#there was some wild shit hidden in my room
buckysgrace · 4 months
Hi, I love your writing so much! I have a request if that’s cool. I desperately need a blurb of Billy jerking off in his room to a picture of his on again off again girl. They broke up (again) and he’s too stubborn to say he’s lost without her and seeing her in her little skirt all day at school is too much for him so he goes home, closes his bedroom door, takes his shirt off and gets the Polaroid he took of her and jerks his thick cock. Thanks 😊
Hope you enjoy!! <3 Thank you for reading my stuff!!
Billy Hargrove and mentions of female reader!!
He was beyond frustrated.
He couldn't remember exactly why they had split up this time, only that it had been over something dumb. But their fights were always dumb, their reasons always dumb.
This time was different though, different than all of the other petty little fights and break ups. You were ignoring him, insistent on getting the last word and proving that he needed you just as badly as you needed him.
He hated the games, hated the way that you wanted him to admit defeat so he didn't. He ignored you in the same way. Well, he tried.
You were a menace. You purposely wore low cut shirts and tiny skirts just to make his eyes linger and his walls weaken day by day. You'd bend over in front of him, acting like you were grabbing something from the floor only to flash him the pair of panties that drove him wild.
Today had been a particularly hellish. You sat near him in all of his classes, purposely crossing your legs in the right manner that little to no imagination for what was hidden underneath. You would glance at him, sending him lustful eyes before you turned your attention to some other poor guy while he was left simmering in his seat.
It didn't matter how many cigarettes he smoked, his nerves were still frayed and left him jittery. He tried to avoid you, but his eyes just seemed to always fall to you somehow.
"I hope you have a good weekend, Hargrove," You whispered, gripping his bicep as you pressed yourself against him. You were close enough that he could smell your flowery perfume, could feel the swell of your boobs against his skin, "Two little words and this will all go away." You reminded him, not looking a least bit phased by the way he grumbled and slammed his locker in response.
"You're in my way," He reminded you, cocking an eyebrow as you gave a gleeful shrug and walked away. He stared after you, his stomach twisting and turning at the way you moved your hips. He watched in fascination at how the material of your skirt hugged your legs, making him feel even more insatiable, "Shit." He cursed, moving quick to get out of here before his walls completely broke.
He offered no explanation to Max as to why he was driving so fast or why he was so frantic to get home on his own. He locked his door and made sure that his music was up loud enough so that no one could hear him.
He stripped off his shirt, glancing in the mirror as he did so to confirm that the love bites that had once littered his chest had faded to a dull pink. He touched them for a moment, thinking of the way your mouth felt on his skin.
He inhaled deeply, his cock aching inside of his jeans as he stripped those off next. He quickly positioned himself on his bed, his thick length aching to be touched as he reached over on his side table to pull free a picture of you.
It wasn't sexy or scandalous, but it was you. You were still stunning as you smiled brightly, your eyes glinting as the rays from the sun bounced off of the side of your face. It had been hot that day and he could tell by the slight sheen on the top of your forehead.
He groaned as he wrapped his thick fingers across his fat girth, giving himself a little squeeze before he spread his precum down the length of his cock. He sighed, his lips parted as he imagined what he'd do if you were here now.
You were always good with your mouth, eager to please as you'd stare up at him the whole time. He liked the way you'd squeeze at his balls as you built a steady rhythm with your mouth.
Your name lingered on the tip of his tongue as he jerked his hips forward, squeezing his aching cock in his hand as he thought about the pretty sounds that would roll off of your tongue. He liked how loud you could get, how he'd often have to shove his fingers or your panties in your mouth to silence you.
He thought of the way your eyebrows would furrow together, the way your lips parted as your features contorted into pleasure. He could feel his own spreading through his stomach, warming his body as he rolled his hand up and down the length of his cock a little faster.
He exhaled roughly, a soft groan pouring out of his mouth as he thought about the last time he'd had you. You had snuck in that night, the both of you sharing a blunt before he'd hidden himself away between your thighs. He loved the taste of your cunt, loved the way your legs would spasm and how you'd tug on his hair when your high approached.
A grunt left his mouth as he stared at the photo of you, his hips jolting forward in his hand as he came suddenly. He kept his eyes open, staring at your features as he fucked his hand until he was too sensitive to touch himself again.
He sighed as he dropped the photo, cursing to himself as he grabbed his shirt and roughly cleaned the mess from his hand. He stared at it for a moment, thinking that it shouldn't be wasted on his shirt.
He stood, sliding his jeans back on quickly before he opened his door and strutted out the hallway. He had a phone call to make.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Wild Nights || CL16 {2}
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x songstress!reader Summary: A mistake has your paths crossing again with Charles. Warnings: 18+only, NSFW, bad language WC: 2.2k F1 Masterlist || One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Epilogue
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“Who’s Joris?” Bea asked when you stepped out of the bathroom, fresh and clean.
Bea held up your phone that had an incoming call. “Joris. He keeps calling you.”
“I don’t know a Joris,” you said with a frown. “Why are they saved as a contact?”
“Um, it’s your phone, how would I know?”
The call went unanswered and it flicked back to the background picture that you didn’t recognise. You quickly crossed the room and took the phone from Bea’s hands before she disappeared in the bathroom and when you tried to unlock it your pin and face ID failed.
“Uh, Bea!” you called out before entering the bathroom. “I think I picked up the wrong phone…”
“That’s perfect!” Bea exclaimed as you wiped the steam away and grinned through the gap. “You get to see him again.”
Your eyes widened and you shook your head. “No, I can’t do that. I don’t even know the guy. You take it.”
“No way, I didn’t fuck him. You took it.”
The phone vibrated in your hands and you jolted in surprise, nearly dropping it on the tiled floor. “Shit, what do I do?”
“Fucking answer it!”
Your thumb was trembling but you managed to swipe to answer it and stepped out of the bathroom as you lifted it to your ear. “Hello?”
“Char- wait, who is this?” a man asked, confusion dripping from his words.
“Is Charles a friend of yours?”
“Yes,” he answered hesitantly. “Is he there with you?”
You chewed your lip as you paced the room. “Um, not quite. There was a little mix up with our phones. Do you know how I could get in touch with him?”
“Have you tried calling your phone?”
The silence answered that for him and you cringed at how silly it made you look. “Hey, I’m hungover and only just realised this wasn’t my phone, give me a break.” You stuck your head back in the bathroom as you heard the shower turn off. “Bea, I’m using your phone.”
“Sure thing, babe.”
“Joris, I’m putting you on speakerphone and don’t you dare hang up because I have no idea what the passcode is.”
“Good,” he muttered but you ignored it and dialled your number as a knock sounded at the door.
The phone was still ringing as you answered the door and found Charles staring back at you, holding an iPad that he was using to track his phone. Your lips parted but you couldn’t quite find any words as he stepped inside and closed the door behind him.
“I believe you have something of mine.”
“Mate, what have you been up to?” Joris said and Charles’ eyes narrowed in on his phone to see it was in a call.
“I’ll call you back,” Charles said as he took the phone from your trembling hand and ended the call. 
“I, I didn’t mean to take your phone, it was an honest mistake,” you stammered as you looked up to meet his eyes and remembered how handsome he was.
“I didn’t expect to wake up alone,” he admitted as his eyes trailed over your lips and down your body, his bottom lip pulling between his teeth. “I had a lot of fun last night.”
“Me too,” you all but squeaked as your body turned hot under his stare and your fingers ached to feel the muscles you knew were hidden beneath his shirt.
“Do you make a habit of sneaking off, Cinderella?” His playful smile settled some of the nerves.
“I don’t think once can be a habit, but we could try again tonight?” You covered your mouth as soon as the words slipped out and you mentally cursed Bea for being a bad influence as that was definitely something she would have said.
“Yes, babe, get it!” Bea called from the bedroom and the heat in your cheeks only burned hotter.
“I’m sorry, that was…not meant to be out loud.”
His lips curled up into a smile as he laughed. “What if I said yes. I could maybe show you around Monaco, your friend can come too.”
“The friend will be going back to the bar,” Bea replied as she stepped out of the bedroom, fully dressed thankfully. “But she’s all yours.”
“We were meant to be going to the beach,” you said as she grabbed her handbag and slung it over her shoulder.
“That was before this tall drink of water came by.” She grabbed your arm and turned your back on Charles. “Yolo, bitch, you can thank me later. Remember, better thing, fitter guys, more orgasms.”
Charles cleared his throat and you cringed over your shoulder to him. “I swear she’s house trained but she goes a little feral on holiday mode.” 
“We all have that one friend,” he said with a chuckle.
“Yours wouldn’t happen to be Pierre, right?” The surprise on his face answered that and you jabbed your thumb in Bea’s direction. “I think he met his match.”
“Interesting,” he smirked but he didn’t elaborate. “Shall we?”
Bea gave you a nudge towards him and a reassuring smile that made you agree as you took your phone back from Charles and checked he had charged it. “Keep me updated on where you are,” you ordered Bea as Charles opened the door. “Check in every hour and no weirdos.”
“I can promise you two out of three, and I’ll leave you to guess which. Have fun! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” 
“Well that doesn’t leave much,” you muttered but she was already down the hall and hitting the elevator button. “I guess murder is off the cards today.”
“Good to hear, this face wasn’t made to be in prison. How about breakfast?”
You grabbed your purse, shoving your phone in it along with the room key, before leading the way to the elevator Bea had been kind enough to send back up. “Yes, please, as long as there is coffee. I can’t remember the last time I went clubbing.”
“Why not?” You frowned to yourself but with the mirrors around the elevator he was able to see it and rushed to explain. “You should be out having fun.”
“I was always the sober driver, for my ex.”
“Ah.” He nodded with understanding. “I’m sorry about him, but not all of us are like that.”
You peered up at him and saw the same lingering pain swimming in his eyes before the doors opened to the garage. “I guess I could say the same thing to you. I’m sorry you got hurt.”
He pulled a remote key from his pocket, swinging it around his finger as he led the way to the sleek black car with a red and white stripe running down the middle. “I believe everything happens for a reason.”
“Holy crap,” you breathed as he clicked the key and the car’s lights flashed in response. “You’re not some James Bond are you?”
“What?” he laughed and shook his head.
“Shit, are you cartel?” You backed away a step and slyly checked to see how far it was back to the elevator but he was so fit he would probably catch you in ten steps.
“Wait,” he frowned, his eyebrows pinching together, “you actually don’t know who I am?”
“I mean, that’s not conceited at all.”
He waved his hand at his mistake. “Not what I meant, I just, uh, don’t usually…” He took a breath and ran his hand through his hair before starting again. “Have you heard of Formula One?”
You didn’t exactly have a lot of spare time to watch sports between working and trying to make music on the side but you had heard of the sport and gave him a droll stare. “Of course I’ve heard of it.” Then you remembered Bea mentioning he was a race driver and you had thought she meant something low level or street racing - not an actual professional career - and your eyes widened with realisation. “No way.”
“It’s not a big deal,” he said with a shrug as he opened the passenger door for you.
“I thought you were a pianist.”
“Can’t I be both?”
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You had never laughed so much with someone other than Bea as Charles told another story from his travels. But you could always tell which ones were memories made with his ex. Every now and then he would stumble over the details, like he was working to erase any links to her but you caught the afar look in his eyes as he stared out at the white capped water across from the cafe he had chosen.
“It sucks,” you commented softly, drawing his attention away from the memory. 
“What does?”
“Even though they're gone, they’re still everywhere, in every memory.” You reached over the table and placed your hand on his. “You want to hate them for how it ended but you still remember when things were good.” He didn’t move and you bit your lip as you withdrew your touch. “Or maybe I’m just projecting.”
He caught your hand before it fell back to your lap with a small shake of his head. “You’re not, you just keep surprising me.”
Your phone vibrated on the table and you saw it was from Bea with her first check in. 
From Bea: Look who I found! From Bea: Image attached
“Here’s another surprise,” you said as you turned the phone to Charles.
The photo opened to show the picturesque scenery of a waterfront bar with Pierre and Bea clinking two drinks together, a mischievous grin on both their faces. 
Charles nearly choked on his espresso as he grabbed the phone and replied with his own mischievous smile.
To Bea: You promised no weirdos - C From Bea: I’m not weird - P
Before he could reply again a young girl nervously approached the table with a piece of paper and a shaking pen held out to him, her mother watching from the other table. “Sorry to interrupt, but would you be able to sign this?” 
He gave you an apologetic smile before taking the pen. “Of course, what’s your name, sweetheart?”
“Angelique,” she said as she bounced on her toes as he addressed the autograph and handed it back before she turned to you. “You two should sing more, maman said it was beautiful.”
She darted off back to her table, clutching the prized paper to her chest as she went and Charles stared after her confused. “Someone uploaded a video of us last night when you played Someone Like You.”
“Oh,” he chuckled and grabbed his phone, opening Tik Tok to see thousands of notifications. “I suppose I should thank my brother for that.” The audio quality wasn’t great in the video but he smiled as fingers started to drum on the table top. “You have a lovely voice.”
“Thank you, it’s a shame the sound isn’t great over the noise.” 
“We could record it properly back at my apartment.”
“Yes!” you exclaimed a little too enthusiastically before clearing your throat. “I mean yes, please. Bea’s been riding my ass to add to my portfolio.”
His smile widened and he pulled out his wallet to drop a few bills on the table. “I’m happy to help, but first it would be a shame to come here and not to go for a swim.”
You looked at the casual chinos he wore and cocked an eyebrow. “Is it a nudist beach?”
“Wishful thinking but no,” he smirked and pulled your chair out as you rose to your feet, his lips brushing close to your ear. “I have a pair of trunks in the car.”
“Where are we going?” you asked as you watched the sea disappear behind the mountains Charles was driving up. “You never actually denied being in a cartel.”
“I’m not in a cartel,” he replied with a burst of laughter. “Oh mon dieu, I promised to show you the real Monaco, not those tourist traps, and the best beach is this way.”
He descended back down the otherside of the mountain and turned off at a private marina, swiping an access card before parking in front of a dock.
