#this episode man goddamn it
onyour-right · 8 months
Nah, episode 7 was something. The way I'm so stressed about every damn thing lol. I'm so excited for the finale but i cant believe its come already. It feels like they should have 10 eps per season tbqh.
- Young Moiraine and Siuan are just so precious. The lightheartedness of their steps, their future plans and dreams. Then that damn vision went and ruined them ffs. I hope they'll have their happy ending!!
- Lan and Rand, do I sense a father/son duo burgeoning???
- Not Elaine telling Nynaeve what to do!! I'm surprised Nynaeve didn't tell her to piss right off.
- Moiraine is annoying me like crazy. Why is she taking out her aggravation on Lan. Tf??? He should leave her ass to wallow.
- Ugh. I really love Siuan. "A lone Aes Sedai can handle you like baitfish" LOL
- This Renna needs to be killed since YESTERDAY. "You will shine bright and everyone will know that you're mine" BR Uh
- DAMN EGWENE. She did all that??? My girl out here causing earthquakes even when she's in chains.
- That whole exchange between Elaine, Nynaeve and Loial was so funny. My new fave trio.
- "Is this a sex thing or a murder thing, either way I'd prefer you skip the talking" okay Mat, you ate that one little thing.
- Okay but why do I kinda like Ishamael 😳🤫
- Perrin and Aviendha and Hopper ❤️
- Uhhhh, I don't approve of this decision to shield Rand from the one power though, Siuan. Wtf???
- I knew I couldn't trust Moiraine's nephew.
- Lanfear is kinda great, lmao, I love her so much!!! And I also kinda love her relationship with Rand even though its manipulative and toxic. I think that says something about me 😬
- Angry Lan is really a sight to see. I also do feel a little sorry for Logain too.
- So the two rivers gang are all going to meet up at Falme. Oh how excitinggggg.
- SEE HOW LAN HELPED MOIRAINE RECOGNISE WHAT HAPPENED TO HER AND SHES BEEN GIVING HIM NOTHING BUT ATTITUDE. I hope she feels the egg on her face!! (Rand I'm so proud of you for doing that baby boyyyyyyyy, and with very little training too)
- Oh no, the wives are in their divorced era. Can they recover from this? I don't think so.
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honourablejester · 2 years
Okay, okay. As a girl who grew up on the old swashbuckler films. Can I talk about the fucking romance of Nydas Okiro. Betrayed and backstabbed by his crew. Holding his wound. Panting in effort and grief. Telling his traitorous underling that gold means nothing if you do not use it to lift people up. That gold is a resource by which mortaldom climbs. That they are going to save the people of Avalir, and that cause goes above any oath he ever made in a past life.
You can picture so clearly in this moment the kid who joined a pirate crew to climb the skies. The dream he must have had. The dream he shared with Laerryn.
And it’s the end, and he’s betrayed, and he’s standing on what has to be one or two fucking hit points remaining, and he stabs that traitor in the front, and uses every resource he still possesses to get as many people as possible out and to defend them in the process.
And he’s … he’s not only betrayed, he’s rewarded. For the man he’s been. Because Alessander steps up, Alessander thinks to save the sorcerer school, this other piece of Nydas’ dream. When Nydas and his conjured dragon are standing alone and surrounded by devil puppets, the fucking sphinx from earlier, the sphinx from the parade, busts in and rescues him, and has been protecting them the whole time from further tampering of the constructs. Nydas was the first to step up, to try and protect the tree, to try and avert catastrophe, to try and hold the line, and that ripples out. His people stand up around him.
And an entire army of constructs, on Nydas’ word, burst out of the Golden Scythe to defend Avalir as she dies. His ships fly to evacuate her people. The world might be damned, he might be nearly dead, but by Avalir, he and this city will go down fucking swinging, and saving everyone they can.
The romance of this man. I can’t even.
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Fox Mulder doesn't have the "I Want To Believe" poster there because he's crazy. He doesn't have it there to broadcast his beliefs or as a mantra or to remind him to always look for aliens.
