Every SW film ever, the LotR/Hobbit films, The Dark Crystal and the Hellboy movies (ok that’s more than a few XD)
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teaxstains · 6 years
1) What images do you have set for your desktop/cell phone wallpapers? My laptop has a picture of neon lights forming the acronym ‘NSFW’. My desktop has a wallpaper of blue balloons I got from tumblr.
2) Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Nah.
3) What was your last text message? Sorry, guys. I can’t come to class cuz’ I’m not well
4) What do you see yourself doing in 10 years? Being a copywriter and publishing a few books of my own on the side and MAYBE already be settled down.
5) If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be? In A’s arms or my old house or an aquarium shop
6) What was your coolest Halloween costume? Jeff the Killer
7) What was your favorite 90s show? Honey I shrunk the kids (the series, not the movie)
8) Who was your last kiss? My ex
9) Have you ever been stood up? Yeah, by a tinder fuckboy
10) Favorite ice cream flavor? Vanilla
11) Have you been to Las Vegas? Um, no. I haven’t been to any western country
12) Your favorite pair of shoes? My blue suede flats. Don’t step on them ;)
13) Honestly, have you ever cheated on your significant other? No. For some reason, I’m always the one people’s significant others cheat WITH
14) What is your favorite fruit? Jackfruit and persimmon 
15) Have you talked to anyone on tumblr that you could see yourself dating/having sex with? If possible? Nah, tumblr is full of SJWs. I’d rather die than fuck one. The ones who aren’t sjws are simply not my type. 
16) Are you into hookups? Short or long term relationships? Short-term
17) Do you smoke? If so, what? Cigarettes
18) What do you do to get over your anger? Brood or smoke
19) Do you believe in God? yes
20) Does the person you’re in love with know it? I don’t know, honestly
21) Favorite position? Missionary. I’m a traditional girl :3
22) What’s your horoscope sign? Aries
23) Your fears? Public speaking and open spaces
24) How many pets do you have? What kind? Fifteen. 1 male betta, 1 baby flowerhorn, 3 female bettas, 5 mini carps, 1 crayfish, and 4 cats. 
25) What never fails to turn you on? Low voices, long hair, and skinny bodies with tattoos.
26) Your idea of a perfect first date? Romantic dinner
27) What is something most people don’t know about you? I’ve been to my parents’ wedding (not 2nd marriage or anything) 
28) What makes you feel the happiest? Listening to music
29) What store do you shop at most often? Forever 21
30) How do you feel about oral? Giving and/or receiving? Receiving 
31) Do you believe in karma? Nope. 
32) Are you single? Yes
33) Do you think flowers or candy are a better way to apologize? No. Too cheesy. Step up your game already, guys. 
34) Are you a good swimmer? I can’t swim for shit
35) Coffee or Tea? Tea - like my namesake
36) Online shopping or shopping in person? Online!
37) Would you rather be older or younger than your current age? Younger 
38) Cats or Dogs? Dogs
39) Are you a competitive person? Hell yeah
40) Do you believe in aliens? Complete bs. 
41) Do you like dancing? Definitely
42) What kind of music to you listen to? Techno/EDM, Rock, Rap.
43) What is your favorite cartoon character? Prince Zuko
44) Where are you from? Malaysia
45) Eat at home or eat out? Eat out
46) How much more social are you when you’re drunk? Never gotten drunk
47) What was the last thing you bought for yourself? More fish for my aquarium (the 5 mini carps) and butterfly pea tea
48) Why do you think your followers follow you? Cuz’ they like my writing
49) How many hours do you sleep at night? 8 or less
50) What worries you most about the future? I’m not worried about the future. I still live in the past
51) If you had a friend that spoke to you the same way you speak to yourself, how long would you be friends? Forever haha
52) Are you happy with yourself? Not really
53) What do you wish you didn’t know? Nothing. I’m glad I know everything I know
54) What big lesson could people learn from your life? Ask them. How’d I know?
55) If you could live in any home on a television series, what would it be? The apartment in Seinfeld
56) What’s your favorite Website? Lazada
57) What’s the habit you’re proudest of breaking? Questioning everything I do so I’m afraid to take chances
58) What was your most recent trip of more than 50 miles? Redang Island last year with my coursemates
59) What’s the best bargain you’ve ever found at a garage sale or thrift store? A flannel that only went for 10 bucks 
60) What do you order when you eat Chinese food? In Malaysia, the chinese food is different. I like mixed rice
61) If you had to be named after one of the 50 states, which would it be? Virginia
62) If you had to teach a subject to a class, what would it be? Art, english or music
63) Favorite kind of chips? Spicy 
64) Favorite kind of sandwich? Tuna
65) Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus? Thesaurus
66) Have you ever been stung by a bee? Nope
67) What’s your favorite form of exercise? Walking
68) Are you afraid of heights? yes
69) What’s the most memorable class you’ve ever taken? Moral classes when I was in standard 4 of primary school (the teacher made it very memorable)
70) What’s your favorite breakfast? Nasi lemak - a Malaysian staple breakfast
71) Do you like guacamole? Heck yes
72) Have you ever been in a physical fight? Yes
73) What/who are you thinking about right now? Lol the primary school teacher who made Moral classes memorable
74) Do you like cuddling? My fave! Only if the person is A
75) Are you holding onto something you need to let go of? Yes - too many
76) Have you ever experienced one of your biggest fears? A lot
77) Favorite city you’ve been to? Malacca
78) Would you break the law to save a family member? Yes
79) Talk about an embarrassing moment? Can’t remember
80) Are there any causes you strongly believe in? Yeah. A woman who has sex randomly isn’t a slut. That’s just one out of many
81) What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? Getting scalded by a running motorbike exhaust
82) Favorite day of the week? Saturday
83) Do you consider yourself sexually open minded? Yes- unlike most people of my race
84) How do you feel about porn? Straight porn? Disgusting and should be banned
85) Which living celebrity would you like to know? Billie-Joe Armstrong, of course <3
86) Who was your hottest ex? I only have one ex and he isn’t hot. 
