#this especially applies to films for me but music and books also
charliespringverse · 8 months
anyone else experience pathological demand avoidance in relation to critically acclaimed media . like sorry but if u tell me "this is the greatest [X] ever made" i simply will not watch it . u can't make me . or if u do make me i will decide it's shit and i hate it .
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amaru2020 · 4 months
Color theory in Mean Girls 2024 (and 2004) and why it matters (long post ahead)
So, like a lot of us, I've seen and fallen down the Mean Girls rabbit hole, and say about the outfits what you will, the costume designs actually did a great job displaying symbolism in characters like Regina and Cady through color alone, let me explain
Random Disclaimer: I'm aware that a lot of what I'm about to talk about was utilized in the original, I'm mostly pulling pictures from the newest version since it's the main focus of this post. There will be mentions of the original, but the newest iteration is my main focus today ^^
Let's start with the film's use of Black
Now, we know in Regina's first appearance in the original, she's first seen wearing pink like the rest of the plastics and doesn't wear black until much later in the film (which I will get to don't worry lol) but what's different with this newest version and what I find interesting, is the decision for Regina's introductory outfit to be entirely black.
now you could be saying, "But Amaru, black is sexy, seductive, of course she'd be wearing it." And you're right! But, black also has some different meanings outside of that, which is power.
The first time Regina walks in, time stops. Everyone's eyes are on her, Cady is in awe, and to sum up the musical number, Regina has complete control over everyone. It's seen again when she sits amongst Karen and Gretchen,, but Regina stands out as the only one wearing such a bold black outfit, signifying her control over the two of them. And not to mention the second she gains even more control over the school by creating an entirely new fashion trend, she's wearing an entirely black dress
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Now let's talk about the color, Blue and how it ties in with Black
So, when Regina falls from grace and is shunned from the plastics, notice that it's the first time she wears blue. Blue has about a dozen or more different meanings, but the one I'm gonna focus on now is that Blue can be seen as both a conservative and depressed color
Everyone's eyes are on her in this shot, but this time for a completely different reason than in the beginning, and because we brought up how blue can be conservative, we could read this as Regina not only being upset but not wanting to be perceived.
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Let's circle back around to Black and why it's important with Cady
The first time she wears black is when she takes over Regina's role within the plastics and makes the final decision on whether or not Regina can sit with the group. Yes, she's wearing blue, which we will also get to, but also wears a black skirt. It's the color palette she wears for the entire second act.
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When she's seen wearing all black, it's at her house party while having reign over the plastics and taking the title of the most popular girl in school. It's also when Aaron calls her a clone of Regina, and Janis confronts her about lying. There she has the realization that she has indeed become Regina.
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Remember what we talked about with Regina with Blue? Well, let's apply that same logic to Cady.
During a rewatch I noticed how that during "World Burn" and the scenes that follow, Cady is shot from the waist up, only showing the blue part of her outfit, whenever someone brings up the book, or she thinks Janis and Damian are onto her, or even when they ignore her in the gym, you can only see the blue. (Yes, you could argue the angle was used in other shots, but this felt more deliberate, especially with how much the blue stood out against the otherwise dark color palette of other students and the background) Which from before we established as conservative. meaning that not only does she not want to be perceived by Regina, but as the one who wrote in the Burn Book in the first place.
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Okay, let's go back to Regina one more time, and talk about her more prominent black outfit, during "World Burn" and when she releases the book for the school to see and causes a riot. (This is also being applied to the original as well)
Since we've established black is a symbol of power, we can see as more chaos descends on the school (as also seen in the original) Regina is placed in the middle of the crowd, all in black. It shows how she has control over people once again through manipulation. Therefore, showing that she's back on top.
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And that's it, everybody! Thank you for coming to my TED talk
someone who has thought about this waaaaay too much after doing extensive color research for a presentation and does a lot of character design
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dasboligrafo · 8 months
7 Takes on The Double Life of Veronique
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You know the thing where you like the same thing as a terrible person?
I guess even Lear-esque cringey edgelords like great movies and Keith McNally is not wrong about Sexy Beast and definitely definitely not wrong about the Double Life of Veronique, a movie I've now seen 3x, 2 of which ended in helpless tears (the only way I know if something is art).
This movie was a selection by McNally at a Roxy Cinema mini-festival in October 2023. As I told the crew who I invited (tricked?) to see the movie: now it's your turn to think about it for 15 years!
I love the moment after the movie when people are asking helplessly -- but what does the movie mean?!? And I really, really love the moment when people get angry at the end of the movie. These are real emotions! What's the last time a movie made you think anything other than "god, that was 45 minutes too long?" (The Double Life of Veronique is under 100 minutes! yessss)
[I didn't hear it cause I was, like, weeping, but my friend said at the end a guy behind us was angrily griping that the movie was too slow? Huh? Stuff is literally happening every moment of the movie? There is not a single wasted scene, line or frame? What even are these senses whose proofs we can so liberally ignore?]
Since it might be another 15 years until I see it again and I don't have the benefit of just having written a college thesis that was mostly about Lacan via Zizek, I thought I would type out a few thought exercises/interpretative frameworks that I think apply to this movie:
The contingent nature of the universe/the senselessness of existense -- probably the easiest to justify, especially in the context of Kieslowski's complete ouevre, in consideration of his personal history, based on the interviews he's given, etc...
What to do about emotional apocrypha — what do you do with and about feelings that seem to come from nowhere? Feelings are "real" and we know now (i.e. the science is now there to tell us, eg Lisa Feldman Barrets's fascinating work) they're not in any way subservient in value or usefulness to "reason"; like if anything the opposite, emotions are the "why" and reason is the very patched together and incomplete "how" behind what we are and what we do. Worth thinking about why it is Kieslowski's most compelling films have female protagonists given the historical association to the binary genders for emotion vs reason.
The duality and dichotomy of post-war East/West Europe -- I think this one is sorta obvious but not less resonant? There's a good article out there about how the film predicted a lot of the consequences of the EU. Elsewhere I've read that Polish critics pilloried Kieslowski for a traitor to his kind over this theme, which reminded me of the story about how Bach's works were sometimes not well received by the church patrons who got to hear a lot of it first because they thought it was too dour -- imagine you have the greatest musician who will ever live as your church musician and your biggest peeve is his music isn't fun enough for Sunday. In any event this is a major theme in Three Colors, and I'm sure there's no accident that this movie and the Trilogy are connected by the same fake composer (key work = "Song for the Unification of Europe"...)
Return to theory in film (Zizek) -- he wrote a whole book about it. I'm not sure I agree Kieslowski's films make the case for the return to Theory (ie I think you can interpret his movies without it.) But the fact that you can so unbelievably seamlessly integrate his films to a Lacanian framework gives me that feeling of the inevitability of Lacan.
