#there's more horangi content but I Want More
wordstome · 8 months
there is not nearly enough content about eastern european men in this fandom *shoves könig back into the bedroom* I Need To Eat Sobiesław Kościuszko
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diejager · 7 months
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Reminder : My blog contains dark/yandere content and have 18+ fanfics, so MDNI with NSFW fics. I also do fluff and angst. All my works are fiction : I don’t own any of the characters I write for; there might be triggering subjects - please see the warnings before reading. None of the gifs or visuals I use in my fics are mine.
Your consumption of media is your responsibility and yours alone.
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[dark, fluff, yandere, nsfw(*), angst, request]
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Saccharine and Monstrosity(*) | d,y
Pairing: Dark!Cthulhu König x fem!reader
He found something worth much more than gold and silver, and madness and corruption. He found a pretty little mermaid to brighten up his cold, dark home and care for. To love something he was created to hunt and kill; to care for something he watched from afar; to hold something so fragile between his many, many arms. It’s sinful pleasure, a blasphemous reunion, but he doesn’t care. He wants you, so he’ll have you.
Stepdad!könig & dbf!horangi* | collection - d,r
Your mother marries again and he doesn’t come alone.
Pervy!Roommate!König* | collection - d,r
You like your new roommate, he’s really nice.
Doll AU(*) | d,r
Pairing: dark!Krueger + König x doll!reader
You were once made of porcelain and wax, a precious doll to pamper and care. Now, you are made of skin and bone, a fragile doll to fuck and keep.
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Gentle Giant | f
You know König as a different person.
Childhood Friend | f,d,y,r
You know him as well as he knows you - or so you thought.
Helping Hand* | f
Pairing: König x fem!reader x Horangi
Horangi’s stretching you out for König.
Failed Escape* | d,y,r
In moments of fear-inducing adrenaline and hope, you’re driven to escape your captor, but all of your efforts are thwarted in the end and he isn’t as forgiving as he says he is.
Come Back | r,d
Just when you found someone who understood you, who knew and felt your pain, he found you.
Taste* | r,d
Pairing: Sugar Daddy!König x fem!reader
He's an old and rich man wanting to spoil and pamper his sweet baby.
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Eldritch* | f What if… Brahms König? | d What if... Brahms König? Pt2 | d, r What if… Brahms König? Pt3 | d,r Hunt* | d Mocha | f,r,d No Escape | r,d,y God* | r,y,d Young | f,r Sharing* | r,d pervy!stepbro!könig* | r,d sleazy husband!könig* | r,d Mine* | r [male!reader] Sacrifice* | r,d [Angel!König] Smile* | r,d [kidnapper!König] Dark!Cfb!König* | d,r Too Strong* | r [König/Soap]
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kaydenverse · 1 year
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pairing: König x gn reader
genre: absolute filth
word count: 814
content warnings: size kink, overstimulation, begging, uhh idk
a/n: woaahh using proper punctuation now anyways i’m deeply in love with könig like very deeply
“I’m sorry,” König pants has he desperately ruts his hips against yours. “I’m sorry Mein Liebling, you just feel so good I can’t stop.” he groans against your shoulder.
You whine out, high and loud, when he pins one of your wrists next to your head while his other hand grips your hip. He’s still careful to not lean too much of his weight on you despite his rough handling of you at the moment.
He’d never forgive himself if he ever hurt you more than you can handle even after telling him countless times that you truly don’t mind.
“König-!” Part of you wants to arch into him and beg him for more but another part of you also wants the mattress beneath you to open up and swallow you whole so you could catch a few seconds of peace, a moment to piece your thoughts back together, before König is prying open the jaws of the cushiony monster and diving in after you to jumble your head all over again.
“Shh shh, you can handle it.” König nearly chokes on a moan when you tug at the ginger hair on the back of his neck.
You turn your head to the side and squeeze your eyes shut. There’s too much of that wonderful feeling pulsing through your body and you kick one of your legs out as if that will extend some of the pleasure outside your body but you’re simply stuck with the overwhelming buzz. In fact, your squirming is making him get just the right angle.
you’re going to burst at the seams.
“Baby,” You whimper and yank his head back just enough so he can see your face. “Please I can't.” you whine yet make zero effort to stop him.
König shoves his face back into the crook of your neck. “I’m so close, you feel so good. Been thinking about this all day.” his whiny tone is almost competition with yours.
König had been so needy all day, so much so that Horangi definitely caught the several times the Austrian man had pulled you aside for a not so sneaky kiss or two… or three… Horangi did walk in on the two of you making out on the sparring mat after König had pinned you during a sparring match. The both of you quickly apologized and excused yourselves from the room with Horangi teasing the two of you on your way out.
A short walk to your room on base and an hour later he's made you cum three times already, twice with his mouth because he eats like a starved man and once with his fingers while forcing you to look directly into his chestnut colored eyes. You’re quickly approaching your fourth high as König fucks you as if it’s the last thing he’ll ever do.
“You’re so small.” König lets out a breathy laugh above you. “Yet here you are taking me so well aren’t you?” he leans his kissed raw lips closed to your ear and what he whispers makes your mind go blank.
“I could break you and you’d love it, meine liebe.”
König, your darling boyfriend who shyly asks to kiss you and gets flustered when you call him pretty. Your König who handcrafts you gifts to leave in your bed whenever you're away on missions. you two are so sweet to one another around others that no one would ever guess that you both shamelessly get off on threatening one another while you fuck.
And you wouldn’t want it any other way.
The moan that escapes you is loud and König has the audacity to laugh at you. “I’m, ooh-“ you’re hurdling over the edge before you can get the words out.
König’s rhythm falters as you completely come apart underneath him. You scratch at his broad shoulders and shake, your high so intense your lips part but no noise falls from them. The Austrian manages to slide out of your despite your legs trying to lock him in place and he spills his release all over your stomach, whimpering and whining. He adores seeing you covered in his mess.
You barely have time to recover before König is frantically kissing down your torso to lick him his mess. You stare at the ceiling and shiver at the sensation of your König lapping up every last drop of his own cum on your stomach. Just when you think he’s done, he’s kissing down farther and that causes you to snap your head up to look at him.
“baby, wait,” You tug at the hair on the top of his head which only earns you a pleased moan as he settles himself between your thighs again. “please I can’t” you whine but he sees right through your fake protest.
“You can,” König hoists your thighs over his shoulders yet again. “and you will.”
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writeforfandoms · 9 months
Run Wild 2
Find the series masterlist
Transitioning into a pack isn't easy, but you're giving it a try.
Warnings: Swearing, shenanigans, shifter dynamics, pack dynamics, paintball game.
Word count: 2.2k
Eventual Horangi x König x f!reader, established Horangi x König
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You weren’t an idiot. You knew that you were more or less under probation as far as Horangi was concerned. He’d be an idiot to immediately accept you into the pack fully, even if he had given you access to the pack room. And he was not an idiot. 
So you weren’t surprised when he insisted on running drills with just the three of you. Had to make sure you all actually worked well together, after all. 
Running drills with them was… interesting. König and Horangi clearly knew each other well, working seamlessly together. Which left you a little uncertain where you’d even fit in. 
Honestly, they were intimidating, in a way you often weren’t. They were big and powerful and ruthless, moving through drills like they’d been working together for years. And maybe they had - you had no idea, and you weren’t going to ask. 
Still. A little disheartening. 
König found you after the second day of drills, sitting next to you with a little sigh. But he didn’t speak, apparently content to just sit. 
Waiting you out. Dammit. 
“I know,” you groaned, tipping your head back. “I’m not doing well with this working as a team business. You don’t have to tell me.”
“I didn’t.” König blinked at you, even as you shoved to your feet to start pacing. 
“I’m still figuring out how to work with you two,” you continued, hands waving for emphasis. “It’s just… not easy.” 
König huffed softly. “We know,” he said, watching you pace. “You are nervous.” 
You blew out a sharp breath. As much as you wanted to deny it… he was right. You were nervous working with them, because you didn’t measure up. You didn’t have the experience. Yet. 
He slapped his hands on his knees and stood. “Come,” he said, holding your gaze for a moment before he walked out. 
You dithered for a moment, debating. And then jogged after him. 
“You swim, ja?” He didn’t even glance back at you as he asked.
“Of course.” You frowned at his back, not sure where he was going with this. 
“Gut.” He pushed into the pool room, ushering you further in. You were utterly unsurprised to find a tiger in the pool. You were surprised when König ushered you over closer. “Go.”
“What?” You blinked at him, surprised. 
He simply made a shooing motion at you. 
You looked between him and the tiger, who was lazily watching you now too. Well. If they really wanted you to… do whatever, sure. You could do that. You shrugged and bent to remove your boots, tossing them to the side (more or less out of the way), and then paused to debate. You could strip down your skivvies and jump in, or you could shift and jump in. 
Well. Horangi was shifted. You might as well too. 
It took only a moment to shift, and you fit easily out of the neck of your shirt. From there it was a short run to the edge of the pool, and you immediately dove in. 
You’d almost forgotten how nice it was to swim. You dove under the water, doing a couple underwater flips, just for fun. 
You surfaced near Horangi, the big cat blinking at you. But he seemed content to simply watch you. 
At least until you swam up to him, a little slower now. He lowered his head to sniff you and then nudge you on your way. 
Which you would have listened to. Really. 
Except it was more fun to duck under the water and investigate his toes. You didn’t even bite him! You just… poked and prodded. 
You felt the growl vibrate through the water, and his paw moved to swat you. Too slow - you were already darting away, amused. You surfaced a few feet from him, chittering playfully. His eyes narrowed, muscles coiling before he pounced at you. You dove again, maneuvering faster than him in the water, swimming under his belly to get to the far side of him before popping up again. 
Horangi turned when he heard your chitter again, almost taunting him. (Okay. Taunting him a little.) He growled a little and lunged at you again. You dove away from his paws and escaped. This was actually pretty fun. 
This time, he didn’t give you any warning. He just lunged. And kept swimming after you, trying to catch you for at least three solid minutes. You swam under and around him, almost literally swimming circles around him. 
This was definitely fun. 
Finally, he hauled himself out of the pool and shook off vigorously. Meaning all over König where the other shifter had watched from the sidelines. König grumbled and crossed his arms over his chest. 
You squeaked and rolled around in the water for a while longer. You really had missed swimming this way. Now if only there was a pond with fish nearby… 
Something splashed in the water, catching your attention, and you turned to look. A hand. You swam over carefully, well aware of how small you were. But König merely wiggled his fingers at you. 
So you play-attacked him, rolling over under the water to grab his fingers with your paws, teeth very gently closing over the heel of his thumb. He flipped his hand and scooped you out of the water, chuckling at your annoyed hiss. 
“See?” he murmured, lifting you up to eye-level, so you clung to his hand, because this was much too high for you holy hell. “Not so bad, hm?” 
You squeaked at him until he put you down. Horangi, you finally noticed, was gone, wet paw prints leading to another room. A changing room, probably. Whoops. You ran over to your clothes, shifting back and shoving them on despite still-wet skin. 
“What wasn’t so bad?” you asked, pulling your shirt on. 
König huffed at you but didn’t answer, simply giving you a little space to get dressed. 
At least until Horangi emerged, once again fully dressed and covered. And shoved the larger operator into the pool. 
König fell with a squawk, eyes comically wide behind his hood. He landed with an impressive splash.
You were tempted to laugh at him.
Until you realized Horangi was after you next. 
You booked it out of there with a startled yelp, not even pausing to retrieve your boots. 
Interestingly enough, your boots reappeared beside your bunk at some point before you went to bed. A little damp, but otherwise fine. You eyed them for a moment before you huffed softly, amused. 
Training the next day was easier, actually. The three of you were playing a variation of Capture the Flag against another team of three. 
The plan was simple. König would act as a distraction as much as he could, Horangi was on overwatch, and you were going to sneak around to do the actual stealing of the flag. 
