#they desperately need rwby + j back
pmpknsoup · 1 year
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electronicyarn · 1 year
Almost Live Blogging RWBY Vol. 9
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Out of all the directions Volume 9 could have gone, I would have predicted none of it. Well, except the time dilation. Just in the wrong direction, I guess. So partial credit? But what did I think of this latest volume?
In my opinion, this volume is easily the best RWBY has ever been. Well worth the wait. The writing was consistently good to great. The art direction was terrific. The character beats were spot on. And the humor was…okay. (A big improvement.)
I never, ever thought in a million years that they would actually have the stones to pull that trigger. Well credit where credit’s due. Honestly? I kind of feel like the dog who finally caught the car. I’ve got canon Bumbleby, but what do I do with it? I was planning on writing a short fic that takes place during Volume 9 where Yang and Blake confess. Now…I don’t have to? I was not prepared for this.
It actually took me about three times as long as that scene’s runtime to watch it. I kept having to pause and walk away because I saw what they were doing, and I didn’t believe it. I was trying to emotionally prepare for coming so close and being denied. In fact, allow me to reenact (in prose form) the very beginning of that scene for me.
Yang: “But how do we take the next step?”
Me: *eyes narrow*
Me: “No…. No way…. Impossible….”
Me: *pauses and walks away for ten minutes*
Now there’s so much else to talk about. I really, really liked Ruby’s character arc in this volume. I loved the flash back to Summer Rose. I like what they did with Jaune. I liked the cute, polite paper people desperately scheming to embrace the sweet release of death. But forget all that. I want to talk about Neo!
Neo is RWBY’s best character, easily. I’m pretty sure this Volume was her swan song, but I can’t bring myself to be disappointed. Nothing that good can last forever. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Things need to end before they’re milked to death and ruined, or the good idea trough runs dry. (See Star Wars/Trek. Please pick whichever one resonates with you more.)
Now before I saw Volume 9 I would’ve said that them having Neo speak would’ve been a mistake. Oh how wrong I was. Neo speaking through a Greek choir of departed friends? Glorious. Absolutely glorious. And then the cat. Oh the cat. The cat made one, fatal mistake. He messed with Neo. You never, ever mess with Neo. That’s how you get murdered. Instantly and horribly. When it happened I literally jumped up from my seat and shouted something to the effect of, “YOU F!@#ED WITH NEO, CAT! NOW YOU’RE DEAD!” Not language I typically use, by the way.
And Neo’s send off. Only Neo can stop Neo. And even that was an example of how good a character she is. Without saying a word, she said to Ruby, “Don’t forget that I thoroughly beat you.” Goodbye, Neo. Goodbye. You were the flame that burned twice as bright. As beautiful as you were deadly.
(Yes I know that a new Neo…uh…a neo Neo? Will likely appear in a future volume, but while she might be awesome, she won’t be the same. You just can’t top skipping through a field of death without a care in the world with the Relic she stole from Salem because she knows she’s going to get away with it.)
So yes. More RWBY please. Now. I know there’s been a lot of drama surrounding Rooster Teeth recently. I don’t know what any of it is nor do I care to because that’s not how I engage with media. So I guess I’ll have to say the little prayer I always say when a new RWBY volume comes out. Please oh please don’t mess this up.
Oh, and I’m pretty sure Team RWBY+J has met God? So…have fun with that theological can of worms, kids.
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violetren · 3 years
My first theory for volume 9 while the second half of volume 8 is fresh in my mind!
Volume 9 is gonna be the therapy season, but in the most traumatic you'll need different therapy afterwards kind of way. Instead of paying a therapist they're all just be bargaining with the universe like "yo I've had this trauma for a while, and I'm feeling pretty done with it. Here you take it back and uhhh I'll take a new guilt complex. Maybe a fear of falling? IDK, fuck me up bro."
The foreshadow-y Alice in Wonderland-esque fairy tale Oscar told to himself/Oz while in captivity is my guide post here.
Aaaand this is gonna get long so! 10 ideas of shit that's gonna go down next volume beneath the readmore, each one about 1-2 paragraphs each.
In the fairy tale the girl runs away from her problems into a new land, but because she never learned from her problems they just followed after her. Yeah? So first--second? First discounting the volume therapy theme theory.
FIRST BIG THEORY: The girl from the fairy tale was real, and she used the Spear of Creation. And like Weiss and the crew, she was fucking smart about her wording. She offered up materials that'd last even after someone else inevitably used the staff. IDK what materials she woulda used. Maybe there's a story about a missing continent we just haven't heard of yet? Maybe the Brother of Light's pool, since Salem seens to have claimed the Brother of Darkness's one but no sign of BoL's these days. Maybe there is a reason the land beyond Menagerie is so uninhabitable beyond desert + grimm? idk. Point is, it's a thing that happened, and since Ambrosius can't destroy/directly kill she's still in her wonderland. For themes sake I'm gonna call her Alice from here on out.