Art Cinema's enduring interest in interrogating the limits of its medium -- which of course is also present in art literature for its own medium, and frequently not only present but foregrounded in theatre. The Puppetmaster is a clear analogue to the filmmaker (and of God, lmao...they can't help themselves), but also all the unbelievably uncomfortable sex scenes in this movie are a masterclass on the male gaze and how you constitute and undermine it...etc.
Space-time Travel (Zizek) -- right away, I'm going to say I don't think this one is all that interesting, but it's what Criterion chose to accompany the 15th year re-release of the movie. So...ok 🤷🏽‍♀️ I'd say that listening to physics podcasts has convinced me of the value of a literary education (those hermeneutical skills come in so handy), so I see the relevance of thinking of these two together, but I also feel like the fake math is the part of Lacan I always found a little too silly to stand.
The agony of art as vocation -- I'm sorta lazily splitting this out from #5 just because when I originally wrote this post I had 7 points and now I can only remember 6 of them, and I like the resonance of 7....There's a Badiou-esque invocation of the four types of truth procedures at work in this movie that could easily fill the pages of another unread senior thesis: science -- the zizek time travel thing, the way the movie is, actually, concerned with the explanation of what is happening and why, rather than just accepting as a premise that there can be doubles in the world; politics -- the scene where Weronika meets Veronique is at a political rally, the east/west thing mentioned above, etc; art and love, obviously.... But the key to the "plot" of Veronique's life is "Does she keep singing, even if it kills her?"
Random closing thoughts:
I'm still thinking about and cannot resolve the mystery of the subplot about Veronique testifying in her friend's divorce(?) trial. What does it mean?
One thing that always bothered me about Kieslowski is a feeling i have that his movies are slightly (high key???) exploitative of his actresses, which seems like shabby repayment for their taking considerable artistic risks. Maybe I'm just getting this feeling from applying Lacan and Zizek to his movies though (that's two dudes who definitely don't understand about women...). I'd like to think I'm wrong about this, his masterworks are all with women and "about" women. I don't think he doesn't get this, though, see again the Puppetmaster (surely one of the creepiest dudes to ever grace an art film and that's saying a lot).
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kpchrs · 3 months
15 questions for 15 friends
Thanks @burntblueberrywaffles and @realmermaid333 for tagging me weeks ago.
Are you named after anyone?
When was the last time you cried?
Uhhh... Whatever days ago, I think, over a fanfiction HAHAHA
Do you have kids?
Nope. I don't know if I want to or not. I definitely wanna nurture one tho, and they don't necessarily have to be my own, if that makes sense.
What sports do you play/have you played?
I don't like sports, but I like badminton because it's a childhood game.
Do you use sarcasm?
Less than I should. I don't know why.
What's the first thing you notice about people?
I'm very disinterested in strangers when I really don't wanna socialise, so I don't really look at people, but maybe the voice since I can never ignore that.
What's your eye colour?
Brown. I love the colour brown!
Scary movies or happy endings?
That's a weird 'this and that' cus it's pretty different, but happy endings of course. I like scary films but only for the thrill not the story, cus the story usually doesn't intrigue me that much.
Any talents?
Hate that word, "talent", because it's a confusing word. Do you mean talent as in the natural aptitude of a person? In that definition, I think I'm pretty talented. I was one of the high achievers because I have a natural aptitude for studying. I know how to study and I comprehend things better than other kids. I'm a fast learner. My intuition is great. I can retain information well. I analyse things well. I'm lazy and easy to get bored tho, and that's why I was one of the high achievers. Related to that I would put languages as my talents. I'm pretty natural with it; English, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean... I absorb them as I go naturally. I learn English by myself. I remember most of what I learned from random medias. But because I never apply them (except for English), I'm not fluent at all. My piano teacher said I had a musical talent, and I did win a few piano competitions, and I passed Grade 8 ABRSM, but that's SO mediocre in the classical music world, I don't really think it counts. I have not even practised for years. I actually think I'm more natural at singing, but I never received formal training. And I'm sure there are more. These are pretty "eh", ain't it, because it stops at that?
If you mean talent as in skills, then my biggest skill is literature and story-telling. It's also one of my few passions. I don't say "writing" because that's still hard to do (especially if it's in English, it's not my native language), but I do learn in my own time, I know lots about it, and I still wanna learn more. This also applies to English. What's more? I'm pretty good at cooking, I guess. I'm not a master chef, but I can cook you dishes, definitely. The only thing that prevents me from cooking more is my lack of money. This is a soft skill, but I would put "organising" too. I love organising and I'm natural at it.
For me, talents should pair with effort and practice. People should strive to have more skills if they have the means! Because of that, I much prefer asking people what are their passions and I kinda dislike complimenting people with "you are so talented!" because nah, they practise a lot behind the screen and you just never see it! ...Wait a minute, what am I doing, writing a self-development book? 💀 This is supposed to be a fun thing. Uhhh...sorry, I really dislike the word "talent" xD
Where were you born?
I don't like saying it on the internet lol
What are your hobbies?
Reading stories (currently it's fanfiction), listening to music, window shopping, watching films and shows, playing games, relaxing in cafes, and eating. This is just random, but the happiest moments I can remember were when I first watched TBOSAS in the cinema and when I infodump my friend LiS on Discord in a cafe. Those are like last year and I want to feel that again.
Do you have any pets?
Yes, I have a dog and she's a supermutt and she's a rascal and her name is Marie and she's the reason why my pain tolerance is great.
How tall are you?
158cm. I should have been a little bit taller, but I think because of scoliosis, nah lol
Favourite subject in school?
None. School subjects were pretty boring... Okay, maybe English. I also liked Modern History.
Dream job?
I'm not good with high-stress and high-paced jobs. I'd love to be a librarian, but libraries are not appreciated at all here. Or I'd love to be a game writer too, with teams and a writer room, as such. I don't really know how it works. Some kind of game developer, but not the programming. Or I'd love to help people, especially kids, in whatever way.
No pressure + random tagging: @mitsuki91, @weer02, @-- uhhhh you know what, I'm BEYOND lazy to tag 15 people. Tag whoever who wants to play this! Or these two people I already tagged can tag the people I could have tagged xD
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I can understand the argument that someone's background influences their views on politics/social issues, everything and how that transpires in the art they're making, but only using that frame of analysis is reductive. More often working class directors get the recognition for their working class stories, whilst anything above it that gets into privileged teritory will most likely be criticized. Especially in this era in cinema and economic/political climate in which "eat the rich" is now a theme/meme in pop culture.
But I do stand on my opinion that it can be reductive sometimes. I could never look at Visconti's work only thinking that a rich count made all those films. When the entire argument is based on that it might ignore not only elements that are actually working in the film, but also other legitimate frames of criticizing the piece if it lacks in other areas.