Which shouldn’t be too hard, really. You were smaller than both of them (not surprising considering König’s size) and all but one member of the other team. 
Hopefully you’d be sneaky enough. 
You three started off on your side of the field, and you took a moment to observe the layout. Dummy buildings and a few water towers separated the two teams, along with various forms of cover. A gutted car sat in the middle of the field, making for a good hiding place if you could get to it.
“Which way are you going?” Horangi stood next to you, paintball gun resting against his chest for now. 
“Left,” you decided after a moment. “Around those two buildings, under that tower, then see what else I can use to sneak up to their flag.” 
Horangi nodded once. “Keep me updated,” was all he offered, tapping the com in his ear once. 
The timer sounded, and you immediately scurried away. 
The playing field was larger than you’d first guessed, which was not a problem. Gave you plenty of room to sneak around. You made it past the first four buildings before you even paused, taking in the area. You couldn’t hear anyone around, or see anyone. Good. 
You moved forward with a little more caution, crouched a bit to make yourself an even smaller target. 
You got lucky that you heard the member of the other team first. You froze, listening to the soft creak of a floorboard. Inside the house just to your right. You breathed in slowly, listening for further clues. Another soft creak and a curse so soft you doubted a human would have heard it.
Good thing you weren’t human. 
Lips pulling back in a grin, you lifted your paintball gun, weighing your options. There was a window just above you that would allow you to get a good shot, but you’d only have one chance. 
Then again, chances were they were looking interior. König was not exactly being quiet. 
You took the chance, popping up through the window. You were right - he wasn’t facing you. So you popped him in the back twice, bright green splashes exploding against the back of his vest. 
He turned around and then groaned when he spotted you. “Dead,” he reported to his team, nearly pouting. 
You grinned, amused. “Sorry not sorry,” you chirped before continuing on your way. You had thirty seconds before he could report his position. You did radio in the “kill” to Horangi.
“Good,” he murmured, low and not quite purring. The approval sent a little thrill down your spine. “Keep going, you’re clear as far as I can see.”
“Copy.” You could just see where their flag was now, out in the open. You paused at the edge of the last building, looking around. There were spots someone could set up to watch the flag and shoot anyone approaching. 
But that was a risk you’d have to take. 
You crept forward a few steps, listening, gaze darting around. Nothing. A few more steps. Still nothing. 
Maybe you were getting lucky. 
You jogged forward to grab the flag, the velcro letting you easily tug the flag to you. 
“Flag acquired,” you told the other two over comms, jogging back to cover. “Heading back to base.” 
“I’ve got eyes on one,” Horangi rumbled. 
“I do not,” König murmured. “But I will.” 
Briefly, you wondered what the big shifter had in mind. Then you shrugged. You might well find out. 
You were halfway back to base when you heard the footsteps behind you. Acting on instinct, you threw yourself around a corner. A paintball exploded on the corner you’d just run around, blue paint splashing into view. 
“Got one on my tail,” you said into comms, flat out booking it now, darting between and through buildings to break sight lines. The fewer chances you gave him to shoot at you, the better. 
“I see him,” König replied, something bloodthirsty in his voice. “Come to the center.”
You didn’t object, just jumped through a window. Now you could see him, paintball gun up, gaze focused past you. You ran straight for him. 
“Drop.” The command was low, and you didn’t even think. You obeyed. You hit the ground, mere feet from König. There were three puffs as he shot, skidding, and then a groan.
“Dead,” came the voice of the other team. 
König huffed a victorious noise, and before you could even get up he had scooped you up. The way his eyes crinkled gave you the impression he was grinning under the hood. 
“Go,” he said, setting you on your feet more gently than you expected. “I will follow you.”
You blinked at him, just once, before you nodded. You set off at a jog, his longer legs keeping up with you easily. 
“Heads up.” Horangi sounded almost bored on the comms, and you glanced up, wary. Just in time to see him make a leap from the water tower, farther than you’d guessed he could jump, rolling onto the roof of a building below. Without missing a beat, he rolled off the roof and landed on his feet, cat-like, shooting the last member of the other team through a window. 
You hadn’t even seen her on the other side of the building.
Your jaw dropped. “Holy crap,” you breathed, a little in awe. His glasses weren’t even askew. 
“Hurry up,” he called, still bored. 
“They’re all dead though,” you pointed out, walking towards him. 
His mask twitched, smirk clear in his voice when he said, “We’re adding insult to injury.”
You laughed, delighted, and nearly skipped back to the flagpole to attach your captured flag. König rumbled a laugh, pleased, while Horangi simply patted the top of your head. 
“Good job,” he murmured, and you gave yourself a moment to bask in the approval from the alpha. Not quite your alpha, not yet, but you had a feeling you were a little closer now. 
That feeling was only amplified when the two of them found you after dinner and pulled you into the pack room to watch a movie.
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pinkslaystation · 4 months
Impressive yet Unimpressed.
König and gn!Reader
In which König overhears gossip about him, and the change in his actions affect you, physically and mentally. yALLLLL i'm back >_< here's some unedited shit for the könig girlies (me) - also why do i get this writing motivation late at night :/
Part 2 ;> Word Count: 2.3k
Everyone knew König was infatuated by his partner. By you.
His closest closest friends, included Horangi, were aware of your slightly secret relationship - considering you were all in the same team.
The way he his eyes found you during training, the way he gently held you in his arms when it came to practicing shooting, the way-
You get the point.
Sometimes when your team went out for missions, König found himself committing slight mistakes, such as being distracted by you leading to a close call of a bomb detonation.
"König are you fucking insane? Where's your mind at, man? You're fucking up the team!" One scolded at him in the aircraft post-mission, flying your team to safety.
But König attention remained at you, his eyes focusing on how you managed to still look good regardless of the numerous scars and fresh bruises littering your face. His hand held a (squished) flower that he found, hoping to decorate your hair once landed.
And his feelings were most definitely reciprocated. Your eyes would roam his large frame, muscles tensing as he gripped a fellow teammate in a headlock (me when König? me when.), and you often found yourself unconsciously leaning back into his chest as he held you protectively during practice.
Walking around the base, recruits recognised you, your hair always sporting a different single flower sitting by your right ear.
But not only as his partner, but you also appreciated him as a friend, training you when you first joined, helping you revise for tests, filing paperwork with you.
And although you both found comfort and love from each other during the long weeks of being at base, König often found wanting more from you. He wanted everyone to know he's yours and that you're his. He wanted to take the relationship to the next step, he wanted marriage, he wanted kids, he dreamed of retiring from the military and moving to cute little cottage in the Austrian countryside with you, content that you would both be no longer affiliated with a workplace that screamed violence and limited possibility of survival.
And although the military was all he knew, given he enlisted into the military freshly 17, he knew it wasn't his future, no.
His future was with you.
König found himself walking towards his senior's office, smiling under his mask as his mind frequently hovered over you. Teams for the next missions had been released during the previous meeting, and König wanted to switch to be in the same group as you - so he'd be at peace that your safety in within his arms.
But as his hand gripped at the door handle, his focus switched to the muffled voices from within the office, his ears perking up at his name being thrown into the conversation.
"...he's got soft, sir!"
"We could've died in the last mission, sir, I mean he's an insertion specialist, but the only thing I see him inserting himself into, is his girl, sir!"
König froze. Soft? He's gone soft? He's been described as a fucking battering ram, the fuck do you mean he's gone soft?!
"Like the last training session, this guy spars everyone, and lord does he beat everyone, but the moment he's paired with them, he's fucking rolling on the mat or he surrenders?! How is this fai..."
"...he lives and breathes them sir, it's putting the other soldiers at risk. Does he have to come with us for this mission?"
König zones out. His entire life is the military. In his bare room in the barracks. Not a little cute little cottage in the Austrian countryside?! His home is at the Kortac base, his mind is with his team, and he definitely doesn't live and breathe you.
The muffled voices pause, as if coming to an agreement, and König hears footsteps, quickly hiding behind the door, which opens to reveal the voices.
His teammates.
The teammates he's grown up with.
They thought he was going soft...becoming weak...
König furrowed his eyebrows in humiliation.
A mission without him? That's like asking for death. He'll show you death.
König naturally found himself coming to you, having overheard this mood upsetting gossip about him.
But little ol' you didn't know any better, when he dashed into the common room only to grab a cold beer from the fridge, without a regular smooch to your head, not even a look in your direction, it didn't register how much deeper the crack in your relationship had become...
The day of the mission had come, and although König had told you that went to talk to the higher ups, you couldn't help but be a bit upset considering they hadn't switched you to his group, finding yourself still in your own.
But you didn't mind. You just wanted this mission to be over, so you could find yourself resting in his arms rather than on this random soldier's shoulder.
The aircrafts that held your group and his, raced over the landscape, planting itself by the safe house in the darkness of the Saudi Arabian night.
As the multiple groups landed, soldiers scattering the group as they exit the aircraft, you find yourself making eye contact for the 6'10 colonel.
You send a slight smile his direction, only to be met with a hidden frown behind his mask. You're confused. Usually, his eyes would crinkle with his smile, but your thoughts are interrupted - you're on a mission.
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You're huffing, your vision blurry and you find yourself back onto the aircraft? But this isn't your team, as your look around your surrounding, realising you're lying in the middle of the aisle bordered by soldiers. It's König's team.
To your right, you see König...and he's not even looking your way? And to the left is Horangi, his hand rising for a slight wave.
Why aren't you with your team? Where is your team? Where is the air craft going? Why is König not looking at you???
Your eyes shut in pain, and you wince at the slight pain by your abdomen; it's the last thing you feel as you find yourself losing consciousness, failing to see König falling to his knees to aid you as you pass out.
"...bullet grazed abdome..."
"...ight concussi..."
Bright light shines in your face.
"...few days..."
This could be the medics, but the way the lights blind your vision, you question whether your well-being is at safe hands or not.
You open your mouth to speak. You can't.
The dryness of your throat restricts you from speaking, but thankfully, one of two medics catches the movement of your lips.
"Soldier, you're okay! Jus' a concussion and stitches on your stomach, cleaned up, not to fret. 6 to 7 days 'til you're free to go, give or take-"
You raise your hand to point towards the freshly scented bouquet of flowers.
"Oh, yeah. Someone brought them...didn't catch the name, solider. Now rest. You need it."
A week of your teammates visiting you goes by, a week of fresh sets of flowers sat by your bed everyday, and although you're happy to be back with them in training, you're dishearten that König didn't find his way to your hospital bed.
Everytime you asked, you received the same response.
"Not sure dude, haven't seen him in a while, stuck in the gym by the looks of it."
You raise your eyebrow. "So...he never visited me?" Voice quivering.
Your teammates shrug.
"Your guy's gone mad in training. Struck his elbow into my neck, and now I want to be on the bed beside you." One said.
"Missed me so badly, you guys have been sending me so many flowers, 'n this place has become a forest!" You laugh, followed by a painful cough, and your friends rush to your side.
"I'm fine, I'm fine, just wanna be back with the team. Just wanna be back with König..."
The medic ends the visitation, walking your friends out the room, leaving you to close your eyes once again as sleep evades you. Outside the room, a confused group discuss.
"We never got her flowers?"
"Forget the flowers - why is there a medal there?"
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Whilst you were resting away in your bed, König was awarded for his bravery, putting himself forward to rescue his soldier, you. He felt selfish for enjoying this familiar attention, being praised by someone other than you.
He was impressive on the field..
He walked into the hospital room, when he knew you were resting, after begging and almost on the verge of bribing the medic to let him in after visitation hours.
He decorated your room with the freshest flowers, arrays of bouquets of roses and tulips, dahlias and peonies, as if it were a room full of boyfriends waiting for their girlfriends on valentines day.
There you rest, your chest heaving as you snore. König leaves a flower in your hair, by your right ear, before leaving your room.
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It's been 10 days since you've been admitted into the medical room, and 0 days of being with König. Awake that is...
Your teammates are right, he's busy in the gym. Men's only gym...what a calculated move, you think.