Fox Mulder keeps that "I Want To Believe" sign above his desk to remind him of his own internal biases.
That sign hangs above Mulder's desk to remind him of his own shortcomings and flaws. He's aware that he's a hack with dangerous beliefs and prone to flights of fancy and maybe even delusions. He's aware that he's desperately searching for aliens and monsters where there are only men doing bad things. And he has to remind himself of that, constantly.
That's why he's thrilled when he meets Scully and she challenges his beliefs, says that logically aliens don't exist. He's thrilled when she tells him to cut the crap in the pilot episode. He needs someone to challenge him. He needs someone who won't take his shit and put up with his flights of fancy. And he knows it. He's been dealing with himself for years and he feels relief and joy when Scully comes in and says enough of your bullshit. We're doing this my way. With science and logic. He isn't smiling and teasing her because he thinks he's smarter and better than her. He's smiling because she's exactly the person he needs in his life.
That's why he tells her right away that he's a UFO freak with trauma about his sister and a true believer. Not because he's trying to convince her to believe, but because he needs her to understand where he's coming from and what's wrong with him. So she can understand that either he's a dangerous lunatic himself, or he's delving into a dangerous conspiracy and either way she could be collateral damage if she stays with him. He spends the pilot episode reckoning with the idea that either he's a maniac or he's pulling this young fresh detective into danger. When she starts agreeing with him he gets upset, talks her out of it.
Mulder keeps that sign above his desk to remind himself to look into the "reasonable logical" explanations. He keeps that sign on his desk because he knows he's flawed and biased and frankly, dangerous.
He tells Scully exactly what he thinks is happening and about all the crazy stuff he believes not because he's trying to convince her to believe too, but so she can be his sounding board. So she can throw his illogical bullshit back in his face and remind him to look past his own biases and paranoia and quasi-religious zealotry. Because he knows he needs that. He knows he's in a conspiracy brained echo chamber of his own making and having a slow-burn mental breakdown. And he sees Scully as salvation from himself. As another figure in his quasi-religious belief system. The savior.
As the series develops he relies on her more and more to reality check him. Literally reality check him and manage what he worries might all be a delusion.
Mulder pretends he's confident and all the constant criticism and sidelong glances don't get to him and that might be true because he doesn't respect those people but he respects Scully. And he needs someone he respects to tell him when he's wrong, when he's being biased or actively delusional. Scully is his salvation. She's compassionate about his trauma and the reasoning behind his beliefs, but confident and logical enough to tell him when it's all bullshit. She's his savior, his rock, and often his only real connection to material reality.
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becauseplot · 7 months
Anyway for entirely justifiable reasons (<-is a glutton for angst) I need Chayanne and Tallulah to be present when the hummingbirds come around or a note about the 'wise old crow' appears in their house, causing qPhil to have one of his derealization/reality-questioning episodes. I need it. I need it to happen SO bad. Because they’ve seen Phil get roughed up in a fight, they’ve seen him angry, they’ve seen him wary and even nervous, but they have NEVER seen him doubt like that.
People have already made posts talking about how the cage-for-a-cage/child-of-the-sky stuff has been particularly rough on qPhil, who relies heavily on his constant vigilance, keen senses, and hyper-awareness of his surroundings for reassurance. He's the kind of guy who walks into a room and has already charted at minimum two escape routes by the time he takes a seat, you know? He sees and processes and stores information on everything, at all times, and he uses this to act in the best interest of his and his loved ones' collective survival.
His kids see this side of him too, most significantly in the ways that he looks after them: always keeping an eye on the back of the group, never far from Tallulah, and constantly analyzing Chayanne's fighting style to give helpful critique to optimize his attacks. Chayanne and Tallulah know that everything he's ever done was to protect them. Also, he's always there to offer them advice when they're feeling lost, and even if he doesn't have all the answers they need, he gives enough reassurances and promises to put their minds at ease. Phil is confident in what he knows. In their eyes, he is strong. He is a fortress, safe and impenetrable.
