#then panning over to reveal will and el paralleling each other
chirpsythismorning · 4 months
As a gay Mike truther, this is my favorite bi-Mike evidence
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Daminette Soulmate AU Headcannons (3)
Damian was not worried. He was just going to introduce his literal soulmate to his friends and allies to the superhero community. That was the whole reason for this brunch. 
It was just that Marinette should have been here already but he hadn't heard a word from her.
Ya Amar, where are you? Jon is getting rather impatient for my surprise.
Sorry Habibi. She seemed out of breath. Emergency. Final battle. Paris. Damian didn't usually get scared, it had been trained out of him, but…
It's being covered live. She added for his benefit and that was all that he needed to bolt downstairs. 
"Out of my way." He snapped at Superman, pushing past him and making a bee line to the room with the giant television.
Jason and his friends were there. He snatched the remote out of Roy's hand just as he was about to hand it to his daughter and changed the channel. 
Normally he would get shit for this and normally he knew better than to behave like this around a kid but he felt like his behavior right then was justified. 
He ignored his father who had stormed in after him demanding he apologize to Kal-El as well as Roy insulting him.
Thankfully, Jason seemed to understand that something was wrong, he just turned his attention to the T.V. and just in time for him to find the right channel. 
"-been raging for over five hours. It has been the longest duration of time for which Hawkmoth has been sighted. It seems like our heroes are fully determined not to let him get away this time."
His father had shut up, finally understanding his behavior. He placed a hand on Damian's shoulder and another on Jason's, "She'll be alright."
"We're aware of that." Damian snapped as the room started filling in with other heroes. 
"We don't need you to tell us that." Jason was as tense as he was. 
"I'll fly to...Paris isn't it, and help." Clark said. 
Damian clenched his knuckles. 
"The fuck you will!" Jason growled. "Sit your ass down and don't move."
"You will only hinder her work. No outside help until she requests it or don't you think we'd have been there already." 
Both Jason and Damian loathed the fact that they couldn't be there fighting by her side but she had forbade it and as much as he hated it, her reasoning was sound. 
"But we can't-"
"Kal-El," His father thankfully spoke up. "Shut up before my sons make you. I've approved this. She'll be fine, I'll explain later." More people were filling into the room, curious if what they were hearing. 
The camera panned to the different heroes. "There has once again been a mass akumatization and the the battle seemed to reach a decisive point. Draka, Viperion and Queen Bee have successfully held off Hawkmoth, Mayura and Volpina as Ladybug purifies the akumatized civilians and now Lady Noir is back in the fight."
The camera shows as the teams flawless change their position so that Hawkmoth is left for Ladybug, Mayura being taken care of by Vespa and Draka and Volpina by Viperion. 
However, Volpina as always did not play fair. Somehow, all three ended up away from the fight with her while Hawkmoth found a partner in Mayura against Lady.
It was impressive, the way she shifted her fighting styles and even her alter egos, going from Lady Bug to Lady Noir in a matter of seconds to counteract their attacks. She kept up wonderfully well for having two such skilled adversaries.
But they had been fighting for hours and it was very clear to Damian that the Kwamis wouldn't be able to keep doing this. 
He was so glad at that moment that there was a bunch of superheroes in his house. If needed be, Marinette would get the whole Super community as backup if she asked. 
However, she was still outnumbered and soon she found herself in a dead end with both Hawkmoth and Mayura caging her. 
"That's it." Jason cursed. "We're going."
Damian wanted to agree with him but he felt her determination, her decisiveness and he smirked. 
"No wait." He pushed his brother back to sit. Jason turned to look at him like he was crazy which soon turned into confusion as he saw his expression. He knew Jason still had some trouble adjusting with their bond.
"She has a plan." He confided. "She has them right where she wants them."
Jason stared at him for a few more seconds before he turned back to the screen. 
"Give me your Miraculous and I won't hurt you." So predictable. Damian almost rolled his eyes. 
His soulmate slowly raised her hands up, trying to seem as a non-threat, which is why they were taken by surprise when she extended her baton so that it slammed into Mayura's stomach. 
Immediately after she vaulted over her fallen villian, letting her transformation roll off. She rolled on the ground, to hide her face and brought a hood and a mask that hid her mouth and nose up. 
"Is that your league uniform?" Jason asked Damian. 
"It's based off of it." He replied. "She liked it so she made one for herself in parallel with my new one."
