#there's a ton of sport media that is highly informative and responsible and incredibly important and i respect the hell out of (most of) it
dropintomanga · 4 years
A Manga Exhibit for the World to Experience
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Around the summer of last year, the British Museum had one of the most extensive manga exhibitions in history. Manga マンガ - The Citi Exhibition, curated by the Sainsbury Institute, was something that I wish we had here in America. I saw some videos on Twitter from manga fans and industry folks who got a chance to visit the exhibition and I have to say, I couldn’t help but feel somewhat jealous.
Thankfully, there was a book that came out for fans who couldn’t visit the exhibit over the summer. The Manga Citi Exhibition book is a worthwhile read into a global phenomenon that has smashed cultural barriers and brought a world of fans together in ways Japan could not have foreseen.
The book is separated into 6 major chapters with topics ranging from learning to understand manga through reading/drawing/producing to storytelling to unseen/seen worlds to the intersection between manga and society.  There’s also discussion about the histories of Katsuhisa Hokusai and Kawanabe Kyosai, two artists who perhaps were the originators of manga and set the foundation for manga today back in the ‘1800s. One more notable topic was on how to expand manga’s boundaries via other media like anime and alternative manga. Subjects such as Osamu Tezuka, shojo manga, the growing popularity of sports manga post-WWII, Japan’s love of Alice in Wonderland, and Captain Tsubasa’s impact overseas are also covered to round out a basic primer.
There’s a lot of art displayed in the book from popular artists such as Akiko Higashimura, Satoru Noda, Takehiko Inoue, Hikaru Nakamura, Katsuhiro Otomo, Moto Hagio and others. The book unfortunately doesn’t show all the art from the actual exhibit itself (though there’s a checklist in the back). There’s still a ton of information and lots to learn from various interviews with manga industry professionals. The interviews are well in-depth and I want to share some of those answers that shine light to how much manga and the subculture behind it has done wonders to our mental health and well-being.
Like this answer from Haruhiko Suzuki, managing director of Shueisha, to a question that I think we love to answer when asked.
“Why is manga important to you? Manga has become a necessity for both young and old. Manga is said to offer solace to children, especially those who suffer bullying and no longer feel safe attending school. I often hear such stories from adult readers who survived these traumatic experiences.  Along with food, clothing and shelter, manga and television have become an essential part of the nation’s survival kit. Despite changing values over time, there are still many, in my view, for whom manga plays a fundamental role in their lives. Manga is an ephemeral pleasure: reading it once and disposing of it is part of the manga experience; at the same time it is a transformative pleasure that could trigger a life-changing experience. Just as there are as many football players who choose the profession after reading Captain Tsubasa, there are an incredible number of people who tell me that they find their strength to face another tough week from reading the weekly ONE PIECE episode, which comes out every Monday in Shonen Jump.”
Here’s a quote from Kazuhiko Torishima, chairman of Hakusensha, on what manga can be for future generations.
“Manga is the most cost-effective entertainment to help children escape from reality. It is often said that manga will not change the world, but when you’re reading it, you can forget about the world. My philosophy is that if children read manga and feel energized by it, then that is a beautiful thing.”
Mari Yamazaki, famous for Thermae Romae and Olympia Kyklos, pointed out the bias that some people have against manga and the struggle that most of us feel when we’re expressive about our manga fandom.
“There are people who feel that manga are just illustrated substitutes for more serious books, or for children. I really hope we can overcome such biases. Images are a potent device for conveying thoughts that words fail to express. Manga are as powerful as films in their ability to deliver complex plots and characters. I hope people understand that creating manga requires hard work and dedication.”
There’s a final quote I’ll relay from Takehiko Inoue, who fans know for Slam Dunk, Vagabond, and REAL. This is his response on what message he wanted to give manga fans in the UK (though I think it also applies to the rest of the Western world).
“Parallel to the world we are all living in, there is a world called manga where people are living as well. I want to draw manga with people living their lives in situations that are only slightly ‘unbelievable’ compared to our own lives.
I’m pleased if readers put down my books thinking that they have found something that makes living in this world more interesting than it was before they read them.”
There’s a good number of people who find the world hard to live in. I sometimes feel that some of them could use a reader that can lend them a book to read. Literacy can help empower someone’s life. That’s how I fell in love with books at a very young age. Books, like manga, have opened up my eyes to many possibilities. They open up worlds of imagination that can play a huge role in shaping your life. Books helped made life bearable for me. 
Much like what the Manga Citi Exhibition has done, I think we can play a part in making sure that manga continues to have an impact on society and goes further beyond museum exhibitions to be one day known as a classic form of art that can bring a modern world together during times of duress. (This book is an excellent read and a good book for any “introduction to manga” classes. I highly recommend it.)
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templified · 5 years
Best WordPress eCommerce Themes for Selling Products Online
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Best WordPress eCommerce Themes for Selling Products Online
When searching for the best WordPress eCommerce themes, there’s a lot of options.  For many, it can be time consuming to wade through all of these themes to find a real gem.  That’s why we’ve done all the hard work for you, creating this collection of incredible WordPress eCommerce themes that look great and perform even better.
WordPress is the most popular blogging platform anywhere, powering almost one third of the web.  Many of those websites are eCommerce sites and no matter which eCommerce plugin you use, WordPress can handle the job with ease.  Some folks swear by WooCommerce, some by Easy Digital Downloads.  Some go with Cart66 or the eCommerce Shopping Cart.  That list isn’t exhaustive, there are tons of other carts available like Ecwid, PayPal, Ecommerce WD or the Selz eCommerce Shopping Cart.  Whatever you choose, this list of themes is going to rock your world. With that massive rise in popularity, there’s been an equal rise in the number of WordPress themes available to choose from.  Some of these themes are incredibly useful and highly functional.  Some are not so good.  We’ve set about trying to find the very best themes and put them in this collection.
Every one of these themes is totally responsive and they each offer a little something different in terms of style, functionality and features.  I hope there’s something for everybody in this incredible collection.
Oxygen is one of the best simple, clean and elegant themes I’ve ever seen. This Oxygen theme can be used for nearly any type of eCommerce site. Fashion or electronic gadgets, hand crafted gifts or jewelry, it hardly matters what kind of product you’re selling. The overall style is so clean and fresh, your products will look incredible.  It’s a very big challenge running your own online store so Oxygen helps you make the most of your precious time by making it whole process of managing your store as easy as possible.  You have tons of options to create a custom look for your store with multiple headers, almost unlimited typography choices, unique layouts and more.  Oxygen has been sold over 3,000 times and it’s rating is 4.86 so you can tell this is a high quality theme.
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Oshine is a theme that gets a lot of attention on ThemeForest and I think it deserves to.  There are a lot of reasons why and we’ll get into a lot of them.  This theme is a true multipurpose theme with dozens and dozens of demo sites to show what Oshine is capable of.  There’s a photography demo site that comes with just about every theme, right?  Well Oshine gives you several, there’s a minimalist style, a full screen photography style, designer portfolio and ‘new style’ portfolio and video agency portfolio and a bunch more too.  There are plenty more, creative agencies, modern business, restaurant and café sites, winery, gym, multiple different creative agencies, app landing pages, wedding templates too.  You get a ton of demo sites and every one is eCommerce ready to help you start your online shop.
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Material is a nicely crafted theme that uses WooCommerce, or the shopping cart of your choice, to allow you to sell most any type of product you want.  It was designed with electronics stores and gadget sellers in mind, but why stop there?  Any online store that wants a clean, sleek look will love this theme.  Responsive, well organized and modern, Material is the kind of theme that can be adjusted to fit the look of an existing brand.  So if you already have a brick and mortar presence and you’re looking to expand to eCommerce, this theme can really help you get the job done.  Material’s developer, JWS Themes, has fantastic support and documentation to go with all their themes and Material is no exception.  They’ve included a lot of nice touches like one click demo data installation, three pre-made homepages, a robust theme options panel and tons more.  Worth checking into!
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Chamomile is one of my favorite themes by BluChic.  If you don’t know about BluChic, you really do need to check out BluChic’s entire collection of themes, they’ve got some fantastic feminine style WordPress themes.  Each one is easy to use, great for blogs.  More than a few also offer eCommerce solutions to get you into the game of selling products.  BluChic calls Chamomile the ‘girl next door’ theme.  I love that description, but let’s get into more of the features.  You can obviously see it’s a feminine style blog theme that could be great for a wedding planner or event coordinator, but there’s more than meets the eye.
Chamomile includes PSD design files with every download, that allows for full style control of your site.  Chamomile is responsive, so it’s optimized for mobile devices.  You want to adjust colors?  Easily done vial the color wheel color picker.  No coding needed.  Upload your header logo and add a featured slider, if you want to.  Social media icons are included, linked to each of your social network accounts via the theme options panel.  Add a stick menu and choose from one of the many layouts that are included with your download package.  A full featured, feminine and stylish theme, that’s what Chamomile is all about.
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Slikk was designed by Wolf Themes, a developer with well over 20,000 sales on ThemeForest so far and they’re sure to add to that total with Slikk.  They create world class themes and plugins for all sorts of folks in all kinds of industries.  Slikk has several homepage demo sites, I’ve included a couple of them above.  There’s a lookbook home page, coming soon countdown clock page, blogs, grid shops, plenty of internal pages and so much more.  Oh, fine, here’s one more, it’s called the presentation panel.
For more outstanding fashion WordPress themes, you should really have a look at our collection. We’ve got dozens of the very best fashion themes around and we keep adding to that collection as often as we find a new great looking theme that. You can really stretch your legs in that collection, finding pleasurable and encouraging themes that can make your readers jump for joy. Or maybe it’s minimalist WordPress themes you’re searching for?  Either way, our collections of themes are the biggest and best on the web, so you’ll definitely find something you love in one of them.  Style is incredibly important for fashion magazines and eCommerce sites, which is why we’ve done our best to select only the most modern and tasteful, stylish and presentable themes for all of our collections. If you don’t see what you’re looking for there, we might recommend our collection of woocommerce themes. These juicy themes are knowledgeable and different, we have tried to create a nice blend of WordPress themes that can serve a lot of different content for any type of site.
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Neto is a flexible, flat styled WordPress Theme specially designed to support e-commerce functions of websites. The theme is compatible with various WordPress business plugins like WooCommerce. It can also be used alongside theme builders to help create comprehensive product layouts and descriptions.
The Neto WordPress Theme is also highly customizable. It allows the use of shortcodes, widgets, and the ability to create unlimited templates. The theme boasts of access to appearance settings that allows changes to the overall color scheme without altering codes. It also allows users to personalize background images, logos, and even add a favicon.
Another business-friendly feature of the Neto theme is its easy integration with social media. With this, guests can easily share content on their profiles which, in effect, helps the business reach a wider audience. The theme is also specially optimized for optimum performance and to obtain higher ranks in search engines. It is also translation ready for the benefit of foreign guests.  The theme’s responsive design also allows access to different devices without sacrificing its functionality. It is both mobile friendly and retina ready to ensure quality display. Finally, Neto promises to deliver constant updates to ensure the theme’s compatibility with the latest versions of WordPress.
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Divi is a theme that can simply do anything you ask it to do, so we’ve included it in this eCommerce WordPress themes collection.  I couldn’t find a great example in Elegant Themes demo section, so I found one out in the wild.  This is an actual real live use of Divi by a buyer of the theme.  It looks pretty nice as a watch shop, so I’m imagining it’ll look pretty sweet for just about any product.  You’ve probably already heard about how powerful Divi’s drag and drop page builder can be, but page builders can scare some people off.  While the flexibility is nice, it can be intimidating to attempt to design your website from the ground up.  Luckily, there are tons of pre-designed layouts you can choose from if you’re worries you won’t be able to set your eCommerce site up yourself.  This theme is likeable for many reasons, swift support, succinct documentation, handsome designs and the fact that any style website is possible.
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Jevelin is one of the best selling WordPress themes on ThemeForest with over 5,000 sales.  It sports a solid 4.6 rating on ThemeForest too, so I think it’s worthy of inclusion in this list of the best eCommerce WordPress themes.  Built on the Unyson framework with Bootstrap code, Jevelin is compatible with all the plugins and shopping carts you’ll need to run a successful WordPress based store.  Jevelin is perfectly responsive, it’s mobile friendly for both blogging and eCommerce, it’s very well organized for SEO and creating a successful online brand is relatively easy, thanks to the number of custom options you can choose from setting up your store.  You’ll love the nimble style of this theme, the encouraging documentation, the dashing features and the alluring price.
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With an attractive design, plentiful features and a full service eCommerce store, lots of folks have chosen to use the Float WordPress theme to build their online store.  Many WordPress eCommerce templates have static, plain designs and I haven’t seen too many that use parallax, but Float does.  I think it pulls it off quite well too.  With float, you can create a modern, slick looking WooCommerce shop, but if you want to sell digital products, you could choose to go with Easy Digital Downloads too.  I think Float would work particularly well as a digital downloads store.  Right now, if you purchase Float, you actually get a bonus theme for free.  Float offers a 30 day money back guarantee, you can use this GPL theme on as many sites as you want to and you get a full year of support and updates.
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This theme is called Uncode, you may have heard of it.  With around 40,000 sales and a near-perfect rating on ThemeForest, plenty of people have.  Built to impress, to showcase products, to help you build a business, Uncode is a high performance miracle of a theme.  With a very fast page load speed, clean code and an even cleaner design, Uncode has carved out a place in history as one of the best themes ever made.  Uncode has so many demo sites to take a look at, it’s kind of ridiculous.  It’s a totally multipurpose eCommerce shop in a box.  The theme options are plentiful and easy to use, the support staff is fast and friendly, this tendy and contemporary theme is simply among the best eCommerce WordPress templates around.
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Looking for a simple, stylish blog that’s also ready to help you set up a WooCommerce powered online shop?  Well, Underwood may be a great choice for you.  This theme is simple to use, yet incredibly powerful.  Built using the latest Bootstrap code, Underwood is a fine example of a modern, clean and simple multipurpose theme.  With parallax effects, custom color and font selections all powered by a live customizer, you can take Underwood and make it look exactly like you want it to look.  Underwood is optimized for great SEO, it’s got tons of widgetized areas for adding functionality and it’s incredibly user friendly for webmaster and reader alike.  ThemeShift has been around since 2009, so they’re not going anywhere anytime soon and their support is known to be among the best around.
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Hestia Pro
Hestia Pro is a nice looking material design theme for WordPress and it offers eCommerce too, so whatever WordPress shopping cart you choose to employ, Hestia Pro will help you make a successful place on the internet.  I don’t think it matters what kind of products you’re selling, though Hestia Pro’s material design style might lend itself to things like software or SEO services.  Building a WordPress shop doesn’t have to be difficult and with Hestia Pro, it isn’t.  For startups or established businesses, the parallax scrolling, one page layout helps to highlight each section of your content and make it shine.  This theme is well worth having a look at.
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Wright is an ultra-minimalist theme that’s a solid blend of blog, eCommerce and portfolio.  I really like the minimalist design and all the benefits you get from having a minimalist site.  It doesn’t mean that your website will lack features, but it does mean it will load up lightning fast and look great on any size screen.  That provides a great user experience and makes it more likely that you can convert traffic into sales.  That’s the big thing, if somebody ends up on your website, that’s the hard part.  You really don’t want to lose that sale because your site loads slow or looks janky on somebody’s mobile phone.  That won’t happen with Wright, because it is a completely mobile friendly experience and that makes for the best user experience possible.  Wright could be the best eCommerce minimalist theme around.  To see more clean WordPress themes, check out our collection.
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Kalium is a premium theme for WordPress that’s been the choice for thousands of business owners who have also wanted to set up an online eCommerce store, just like you.  Kalium is very popular thanks to it’s simple, modern and clean design, sleek arrangement of content, powerful features and bold typography.  The shopping cart itself is every bit as stylish and with Kalium, your website and your products will look amazing on all devices, because this theme is totally mobile friendly.  Kalium supports WooCommerce of course, but every other shopping cart can work with it too, so don’t feel like you need to be tied to one cart.  With so many out there, a little variety could be just what you need to stand out from the crowd.
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Studio 8
Studio 8 is like a might oak, it’s strong an powerfully built, it’s full of strong branches that can be loaded with tons of products?  Stuff?  I guess maybe it’s not like an oak after all, but it is a well designed WooCommerce WordPress theme that I’m happy to recommend.  There’s a gigantic amounts of features that make for a really enthusiastic reader, or buyer in the case of eCommerce, when they make it to your website.  The design is clean and agreeable, the layout is never jumbled and untidy, and this cheerful design is one that makes your shop like electric, professional and useful.  No matter what type of product, it’s unquestionable that the Studio 8 WordPress theme will never leave you wanting.  You’ll be able to generate a dramatic and exultant WordPress eCommerce site.  There’s no utopia in WordPress themes, but the Studio 8 theme comes close to creating perfection.
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Massive Dynamic
Massive Dynamic has proven to be among the most popular themes for building a great online shop.  No matter which eCommerce cart you choose, Massive Dynamic works great.  Easy Digital Downloads, Cart66, Ecwid, WordPress Simple Paypal Shopping cart or the biggest and best of all, WordPress.  No matter which you choose, Massive Dynamic has the style, the tools and the functionality to make a great experience for buyer and seller alike.  Sometimes, multipurpose eCommerce themes can try to do too much, they try to be everything to everyone, but Massive Dynamic walks that fine line with ease.  This theme has several pre-made demo sites and each one can be used to sell products.  Each one is also installable with just a few clicks, which can help speed up the process of starting your website.  If you’re not familiar with how to set up an eCommerce cart, that can be a lifesaver.  For business or blogging, creative portfolios and personal websites, Massive Dynamic is a theme that’s well worth considering.
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Composition is a little different than many of the other themes in this collection, since it was built to work with the Sell Media plugin.  That’s sort of like Easy Digital Downloads, it’s an eCommerce plugin that allows you to sell digital files, prints and other stuff.  So, it’s one way to build a store online, but there’s a lot more going on with Composition.  This theme is really simple to customize, you’ll have the ability to visually arrange your blog, portfolio and more, making the perfect homepage to welcome your visitors and turn them into customers.  There are unlimited galleries, plentiful widgetized areas and automatic updates to make sure your site works perfectly with WordPress, every time.  Add in a clean, responsive design and you’ve got a full featured, user friendly theme that’s perfect for a stock photography store.
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Less is more, that’s an old saying and sometimes it can be true with regard to web design. A simple design, like the one offered with this theme, can allow your users to find exactly what they’re looking for without any sort of distraction. This template is great for businesses that want a clean and corporate style theme, it showcases your content with a minimal style that squarely focuses your readers attention on the products that you have to sell. I love the good layers page builder, it’s one of the best Drag and Drop content Builders around. It’s incredibly simple to use and can produce a very high quality shopping website. There are multiple headers and Footers, an infinite amount of layouts possible and each and every design produces a fluid and mobile-friendly, Unforgettable user experience.
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The Arnold WordPress theme is a minimal portfolio template for Creative people who want to blend and attractive and simple looking for folio with the power of woocommerce. Actually, with this Arnold WordPress theme, you can create a clean and beautiful online shop using any of the most popular shopping cart plugins. If you’d like to sell digital products, you might prefer to use Easy Digital downloads, probably the leading cart for that type of product. No matter which shopping cart you choose, this clean and modern template allows you to build beautiful portfolios, have an amazing blog and sell some stuff too.
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Zerif Pro
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ThemesKingdom has made several really attractive themes for eCommerce sites and none has has more of an impact that CoupShop.  The CoupShop WordPress theme was inspired by glossy print magazines and with all the white space, the typography centered layouts, big and impactful images and thoughtfully placed calls to action, it’s a very successful theme.  It can be a real challenge to run your own eCommerce website so picking the right theme is critical.  With CoupShop, you get a platform that’s stable, attractive and flexible enough to work for nearly any sort of product.  CoupShop has what it takes to be a sort of parnter for you in building a very successful online business.
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LaBomba is a WooCommerce based theme that looks a little different than many other eCommerce themes, so I though it might be worth highlighting what this theme can accomplish.  Specifically built for fashion trends and online clothing shops, LaBomba is perfect for creating a combination lookbook, portfolio and blog in one finely knitted package.  I couldn’t think of any other clothing reference, let me know if you think of something better.  Okay, so for a fashion store, you get multiple headers to choose from, unlimited colors too.  There are almost two dozen different home page layouts and Visual Composer support means you can build even more, if you want to.  I think the clean design and the number of features make it a really good eCommerce template.
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Hopefully you found what you were looking for in this collection, but I realize that there are a lot of themes out there, so I can’t include everything at once.  However, we’ve got another great collection of WordPress WooCommerce themes to check out.  There are plenty more themes in that collection, so hopefully you see something you really enjoy.
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bright-witch · 7 years
Hey Micha! I was wondering about how you deal with the stress and worry that comes with being aware of the terrible ways nature is being treated and the whole climate crisis thing? I find myself feeling terribly stressed and helpless sometimes and I really feel like whatever I do it will never help make a change.
I’m so sorry it took me a while to answer this!! I’m both very sad you feel that way, but also relieved that you care/understand how important nature is. Thank you for being thoughtful and empathetic
In spite of it seeming small, the little things we do on an individual basis do matter a great deal. The way you can help totally depends on your comfort level and how able you are, but any and every step we take to better the Earth matters. Using slightly less water in the shower, composting, recycling as much as possible (I learned how to make my own paper using water and recycled paper, it’s so cool!!!), not using complex chemical sprays on weeds in favor of hand-weeding or using simple soaps/vinegar, using baking soda to get rid of roof moss instead of nasty sprays, attempting to buy from local food sources with good business practices if you can afford it, try to use more reusable items and reduce plastic waste items (plastic bags can be recycled at Fred Meyer in Oregon, I’m sure other grocery stores do the same?), try to grow some of your own food if you have time and space, purchase from second-hand stores and local stores, for food farmer’s markets are ideal, and walking/biking/using public transit/carpooling/grouping your errands together while driving – all of these things help a lot in terms of lifestyle choices. but if you’re poor, chances are your carbon footprint is pretty low already, (mine is ~8 metric tons of co2/year lol), unless you have children/a family to support (the larger the family, the bigger the footprint of course)/more than one car. Even so, upper middle-class/wealthier families always have HUGE carbon footprints relative to poor families especially. When it comes to wealthy families, many are incredibly wasteful to the nth degree, in spite of the fact they have ample means to buy locally, and reduce their carbon/water/waste footprint with technology and the various comfortable lifestyle choices money brings. They have greater responsibility due to their greater hoard of resources, yet they waste like gluttons, not even realizing the consequences of their actions because they do not feel the repurcussions, and rarely even see them. In Portland – a city that prides itself on being green and eco friendly – looking up the biggest water wasters pissed me off so much and I realized just how much wealthy people do not care how much they waste. 
 In terms of more earth-related things… keeping yourself, your dogs, and children on the trail is VERY important, I cannot stress this enough. I know it seems fun, it is often glorified in the media,and it seems harmless to go off trail, but it isn’t harmless. Human disturbance and human affected climate change are the main reasons invasive species take over native plant habitat/niches in droves. I studied this for my job in the lab for three years. Going off trail in a disturbed, shitty forest near a suburb or city with no hope of recovery is fine, I guess… if the people living there have no motivation or hope to restore it, which is sad. One of the recovery forests I worked in was a city forest, covered in ivy – we were able to get native populations growing with simple hard work – the weed n pull n native planting method! 
We all need to be much more conscious about where we walk, and we all need much more restraint. When it comes to the phrase, “take only pictures, leave only footprints”, I’ll only agree if those footprints are on. the. trail. ;D
Hand-weeding invasive plants in your region/area and/or planting new native seedlings is a great way to help reverse some of the damage humans have done to various ecosystems. If you are lucky enough to live on a private piece of property, turning your yard into a native habitat (you can get certified by your city/state in certain areas, which is really cool!) is one of the most effective ways to locally start helping. Also, it’s gross and please be careful, but cleaning litter in your local area is a highly effective way to reduce animal death and soil/water pollution. Trying to use less miraclegrow/weird chemical fertilizer in place of compost/simpler, more natural fertilizers is an excellent way to make sure no excess nutrients enter water bodies. 
Volunteering for a clean-up party (the Oregon coast has clean up parties all the time hosted by SOLVE), planting party, or invasive removal party in your local area is an excellent way to contribute too!! I know that Portland, Oregon has a lot of groups that volunteer to kill invasive ivy and blackberry in the summer; I’m sure that googling would yeild some results in that city and others with similar organizations and planting parties? Maybe? I hope ;-;  Friends of Trees is a great organization in Portland dedicated to studying the quality of life of trees and planting new native trees in the metro area. (A lab friend of mine helps run it, and he is a brilliant PhD graduate in botany who works with arguably the best plant physiology professor in the country, and they are all so nice! ). Oh, and watching nature documentaries, reading local news, and staying up to date on the science articles that make sense to you is the best way to keep yourself informed and sharp!! Knowledge is critical, understanding how earth’s natural systems interact is critical too. In order to help, we must better understand. I wasn’t some bleeding heart tree hugger before I went to school for biology and earth sciences…. what I learned motivated me. None of my teachers shoved their beliefs down my throat and they all played devil’s advocate for all information presented, as a good teacher should. I synthesized everything I learned and then looked among all the details, and realized how important all of nature is. How everything is connected. It was neutral knowledge, the truths of this world that led me to care, and I hope it does that for others too.
Oh, and I’d like to add that, (other than donating to habitat preserving organizations like the Nature Conservancy or animal protecting foundations like The Snow Leopard Trust,) staying aware of and calling your representative about alarming political measures involving land use is one of the most important ways you can stop further ecological degradation, especially with this current administration. This is also difficult, as most news groups don’t report on environmental issues with accuracy or emotion if at all, and both sides of the American political coin like to compromise harshly regarding the environment. Apparently in our society, it’s very easy to get away with, and justify, killing a forest and the animals in it. Hell, hunting is a recreational -sport-, right? ? /vomits/
I’m so sorry I don’t have time to write more (and I am SO sorry this is written poorly!), I have a ridiculous number of messages to respond to and I need to take a food break, but I wish I could have written you an even longer essay. Please take care, and you are amazing!! I believe in you bb. You got this.Oh, and as a final note: I try to think about the resilience of nature/the wondrous life left in this world to inspire me in a positive way as well. It’s an excellent motivator!! We can learn so much from Earth’s diverse organisms. Thank you again for the question, and I hope it’s okay that I publish this.
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sourabhdubey007 · 5 years
Best 10 WordPress free News theme
In today’s world, most people don’t have time so they usually update through mobile phones or laptops. but everyone read the news. the number of people reading news on laptop/ desktop is decreasing.
The mobile reading trend is gradually replacing physical newspapers.  it easier for people to read what you and your team wrote. The middleman is cut out, and the content can be delivered directly to your followers. Every limitation that you can possibly think of was removed by the introduction of the internet.
01.V Magzine Lite:-
A clean and modern multi layout news magazine WordPress theme ideal for all newspapers, magazines, and blog websites – that is VMagazine Lite for you.
The theme is built with page builder, due to which the configuration of the theme becomes smoother and you can even place your ads anywhere you want on your website.
This theme is compatible across all browsers and is fully SEO optimized.
 VMagazine Lite is compatible
A highly configurable theme
the powerful features and functionalities of this theme possesses will surprise you.
Category Specific Color Option and Unlimited Theme Color Option
Highly configurable homepage.
It also has Unlimited theme colors.
02.MH Magazine:-
This theme offers more than 26 widget locations including a fully front page template to create flexible layouts, and prominent sections to display advertising.
MH Magazine is a popular, high-quality WordPress theme that can be used to create modern online magazines and dynamic news websites.
MH Magazine is ideal for those needing a clean design with a flexible layout to deliver daily news content.
it’s important that its layout is clean and inviting – otherwise, visitors may go elsewhere for their daily news.
This theme offers a design with flexible layout options, consider MH Magazine.
This WordPress theme offers flexible layout options and great custom widgets that allow you to set up unique websites
A large number of custom widgets are available to display content such as posts based on categories or tags, social media, and more.
This magazine theme is fast, secure, SEO friendly and perfectly suitable for topics like international news, politics, lifestyle, fashion, business, sports, gadgets, and travel.
MH Magazine lite is one of the most popular free magazine and news theme.
It comes with lots of cool features like Homepage Slider, Advertisement Options.
03.Jinsy Magazine:-
Jinsy Magazine is a free and responsive theme that was designed with a single-page layout.