“I think we have different ideas on beaches,” you commented as you failed to see any sand or water access that wasn’t between the boats.
“Almost there, I promise.” He took your hand and led the way down the wooden pier to a sleek boat and helped you step onto it. He unmoored the ropes before jumping onto the boat and taking his place at the front. “Come here.”
You stepped in the space he made in front of him and his arms came around your waist to hold the steering wheel. “It might be a little bumpy but it’s worth it.”
A scream of exhilaration tore from your lips as he pushed the throttle forward and his laugh warmed your neck where he rested his chin on your shoulder. The wind whipped your face and you could taste the salt of the sea spray on your lips as you opened your arms and enjoyed the moment of freedom.
“How fast does this thing go?”
“You’re quite the daredevil,” Charles all but purred in your ear before he pushed the throttle further forward. “Hold on, chérie.”
Click here for part three.
Tagging: @91vhs @alwaysclassyeagle @applespiez @ravenqueen27
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brainddeadd · 1 month
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"I fucking adore you. I love you. And you love me too. So why the fuck are you running from me?"
fluff, angst if you squint, fem!reader
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September 2022
“Aren’t you going to go with them?” Y/N asked, nudging her shoulder in the direction of the other girls, but Lisa just shook her head and turned to start walking back towards the apartment building.
“Come on, we’ve got shows to watch and junk food to eat.” She called over her shoulder and Y/N stared at her in shock for a few moments, before jogging softly to catch up with the taller girl, complaining about her longer legs, causing Lisa to laugh and offer to give her a piggy-back ride, to which Y/N shoved her lightly.
“You shit.” Y/N muttered when Lisa made her footsteps comedically smaller and slower, trying to match the smaller girl’s own footsteps. “I hate you.”
“No you don’t.” Lisa replied, smiling cheekily. “If you did, you would have asked for a different roommate.”
“How do you know I didn’t?” Y/N asked, a playful glint in her eye. Lisa held a hand over her heart in mock offence.
“How dare you?” She exclaimed, making her steps bigger again and quickly leaving Y/N behind her, the latter muttering to herself about the ‘damn long legged idiot’. Y/N began to run after Lisa, only catching up to her outside of their flat, panting and cursing the athlete.
“You good?” Lisa asked, and Y/N looked at her, expecting there to be a teasing look on her face, but only seeing concern.
“Yeah, I’m good.” Y/N nodded. “Just need some water.”
“Come on then. You get some water and I’ll set up the couch with blankets and the food. You can pick what we watch.” Lisa opened the door and gestured for Y/N to go through. Mumbling a small ‘thanks’ Y/N beelined for the kitchen, hearing the door close and Lisa's bag fall to the floor and a cupboard open in the hallway.
“You can go with them, don’t miss out because of me.” Y/N said as she sat on the couch, waiting for Lisa to re-appear.
“Who says I’m missin’ out?” Lisa questioned, her frown hidden by the packet of chips placed in front of her face.
“But they’re your friends and-“
“You’re my friend, too.” Lisa said, looking at her pointedly. “And besides, I see them all day, every day and I hardly ever see you, which considering I live with you, is insane, but-“
She sighed and shook her head.
“I want to hang out and watch shitty TV and eat crappy food with you, so I’m gonna do just that.” Lisa then threw a packet of lollies at Y/N's face and turned to the TV. “Now pick something and let’s enter the vegetative state in which we basically live.”
April 2023
Y/N and Lisa fell into a routine. They knew exactly what the other wanted to do when the other had a good day or a bad day, and they knew just by looking at each other which one that day was.
Lisa knew what to do when Y/N’s work got to be too demanding and irrational during the meetings (get her some Soju and get wild) and what to do when nothing seemed to go right (a bath and some good food, maybe some cuddles).
Y/N knew that Lisa forgot her food all the time, so she’d order Lisa’s favourite takeout on those days and she would always have Netflix and blankets ready for the bad days.
Their relationship was comfortable and far less platonic than either of them would care to admit.
July 2023
Lisa stumbled in through the door, exhaustion setting into her bones, her movements slow and soft. It was late, already hours past the time she’s supposed to be out until, and she knows it. She staggers into the living room and frowns when she sees the light is still on, looking around and seeing Y/N on the couch.
“Y/N.” She called out, but she got no response, so she walked over to the lump, frowning when she saw that Y/N was asleep. Gently shaking her, she calls her name a few more times until Y/N begins to stir.
“What?” Voice quiet and heavy, Y/N frowned and then shot up and looked at Lisa. “I fell asleep.”
“You did.” Lisa nodded. “What were you doing on the couch?”
“Waitin’ for you to get home safely.” The words were mumbled and almost incoherent, but Lisa got them and smiled before pulling Y/N up off the couch.
“To bed.” She pushed Y/N softly towards the hallway and ensured that she didn’t bump into anything before they parted ways into their own rooms.
“G’night.” Y/N mumbled. “Love ya.”
August 2023
"Lisa. Lisa. Lisaaaaaaaaa.” Y/N started poking Lisa's cheek in an attempt to wake her up.
“Is there a fire?”
“Are you gonna die if I don’t take you to the hospital right this very second?”
“Are you injured? Is anyone else injured? Is something wrong?”
“Then let me sleep.” Lisa muttered and shoved a near by pillow over her face.
“Come on, get up.” Y/N whined. “I made breakfast, and it’s like eleven o’clock, get up, let's go sleeping beauty.”
“Noooooooo.” Lisa rolled over, grabbing Y/N’s hands and pulling her along, wrapping her up and holding her in place, Y/N's back in Lisa's chest. “Sleep.”
December 2023
Y/N walked into the living room, rubbing her arms in order to generate some kind of heat, to warm herself up and completely prepared just wrap herself up in a blanket on the couch and just stay there for the rest of her life, only to stop at the sight in front of her in what could only be described as adoration. Lisa was sitting on the couch, three blankets wrapped around her in various ways and the hood of one of Y/N’s jumpers covering her hair, and a pout on her face as she looked over at Y/N.
“It’s cold.” Lisa mumbled, still obviously cold under her mountain of fluff. “The power’s off. Has been since this mornin’.”
“Have you been here the whole time?” Y/N asked, frowning and moving towards her bedroom.
“Yes.” Lisa mumbled. “I was doing jobs, so I kept warm but then I ran out of things to do and the storm started and now I’m cold and have been for ages and I can’t get warm and-“
“Here.” Y/N cut her off by holding a long sleeve top and a pair of track-pants in front of her. “Put them on. It’ll help.”
Lisa took the clothes, and Y/N walked back into her room.
“Thank you.” Lisa called out, and when Y/N returned a few minutes later, she’d changed into track-pants and had one of her hoodies cover her body, socks on her feet. He moved towards the cupboard where the blankets were kept, pulling the remaining five out and dumping them on the couch next to Lisa.
“What are you doing?” Lisa stared in confusion as Y/N moved towards the kitchen.
“Food.” Y/N was rummaging in the pantry, pulling out anything and everything she thought they could eat whilst being as warm as possible.
“You ok?” Lisa knew the question was pointless. She obviously wasn’t ok, but she figured she’d ask anyway. Y/N grunted in response and went back to the food.
“Y/N.” The tone of Lisa’s voice caused Y/N to turn and look at her, eyes wide. “What happened?”
“Nothin’.” Y/N picked up what she could and walked over, dumping it on the table and then walked back to get what was left over.
“Y/N,” Lisa pulled her hand out of the mound of blankets and took Y/N’s, causing the taller girl to stop and look at her. “I can’t fix the problem if I don’t know what’s wrong.”
Y/N’s shoulders drooped forwards and her knees appeared to give out from beneath her, causing her to fall onto the couch and a loud sob to leave her mouth, her chest heaving. Lisa pushed the blankets away from her body and pulled Y/N closer, wrapping them both up in the eight fluffy blankets and curling her arms around Y/N’s shoulders. The taller girl’s shoulders shook and Lisa frowned, pulling her closer and rubbing her shoulders, humming a tune to whatever song popped into her head, holding the girl and occasionally pushing her hair out of her face, trying to comfort her.
“What happened?” Lisa whispered once the sobbing had subsided, and Y/N tightened her hold around Lisa’s waist.
“They’re talking shit again and my boss was yelling at me and only me because of shit the others did and I’m so stressed about all of the work that the other managers have given me and-“ Lisa shushed her and pulled her closer.
“It’s ok, shh, I’ve got you.” Lisa rubbed her back. “They’re talking shit about things they know nothing about, and your boss is a dick and you know it, everyone knows it. Just breathe, and tomorrow is a new day, you’ve got me and the girls and your family, and we’re not going anywhere. You’re ok. What do you need?”
“Keep holding me.” Y/N’s voice was soft, as if she thought that Lisa would say no, pull away or recoil, instead, Lisa raked a hand through her hair and kissed her forehead.
January 2024
“Come on.” Lisa said and grabbed Y/N’s hand, pulling her off the couch and catching her when she stumbled. “We’re going on a walk.”
“What? Why? Lisa?” Ignoring Y/N's questioning, Lisa walked them down the stairs and out into the front of the building. “Lisa, what are we doing?”
“Going for a walk.”
“Because you have been cooped up in that flat for way too long, and now I’m reintroducing you to the sun and letting you experience some natural heat.” Lisa shrugged. “Besides, we haven’t hung out in a while, so I figured we could do that. Unless you don’t want to?”
“No, I want to.” Y/N caught onto the hesitant tone, the look in Lisa’s eye, as if she didn’t know if Y/N wanted to hang out with her, as if that’s not all Y/N ever wants to do.
February 2024
“Take my hand.” Lisa muttered, holding her hand out for Y/N to take.
“Why?” Y/N asked, but did so anyway, both of them hating the way they love the feel of the others' hand in theirs.
“Don’t want to lose ya.” Lisa's voice was quiet, and Y/N almost didn’t hear her over the sound of the crowd. “Gotta protect ya, keep ya close.”
“Why? What?” Y/N frowned and was tempted to pull away from Lisa, but someone bumped into her, knocking her into Lisa, causing Lisa to wrap her arms around her and pull her close, whilst trying to navigate their way out of the crowd.
“Stay with me.” Lisa mumbled. They linked hands and forced their way through the crowd, mumbling apologies to those they bumped into and dodging bodies that were all forcing themselves into the space around them.
“Why do you need to protect me and keep me close?” Y/N asked when they were finally free from the crowd, and Lisa looked at her, alarmed and shocked, before shaking her head.
“Of course you don’t know.” She muttered. “I want to. I need to. I care about you. I’m used to protecting you, instinct left over from before, and now I can’t stop protecting you. It’s not a ‘you can’t do that shit’ type of thing, its more of a ‘do it if you want, but I’m gonna keep an eye on you cause I care’ type of thing. I can stop if you want me to. It’s not-”
“No, it’s ok. I don’t mind it.” Y/N reassured her, causing her shoulders to lose some tension. “It’s sweet. Thank you for caring enough to watch over me.”
“Never thank me for that.” Lisa begged, hoping to somehow get Y/N to see herself the way she does. “It’s not something that warrants a thanks and it’s not a big deal. It’s just me loving and caring for ya.”
February 2024
“You made dinner?” Y/N’s eyes were wide, and her face held a look of concern.
“Yeah, why?” Lisa asked, placing a cup of tea on the table and then turning to look at the smaller girl and frowning slightly at the expression on her face. “What?”
“You made dinner.” Y/N’s everything had softened, as if she’d started to melt slightly.
“Yeah, you always make dinner and breakfast and lunch and you were out and I wanted to do something for you because I never do and I guess dinner was just the first thing that came to mind.” Lisa shrugged. “If you don’t like it, we can order in.”
Y/n shook her head and sat at the table next to her, both of them taking one bite of the meal before putting their forks down.
March 2024
“You talk about her like she’s your world.” Jennie told her friend , smiling softly when she looked up at her with wide eyes, slight fear etched upon her features. “I’ve known for years, didn’t say anything because I wanted you to have the freedom and the power to tell me yourself, I didn’t want to take that from you.”
“Why say something now?” Lisa asked.
“Because I need you to realise that you love her in a way that most people only dream of feeling.” Jennie saw the look on her face and took her hands in hers. “Lisa, you have this person right in front of you, standing there, patiently waiting, their whole soul begging you to realise that they love you and your soul is begging you to realise that you love him back. I’m begging you to realise it. Don’t let her slip away from you. Don’t lose this love. Don’t let this love go. Grasp this love tightly in your hands, pull it as close to your heart as you can, and hold on for dear life. This love is good and pure and true.”
“How?” Her voice broke, and she turned from her slightly, wiping at his eyes. “I’m so scared. I’m so in love with her it’s insane and I have no idea how to proceed in this situation.”
“Just tell her. Be honest and open with her. No matter how scary it is.” Lisa looked at her friend and Jennie pulled her into a hug. “Tell her. Hold onto the love.”
April 2024
“You told me that you loved me and then ran away, Lisa. Literally ran away. How am I supposed to feel after that? What do you want me to do with that?" Y/N was pissed, ranting away, ignoring the look on Lisa's face. "I fucking adore you. I love you. And you love me too. So why the fuck are you running from me?"
“I’m pretty sure I’ve been in love with you since the day we met and it fucking scared me. My entire soul was begging me to tell you and it just kind of blurted out and fuck, I didn’t mean for it to, so I ran. That’s what I do. I run from my problems and in that moment, you were the problem or my feelings were and I blurted them out without fucking thinking about it and then ran away.”
"You don’t need to be scared, baby." Y/N's voice was softer now, gentle and soothing. "I know we've got some things to figure out, but we can do that together."
"I love you."
"I love you too. And I intend on proving it to you every day for the rest of our lives if you'll let me."
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pearlcaddy · 2 years
I really need people who don't watch The Try Guys and only know about them from the recent Ned bullshit to appreciate their most recent video.
For the past couple months, they've been releasing a mix of videos that in some cases have been carefully edited around Ned and in others been shot recently without him. There's been some shade sprinkled throughout the newer stuff, and there was this particular gem in a recent video:
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[ID: Screenshot from Try Guys 30-Day Meditation Challenge of Keith standing in front of the cover of the Try Guys' book, The Hidden Power of Fucking Up. Normally the cover has a photo of all four Try Guys, but the image of Ned has been replaced with a blank 404 error message.]
