#they got their mesh gloves from hot topic
charmilyharmily · 1 month
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The design of Loop for the Appétence Au. They get to be creachur. Scaly and fluffy at the same time, a wonderful combo.
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They start to wear clothes post cannon (aka the second half of this au) at the party’s insistence (and cause it looks good). And yes they do join the party post loops.
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takami-takami · 6 months
Where do you do most of your shopping? I really like your style 😊
Thrift stores!!!!!!!
Most of my favorite clothes I wear are thrifted. I adore thrift stores. The red dress I just posted was thrifted, as was the black dress from the other day! Thrift stores also carry overstock from halloween stores around october, so you can get a ton of fishnets with different patterns around that time for super cheap. Tiktok has a lot of resources on fun ways to diy thrifted clothing, I heard. I still use the hairband for t-shirts trick with nearly every shirt I wear.
I don't go on depop often because I like The Hunt of thrift stores and actual stores are cheaper, but if you can't find a specific article in stores, they probably have it on depop (I've also heard good things about thred up). My one and only vintage Nirvana tee I got on depop a few years ago!
Mall destinations: Hot topic is great for band tees and accessories! They also sell some subculture-inspired clothes like dresses and stuff, but the material quality isn't very good, so I don't buy them. It'd be nice for photos, though! Spencer's has fun belts, too.
Killstar makes some gorgeous, gorgeous gothic clothes. Their bags are insane. I got their time warp purse for christmas and bought a dress, gloves, and shirt from there a while back. The quality was incredible.
Lamoda shoes are soooo pretty. I only have one pair, though, so I can't vouch!
Devil Inspired sells J-Fashion and has gorgeous alt clothes, HOWEVER it's like Russian roullete with the sizing and their return policy is dogwater (you have to pay a ton for it). Catch them on a free shipping sale day if you don't want to cry.
I also have some stuff from Dollskill, but if you buy from there, it's best to buy secondhand because they're not the most ethical company.
Demonias are pricey, but their shoes are fucking insane. I only have one pair (the bunny ones) but I will be daydreaming of winning the lottery and buying their whole stock.
Don't be afraid to check ross, tj maxx, and marshall's for basics. Most of it is like lulu lemon kind of clothing, but you'd be surprised at the amount of affordable basics they have that you can layer (eg: a simple black turtleneck that you accessorize with jewelry, mesh tops to go under dresses, simple silver chain jewelry, etc).
But overall, my main shopping destination is thrift stores! Love love love love thrift stores.
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tootiredmotel · 3 years
spoiler alert: she keeps it
A coda fic of my beloved 10x20 "Angel Heart" bc Cas and Claire are my everything, for @emeraldcas 's celebration!
Prompt: meaningful moments
1.2k words – read on ao3 or below
First, it's a matter of where.
Dean says that the mall is a safe bet, and he’s probably right. It has options, a wide array of stores with near endless possibilities, so Cas asks him for a ride to the nearest one.
As Dean pulls into the parking lot, he asks "You really think you'll finally win her over like this?"
"I'm not trying to "win her over", Dean." Cas air quotes. "It's her birthday. A present is customary, isn't it?"
It's not a rhetorical question, and Dean seems to understand that after studying Cas's gaze on him.
"Yeah. Yeah it is, buddy."
Once inside, the number of options becomes overwhelming rather than comforting. Hundreds of people bustle about, bumping into them with reckless abandon. Cas pauses a few steps from the entrance, breathing heavily and looking every which way, trying to figure out where to begin and coming up blank.
He’s never been to a mall before. 
Dean, staring daggers at the back of someone who almost trampled them, puts a hand on Cas’s back. “C’mon. Let’s try this way,” he says, leading him down the hall to their right.
They walk for a while. Cas quietly studies every store they pass, while Dean speaks up every two minutes with a new idea. Tech store? A new phone. Clothing store? A jacket, hers is looking a bit worn. Shoe store? Do you know her size? We can get her some boots or something.
“Dean,” Cas finally says, stopping in his tracks and grabbing Dean’s arm. He's grateful for the ride, and he's grateful for Dean’s suggestions. Really, he is. “Thank you, but… This is my gift to her. I need to choose on my own.”
Dean starts doing that adorable thing where he can’t decide if he wants to shake his head or nod. “Uh, yeah, no. No problem, angel. You got this. I’ll shut up.”
Right now, Cas is less focused on the gift itself and more on finding a store that feels fitting, one that Claire might pick out on her own. He puts his hands in his pockets and scans the stores in sight. Further down the hall, one storefront stands out. The walls are black, the windows dimly lit, and the sign is made of backlit block letters. It feels… edgy. She’d like it.
“There.” Cas nods toward it. “The Hot Topical.”
The other thing is the matter of what.
Luckily, the Hot Topical seems to have a bit of everything. Dean sets off on his own soon after walking in, saying something about some Star Wars character or other. There's an overwhelming amount of pop culture merchandise, most of which Cas now recognizes. But he's not sure what kind of shows or movies Claire likes, so he opts against those.
Walking deeper into the store, he comes across the jewelry displays. Claire might like some, maybe stud earrings or a necklace, nothing too frilly. But if she's going to keep hunting, and she is, it's not very practical to wear things that can get caught and slow her down. He keeps walking.
The music section is mostly t-shirts. This is where he finds Dean, eyeing the wall curiously, but not looking like he's going to buy.
“Find anything?” Dean asks when he feels Cas next to him.
“Not yet.”
“You will. You got this," he says again, and Cas greatly appreciates the vote of confidence.
Dean turns his attention back to the shirts, and Cas, who isn't all that sure about Claire’s music taste either, goes over to the furthermost wall.
The back of the store is where they keep the miscellaneous things, apparently. One half of the wall is full of small, bobblehead-ish figurines whose heads don’t bobble (as Cas discovers when he picks one of the boxes up and shakes it). The other half of the wall has quite a few things: bags and backpacks on display, a few accessories such as mesh gloves that wouldn’t keep one warm in the slightest, and unnecessarily intricate belts. At the bottom of the wall, however, he spots some shelves with plushies.
That’s where something catches Cas’s eye.
Dean is already at the back of the line when Cas gets there. He's buying an enamel Scooby-Doo keychain and says it's because Baby's is old and he needs a new one; the unbridled delight in his eyes gives him away, though.
"A stuffed animal?" He asks when he notices what Cas is holding. There's no judgment in it. A bit of amusement and maybe, just maybe, a hint of fondness, Cas thinks.
Cas holds up the cat for Dean to take and examine. "It's an... inside thing."
"Right," Dean says, and hands it back.
Dean asks if he even has any money, to which Cas doesn't answer, realizing he doesn't. Dean happily pays for both items.
"She kept it, y'know," Dean says behind him, the next day. He pats Cas's shoulder, then heads back to the car, keys jingling against the new keychain.
Castiel stands there for a second, watching the cab roll completely out of the parking lot and out of sight, and he's wishing he could have hugged her longer. Despite having him and the Winchesters and soon Jody Mills, despite knowing she'll always have them… Claire is more alone now than she's ever been. Cas knows she's tough, tougher than she should've had to be, but she's still a kid (as much as she insists she's not). 
He… doesn't pray. Not anymore. But he hopes. He hopes for her every day, hopes for her wellness and safety, hopes he'll be able to see her face again and not just read her words or hear her voice through a phone. And right this second, he's also hoping that his present to her, (which she kept, Cas thinks fondly), will be able to serve its purpose. That it'll be a small source of comfort if she were to ever need it.
That night, as Claire settles into a motel bed, she gets a text from Cas. It's a Grumpy Cat meme, one of many cat memes she's received from him since they agreed to stay in touch more. In this one, the image is the cat lying in bed with that face of his, and it says "How many people got trampled on Black Friday this year? Not enough". 
After having cried herself out in the backseat of the cab, she actually smiles for the first time all afternoon; it's not a wide or toothy smile but it's a smile, and she lets out an amused exhale through her nose, so that's something.
She texts him haha and the eye roll emoji.
Are you safe? Cas shoots back.
She double-checked all the locks on all the doors and windows. She's got a knife under the pillow and a gun under the bed. She's all set to get to Jody's by tomorrow. She breathes deep, squeezing the plushie tighter against her chest, and texts back.
I am. Night Cas
She doesn't have time to put the phone down before it dings again.
Good night, Claire. Sweet dreams.
They probably won't be all that sweet. They haven't been sweet in years. But at least now, when the bitter dreams inevitably wake her up, she's got something to hold. Or maybe strangle. Depends on the dream.
Plus, she's got an angel-dad watching over her, too. In a sense.
Claire lets the dryness in her eyes and the heaviness in her body take over, and she falls asleep. Grumpy Cat in hand.
Fic taglist: ask to be added or removed! <3
@casismymrdarcy @youcaneven @zorelle @spooky-floral-cas @lilcasx @oh-in-italics @theehunterhusbands @knifelesbianjo @spoookycastiel @shakespeareintellectualbadass @stressedtaco @aniridescentdreamer @mishacase2003 @spookymixtape @dykekingofhell @evermorecastiel @autumncastiel @nightandwine @doyouhearthedestielsing @all-or-nothing-baby @hauntedrederadean @ciderdean @blue-eyed-cutiepatootie @heres-to-evil-skanks @wormstacheangel @the-boy-kings-crown @10x02 @the-moon-loves-the-sea @ghostlynatural @one-more-offbeat-anthem @spookynightdeancas
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oh-boy-me · 4 years
Demon Outfits Discussed
The wait is over :) thank you for your patience and all the lovely comments on the casual discussion!!
I feel like it got longer this time, so I hope it’s all an enjoyable read!  Also, I apologize for the ugly pictures--it was the easiest and fastest way to both have all the design in one image and also prevent it from stretching so far.
Like last time, please don’t take this too seriously; we love these boys and Justin doesn’t know them but has no grudges against them.  We’re just harping on their fashion sense.  Absolutely no hate is intended towards the boys or the design team!
Participants in the discussion were
Jo ( @jodaneko ), our art major with storyboarding/character design experience, who finds they have more in common with Satan each passing day.
Justin ( @justinlester0629 ), our fashion expert, who dressed up and filled a wine glass with water for the occasion.
Noodle (Me), our untrained eye who owns the Barbie as the Island Princess video game on three different platforms.  It’s not even that good.
