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It is hoped that all who read are following with us for that purpose only, and that deep within is an insistent urge that whatever is hindering—especially the darkness now clouding the outer human mind—must be removed, so that the Christ Light that is within may come forth and shine.
Joseph S. Benner The Impersonal Life Volume 3: The Soul (The I AM)
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But remember, within each is the Christ Light that lights all souls, the Consciousness of a Son of God, which He, from deep within, in the Celestial Realm—not yet in the Soul realm—is gradually unfolding in their human minds, so that they will eventually become conscious of Him as Divine Love. Such Consciousness will bring about in them an awakening and a rebirth into living souls.
Joseph S. Benner The Impersonal Life Volume 3: The Soul (Sons of God)
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You, a Son of God, have redeemed your consciousness up through all the lower stages of consciousness into that of a human soul. You have quickened and developed this soul until it is capable of knowing Divine Love and of loving, and in the course of ages of loving, it has become aware of Something within as the source of that Divine Love. And now, You are trying to purify it so that it can be reborn into the Love Consciousness, in order that You can enter and make of it a “living” soul, and can begin to teach its outer expression, the human mind, of its oneness with Your Divine Mind, and thus can gradually lift up its consciousness into Your Consciousness.
Joseph S. Benner The Impersonal Life Volume 3: The Soul (Sons of God)
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You in your Highest Self are a Son of God, a reflection of God, the Impersonal Life—a Divine Being.
Joseph S. Benner The Impersonal Life Volume 3: The Soul (Sons of God)
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This is all recalled to you now only to bring your outer mind to a consideration first of its oneness with You, that it must be You; then that you are a reflection of God, and that your outer mind, You, and God are One, and hence that You are that One. For You are all that IS, and nothing is apart from or outside of your outer mind.
Joseph S. Benner The Impersonal Life Volume 3: The Soul (Sons of God)
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You cannot see or know God, the Impersonal Life, with your human mind. But you do see and know yourself; and as there is only God, Who is All in all, and Who is the only One, then you must be that One. Therefore, you alone can say I AM, and can BE I AM.
Joseph S. Benner The Impersonal Life Volume 3: The Soul (Sons of God)
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CAN YOU NOT NOW see that He who is talking is the Real Divine You, and that You are ever thus talking to your human mind trying to convince it of the reality of You within as God? Surely it knows that every word above spoken is true; and if so, who else could be trying to convince it, but You?
Joseph S. Benner The Impersonal Life Volume 3: The Soul (Sons of God)
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All you have to do is to realize that I will permit to manifest only that which is for your greatest good. For remember, I see and know what that good is, and have arranged all so that it will manifest; and only await your recognition and realization of this so that you can consciously participate with Me in that good.
Joseph S. Benner The Impersonal Life Volume 3: The Soul (Sons of God)
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Then let go, My child, and turn all over to Me, your Divine Self, your God within you—not to some God apart or way off from you. For I, your True Self, AM here, directing all, caring for all, doing all; and I have been waiting so long for you to realize this, to give Me full charge and thus to cooperate with me in what I purpose for you.
Joseph S. Benner The Impersonal Life Volume 3: The Soul (Sons of God)
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That which is troubling you and which seems so desperate, is perhaps only a final trial and cleansing necessary to rid you of all remaining qualities of self—of all its fears and doubts and personal concerns that are hindering My taking complete charge and possession of mind and heart for My perfect use. Can you not see that I cannot enable them to recognize and thus to help Me outmanifest the good and the purpose I have intended from the beginning, when they are so filled and stirred with such thoughts and feelings?
Joseph S. Benner The Impersonal Life Volume 3: The Soul (Sons of God)
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For remember, everything you do, I cause or permit and enable you to do—I, abiding within your soul, which is within your mind, which is within your body; all belonging to and expressing Me only.
Joseph S. Benner The Impersonal Life Volume 3: The Soul (Sons of God)
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Dear one, if you know Divine Love—if you feel it as an actual presence within you—you know Me, your Higher Self, a Son of God, Who am One with Our Divine Father, Who am YOU, the Real You.
Joseph S. Benner The Impersonal Life Volume 3: The Soul (Sons of God)
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I AM the Life, and there is no other life but My Life of Divine Love. All other ways, all other teachings, lead but to death—the sense of separation from Our Divine Father and from Me.
Joseph S. Benner The Impersonal Life Volume 3: The Soul (Sons of God)
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I AM the Truth of your being, and without Me—Divine Love—you are nothing and can do nothing.
Joseph S. Benner The Impersonal Life Volume 3: The Soul (Sons of God)
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Therefore, listen carefully to and ponder over all that we now shall say, not passing by any one thought until you have made its meaning your own.
Surely you have learned by this time that only through Selfless Love can you come unto the Divine Father—can you know Him.
And have you not felt that Divine Love deep within your heart and recognized It as your Highest Self, and heard It say:
“I AM the Divine Love you feel within you urging for expression, and through Divine Love is the only way.
Joseph S. Benner The Impersonal Life Volume 3: The Soul (Sons of God)
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The time has come for you to know this, and thereby to have the fulfillment of the promise made at the beginning of this Impersonal Message to those who seek truly to know God, who would have Him become to them a Living Reality. For you should now be ready—if you have followed with understanding all that has been stated—to know with fullest knowing that God is You, your very Self, and that there is no other God and no other Self.
Joseph S. Benner The Impersonal Life Volume 3: The Soul (Sons of God)
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