So Alice made a pocket dimension to flee from her problems from.
SECOND BIG THEORY: Her problems were relic related. She needed to hide em, and hide herself from Salem. Tbh I'm not sure how into this one I am. Maybe she had other shit going and some version of Oz was like "hey you don't want to be here, I have some property that I don't want to be here, lets make this happen!" THE POINT IS, the little pocket realities the relics are in, are aalllllll places in her pocket reality. When the team said "hey Ambrosius just make the middle ground into one of these type places" that's what he did, cause that's how he do. What better way to make sure it works like those places than to be kinda connected to em?
THIRD BIG THEORY: Ambrosius was buds with Alice once upon a time, but knew staying in her pocket world ultimately drove her crazy. He knew his middle ground worked like the pocket dimensions because it touched em or something, so he gave a vague ass warning not to fall, because he knew where they'd fall to.
Back to the fairy tale. It's implied Alice was never able to leave/give up her wonderland because she never learned from her mistakes.
FOURTH BIG THEORY VERSION 1: RWBY + Jaune can't figure their way back to reality until they adress a major personal issue and break out of whatever cycle it's got them in. This one I feel is shaky because they all have such different issues and are in very different places with each of them, trying to do one big arc on em would be too much of a mess. Plus it doesn't account for saving any of the many civilians that may have survived the fall.
FOURTH BIG THEORY VERSION 2: nobody can leave until Alice either leaves, dies, OR is convinced to let them go. As we're following good kind people this means we watch the kids try to give someone else therapy that THEY need. RWBY+J work through their shit through variations & combinations of witnessing mirrors of their struggles in Alice/other wonderland inhabitants, and just having time and space to slow down and breathe whether they want it or not.
FIFTH BIG THEORY: Alice is the "antagonist" of the underworld because she is the obstacle to overcome.
What about Neo you may be asking. Well I want her to let go of the revenge schtick, or at least redirect it back onto Cinder thus calling a truce with Ruby. However it's more than likely she's gonna be on team keep Alice as an obstacle at least as long as it takes to kill Ruby, and so Neo will be the "real" Antagonist™ within wonderland.
SIXTH BIG THEORY: Neo because of her unwavering determination to enact revenge is gonna die this volume. She'll be the comparison against which RWBY+J will be measured. As they grow and get closer to leaving she'll become more wrapped up with whatever strange classic wonderland logic this pocket universe has. Potentially depending on how things go with helping Alice, Neo may just end up trading spots with her, and end up trapped while everyone else goes back. But dead or trapped, I have a sad feeling this could be our last volume with Neo. My only hope of her surviving at this point is that she like Emerald switches sides, and in doing so joins Winter as a Cinder foil. While Neo grows and lets go of revenge and thus survives, Cinder stays dedicated to her own desires for revenge and other self serving instincts ringing her own death toll for either the end of the volume, or maybe somewhere in vol.10.
SEVENTH BIG THEORY: Ruby is gonna be grieving and maybe even getting full on angry about being expected to fix everything just because she's the optimistic one. She shouldn't have to deal with this brand and advanced level of childhood stealing just because she wanted to do what was right and won(lost) a genetic lottery for magic powers type anger. Jaune is going to have SO MUCH GUILT to work through, mostly the survivors kind. The bees will be experiencing couples therapy, they've both been pretty solid about individual growth leading up to this, Underworld will be them learning what it means to them to be partners now that they are so different to who they were. Weiss is different. Weiss is at first gonna feel like she's there just because it was a way to really shove all the other Schnee's into their therapy arcs and gave RBY+J neutral presence to rely on. Weiss is gonna go in the most stable of the bunch. But then, slow boil style, she'll start to realise how fucked up basically her whole life has been, especially upon realising that her "good years" with her new family have been spent getting sucked into being the last line of defense against the apocalypse, but will be too busy helping the others, so at the end of the volume when everyone else is actually doing pretty good and refreshed for the fight against Salem she'll only just be beginning her breakdown.
EIGHTH BIG THEORY: All this therapy shit is gonna be mirrored back on Remnant by the others grieving the percieved loss of the hearts of the team. Both sides of these story are gonna deal with some heavy shit, but the Remnant side is gonna be the depressed side, at least as long as it takes for Oz to tell them maybe the other's aren't dead leading to desperate attempts to get the staff OR the make desperate attempts to get the relics back anyways and inadvertently find out from Ambrosius what is up. But anyways. Winter is gonna be dealing with survivors guilt and the loss of both her little sisters (friends are great but Penny was little sister zoned and it's a hill I am prepared to die on. good sisterly relationships are friendships too). Nora is gonna be doing her self discovery thing. Ren is gonna be building on his end of vol.8 developments. Oscar will continue his grappling with the merge stuff. Qrow and Willow might get forced into AA. Whitely is gonna learn his own definition of being a Schnee instead of what his dad taught him.