Its design is best for news agencies and media sites, as it offers a clean and smart content organization.
Jinsy Magazine is a theme created for publishers and bloggers.
Jinsy Magazine can be easily customized by adding featured images, changing colors, and stylizing pages.
This theme is perfect for not only magazines but small businesses, news sites.
Jinsy Magazine is also SEO optimized to help your website reach even more people.  
It is not just highly customizable but compatible with the Elementor page builder.
Jinsy Magazine is a multipurpose WordPress subject based on Argon’s structure.
Jinsy Magazine is completely good with the well-known Elementor and Gutenberg page manufacturers.
Jinsy Magazine is an ideal decision for new companies, independent ventures, offices, magazines, and online shops.
A newspaper is one of the most used themes in the WordPress site. A newspaper WordPress theme is a popular template that comes with lots of variants for media and publishing websites.
Newspaper is one of the well-liked news-related themes on the market today, you know instantly that it delivers a ton of goodies. 
Even someone without coding and design, skills can still experience success at establishing a modern, and responsive newspaper website.
If your business is about delivering timely news of any kind, you might want to look into this one. It offers different options for both general and niche topics.
Newspaper is one of the themes which built intentionally for news and magazine websites.
It’s a mobile-optimized theme that’s fast and prioritizes performance and functionality.
it can also take the strain of lots of content and high-resolution images while keeping load times down.
Newspaper is accessible to inexperienced users, while still providing plenty of professional-level options. 
A newspaper is entirely SEO-friendly, comes with eight additional premium plugins and works flawlessly on all devices and web browsers.
Magplus is a clever and responsive WordPress magazine multipurpose website theme. MagPlus is a WordPress theme specializing in the news. Magplus is one of the popular News themes in WordPress.
It is a professional instrument that emphasizes mass communication and selling.
MagPlus comes with Google AMP for a smooth run on devices and Google AdSense for publicity. It offers translation for international readers to be able to participate easily.
This theme is designed specifically for news sites and similar niches, and that focus pays off. It’s well optimized for mobile devices and boasts very fast load times.
MagPlus comes with many layouts to get you started, that are suited to a wide range of subjects. 
There are also a variety of header and article layouts, sliders, and other pre-built elements.
If you want to build a fast, stylish news site quickly than Magplus is a great choice.
MagPlus is aesthetic and appealing with multiple designing trades. You get unlimited colors, pages, and typography options.
Jannah is another one of the most well-liked news themes in WordPress. It’s flexible and different kinds of formats. People want information and want it fast.
Jannah offers a unique page builder built-in, with stacks of cool blocks. You can add the power Ajax Filters and pagination, for the ultimate speed and user experience.
Jannah has a fully responsive design that responds to the most up-to-date mobile devices. Also, it’s compatible with AMP, which makes your content mobile-optimized. 
Jannah is responsive and Retina ready for all devices. Connect with your audience through web notifications. And, for your e-commerce needs, be confident with WooCommerce.
Jannah is WooCommerce integrated and has specific pre-defined spaces for ads. Improve your customer’s loyalty with an email list.
Jannah includes many pre-made demos you can import with a single click. You can mix and match headers, pages, colors and fonts using the Theme Options Panel.
Jannah has complete integration with industry-standard tools.
07.The Voux:-
The Voux is an awesome magazine theme by one of the best authors on Themeforest – Fuelthemes. Voux is one of the best theme in WordPress.
The Voux is now fully responsive. It will also work on all platforms and devices, regardless of screen size or resolution. 
this theme incorporates user-friendly headers and powerful Mega Menus. Admins can use sub-categories, tags, and categories as sources. You can display content with gorgeous full-screen galleries.
This theme also has incorporated a useful option for Social Sharing. In fact, it is the first product on ThemeForest that has included this feature.
Data is stored on WordPress, and it can be accessed from the backend. Users can select a specific cache period for data, as well as the Social Network on which it will be distributed.
The layout is also completely responsive, and it works great on tablets, laptops, smartphones and desktop computers.
The Voux also has lots of different options for article pages which all look great.
The voux gives you lots of exposure to make the site most readable.
08.The Fox:-
The Fox is a beautiful and wonderfully creative, modern and cutting edge responsive WordPress multipurpose blog and magazine theme.
The Fox is a clever and innovative, sophisticated and classy, visually stimulating and dynamically structured, readily responsive WordPress contemporary magazine for the creator’s website theme.
It is an amazingly avant-garde theme that incorporates the latest and greatest web development technologies, deploying them to great effect with a seamless, unblemished, luminous and attractive visual presentation.
It’s an incredibly useful and versatile theme constructed by a team of creative designers and meticulous developers exclusively for the purpose of providing a platform for creators to effectively put together modern online magazines in a matter of minutes, without having to touch a line of code, and with professional, polished results every single time.
The design looks somewhat like an old newspaper. If you’re feeling nostalgic about the old days, you can now build yourself a website resembling that old-school look. Many people have already fallen in love with this news WordPress theme.
The design looks somewhat like an old newspaper. If you’re feeling nostalgic about the old days, you can now build yourself a website resembling that old-school look. Many people have already fallen in love with this news WordPress theme.
The Fox with the impressively flexible WordPress Live Customizer. This feature contains custom additional elements and options for a total of over 100 configurable choices that can upgrade every nook and cranny of your online magazine. 
The Fox is also jam-packed with specifically useful features for the online magazine industry, including helpful widgets and cleverly designed shortcodes and tools.
A good-looking theme for news, with a catchy and colorful design, beautiful layouts, and a modern appearance.
This is a theme constructed specifically for the quick and effective dissemination of information, of both text and video nature, in a sleek, modern platform that webmasters with or without previous development experience can easily master and make full use of.
Magellan comes with demos for multiple purposes, such as general news, gaming, tech, church, lifestyle, etc. Overall, Magellan offers an enjoyable scrolling and a friendly look.
Magellan is also equipped with potent premium plugins to simplify your design and development work, such as the Visual Composer and Revolution Slider, as well as a number of amazing demo websites fully fleshed out with inner pages and dummy content, waiting for you to pick them out, fill them out and go live, the same day you set up.
Magellan a natural theme for news magazines and online news websites in general.
Magellan is completely responsive right out of the box.
Magellan is an amazingly attractive and highly polished, professional and purposeful, modern and responsive WordPress video news and reviews magazine website theme.
Compass is a modern WordPress news and magazine theme. It comes with a highly customizable homepage with a featured slider, dynamic homepage builder, featured categories, and 1-click demo content installer.
Compass also allows you to build amazing homepages.
Compass is a modern and sophisticated, technologically accomplished, feature WordPress responsive multi-purpose theme.
Compass will allow you to create magazine websites like none other.
Compass is the theme you’re looking for. It’s ready to adapt itself to every situation and responsively displaying in gorgeous form no matter where it’s being viewed.
It has a built-in breaking news ticker, multiple page templates, custom colors, fonts, logo, and background.
The theme also comes with several custom widgets and multiple widget-ready areas.
Compass is a potently pliable, fresh-faced, bold and beautiful WordPress responsive multi-purpose theme, which while entirely capable of handling the needs and requirements of an ample range of different websites.
The post Best 10 WordPress free News theme appeared first on The Coding Bus.
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youinmyhoodnowson · 5 years
Valentines Day Images
When you get happy valentines day images to received to know that his time is being shortened then he wrote a letter addressing his lover titling “From your Valentine.” After that, the woman preserved that letter with a terrific affection. Welcome him sporting solely your sexiest undergarments, your maximum attractive aroma, and a virtually crimson lace tied round your stomach and chooses pink glad Valentines Day photos in your lover. Even the ones that are available love provide crimson climbed to their loved ones. On this case, Valentine’s Day is the day the place everybody seeks for the day to rejoice with their partner to develop their bond even stronger on a regular basis. It will spare the completely happy Valentine’s Day bear images to your report for easy entry to it later on. As busy as we might get, we must remind each other that we're still sweethearts and that will stay ceaselessly. Young love is a flame; gorgeous, typically highly regarded and fierce, however nonetheless solely mild and flickering. I'll love you always.
As we mentioned that in western culture following nations, the celebration of Valentine’s Day will likely be celebrated by the individuals in an incredible type and celebrated for many years. You set up together two or three completely satisfied Valentine’s Day snoopy images that you've got, incorporated some music the establishment and implant some passionate words and it’s carried out. You should have to arrange few candles and bouquet of crimson roses to set the mood. Submit monumental purple hearts and completely satisfied Valentine’s Day seashore photos everywhere throughout the walls and dividers. You can even use comfortable Valentine’s Day cat photographs to use these quotes. Valentine's Day has many cute images to use for window painting designs. So we are offering you with the perfect assortment of Valentines Day images, HD wallpapers, images, footage, for all Valentine’s week. Obtain the most effective Joyful Valentine’s Day 2017 GIF & Glitters Pictures and Photos For WhatsApp & Hike.
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Valentines Day additionally is thought by Lovers Day. So why not give some lovely valentines gifts to your partner and turn them much affectionate in the direction of you. All your love, all of your caring ways, all your giving these years are the the reason why my coronary heart thinks of you on Women’s Day! The gifts can be found for him/her in mass and you can select in response to your recipients. Valentine’s day gifts always make partners blissful. Valentine’s Day is about far beyond merely adored. Valentine’s Day is especially to every one of the Valentines the individuals who want to point out their affection and worship towards their liked ones are proposed to make the most of this current Valentine’s Day opportunity. Love is the genuine, purest, most grounded picture of the true connection between two individuals. Whereas most ladies like to obtain roses on Valentines Day, birthdays and other particular events, shopping for roses to your sweetheart for no motive is one in all my favourites.
Boys, you really have no purpose not to amaze her this Valentines Day. In current instances, couples have a have a look at valentines week implies the get together is praised a whole week. At this time you are going to get a lot of things associated to Valentines day. This too might be personalised and makes an important reward for Valentines Day. Nevertheless, it's celebrated on the day of 7th Feb and really seen nice extant of couple on this day. Lastly, Valentine day comes at the top of the valentine week, the 8th day of the week. So, allow us to gather some information about valentine week and all of the date on this week earlier than celebrating the upcoming valentine day. It came into being in Europe after which, began celebrating in North America within the 19th century. Looking for double logo on the golf balls, be ready to shell out a bit more for this job. In case you're looking for large orders, you're going to get a very good low cost as properly, and may place orders for about 12 dozen or more with them.
Love will discover a method by paths where wolves worry to prey. You might not know any creative method and go your time in a stress. Presenting a rose to companion with uttering some love saying is basically fantastic and offers tons pleased to happy valentines day images each. Once you downloaded the image, you'll be able to share along with your companion in the name of needs. Their phone reminiscence, social media, and inbox of e mail get flooded with lots of good quotes and needs in this present day. Internet Infidelity Investigations: A PI can take your spouses electronic mail tackle and trace it again to online private advertisements. Give them the small print of the brand you wish to have embossed on the balls, and sit again ready for the box to be delivered to you. You've got disarmed your issues by way of smile. Try not to focus on any instability you may have. Could you prosper and stood affirm in the course of life. Every thing is, every part exists, only because I really like.
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First, you'll be able to download these Valentine Day Footage or after you may ship to your beloved as soon as. On this part, We will share one of the best Assortment of Completely satisfied Valentine’s Day 2018 GIF Picture & Pictures in your greatest friends and fiance. She'll love to point out it off to her buddies and let them comprehend it got here from you. There can never be one other for me, for I do know now that you are the person who can really make me merry and love me for my id. A pleasant friendship card can articulate all sentiments and lay them earlier than your good friend that will probably be significantly appreciated. As everyone knows that the day might be arrived on February 14th and considered to be more special in the course of the time of celebration. All males know that presenting their sweetheart with roses will make them very glad, however I have come to understand that there are so many more ways to please a woman who loves roses.
Joyful Valentines Day. Likewise, there are countless examples of billionaires on the market who have fallen deeply in love with indigent women and sacrificed all their wealth and luxurious for the sake of love. All my love is for you and best needs for you. Here is one other collection of love joyful valentines day quotes for associates and wishes which might be shared with all close to and pricey ones. Individuals commend this day with a considerable amount of adoration and love for their friends and sweethearts. Valentines day wallpapers are so good that you would love to keep them on your profile and wall for the entire day. Here’s a Valentine Day ballad for the household to household. Saint Valentine was a recognized to carry out secret marriages of couples even after Claudius II banned marriage as he thought that single males made better soldiers. On this romantic day, arranging a social gathering is widespread but much widespread amongst young couples. In spite of everything, online romantic cards are available in a lovely vary and you can add your individual approach and feelings to them as properly apart from the pre-described quotes already written on them.
Glad Valentine’s Day romantic pics: Valentine’s Day is a celebration of affection, celebrated through the use of darlings and companions all by means of the entire international. All of you in at the present time seek for varied designed images, covers, love cards and many others. Each one in all you desires to want and shock your beloved on with artistic stuff. In at the present time lovers hug each other and it is the great thing about true love. Approaching hunt terms: happy Valentines Day images hd Pinterest Footage, completely happy valentine’s day to everyone photos Fb Photographs, pleased valentine’s day message photos for Tumblr. Valentine’s day gifts at all times make companions completely satisfied. In 496, Pope Zelicius set the date of February 14 in honor of St. Valentine and was later this happy valentines day images day has been celebrated in line with his title. Right here this time we also include all of the killing SMS focusing on the valentine day. Have a happy Valentine’s Day. That is on account of I've an individual a billion times superior to that. The week long Valentine’s special celebrations have lastly culminated within the V-day that people internationally have been waiting for.
Valentines Day is well-known all through the world around 14 February every year. Kiss Day drops on February thirteenth, that is one among one among the absolute most beautiful day of this valentines week. The valentine day is celebrated all over the world on 14th February. Teddy is one among the popular tender toys of the world has its own story behind its creation. In this bustling life, a big portion of them keeps running behind money to get settle rapidly of their life. Could this Valentine bless us with the cupid of love and warmth of romance. The outdated Greeks called love “the franticness of the divine beings.” Fashionable analysts characterize it as it the highly effective urge for enthusiastic union with another person. There are heaps of people that grew to become immortal by cause of their love deep from their heart. Thank you for being there by the tears and laughter. Love, every time I take a gander at you, it resembles the primary run via. In any case, individuals uncover time to undergo with their darling or say their adorable partner on persistently by discovering many plans for it.
You can combine this quote with Christian happy Valentines Day images. So that you can give an increasing number of roses as a present to your cherished one as a preparation of proposing who're pondering to build a new relationship and present the individualism of Rose Day. In search of one thing special to provide your friends at your wedding? Be certain to wash your clear rubber stamps with soapy water as you don't want any traces of chocolate or oil left especially should you plan on changing your clear stamps over for use on paper crafts. Walk your means alone and you’ll find yourself in places no one has ever been before! If he gives a couple of tackle or an deal with of his ex girlfriend you will know he's dishonest. In Switzerland nobody would state that wish. Feel free to share extra quotations with us. Really feel proud, have fun with joy, and reveal your strength. All my adoration is yours for happy valentines day images.
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irepostblr-blog · 7 years
MagPlus - Blog & Magazine WordPress Theme (News / Editorial)
MagPlus is a Blog / Magazine / Newspaper WordPress theme which gives you the tools you need to write and edit articles with ease. We carefully created the theme with multiple Blog/ Magazine / Newspaper niches and professions in mind – personal, professional, bloggers, editorial and more. Use our easy-to-use one click import feature to import any of the example demo sites in seconds. We provide guides and videos on every aspect of this Magazine WordPress Theme. Also, if you need further assistance, our dedicated support team is always there for you. Why MagPlus? – An Overview When you are thinking about turning your hobby into your profession, none of us want to compromise in quality. Online blogging is currently one of the most hyped easy career. With the perfect website, your path will be easier. One may wonder why they should choose MagPlus over all the other WordPress theme for their own use. Let’s start off with few of the mentionable features: Quick Install and Setup – As we all hate anything that is slow, we came up with such a feature where you won’t have to wait for installation. Very quick and easy installation. Quickly install the theme in WordPress or via FTP. Proper Documentation is also available for installation and setup. Get your website theme in your hand in a glance. Smart and Powerful Advertisement – MagPlus has a very fast Mega menu solution that can be enabled via WordPress native menu screen and you can font awesome icons to any menu elements. Template Builder – Our customers have endless possibility to make layout as they want, we do have included pre ready made 40+ template to add block of shortcodes to page, just drag and drop. See in action Mega Menu and Menu Icons – Using Visual Composer and our built-in brilliant advertisement locations, you can put your advertisement anywhere in your website. Fully Translation Ready – Our theme is fully translation ready and perfectly WPML compatible along with a powerful language switcher on the sub header. Layout and Slider Combinations – MagPlus offers over 300 layers and sliders combination only to stylize it the way you like. The layers and sliders are unique from each other and of course it is customizable. WordPress Customizer – The Customizer is a framework for live-previewing any change to WordPress. It provides a simple and consistent interface for users to customize various aspects of their theme and their site, from colors and layouts to widgets, menus, and more. Fully Responsive – Almost every new client these days wants a mobile version of their website. It’s practically essential after all: one design for the BlackBerry, another for the iPhone, the iPad, netbook, Kindle and all screen resolutions must be compatible, too. So, don’t be worry about obtaining these sets of features, we do already have included in Magazine. Let’s test it. Review System – MagPlus has a built-in review system that allows the readers or viewers to give reviews for your review type articles. Library Homepage – Creating a perfect homepage expresses everything you need to know about the website in the first glance. Homepage shows our inner style. That’s why we gave you the option to choose from our various options to customize your homepage with your own sense of style that leaves the perfect impression. Google Font – Along with huge variations of layout and sliders, MagPlus offers more than 500 Google fonts. Hundreds of free, open source fonts from google and they are really fast in rendering also. Blog Layout – MagPlus offers chic and tasteful blog layout with different type of blog post formats like image, slider, gallery, video and quote. Now you can totally fall in love with your own website. Speed Optimize – This WordPress theme is optimized for speed with careful attention to clean and structured code. It helps improve conversation rates. Header and Navigation Style – MagPlus has various beautiful header and navigation options available just to match your taste. Choose the one that screams your personality. Typography – It’s the small details that make a project shine. Solid typography, well-crafted with attention and care is one of them. A harmonious visual rhythm, typographic subtleties like soft caps, margin outdents or the correct use of hyphens and dashes; there are a lot of things that add up to it. So, we do have included all google font sets just to make easy and useful, you can adjust color, size, line-height and so on. Cool Readymade Layouts – For you to create beautiful website as desired, we have included lots of page layouts in the MagPlus theme. Design your website with blog, videos and other contents. Social Sharing – It has the template setting for social sharing. We tested to make sure it is a smart website that you own. Make sure who loves your content, they can share it with their friends through social media. Page/Post Customization – With MagPlus you can easily customize your specific page or post on the top of the default theme settings in case if you want to emphasis any page/post or need different style for your overall website. Unlimited Colors – To make color changes easy, we have implemented color picker in theme settings. You can choose your desired colors visually and by hash code and RGB code also wherever required. No plainer, boring website. Unlimited Sidebars – Another mentionable feature of MagPlus is, it allows you to add unlimited sidebars as per your requirement and assign many numbers of your choice of widgets to them. Amazingly, you can even switch the placement of the sidebars wherever you want to very easily. HD Video and Details Documentation – We have made sufficient videos with detailed information and documentation to make our users aware about all the parts of our theme. In addition there are many how-to videos available for fast understanding. 5 Start Quick and Responsive Support – We love our customers and would always do our level best for their satisfaction. Customer’s satisfaction is our growth. We have our highly experienced team of technical experts who try their best to respond within one business day. Our motto is to give our customers satisfactory, helpful and polite answers. Shortcodes – Magazine includes tons of shortcodes to make endless layout. With Magazine, we’ve built 33 shortcodes, allowing you to build virtually any layout your mind can imagine. All shortcodes are included via a custom built plugin. Included shortcodes are as follows: About Us Blockquote Blog Masonry Button Category Block Custom Ads Divider Featured Blog Gallery Showcase GIF Showcase Hand Picked Blog Image Block Newsletter Post Card Post Grid Post Grid Series Post Movie Post Video Playlist Progress Bar Rating Recent News Section Heading Slider Content Space Special Text Tabs Video Block Weekly Top 5 Blog Weekly Top 7 Blog Post Gallery/Video Youtube Video Playlist Text Block Post Format – Magazine has rich set of custom post format, manage your blog posts with various custom post format. Here are few post format: Standard Video Gallery Audio Review Quote Quiz Demo Overview Newspaper Pro – Use this distinctly modern website theme to showcase your news. Magazine pro can give the proper support for your newspaper magazine as Newspaper Pro. If you have tons on ideas but don’t know where to start, we are here to happily help you out and guide you through your process. Share the news around the world that you think should be reached out to the mass population, because Newspaper Pro will give you the freedom to do so. Newspaper Pro has a very clean and formal design that sets the perfect tone for the readers. Fashion Pro – Fashion Pro can be used as a fashion guide or fashion police magazine. It will just blow away every viewer’s mind starting from the very first page. It is designed carefully keeping the user experience in mind. Start your fashion blog with this fashionably smart and clean designed Fashion Pro. Let the inner Fashion icon in you come out and help the ones who seek helpful fashion tips. It doesn’t have to be necessarily just fashion blog. It can be your make up blog/vlog. Get started with this easy-to-use WordPress theme Fashion Pro. Sports Pro – Sports Pro has a full width attractive carousel that gives your homepage a stunning grid look with boxed content. With this Menu structure you can cover everything from Baseball to Cricket all with total professionalism. Along with these awesome features, Sports Pro can be customized as you may. Use this user friendly WordPress theme and create your very own online sports magazine. Food Pro – In 2017 people spend more time uploading their delightful meal photo than their own. So it is a thing that is so in. If you think you are all set to share your very own pro cooking tips with the world, then food pro is your thing. Share all the amazing food recipes you have been using to make your friends and family happy. As a food related WordPress theme, food pro is quite interestingly designed. Start now to spread the happiness. Tech Pro – If you think you have something technologically geeky or might have innovative ideas to share with this world, Tech Pro is your stairway. The best feature of Tech Pro is that it has a highly functional homepage to display your work. Good news is, you don’t have to be a web developer to do so. Tech Pro is a uniquely adaptable, incredibly powerful, technologically refined, visually simplified and minimalist, clean-faced and bold, feature-dense and highly pliable WordPress responsive magazine them. You gotta love it! Travel Pro – If you have travelled half way across the world, gathered experiences and learned different things, and now you want to share them all with other travel thirsty people, Travel Pro is just the thing you need. Up your blogging game with this demo. Show your contents the way they’re meant to be seen. Cutting-edge design & modern look will get them hooked. Let them feel the adventure you were on. Blog Pro – Blogging is the coolest and easiest way to set your profession in this digital era. Blogging is fun and interesting when you know what you are doing. Blog Pro is the outline of your precious work and ideas. It is built in the way where you can highlight your best blogs to your viewers. Blog it with Blog Pro! Viral Pro – If you are one of those people who loves to make their posts or videos viral, then go for the Viral Pro. This is specially designed for the people who loves 9GAG so much to have their own viral online magazine. Viral pro is made that way to maximize you’re the chances of making your post go viral! Video Pro – Good news for all the vloggers out there who are really in need of a good way to communicate with the world through their extraordinary videos. Video Pro is a perfect solution for the lost vloggers out there. It has so far the best homepage that kinda gives you the YouTube vibe. With so many functionalities, you can easily customize your vlog. Although the main focus of Video pro is the youngster looking for an online video magazine, it can be used for professional terms as well. Let’s stop thinking and get on with this awesomeness. Fitness Pro – In this busy schedule of life, we forget the fact that fitness is very important to keep the schedule on. But worry not, Fitness Pro is what we need in out hectic timeless life to stay in shape. It’s designed carefully to suit your eyesight and bring a splash of fresh and confident in you, that you can do it. If you want to share your favorite followed methods of fitness, download Fitness Pro to fit your very own fitness online magazine. Music Pro – In this busy schedule of life, we forget the fact that fitness is very important to keep the schedule on. But worry not, Fitness Pro is what we need in out hectic timeless life to stay in shape. It’s designed carefully to suit your eyesight and bring a splash of fresh and confident in you, that you can do it. If you want to share your favorite followed methods of fitness, download Fitness Pro to fit your very own fitness online magazine. Health Pro – Anything goes wrong (health wise) we seek for the tips and tricks to get out of it. And if those tips and tricks made you an expert of health tips, then don’t waste your precious time and knowledge. Go ahead and bring out the health expert in you. Health Pro can be the platform where one can share professional or home remedies of all kind of health concerns. It is designed beautifully with the perfect color tone to give it a promising and trustworthy vibe. If you don’t believe, then check it out and surprise yourself. Feminine Pro – The name says it all. Feminine Pro is presented to you with a complete chic feminine output. This WordPress theme can be used as personal beauty blog, life hacks for girls, anything you wish. Feminine Pro gives the “Hello, please check me out” vibe the moment you start looking at the home page. Car Pro – Car pro is perfect for those car freaks out there. There are many online car magazines, but Car Pro is so far the best because it is uniquely designed. With a touch of millennia, this modern WordPress theme has everything super customizable. If you like to share blogs, video blogs, pictures or any sort of article related to cars, try Car Pro. Minimal Pro – Minimalistic designs are always appreciated by the majority. Now a days keeping your design minimal with all the message you probably need to send hidden in it. In Minimal Pro, you can display any sort of minimalistic designs, contents and videos. The theme is designed as simply and beautifully as possible. If you like simplicity, go for Minimal Pro. Luxury Pro – Luxury Pro is an awesome WordPress theme to wow people out. Its luxurious look with a touch of elegance gives it the perfect sense to show case the luxurious lifestyle, products, places, vacation destinations, anything. And if you don’t want few of the features, then you can easily make it your way. Get this luxury started! Pin Pro – Pinterest is a way of social media lifestyle in this era. It turned into an essential part of our life with its amazing contents. If you are a Pinterest magnet, get yourself the Pin Pro and start compiling and sharing your pins. It’s designed similarly to Pinterest itself for your convenience. So stop going through your Pinterest homepage and get yourself a very own pin pro online magazine. Photography Pro – Photography can be your passion, profession and in fact hobby. Sometimes it can be difficult to use other websites to display your priceless photography. But worry not any more, Photography pro will help you get exactly what you always wished for. Your very own Photography online magazine. Copyright your creative works with Photography Pro, because the whole website if yours to own. Modern design with a touch of indie feeling just hits your perfect senses. Art Pro – To all those who feel lost when it comes to display the awesomeness in you, Art Pro just might heard your lost soul. Compile all the creative madness in you and showcase them in Art Pro. It can be your very own website where you can share your Arts, upcoming projects in hand, tips and tricks to be the next Van Gogh. The artsy feeling of Art Pro WordPress theme will blow others mind and help you increase the hits with the magically beautiful theme. Design Pro – Probably the best Online Magazine WordPress theme for displaying your designs. It’s perfect for the new Designs like- Mockups, UI Kits, Designer’s Blog, Video Tutorials etc. You can even design your website the way you want because Design Pro is very much customize friendly. Clean and simple design of Design Pro is what makes it unique. Lifestyle Pro – Lifestyle Pro demo layout is perfect for modern, lifestyle, recipes, fashion, and architect bloggers, too. Your content needs to stand out, so the designers used layouts to highlight the content. The theme is stuffed with custom, and unique, widgets that will help to promote your content, and social media channels. Lifestyle is one of those niches where you never know what kind of content you are going to publish. It helps to have post types for video, images, sliding galleries, and even audio for podcasts you may be hosting.  While everyone else struggles with using external plugins, you have all those post types set and ready to go. Game Pro – Game Pro contains everything you will need in order to build an online gaming community. Whether you want to keep things small and create a space for you and your clan to chat or open your forums up to everyone. The theme includes plenty of customization options, including color and typography, and widget areas. It’s all upto you how you want to use your gaming online magazine. But it sure is an outstanding WordPress theme. Movie Pro – Movie Pro is a WordPress theme for all the movie fanatics out there. You can use Movie Pro as your very own Movie Reviews and a platform for people to give their precious criticism about the movies. It can be used as other different reasons too, like- movie streaming, download links etc. Its super modern design will do half your job in showing how rich the contents of the page are. Gadget Pro – To be fair, Gadget Pro is one of the best WordPress theme for the Gadgets in 2017. Share anything that is related to gadgets and IT by making Gadget Pro your own platform. Use it as you may to keep the surroundings updated about the latest technology evolution. Although the name might indicate that you have to maintain it in a technical manner, but it does not require any kind of coding or what so ever. Feel free to use this amazing WordPress theme as your own. Review Pro – Now a days, the world literally makes decisions based on reviews. So reviews kinda play a big role in our daily life. Review pro is focused on to make it easier for you to give your reviews and listen to others. Its design is very friendly for the eye. Now you don’t have to worry about some website deleting your precious review, because you will have your own website to do that! Podcast Pro – As we all love the idea of downloading all the desired files online, Podcast is probably the best way to do it. If you have a lot of things that you would like other people to have, you can start off by sharing some with Podcast Pro. It is designed in a very fancy manner to catch the eye of the seeker. It’s highly maintainable and the customization power of this theme is as awesome as the theme itself. Feature Overview WordPress Live Customizer – Make it Live ! Visual Composer Plugin Template Block Builder One Click Demo Importer 30+ Unique Demos 18+ Header Styles 20+ Sliders 4+ Footer Styles 30+ Shortcodes 10+ Custom Widgets 10+ Blog Single Styles Unlimited Color Option Advanced Typography Option Advanced Blog Layouts Youtube Video Playlist Custom Post Video Playlist Fully Responsive RTL Ready WMPL Ready Video Supported (Youtube, Wista, Vimeo, Custom MP4, DailyMotion) Advanced Review System WordPress Viral Quiz Plugin Yellow Pencil Plugin Social Jumbo Pack Post Formats (Standard, Audio, Video, Gallery, Quiz, Review, Quote) Unique Post Popup System Slider Content Feature – Make any shortcode as slider WooCommerce Ready Automatic Updates SEO Optimized Powerful Theme Option Unlimited Sidebars Custom Contact Form Retina Ready HD Video Tutorials Well Documented Credits DesignLazy Visual Composer Shutterstock
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templified · 5 years
Best WordPress Themes for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners | Templified
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Best WordPress Themes for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners
Hey there, welcome to our newest collection, the best WordPress themes for entrepreneurs!  It’s no surprise that WordPress is among the most popular platforms for building an online business. It’s so incredibly simple to use and there are tons of available WordPress themes that help you create a great-looking website with a relatively low-cost. In the old days, you would have to hire a theme developer or a web developer to create a custom website and that expense could really add up. These days, but cheap hosting plan, a great-looking template and a free copy of WordPress is all you need to get started. So, where to start when looking for a great-looking template for your business?