"So you have a fancy costume, doesn't mean you can beat me now. It reduces your chances actually."
Even through the mask Damian could see her annoyance. 
Mayura charged at her. She was clearly the smarter one of the two villains, her doom came with the fact that she listened to Hawkmoth. 
Marinette seemed to see that too because she whipped out a gun. 
"Did you give her the gun?" Damian asked amused. 
"Of course, I did." Jason seemed smug that she was actually using it. 
Before the villians could react, she made a perfect shot, aiming at Hawkmoth's Miraculous. 
Of course, a normal weapon wouldn't hurt a transformed hero, where their skin was covered but momentum was more than enough to make his butterfly brooch fall, letting the transformation off and revealing Gabriel Agreste to the world. 
Before he could do anything else Marinette threw a bola at him, incapacitating him. It was rather funny seeing him wriggle around like a worm. 
"I gave her the bola too." Jason informed the room. No one was surprised. 
That left Mayura. She leapt in front of Gabriel, intending to take him away but Marinette threw something, once again with terrifying precision that ended up with the peacock Miraculous pinned to the wall and one unveiled and frozen Natalie Sancoeur.
The camera panned to the object and showed it as a batarang. 
"I gave her that one." His father informed them, he didn't need to look over to know that he was smirking or that the other occupants of the room were staring at them in total confusion. 
Meanwhile, Marinette had already recovered both of the Miraculous. 
"How-" Natalie asked as Marinette walked to her. She didn't seem interested in fighting anymore, she seemed too shaken up.
 Marinette simply smirked, not that it was visible to anyone. "The sincerest compliments from the Batfam." Then she decked Natalie knocking her unconscious, right in time for the other heroes to land on the roof.
Dick and Stephanie whooped and Tim and Cass laughed. Damian hadn't noticed when they came in.
"Good job." Draka said, throwing Volpina down. 
"Likewise." She stepped back and out the gun back in it's holster on her thigh. 
"Spots on."
Ladybug crouched next to Volpina, and took her necklace and crushed it, a dark butterfly coming out of it. 
She made quick work of purifying it, leaving Lila Rossi there. 
The heroes each grabbed a villain and made the way to the police as Ladybug summoned her lucky charm to fix the city. 
She had a smile on her face and Damian could feel how at peace she was in that moment as she followed her teammates to the police. 
The camera went closer to her. "Ladybug." The voice that was reporting and that he had tuned out, called out.
"Hawkmoth has finally been defeated, how are you feeling?"
"Definitely relieved." She smiled before Turing serious. "But it's not over yet, Gabriel Agreste and Natalie Sancoeur will pay for their crimes."
"And what do you think of Paris' Golden Child, Adrien Agreste involvement in this affair?"
"Well now that they have been defeated, I can say this. Adrien Agreste is a hero. Our victory today has been possible because of him. After finding out who his father is, he came to me and together we decided on the safest course of action which was to send him away incognito." An outraged what could be heard in the background. "He will be returning to Paris shortly and will have a press conference to clarify everything. I ask of everyone in Paris to not judge a son for the sins of his father. Adrien is a hero in his own right and has suffered enough through this debacle."
"That is some shocking news. I understand that you have to deal with the police now, I won't hold you for much longer. We've noticed that you've used a batarang in your fight if I'm not wrong, and you mentioned the Batfam. Is there anything you'd like to say to them?"
"I suppose." Ladybug laughed, then she turned to the camera and winked. "Sorry for missing brunch. I'll be there as soon as I finish dealing with this."
"Damian." His father said and the whole room which consisted of almost all the heroes in the world turned to look at them. "Tell her to invite her teammates as well, I think they deserve a celebration."
Damian nodded his eyes turning blue, on the screen they could see Ladybug's eyes turning a familiar shade of green. 
"Uh, are you alright?" The reporter asked. "Your eyes turned...green."
 She smiled reassuringly. "Nothing to worry about, that was just my soulmate." 
"What did he say?" A voice asked and the three other heroes were seen coming back into the frame. 
Ladybug smiled that one smile that promise chaos. 
"Oh this is going to be good." Tim had become an admirer of her schemes. "That's the smile she gives before she's about to wreck havoc."
"Oh, not much" she said innocently, "Just that you've all been invited to brunch."
All three of them froze, while the red clad heroine looked like she was having the time of her life. 
