#they have airships in his dark materials universe and like its the same thing
just-spacetrash · 2 years
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quazartranslates · 3 years
Welcome to the Nightmare Game II - CH47
**This is an edited machine translation. For more information, please [click here]**
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Chapter 47: Star Death Reality Show (XXX)
"It's coming!" Qi Leren heard the distant movement earlier than Du Yue and Dr Lu.
Leviathan finally broke through the iron door’s blockade and once again resumed its identity of a hunter in a more crazy form. Qi Leren made up his mind to get rid of this thing this time!
"You two run that way, and I’ll lead it to the underground glacier to take care of it!" Once again, Qi Leren pulled out his gun and fired a shot at Leviathan, who had already appeared at the end of the corridor, to attract its attention.
Although the current Leviathan had become more aggressive after being injured, it couldn’t think without a brain, making it much easier to lead it to the underground glacier than they had originally thought. So, it was not a bad thing that he’d lost one hand... It's just that the recoil from shooting with one hand was too big, and his firing was a bit bad.
The privacy time was running out, and when the three people’s invisible cameras turned back on, the present situation would surprise any audience!
Up until now, almost half of the contestants' tracking cameras had stopped moving because of the contestants' death. Not long ago, several tracking cameras declared "end of transmission", and with the remaining tracking cameras in private time, there were no cameras to choose from.
But no one would have thought that there would be such a fierce scene at present!
Qi Leren, who was covered in blood and had a missing hand but miraculously healed wound, took a gun and shot at the huge monster rushing from a distance, while shooting and retreating until he ran out of bullets. He turned and ran, and while running, bit the magazine with his teeth to reload the gun.
The monster was completely out of control, chasing after Qi Leren, while the other two prey escaping in the other direction were completely forgotten by it. It devotedly pursued the prey that had constantly provoked it, and couldn't wait to swallow him into its belly!
Qi Leren was exhausted from running the whole way. At this time, he has led Leviathan to the deepest part of the underground research institute. This once-visited metal corridor was as cold as the icy bottom of hell, and as he ran deeper and deeper, the surrounding area was getting colder and colder, just like a huge freezer!
At present, a half-open door appeared. Dark and cold air seeped from behind the door, making Qi Leren shiver in his temperature regulating clothes.
This was it! He Yi had released Leviathan from here!
Qi Leren guessed that he should have been chased by Mark at that time, and fled to the deepest part of the institute to throw off Mark, but mistakenly opened this huge heavy iron door and went in... The frozen Leviathan sensed the breath of the living, recovered from hibernation, and parasitized his body.
Behind him came the sound of Leviathan moving. Qi Leren turned on the flashlight and rushed through the iron door.
He thought he would see an ice storehouse—this was indeed an ice storehouse, but...
Qi Leren opened his eyes wide and stared at it in astonishment. It seemed to be a huge underground space that was like a planet of ice and snow. It turned out to be an underground glacier covered with thick ice! Human power had cut a channel in this huge underground glacier, and used it as a natural storage room. Along the artificial tunnel dug through the glacier, there were heavy metal containers on both sides along the way. He didn't know what was stored in them.
Leviathan had caught up, and Qi Leren had to run again. This time, he obviously felt the cold. Even with Maria's blessing, the terrible low temperature here had exceeded his tolerance. Every breath was a torture to the heart and lungs. The biting cold air poured into his lungs along his esophagus and cut on his chest like a blade.
Qi Leren had a bad feeling. The temperature here exceeded his expectations. He couldn't delay too long. He had to quickly find the right place to blow up the glacial tunnel and let Leviathan be buried alive in this cold hell. All the skills he had used were cooling down, and he didn’t know if his invisible camera had frozen. He had no better way than to use the scientific weapon.
Ahead was a 90-degree turn, and the flashlight shone on the frozen alien words hanging on the corner, which seemed to be a warning symbol. Qi Leren rushed past before he could dwell on it, but ahead of him turned out to be an ice tunnel that had not been completed yet.
Qi Leren slipped and fell down, and his body slid forward uncontrollably for a while, and under the great impact, he knocked down the fragile guardrail. If it wasn't for his quick reaction to grab onto a bulge in the inner wall, he would have slid even further.
Leviathan was catching up! Qi Leren did not dare to delay any more. He took the flashlight in his mouth and pulled out his gun with his right hand to shoot. But he never expected that this horrible low temperature environment overwhelmed the already cold pressure barrel, and it exploded on the spot! The barrel burst open, and a piece of iron on the gun barrel flew out. Qi Leren felt a slight itch on his right hand, and the webbing of his thumb was bloody, but he couldn't feel the pain at this ultra-low temperature, and the blood froze in a very short time.
It was coming!
Qi Leren ducked and rolled on the ground, avoiding Leviathan's crazy attack. Their positions were reversed. This time, it was deeper in the ice tunnel!
A good opportunity! Qi Leren took out his last hand grenade, biting the pin and throwing it at Leviathan!
There was a violent explosion in the ice tunnel, and Qi Leren was shaken to the ground while running back. His palm stuck on the ice, and when he pulled it up again, he had torn off a layer of skin, but this was not the worst! Worse, with this explosion, not only the ice tunnel above Leviathan began to collapse, but also terrible cracks appeared in this ice tunnel under Qi Leren’s feet!
Terrified, Qi Leren got up and wanted to escape. He couldn't imagine how deep the underground space was beneath his feet. But the ice cracked too fast, making this section of the ice tunnel break in an instant! Qi Leren, who was about to lose support at his feet, only had time to leap to the ground without cracks in front of him with all his strength, and grabbed a support with his remaining right hand. At this time, beneath his feet was a horrible scene of ice and snow collapsing!
He lowered his head and looked at the flashlight spinning and falling in the air. The bright light couldn't illuminate this icy hellish space. He couldn't imagine how huge it was here, and even more couldn't imagine if he fell... His S/L solution hadn't cooled down yet!
Covered in ice, Leviathan couldn't escape the pull of gravity. It roared in despair and fell into the endless dark abyss with the falling ice!
So the alien sign that he couldn't understand just now was telling him that the ice here was fragile? Qi Leren's mind had just flashed this idea, and even had no time to think about how he would climb up when he had lost one hand, when there was a crisp crack above his head.
At this moment, his heartbeat and breathing stagnated because of the fear of death. In the darkness, Qi Leren raised his head in disbelief. This life saving straw he had pulled finally cracked under the overwhelming weight.