If you’re an entrepreneur who wants a great-looking website but doesn’t want to break the bank, we’ve got great looking collection of themes that you should have a look at it. These themes are very high-quality with outstanding designs and plenty of features. We chose and only the absolute best themes out there to help you get started building your business. Without further Ado, here they are, the best WordPress themes for entrepreneurs on the internet.
When it comes to running an online business, you’ll need a great website and this theme is delightfully feminine, great for a site catering to women’s products.  I think WordPress is the right choice when selecting a CMS to help make the process as easy and painless as possible.  Jevelin is a new WooCommerce theme that looks like a real winner.  We love the variety of transitions and animations you can add to create some style, the powerful variety of footer and header styles to.  Not to mention around forty shortcodes that you can use to add many features that will help you give a wonderful user experience for your readers.  The stunning parallax feature is a really nice touch too.
If you’re looking for a wooCommerce ready multi-purpose WordPress template that can act as an eCommerce solution while also providing for blogging and portfolio display, why not choose Jevelin?  Jevelin was built specifically to provide a wonderful user experience for both webmaster and end user, the front end is attactive and the back end is intuitive and well designed so you’ll find it easy to customize, even if you’re not a WordPress expert.  The design simply makes for an efficient and trouble-free blogging experience, making it ideal for showing off content from nearly any sort of category, niche or interest you may have.  The design is modern and balanced, well suited for businesses, creative pursuits or travel blogging.  Whatever you’re into, this theme can help sell it to your readers.  Jevelin is an full-featured and beautiful, user friendly and easy to use, responsive blogging theme that will absolutely be one of the best sellers in 2017. Why?  Well, thanks in large part to it’s bevy of features that really lend it to a wide variety of uses, from blogs to webshops, magazine and creative portfolio sites.  The sky’s the limit with Jevelin.
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ePix will exhibit your gorgeous content, and offer you a competitive edge. You can install it yourself, with no need to hire a web development business. With this theme, even a kid can create a money-making site. You’re guaranteed flexibility and excellent quality, thanks to the massive feature roll. If you need to expand your abilities, you may also include 3rd party addons. A site that aims for commercial success must consistently include multilingual support.  A properly created portfolio web page should always respect the high standards of its clients.   It’s incredibly important.  If you want to create an eye-catching portfolio, ePix may be the most suitable choice, particularly if you want to add WooCommerce functionality to sell products online. ePix is also likely to improve and enrich the websites of ambitious photographers, whether you’re a news photographer, a wedding portrait photographer or you create artistic photos and sell the prints online.
Artful is a theme that allows you to buy and sell products, whether tangible or digital products, since it integrates of the free and popular WooCommerce plugin. Site owners are now able to establish private online shops in order to increase their profit margin with just a few simple clicks.  There’s a wealth of information provided to help get you started and the features on this theme for those wishing to showcase their photographs are simply stunning. This theme was created by an elite, reputable author exclusively for Themeforest, and it was well received by the community too, thanks to the abundant features and attractive styling.
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WooCommerce is what makes Weston such a great theme for building an online shopping experience that’s unrivaled.  Weston uses Visual Composer to allow you to build a flexible and incredibly specific layout to suit any purpose.  Also, Weston includes the top slider plugin, Slider Revolution.  Weston is dynamic and powerful, it’s pretty simple to customize this site any way you want to, it’s well documented and well supported by ThemeTrust, it’s responsive to look fine on all size screens, there are optional video backgrounds, loads of portfolios and more.  For WordPress WooCommerce themes to work well, they need to be responsive and Weston is that, so it looks great on all devices.
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Brittany is a minimalist WooCommerce ready theme from CSSIgniter and I think it’s a well rounded, professional and simple solution if you’re looking to set up an online shop.  CSSIgniter is among the most well known theme-shops out there, their support is top notch and they really take pride in creating themes that are code-bloat free and easy to manage.
For fashion bloggers, lifestyle blogs and personal blogs, this theme is designed to work great on every device and with the bonus of supporting eCommerce, it’s no wonder this theme is so popular.  There are tons of premade layouts and with the drag and drop page builder that’s included, you can create a site that has every bit of content you could possibly need.  Social media integration is strong with Brittany too, just what you’d expect from a full featured blog template.
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Neto is one of those flexible WordPress WooCommerce Themes that are specially designed to support e-commerce functions for any kind of business. The theme is compatible with various WordPress business plugins like WooCommerce. It can also be used alongside theme builders to help create comprehensive product layouts and descriptions.
The Neto WordPress Theme is also highly customizable. It allows the use of shortcodes, widgets, and the ability to create unlimited templates. The theme boasts of access to appearance settings that allows changes to the overall color scheme without altering codes. It also allows users to personalize background images, logos, and even add a favicon.
Another business-friendly feature of the Neto theme is its easy integration with social media. With this, guests can easily share content on their profiles which, in effect, helps the business reach a wider audience. The theme is also specially optimized for optimum performance and to obtain higher ranks in search engines. It is also translation ready for the benefit of foreign guests.  The theme’s responsive design also allows access to different devices without sacrificing its functionality. It is both mobile friendly and retina ready to ensure quality display. Finally, Neto promises to deliver constant updates to ensure the theme’s compatibility with the latest versions of WordPress.
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Selecting the right high quality WooCommerce WordPress theme can be difficult, but if you pick the right one, it can really help you deliver a lasting first impression.  If you’ve come in search of a new Bootstrap 3.0+ Woo Commerce theme, Magfolio here maybe a great option.  GT Shortcodes are included and so is HTML5 and CSS3 code that is pure as fresh snow.  But you can’t make a snowman out of it.  Rest assured, your customers will really love their time on your page, and that’s because this cool theme has first-class  support and it’s got a thoughtful design too.  This simple to use, innovative, well made, pretty and extremely flexible theme helps you communicate with potential customers, grow your online business, advertise old items, market new merchandise and administer delivery and product stock and a lot more. This great looking WooCommerce theme is well built, functional, filled with creative features, very easy to use and beautiful, it’s adaptive, SEO-friendly and purely responsive, great for hair care products, publicity businesses, small online shops, computer or phone merchants or sports equipment merchants. A gorgeous WordPress WooCommerce theme with good features is a amazing way to go for your site, allowing you to spend more time on your products and less time fiddling with the website.
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Monaco is an enormously strong, substantial and committed, safe and sound, wide-ranging and widely appealing WordPress theme.  It’s stylish and enormously eye-catching, not to mention technically brainy and well made.  In terms of user experience, it’s very consumer and webmaster friendly, methodically crafted and aesthetically finished responsive.  This WordPress classic multi-concept, multi-purpose theme is a real winner. Monaco is an exquisite WP theme which has been painstakingly manufactured with the utmost care and attention to detail.  The result is a fantastic WooCommerce ready WordPress blog template that can help online businesses of any qualifications or ability to create their online presence.  You can perfectly and promptly establish the most fascinating, classy, functional and effortless vintage or retro style web sites.  Doesn’t even matter what genre you’re in, any objective or design looks fantastic. To make this dream a reality, Monaco is actually given an excellent listing of programs, capabilities, plugins and also resources which make internet site developing and web site configuration and construction very quickly.
From the included Visual Composer, the premier drag and drop page builder, to the refined Revolution Slider premium quality WordPress plugin, and genuine, extensive WooCommerce integration, this theme shines.  Monaco is a full-featured vintage or timeless designed WordPress blog theme, with single page and multipage options.  There are delightful Parallax areas for making a fantastic user experience along with the smoothest style and design.  Throw in the absolute most thorough documentation and support for you to make the most of Monaco from the start, you’ve got a theme that’s a real winner.
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Yaga is a modern and minimal, 100% responsive multi-purpose and beautiful WooCommerce WordPress theme packing lots of incredible features into a well designed premium theme.  Yaga is perfect for creating a memorable and pleasurable online shopping experience for your customers.  The simple, modern design puts the focus where you want it, on your products.  The website’s design is so elegant and clean, it is visible, but doesn’t call attention to itself. Yaga is powered by the PeHaa page-builder, that has twenty page element modules (more coming all the time by the way) and those allow you to order all your content just where you want it.  Your layouts have as much flexibility as you need and that’s page to page too, so every one of them can be different.  WooCommerce is an ideal way to sell your products online.  For beginners, it’s wonderful to be able to set up a website quickly, without having to learn a bunch of code.  That’s definitely the case for WooCommerce.  Now, it’s still completely customizable for the expert user, but for beginners, it’s easy enough to get cracking right out of the box.
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Great WordPress WooCommerce themes boast of highly customizable interface, one that can serve several purposes aside from the standard e-commerce shop, and Entrepreneur meets that standard. Turn off the cart, and it becomes a portfolio or an attractive blog that can support graphics without cluttering the layout. There’s even support for a testimonials page!
The default font selections are sleek and easily decipherable whether on a mobile screen or a full-sized display. The theme tends to favor medium-toned blocks of color accented by much lighter colored blocks to support texts and other objects. Even the black and white skin tends to keep its modern/romantic feel with the menu bar kept just barely opaque.
Unlike some WordPress WooCommerce themes, Entrepreneur’s structure itself is meant to highlight images, so displaying products is simple and easy. The results look effortless, clean, and expensive, whether products float in plain white backgrounds or colors slightly lighter or darker than the site background. (Pro-tip: Use colors in the same palette as the theme, as the thin fonts rely heavily on the relationships of tone and contrast.)
As for functionality, the theme is packed with features that make a site so easy to navigate. Perhaps most notable is the FAQ filtering, which is sure to make any text-heavy page much easier to digest.
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Shopkeeper is a finely constructed WooCommerce shopping theme which could also work for a portfolio page for your website, allowing you to blog about your products and, of course, for selling products.  Developing your web-page will be rapid and straightforward, since the theme itself is malleable enough to build a fresh WordPress based site that fits perfectly with your needs.  This fluid and responsive theme is designed with both admin and end user experience in mind.  The landing page option, as well as the ability to craft a perfect looking corporate or advertising agency page, personal or professional portfolio using the parallax features, full-width sliders and product pages.  Don’t worry, there are a lot of pre-built layouts for you to choose from if you don’t want to create one yourself.  The fact that the support is top-notch shouldn’t be ignored either.
Shopkeeper utilizes Visual Composer, a free plugin that lets you build very advanced layouts for pages, posts and even the homepage.  Want to switch things up?  Just drag and drop the elements where you want them to go.  No need for coding at all.  That’s pretty handy.  Revolution slider, which is included for free, will bring your readers an interesting and compelling introduction to your content.  Sliders like the Revolution slider really do add a level of professionalism and excellence that will help set your eCommerce theme apart from the crowd.  You’ll be taking orders and shipping them out with ease, manage your inventory and catalog all the goods and services you offer.  The header navigation can stick to the top too, which can be a good option.  If you need a new website, or just to update your old set-up, Shopkeeper may be the right choice.
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Jessica is a feminine styled WordPress WooCommerce theme that could be a wonderful fit for an online clothing boutique, for shoes, watches…I guess I could just keep naming products all day, it’s just a strong option all around. Jessica is a Genesis child theme, so it requires the Genesis Framework to work, but that’s a small price to pay for a theme with this style, this kind of stability and all the features you get.  Jessica is pre-styled for WooCommerce, but it works just as well for WP e-Commerce and iThemes exchange too, so you have the flexibility to use whatever shopping cart you’re most comfortable with.  Responsive design, multiple widget areas, a custom header, landing page included…Jessica has it all.
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Shop-ready and packed with features, Blaszok is a well-rounded addition to a library of WordPress WooCommerce themes. With twenty-five demos to choose from, it’s hard to fail at finding one that works for whatever purpose.
There’s a grid interface for displaying visual art (photographs, illustrations, etc.). It has more than one layout that features a screen-utilizing background for those who want to evoke a feeling of magnificence with simplicity (a design paradox, yes). Features another image-heavy spread that’s popular with e-magazines for its use of headlines and the simple technique of drawing the eye to featured articles with bigger pictures up top. Furthermore, there are traditional layouts with full-width banners and texts strategically placed for maximum predictability.
Specifically marketed as “the most advanced shopping theme,” WordPress WooCommerce themes such as Blaszok boasts of over a hundred features and improvements that their users requested. Thus, ensuring that the needs of e-commerce dependents are met. It’s easy to categorize the inventory in the back-end, but more importantly, customers will find it easy to navigate those categories as well.
Frames for images are designed to serve the hierarchy of attention—bigger images go to the cover, and only when a viewer is hooked is more text introduced. With smooth animation and video-ready banners, the Blaszok theme makes a website difficult to ignore.
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Phoenix is a full featured WordPress theme with WooCommerce, single or multi page layouts, Visual Composer and more.  It’s also got a handy built in ‘Coming Soon’ page, styled to match the rest of the site (with countdown timer!), so if you want a theme that allows you keep the same look and feel throughout your website’s rollout, Phoenix might be the one you need. For agencies unveiling their latest big project, creatives who are marketing a brand new product, single project websites going live, events, film or video presentations or something else where you want to build the anticipation and excitement, a coming soon page can be a great choice.  Phoenix is a wonderful one, particularly since you can be working on the back end while the front page still shows the countdown timer.
There are three pre-made home page layouts, though you can easily create more, since Visual Composer has been bundled with Phoenix.  This theme, built on the Bootstrap 3 framework, uses Isotope Portfolio filtering, is compatible with every major browser, includes a working contact form, packs in over 400 Font Awesome font icons, uses Google fonts for dynamic, fast loading and attractive typography.  With WooCommerce, you can even set up an online shop after your main site goes live.  That’s a lot of great features to offer for a coming soon page for WordPress.
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templified · 5 years
Best Multipurpose and Multi Concept WordPress Themes | Templified
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Best Multipurpose and Multi Concept WordPress Themes
This is our amazing collection of the best multipurpose and multiconcept WordPress themes, we know you’re going to love them.
Soledad he is one of those themes that can do a little bit of everything and do it very, very well. Soledad is Buddypress and bbPress compatible, offers WooCommerce for easy online shopping cart creation, the design is clean and it loads incredibly fast too. For all sorts of blogs from Fashion to travel, food to personal blogs and magazines, This modern and clean WordPress theme has so many features it’ll make your head spin.
Soledad comes with multiple demo styles and each one will make your content look amazing. For online magazines, this theme has several clean and professional layouts you can choose from. Soledad support accelerated mobile Pages, it’s SEO optimized and has tons of other tools to help your website succeed. With all the competition out there, that’s a key factor in your site’s success.  There are multiple portfolio layouts, blog layouts, header and footer options and Soledad is totally responsive so that it looks great on every screen size.
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This is Divi, the ultimate WordPress theme and visual page builder. This multipurpose, multi-use WordPress theme lets you create your website with an insanely fast drag and drop page builder. This can absolutely change the way you build your website. You just click and type, there’s no need to access the admin panel to change how your website looks. That’s responsive editing.
With 46 content elements, and plenty of pre-made layouts that ship with the Divi Builder, you’ll never run out of features or style options. There are elements for just about any occasion that come with the Divi WordPress theme. There are contact forms, filterable portfolios, image galleries, post navigation elements, video sliders, video backgrounds and multiple headers, just to name a few. You can create your own Divi layout and save it to your own personal Library, using them to save tons of time on future client projects. You’ll even be able to download and share designs from the Divi Builder Community. It’s a great feature and a wonderful resource for all web designers.
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Uncode is an incredibly creative multi-use, multipurpose theme for WordPress. Uncode was built to impress with its beautiful style and numerous features. This theme has been around for almost 3 years and it’s been downloaded nearly 40,000 times so far. It’s very highly rated and everyone who uses it seems to agree that it’s one of the best multipurpose themes out there.  With so many multipurpose WordPress themes to choose from, it’s nice to see one that’s so highly rated.
This responsive theme is great for creative agencies freelancers, magazines, eCommerce websites, corporate blogs and much more. Uncode loads up fast and looks great on all screen sizes, there are tons of modules to help you construct your site to look just like you want it to look and there’s even a customer showcase available on the developers website to show you what can be accomplished with the Uncode theme. Uncode offers fantastic support and documentation, so easy to use even a beginner will find it very simple to create an amazing looking website.
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Fildisi is a responsive business, corporate, creative portfolio and blog theme that can truly be called multipurpose. Fildisi offers you the ability to create an online shop with WooCommerce, build an amazing and clean looking WordPress blog, lets you showcase your images or videos and a creative portfolio environment. There are multiple blog and portfolio layouts to choose from tip, so you can find the exact look your website needs. Fildisi is optimized for fast page load times, there are tons of custom options to choose from to make sure your website looks precisely like you want it to look. Fildisi offers automatic updates so your theme will always be completely up to date. Fildisi’s author is highly rated, and Fildisi itself sports a perfect five star rating on ThemeForest. Impressive.
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Amio is it clean and minimal multipurpose WordPress portfolio theme that’s great for any type of business or organization. Amio focuses on showcasing all of your work with a very clean, modern style. That lets your projects or products stand out from the crowd. Amio is responsive, perfect for creative agencies, businesses, corporate websites as well as creative site for freelancers or other designers. Amio is neatly designed, there’s a page builder option available so you can drag-and-drop your way into a new style for your website. This theme is incredibly useful, versatile and flexible. With Amio you can set up an online shop with WooCommerce, and it only takes a few minutes to get started. Built on the Redux framework, Amio is one of the better multipurpose themes I’ve seen in a long long time.  For more amazing minimal WordPress themes, check out our collection.
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Creative themes like Kalium are great for all kinds of professionals and businesses too. Kalium is a very very popular WordPress name with well over 20,000 downloads. It’s also got a 4.93 rating on themeforest, one of the best in the market. Kalium works perfectly with WooCommerce so you can set up an online shop, the clean and modern design helps to frame your content to deliver a great user experience.
There are plenty of pre-made demo concepts included. Whether you are running a restaurant, a fashion shop, a fitness website, and online store or a personal Blog, Kalium has a style that will fit what you need. Kalium includes many premium plugins that add value to your purchase, this theme has been nominated for multiple awards for its design and code quality. Kalium is a multipurpose theme that works for any type of business and can really help elevate your website.
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This theme is called motive. Motive is a modern, clean and advanced WordPress theme that’s the perfect blend of blog, portfolio and business website. That’s why I’ve included it in this collection of multipurpose themes. Motive allows for parallax backgrounds, a multiple post formats like video, audio, quote and of course standard post types. You can have featured images, video and audio in any post, there are custom widgets and shortcuts, a contact form builder and a whole lot more.
All of this built on the latest version of the Tesla framework. With a modern and clean design and tons of features, this WordPress theme can work for nearly any type of business or blog. Social media is always important, so Tesla Themes has made sure social integration is fast and easy with this theme.  Here’s a collection of WordPress video themes that may interest you.
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Oshine is a super popular, creative WordPress theme that has hundreds of pre-made sample pages to choose from. Oshine has a demo for just about any type of website you could possibly want to build. Whether you’re a photographer, an architect, you run a business or online shop, or you just want to blog about your daily life, Oshine has a demo that you might want to look at. This clean, creative and modern theme has one page and multi-page options, it’s professional and responsive and it’s design and it’s been downloaded 20,000 times on ThemeForest, which attests to its popularity.
There are six blog styles to choose from, there is a one-page website option, one click demo import to get set up fast, you can add video backgrounds to any post or page, Oshine offers Parallax or full-screen sections, and this theme is so cleanly coded it loads incredibly fast. That’s great for SEO.  This is absolutely among the very best multi-purpose themes around.  More cool business WordPress themes can be found here.
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Elegance Pro
Elegance Pro is a daring and versatile WordPress blog and eCommerce theme. Built on the Genesis framework, Elegance Pro is very easy to tweak in terms of design and style. Elegance Pro offers a customizable header, custom page templates, widget areas to add functionality and it is completely mobile-friendly. The Genesis framework is amazing. Themes that use the Genesis framework all load fast, look great on all devices and are incredibly stable. The Genesis framework is probably the best framework for WordPress. I think that with Elegance Pro theme you can build just about any type of website you could imagine.
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Studio 8
Studio 8 is a creative multi-purpose WordPress theme that has a stunning and modern design. This cool and Innovative theme is a contemporary blend of state-of-the-art code, stylish design and classic features. It’s Cutting Edge, but Timeless. Up-to-the-minute and grounded in reality. I think that this could be one of my favorite WordPress Studio themes out there. If you’ve been looking for a multi-purpose team that can act as a Blog, shop and portfolio for your creative work, Studio 8 might be what you’ve been looking for. It’s flexible and elegant, put your best foot forward while introducing your work to the world.
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Nouveau  is the name of this WordPress theme and it’s modern and elegant, multipurpose and responsive, it’s great for creative and business websites alike. Nouveau offers an unlimited combination of header and footer layouts, title area styles, mega menu, side menus and plenty of short codes. This theme has a powerful, flexible set of theme options which include a page builder plugin, you can create any type of website you want with this incredible WordPress theme. Nouveau  has parallax image and video sliders, you can choose between the fixed or sticky header. Woocommerce integration is a key to this WordPress theme being on our list of the best multipurpose teams around. Nouveau offers multiple portfolio pages and single project layouts, plenty of different blog post lists and single blog post layouts and it’s all very easy to use.
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Zelle Pro
Zerif Pro is a flexible, magnificent looking and alluring WordPress one page theme. Zerif Pro offers tons of great features to help your website succeed. Some of the valuable tools included with Zerif Pro include WooCommerce, full compatibility with all the various delightful and Grand page builder plugins. It’s always ideal when a website can work in any language and zeref pro does just that, it’s translation and RTL ready. Another beneficial thing about Zerif Pro, it’s totally SEO friendly and optimized for Speed. So this isn’t just a good-looking WordPress theme, it’s got tons of features under the hood that make it work for just about any kind of website. No matter what business you’re in, is there a pro could be a great theme for you.
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The Agency
There are plenty of facets to this WordPress theme that make it a creative and modern design that can work for just about any sort of company. This flexible and highly useful theme is a fine example of a multipurpose blog, portfolio and e-commerce website. It’s classy and bewitching at the same time, you can showcase your wonderful creations with a very attractive layout. SImple is better sometimes and with The Agency, you get a simple design that gives maximum impact to your posts, images and products.
In terms of performance, the agency is responsive and extremely fast loading, it supports multiple languages so you can extend your reach around the world, the code is pristine, the agency is very easy to install and the support is quick, professional and top-notch. The agency does a great job of integrating social media, nearly everything in the theme can be adjusted to suit your businesses style.
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Anemos has a modern, multipurpose design that puts a lot of focus on your content, which is where the focus belongs.  This theme never forgets the importance of delivering a great user experience and that’s what this theme is all about.
This is a multi-purpose blogging theme with a clean, modern design, tons of different features and quite a number of the inspired blog Styles. Any personal blogger who checks this theme is going to find a lot going for it. You get a drag-and-drop page builder one click dummy data import, full translation files for multilingual use and a user-friendly color customizer just to name a few of the options. Whether you want us full screen or box layout, this responsive and SEO optimized theme allows for it. You get an outstanding support for this lightweight, premium do you spell logging theme for WordPress. It’s a powerful and user-friendly environment for creating engaging, memorable content.
  We’re always on the hunt for more great personal blog themes, so please check out that full collection to see if anything strikes your fancy.  We’ve really looking to strike fancies, it’s basically all we’re about.  Striking everyone’s fancy can be a challenge, since everyone’s fancy is different.  Everyone’s fancy is slightly different in shape, slightly different location.  Hey, you can’t even see people’s fancies.  They’re invisible.  So, striking it, that’s difficult.  Are we still talking about WordPress themes?  If so, you definitely should check out that collection, it’s a fantastic resource and I really hope to grow it even bigger in the future.
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Revolution is an incredibly full featured WordPress theme that has so many different theme demo styles, I had to include it in this collection of multipurpose themes.  Revolution has a perfect 5 star rating on ThemeForest, it’s got over 2 dozen different demos, running the gamut from video portfolio to product landing page, medical and healthcare to corporate law firm styles, fitness to web hosting, eCommerce to music.  There’s even a cryptocurrency demo, which seems to be a trend recently.  There are demo sites for architecture, restaurants, business consulting and plenty more.  Flexible, user friendly, SEO optimized and well supported, what more could you ask for?  This really is an all around WordPress theme that you can get behind and considering that perfect rating, I recommend it whole-heartedly.
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If you’re looking for a quality WordPress blog theme that is truly multi-purpose, I think that you should consider Authentic. Authentic has a clean design and that’s just the beginning of why I recommend this theme. This template has been proven to be among the most popular themes around, it’s been downloaded well over 3000 times and sports and nearly perfect 4.96 rating on ThemeForest. There are nine different theme demo styles and one click demo switcher to help you establish your site quickly. For lifestyle and personal blogs, eCommerce and business, this template has all the flexibility and features you need to develop a winning website. Optimized for speed and full of smart and adaptive images, the Authentic WordPress theme has tons of style that’s only matched by its incredible level of features.
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The Jupiter WordPress theme has been sold over 100,000 times making it one of the most popular options on the market today. The reason for its popularity is obvious. With 25 different pre-built page layouts and a developer who adds more regularly, it is ultimately customizable and easy to use. These templates offer quick web page building for creative professionals, tech agencies, e-commerce sites and anyone building a site around the education, health or food topics. The overall feel is of stylish minimalism with careful attention to quality typography and a sufficient amount of white space between content and style elements.
If you prefer to create a unique website without using a premade page, Jupiter offers these simple to use drag and drop Visual Composer and a plethora of other plug-ins to help. These include the Layer, iCarousel and Revolution sliders, a unique header customization panel, over 1800 icons, 10 copy and paste shortcodes and various blog post layouts. Despite all of these advanced features, sites built with the Jupiter WordPress theme scored 93 out of 100 on a technical speed test. That means your site visitors will never have to wait to get the content they want if you build your website with the Jupiter WP theme.