You could say that about a lot of children's perceptions of their parents/guardians/mentors. The older, guiding forces in our lives always seemed strong and infallible to us as kids. That's why it was always unnerving to see them get sick, or get stressed, or cry. Observing weakness in those people felt so, so wrong because we never considered the fact that they were capable of it; it was just impossible.
So, the situation: Phil is suffering in a way that makes him question the very same reality that he was a master of not too long ago. Whenever it happens, he goes quiet, looks around, mutters to himself, breathes shakily, fidgets. He is visibly unnerved and uncertain.
If Chayanne and Tallulah are there, they're gonna notice---they're perceptive, just like him. I'd imagine they'd try to ask him if he's okay, and he'd reassure them that he's fine, and maybe that's enough the first time. But, as more incidents arise, and as time goes on, they start to see more of this out-of-nowhere uneasiness, fear, from him, which is worrying, especially because he won't tell them why.
NOW. Phil has been upfront about a lot of things with Chayanne and Tallulah in the past. For example, during the height of the code attacks, Phil told them everything he ever learned about the codes, every single new development, to ensure that his kids were well informed and prepared. He was frank about the threat on their lives because to sugar-coat anything would be doing them a disservice. It was important they knew all of the cold, hard facts, even if it took away even more of their precious childhood innocence. He values their happiness, but safety comes first. It has always come first.
But this is different. It's not cold hard facts. Phil doesn't know what to believe anymore. When the hummingbirds come around and his reality comes into question, he doesn't know what is real, what he can trust, what is fact. His senses have been compromised. Hell, he's still trying to convince himself that he's not going crazy when all evidence seems to suggest that he's losing his goddamn mind. He doesn't know what to tell his kids, so he tells them nothing.
So now here stands Chayanne and Tallulah. There is something that is scaring their dad, and he won't tell them what is, so on top of the knowledge that their unwavering father is, in fact, capable of true, genuine fear, he's suddenly keeping things from them. Their dad is keeping things from them because he is scared. And I can't imagine a realization more terrifying than that.
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helielune · 9 months
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zipper man //sketch
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pheoflame · 9 months
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The only thing I wanna talk about all day is just HOW beautiful this man is. 😫🤌🤌🤌
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nobodysgf · 2 months
lol someone said you either die a hero or live long enough to watch yourself become buzzfeed
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sparring-spirals · 8 months
🤔🧐 👀👀👀 i Must rewatch this dancer fcg reconciliation scene at some point... MUCH to consider........ maybe we werent a great team. i think these people are doing well for you, better than i probably did. trying to get purpose from you or a god or from in my memory banks doesnt really work. damn. damn.
if our paths cross again, that will be special but. thank you for sending me on the path.
you always were something special. just dont fuck it up.
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noa-nightingale · 11 months
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I am going insane over this. Imagine having him look at you like this and NOT immediately falling in love. No wonder Watson is so ride or die for this man.
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coconut530 · 4 months
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spaciebabie · 7 months
bro i aint never watched a show that leaves me so emotionally distraught before the final episode like lucifer. you son of a bitch. GIRL IM SO NERVOUS
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fighting-naturalist · 2 years
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“It won’t hurt you.”
Daniel in “The First Ones”
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nero-neptune · 6 months
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“I don’t dream much anymore…Well, sometimes I dream, but they’re so mundane, so pallid. Like mailing a letter, mowing the lawn, picking up my suit from the dry cleaners. And I used to have really vivid dreams. I mean, dreams van Gogh would envy! Lush, florid, stirring dreams. Not anymore.”
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cheeseknives · 4 months
"He has kind of face that even the weird hair suits him" I think James might be some kind of wizard
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the-ipre · 3 months
I always forget how much of a bitch nicholas waters is and then left of the dial hits ALSKDJGJ bitchiness levels incalculable and catastrophic
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news just in: alternative browser ecosia is unaware of the tng episode sub rosa and honestly im happy for it
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