The next second, under the pull of gravity, Qi Leren, like the falling Leviathan, would fell into the endless abyss of ice and snow beneath his feet...
At this moment, his mind suddenly recalled a fall—he had fallen into the sea from the blasted bulkhead of an airship along with a player parasitized by Slaughter.
But even the wind at that time was not as cold as it was now.
He couldn't see anything, it was dark, he couldn't even open his eyes, he could only let the horrible death approach him more and more in the rapid fall.
Death's cloak has covered his eyes, but it happened that he saw a starry sea.
Endless darkness, like an open Pandora's Box, precipitated frightening darkness and despair, while the stars that were scattered in every corner of the universe, their little rays reaching far into the edges of the universe, were hope.
Seemingly cold, seemingly weak, seemingly distant, but every spot of light was a huge star that exploded and burned continuously, and terrible energy was brewing in their bodies, illuminating the planets sheltered by them. But even such a great star can't escape the same ending as everything—destruction.
At the end of the long and suffocating river of time, they would eventually extinguish and die in the boundless universe.
Whether it was human beings, stars, or even the whole universe, this day would come.
But... But...
If this world was a destroyed world, then it should have been buried in the coldness of death, without the slightest trace of vitality. Where could countless creatures absorb the light provided by the stars, be born, multiply, and be destroyed on this small planet?
Everything would be destroyed, but after destruction, everything would be reborn in another form.
Particles of destroyed stars formed a new planet, and even all life born on this planet were once the remains of dead stars, just like reincarnation. After destruction, there is rebirth.
Once again, Qi Leren saw himself.
Lying in the tree tomb full of petals. This big tree that was felled by lightning was once lush, but now like him, it had become lifeless and forgotten in this quiet garden until…
Until one day, a fresh bud pushed out from the root of this dead old tree. In just seven days and nights, it was inspired by some mysterious force and grew to half a meter high. And he who slept in the tree tomb, because of the law of power above material, returned to the world from the abyss of death.
He was destroyed and reborn.
That unknown power had been buried deep in his body, and gradually awakened from the torment of death time and time again. It was destroying his spirit, but it was also pushing him to a higher and further new world.
The cruelest test had come before him. This time, there was no skill card to resurrect him from the dead, and there were no items to resurrect him from the dead. Only the grim reaper holding a sickle was quietly waiting for him in the deepest part of the glacier.
Was it destruction or rebirth?
There was a loud bang, followed by a barrage of heavy objects falling to the ground.  
Snowstorm-like pieces of ice fell from the sky and fell on this land. The screaming Leviathan fell heavily to the ground, and its body burst into a slurry of snow! The cold froze its time at this moment, and let this horrible monster once again sleep in its frozen hell.
But for a moment, there was a loud noise again between heaven and earth, another snowstorm-like ice collapse, and the deafening sound echoed in this underground space for a long time.
A slender figure fell down from the sky. He came down too fast and too heavy. He fell on the broken ice, like a doll thrown away on a whim. Compared with the vigorous sounds of the crushed ice falling, he was so quiet it was almost silent.
Dark red blood flowed out of his body and condensed into a dark red frost of death.
Leviathan, who still had a breath, finally gave up after sensing that there were no living creatures nearby, letting the ice and snow freeze its body, and went into hibernation with the dead.
Qi Leren had another dream.
He dreamed that he had set aside the fog of time and saw the future.
It was the deepest part of a churning red abyss, as if a deep scar had been dug in the heart of the earth. It seemed to be the boiling blood of demons, and the magma flowed in this black canyon, rushing to the lake of lava deep in the canyon.
In the burning lake of lava, there were terribly high temperatures and magma everywhere, and only a few black rocks were dotted on this hellish red hot land, as if they would be boiled together.
Qi Leren felt that this should be Hell that he was seeing, for only Hell would have such a horrible appearance.
And what about himself?
He seems to be a bird flying through Hell, hovering over this terrible hot land. He felt that the person he was dreaming of was here, so he ignored the danger and slowly fell in the intense heat.
He saw a huge shadow, half of which was sunk in the lake of lava. Black, huge, majestic, like a huge black dragon... No, that was a huge black dragon!
The black dragon sank in the magma, and the hot flaming liquid gently wrapped around the dark scales on its skin like waves, gradually engulfing its sinking body, but its eyes were closed and it was unconscious.  
Because it was dead.
Rotten demons were stirring on the cliffs beside the lake, waiting to devour the elusive prey, but they were dispelled by a pressure gradually descending from the sky above and unwillingly sank into the crevices.
Qi Leren landed. He had no body, just a consciousness, and landed lightly on the magma.
His noncorporeal body stroked the black dragon’s cold skin. A great sadness filled his heart, which made him unable to think, and he let the pain which was 1000 times and 10000 times more severe than the pain of losing his arm bore into his heart. An iron seed full of spikes would grow out of the hard soil, it was so tenacious and persistent; even if it had to pierce his heart, it would grow out in desperation!
The dragon sank slowly, and he followed it, slowly sinking into the magma.
Pain and sadness hung over the dream, and he thought they would fall to the end of hell together and be imprisoned forever in death.
But suddenly, there was now a brightness in front of him.
It was dawn.
He returned to the Garden of the Holy Tomb. Grass, green trees, bushes, and the white roses blooming in the corners were all familiar to him. There was no darkness, no heat, no cold, and even the breeze gently blowing over his cheeks was edified with a touch of tenderness, and the fragrance of grass and petals.
But he was still too sad to help himself.
He sat on the soft grass with a young but scarred black dragon in his arms, and silently, silently shed tears.
Editor’s Notes: Next chapter is the arc’s conclusion.
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afinepricklypear · 5 years
Compare and Contrast: K Project vs. Bungou Stray Dogs - Part 2
Read Part 1
In general, K Project does a lot better job of maintaining a consistent and focused story, especially in Seasons 1 and 2 than BSD, with almost no filler content.  There aren’t nearly as many open plot threads or divergences from the main story, and everyone introduced has a very cohesive purpose to the plot. This may largely be due to the fact that K was originally envisioned as a complete story, with the movie Return of Kings and season 2’s Missing Kings and other added materials being, somewhat, after thoughts consequently ordered due to the popularity of the show. Season 2 does offer a very decisive end to the tale, with the destruction of the Dresden Slate, mysterious source of all supernatural power. On the other hand, BSD is an ongoing serialized manga with no set beginning or ending that we, as the audience, are aware.  BSD’s author, Asagiri Kafka, isn’t telling a self-contained story with a determined beginning, middle, and end, so often times characters and plot devices are introduced which may not have bearing on the current arc of the story, they hint at things to come. This might be frustrating for viewers that aren’t interested in long-term serialized works, which does have the tendency to fall victim to filler episodes in attempt to make a certain quota or make up for any lulls in the story.