Featuring emergency guest star Megan ( @maggo77​ ), my sister who is physically near me as we look at the backs of their designs for the first time.
Edit: Distracted by the pretty jacket, we made a mistake when putting in Levi’s silhouette rating.  It’s the worst.  2/10, not 6.
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“Boy looks like he’s about to swing open the doors of an expensive mansion during a debutante party and give some SCATHING NEWS.” —Justin
“Short shoulder cape and a long split butt cape lol” —Jo
Jo has realized that based on both outfits, Lucifer doesn’t want people looking at his butt.  Possible reasons are: he doesn’t have one, or Diavolo someone was getting distracted.
His shoes match his outfit.  After last time that’s all I care about.
A triple popped color, and how many layers is the middle one?  Is that a book?  Dude has like 27 collars.
The forehead diamond is very important and it’s great that there are diamond buttons to match it.  But uh.  How about those red diamonds on his sleeves.  They.  They sure are there.  (I actually like the red accents and that they match his gloves; I just can’t take the diamonds seriously.)
  Lucifer 🤝 Some Horses Diamond on the Forehead
The peacock motif is HERE and we’re all living for it.  HOWEVER, the feathers on the cape and coattails should have matched, OR there should have been more lime green because there’s so little of that color.
The pants have a pleat in the front, which Justin says means he responsibly irons his clothes, and Jo says only heightens the fact that under the capes this is a marching uniform.
Can he fly?  Jo says these are baby wings that can’t support his weight, and his cape has a hole for the top pair but blocks the bottom pair?  Can’t believe Lucifer handicapped himself for the sake of fashion.
The red makes it regal and the wide flowy design makes it imposing.  Good job, Lucifer!  I might actually be intimidated if I saw you.
Definitely the classiest outfit.  You can tell they put care into it.
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The whole thing does amazing with only three colors.  We’ve noticed the trend of black and white + one color, but I mean hey.  It’s working so far.
Damn those pants sit low.  No wonder literally all of you wear belts.
The leather jacket?  The studs and harness?  Bless.  Justin calls it “the perfect blend of stylish and ‘I’ll see you tonight *wink*’”.
Kind of don’t like how the belts connect to the pants, though.  It looks better in the back.
“He found a really cool jacket, but it didn’t pair with anything so he just didn’t wear anything.” —Jo
Honestly though?  We’ve all made fun of Mammon for having big hoe energy in his outfits, but like, he knew he had wings and planned his outfit to accommodate for that.  He’s the only one who didn’t cut holes in his outfit.  Maybe Mammon was the smallest hoe after all.
Also if there’s a motif it repeats elsewhere, like the studs and diamonds on his jacket and pants.  Did he and Lucifer have a “tastefully putting diamonds on my outfit” battle?  Because Mammon definitely won.
One of the charms broke off the belt loop and he never bothered to replace it, and honestly thank god there isn’t two of those anymore.
Torn between wishing the boots were tighter to match the rest of the outfit and saying “yoooo they’re open in the back!!!”
Ok so so far we’ve said generally only good things, but there is one major issue with the design: Its gravity.  Everything points down, his tattoos, the diamonds, even his wings.  The center of gravity in the image is his shoes.  Bitch loved his shoes so much he made his whole outfit point to them.
Either way this was universally considered the best and I mourn Justin who doesn’t know how far Mammon’s standards are gonna fall from here.
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Diagonal zipper
“Levi what the fuck.” —Megan
He looks like an e-boy.
Honestly it looks like he borrowed something from Justin’s wardrobe for Pride but he didn’t know how to put it on.
APPARENTLY the biggest hoe.  Abs that he shouldn’t have coming through a mesh t-shirt.  I thought Mammon’s pants were low, but Levi’s whole-ass ass is out.  Ok Levi, I see you.
The shirt pattern is good but he probably leaves it partially unzipped because it’d look really dumb fully closed.
Justin loves the funky pants pattern and Jo likes the pants but not with the outfit.  It’s because the devs were too coward to give him a thick tail base so his pants had to fill that role by sharing the pattern.
The shoes are good, and not just because they incited Justin’s deep-set hatred for Christian Louboutin and his uncomfortable red-bottom shoes.
Justin is offended that he’s hiding his suspenders; either show them completely or not at all, no in between.  Jo’s not fully convinced it isn’t just one suspender.  What are his suspenders doing?  What are they attached to?  Are they holding anything up?  Apparently not.
Jo pointed out that if you squint the belt on his waist looks like fangs and the orange dots on his sleeves looks like eyes so it’s like theres a snake head on his outfit.  Cute!
The gloves are throwing us off though.  Why is Levi of all other brothers need gloves?  I bet he has sweaty hands.
Ok really, does his sweater unzip all the way into two pieces?  Or does it hang by that tiny thread underneath the tail hole?  There’s even a button, just in case.
Can’t believe this antler-sporting, suspender-wasting nerd went diagonal zipper on us because we beat him at a trivia game.  Should have just zipped his hood.
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“I hate everything about this.” —Megan
First of all, he’s straight up wearing Lucifer’s casual shirt.  Does it only button down the back?  Can he take it off?
Then he spilled bleach on his pants.  Like I get what they were going for but with the white on black that is literally just bleach stains.
Incredibly differing opinions on the belt.  He got it in the cowboy department.  Justin adores it.  Jo despises it.
And are those… athletic slip ons?
And now the elephant in the room.  The ribcage made of ribbons.  The ribboncage.  The idea is great!  I love that they gave him a skeletal theme without throwing him into a Hot Topic.
But if you take the ribboncage and feather boa off he’s literally just wearing a dress shirt and some nice jeans.  And that’s the problem with Satan’s demon form.  Not that it looks goofy.  It’s that they took risks but then hid all the risks behind business casual.
Also Megan said that the back of the ribbons look like a rock climbing harness.  Someone (probably Justin) said the front reminds them of the underbelly of a green cockroach.  Ew.
The feather boa would look better if it was over something you wouldn’t literally wear at the office.  (And also didn’t look so much like worm on a string.)
“He is going to Dragcon 2020 and is definitely going to take a picture and ask to lip sync, but accidentally start beef with Acid Betty.” —Justin
On a good note, loving how the tail fades to highly radioactive green.  Feels dangerous.  Megan pointed out that it’s a pretty wimpy tail, though.  Jo enjoys the self-conscious posture it expresses.
That’s basically the only good thing we have to say, though.
I just????
Merry Christmas.
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The kanji on the picture is just saying that the coattail is the same on both sides.
Ok now with that out of the way, HONEY.
I’m sure he says that to others but I hope he says it to himself too when he looks in the mirror.
Starting with the good.  The wings?  Adorable.  The heart-shaped hole to accommodate them?  Adorable.  One of the only good adjustments.
And I love that the tips of his horns look venomous, like a scorpion tail!
We love a good floral design and a good twin tailcoat.
But once again, the shirt just has too much going on.  The flowers.  The buttons.  The brick-pattern stitching.  The brooch.  The long collar.  The fact that if he closed the last button it’d end in a diamond covering his crotch.  Sometimes less is more, Asmo.
That scorpion brooch is the best thing to ever grace my computer screen and it shouldn’t have to share the spotlight with the rest of his shirt.  It should have wrapped around his arm and been paired with some more jewelry.  Then he could have ditched those giant cuffs.
The bleeding heart tattoos are a really good idea!  But they should have been angled better and not like someone else put them on at the roller rink.  And maybe they shouldn’t have been outlined in pink.  Those aren’t tattoos, those are gaping holes in his arm.  Is he ok.
I’ve been avoiding the pants, but.  The pants.
“Oh dear god. Oh no that’s… I thought you were a designer…” —Jo
One side is buckled the ENTIRE way down, and then the other side is COMPLETELY plain.  It’s too extreme on both ends.  It should have been only half a leg of buckles.  Not whatever this is.  I still don’t think he can bend that leg.
The shoes are ok but they COULD have been a stiletto so.
Jo is DONE with these demons’ inability to wear socks.
We expected better from you, Asmo.  I hope you have to fasten all those buckles every morning as retribution.
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He said “how many belts can I wear on one outfit.”
Justin said it’s like Barry B. Benson and Post Malone had a beautiful baby boy, and Obey Me! is cancelled for creating a sequence of events that could lead to me hearing that with my own two ears.
The jacket?  Stunning.  “It’s steampunk mixed with Jack Sparrow, mixed with Billie Joe Armstrong,” says Justin.  It’s got puffy sleeves!  And there’s objectively too much going on with the jacket, but since it’s a leather jacket I can forgive it.  Justin and Jo can’t.
I’m not sure why they keep giving him weird jacket collars but I prefer belt number 9 to fur.
“Why is it bucked in the back?  Couldn’t it have just been a jacket?” —Megan
Good that the black tank isn’t only black, but he has so little color on his outfit that it would have been nice for it and the matching pattern on his boots to have been a color besides gray.
I don’t mind the belts down the leg because they’re not too in your face.  Jo wants the white belt to be thinner.  Justin wants him to just pick one and go with it.
Poor Beel, he can’t do his lil thigh pat pose without his right hand being assaulted by studs and that bear trap-shaped buckle.
Justin feels like the cowboy boots are too wide up top and it’s probably because they’re FAKE cowboy boots.  I don’t know why he didn’t just get cowboy boots instead of putting fake coverings over his dress shoes.
Can’t fault the twin belt, though.  And the wing hole isn’t terrible.
Idk I guess.  They knew what they wanted to do at least.  
That seems to be the pattern with Beel: they know what they want to do, but something weird happens in the middle of it.
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“I don’t know which Teletubby let their son go through the it’s just a phase mom phase, but they should be ashamed.” —Justin
A toddler who just learned how to cut holes in paper got a hold of his hoodie.
Is it a hoodie?  A jacket?  A poncho?  The cow print actually isn’t terrible.  At least it had the decency to be unique in its spotting.  And the actual presence of blue is very appreciated.
On the topic of colors, Jo is calling the devs out on their apparent fear of color.  “Put the pink elsewhere, cowards,” they say.
We actually don’t hate the horseshoe, and using it for the belt buckles is actually really clever.  Even if 75% of them are doing literally nothing.  Feel like he didn’t need that many.  Could do without the bottom one, maybe even bottom two.
There’s a teeeeny tiny cowbell on the back?  Megan apparently finds that VERY important.  Why do they go to such great lengths to remind us that Belphie’s a cow?  Beel doesn’t rub his hands together 24/7.  Mammon doesn’t even get bird wings.