NINTH BIG THEORY (OR FOURTH VERSION 3): The other way they get out is QORN obtain and use the staff to bring them home, potentially by trading enemy lives for them.
BONUS CONSPIRACY THEORY: QORN if presented with needing to trade for their loved ones & lost civilians have a lightbulb moment and decide hey why not trap Salem in a pocket universe since that is a thing Ambrosius can make? Like, if this bitch hasn't budged on her not learning to appreaciate life and humanity or whatever (which I'n pretty sure is the other way to break her curse instead of stopping remnant from turning) then she's a prime candidate for shoving into a personal reality that you can only escape if you can face your problems long enough to break the cycle they have you in. It'd be really fucked up but I think it might actually be possible to run the place using her as her own material component. Like kill her over and over and redistribute the energy to make the pocket world, but because god given power + Ambrosius can't actually destroy she just reforms anyways. MIght take a few hundred thousand deaths but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Or use the BoD oasis/grimm pools to make a world that mirrored the one she chose to live in on Remnant really make it hard for her to break that cycle....
TENTH BIG THEORY: Working on the idea that the relics are actually hidden in secret protected pockets of the underworld RWBY+J are gonna have a secondary quest of trying to get the relics from this side, and either finding a new place to hide them ages away from their vault doors. If you wanna make it a FOURTH VERSION 4, they're specifically gonna seek out the sword of destruction (HOLY VORPAL BLADE ALLUSIONS BATMAN) either with the intent of cutting their way out underworld--ahem wonderland--or with the assumption that someone is inevitably gonna have to open the vault door, because that's just how things be these days and they'll be able to cross to Vacuo from there.
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warsmith-38 · 3 years
How I would do RWBY pt.3
Season Three
Tournament a go-go
RWBY, JNPR, SSSN, CFVY, CEMN, and some others win their starter rounds against some jobbers because important characters.
Cinder and Ruby have lunch to celebrate their mutual victories.
Have been having lunch together regularly.
Penny crashes the party in more glorious awkwardness.
Cinder quietly analyses a potential problem and/or opportunity in evil plan and tries to make nice along the way.
Ozpin starts to act gloomier than usual.
Blames a gut feeling he has.
Qrow shows up.
Everyone gives him a wide berth out of fear.
He is a massive fucking dork who is nowhere near as cool as he acts or his reputation implies.
Yang and Ruby are happy to see their uncle.
Weiss and Blake are wondering how this dork has such a badass reputation.
CEMN have little strategy meeting as to how Qrow might fuck up the evil plan.
Mysterious benefactor (Salem) tells them to go through with it hell or high water.
Second round of tournament.
Penny and Ciel deck Coco and Fox.
Yang and Weiss take down Sun and Sage.
Pyrrha and Jaune lose to Neo and Cinder, with Neo only contributing as much as is polite.
Pyrrha’s magnetism doesn’t work on Cinder’s glass/obsidian/whatever bow-sword.
Ozpin reveals to Pyrrha that he not only always knew about Jaune’s cheating into the academy but purposely rigged the bracket to put her and Jaune against people he knew they had a disadvantage to.
Wants both of them free to work for him and not be distracted by the tournament.
Also reveals that he knows Cinder and team are agents of Salem (Even namedrops Salem).
Says that Qrow is here to snatch her at the earliest and quietest convenience and question her about Salem’s plan.
Cinder is more slippery than anticipated.
Never gives an easy target and uses her befriending of Ruby to give herself a sort of buffer between her and Qrow.
Pyrrha is brought into fold against Salem on the grounds that she’s, on paper, the best student at the academy and Ozpin is desperate for hitters.
He’s holding off on Jaune for now to further test his competency and loyalty.
Plans to also bring Ruby into the fold, but is also holding off for reasons he won’t talk about.
Pyrrha is told to keep secrets but Jaune quickly sees that something is up and tells the rest of team about his suspicions.
Says he recognized disguised Neo’s fighting style from old crime surveillance footage and things Yang has said about her fight with her on the train.
Pyrrha is very conflicted but Ozpin orders her to try and keep Jaune quiet.
Yang vs Mercury.
Mercury takes his dive and Emerald fucks with Yang’s perception, making her ‘cripple’ Mercury.
Crowd is already upset that famous Pyrrha lost, is now rowdy at poor sportsmanship.
Yang is detained but is quickly told by Ironwood and Qrow that they know she was set up and are in the process of making things right.