I think this applies to Saltburn as well. I've seen the classism critique everywhere. And on one hand it does apply. Yes, the director is this posh woman and it might be argued that the film is a posh perspective on what's the middle class fantasy. Which apparently is one in which pretending to be working class and having parents with addiction might garantee you a spot in a circle of rich friends (and then you can exert all your destructive fantasies on them). At the same time, it's not like the upper class gets unscathed from all this. Yes, they're fun and amusing to watch, but I wasn't laughing with them, but at them. They were portrayed as being ridiculous and utterly sad in their inability of showing emotion, seen here as the typical upper class behavior.
Perhaps a more legitimate criticism coming from me (and others) would be that all explained above would have come across more clearly if the execution would have been done right. I do believe there's some issues with the script. The over explaining of motive through a monologue and going back in time was not necessary and it's more like a gimmick, an easy way to close all the narrative ends. It's not technically a bad idea, but perhaps it is too cliche at this point.
I believe Oliver needed a bit more work in terms of motivation and how that comes across. I felt as if there's more to know. Not in a way that justifies his action, but what is underneath there? This is where I'm reminded of some comparisons to The Talented Mr. Ripley, Teorema or Brideshead Revisited. The stranger who comes in and disrupts the status quo. Who changes the lives of those he "befriends", either for personal gain, for them to get out of their "comfort zone" or both. The methods of infiltration are subtle, but most importantly, the way in which they are portrayed in film or written are what makes them so powerful. Emerald Fennell is no Evelyn Waugh, that's obvious. So I think that mostly here lies that criticism on my part. That at times, the story is told too simplistically, it doesn't go too deep into the relationship between characters (especially Oliver and Felix) and there's a superficiality that comes with a focus on aestheticism.
At the same time, this exact latter criticism can actually be its forte. It's what makes it fun. It's the wanted shock value of a few scenes that definitely makes the audience gasp (particularly those in the young adult range nowadays used to comic book adaptions and other Hollywood garbage). It looks beautiful and it makes us nostalgic of summers in the late 2000s which don't look that bad through rose-tinted glasses. It's how we look at ridiculous behavior and also love watching those people bask in the sun and wear dinner jackets while playing tennis. It's the music! I loved the music and the sparkly kitschy clothes us millenials used to think it were the height of fashion.
The film wants to be outrageous, to make people talk, to bring valid criticism while also looking really good. If its problem is that it has too much style over lack of substance, at least they nailed the style.
My watching experience was a really fun one. It doesn't take away from noticing its shortcomings and that also doesn't make me want to only see its fault and not also the elements that work. Saltburn is somewhere in the middle and I do think we need these types of films as well and it's not hard for it to find its appropriate audience.
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max1461 · 1 year
There are three (unrelated) youtube videos that I've been looking for for many, many years. I have applied the fullest extend of my search engine knowledge to locate these videos and have not been able to do so. If you know of any of these videos or could help me find them, please let me know.
The first video I'm looking for is actually a series, a Minecraft let's play uploaded probably around 2010 or 2011. All I remember is that the uploader had "23" in their username, and at one point in the series planted "twenty trees" outside of their Minecraft house in reference to this fact. I may have gotten some detail wrong, but that's the gist of it—I remember very clearly the phrase "twenty trees" spoken in the uploader's British accent and their repeated reference to it. This would have also been one of the earlier Minecraft let's plays on youtube; IIRC it was obscure enough at this point that the user has to explain the basic gameplay of Minecraft in the first episode, as the audience can't be expected to know.
The second video I'm looking for was also uploaded around 2010 or so (give or take a few years), by a guy talking about studying Latin and Ancient Greek. The guy had several videos about this topic on his channel, and the details I remember are as follows. In one video, he states that he learned Ancient Greek because he read a bad translation of the Iliad or the Odyssey (can't remember which; could have been another Greek or Latin epic maybe) and upon learning how wrong the translator had gotten things, vowed to never read another book in translation again. In another video, he talks about how much his Latin was improved by reading though Lingua Latina by Hans Ørberg, and how it did more for him than any traditional Latin textbook. In another video, he responded to angry comments that had been accusing him of pronouncing Latin wrong because he dropped the 't' in the word 'Latin' when speaking English; he clarified that he never dropped the 't' when speaking Latin itself and that this was just a feature of his particular English dialect. The videos were recorded in an amateurish style in this guy's house, with little editing and not especially good camera or audio equipment. As far as I can remember it wasn't like, grainy or anything, just typical of the era in being essentially very low production quality. Basically just this guy standing in front of a wall in his house talking about language learning. He may also have been studying Sanskrit, idk. I think I initially found him by googling "book like Lingua Latina for Sanskrit" or something to that effect; no such book really exists but he may have had a video discussing the topic? But don't quote me on that, it might be an inaccurate memory.
Ok, the last video I'm looking for is a specific remix of one of the songs from the anime film Your Name, uploaded in 2017 or 2018. This is the most likely of the three to actually have been taken down imo, for copyright reasons. I can't remember which song it was a remix of, maybe Zenzenzense or Nandemonaiya. I think I found it initially in one of youtube's auto-generated playlists after listening to a bunch of the music from that movie. I don't know enough about music theory or whatever to actually describe what the remix was like, but I know that the video had a background image that was fanart of the two main characters looking up at the sky, in which (I think) the comet from the movie was visible. The characters where relatively small and the view of the sky was quite large. I think the fanart was in a slightly more cutesy style than the actual art of the movie, although not to the degree of being chibi or anything.
If any of you happen to know of any of these videos, please let me know! I have been searching and searching!
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girlieinterns · 9 months
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Hi! My name is Alyssa (she/her) and I’m from Sebastian, Florida. I’m super excited to be a Public Relations intern at Girlie Action! I earned a bachelor’s degree in Public Relations from the University of Florida, and I’m currently pursuing a master’s degree in Mass Communication at the same university. 
What do you hope to gain from this experience?
With this experience, I'm looking forward to diving into the creative sector of PR! I’m grateful for this opportunity to explore the music industry and find new artists and songs to enjoy. I hope to learn how to turn my interest in music into a career. Also, I’m hoping to gain more insight into the fabulous world of PR and publicity. At Girlie Action, I’m excited to apply the lessons I’ve learned in school to the real world and gain hands-on experience at an agency. I’m confident that my experience with the people and work here will be inspiring.
What is the best concert you've been to? 
The best concert I’ve ever been to has to be Taylor Swift when I was roughly 11 years old. At this time in her career, her sound was more country pop. This was one of the first concerts I ever attended, and it was an eye-opening experience. As I processed the initial shock of “Wow, Taylor Swift is a real person and I’m in the same building as her,” I embraced the magic of live music. Taylor Swift put on a remarkable show with elaborate sets, beautiful costumes and top-notch crowd engagement. The atmosphere of the concert was captivating, especially for a tiny Taylor Swift fan, and I was in awe at the sense of community. I’ve carried this love for live music ever since then. My next concert will be Olivia Rodrigo on her GUTS world tour!
What else do you love besides music?
