#there's plenty of ~problematic celebs or whatever and i don't think it's useful to say taylor is uniquely problematic. but imo she has
calvins-dad · 1 year
it's such a shame that taylor has some songs i genuinely really like but she insists on being the worst, most annoying kind of celebrity to the point i can't listen to her music anymore
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golbrocklovely · 1 month
I want to say smth and you always seemed like a person who thinks objectively, so excuse me for a harsh topic :
I am kinda tired of stans on Twitter especially expecting their favs to speak about political issues and calling them various names whenever they don’t do it. I acknowledge and agree that big names like f.e Taylor Swift , Ariana, Kim K ( fuck her) or even Snc using their platforms to spread awareness is very much helpful and as much as i wish they could do it, i also understand why a lot of famous names do not want to involve themselves in political issues and tbh it’s not their duty to do so. There is no single situation like this that is simple and on top of that there is plenty fake informations , fake charities, fake news surrounding always such political issues. And to clarify i am and always will be supporting freedom of Palestinial , Congo, Sudan or Ukrainian people, because you will never see or hear me supporting killing and massacring innocent people , their lives and their homes. And that is why it also irritates me when i see people on the Internet focusing more who shared how many informations, who did not share at all , instead of actually focusing on seriousness of what is happening on this world currently. Because things are not looking well and other people suffer shouldn’t be used in a way to drag those who just decided to stay silent. Are they right for this? No, but they are not also wrong for it ( ik it sounds weird, but still). I have seen many celebrities getting dragged even when sharing information about at least Palestine. Either it was Israel supporters or Palestine supporters who claimed that they only do it for damage control. I have also seen people loose their jobs for simply showing support to the victims. I do want see more famous people speaking up , especially about Congo and Sudan, since those two countries are not voiced out as much as Palestine and definitely needs help as well, however i will not tolerate using other people death and suffering used as a way to hating and fighting some bigger figures. Say you are disappointed ! Say you wish they could speak up! But you will never achieve anything with hate speech! It can only have opposite result and it was never right in the first place!
❕The only “celebrities” that I understand hate for are the ones that showed support for Israel! ❕
i get what you're saying, and i agree with you for the most part.
first off, there needs to be a distinction between celebs and influencers. bc sure, snc have a good amount of money. but someone like taylor swift, who is basically worth a BILLION… she can do a lot more than snc could. than most influencers could.
i think my main issue with the entire argument of 'celebs and influencers need to use their voice' is that most ppl that complain aren't actually upset. and i'm not talking about just with this situation happening in gaza (or congo, sudan, ukraine), i'm talking about any major political issue. how any fan berating their favorite reads to me is "i stand for X, and you aren't showing that same political belief, even tho we all know X is a good thing. and bc of that, now i'm being told i'm terrible for not immediately tossing you to the curb. so, i need you to say you also stand for X bc otherwise you make us both look bad."
nobody wants to be a fan of someone problematic. but in my personal opinion, not using your voice isn't problematic. for example, i didn't sub to snc for their political takes on ANYTHING. so if they use their voice, cool. if not, whatever. however, compare that to hasan. i watch his content because of his political takes. if he was saying nothing, i would be shocked and upset.
not only that, i'm a full fledge adult with my own mind, thoughts, and feelings. idc what snc have to say. they don't influence me to feel the way i do about palestine, or congo, ukraine, sudan - nothing. i know genocide is bad, and as long as snc aren't celebrating the death of innocent ppl, than i'm gonna continue to be a fan of them.
what you do when you complain about your favorite not using their voice - all it shows me is that you are making an entire issue about you and your comfortability. you don't like looking bad, and you won't feel better until that's fixed. and especially when we are talking about something as serious as a genocide… i need everyone to just stop making it about themselves. ppl are dying. who cares if you like someone problematic? dear god, touch grass.
the second issue i have is reality is - all of this is pointless. these fans are harping on the wrong thing bc it is a lot easier to bitch in taylor swift's dms and maybe get a response for her social media manager than it is to email our politicians and get no response from them. but those are the ppl we need to be upset at. yes, taylor's got a fuck ton of money. most of which she will never be able to use before she dies, so she should be donating it. i'm not denying that. however, she's not in power. she wasn't elected. her donating would help but it wouldn't stop OUR GOVERNMENT from giving bombs to the IDF to kill innocent palestinians.
we need to be angry at our government. we need to call THEM out. they want us to focus on the micro-influencer that isn't doing "the right thing" rather than the politicians who take our tax dollars and relish in being rich and protected until they croak while being funded by the institutions that allow atrocities like this to happen. FOCUS on what actually matters. do what you can do, and keep pushing for what's right.
free palestine, free congo, free sudan, free ukraine, and fuck anyone that thinks differently. fuck oppressors, may you never know peace.
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wickedmoonlite · 10 months
KinnPorsche Rewatch 2023
So just a disclaimer: as we go into heavier topics in KP (dub-con/non-con, toxic behaviors, whatever else I know this series throws at us), I will not be doing deep dives. I'm planning on taking this just below surface value, but not too much farther. These are literally thoughts I have in the moment as I'm watching. There are plenty of other users on this platform who have done deep dives and are far more intellectual about it than I am planning on being. Also cinema/media literacy has never been my strong suit. Thank you for your cooperation.
Episode 4 Random Thoughts
This terrible dream kissing. Pete clutching his boobies as he yells at Porsche. Meanwhile, Kinn is having a whole ass crisis in the bathroom.
My first hangover sucked too. I don't blame Khun for feeling the way he does. He's just so dramatic about it lol
Kinn saying Kim doesn't feel like his brother is sad. But also exactly how Kim wants it. He wants out of the mafia and will do what it takes to get out. Including shutting his family out. Still sad.
The subtle "I need to know if you like me." Straight to Porsche's face in Kinn's lap.
Vegas strolling in to eat with the bodyguards is very him. Then Kinn's blurry ass face in the background like "Oh hell to the no, he's not messing with my man."
Oh my god, Vegas's side eye to the sheet pan slap. I watch that at least twice every time. Tankhun really be doing the most out here.
Big doesn't have to be so vindictive. And Porsche shutting Big down when he expected homophobia is the best.
"Kissing is for people that we like only." 👍🙌
GIVE ME MORE KIM. With his stupid leather jackets and emotional dumbassery. Ugh. Stupid feral cat boy... I swear I'm a normal adult.
Chay coming out the gate like "Pls tutor me sexy celeb I have a crush on, I appreciate thx."
Also, I love how they set up this whole sub plot with Kim investigating his family and shit and it just goes nowhere at the end because it all gets revealed anyway.
Never trust anyone or anything in this world, Porsche. Not even water.
Honestly, I really think that was the wrong way for Kinn to go about their first encounter. Porsche was obviously not okay. But dub-con gonna dub-con. I do like the piano rendition of PhiangWaichai/Free Fall though.
Nakey Vegas hidden by strategic candles bathed in red light because he's a rascal is such a mood.
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So sorry this one was so long, but I needed to touch on so many things 😭 I wasn't sure how to bring up the problematic. But here we are. Looking forward to Episode 5 tomorrow. See ya then.
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