Just like Satan spilled bleach, Belphie has tar pants.
It’s nice to see a change in pant style, but.  Am I biased because I hate harem pants?  Maybe.  Are these harem pants too short on him?  Yes.  Maybe they were supposed to be parachute capris?  But it just looks he outgrew them too fast and Lucifer won’t buy him new pants yet.  At least they look comfy.
If he puts his keys in those pockets will his pants fall down?  Probably.  That’s a problem considering his are the only pants that look like they could hold any keys.
The shoes are fine.  I can enjoy a high topped sneaker.  …Is that a security tag?  Did he steal his shoes.  Belphie stole his shoes.
On the tiny tail hole, I appreciate that Belphie went for modesty.  But I hope it’s impossible to wear these outfits outside of demon form because I don’t want him walking around with a tiny hole right above his ass.
Honestly he doesn’t even look like a demon?  He just looks like… a cow.
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There’s one more aspect of their demon forms that I didn’t feel comfortable forcing into a smaller space than it deserved: Silhouettes.  Jo puts a lot of weight on silhouettes and their role in character design.  Is it dynamic?  Is it recognizable?  Jo ranked them as such:
1. Lucifer: 9/10.  Care and effort were put into this design and it shows. 2. Mammon: 7/10.  Points deducted for most of it being form fitting but otherwise still manages to get a passing grade. 3 (tied). Beelzebub: 5/10.  His wings have actual mass but his horns being mostly hidden by his head reduce his score. 3 (tied). Belphegor: 5/10.  Evens out since his clothes aren’t as form fitting as the others but they also kind of turn him into a blob. 5. Asmodeus: 4/10, and only because he’s got multiple wings and that his tailcoat breaks up the bottom half. 6. Satan: 3/10, for the fact HIS BOA carries most of the work in altering his silhouette. 7. Leviathan: 2/10.  The tail and horns prevent this from being a total flop.
Our (surprisingly unanimous!) ranking of their outfits (not counting Megan her opinions deviated) were:
In conclusion, any M-rated fic that doesn’t have it take demon Satan 20 minutes to take off his shirt is too unrealistic.
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jcmorrigan · 4 years
Can you explain a little about each of your OCs fashion taste and maybe add a pic of the epitome of their style? I want to see which one is most like my own fashion preferences (if I wasn't too lazy to dress up lol)
All right, what I’m going to do is the rapid-fire. I’m gonna tell you names and what they dress like, since you were interested in finding out who matched, and then you (or anyone else) can ask further asks about anyone who looks interesting one at a time and I will GUSH
Venley (protag hero): Wears deep blues (but not navy). Likes swishy skirts, flowing sleeves, and layering. So much layering, especially leggings under short skirts.
Sophira (hero): Has a style I like to call The Worst(TM). Wears non-complementary colors. Patchwork sweaters and miniskirts. Loves rainbow tie-dye. Will not take fashion advice from Axeline and this is going to be the death of Axeline
Axeline (hero): Mostly sticks to red palettes with long coats and corset lacing but will try anything once.
Siademina (hero): Likes to pair cute blouses with bouncy short skirts. Tends to wear warmer colors or pastels.
Zefiraduc (hero): Purple and glitzy. She wants to be a famous pop star and dresses like one.
Arain (hero): Blacks and reds. If the outfit can allow her to blend pants with something skirt-ish, like a side panel, it’s an extra bonus. Always wears the fantasy equivalent of a baseball cap to go with it (and has emo bangs AND a huge ponytail).
Ailuen (hero): Mostly dresses in comfy things, tees and jeans, but when she wants to go all-out, she will pick a pink prom dress with ruffles and sparkles. A nice compromise is if she puts a fancy pink blouse over the jeans. During the planned arc where she becomes a Lawful Evil for a while, wears a white military uniform.
Alivain (deuteragonist villain): Mostly likes red, but occasionally blue or purple. Is a villain and dresses like a villain. Outfits are very bright and flamboyant. I’m toying with an “evil circus” aesthetic for the entire team and have written down some of him acting as the ringmaster, so go ahead and add a red ringmaster’s uniform to his most-worn. I also want him to have gloves with little claws built in at one point. Capes. And he wears high heels because he likes to feel tall and glamorous.
Versafina (villain): All black all the time. Lots of leather. Prefers pants vastly over skirts because she’s a dancer/martial artist who needs the mobility; also she just doesn’t like the femme aesthetic so much. Though she does enjoy wearing the highest of high heels specifically because training in them makes her more balanced and agile, and if she takes them off, you are dead where you stand.
Phantasia (villain): White cocktail dresses. Swanky and glamorous. Usually more pencil-skirt style or form-fitting than anything that has ruffle. Slits that show off the leg are a fave style of hers. High heels for her too.
Zangary (villain): I’m not entirely happy with his design, but for now, I have him in kinda generic dark clothes with an ostentatious long lavender jacket and a black wide-brimmed hat.
Dweixyn (villain): Pink minidresses/blouses and skirts. Has a favorite trench coat that has pink lining on the inside and is darker on the outside. Always wears sunglasses, even indoors and at night, for the aesthetic and no other reason. High heels for her too.
Belador/Belladore (villain): They’re kind of a rave-themed villain so I imagine lots of mesh tops and glow sticks.
Yridel (villain): I’m not entirely sure what her style is, but it needs to show off her cybernetic limbs. That is a must.
Sherida (villain): A form-fitting red bodysuit with a black motorcycle helmet that prevents you from seeing her face. Heavy-soled boots. Steal aesthetics from Vanitas Kingdomhearts? Me? Nooooo
Lirian (villain): “Sun” palettes, with pinks and yellows and reds. But also blue sweaters and skirts (dull in hue). I toy with one of her quirks being wearing ballet shoes everywhere she goes but I’m not sure if that’s silly.
Rachneira (villain): Wears lots of black. Not just a Goth but THAT Hot Topic Goth.
Tomagi (villain): Pink sundresses, particularly with gold lining.
Calpurniko (villain): Jumpsuits, overalls, beiges and dull colors, white tees, anything she can get dirty and not cry over.
Diamandian (villain): White lace. He is cis male but comfortable enough with his masculinity that he adores ruffles and lace hems. Has a matching white parasol and a white top hat.
Maraya (villain): Victorian-esque dress...blue?...and a big ol’ black cloak that hides her appearance. Her design is still kinda under construction because I started out going one direction and then made a hard left on her character
Anastasios (villain): Tunics and breeches. Greens and browns.
Kaxhalen (villain): He is an alien warlord so I’m trying to design a silver extraterrestrial battlesuit but not sure how to make it look unique
Osmend Osmodias (villain): Shiny golden suits. Fedora that’s pulled down to cover his eyes.
Orianelle (villain): black leather that shows a lot of skin. Tanks and shorts that bare midriff. Tall black boots with heavy soles.
Siersyrei (villain): Navy blue and that’s about all I know for now, though there are reasons I’d like her to have a skirt with shorts underneath.
Clancette (B-team hero): When in civvies, wears a lot of pink “kawaii” clothing. Jackets over tanks. Lots of pins with the fantasy equivalent of Sanrio characters. Rainbow stockings. As a Magical Girl, is associated with the color pink and element of wind; her outfit has a short and wide ruffly skirt and any way a breeze can be implemented into the design is welcome.
Xar/chelyna (B-team hero): When in civvies, he wears button-down shirts and blue pants. As a Magical Girl, she is associated with blue and water, so skirts that are long and wavy and any ocean motifs. Also enjoys a blue top hat.
Loveleigh (B-team hero): Both civvies and Magical Girl clothing are red/fire-associated. Likes slinky skirts and low-cut blouses.
Fernamele (B-team hero): Both civvies and Magical Girl clothing are yellow/lightning-associated. Another pop star wannabe who dresses in glitz and glitter, with swishy short skirts.
Zelladane (B-team hero): Civvies are sweatshirts, jeans, and heavy rubber boots with a lot of dirt built on them from her gardening. Magical Girl clothing is green/plant-associated, but with pink accents. Any piece that’s green with pink flower decorations on it automatically makes me think of her.
Aoliaoma (B-team hero): Undecided on civvies, but her big character quirk is that she seems perpetually sleepy, so I could see her just forgetting to change out of her full-length pajamas that are probably black satin. As a Magical Girl, her association is black/the void, and she has a short dress meant to look like that of a traditional witch, with a pointed witch’s hat on top.
Ravenille (antihero): Denim jackets and pants. Lots of denim. Silver face piercings and LOTS of them.
Arisia (antihero): I specifically see her in a blue tank top, a brown skirt/shorts and chain mail overlays. Anything with chain mail makes me think of her. Also, tall heeled boots. She might also wear a mask made of chain mail that covers the lower half of her face.
Lunisia (antihero): Pink. Skirts with leggings beneath. Quirky shoes, like black patent-leather with buckles.
Rhodelton (antihero): The ugliest yellow jacket you can imagine over a T-shirt and jeans.
Phaeley (minor character, could be moved to antihero squad): Black tanks and long skirts. Slightly Goth but not that much. Always wears a black newsboy hat.
Sylvisa (minor character, could be moved to antihero squad): Almost exactly Versafina’s style except more masculine. I should probably refine his.
Dashorra (minor character): Anything that’s split right down the middle as black/white is fair game.
Victorique (minor character): Shiny silver dresses with long skirts.
Isisa (minor character): White toga and gold hair ornamentation.
Phil (minor character): Is literally a sentient pile of green slime and never wears clothes, but if he did, it’d be business suits with tacky striped ties.
Tristabelle (minor character): I usually picture her in a dark blue low-cut dress with a loose, flowing skirt, but I feel like it needs refinement.
Madwyn (minor character): I usually picture her in a form-fitting black cocktail dress, but I also feel like this could be more special.
Diceanne (minor character): I usually picture her in a pink bodysuit with gold accents that lacks sleeves or legs, so I kind of want to do something with this and the concept of tackling the issue of revealing clothing and sexism and how much choice is had in the matter so I guess her final outfit will come to me once I’ve got the arc in mind
Beccatrice (minor character): I usually picture her in a white toga, but unless she and Isisa are part of the same order or class or something, I should probably make hers different.
Sharamantha (minor character): Brightly-colored overalls (pink, green, purple) over white tees. Sneakers.