Team CEMN is allowed a rematch against another team due to RWBY getting disqualified.
Cinder vs Penny.
Plan is Penny is going to tire Cinder out, win/lose, and after the match Qrow will snatch Cinder to interrogate her.
Ruby, naively, cheers on both of her friends, trying to ignore the problems of the last match.
Cinder kills Penny.
Like, Mortal Kombat fatality style. It’s only PG-13 because it’s being done to a robot.
Ruby gets BSOD’d.
Cinder gives big evil public speech while rest of her team hacks the robots and security measures into attacking people.
Horde of Grimm shows up and Cinder disappears.
Ozpin nabs P+J and tells them that shit is popping off and, while the grimm are manageable, Salem’s agents are the real issue.
Gets cut off by an arrow going into his neck.
Cinder tells him that that arrow is from Salem herself. Made from her bone and blood.
Ozpin drops like a sack of potatoes.
Cinder fights Jaune and Pyrrha.
Cinder’s already proven that she can kick their asses so she starts kicking their asses.
Pyrrha sends Jaune away to fight Cinder alone.
Jaune meets rest of team, says what’s going on as fast and succinctly as he can.
Adam and White Fang show up to cause more problems.
Yang and Blake start fighting White Fang members.
Weiss finds Ruby and breaks her out of her BSOD.
Make quick plan to shut down robots.
Neo has busted Roman out of jail and are now both directing robot attacks from Comm. tower.
Ruby and Weiss get to tower through waves of robots and fight Roman and Neo.
Takes some effort, but Roman and Neo are down for the count.
Cinder remotely primes a bomb to stop the robots from being used by the good guys again.
Roman realized that he was set up.
Neo is shocked but is knocked away to safety.
Ruby and Weiss cheese it before the boom.
Roman goes boom.
Blake and Adam have brief fight.
Adam kicks the crap out of her.
Yang and Adam have brief fight.
Yang, due to her uncontrolled rage mode, technically has a higher power level than Adam but do note the ‘uncontrolled’ part.
Adam is able to outmaneuver and outwit her and proceeds to cut her arm off.
Blake sneaks the both of them away from Adam as he’s reveling in the carnage.
Ruby see big fire coming from Ozpin’s tower.
Cinder isn’t even fighting anymore.
She’s just sadistically playing with Pyrrha.
Ruby arrives just in time to see Cinder get bored and incinerate Pyrrha.
Ruby BSODs again.
Breaks out of it to fight Cinder.
Cinder is final boss of season. Is also a ‘destined to lose’ kind of boss fight.
Cinder starts taunting her while kicking the crap out of her.
Says that it was all a lie, their friendship was just a tool, her whole reason for being there was to try and kill Ozpin, calls her an idiot, et cetera.
Cinder has won this fight.
Is about to finish Ruby Mortal Kombat style.
Ruby’s eyes explode in a blast of white fire.
Wakes up at home.
Tai is super happy his daughter is safe.
Says that JNR and CFVY rescued her from white fire hellscape that was once Ozpin’s office.
Qrow tells her that she has unlocked her second semblance.
It’s the same one that Summer had.
It’s a little different. Less fine control, but more raw power.
World is shocked at the events of Beacon.
Vale is almost post-apocalyptic now.
Main city is semi-stable but damage to outer areas is immense.
Grimm are everywhere and hunters are stretched thin.
Ozpin was later found miraculously alive.
Yang tells Ruby that Blake has run off like a punk-bitch (she’s a bit miffed at that) and Weiss got taken back home.
Ruby tries (poorly) to keep a positive outlook.
Yang rebukes her and calls her a naïve idiot.
Tells her to grow up and accept that shit will never really improve.
Ruby is trying her hardest to keep it together.
It is worse for knowing and losing than simply never having.
She is once again stuck at home with overprotective dad but now with callous and depressed sister.
This is on top of watching her new best friend murder her other new best friend, losing pretty much all of her other friends, watching part of her home and kingdom getting wrecked, and her father didn’t buy any of her favorite ice cream.
Tai goes for groceries.
Ruby takes a moment to try and calm down in her room.
She doesn’t.
Demolishes her room in an enraged fit.
Breaks down sobbing her eyes out.
Ruby is full of various negative emotions about the circumstance she is in.
If there wasn’t already a very dense core of grief and pain centered around Beacon, she would be attracting grimm.
Yang wants to comfort Ruby but her own depression and self-apathy stops her.
Ruby sees on the TV that problems are mounting in Mistral and uses that as the justification she needs.
Ruby runs away from home that night, alone, armed, and Mistral bound.
Season three done.
School arc done.
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darksaiyangoku · 4 years
I got it! How about Black Sun in a snowball fight with Renora for the Christmas prompt? Losing couple has to cook dinner.