In general, their approach has been to throw some shade but ultimately cut around and ignore him.
But now it's Without a Recipe season.
WAR is one of the Try Guys' major series, released during November and December, in which they compete with each other to bake an item without a recipe, usually to disastrous results. Because the videos are long and such a central part of their winter holiday schedule, the videos are filmed months in advance. (Despite how long this post is, I'm a very casual fan, but my understanding is it's shot in the summer?) Which means that these episodes were filmed pre-scandal and that they're very difficult episodes to scrap or reshoot. And, given the camera set-up, it would be almost impossible to completely cut out a participant.
So they went a different direction.
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[ID: Screenshot of the title card reading, "The Try Guys: Without a Recipe. Everything is Fine: A Totally Normal Season." Next to the text are images of explosions and a sarcastic hand giving a thumbs up.]
The shade in this episode starts early. Zach has consistently been the weakest baker, but his chyron for this year was unapologetic.
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[ID: Screenshot of Zach being interviewed by the camera. At the bottom of the screen is a chryon that reads, "Zach: No longer the 4th best."]
For the most part, the episode cuts around Ned; the audience isn't told what type of Pop-Tart he bakes and we don't see the judges tasting and reviewing his bake. Group shots of the four Try Guys tend to be cropped so that only Keith, Eugene, and Zach are visible.
The time he's made most visible in the background is in these shots:
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[ID: Screenshot of Keith in the foreground. Behind him is Ned, seen from the shoulders down. The framing deliberately leaves the text on Ned's shirt visible. It reads, "I love bad ideas," followed by the heart on fire emoji.]
But my favorite parts of the video are when they just replace him. Because, while the rest of the episode plays like a normal episode, there's wild shit happening whenever Ned would have been on screen.
There's one time when the editors wink to a fan theory that they'd used a fake pole to partially edit him out of a shot in a previous video. How? By needlessly covering him with a fake pole instead of cropping him out the way they do with all the other shots from the same camera set-up.
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[ID: Screenshot of Zach in the foreground. To his left is a computer-generated image of a large, clearly fake pole over the space where Ned would be.]
Now normally the bakers are split into two pairs and work at side-by-side work stations where they riff off of one another while baking.
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[ID: Screenshot of Eugene and Zach in the kitchen baking at separate tables that are arranged side-by-side.]
So at some points in the video, Keith (who is the baker paired with Ned in this episode) is in footage where the Ned half of the screen is replaced with footage of an unused workstation, as below:
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But my favorite parts of the video were the ones where they replaced Ned with something that really acknowledged the elephant in the room:
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[ID: Screenshot of the same kitchen set-up from before with two tables next to each other. Keith stands at one, looking at the baker at the other table. Ned has been replaced with a computer-generated image of a pink elephant.]
Whenever Ned is (presumably) speaking, the audio is replaced with a loud elephant trumpet.
They commit to the bit so much that, when the judges announce the results, they don't even show us Ned's Pop-Tart.
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[ID: Judge Rosanna Pansino holds up a Pop-Tart. A red-and-white paper box of fresh peanuts has been added to the footage, completely shielding the Pop-Tart from view. The peanut box has a cartoon image of an elephant as part of its design.]
Now, they easily could have cut out the announcement of the results, especially since they cut out all of his baking process.
But Ned comes last.
So they leave that part in. As a treat.
When the judge announces the name of the fourth-place baker, instead of saying "Ned," the audio is replaced with her voice saying "Elephant," and when we cut to Ned's reaction?
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[ID: Screenshot of the Try Guys clustered together. Ned has been replaced with the pink elephant, who is screaming in protest while the other three Try Guys shrink away from him. The chyron reads, "4th Place: Elephant."
And then true chaos reigns when we get to the announcement of the winner, and there's honestly so much going on that I'll leave the image ID to explain it.
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[ID: Screenshot of the Try Guys clustered together again. This time, Ned has been replaced with the body of a dancing man, while his head has been replaced with a terrifying dough face that Keith made earlier in the episode. Behind Ned is a smaller, full-body image of the pink elephant, standing in profile. Sat on the elephant's back is a cut out of the impersonation of Zach from the SNL skit that mocked the Try Guys' infamous What Happened video. Also on the back of the elephant are an image of a bent-over old man and a man in a suit holding a red cloak. I'm either not online enough or not versed in Try Guys' lore enough to understand their significance. The chyron reads, "Winner: Daddy's Favorite," in reference to Keith's victory.]
The whole video is truly, beautifully unhinged and I'm absolutely living for it. I've been wondering how they were going to handle WAR, because it's my favorite series and I knew editing around Ned was going to be a challenge.
Ned was always competitive, particularly on WAR, and I'm absolutely delighted that it turned into 40 minutes of everyone at 2nd Try taking the piss out of him... only for him to come in last place.
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Halloween HCS - Rogues Party
Alright everybody it's that time of year. My personal favorite time of year, the spooky season. So what better way to celebrate than to write Halloween headcanons for all the rogues? Going for general plus what they're doing this year specifically. Also surprise, I've added Music Meister (Clarence Rinette fan name is from @itsmalachitenow)
TW: spooky shit, murder, gore
Thinks himself the belle of the ball, so to speak. Decked out in full elaborate costume. He has a ridiculous budget for this. Sometimes he stays in and gives out candy, but normally, he either wants to set a huge heist or go out to party. He needs to peacock every once in a while, or emotionally he'll start to wither. Matching costumes with his s/o are a must ;)
This year, he's assisting Jonathan in his haunted house venture (discussed below). The moment Jonathan announced to the dork squad what he'd be doing, all of them teamed up in their own ways to assist in making a horrific Halloween experience for the people of Gotham. Edward put himself in charge of animatronics and robotics.
The theme ended up being a literal haunted house, the entire building one giant horror maze save for several control rooms and employee areas- Which means a lot of hidden hydraulics in the walls and moving pieces Edward gets to crack his knuckles and puts together. He even rigs a set-up for an actor to fly across a room in ghostly pallor.
His pièce de résistance, however, is the start of the maze in the Library that has a hidden passageway that opens to the inside walls of the house. That plus some spooky elevators that transport guests to different levels- Jonathan couldn't have asked for better technical aspects.
The whole night he's hanging out in the control room, cackling when one of his devices gets someone. There will be parties on other nights he'll go to. He wouldn't miss this for the world.
When he was younger he disliked Halloween because of bullying. That his face was horrific enough to scare anyone. It killed the fantasy and fun of wearing a costume. Even as his mother kissed his forehead and asked why he wasn't going out with friends-
Now he quite enjoys it. He doesn't really dress up per say, but there's always some fun parties to go to. Have some drinks, mingle, make some connections for the next big crime he's planning, then pass out in a pile of Halloween candy wrappers on his fancy chaise lounge. He'll do his best to save you your favorite if you tell him.
Now, if his s/o wants to dress up, it's a slightly different story. He'll be surprisingly anxious about it. Certainly it's not a lack of money or that the idea is displeasing to him. He doesn't want to be an "ugly" monster, but he "can't" play someone handsome. There's definitely a mental block there that he can't quite get past emotionally.
HOWEVER. If you suggest a mobster for him and being his little moll/arm candy? Period piece? He can do that. Big old cigar and everything. Probably commissions Jervis for the work. The guy will make sure it's all accurate.
He rolls up to the Halloween party at Harley's place with a box of "goodies" he has one of his underlings haul in. Expensive chocolates filled with liquor. Don't ask where he got it. Tonight is gonna be a fun night.
Mad Hatter
Halloween is a special time for Jervis when he can get really wild with costuming. Besides patching and creating things for other rogues, of course. If there is any kind of contest, he is likely going to win it. In fact, he's been banned from several around the city for winning too many times. If his s/o doesn't ask him to do their costume, he will pout a little. Even if he can't do the entire thing, let him help! He has an eye for this, you see. And maybe one year, they'll dress up as Alice, for him?
Of course he gets put in charge of costuming for the Haunted House production. Period accurate post-WWI clothing? Give him something difficult to do, why don't you? He does have to be told to keep eyes off some of the scare actors because they're all so pretty and lovely and look so good in his outfits, maybe they'd like some of his special tea- Jonathan helps him keep on point. There will be no Alice searches here.
For the majority of the night, he's manning the backstage area with Edward. Checking cameras that things are running smoothly. Then being available for actors who need a touch up! When one of the actresses comes in crying because some creep grabbed at her, Jervis is scuttling into the behind the scenes walls before Edward can stop him.
He comes back, slightly ruffled and helps the young woman calm down with (non-drugged) tea before sending her back off ready to go. The dork squad can drag the creep out from under one of the beds later and really put the fear into him. Maybe they'll kill him. Perhaps just a maiming. Depends on how lenient they feel later.
He's going to keep the costumes afterwards for different potential projects later unless an actor gets particularly attached. You never know when you'll need something like this!
His Halloween consists of three things depending upon the year and the current situation: An elaborate spooky plot, a Halloween party to top all others, or a haunted house. Sometimes involving fear toxin! Sometimes not! Again, depends on how he's feeling.
Originally, he had intended on doing everything for himself for the haunted house. He's more than capable of doing it all himself, certainly. Yet, when he mentioned it to his closer companions (or as some call them, "the dork squad"), they all insisted on helping him. Annoying but... he supposes it's rather nice to enjoy this holiday with friends outside of Arkham. He's very clear, however, this concept is his and he has final say.
The story... Oh, he has fun with this. An old spinster and her daughter waiting for the prodigal son to return home from the war... several years too late. The daughter lures inhabitants to the home where the two women overpower them to keep them "forever."
His favorite part of the haunted house besides the writing, is the cellar. As the participants have been led upstairs, then faked out down to the cellar- it's a graveyard of bodies buried in the walls and the ground. Writhing. Trying to get out. They exit with the serial killer chasing them out of the hatch that leads back outdoors. With a ramp for accessibility, of course.
It's a hit! There's a line out to the street and the ten dollar ticket entry fee is definitely racking up some nice change as a bonus. He sets himself up as a scarecrow in the field at the exit, giving one last scare to the guests as they leave. He didn't even need to pump fear toxin in this time!
At the end of the night, the dork squad has drinks after the closing and Jonathan has to admit it wouldn't have been the same without his friends.
Reads "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" at least once. As is tradition.
Music Meister
Normally, Clarence Rinette is quite busy this time of year! If he's not involved with a stage production, he's decorating his home to the nines for trick-or-treaters. Big crafty, theatrical nonsense. Don't ask him how he paid for all this (he got an amazing deal through some vocal persuasion-). Someone once tried to suggest becoming a scare actor- but the truth is if he scared a child, it might actually make him cry. SO! He couldn't be a full on jumping at people scare actor.
Then he hears about Jonathan's plans for the season. Oh-ho-ho! A haunted house? For him? ("No," Jonathan quips, "it's not for you at all-") Well, he's got to be involved in this. It's a theatrical production-! ("It's not a full on production-" Jonathan informs him) ALRIGHT- but it's environmental storytelling. That's set-design. That's him!
People might not expect it of him, but he's done a bit of everything in the theater world. Backstage, lighting, sound, set design and building- and of course as a singer and lead, where he truly belongs. Yet, he's having a field day bringing in furniture for the haunted house. Setting up spiderwebs and aging some of the walls and props. Atmospheric sounds and smells for some of the rooms.
He's also in charge of assisting Jervis with makeup and making sure actors are ready- Before dressing up as an actor himself, you know. Gives himself a guide role in the Library to hype people up with the "history" of the house. Plus the hidden passageway reveal. Loves every second of it.
Victor Zsasz
Hardly registers Halloween. Every day is Halloween to this guy. Look at the people he associates with! He's surrounded by dead things all the time. How is this one time of year really that much different except everyone else is on the same page? What, he's supposed to dress up? He's got killing business to do.
Picture it. His target is walking around Gotham, feeling tipsy in their angel costume. The biggest Halloween party in town always spills out into the streets. A figure is closely following them in a full latex mask and black outfit. "Fake" machete at their side. The angel stumbles into an alleyway, the figure following close behind. The figure is Zsasz, in case you didn't guess, and he's got an angel to carve up for dinner. Cuts their heart in half as he leaves it next to their corpse. Takes a couple of their teeth for souvenirs. The rest he'll toss in the harbor. Have fun identifying that, GCPD.
If for some reason he IS home, he'll pass out candy to kids. Hawaiian shirt to cover his chest of scars. Spooks teens away that he thinks are too old. Gives handfuls of candy to everyone else. Has a straight face for every single person and the parents are definitely checking that candy when they get home (it's fine).
Might be convinced to dress up if his s/o really begs. He'd like it if they dressed up in something suggestive (for him) but he'd understand if they didn't want to. He will let them know that whatever they wear, he's probably taking it off with his knife by the end of the night.
Killer Croc
Normally, he actually doesn't like Halloween much. People assume his face is a scary costume which, frankly, is a pretty awful feeling. Sure, he can walk around easier, but it doesn't stop the stares. Now people feel inclined to ask him for photos. Or worse, they just take them without asking. More than usual.
Several parents at the daycare he sometimes works security at decide to do group trick-or-treating. They tell him he doesn't have to join in or... you know, he probably has plans, nevermind- He's already agreeing. Chaperone, he can do that. Better than staying home to watch the tube and not answer the door all night. He always leaves a bowl of candy but they always end up knocking anyways.
One of the kids gives him kitty ears and he rolls with it. If anyone asks, he makes a graveled, growling "meow" in his voice that makes the children giggle. Waylon watches the groups of people around them, glaring if any of them even look like they might try to pinch someones wallet or start bullying.
There is one Incident that occurs at a place with a porch in the downtown area. Waylon recognizes it from a mile away. A guy in a reaper costume is sitting on a chair. The other college kids are drinking beers telling kids to go up. That it's safe. They won't get scared. Then the man in costume scares the life out of them to the raucous laughter of all of them.
