#they are rushing it (esp w/ these back to back herrschers like man)
anominous-user · 1 year
What is your opinion about HoFi and HoO designs? Personally i think HoR, HoT and HoF are better. There's also people complaining about the main story, do you still follow it? I used to like it but since the end of ER arc it seems it's a lot more confusing, and with the OW headache i just skip it all :|
i'mma be honest i'm not a huge fan of HoFi and HoO's designs, the latter even more so. HoFi's design is fine on its own but it doesn't really feel like a new battlesuit, feels more like a HoF skin (specifically time runner, which I guess was foreshadowing. hm). there was also a missed opportunity to throw in some orange accents like in the other HotE incarnations which would have made the design better but oh well.
As for HoO it's...a mess. It absolutely suffers from overdesign in my opinion and the color scheme is kinda bland on Mei (even though I'm normally a fan of it.). only thing i like about it is the mask (which is funny because i keep hearing about how people hate it). i'm still getting her gears bc of the special supply but...i don't know man, it's my least favorite of the new trio designs.
i still follow the main story but I've just been getting frustrated w/ it ever since CH 31 Act 2, and lately for me it's kinda going in one ear and out the other (especially with the technobabble and metaphors used, i just go through the story now and reread the lore later on other platforms) ...so at this point I'm just like "alright let's get this over with" and whenever some shit happens that I don't like I just sigh and move on. Once Part 1 is over i may make another alt just so I can play through it again cuz open worlds are not replayable, though i'm not keen on replaying EE CH 31 Act 2 like. ever again so
(Also whenever Schrödinger I have to fight the urge to skip bc. holy hell)
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