In a similar way to music, my other hobbies aim to transport people to different worlds and tell spectacular stories. For instance, I’m an avid reader. I recently finished the 10 Percy Jackson books because I’ve always been a Greek mythology nerd. Also, I love to watch movies and TV shows because they take me on countless adventures. I love to travel as well. Being able to explore new places and immerse myself in different cultures is a gift. I traveled to Portugal and studied abroad in Spain in 2022. Both trips were incredible. The next country I want to visit is Greece! 
What is my dream job?
My dream job is something I'm still trying to figure out. I’d love to work in entertainment PR, whether it’s in music, film or books. I love the concept of tapping into the purpose of a story and creating an authentic brand around it. I would love to have an international component in my career, in which I can travel, get to know an array of audiences and work in various cultures. One reason I'm a fan of PR is because it is such a broad field. I’m ecstatic to work in different areas and discover what sparks my interest and fuels my passion for PR.
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dustedmagazine · 11 months
Listed: Kid Millions and Sarah Bernstein
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Photo by Caleb Bryant Miller
Kid Millions and Sarah Bernstein both have long CVs in experimental music, Millions as the drummer for Oneida and Man Forever and Bernstein as an avant garde composer and performer with the VEER Quartet, the avant-jazz Sarah Bernstein Quartet, and solo as Exolinger. They’ve been improvising together for roughly a decade, building mesmerizing sonic architectures out of free-form drumming, wild violin pyrotechnics and cryptic spoken word. Of their latest, Live at Forest Park, Margaret Welsh writes, “Bernstein and Colpitts weave sound together into an unsettling fever dream-like warp, growing larger and smaller. All you can do is lay back and surrender to the waves.” Here are some things that inspire the two.
Kid Millions
Billy Harper Quintet — In Europe (Soul Note)
While I admire and enjoy all of the Quintet albums I’ve heard, this particular one captures something ineffable and transcendent. The Quintet’s personnel changes throughout Harper’s career but this particular session has the tunes, the passion, the reaching and the constant surprises that make it my most listened to album in the last ten years. Fred Hersch is especially sympathetic and powerful on this too. I really want to see this group ASAP. Billy Harper is still playing!
Pete La Roca — Basra (Blue Note)
La Roca is a drummer who is unappreciated but his playing and compositions stand out. This album gets the slight nod over the legendary Turkish Women at the Bath because it was recorded well. He’s in the same league as Elvin and also wrote some incredible tunes.
George Adams & Don Pullen Quartet — City Gates (Timeless) (but any record is cool)
I’m leaning on big tenor sounds these days, and George Adams stands in the same universe as Billy Harper because he plays the range of the instrument — there are gorgeous melodies set alongside blistering free blasts. Don Pullen is incredible as well. Near the end of his life he started to write more songs with hooks, but he shreds like Cecil Taylor. I’m digging the stuff that straddles the line between songs and free these days.
Henry Threadgill with Brent Hayes Edwards — Easily Slip Into Another World (memoir)
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This is a brand-new book, and I’m finding lots of inspiration and great advice within the pages. His discussion about how young musicians need to find their way within the tradition, among their peers, and on their own terms applies to all traditions, rock included. In order to really engage with the music, you have to play all the time, with other people. You have to play covers, and you have to play in front of audiences. And you need to be fired. I certainly have!
Marcus Gilmore
Such an incredible, deep, drummer. You should go see him ASAP!
Sarah Bernstein
Music/poetry films I like:
When It Rains — Charles Burnett (1995)
Charles Burnett’s work speaks to me as a whole. The films I’ve seen slip into a continuous flow of poetic story/documentary. When It Rains is a 13-minute short film that takes place on a festive New Years Day, but January’s rent needs to be paid. Musicians are among the characters and sound, and it plays like a jazz improvisation. A particular highlight is seeing instrument-maker Juno Lewis on-screen playing his double bell trumpet. The story’s ending will have vinyl collectors smiling.
The Connection — Shirley Clarke (1961)
Before discovering this movie, I knew director Shirley Clarke from her later film "Ornette: Made in America," also a must-see. The Connection is a film version of Jack Gelber’s play for the burgeoning Living Theatre. Most of the actors from the stage play, and all the musicians, are also in the film. The band is swinging: Freddie Redd composer/pianist, Jackie McLean alto sax, Michael Mattos bass, Larry Ritchie drums. The musicians also act in the story, and even the turntable — playing Charlie Parker’s Marmaduke — provides a key recurring motif in the film.
Poetry In Motion — Ron Mann (1982)
Poetry in Motion, By Ron Mann from bob stein on Vimeo.
The other movies on this list are ones I’ve seen relatively recently, but Poetry In Motion I watched in an art-house cinema as a teenager, and it had a big impact on me. The documentary shows 40 poets and performers, including Jayne Cortez, Dianne Di Prima, Helen Adam, William S. Burroughs, Amiri Baraka, Allen Ginsburg, Jim Carroll, John Cage, Robert Creeley, Miguel Algarin, to name a few! Also check out Ron Mann’s first feature film: Imagine The Sound (1981), a superb profile of Cecil Taylor, Archie Shepp, Bill Dixon and Paul Bley.
Desolation Center — Stuart Swezey (2018)
The concert footage is so good. Highlights are Einsturzende Neubauten and Survival Research Labs literally blowing up the desert in Joshua Tree. Also Sonic Youth, Minute Men, Swans, all in DIY festivals and shows taking place in outdoor remote locations in 1980’s SoCal.
Amazing Grace — Alan Elliott/Sydney Pollack (2018)
Aretha Franklin and choir hold a live concert recording session of her gospel album Amazing Grace over two days in 1972. This is not a documentary with talking heads or explanation, rather the action is all in the music and spirit. Aretha Franklin’s genius and deep interaction with the listeners and choir is riveting and inspiring, even more so with repeat viewing.
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hey! i’m sol!! for my first post i guess i’ll just tell a little bit about myself.
-my name is sol.
-my pronouns are he/they.
-i’m a minor, so don’t be creepy or anything!!
-i’m a theater kid!!
-i’m trans (ftm) and queer (i don’t label myself explicitly, i just prefer the term queer when referring to my sexuality).
-my current hyperfixation is the marvin trilogy.
-i love love love my chemical romance!!
-i make moodboard thingies for characters. you’re welcome to request some, and if i know the fandom well enough i’ll make it for you!!
-i either talk in all lowercase or all caps and there is no in between.
-i don’t use tone indicators very often, but i will if people want me to.
-i have anxiety and ocd and i talk a lot (especially about my hyperfixations) so if that annoys you simply click off this blog.
-if you don’t have something nice to say, DON’T SAY IT. i’m a hypersensitive person and i struggle with self-love a lot already so just don’t be mean.
-i don’t really reblog stuff unless it’s super duper important. i have other social media accounts that are more activism type stuff but i wanted to keep my tumblr account just for talking about things i like, if that’s okay.