That being said, BSD, thus far, does a lot better with world.
In K, the concepts of Clans and Kings, the Dresden Slate, and the Swords of Damocles are never fully fleshed out satisfactorily, to the point that aspects of it feel completely illogical, convoluted, and conveniently there merely to move the plot forward. Fantasy stories are generally under no obligation to provide explanations for where magic abilities come from, K makes an attempt with the Dresden Slate, but overreaches with an established protocol of Kings and Clans in regards to these powers with no explanation for where or why these rules manifested or why anyone feels obligated to follow them. For example, the Red King Mikoto is not shown to care too much for being a King, or even wanting obligations to his Clan, yet he maintains it and his Clansmen show loyalty to it, and there’s no explanation beyond “well that’s just the way the Dresden Slate works”.  That would be fine, if this wasn’t established as the expectation of anyone who is “awoken” as a King. In that same vein, a lot isn’t really clarified in terms of what really happens to Clansmen when their King dies (Clansmen are shown to still maintain powers granted from their former King but that’s just speculation from viewers, and doesn’t make sense if there powers stem from their Kings) and what is meant to happen when a new King takes their place (though we do see Clansmen turn on the new Blue King, in regards to Munakata taking over Jin Hibari’s role, or choosing to continue following the new Red King, as we see in HOMRA with Anne taking Mikoto’s place). Worse, these rules are just universally known in a world that isn’t supposed to know about these Clans and Kings, leaving no one to explain these rules to newly awakened Kings although these rules are shown to be universally known and accepted by them. More questions than answers are raised.
In BSD, people being born with or manifesting abilities is shown to just be a facet of this world. It’s just one of the physical laws, much like how the sky is blue, grass is green, some people can conjure demons that kill you. This is just the world they live in, and in that sense, the people in this world are the ones that determine the rules that govern these abilities without expectation. This treats us to various different ideas and philosophies for how ability users should apply their abilities or how the users themselves should be managed. The government attempts to regulate ability users, through licensure for organizations that wish to operate as ability user specific. This provided a cool storyline where we see Port Mafia obtain its license to operate as an ability user organization during the Dark Era, through nefarious plotting on leader, Mori’s part, which also highlighted that the Port Mafia is a criminal organization because prior to obtaining this license they were operating without one. We also see the Armed Detective Agency undergo a plot to take their license away, and since they are the morally upright group, in their minds, losing their license means they will cease to exist. This places explanation firmly on the goals of their given society, something that is relatable and understandable for readers, and shifts it away from the realm of unexplainable and increasingly convoluted magic.
On the flipside of that, however, K does a much better job of balancing powers. Which brings me Nakahara Chuuya.
I’ll throw this disclaimer in here, Chuuya is my favorite character. I fell in love at first sight. Unfortunately, he gets little to no screen time, I could count on one hand his number of appearances throughout the first two seasons. He gets three episodes at the start of Season 3 that explores his history with Dazai, and I feel I’m in no way biased (**cough, cough** 100% biased) saying these are the best three episodes of the season. Then we see him maybe in two more episodes until he gets trapped in a book for the rest of the season, leaving me screaming furiously at the screen. Manga chapters that go beyond where the anime left off are not filling me with much hope for more Chuuya in Season 4. Seriously, I don’t recommend loving this character, you’ll only get your heart broken.
The problem with Chuuya that becomes rampant throughout BSD in other characters, is that he’s a side character for a rival organization and he is super OP. Since the creator seems adamantly against making him a more main character (either as antagonist or protagonist…hell, majority of his appearances have been to literally save the day for the heroes), not to mention the lack of anyone in our heroes’ corner that could reasonably take him on (even Dazai is outmatched despite his nullifying ability, because Chuuya also happens to be Port Mafia’s best martial artist) the only recourse is to leave him conveniently absent from majority of the story. Which, okay, this can mostly be explained away that he’s an Executive in Port Mafia and probably has a lot to deal with in terms of making sure their operations continue to move smoothly, but it leads to ludicrous scenarios such as the end of the Guild Arc when a whale sized airship is being dropped on Yokohama by the Guild. We’re told this ship will wipe out a large portion of the city. At this point, the Detective Agency and Port Mafia are on semi-good terms in order to stand against their common enemy, the Guild. You would think, large object being dropped on the city, Port Mafia has a powerful gravity manipulator on staff...one phone call to Dr. Mori, “Hey...do you mind sending Chuuya to take care of that whale bomb....or are you just cool with the city being flattened?” All Chuuya needs to do is parachute down, once he touches the ship, he could tear the whole thing apart and fling its pieces to every side of the ocean. They call it a day in thirty seconds, tops, back home for dinner. Yet, for some odd reason, the course of action that the Armed Detective Agency decides on is to send rookie agent tiger boy to infiltrate the ship and fight his way to a possible transponder they can use to reverse the ship’s course, despite having little experience, and no specialized abilities for the task, let’s not get started on the ridiculousness of that transponder anyways. This decision is based largely on the fact he once was held prisoner on the ship and so…should know his way around? I get that they supposedly don’t want to owe Port Mafia, but this kind of seemed like an odd time to play loose and fast with the city’s safety. The point is, Chuuya is powerful, which makes his lack of presence during crucial moments pretty heavy handed.
That being said, however, this OP situation, is a problem throughout with other characters as well. There’s no balance of powers, and characters are shown to do things that don’t fall within the realm of their abilities, may never have previously been display or given proper explanation prior to introduction, and sometimes comes across as just thrown in last minute as a plot device. A few examples, able to transform into a tiger also, somehow allows Atsushi to heal at a rapid level and regrow limbs. Forget about the implications that he’s got some “special” light attached to his ability, as well. In a recent chapter of the manga, we see a newly introduced character, one of the Hunting Dogs, slap a bullet out of the air and stop a large projectile with her bare hands. Her ability, however, is age manipulation so there’s no given reason why she should’ve been able to do those things. While it is mentioned that the Hunting Dogs are also genetically engineered, she did this to save another Hunting Dog who is duly is surprised by her actions and expresses that he could not have done the same. I’m baffled. This is to say nothing of the multiple time characters without regenerative or durable abilities are stabbed, blown up, and impaled, only to walk it off like it’s nothing. The Agency healer, Yosano, has an ability called Thou Shalt Not Die, she can heal someone but only when they’re on the brink of death, so her ability is essentially that trope in action films where the bomb is always disarmed with one second to spare. Let’s not even talk about the new revelation that Dazai can control his heart beats to the point he can use it for passing secret code. It becomes plot armor so thick that it entirely erases the stakes for our characters. They’re all treated as practically immortal, able to overcome anything thrown at them, I’m not even worried anymore when a character takes a lance through the heart, I know he’s walking it off in the next scene.