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The Rex
If you’re looking for a high-quality blog or magazine theme to update your old website, or you are starting up a brand new online magazine, this theme should be one that you have a look at. This is a high-quality template that has an integrated page builder included, that allows you to have incredible flexibility in terms of building your website. If you have a magazine where you occasionally review products or Services, you’re in luck. This multipurpose template offers a built-in reviews feature, letting you share product reviews with your visitors and ranking them with numerical ratings or star ratings. Speaking of stars, this theme has scored a perfect five star rating on ThemeForest. That makes it one of the most popular and well-loved magazine themes to come around over the last few years. In fact, I believe this is the highest rated magazine theme out there. Considering all the features and functionality, the flexibility and the cool design, I think this theme could be perfect for your magazine
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eFarm is an Innovative WordPress theme design with a modern sense of style and it’s got a trendy user interface design. This helps deliver a great user experience, one that modern web folk are going to really enjoy. This theme was based on the Redux a framework, a powerful and robust admin panel is included and so are plenty of popular plugins like visual composer, ultimate add-ons for visual composer, slider revolution, WPML, Mega menu, Ajax search and Ajax product filter. So, you can see, this meme is a full-featured eCommerce template that makes selling organic produce, fresh fruits, seeds, plants or vegetables incredibly simple task. Well, nothing is ever simple. Hopefully you don’t get to hacked like I seem to constantly.
I’m so annoyed by hackers. What do they got, a couple of backlinks for a couple of days until I discover it and then I have to spend hours fixing there damaged? Is that really worth it? I guess it would have to be, otherwise they wouldn’t do it.
Anyway, this is a flexible in modern WordPress theme that I think has all the features needed to make a great eCommerce site.
If this theme is not quite right for your needs, we have gathered up quite a number of eCommerce themes that might be of interest to you. There are thousands of different eCommerce themes available on the market today, selecting the right one can be an arduous process. We hoped you shorten the time it takes to pick a great Theme by gathering up high-quality templates and reviewing them in our theme collections. Our collection of Ecommerce themes is one of the biggest out there, we have found dozens of outstanding themes that are highly rated and easy to use, Easy to customize and they all have fantastic features. We’ve tried our very best to make sure that these themes are well-supported and well-documented, the code is clean and the features are plentiful. Similar to eCommerce themes, our WooCommerce collection is another great resource for helping you build an online shop. There may be some overlap in these collections, but I think that both of them could be handy for helping you craft a successful online shop.
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Massive Dynamic
Theme is called massive Dynamic and it is among my favorite WordPress themes available on Marketplace today. Why? Well, a lot of it has to do with the massive amount of features the offers. It’s also got dozens and dozens of different styles to choose from, so it is truly a multi-purpose WordPress the m in terms of features and style. That’s what has drawn me to it and I think that I’m clearly not alone. Massive Dynamic is among the most popular WordPress themes available on a theme forest and its popularity simply keeps on growing each and every day. Massive Dynamic is a website builder at its heart, but it’s so much more than that. There are over 70 different web templates to choose from, each one can be installed with just a few clicks to quickly get you on the road to building an amazing website. This team has been sold over 16,000 times and it shows no signs of slowing down. There are video tutorials, fast and friendly support and unlimited layouts. The result, a truly high-quality WordPress theme that can work for just about any purpose.
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templified · 5 years
Best WordPress Minimalist Themes for Clean, Simple, Modern Websites | Templified
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Best WordPress Minimalist Themes for Clean, Simple, Modern Websites
We’ve got a great looking collection of the absolute best WordPress minimalist themes.  Minimalistic WordPress themes are a great way to present your content.  The simpler the better, right?  These themes provide a really great backdrop for your content, making everything on the page as clean as can be, as straightforward and modern, making for a distraction free presentation.  We’ve tried to gather up a huge amount of themes that have a great looking style, plenty of white space and a lot of features.  In terms of the functionality, you’re going to get a theme that’s flexible and dynamic, packed with super-friendly tools for fine-tuning your posts and pages.
We’re really into minimalist WordPress themes, because they’re bold. They’re exciting and engaging. They don’t have a lot of extra junk that distract from the content. Content is what it’s all about. A minimal theme works wonders to frame your content and show it in the best possible light.
This bunch of minimalist WordPress blog themes can’t be beaten.  We’ve gathered up as many clean, crisp and clearly built blog themes.  With a minimalist design, your content will definitely be the star of the show.  For many bloggers, the website’s design isn’t as important as other aspects like navigation and layout.  That’s where themes like these can come in handy.  These themes present content as the most important thing on any page, they’re never distracting and you’ll be able to build some amazing blogs with them.
Oregon, Free, Minimalist WordPress Theme by Templified
Here’s something a little different. Oregon is a free, premium quality WordPress theme you can download for no cost.  How nice is that?  This is our first free WordPress theme, but it’s got plenty of features.  Oregon is easy to install. It allows you to create a nice layout on any device. Oregon is also WooCommerce ready to sell products in your very own online store.  Grab a copy today and let us know what you think about it in the comments section.
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Divi, Premium, Minimal Drag and Drop Page Builder
Divi is a clean, simple WordPress template. Divi has tons of features, it’s flexible and dynamic, great for beginners and experts alike.  Divi has one of the largest support communities around.  That’s because it’s one of the most popular and widely used themes. If there are any issues using Divi, you’ll be able to get help from the Developer. That’s Elegant Themes one of the best developers around. You can also get help from any of the million or so other folks who use Divi on a daily basis.  That’s pretty cool.
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Elegance Pro, Minimalist Genesis Framework Blog Theme
Elegance Pro is a Genesis Framework theme. It has a minimal style theme that can provide a clean, simple platform for your content.  Elegance Pro is also a fast loading theme. Elegance Pro offers a refined and polished display. It’s graceful and sophisticated in equal measure.  The presentation is airy and light, but the images are quite important. They’re big and attractive, providing a great user experience.  It’s the perfect balance between clean, minimalist style and a modern, bold look. It’s delightful for your posts and pages.  With Elegance Pro, you get several custom made templates for building your website.  The headers are customizable and there are multiple widgetized areas. The theme customizer is a great way to craft a site that looks unique. Elegance Pro has all the features your minimalist website needs.
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Pheromone, Full Screen, Minimalist Portfolio Theme
Pheromone is one of the best minimalist WordPress themes around. Pheromone has a clean style and loads of amazing features.  This is a creative, multiconcept theme that fully supports WooCommerce. Pheromone boasts of a perfect 5 star rating on ThemeForest and it’s very user friendly too.  With Pheromone, establishing a great looking website is going to come pretty easy. Use any of the 20 different home page styles and choose from a variety of portfolio layouts as well.
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Suarez, Minimal Personal Blog Theme for WP
Suarez is a personal blog theme with a simple, responsive design. Suarez is a theme that can make your content shine like never before.  With all of the themes created by Tesla Themes, you get a robust theme options panel. Suarez also has a thick set of documentation and a lot of helpful support. Setting up and customizing your website is going to be very simple.  Suarez has bloggers in mind and it shows on every page.  The layout is clear, clean and concise, it’s modern and has a professionally written code base.  These days, your readers and the search engines are pretty much equally important. So I think this theme is a solid balance between the two needs of any blog.
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Arnold, Clean, Modern, Minimal Blogging Theme
Arnold is a modern WordPress theme. It’s a theme with loads of creative potential for blogs and portfolios.  The navigation is incredibly clean and well organized too. Every page has a lot of white space and that can make your posts stand out even more. With Arnold, you have plenty of customization options and they’re very easy to use. With a beautiful, flat style, you’ll have everything that any creative agency or freelancer needs to craft an amazing website.
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Incanto, Minimalist WordPress Blog and eCommerce Theme
Simple, clean websites like Incanto are a wonderful way to make sure your content takes center stage at all times. Incanto offers both single page and multi page layouts. For a variety of niches, this theme gives you a great, clean look. With support for Visual Composer, you’ll have a wonderful tool for building any type of layout. Incanto is WooCommerce ready for building an online shop. It’s user friendly and very easy to customize. Any business or creative can use Incanto to deliver an awesome experience.
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Zarja, Minimalist, Feminine WordPress Blog Theme
Zarja is a clean, professional blogging theme. Zarja has a unique, alluring minimal design. That helps make sure visitors to your website can get the most out of your content every time. Zarja is a modern WordPress blogging theme. It’s got that feminine style, but it’s clean and simple as well. The light and bright design is crisp and presents your writing in a very calm manner. Zarja is very flexible too. There are three demos included and each one can be adjusted to fit your needs.
If you want your website to stand out as a paragon of simple yet elegant aesthetics, high-tech capabilities, and feature-rich usability, the Zarja WordPress theme may be the right solution for you. It offers flexible design options, eye-catching animated graphic, fast load times, the utmost in reliability, and 100% responsive layout style that makes your site show up perfectly on any size screen or monitor. The WP theme helps you build an outstanding web page for any industry, niche, or purpose that will impress even the most web savvy visitor. No coding knowledge necessary with the user-friendly admin interface.
No matter how new you are to the world of website creation, you can use Zarja’s innate qualities to create a smooth and attractive blog websites. Multiple types of post template allow you to showcase your content in ways that augment the reader experience. This WP theme offers plenty of widget options, copy and paste shortcodes, and other content and feature blocks that can be included on any page. It even offers an Instagram-style element with extra configuration options. Choose the Zarja WordPress theme for a professional, stunningly stylish, and highly adaptable website.
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Zeen, Clean, Simple Magazine WordPress Theme
Zeen is a classic, simple style blog that has a load of features, a modern, premium style and it’s very flexible. The developer bills Zeen as a next generation magazine theme. It claims to be unlike anything else on the market. With Zeen, you can quickly and efficiently install and customize your website. For blogs, newspapers, reviews sites and even eCommerce shops. Zeen has the flexibility to make a great impression on all your visitors.
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Eris, Minimal WordPress Blog Theme
Eris is a creative WordPress portfolio and blog, it’s well designed and full of features that help to make it a really user-friendly, professional web template.
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Blissard, Minimalist WordPress Writer’s Theme
Blissard is a clean, plain and straightforward blog theme that can work wonders for presenting your blog posts.  The layout is clean, lots of white space and with integration with all the most popular social media networks, you’ll be able to keep in touch with readers all over the world.
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Blance, WooCommerce WordPress Minimalist Theme
Blance is a smooth operating WordPress theme that’s got WooCommerce support, plenty of pre-made designs and loads of features to make it one of the best premium quality, minimal and multipurpose themes ever made.
Here are a whole bunch more WooCommerce WordPress themes to check out if you’re looking at setting up an online shop.
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Norway, Minimalist WordPress Lifestyle Blog Theme
Norway has a clean, well designed style, it’s uncluttered and presents images and text with a load of style, making sure your posts take the center stage.  If you’re scouting for a slick, modern, minimalist theme for your WordPress blog, Norway is a very good choice.  Norway can do it all and look great in the process. The theme sports a clean, elegant and minimalist style similar to intimate journals and notebooks, so you know it’s going to be a wonderful minimalist personal blog theme. It’s a good companion for passionate writers and artists who want to feel inspired and refreshed.
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Soledad, Minimalist WordPress Magazine Theme
Soledad is a clean, modern and minimal WordPress magazine and blog theme with a lot of different pre-made designs to choose from, giving you a lot of different choices to build a successful website.  Since Soledad is among the most popular minimal themes, the developer has had the ability to keep this one up to date.  That means it looks great on all devices, even with the most recent versions of WordPress.  It supports all the newest features and pretty much any premium plugin you might want to use.
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Kleanity, WordPress Minimalist Portfolio and Blog Theme
Kleanity is a minimalistic WordPress theme with a lot of white space, a modern design and a full list of features that mean your content can be presented in a simple, attractive way.  Kleanity works hand in hand with WooCommerce to help you create a simple, attractive online shop.  Doesn’t matter what you’re selling, Kleanity does the job of presenting products in a professional way.  Kleanity is great for any creative company or individual who wants an amazing, high performance website.
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Aperitive, WordPress Minimalist Restaurant Theme
Aperitive is a simple style blog theme, it’s one of the better minimal WordPress templates for food blogs, for restaurants and for general purpose bloggers.  In the digital age where almost everybody has access to the internet, it is difficult to stand out as a blogger. Everyone in the world has an opinion and a story; why should people listen to you specifically? Your blog’s theme will set you apart from the sea of other bloggers in the world. I think Aperitive is that kind of theme.  Your website must be clean, light on the eyes, easy to use, and most importantly, fully functional. Aperitive provides all of these benefits and makes blogging fun and easy. When using it, all you have to worry about is your writing. The layout and design are all figured out.
Aperitive Pro is a Genesis framework child theme that’s got a simple layout and bold typography to make sure folks can see what you have to offer.  Blogging?  Restaurants?  Creative designs?  It’s all going to look fantastic on Aperitive.  Combining a simple design with the sheer number of features that Aperitive offers was no easy task, but Themes Kingdom has pulled it off.  The two block style is relatively new, but I’ve seen it on a handful of websites lately.  Aperitive is one of the better simple but typography driven themes around.
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Shutter, Multipurpose Minimalist Portfolio Theme
Shutter is a clean, minimal WordPress theme that’s got several pre-designed templates to choose from, ideal for portfolios and blogs, great for images and written content. Shutter is a portfolio with five great minimal style layouts that you can select from.  I’ve shown the ‘Edward Weston’ style, which I think is particularly nice.  Shutter is completely responsive. It’s mobile friendly, so photographers, photobloggers, designers or creative studios can attract traffic. It works just as well on mobile devices and desktops.  There are tons of features and options available. This helps to create a completely custom look for your website. 
Stylish and versatile, that’s what Shutter is all about.  I mentioned that there are five pre-designed layouts. But you can also change up colors, fonts and more with Shutter.  Shutter works with any language too. The intuitive visual page builder allows for an infinite amount of variety. Your posts and pages can look just like you want them to look.  One click demo data import helps get you up and running quickly. And don’t worry if you don’t know how to code. Everything is easily accomplished in the user-friendly admin panel.
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Eames, Clean, Classic WordPress Minimalist Theme
Eames is a classic, mid century modern style WordPress theme that makes your images practically leap off the page, but it does a great job with text as well.  With a theme as simple to look at as Eames, you might think that it doesn’t pack in all the features you’d like a theme to have, but this one definitely has a lot going for it.  Besides the full responsive design, Eames works with WooCommerce to allow you to create an online shop, it’s got a really nice portfolio layout and it works with all the popular SEO plugins to help you rank.  That’s what it’s all about!
Recently updated, Eames is still a stylish minimalist WordPress theme but now, it’s got even more features than ever before.  Eames combines an attractive, simple and clean style with all the modern amenities you could want in a WordPress theme.  Eames is WooCommerce compatible for setting up an eCommerce site.  You’ve got perfect integration with all your social media networks, the sidebar is fully widgetized for adding features and functionality. The amount of features in this minimalist WordPress theme is pretty incredible.
Google fonts powers the typography of Eames and Google are constantly adding new font choices, so your typography is going to look fantastic.  Eames allows you to upload HiDPI logos, the images are retina display ready.  If you want a truly minimalist theme with slim and trim style, yet all the features you would see in a bigger theme, this one might be right for you.
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Inverto, Black and White WordPress Theme
Inverto is a modern, clean portfolio theme with a black and white style, it’s super simple and for building highly successful blog sites, it’s a fantastic choice.  Inverto has built in support for WooCommerce and the shop, cart and checkout pages are all highly optimized.  Inverto includes WP Bakery’s page builder to let you create any sort of layout you can imagine.  Despite being about 4 years old, the code has been constantly updated, meaning this theme loads fast and it’s compatible with the latest versions of WordPress.
Inverto is a clean and modern WordPress portfolio theme that boasts of a very high rating on ThemeForest, 4.86 stars out of 5 so far. This simple, modern and minimalist theme uses a limited color palette of Black and White to present your creations in a very attractive frame. This responsive and well-documented theme can highlight just about any sort of project that you may have created. The same is great for designers, freelancers, agencies and photographers. If you want fully responsive WordPress theme that has multiple animation styles, advanced color options, plenty of side bars and widgets then the same might be the one you’ve been looking for. With outstanding support and theme documentation, Inverto is a very high-quality theme that almost anyone will find simple-to-use.  Again, I think this theme is a real winner.
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Noemi, Simple, Plain WordPress Blog Theme
Noemi is a WordPress theme that offers a really dynamic, simple and minimalistic display for all types of blogs and businesses.
This Noemi WordPress theme is one incredibly clean example of what a modern lifestyle blog or magazine can do to elevate your content. Noemi also works as a personal blog, a travel blog or perhaps even a recipe blog. No matter what you’re into, the clean style of this eCommerce ready WordPress theme lends itself to any sort of purpose.
This template offers 10 separate blog layouts, so if you’re a connoisseur of gorgeous design and flexible functionality, this theme offers a lot.
There are multiple post layouts that are all clean and a little different. You get plenty of header options to get all the important information up top where it belongs. There are featured posts that concentrate your readers attention on the post that you think are most important, the ones that get the most traffic. You get featured categories, a pair of different footer options and access to hundreds of Google fonts with this template. Noemi has a perfect five star rating on themeforest, which is a testament to just how high a quality a WordPress this is.  Sure, there are other 5 star themes, but ones this clean?  That’s hard to come by.
There are Advanced theme options, this template is easy to set up and use, there is a ton of documentation that goes along with the Noemi WordPress theme and the fast and reliable support is always helpful if you happen to run into troubles. 4 beautiful blogs, a pure and clean experience and a flexible, user-friendly design, Noemi is one of the best options I’ve seen yet.
If you’d like to see some more beautiful fashion blogs, we’ve just released a big collection with whole bunch of amazing looking stuff. We only select the absolute best WordPress themes, so if you see it in that collection, it’s a high quality and highly functional theme.  These WordPress fashion blogs are great for any sort of apparel.
If you’d like to see some more cool looking magazine themes for WordPress, we’ve got a collection of amazing stuff there too. These WordPress magazine themes can be good for travel magazines, lifestyle magazines, fashion or trend magazines and a whole lot more. Some more very sleek and minimalist like the Naomi theme, and some have a lot more features and bells and whistles. Let us know what you think about that collection and will try to keep finding more amazing themes and Future.
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Roua, Clean, Minimal Portfolio Theme for WordPress
Roua is a minimal WordPress theme and while it has a relatively plain design, it offers all the features you could want or need in one place.
Roua is an incredibly simple looking theme, but looks can be deceiving.  While this theme does have a real classic, minimal style, it’s still filled to the top with amazing features.  So, the tools you have to work with are anything but plain.  This theme was made from the ground up to work perfectly on mobile devices, which is something that all theme developers really ought to do, but some choose to ignore that design choice.  I think that’s a mistake, personally.  Roua was also coded to perfection with the latest Bootstrap code, it’s WooCommerce ready with several lovely shopping cart options, you can include Revolution Slider on every page of the site, the theme supports auto updates with the official Envato plugin, which is a nice feature.  That can help your site’s security measures, ensuring any bug fixes are automatically uploaded to your website.  Roua’s recent updates also mean this theme loads up faster than ever, which provides a nice amount of SEO benefits.  So, if you’re looking for a simple, modern and minimal theme, Roua is one to consider.
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Amio, eCommerce, Blog and Portfolio Theme for Minimal Sites
Amio is a personal blog and portfolio theme that gives your content a spotlight, making sure readers sit up at attention when they come to your website.
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Revoke2, Minimalist WordPress Business Theme
Revoke 2 is a revamped WordPress theme that’s great for businesses that need a really simple presentation for all sorts of informational content.
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Awesome, Full Screen, Minimal Portfolio Gallery
Awesome is a minimal photography portfolio theme that gives your photography content that little boost it might need to get all the attention it deserves.
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Underwood, Minimal WordPress Lifestyle Blog Theme
Underwood is a theme that proves that minimal WordPress themes can be bold, never boring and they can present your content in a really pleasing way.
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Collecto, Minimalist WordPress Magazine Theme
Collecto is a magazine inspired, minimalist theme that has great looking typography, it presents your images in a beautiful way and it’s really user friendly as well.
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Eero, Minimal Blog, Portfolio and Shop Theme
Eero is a clean, presentable portfolio, eCommerce and blog theme, it’s one of the simplest WordPress themes ever to use and it’s highly flexible, no matter what kind of content you create.
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Moment, Clean, Modern, Simple Magazine Theme
Moment is a WordPress minimal magazine theme, it has just what it takes to make your stories shine, giving them a much deserved moment in the sun, thanks to a creative layout and excellent features.
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Brittany, WordPress Minimal Lifestyle Blog Template
Brittany is a well organized lifestyle blog theme that’s packed with features, it’s easy to use and it presents your posts with a responsive, modern style that’s a real attention getter.  I love the grid layout, it makes your posts jump off the screen.
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Beatrix, Hand Crafted WordPress Minimal Blogging Theme
Beatrix is a premium quality WordPress blog theme, it’s one of the best looking sites for handmade goods, crafts, for selling products and for blogging.
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Amadeus, Beautiful, Fast Loading Blogging Theme
Amadeus is a modern, minimal WordPress blog theme that helps introduce your content to the world with a classy style and loads of features.
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Cre8or, Minimal Portfolio Template for WordPress
Cre8or is a unique, clean and simple WordPress template that was designed to take your projects and present them with no distractions or clutter.
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Milo, Premium, Simple WordPress Blog Theme
Milo is a modern, minimal WordPress blog, eCommerce and portfolio theme that blends user-friendly, flexible features with an ultra clean design.  This theme is definitely simple, that much is obvious just from looking at it.  But Milo has enough features to keep anybody happy.  With all of the different plugins that work with Milo, it’s ultimately extendable as well.
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No Sidebar Pro, Simple, Modern WordPress Theme
No Sidebar Pro is a very simple theme, it’s modern and presents blog posts with a unique design and loads of features that help make your content the star of the show.  Just like it sounds, this theme was designed to work with no sidebar, leaving more room for the important content.  Of course, a lot of themes have optional sidebars, but many of those themes don’t have a dedicated design for those no sidebar layouts.
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Monochrome Pro, Black and White WordPress Theme
Monochrome Pro presents your posts and pages with an unparalleled style, it’s got tons of features and it’s a flexible template for all kinds of creative businesses and websites.  If you’re looking for a WordPress theme with black and white style, Monochrome Pro is a fine option.  The result is a distraction free website for anybody who wants to create memorable content.
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Maav, Modern, Unique, Clean Business Theme
Maav is a clean, modern, minimal portfolio theme that makes for a great website for all kinds of creative businesses.
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Simply Pro, WordPress Premium Blog Theme
Simply Pro is a high quality, minimal blog theme that makes your readers pay attention to everything on the page, since there are no distractions to get in the way of your content.
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Dorsey, Minimal WordPress Blog Theme
Dorsey is a very simple, incredibly clear and well made WordPress blog theme that does a fabulous job of making sure your readers get a great experience with all of your pages and posts.
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Mona, Minimalist MultiPurpose WordPress Theme
Mona has a steady design, a wide range of features and it also offers a modern style that’s great for making sure your content receives the attention it deserves.
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Beautiful Pro, Gorgeous WordPress Minimal Blog
Beautiful Pro is a Genesis Framework theme with minimal design, but it allows for a lot of flexibility and functionality, thanks to widgetized areas that can be adapted to fit all of your needs.
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Eclecticon, Clean, Simple, Modern Blog Theme
Eclecticon is a multipurpose, minimal theme for WordPress, it has a few little design flourishes, but it makes sure your content is never overshadowed by the design.
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Hardy, Premium, User Friendly WordPress Theme
Hardy is a premium quality theme with a clean, simple look and loads of features, placing your portfolio projects front and center for the world to see and take note of.  A minimalistic but fully responsive WordPress theme, Hardy is designed specifically to bring the attention that your best pieces of work deserve. You have sizeable, customizable areas on the homepage that you can use for this purpose.
With Hardy, you have access to the free shortcodes plugin that you can use to create engaging slideshows and eye-catching toggles, tabs, buttons, and columns. The theme also comes with various choices that can help provide your website with a distinct look. These include options to customize your CSS, set your logos and colors, and many others.
Regardless of the screen size of the device used to view your website, you can be sure that it will look as dazzling as you want it to be because of Hardy’s responsive layout. Likewise, you have the choice to translate the theme into the particular language you prefer through the localization support available.
There is a wide array of Google fonts available for you to choose the appropriate font for your typography. Likewise, your portfolio projects will look more engaging through the built-in filtering animations and hover effects. Likewise, you can easily embed videos from various sites like YouTube and Vimeo.
Contact forms are necessary to provide your visitors with a way to leave feedback and comments. Hardy is fully compatible with the widely-used Contact Form 7 plugin that you can use to come up with your own contact page.
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Ariva, Minimalist Genesis Framework Theme
Arriva is a very simple, text based web template that’s a really nice solution for bloggers who don’t need to make heavy use of images, but who want to deliver a great user experience at the same time.
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Flexible, Minimal Blogging WordPress Theme
Flexible is a classic WordPress design portfolio and blog theme that has a clean, crisp, sleek design, but also gives you access to a wide variety ot tools to help make your website successful.
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Minicon, Minimalistic WordPress Video Theme
Minicon is a creative, minimal WordPress theme that does everything it can to provide a platform for displaying all sorts of posts in a professional and engaging way.
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Base, Ultra Simple WordPress Blog Theme
Base is an incredibly simple blog theme, one of the absolute most user-friendly themes to help deliver an unforgattable user experience to every visitor you bring in.
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Lisbeth, Clean, Full Screen Lifestyle Blog Theme
Lisbeth is a user friendly WordPress lifestyle blog theme that has lots of features, it creates a memorable user experience and it’s very easy to adapt to suit your website’s needs.  Lisbeth is a lifestyle blog theme that’s certainly worth checking into, I love the style and the features aren’t too bad either.  Have a look at what this theme has to offer.  Lisbeth WordPress team is a classy and modern fashion blog, so get ready to get your blog on. If you strive for a minimalist website, this retina ready and responsive blog will make you start tap dancing. Perhaps? If you actually start tap-dancing, you might have some sort of a mental defect. This is a nice looking theme, but I doubt that it induces random acts of outdated and unfashionable dancing, particularly the type that requires special shoes. Perhaps it would make you break dance, but then you need that cardboard thing to protect you from getting all scraped up.
The point isn’t exactly how it’s going to make your dance or even how it makes you feel, it’s about how it makes your content look.  The answer, it makes it look fantastic.
Anyway, this theme is clean and minimalist, it’s got a ton of features that help to make it great for lifestyle blogs and portfolios. There are several different blog layouts and styles to choose from and you can tweak them from the themes admin panel. This template is incredibly simple to get started with, it’s powered by a central grid and I think that it’s one of the better looking lifestyle and women’s blog things that I’ve seen. It’s well-documented and responsive, great for personal and travel blogs, food-related blogs and, particularly, lifestyle blogger sites.
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Blogojoy, Minimal Design WP Blog Theme
Blogojoy has stripped away everything that’s unneccesary, leaving you with a fast loading, lightweight WordPress theme that helps you present your content to the world in an unforgettable way.  Blogojoy is a minimalist WordPress blogging theme that has stripped away all the unnecessary features and focuses on letting you easily share your content through blogging. You can set it up in just a few minutes so that you can quickly get your blog up and running. To make it even easier to use, Blogojoy is powered by the Tesla Framework, an administrative tool that makes it easy for users to customize their themes, even without having extensive knowledge of coding or web design. With Responsive Design, you have an assurance that your blog will display well on a variety of displays, including mobile devices such as smartphones with smaller screens. Extensive HTML documentation is provided with full step-by-step instructions and screenshots so that you can easily get your website up and running.
Blogojoy comes with the Slider Revolution WordPress plugin for free. Slider Revolution not only allows you to make your own sliders from scratch, it also shares content on them, including the capability of embedding videos on the slider. You can also customize your slider using 3D effects, transitions and animation, among other features, and you can use the drag and drop editor, so you can easily add the features you want to the slider. Blogojoy also comes with different post types that you can use to create a distinctive look for your blog. You have the option to create different types of posts, including posts with videos and images, posts with sliders as well as those that display in full width. Short codes are also included with the theme that let you quickly add special features to your site, such as buttons, tabs and even price tables. You can easily connect your social media to your blog as Blogojoy allows complete integration with the most popular sites, including Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook.
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Monument Valley, Minimalist GPL WordPress Theme
Monument Valley is deceptively simple, it’s got a lot of great features and a very clean design that places the reader’s focus squarely on your posts and pages.