Say no more! Here’s episode 1 of the RWBY Christmas Specials!
Eclipse vs Flower Power: Snow Fight of the Century!
The grounds of Beacon were covered in snow and the students couldn’t get enough. Sledding, making snowmen and snow angels galore! It was a beautiful and relaxing sight...... or at least it would be, if not for a certain quartet. Behind two walls of snow on either side stood the two combatants: Sun Wukong, wrapped in a puffy white jacket and thick yellow boots, and Lie Ren, clad in a green jacket, pink hat and pink scarf. Both of them twitched their fingers, ready to fire at the enemy.
Sun: Any last words, Ren?
On cue, Nora leaped out from the fort! Clad in a pink coat and white hat, and with Magnhild in hand, she unleashed a raining fury of snowballs!
Nora: *raising Magnhild* FORE!!!! *swings and hits snowballs towards*
Sun: *running whilst covering desperately covering his head* RETREAT! RETREAT! *dives back into his fort*
Sun could still hear the fury of snowballs belting at their fort. Next to him say Blake, wearing a black jacket with a white scarf, facepalming at her boyfriend.
Blake: *sigh* I told you not to provoke him, and what do you do?
Sun: I’m sorry! I didn’t think they’d take it this far! *grabs onto Blake’s shoulders and starts shaking her* WE NEED A NEW PLAN AND QUICK! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS?!
Blake: *shake* I-I *shake* d-do *shake* p-please *shake* s-stop *shake* s-sha- *shake* k-king *shake* m-me!
Sun: *panting* Okay! I’m sorry. I’m just scared, okay?
Blake: *places her hands on Sun’s face* We can make it through this. Together. *tearing up* No matter what happens, j-just know that I love you. S-so much.
Sun: *places his hands in Blake’s face* I love you too.
Blake: *smiles warmly*
Outside stood Nora, her eyebrows furrowed and with a fierce grin. Behind her was Ren, two snowballs in hand, moving his eyes side-to-side.
Nora: *sing-song voice* Oh, Sunny. Blakey. Come out, come out and playyyyy.
Ren: You can’t hide forever, guys. You’re outmatched.
Sun: That’s what you think! Charge!
Ren: Wait, what?!
From out of his fort, two golden projections of Sun leaped out. Snowballs in hand, they launched them with deadly speed!
Ren: *screaming* NORA, DEFENCE!!!!!
Nora: *yelling* On it! *swings at the snowballs with Magnhild*
Ren tried to retreat to his fort but suddenly fell to the floor. Before he knew it, he was wrapped up in white. Standing over him was Blake, with a wicked grin on her face.
Blake: And just like that, we’ve captured the Lotus.
Sun: Nice job! *high fives Blake* Okay Ren, now is your time to admit defeat. *raises snowball* Before you die, do you have any last words?
Ren: *smiles wickedly*
Blake: *whispering* He’s smiling? Oh no, it’s a trap!
Ren: I hope you like frostbite.
Behind them, the two Faunus could hear the eerie sound of a weapon shifting form. Sure enough, Nora had Magnhild in grenade-launcher form. With her targets in posistion, she placed her hand on the trigger.
Nora: Jackpot. *fires the weapon*
A blue grenade shot out and was hurdling straight towards them. With no time to think, Blake pushed Sun to the ground as the rocket hit her, covering her with a mountain of snow in the process. Sun couldn’t believe his eyes.
Sun: BLAKE!!!!! *frantically rushes to the snow pile*
Panting heavily, he struggled to dig Blake from underneath the large snow blanket. When he finally found her, Sun pulled her out.
Sun: Blake? Speak to me.
Blake: *coughing* S-Sun?
Sun: *grips her hand* I’m here Blake.
Blake: I-I-I. Love. You. *closes her eyes*
Sun: *tearing up* B-Blake? *screaming* NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
Ren: *sighs and facepalms* Guys, could you NOT be over dramatic for 5 minutes.
Blake: *opens her eyes and pouts* Aww, but it’s so fun.
Nora: Doesn’t matter anyway, you guys lost and now you have to pay the price!
Sun: *sweating* W-What are you gonna make us do?
Ren: *smirking* Oh, I have the perfect idea.
[1 hour later]
Back at the Beacon common room, Sun stared at the oven grumpily.
Sun: This sucks! I can’t believe we had to cook them dinner.
Blake: Look on the bright side, at least we can join in with them. They wouldn’t be so cruel to let us starve.
Sun: Fine, I’ll give you that. But do they have to be so lovey-dovey while we’re actually cooking it?!
In the corner of the room sat Ren with Nora on his lap, hungrily kissing and caressing each other.
Sun: Oh for the love of- get a god damn room!
Blake: NO! *blushes* I-I wanna see how it ends.
Sun: *scoffs* Pervert.