Though you're still questioning your actions. What did you do for him to be ignoring you?
So here you are, walking into the combat room, numerous pairs sparring, including König. You aimed to talk to him, ask him why he didn't visit you during your admission to the medical room, and why a shiny gold medal rested, engraving his name, rested underneath your sweatshirt.
The medic warned you, "No physical combat yet - a few more days 'til the cut on your abdomen closes."
And you weren't here to spar, God no.
You were here for König - who's currently...on top of a recruit, fists beating against the poor opponents bloody face.
You push pass the crowd, surrounding this brutal fight - you call it a fight although, from a third party, it looks just like a murder.
"König! Stop! What the fuck are you doing?" You shout at him, trying to get his attention. But your voice is overpowered by the hollering and whistling of the surrounding crowd.
"König! Enough!" Still nothing.
His eyes meet yours. But not a look of adoration, no. A murderous look. A look that could kill. His eyes, a gentle blue, now a bloodshot red. Like a madman. Like a man-hunting lion.
A shiver runs down your spine.
Another voice breaks out into a shout.
"Who's next" He looks to his left.
"- to fight -", He looks to his right.
"the big the almighty, the Austrian King, Kööööniiiiig!" He announces, elongating syllables, as if a commentator for an illegal underground boxing ring.
"Any contestaaants?" His voice annoys you, why isn't anyone helping the poor soldier? And why is König behaving this way? All macho?
Normally, a quick spar with König would consist of a few skilled moved thrown around, before continuing to the next opponent according to the rotation. Not like you would know, he usually just rolls on the mat or he surrenders, too afraid to hurt his precious lover.
You begin to scream, "Stop this figh-"
König eyes rest on yours, and this signals the commentator-wannabe to point directly at you.
"The neeeeext opponent-"
Oh no.
Why is everyone looking at you?
In a matter of seconds, the crowd formed around König and the now unconscious soldier moves to border you and König.
König stands up, his 6' 10 self towering over you, even though he stands 7 metres from you.
He steps towards you slowly, and your eyes fall down to his boots.
His left foot moves, then his right foot.
And now he's right in front of you, red eyes cutting into you. He scoffs, looking down at you condescendingly.
"Wait-" Your mouth runs dry again.
He steps forwards once again.
"Wait, König, I can't, I was disch-"
But this doesn't stop him.
He grabs your sweatshirt at the chest, unknowingly clutching onto the tucked away medal, and with a swift move, he places his second hand onto your back, and throws you straight onto your back.
He throws you directly onto your back.
Your thankful that you didn't land onto your front, your stitches would have broken immediately, but at this point, you're not too sure, and you're clutching onto your stomach again, curling into fetal position onto the floor.
Something is definitely broken. You can tell, because when you open your eyes, you see people staring from above you, while you lay on the mat, laying in a blood of a deep red liquid.
Your ears are ringing once again, and you lay motionless on the floor, cursing internally for being so weak.
König smirks at you on the floor.
Weak? Him?
Soft?? HIM??
He chuckles as people begin to pat his back, fist bumping and side hugging the soldiers around him.
He turns to you once again.
"Shows over, liebing, get up now." He breathes heavily.
You don't move.
"Schatz...enough acting..."
He steps towards you, kneeling to reach your level, his eyes catching sight of the pool of blood.
"Meine Liebli-"
His fingers touch your skin and his blood runs cold, whilst yours run down the mat from your broken nose.
The crowd dissipates and the medic runs into the middle of the scene.
"I told her no physical exercise! König, why didn't you stop her!" He scolded at König.
"Now help me carry her to the medical room - again!"
König, who didn't dare to speak, looks up, eyes wide open.
The medic looks down at him.
An unimpressed look rests on his face.
YALLLLLLLL the angst, call me mcdonalds cos i'm loving it :D Quick notes: The move König pulls at the end is written a little confusingly (MY APOLOGIES LMAO), but it's inspired by the wrestling move -> The Arm Throw. I hope this helps you visualise it better. I've decided to start a tag list! -> lemme know you're interested to be tagged in my future posts! tags -> @lilliumrorum
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I feel like you're the right person to talk to this about:
I wanna tie König down to the bed and spend all day kisses those ridiculous muscles while he shakes and moans and begs for more. Big teddy bear needs some lovin' before you ride him until he breaks
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Honey, Honey
Pairing: König x reader
Content Warning: smut (18+), hints of m!sub to m!dom, hints of enemies to lovers, use of a knife to cut clothes, tying up, teasing, spanking, biting, established messy relationship, no use of y/n or mention of gender/race
This isn't exactly what you asked for, but also this is my house and I make the rules so... have this as a treat
“And how did you picture this working out for you, hm?” König crooned, eyes positively deadly over the honey sweet veneer of his smile. 
A little thrill of fear zipped through your belly, but you were resolute in ignoring it, unshaking as you chased off thoughts of abandoning your plan. Instead you straddled him and tested the tight bonds holding him in place, giving a little tug on each of the heavy ropes that held his hands in their strong red threads. You looked back at his squirming ankles for good measure too, satisfied when you could see he was powerless to do little else than writhe. He was all yours to do with as you pleased. 
“Well, exactly like this I suppose,” you shrugged. “I don’t think I have to worry about you getting your revenge anytime soon - not when I’m about to get sent away on a contract for three months after this. I’ll make sure to phone Horangi to come get you when I’m on the plane, of course. I’m nice like that.”
“How generous of you to plan to free me.”
“As fucked up as we are, I’d rather not have a poor maid find you.” 
“You don’t think I’d get myself out eventually?” he chuckled, tilting his chin at you. 
“Oh no, not out of these bindings. I learnt from the best after all,” you said with a wink. 
He rolled his eyes, damn well knowing he’d been the one to show you exactly how to tie someone else up like this. Clearly he’d never accounted for giving away his trade secrets to the enemy. However, he’d have to admit that he had started letting his guard down with you more and more recently. König always said that showing you his face was his ruin. 
That face. It looked at you now with a full palette with emotions, anger and admiration and lust all splattered onto the scarred and mottled exterior to create a picture straight out of your fantasies. His blue eyes were burning like oil on the surface of water and his lip curled at you, snarling in challenge. Tame me then.
You leant down, letting your eyelids droop with raw want and slipped your hands over his wide shoulders, admiring the bumpy flesh that so rarely got to receive such gentle caresses. Even that hint of affection seemed to have König’s face easing, the long scar on the side of his eye not seeming so stretched anymore. His conspicuous sigh of anticipation only confirmed it. 
A smile faintly burst onto your lips. Merely the idea of a kiss seemed to break his facade - how would he react when you delved further into your plans? You bit your lip at the thought then lowered your head, hovering your lips dangerously close to his. 
“Is all this just to tease me?” he whispered.
“Do you really think so little of me?”
“I don’t have to think anything,” he grunted. “You’re an infiltration expert for a reason, honey. You’re a professional tease.”
Honey. That’s what he called you ever since the first time he’d ever worked with you. It didn’t take long for him to reveal that it was short for Honey pot. When he bent you over a crappy hotel couch and chastised you for tempting him. 
“I'd only be teasing myself at this point, König. If you could see what I’m seeing right now, you’d know you’re in for a real treat,” you grinned.
His nostrils flared and you could feel his chest swelling up with his ragged breaths. He could probably feel your desire just the same, you thought, knowing exactly how worked up you were from the way you were sitting barenaked right on top of him.
You made sure to grind yourself into his body when you finally kissed him, letting him feel the full hot measure of how worked up you were. You’d done everything not to make a mess of yourself while you were tying him up, but now you were unashamed and even smiling into his mouth as you pulled him close and felt the tickle of his groan. 
His tongue worked its way over yours, perfectly warm and wet. You were happy granting him a little control while you threaded your hands into his hair. The gruff noises he made in the back of his throat were vibrating deep inside you. They were enough to send your senses into overdrive, almost enough for you to rip the ropes to shreds and let him have you. Though you remembered who was really in charge and smirked, drawing away from his mouth again and watching as his face fell. 
“Let me have you. Undo the ropes and we’ll forget about this stupid stunt of yours,” he said breathily, almost growling as he roved his eyes over your body. 
“What would be the fun in that?” you chastised, clicking your tongue at his arrogance. 
“You get my cock and I won’t have to waste time planning a way to make you pay.”
“But knowing that is fun for me, I need to have something to look forward to,” you grinned, soon lowering yourself again and bringing your lips to his ear. “And you know as well as I do, I’ll get to have your cock anyway unless you use our safeword…so?”
He shivered, his body trembling like a mountain in an earthquake. His throat was like the tumbling rocks. When you rose back up again you knew you had him beat, as much as he always liked to be in charge, it was undeniable that he was actually getting into this. He’d never admit it, but that didn’t matter. The twitching length underneath you told you everything you needed to know. 
“Do your worst, honey. I’ll get my revenge soon enough,” he huffed, lying back into the pillow in defeat. 
“That’s a good boy, König. I knew you’d see reason!”
“Don’t you dare,” he seethed.
“Don’t dare what?” you asked, getting to work kissing along the sensitive flesh of his thick neck. 
“I’m not anyone’s- don’t call me good boy,” he groaned, voice breaking just as you liked a featherlight stripe against his collarbone. 
So dramatic. You huffed out a warm breath against his goosebumped flesh and nuzzled along it, watching for every little twitch and withheld moan that dared show itself on his traitorous body. You knew for a fact his mind would be reeling from all the attention, but you didn’t care. Not as long as he wasn’t telling you to stop. 
“Ok, I won’t call you my good boy then…” you murmured, now focusing yourself at his left pec. “But don’t pretend like you aren’t shivering everytime I say it.”
He glared down at you, but it only made him look so much more stupid when he was tipping his head back right as you took his nipple into your mouth. You grazed it with your teeth and licked and sucked at it, revelling in the cacophony of little breaths that rushed out above you. Apparently it was too hard to admit he hated this anymore. 
It probably didn’t help that your hand had been roaming down between his navel and thighs for a little while now. If his whimper was any indication, you’d stroked the fight right out of him when you palmed his dick over his boxers. Those would have to go - they’d be off already if you hadn’t been afraid that he’d wake up before you could secure him. 
“You’re responding so well,” you praised, “Sure you’re not gonna want a repeat performance of this?”
“Oh honey, I’m gonna put a- ah-” he moaned, jerking as you played with his cock and slipped your hands over his balls at the same time. “Ah- fuck you.”
König was chuckling and moaning in equal measure, his body was a beautiful dichotomy of grunted protests and singing moans. You enjoyed getting to work him over, smiling like a born vixen as every movement drew out a new noise, filling the cheap hotel room with a lingering note of sex. It was a good thing neither of you had expensive tastes, you thought distantly, you’d have already been thrown out the night before and you’d have never have gotten to experience this.  
“You’re gonna do what exactly?” you asked, tilting your head as you looked down at the writhing mess below you.
König’s eyes opened hazily and he shook his head, grinding his hips up and seeking the pressure that he so obviously wanted.
“I’m going to put a collar around you and make sure you remember who’s in charge of who. I’m going to fuck you until your legs don’t work anymore and then I’ll scrape you off the floor and parade you in the street for everyone to see!”
“Really? You will?” you asked, watching on with glee when you took your hand away and drew out a disappointed low whine. “Is that a promise?” 
You leaned over and picked up one of your knives from the floor, curling your hand around the hilt tightly when you realised it was one of your own. The familiar weight felt right and when you readjusted yourself on top of him, you were happily able to drag the cold metal over the band of his underwear knowing for a fact that you wouldn’t hurt him with the angle you held it at. 
König went stiff as a board underneath you and glared at you again, teeth baring as he worked out what you meant to do to him. He looked wildly from your hands and to your face, eyes practically broadcasting his revenge plot from the dark depths of his blown out pupils. 
“Don’t even think about it,” he warned. “Just slide them down.”
“Or what?”
“I’ll make you regret it.”
“I hope so.”