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Om, Premium, Sleek WordPress Travel Blog Theme
Om is a blog theme that offers minimalist style, but doesn’t forget how important features and adaptability are for webmasters who want a custom look and also want to deliver a great storytelling experience.  Om is a premium WordPress minimalist blogging theme, professionally curated photoblogging and visual storytelling theme.  That’s a mouthful for sure, but Om can handle it with it’s minimalist WordPress style.  I love these simple themes like Om, it’s going to blow you away with it’s stunning typography.  I really think this is one of the better typography based themes I’ve seen lately.  Check out that typography, the colors and the attention to details.  With Om, you can customize nearly anything you see, from fonts to colors, backgrounds and overall layout too.  Om works with all the basic plugins that most bloggers want to use, Jetpack, Contact Form 7, Gravity Forms, WPML and more.  The widgetized homepage is a wpowerful, SEO friendly way to get the flexibility your website needs.  Be the ball Danny!  Om!
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Afternight, Minimalistic WordPress Portfolio and Blog Theme
Afternight is a style-packed WordPress blog and portfolio with a clean, classic style, responsive layout and it’s really flexible in terms of layout and features.  This theme is as simple and clean as any, it’s awesome for blogs and portfolios.
Afternight calls itself a stylish minimalist theme, and I think they nailed it with that description.  Afternight certainly is minimalist in style, with a spartan look that’s all about your content and not about outrageous style and extra, unneeded details.  This premium, responsive them was created by CosmoThemes, it’s a perfect choice for folks who want the flexibility that a drag and drop page builder offers, with lots of built in designs for folks who just want to get started right away.  For blogs, magazines or general business sites, Afternight is a wonderful choice.  Any sort of content will look amazing with this theme, since every page can be crafted exactly like you want it.  From tags pages, category pages, team groups, latest and featured posts, testimonials and, of course, individual posts and and pages.
Afternight installs quickly and you’ll get three options for default layouts.  One for your main page layout, one for archives pages, post formats and post types archives, author, category and tags pages and search layouts, to name a few.  And there’s a third for posts, pages and portfolio layouts.  It all results in a clean look that is highly customizable for any use.  But don’t think you have to be stuck with just one layout, you can have multiple blog layouts, use the narrow or large-port display, depending on the style you prefer.  Even a boxed version is available.  Also, you’ll be able to add images for backgrounds of each individual post, or go sitewide for a different feel.  Needless to say, this theme is highly flexible for any purpose.  The minimal design will really set your content off like no other.
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Antive, Creative and Minimalist Shop and Blog Theme
The Antive WordPress theme is a trendy, minimal solution for fashion bloggers who also want to set up a great-looking online shop. This theme has a simple, modern and Elegant style with plenty of customization features.
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Mustang is a simple WordPress theme, aiming for a multipurpose market, including modern blogs and eCommerce sites, with bold styling and clean lines that leave a lot of room for crafting a powerful and feature filled website.  Mustang is a creative theme, with a mainly black and white color palette, with two basic homepage styles, (single page and multi-page) and it’s ready to take on any kind of business purpose you want to throw at it.  There are multiple design variations for blog and portfolio pages too, and Mustang includes a 404 page.   Powered by Visual Composer, Mustang could be idea if you like the basic layout but want a slightly different look to the theme overall.  Revolution slider provides huge impact and this fully responsive theme will look fantastic on any device.
For more one page themes, click here.
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They call Impacto a flavorful and minimalistic WordPress theme and I think that’s a very apt description.  Impacto has 2 different homepage layouts and 3 portfolio pages, but they help present your posts and your projects in a really slim and trim way, making sure your content is as sharp as can be.  Impacto offers you access to over 600 Google fonts, strong connectivity with social media and it’s great for artists as well.  Oh yeah, this theme even works great for one page websites.  The theme itself is perfectly responsive, it loads up fast on all devices, it’s got optional parallax backgrounds and a whole lot more.  This is a theme with a ton going for it.
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Authentic, Simple, Professional WordPress Blogging Theme
Authentic is a professional WordPress blogging theme that has an incredibly straightforward style that presents your content in a way that is completely distraction-free. If you want one of the easiest to use minimalist blog themes, but you don’t want to lose the features of a premium theme, Authentic is a great choice.
Minimalist themes don’t have to be boring, that’s what the makers of Authentic are said to have had in mind when creating this theme.  Guess what?  It worked.  Look no further than the nearly perfect 4.97 rating on ThemeForest, people absolutely love this theme.  And with over 2,500 downloads so far, the verdict is in: this is an incredibly high quality WordPress theme.  Are you searching for a WordPress theme that has a clean arrangement that is simple to use, impressive, professional, fresh code, a huge selection of functional, effective personalization choices, detailed help files and outstanding support and a surprisingly simple, restrained style?  That’s Authentic.  Responsive, WooCommerce ready, attractive for personal or professional blogs on any topic, this well documented theme is a really high quality choice for any blog.
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Marcell, Minimalist Portfolio Theme for Freelancers
Marcell is a creative blog, e-commerce and portfolio theme that focuses your readers attention where it belongs, on your content. This distraction-free, user-friendly minimalist theme is a great option for bloggers who want amazing presentation of any type of content.
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Bramble, Minimal, Powerful, Flexible eCommerce Theme
Especially for professional artists, social media channels are not enough to display their work. It is extremely important for these people to have their digital portfolio ready all the time. This does not mean having just any site but a professional one.  For such a purpose, there are WordPress photography themes like Bramble that can be utilized to generate the perfect photography portfolio.
WordPress photography themes like Bramble automatically come with a user-friendly page builder that allows users to customize their sites via a drag and drop component; no PHP or HTML backgrounds are needed here.  It is compatible with Google fonts which opens more doors in the creativity department for those who want to take full advantage of advanced typography. The layout is also responsive, so regardless of what device is used, the site will always look its best and function properly.
If needed, users can embed a map into the homepage and pricing tables can also be created. Equipped with a contact form plugin, WordPress photography themes like Bramble offer a way for users to extend support to potential clients with ease.  Aside from multimedia files organized into different categories, it is also possible for users to create an on-page blog for even more valuable content to be shared on-site. Aside from this, the theme is also WooCommerce ready so unique merchandise can easily be sold by the site owner.
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The Essentialist, Minimal Style WordPress Blogging Theme
The Essentialist is a WordPress blog theme that has stripped away anything that is unnecessary and left nothing but clean, modern and engaging style. This theme can really grab the attention of your readers and keep them coming back for more.
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The Innovation WordPress theme is one of my top picks for visually arresting, highly intuitive, and professionally stable website building. The package includes such a vast collection of useful, gorgeous, efficient, and powerful features and elements that you can use it easily for many different industries or niches. No design or development skills are necessary, and you never need to touch a line of code to create the precise look you want no matter how large or complex you need your website to be. The end result will always display beautifully on any size screen due to its responsive layout and retina ready graphics. More than 230 prebuilt page demos are included in the Innovative WP theme package. Click a few buttons with your mouse to install one or more and your site can be active in no time.
The customization options do not and if you select one of those demo pages to use on your website. Innovation lives up to its name because it includes so many more modern and top-quality options for bespoke site creation. If you wish to sell either physical or digital products, the premium plug-in WooCommerce, which is included with this theme, provides the perfect solution. Also included are various premium features such as a review form that allows site members to add testimonials or share ideas with you. For blogging or static websites, the Innovation WordPress theme delivers a seriously outstanding experience for everyone.
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Meltony, Minimalist Elementor Powered WordPress Theme
Meltony is a clean multi-purpose theme for WordPress that utilizes one of my favorite drag and drop page builder plugins, Elementor. Element or has hundreds of different content blocks that you can add and rearrange to create a website that is exactly what you are visualizing in your mind. You got a full package of widgets and they are included for free. There are even Advanced widgets like Google Maps, a carousel for images and posts and plenty of others.
You get counters, progress bars, social icons, dividers and spacers and more. Pretty much anything that you can imagine you might want to help build a page that you can be proud of, it’s included. You’ll never need to learn how to code with Elementor as your page builder plugin, it is perfect for beginners and more seasoned WordPress users as well. You’ll get a fully responsive design and element or loads your website with functionality.
Jet elements is included, that allows you to have all the benefits of Elemental Wars vast knowledge base of building websites. Jet elements makes it simple and effective to create your own homepage or inner page. Google fonts is integrated, there are outstanding plugins included and this well-documented theme is also fully supported by the developer.
Here is what rock themes has to say about there highly rated and popular minimalist theme.
Create a modern minimalistic website using Meltony Minimal Multipurpose WordPress theme. It will help represent your services, projects, portfolio or products in a creative way thanks to its useful plugins, widgets and loads of layouts. With this Minimal Multipurpose theme you will emphasize your advantages and attract more clients. You will be able to create various kinds of content, add custom modules to your website and apply attractive styles with JetElements plugin for Elementor Page builder. With Meltony you will strengthen your commercial side of your website. WooCommerce Package plugin packed with multiple functional widgets will let you built creative layouts for your online store. You will find WooCommerce Compare & Wishlist plugin, which will allow comparing different products and creating wishlists. The theme includes Mega Menu and Photo Gallery plugins, with its help you will create original menus and add responsive galleries to your site. Your site will stand out with a clean and easy interface and eye-catching design of Meltony Minimal Multipurpose WordPress theme!
Here’s a look at the hype page, you’ll find this if you click on the ‘More Information’ button below.
And here’s one look at the front page of Meltony WordPress theme.
If this theme isn’t perfect for you, you shouldn’t fret too much. We’ve gathered up a large collection of glossy and well-engineered WordPress themes that juggle design and functionality with skill. We have not gathered up just a few measly themes, we’ve got a gigantic collection that is packed with carefully crafted and cool WordPress themes. With any of these themes, you’ll get a simple and classy layout with an obscene amount of features and functionality. To develop a great call to action to help make your website famous around the internet, you’ll need a great simple style that shows love to your readers. That’s what we’ve come to understand When selecting a themes for our collections so we’ve got all of the best tablets around. Not a single one of them is cluttered or muddled, each one is awesome and a turnkey way to create a Stein homepage.
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templified · 5 years
Best WordPress Minimalist Themes for Clean, Simple, Modern Websites | Templified
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Best WordPress Minimalist Themes for Clean, Simple, Modern Websites
We’ve got a great looking collection of the absolute best WordPress minimalist themes.  Minimalistic WordPress themes are a great way to present your content.  The simpler the better, right?  These themes provide a really great backdrop for your content, making everything on the page as clean as can be, as straightforward and modern, making for a distraction free presentation.  We’ve tried to gather up a huge amount of themes that have a great looking style, plenty of white space and a lot of features.  In terms of the functionality, you’re going to get a theme that’s flexible and dynamic, packed with super-friendly tools for fine-tuning your posts and pages.
We’re really into minimalist WordPress themes, because they’re bold. They’re exciting and engaging. They don’t have a lot of extra junk that distract from the content. Content is what it’s all about. A minimal theme works wonders to frame your content and show it in the best possible light.
This bunch of minimalist WordPress blog themes can’t be beaten.  We’ve gathered up as many clean, crisp and clearly built blog themes.  With a minimalist design, your content will definitely be the star of the show.  For many bloggers, the website’s design isn’t as important as other aspects like navigation and layout.  That’s where themes like these can come in handy.  These themes present content as the most important thing on any page, they’re never distracting and you’ll be able to build some amazing blogs with them.
Oregon, Free, Minimalist WordPress Theme by Templified
Here’s something a little different. Oregon is a free, premium quality WordPress theme you can download for no cost.  How nice is that?  This is our first free WordPress theme, but it’s got plenty of features.  Oregon is easy to install. It allows you to create a nice layout on any device. Oregon is also WooCommerce ready to sell products in your very own online store.  Grab a copy today and let us know what you think about it in the comments section.
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Divi, Premium, Minimal Drag and Drop Page Builder
Divi is a clean, simple WordPress template. Divi has tons of features, it’s flexible and dynamic, great for beginners and experts alike.  Divi has one of the largest support communities around.  That’s because it’s one of the most popular and widely used themes. If there are any issues using Divi, you’ll be able to get help from the Developer. That’s Elegant Themes one of the best developers around. You can also get help from any of the million or so other folks who use Divi on a daily basis.  That’s pretty cool.
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Elegance Pro, Minimalist Genesis Framework Blog Theme
Elegance Pro is a Genesis Framework theme. It has a minimal style theme that can provide a clean, simple platform for your content.  Elegance Pro is also a fast loading theme. Elegance Pro offers a refined and polished display. It’s graceful and sophisticated in equal measure.  The presentation is airy and light, but the images are quite important. They’re big and attractive, providing a great user experience.  It’s the perfect balance between clean, minimalist style and a modern, bold look. It’s delightful for your posts and pages.  With Elegance Pro, you get several custom made templates for building your website.  The headers are customizable and there are multiple widgetized areas. The theme customizer is a great way to craft a site that looks unique. Elegance Pro has all the features your minimalist website needs.
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Pheromone, Full Screen, Minimalist Portfolio Theme
Pheromone is one of the best minimalist WordPress themes around. Pheromone has a clean style and loads of amazing features.  This is a creative, multiconcept theme that fully supports WooCommerce. Pheromone boasts of a perfect 5 star rating on ThemeForest and it’s very user friendly too.  With Pheromone, establishing a great looking website is going to come pretty easy. Use any of the 20 different home page styles and choose from a variety of portfolio layouts as well.
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Suarez, Minimal Personal Blog Theme for WP
Suarez is a personal blog theme with a simple, responsive design. Suarez is a theme that can make your content shine like never before.  With all of the themes created by Tesla Themes, you get a robust theme options panel. Suarez also has a thick set of documentation and a lot of helpful support. Setting up and customizing your website is going to be very simple.  Suarez has bloggers in mind and it shows on every page.  The layout is clear, clean and concise, it’s modern and has a professionally written code base.  These days, your readers and the search engines are pretty much equally important. So I think this theme is a solid balance between the two needs of any blog.
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Arnold, Clean, Modern, Minimal Blogging Theme
Arnold is a modern WordPress theme. It’s a theme with loads of creative potential for blogs and portfolios.  The navigation is incredibly clean and well organized too. Every page has a lot of white space and that can make your posts stand out even more. With Arnold, you have plenty of customization options and they’re very easy to use. With a beautiful, flat style, you’ll have everything that any creative agency or freelancer needs to craft an amazing website.
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Incanto, Minimalist WordPress Blog and eCommerce Theme
Simple, clean websites like Incanto are a wonderful way to make sure your content takes center stage at all times. Incanto offers both single page and multi page layouts. For a variety of niches, this theme gives you a great, clean look. With support for Visual Composer, you’ll have a wonderful tool for building any type of layout. Incanto is WooCommerce ready for building an online shop. It’s user friendly and very easy to customize. Any business or creative can use Incanto to deliver an awesome experience.
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Zarja, Minimalist, Feminine WordPress Blog Theme
Zarja is a clean, professional blogging theme. Zarja has a unique, alluring minimal design. That helps make sure visitors to your website can get the most out of your content every time. Zarja is a modern WordPress blogging theme. It’s got that feminine style, but it’s clean and simple as well. The light and bright design is crisp and presents your writing in a very calm manner. Zarja is very flexible too. There are three demos included and each one can be adjusted to fit your needs.
If you want your website to stand out as a paragon of simple yet elegant aesthetics, high-tech capabilities, and feature-rich usability, the Zarja WordPress theme may be the right solution for you. It offers flexible design options, eye-catching animated graphic, fast load times, the utmost in reliability, and 100% responsive layout style that makes your site show up perfectly on any size screen or monitor. The WP theme helps you build an outstanding web page for any industry, niche, or purpose that will impress even the most web savvy visitor. No coding knowledge necessary with the user-friendly admin interface.
No matter how new you are to the world of website creation, you can use Zarja’s innate qualities to create a smooth and attractive blog websites. Multiple types of post template allow you to showcase your content in ways that augment the reader experience. This WP theme offers plenty of widget options, copy and paste shortcodes, and other content and feature blocks that can be included on any page. It even offers an Instagram-style element with extra configuration options. Choose the Zarja WordPress theme for a professional, stunningly stylish, and highly adaptable website.
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Zeen, Clean, Simple Magazine WordPress Theme
Zeen is a classic, simple style blog that has a load of features, a modern, premium style and it’s very flexible. The developer bills Zeen as a next generation magazine theme. It claims to be unlike anything else on the market. With Zeen, you can quickly and efficiently install and customize your website. For blogs, newspapers, reviews sites and even eCommerce shops. Zeen has the flexibility to make a great impression on all your visitors.
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Eris, Minimal WordPress Blog Theme
Eris is a creative WordPress portfolio and blog, it’s well designed and full of features that help to make it a really user-friendly, professional web template.
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Blissard, Minimalist WordPress Writer’s Theme
Blissard is a clean, plain and straightforward blog theme that can work wonders for presenting your blog posts.  The layout is clean, lots of white space and with integration with all the most popular social media networks, you’ll be able to keep in touch with readers all over the world.
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Blance, WooCommerce WordPress Minimalist Theme
Blance is a smooth operating WordPress theme that’s got WooCommerce support, plenty of pre-made designs and loads of features to make it one of the best premium quality, minimal and multipurpose themes ever made.
Here are a whole bunch more WooCommerce WordPress themes to check out if you’re looking at setting up an online shop.
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Norway, Minimalist WordPress Lifestyle Blog Theme
Norway has a clean, well designed style, it’s uncluttered and presents images and text with a load of style, making sure your posts take the center stage.  If you’re scouting for a slick, modern, minimalist theme for your WordPress blog, Norway is a very good choice.  Norway can do it all and look great in the process. The theme sports a clean, elegant and minimalist style similar to intimate journals and notebooks, so you know it’s going to be a wonderful minimalist personal blog theme. It’s a good companion for passionate writers and artists who want to feel inspired and refreshed.
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Soledad, Minimalist WordPress Magazine Theme
Soledad is a clean, modern and minimal WordPress magazine and blog theme with a lot of different pre-made designs to choose from, giving you a lot of different choices to build a successful website.  Since Soledad is among the most popular minimal themes, the developer has had the ability to keep this one up to date.  That means it looks great on all devices, even with the most recent versions of WordPress.  It supports all the newest features and pretty much any premium plugin you might want to use.
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Kleanity, WordPress Minimalist Portfolio and Blog Theme
Kleanity is a minimalistic WordPress theme with a lot of white space, a modern design and a full list of features that mean your content can be presented in a simple, attractive way.  Kleanity works hand in hand with WooCommerce to help you create a simple, attractive online shop.  Doesn’t matter what you’re selling, Kleanity does the job of presenting products in a professional way.  Kleanity is great for any creative company or individual who wants an amazing, high performance website.
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Aperitive, WordPress Minimalist Restaurant Theme
Aperitive is a simple style blog theme, it’s one of the better minimal WordPress templates for food blogs, for restaurants and for general purpose bloggers.  In the digital age where almost everybody has access to the internet, it is difficult to stand out as a blogger. Everyone in the world has an opinion and a story; why should people listen to you specifically? Your blog’s theme will set you apart from the sea of other bloggers in the world. I think Aperitive is that kind of theme.  Your website must be clean, light on the eyes, easy to use, and most importantly, fully functional. Aperitive provides all of these benefits and makes blogging fun and easy. When using it, all you have to worry about is your writing. The layout and design are all figured out.
Aperitive Pro is a Genesis framework child theme that’s got a simple layout and bold typography to make sure folks can see what you have to offer.  Blogging?  Restaurants?  Creative designs?  It’s all going to look fantastic on Aperitive.  Combining a simple design with the sheer number of features that Aperitive offers was no easy task, but Themes Kingdom has pulled it off.  The two block style is relatively new, but I’ve seen it on a handful of websites lately.  Aperitive is one of the better simple but typography driven themes around.
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Shutter, Multipurpose Minimalist Portfolio Theme
Shutter is a clean, minimal WordPress theme that’s got several pre-designed templates to choose from, ideal for portfolios and blogs, great for images and written content. Shutter is a portfolio with five great minimal style layouts that you can select from.  I’ve shown the ‘Edward Weston’ style, which I think is particularly nice.  Shutter is completely responsive. It’s mobile friendly, so photographers, photobloggers, designers or creative studios can attract traffic. It works just as well on mobile devices and desktops.  There are tons of features and options available. This helps to create a completely custom look for your website. 
Stylish and versatile, that’s what Shutter is all about.  I mentioned that there are five pre-designed layouts. But you can also change up colors, fonts and more with Shutter.  Shutter works with any language too. The intuitive visual page builder allows for an infinite amount of variety. Your posts and pages can look just like you want them to look.  One click demo data import helps get you up and running quickly. And don’t worry if you don’t know how to code. Everything is easily accomplished in the user-friendly admin panel.
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Eames, Clean, Classic WordPress Minimalist Theme
Eames is a classic, mid century modern style WordPress theme that makes your images practically leap off the page, but it does a great job with text as well.  With a theme as simple to look at as Eames, you might think that it doesn’t pack in all the features you’d like a theme to have, but this one definitely has a lot going for it.  Besides the full responsive design, Eames works with WooCommerce to allow you to create an online shop, it’s got a really nice portfolio layout and it works with all the popular SEO plugins to help you rank.  That’s what it’s all about!
Recently updated, Eames is still a stylish minimalist WordPress theme but now, it’s got even more features than ever before.  Eames combines an attractive, simple and clean style with all the modern amenities you could want in a WordPress theme.  Eames is WooCommerce compatible for setting up an eCommerce site.  You’ve got perfect integration with all your social media networks, the sidebar is fully widgetized for adding features and functionality. The amount of features in this minimalist WordPress theme is pretty incredible.
Google fonts powers the typography of Eames and Google are constantly adding new font choices, so your typography is going to look fantastic.  Eames allows you to upload HiDPI logos, the images are retina display ready.  If you want a truly minimalist theme with slim and trim style, yet all the features you would see in a bigger theme, this one might be right for you.
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Inverto, Black and White WordPress Theme
Inverto is a modern, clean portfolio theme with a black and white style, it’s super simple and for building highly successful blog sites, it’s a fantastic choice.  Inverto has built in support for WooCommerce and the shop, cart and checkout pages are all highly optimized.  Inverto includes WP Bakery’s page builder to let you create any sort of layout you can imagine.  Despite being about 4 years old, the code has been constantly updated, meaning this theme loads fast and it’s compatible with the latest versions of WordPress.
Inverto is a clean and modern WordPress portfolio theme that boasts of a very high rating on ThemeForest, 4.86 stars out of 5 so far. This simple, modern and minimalist theme uses a limited color palette of Black and White to present your creations in a very attractive frame. This responsive and well-documented theme can highlight just about any sort of project that you may have created. The same is great for designers, freelancers, agencies and photographers. If you want fully responsive WordPress theme that has multiple animation styles, advanced color options, plenty of side bars and widgets then the same might be the one you’ve been looking for. With outstanding support and theme documentation, Inverto is a very high-quality theme that almost anyone will find simple-to-use.  Again, I think this theme is a real winner.
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Noemi, Simple, Plain WordPress Blog Theme
Noemi is a WordPress theme that offers a really dynamic, simple and minimalistic display for all types of blogs and businesses.
This Noemi WordPress theme is one incredibly clean example of what a modern lifestyle blog or magazine can do to elevate your content. Noemi also works as a personal blog, a travel blog or perhaps even a recipe blog. No matter what you’re into, the clean style of this eCommerce ready WordPress theme lends itself to any sort of purpose.
This template offers 10 separate blog layouts, so if you’re a connoisseur of gorgeous design and flexible functionality, this theme offers a lot.
There are multiple post layouts that are all clean and a little different. You get plenty of header options to get all the important information up top where it belongs. There are featured posts that concentrate your readers attention on the post that you think are most important, the ones that get the most traffic. You get featured categories, a pair of different footer options and access to hundreds of Google fonts with this template. Noemi has a perfect five star rating on themeforest, which is a testament to just how high a quality a WordPress this is.  Sure, there are other 5 star themes, but ones this clean?  That’s hard to come by.
There are Advanced theme options, this template is easy to set up and use, there is a ton of documentation that goes along with the Noemi WordPress theme and the fast and reliable support is always helpful if you happen to run into troubles. 4 beautiful blogs, a pure and clean experience and a flexible, user-friendly design, Noemi is one of the best options I’ve seen yet.
If you’d like to see some more beautiful fashion blogs, we’ve just released a big collection with whole bunch of amazing looking stuff. We only select the absolute best WordPress themes, so if you see it in that collection, it’s a high quality and highly functional theme.  These WordPress fashion blogs are great for any sort of apparel.
If you’d like to see some more cool looking magazine themes for WordPress, we’ve got a collection of amazing stuff there too. These WordPress magazine themes can be good for travel magazines, lifestyle magazines, fashion or trend magazines and a whole lot more. Some more very sleek and minimalist like the Naomi theme, and some have a lot more features and bells and whistles. Let us know what you think about that collection and will try to keep finding more amazing themes and Future.
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Roua, Clean, Minimal Portfolio Theme for WordPress
Roua is a minimal WordPress theme and while it has a relatively plain design, it offers all the features you could want or need in one place.
Roua is an incredibly simple looking theme, but looks can be deceiving.  While this theme does have a real classic, minimal style, it’s still filled to the top with amazing features.  So, the tools you have to work with are anything but plain.  This theme was made from the ground up to work perfectly on mobile devices, which is something that all theme developers really ought to do, but some choose to ignore that design choice.  I think that’s a mistake, personally.  Roua was also coded to perfection with the latest Bootstrap code, it’s WooCommerce ready with several lovely shopping cart options, you can include Revolution Slider on every page of the site, the theme supports auto updates with the official Envato plugin, which is a nice feature.  That can help your site’s security measures, ensuring any bug fixes are automatically uploaded to your website.  Roua’s recent updates also mean this theme loads up faster than ever, which provides a nice amount of SEO benefits.  So, if you’re looking for a simple, modern and minimal theme, Roua is one to consider.
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Amio, eCommerce, Blog and Portfolio Theme for Minimal Sites
Amio is a personal blog and portfolio theme that gives your content a spotlight, making sure readers sit up at attention when they come to your website.
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Revoke2, Minimalist WordPress Business Theme
Revoke 2 is a revamped WordPress theme that’s great for businesses that need a really simple presentation for all sorts of informational content.
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Awesome, Full Screen, Minimal Portfolio Gallery
Awesome is a minimal photography portfolio theme that gives your photography content that little boost it might need to get all the attention it deserves.
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Underwood, Minimal WordPress Lifestyle Blog Theme
Underwood is a theme that proves that minimal WordPress themes can be bold, never boring and they can present your content in a really pleasing way.
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Collecto, Minimalist WordPress Magazine Theme
Collecto is a magazine inspired, minimalist theme that has great looking typography, it presents your images in a beautiful way and it’s really user friendly as well.
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Eero, Minimal Blog, Portfolio and Shop Theme
Eero is a clean, presentable portfolio, eCommerce and blog theme, it’s one of the simplest WordPress themes ever to use and it’s highly flexible, no matter what kind of content you create.
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Moment, Clean, Modern, Simple Magazine Theme
Moment is a WordPress minimal magazine theme, it has just what it takes to make your stories shine, giving them a much deserved moment in the sun, thanks to a creative layout and excellent features.
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Brittany, WordPress Minimal Lifestyle Blog Template
Brittany is a well organized lifestyle blog theme that’s packed with features, it’s easy to use and it presents your posts with a responsive, modern style that’s a real attention getter.  I love the grid layout, it makes your posts jump off the screen.
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Beatrix, Hand Crafted WordPress Minimal Blogging Theme
Beatrix is a premium quality WordPress blog theme, it’s one of the best looking sites for handmade goods, crafts, for selling products and for blogging.
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Amadeus, Beautiful, Fast Loading Blogging Theme
Amadeus is a modern, minimal WordPress blog theme that helps introduce your content to the world with a classy style and loads of features.
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Cre8or, Minimal Portfolio Template for WordPress
Cre8or is a unique, clean and simple WordPress template that was designed to take your projects and present them with no distractions or clutter.
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Milo, Premium, Simple WordPress Blog Theme
Milo is a modern, minimal WordPress blog, eCommerce and portfolio theme that blends user-friendly, flexible features with an ultra clean design.  This theme is definitely simple, that much is obvious just from looking at it.  But Milo has enough features to keep anybody happy.  With all of the different plugins that work with Milo, it’s ultimately extendable as well.