K is a lot more balanced with its abilities. None of the characters, outside of the Kings, feel so overpowered that they are impossible to stop and they’re not shown to be capable of things outside of their given abilities or established, and might I say reasonable, skillsets.  Even the Kings have their peers in the other Kings. Sure, Clansmen can dodge bullets, but if they’re hit by one it hurts and, notably in the case of Totsuka, it can kill. No one is getting impaled multiple times then walking it off. Mikoto is run through with a blade once, and as it should be, he dies. Not only does this maintain the stakes for our characters – they are at the end of the day mortal, and they can get hurt, they can be beaten, they can die – it also gives us a more complicated, and darker story with characters that we can relate to on an emotional level.
Read Part 3
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corruptedspacecore · 6 years
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I'm gonna need a bigger shelf!
Over time, I’ve been slowly building up a collection of Titanic books. A few of them I’ve had for a long time. Once in a while, something about other ships or other subjects altogether would creep in, mainly science. Recently, I acquired a bunch of new books, expanding my “library” to 40 books and adding some new subjects as well as ships to the mix. Here’s my library so far:
From left to right, top to bottom shelf:
Inside the Titanic - Hugh Brewster & Ken Marschall A big, great book featuring cutaway paintings of Titanic, showing what was inside.
Titanic: The Ship Magnificent: Volume 1 - Bruce Beveridge A thick volume covering the construction and engineering of Titanic, such as engines, funnels, ventilation and heating, generators, boilers, the shipyard, hull and steelwork, and so on.
Titanic: The Ship Magnificent: Volume 2 - Bruce Beveridge A volume covering the fitting out stage of construction and Titanic’s interior design, going over many of the rooms and design elements. Both volumes are filled with hundreds of photos and plans.
Titanic: Triumph and Tragedy - Jack Eaton & Charles Haas (signed by Jack and Charles) A sizeable book detailing the life of the Titanic from construction to sinking and many of the details surrounding it.
Titanic: An Illustrated History - Don Lynch & Ken Marschall A nice coffee table book with lots of paintings illustrating Titanic’s voyage and sinking.
Exploring the Deep: The Titanic Expeditions - James Cameron A book detailing Cameron’s many dives to the wreck of Titanic, featuring tons of photos, renderings, accounts, and some extra goodies.
Ken Marschall's Art of the Titanic - Rick Archbold & Ken Marschall Another book featuring many of Ken’s Titanic paintings and his history and process for painting them. It also includes some of his other liner paintings.
Titanic in Photographs - Dan Klistorner & Steve Hall A good coffee table book of large reprints of many famous Titanic photos, detailing her journey from shipyard to sailing.
Report Into the Loss of the SS Titanic: A Centennial Reappraisal - Samuel Halpern A more technical volume going over the conclusions of the inquiries into Titanic’s sinking and many of the details and accounts.
On a Sea of Glass: The Life and Loss of the RMS Titanic - Tad Fitch, J. Kent Layton, & Bill Wormstedt (signed by Tad) A detailed and compelling read about Titanic’s life from her sea trials to her final plunge, with a number of interesting appendices, information, accounts, and photos.
RMS Titanic: A Modelmaker's Manual - Peter Davies-Garner A wonderful book to have for the Titanic modeler, if you can find it. IT’s chock full of detailed drawings and plans of many elements of the Titanic, including hull line plans and a profile view, as well as its text and photos documenting the construction of a huge scale model of the Titanic.
RMS Titanic: Owner's Workshop Manual - David Hutchings & Richard de Kerbrech A fun little book in the style of those car manuals you often see, with plans and diagrams and photos covering many aspects of Titanic.
Eyewitness: Titanic - Simon Adams A very simple and short book for the child or young person just getting into the Titanic. A favorite from when I was little, but not much to it.
882 1/2 Amazing Answers to your Questions about the Titanic - Hugh Brewster & Laurie Coulter A fun read for interesting little tidbits and facts about Titanic and pop culture surrounding it.
Draw the Titanic - Andrew Staiano & Jason Pederson A guide for drawing Titanic and related subjects.
Titanic: Triumph to Tragedy A magazine-type publication full of general information and a number of errors, but probably a decent read if you’re short on time and want to know a bit more about Titanic.
National Geographic: April 2012 An issue of National Geographic with an article for the Titanic centennial, featuring some wreck photos and a sinking simulation poster and some words from Cameron about his explorations.
Ocean Liners of the Past: Olympic & Titanic A book from the 70s featuring reprints of material from earlier period pieces about the Olympic Class Liners. It includes a bunch of great, high-quality drawings and plans of things like the engine and boiler rooms and other engineering elements, and lots of great information about the engineering of those ships.
On Board the Titanic - Shelley Tanaka & Ken Marschall A short little paperback for any child who wants to learn the basics of Titanic’s story, with some paintings by Ken.
Story of the Wreck of the Titanic This is my oldest book, an original printed in 1912, acquired for only $15. It’s full of first-hand, unfiltered accounts from the survivors and news of the time about the Titanic disaster and aftermath.
A Night to Remember - Walter Lord Written in the 50s, this exciting and compelling novel utilized what at the time was the best information available about Titanic’s sinking. Lord manages to use pure facts and accounts - nothing fictionalized and no fake characters - with a gripping writing style to tell Titanic’s story from the collision to the Carpathia. It’s still considered one of the best books about Titanic, and the move made from it one of the best films about Titanic.
RMS Olympic - Brian Hawley A small book telling the story of Titanic’s sister ship, Olympic, with tons of rare photos.
M.C. Escher: The Graphic Work A giant book of prints of Escher’s best work. I won it at an art show in high school.