The cotton fabric of his boxers was no match for your knife. It slashed through them in a few easy cuts, running through the material like butter, best of all not even grazing König’s already heavily scarred skin. You liked the drama of the knife, but you didn’t want to hurt him. 
Truth be told though, he was furious - he’d probably rather be hurt than have to bother to replace his underwear. If he were a cartoon character his ears would be steaming. However if the redness in his face was anything to go by, he was probably as close to it as he’d get, he certainly felt burning to the touch. He'd had every dignity taken from him now. Though still he didn’t say Austria, and so you didn’t stop.  
You tossed the knife onto the bedside table where it dropped with a thundering clatter and threw the black tatters of his boxers to the ground, revelling in the full straining length of his cock from underneath the shroud. It was enough to make you salivate. Your mouth filled and your heart thrummed in your chest, but still you held your composure and opted to ignore it for the moment. Instead returning to kissing around his body and only occasionally running your fingers gently over his dick and around the rough dark thatch of his pubic hair. 
“You’re a ah- fucking bitch,” he groaned, voice much higher pitched than you were used to.
His voice was ragged, he was getting pushed further and further toward madness. You’d been working him for only a few minutes, but clearly it was too much. He needed to feel your actual touch on him, a firm hand. He was desperate, voice all breathy even while he tried in vain to pretend like it wasn’t getting to him.
“Those. Aren’t. Very. Sweet words,” you murmured, taking a break through each to kiss his straining abs that were now far more visible through the fat of his tummy. 
“You’re supposed to be the sweet one, honey,” he sighed, arching again as you licked at the spot just underneath his navel. 
“I’m being rather sweet to you now, no? I could be fully taking advantage of this predicament you’re in and riding on top of you, taking whatever I want from you, but I’m choosing to use this as an opportunity to worship you instead,” you sighed, running your hands up and down his hairy thighs, gently scratching at him enough to have him clenching his teeth. 
“Worship? This isn’t worship - it’s torture. I want to feel you. I need you to give me more!”
Oh…he sounded hungry before, but now he was starving. There was an extra low growl in his voice and now it felt like the air was thick with the salt of him. His chest was working hard underneath you, heart palpitating while he cock bobbed in time, rutting against you and seeking every little sensation it could. 
You had to take pity on him. You had to give him more now. 
“Well you only had to ask for it,” you hummed, finally licking a stripe straight down the vein on the underside of his dick. 
He moaned out like a bull, the sound practically ricocheted off the walls. You giggled quietly to yourself and worked your tongue over him again, closing your eyes contentedly as you tuned into his deep siren’s call. 
You’d now moved down his body so that you could get better access to him, and now you took full advantage of his rock solid muscles, gently rutting yourself against his outstretched  leg while you licked at his shaft and balls. You delighted in every time his voice caught in his throat and his moans broke out like waves into the static of the room. 
You alternated between licking him and then breathing over the trails of saliva, taunting him when you reached his head,only giving him the gentlest of kitten licks there that would send him spasming and cursing. He wanted more and more, but you refused to give in right away. Teasing him was much too fun, and he was right, you were practically a professional at this. 
Eventually though, you couldn’t refuse him any longer and when you finally took him into your mouth, he hummed and relaxed so fully that it felt like he’d been paralysed beneath you. You were a venomous creature taking him in your mouth and he was your prey now, you thought, he was well and truly yours. 
At least that's what you had thought. 
You’d bobbed your head down only a few times, had just swallowed right down to his balls when you felt it. A hand working its way over your head and tightly locking you into place against the scratchy hairs at his base. It took you no time at all to realise your little plan had backfired. 
You’d been so focused on his cock that you hadn’t noticed he’d worked his hand free. You hadn’t heard the snicking of the knife as it had cut through the other binding. You hadn’t felt König’s upper half shifting until it was too late. Now the icy realisation was freezing your heart and sending your eyes watering. 
He was fully in control of you now, yanking you up and holding you fast against him while he cut his feet free and threw the knife over to the far side of the room. His arms locked around you and he twisted like a crocodile in a death roll, throwing you underneath him and locking himself over you, ready to mount you like the bitch he claimed you to be. 
“I wonder how hard I have to fuck you to make sure your legs can’t walk you onto that plane later, hm?” König sneered, breath hot as his voice acidly poured into your ears. “Lets see how long it takes for you to break.”
You yelped when he fastened his forearm around your throat and forced you both upward onto your knees, forcing you steady against him. You could still breathe fine, but nevertheless you fought him, trying to scrap back for control. It was useless. He hit your hands away without issue and still managed to get what he was looking for. Managing to lean over to the drawer and fetch the lube before he threw you uncaringly back into the mattress and repositioned his arm, constricting it around your middle instead. 
He spanked you a couple times, the jolt centering straight onto your crotch and reversing your roles straight away. Now you were the one turned into a whimpering little mess. You turned to him and begged him to be gentle, but he only offered you a crazed smile before shoving the lube bottle between his teeth and squeezing a generous amount onto his hand. 
“Gentle is for good little things that do as they’re told,” he growled, spitting the tube from his mouth. “Or those who use their safeword…so?”
He was mocking you now. The air hung dead between you, cold and unforgiving and sending you shivering under the weight of it. 
“Just as I thought,” he hissed. “You love it when I take control.” 
You sighed out in full defeat and looked down at the messy sheets, now resigned to your fate. You’d be little better than his fucktoy in only seconds. The realisation had you biting your lip, it sent your pulse roaring in both your chest and low in your body as you now anticipated, none too ashamedly, getting split in two. 
You gasped when he pressed his lubed up hand against you and began to rub at your entrance, coating it thickly with the cool liquid and working you up a little before pressing a finger in. Pumping it in and out to the rhythm of your dogged moans, twisting and stroking and not letting up for anything.
He spanked you every so often, alternating between preparing you and punishing you for what you put him through. Even while you protested and told him that you couldn’t come into a job covered in bruises, he didn’t care. He didn’t even deign to give your cries an answer. He just rocked you onto him, adding fingers and turning your ass into a tingling hot mess all while he kept his chest pushed into his back and held you tightly against his sweaty torso. 
“I- I that’s ah- I need”
“What? Are you finding it difficult to speak already? Imagine how difficult it’ll be once I’m inside you,” he taunted, nipping at the shell of your ear. “You want something, honey?”
You moaned out and bucked back against him, trying for a last ditch effort to get back on top, but he only laughed. There was no escape. The deep timbre of his chuckle worked through your back like nails, bringing home the fact that there wasn’t any way out of this beyond giving your safeword, and like hell did you want to do that. Not while every inch of your body was egging him on to continue. 
“I need it,” you whimpered, groaning deep when he massaged a particularly sensitive spot inside of you. “I need your cock, pleaseeee.”
“You need it, yeah? How bad? Tell me how bad you need me to fuck you,” König growled.
You could feel him in the depths of your body, could feel how deep your desire for him was rooted now. Your toes were curling, sweat was dripping from your brow with the effort it took just to stay in the moment. Everything felt so impossibly hot. It took every effort not to pant like a dog, show him you might become a complete animal in the face of his teasing and his ministrations. 
“Please, please, please, König!” you cried out. “Let me cum for you, I wanna make you feel good. I wanna clench around you. Let me feel you, I need it. I want you to fucking crush me, put your whole body over mine, please I need-”
He cut you off completely when he ploughed into you. Your words straggling away into nothingness. His hips clashed into your body and he jerked backwards just as he entered halfway, conscious of the fact that even with preparation he was still fucking huge. Though it didn’t stop him complying with your request, bending you harshly down into the mattress, almost squashing you in his effort to envelop you completely.
“Little brat, this is what you wanted all along. Well then…take it…take it all.”
Your arms and legs were folded underneath you now, just as useless as König’s had been when they were tied up. You had nowhere to go. Not that you wanted to go anywhere. König continued to work his way into your aching body, stretching you out and drawing the most salacious noises from your lips like a violin bow, stroking back and forth in perfect crescendoing song.
He wrapped a hand around your neck and kept his other arm around you, holding you tight and fucking into you like two animals in full heat. He knew just what you liked. Even while you tried to keep up the pretence of a struggle, scrabbling away at the wet sheets, you both knew that this was what you craved.
“There you go,” he said, ramming into you with his full length, voice straining even through his smugness. “Not so superior now that you’re all filled with cock, hm? You’re moaning like a little whore… my little whore. How’re you going to cope when I’m away, hm? You gonna touch yourself every night thinking about this? Maybe I should film you, make sure you have a reminder of your place.”
Your whole body tensed and you felt a growl of disapproval work itself from your throat. Even in your compromised position, even filled up to a point where you could feel your whole body coursing with need, you weren’t letting him get away with that.
You twisted your neck and bit his arm, not bothering to voice your protests. Your teeth sunk into flesh and released a pained grunt from him, but you were only rewarded with a particularly hard thrust for your efforts. It had you screaming underneath him, forcing him to reposition his hand from your neck and over your mouth. 
“I’ll have to get a gag for you if you’re going to start biting,” he hissed, only releasing your mouth when you forced his hand away.
“Don’t threaten…me with a good time,” you laughed, smiling all the more when you heard him laughing too. 
“Fucking hell,” he sighed.
He gave up holding you down and rose up like a bear, grasping your hips tightly with his roughened fingers before he really lost himself in you. He built up the fire within you until it was roaring, each slap of his body against yours sending you juddering forward and moaning out as his cock drew out brilliant sparks.
“Fuck, honey. You look so good like this… Look so good fighting to stay up. You’re my little plaything yeah? You’re mine to tease and fuck as I wish. Mine.”
Your vision was starting to white out, your head was growing fuzzy. The beat of your heart felt like it was building faster and faster and every little muscle in your body clenched at the impending orgasm that rocked through you. With only a few more thrusts you were spent, tearing at the sheets and lost in the pleasure, feeling positively drunk as your head swam with endorphins. 
You screamed out and let your body fall completely to König, allowing him to gather your jelly muscles up and quickly reposition you in his lap. Your nails dug into his back, your head fell into the crook of his neck. You whimpered when he slipped back into you again, shaking as the aftershocks of your orgasm punched through you all the harder. 
“Too much,” you whined, “too sensitive.”
“Come on now, honey. You’re not nearly there yet,” König murmured, kissing your temple. “Not till you say the safeword or till I say you’re done, alright?”
He repositioned himself and you dug your nails into the meat of his back, completely failing to discourage him from rocking you against his cock. You felt like you were going to cum again just from the jostling movements alone. The realisation had you moaning so pathetically. 
“C’mon, honey, I know you can keep going for me, can’t you? I know you can,” he encouraged, already starting to slowly thrust in and out of you again. “I’m only just getting started…” 
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i-am-hungry-24-7 · 5 months
Spider Webs - König*Fem!Reader
He's obsessed with you, but you are more obsessed with him.
Content Warning: 18+ (masturbation, dirty imaginations), mdni , König is a pervert and so are you.
part 2 part 3 bonus chapter 1
König thinks people like you shouldn't join the military, you were too kind, too innocent for this place.
You were his assistant who joined KorTac a year ago.
You quickly became familiar with your colleague. You are friendly and considerate. You always remember what others like, notice the little details, and keep a mental note.
Even to someone like him.
Your job was to assist him, so of course you two interact a lot. You help him with the tedious paperwork, and when he is tired of writing the endless reports, and just starts to think about having some coffee, you knock on his door and come in with a cup of latte in your hand.
He never told you he likes latte before, he assumed you knew it from Horangi. At first, you tried different portions of milk, and you found out the amount of milk he loves to add to his coffee the day he asks for one more cup.
He usually thinks he hides his emotions and thoughts behind his hood very well — at least to others, until the day he squinted his eyes when he's talking to you a few times after drowning him in the pile of paperwork for too long and his eyes were sore.
That day after you left his office after reporting some news, he reached his hand under the hood, rubbing his eyes in order to relieve the pressure, and a few moments after, the familiar soft knocks resonated in his office, you came in with a warm towel in your hand.