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No Sidebar Pro, Simple, Modern WordPress Theme
No Sidebar Pro is a very simple theme, it’s modern and presents blog posts with a unique design and loads of features that help make your content the star of the show.  Just like it sounds, this theme was designed to work with no sidebar, leaving more room for the important content.  Of course, a lot of themes have optional sidebars, but many of those themes don’t have a dedicated design for those no sidebar layouts.
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Monochrome Pro, Black and White WordPress Theme
Monochrome Pro presents your posts and pages with an unparalleled style, it’s got tons of features and it’s a flexible template for all kinds of creative businesses and websites.  If you’re looking for a WordPress theme with black and white style, Monochrome Pro is a fine option.  The result is a distraction free website for anybody who wants to create memorable content.
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Maav, Modern, Unique, Clean Business Theme
Maav is a clean, modern, minimal portfolio theme that makes for a great website for all kinds of creative businesses.
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Simply Pro, WordPress Premium Blog Theme
Simply Pro is a high quality, minimal blog theme that makes your readers pay attention to everything on the page, since there are no distractions to get in the way of your content.
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Dorsey, Minimal WordPress Blog Theme
Dorsey is a very simple, incredibly clear and well made WordPress blog theme that does a fabulous job of making sure your readers get a great experience with all of your pages and posts.
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Mona, Minimalist MultiPurpose WordPress Theme
Mona has a steady design, a wide range of features and it also offers a modern style that’s great for making sure your content receives the attention it deserves.
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Beautiful Pro, Gorgeous WordPress Minimal Blog
Beautiful Pro is a Genesis Framework theme with minimal design, but it allows for a lot of flexibility and functionality, thanks to widgetized areas that can be adapted to fit all of your needs.
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Eclecticon, Clean, Simple, Modern Blog Theme
Eclecticon is a multipurpose, minimal theme for WordPress, it has a few little design flourishes, but it makes sure your content is never overshadowed by the design.
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Hardy, Premium, User Friendly WordPress Theme
Hardy is a premium quality theme with a clean, simple look and loads of features, placing your portfolio projects front and center for the world to see and take note of.  A minimalistic but fully responsive WordPress theme, Hardy is designed specifically to bring the attention that your best pieces of work deserve. You have sizeable, customizable areas on the homepage that you can use for this purpose.
With Hardy, you have access to the free shortcodes plugin that you can use to create engaging slideshows and eye-catching toggles, tabs, buttons, and columns. The theme also comes with various choices that can help provide your website with a distinct look. These include options to customize your CSS, set your logos and colors, and many others.
Regardless of the screen size of the device used to view your website, you can be sure that it will look as dazzling as you want it to be because of Hardy’s responsive layout. Likewise, you have the choice to translate the theme into the particular language you prefer through the localization support available.
There is a wide array of Google fonts available for you to choose the appropriate font for your typography. Likewise, your portfolio projects will look more engaging through the built-in filtering animations and hover effects. Likewise, you can easily embed videos from various sites like YouTube and Vimeo.
Contact forms are necessary to provide your visitors with a way to leave feedback and comments. Hardy is fully compatible with the widely-used Contact Form 7 plugin that you can use to come up with your own contact page.
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Ariva, Minimalist Genesis Framework Theme
Arriva is a very simple, text based web template that’s a really nice solution for bloggers who don’t need to make heavy use of images, but who want to deliver a great user experience at the same time.
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Flexible, Minimal Blogging WordPress Theme
Flexible is a classic WordPress design portfolio and blog theme that has a clean, crisp, sleek design, but also gives you access to a wide variety ot tools to help make your website successful.
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Minicon, Minimalistic WordPress Video Theme
Minicon is a creative, minimal WordPress theme that does everything it can to provide a platform for displaying all sorts of posts in a professional and engaging way.
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Base, Ultra Simple WordPress Blog Theme
Base is an incredibly simple blog theme, one of the absolute most user-friendly themes to help deliver an unforgattable user experience to every visitor you bring in.
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Lisbeth, Clean, Full Screen Lifestyle Blog Theme
Lisbeth is a user friendly WordPress lifestyle blog theme that has lots of features, it creates a memorable user experience and it’s very easy to adapt to suit your website’s needs.  Lisbeth is a lifestyle blog theme that’s certainly worth checking into, I love the style and the features aren’t too bad either.  Have a look at what this theme has to offer.  Lisbeth WordPress team is a classy and modern fashion blog, so get ready to get your blog on. If you strive for a minimalist website, this retina ready and responsive blog will make you start tap dancing. Perhaps? If you actually start tap-dancing, you might have some sort of a mental defect. This is a nice looking theme, but I doubt that it induces random acts of outdated and unfashionable dancing, particularly the type that requires special shoes. Perhaps it would make you break dance, but then you need that cardboard thing to protect you from getting all scraped up.
The point isn’t exactly how it’s going to make your dance or even how it makes you feel, it’s about how it makes your content look.  The answer, it makes it look fantastic.
Anyway, this theme is clean and minimalist, it’s got a ton of features that help to make it great for lifestyle blogs and portfolios. There are several different blog layouts and styles to choose from and you can tweak them from the themes admin panel. This template is incredibly simple to get started with, it’s powered by a central grid and I think that it’s one of the better looking lifestyle and women’s blog things that I’ve seen. It’s well-documented and responsive, great for personal and travel blogs, food-related blogs and, particularly, lifestyle blogger sites.
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Blogojoy, Minimal Design WP Blog Theme
Blogojoy has stripped away everything that’s unneccesary, leaving you with a fast loading, lightweight WordPress theme that helps you present your content to the world in an unforgettable way.  Blogojoy is a minimalist WordPress blogging theme that has stripped away all the unnecessary features and focuses on letting you easily share your content through blogging. You can set it up in just a few minutes so that you can quickly get your blog up and running. To make it even easier to use, Blogojoy is powered by the Tesla Framework, an administrative tool that makes it easy for users to customize their themes, even without having extensive knowledge of coding or web design. With Responsive Design, you have an assurance that your blog will display well on a variety of displays, including mobile devices such as smartphones with smaller screens. Extensive HTML documentation is provided with full step-by-step instructions and screenshots so that you can easily get your website up and running.
Blogojoy comes with the Slider Revolution WordPress plugin for free. Slider Revolution not only allows you to make your own sliders from scratch, it also shares content on them, including the capability of embedding videos on the slider. You can also customize your slider using 3D effects, transitions and animation, among other features, and you can use the drag and drop editor, so you can easily add the features you want to the slider. Blogojoy also comes with different post types that you can use to create a distinctive look for your blog. You have the option to create different types of posts, including posts with videos and images, posts with sliders as well as those that display in full width. Short codes are also included with the theme that let you quickly add special features to your site, such as buttons, tabs and even price tables. You can easily connect your social media to your blog as Blogojoy allows complete integration with the most popular sites, including Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook.
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Monument Valley, Minimalist GPL WordPress Theme
Monument Valley is deceptively simple, it’s got a lot of great features and a very clean design that places the reader’s focus squarely on your posts and pages.
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Om, Premium, Sleek WordPress Travel Blog Theme
Om is a blog theme that offers minimalist style, but doesn’t forget how important features and adaptability are for webmasters who want a custom look and also want to deliver a great storytelling experience.  Om is a premium WordPress minimalist blogging theme, professionally curated photoblogging and visual storytelling theme.  That’s a mouthful for sure, but Om can handle it with it’s minimalist WordPress style.  I love these simple themes like Om, it’s going to blow you away with it’s stunning typography.  I really think this is one of the better typography based themes I’ve seen lately.  Check out that typography, the colors and the attention to details.  With Om, you can customize nearly anything you see, from fonts to colors, backgrounds and overall layout too.  Om works with all the basic plugins that most bloggers want to use, Jetpack, Contact Form 7, Gravity Forms, WPML and more.  The widgetized homepage is a wpowerful, SEO friendly way to get the flexibility your website needs.  Be the ball Danny!  Om!
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Afternight, Minimalistic WordPress Portfolio and Blog Theme
Afternight is a style-packed WordPress blog and portfolio with a clean, classic style, responsive layout and it’s really flexible in terms of layout and features.  This theme is as simple and clean as any, it’s awesome for blogs and portfolios.
Afternight calls itself a stylish minimalist theme, and I think they nailed it with that description.  Afternight certainly is minimalist in style, with a spartan look that’s all about your content and not about outrageous style and extra, unneeded details.  This premium, responsive them was created by CosmoThemes, it’s a perfect choice for folks who want the flexibility that a drag and drop page builder offers, with lots of built in designs for folks who just want to get started right away.  For blogs, magazines or general business sites, Afternight is a wonderful choice.  Any sort of content will look amazing with this theme, since every page can be crafted exactly like you want it.  From tags pages, category pages, team groups, latest and featured posts, testimonials and, of course, individual posts and and pages.
Afternight installs quickly and you’ll get three options for default layouts.  One for your main page layout, one for archives pages, post formats and post types archives, author, category and tags pages and search layouts, to name a few.  And there’s a third for posts, pages and portfolio layouts.  It all results in a clean look that is highly customizable for any use.  But don’t think you have to be stuck with just one layout, you can have multiple blog layouts, use the narrow or large-port display, depending on the style you prefer.  Even a boxed version is available.  Also, you’ll be able to add images for backgrounds of each individual post, or go sitewide for a different feel.  Needless to say, this theme is highly flexible for any purpose.  The minimal design will really set your content off like no other.
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Antive, Creative and Minimalist Shop and Blog Theme
The Antive WordPress theme is a trendy, minimal solution for fashion bloggers who also want to set up a great-looking online shop. This theme has a simple, modern and Elegant style with plenty of customization features.
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Mustang is a simple WordPress theme, aiming for a multipurpose market, including modern blogs and eCommerce sites, with bold styling and clean lines that leave a lot of room for crafting a powerful and feature filled website.  Mustang is a creative theme, with a mainly black and white color palette, with two basic homepage styles, (single page and multi-page) and it’s ready to take on any kind of business purpose you want to throw at it.  There are multiple design variations for blog and portfolio pages too, and Mustang includes a 404 page.   Powered by Visual Composer, Mustang could be idea if you like the basic layout but want a slightly different look to the theme overall.  Revolution slider provides huge impact and this fully responsive theme will look fantastic on any device.
For more one page themes, click here.
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They call Impacto a flavorful and minimalistic WordPress theme and I think that’s a very apt description.  Impacto has 2 different homepage layouts and 3 portfolio pages, but they help present your posts and your projects in a really slim and trim way, making sure your content is as sharp as can be.  Impacto offers you access to over 600 Google fonts, strong connectivity with social media and it’s great for artists as well.  Oh yeah, this theme even works great for one page websites.  The theme itself is perfectly responsive, it loads up fast on all devices, it’s got optional parallax backgrounds and a whole lot more.  This is a theme with a ton going for it.
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Authentic, Simple, Professional WordPress Blogging Theme
Authentic is a professional WordPress blogging theme that has an incredibly straightforward style that presents your content in a way that is completely distraction-free. If you want one of the easiest to use minimalist blog themes, but you don’t want to lose the features of a premium theme, Authentic is a great choice.
Minimalist themes don’t have to be boring, that’s what the makers of Authentic are said to have had in mind when creating this theme.  Guess what?  It worked.  Look no further than the nearly perfect 4.97 rating on ThemeForest, people absolutely love this theme.  And with over 2,500 downloads so far, the verdict is in: this is an incredibly high quality WordPress theme.  Are you searching for a WordPress theme that has a clean arrangement that is simple to use, impressive, professional, fresh code, a huge selection of functional, effective personalization choices, detailed help files and outstanding support and a surprisingly simple, restrained style?  That’s Authentic.  Responsive, WooCommerce ready, attractive for personal or professional blogs on any topic, this well documented theme is a really high quality choice for any blog.
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Marcell, Minimalist Portfolio Theme for Freelancers
Marcell is a creative blog, e-commerce and portfolio theme that focuses your readers attention where it belongs, on your content. This distraction-free, user-friendly minimalist theme is a great option for bloggers who want amazing presentation of any type of content.
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Bramble, Minimal, Powerful, Flexible eCommerce Theme
Especially for professional artists, social media channels are not enough to display their work. It is extremely important for these people to have their digital portfolio ready all the time. This does not mean having just any site but a professional one.  For such a purpose, there are WordPress photography themes like Bramble that can be utilized to generate the perfect photography portfolio.
WordPress photography themes like Bramble automatically come with a user-friendly page builder that allows users to customize their sites via a drag and drop component; no PHP or HTML backgrounds are needed here.  It is compatible with Google fonts which opens more doors in the creativity department for those who want to take full advantage of advanced typography. The layout is also responsive, so regardless of what device is used, the site will always look its best and function properly.
If needed, users can embed a map into the homepage and pricing tables can also be created. Equipped with a contact form plugin, WordPress photography themes like Bramble offer a way for users to extend support to potential clients with ease.  Aside from multimedia files organized into different categories, it is also possible for users to create an on-page blog for even more valuable content to be shared on-site. Aside from this, the theme is also WooCommerce ready so unique merchandise can easily be sold by the site owner.
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The Essentialist, Minimal Style WordPress Blogging Theme
The Essentialist is a WordPress blog theme that has stripped away anything that is unnecessary and left nothing but clean, modern and engaging style. This theme can really grab the attention of your readers and keep them coming back for more.
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The Innovation WordPress theme is one of my top picks for visually arresting, highly intuitive, and professionally stable website building. The package includes such a vast collection of useful, gorgeous, efficient, and powerful features and elements that you can use it easily for many different industries or niches. No design or development skills are necessary, and you never need to touch a line of code to create the precise look you want no matter how large or complex you need your website to be. The end result will always display beautifully on any size screen due to its responsive layout and retina ready graphics. More than 230 prebuilt page demos are included in the Innovative WP theme package. Click a few buttons with your mouse to install one or more and your site can be active in no time.
The customization options do not and if you select one of those demo pages to use on your website. Innovation lives up to its name because it includes so many more modern and top-quality options for bespoke site creation. If you wish to sell either physical or digital products, the premium plug-in WooCommerce, which is included with this theme, provides the perfect solution. Also included are various premium features such as a review form that allows site members to add testimonials or share ideas with you. For blogging or static websites, the Innovation WordPress theme delivers a seriously outstanding experience for everyone.
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Meltony, Minimalist Elementor Powered WordPress Theme
Meltony is a clean multi-purpose theme for WordPress that utilizes one of my favorite drag and drop page builder plugins, Elementor. Element or has hundreds of different content blocks that you can add and rearrange to create a website that is exactly what you are visualizing in your mind. You got a full package of widgets and they are included for free. There are even Advanced widgets like Google Maps, a carousel for images and posts and plenty of others.
You get counters, progress bars, social icons, dividers and spacers and more. Pretty much anything that you can imagine you might want to help build a page that you can be proud of, it’s included. You’ll never need to learn how to code with Elementor as your page builder plugin, it is perfect for beginners and more seasoned WordPress users as well. You’ll get a fully responsive design and element or loads your website with functionality.
Jet elements is included, that allows you to have all the benefits of Elemental Wars vast knowledge base of building websites. Jet elements makes it simple and effective to create your own homepage or inner page. Google fonts is integrated, there are outstanding plugins included and this well-documented theme is also fully supported by the developer.
Here is what rock themes has to say about there highly rated and popular minimalist theme.
Create a modern minimalistic website using Meltony Minimal Multipurpose WordPress theme. It will help represent your services, projects, portfolio or products in a creative way thanks to its useful plugins, widgets and loads of layouts. With this Minimal Multipurpose theme you will emphasize your advantages and attract more clients. You will be able to create various kinds of content, add custom modules to your website and apply attractive styles with JetElements plugin for Elementor Page builder. With Meltony you will strengthen your commercial side of your website. WooCommerce Package plugin packed with multiple functional widgets will let you built creative layouts for your online store. You will find WooCommerce Compare & Wishlist plugin, which will allow comparing different products and creating wishlists. The theme includes Mega Menu and Photo Gallery plugins, with its help you will create original menus and add responsive galleries to your site. Your site will stand out with a clean and easy interface and eye-catching design of Meltony Minimal Multipurpose WordPress theme!
Here’s a look at the hype page, you’ll find this if you click on the ‘More Information’ button below.
And here’s one look at the front page of Meltony WordPress theme.
If this theme isn’t perfect for you, you shouldn’t fret too much. We’ve gathered up a large collection of glossy and well-engineered WordPress themes that juggle design and functionality with skill. We have not gathered up just a few measly themes, we’ve got a gigantic collection that is packed with carefully crafted and cool WordPress themes. With any of these themes, you’ll get a simple and classy layout with an obscene amount of features and functionality. To develop a great call to action to help make your website famous around the internet, you’ll need a great simple style that shows love to your readers. That’s what we’ve come to understand When selecting a themes for our collections so we’ve got all of the best tablets around. Not a single one of them is cluttered or muddled, each one is awesome and a turnkey way to create a Stein homepage.
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templified · 5 years
Best WordPress Magazine Themes | Templified
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Best WordPress Magazine Themes
If you’re looking to get into the world of magazine publishing, you’re going to want to have a look at this collection of the best WordPress magazine themes on the web.  We’ve found some incredible themes as we’ve gone on a hard target search for the very best we could find.  Every single one of these themes uses WordPress as the platform to help you create a really great user experience for your visitors.  WordPress is the best content management system for blogging and that carries over to magazine type websites too, which makes a lot of sense, since the two are very closely related.
But where do you start?  There are thousands of magazine themes for WordPress out there.  Some are fantastic and others, not so much.  Sometimes it can be difficult to pick the good from the bad, which is why we’ve created this collection of the absolute best magazine themes anywhere.  Some of these themes are geared toward entertainment news, some for politics or sports stories.  Some are fashion magazines and some are simply for gossip or viral content.  What they have in common is this, all of these themes are completely responsive and completely customizable, even for a beginner.  The vast majority offer hundreds of font choices, unlimited color schemes, widgets, plugins and addons to help make your experience a rewarding one.
With the Divi WordPress theme, you can build anything that you can’t imagine visually. That includes a high-quality magazine website. With real-time design, each and every change that you make to your website will be shown instantly. You can simply click and type into any area of the page, there’s no need to open up your settings panel and add text content. Just click anywhere you want and start typing away. This is a really unique and Innovative way to build an online magazine website. Each and every element on the page is completely customizable and you can organize your content anyway you see fit. This response is editing even allows you to apply custom changes to see specific breakpoints for mobile devices. There are dozens of different content elements, you can Import and Export your layouts and even get started with some of the pre-made layouts that are included with the Divi theme. I think this template is ideal for all sorts of online magazines and thousands of others agree. This is one of the most popular templates available for good reason.
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Papr, Modern WordPress Theme for Online Magazines
Looking for a WordPress magazine theme that is user-friendly, fast loading, flexible and ready to grow as your website grows and gains traffic? Have a look at Papr. This is one of the biggest hits to come on the scene in late 2019. Ideal for newspapers, magazines, news agencies and personal or lifestyle blogs, Papr is one of those themes that has so much going for it it’s hard to know where to start to describe it. I absolutely love the clean, flat design and the fact that it comes bundled with elementor, one of the best drag-and-drop page builder setups around. Speaking of selling up, the theme developer promises a 1-minute setup, multiple modern and unique layouts and quite a number of different pre-built pages, including a wide variety of post layouts.
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The Issue
The Issue is a classic WordPress news and magazine theme that pulls double duty as a highly attractive personal blog theme.  Nice!  There are a lot of great features I’d like to point out, letting you know why I recommend this theme so highly.
The issue is a very versatile magazine WordPress theme that also works great for personal blogs. With about 500 sales so far in just a few months on the market, this theme has proven to be quite popular. It’s also got a perfect 5-star rating. You can’t do any better than that. Why is this theme so highly rated? Well, it has a wide variety of pre-built demo designs, travel, lifestyle, personal blog and food blogs being among the most popular demo designs, but there’s even more going for it. This theme maybe a Blog theme at heart, but it also supports WooCommerce, allowing you to set up a clean and attractive online shop.
There are nine different article Styles, 8000 post variations, strong social media integration, 10 hairstyles, 10 custom widgets, light box galleries, smart lists and a multitude of typography options. If you are setting up a website for reviewing products, this theme has two different reviews styles the Showcase whatever it is that you have reviewed. Advertising is more important than ever on blog and magazine sites, which is why this template includes several different options for making a little bit of money off of your hard work and your traffic.
If you’re still in the market for a blog theme, head over to our personal blog WordPress themes collection, which is a huge and growing list of the best themes around.  We’ve separated the great from the okay themes and put them into one handy list where you can see the highest rated, most user friendly and most attractive personal blog themes anywhere.    We’re all about WordPress and finding the right theme is what we’re here to help you do.  If you find something that you love, and it’s not in our collection, please let us know about it.
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Daily Post
This theme is called Daily Post, it’s a clean and modern WordPress news magazine theme that should really get more attention, which is why I’m highlighting it today.  Created by Tesla Themes, this theme reminds me a bit of the Extra theme by Elegant Themes, which you can see in our collection of premium WordPress themes.  It’s pretty similar, though there are distinct differences.
Tesla always does a great job of coding their themes and Daily Post continues that trend.  Here’s a look at the front page.  It’s clean, it’s simple and it’s got a really wonderful layout that helps make your content incredibly readable.  If you’d like to see some more WordPress themes for magazines, check out the rest of our collection below.  We keep adding to it constantly, so you’ll certainly find something you like in that collection.  We’ll be back soon with more amazing WordPress themes.
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Extra, by Elegant Themes, is a WordPress magazine theme built with the Divi page builder plugin and it’s one of the most popular themes on the market.  Extra is clean, classic, has an alluring flat style design that causes your articles to practically jump off the page.  With Extra, you get the power of the Divi page builder too, allowing for infinite variety to your page layouts.  Just drag and drop content blocks where you want them to find that perfect design.  Finding the proper theme, that can be a challenge when you’re starting your new eMagazine website.  I think that any high traffic website could benefit from Extra, since it loads so fast, looks great on all devices and is extremely flexible.  With thousands and thousands of downloads so far, Extra has proven itself to be incredibly popular and that doesn’t seem to be slowing down any time soon.
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Well coded, well designed, packed with features, it’s no wonder this is the all time best selling viral magazine template on ThemeForest.  Bimber is an incredible Adsense optimized theme, and it’s one of the best WordPress viral magazine themes around.  Bimber is the undisputed champion of viral marketing themes for WordPress, and it presents the ultimate customization options in a striking package that is absolutely certain to help attract readers and keep them engaged with your content. When you’re seeking a sweet new AdSense optimized buzz-worthy template to showcase your content, images, or design work, the large array of outstanding designs makes WordPress an effective option and Bimber is ready for anything that you decide to throw at it.  Although there have been lots of first-rate buzz-building magazine themes available for WordPress for many years, recently there has been a substantial rise in the number of responsive viral themes and it’s easy to see why, it’s an increasing market and people love viral images, memes, videos and other fun content.
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Zox news could be the key to starting your media empire online.  That’s a bold statement indeed, but I think it might be true.  I really like the look of Zox News and in fact, I’ve used this theme in the past.  I found it to be very easy to set up and customize and it’s so visually enticing, it makes for a really eye-catching website.  Zox News is constantly being updated, as recently as July of 2018 and that means it keeps staying fresh.  One really positive thing about Zox, it’s support for AMP or accelerated mobile pages.  Zox News’ AMP pages load up lightning fast but the look and feel keep with the site’s branding, which is really nice.  WooCommerce is supported as are tons of great plugins like Theia Post Slider, Theia Sticky Sidebar and more.  A total of $78 worth of plugins.  One thing I really like is that it doesn’t rely on Visual Composer for the layout, each design is created with widgets, which tend to load faster.  This is a real high performance theme.
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This theme, look, is still the highest rated fashion magazine theme available on ThemeForest. This template has now been downloaded well over 1,000 times and it still has a perfect five star rating. For personal blogs or magazine sites, no matter what the subject matter, this theme can give your website the clean and professional, stylish and feminine look. I really enjoy the multiple different theme demos that are included, the faster page load times and the responsive Style. You get a drag and drop a page builder, hundreds of powerful theme options to customize your website and a built-in reviews system to keep your engagement level with your readers very high. WooCommerce is also included and that is the top free Ecommerce solution for WordPress for a good reason. I think this template can help any magazine, newspaper or blog website to achieve a professional look in just a few seconds.
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VideoMag is pretty much exactly what you’d think it might be, a classic video blog or magazine theme.  More and more sites are sharing more and more video, because it’s so easy to create a solid looking video with high quality camera phones and simple, cheap editing software.  Video Mag supports all the standard embedded video sources, Vine, Vimeo, Daily Motion, Twitch and YouTube, as well as giving you the option to self host your own videos.  But saving your server may be a good idea, so if I were you, I’d consider embedding videos.  Then again, if your server isn’t an issue, self hosting allows you to control whether advertising is shown and if you do show ads, that’s a great way to monetize a site.  Anyway, I could see the argument either way.
VideoMag is powered by Orange Themes page builder, which is a visual drag and drop page builder, similar to Visual Composer.  If you’re not familiar with it, it’s largely similar to Visual Composer, so folks with experience with that plugin should do just fine.  If you don’t know either, it’s still relatively simple to use just about any drag and drop page builder to create a good looking website.  Orange Themes also adds a custom HTML video player with logo overlay, Orange Themes mega menu, custom post layouts, a unique homepage design, a highly customizable GUI with a very nice control panel, visual shortcodes and a lot more.
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CoupShop is among the cleanest WordPress themes for a magazine.  The design leaves plenty of room for white space, a true sign of modern design.  With bold, elegant typography and a real eye for an open, inviting look, ThemesKingdom has created theme that reminds me of a modern design magazine.  This theme is stylish, it’s got a decidedly mid-century modern style.  As for features, CoupShop packs plenty in it’s sleek package.  For one, CoopShop is WooCommerce compatible, so setting up a shop with your magazine, it’s easy as can be.  There are multiple layouts available with CoopShop and swapping between them is very, very easy to accomplish.  CoupShop has a built in blog and portfolio too, all with the same great style  This theme is very typography centered, with over 800 Google fonts at your fingertips.
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While this Authentic theme is  billed as a lifestyle blog theme, it works just as well for an online magazine.  With a trendy, slim style and tons of white space, it’s modern and elegant at the same time.  That’s a nice combination.  Authentic is well documented, the designer offers friendly and thorough support and the theme is responsive too.  As a fashion magazine or travel mag, Authentic practically performs miracles, making your images and posts look attractive and fresh.  There are multiple header and footer options, tons of widgetized areas to help add even more functionality, smart adaptive images for better performance in load times.  The best thing, Authentic is built to scale up quickly in terms of traffic.  The most popular blog using Authentic drives over 200,000 visits per day and it’s showing no signs of slowing down.  This is a very high quality magazine theme for any purpose.
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Pine Cone
This is Pine Cone, a sweet looking WordPress theme that features the perfect personalization options, a wonderfully minimalist style, simple navigation and a lot of great ways to showcase your content, whether it’s written material or images.  You’ll be able to easily adjust the different configurations on any number of special, appealing looking portfolios, and Pine Cone also offers the freedom to develop a web-site as brilliant as the creative work to be showcased on its striking pages.  Your content will look fantastic.  It is really effortless to offer you a personalized look and feel with total integration with all Google font styles as well as the complete assortment of on-screen colors to supply your blog a custom design and style.
With Pine Cone, you can manage web page headings, manage each and every imaginable display and layout option, all designed to grant your site the perfect platform for your free-lance or business requirements.  Pine Cone features 100% responsive design, which means it will look wonderful and maintain its intuitive design regardless what size screen would be used to look at the web-site.  That’s a must have these days.  Striking CSS3 animations for various parts of written content can load immediately with the unlimited scrolling option while guests scroll through the website.
For the imaginative professional who needs to display numerous photos and other visual content, the Isotope and also Masonry portfolio designs offer superior display characteristics, incredibly popular these days.  Included plugins are the strong and safe Contact Form 7 to allow communication with potential customers and the Options press plugin.  Look at the live preview to get an experience for all the Pine Cone WP theme features or look at the intensive PDF user manual.
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Aesthetic is a WordPress blog and magazine theme the can take you or content and really make it shine. If your goal is to create a really successful online magazine, a great theme is often times the first step. Created by a talented group of developers, aesthetic has a clean and fresh layout, it makes your content all the more appealing thanks to it’s clean and straightforward design. Selecting the right theme is an underrated part of having a great online magazine. The experience your readers will get as they come to your website is second to none and I think you’ll be astonished by how successful you are website can be with a theme like this one.