Beau Voyage: Life Aboard the Last Great Ships - John Malcolm Brinnin A big book full of many photos of ships from the early to mid 20th century, the age of the last classic ocean liners.
Queen Mary - James Steele A wonderful and large book all about the Queen Mary in her heyday and beyond, full of period photos of how she looked pre and post Long Beach, and a set of deck plans.
Lost Liners - Robert Ballard & Ken Marschall A coffee table book about the sinkings and wrecks of several famous ocean liners, including the Titanic. Ken’s amazing artwork is again displayed, including detailed paintings of Titanic’s wreck.
The Story of the Unsinkable Titanic - Michael Wilkinson & Robert Hamilton A very general book about Titanic’s story with the usual photos and material, but still good for the person just getting into the subject.
Robert Ballard's Lusitania - Robert Ballard An amazing, must-have book for anybody interested in the Lusitania, the other great ocean liner disaster. The book tells the story of Lusitasnia’s final voyages and sinking, and details Ballard’s explorations of the wreck. It includes inromation and tons of photos of the ship’s interiors as well as the wreck, and Ken Marschall’s incredible paintings depicting the sailing, sinking, and wreck of Lusitania.
Hindenburg: An Illustrated History - Rick Archbold & Ken Marschall Another must-have, this book tells the story of the German (Nazi) airship Hindenburg, starting with the airships that came before her, the final voyage, and her fiery end. It includes more amazing paintings by Ken, with some of them being cutaway views showing the inner workings and layout of the Hindenburg.
Comet - Carl Sagan & Ann Druyan A detailed tome about the science and nature of comets.
Cosmos - Carl Sagan Like the related TV series, Cosmos delves into the history and nature of the universe, from galaxies and planets to relativity and Mars, and the human journey to discover more about the universe we find ourselves in, and our deep questions about it.
Anatomy of the Ship Hood - John Roberts A technical book about the British battlecruiser Hood, it features many, many super-detailed drawings, plans, and disagrams of the structure and workings of the Hood, including deck plans, hull plans, line plans, detailed structural views, and views and plans of many elements of the ship’s structure. If you plan on modeling the HMS Hood, this book is a must-have.
The Battleship Yamato - Janusz Skulski This one is of the exact same nature as the Hood book, only with the Imperial Japanese battleship Yamato. Al lthe ultra-detailed plans you’ll ever need to know the structure of Japan’s most imposing battleship and technological WWII marvel.
Unstoppable: Harnessing Science to Change the World - Bill Nye (signed by Bill) Bill Nye’s ideas and plans for how we can use science and engineering to help and solve many of the world’s problems, including climate change. I picked up my signed copy at an event in Philadelphia where I got to see him speak.
The Origin of Species - Charles Darwin The classic book laying out Darwin’s theory of evolution. Evolutionary theory has come a long, long way since this book was written, but it’s still a must-own for anybody interested in science or evolution.
The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark - Carl Sagan A wonderful and eye-opening book about science and skepticism, and how we can use those tools to cut through the nonsense and horrors and burning questions and fears of the world to improve the world and our own lives. Sagan discusses many things from a skeptical, scientific perspective, including UFOs, magic, religion, astrology and other new-age ideas and more.
The Klingon Dictionary - Marc Okrand Pretty self-explanatory. Want to know what a word is in Klingon: This book should help. Or Google, but a book is good, too.
The Martian - Andy Weir If you thought the movie was good, the book is better. Weird brings his intense attention to detail and science to tell a compelling and plausible story about an astronaut trapped on Mars. It’s full of science and humor, so what could be better?
Raise the Titanic - Clive Cussler A fun, action-packed thriller from the master of adventure novels, Cussler tells the story of a mission to raise the wreck of Titanic in a Cold War arms race that culminates in a showdown on the rotted decks of Titanic. Written before the wreck was found, it takes some liberties, but it’s a thoroughly fun read.
Contact - Carl Sagan A novel about an alien signal received by humanity with instructions to build a machine to send a group of humans to another part of space, and all the hardships and drama that come with such an event. It was, of course, made into a movie starring Jodie Foster and Matthew McConaughey.
That’s my library so far. I hope to expand on it in the future. You can never have enough Titanic books, or any books for that matter.
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ebony-coffee · 7 years
principessa (I) ;
Episode I: in which you meet the man your father arranged for you to marry
notes: Accensa is completely made up (i.e. not part of the canon universe), but I needed a place that wasn’t Niflheim or Lucis and Accordo didn’t work so here we go
You’d asked that the car be driven with the top down that morning. It was admittedly cold for Accensa, but you still tried to savor the warmth. After all, your kingdom was even further south than Accordo. “Cold” in Accensa might be an early spring day in Tenebrae, and that made you wonder if Tenebrae even had spring any longer.
Dark stories came from traders and tourists from the main continent. You were told to pay them no mind, but how could you ignore them? Your father no less than sold you off to some former prince or something, whatever, you didn’t care who he was. All of your energy toward him was directed at loathing the situation you were forced into with him.
You wanted to curse under your breath as you dug your nails into your palms. It didn’t hurt, like it would have if they were longer, as you liked them, but Camille, your handler, ensured they were filed with little round corners that didn’t pass much beyond your fingertips and painted a dainty shade of pink. You didn’t mind the pink, but you did mind that you didn’t get a say in the matter.
Huffing, you closed your eyes and tried to feel the sun beat down on your face. You wondered how often you’d get to see it after you left home for the last time.
“Almost there, Your Highness,” Camille cooed beside you. She was raised alongside you, taught how to be your friend and look out for you, just as you were taught how to rely on and confide in her. Friendship was easy when it was handed to you, but you never wanted anyone more than Camille.
Soft-spoken and unassuming in her short stature, the brunette was to be your only living reminder of home you had left.
When you didn’t respond, she sighed. “You’ve never been a good actress, (Y/N).”
“I’ve never tried to act,” you insisted. “If I don’t like something, why should I lie about it?”
“To maintain the peace,” she offered, though you could almost hear her roll her eyes. The pair of you agreed on most things, and the uselessness of formalities was one of them.
“I don’t want peace with him,” you admitted, turning to look at her. You bit down on your lip as you felt a pulse of desperation in your chest, hoping for some divine way to rescue yourself from this situation--but it seemed that the deal was final.
Camille removed her scarf to twist the floral fabric in her hands. “All we know about him is that he’s Niflheim’s Supreme Commander, and the former prince of Tenebrae.”
You nodded. “You don’t get to be a supreme commander by being a kind man, Camille.”