-dni: racist, homophobic, transphobic, ace/arophobic etc., ableist, terf, sexist, antisemitist, islamophobic, mysoginistic, support problematic people (this does not apply to supporting their creations, as long as those are not problematic as well. google death of the artist) dsmp fan, misuse aave, proshipper, MAP, pedophile, support pedophilia or incest, fetishize minorities (or anyone, for that matter), pro-life, trump supporter, biden supporter (do your research), republican, conservative, and probably other stuff, but that’s all i can think of right now.
-things i like:
be more chill (book, musical, and graphic novel)
mean girls (just the musical, i haven’t seen the movie)
heathers (movie and musical)
dear evan hansen (i understand deh is problematic and i do not support its bad interpretation of mental illness and romanticization of suicide and social anxiety and the way they paint evan as the protagonist. i like the soundtrack out of the context of the plot. i also am thinking about rewriting the show to become less problematic, with connor as the main character and evan as the villain, but i can’t write music at all so if anyone is interested in this project dm me.)
the marvin trilogy (in trousers, march of the falsettos, falsettoland, falsettos)
beetlejuice (movie and musical)
stranger things (i do not support their antisemitist choice of filming at a nazi prison)
the umbrella academy (comics and show)
the true lives of the fabulous killjoys (concept album and comics)
heartstopper (comics and tv show)
there’s plenty of other stuff but these are the big ones
my chemical romance
fall out boy
blink-182 (i do not support their sexist comments)
green day
set it off
the killers
gerard way
all of frank iero’s other bands
and a bunch more, i’ll link my spotify in the next post
sorry this was so long. maybe follow or like?
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arachnitopia · 1 month
3, 6, 8, 21, 19 and 20, 22, 28 and 29 :-3
hello hello!! 3. biggest strength - i take a lot of pride in my intelligence! i process, learn, and comprehend very fast and i retain + use the knowledge i gain very well. i've been told plenty of times that i could do great things if i applied myself more and as much as that statement annoys me, i like to think its true. i could do fantastic things. 6. last dream you had - the last dream i had was a really elaborate and immersive nightmare. of course it doesnt take much thinking to realize it's unrealistic, but upon waking up i was genuinely a bit afraid because for a moment it really seemed like That was my life ! in short it can be summarized by my mom dates a serial killer yikes but if you want to hear it in more detail idm describing it :P 8. favorite movie - tie between everything, everywhere, all at once and pan's labyrinth. both very very different but still very very good. everything everywhere all at once was nominated for 11 oscars and won 7 of them!! those wins being best actress, best supporting actress, best supporting actor, best film editing, best original screenplay, best director, and of course best picture! and for good reason. eeaao is a FANTASTIC movie and something i think everyone in the world should watch. it has good comedy + action, it has good philosophy and diverse representation, it has good set and costume design, and it has absolutely phenomenal plot and characters. genuinely there is something for everyone. we'd be here forever if i could talk about every little thing good about eeaao but instead you should watch it for yourself!!! pan's labyrinth was nominated for 6 oscars and won 3 of them! those wins being best art direction, best cinematography, and best makeup (though its other nominations are also very impressive). pan's labyrinth is an incredibly beautiful, well done dark fantasy movie about a little girl having to bear life during the early francoist period of spain. despite it being a somewhat old movie, the visuals still hold up perfectly. both the beauty and the unsettling is captured perfectly. it's a cult classic that, again, i think everyone should watch! 19. 5 things i love - you my dear friend eden!!!! as well as all my other friends :] art of every medium especially music and writing and illustration all of my favorite roblox games hehehe learning ! especially about science, literature, and even history!! all of my plushies!! 20. 5 things i hate- its so awful when i accidentally loop a song for too long and it starts to sound weird/bad :[ misinformation ! when genuinely good media is dumbed down to a meme or is only known for having a shit fandom pokemon dudebros who think trubbish is a bad pokemon/has a bad design yearning for all of the cool and fun and complex things my laptop cannot run 21. a random fact - everything, everywhere, all at once actually had to have its own wiki page for all of the awards it was nominated for and won because there were so many it was better to just dedicate an entirely separate area for them :P 22. favorite item of jewelry - in terms of jewelry types i love neckalces and chokers! specific item though i have a silver necklace with a round lapis pendant that's held in place by a dragon circling around it,, it's really cool and means a lot to me :] 28. favorite book - house of leaves. frankenstein is a close second but house of leaves always no matter what,, it's an incredibly engaging read that requires a lot of effort. pages upon pages of footnotes, appendixes, exhibits. there's even details and puzzles in the margins, chapter names, and publisher fine print on the very first page. house of leaves tells many stories at once, all interconnected and yet so distant from one another. it's unsettling, heart-wrenching, and so so human. it's also inspired a lot of other really good art (such as myhouse.wad !!!) 29. sweet or salted popcorn - i don't like sweet popcorn that much !
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sciolists-libellum · 5 months
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Haleth || 22 || tries to handle the tech side of things but Asra is better at it. I do the organising and handling of the admin.
BA || LLB || Undergrad. Send help
If you wanna partake in the shenanigans you can find me @rangerofthesouth
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Areas of Interest:
- Right now, a severe obsession with Greek Mythology because of the PJO series and I'm also reading the Iliad after reading Song of Achilles (no, i cannot under any circumstances be normal about him and Patroclus.)
- Classic literature and poetry : I wanna read as many classics as I can because why not and also school didn't allow me to read so I'm making up for lost time. (I'm still trying to finish Pride and Prejudice, but my adhd keeps saying noooo)
- Film : I watch a lot of films, movies and series, sometimes I watch mainstream stuff. Not just to space out, but because i enjoy complex storylines and excellent directing.
(currently watching Gossip Girl and... I have my reservations but..it's actually pretty interesting). I'm a fan of period dramas, fantasy and anything that has to do with magic, sci-fi and psychological thrillers.
- The Old Guard and books by Neil Gaiman : recently graphic novels have become something I'm completely obsessed with... I can't explain how much i love graphic novels and comics right now!!!! Just *high pitched scream*
- Also non-western literature:
I'm a firm believer in knowing where you came from in order to know where you're going.
gimme poetry about the indentured Indians, gimme stories about the poc who have had to fight to be seen, gimme gimme oral tales from ethic tribes, let me see the diaspora of your people around the globe
i wanna hear about everyone's history. Where you came from, why they chose to step onto the ship, whether they had a choice. Tell me about your aunty's recipe for a certain dish, i bet you there's a story behind it.
- I'm really into fashion rn after spending my entire adolescence wearing the same tshirt and jeans. will i be normal about it? Absolutely not.
- queer theory and history and law even if i don't wanna admit that out loud. But wow, is the law actually interesting...
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What else am i interested in??
- Food. Especially Asian foods and the absolute wonderful variety every culture has to offer. So far I've had a good intro to Korean foods such as gimpap and baobuns, I've tried Chinese oudon noodles which i would happily die for oh and i tried ramen too.. But i needa know more so please gimmmmme gimme your favourite Asian dishes, especially if they're spicy.
