#there was never a future in shanks' mind where he and buggy where separated except now they are
introspectivememories · 8 months
whenever i read a fic and shanks doesn't mention buggy even once it always feels soo ooc bc like what do you mean shanks isn't vibrating with the need to see buggy at all times??? at the very least, shanks should be thinking about buggy passively, if not actively. like buggy lives that man's mind rent fucking free. buggy should be charging appearance fees for how often shanks thinks of him. like all it would take is one (1) denden call, where buggy shaky voiced goes "shanks... please... i need you" and shanks would be hauling ass across the grand line to get to buggy
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shanksxbuggy · 11 months
do you have headcanons for buggy and shanks?
I’d say most of my headcanons are influenced by fan content and other people’s headcanons. I’ll see a headcanon or take and either be like yeah that’s cool or no that doesn’t seem right to me.
But since you got me thinking, I tried listing some that came to mind! Some of these are just silly or fun headcanons.
Buggy has advanced Observation Haki, and he does have the potential for Conqueror’s Haki, he’s just unaware of it and it only comes out occasionally and unconsciously. It makes him immune to other people’s Conqueror’s Haki as well.
Shanks can’t keep a stable relationship not because he’s a player, but because he’s a pretty shitty romantic partner. Shanks is a great friend and Captain to have, but as a boyfriend he will neglect you and make you do the legwork in the relationship. He needs someone like Buggy to pull him along and force him to pay attention. Buggy is the one who keep things afloat.
They genuinely tried to get over each other and move on after Loguetown. See other people and forget what was lost. But in the end, the first heartbreak between them was too strong, and neither could really get over it. They fucked over each other’s romantic prospects, unaware of what they did.
Shanks has had many offers of people willing to be his partner, to wait for him. But he could never make any promises because the moment Buggy ever came back into his life he’d drop anyone to go back to his old childhood love. 💔
Buggy used to be a pickpocket as a kid, and his obsession with stealing came from how he used to live on the streets.
Shanks used to believe all babies came from treasure chests. (Roger said it as a joke). Shanks believed it and thought he and Buggy could have their own treasure chest baby in the future. One day Rayleigh forced Roger to sit the boys down and drop the truth on them.
Since they were kids, Buggy was good at math and science, meanwhile Shanks barely knows his multiplication tables.
Their tastes are so different they love all the foods the other doesn’t like, so at meals they’re always eating off each other’s plates.
Shanks was closest to Roger, but Buggy was closer to Rayleigh and Scopper.
They we’re each other’s firsts in almost everything. Buggy first put out after the crew separated and that’s why he was especially pissed when Shanks gave up on their dream.
Shanks promised Roger before he died that he’ll take care of Buggy. He feels bad that he wasn’t able to keep his promise.
They collected every single one of each other’s bounty posters over the years. Buggy uses Shanks’ posters as target practice. Shanks keeps Buggy’s posters somewhere private where he can look at it by himself.
Buggy doesn’t give a shit about gender, he dresses how he wants. He’ll wear skirts, stockings, high heels, and of course he loves make up and accessories.
With Shanks down an arm, Buggy will just casually lend him an arm to help him with things. Pouring drinks, opening jars, helping clean and fold laundry, or even just to scratch his back. Buggy does it without thinking, and Shanks thinks it’s the sweetest thing anyone could do for him.
Shanks is obsessed with Buggy’s hair. He’ll run his fingers through it for as long as he can until Buggy shoves him away.
Buggy has drunkenly confessed to Shanks that if he had to choose a third for them, he’d choose Mihawk.
Buggy is a terrific dancer and he’s super flexible. He moves like a trainer acrobat. Shanks can do a jig but he’s not good at graceful dances like Buggy.
Buggy never wanted kids, but Uta is the exception. She’s a great performer like him, and he can teach her all of his showmanship skills. Buggy’s the type to say he hate kids, but once he actually gets one, he becomes wholeheartedly attached.
Shanks is not a frequent bather, meanwhile Buggy has a 15 step skincare, hair, and make up routine he does every morning. Buggy will forcibly drag Shanks to wash up so he doesn’t stink up the place.
Buggy is the breadwinner between the two. He brings in good money through his mercenary and weapons business and in general is good with finances. He supports Shanks who always seems to be barely escaping poverty.
They’ll fight and ‘divorce’ for the fiftieth time, but they’ll always come back to each other in the end. Shanks will re-propose after each breakup, and Buggy accepts it every time.
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