One of the parents seems to be trying to ask them if the children are going to get scared. Of course the people at the house lies. Instead of guiding the children away, however, Waylon grabs one of the kids by the hand and steps onto the porch to the man in costume. Leans down and gives his best crackling "meow" into the masked face of the man. Do it. Scare this fucking kid. He can smell the fear on the reaper as the kid pulls him away.
"Don't scare any more kids." He tells the college students. Shaking, they nod before going to check on their friend. Genuinely, he's very proud of himself for handling it in a way that didn't phase the kids.
Harley Quinn
If she's dating someone, there's a 90% chance they're doing some kind of matching costume situation. It's like. The rule for couples! They'll be really cute or really scary or both! Joker would NEVER do anything like this with her no matter how much she begged and pleaded. Consider this part of her getting to just be happy with herself and the things he wants to do with her life.
This year, she is throwing a party and it is going to be talked about for years afterwards. She figured if Jon isn't doing it this year, it's her time. She and Ivy attend his haunted house the night before in support. At one point she almost jumps into her friends arms with a particularly well timed jump scare out of the wall.
The theme for her party (that no one is expected to dress for) is undead glitz and glamor. We're talking the Hollywood Forever Cemetery kind of style. There's skeletons dressed in 40s and 50s red carpet affair around the apartment. Harley herself is a zombified Marylin Monroe type. Curled blonde hair and full makeup, one side of her face "split" to show fake teeth on her cheek.
There is a photo station for everyone attending with a camera she borrowed from Edward for high quality shots. Plus a polaroid. For funsies! It has props and a cardboard standee that Harley painted herself to look like an old fashioned hotel ballroom.
There's old halloween movies playing in one room for people who need a break. Food on the table in one room. Another is playing some spooky music for dancing. Everyone has a little something for them! Everyone gets a tad too drunk but overall it's a great time.
Poison Ivy
Pamela is always doing a sexy costume. She and Selina have a slight competition each year on who can show off the most tasteful amount of cleavage in an outfit and have the most heads turn. It's not malicious or catty (ba-dum), but rather a friendly thing where it's the two of them in on the joke. One year Harley convinced them to do a very cute-sy group look as the Gotham City Sirens. There's several lovely posed photos from the beginning of the night and then a very drunk selfie of the three of them at a pizza place at the end of the night. The latter is Pamela's lock screen on her phone.
For the party, Harley asked for some minor assistance which roughly translates to "keep me reigned in or I'll go way overboard." A lot of shopping and keeping in budget. Dressing up the skeletons and helping to decorate. She even allowed Harley to borrow some of her "spooky" looking plants to add to the aesthetic.
Pamela asked Waylon (who already had plans) for some recipes and added her own recipes to the mix. There's some that are more elevated since it is an adult party. There are plenty, however, that are incredibly cheesy- like crushed oreos to mimic graveyard dirt. She dresses up as a spooky Mae West with floral/vine theming. Full curves on display. There's several non-rogues who try to hit on her and she kicks them from the party.
His costumes are usually incredibly on the nose. Angel/Devil. Black and white vs color. One year they even did Roger and Jessica Rabbit from "Who framed Roger Rabbit?" Before you ask, obviously Jessica was played by Harv, one fake tit barely held in a dress. What normally starts out as a night out going to a party ends up with very drunk Halloween karaoke where Two-Face sings duets, both parts.
If they have an s/o, the dynamic changes a little. Do they want to do a trio costume? A couple costume and Harv and Harvey have to just agree on one harmonious look? Honestly they're fair game with whatever. It's not often they've had a third that wants to be involved in the holidays with them. Being a kind of sort-of trio can complicate things or put people off.
This year in particular they were a blend of rollerskating Ken and white fur coat Ken from the new Barbie movie. It is... hideous. It is garish. Who the hell agreed to make this- Harv is struggling with the one rollerskate on his side but at least Harvey has them standing upright. He agreed on a whim to be white fur coat ken and now it's kind of itchy.
The photos at the party, however, are fire and Harley makes copies for herself because it's so delightful. In hindsight, they had so much fun and it was one of the best years.
they do sing "Barbie Girl" by Aqua and "Barbie World" from the movie with Nicki Minaj and Ice Spice as a theme by the end of the night. There is video.
Black Mask
Ironic or no, he loves Halloween. The mythos of wearing the face of a monster to prevent yourself from being haunted or taken by spirits? That's SO his thing. Before the incident in which he "gained" his new face, he would drop insane amounts of money for costumes and sfx. Movie-quality for the big parties at Sionis. Due to being a makeup company, they had some big ones over the years for Halloween.
Now he tends to get busy, but appreciates the masks on the market. If there's a particularly good one he finds that can be set permanently, he'll add it to his collection. If an s/o happens to show him scare maze videos with their different sets and makeup, he might actually find a special interest in it.
When he finds out Harley is throwing the Halloween party this year, he's throwing his own opposing party. A better party. A party with blackjack. And booze!
The party ends up being a lot of underground folks and their partners trying to out-look each other and network. If Roman doesn't have a partner at this point, he has some arm candy in a "sexy" whatever costume to make him look good. When a partner is in the mix- he gets to drop the money on THEM on wild costume and sfx shit. Think of Heidi Klum Halloween but a team effort. Plus bonus: to do the sfx, he'll have to make a mold of your face that he gets to keep and look at amongst his collection.
Mr. Freeze
He's working, leave him alone.
Used to really like passing out candy to the kids with Nora. Fell out of it for a long time. Some years due to incarceration. Others, because of his own mourning. Now he tends to be working towards a cure in solitude far away from civilization to not be bothered for things like holidays.
What he does this year is very dependent on if he's seeing someone or not. If he's seeing someone, he rather wants to stay in and celebrate "normally." Small decorations around the house. A bowl of candy and he dresses up as a space man- The two of you sit in front of the house passing out candy. He delights seeing the kids and complimenting them on their costumes.
If he's by himself, he ends up going to Harley's party and sitting by himself with a drink in his hand for most of it. So awkward and uncomfortable but there is something about his friends not wanting him to be alone. They convince him to a group photo that he ends up framing to put in his lab next to Nora's picture.
Either way, Christmas is his time, so the moment it hits midnight October 31st, everything Halloween is GONE. Now that he's celebrating holidays this year, he's had to restrain himself hard-core so he's not that guy rushing everyone to Christmas.
Ra's al-Ghul
Does Ra's really celebrate holidays? Not unless he's with someone where that's important to them. Let's be honest, he's so old, he was there for some of these celebrations in their infancy.
His idea of celebrating Halloween is recounting the traditions surrounding it. And getting really creepy and ancient with it. I'm talking Samhain kind of thing.
He does not give out candy. If his s/o is into that, he'll kind of participate and not really Get It. Don't expect dressing up, either.
Lots of Edgar Allen Poe readings.
Didn't celebrate Halloween as a child and constantly forgets about it as an adult. Waylon reminds him to have a bowl of candy the week before because otherwise, Bane won't have anything. This has resulted in him opening the door to some very irate children wondering why he's a weirdo with no candy. Children are harsh, they'll tell you!
If he's out and about for Halloween doing villain stuff, people compliment his Luchador costume and he dies a little inside. While it sucks for him, it is one of the funniest things to see in person. No one is scared of the luchador in Gotham. The children are downright delighted. They want photos with him. There's multiple kids that run up to him speaking the most rapid-fire spanish you've ever heard in your life. There's several in their own luchador costumes that are losing their tiny minds at him. Changes his mood immensely for the better.
He absolutely gives extra candy for cute costumes and little kids, the sucker. He sees a toddler dressed as a pig and he's just cooing "pobrecito cerdo...."
Might go to Harleys party once the kids stop coming. Just to say hi and grab a beer. Feels pretty happy with himself.
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pedgito · 2 years
Hi! I saw this in a prompt list and thought it might be cute, immediately thought of Eddie munson.
“You broke into my apartment drunk thinking it was your friend’s house and I should call the cops but my cat kinda likes you so we’re good”
author’s note: i love giving my brain a break from smut for adorable prompts like these, so thank you!! i saw this and had to write it haha, it’s so perfect.
cw: sfw, meet-cutes, slightly mean!reader, cats loving eddie for no reason, steve being an annoying neighbor, mentions of drinking, if i missed anything lmk!
word count: 1.3k
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You could’ve sworn you locked your door—every night, on the way to your room, just a simple turn of the lock and you were secure—not tonight, apparently. The day was long and exhausting and you ended up falling asleep on the couch half-dressed in your pajamas after a shower, an over-sized shirt covering your thighs to leave you some decency to the underwear hidden beneath.
It’s a small jingle to the doorknob that startles you, swearing that it’s all in your head—or that Steve was having another one of his wild nights and lost his keys, it’s why he left an extra in your apartment.
You didn’t know him incredibly well, but after being his neighbor for two years there was a weird bond of trust, that and he gave you free rentals every week when you came into the store, he was actually a pretty sweet guy despite his disregard for noise when it came to neighbors.
You heave a heavy sigh, peeking your eyes open to watch the shadow under the door as it stumbles clumsily, their weight shifting against it as if they slipped—it startled your cat, a scraggly black and grey feline that was always either sleeping or ripping up your furniture. It was a rocky love and hate relationship, most of the love attempting to be forced on your end while there was mostly hate being received in response. He climbs over your head and plops onto the floor, shoving himself under the couch and away from whatever predator lurked beyond.
“I feed you, take care of you—you’re such an asshole.” You call after him, leaning up from the couch to stomp toward the door and yell at whoever was waiting on the other side—but that never happens.
The door opens before you get a chance to move, the dimness of the room making it impossible to clock who it is at first glance, your eyes squinting to make out the shape of them.
It dawns on you quickly—that definitely wasn’t Steve.
There’s a low curse as they step on one of your cats scattered toys, nearly slipping as they slapped their hand against the wall to catch themselves. Normally, your first instinct would be to scream, run, either of the two would work—but all signs were pointing elsewhere and you couldn’t help but watch on in amusement, waiting for the person to realize they might’ve stepped into the wrong apartment. It wasn’t like you were hooking up with anyone lately, let alone bring them home.
“Why the fuck—“ The voice huffs, kicking the toy to the side as they regained their balance, “Steve, did you get a fucking cat?”
And that explains it.
“No, he didn’t.” You reply with amusement, pushing up on your hands until the blanket falls to your waist, hair bemused from sleep—there was no telling how ridiculous you looked right now.
Eddie shouts, “Jesus, dude—who the hell are you?”
The door falls shut without Eddie’s doing and the silence is deafening.
“The owner of this apartment.” You point out, doing an obvious scan of the apartment until it clicks in his brain, his eyes widening in both shock and embarrassment.
“Holy shit—I am so—“
Your cat jumps out then, circling the stranger’s feet curiously. Your face scrunched up in annoyance as he betrayed you once again, finding safety in a stranger rather than you.
Eddie forgets what he’s saying, leaning down to pet at the cat’s soft fur, “Oh hey, little guy,” The cat purrs softly, nudging his head into his palm, “did I scare you?”
“Not to interrupt, but I still have every reason to call the cops on your right now,” You remind him, shoving the blanket away to scamper toward him, forgetting your severe lack of clothing to grab at your car, hurling him up into your arms, “the least you could do is introduce yourself.”
Eddie’s eyes widen, shifting to your face immediately.
“Uh—Eddie. Munson. Steve’s friend.” He explains quickly, “The light’s out in the hall—and I’m a little drunk if I’m being honest, I guess I got the numbers mixed up.”
You huff a laugh at that, feeling your cat wiggle from your grasp until he could paw at Eddie, jumping the distance to snuggle into Eddie’s waiting arms, sensing the need before it even happened.
“Well, Steve’s friend Eddie Munson,” You say dramatically, “you seem to be the only person my cat doesn’t despise—so I won’t call the cops, not yet.”
On cue, the tiny fury betrayer rubs against Eddie’s jacket, closing his eyes as he relaxes.
“You little shit.” You say snidely causing Eddie to chuckle—his eyes linger on your face briefly until he can’t stand it, drifting further down the expanse of your legs.
You notice it, answering with a dismissive, “I was sleeping.”
“On your couch?” He asks quizzically, noting the size of your apartment. He knew there had to be a bedroom somewhere—though, who was he to judge?
“I was tired.” You shrug, “—Why are you still here?”
“Yeah, shit,” Eddie curses again, something that seemed to be a habit of his, “I didn’t expect to make a friend.”
He scratches the cat’s head gently, another soft purr rumbling in the quiet and another annoyed eye roll coming from you.
There’s a rough knock at the door that startles both of you, a soft yelp escaping your throat. It sends your cat fleeing in a hurry to your bedroom, body slinking through the cracked door and away from danger once again.
You shove Eddie away from the door gently, twisting the doorknob until the door creaked open, brimming with frustration at the sudden flurry of events—all you wanted was a decent night of sleep.
“Hey—oh,” Steve’s eyes go wide, his figure becoming clearer as the door opens wide, “—Eddie?”
“It’s a long story.” You tell him before Eddie has the chance to answer.
“You’re—“ He points at you and your state of undress, eyebrows pulling together in confusion, “do you two—wait, are you two screwing each other?”
Eddie stutters out a quick, “No.”
Followed by your pointed look of disgust, “God—absolutely not.”
Eddie looks slightly offended but forces it away, Steve’s mouth pulling up into a smirk, “I probably should’ve introduced you two sooner—Eddie’s moving in with me next week.”
“Yeah, well it looks like your new roomie partied too hard,” You tell Steve, plucking at the sleeve of Eddie’s slack arm, the metal of his bracelet jingling against his wrist, “I already took in one stray—two, counting you,” Your eyes narrow on Steve, “I don’t need a third.”
“I’m right here,” Eddie says, feeling dejectedly despite his lack of knowing you, “I have feelings.”
“You’ll learn, buddy,” Steve offers comfortingly, grasping at his friend’s wrist to pull him along, “let’s go.”
“My cat didn’t try to maul him—so I guess that’s something,” You offer, Steve’s face contorting in shock, “—yeah, literally ran toward him like a fuckin’ traitor.”