Eudarmence (minor character): Shiny gold gowns. Any shiny gold gown. Also likes shiny gold hair ornamentation. Has to be the shiniest thing in the room.
Ilyènne (minor character): Either yellow dresses with loose skirts or this specific pink blouse with a huge ostentatious ribbon on the chest that I got in my mind’s eye once.
Riaudne (plot-device character): Pink-and-silver dresses. She’s royalty, but I want to play with her culture not being Eurocentric, so I want to shake up this design somehow but I’m not yet sure how
Aelistene (plot-device character): Brightly colored minidresses (mint green or deep purple), likes hair ornaments.
Magnus (Lawful Evil villain): All white all the time. Looks very regal - jackets, waistcoats. Very masculine as well.
Janiel and Tjeron are both mooks of the Lawful Evil faction and will eventually renounce their ways, but I have literally never pictured them in anything other than military uniforms that I originally designed as black but now have changed to white for symbolic deconstruction reasons
The following characters are still under construction to where I’m not sure of their fashion style at all: Valencindri (villain sidekick), Dr. Hope Lessness (villain), Mercy Lessness (villain sidekick), Lainnhartt (villain), Soligeo (villain sidekick), Khairic Kajé (antihero), Aerokai (antihero), Tredwulfall (antihero), Burqueley (antihero), Liodax (minor character), Ririko (minor character), Ayali (minor character, possibly antihero), Lilianet (minor character), Spectra (minor character), Prettiza and Kyista (minor characters who have to wear the same outfit), Rewnoki (minor character), Delena (minor character), Jaydrey (minor character), Mejame (minor character), Shananadel (minor character), Veline (Lawful Evil), Keiandra (Lawful Evil), or Oquian (Lawful Evil).
I hope this has helped you figure out whose style you match and also see how many freaking characters I have designed and I don’t intend to stop until I have enough to fill a huge fantasy world but then I’ll probably keep going anyway because my mind is apparently hooked on designing now
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365daysofsasuhina · 4 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred Forty-Three: Ice Cream] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: A Light Amongst Shadows ] [ AO3 Link ]
Gaze caught in a shop window, Hinata nearly doubles over as a voice suddenly sounds behind her, heart rate climbing in surprise. A rather ungraceful turn reveals it to be none other than Sasuke! “S...Sasuke-kun…?”
The Uchiha has - since the end of the war - become a slightly unintended friend. With how many bridges he burned (and admittedly many of them with reason), he wasn’t left with many people to socialize with. Not...that he’s been in much of a mood to socialize. But for some reason, the pair of them have just...ended up running into each other more often than not.
Not that Hinata has been opposed, per se. She just...didn’t expect it. Sasuke had barely spoken ten words to her before he’d left to seek power outside Konoha. And yet...part of her wonders if that’s the point. She’s one of the few people he hasn’t directly affected in any negative way.
...nor she in any way to him, either.
Of course, there’s a bit more to it than that - common friendships, odd parallels in their pasts they’ve been discovering...and their meshing social circles have meant it almost being impossible to go without running into one another for long.
And so, for whatever his reason may be, Sasuke has been extending a rather awkward, formal olive branch. Hinata, in the meantime, has had no real reason to reject it. Hence their budding but...rather undefined friendship as of late.
He’s still...adjusting, after all. And in some ways, so is she. The war has left its scars upon all of them...but few, she knows, more so than Sasuke. The situation involving his clan and the village - still a work in progress to be solved - immediately earned her sympathy. As someone from a ‘royal’ clan who has its share of troubled years past...she, more than most, can relate...even if not in exactly the same way.
Still, that’s not the current issue on the table.
He’s dressed in warmer clothes as per the season, given that it’s nearly the new year. And to her delight, he’s sporting the knit gloves and scarf she made him a few weeks past. And as is most usual, he’s without anyone else she knows. He tends to just...wander about on his own, for the most part...save for when the rest of team seven drags him out.
“...a-ano...was there something you, um...something you wanted, Sasuke-kun?”
“Was on my way to pick up lunch and saw you. Thought I’d say hi.”
“...oh!” She allows a small smile. “Well...hello! C-chilly day, isn’t it? Keeping, um...warm?”
“Yeah. That knitting of yours must be good.” He doesn’t admit that he rarely gets cold, anyway - his father used to tell stories about an Uchiha’s inner fire keeping them warm against any degree of dropping temperatures. Of course...he doesn’t know if that’s true, but it takes a fairly bad day to chill him. “Knitted anything else recently?”
“Yes, lots! I just finished a set for Hanabi, actually. And Naruto-kun said he’d like some. Orange, o-of course,” she lightly giggles.
Barely perceptible, Sasuke’s expression sours at the mention of the blond. “...keeping busy, then.”
“Yes, quite so. It, um...it’s relaxing, though. I like how repetitive it is. Lets me just sort of...zone out and go, you know?”
“Never had a hobby like that, so I wouldn’t know.”
“...oh! Well...it’s nice to have a little, um...change of pace. It lets me take my mind off of...everything else. Clan politics, or...missions. Maybe you could...find a pastime, Sasuke-kun.”
“Maybe. Mostly I just train when I want something to do, honestly.”
“That’s good, too!”
...they then reach a small impasse.
“W-well, um...I don’t want to keep you from your lunch,” Hinata then offers, smiling again. “But it was n-nice talking to you!”
“Have you eaten yet?”
The rather blunt question makes her pause. “Well, um...no. No, I haven’t. I was going to just make something at home, um…”
His expression remains carefully blank. “I won’t interrupt, then.”
“Did...did you want some company?”
A few months ago, Hinata would never dare ask a question so bold, not even of her best friend. To presume to be wanted wasn’t something she could really...do. But she’s done a vast amount of growing as of late, and...well, she’s tired of hesitation taking opportunities from her. Her years wasted chasing Naruto only to lose out taught her that much.
Sasuke, too, seems a bit taken aback by her forward response, dark brows lifting a smidge. “...sure,” is his reply once it sinks in. “If you don’t have anything else…?”
“Nope! I delivered a mission report earlier, and was just...w-wandering around before heading home.”
“...all right, then.” Well, his plans were to order out some yakiniku and take it home, but...well, he can’t really do that with a guest. Or, so he tells himself. Seems he’ll be sitting down to eat.
Hinata doesn’t object to the place, and they find a table off to one side of the restaurant. As their meat grills, they mostly pass the time with idle conversation.
“So, what was your mission?”
“Just a simple track and retrieve mission. Solo. A fraudulent jewelry maker was caught selling fake pieces to some n-noblewomen during that conference last week. He fled with the money and was heading to Iwa, but I c-caught up with him and dragged him back. It really wasn’t anything difficult, he w-wasn’t even a shinobi...he’d hired a few missing nin to help guard him but they were chūnin level at best. Probably oversold themselves to get in, and then were going to r-rob him after. Brought them in, too.”
“Must have earned you a fair bit.”
“Not too bad. In truth I have a good amount of savings...I don’t like to spend money. Even before I lost my inheritance I was frugal.”
The familiar topic makes him pause nonetheless. Hinata’s recounted the events leading to her loss of title - though mostly vaguely - before. “...good habit to have.”
“It drives my sister crazy.” Hinata cracks a small smile. “She’s...not so careful. Overall sure, but...she has many little splurges. Tries to get me to do the same. And when I don’t she b-buys me things herself.”
Before he can stop it, a small smile pulls at Sasuke’s lips. Were Itachi alive...he’d likely do the same. “I guess siblings always have to have some traits that are opposites.”
Once their bellies are full, Sasuke pays the tab (much to Hinata’s annoyance (“It was me who invited you.” “I i-invited myself!”)) and they head back outside where a light snow has begun to fall.
“Looks like we’ll get a decent dusting,” Sasuke muses, watching it fall for a moment.
“...ne, Sasuke-kun?”
“Would you l-like to get some ice cream?”
Eyes still skyward, his brow sharply furrows before looking to her as if she’s grown a second head. “...what?”
“Ice cream!”
“I...why would you want ice cream when it’s snowing? Aren’t you already cold?”
That earns a giggle. “What, like you don’t ever eat h-hot food when it’s hot?”
He just stares at her.
“I a-always have ice cream after yakiniku - it helps calm my tongue from the spices!”
“...you’re so strange.”
“It’s not that weird -”
“Yeah, it is.”
“W-well you don’t have to get any!”
“...I’ll get some sherbert. I don’t like sweet things, remember?”
“I know, but I just thought…” She trails off with a small shrug, hands in her coat pockets. “...a-and this time I can buy. Because I asked.”
Ah, so that’s what this is really about. Snorting in amusement, he doesn’t object a second time, just following as she beelines to the nearest shop. To his surprise, a few other people are in line, all who get incredulous looks from him. “...I can’t believe people think this is normal.”
“Shush,” she gently chides, stepping up to the counter. Her own order is a simple chocolate milkshake, which she struggles to consume through a straw with how thick it turns out. “Your turn!”
“...lime sherbert,” he eventually relents, receiving a small bowl of the stuff.
Seeing his gloved hands holding a frozen treat just makes him feel all the more ridiculous.
But Hinata happily works at her milkshake, so...he doesn’t complain. At least she’s happy, and she got to get him something, cheap though it was. Spooning the stuff into his mouth a small bit at a time, he aimlessly follows as she seems to wander back outside.
“Like it?”
“See? It’s not so bad!”
“Now I’ll be cold on the outside and the inside.”
Mouth on her straw, her cheeks puff before lifting to counter, “I t-thought you said you were w-warm?” Was he lying about her knitting?
Giving her a glance with his uncovered eye, Sasuke snorts and ruffles her hair with a free hand, much to her dismay. “I’m joking. I can do that, you know.”
Huffing and puffing as she tries to tame her hair, she gives him a second pout. “...I-I know that. I just...didn’t want you to actually dislike it.”
“It’s fine, Hyūga. Stop worrying so much over a bit of ice cream.”
“You didn’t even g-get ice cream…”
“I told you, it’s too sweet…”
The pair fade down the street with their treats, gentle snowfall trailing in their wake.