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With a layout that’s 100% responsive and mobile friendly, WooCommerce compatibility, a powerful, dynamic, painless to use and highly capable theme customizer, Buzznote may be among the best magazine themes to be released in 2018.  I love the simple and thoughtful design that makes blogging fun and reading your blog even easier.  I think Buzznote could be ideal for travel magazines, enjoyable travel for travel mags and other informative sites.  Buzznote is modern and flexible, it’s compatible with all the major browsers, has multiple different layout styles built in and the overall effect is to create a simple but elegant website for almost any occasion.  This clean, creative theme was built with Layers WP, it’s modern and multi-purpose, so it’s great for photography portfolios too.
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Milan Pro
Milan Pro is a highly unique Genesis magazine theme of that make sure content stand out from the crowd. This thing that has multiple custom page templates, clean and valid HTML5 code and the theme customizer is incredibly simple to use. There are three different footer widget areas that you can use to customize your website and add functionality. This theme is mobile responsive and stylish looking to boot. I think it’s got very unique grid layout that can really be captivating and make your content really shine. It’s a fashion forward magazine thing in to help you tell a digital story of your choosing. As with all Genesis themes, the code is perfectly valid and that results in a fast loading website.
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Click Mag
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Cool is a very impressive magazine theme with a stunning design, fluid layout and four different basic styles to choose from. No matter which one you select, you’ll get attractive way to present your contact. No matter what type of magazine you are attempting to create, Cool has an impressive style that people really seem to love. This template offers one click installation, a year of premium technical support that’s available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. There are narrated video tutorials to help you get started and the theme options panel is very simple to use and Powerful. It gives you tons of different options to customize your theme to get a really stunning result.
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Packed with tons of incredible features, Ad Sense is one of the better looking, easiest to use and user friendly news and magazine themes on the market.  With Ad-Sense, you get a them that strikes the perfect balance between generating revenue and supplying a great user experience with your content. Ad-Sense lets you build listicles or list articles, which is among the most popular ways to create content.  After all, that’s what Templified is doing right now!  Ad-Sense offers tons of tools to make that job a little bit easier, helping you generate lists fast.  Every advertising location in the Ad-Sense WordPress theme was carefully tested to make them convert at a high rate.  The entire theme is just a pleasure to use, both front and back end users will rejoice.
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Swag Mag
SwagMag is here and it’s a bold, interesting and popular WordPress theme for personal blogs.  SwagMag is perfectly responsive, which seems to be all the rage.  In fact, at this point, you pretty much have to have a responsive theme to rank well on Google.  The days of the static theme are gone like the dinosaur and I don’t think any Jurassic Park is going to revive them.
This theme allows you to create something quite unique, a series of unlimited, Custom review many sites within your main website. This is ideal for reviews websites, but it works just as well for sites that are not about revealing products or services. You can load your sights up with tons of content and then presented to your readers in a very organized way using just that single site or multiple many sites as I described. The front page is going to grab content from the mini sites and display it all together in a content-rich home page. That gives your users a fantastic experience, allowing them to find exactly what they want on your website. This setup is almost guaranteed to increase both the average length of time that your user spent on your side and the average number of clicks and Page views.
If you would like to see a few more things like this one, we’ve got a collection of personal blog WordPress themes that is begging for you to take a review of. I’m not sure that that sentence was perfectly grammatically correct, but I’m not entirely sure. I know that you are not supposed to end a sentence with a preposition and that is something I am sorry for.
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With a dazzling, unique layout, a variety of magazine article layouts, SEO optimization and lots more powerful features, the Moment WordPress theme is ready for it’s moment in the sun.  This theme by CSSIgniter is one of the boldest, most unique magazine templates around.  Moment is inspired, it’s different and catchy, I think people will really react positively to this theme.  It’s probably not going to be right for everyone, but if you’re looking for a theme to help you stand out from the crowd, I think Moment gets the job done.
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For fashion magazines, Mallow could be the right fit.  Minimalist but polished, Mallow is great for magazines, lifestyle and personal bloggers and more.  Your readers will go wild for the style and since Mallow is so clean in it’s design, it’s very easy to find anything you’re looking for within just a few moments.  It’s highly visual, I think that’s what does it as much as anything.  Mallow is responsive, it’s SEO optimized for fast loading times, there’s a child theme included to help establish your website and keep it safe from WordPress updates.  Social media plays a prominent role, as it should, with placement in either header, footer or sidebar widget.  hey, why not all three, right?
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The Rex
This beautiful magazine theme comes with its own proprietary page builder, that’s a really cool thing to find one that’s integrated in the theme and not just one of the popular theme builders tacked on as an afterthought. The fact that this template was built from the ground up around its own page builder, I think that that adds a lot to the table. This theme is full of helpful widgets and other features to make your website a smashing success. Of course, the reason I’ve included it in this collection is that it also has a built-in reviews system, a powerful feature to help really engage with your audience. People love to read reviews about products before they purchase them, and with this template, you’ll be able to rate and review products using stars or numerical ratings on a multitude of different criteria.
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Novelty is ideal for news blogs and content sharing websites. The greatest advantage of its design is that it allows you to display your posts in an organized and appealing manner. For instance, you can catalogue your articles neatly according to Travel, Lifestyle, Politics, Technology, and more. Blog users can also take advantage of the handy search bar. This systematized arrangement is more likely to draw in more blog subscribers. With this theme, you get a featured image slider, featured posts and custom posts, and tabbed widgets. The Tesla Framework is extremely competitive and stable, allowing stress-free management and customization of your site’s settings from your WordPress Admin. With the built-in short codes, you can create and add new components like a team members’ page, pricing tables, offers, and buttons. You can do all these without prior knowledge of web development. Novelty is also cross-browser compatible so anyone can view it using Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome, and others.
Why limit your followers to English readers when you can choose to go international? Being WPML-compatible, this theme enables you to run a multilingual site without difficulty. News and informational content are meant to reach distant places. That’s why Novelty is social media optimized. Let your followers help you to pull in more readers for your site as they share your content to their social connections. Plus, user interaction is essential to increasing the popularity of a site. In fact, in news blogs, the readers’ raw reactions are almost as important as the news itself. Novelty allows easy commenting and with the use of the AJAX technology, followers can send in their messages quickly without the need to reload the page. All in all, Novelty is all about getting the word out there in an efficient and interesting way, in a manner that people would want to read and share across the Internet.
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Saab is a WordPress theme designed for content sharing, making it ideal for magazine sites, creative sites and blogs, although it also works well as a business site. As with other Tesla themes, it is powered by Tesla Framework, an administrative tool that lets you easily customize your site’s look and functionality even if you have no previous experience in website design or knowledge of coding. To make it easier to add features to your site such as special offers, tabs and buttons, the theme comes with an assortment of short codes. It also features Responsive Design, meaning that the site you create will display well on mobile devices as well as desktops.
The theme also comes with Revolution Slider, which lets you make your own sliders so that you can easily display highlighted content on the header of your site. You are also provided with video post functionality, which lets you easily embed videos on blog posts and even create a slider that displays multiple videos, while custom posts functionality lets you easily edit each post. The theme easily integrates with the most popular social media platforms, including Twitter and Facebook, and you are provided with Social Media widgets that let you add elements such as Facebook Like buttons and Tweetme on the site. The theme also comes with a custom homepage with demo content that you can change with your own personal content. You can easily customize the elements of the demo homepage such as the color style and layout to make it your own using framework options. It also comes with useful widgets such as newsletter, author and category that you can use to add these sections to the sidebar and footer. To ensure that you will never have a difficult time using the theme, it comes with extensive documentation.
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This stunning blogging theme may be used for virtually every style of blog site you require. With a sophisticated design and a wide array of amenities, it could look perfect as a stylish fashion blog, a magazine blog or even your personal blog page. With an amazing, functional arrangement and lots of functions to help to make running a blog painless. In the event you are not a WordPress coding expert, it’s possible to revise this template to put in the options you are looking for your web blog to possess. Your subscribers will cherish the stylish way your blog looks, the simple navigation, the fashionable and specialized design, the clean CSS and HTML, the general configuration and a lot more.
WordPress is regarded as the common blog platform around, as it’s hassle-free to make use of, it’s very adaptable and it has numerous beneficial functions. You can find much you can modify with every single blog theme, therefore it is crucial for you to buy a professional looking design that offers the functionality that you require. A well designed blog theme lets you captivate readers and with a great theme, the code is good so your page loads up extremely fast which will let you rank higher on Google. This excellent weblog theme includes everything you need to create a beautiful, authority blog on virtually any issue like travel destinations, cuisine, web apps, business, personal, style and much more.
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The Visio WordPress theme is one that was created specifically for podcasts, podcasting, episodic TV shows and recurring video shows, but it works great as a video magazine as well. This movie news magazine is completely responsive, easy to install and easy to update. Demo content is included so that you can get your site established fast, there’s an e-commerce store for selling your products, you can locally host your video and audio so that you get to control what advertisements are shown on your podcasting website.
Podcasting can be hard work, so if you put in all the time and effort to create an amazing online show, you want to make the most of it. Vidio is modern and well-organized, it let your readers or viewers find exactly what they’re looking for with ease. Podcasting it is popular and getting more popular every day and video podcasting, while a relatively new thing, can get you a ton of attention if you play your cards right. I think I’m attractive, modern and well-designed seem like Visio can help you achieve your goals.
Viseo is included in our comprehensive collection of WordPress podcasting themes and if you find yourself needing to see more options than the Visio theme perhaps that would be a good place to start.
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Best is a responsive WordPress theme from my theme shop, one of the better providers of clean, simple and engaging magazine themes. This one is very simple to use and it delivers a really outstanding presentation for your content. It’s the perfect blend of images and text and together, this theme really gets people engaged in your content. this is a flat, fluid and responsive WordPress theme that loads up incredibly quickly. It’s totally customizable and optimized for search engines and advertisements. It’s got a built-in reviews system and it also supports my theme shops mega menu plugin, something that can really help people find what they want on your website. If you use AdSense to monetize your site, a theme like this one could be just what you need to take the next step in your WordPress adventure.
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templified · 5 years
Best WordPress Adsense Optimized Themes | Templified
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Best WordPress Adsense Optimized Themes
AdSense is a fantastic way to monetize even the simplest website. If you’ve got a Blog, a magazine or new site, even a forum or niche website it requires absolutely no technical knowledge to setup and use your AdSense account. It’s also a really high-paying cost-per-click or pay per click solution, thanks to its incredibly high level of popularity and tons of competition between advertisers. AdSense optimization is also one of the best ways to boost your clickthrough rate, a properly designed WordPress theme that is perfectly AdSense optimized can really help to make even more money from your content. If you’re just getting started out with blogging and you’re looking to monetize your site, AdSense is a fantastic solution.
SEO and AdSense go hand-in-hand. An SEO optimized website will get really high clickthrough rates because of the organic traffic that you get. When people are searching for something that they actually want, they are much more likely to actually click on an advertisement that is placed on your website. And if that placement is perfectly done, you can expect to make quite a bit of money off of your website. As long as you give your users a great experience, they will keep coming back for more and that’s one of the very best ways to build a sustainable Business Online. With all of that in mind, we’ve gathered up a huge collection of fantastic AdSense optimized WordPress themes that I think you’re going to enjoy. Here they are.
There are tons of different types of AdSense optimized WordPress themes, blogs and news portals to online magazines and reviews websites. And we’ve done our very best to give you a lot of options in this collection, but they all have one thing in common. They’re perfectly suited to helping you monetize your website using Google AdSense. You can display and manage ads from the back end of your website and usually you just have to add the code snippet from Google into your websites control panel. The rest is done automatically and I think you’re going to love the results.
Divi is one of the most impressive themes to come along in the last few months.  Divi is a true multipurpose theme, with tons of layouts and features included, so you can certainly adapt it for use as a photography or design portfolio.  Best of all, you can also take advantage of WooCommerce to sell your products online too.  Pretty cool!  We think you’re going to love just about everything about this theme, the functionality, the design, the support from Elegant Themes and best of all, the price.  This web-site can be installed extremely fast and there are plenty of plugins that one could utilize to produce new abilities for your website, just check out the repository at wordpress.org. A wonderfully responsive theme is really important, which is the reason this breathtaking, flexible website has been created to be totally responsive, so that it appears magnificent on any kind of electronic device, no matter the size. You can quickly create your own distinctive designs utilizing this template, given that it’s incredibly functional as well as powerful, properly crafted and created in every way. It is a truly impressive WordPress theme you need to surely examine.
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AdMania is one of the better themes I’ve seen that can honestly call itself had since optimized. This theme is built for affiliate marketers and content creators who want to increase their click-through rate, finally crafting the placement of advertisements to maximize Revenue from those advertisements. Choose one of these sixteen different layouts and insert your ads in all of the most popular, high conversion areas. This can really help to gently nudge your audience to click on advertisements to see what types of Deals they can get on products and services that are advertised on your website. This theme has an ad blocker bill in and advertisement rotation, that allows you to split test advertisements in different locations, using science to figure out what advertisements work and which ones do not work as well. This can really boost your AdSense income and your affiliate sales conversions. AdMania also supports WooCommerce, it has a multitude of different layouts, each and every one of them optimized for fast page load speeds and fully supporting AMP layouts as well. This is a user-friendly theme that delivers a great experience and it can really help to boost your income.
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NewsPaper 9
Newspaper is an incredibly high quality WordPress theme and it shouldn’t come as much as a surprise that it is one of the best AdSense optimized WordPress themes around. This template support WooCommerce, BuddyPress, bbPress, Instagram and plenty more. Publishing outstanding content, and monetizing it using AdSense or your favorite advertising platform, it’s never been easier. Newspaper has consistently been among the best selling WordPress themes on ThemeForest since it was released. That doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon, since the developer keeps adding new functions and updating the code. With over 50 great looking demo Styles, there’s a little something for everyone and it’s all built to give the best user experience possible. This is certainly an AdSense ready theme that is worth considering.
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This theme is called Max blog, it’s a beautiful magazine theme that is fastest setup and generates a perfectly responsive and creative platform for your content. No matter what kind of magazine or blog you’re creating, whether it’s all about news or Sports, entertainment or just your personal experiences, this Max blog WordPress theme does the job with ease. This theme features and a lowering design that is meant to soothe your readers and help them experience your content in the way you want them to. You certainly want enthusiastic readers who love your content and with a design this professional, that’s exactly what you’re going to get. Max blog is a fully Wichitas WordPress scene with over two dozen widgets, each one flexible and offering you multiple Styles and layouts. There are well over 200 different layout combinations and all of them produce a clean and professional look that I think you’re going to like.
Interested in seeing more themes like this one?  Check out our original WordPress magazine theme collection.
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Seashell is a WordPress theme that could be the perfect frame for your content, no matter what sort of website you have. If you want to create engaging posts, this highly customizable WordPress theme can get you a big head start. With a clean and modern design seashell has plenty of different features that make it a really engaging template. This theme gives you smart categories where you can assign custom colors or background images to any category type. There’s quick post navigation, post formats are supported and you can embed all of the most popular social media in your posts, including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. There is flexible post meta data and a perfect responsive design. I think that for a website that really wants to make the most of AdSense, this template is a big winner.
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Pretty Chic Pro
Pretty Chic Pro is an Adsense optimized, feminine and creative WordPress theme that’s great for bloggers who want a simple but elegant styled theme with sleek functions, modern options and a layout that makes your content clearly accessible for everyone.  Pretty Chic Pro’s use of widgets gives you a clear advantage in appealing to advertisers because their ads will be squarely in focus of all of your visitors.  When you select a Genesis Framework child theme like Pretty Chic Pro, you’ll get a theme that is constantly updated to work perfectly with every update of WordPress.  And if you need a responsive theme, which you absolutely should, you’re in luck, because all Genesis child themes are totally responsive and look great on all devices.
For more personal blog WordPress themes, you may want to have a look at our full collection.
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San Francisco
The City by the Bay is what inspired this gorgeous looking, professional and chic WordPress theme.  When I think of San Francisco, I think of foggy days, earthquakes and people dressed in all black.  Well, this theme doesn’t remind me of any of that.  Adsense powered and ready for viral content, I think San Francisco is a perfect WordPress magazine theme for folks who want a blend of class and modernism with good old fashioned WordPress.
This beautiful Adsense theme provides the ultimate basic customization choices in an amazing design. When you’re seeking a brand new AdSense optimized theme to market your posts, images, or design work, the wide variety of quality designs makes WordPress an effective option. While there have been many first-class portfolio themes available for WordPress for many years, recently there has been a significant rise in the amount of responsive portfolio themes and it’s easy to see why. If you want your website visitors to have the capacity to conveniently see your portfolio web-site on a phone or maybe tablet, along with a computer, a responsive WordPress portfolio theme is an excellent choice.
WordPress is easily the most well-liked blog solution around, given that it’s quite easy to make use of, it’s remarkably adjustable and it includes loads of impressive functions. You can find plenty you can individualize with each blog theme, so it is really vital that you pick out a stunning theme which offers the attributes you need. A well built and coded WordPress blog theme enables you to catch the attention of your visitors and with a great theme, the coding is good so your blog loads up extremely fast and that may help you rank better on the search engines. This excellent wordpress blog theme boasts everything that you need provide a really great, professional blog on just about any topic like travel destinations, cuisine, applications, corporate, personal blogs, style and much more.
Since it’s original release, this SEO optimized theme has done quite well for itself on ThemeForest, it’s sold over 400 times and the rating is a very strong 4.3 overall, one of the best for an Adsense powered, SEO friendly theme.  For more WordPress SEO optimized themes, try our collection.
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DayNight magazine theme is an absolute Smash Hit. The themes developer, a Works, has hit this one out of the ballpark. DayNight let you build a gorgeous-looking professional news site, though it can also be used to craft a highly successful personal or professional Blog theme website. It’s nonstop fun with the DayNight template, it’s never boring and always scintillating. With a modern design and ambitious features, this highly original template has caused a big sensation on the internet. This theme has been met with absolute approval by nearly everyone who has downloaded it, it has a 4.88 rating on ThemeForest and over 500 sales so far. So, you can see that they definitely didn’t fumble the ball when designing this amazing template.
When people visit your website, you want to give them an incredible experience and this fast loading magazine theme does just that. This template is SEO friendly and also AdSense optimized to help monetize your magazine site. With perfect responsive design and features like RTL support and fast page load times, this DayNight theme is a proven winner. This template has dedicated support and it’s completely responsive, the development team behind this winner has quickly developed a rabid fan base, since this theme is so easy to use. You should have no fears about finding success with this WordPress theme and you’ll hardly be able to contain your excitement when you see how much traffic your site is able to drive.
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Simple Life
Simple Life is a funky little WordPress theme that’s got a clean, unique layout, it’s licensed GPL, it splashes bright, contrasting colors all over the place and it’s really nice for blogs or portfolios alike.  The biggest thing about this theme is that it’s Adsense optimized for really making the most out of your traffic.
This awesome AdSense WordPress magazine and blog theme may be used for almost any type of blog site you need. With a sophisticated design and a large array of functions, it would work amazingly well as a clothing blog site, a magazine blog or perhaps use Simple Life as your WordPress personal blog theme. With a first class, efficient arrangement and a wide range of features to help make blogging painless. In case you’re not a WordPress professional, you can still adjust this design to provide the functions you are looking for your website to have. Your viewers will like the way your amazing blog looks, the convenient navigation, the modern and specialized design, the fresh scripts, the general configuration and a great deal more.
WordPress is regarded as the most popular, prevalent prevalent blogging platform around, simply because it’s super easy to use, it’s exceptionally adaptive and it possesses quite a few robust capabilities that make it ideal for a wide range of websites.  With a theme like Simple Life, you get the proper platform to show off all of your content in a professional, unique and exciting manner. There exists a lot you can personalize with every single blog theme, so it really is important to choose a stylish style that gives the options which you require. A well designed WordPress magazine theme helps you to captivate readers and with a good theme, the design is clear so your site opens up very quickly which can help you rank better on the SERPs. This excellent personal blog theme theme gives you all that you need provide an amazing, professional blog on any topic like travel destinations, food items, web apps, business, personal, trends and plenty more.
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templified · 5 years
Adventure Blog WordPress Themes | Templified
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Adventure Blog WordPress Themes
For world travelers and travel bloggers, there’s a lot of different WordPress themes that could be perfect for your website.  We’ve created this collection of Adventure blog WordPress themes to help give you a big selection of themes that might be perfect for helping to build you’re website.  You want something fast loading, something with a great style and tons of features to make the right impression and to help grow traffic to your blog.  You may also be interested in these adventure journal WordPress themes, since they’re pretty closely related.  No matter which of these theme collections you prefer, you’re going to get a very high quality theme, one with everything you need to make your blog a massive success.
We’ve search high and low to create a great looking, memorable collection of adventure blog WordPress themes.  These themes are perfect for travel bloggers who want to show off amazing images, highlight and blog about recent trips or upcoming plans and more.
So, here we go, the very blogs themes for adventure websites.
First on our list is a classic looking adventure blog theme called Go.  This modern, gorgeous WordPress theme is ideal for travel and tourism blogs, websites that cater to travel and adventure.  The clean, simple style works great no matter where the destination is.  If you absolutely love to travel and want to explore and discover what there is to see on every corner of the world, Go is a theme that’s made for you.  This theme has all the essential functions and features that make it a perfect system for booking services like hotels, resorts, events, honeymoons, package tours, cruises and more.  Travel agencies, tour operators, tour companies and more will absolutely love the Go WordPress theme.  Go is even WooCommerce friendly, so you can sell products on your website.  Something of a rarity with travel blog and adventure blog templates.  Check it out to learn more below.
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Travel Dojo
This theme is called Travel Dojo, it’s a delightful looking full-screen WordPress travel blog and adventure blog theme.  The Travel Dojo WordPress theme is responsive, looks great on all devices, it’s cleanly coded and perfectly cleanly designed.  This theme is great for disseminating the most information possible in a very attractive way.  With Theme Dojo, you get the options of video front page to help showcase whatever destinations you have in mind.  It’s a great way to attract attention to your website.
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SeaShell is a typography centered WordPress theme for adventurers who want to share their experiences with a stylish and attractive blog.  That doesn’t mean SeaShell skimps on the images, those are presented in a nice fashion too.  SeaShell is a professional WordPress blogging theme that’s modern, responsive and packed with features.  With incredibly cool typography, SeaShell is a wonderful way to shed light on your posts and pages.  Get writing with SeaShell.  I think this is a really cool WordPress flat blog theme too.  With this theme, you also have a perfectly build Adsnese ready theme that can help you monetize your website in multiple ways.
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This theme is called Safarica, it’s a classic blog theme for adventurers who value everything that WordPress can bring to the table.  Safarica has been around for quite a while now and it’s proven itself to be very popular with over 600 downloads so far.  This is a smart, creative blog solution, made by one of the more experienced WordPress developers around.  For personal blogs, niche marketing blogs, corporate and creative blogging websites.  Safarica is flexible, you can extend it’s base functionality with addons and plugins and no coding is ever required.
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Outdoor is a classic looking flat WordPress travel and adventure blog with very modern, attractive style.  Outdoor is an incredibly elegant magazine and blog theme, wonderful for WordPress adventure magazine theme sites.  With Outdoor, you get a theme built for hiking and outdoor websites, it’s got a great drag and drop page builder, an attractive masonry grid layout and infinite scrolling.  Outdoor supports plugins like BuddyPress and Jetpack, it’s all based on a rock solid framework too, which makes it load fast and look great on all devices.  Outdoor is fully responsive, it’s got a really attractive flat style design and it’s perfect for adventure blogs, travel blogs, hiking and outdoor activity websites, adrenaline junkie magazines and plenty more.  With infinite scrolling, a drag and drop page builder, bbPress and BuddyPress support and a ton more features, I think this could be a great looking theme to help make a great little travel and adventure site.  The drag and drop page builder ensures you can generate the type of layout you want to have, the advanced admin panel makes it super simple to adjust the look and feel of your website.  The modular homepage means there are an infinite number of homepage styles you can generate.  Video tutorials included!  This theme was recently updated in July of 2018, so it should work with every installation of WordPress.  You may also want to check out our collection of WordPress sports themes, it’s got some similar themes on it.
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Travel Tour
Travel Tour is all about adventure, with a classic look, this theme is great for travel agencies who want a clean, professional and flat style for their website.  Travel Tour is built for social media integration, it allows the ability for world travelers and tourists to book travel arrangements on your site and pay with a variety of different payment gateways.  Travel Tour gets some really solid reviews too, so it’s definitely a theme well worth checking out.
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For mountaineering, surfing, vacation tours and hotels, rafting, camping, hunting and fishing sites, Roam could be a great fit.  This theme even works wonders for small resorts who want a great looking, professional and attractive WordPress theme to help fill hotel rooms, camping sites or cabins.  Roam is incredibly customizable, it’s got an extensive admin interface, simple one click demo data import and you’ll never have to learn a single like of code, because it’s all customized via an intuitive and user friendly editing system.  The booking functionality is a really key component to what makes this theme such a smashing success.  The entire theme is responsive and retina ready, which should really go without saying these days.  Roam even supports WooCommerce and it appears to have been frequently updated since it’s release in late 2017.
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Powerful, modern and creative, the Upking WordPress theme is designed for extreme adventurers, hiking clubs, sporting events, mountaineering, spelunking and other high adrenaline websites.  With upking, you get a theme that’s designed specifically with outdoor recreational sports in mind.  Creative, clean and modern Upking is a perfectly responsive theme and the simple, clean WordPress theme style is going to blog you away.  This theme supports Visual Composer with it’s 300 design blocks, there are 20 Revolution Sliders included, this theme works for multisite installations, is compatible with Contact Form 7 and so much more.  Check it out below.
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Wanderers is a theme built for the most adventurous among us, folks who want to discover new places, experience world travel and blog about it with a very stylish and attractive template.  Creating a travel agency has never been easier than with Wanderers.  This theme has every single feature and function you could ever want, though if it *doesn’t* have a feature, it’s WordPress, so you can always add onto this template at a later point in time.  This Wanderers theme has a ton of amazing features you’re really going to want to take a long look at.  For bloggers who want to show off beautiful images but who also want fantastic typography, this theme is a great mixture of the best of both worlds.  Wanderers is highly customizable, it’s perfect for arranging bookings and accepting payments via PayPal.  Your job of blogging is going to be really smooth and streamlined with the Wanderers WordPress theme.  Wanderers allows for reviews to be posted with star or numbered ratings, the image galleries and stunning and the individual posts and pages are really easy to navigate and that makes the entire site a completely solid user experience for all your visitors.
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Scout is an image centered WordPress adventure blogging theme that’s got tons of amazing style, features and it’s really simple to use as well.  This premium WordPress theme was developer for personal blogging sites for world travelers.  The integration with your images is flat out stunning, so nature lovers, hikers, wanderers and travelers will love seeing the great looking posts you create with this theme.  You’ll get tons of documentation too, so this template is a great one for beginners with the WP system.  Over 15,000 sales tell me this developer knows what they’re doing and while Scout is a relatively new theme, I believe this one will be a huge hit as well.
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Paperio is a blog for adventure based websites, it’s simple, clean and sleek, polished and sophisticated, this theme is totally straightforward to use, combining great looking style with tons of features that make it ideal for your travel blog.  With tremendous visual appeal, a clean and uncluttered design, SEO friendly page load speeds, this multipurpose adventure blogger WordPress theme is great for folks on the go.  Whether it’s photography or travel stories, Paperio is a great place to get started on your path to adventure.
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Travel Time
Travel Time is a clean vacation and adventure blog theme, ideal for hotels and resorts that need a clean, modern and professional style to present their content in a straightforward way that helps businesses grow and thrive.  With Travel Time, you get a full set of tools, it’s incredibly simple to adapt to suit your needs and Travel Time is SEO friendly too, so you can really build traffic fast with this template.  Travel Time really is the perfect template for travel websites, travel agencies, hotel and resorts, beach hut rentals, you name it.
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Asprilla is a WordPress travel blogging theme with incredible style, clean lines and tons of features.  Asprilla is a theme that you can easily adapt and adjust to fit your needs.  With Asprilla, you can be as adventurous as you want to be, ensuring all you posts, pages, images and text look great and make a wonderful first impression.  This multi-concept blogging theme is amazing for photographers, world travelers, designers and anyone who has an amazing story to share on the internet.  Asprilla is a WooCommerce ready WordPress theme too, just in case you’d like to sell products.  For more WooCommerce WordPress themes, try our full collection.