“Huh,” Steve laughs, glancing over at his friend who still had an apparent frown on his face—you feel like you apologizing is a good idea, but Steve quickly rectifies that, “he’s fine—just an emotional drunk.”
“Well, I guess that makes two of you.”
“Hey,” Steve says, coming to his own defense, “not true.”
“Yeah—he likes to strip naked too.” Eddie interjects and Steve has the audacity to look mortified despite how many times you’ve witnessed just that.
Steve is on the precipice of a retort, mouth open in defense, but you quickly close the door in his face and catch the muffled beginnings of what you were sure was going to turn into an hour long rant—luckily, that wasn’t your problem.
Eddie Munson, though—that was soon to prove in being the biggest problem of your life.
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zoratarojoestar · 2 months
I hate the whole "Maria is alive cause of Virginia's description" debate right now...so let me throw out my wild take on how she isn't alive, →in the game's current time← cause I want to poke the fire and see how it goes :D
CW below cut for implications of Johnny committing immoral acts - I know that's a line drawn/debate in itself but idc
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Also look at this man, he's done the worst shit imaginable but I still love his stupid ass♡
So... firstly...many are clinging to the line in Virginia's description that reads "But instead of finding Jesse, what she discovered was Maria, beaten and tortured, barely clinging to life." Now that's all solid and concrete, until you listen again to voice lines we have in the game already. This line in her description is adding ontop of the existing lore (in my opinion)
Starting the dot to dot puzzle back at Nancy; Nancy's line "Johnny really liked that girl-". Others online are saying 'Johnny is keeping her around the house somewhere' or 'Johnny actually liked Maria'. I agree with the first idea, to a point. For me, I've loved seeing Johnny's cold room, the items in his shack, how he's described by the family, ect. Starting at the women's clothing on his shelves, the magically clean fabric on his counter too many fridges and freezers and his own line "you're going to look real nice, next to that friend of yours" and everyone's favourite, "you ain't getting away, I'm keepin' you!" , very much implying he keeps victims of his fancy/liking in said cold storage units. Maybe Johnny thought Maria was a pretty girl, pretty enough to add to his collection of stolen victims, however-
This fabric is this ↙ Along with the amount of clothes he has stored; for what purposes, I have my own headcanons but I'll leave them to their own post
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Moving on to the Cook's line "We couldn't have Johnny springing no love child round here-" and Nancy's "I'd stay out of my secret room if I was you" to me, implies Johnny wanted her 'beaten, tortured and barely clinging to life' body for certain immoral purposes. I could even say it suggests he knew she was alive at some point into hiding her away, but her being in such a state-not enough to fight him, she's on borrowed time anyways. Cook, with the "We-" in the line above, implies more of the family (maybe Hitch or Leatherface to finish what he started in Petals) to kill her and have her now confirmed dead body hidden away from Johnny in Nancy's 'secret' room.
(Adding a sprinkle extra and suggest Johnny's line "I didn't really want to hurt her-" being a lie, however "-but...as they say...family first ya know" I feel is partly true. I feel it adds to the above that maybe he saw them kill Maria when she was found out trying to escape with Virginia. I'm not saying he's remorseful of her death or 'he misses her', I feel he's disappointed in himself, blaming himself that he's been caught; yet another mistake/misfortune he has to live with; also more ammunition for the family to throw at him.)
Virginia may have found Maria alive before she herself was captured, but- just a small but, they were said to have both been re-captured and by that point, wherever Johnny was hiding her before Virginia found her, was out of the bag and known about by the family; no longer his little secret.
End of Take
I could just be hollering nonsense or overthinking these lines more than I should be, but I love the lore for this game and this is the story I'm reconnecting together with the new info; also with this debate being the only thing I see in the TCM fandom right now, it's hard not to think about and have your own opinions on, thanks for reading my word vomit
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stusbunker · 5 months
Spotless: Fermata
Chapter Five
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Featuring: Dean Winchester/Reader, Dean/Bela
Other characters: Sam/Madison, Chase the waiter
Word Count: 1815
Warnings, etc: Mutual pining, Dean casually getting dressed in front of the reader, third wheelin', Dean is a smooth motherfucker, unbeta'd
Series Masterlist
Divider courtesy of @cafekitsune
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The glossy finish of Dean’s desk stuck to the sweat of your palms as you sat on the surface, waiting for him to finally decide on an outfit that Bela wouldn’t roll her eyes at the moment she saw him. He had been going through his wardrobe in front of you for the better part of an hour and you were both on the cusp of entirely different versions of frustration. He strutted out from his massive closet, pants undone and flashing you the same pair of boxer briefs you had been salivating over all morning. His shirt was open, showing off his one and only tattoo, high on his peck as he futzed with the collar, trying to get it to lay right and then he started to button.
“Can’t believe you set me up with some hoity toity wardrobe Nazi,” Dean grumbled a repeated accusation in a new and more colorful way.
“Don’t give me that crap, I know how much you like playing dress up,” you shot back.
He spun and glared at you. “Traitor. Even Charlie knows this dog-and-pony show is not the same as fighting orcs in the valley.”
You put on a face of mock sympathy. “You poor, poor thing, having to wear the free shit designers send you out in the wild.”
Dean flipped you off with one hand while tucking in his freshly buttoned shirt with the other. The way his shoulders stretched the gray fabric was more distracting than the thickness of the offensive finger.
“I’m not wearing a tie for fucking coffee,” Dean griped.
“No, you’re not. People’d think you went to church first and the last thing I want to start is cult rumors for either of you.”
Dean hopped on the balls of his feet as he zipped his fly, finally standing before you in an acceptable outfit. You looked him over as he fiddled with his cuffs.
“Roll them up, shows off your arms,” you coached him, as he went between glancing in the mirror on the back of the door to across the room for your appraisal.
Dean chuckled, but did as he was told.
“So, you calling in the paps or just seeing who catches on on their own?”
“I’ll have Bela post something, showing off you and her plate with a tag to the restaurant. I might snag some candids just in case, but I’m guessing you’ll get noticed.”
Dean dug through his rack of belts as you talked. “Can’t you get fired for leaking photos to the press?”
“Technically that is my job description, dude. But honestly? Only if I’m making extra money off of it— or if my boss decides to be a bigger dick than usual,” you sighed, avoiding scrolling through your phone as it buzzed next to your hip.
Dean smirked. “I’ll show you a bigger dick than—”
“None of that, god, Dean, shove down the locker room talk for like two hours. Please?”
He rolled his eyes and threaded his belt. “When it’s go time, I will be fucking angelic. I promise. I’ll show everybody what a gentleman I am. But you can’t just toss me a perfect spiral and get mad when I run with it.”
It was your turn to roll your eyes. “You hate football.”
Dean marched back across the room with a pair of Italian leather ankle boots and sat on the edge of his ridiculous bed to put them on. “No, I hate the televised corruption of football. It shouldn’t take twenty or thirty minutes for a two minute drill. But I wouldn’t say no to landing the Halftime show of the Super Bowl.”
“Noted.” You fell to the temptation of your phone, now that more of Dean was hidden than exposed. Bela had texted you twice, both with mirror selfies, you snapped a picture as Dean finger gunned his reflection to send back. She replied with a stream of positive emojis and you barked a laugh.
“What?!” Dean demanded.
“Outfit approved,” you spun your screen so Dean could read Bela’s response and his stupid face went from concentrating to smug in two seconds flat. He waggled his eyebrows at you but you stole your screen back before he could go scrolling through the conversation. His finger hung in the now empty air.
You typed a simple ‘you’re welcome’ to Bela and put your phone aside, screen down as Dean started on his hair in the en suite bathroom. You hopped off the desk and slinked into the doorway, bored and anxious in equal measure.
Staging public appearances had always been a hit or miss with Dean.
“You gonna be alright being Sam’s third wheel? I know you want to make this seem like it’s just me and Bela out, but we could still make it a group thing.”
“I’m so not dressed for an outing with Bela—”
Dean huffed as he washed the product from his hands.
“And we really need the focus to be on you, less distractions, better angles for candids, all that crap,” you said, professionally side-stepping the question.
“Yay,” Dean muttered with mock enthusiasm.
“You love the spotlight, remember?”
“Not the same thing. But I guess I have to live with it, don’t I?” Dean lamented, waiting for you to move out of the doorway and lead the way downstairs. He called for Sam, telling him that it was time to go over his shoulder. Something had shifted between you and you felt every ounce of his regret at the forced circumstances like it was a second skin.
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Sam’s laugh, somewhere to your left, drew you out of your careful scrutiny of Dean’s posture across the patio. Madison had been telling a story, and though they both knew you were only there for work purposes, you still felt guilty for ignoring the conversation. You turned and faced the table and took a sip of your coffee. Sam gave you a squint, but didn’t say anything about your sudden return to reality, bless him.
“I think I’m going to do the eggs benedict scrambler. What are you thinking, Y/N?” Madison reminded you to look at the menu.
“Uh, I think I’m leaning more towards lunch, actually,” you said, because you really hadn’t processed anything on the laminated list in front of you.
Sam sipped his fresh squeezed grapefruit juice and you tried to speed read as your waiter returned with a cheerful look on his face.
“How’s it going over here? All set to order?” His name was Chase and he either was a bodybuilder on the side or he was an actor, which didn’t really take skill to parcel out in L.A., but it was still obvious.
Sam, the traitor, answered happily, “sure thing. I’ll have the kale frittatas and could we get a pitcher of Bloody Marys, please?”
“Okay, then,” Madison chuckled, shaking her head at Sam trying to get her tipsy in the middle of the day.
“Definitely, man,” Chase the waiter replied, typing in the order on his tablet. He then turned to Madison, which earned him an appreciative smile as your eyes darted back down onto the options.
You didn’t bother listening to what she ordered, too busy deciding on something you could eat without too much distraction. There was a certain columnist at Rolling Stone whom you wanted to get back in her good graces and if you could get her a good enough shot of Dean being Mister Charming, the better.
“What about you, doll?” Okay, you didn’t have an ounce of a fuck to give to this waiter who probably thought he was being slick. 
“I’ll take another water and— the DELICIOUS BREAKFAST SELECTION with wheat toast.”
“Got it. Alright, that’s all in and I’ll be back with your drinks in a sec.” Chase finally left, freeing you from scripted social interaction. Sam gave you a reassuring head tilt and turned back to Madison. Both of them were polite enough to not point out you did not actually order a lunch selection.
Bela and Dean were near the railing of the patio, perfect for visibility from passersby, but what caught your attention most was that they seemed to be genuinely smiling at one another as they talked over their meals. The urge to join them welled up, to know what had two people so close to you so amused, to be included in their tiny bubble. You stayed put, managing to snap a few pictures of them before the table next you was seated.
So far, it felt like it was working.
The rest of the meal went by in a blur, you checking your phone more than was strictly polite but neither Sam nor Madison seemed to mind. The waiter continued to be a little extra, but all you cared about was the couple of people that had gathered across the street not so subtly snapping pictures. Bela’s post must have done its job. Dean and Bela lingered after he paid the check and you wondered if they were waiting on your permission or actually enjoying themselves. But before you could text either of them a posh car pulled up next to the patio and Bela was standing up to confirm her ride.
You watched on bated breath, Dean ushering Bela out of the iron gate of the patio with a hand on the small of her back. He was always at ease with physical touch and you were grateful for that fact as he sold your lies. Bela turned to face Dean outside the waiting car. She smiled up at him and he said something, making her bite her bottom lip. Oh, shit, she was milking this!
That’s when he leaned in and planted a quick kiss on her lips, just a breath longer than a peck. Sam kicked you under the table but you ignored him. They were really doing this and you couldn’t deny they looked damn good together. Dean held the door as Bela climbed into the backseat and closed it when she was situated. He tapped the roof and turned to walk towards where he parked the impala. He kept his head up, but you could see the slight smirk on his lips which only deepened as you gave him a double thumbs up as he passed your corner of the patio.
Fucker had this down. 
You watched Dean walk away, hoping the photographers got that because you were not prepared for the goodbye kiss. And when Sam nudged your ankle for the second time you sighed and glared at him. He just raised his eyebrows. You ducked your head, trying to hide the heat on your cheeks. Which didn’t really make sense, you had gotten caught staring, so you chalked it up to mild embarrassment. It wasn’t jealousy, you had set this whole thing up. You were fine.
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Tagging: @deans-spinster-witch@mrswhozeewhatsis@cosicas-cuquis@fics-pics-andotherthings-i-like@suckitands33@ladysparkles78@deans-baby-momma@stoneyggirl2@sassy-pelican@leigh70
Chapter Six: A Due
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reallyromealone · 2 years
Hello and can I request a doctor reader who was assigned to the newest patient that happens to be takeomi, his brother who he hates. Being the professional he is, he did his job properly but he was obviously purposely hurting him like asking if this area hurts only to pinch that part EXTRA hard he's about to cry. Sanzu and Ran was sent to pick up takeomi and also to threaten the doctor in charge not tell a soul, he was already standing behind the doctor, gun on his head, crazy grin when doctor turned around and sanzu dropped the gun and was like🧍boi really froze cuz he knows he owe him too for leaving him. Reader isn't even afraid of him and just left the room without a word, Ran was there like 👁️👄👁️❓this is the first time he saw Sanzu in this state
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Oh this is funny
(Name) thought it was a wild coincidence when he was assigned a patient that was identical on paper to his elder brother.
But oh boy, it was him.
"Hey (name)..." Takeomi said awkwardly to his brother was stone faced, the two not seen each other since Takeomi joined Bonten and alongside Sanzu abandoned (name) without a word.
Ever since Senjus death (name) hadn't been the same and when his brothers up and left him... He was a shell of who he what he once was and had to rebuild himself.
He finished med school and is now a doctor in the top hospital in tokyo.
He did it without his shit family.
"Hello Mr. Akashi, I am Dr. Akashi and I will be your doctor" (name) said professionally as the two students glanced at each other stressed, the Bonten tattoo on full display as takeomi lay in a hospital gown. "You have two broken ribs and internal bleeding, I will have to do some check ups on you"
"These are my two attendees, they are learning to be doctors and need Someone who won't abandon them when someone dies" and there it was.