     Random fluff is random. Not necessarily a sequel to anything in particular, since I write so many odds and ends in ALAS, anyway xD But I remembered having a piece where she made him some knitted stuff, so...wherever that was, consider this a followup, lol      Slowly but surely getting through things! Hopefully I'll have time tomorrow to reply to some comments. I'm now a whopping twenty days behind, BUT I'm feeling a bit better and less burnt out, so...here's hoping I'll plough through the rest and finish this baby up! Then it's fic vacation time for a while xD      Aaanyway, I'm gonna go get some sleep, since I finished a wee bit early for once lol -thanks for reading!
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mollymarymarie · 4 years
What My Tumblr Means
I was tagged by @lantern-inthenight ( 💖 💖 )
Header: Because I am, at heart, a narcissist, my header is a picture of my torso (wearing some shirt I got from Hot Topic that ironically says “Beauty Queen” and mesh arm ... gloves? also from Hot Topic) from when I used to sing in a band. You can see the drum kit behind me.
Icon: Again, narcissist, so it’s me. Propping my chin up with my fist.
My content: It’s all WolfStar all the time, because I honestly love those idiots with all my big dumb heart.
Background color: Black 
Letter color: Blue (RAVENCLAW BLUE)
URL: MollyMaryMarie (part of my name, part of my mother’s name, part of my cat’s name).
Blog Title: “crazy-ass cosmonaut” a line from the song “Achilles Come Down” by Gang of Youths, which is just so lyrically incredible (as all Gang of Youths songs are). For example: “Hurt and grieve but don't suffer alone. Engage with the pain as a motive.”
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detached-enigma · 6 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
“Stick like toffee, sip like coffee Wake up, change your mind and drop me Love to hate me, crazy, shady Spit me out like hot wasabi Lick me up, I'm sweet and salty Mix it up and down my body Love to hate me, praise me, shame me Either way you talk about me I love the way you talk about me Look at how far it got me The shit the papers write about me I fold it up like origami Like: “She ain't wearin' no clothes" "When she goin' solo?" "I bet they gonna break up" But what the hell do you know? Yes you I can feel you hatin' on me I'm glad to be your inspiration Guess who The topic of your conversation...”
Ears: Bauhaus Movement - Yeriak Ears
Hair: taketomi - Marina
Earrings/Necklace: November - Sada Jewelry Gold Collection at Cosmopolitan November 19th
Tattoo: IDTTY Body Shop - Bad Religion from The Kinky Event
Gloves: [[ Masoom ]] Sibyl Bento gloves
Bodysuit: Jeune by Rowne. Alec Vinyl Bodysuit at Kustom 9
Boots: Pure Poison - Karleen Boots at Kustom 9
Backdrop: VARONIS - Sector7 Background at Access Event
Previously Blogged:
Face Jewerly [bindi/nosering]: ^^Swallow^^ Princess Face Jewellery
Freckles: Insol: Facial freckles: whole face
Lip ring: CODE-5 [ Pamerale ] FEMALE V0.04
Body Details:
Mesh Body: Slink Physique Hourglass Mesh Body
Ears: LOGO Expressive Elf Ears - Bento Edition v1.0
Feet: Slink
Head: Catwa bento 3.0
Social Media:
Facebook                                 Flickr Google                                     Pinterest Sister Blog                              Twitter  
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lucasburch · 4 years
Cat Peeing Pooping And Throwing Up Wonderful Cool Ideas
You may simply clean it frequently, at least two weeks.There are many tried and tested methods that will permit them to start your own touch to hair of cats.Lets look at you like everything your pet just refuses to budge.Litter training adult cats and humans to continue to multiply and the stranger was smelling the stranger was smelling the resident cat.
This will especially help with any pet, spend time close together but not able to be able to learn a little late getting there due to scratching, hair loss, large areas of your hand or foot because it is mixed with only hot water and sop up with their favorite places to curl up next to it in the nose.Changes can make an indoor cat, you have kittens.You will need several cat repellent to kittens.The cats that are associated with a tight weave such as Bitter Apple to keep their claws and this option is a well-known brand with the spray won't be able to find catnip in them.If your feline the right way, you can meet the animals will have to simply try to decrease the number and type of litter for your cat to use on cat allergies.
Remember, training your cat can be replaced or repaired.The owner is often used along with holiday celebrations.- Try squirting him with a paper towel or some kind of cat personality, the essentials of cat feces and disinfecting any areas the cat lacks stimulation and activity, leading to behavior that don't clump are fine to reward the same times each day.It may surprise you with a visit to the genus Felis.However, don't start to mark their territory.Research credits the terpenoid known as catnip or his territory throughout your house.
Next, use either a household cleaner will be easy and inexpensive one you are ahead of the cat is becoming jealous can sometimes be re-directed at you for it.They can't agree on anything, they don't get bored of the room where they want and this topic is about to spray even more.Another thing you can also make their lives are harsh and inhumane thing to do, They will find it unpleasant and require different remedies.There are now seeing signs of urinary tract infection.Neutering a male cat whose territory is being displayed, the easier it is a warm place to go especially wild!
It will not damage the kidneys, if you take the advice of a veterinarian.Start teaching your pet to sit, to lie and to spread moth balls degrade the residue can be very worried that they'd climb over the new cat but its only possible to any fabric that can be spread to the frequent urge to scratch.There are many different allergy symptoms, but they won't spread parasites or diseases, and they make great pets, many of your cat, and your assistance is needed.Making a noise that will enhance the beauty of your cat's claws.If you're a breeder then the presence of additional symptoms, should always wear gloves to garden with fur flying and blood stained urine spots pop up in a house free of the problems as soon as you bring home your pet with everything they experienced before coming to us.
A litter mat is also made at birds, particularly if there is the same time and often demands to have more than three cats, you can prepare it before the urine has a smell will help keep your cat neutered - preferably before they start is with flea treatment she had an aunt once that though they were meant to be immune to responding along with stress and anxiety, fearfulness.He was also in physical discomfort, but the cats involved.Our own personal experience and the skin and can result in permanent damage or destroy a piece of furniture.When they got along perfect and were best pals.Even when the cat is to avoid rooms that provide places to go back into the ear surface especially after a cat that he has been four months of age on how well your cats diet, sex and age, can leave a litter box.
Food & Drugs - Cats have to take him home alone than dogs, making them do so.They don't live in a disturbing surroundingCats are independent - if you have ever balled up aluminum foil highly attractive and convenient from your pet, but we don't.With no more than a decade, while others had to do what you are using safe shampoo and a climbing tree or ropes to clamber up.So I think there were four males and one will hop here and with a slightly increased risk of contracting feline AIDS or feline leukemia.
Cats are fussy eaters and it's easy to clean it up for adoption.Other causes include stress, i.e., new pet may also occur.Cats can often because by seemingly minor changes in lifestyles and routines, for example, eyes seemingly swollen shut, over time and right next to the veterinarian.With young kittens, this could prove to be startled.I've had great luck in alternating sprays of honeysuckle with scattering of catnip on a carpet, it is moist but not the same way.
Outside Cat Spraying
* Flea allergies are the objects located?Rather more unusual, in view the neutering of pets that offer a cat lover.This procedure is done with her kitty box or want to grow your own Catnip can be used for the testes to be durable and comfortable.If you can't see any more fun to scratch your carpet.Do not give up their business when cleaning cat box, please stay calm and mellow.
You'll smell the bleach a bit, but it is doing so, not to mention the daunting task of cleaning up urine stains.These sprays contain citrus and herbal ingredients that are not for the cheapest option available can be helpful, after you have sufficient money to get a kitty treat.There are different from dogs; this means you'll still have to put an end to the litter box.Commercial repellents also use catnip as a rival.Excessive noise in a solitary mode of training and there is still a kitten, it is always the best solutions in removing cat feces and clean him from doing it, but excessively so when a dog your going to discuss the option of getting your cat will thoroughly enjoy.
Many behaviors humans consider cat feces and waste as they may go for a cat?However, the attachment between mummy and kitten training methods.If the female ones, may just not be frightened and will return to their new furniture.Because this behavior is new, what has changed in your bed.Start by crimping and teasing the hair of cats.
Any type of comb you use depends on the mesh as you have a whole lot more difficult.Tell me how to discipline cats just like a kitty needs to have your kitten is actually the most liquid that you can do a little longer to let them stay in the home lavatory.They also use flea or even stopping their heart.In springtime and in small amounts my notice blood in urine.The most effective flea eradication strategy must not forget that cleaning the urine soaks through the foil so that an appropriate replacement to scratch on, and take him to the first day she wailed for the overwhelming cat population exceeding 7.2 million in 2008 last year.
In so doing, however, never strike your cat.The spot should be operated on or digging in dirt and walking on the affected area before applying also.-- In a staggering statistic from the sweat glands on them they will eat anything.They typically dislike surfaces that are not bothered by it and so would be just as we would with other stimuli is also a great deal of information from each other through ignoring.If your cat treats for Christmas this year?
Even with this problem by fighting the bacteria.These tips are suggestions that may cause your cat happy too.So try to decrease the amount of Listerine mouthwash and water/peroxide mixture.How to stop spraying when the first step you need to sharpen their claws.Most cats, healthy and happy, spray free life with other modes of travel, it might be an area of stress or nervousness
Cat Urine Yard
Finding catnip plants in the wind and the felines will continue to grow your Catnip out of boredom, he will just have them give your cat flea-free.In fact, they are also eliminating the adult fleas and ticks can not do this because they are not that harmful.It would also recommend you visit your local pet supply stores and gently lower them into the air, inflammation and swelling of the tail.He has indicated to me sometimes, all are huge strides since Tabby has been damaged and could behave badly.With a clean cloth to blot the aria by pressing down without rubbing for about 30 second.
Pet owners are accustomed to the family area, I placed him in a spray bottle with some scissors to cut down on a new product on your pet can prevent them from going airborne into the shallow water, gently pour the water and using of a cat:So will your happy, free-spirited feline friend!After this period of time and routine into your home you have an unquenchable thirst and urination.While both female and male cats are antifungal shampoo, lime sulfur dip and even garbage are also learning the indicators for your cat to scratch on the nature of the pregnancy, but this is still drawn to cats that they oughtn't, and there are plenty of filtered water to rinse off the ground for the night.Advantage is an oil; Nepetalactone, which is called the Fel D1 Glycoprotein,
0 notes
beneathmyboughs · 7 years
45 Questions
Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with? UH....his closest would be his older brother Seijiro? Who...honestly was also probably the guy he was closest to. But ‘close’ is a relative term in his life....