"The brunch you were supposed to be at right now?" Viperion asked. 
"With the entirety of the Justice League, Young Justice, Teen Titans, the Outlaws and basically every other hero in the world." Draka continue. 
"Uh huh." She smirked. 
"I don't know what to wear." Vespa muttered. She seemed...in shock.
There was an enraged yell heard and Ladybug sighed. "Alright, break time is over. Let's go."
"B-but-" Vespa muttered. It was so different from the confident, sassy hero Paris knew. 
"You can take something of mine." Ladybug said. "That goes for both of you as well. Now shall we get to work, or else we'll never be finished in time."
They all turned to her for orders. "Viperion, Draka you are guard duty, I also need you question them all they know about Emilie's Agreste situation."
It was clear to everyone in the room that while she was talking to her team, she was fully aware of the camera still recording her and made sure to phrase her orders in a way that the people watching would have an idea of what was going to happen next. 
"I am heading to Agreste mansion to contact Adrien and find Emilie and after talking to them both I'll be reviewing the crimes Gabriel, Natalie and Lila are being charged with."
The other heroes were pleasantly surprised at how professional and organized she seemed. 
"Vespa, you are going to talking to the Mayor and the police, submitting all the evidence we have against them and liasing with the Italian Embassy about Miss Rossi. Send them the evidence we have of her willing working with Hawkmoth. Also, get her parents before you do anything, because she is ultimately still a minor."
The heroes dispersed and the reporter started giving a rundown of everything that had happened, was happening and would happen. 
Meanwhile, in Wayne Manor, Barry asked the question every other non-Batfam member was asking themselves. 
"Okay so who the hell are they and how did we not know of them before?"  
@persephonebutkore @hypnosharkrebeldreamer @satans-favorite-homo @mystery-5-5
@abrx2002 @clumsy-owl-4178 @daminett4life @18-fandoms-unite-08 @bluerosette23 @dawnwave16 @imanerddealwith @heldtogetherbysafetypins
@st0rmy-w1th1n @northernbluetongue @chez-pezeater @thebananathatwrites @black-streak
@ghostcryptid @zerotosiki @krispydefendorpolice @dur55
@weird-pale-blonde-person @casual-darkness @maude-zarella
@sonif50 @zalladane @dast218
I tried to get everyone in the tag list, sorry if I missed someone
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thenamesdoctor · 7 years
stranger things theory: Evil El. (s3 & s4)
So guys I just binged all of s2 recently (actually I went back and rewatched from the beginning once I finished) but I’ve got A LOT of things to discuss and these will bring us into my theory for the seasons.
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I want to refresh your memories with a few details back in s1. My theory goes along with another popular fan theory about Eleven & the Demogorgon being psychically linked with each other. Although, my theory will bounce off into its own direction I can assure you.
Basically there were loads of parallels: (My mind was BLOWN from this theory!) that suggested their link.
1.) Each time Eleven made contact with Will through the upside down suddenly the Demogorgon followed. 
The first time was at the school with the radio. El found Will and from the Upside Down POV, Will was alone talking to his mom through the wall. El was listening in but as she struggled to keep the connection the lights flickered uncontrollably and soon Will had to run from the Demogorgon. 
The second time this happened as El made contact through the void with Will. Weak and cold in his fort, she passed on the message from his mom but soon lost contact. The final moments of that episode we see Will as he was in his fort but the Demogorgon yet again finds his location and snatches him. 
2.) In 1x02 as Mike shows El his room, she locks eyes on their science fair picture as a group and then points to Will without ever meeting him. In 1x03 Barb is taken and that same episode El goes exploring Nancy’s room and locks eyes with a picture of Nancy and Barb. How did she know?
3.) Both Demogorgon and Eleven share telekinetic abilities. 
On the night Will goes missing while in his house, the Demogorgon uses telekinesis to slowly unlock their front door. 
4.) The final scene of the s1 finale, we see Eleven face to face with the Demogorgon pinned up against the wall about to destroy it and we also notice as its destroyed, Eleven is ‘seemingly destroyed’ too.
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(now HERE is where I started connecting pieces forming my theory to come.)
I noticed instantly as Eleven has it pinned as she raises her right arm suddenly the Demogorgon mimics her in sync. As if they were really connected. THEN it hit me. What is the Upside Down? It’s an alternate dimension BUT in parallel with the human world and it mirrors it EXACTLY. The Demogorgon is a mirrored image of Upside Down Eleven.