The rage Takeomi was waiting for.
"Sadly their shift ends in a half hour so they won't be present for this " (name) said with a sinister smile "you two can head out early, have a good night" (name) dismissed his attendees with a smile, leaving no room for argument.
"So you're a doctor now?" Takeomi said watching as (name) set up his items "yup no thanks to you jackasses" (name) said, persona shifting when the attendees closed the door "now I need to check those ribs" (name) said and Takeomi begrudgingly took of his shirt "tell me if this hurts" he said placing light pressure and when he heard the hiss applied slightly firmer pressure"OW!"
This became the next hour for Takeomi, (name) pinching and causing light pain for the man and Takeomi knew he deserved it and decided to just take the pain.
Ran and Sanzu pulled up to the hospital, Bonten tattoos hidden as they walked through the building to Takeomis room. They were here to collect him and would kill anyone who stopped them.
Sliding open the door they saw a doctor taking Takeomis tempature "don't fucking move" Sanzu said coldly, cocking the gun to the doctor's head but got no reaction.
(Name) had a feeling this would happen and without a drop of fear he turned and locked eyes with his other brother who froze at the sight of him.
"All vitals are stable... Have a good evening Mr Akashi" (name) said to Takeomi while holding eye contact with Sanzu before leaving, not sparing a glance at Ran as he walked down the hall.
"Holy shit..." Sanzu mumbled as he slowly lowered his gun, Takeomi nodding in agreement "I didn't believe it either"
"The fuck just happened?" Ran asked incredulously as he stared at the siblings who were solumn.
"That was our brother..." Sanzu mumbled out before grabbing Takeomis stuff and tossing it to him "he's cute" ran commented as the siblings glared at him.
"Kidding kidding, not really"
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bhaalble · 8 months
Self-indulgent post. Saw someone on tiktok making an adult Mol in the character creator and decided to go fully off the walls and do that with all the tiefling kids (or at least all of them that I had ideas for). Strap in
So op made Mol a rogue which I understand but honestly. I really feel like even if cut loose from her deal with Raphael Mol would just go out and find another devil to cut deals with. Let her. She's good at it. She's away from the city a lot to fulfill her pact deals and do some wheeling and dealing on behalf of the guild as she works to climb the ranks. Also her horns had more of a growth spurt than she did
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Mattis my beloved. Still run the shop along with some side deals you don't need to know a thing about. Mol's still defacto leader but I feel like he's the one who actually keeps most consistent contact with the rest of the kids.
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Along with his sister Silfy, who is a pretty shit pickpocket but a pretty good shop guard all things considered. Still a little bit of a crybaby
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I like to think Arabella spends a few years with a proper circle (probably not Halsin's, all things considered. Too many memories) before returning to Baldur's Gate to join the druids there trying to help what fragments of the wild that remain there thrive. I think she probably has some affinity for the Circle of Spores. Her time with the Bone Man has given her a healthy respect for the role death plays in the cycle of life
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Doni (who's horn color I fucked up) still doesn't like to talk but retains a knack for finding hidden things and vanishing into thin air. He mostly does caravan escort jobs where no one really cares about trying to develop a rapport with him. When he's in the city he stays with Mattis or Mirkon
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Umi never does pick up the sword again but does become one of Rolan's first apprentices (along with Ide who I forgot to make). He sends money to the rest of the Elturel kids when he can and occasionally helps Mol get a little wiggle room in her contract
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Mirkon's a struggling bard with facial hair that's struggling even more. He's a much better writer than when he was a kid, though not a much better speller. He mostly hangs around the guild to perform and wants to take over the tavern one day. Still daydreams about being a hero just like Baldy Ron
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Finally Meli my own personal glup shitto. Nested deep in guild hierarchy. Away from the city even more often than Mol. Mostly no contact these days with the rest of the old gang but all of them know where he keeps the spare key to his hovel and that he'll never kick them out
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sesshy380 · 6 months
For the gift thing, how about something casteshipping with eggnog for a prompt?
I was going to wait another week before posting any of my Holiday Prompts, but this one has been done for a few weeks now, so I'm throwing it out into the wild.
This ended up as an Office Party AU. Enjoy!
Atem sipped the hot cocoa in his hands, subtly listening to the conversations being carried on by the people around him and eyeing others as they celebrated the holiday festivities. He was glad to see that everyone was enjoying the party he’d set up for them.
Most of the people that attended these things worked in one of the offices or cubicles of the building, so seeing one of the janitorial staff was a bit surprising. Though, given who this particular janitor was…he shouldn’t have been.
He’d seen the white haired man a few times, and had even spoken to him on occasion. The man made it clear how he felt about the higher-ups, apparently not realizing Atem’s role in the company.
He had to admit, he liked how refreshing it was to have someone that was straightforward and honest with him, instead of kissing ass in an attempt to get into his good graces. He’d thought about revealing his position to the janitor a few times, but decided to wait until the right opportunity presented itself.
Right now, the man was getting a lot of annoyed glares. The fact that he kept walking up to everyone and slinging an arm around peoples shoulders like they were all close friends probably didn’t help.
Every group he approached treated him the same: Shrugging off the arm, rolling their eyes (sometimes with an arrogant scoff), and the group walking away to be somewhere else. He didn’t seem to be too put out though, as he’d just shrug and move onto the next group.
After massively failing to be included with any of the groups, the man finally made his way over to where Atem had been casually observing the room.
“What a snore-fest,” the man commented as he leaned on the wall and turned a scar-stitched eye towards him. “I always hear how wild these things can get. I have to say, I feel really let down.”
This prompted a smile and a small laugh out of Atem. “I suppose their boss being in the room keeps them on their best behavior.”
“Pffft, who cares,” the man said dismissively. “You can’t tell me he set out alcoholic eggnog with the expectations of his underlings being on their best behavior. No, this man wanted to see them loosen up.”
Atem glanced at the cup in the man’s hand. “I see you had no problem giving it a taste-test.”
The man took a large drink from the cup, making it obvious he enjoyed it.
“Best I’ve tasted. My guess is this shit is made from scratch with some top shelf booze. None of that cheap store-bought crap spiked with something just as cheap. Honestly…” He motioned towards everyone else in the room. “...those stuck-up assholes don’t know what they’re missing out on.”
Atem peaked a curious brow. “It’s that good?”
“Fuck yeah,” the man said casually. “Here, you should try some,” he said while holding the cup out towards Atem.
Atem took the cup from him, then gave him a sly glance. “Before I go drinking out of the same cup as you, can I get a name? You seem to have a bad habit of keeping your badge hidden when working.”
The man chuckled. “That’s because it keeps getting caught on everything when I’m cleaning up after these slobs…not that they care to know the name of the person that has to plunge the toilets after them. Seriously, that guy over there, he should lay off on Mexican food. I’m this close to calling a bomb squad each time I see him walk into the mens room.”
Atem couldn’t help but laugh loudly at that remark, and the man joined him, earning them quite a few stares.
“The name’s Bakhure,” the man stated once both he and Atem had subsided from their laughter.
“Well, Bakhure,” Atem said while raising the glass in his hand. “It’s nice to know that you enjoy my personal recipe.” He took a swallow and handed it back to Bakhure, who seemed to be suddenly piecing things together.
“Oh shit…you’re the boss…like…the Big Boss…”
“Hmm, I don’t know if I like ‘Big Boss’,” Atem said while pretending to think. “I think ‘Corporate Asshole who doesn’t have a clue what it’s like having to come to work sick because they can’t afford the day off’ was much more creative. Sadly, no one has been able to tell me if the ‘lowly peons’ like being able to accrue paid sick leave regardless if they are part or full time.”
Atem waited to see Bakhure’s reaction, feeling amused as it was obvious that more things were beginning to fall into place for the man.
“Okay…I gotta admit, that was a real breath of fresh air. We don’t spread whatever one of us has through the ranks now, because we can actually stay home and rest instead of coming in with a fever.”
He looked warily at Atem. “How come you never told me you were the one running things?”
Atem quietly laughed. “And ruin the opportunity to hear an honest review about myself and how I’m running things? Why would I have wanted to do that?”
“Okay, let me rephrase the question. Why tell me now?” Bakhure asked earnestly.
Atem sighed, keeping a pleasant smile on his face. “Because I’ve been curious for a while now as to whether you genuinely didn’t know, or if you just didn’t care who I was. I’ve also been curious if you’d be like everyone else and just start backpedaling and trying to kiss ass.”
Bakhure snorted. “I only kiss ass in the bedroom…and occasionally bite.”
Atem gave him a curious glance. “How much eggnog have you had?”
Bakhure grinned. “Not nearly enough.”
“So…does that mean…?” Atem asked, giving Bakhura a knowing look.
“Depends. Will sleeping with the boss get me a raise?”
Atem laughed again. “I was planning on giving you one anyways…but it would mean having to take on a new position.”
Bakhure gave him a playful look. “I like new positions.”
“I meant within the company,” Atem clarified, trying to keep his face from betraying his other thoughts to the rest of the room.
Bakhure’s playful look turned to disappointment. “Oh…”
“Though,” Atem began, his voice low and seductive, hoping no one would overhear what he said next. “If you wanted, we could go up to my office and ‘discuss’ the new position in more detail. Maybe grab some more eggnog on our way out? I’m certain you are more than qualified for multiple ‘positions’.”
Bakhure raised his cup in a toast to the air before downing the rest, licking his lips after.
“I assure you, I am very qualified…and I won’t leave you disappointed.”
Atem gestured for Bakhure to take his leave first, both stopping by the bowl of eggnog before heading towards the room’s exit.
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msunitedstatesjames · 2 months
Frances Hardinge is a criminally underrated author. If you've never heard of her, I'm not surprised. Even though I'm in several fantasy book groups on Facebook with thousands of members, I've only ever seen one or two other members post about her. And yet, since I first read one of her books in 2020, I've bought every book she's published and read most of them.
Frances Hardinge, for those who've missed out, writes fantasy young adult books. Her books are extremely well written, romance free, unfailingly unique, and somewhat dark, all of which are qualities I find to be more and more rare in today's YA fantasy market (not to hate on YA, I've read tons of it). If you need a comparison, I would say aspects of her books remind me of YA/middle grade books by T. Kingfisher or Neil Gaiman.
If I haven't convinced you yet, here's a little preview of some of her books that I've read:
A Face Like Glass (my personal favorite): A girl named Neverfell lives in a world where people have to be taught how to show emotion in their facial expressions. She has to wear a mask at all times because, mysteriously, she naturally shows facial expressions and if people found out they would freak. If that's not unique enough, this society is underground and produces magical artisinal goods, such as cheeses, wines, and perfumes that can do some wild things. If that still hasn't convinced you, the book critiques the privelege of the wealthy, as in this world only the rich can afford to hire Facesmiths to teach them expression, while the poor languish along with one or two facial expressions for their entire lives.
Fly by Night and Fly Trap (these might have different titles depending on where you are in the world): In a world where reading is illegal and seen as revolutionary activity, Mosca Mye escapes her awful life with her aunt and uncle by forcing an infamous conman (Eponymous Clent, this world has cool naming conventions) to take her under his wing. Joining them is Mosca's only friend, Saracen, the murderous goose. Yeah, you read that right. Highlights of the series include a heartwarming found family tale, an accidental revolution, a city that literally changes its population, personality, and shape when day changes to night, and, of course, an extremely violent goose. I mean, if you've read Pratchett, Saracen the goose is basically the Luggage. There's more than one scene in these books where all hope seems lost, and Mosca is like, "I guess it's up to you now Saracen," and she just straight up lobs her goose at the enemy and he utterly wrecks their shit. If I recall correctly, this happens once during a pitched river boat battle over an illegal printing press.
The Lie Tree: Faith's father, who refused to recognize her potential as a scientist, mysteriously dies. Faith discovers a tree he kept hidden that grows when you tell lies and reveals secrets in its fruit. The bigger the lie you tell the world, the bigger the secret that will be revealed. You can imagine the chaos that eventually ensues. This book critiques gender roles and discrimination, and tackles both the dangers and the necessity of telling lies.
Cuckoo Song: When Triss wakes up after apparently falling in a lake, everything seems wrong. She's missing memories, she has an insatiable hunger, dead leaves are mysteriously appearing in her room, and her sister claims she's a monster. Triss must piece together what's happening to her before it's too late. This book deals with the complexities of life with overbearing parents, siblings who've been pitted against one another, and families that have been torn apart by tragedy.
Verdigris Deep (another one that goes by different titles): A group of friends are cursed by a well witch after they take some coins from her well. She forces them to work for her by granting her wishes. Working with the witch gives them powers, but the wishes are getting increasingly complex. Does that guy really want a motorcycle or does he want to be someone else? And if he wants to be someone else, does that mean what he really wants is not to exist at all? This book deals with issues of self worth, power and control, and toxic friendships.
She has a bunch of other great books as well. So if you're looking for a unique fantasy story with adventure and no romance, definitely check some of Frances Hardinge's books out!
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tk5150 · 2 years
Madonna/Whore Complex
I was scrolling through Tiktok and saw this Madonna/Whore complex and thought to research it...it was interesting. There's a hidden message please enjoy...oh btw leave a heart if you got the hidden message
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Sitting in the kitchen looking at the clock above the stove it's three in the morning. You're wondering where Keigo is?  Shaking with anger wondering if he is with her. You know about the affair, how couldn't you not know? He confessed to you a couple of nights ago. When you questioned him why the sex was so bland? You had lunch with your best friend and, she talked about some wild sex she had “last night, I finally got to experience the sub/dom…and, it was so exhilarating, you should try it with Keigo,” she said and she gave you food for thought. That night in bed you suggested spicing up the intimacy with your husband, but he refused. He just plain out refused to do the things that he wants to do in bed with you. Out of frustration you sat back up in bed and asked him "if there was something wrong with you?" and he caressed your cheek and said "no, you're perfect…your my wife and the mother of my children, and I find peace in you" You glared at him hearing those words from his mouth ‘you are his peace’, what about you? Where is your peace? Every day you get up earlier than him, set the kids' school clothes out, cook breakfast, wake your kids and husband up, and see them off. You start your day by cleaning, getting something out to defrost for dinner, and waiting until your kids arrive, then helping with homework until it's time to cook. After dinner, that's the time of night you despise—the wait. You keep on looking back at the confession of your husband and feel so disgusted at his calm and nonchalant manner. You looked at him and wondered if he had any feelings for this woman that he was intimate with and, if you are desirable because at this moment you felt so ugly. Looking up at the bedroom door, you softly plopped your arm on your face to cover your eyes. You felt so much shame and disappointment. You kept wondering if there was such a woman in his life to satisfy him and that the lovemaking you and Keigo shared was so sweet and gentle but so damn boring. Can you grow to accept what he is doing to you, to your family?