Blake: Hey!
Sun: *smirks* But you’re my pervert.
Blake: *rolls her eyes and smiles*
After the gruelling makeout session and slaving away at the oven, the Mistrilian Roast Chicken was finally ready. Sat either side from one other, the two couples furiously dug into a bountiful meal. Blake looked at Sun and then to Ren and Nora, smiling with delight. This truly was the best Christmas she had in a long time.
And that wraps up Episode 1 of the Christmas Prompts. If you have anymore ideas or any other ships and OT3s, send them my way!
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Once Upon A Prompt: One
Prompt: [RWBY]
Arkos Power Play
As requested by reddit user Deathisrebirth:
Jaune dominates Pyrrha. Makes her wears outfits. Grabs her hair and face fucks her.
“Almost done?.” Jaune’s voice had cheerfully rung out as he smiled and sat on the edge of his bed, his eyes occasionally bouncing from one random object to another in their dorm. This seen was a very common one for the members of Team JNPR as it was a Tuesday. Tuesday had been the day that Nora insisted that Jaune and Pyrrha kept to themselves, being an incentive for Pyrrha in the past to try and admit her feelings to Jaune. And, boy, did she. What was once a fruitless venture of Pyrrha trying and failing to try and get the young Arc to try and look at her in a new light, the same light that she saw him in, had somehow one day bore fruit. She confessed her feelings, and after a brief amount of time for Jaune to look at his admittedly beautiful partner as more than just a friend, he returned the gesture on a later Tuesday.
But, as time would pass and their relationship blossomed, it became increasingly more apparent that both partners would draw odd looks from Nora and the rest of their friends, barring Ren and Blake, of course. They continued on for many weeks until one week Jaune found out from Ruby, who may or may not had sold her friends out for a box of cookies, that Yang, Nora, and somehow Weiss had all been placing bets on what the young couple did with their Tuesdays. After they confronted their friends, one thing led to another, and Nora and Yang bluntly admitted that they should be ‘bangin’ by now, and that was one of the only reasons Nora and Ren still left the room available on said days.
After defending themselves with words of awkward embarrassment and shallow words of supposed abstinence, the couple claimed that they never thought of it, which was met with different levels of doubt. But, with the thoughts now in their heads, Pyrrha admitted that should Jaune ever want to, she would be more than happy to advance their relationship. Needless to say, the young Knight was awestruck and positively blighted by nervousness. How could he not be with someone like Pyrrha?
But Pyrrha became adamant, seeing how Jaune not only doubted himself before even trying, he also distanced himself from her. She wouldn’t have that, she refused to lose what she tried so hard for to gain and make her own, especially over something as trivial as sex. It was a healthy thing, and everyone had needs they needed to take care of, and after a week of trying, she finally convinced him to give it a try.
She was blown away.
While it was obvious that they both enjoyed themselves, Pyrrha was astonished at just how amazing everything felt. She wasn’t sure if Jaune was just so amazing at it, or if her body had been longing for him for so long that it trained itself to accept whatever he did or tried with her. Whatever it was, she had to have more.
And more she would have as she eased into the conversation of kinks and fantasies, telling him that, once again, it had been a healthy step in a healthy relationship. While she was more than willing to announce hers to him, she was met with resistance from him as he claimed that she was perfect how she was and nothing needed to be done differently. And though she agreed that he already took care of her needs, her wants were another story that had yet to be opened. She gently pushed to learn more, trying to ease him until he was comfortable to admit of his guilty fantasies.
“Yes, I’m almost done!” Pyrrha called out from the bathroom which had the door creaked open to allow easy communication between the two, but not open enough for Jaune to see her like this. Pyrrha pushed and she prodded to squeeze something, anything out of him, and she could definitely say that she saw why he was apprehensive over the subject. She admitted to him that she wanted to feel him dominate her, and he admitted he wanted her to dress up into a certain outfit. Jaune told her that he could get it, so long as she agreed that she wouldn’t tell anyone and get mad, to which she eagerly promised.
Well, she wasn’t expecting this...
Jaune’s attention was pulled back to reality as he heard the door open further and the familiar sound of heels clicking off of the floor. The sound had truly been distinct… but not to Pyrrha’s heels. As he looked at her, he couldn’t keep his enjoyment hidden as his jaw dropped. “W-wow, I really owe Ruby for this one.”
Pyrrha stood before him, a playful smile donning her lips as she was adorned in Weiss’s typical combat uniform. And not just a replica, or even a larger set of the no doubt custom clothing, but the genuine article, snatched expertly by Jaune’s inside girl. The difference between Weiss and Pyrrha’s clothing preference was as apparent as their differences in stature, which was only even greater displayed given Pyrrha’s current attire.