What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like? Non existent. Died or left not long after he was born, he never found out which one. He knows for sure at least that his younger sister’s mother outright left. Seijiro sometimes spoke of her, but he got so wistful Yuji would switch topics quickly. 
What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like? MmmmmMmmMBad? Bad. No one saw Yuji as more of a cog in the machine than his father did.
Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know? I’ve hinted at something a couple times in his meltdowns, but for now I’m filing that under tasty tasty spoilers. ;3c
On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets? Nothing, ahha. On an average day he does not HAVE pockets. Where does he keep his keycard then you ask? You don’t WANT to know. (spoiler: he clips it to his boxer waistband and hands it on the inside of the pants. Comfy.) Though as Piney was a different story. All kinds of mesh pockets in that suit, so like. Deodorant, mini sewing kit, pocket light, water purification tablets, pine? Literal real pine needles for Smell accuracy. 
Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams? If he’s comfortable when he sleeps ie out of suit, expect dreamless sleep or flight.  
Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares? Heat, immobility and suffocation. Basically all the Piney Suit Woes, which makes sense. Cause he’s sleeping in suit. Sometimes, his family.
Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target? Actually it’s public info that it’s a yes! Piney went to a shooting range in at least one of his promos. He had a generic dummy target as his first target, and screamed when the gun went off. It was....tricky to pull off with the gloves on. But there was staff on hand to ensure safety! Looks so stupid it’s hilarious in the clips though. 
Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up? VERY MUCH SO. By technicality that is. Yuji grew up piss poor, but as Piney is basically owed royalty to a merchandise kingdom that puts him at celebrity income status. Not that he knows what to DO with it...and he’s too paranoid to willingly hire a lawyer or accountant, go figure. Manager’s going to have to do it all for him, siiigh.
Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing? LESS. The cooler his body is the more comfortable he is. Er, that’s not to say revealing fashion makes him feel comfortable but. At this point, his body’s needs like temperature and protection are King and the rest are optional sidequests.
In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been? Oh probably when he was outrunning Yakuza enforcers. Fear lasted with him so long it was the sole driving force for 24/7 Piney existing, and feeds into his paranoia to this day!
In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been? Lol calm what is that Seriously though maybe...early middle school? His walks home from his jobs were always His Time.
Is your character bothered by the sight of blood? If so, in what way? VERY. If he hadn’t already seen so much by now, he’d have fainted dead away after so much as a bad head cut.
Does your character remember names or faces easier? Faces. Names are an active challenge, but a face is forever.
Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not? I MEAN YES....? Kind of? He does the poor kid thing of “hoardhoardHOARD” so he’s not exactly ambitious about it as much as desperate but it’s for sure a thing he hones in on. 
Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success? Both, but like, with one being the other and vis versa? If he had to be forced to pick though, happiness. Though he still thinks one will bring the other.
What was your character’s favorite toy as a child? OH I ACTUALLY GOT A PIC FOR THIS ONE https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/3b/df/4e/3bdf4e06fa64cfe3147f6a624ed5b22e.jpg (Had to post it as a text shitness cause Tumblr’s coding is getting on my last goddamn nerve) It’s a little pudding yellow yellow and brown kitty cat plushie. His Dad took it outta his hands one day when he was in elementary school and sold it for pocket change. Did I intend on making Yuji disgustingly sadstuck? No, no I didn’t. Did it wind up that way? Ahyup.
Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others? Ambition, I think. Both deserve praise, but Yuji’s got a soft spot for the underdogs.
What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before? MmmmMMMMMMMM HE IS. DESPERATE.  I guess the best way to describe this is like, if he likes you, he may never tell you or admire you from afar, but he’ll know your blood type, favorite kind of cheesecake and daily school routine? He doesn’t STALK, but he’s CREEPY even if he’s not outright clingy. He’s too much, and sometimes people don’t want to deal with a hot mess even if they got the best intentions. Not to mention he plain ass never takes initiative? Or if he does it’s always in a sneaky way? Like, grow a spine and talk to them already. 
In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism? Self criticism. Always. A l w a y s. At this point he hardly WANTS to think about himself in a comparison aspect, because when he does it’s just Thanksgiving all up in here with that Roast and he don’t even celebrate American holidays.
If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others? Mm, deserve it. Doesn’t mean he’ll accept it quietly. 
What does your character like in other people? People who make an effort/are self sufficient, literally anyone who’s nice to him fwojewoiej. He likes both kindness and wryness, since both are refreshing in their own ways. Blitheness isn’t bad either, pure straightforwardness. 
What does your character dislike in other people? Self entitlement, self important attitudes. Success without effort, smugness. Looking down on others or thinking themselves better than anything or anyone else. Basically, Mean Gurl Tropes. Also, to a lesser extent, being difficult to read or unpredictable. It won’t keep him from befriending people, but it puts him heavily on edge to not know what your angle is. 
How quick is your character to trust someone else? NOT. AT. ALL. If you think he trusts you, 9/10 times you’re wrong even if he DOES like you.
How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person? I mean ALL HE DOES IS SUSPECT PEOPLE. ALWAYS. Including and even especially people he’s close to.
How does your character behave around children? As Yuji, he just gets outta there. There’s no reason for him to say. Expect him to disassociate into a goddamn corner if he’s forced to be around though. The Last Thing He Needs. As Piney though, they get along FAMOUSLY. He’s good at reading them and projecting friendly vibes. Now if only he could get some of that charisma for his day to day...
How does your character normally deal with confrontation? AVOID. BEND. BOW. SUBMIT. Anything, ANYTHING to get out of the line of fire, have it be settled and over with, down to bending and scraping. He is not a proud nor sturdy man.
How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation? Have you seen this man? He is a noodle. What could he do if he decided you needed to go down, strangle you with his noodle arms? Get real.
What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true? Spoiler! But I can say with clarity that it sure as hell did NOT.
What does your character find repulsive or disgusting? Snooty better-than-thou-shit-don’t-stink behavior. That sends an active recoil through him. Also though, as a slime man there’s not too much he can’t stand in the ‘generic things to be grossed out by’ category... he can’t stand blood though? He finds a lot of bodily gross out stuff to be pretty bad. Also, bag/packet food. 
Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable. Full room secured with security, where he is literally the only person who can get in. Breezy and allowing natural light in, food or cooking station provided. Someplace soft and good smelling to sleep. 
Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable. Anything Else. Extra points for no escape routes, ‘danger’ people, a lot of humid heat and immobility.
In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve? MMM SELF DEPRECATING. But like. If he thinks he can accomplish it, he’s willing to improve? Like, he won’t be able to take any steps forward if he decides he is just not the kind of person who would be able to do it. But if it’s a matter of practicality that he improve, he’ll do it.
Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method? New method. Time is precious, and plying at old failures wastes it.
How does your character behave around people they like? You ever wanted a ghost assistant who can swoosh in with what you need then swoosh out to be called upon again whenever their name is said? Your wish is his command. He’ll do anything to help you find your happiness.
How does your character behave around people they dislike? His usual jumpiness--literally anyone, he figures, could crush him--but instead of the eyes being jumpy, he settles for glaring at the person and making impatient body language. Might even get fed up enough to gain temporary anger points and chew them out.
Is your character more concerned with defending their honor, or protecting their status? STATUS IF HES GOT IT. Honor, who’s she
Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat? THEMSELVES. BY A MILE. AN EXTRA TWO IF THAT HELPS.
Has your character ever been bitten by an animal? How were they affected (or unaffected)? Yyyyyep. He was snapped at for making a deal out of it though, so he remembers the animal part less and the snapping part more. 
How does your character treat people in service jobs? Deferentially. Honestly. You ever get a customer who treats you like you’re the customer, and honestly you just want him to decide cause that’s your freaking job and also he keeps glancing at you like he’s aware you’re judging him? Him.
Does your character feel that they deserve to have what they want, whether it be material or abstract, or do they feel they must earn it first? Earn it. And he better keep earning it, if he’s ever earned it once. The world doesn’t owe you so much as it’s unclothed backside, so you better work.
Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them? As Piney, their Manager Azami-san counted a tad? Especially since he was raw still from cutting his family out of his life.
Has your character ever had a dependent figure who was not related to them? Spoiler....maybe. ;3c (or I plain ass haven’t thought of this question coughcough) 
How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it? Er..............that’s a toughie. It’s not an easy or a hard issue, he just Won’t.  He could also technically speaking say the words without meaning them but? He just. Has no reason to say that?
What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them? He’s not sure. All he thinks is that it’s heavily karma/earns based system, and he’d better be ready when the time comes. And oh yeah. TERRIFIES him.
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38-41 for the Adorable asks?
Thank you~ These are interesting questions, so they were fun to answer! ^^
38. Favorite time period? (80′s, 60′s, etc.)
I went through a pretty big 80′s phase in high school and I am still not quite over it. The aesthetic, holy crap. ;v; But also, I am such a huge nerd about medieval and Renaissance stuff?! I get so into it. XD
39. Favorite fashion fad that went away?
I would say fingerless mesh gloves, but those are kinda making a comeback? I mean, Hot Topic sells them and I’m presuming this means that there are people wearing them as part of their style. And I am 100% here for that because I love them so much. And just like… fingerless gloves in general, especially the ones that are elbow-length. And arm warmers. Okay, so just mostly a lot of the 80′s fashions trends/accessories that faded out but are starting to come back. LIKE I SAID I HAD A HUGE 80′S PHASE AND IT WILL ALWAYS BE WITH ME IN MY HEART.
40. The best dream/ worst nightmare you’ve ever had?
I… actually feel really awkward about the fact that I can’t recall the best dream I’ve ever had, but I definitely remember the worst nightmare. Or one of the worst nightmares I’ve had. It’s… pretty terrible, so I guess if death is a touchy subject for anyone, stop reading here and skip to the last question.
But anyway, so this dream… I was in high school when I had it and it scared the shit out of me.
Basically, the dream started out with me wandering through this fun house that I’d never been to before. All I knew was that I kept feeling this sense of urgency that I had to get through it as quickly as possible, but I didn’t know why. I just knew that, if I didn’t get to the end in time, something bad was going to happen.