Getting up in the morning you dragged yourself to the bathroom to prepare for the day. You took a good look at yourself. You once again went to the kitchen and started breakfast for the kids, went into their rooms, and got their clothes ready for school. You had to keep some semblance of life to keep your children in the dark because you read in a magazine that children naturally blame themselves if their parents' divorce and you can’t have that in their lives. You took a deep sigh and looked at the coffee brewing. Facing the long hallway, knowing you had to wake Keigo up before the kids. You dragged yourself to your shared room and woke up Keigo, what you wanted to do was slap the shit out of his stupid sleeping face but, you refrained from doing that considering that you didn’t want to start a big commotion in front of the children then you proceeded to wake up the kids. The morning went normal with normal routines. Keigo knew that you were keeping up with this facade for the sake of the children and deep down inside you were so depressed. Once the kids went to their room to get ready for school all Keigo said was “I’m sorry y/n…we can talk tonight after the kids go to bed” then he proceeded to walk back into the shared room to get ready for work. 
He kept on justifying himself to y/n saying that he is a man and men need things that they can’t do with their wives and he has always treated y/n with love, spoiling her with trips and shopping sprees. He just can’t picture y/n as a sexual being. Ever since she had given birth to his first child he couldn't even see y/n’s pussy, don’t get him wrong he knew that y/n has a very pretty pussy but, he just couldn't be with her. When he first met y/n, he knew that she was the one that he was going to marry and have children with but, he just couldn’t see her as anything else.
 And, yes he made love to her in fact, their sex routine was regular. It was…it was just the plain foreplay…you know rubbing your clit until you're wet then poke, poke–it was vanilla. Sometimes you wished that there were some different positions, maybe, some tongue play. But, it was just the plain missionary style. He never understood why you grew frustrated with everything,  he rolled on top of you. Once you mentioned that you wanted a different position but, Keigo, justified doing it missionary cause he wanted to see your beautiful face the moment you reached orgasm. Sometimes sex was cut short due to your children sometimes they wake up early and make noise. One Friday night when Keigo came home early, you walked out in a corset and high heels looking scrumptious, you even tried some heavy makeup you don't normally do, and you even tried to be dominant. But, he didn’t like this side of you because he knew that he had to realize that you are a sexual being plus his cock was flaccid no matter how much you tried to suck him off. He profusely apologized, he knew that he hurt your feelings, and he made you feel like you were not wanted that night. That night after that debacle you went back to the bathroom, took off that sexy number, washed all the makeup, and went back to bed quietly while Keigo observed you pitifully. After that, you just lost hope and just went on your regular vanilla sex routine. You thought about that night and boy oh boy you cringed within yourself. It wasn't that you felt foolish, it was because he wasn’t sexually aroused when you tried to spice it up in bed. Have you gotten used to the normal routine? Every day the affair went on and every day you kept on questioning yourself and that day you had to learn to accept it.
Until one night you snapped. That morning when the alarm went off you got up and turned to see Keigo sleeping and glared at him with so much hate that when your feet hit the floor the devil would say "shit! She's awake!". You decided fuck it and like every day you changed the routine. You didn’t cook breakfast, you didn’t get the kids' clothes ready for school, you woke up Keigo and said that you need a day off. You took the keys from his nightstand along with your wallet and left for the day. You needed to get away for the day, you needed some time for yourself. you walked to the car and heard the balcony door slide open. “Where are you going? I need to go to work,” Keigo whispered loudly, trying not to wake up the neighbors. You stopped and looked up. “I need some time away from you…you need to get the kids ready for school, please fly to work…I’ll be home when the kids get off,” you said to Keigo. That moment you decided not to take any kind of shit from Keigo hell NO. You got in the car, took a deep breath, and start the car. Hearing the engine roar you smiled because you had a notion that you wanted to live again. Every day you slowly lost yourself because of the mundane routine you had to execute every single damn day. No, no you think it's time for yourself. After all, you have never been selfish, and you think it's high time to be selfish. 
You looked at your phone it's 8 in the morning and you had 3 missed calls and 2 texts, all from Keigo. You had no desire to answer his messages, you chucked your cell phone in the back of the car and smiled. 
Flying to work, Keigo was stressed. Y/n finally snapped, he thought to himself. He knew he fucked up when y/n finally drove him crazy with those silly ass questions. Sighing, Keigo pulled out his phone and dialed y/n's number, and sighed harshly when y/n didn’t answer. Might as well let her burn whatever steam she has…she is probably going to spend my money. He took flight, then pulled his phone out of his pocket and texted the other woman.
Keigo 7:30 am: hey babe, need to cancel tonight, wtf you told y/n? She's starting to get ideas
Uraraka 7:45 am: nothing in particular, just our recent escapade
Keigo 7:46 am: WTF! 
Uraraka 7:47 am: don't worry babe, she doesn't know it's you, BTW are you deleting our messages? 
Keigo 7:50 am: of course, I delete these messages. She knows I have a woman but, she doesn't know it's you. Let's keep it that way I don't want to hurt her any more than I did.
Uraraka 7:55 am: Yeah, but if you would've taken my advice nothing like this would've happened! All you had to do is fuck her the way she wanted!
Keigo 8:00 am: whatever. Gtg.
He deleted all the texts and landed on the agency's roof. Shit. 
Y/n pulled up to Starbucks. You always get a coffee there when you have the chance and it was nil to none. When you grabbed your coffee, you stumbled upon Izuku. A little startled you almost dropped your coffee, quickly Izuku apologized not noticing it was y/n until he looked up.
"Hey, y/n…long time no see…how have you been?"
"I'm good…I had lunch with your wife the other day" y/n said while taking a sip of your Iced coffee.
"Oh yeah, she told me about it," he smiled.
"I gotta go…I don’t want to miss a clothing sale…tell Ochako hi" you waved while walking to the car. You wanted to cut the conversation short because Ochako told you every sexual detail and you didn't have any clue if he knew. You walked towards your car when you heard your phone ring in the back seat of the car, you knew who was calling you and you could care less.
for a moment you felt a sense of remorse but it quickly went away when you recalled his confession. You are not a violent person but God only knew you wanted to punch him. You huffed and drove to the one place you always escaped when you had problems when you were a young girl. You went to the mountains where your parents' cabin was and pulled up to the side of the cabin. Your parents always maintained the place because they knew that you loved it there. You rolled your eyes when you got out of the car. You opened the back seat of the car, pulled out the cellphone you chucked, and started to dial Keigo.
“Y/n? where have you been? Are you coming home?” Keigo questioned while grabbing lunch. 
“I’m calling you to let you know that I am spending some time alone for a couple of days,” y/n answered.
“Are you fucking joking y/n? who’s going to be there for the kids? I’m at work babe,” he whispered over the phone harshly so that his sidekicks wouldn't hear him. 
“I think it’s high time you take care of the kids…since you have time to be a fucken man whore with some bitch…you have time to take care of the kids…bye,” y/n hung up feeling triumphant. You sauntered to the cabin and opened the door. Smiling cause you finally have some time off from the kids and time off from that fuck face, you stepped into the cabin. 
“FUCK!” Keigo yelled out. He didn’t care who heard him, he was very pissed at y/n how dare she! how dare she just spring this on me. 
“Is everything okay Hawks?” one of his sidekicks questioned breaking Keigo’s train of thought.
“Oh…yeah…I just need a few days off. m’sorry last minute plans…ya know the wife,” he chuckled trying to hide the frustration. He gave the award-winning smile then turned around and started to walk towards the exit. His smile started to fade as he took flight, he knew exactly where you were. He took a look at his phone looking at the time to see if he had time to go to the cabin and try to convince y/n to come back home. That's it they will have a talk he was sure he would convince her to come back home and maintain their married life. He was flying towards the cabin when he spotted his car, he landed in front of the cabin. He was in denial, he didn’t want to accept the fact that the moment that he confessed. That you had no desire to stay in this marriage, Keigo frowned looking towards the cabin. He loved her but not in the way she expected him to love her.
Walking up to the door, the door slammed open abruptly. Startled, Keigo looked up at a tearful y/n.
"What do you want? What part of I need time alone do you not understand? Well, your here…come in" y/n said in disgust.
Surprised at y/n's demeanor, he walked in and took a seat. "Y/n, baby…you know I love you…I just," Keigo was interrupted.
"Ten years…ten fucken years…Keigo I'm done. I'm done doing whatever this is!" Y/n yelled at him.
“Y/n…be reasonable…this is not you babe…we’re married…have children, we have a life together, and you want to end things just like that?” he said.
“Are you joking right? you ended things the moment you brought another woman into our…well at least I thought out marriage!” you yelled at him.
“I’m sorry y/n…I just…I just can’t see you in that way, babe. Why can’t you just accept that fact…don’t I take care of you and the kids? have I treated you right?” Keigo questioned.
“No…no, I can't accept that! yes, we are married, and, yes we have children…but, what’s the point of having an unhappy marriage with a husband that doesn’t find me desirable? Fuck Keigo, I just can’t…I have needs too…so by your logic I should find a man who can satisfy my sexual needs? who knows maybe…just maybe they can save our failed marriage” you retorted back.
Keigo didn’t like your response. “What?! no…no y/n, I can satisfy you!” he yelled out of anger.
“It doesn’t feel good, does it? it doesn’t feel good to hear your spouse say things you said to me does it? besides, the moment you confessed whatever your doing was the moment that I cannot go on with this marriage,” you shakingly said to Keigo trying to hold back the second round of tears. “No, Keigo, I think it’s time to end this marriage…there is no love anymore,” you added and asked him to leave.
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what-gs-watching · 6 months
"I WILL get you home."
Let’s be real. No one cares what I’m up to right now (it’s nothing, I’m up to nothing) because the second Doctor Who special came out the other day.
Wherein 14 and Donna end up in an abandoned spaceship at the edge of a wormhole and they meet their own evil not-selves. 
This one was so ridiculous, I absolutely love it. It’s so Doctor Who to drop them somewhere and just make them run through insanely long corridors the entire time. It’s one of my favorite motifs. 10 was always running and licking things and obviously 14 had to, too. 
Before the spaceship nonsense though we get the silliest opener, the Doctor and Donna ending up in a tree in 1666 where they come across Sir Isaac Newton - who didn’t know he was a Sir of course and 14 just said “spoilers!” and I lost my shit a little bit. River effing Song, for liiiife.
But the joke Donna intended on making, the Doctor trying to stop her, I’m dead. The two of them delivering the punchline together. It was all about the banter in this episode. The banter, and sheer terror, of course. But I am 97% here for the banter. I guess I’ll take a little bit of a scare, whatever. 
Anyway, they end up crashing in this spaceship and Donna’s all worked up and it’s gotta be the most posted scene: 14 grabbing her hand, holding it to his chest, kissing her knuckles, promising he’d get her home safe.
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Here’s the thing, friends - 10 never got to be affectionate, ever. He couldn’t tell Rose he loved her before he was cut off from her. And even when she got to keep his human clone, we didn’t get to hear it then. He was all fury and intelligence and closed off to protect everyone and I’m so excited 14 gets to be more…human. The Doctor has been through a LOT since he last saw Donna and he knows she deserves to know how much he cares about her and it’s just pouring out of him and I’m so fucking smitten. It’s beautiful. He’s beautiful. 
Anyway, to try and fix the situation he sticks the sonic screwdriver into the keyhole of the TARDIS, encouraging it to rebuild itself while they investigate their surroundings. Which leads them to the long ridiculous hallway. Wherein some of my favorite banter comes in: Donna thinks that Isaac Newton was hot, and 14 agrees, “He was, wasn't he? He was so hot. Oh! Is that who I am now?” Donna’s response of “well it was never that far from the surface…” was perfect, and if you’re not squealing at this point, what’s going on with you? That’s a serious question. Can 14 be my favorite if he only gets three episodes? Is that wrong?
Just kidding though! Banter interrupted. They hear the TARDIS powering up and when they pop back into the hold they crashed in, she disappears. The Doctor thinks that she’s detected an imminent threat, and will return when it’s passed. 
Not great news. But Donna fucking Noble says “There's something on this ship that's so bad the TARDIS ran away? Then we... go... and kick its arse!” because she’s a BAMF and it’s best we don’t forget that. 
Back out in the hallway they get back to bickering and it’s all nice and easy but then they hear the ship say something and the hallway rearranges themselves which is disconcerting. They’d seen something in the hallway at a distance, so the Doctor figures out there’s a transport vehicle hidden in the floor and they hop in. They reach the thing and it’s a ridiculously old robot that moves one step, barely, and they’re perplexed by that but they hop back into the vehicle and I love Donna mocking 14’s love of “allons-y!” and they’re just cute and amazing and my favorite.
They find what I’m assuming is the control room and the Doctor sets to figuring out what’s going on. No life signs on the ship, but an airlock door was opened and then closed three years ago. They send out a drone they find, and slowly 14 realizes where they are: essentially the edge of the universe. Further out than the Doctor has ever been. And he’s so fascinated by it. And then they hear the ship announce another word, and it rearranges itself again and they wander to try and find more information. 
In some room with a bunch of shelving, 14 pulls out a drawer with a bunch of circuit things that look like they’re covered in honey. When Donna asks if they’re dangerous, he LICKS one and then fakes like he was poisoned, like, baby boy probably not the best time, but again! The banter, the playfulness! It’s giving everyone life. 