"I think you might need this, colonel." You handed him the towel, it was lukewarm in his hands, but he felt like his heart was burning. "I hope you don't mind that I use my own towel since I didn’t find one."
He covered his eyes with the towel after you walked out of the office. The exhaustion vanished like it had been absorbed by the towel.
and it's the day he notices his obsession with you.
Like a moth flying into flames, he knows it is wrong, and he thinks he doesn't deserve you, but he can't help but indulge deeper in your warmness.
The towel you gave him is tucked into the deepest part of his drawer. He told you that he accidentally spilled the coffee on the towel, and he would buy you a new one, which you smiled and told him it was not a big deal.
The towel smelled just like you, having the elegant fragrance of your perfume always making him dizzy when he's near you.
He took it to his nostril, and inhaled deeply, letting your smell occupy his whole mind, inhaling you in, letting it merge with his blood, his every single cell, his soul.
He took it back to his room the day he felt extremely tired and wrapped it around his shaft, recalling the alluring figure he saw in the day, trying to remember the feeling your hand brushed against him when you handed him the coffee.
He bit the inside of his hood, but it did little to hide his moans. Your name slipped out his mouth like a motto, louder and louder, he imagined what you might be doing now. 
Were you taking a shower, with those bubbles covering your perfect body? Were you cooking something while swaying your hips along with the music you were playing?
Or, were you pleasuring yourself too? He hoped he was the one you were thinking of when you put your hands over your most private part, rubbing circles on your clit while whining with your honey-soaked voice.
Oh, you didn't know how he desperately wanted you to moan out his name too, like how you always call him by his rank sweetly, but he imagined you calling him König this time.
"Oh... Scheiße!...I- I’m coming..!" His voice picked up an octave, and after a grunt, he covered your towel with his cum.
You didn't know how guilty he felt when you greeted him with your cute smile the next day, reminding him how the white in contrast with the blue of your towel.
He realized he was totally a sick bastard when your scent finally faded from the towel after washing them the same night he used them to pleasure himself.
He was unable to sleep without your smell anymore, not when he couldn't let your smell become the last thing he thought about before he drifted into sultry dreams about you.
He went to the office you shared with other assistants at night, searching your table for another towel.
He found nothing. 
Your desk was clean and neat, without any personal things except a few pens you use.
No towel or handkerchief, no hair tie, no ornament he could sneak out.
so he went through the profiles of all workers of KorTac secretly, typing your name in the search bar, and opening yours with shaky breaths.
And there's your address, written under your name, he felt like the words are shining glaringly in the dark office.
"I'll be out for a few hours." He told you the next day, looking down at you, voices remain as calm as he could be.
"Okay, tell me if there's anything I can help you with." your innocent smile almost made him feel sorry, but he didn't forget to inhale the smell of your perfume under his hood.
He drove his car, heading towards your house, the address already imprinted in his mind after reading it repeatedly the last night.
Every red light makes him anxious and excited at the same time. What would your house look like? Maybe he could finally find some little decorations he could bring with him every second, but he was sure that your house would be tidy just like your desk at the base.
It was almost too easy, the fence around your house did nothing to stop him from climbing in, and he opened the front door with the tools he brought with him.
Once he stepped into your home, his knees became weak. Your house drowned him in your smell, adrenaline made his heart pounded strongly against his chest.
Just like what he assumed, your house was clean —almost too clean compared to a normal person's — and he instantly noticed your habit of closing every room's door before you went out.
He opened the first door he saw. It was a bathroom, but he found no towel in there, only a few bottles of shower gel and shampoo.
But weren't you a person who even kept one at your workplace? Why there wasn't any of them in your bathroom?
he opened the second door, happily found out that it was your bedroom, and he walked a little too swiftly to your bed, shoving his face into your pillow.
He indulged himself for a few minutes after his brain reminded him that he didn’t have much time to just lay here, he needed to find what he came for.
He opens your closet.
Oh, it is like a treasure house built only for him. He attentively rummaged through everything he could find so he wouldn't destroy the orderliness, taking a piece of any treasure he could — your fluffy towel, one of your golden earrings.
and a pair of exquisite undergarments which he is sure the white laces would bring out your already overwhelming beauty.
After putting all of them in his bag, he walked out of the bedroom contentedly and found out there was another room.
It was hidden from the sight of your front door, and he was too high to pay attention to it before he came into your bedroom, but he noticed the difference now.
The door was slightly opened, leaving a crack luring him to explore, so he opened it slowly.
A chill went down his spine when he took a good look at the inside.
His photos, which he didn’t even know when or how you took them, decorated every single part of the wall in front of your desk.
His breath became faster than before when his eyes flicked to the notebook you left open on your desk.
"2023/10/10 09:35 König tells me to make him a cup of coffee.
2023/10/10 10:56 König comes out of his office and goes to the training room.
2023/10/10 12:13 König goes to the cafeteria. He eats a chicken breast sandwich, 5 slices of apple, and 1 tangerine."
His hand flipped the pages, the record started from the first day you joined KorTac, and he let out a gasp when he suddenly heard your chuckles coming from the speaker beside the notebook.
"Like what you see, colonel?"
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ghostybat00 · 8 months
(I need more Horangi content, but I also need more König yandere content, so I said fuck it, both of them as yanderes for a hacker reader, and here we are lol)
Reader gender neutral.
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👾:Imagine being a hacker at the Kortac base of operation, you are someone who wants to go unnoticed. It's a shame that these two soldiers won't allow you to be alone anymore.
👾:You met the two quickly after you were hired as a hacker operator, specialized in stealing data from enemy bases and extracting important information on missions.
👾:First you met Horangi, he was a quite energetic man, a good soldier of Korean nationality, you caught his attention from the beginning, was it your cute little face? How your beautiful hands move around the keyboard and mouse, extracting data while you look so irresistible?He didn't know it, whenever you were around he would make jokes and sarcastic comments, he camouflaged himself that it was to break the tension with the team, But it was only to have even a minimal chance of seeing a nice smile or laugh from you.
👾:Horangi quickly told König, König hadn't really met you, but if he was a little tired of Horangi never shutting up talking about you, of course, he didn't know what he was missing when had the opportunity to meet you on a mission, you helped them and the others to open a database and finish the mission easier.
👾:Then he saw you physically...he swore he thought he saw a "Engel", You were so cute, so intelligent, the blood rushed to his face that fortunately for him, his piece of cloth on his face covered, from that moment on he understood why Horangi never kept quiet about you.
👾:They both tried to be friends with you, but it was a bit difficult since you were a bit quiet. They always tried to get you to spend time alone with them, inviting you to eat with them during breaks. Protecting you a lot when you had missions with them.
👾:Horangi used to use his humor to get the better of you, more than once making a cute laugh or small smile escape you, god how he loved that.Also, in his free time he used to write poems, so what's better than making some for yourself and leaving them in your locker or room?, The poems were very beautiful and always came with nicknames, but in the Korean language, he liked to see how you tried to decipher what meant each new nickname he gave you, such as "내 꽃" (My flower) "내 아기" (My baby) "나의 별" (My Star).
👾:It was obvious that König was more reserved, he wasn't shy, but he definitely wasn't very talkative, at least when it came to you if he usually made the effort to strike up conversations outside of the professional. Also, one of his favorite things was to help you train, of course, you were military too, but you were a hacker, so you were not in the same physical condition as them, So he helped you exercise more, taking the opportunity to touch you more, like helping you use a gym machine, putting his big hands on your hips for much longer.
👾:This was the nice part that you knew about them, not the obsessive and possessive part of these two.
👾:The two used to work together to eliminate any man or woman who would try to take you away from them. Did a rookie soldier try to flirt with you? Oh! You never saw that rookie again, he magically decided to quit after being brutally beaten!, Did an enemy even give you a mini cut? He died in the most brutal way possible, leaving his body unrecognizable!
👾:Another thing about them is that, worshiping it was a daily requirement for them. They see you as a god/goddess, you are so cute and unreal that sometimes they wonder if you are real or the both fell into a beautiful fantasy.They love you so much, that even the smallest thing about you drives them crazy,so much so that they keep them as if they were sacred objects simply because they were with you.Things like a ring that you dropped that was on your pretty finger? You never found it, and the plastic water bottle you just threw away a few seconds ago?, is magically no longer in the trash can.
👾:Speaking of item collection, yeah, they share a fucking sanctuary of you, hidden in the closet in König's room. Mundane things you used, even intimate things like a toothbrush you no longer needed, underwear you wore etc.
👾:They continue to act as your "just friends", although of course in the future they plan to make you their wife/husband, They are also very protective, thanks to König's status as a Colonel, they can keep you safe better, such as ordering soldiers not to get too close to you, excluding you from the others unless it is necessary for a mission, after all you already have them, what else would you need?.
👾:And they are very intelligent, especially Horangi who is a better manipulator than König, they know strategies so that you don't discover them and if you ever suspect them they cover it up as a coincidence.
👾:They really like "friends" nights, where during your free time at work you are squeezed between their muscular bodies in a comfortable bed,while watching some movie or series, you definitely have them around your finger, with the disadvantage that now you had 2 huge soldiers obsessed with you, and who will never let you escape.
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 8 months
Lia's Writers and Blog Recommendations
Hi there lovelies! Lia here and I'd love to share the some creators that have so far been feeding me with amazing content and I'd love for you and them to know how I feel about their works so there is a bit of commentary (feel free to ignore if you're only here for recs). They are all from different fandoms and I genuinely love their works. I am not here to hate on anyone at all, simply here to bring attention to those creators I find worth reading. In fact I actually don't do negative commentary. (If I do, it's probably towards my life 😭)
This will be constantly edited if I find more creators that I loved within each fandoms. I'm sorry to all the creators I've probably bothered with this notification, if you want to be taken off this list then I will respect that and do so :))
I will respectively use the pronouns these people have provided in their bios and if they do not have it in their bios then I'll simply use they/them <3
To all tagged creators, y'all are amazing and so fucking underrated :3
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CoD Creators
@frogchiro - This creator is more likely known for the absolutely scrumptious CoD hybrid AUs. MY GOD EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HER AUs ARE JUST ON ANOTHER LEVEL. Ranging from Hacker girl!Reader to Baracks Bunny!Reader. (Octo König and Coyote Graves are personal faves of mine) (Her nsfw content is the most toe curling shit I've ever read)
@ghouljams - This creator is another known for their CoD AUs, only this time you may know them as the one who wrote the Cowboy and Medieval AUs. This person and @frogchiro actually got their inboxes mixed up a few times I believe, they're both really just that good, I clearly need pointers. (I honestly don't have much words because god do I eat their content up)
@wishesforyouo (previous account being: @puff0o0) - This lovely creator makes short but sweet CoD content, you may recognize her as the person who made the popular self-aware CoD AU. Definitely my cup of tea because I really like short reads from time to time. (Miss this AU, sweetie <3)
@blingblong55 - This creator loves to make me cry, idk why. I love her though, her nsfw content is also freaking delicious I can't even.
@xo-cod - This creator, I can't even begin. I just love their writing style, it's sweet, quite short and worth the read. (We also have the same name)
@lunarw0rks - This creator makes me wanna bang my head on a table with how good their Ghost content is.
@ceilidho - This creator I can't even begin to describe how fucking delicious the Ghost content is, idgaf if it's short (IT'S PERFECT). Like my god, how'd y'all come up with content that you do. I think she captures Ghost quite well in her writing.
@mistydeyes - This creator, my fucking god. Her content is so good especially the requests she gets. The overall vibe of her writing gives a specific aesthetic that I love so much and honestly their series is worth the freaking read. Series mentioned here, the writing style is so unique but captures the characters perfectly.
@wordstome - This creator made the GREATEST FUCKING FRIENDS TO LOVERS KÖNIG FANFIC I HAVE EVER READ. It was all just so perfect, the length, the pacing and the writing style is fucking incredible. God where'd y'all get the talent to write this, here's the link to said fanfic because I do not gatekeep.