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This theme is called Travelog, it’s perfect for adventurers who want to blog using WordPress.  This Travelog theme is highly adaptable, attractive and modern, the features are plentiful and it’s really simple to get started with.  Travelog will help your images look great, will help you build traffic to your site and it’s stunningly simple to get started.  With immaculate code, the Travelog WordPress theme is so well organized, it’s going to really help make presenting your travel and adventure destinations a breeze.  The typography helps make sure your posts look as good as they possibly can too, which helps with the user experience.  I highly recommend this theme for all your travel blogging needs.
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Trendy Travel
Trendy Travel is a very nicely crafted WordPress travel blog and travel agency theme.  Trendy Travel looks great, it’s exceedingly simple to use, it has a gorgeous flat style and plentiful options.  With Trendy Travel, you can cater to world travelers, adventurers and explorers.  Trendy Travel is a real destination WordPress theme and it’s been very popular so far.  We’ve got more travel blog WordPress themes here.
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Nord is a very straightforward adventure blog WordPress theme.  With Nord, you can keep a sort of online journal to let your followers know what you’ve been up to lately.  Nord perfectly integrates with Instagram to provide a platform for sharing images as well as text based posts, just what a globetrotting traveler needs to make the most of modern social media accounts.  For more great minimalist WordPress blog themes, check out this collection.
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Adventure Press
This theme is called Adventure Press, it’s a clean, modern and flat style WordPress theme built for travel blogs, journals and guidebooks.  With Adventure Press, you have everything you need to create a stunning, beautiful and full featured blog to share all of your experiences.  This Adventure Press WordPress theme was designed to cater to a very specific niche, adventure bloggers or those who wish to chronicle their adventures with a high quality WordPress journal theme.  Adventure Journal has a crisp, fresh and flat design, it’s completely responsive so all mobile devices are supported perfectly.  There’s a drag and drop page builder for arranging content precisely how you want it to be arranged.  The theme supports WooCommerce too, which may not be completely necessary for an adventure journal, but you never know.  I think it’s a nice touch.  Typography is handled with Google fonts, the theme can be set up rapidly and all changes are simple to make with the built in options panel.  All around, I think this is a perfect theme for adventure bloggers.  For more eCommerce themes for WordPress, check out this collection.
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templified · 5 years
Pinterest Style WordPress Themes | Templified
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Pinterest Style WordPress Themes
This collection of WordPress Pinterest style themes aims to please and we know you’re going to find something you adore.  We’ve gathered up the best themes that have that Pinterest style, you know, a masonry grid that is infinitely loading?  Pinterest is one of the most popular social networks and people love the way the page looks, since all of your content is at the forefront and users can navigate through your content visually, which is a fun and interesting way to make sure your most popular posts get the most attention.
Pinterest is a wildly popular social media network, so having a website with a very familiar look and feel could go a long way to delivering a great user experience, with memorable content and tons of clicks.  That’s what these themes have in mind, a Pinterest style site with similar layout and navigation, incredibly visual the entire way.  With these Pinterest style themes for WordPress, you’ll be building your very own social media network in no time flat.
Unich has that infinite scrolling look that’s paired with a classic masonry style, it’s quite reminiscent of Pinterest, which is why it’s made this list.  Go figure, right?  Unich really makes social media a featured part of the layout, it’s pretty well made for making the most out of all kinds of viral content.  In terms of the layout, it’s also very well organized for using Ad Sense to make a little bit of money off of your content.  This theme has perfect support for Gutenberg, it’s got one click demo data import, impeccable support, plenty of documentation and it’s completely customizable.  A really solid theme that I think you can make plenty of use of.
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Ubergrid, exclusively available on ThemeForest, is a retina ready portfolio theme that packs a lot of features into a simple, minimalist design package and does it all at a reasonable price.  This beautiful, reliable, well-built, flexible and contemporary WooCommerce WordPress theme will allow you to market products or create amazing content with a cool Pinterest inspired design.  Building a wonderful, user friendly website has never been easier.  UberGrid comes included with a page builder, a powerful and easy-to-usefront-page manager and theme manager pages.  Infinite scrolling options are handy too, if that’s something you’re interested in.  All this and demo content installed with just one click of a mouse?  Perfect!  Ubergrid is a great theme for all occasions and it’s amazing style continues to win people over even after being on the market for a handful of years now.
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Pin This
Pin This is, not surprisingly, one of the most popular WordPress Pinterest style themes on the market.  The layout is a dead ringer for one of the most popular social media networks out there and the style is just the beginning.  Pin This offers a lot of the same functionality too, which makes it fairly unique among WordPress offerings.  You want style?  You want customization?  You want features that make it easy for your readers to get access to the content they way?  Well, Pin This is a great solution.  The clean design emplasizes and frames your content properly and this theme is great for any sort of personal or professional photo portfolio, creative agencies will love the ease with which you can create a sharp and easy to manage portfolio.  Designers, illustrators, video photographers and more will all love this theme.
There are several custom post formats for all of your media, social icons for sharing content, incredible support for embedded media or self hosted media for that matter.  It’s Adsense ready and easily customized via the Smart Admin Panel, which is included for free.  Pin This is a wonderful way to get a Pinterest style look for your WordPress theme.
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Pinmaister is, not surprisingly considering it’s name, a Pinterest style WordPress theme that makes an attractive site for showing off content with a Pinterest style infinite scrolling home page.  Pinterest is popular in part because the navigation is so incredibly visual, you can see new, fresh and interesting content with every page you look at.  Pinmaiser is flexible too, you can brand this theme to look exactly as you want it to look, the drag and drop page builder makes it easy to get a perfect layout without the experience in coding that some themes require.  With Pinmaister, your site will rank very well, since it’s SEO optimized and it makes for a fun, user friendly and powerful way to share your content with the world.
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Pluto is a clean, simple and easy to use Pinterest inspired WordPress theme that has a fun masonry grid layout and tons of features to help make your blogging efforts really pay off.  With nearly 3000 sales and a sparkling 4.77 rating on ThemeForest, it’s one of the most popular themes in this category, Pluto is WooCommerce compatible, though it also works well with other eCommerce plugins too.  Add some header advertisements and you can monetize your blog in that way too, to go along with product sales and affiliate marketing.  The menu can go up top in the header area or to either the left or right sidebar, Pluto also has eight great post formats and powerful admin options to make customization a snap.
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Coney is a beautiful looking theme that we really think you should consider for your next WordPress project.  If you require an upgraded design and style for your site, you might want to think of a trendy blog style theme with infinite loading posts.  It just so happens that that perfectly describes Coney here.  Coney is incredibly high quality, striking to look at and it loads breathtakingly fast.  Coney offers everything you’ll need to make an awesome blog site, beautiful and trendy in equal parts.  There are over 20 different blog styles, 10 header variations and it’s even WooCommerce compatible.  The Pinterest-like layout is super familiar and it’s  a great way to highlight all your products, no matter what they are.
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On the hunt for a beautiful Pinterest style WordPress theme?  Pinstagram could be the one for you.  MyThemeShop is a wonderful theme maker, one of the best in the business, to be honest.  Pinstagram is a highly customizable WordPress theme and you don’t need to know how to code to get the most out of it.  Pinterest is incredibly popular and part of that popularity is based on the incredible usability.  Folks are very familiar with Pinterest, which means they’ll be immediately familiar with your site based on the Pinstagram theme.  You’ll get tons of widgetized areas, Google fonts and the colors are all changeable too.  You’re going to love the simple layout with traditional Pinterest style layouts and you’ll be able to maximize the amount of eyes on your content.  That helps build user engagement, which can definitely help drive your traffic to levels higher than you could have anticipated.
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Responsive and ready for just about anything, Merapi is a great looking, well organized blog theme that is a wonderful solution for personal blogs and journals, news magazines and creative portfolios.  If you want to have your content look great with massiv click through rates, the Pinterest style has proven to be a winner.  I love the focus on both typography and mixed media posts.  Merapi is very highly rated too, with over 500 downloads, sparkling reviews, great support and a wealth of documentation to help get you started.
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Masonry has never looked better than with this theme, and that makes Pin one of the best WordPress blog themes on the market. You’ll enjoy the heck out of this personal blog theme, from the design to the features, it’s got everything you need to make a real impact.   Pin is a gentle looking WordPress grid style portfolio theme that’s amusing, clean and absolutely ready to show off your photos and blog posts! Effective for the latest clothing portfolios, ad agencies and more. Maybe a wedding photography company interested in a cutting edge theme to find a new look? The theme’s developer has make sure that the layout is really tightly structured, so simple and it’s deceptively powerful.
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Clean and premium, feature filled and user friendly, that’s Waulah.  This infinite scrolling theme is ideal for news sites, online magazines and blogs.  Waulah is clean and flexible, suitable for almost any sort of blog site too.  Sports, travel, photography, you name it.  The Pinterest-style layout is familiar to most and it helps make your content incredibly visual and that really lures in your readers, making them click on more of your interesting articles and posts.  Social sharing is also at the center stage here, easily add your social networking accounts for sites like Pinterest, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and more.  With Waulah, you get a strong theme that’s easy to use and it always looks great on every device.
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Accord is a really slick Pinterest style theme, it comes with 9 amazing widgets, a post rating system that helps with user engagement, there are 7 different post types too.  This theme is built on Bootstrap code, so it loads up fast and looks fantastic on all screen sizes.  This theme works just as well for personal blogs as it does for a magazine.  Which one you choose, well, that’s up to you.  Either way, you’ll have a really eye-catching and user friendly Pinterest style layout that’s familiar and unique at the same time.  This simple theme is a real blogger’s delight and the ratings seem to prove that. This theme is popular and well liked, with a really strong overall rating on ThemeForest.  Well worth checking out.
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templified · 5 years
Pinterest Style WordPress Themes | Templified
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Pinterest Style WordPress Themes
This collection of WordPress Pinterest style themes aims to please and we know you’re going to find something you adore.  We’ve gathered up the best themes that have that Pinterest style, you know, a masonry grid that is infinitely loading?  Pinterest is one of the most popular social networks and people love the way the page looks, since all of your content is at the forefront and users can navigate through your content visually, which is a fun and interesting way to make sure your most popular posts get the most attention.
Pinterest is a wildly popular social media network, so having a website with a very familiar look and feel could go a long way to delivering a great user experience, with memorable content and tons of clicks.  That’s what these themes have in mind, a Pinterest style site with similar layout and navigation, incredibly visual the entire way.  With these Pinterest style themes for WordPress, you’ll be building your very own social media network in no time flat.
Unich has that infinite scrolling look that’s paired with a classic masonry style, it’s quite reminiscent of Pinterest, which is why it’s made this list.  Go figure, right?  Unich really makes social media a featured part of the layout, it’s pretty well made for making the most out of all kinds of viral content.  In terms of the layout, it’s also very well organized for using Ad Sense to make a little bit of money off of your content.  This theme has perfect support for Gutenberg, it’s got one click demo data import, impeccable support, plenty of documentation and it’s completely customizable.  A really solid theme that I think you can make plenty of use of.
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Ubergrid, exclusively available on ThemeForest, is a retina ready portfolio theme that packs a lot of features into a simple, minimalist design package and does it all at a reasonable price.  This beautiful, reliable, well-built, flexible and contemporary WooCommerce WordPress theme will allow you to market products or create amazing content with a cool Pinterest inspired design.  Building a wonderful, user friendly website has never been easier.  UberGrid comes included with a page builder, a powerful and easy-to-usefront-page manager and theme manager pages.  Infinite scrolling options are handy too, if that’s something you’re interested in.  All this and demo content installed with just one click of a mouse?  Perfect!  Ubergrid is a great theme for all occasions and it’s amazing style continues to win people over even after being on the market for a handful of years now.
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Pin This
Pin This is, not surprisingly, one of the most popular WordPress Pinterest style themes on the market.  The layout is a dead ringer for one of the most popular social media networks out there and the style is just the beginning.  Pin This offers a lot of the same functionality too, which makes it fairly unique among WordPress offerings.  You want style?  You want customization?  You want features that make it easy for your readers to get access to the content they way?  Well, Pin This is a great solution.  The clean design emplasizes and frames your content properly and this theme is great for any sort of personal or professional photo portfolio, creative agencies will love the ease with which you can create a sharp and easy to manage portfolio.  Designers, illustrators, video photographers and more will all love this theme.
There are several custom post formats for all of your media, social icons for sharing content, incredible support for embedded media or self hosted media for that matter.  It’s Adsense ready and easily customized via the Smart Admin Panel, which is included for free.  Pin This is a wonderful way to get a Pinterest style look for your WordPress theme.
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Pinmaister is, not surprisingly considering it’s name, a Pinterest style WordPress theme that makes an attractive site for showing off content with a Pinterest style infinite scrolling home page.  Pinterest is popular in part because the navigation is so incredibly visual, you can see new, fresh and interesting content with every page you look at.  Pinmaiser is flexible too, you can brand this theme to look exactly as you want it to look, the drag and drop page builder makes it easy to get a perfect layout without the experience in coding that some themes require.  With Pinmaister, your site will rank very well, since it’s SEO optimized and it makes for a fun, user friendly and powerful way to share your content with the world.
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Pluto is a clean, simple and easy to use Pinterest inspired WordPress theme that has a fun masonry grid layout and tons of features to help make your blogging efforts really pay off.  With nearly 3000 sales and a sparkling 4.77 rating on ThemeForest, it’s one of the most popular themes in this category, Pluto is WooCommerce compatible, though it also works well with other eCommerce plugins too.  Add some header advertisements and you can monetize your blog in that way too, to go along with product sales and affiliate marketing.  The menu can go up top in the header area or to either the left or right sidebar, Pluto also has eight great post formats and powerful admin options to make customization a snap.
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Coney is a beautiful looking theme that we really think you should consider for your next WordPress project.  If you require an upgraded design and style for your site, you might want to think of a trendy blog style theme with infinite loading posts.  It just so happens that that perfectly describes Coney here.  Coney is incredibly high quality, striking to look at and it loads breathtakingly fast.  Coney offers everything you’ll need to make an awesome blog site, beautiful and trendy in equal parts.  There are over 20 different blog styles, 10 header variations and it’s even WooCommerce compatible.  The Pinterest-like layout is super familiar and it’s  a great way to highlight all your products, no matter what they are.
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On the hunt for a beautiful Pinterest style WordPress theme?  Pinstagram could be the one for you.  MyThemeShop is a wonderful theme maker, one of the best in the business, to be honest.  Pinstagram is a highly customizable WordPress theme and you don’t need to know how to code to get the most out of it.  Pinterest is incredibly popular and part of that popularity is based on the incredible usability.  Folks are very familiar with Pinterest, which means they’ll be immediately familiar with your site based on the Pinstagram theme.  You’ll get tons of widgetized areas, Google fonts and the colors are all changeable too.  You’re going to love the simple layout with traditional Pinterest style layouts and you’ll be able to maximize the amount of eyes on your content.  That helps build user engagement, which can definitely help drive your traffic to levels higher than you could have anticipated.
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Responsive and ready for just about anything, Merapi is a great looking, well organized blog theme that is a wonderful solution for personal blogs and journals, news magazines and creative portfolios.  If you want to have your content look great with massiv click through rates, the Pinterest style has proven to be a winner.  I love the focus on both typography and mixed media posts.  Merapi is very highly rated too, with over 500 downloads, sparkling reviews, great support and a wealth of documentation to help get you started.
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Masonry has never looked better than with this theme, and that makes Pin one of the best WordPress blog themes on the market. You’ll enjoy the heck out of this personal blog theme, from the design to the features, it’s got everything you need to make a real impact.   Pin is a gentle looking WordPress grid style portfolio theme that’s amusing, clean and absolutely ready to show off your photos and blog posts! Effective for the latest clothing portfolios, ad agencies and more. Maybe a wedding photography company interested in a cutting edge theme to find a new look? The theme’s developer has make sure that the layout is really tightly structured, so simple and it’s deceptively powerful.
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Clean and premium, feature filled and user friendly, that’s Waulah.  This infinite scrolling theme is ideal for news sites, online magazines and blogs.  Waulah is clean and flexible, suitable for almost any sort of blog site too.  Sports, travel, photography, you name it.  The Pinterest-style layout is familiar to most and it helps make your content incredibly visual and that really lures in your readers, making them click on more of your interesting articles and posts.  Social sharing is also at the center stage here, easily add your social networking accounts for sites like Pinterest, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and more.  With Waulah, you get a strong theme that’s easy to use and it always looks great on every device.
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Accord is a really slick Pinterest style theme, it comes with 9 amazing widgets, a post rating system that helps with user engagement, there are 7 different post types too.  This theme is built on Bootstrap code, so it loads up fast and looks fantastic on all screen sizes.  This theme works just as well for personal blogs as it does for a magazine.  Which one you choose, well, that’s up to you.  Either way, you’ll have a really eye-catching and user friendly Pinterest style layout that’s familiar and unique at the same time.  This simple theme is a real blogger’s delight and the ratings seem to prove that. This theme is popular and well liked, with a really strong overall rating on ThemeForest.  Well worth checking out.
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templified · 5 years
Image Gallery WordPress Themes | Templified
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Image Gallery WordPress Themes
For a creative gallery theme, you are in the perfect location. WordPress is the ideal solution for creating an online picture gallery with amazing style, beauty and performance in mind. We have found some of the greatest WordPress gallery themes and brought them to you in this particular collection.
This theme is called Andra and it certainly has the minimalist angle covered, this is a photography portfolio theme that has a clean and simple design, great for designers, photographers, artists and plenty more. This is Ajax powered WordPress template sports a perfect 5-star rating on ThemeForest and that’s just the beginning of why we recommended. I absolutely love the powerful Packery Grid Builder plugin, it’s a great way to build a creative portfolio with a stylish masonry grid layout. Customers are raving about this theme, as well as the theme developers support. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a simpler and more effective image gallery template anywhere. This theme offers lifetime updates, fast page load times, one click demo import, unlimited color options, Advanced typography thanks to Google fonts and the documentation and support is comprehensive and thorough. I highly recommend this theme and would love to see some examples of real-world usage of the Andra WordPress theme.
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Your photographs are bright, dynamic and beautiful – you need a WordPress site that can deliver that same style.  Photography is a web template that has a lot of flexibility and options to make a great first impression on your readers.  This theme has 24 separate demo sites, each give a slightly different set of features that you might like on your own site.  Pick a light or dark version with a classic left aligned menu, centered, top bar, left and right menus, full screen video…you get the picture, a lot more.  There are 70 different gallery and portfolio templates.  Some folks might want a three column portfolio, some might prefer four.  You’ll have the option to do whatever you want with this theme.  Also photographers, this theme has photo proofing feature built in, which is a must have for a photography business.
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With support for amazing WordPress gallery plugins like NextGen Gallery, Envira Gallery and Sunshine, Benson is a fantastic theme for building a beautiful, easy to manage image gallery.  Benson is made for all kinds of photographers, you can see from the demo that it’s styled for wedding photographers, but it could be just as strong for any sort of photographer, from portraits to photo journalism.  Benson has tons of post and page layout options, you can customize layouts, appearance and even showcase your photos with a beautiful video background.  Slideshows are fully supported in this responsive photo gallery theme, with multiple different image layouts possible.  Custom widgets make for easy social media integration and you’ll find it very simple to create a high-impact portfolio in no time.  Support from CSS Igniter is always amazing, so I think you’ll really like the Benson WordPress theme.
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Gallery Pro
Showcase your posts, pages and image galleries with style, simplicity and stunning clarity.  Gallery Pro is a multipurpose theme with WooCommerce integration, a perfect looking blog section and a wide variety of options for customizing your site to look like you want it to look.  But all that pales in comparison to the image gallery options available with Gallery pro.  This theme is all about visual content, your photographs will look fantastic on any screen size, browser or mobile device, thanks to the perfect responsiveness.  Easily edit and change any setting, from colors to background image, content and more, and you can even see those changes in real time before you commit them to your site.  Widget areas help boost your flexibility and creativity.  As always, Genesis Framework themes load fast, look great and work very well, since the code is constantly updated.
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If you’re in the market for a dynamic, attractive WordPress gallery theme, have a look at Eero, a minimalist masterpiece that makes for a wonderful platform for your images and blog content too.  Made by Minimal is known for their elite level minimalist designs, clean layouts and modern styles, attractive typography and intuitive navigation is all part of that.  With a theme as simple, clean and modern as Eero, your images will look fantastic.  Four different gallery layouts, a variety of header options, projects pages as well as project descriptions and to top it off, Eero offers eCommerce compatibility too, which is really nice for selling products.
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This is Immense, a photography centered WordPress theme that allows for unlimited photo galleries, showcasing your images in a stylish, simple and minimalistic way.  Perfect for a photographer who wants to highlight incredible work without the theme itself getting all the attention.  The impact of a full screen image gallery can be pretty big, so it’s definitely something to think about as you go to select your next template.  And if you’re concerned with how your site will look on mobile devices, this Immense is perfectly responsive in every way.  Add slideshow images and drag and drops the pictures into the order you want, use the video, image and gallery post types to make a really high-impact first impression.  And Immense can be customized with ease, you’ll be able to quickly and easily change nearly every setting in this theme, even if you’re not a WordPress developer.
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Eris is a minimal portfolio and gallery theme from Themes Kingdom, one of my favorite theme makers.  I really like their simple, clean designs.  Tons of white space with these themes.  Eris has a very stylish design and a sort of post-modern navigation setup, with the menu on the left side of the layout, spun 90 degrees to read vertically.  That might not suit everyone’s taste but for those who want a very modern look for displaying their photographs, it could be a nice choice.  Crisp and elegant, you’re going to enjoy the way Eris can make multiple kinds and styles of content mesh together perfectly.  It’s really pretty cool to see on screen and making a great first impression has never been easier.  Here is our full collection of minimal WordPress themes.
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For people who want to showcase their shots on the web, Exposure would make a great theme for your WordPress site. It has a fully responsive design, perfect for photographers and hobbyists, since this ensures that your photos and other site content are of their best quality in different screen sizes. It is also retina ready, giving your sites a crisper image in different devices.
Exposure provides a lot of customizable features. It lets you choose from different slider options, color schemes, fonts, unlimited sidebars, layouts, and so much more. It also provides a built-in calendar which lets you add your events and keep your viewers updated about your upcoming activities. The theme comes with MegaMenu, which is a highly responsive and customizable drop down menu. The drag and drop visual page builder provided makes all your editing even simpler.
Exposure is eCommerce ready through the WooCommerce plugin, and it is translation ready by providing you with the WPML plugin. It also has a powerful contact form module which lets you create any type of contact form more conveniently. To ensure that your site will get a great number of visitors, Exposure is SEO optimized to help put your site in the top rankings in search results.
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Although the Borderland WordPress theme comes with an affordable price tag, it is commonly regarded as one of the best options for modern website creation no matter what the site owner requires portfolio-based pages for. With the high-quality code, full responsiveness, retina-ready graphics and full compatibility with all Internet browsers and screen sizes, Borderland allows webmasters to present their company, team or self with an incredible style in a highly user-friendly fashion.
Developers with CSS knowledge will appreciate the ability to use child themes for design tweaks. Website owners with no experience coding at all can use the extremely intuitive Visual Composer premium plug-in to handle all other features on their site. These are amazingly extensive. Besides multiple portfolio and gallery settings, you can also edit background images, use parallax scrolling, fully customize the header and footer areas, select the perfect number of page columns for your purposes, create slideshows with Layer Slider, choose from over 600 different Google Fonts, add retina-ready icons to highlight particular blocks of content, input a secure and reliable Contact Form 7 and so much more. The Borderland WordPress theme includes absolutely everything a professional website needs without any difficulty implementing it.
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RokoPhoto Pro
This is ThemeIsle’s best selling photography portfolio and gallery theme.  I’m not sure they have another one, so I don’t know what that’s trying to say, actually.  But, RokoPhoto is a good one, in my opinion.  The style is simple, it allows the images to do most of the talking.  Big, wide, high resolution images will look fantastic on any website built using this RokoPhoto template.  Wedding photographers, photo journalists, fashion photographers and more, lots of folks have really loved what they’ve gotten from RokoPhoto.  RokoPhoto is WooCommerce ready, super easy to set up and use on a day to day basis, there’s a page builder included and it’s SEO friendly too.
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Pure Photo
Pure Photo is a new, full width responsive photography portfolio theme for WordPress, with fantastic options for both a light and dark basic design, a real-time WordPress customizer feature, which takes into account instantaneous style changes with live updates, so you can change out your fonts, typography styles, text and element colors, formats and various other options before you reveal them on your website.  You have the power to choose precisely what you need as you go, with no need to reload the website to see any changes you’ve made. There are a bunch (20) of exceptionally built short -codes included with the theme, so your pages and posts will look beautiful, with a lot of custom features that make the site look like a truly professional website.
Pure-Photo is an extraordinary looking and premium WordPress theme that permits you to showcase and sell your photos, video, prints or any digitally downloadable product. When you’re searching for a WordPress site that can hold it’s own with any style of photography, from food products, to wedding pictures, vacation and travel, restaurants, interior design and more, this could be the theme for you.  Attract attention with the Revolution Slider and Layer Slider, two of the best and most popular premium Slider themes included.  They offer nine full screen slider animation effects, that give your site impact from the very front page.
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This WordPress image gallery theme is called Lookbook.  Lookbook is a simple looking theme, but there’s more than meets the eye.  Lookbook is well organized and it’s a wonderful way to present your images, image galleries and portfolios with a simple, masonry grid style or other great grid styles. With Lookbook, it’s all but guaranteed you’ll produce an incredible image gallery that can really impress your visitors.   The first thing you notice about Lookbook is the attractive, well ordered and clean tiled layout, which gives a visual way to allow your visitors to navigate through your content.  Don’t worry, if you don’t love the mosaic layout, there are plenty of other image gallery layouts.  No matter which you choose, Lookbook delivers big impact and a wonderful first impression for everyone, making your galleries look incredible.  This theme is by GraphPaper Press, so you have tons of customization options at your disposal.  Change widgets, headers, footers, favicons, text blocks and menus with ease.  Since Lookbook is a responsive theme, it’s going to look great on all screen sizes you can throw at it.  Here’s another collection dedicated to lookbook or fashion diary themes.
Lookbook is also a full-featured eCommerce site, so if you want to sell products with WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads or others, you can.  With a multitude of post formats, custom widget and more, Lookbook has a really powerful set of options for crafting a full featured, well liked blog too.  With what you get for the money, Lookbook is quite a bargain too, since you actually get 46 themes for the price of one along with top notch, premium support.  Anyway, check it out below and let us know what you think.
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Divi is a theme that is so professional, so multi-faceted, it could end up in pretty much any collection on this website.  It almost feels like cheating, but I’m adding Divi to this collection of image gallery themes.  Divi offers real time design, you can actually drag and drop elements, customize content on the screen and organize your posts and pages incredibly fast.  Just click and type or drag your way to a design that perfectly fits your needs.  Not feeling up to that?  Well, there are tons of great pre-made demo styles to choose from and plenty of them help highlight original creative work like photo galleries.  Here are some additional WordPress portfolio themes to peruse.
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ThemeFuse has produced a very attractive theme for showcasing photo galleries and images, it is named Shutter and it is a fantastic way to perfectly frame all of your images. What should you look for in a picture gallery site? Clean presentation is key but highly elastic layouts may be equally as important. ThemeFuse has made sure that Shutter provides all of that and more. Shutter includes 5 trendy, slightly different demo websites, showing what your website could look like in many different situations with completely different designs. You will find demonstration websites for Phillipe Hansman, Richard Avedon, Edward Weston and Diane Arbus, every one of those responsive in every way themes was built to professionally emphasize your work with a different look, feel, design and style.
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Salon is an ideal WordPress theme for a feminine looking website, and particularly great for selling products designed for and marketed to women and girls.  Salon theme has a bold yet feminine style.  It has the sort of design that could work for a wide variety of products, but it’s really made with ladies in mind.  The homepage is drag and drop ready, with a bunch of different modular content sections, so your website can be as different as the products you sell.  There are five content types to build your audience and keep them excited to see more.  There are galleries and video post types, services, personnel page and the full screen slider too.  This theme has a flexible layout, with masonry image galleries and plenty more.  Sell your products with style using the awesome and free WooCommerce plugin.  There are also unique color schemes, fantastic support from CSSIgniter and a whole bunch more.
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