Where Weiss stood 5’3” in heels, Pyrrha had been 6’0” in her own. Where Weiss’s dress went down to her thighs, it rested noticeably higher, riding up her much larger and supple legs by a few more inches and giving a better display to her creamy skin. The small piece of black lace that normally sat in front of Weiss’s necklace, that Ruby was unable to grab, had been stretched out while the dress scarcely contained Pyrrha’s much larger bust. Even the bolero clung to the Champion’s arms, barely even making it to the sides of her breasts. All around, the outfit was far too tight and almost seemed a bit childish on someone with Pyrrha’s strong, but womanly shape.
“Well… how do I look?” Pyrrha asked in a low, sultry tone as she slowly stepped towards him, swaying her wide hips in an almost exaggerated fashion that made the bottom of the dress bounce up with each step, giving him a glimpse of her white laced panties that left him wondering if Ruby stole those, too.
As he looked at her, Jaune admitted that the thought of Pyrrha in Weiss’s outfit seemed almost like a joke to put on her when written down on paper, but to actually see her in it, not even including whenever she was in motion, was really getting his blood pumping. A thrill slowly made its way up his back and he gave the covers beneath him the smallest of squeezes as he found his pants becoming increasingly cramped.
“Like a Queen.”
“Oh? I think I like hearing you say that..”
"Say it.." Pyrrha’s breathing had been hitched, her well experienced body trying to keep itself regulated. She found her knees to be trembling as they pressed against each other in the slightest of ways, her eyes would occasionally glaze over from the stimulation she'd been receiving, and finally she'd slowly been arching her back just at the right angle to push her large and firm rear out into view. These were all seemingly done unconsciously, as if her body know what she wanted, what she needed; even if she couldn't say it. Of course, he would notice these things.
He always noticed. Her body had been pressed against the wall, kept at an angle that allowed no comfort to her. His left hand had a powerful grasp along her long red hair as he'd been using that to pin her body, and more specifically her head, against the wall. With her arms bound by Weiss’s bolero, she was completely open and at his mercy. "J-Jaune, please..." Pyrrha’s voice had been shrill as she turned her head back towards him as best she could, her green eyes big and bright as the build up of tears threatened to ruin what was left of her make up. "Please don't make m-" Pyrrha’s eyes winch shut as she bit her lip from the sensation of Jaune giving her big ass a firm smack, causing it to bounce and shake from the impact. The skirt of the dress had been hiked up a bit further to expose her rear to his prying eyes and his harsh punishment. Pyrrha’s breathing accelerated at the sharp sting and her body trembled. She panted and kept her eyes closed, trying her best to keep from whimpering like the weak pet she'd become whenever she'd so much as touch him. "Try again." His tone was uncharacteristically serious, but so familiar to Pyrrha. His cobalt eyes were glaring down at her statuesque body that’d been confined in an outfit at least two sizes too small, so cultivated by years of hard work, so well maintained. It was all his now, and she knew it. She begged him to make it his, begged him to claim her and begged him to do everything he wanted to do to her. Built up saliva slowly drip down from her lips as she panted, her creamy breasts rising and falling in the tight, white dress with each labored breath. She couldn’t handle much more, she desperately wanted him to just fuck her already, to give her the mind-numbing orgasm that he threatened her, but would let slip away whenever she could feel its maddening embrace. It was always like this. "Jaune..." This time, Pyrrha squealed and pressed against the wall when Jaune gave her ass another harsh slap, making sure to hit the same exact spot that now burned and left a large red mark, an imperfection on her smooth and creamy skin. Tears welled up in Pyrrha’s eyes as she pressed her face against the wall, her forehead driving against it as her body shook from the pain and the following pleasure. "I told you to beg for it, we both know just how badly you want it.” Jaune said, finding the sight of her trembling, loving that she so desperately pressed herself against the wall to try and escape anymore punishment yet pressed her now burning red ass back against him just as frenzied.
“Look at you, you're already trembling and whimpering just from getting your fat ass spanked." He continued, now leaning in closer, each word that escaped his mouth being directed towards her ear. He was so close now, so close he could feel the heat that radiated off of her and smell the light sheen of sweat that had been developing on her body from the past thirty minutes of 'training'. He chuckled at how stubborn she could be, having seen this song and dance so many times, yet it never bored him. He found it thrilling to take his 'Invincible' partner, who was no doubt leagues more skilled than he still was, and put her in her place. The place she wanted. Even if he wasn't fucking her to his heart's content, enjoying how tight and soaking she'd be around his cock and how she used them to try and milk out load after thick, creamy load, Jaune still got an insatiable power high from pinning her down, spanking, groping, and turning her powerful body into little more than puddy for him. It was addictive, and that's why he couldn’t truly care whether she begged or not for his fat cock to fill her up just right. But, that’d be a reward, and bad girls couldn’t get rewards. They got punished, punished with spankings, punished with being forbidden to reach their peak, and punished with a good time for someone else.