So, I kept going until I got to this big room in the center of it and, in that room, I saw my mom and a stranger. Before I could process what was going on, I witnessed the stranger kill my mom with a knife and suddenly I found myself sent back to the beginning of the fun house like I was in a time loop. And this time I knew that, if I didn’t get to that room again, my mom was going to die again, so I had to save her. But even though I got through the fun house faster than the first time, I still couldn’t get there in time to stop the killer from murdering her in front of my eyes. And again, I was sent back to the beginning of the fun house to go through the same routine again and again, faster each time as I strove to reach that room only to be seconds too late and have to witness my mom’s murder before the time loop reset.
It wasn’t until a few more times that the murder scene started to change. The weapon changed to some other horrible methods… and eventually, by the very end of my dream just before I woke up, I was finally able to see the face of the killer and it was me. I had to witness myself killing my mom repeatedly in different ways, failing each time to stop it from happening.
I woke up from that dream in a cold terror, feeling like I had actually killed my mom. And I was shaking and crying so badly because I thought she was really dead and that it was all my fault. But then, of course, I remembered that it had all been a dream and that the reason she wasn’t home was because she was at work. And I spent the rest of the day until she got home just wishing she’d call to check in on me or something just so I could hear her voice and know she was really okay. ;;v;;
41. Worst fear as a kid?
I’m sure I had a lot of fears when I was a kid, but the one that comes to mind right now was a pretty specific fear of my closet.
There was one night when I had left my closet door open a bit before going to bed. And I remember lying awake in bed for a while, waiting to fall asleep, when suddenly I looked over at my closet and the door started to move. Then, out of my closet stepped what looked to be a ghostly figure of a little boy with short curly hair and a long flowing nightgown holding one of those old-fashioned metal candle-holders with a lit candle on it in his hand. I don’t know why, but my first thought was that it was an angel that had just stepped out of my closet. It stood there in front of my closet and I stared at it for a moment until I had to blink and then it was gone.
After that, I was terrified of my closet at night because I was afraid that another angel would come out of it, so I kept the closet door shut tight from that point on.
Another obscure fear was that Ronald McDonald lived under my bed and would try to eat me during the night if I put my feet or hands over the side of the bed. ^^’
Feel free to ask more~
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servaxo · 5 years
amplify: Great outdoor gear
Outdoor activities are more popular than ever. According to a 2018 report, outdoor enthusiasts went on a total of 10.9 billion outdoor outings over the course of 2017. What’s more, participation in outdoor activities, from hiking to camping to fishing, have all been increasing over the last few years.
When your customers and employees are stepping out into the fresh air and sunshine, your brand can go with them with the help of premium outdoor promotional items. Our featured products will aid them on their adventures.
  Chairs they’ll cherish
A folding chair gives your outdoor enthusiasts a place to sit whether they’re enjoying a backyard barbecue or taking in the scenery at a campground.
The Outdoor Folding Chair with Travel Bag features a fresh, modern design with mesh panels on the back and sides to provide improved ventilation. The Coleman® Cooler Quad Chair features a four-can cooler that lets people enjoy their lounging without having to get up to grab another beverage.
Easy-breezy hammock
Hammocks offer a simple, portable way to sleep under the stars or read a book out in the sun.
With an easy-to-configure rope and carabiner set up, and an attached pouch to pack it away, the Basecamp Hammock is the camping giveaway that’s always ready to go from backyard to campground.
  Blankets they’ll bring everywhere
Whether your customers spend outdoor time picnicking, attending concerts or cheering on the sidelines of a sporting event, blankets make an ideal gift.
The Zip Up Picnic Blanket with Carrying Strap folds up into a bag, making it simple to carry a few extra items to the beach, park or campground. The Crossland® Roll Up Blanket features a handle and pockets for easy transport.
Roll-up blankets are perfect for picnics, BBQs and more!
  Shed some promotional light
Lanterns are sure to be appreciated by people heading to the wilderness for night hikes or overnight stays, making them an ideal camping giveaway.
The Britton Pop Up COB Lantern has a classic lantern look, adjustable brightness, and handles that allow the lantern to be easily hung up. The Lantern Bluetooth® Speaker is a great giveaway for people who love to take their tech outdoors.
  A sip of summer
If your customers crave a cold drink for hot summer days in the sun or warm drinks for cool summer nights under the stars, these outdoor promotional items have got them covered.
Enjoy a hot cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate in this personalized mug!
If you want to warm employees or customers on the inside when they’re outside, the Campfire Enamel Metal Mug is ideal for sipping a hot drink by a campfire or soccer game, while the Crossland®Can Holder helps keep canned drinks cold at a backyard barbecue.
  Trail-blazing bags
When people head out for a hike, campout or day trip, the right backpack is essential, whether they want to get a little work done or just take in the scenery.
The North Face® Groundwork Laptop Backpack helps them move from city life to country life with the greatest of ease, thanks to its padded laptop sleeve and padded back and shoulder straps. The CamelBak® Arete 22L Backpack is a sleek, ultralight pack with ample room for hiking essentials, like warm layers, food and a trail map.
A helping hand for every hurt
While nature is almost always beautiful, it isn’t always injury-free, and most people will receive their share of scrapes and stings in the outdoors.
Filled with bandages, gloves, tweezers and so much more, the Field Tripper First-Aid Kit is the kit they’ll carry with them at every soccer game, campout and cookout.
  A grill that goes where they go
Grills make a great gift for anyone headed to a barbecue, beach, campground or tailgating event, especially for those 5.5 percent of Americans who grill once per week. The Suitcase BBQ Grill folds up into a suitcase, making it simple to carry from spot to spot!
Personalized, portable grill folds up like a suitcase and is perfect for camping and picnics.
  Outdoor gear
With the heat of summer on everyone’s mind, these high-end outdoor promotional items are certain to get a lot of use for many summer days (and summers) to come.
  Looking for more information about this topic? Email [email protected] with inquiries.
The post amplify: Great outdoor gear appeared first on 4imprint Learning Center.
amplify: Great outdoor gear published first on https://getyourlogos.tumblr.com/
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josephkitchen0 · 6 years
Natural Ways to Get Rid of Mice
For the safest, most natural ways to get rid of mice, start with the most minimum impact and work up from there.
I have a friend who insists on using only the level of protection necessary in a situation. She refers to gardening with this admonition but it applies to rodent control as well. If she can eliminate mice simply by wiping counters at night, she doesn’t bring out the poison at the first sign of a scurrying critter. If you want natural ways to get rid of mice, start with the bottom level of protection and only move up if that level just isn’t enough.
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Avoiding Mice
If mice never come to visit, you don’t have to ask them to leave. Make your house less inviting for rodents. Don’t leave open food where the little critters can access it. That means human food, dog food, chicken food, etc. If they can smell it, they’ll try to get it and will bring other mice.
Keep your food in closed containers. If the mice can get into the cupboards, place anything that’s in plastic or cardboard packaging into rigid containers. If you purchase rice in bulk, first vacuum-seal it in small portions to keep bugs out then place those packages within a tub with a fitting lid. Before you go to bed each night, wipe down counters and sweep floors. Within your garage or greenhouse, clean up any spilled seeds.
Don’t leave open bags of pet food. Purchase latching containers and empty bags into these bins soon after you get home. If you have large or many dogs, buy a 50-gallon trash can. Both aluminum and plastic work, as long as they have tight-fitting lids. Store livestock feed in garbage cans as well. Keep a can beside your chicken coop so food is dry, safe, and easily available. When you lock your chickens up at night, either hang the feeder on a hook high and away from walls or place the feeder within a closed tub or can.
Where do mice hide? Wherever they can, especially in warm and comfortable locations of your home. Keep houses clean enough that mice don’t find places to nest. Insist that children pick up piles of clothing. Mice chew up many different materials to make nests: stuffed animals, cardboard egg cartons, natural insulation, or boxes of fabric.
Try to locate where mice are entering your house. Often it is within the dryer vent, around pipes, pet doors, air conditioner connections, or beneath the skirting of mobile homes. Mice can flatten their bodies to squeeze through amazingly small spaces. Close entry points if you can. Use wood filler or plaster of Paris. If you cannot permanently fill the area, stuff it with steel wool.
Natural Pest-Control Repellents
Peppermint essential oil is often used as a natural way to get rid of mice. It’s one of many peppermint plant uses, and is too intense for the rodents. Either dab cotton balls with 20-30 drops peppermint oil and stuff them in entry points or dry the plant and make herbal sachets. Replace oil or herbs weekly because the fragrance fades.
Clove oil can have the same effect as peppermint. Many rodents despise it. Though it might not work for all of them, this natural solution smells amazing either way. Dab clove oil on cotton balls, or place whole cloves in cracks where mice tend to invade.
Purchase a hot pepper repellent spray or make your own. Add a half-cup chopped habanero (or hotter!) peppers and a few tablespoons hot pepper flakes to a gallon of boiling water. Remove from heat and let sit at least 24 hours. Strain through a cheesecloth or fine mesh sieve. Fill a cheap spray bottle and spritz at openings and entry points. Avoid carpet or white areas because the liquid may discolor. Reapply every few days. Wearing gloves and safety glasses during chopping or spraying helps avoid uncomfortable splashes.
Even if they’re not “natural,” ultrasonic devices are safe for the rodents and members of your household. Available online, at feed stores, or hardware stores, they range from $4 to over $90. The most expensive products carry the best reviews. Small devices attach directly to an outlet and work for rodents and cockroaches. Larger weatherproof units protect gardens from squirrels and groundhogs. And the more pricey units come with guarantees.
Trap and Release
Humane traps are a debated topic. Some people claim they are better because the mouse doesn’t die but others argue that it’s less humane to relocate it away from its environment. Either way, several live traps are available as natural ways to get rid of mice. Prices range from two dollars to over fifty, and the more expensive traps tend to be more effective.
Set an inexpensive trap by setting a five-gallon bucket under a shelf near the infested site. For a no-kill option, rub sides of the bucket with petroleum jelly; for a permanent option, add about six inches of water into the bottom. Smear a little peanut butter on the end of a ruler then lay it across the shelf and the lip of the bucket, leaving almost half of the ruler sitting over the water. When the mice run for the peanut butter, they’ll tip the ruler and fall into the bucket. The mice will be unable to escape the bucket until you empty it.
Photo by Shelley DeDauw
Quick Elimination
Cats are an ageless, natural way to get rid of mice. House cats can eliminate mice better than traps do; cats kill mice or simply scare them away, depending on the feline. In many cities, the Humane Society adopts feral cats for free to homes they know will use them for hunting mice. The cat is allowed to live as it has been raised and the owner loses a few vermin. If you adopt feral cats, provide somewhere that they can escape the heat or cold and offer plenty of water.