Our Eleven is a scared little girl, abducted by Scientists as a weapon, and has been experimented on her whole life. Has gone through a lot of emotional trauma and abuse. Also she has A LOT of built up rage. 
Whose to say that the Demogorgon isn’t a failed experiment by Scientists who sought out to make it into a weapon? So thinking about that, these two worlds were NEVER supposed to co-exist with each other. So when Eleven dives deeper into the void, she got a glimpse of the parallel world. However touching it was a BAD choice, she interacted with her equal and just like any paradoxes a crack was formed and both worlds combined. Basically, as long as Eleven and her powers exsist, the upside will be able to get through.
Intrigued yet? We finally reached the start of my theory. Created after my third rewatch of season 1 and based off of the comic that Will requested when he won the race to Dustin’s. “I’ll take your XMEN 134!”
Well that particular issue centers around Jean Grey who shares Telekinetic/telepathy abilities just like Eleven. However also in that comic, Jean gets manipulated by Master Mind (villain with powers of illusion) and eventually she turns into the Dark Phoenix. 
Stranger Things season 2:
We are introduced to a new monster whom the boys quickly name as The Mind Flayer. Starts off by showing Will visions of what’s to come (Coming to their world) and then it inhabits his body to use him as a spy. We learn that it thinks as a hive mind and has been in control of the Demogorgons as well. So it’s been the real MASTER MIND.
We also learn that its been seeping the Upside Down into the real world because the gate has not been closed FOR. A. WHOLE. YEAR! The finale is Eleven gathering enough power to finally ‘close’ the gate. She actually levitated (also something Jean Grey did as Phoenix). 
BUT the final scene of that episode as we pan out of the real world Hawkin’s Snowball dance, the scene rotates around and reveals The Mind Flayer stalking over their school. So now it has a real target as their group or one particular person. 
(cue “I’ll be watching you”) 
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He’s going after Eleven and not just because she was powerful enough to close the gate. Now that The Mind Flayer has peaked into their world, he’s either out to destroy it or take over. What Will seen will happen and the Mind Flayer is going to start by manipulating Eleven. Forming her into his own weapon. (Like the ultimate papa)
Once you interact with The Upside Down you are essentially part of it so to the Mind Flayer, you are his property. But before he can come to their world, he has to create the right atmosphere which is why The Upside Down was seeping into Hawkins. 
Besides Will and Eleven, these others might be in danger:
1) Dustin - interacted with the Upside Down through Dart and got sprayed by the flower inside the tunnel. (Will it infect him too? Since it did get into his mouth…)
2) Hopper - Almost choked to death by the vines.
3) Mike - Almost taken by the vines.
So one of them could be infected.
I believe the Mind Flayer is going to corrupt Eleven where she becomes evil. Think about it: Eleven is going to be isolated for a year so they can be sure it’s safe for her to start a normal life and during this time, her powers are gonna grow to massive amounts. She is already limited to using her powers because she’s still learning control. Not to mention her powers are tied to her emotions, she’ll eventually be in HS and vulnerable to a lot of teen angst AND strong feelings between her and Mike…..so the Mind Flayer is going to use all this to his advantage. ESPECIALLY her feelings of Mike.
Pretty sure the Mind Flayer will be particularly interested in messing with Eleven, through messing with Mike. I definitely feel this is the next storyline and the Duffer Bros did say the Mind Flayer is sticking around.
Once Eleven is manipulated Hawkins is going to find out about her abilities and view her as a threat, they are going to try to stop her. EVERYTHING Hopper has tried to give to El; A normal life, a safe place, friends, family will be jeopardized but it's not gonna be her fault....it's the Mind Flayer. (If you look at this through E.T POV since this show is also heavily inspired by that movie too, the government tried to stop E.T. as well.)
(personally i want this to be a huge cliffhanger to s3, carrying into s4 because honestly, as much as I love this show you really can’t up The Mind Flayer because that’s already BA enough. Duffer Bros can TOTALLY prove me wrong about that though)
So in the off chance this does take us into s4 or however long until the show ends entirely we are going to meet the other Xmen. (missing/abducted children). Meeting eight was no coincidence, that’s where the show will take us. In the end its going to take the help of Eleven and her other siblings to stop the Mind Flayer I bet. One huge telekenetic war.
- Theory girl
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