I’m scared, you wanted to say. Men from Niflheim were known for their ambition, and they were a military empire. That told you enough of what to expect from your betrothed.
“Perhaps it’s best to hope for him to remember that he was born in Tenebrae,” Camille offered, voice raising with a forced sort of hope. “His sister is the Oracle.”
You knew that had to mean something, but couldn’t say what for the life of you. Dabbling in politics was not a pastime you enjoyed, as you were happier daydreaming or doodling or writing--just, generally, losing yourself in fantasies that you never finished. The Oracle was to help the king of Lucis, but wasn’t Niflheim at war with Lucis? And why were you involved in this?
Because you and Lady Lunafreya were the only princesses in Eos and the Supreme Commander couldn’t marry his sister.
But what scared you most was the anger he undoubtedly felt for the sacking of his home country--and that you didn’t know to whom that anger was directed.
“I don’t want to do this,” you whispered to Camille as she helped you navigate the thin layers of your dress to get out of the royal car. She offered you a sympathetic, yet severe look, hands full of champagne-colored fabric.
“I know,” she conceded while she straightened the folds around your legs. “But Niflheim won’t destroy your capital if you’re married to the man in charge of their military.”
You winced. She had a point.
She pressed her hand to your back. “Smile, your highness. They’ll take photos of your departure.”
Taking a breath, you forced a small grin and tried to make it reach your eyes. You heard cameras snap, you heard photographers call you name and ask for a wave, but Camille kept your focus forward with a steady hand behind you. For that--for her--you were thankful.
Though the thing in front of you looked absolutely horrifying. Where what you were used to was sleek and either white or glass, coming from a modern country that prided itself on its artistic architecture and engineering, this… Green, bulky thing looked like some sort of monster. You swore it was eying you. The monstrosity looked like a daemonic sort of bird opening its mouth to you, a small cluster of men in shining red armor approaching you.
You almost wished you were watching from one of the photographers’ bodies: the breadth of these soldiers approaching you and Camille, both of you smaller and more fragile than their engineered strength.
“He isn’t here,” Camille whispered over your shoulder. You hummed. Had you really expected him to come to Accensa?
“Your Highness, Lady Camille. My name is Lieutenant Cato, and I will be escorting you to Niflheim” one of the soldiers greeted as the rest behind him bowed. You knew the Niflheim bowed differently from those in Lucis and Accensa, but you never imagined that such a slight gesture would be directed at you. Accensa’s typical bow was a great, sweeping motion, and even the grandeur of that was being taken away from you.
“Thank you for coming to Accensa,” was all you could force out. The man’s soft, youthful face and shining blue eyes didn’t fit with the sheer bulk of his armor, red and silver plates covering him from toe to shoulder. How imposing the armor tried to make its wearers, who were still men underneath, was simply unnerving.
Why hadn’t the Supreme Commander come?
You didn’t want to continue to kid yourself, but, gods, you had to force yourself not to reel with your anger. You had to go to Tenebrae. You had to go to Niflheim. You had to sacrifice your family. Everything symbolizing your comfort was behind left behind you as the Lieutenant led you and Camille into the airship. The least that bastard could do for you was see what you were giving up for him.
Nay, an alliance with him.
“...and I’m sure this is all very strange for you, of course. Have you been to Gralea, Your Highness?”
“No,” you answered, realizing--but not caring, much--that the lieutenant hadn’t shut up since the airship lifted from the ground.
“Ah… Well, you will eventually. The Supreme Commander has requested to meet you in Tenebrae, but, I suppose you haven’t been there, either.”
You stared at him, and it took all of your effort not to snort. Would being surrounded by nervous babblers like him make your future more or less bearable?
He seated himself across from you and Camille in a narrow hall with benches, of sorts, that made you think this airship was meant to transport soldiers instead of princesses. You knew the general logistics of the arrangement: you would marry the Supreme Commander and retain your title, so long as he could call himself Prince of Accensa and your home country would become part of the empire
Somehow, that deal felt a little short on your side. You hoped that you were a better negotiator than your father.
“You’ll want this,” Lieutenant Cato said, offering you a long cloak. When you reached to take it, eyeing him with caution, he instead placed it over your shoulders and fastened the black metal buttons along your chest. Camille straightened it from behind, though you felt no creases down your back, as the material was heavy enough to weigh itself into near perfect straightness.
“It’s getting cold in Tenebrae,” he lowly hummed, leaving your side to place another cloak around Camille’s shoulders. “As if Gralea’s winter’s spreading out… If only people believed in fairy tales.”
His chuckle was unnerving.
The lieutenant led you and Camille to the end of the corridor and pressed a few buttons on the keypad to open the door, and immediately a cold breeze hit you, nearly knocking you back with a shiver. Camille’s hand was on your back again, and you searched for her green eyes, for the reassurance she always gave you. This time, it came in a gentle nod.
You felt like holding her hand again, like you did when you were little girls running along Accensa’s beaches. Instead, you twisted the ring on your finger, brushing the etching on the thick metal to remind yourself of your family’s words: “Etiam si omnes, ego n”.
“Even if all others, not I,” your father would whisper so often to you and your sisters, that you swore you’d never forget his voice saying those words while he pet your hair.
If people from Accensa were anything, they were steadfast. You refused to be the first to waver in the presence of fear, just as fear himself towered over the soldiers that surrounded him.
Where the Niflheim troops carried around heavy armor of red and silver, the Supreme Commander stood tall and thin in a white cloak that, you realized, matched yours. The black and purple details were all the same.
You wanted to tear the thing off of your shoulders. Or his. Or both.
He was strikingly gorgeous, but not in the way that beckoned your attention; he had the narrow frame and hollow cheeks of a man who didn’t have time for frivolous things. Like kindness. Or treating his future wife like a human being.
Swallowing hard, you found yourself approaching him with a head held high. Not I, you thought. You couldn’t let yourself be afraid of your future, personified, standing in front of you. Still, though, your hands balled fists in your new cloak.
The lieutenant stopped in front of you, then stepped to the side. With your head raised, you could almost stare directly into the Supreme Commander’s eyes. The silence burned.
“Supreme Commander Fleuret,” Cato said, bowing deeply, “I present Her Highness, Princess (Y/N) of Accensa, and her handler, Lady Camille. Their journey was quick and without incident.”