@multifandomimagin3s - This creator and the amount of Rudy content, I AM EATING IT UP. What do y'all feed yourselves to write with this amount of quality? Like their depiction of Rudy (and of course the others) is just Chef's kiss. (Also idk why but this person seems familiar since I remember someone in Wattpad a long time ago who has the same user)
@lxvvie - This creator creates the best fucking characterization I've ever read, LIKE HELLO?! Horangi is so accurate and her version of König is too. I love it, I'm eating her content up.
@rustic-guitar-notes - This creator I wanted tag this Creator so bad on this creator list because I feel like they're so underappreciated and their works are so good, LIKE IT'S ALWAYS THE UNDERAPPRECIATED WORKS THAT ARE SO GOOD THEY MAKE YOU FEEL WHAT YOU NEED AND WANT TO FEEL.
@icarustypicalfall - This creator is mutuals with almost every single one of my fave mutuals and that's how I found them. MY GOD THE RUDY AND ALEJANDRO CONTENT?? I'M EATING THAT SHIT UP.
@ghosts-cyphera - This creator, HELLO MISS MA'AM? THE PS!GHOST AU?!?! SHE GOT ME THINKING OF IT ALL THE TIME NOW LIKE WHAT DOES SHE PUT IN HER WRITING TO MAKE IT SO GOOD. First of all I'm in love with her version of Ghost because he's just so fucking caring despite the sexual themes, SHE MANAGED TO MAKE A PORNSTAR AU WITH DOMESTIC AND ROMANTIC ASPECTS WITHOUT MAKING IT FEEL SHALLOW AND SUPERFICIAL, LIKE HOW? What kind of food are y'all eating to create the content you guys feed us readers with?
@halcyone-of-the-sea - This creator has their own aesthetic and vibe when it comes to the writing. OMG I CAN'T EVEN BEGIN WITH THE WRITING STYLE, IT'S SO GOOD AND DETAILED. NOT MENTION SHE HAS QUITE A LOT OF POPULAR WORKS THAT I BINGED LIKE THERE WAS NO TOMORROW.
@drop-cherries - this creator brought me back on this list. You all must be saying "Lia you haven't updated this is so long, it must be some scrumptious ass work you've seen". DAMN WELL IT'S GOOD, got me in my feels and everything, needed that domestic life with Simon after so much nsfw content, I need breaks too y'all. Although I did like that one nsfw post earlier, if you saw that, no you didn't :). They are so criminally underrated too so go check them out, from one creator to another, they seem so freaking talented and I love using my platform to help you guys reach other creators too, who hardly get enough attention for something they worked hard on :>
TLOU Creators
@elliesbelle - This creator is top of this list for a reason, their content is the most scrumptious, drama-filled fanfics I have ever read. And yes I'm referring to their series "Nobody Compares To You". I can't even begin to say how much I love this creator, if I wasn't broke then I'd would've already tipped them. I personally think she captures Ellie's personality well. I appreciate a writer who implements shit that happen in her life into her stories. (Despite that, the amount of things happening in their love life is also some complicated shit that I love hearing updates from. Love ya belle <3) Me reading the belle's fanfic at 3am knowing damn well I have school the next day
@lovelettersfromluna - This creator is another amazing writer and holy hell are her works so good, like the length and writing style is just perfect. It's so compact yet it's not too long, add me on your ma'am taglist, please 🥺 <3
@seattlesellie - This creator, I just love her writing style especially with the knight!Ellie fic. Not to mention all the Abby content <3
@callmelola111 - This creator is another person to go to when looking for top tier Ellie fanfics, definitely worth the read on her works.
@clemellie - This creator AND WRITING TLOU SMUT IS A MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN OH MY GOD, first of all, the characterization of both Ellie and Abby are so top tier then there's the ungodly toe curling smut. She is worth the fucking read every time.
@papipedroo - This creator has made a a series on Joel Miller x Reader angst AND I CAN'T EVEN BEGIN TO SAY HOW GOOD IT WAS. THEY GOT ME CRYING AT 7 IN THE MORNING. I also adore the writing style and pacing, I genuinely could not wait for the next part because I NEED Joel to grovel. I DON'T EVEN CRUSH ON JOEL MILLER AND THEY GOT ME HOOKED SO BAD.
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konigsblog · 9 months
I have a somewhat important question (idk if you’ve answered it yet)!! how how do you think cod characters are? It’s a real question bc people fight sm over it :/
i don't actually think that cod characters are into hard kinks, slapping, ect... although i post concepts and ideas with that theme, it's not accurate to my portrayal of their sex life. i view majority of them as vanilla, and all my posts about them and rough kinks/sex is just a concept and a fantasy.
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characters: price, ghost, gaz, soap, könig, horangi, alejandro and rudy. ↑ not my photos above.
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PRICE is straight up vanilla, nothing wrong with that at all!!! missionary and grunts through laboured breathing. praise every now and then to encourage you that it's alright, very sweet and smells of vanilla and cedarwood.
GHOST isn't as slow as price, i think. i think he'd have faster thrusts and actually pretty silent. will praise and encourage you though, to keep you confident. a firm grip. definitely not into any hard kinks, nothing that'll hurt you as he believes sex should be pleasurable and not painful.
GAZ and doggy still sticks with me. i do also still think he prefers anal, he's just an ass man. slow thrusts, deep and desperate though. kisses you and gives you hickeys and love bites. groans and moans through pants.
SOAP is probably the fastest out of the 141. i feel like he'd experiment but wouldn't push you, nor himself to do something that you, or he doesn't like. frantic and hard thrusts as he teases you playfully, unable to keep it serious. kisses you all over afterwards though.
KÖNIG is fastest out of kortac. he seems like he'd say, ‘i'll make it fit.’ and fuck you ruthlessly to get you familiar with the feeling. 100% will not force you and always looks out for any warning of discomfort throughout it, immediately stopping and sitting down beside you to talk about it and how to improve. definitely more needy after deployment, but overall seems like he prefers faster sex. (not rougher sex)
HORANGI seems like he'd also experiment as he doesn't seem as old as price or ghost (i'm not sure of his age.) nothing too kinky, but spices it up here and there. humilation? praising? i honestly don't know, but i do think he'd be similar to gaz, and also könig. maybe a mixture between the both as i don't have a lot to say about it, other than he'd be teasing and rougher after deployment.
ALEJANDRO has a medium pace. similar to price in that he's pretty vanilla, but a rougher side of him coming out when he's especially needy. i'd say faster than price, more vanilla than soap, he seems like he'd praise you, kissing and marking your neck and gets you all hot and bothered. probably plays with your pussy while fucking you, and a lot of curses in spanish as he cums.
RUDY is similar to gaz and price, a mixture. vanilla but always down to experiment, as long as it doesn't break any boundaries, or if it seems like something he's not willing to do. makes love instead of fucking, kisses you all over and tells you that you're doing well for him. maybe a little of alejandro as well, a slightly rougher side of his usual sex life coming out, never after deployment though as all he wants to do is love you.
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a/n: the reason i'm posting this is because i've seen a lot of people complaining about the cod community and the things they post, specifically about people who post dark content. i'm gonna say this once, and only once; if you don't like something, don't look at it. don't read, watch, anything, it's clearly not your thing and there's no reason to send hate to other people for liking certain things. no one's saying this is how characters act, it could be something they're into. maybe they like ghost and a gun kink, does that automatically mean ghost has a gun kink? of course not, its a concept, a fictional character, an idea.
this is my own blog, and i'm not going to let someone dictate what i post because it makes them uncomfortable. i am not responsible for what you read, you chose to read it, which is controlled by you.
TLDR: stop sending creators hate because of a concept, it's not their portrayal, it's a concept. don't read stuff you don't like, that's you're responsibility.
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drenix004 · 7 months
𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐝 part2
Valeria Garza Headcanons
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Part 1 here
Note: I plan to do headcanons of Valeria as chapters of Valeria's fanfic are published! besides, I also want to do the same with 141, Alejandro, Rodolfo, Valeria,Horangi and koning in different situations and contexts, especially if they are shapeshifters or hybrids feel free to ask for a headcanon, one shot or drable, I'll be happy to do it! And they'll be all soft, comforting and light angsty themes! Life is already too cruel and hard to make them suffer here too :)
Sadly there will be no smut or nsfw, I'm really bad at writing that kind of content, sorry. But, there will be slight superficial mentions of that as a reward.
Pairing: Valeria Garza x fem!Reader
Summary: You work at the bar of a night bar in Las Almas, you knew the menu backwards and forwards so you had a certain fame. One day you draw the attention of a certain narco when you kicked an idiot out of the establishment just as the armored van was passing by, not only did you draw attention because of the commotion, but also because not a sound came out of your mouth, not a whimper, curse or insult, nothing. Just a death stare at the man.
━━━━━━━━》❈《 ━━━━━━━
Valeria has always had women at her disposal, it was nothing more than something carnal, just physical. I had never had any other contact than that with people of the same sex.
●Until you came, you opened the forbidden door that The Nameless One kept in the depths of his being; their feelings.
●You reached to the depths of his being without realizing it, you were not a one-night stand. You are more than that to The Nameless.
●Now the consequences had to be paid.
●Valeria didn't let you go when you had already walked through that damn door, oh no.
● That's not how the game was played and Valeria was very clear about it, since you opened her forbidden place you were doomed.
 ● You were hers, as well as the consequences of having fallen in love with her to the point of insanity if possible.
●You calmed her inner demons, but you also teased them if she didn't have you around.
●Same as now.
●His office was a shit after a fit of rage, they hadn't heard from you for more than three days.
● Many bad scenarios had been generated in his head, did the rival cartel kidnap you?
●That couldn't be possible, even among criminals there was a code: never mess with one's family or partner. Something that could be very simple, but that was essential to avoid generating conflicts beyond the territory or the product.
 ●Although you were not Valeria's official partner, by now she had made it clear that she was very interested in you. 
 Valeria was getting tired after searching with no results, so she decides to investigate everything about you. She didn't want to do it because she wanted to respect your privacy, but that had already moved to another level.
●She found out that the name you gave her wasn't your real name, so she couldn't find you that easily... With your real name he was able to access your credit card records, he realized that you did not stay in the same place for more than two days in inns or small hotels.
 . ●Valeria recognized that pattern, you were running away. But what were you running from? It couldn't be her because she never gave you a reason to do it.
The more I researched about you, the more things came to light; you were three years younger than Valeria, you had gardening experience, years ago you had been admitted several times to the emergency room for assault injuries, but they never mentioned a neck injury.
●That fact became interesting to her, Valeria had noticed the scar on your neck that you tried to hide with chokers.
Valeria went to every hotel and inn you were in, looked at the security footage, and then left without saying a word. He had to admit that you were cunning, a challenge he liked.
●Unknowingly, you entered a hunting game, where you are the prey and Valeria was the hunter.
●Valeria followed your steps closely, the chase becoming more and more exciting, the beast within her moving violently every time it got closer and closer.
●But she was aware that she wasn't the only one chasing you, there was a man who was also looking for you; your brother. The man had complaints of domestic violence, and also had an arrest warrant and a restraining order.
●Valeria understood why you were running away, you were afraid that your brother would hurt you again. that's why you ended up in Las Almas.
●Valeria would help you escape your brother's clutches... to end up in his.
● Valeria was no saint, but at least her claws would be more careful and gentler than your brother's. She could not and would not change what she already was, but she could take care of you in his darkness. ●When she knew where you were, she left immediately. Your brother had also found your whereabouts.
●It was a race against the clock, who would get there first? ●Which demon would get to you first?
●You were the ray of light that the darkness wanted out of selfishness, to envelop you completely so that you could not escape, you were its complement… because without light there is no darkness.
I had planned to upload this for hallowen, but I couldn't because I had an anxious crisis :) why do I feel this looks more like a one shot than a headcanon? anyway I liked how it turned out, I hope you do too. likes and reblogs are much appreciated!
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captain-mj · 1 year
Can you please make part 2 to why konig wears a hood...