- Music : i play the guitar and piano and cannot be normal about jazz, blues or classics. Yes, Asra is right, Pop music is my area of expertise until you ask me about relevant songs. ( BUT classical music is Asra's area of utter and complete expertise. Seriously any questions on classical music and composition send it to Asra)
-Art: i freaking love art ( Van Gogh my love, Fauvism my detested, animation because of Abu (a friend not the monkey from Aladdin.) my painting skills are something to be worked on but i can draw!
- I'm very normal about Cate Blanchett in any of her films.
- i enjoy reading and listening to explanations on different beliefs, cultures and psychology, i really like understanding how the world works.
-physics even though I failed math and never did physics but wooow do i love applying it to Formula One.
- Oh yeah, formula one 🏎️
- i love animals, i will befriend your pets.
-Travel : honestly i wanna see every inch of the world and eat alllll kinds of foods and leave a footprint in a German forest. The ocean beckons, the sky will carry me gently, the mountains sing for me to join them.
My areas of Interest will change as i grow and my brain decides what my next hyperfixation will be. There's a good chance imma inflict it upon everyone here😗
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beautiful paragraph dividers are the works of @saradika
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vanessahernandez3d · 5 months
Reader - Sources and Significance
1.- Arditi, D. (2019) ‘Music Everywhere: Setting a Digital Music Trap’. Critical Sociology, 45(4-5), pp. 617-630. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1177/0896920517729192 [Accessed on 07.11.2023]
In this article, the author discusses how capitalism has changed the way we consume music and that the digitalization of music has created what he calls a ‘digital music trap’. He also questions the cultural position of listening to music; he establishes that before the digital era music was consumed more ethically and in a very limited way, but now music is everywhere and it has lost its initial purpose of ‘listening for contemplation’. The author also proposes that because of this, people don’t pay attention to music anymore, so he points to the necessity for artists to find new ways to catch the public’s attention. I find this article relevant and very interesting because I want to direct my career towards the music industry, more specifically to the creative content creation and marketing side, so it is relevant that I understand how music is consumed nowadays so I can develop efficient strategies and content for artists/labels.
2.- Bennett, L. (2012) ‘Patterns of listening through social media: online fan engagement with the live music experience’, Social Semiotics, 22(5), pp. 545-557. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/10350330.2012.731897 [Accessed on 02.11.2023]
In this article, the author explores and discusses the way social media has changed how fans engage with music and artists nowadays and how this has had a positive effect as it is shifting the boundaries of live music experiences. The author proposes that the use of social media is broadening the ways fans can interact with artists and music events without even being present. This article also presents a study made to U2 and Tori Amos fans in an attempt to demonstrate how they are creating a real-time live music event by engaging in this social media practice.
This article is relevant to my practice because it contributes to my understanding of how social media is impacting the music industry. Digital media is a great part of this industry and of how artists market themselves and their music; especially on social media; so it is helpful to keep track of how it is revolutionizing the way fans interact with music and media to create more engaging content. Even if this is a source from 2012 it is still relevant as social media has kept evolving ever since and it’s even more relevant in our society nowadays.
3.- Chandler, G. (2009) Film Editing: Great Cuts Every Filmmaker and Movie Lover Must Know. 1st edn. California: Michael Wiese Publications
Being able to effectively tell a story through images is a very important part of being a visual artist. With this book, Gael Chandler guides you through the different and most common types of editing cuts used in cinema. It is a very visual resource and it explains every technique with visual examples, making it easier for the reader to understand how to apply them to their work effectively. This source is quite old but still relevant because the techniques and theories discussed in it continue to be used in cinema and editing. 
I find this source useful for my practice because as an animator and visual artist a big part of my job is to tell stories and translate messages into images/moving images, so this helps me to better understand how to compose images and how to edit my content in a way that engages with my audience.  
4.- Chang, C. (2013) ‘Imagery Fluency and Narrative Advertising Effects’, Journal of Advertising, 42(1), p.p. 54-68, Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/00913367.2012.749087 [Accessed on 02.11.2023]
Narratives are part of almost everything we consume in media and they are a great way to create engagement in the audience; advertising is not the exception. Throughout this article, the author explores the cognitive processes involved in the processing of images and narrative ads as a whole. She proposes that conceptual and perceptual fluency makes narratives comprehensible and studies how the comprehension of a narrative is affected by different subjective factors within the audience. To elaborate on that, the author carried out two experiments to analyze the different ways people process the narratives and which factors affect said process. Despite this article being from 10 years ago, the examples and processes it analyzes are still relevant to Advertising and Media in general. 
I chose this article because I found it very interesting how it deeply analyzes the ways the audience process images and information as it is a vital part of any digital artist to ensure that the artifacts we create can be easily understood by our audience. I believe that this will help me to correctly apply narratives inside my work so I can create engaging content for my clients and my brand. 
5.- Gordon, S. (2015) The Future of the Music Business. 4th edn. Milwaukee: Hal Leonard Corporation
In this book, Steve Gordon guides us through how the music business/industry works and how to succeed in it. He provides very useful tips and a blueprint for artists and anyone wanting to get into the industry. His main goal is to provide help to those interested in following this path and making it an easier process, unlike his own experience when he was starting to work in the music business. 
I find this book insightful, and helpful for my practice; since I want to work in this industry I think it is relevant and helpful for me to understand how the music business works and how one can get into it. I am familiar with the general aspects of it but I have never truly gotten into understanding it to the core, so this allows me to nurture my knowledge on the subject.
6.- Grzegorczyk, T.,  Kaczmarek J., Sliwinski R. (2019) ‘Attractiveness of augmented reality to consumers’, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 31(11), pp. 1257-1269. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/09537325.2019.1603368 [Accessed on 20.12.2023]
Since the COVID-19 Pandemic, the way we use technology radically changed; it forced us to reimagine life as we knew it and to adopt new ways to communicate and do our regular activities. A great example of this is technologies such as AR and VR, which have become some of the biggest emerging technologies and are used in many different industries. Throughout this article, Grzegorczyk, Sliwinski, and Kaczmarek discuss the relevance of Augmented Reality and its appeal to consumers, as well as analyze the areas in which this technology is more useful. They also analyze the benefits and liabilities of its use. 
This article is relevant to my practice because I’m in the process of learning everything about digital media technologies and how they can be applied in the creation of media. Augmented Reality is a very influential technology nowadays and it will just keep evolving, hence I must keep up to date on everything related to it and other relevant technologies so I can be a competent and prepared digital artist.