The Supreme Commander dipped his head to look at you more closely, and you felt his eyes--two differently colored eyes, but still equally as scrutinizing--on you. Camille pinched your side, and you tried not to shiver. You’d learn not to mind stares, being raised as a princess, but you felt him undoing you. Judging you. Weighing you.
Deeming you worthy or not while he took a few steps forward.
The lieutenant turned to you, some sort of smile on his face that you couldn’t feel or return. “And, Your Highness, this is Supreme Commander Ravus Nox Fleuret.”
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glopratchet · 4 years
Heel bash
Perfect beeing : an imprefect novel. The next day, you are on your way to the university with a small bag full of books and papers. You feel like you have been running all over town, but then again that is what this job does for you. The only thing keeping you from running amok in the streets is your fear of being caught by the police or some other authority figure who might not be as understanding as you would like about such actions. Angylph speaks and says "so what is this all about" You explain to him your situation and he seems very interested in it. He asks if you know anyone who might help you out. You say no, but Angylph points at one of the students sitting near you and says "that girl there is a student here too right? She could use some extra money." "since i prefer art bots instead of aborted babies, im going to assume you're referring to terease, and cant be legion. "when i read specutalive fiction" Just then, terease and the professor enter the room. Terease instantly notices you and walks towards the bottom of the steps leading up to where the professor is. By now angylph has moved into a corner away from everyone else obviously "engrossed" by a small experimental piece made by one of his fellow students. "alright here we go" you hear the professor mutter under his breath as he waits for everyone to quiet down. "let me sit back an attempt to figure all this out" he starts wit a chuckle, "well first of all it has to be said that this school is very proud of all of you. you have shown great promise in your respective fields especiallizing top graduates like terease here who graduated summaCum laude and to be honest would have finished much earlier had she not partaken in many of the University's arts programs." Everyone starts clapping at this point and the professor raises his hand for quiet. A sea of letters is called the spooge of Satan "and so it is with great pride in your accomplishments that the following students are also graduated." The professors lets out a long list of graduates names and tereases colapses from exhaustion and joy seconds before her name is called. You are, of course, one of the students called to receive a diploma. After nearly a full hour everyone gets their scholorships ready they begin to talk amongst themselves until the professor gets everyone's attention again. The who who clicks last is a stooge "on a completely different matter" he says "i know many of you come from far places, and some of you even farther than others so we have prepared a little party for you today" everyone starts applauding again until the prof holds up his hand for silence. Taking resposibility for your mistakes as we attempt to build a maze The story is told by multiverse explorer astral wylde as he naps during the last fateful trip through the red wave. The storys background is of little consequence to anyone outside astral, but describes the idea that life on most planets in a cataclysm called "the red wave" where upon every organism capable of mutating suddenly, violently and indefinitely until no earth-like quality exists. Its the eyes, ive seen them in my dreams. Now I must draw them. There are records stored in the city of astokhan on everything astral could tell us about the city during the red wave. There are floods of blood, violent uprisings and gory riots. Mothers kill babies, governments fall and deep dark secrets are revealed as everybodies darkest sides are exposed when god walked among them. The human population decreases at an alarming rate. But fortunately it is all worth it, for you see the survivors of the plague are transform into multidimensional beings that seemingly live forever. And during one of his less fuitful periods astral saw fit to return from whatever circle of hell he exists and tell us this story in a ottoman chamber aboard our fancy airship we were dragging him through space with... OOOhhh yes the main chamber should be pretty big Thats all for now folks, see you next time on... He decides to envision chains flowing from his control bracelets into the airship and ripping out a section of the exterior to form a bubble. This bubble is gently illuminated by a combination of weak sunlight and auroras. Meanwhile the skyship falls uncontrollably towards earth spewing fire and wreckage in its wake as it does "Now this you might find interesting" he grins. From the life of a beautiful painter he once knew Part 4 "An aurora occurs when our planet's magnetic field shifts sending energetic particles into the atmosphere producing light in the upper layers, often of a multi-colored hue." The university professor tells us with her droning voice, while we sit around our glowing orbs. "Multi-colored." I write on my note papers. We have these orbs that make everything look so pretty. Astral wydle because of his supernal nature is gifted with perfect memory recall and, although not wishing to brag, an above-average use of declarative sentences. But today he donates his notes to my forgetful brain and lets me jot down whatever I wish to on his perfectly organized pages. Last class we talked about cities that never slept because their streets always had a pulse even when it was long after midnight. And he remembers watching a video from mica metrological in his flamboyant style. A ghost-like aurora over midwest states caused an entire settlement's populace to never sleep again, causing anarchy and the eventual demise of their race. "It is beautiful" he wistfully whispers I supress a laugh by exhaling in his face. Talking about a thirty percent chance of rain that evening I'm still not sure if I find his obsession odd or admirable. Something starts beeping so I peep over his shoulder at the flashing orb and read "air pressure disturbance 1000 meters above current positoin expected te be 300 kph". Looking to the side I can make out a hovering 2 meter disc. He catch me looking and aims his orbs at it. The flashing light sequence continues and skyranch anthyging textual information morphs into readable english. He remembers being at the gory hole as innocent lives were taken. Somethign important must be there or about to happen, he moves his chair slightly turning his back on me as if I'm not even here. Our skyship/home an oversized oval ring with a four-story tall observatory protruding from it has been hovering over the same location for several hours now. These magnetic neareness warnings go off fairly often but I'm not complaining this means he gets distracted pretty easily. A progressive mid tier art gallery in a trendy section of beetriotle specializing in transluscultural fluidic modernism had been open and operating for just a few hours before it was randomly annihilated yesterday erasing the lives of 20 humans and 23 androgynous beings. Almost seemed like they were being targeted, but targets were not among the debris nor any recognizable body parts. Everything appearanted to have been vaporized. Enemy Agents? Turmoil of Zwordur Methodist Church faction? Maybe even unbelievers mercenaries? Known as the bridge of noise and surrounded by a metropolis, two statues were under construction yesterday now nothing but empty round pedestals of identical height. Atmospheric disturbance unusual for the time of day. I can see in his eyes that he is troubled by this event so I sit back tilt my chair and pretend to know nothing. But of all the things he could find interest in why this? There he first learns all of beetriot is laughing at triton arcage again for losing most of its citizens to a single weapon of mass destruction. It seems water is flammable terrifying. not even