What if he finds about horangi being aware of his past job👀
They fuck in this one also König can have a little confidence as a treat
Also shout out to my friend Els for helping me with the German
König and Horangi had been captured. How... embarrassing.
Luckily, it was just by SpecGru and this was a game for training, but that only made it more embarrassing.
Horangi was listening to König and Alejandro talk about religion. How they got on the topic was beyond Horangi. And Rodolfo too if his expression was anything to go off of.
Alejandro and König had both grown up catholic apparently. Horangi had grown up nonreligious and outside of a couple of shows he watched, he barely knew anything about it.
Well. He knew quite a bit about the story of David. After he had found the first video, he had looked up the name to find more. At the time, he had completely discarded it to focus on find more videos of the porn star, he had completely ignored it so that he could continue.... anyway. He had returned to it later. That was the end of his knowledge on religion.
"What's your favorite story?" König asked Alejandro.
"The story of Isaac and Abraham. Or Samson."
"Isaac. That's a good one about trusting God."
"Yeah. I think about it a lot. The fear he must've felt while being taken up the mountain." Alejandro sighed.
König glanced at Horangi in distress but he got himself into the mess. He could get himself out of it.
"So what's yours?"
König frowned. "Uh... English... Um... The... König...."
"King David?" Horangi answered immediately. König looked at him to thank him but they locked eyes and he saw it. The dawning realization. Horangi had told him before he knew nothing about Christianity.
"Why do you know about that one?"
Well, why not. "Used to watch a..." he let the pause grow just a moment, to the other two, it probably looked like he was trying to find the English word, none of them were native speakers, it was a reasonable thought, but König knew better. "Content creator. He went by the name." Even with the mask on, Horangi knew he was bright red under there.
"Ah... I see... Yes. I like his stories..." König went rather quiet after that. Horangi noticed the way he fidgeted and maybe felt a tiny bit bad.
The training exercise ended and König almost fled from him. Horangi didn't mind. He stayed true to his name and stalked him silently. His prey was fast. Long legs making his strides a little hard to keep up with. But Horangi didn't mind.
Only when they were alone, did he reveal himself. "König."
König swung around so fast he worried he'd get whiplash.
"You can't tell anyone. No one can know."
Horangi stared at him for a moment longer.
"I only did it because I needed money in between deployments. My country is different so it was easy money and I only did it be-"
"König. I'm not going to tell anyone. I wouldn't do that to you."
König relaxed immediately, though he was still fidgeting his hands. "How did you find out?"
"I recognized you."
Horangi did not think through us. "Uh... I..." His turn to get flustered.
"Did you... watch those videos?" König stared at him. "Watched me."
"Just saw the thumbnail."
"You recognized the name. You know nothing about the bible and you wouldn't know anything unless you looked it up." König stepped forward and Horangi recognized it from those videos. "When?"
"Before we met."
"Enjoy yourself?"
Horangi backed up, finding it a little hard to breath.
"Where did all your confidence go Morder Kätzchen?" His back hit the wall and he felt trapped.
"I did. Enjoy myself I mean. I watched a ton of your videos." All of them. He had watched all of them.
König hummed. "What did you think about? Did you want to be me in those videos?"
"No. I wanted to be the other men." König grabbed his chin and made him tilt his head back.
Horangi flushed and tried to shy away. He was never like this! This stupid fucking man may be big and tall but Horangi was a confide-
König put his thighs between his legs and fit his hand around his throat exactly like he did in those videos and Horangi felt weak. He immediately rutted against his thighs.
"You wanted me to do this to you?"
Horangi panted softly against his chest. "Please... Want you to treat me like you did them." König's thigh pressed right against him through his pants.
"Ah." König leaned down, whispering something in German that had Horangi rutting against him. He laughed when he noticed but he started to pull away. Horangi hit his shoulder rather hard.
"König. Fuck. Me." He hissed it out like an order.
König glanced down at him before tugging his mask off. He then tugged Horangi's off too. "Gorgeous." He traced Horangi's scars.
Horangi flushed more, trying to escape his gaze while still raking his eyes over his face. König was incredibly handsome. A little older, but that was no problem for him. He had gained a few scars that Horangi wanted to memorize.
König picked him up and his legs wrapped around waist immediately. He peeled his gloves off to run them through König's hair. Their mouths met at some point and Horangi felt himself melt in his arms. His hands scrambled at his back, wanting more.
If only 19 year old him who just found these videos knew where he'd be now.
König dropped him onto his bed, thinking for a second. "I have lube but I don't have a condom. Do you want me to pull out?" He didn't touch him while he talked, clearly wanting Horangi to focus on the question.
"No." Horangi ignored the heat he felt as he flushed all over. "You can finish inside me." Shame filled his chest and he had to look away.
"Wie schüchtern." König purred and Horangi couldn't piece together what that meant. Then his hands were on him, undressing him gently. Horangi tried to help but he was pushed back down. "I got you. Just lay back."
Horangi flushed more, closing his eyes as cold air touched his skin. "Don't comment on my scars. No compliments, no insults, no "they're not that bad"s. Nothing."
"Understood." König mouthed against his throat and he immediately tugged at his hair. His hands grabbed his waist, his fingers brushing against each other from how big they were compared to him.
Horangi started to yank at König's clothes, wanting them off already. König got the hint and leaned back, shedding his clothing. He put himself firmly between Horangi's legs, grabbing him under his knee and pinning that leg to his chest while shoving his other leg to the side. It left him exposed to the fingers currently trying to push in to him. At some point, König had coated his fingers in lube and Horangi hadn't even noticed.
One of his fingers reached into him, the stretch making him tighten his grip.
"Yes. Just... not in a while." Horangi hadn't had sex since he had been in Korea before he even joined the military. He'd blame his horny behavior on the drought he'd been having. "Come on, I can take it. Hurry up."
König tapped under his chin to make him tilt his head up so he could kiss him. Horangi could focus a lot better on this kiss, trying to pay attention to that and not the burn of his fingers. More lube was added and it wasn't quite as bad, though it was still not quite pleasant.
He must've noticed his discomfort because he pushed deeper, curling his fingers.
"ah, careful! Your hands ar-" Horangi shut up when König pressed right against his prostate.
"There." He kept pressing it as he worked him open. Horangi put his arm over his eyes to hide his face. He tried to be quiet but König twisted his fingers and he couldn't fight down the whimper. "Come on, tiger. Be as loud as you want. No one will hear you but me."
Horangi panted softly but tried to stay quiet still.
König pulled his hand away and pinned both his knees to his chest, Horangi's ankles ending up almost over König's shoulders. He grabbed Horangi's hands, pinning those down to so he couldn't cover his face.
Horangi ended up screaming, suddenly understanding why the other people in the videos did. The position made it a bit easier, but he was still very big and even with the prep it hurt. König stopped immediately, kissing along his jaw and gently rocking until he relaxed enough for him to push into him again.
Horangi squeezed his hands hard and clenched his eyes closed. He felt König start to pause. "Please don't stop."
König continued to kiss his face gently as he bottomed out. It felt like he was in his goddamn ribs. Horangi tilted his head so their lips would connect again, enjoying the soft sensation. Eventually, he felt more adjusted and mumbled against his mouth. "Keep going."
König nodded and rolled his hips gently, dragging a broken moan out of his chest. It felt so good. So intense but it was König and Horangi knew he wouldn't hurt him.
Horangi lost all coherent thought the moment König started to thrust into him. He knew the exact angles to drive him insane and despite trying his best, Horangi started to sob underneath him, overwhelmed with his legs shaking. Pleasure shot up his spine with every thrust and he held on to König.
König started to whisper to him in German. "meine Hure", "Ich liebe dich" and "meine mieze" were one of the few Horangi could really string together, even though he couldn't understand what it meant.
He started to respond in Korean. Things that were easier to admit if the person didn't know what you're saying. "I've admired you since we met", "I want to climb you like a tree" and "you're giving me special treatment, you dog".
They kept kissing and his orgasm was very much impending. The pressure building in his core.
"Du gehörst nur mir." König started to mutter to him and Horangi started to beg incoherently. He felt König lift up just a little and he looked down, seeing that even through all the muscle, his tummy still dented from König's size. "Look at you..." His hand fit perfectly around Horangi's throat as he thrust in hard. He grinned, tongue darting out to lick his lips.
Horangi came all over himself, eyes filling with tears. For a moment, he felt like he couldn't breath. A warm feeling coated his insides as König came, holding him to his chest. He mouthed against his throat and held on to him, legs wrapping back around him now that he was no longer being pinned.
They laid there for a minute before König shifted them. Horangi hadn't even noticed him balancing his weight on to the bed and not on top of him. He adjusted them so Horangi laid on top of him, safe on his chest.
"Everything you fantasized about?"
Horangi clenched at the raspy tone he used, hearing him groan a little. "Shut up."
"Never thought you'd be this shy in bed."
Horangi huffed at him before closing his eyes and getting comfy. It took a minute before it him. "You've thought of me in bed?"
"Quite a bit, yes." König played with Horangi's hair, running his fingers through it a few times.
"Ah... Is David your actual name?"
"No. It's Leon."
"I like that name." Horangi said sleepily. "Do you still like bondage?"
König turned red down to his chest. "I'll show you some time."
"Can't wait."
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femoso-seben · 7 months
CoD Monster AU
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Price is an old-ass fire-breathing dragon. Was quite content with his life until he met a human traveler from the East. Grew to be interested in traveling and gaining more gold and shit to hoard. His opinion of humans at that time was one of apathy. It was until his traveler friend was burnt at the stake for being a witch.
Horangi is a tiger beast who was once worshipped as a God/ mountain spirit. Was given human brides as a sacrifice. He Fell for one of his brides until the other poisoned her to death, she was pregnant with his children.
Ghost gives me gargoyle energy. For most of his early life, he looked for a nice decrepit castle to sit on and judge passersby. Was heavily discriminated against by humans for the way he looked. He ended up hiding himself from prying eyes until he met a burnt human girl who made him feel more comfortable in his skin. they parted ways promising to meet again… that never happened. Humans have short lives.
Soap is def a werewolf on the younger side like born in the 80s def a punk rock kid. At this time humans were losing the war to the monsters. Soap fell for an eccentric human girl. She died protecting him. His heart hardened to humans who took his lover away.
Alejandro is a Jaguar spirit/ beast man.
Rodolfo gives off a flying serpent.
Graves is definitely a vampire that colonized shit for his own power but never judge them for their skin/ race but if their monsters or human. Is filthy rich. Once traveled all of Europe with his human wife before she died of old age.
König is definitely a Cthulhu-like monster. Was a runt and left to die until humans captured him. A random wench found him and returned home to the ocean.
Gaz is a young harpy who grew up in a time of war. Lost many of his family to humans who napalm his home. Has a pretty negative view of humans.
Valeria is a gorgon, she once well for a human girl, before she was killed.
Laswell is a “fairy” of sorts. She does her best to keep the monster human struggle civilized.
Farah Anqa bird woman who’s fighting a Remain of the human government from Russia.
Roach is a Banshee siren hybrid that keeps quiet for the sake of his teammates.
Part of Price’s hoard is Ghost. He found the young gargoyle wandering looking for a castle to call home. At that point, Price wanted to travel. Ghost spent most of his time guarding the castle.
Price meets Farah and helps her push back the human forces, losing a horn in the process. One of his wings has a giant hole in it, can’t really fly but will glide.
Horangi met König when König was Beaches in Korea became acquaintances but truly became friends once they joined Kortac to fight against humans.
Graves and 141 aren’t on the same side, graves still see humans as pathetic pets that can be easily controlled and not the fearsome threat that they are.
Alejandro, Rudolpho, and Valeria were once friends until they suffered the same fate and took the pain differently. Valeria wanted pure revenge while both Alejandro and Rudolpho wanted to mourn.