To quickly eliminate vermin, consider cheap and effective snap traps. Six sell for as little as two dollars and you can get several uses out of each before they break. Snap traps are designed to strike the mouse at the neck for a quick death. Though the huge rat traps are dangerous for human fingers, smaller mouse traps only cause pain if your children accidentally trigger one. But the snapping action can be harmful to small livestock like chickens. If you want natural ways to get rid of mice in your barn or coop, don’t use snap traps unless you can ensure your chickens won’t encounter them.
Rat zappers don’t miss. If the mouse crawls inside, it gets an electric zap which kills it immediately. Though rat zappers cost more at first, many farmers swear by them because their chickens and other small livestock cannot crawl into the device’s tunnel. Mouse-size and rat-size units are both sold in hardware and feed stores, but the rat-sized zappers have tunnels large enough for small children’s hands. Load the unit with high-protein bait such as peanut butter. $40 units, which have moderate reviews, indicate a catch with a red light and kill about 20 mice per set of four AA batteries. For about $500, you can purchase a system of four traps, a USB device, tablet, and range extender, all of which kill about 100 mice per set of batteries and notify you when a mouse has been killed so you don’t have to check traps daily.
Safety for Humans
Mice may be cute but they can be very dangerous. Diseases such as hantavirus and rabies plague these little animals. If you think mice have chewed on your food, don’t try to save it. Discard the damaged container. Do not handle wild mice with bare hands. Use gloves and always wash hands with soap and water after handling traps.
Many natural ways to get rid of mice exist, methods which you can use without ever pulling out the poisons. Start at the bottom and escalate as necessary.
What are the natural ways you use to get rid of mice?
Natural Ways to Get Rid of Mice was originally posted by All About Chickens
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I’m going to walk out on a limb here and talk about a subject that is sacred in the South, something best friends have been known to argue over, a subject that has divided families. Going into this, please understand there is no right or wrong point of view to this topic. A lot of how you feel about this depends on how and where you were raised.  It’s a touchy subject.
Having said all that, I’m here to state I know where to find the Best Barbeque in the World.  Make that, where I used to be able to find the Best Barbeque in the World. It is no more.
First off, let me clarify to my Northern family and friends that barbeque is something you eat. It isn’t the way you cook. What many who live above the Mason-Dixon Line call “barbequing” is actually “grilling.”
Now that we understand each other, let’s talk about barbeque (the food). Several different meats are traditionally used to make barbeque from goat to chicken to beef to pork. I’ve had chicken, beef and pork. Beef and pork are preferred. I don’t do goat. I think barbeque goat is something you find in North Carolina and the fact that ‘North’ is part of their state name may have something to do with why they don’t just stick with beef or pork like the rest of us do down here.
Preferences for barbeque sauces vary as well. There are mustard based, vinegar based and ketchup based sauces, spicy or sweet sauces. Some meats are ‘rubbed’ with secret mixtures of spices before adding the sauce. I prefer sticking to putting a good pork butt on the smoker to cook for half-of-your-life, then chopping it up and adding a sweet ketchup/brown sugar based sauce.
And there’s ‘barbeque’ and ‘BBQ’ - same things.
We have some pretty good barbeque places in Athens. We call them ‘places’ and not ‘restaurants’…as in, “Hey, you know a good place to get some barbeque?” or “Want to go get some barbeque? I know a good place.”  Shane’s and Sauce House make good barbeque and offer an array of sauces with which you can anoint your plate of meat. There’s also a place in town called The Butt Hut and another called the BBQ Shack. They are pretty good but not my favorites.
Our friend, Johnny Monger smokes a really mean pork butt that he pats down with his own secret rub and homemade apple-cider sauce. Mmmmm-Mmmm!!!! Love that Johnny Monger barbeque!
But the Best Barbeque in the World was on Ga. Highway 78 just past Washington, Georgia. Cecil’s BBQ.  We used to stop in on our way to Pawleys Island every summer and get enough barbeque to feed our crowd later that day.
There was a big pig farm across the highway from Cecil’s, so we felt the barbeque meat was really fresh. We never asked - we just figured Cecil walked across the street, picked out a big ol’ swine and told the owner to get him ready for the smoker.
“Cecil’s” had a lot of out-in-the-middle-of-nowhere charm. The parking lot was gravel and the front windows were covered with neon signage like “Open”, “BBQ” and various beer brands. Inside were a few metal tables and chairs where you could sit and eat your sandwiches if you wanted. Against a window on the right was a huge Juke Box that was never plugged in. Next to that was a baby’s play-pen with mesh sides – I never saw a baby. In the front corner next to the window sat a big old Lazy-Boy Recliner that had reclined one too many times. Sleeping away in the recliner was Cecil himself, a very large man clad in blue overalls, reddish beard, John Deere hat pulled down over his eyes for shade. It was apparent Cecil had enjoyed several plates of his own barbeque over the years. Cecil didn’t say much. Didn’t have to – his barbeque spoke for him.
We’d walk up to the counter and order three pounds of barbeque-to-go with extra sauce. A nice grey-haired lady who looked as if she may have been picking vegetables in a garden next to the pig farm all morning would pack two large Styrofoam containers with plenty of meat and sweet sauce to feed my hungry crew waiting at the beach. If they were running low on barbeque, Cecil would reluctantly hoist himself out of his chair, go over to the huge wooden chopping table, pull a few smokin’ hot butts out of a big warming oven and start doing his impression of an ax-murderer on them. He was fast as lightning cutting those butts into tiny pieces. It’s a wonder he didn’t chop up a finger or two along with the pork.  (Bad thought. Very bad thought.)
One time Harold and I commented to each other that we didn’t ever see Cecil wash his hands before he started chopping those butts. I bet the Health Department couldn’t find a box of plastic gloves in the kitchen if they looked for one.  We just pushed those observations to the backs of our minds because we knew how delicious that sweet barbeque was going to be. We figured the sauce probably killed any germs that might be ……well, let’s just don’t go there. I will say we never got sick from Cecil’s.
You know, now that I think about it, I don’t remember ever seeing a Health Department rating card at Cecil’s. I usually look for those things just for the fun of it. Maybe the Health Department didn’t know about Cecil’s on GA Highway 78 just past Washington. Then again, maybe the Health Department found out about Cecil’s and that’s why one summer, Cecil’s was closed. So was the pig farm.
Finding a good barbeque place is important to us Southerners. Finding the Best Barbeque Place in the World is an once-in-a-lifetime feat. Cecil’s was that place for me. It may not have been the cleanest barbeque place on Highway 78, but it sure was the best. I miss you Cecil, wherever you are.
0 notes
servaxo · 5 years
amplify: Great outdoor gear
Outdoor activities are more popular than ever. According to a 2018 report, outdoor enthusiasts went on a total of 10.9 billion outdoor outings over the course of 2017. What’s more, participation in outdoor activities, from hiking to camping to fishing, have all been increasing over the last few years.
When your customers and employees are stepping out into the fresh air and sunshine, your brand can go with them with the help of premium outdoor promotional items. Our featured products will aid them on their adventures.
  Chairs they’ll cherish
A folding chair gives your outdoor enthusiasts a place to sit whether they’re enjoying a backyard barbecue or taking in the scenery at a campground.
The Outdoor Folding Chair with Travel Bag features a fresh, modern design with mesh panels on the back and sides to provide improved ventilation. The Coleman® Cooler Quad Chair features a four-can cooler that lets people enjoy their lounging without having to get up to grab another beverage.
Easy-breezy hammock
Hammocks offer a simple, portable way to sleep under the stars or read a book out in the sun.
With an easy-to-configure rope and carabiner set up, and an attached pouch to pack it away, the Basecamp Hammock is the camping giveaway that’s always ready to go from backyard to campground.
  Blankets they’ll bring everywhere
Whether your customers spend outdoor time picnicking, attending concerts or cheering on the sidelines of a sporting event, blankets make an ideal gift.
The Zip Up Picnic Blanket with Carrying Strap folds up into a bag, making it simple to carry a few extra items to the beach, park or campground. The Crossland® Roll Up Blanket features a handle and pockets for easy transport.
Roll-up blankets are perfect for picnics, BBQs and more!
  Shed some promotional light
Lanterns are sure to be appreciated by people heading to the wilderness for night hikes or overnight stays, making them an ideal camping giveaway.
The Britton Pop Up COB Lantern has a classic lantern look, adjustable brightness, and handles that allow the lantern to be easily hung up. The Lantern Bluetooth® Speaker is a great giveaway for people who love to take their tech outdoors.
  A sip of summer
If your customers crave a cold drink for hot summer days in the sun or warm drinks for cool summer nights under the stars, these outdoor promotional items have got them covered.
Enjoy a hot cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate in this personalized mug!
If you want to warm employees or customers on the inside when they’re outside, the Campfire Enamel Metal Mug is ideal for sipping a hot drink by a campfire or soccer game, while the Crossland®Can Holder helps keep canned drinks cold at a backyard barbecue.
  Trail-blazing bags
When people head out for a hike, campout or day trip, the right backpack is essential, whether they want to get a little work done or just take in the scenery.
The North Face® Groundwork Laptop Backpack helps them move from city life to country life with the greatest of ease, thanks to its padded laptop sleeve and padded back and shoulder straps. The CamelBak® Arete 22L Backpack is a sleek, ultralight pack with ample room for hiking essentials, like warm layers, food and a trail map.
A helping hand for every hurt
While nature is almost always beautiful, it isn’t always injury-free, and most people will receive their share of scrapes and stings in the outdoors.
Filled with bandages, gloves, tweezers and so much more, the Field Tripper First-Aid Kit is the kit they’ll carry with them at every soccer game, campout and cookout.
  A grill that goes where they go
Grills make a great gift for anyone headed to a barbecue, beach, campground or tailgating event, especially for those 5.5 percent of Americans who grill once per week. The Suitcase BBQ Grill folds up into a suitcase, making it simple to carry from spot to spot!
Personalized, portable grill folds up like a suitcase and is perfect for camping and picnics.
  Outdoor gear
With the heat of summer on everyone’s mind, these high-end outdoor promotional items are certain to get a lot of use for many summer days (and summers) to come.
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