slunk defends his underfunded military insultingly claiming everything was just according to keikaku---military plan---and volunteerially offered no explanation at all. As he observes the details of a painting at show known as the triumph of the colored venus a bustling section of the city blows up. He counts exactly 2 seconds before the sound arrives. There were two reflections off the city walls before his ears detected the origin of the attack. Big buildings 50 yards to his right there is lots of thick grey stuff hanging in the air temperature has risen rapidly and there are flames on sides of nearby buildings. Knowing all this without even thinking he inaudibly shouts for everyone to take immediate cover and runs behind large marble barrier. That features a group of lesbian women of darker color trampling a pale woman or maybe a man with a shaved head. "Are you okay?", he asks her with concern on his face without looking at her. It hadn't occured to him that anyone else might have been close by until now. His ghostly helmeted head pivots to his right upon hearing her response. -----"Yes, but are you? You look half dead!" -----"Am fine, some soldier I am, getting old and slow" On the faces of a group of contempory news worthy white men carrying lots of camera equipment he recognizes the man he saved from execution yesterday. He was moving after all, I guess he was faking it. He closes his eyes for a few seconds until they are gone altogether and slowly gets up. -----"That was a pretty close call, I'm surprised you reacted so quickly." -----"Heh, I must be losing my touch too then, good thing..." By emerging twenty something artist cherp cherp quintuplets rush past him into the cloud of dust inspecting an 4 foot in diamater polished steel sculpture with attachment bolts flying towards them. Known for her delicate rococo style sculptures the smog turning golden by the sun reveals one of her famous twisted balusters. Otherwise known for being forever on the hunt for new material she was probably seconds away from being reduced to rubble just the same. Even regarding as an eyesore by many he lends a helping hand and takes a small detour. Always looking at your feet it has probably saved her life several times already so why would she accept his help if he tried again? He overhears saul saint nicodemous giving cherp cherp a critique of the piece which he knows would otherwise make her sad so waits. -----"I like it, but maybe move the middle one a little to the right?" -----"Ok"*snap*. -----"No, the other one.*sigh* That wasnt good either---oooo wait----let me help. With a group of other artist friends including a bullfighter, an owner of an erotica shop, a blonde painted girl and a famous male fictional character charging from all directions he waves them back for fear of getting trampled only after they refuse to listen. Perfect execution of an ideas persons suicide in the Gucci manner the sculpture has been perfect mounted on a pole with its own leg shattering it. "Excuse me an eye master I'm looking for Blim Blam would he be around" Katharsis gale the oldest of the group in mid fourties wearing various hats asks him with an engaging smile. "Errrrr... maybe moved in recently but I don't think he is in just now" -----"That's a shame I like his work so much....but I'll leave my card just in case. tell him, not to hesitate if he needs any thing." He says uplifting her spirits she beams brightly at him and waves as she walks away giving nick lazy eyes the entire time. Bransky bronze bright supermacy in her early thirties stand next to him and waits her turn. he remembers her paintings, not having been impressed by the subject matter of cute dumb superpowers though others found them amusing enough to frame and sell. He gives her a "go ahead" nod. -----"Looking for any available artist at this time?" -----"No!" -----"OK then...Word is you have been doing alot of writing lately?" Bransky and chirp standing sliently noding there heads in approval As saul saint goes on and on with bullshit language about destruction of the More nonsense on colonialism he dedicates more time destroying her ideas than praising them Then something incredible happens for once Chirp is second guessing SAINT's choices the verbal abuse he heaps of Blim-Blim. And everyone else. He disapproves of Blim-Blim's paintings, saying that while Blim-Blim might have a good eye (naturally, being an eye master) and an excellent grasping of color and shape, he hasn't got "anything to say" as an artist. An aspect of queer theory that has a giant middle finger up at the rules of heteronormative society. He says they can be sold if framed properly and placed in the right cafe, bar or hipster clothing store to attract the right demographic as easily as magnets. And other fashionable topics of art conflict and provocation that's prevalent in avant-garde places. Hopefully it garners some attention in his small once a decade show of retarded artist rejects sells nothing and passes into obscurity or sold to an idiot for over 5 times the price years later. Your very own degenerate art grant. During this time period you have been wanting to branch out with other ventures of your own as you start to resent SAINTS inclusion of All your publications in his book if he cant even help you get Blim-Blims art, website, connections and assistantship and your writings more noticed. At the end of the sanction you all gather for everyone to find out if they have been accepted or not, Anyone with a supermacy is clearly relaxed as they anticipate the results. You can sense the agitation of some of them who arent powerful enough to easily probe their minds. "Well, I've got the results, and I have some good news and some bad news," saint says, pausing for dramatic effect. Leaving the others shocked ,crestfallen oO( what....did my photo's not make it or what...damnit I knew the colors were too bright and obnoxious.. .) or gleeful "First, the bad news: You didniet get in. Now for the good news. You can all come in for free to see all the art at the exhibition this weekendand, ahem, leave your demos outside if you want!" While kat unable to control herself goes on a giggle fit super bradly focuses his eye beams on saul saint who feels the burn of a thousand suns intensified by 400 percent muttering angrily under his breath you all get up and leave one angry little man ranting as you all giggle like school girls at his bizarre sense of humor. some peoples kids "well that answers that, We're all going peashooting after this amazing art event that will no doubt solidify our social justice creative stronghold in this city" Saul and brankys backs away with out a retort in disgust and you spend your weekend having a great time and going through three bottles of peashooters were It was noted that hack had 9 kills with shrooms, kill coin flips to see who she shot, unhygenic had one, Yoona had two unfortunately Seline not at all Speaking of seline she asks if you will help her again next weekend The group heads for the wine bar wondering about the homeless nature of astral beings And wondering if he comes from the land of lixie dixie, a southern state mostly covered in stagnant water and thick forests. The dealer of gallery motions to cherp to come her way because she wants something You thank Yk TRACE : 0 There is no way around it. I need your help." "Oh? Well what can I do?" you respond. "I'm being sold," she scowls. Trace: 0 You initially think this is one of her usual dirty jokes, but her facial expression shows that she is quite serious. "Sold?" you clarify A collector is interested in buying her work, but he's requested that she be sold together with all of her equipment. The buy in for her includes her tools, sheet music, and instruments. Everything she knows is contained within that room, it would be impossible for her to go elsewhere without losing who she is. Although you're confident that she could easily create another identity elsewhere. Despite her mistrust of the new rulers of this barren realm, selling her seems like the easiest solution to this conflict.Tip: If you're logged in, your games are auto saved for you. You can find them by clicking "My Stuff"
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