Honestly, I kinda of want to write romance fanfic for most of them lol would anyone be interested in
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"Better late than never" Part 10
Painting nails
Soap’s sister was constantly sending the Scot photos of nail art, she was really excited to start her own small nail studio and wanted to hear her brother’s opinion since he was the only one, other MacTavish that was into art. Soap loved every single design he got sent, but also didn’t have anything to compare it to. He struggled with giving an honest opinion or criticism because he couldn’t compare it with anything. 
He tried to paint his own nails but his right hand always looked way worse no matter how much he tried to steady his left hand. He would also scrape off the nail polish right after it dried since he liked to fidget with it. He needed a model.
His obvious first thought was Gaz since he seemed like the only person that would agree, but then Soap looked closer at the sergeant's hands and it was evident that Kyle’s way of dealing with stress was munching on his poor nails.
Asking Price wasn’t even an option. John was already walking on thin ice with the man after he found out about the mess he and Ghost made in the kitchen so he preferred not to bother the old man for a while.
He didn’t know Konig or Horangi long enough to ask the casually if they wanted to have their nails painted and he was also aware that Konig could bear his obnoxiousness only for a short period of time. He was never mad about it, Konig is always so nice to him but his social battery visibly drained faster when around loud people.
The only two remaining options he had were the cadets or Ghost, and even if he had higher chances of succeeding by asking a random rookie, he preferred to at least try to nag Ghost to let him do it. 
Soap and Ghost were assigned an evening guard in one of the watch towers around the base. For Soap it was probably the most boring duty he could get. He hated watching over the empty fields for hours knowing damn well that nothing would happen. Not that he wanted the base to be attacked, he just wished he could be doing something more thrilling. 
Despite the fact that Ghost was usually rather content with guard duties, especially that as an officer he didn’t get it very often. For Ghost, it was an enjoyable task, especially with Soap. He was well aware that MacTavish was a ball of sparkling energy and sitting in one place wasn’t his dream activity. But it was nice to just have him at his side, bouncing leg and all. He wished he could put his hand on Johnny's thigh, not because it was annoying or anything like that. Quite the opposite actually, Ghost wished to feel the energy surging through his sergeant.
“Ghooost…I have a wee request fur ye” Said Soap in a small voice.
Ghost closed his eyes and took a deep breath, bracing for whatever ridiculous thing Soap had in mind. “What is it, sergeant?”
“Would ye let me paint yer nails?”
Ghost looked at Soap, brows pulled together under the mask. 
“Nothing too extreme Lt. I just want to mess with nail art a bit for my sister Blair- the one ah talked tae ye aboot.”
“You talk about all of your siblings, and I counted at least 3 sisters.”
“Ye counted well.” Soap smiled at the fact that Simon actually listened to his constant family gossip. “She is th’ one opening a nail salon. I wanted to send her a photo of nails done by me and I need a model. My left hand is tae shaky.” Soap looked at Ghost expectantly. “And if ye don’t want me to take a photo- I won’t. The experience alone will be-”
“-enough– Wait, come again?”
“I said ‘Ok’, what are you deaf now?”
“A little bit, yes.” Soap chuckled to himself. “But ah just thought it will take more to convince ye.”
“You want me to change my mind, Johnny?” 
“Not at all, I will clam up now.” Soap focused on the field again, smiling to himself.
“I didn’t tell you to shut up, Johnny.” Mumbled Ghost after a while.
And Soap couldn’t help himself to not look at the man with sparkles in his eyes.
After Gaz and Gromsko came to switch shifts, Soap told Ghost to go to his room and wait for the Scot while he grabs all the things he needed.
So there Ghost was, standing in the middle of his own room not knowing what to do with himself and wondering why the fuck did he agree to this so quickly. It felt like his mouth had its own mind that wanted to desperately sabotage him.
It’s not like Ghost didn’t want to have his nails painted, the idea of it seemed appealing and there was a time when as a teenager he wanted to do it himself. His father wouldn’t look kindly at it so finally, he never did it.
And fuck, now his hands are scared and rough, the only thing they are good for is bringing people pain. He realized that he never took off his gloves near Soap, what if he sees his hands and thinks they are disgusting?
Ghost rubbed his gloved hands together, squeezing and pulling on every finger in a nervous manner.
The doors to his room opened.
“Ye have no idea how excited ah am, Lt.!” Soap’s voice pulled Ghost out of his mind. Johnny looked so… cheerful. It eased the lieutenant a bit.
“I can see you are.”
Soap tossed a bag on Ghost’s bed, it landed with a clattering sound. Soap followed after the bag.
“Come on Ghost, ye can’t change your mind now.” He tapped the space in front of him on the bed. 
They both ended up sitting crisscrossed on the bed, knees touching. In the space between them lay the bad with colourful nail polishes. It wasn’t a lot, but still way too much for someone who picked up nail art only for his sister.
Johnny cared so much for the interests of others.
Ghost kept his hands on his thighs, playing with a loose thread in his jeans. Soap reached out with an open hand for Ghost to put his palm in.
Soap noticed Ghost’s nervousness, he knew him long enough to see past the mask. He didn’t know the reason for the anxiety though. It didn’t matter because Soap made it his mission to make this experience soothing for Ghost, and he will cherish the moment Ghost takes off his gloves. He will cherish the trust Ghost gives him, more and more with each day they spend together. If only he will let him.
“There is no point in doing it if you don’t want to, Simon. I was joking with the ‘You can’t change your mind’. But I swear I will try my best if you allow me.”
A slightly jittery hand immediately appeared in his.
“I am not changing my mind.” Ghost whispered, looking at their hands.
“Good.” Soap squeezed Ghost’s hand and proceed to take off the gloves.
 Ghost held his breath when he realized that his hands were dirty- he didn’t have time to wash them after a mission. There was dirt and blood under his nails, a couple of cuts with already dried blood. Ghost couldn’t look at Soap, afraid of the look of repulsion.
“I should go wash my hands-” He wanted to get up, but the grip on his hand tightened.
He looked at Soap and instead of disgust, he saw pure adoration in the sergeant’s eyes. Johnny looked at his hands with so much warmth he was sure he could replace the sun.
“Don’t worry about it, I have antiseptic wipes.” Soap pulled them out of his pocket and started to carefully wipe Ghost’s hands.
Simon’s hands were scared and calloused- hands of a hard-working man, a soldier. His fingers were long, and some of them crocked slightly probably as the result of untreated fractured bones. There was the tiniest beauty mark at the base of his thumb that Soap uncovered from all the mess. His hands had a slight shake to them. But what’s most important- they fitted perfectly in Johnny’s and he loved them.
He didn’t realize when he started to rub soothing circles into Ghost’s palm. Soap looked at Ghost. The man had closed his eyes, trying to burn into his memory how Johnny’s hands feel on his- gentle and caring. Ghost forgot that touching people could feel like that.
Why did whatever they did always feel so different?
“Did ye think about what ye want me to do?” Soap broke the silence.
“Just black will be fine.” 
“Of course.” Soap chuckled. “What about black n’ white? Let a man go a little crazy, huh? I want to draw something.”
“Fine. Don’t you dare to draw a cock or anything stupid or I will put you on bathroom cleaning for a week.” Warned Ghost.
Soap snorted. “Not what ah had in plans at all.”
Soap got to work, he never worked on something this small so it wasn’t his best work, but he did what he could as well as he could. 
“Sorry.” Simon muttered noticing that the constant small tremble in his hands made Soap put nail polish on his skin.
“Nothin’ I can’t fix, don’t worry.” Soap nudged Ghost with his knee. “Are they always this shaky? Just asking.” But Soap was slightly concerned about it, Ghost saw that.
“No just…”
 It’s mostly like that because you are around, and I just don’t know what to do with myself sometimes. I am not used to touching, good touching. And now you are just here, so close. I don’t know how to deal with the constant desire to be near you. 
“...Stress I guess. Happens in our line of work.”
“I get that too sometimes, but people don’t notice. I am kind of fidgety all the time as if you didn’t notice.” 
“I can tell the difference.” 
Soap smiled. “Of course, you can.”
When Soap was done Ghost had his nails painted black with skulls on his thumbs and middle finders.
“In case ye want to flip someone the bird, ya’ know.”
Ghost smirked under the balaclava. “It’s… nice Johnny. Thank you.” he never thought that he will be able to admire his hands again. but there he was. “Are you taking the photo for your sister?”
“You ok with that?” John perked up.
“If it’s just my hands, I don’t think I mind your family.” 
Ghost is not getting rid of those nails until the nail polish doesn’t chip off on its own.
To Blair >:3
Soap: *sends the photo of Ghost’s nails”
Blair: No, put the nail polish away. I can’t have you out best me at yet another thing!
Soap: I just wanted to see how it is! What do you think?
Blair: It honestly looks great, better than my first attempt.
Blair: MHM Suuuuureee.
YOO! I might have gone a little bit overboard with this one but I got really into it. Really enjoyed it and I hope you will to. I love reading all the feedback <3 Prompt from @u5an5 <3 I would also like to thank all the amazing people that make art and expand my little stories. Makes my heart swell <333 there is a hashtag bltn soapghost fic where you should find most of the parts
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mrshesh · 10 months
Can i ask for some fluff with Horangi? I feel like hed be a tender type of lover, soft mornings with him kissing your face as you wake up. Cupping his face in your hand and telling him how pretty he is ❤️
"good morning, jagiya." - horangi x reader
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overview: lazy mornings with horangi
pairing: horangi x gender neutral reader, romantic
genre: fluff
a/n: hi anon! you're totally right. he'd be suuuuch a tender lover. we need more horangi content... he's so perfect. i love him. thanks for the request. i hope you love it.
You haven’t gotten used to waking up next to Horangi in the morning. He’s eager to love you, constantly peppering your face with kisses and soft touches as you wake up from your deep sleep. You often have to ask yourself what’s happening as you awake from slumber. Is a dog licking your face? Or is it Horangi softly pecking your cheeks? Even in his groggy state, he never fails to love on you, to make you feel adored and safe. 
“Good morning, jagiya.” He smiles, pressing a small kiss to the tip of your nose. He chuckles when you rub your eyes as your face scrunches up, trying to wake your senses. You can’t get more real than this - it melts his heart. “Morning.” You eventually say, your voice being scratchy. Your hands find his face, cupping his cheeks as your half-lidded eyes meet. “Happy to see me?” You snicker groggily, your thumbs caressing his face. “Don’t let it get to your head.” He grins, leaning down to kiss your lips, alas. He wouldn’t trade your mornings together for the world. These are the times when he can be most vulnerable - he can be himself. “Don’t lie to yourself, Jin. You know you’re happy to see me.” You whisper between kisses, causing both of you to chuckle. “You’re a pain in the ass.” He quickly replies, his smile not leaving his face as his lips keep dancing with yours. 
Pulling away from each other is always hard. If you could, you’d kiss forever. Horangi holds such a special place in your heart, a place nobody other than him has accessed. “You’re so pretty, Jin.” You coo, your eyes examining his face after you pull away. It’s almost like you want his frontal implanted into your brain. “No beauty can compare to yours, yeobo.” He leans in once more, planting a firm kiss on your lips. "Don't try to act all sweet now. You're so mean to me." You laugh as you smooch, causing your teeth to clank slightly. "C'mon, kiyomi. You know you love it." "I'm going back to sleep. Goodnight." "It's morning, though." "Don't care. Goodnight."
Yeah, you can never get used to this.
jagiya - babe yeobo - honey kiyomi - cutie
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cariadlovescodwomen · 7 months
i’ve sucked it up for so long, but it’s actually killing me now 😭
we (i) need more cod women content on this app!! platonic or romantic; valeria, kate, farah
i don’t care for könig, horangi, gromsko, etc
i want roze, calisto, stiletto, luna, kleo, nova!!! i love them so much it hurts
headcanons, fics, whatever
i doubt anyone’s gonna see this, but oh, well 🤷‍♀️
i am *not* trying to make anyone write for characters they don’t want to/don’t know very well!
anyway, thanks for listening, lol 😭
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