7.- Meeken L., Knochel A. (2022) ‘Glitching Form: Subverting Digital Systems That Capture the Physical World’, Art Education, 75(4), pp. 49-56. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/00043125.2022.2053478 [Accessed on 07.11.2023]
In this article, Meeken and Knochel explore how Glitch Art can help ‘sabotage’ the ways digital media is used and how it can help break and redefine the limits it has. The authors propose that teaching students how to use glitch art and to experiment with the digital tools they have on hand can help them understand digital practices and become better at critiquing and engaging with them. Throughout this resource they explore 3 of the main approaches of doing glitch art: glitching at the point of capture, glitching using different software, and glitching the data that make up digital objects.This resource is relevant to my practice because I am interested in creating Glitch Art and implementing the different ways of glitching into my work, hence it’s very important and useful that I understand how this process works so I can excel at incorporating it into my practice. 
8.- Popper, F. (2007) From Technological to Virtual Art. 1st edn. Cambridge: MIT Press
In this book, Popper examines how virtual art (immersive and interactive media art) has developed throughout the years and has become an important part of today’s digital media art. He analyses that there is a humanization of technology inside virtual art and that this allows artists to create more creative work and to better integrate their aesthetics with emerging technologies. 
Popper was a renowned aesthetician, curator, teacher, and critic, and he was always trying to bring light to technology-inspired art and interactive media, so although his book is relatively old, it is a relevant source because it sets a precedent to my understanding of these technologies and digital mediums; I consider that it is important to know, question, and understand where everything began and how technologies and virtual art techniques come to be what they are today.
9.- Tryon, C. (2013) ‘Reboot cinema’, Convergence, 19(4), pp. 432-437. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1177/1354856513494179 [Accessed on 09.11.2023]
This article explores and discusses reboot cinema and how it affects the way cinema is made and consumed nowadays. Tryon explains the reboot phenomena using some of the most known reboot franchises as examples such as The Amazing Spider-Man, Batman, and James Bond, among others. He also explains how reboot cinema is not just about reviving old stories but it’s also about rebooting and renewing technologies used to project and sell movies. Despite this source being 10 years old, the subject it addresses is still relevant as the discussed techniques and technologies are something that is still used in the industry up to this day. 
This source is relevant to my practice because as an animator and digital artist I consider it important that I recognize and analyze the patterns around creating media and cinema as well as how technologies evolve, so I can keep on creating relevant media artifacts and know how to adapt to this ever-changing industry.
10.- Turner J., Tollison A. (2021) ‘The Evolving Communicative Value of Popular Music: Music Is Interpersonal Communication in the Age of Digital Media’, Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 65(3), pp. 357-376.  Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/08838151.2021.1957893 [Accessed on 06.11.2023]
Music is one of the strongest ways of communication among humans and now more than ever it is more accessible to everyone; it has become a way for people to relate with each other. Throughout this article, Turner and Tollison explore how the consumption of music can be a way of interpersonal communication and a strong tool for people to interact with each other, especially when talking about popular music. To support their argument, they surveyed to analyze music’s ability to communicate, parasocial interactions, listening patterns in streaming platforms and how people can nurture their identity through music. 
I am very passionate about music and my professional practice has always been influenced by it. Music is part of digital media and music is intrinsically related to visual art. As I mentioned before, I am working towards directing my career to this industry so I want to gain all the knowledge I can regarding music consumption and how music impacts people so that I can create media/communication artifacts that keep on nurturing the relationship between fans and music. 
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madwcman · 8 months
Hellooo!! I'm trying to get to know my mutuals better and I've realized I haven't really introduced myself, so here it is;
My nickname is Jam (hints to the username) and/or J. You were one of my first mutual and it's SUCH an honor considering I literally love your blog.
I'm very much introverted on and offline, so if I ever say something extremely weird, I apologize, just keep in mind I'm stressin' and the saying, "Braver be hide the screen" does not apply to me.
Music is very important to me, some of my favorite artists being: David Bowie, The Smiths, The Rills, and Arctic Monkeys.
I enjoy watching things like; Marvel, Doctor who, Harry Potter and Star wars. One of my favorite film that doesn't fit in the prior is Dead Poet Society.
Some random things I love: fall, books, plushies, my cats, chocolate, hoodies, and the smell of rain.
I'm so sorry if this is too much or not enough, this is the first time I've reached out to someone on tumblr. No pressure to respond with a lot, just know I would love to talk with you!! <33
i demand we become friends RIGHT NOW!!
i would just like to say i would love to get to know you more!! and thank you for introducing yourself!! i’m kiyah and we have a lot of things in common just based off what you just told me!!
I LOVE YOUR MUSIC TASTE!! i love listening to to bowie and arctic monkeys!! i listen to the smiths but not as much :) i also listen to taylor swift, conan gray and tv girl a lot
also i love marvel and harry potter (obviously) but i’ve never seen doctor who or stars wars but i wouldn’t mind getting into the fandom and watching it!!
and on the random things you love, i also have so much love for those things too!! especially for fall, books and my cats!! we can definitely talk more about anything of those things you want to!
pls feel free to talk to me whenever!! i would love to get to know you more <3
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filmyypeople · 1 year
‘Me’ playing different characters is like ‘Me’ playing different sides of  myself : Samar Vermani
23rd June, 2023 I Richa Devesar I Filmy People
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Samar Vermani, a well known face in the advertising world, who’s done over 200 TVCs so far is currently playing Ehsan in Sony TV Serial Katha....Ankahee. He has become a big craze especially among girls. Fans are going crazy over him and his Instagram account is a proof of that. Although he is not very active on social media but his fan following is increasing day by day and he is being praised for his acting, looks and dressing style. Infact, people are liking him so much that they want him to be the lead. Well, that’s quite a rare thing to happen but is very much evident from the appreciation being showered by his fans on his Instagram profile. One fan writes ‘I watch Katha just because of you, sometimes I skip all parts and just watch yours’, another one says ‘I don’t have TV at my place but got the App installed because I am hooked to the serial just because of your character’ while another fan says ‘You are a very good actor and your acting looks very natural, you should have been the lead.’ Some complement him for his effortless acting skills and others for his cute looks.
He started modeling at a young age of 23. Its been more than 10 years now and he is still in demand for TVCs and that is something which keeps him going. He made his Bollywood Debut as a lead, in 2018 with the movie Lashtam Pashtam  although he was first seen in a supporting role in the film Jo Hum Chaahein in the year 2011.  Not just modeling and acting in TV Serials but Samar has done some interesting Video Albums too including Sajte ho with Devo Ke Dev - Mahadev serial fame actress Sonarika Bhadoriya and Show Men Some Love - Men's Day Spl (not to forget his presence in Punjabi Music Videos) before taking a plunge into the world of OTT with web series Girgit in 2021 and recently released Happy Family- Conditions Apply.  Its interesting to know that before Katha..Ankahee  he was seen in a serial called Shadi Jasoos (2018) too. And to everyone's surprise  Samar has also acted in a Srilankan Sinhala language movie called 'Kadira Divyaraja', a fantasy movie where he played the title role of Kadira. 