“You know, if you don’t speak up, Pyrrha, I’m going to find a use for that mouth of yours.” Jaune nearly growled into her ear, the captive redhead gasping and sucking in air through clenched teeth as the blonde’s fingers slowly trailed over the red marks on her shapely ass. The skin had been sensitive to the touch as blood rushed their, the sensation alone being enough for the poor girl to shake, a deep tingling dancing up her spine.
When Pyrrha still said something after a few seconds even as her eyes met his, he decided that she didn’t want it at all. Instead, he gripped her hair much tighter and pulled her face off of the wall as he forced her back to arch before he gave her ass a powerful and rough smack, then another, then another, and one final slap, each met with her literally squealing and screaming out for dear life at the sharp sting. The tears spilled down her cheeks from all the movement as she’d been bouncing on her toes in short but powerful spasms, her legs shaking and her back arching even further. Pyrrha could do nothing but cry from the burning on her rear, the abused skin alight from each punishing strike that left it a vibrant red in contrast to the rest of her skin. The strong Champion sobbed and whimpered, the tears that now so freely streamed down her cheeks, bleeding her makeup with them, were born the the sharp pain of being spanked so hard and thoroughly, and the pleasure of it all. Pyrrha didn’t care how deprived she was, she wanted more, she wanted to be treated like the bad little girl that she was when she was with Jaune.
Without being any ounce of gentleness, Jaune all but forced Pyrrha down onto her knees and turned her around towards him. He was greeted with the sight of her eyes slightly swollen and red from crying, but she’d been panting as if she put her body through a marathon, each breath being so heated with excitement that he swore he saw steam. As she sat on her knees, she bit her lip and looked at him, her eyes unwavering, begging for more. He had to admit, he was having fun being a bit rough with her, but he couldn’t explain why he so easily went along with the idea of doing things to this level with his girlfriend. He long since abandoned the idea of holding back as he’d only get lies of she enjoyed herself or she was completely satisfied.
There was only one way to guarantee that Pyrrha had been utterly satisfied, and that was him to push her boundaries, constantly remind her that until she said stop, or no, all was fair and accepted and she was worth as much to him as a cheap toy. And because of that, as Pyrrha was down on her knees, her ass sore and abused, her arms tied behind her back, and her breathing being as frantic as it was, Jaune lifted up his hand, and brought it down directly against her cheek.
Pyrrha’s heartbeat spiked as her breathing stopped, her eyes winch closed and her body nearly gave out, a powerful wave of tingling shock cascaded down her spine. She wept, her lips quivering as she felt the amazing heat coming from her cheek, the pleasure causing her to double forward as she squeezed her knees together, soaking Weiss’s panties in her own hot juices. But, as she tried to move, Jaune’s hand snapped up and gripped her by her cheeks, squeezing as he lifted her head back up towards him. “What did I tell you, huh? If you won’t do anything useful with that dirty mouth of yours, I’ll give it a use.”
Pyrrha took in what breaths she could like this, her panting having evolved into loud huffing as her head was swimming. Her vision blurred and she nearly lost her balance with each sway of her head, but Jaune kept her grounded. Oh, how she loved this. Oh, how she loved him. As she drifted from consciousness and to the innate, almost primal state of euphoria, she was suddenly brought back when she felt something long and thick smack against her face. With a few confused blinks to bring the life back into her eyes, Pyrrha had become absolutely delighted at the realization that she’d now been greeted with Jaune’s hard and throbbing cock pressing against her cheek. She marveled at the heat it gave off as she drank in the manly scent in deep breaths until she’d uncontrollable let her tongue slip out of her panting lips. She gulped, her gaze fixated on each fat vein and pulse. Then, almost on cue with a silent command, she tilted her head back and opened her mouth, letting the upsurge of hot saliva drip down from the tip of her tongue, staining Weiss’s dress. She fought back a few gulps, desiring to keep her mouth nice and lubricated like a hot bath just for Jaune’s member.
Jaune watched as his deprived girlfriend made herself available for the punishment that he was sure she no doubt expected back when her mind was rational. It was invited, he had to admit, and would love to take things slow and just ease things in and enjoy her hot mouth, but he had other plans. He gripped her now disheveled and messy red strands of hair tightly, angled her head just right, and looked her in the eyes once more. Then he roughly, and unceremoniously, drove his hips forward, driving each thick inch down into her waiting throat, his pulsing cock now all the way into the tight, squeezing embrace with one just thrust.
Apologies to reddit user, Deathisrebirth, as this was all I was willing to write for just a prompt. I do hope that you enjoyed it all the same.
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