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He tells her to move up a bunch of the circuit things into the tray above and then he leaves her to go investigate another room with a bunch of water tubes? Sure. They should be able to hear each other while he adjusts water levels. Next thing we see is 14 rejoining Donna, and they’re chatting as usual, she wondering how long her family will wait for her in that alleyway, after seeing the TARDIS disappear in distress. 
Then we see Donna entering the room the Doctor is in, saying she finished moving the circuits but it doesn't’ feel right, and then they’re cutting back and forth between Donna talking to the Doctor in one room and the Doctor talking to Donna in another. Boop, y’all in danger. 
Like this should be disconcerting but my favorite part of the entire sequence is the Doctor that Donna is with says “my arms are too long” and she just brushes it off like, ‘yeah you’re gangly AF’ and then the Donna that the Doctor is with says “my arms are too long” and he reacts like ‘humans are super weird, I get it’ like neither one are at all put off by the non-sequitur. They’re such best friends. 
But then the Donna the Doctor is with DOES have an arm that’s too long and panic sets in and then there are 2 Doctors and 2 Donna’s and isn’t that fun?! The duplicates tell them that they came from the nothingness, they’re “not-things” and then they start GROWING so of course it’s time to run. 
I’m sorry, but watching the two of them be pursued by weird stretched out versions of themselves is actually kind of hilarious. Creepy as hell, but also extremely entertaining. As they run they figure out that the not-things are making copies of them, their bodies and their minds, they have their memories, and that’s not gonna be great y’all, how are they gonna tell each other apart?!
Eventually the copies get so big they get wedged in the hallway and the Doctor spots a ladder so he starts to climb it along with Donna, but then the hallway rearranges itself again and they get separated, dumped into different corridors. 14 yells at her to stay put but she doesn’t, she starts moving and he starts moving and eventually they both find doors, and on the other side of both of those doors is the Doctor, and Donna. 
We don’t know who is who, either, and that’s really the stakes of the whole thing. How do the real Doctor and Donna know it’s each other, and not a copy? Y’all want a perfect excuse to yell at the tv? Because this is yell-at-the-tv territory. Just me curled up in a blanket shouting, “I don’t think that’s him, baby girl! That’s not ya boy!”
And so they try to figure out a way to tell who is actually who, and it’s bumbling and they’re trying to reason it out and it just doesn’t go well. The Doctor that’s with Donna says he’ll take off his tie because maybe the duplicates don’t understand matter like that. The Donna that’s with the Doctor asks him where she was born and launches into some crazy story and they’re just muddling through it. 
At this point I’m like, ‘well it’s got to be that each of them are with a duplicate because if the duplicates came upon each other then they’d just like, keep moving? Because they know they’re duplicates’ but it’s fine, whatever. Here’s where it gets sad - The Donna the Doctor is with starts to tell him that when she was The DoctorDonna she saw all the things he went through in those fifteen years, and she mentions The Flux.
I have a lot of problems with The Flux, I can’t lie. But let’s ignore it, because I guess it’s canon now, maybe? And the Doctor is devastated by the mention of it and that tips him over the edge, he just wants someone to understand the utter shitstorm he went through and so he thinks it’s Donna, he says, “all those years, I missed you”  but JK IT’S NOT. He falls for it. But the duplicate sinks into the floor because they’re bad at being solid and she’s so intrigued by what he is because he’s basically controlled the universe and I can imagine that’s super attractive to a not-thing made of nothingness.
Meanwhile Donna figures out the Doctor she’s with is a duplicate, because he doesn’t maintain the tie on the floor that he took off, and then everyone is running again and the ship rearranges itself and all 4 of them  end up back in the control room, still trying to suss out who is who. 
The Doctor is talking fast and the duplicate is trying to do the same and one of the Donna’s says they’re stupid and they both reiterate it’s true but then the Doctor says that Donna thinks she’s stupid but she also thinks she’s brilliant because humans can believe different things at the same time. So they look at each other, realizing they’re both the right ones and Donna says “brain box!” and 14 yells “earth girl!” and they hug. So much hugging in this episode.
The point is though, the duplicates are copying them because they’re thinking and their adrenaline level is up so the real two of them try to calm down and not think but we all know the Doctor,  he has to run a mile a minute always and forever and he can’t give up on the puzzle they’re in: who opened the airlock? Why is the ship rearranging itself? What’s the random clanging they keep hearing? 
He realizes the duplicates don’t know the answer either. But they know the TARDIS will come back for the Doctor and Donna and they want to escape and apparently cause a bunch of wars throughout the universe? Because of course. Perfect sense. Why wouldn’t not-being be blood thirsty? Then the skylight opens in the control room and they see a body tethered to the ship, floating in the nothingness, the captain. 
The Doctor realized the captain did something to trap them in system and he has to work out why, which is not great because that’s what the duplicates want but the Doctor’s gonna doctor. They figures it out: the airlock opening was the captain going out, killing herself. She realized what the duplicates were doing and came up with a plan and then died so they couldn’t unravel it. The ship’s in a holding pattern because she pulled out an old robot they couldn’t copy and set it to basically destruct, slowly. The robot is walking toward a button, and the ship is rearranging slowly, marking out a countdown. 
The duplicates know they need to stop the robot, and the Doctor knows they need to speed up the countdown. So everyone’s running again. And there is a hilarious fight  between the Donna’s, and the Doctor is pursuing his duplicate and it’s a perfect chase sequence and everything is going nuts but the Doctor knows the TARDIS will come back when the danger is passed and then they hear “ONE” and there she is, to save the day. 
The right Doctor gets in and he does a hilarious little thing where we props the door open and propels her like a skateboard to where the Donna’s are fighting and he has to choose who is who. He picks the wrong one. And Donna is screaming and screaming begging not to be left behind and the duplicate is approaching the Doctor like she’s going to eat him and then he says “your arms are too long” and expels her and grabs actual Donna, and they hug and huddle against each other at the foot of the console and it was all very HARROWING. 
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Eventually, he asks her if she can see his memories from those 15 years, but she can’t, it’s gone. She asks him to tell her what really happened, what he went through, but true to 10 form, he doesn’t. He may be more human, but not enough to reveal how even more broken he is. She asks him if he’s okay and he says he will be, “in a million years.” But no matter what form the Doctor is in, I doubt that will ever happen. 
Meanwhile, here’s what most of us are waiting for - when they get back to the earth, the exact spot they’d flown away from, Donna flings the doors open and there’s Wilf, waiting. Like he always was. And the way the Doctor reacts to him, “Wilfred Mott! Ohhh, now I feel better. Now nothing is wrong, nothing in the whole wide world! Hello, me old soldier!” is so SWEET. 
Wilf’s face, seeing the Doctor again. He’s 94 and he had to lie to Donna for YEARS about what she’d been through and all that he knows, and he never thought he’d lay eyes on the Doctor again. It’s devastating, but even more so, because after the scene was shot, Bernard Cribbins fucking died. So yeah, everyone is sobbing. 
But there really isn’t time for that, turns out that people are just randomly attacking each other in the street and Wilf says everyone’s gone mad and it’s the end of the WORLD so they pull him into the TARDIS and off they go.
Woof, y’all. It was a lot. But also a perfectly encapsulated Doctor/Donna romp in the middle of bigger things, and I just love all of it. I would watch the two of them run around together until the end of time. I think we all would. The final episode is gonna break me, but oooh weee it’s been a good ride so far. 
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tryanmybest · 10 months
hey gang so you all know this post
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you all enjoyed that other bullet fic-esque post i made so i have another one
wild west aziraphale and crowley:
crowley is drunk in a saloon when aziraphale arrives
the moment he walks through the doors, everyone just hears a slurred "AaNGeEL!" from across the room
aziraphale, startled and a bit concerned, advises that maybe crowley should sober up
"nahhh this is the whole fun 'round here 'ngel. watch."
and then he does some dumb shit that gets him into a fight with some big name cowboy
but through some impressive lying and fanangling and overly implying crowley says things that he doesn't
aziraphale ends up taking crowley's place for a duel
(that actually makes the bullet catch a bit funnier, actually. second time aziraphale's being shot at like this)
here's the kicker, though:
aziraphale doesn't want to SHOOT a man??? are you MAD?! hes an ANGEL for hell's sake
he's not going to endanger a human!
crowley sobers up enough to attempt to make a plan with aziraphale
in the end, aziraphale tells crowley that he's just going to miss on purpose!
and then do a miracle so he doesn't get hit, himself.
a draw! that's easy enough
"are you sure you can do a miracle while shooting a gun? takes a lot of focus for both, yknow"
"im quite aware of my own capabilities, thank you."
during the duel, things don't go exactly as planned
aziraphale, ever the angel, is going to follow the rules. 10 paces. then turn and shoot.
this cowboy does not give a fuck and he turns on pace 5 and shoots
crowley's "AZIRAPHALE!" rings through the crowd as aziraphale gets hit in the back
he runs and all but slides to the ground next to aziraphale
the cowboy loads his gun again but crowley gives one SNAP in his direction and he's GONE.
he turns into a cactus, he disappears, he literally dies, i don't know but he's OUT OF THE PICTURE
aziraphale isn't even hurt, actually, he's just shocked
"but... that's not fair!! that's cheating!"
crowley moves to miracle the wound but aziraphale stops him
there are humans watching. he can't just be healed immediately!! that would draw far too much attention, which they really don't need right now
crowley rolls his eyes, but gets another idea
cut to aziraphale playing dead in crowley's arms
crowley gives a very exaggerated "WELL! MY FRIEND IS DEAD! I MUST TAKE HIM TO THE BURIAL GROUNDS! CIAO!"
they get to a more hidden area. an abandoned building perhaps.
"outstanding performance, angel. five stars."
"yes, yes, now put me down. this is utterly humiliating."
"i dunno, angel, i think this is a good look for you."
he puts aziraphale down and aziraphale moves to miracle the wound
but the wound has already been fixed. as has the hole the bullet made in his coat.
he gives crowley a pleasantly surprised look
before he can give any compliments or praises though
crowley cuts him off with "i think i need a drink. you coming, angel?"
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fritextramole · 2 months
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shattered edges glisten
part 4 of a Jenny Humphrey playlist - best heard in order
tracklist and quotes under the cut
Bringing Me Down ~ Maya Hawke
I have lied, I've lied and hidden I've done things they deem forbidden They're small crimes if you look around So I must be weak if they're bringing me down
mirrorball ~ Taylor Swift
I'll show you every version of yourself tonight I'll get you out on the floor Shimmering beautiful And when I break it's in a million pieces
Liability ~ Lorde
They're gonna watch me disappear into the sun You're all gonna watch me disappear into the sun
vampire ~ Olivia Rodrigo
I see the parties and the diamonds sometimes when I close my eyes Six months of torture you sold as some forbidden paradise
Disenchanted ~ My Chemical Romance
I spent my high school career spit on and shoved to agree
25 ~ The Pretty Reckless
At 25, all hope has died And the glass of my intentions turns to sand And shatters in my hand
You're Dead ~ Norma Tanega
You'll never get a second chance Plan all your moves in advance Stay dead, stay dead, stay dead Stay dead and outta this world
dead girl in the pool. ~ girl in red
I'm the dead girl in the pool I'm the dead girl in the pool I'm the dead girl in the pool I can't stop staring at my face My summer tan has begun to fade Is this real or is this fake? A creepy dream I can't escape
Zombie ~ The Pretty Reckless
Hello, hello, how low will you push me? To go, to go, to go, before I lie down dead
Rue ~ girl in red
I rеmember you stayed up all night To make sure I was alright Believe me when I say I would have done the same
Viva La Vida ~ Coldplay
It was a wicked and wild wind Blew down the doors to let me in Shattered windows and the sound of drums People couldn't believe what I'd become
Nothing New ~ Taylor Swift, Phoebe Bridgers
I've had too much to drink tonight But I wonder if they'll miss me once they drive me out I wake up in the middle of the night And I can feel time moving
everything i wanted ~ Billie Eilish
I tried to scream But my head was underwater They called me weak Like I'm not just somebody's daughter Coulda been a nightmare But it felt like they were right there
Funeral ~ Phoebe Bridgers
And I have this dream where I'm screaming underwater While my friends are waving from the shore And I don't need you to tell me what that means I don't believe in that stuff anymore
Luna Moth ~ Maya Hawke
To watch you smile at an ugly thing To try to ease my guilt Watch you looking at a broken wing Like it could be rebuilt
You’re On Your Own Kid ~ Taylor Swift
I called a taxi to take me there I searched the party of better bodies Just to learn that my dreams aren't rare You're on your own, kid You always have been
Good Guy ~ Julia Jacklin
Come on, breathe in, breathe out You're still a good guy Tell me I'm the love of your life, just for a night Even if you don't feel it Tell me I'm everything that you could find And you don't wanna waste it
Hurt ~ Johnny Cash
What have I become My sweetest friend? Everyone I know Goes away in the end And you could have it all My empire of dirt I will let you down I will make you hurt
Second Child, Restless Child ~ The Oh Hellos
See, I was born the second child With a spirit running wild, running free And they saw trouble in my eyes They were quick to recognize the devil in me
Last Words of a Shooting Star ~ Mitski
They'll never know how I'd stared at the dark in that room With no thoughts,like a blood-sniffing shark
Reach Out ~ Sufjan Stevens, Angelo De Augustine
I would rather be a flower than the ocean And I held myself as something of an innovation I would rather be devoured than be broken
Misguided Ghosts ~ Paramore
Now I'm told that this is life And pain is just a simple compromise So we can get what we want out of it Would someone care to classify Our broken hearts and twisted minds So I can find someone to rely on
Bastards ~ Kesha
Been underestimated my entire life I know people gonna talk shit And darlin', that's fine But they won’t break my spirit I won’t let 'em win I’ll just keep on living
Beam Me Up ~ Matt Berry
No idea what the hell I'm meant to do Help me, I'm over I'm desperate and I'm nowhere
to Perth, before the border closes ~ Julia Jacklin
I loved it there That city held me Don't you know that everything changes?
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