87) Do you want/have kids? Nooooo. I prefer pets
88) Has anyone ever told you that they wanted to marry you? No. 
89) Do you get easily distracted? I guess
90) Ass or titties? Titties
91) What is your favorite word? Profound, retardation, regurgitate, FUCK! XD
92) How do you feel about tattoos? They’re hot and I want one on my neck but I can’t 
93) Do you have any pets? Duh. I told you I have 15
94) How tall are you? 5′6
95) How old are you? 23
96) 3 physical features you get complimented on a lot? Eyes, nose, and body
97) Is there anything you’re really passionate about? Writing and pets
98) Do you have trust issues? Yeah
99) Do you believe in love at first sight? That isn’t love. That’s just attraction. There’s a difference
100) What are some words that you live by? Why? Make a difference in an indifferent world. Its an original quote and I’m gonna do everything I can to make a difference in places where other people are indifferent or ignorant af about.
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eannf-blog · 7 years
1: What is your name and does it mean anything?
Ma name is Elizabeth and it's Hebrew.
2: How long have you known your best friend?
Since we were 4.
3: What position do you normally sleep in?
Right side or on back.
4: Were you a part of any “clique” in high school?
I'm not in 'high school' yet.
5: Who was your favorite teacher in high school and why? I currently like my French teacher..
6: Do you wish to travel a lot? Yes!
7: Did you participate in any sports while in school?
Mm I did athletics but stopped ages ago.
8: Show a sample of your handwriting: I can't right now.
9: Have you ever given blood? No, but I'm scared to.
10: Do you like the way that you grew up? I've not grown up yet.
11: Do you like your siblings? Why or why not? I don't have any.
12: How did you meet your best friend and why did you become friends? Same primary school class, but I suppose we just became really close then on.
13: Name one movie that made you cry.
When Marnie Was There.
14: Do you prefer to read poetry, write poetry, or neither? Both!
15: Things about someone that you find attractive?
Not being an SJW.
16: What song are you currently listening to?
Some Les Miserables or Abba.
17: Have you ever broken a bone? If so, how?
18: A random memory from you childhood:
Accidentally taking off pants when changing for PE at 5 y/o.
19: Where did you grow up? London.
20: What was the last thing you watched on tv?
Marilyn Monroe auction.
21: Do you think you’d make a good parent? People say I could, but I'm not sure.
22: Would you like to meet any of your Tumblr friends in person?
I don't really have Internet friends other than people I know in person.
22: What was the last dream you remember having?
Something about a play.
23: When is your birthday?
24: How many pillows do you sleep with? 1.
25: Do you wear glasses? If so, how long have you been wearing glasses?
I'm short-sighted but I don't need my glasses often, I got them in Nov. 2016.
26: What color is your hair? Blonde.
27: Name 5 facts about your appearance:
I have green eyes, weird nose, skinny hands, long nails and size 6 feet.
28: What is your favorite soda? Nothing.
29: What is a strange talent that you have? Dunno
30: How’s the weather right now? Cold at night.
31: Why did one of your friendships end? I found out the girl was awful.
32: Who do you miss right now?
33: Why did your last relationship end? Dunno.
34: Are you still figuring out who you are? Yes.
35: Have you ever been admitted to a hospital? Why?
I once went to an eye hospital because the optician was concerned, but turned out it was nothing, even though I embarrassed myself by crying in front of the doctor.
36: What is your favorite restaurant? Dunno.
37: What is word that you always seem to spell wrong?
38: Would ever adopt kids? If I was infertile.
39: What is your favorite kind of pizza? Margarita.
40: What was your first thought when you woke up this morning? "I hate waking up."
41: When was the last time you got really really happy and why? Dunno.
42: What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten? Idk.
43: How do you start a conversation? "Hi, how are you?" or something.
44: What’s a band you’ve been obsessed with lately?
45: Do you come from a family “of money?” Nope.
46: Do you have a bucket list?
47: What is your favorite series of books?
Game of Thrones probably.
48: When was the last time you laughed so hard your stomach hurt? Forgot.
49: Where do you go when you’re sad? My bedroom.
50: 5 random facts about yourself:
1) I enjoy watching factual videos so I can win arguments.
2) I'm sometimes purposefully weird to creep people out.
3) I don't like religions.
4) I love Lauren Southern.
5) I hate the Tories.
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