Samar, as Ehsan has got different shades in his character which gives him a chance to showcase his versatility. How many shades does he have in real life? Well, well, well, in real life, he is a very soft hearted, modest, fun loving and happy go lucky kind of guy and is an Engineer. A versatile and effortless actor who believes in doing different character everytime be it serials, web series or movies, hails from Chandigarh. He likes to keep a low profile and this gives us a good reason to peep in to his life to get to know this humble, gentle and talented actor more. So here we go....
My first question to you has to be regarding Katha. Ehsan is stealing hearts.! You are getting so much love and appreciation. What made you say yes to play Ehsan?
To be very honest, what made me say ‘Yes’ to Ehsan was Director Ravi Bhushan Sir who is just the best in the Television Industry and also the Production House. Then I got the narration of the character where I got to know that Ehsan is a happy go lucky guy who doesn’t think much before doing anything because he lives in NOW. Vo past ko sochke itna rota nahi hai aur future ko sochke itna tension nai leta (doesn’t cry thinking about past and takes no tension about future). And probably that is the phase of life I am in right now where I don’t want to think too much about what will happen in future and what has happened in the past, I wanna really focus on my present and just enjoy life as it comes. And there was one more co incidence that I was reading the book ‘Power of Now’ when this role was offered to me. So, I thought lets go and explore it.
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Since you belong to our very own Chandigarh, please tell us about your stay here, your schooling and friends etc.
You know one actually doesn’t realize the value of one’s hometown till one leaves it. Same thing happened with me. I left the city and home for the very first time at 18,  to pursue my Engineering at Pune. Till then, I had not travelled much, more so because My Dad’s job was such that he could not take much off. So, I can say that it was first time for me to explore a different city on my own. And that’s when I realized the value of my city that O My God there is no other city like Chandigarh.
This is the city where I was born and brought up no matter which part of India I go, I can never forget Chandigarh. I feel what I am today is because of this city. People often say I have that stability in me. I guess, its because of my family and my city Chandigarh which has made me the way I am. My schooling was from Little Flower Convent School,  Panchkula  till 10th and in 11th  12th I was in Chandigarh preparing for my Engineering. I still relish my school friends and  meet them whenever I come for a vacation here.
It's been more than 10 years since you moved to Mumbai, do you miss Chandigarh and what exactly do you miss?
Yes I miss Chandigarh, miss the peace, the calm, the roads, clean air. For me going to Chandigarh is like going abroad on a vacation. Whenever the city Mumbai gets on to me kyunki our work is like that you know from outside world it looks really fame and glam and all that jazz but its actually a lot of hard work, its lot of lifting yourself every single day. So whenever it gets too much on my health, mental or physical, I like to come back to Chandigarh and spend time with family. Ye sheher hi aisa hai like yahaan land karte hi (The city is such that after landing here) there is certain calmness in your mind so that’s the one thing I miss most about Chandigarh. 
You are a Punjabi, right? So do you see Punjabi movies and which ones are your favourite?
Yes I am a Proud Punjabi and love watching Punjabi movies. I have many favourites actually  from Carry on Jatta to Kismat. Infact I think if I watch 10 punjabi movies 8, I love. So, its like this. And being a Punjabi I feel, it’s a very sweet language that even if you are abusing in Punjabi na tab bhi vo pyaar lagta hai (seems like love).
Have you ever thought of working in a Punjabi movie?
Yeah, I would love to work in a Punjabi movie. The only thing is that like most of the Chandigarhians, I speak that kind-of-refined Punjabi because you know how it is in Chandigarh and Panchkula, people speak more of hindi so our Punjabi accent is a bit refined, you can say. Having said that given a chance, I would love to work in a Punjabi movie and then work on my Punjabi as well, for sure.
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Punjabi film industry has grown so much in last 20 years, what is your take on that? 
I think its really amazing! Anyone who is in abroad probably seeing a Punjabi film won’t say that it’s a regional film it’s a film from Hindi Film Industry simply because the kind of films they are making now with the kind of budget, content and production value , it doesn’t anymore look like a regional film. And with a very recent example of RRR we have seen that whether it’s a Telugu film, from south or a Punjabi film you know we can do our country proud on a world scale irrespective of the language.
Do you relate with the Mumbai culture and people around you?
I definitely relate with the people around me. Artists here are all so passion-driven that whatever work they are doing, its coming from the bottom of their heart. People are very nice here, very inspiring, very motivating. Its like whenever you feel down you just talk to your friend and he or she will understand what you must be going through because somewhere they are having same issues so that level of understanding is very much there.
Moreover, It’s a fast moving city where you have to be on your toes every single day. So I took some time to get used to it because coming from Chandigarh you know which is a chilled out city not this fast, so to say. But its been so many years now and I have become used to the city.
You did your engineering from Pune, how did acting happen?
Thanks to my Engineering, acting happened. Till the time I was 18,  I had no idea what I have to do unlike today’s kids who are so sure. So for me it was more like following the mob. My parents took a decision on my behalf  and made me do engineering which turned out to be good for me. But staying away from home for 4 years and doing everything on my own opened my mind.  I discovered my liking for acting and started doing street plays, theatre in college just as a hobby and actually started enjoying it and post engineering I thought there is no harm going to Mumbai and trying your luck for couple of years. If it works well, its good and if it doesn’t then there is always Plan B to fall upon which was my Engineering.
Do you remember your first TVC?
I ofcourse remember my first TVC, it was with Prahlad Kakkar Sir, a well known name in the Advertising Industry.  I was just lucky and fortunate enough to have got a chance to do my first TVC with him. Infact even after getting selected, I didn’t know that I was going to be lead guy out of four and that Prahlad Sir would be directing it. It was quite a big TVC and the concept and everything was great and it was a big hit also. And the best or you can say the funniest thing was that I could relate to it, how? A cop stops me and asks for my license and I give him money so it was quite ironical because my Dad is a Cop.
Your Big Break in Bollywood came with Lashtam Pashtam in which you worked with veteren actor Om Puri. How easy or difficult it was playing lead in the presence of such a seasoned actor? 
Firstly, I really feel glad and fortunate to have shared screen with Late Om Puri Sir. It was his last theatrical release. And..it was difficult till the time I didn’t meet him. You know we all have some perceptions about such great actors. But I remember my first day on set with him. He called me in his vanity and chatted with me, discussed with me about everything about my life, my family and told me about his life too but nothing about the scene which we were supposed to rehearse. So, I was just thinking in my mind that why are we not rehearsing the scene? But realised later… that was his way to make me comfortable that first lets get to know each other and be comfortable and scene toh ho hi jaaega fir (scene will then be done) and it exactly happened the same way. So, he was like that elderly person on the set whom everyone is looking upto and really a friendly, jovial person. And it was so much fun working with him. Like I am actually truly, genuinely, grateful to have spent that time with him because Igot to learn so much and all that learning happened in a very fun way.
In TVCs we get to see a smiling Samar, in Lashtam Pashtam, you had an intense character to play, then in Girgit, you play a blunt cop and now in Katha a happy-go-lucky-guy with some grey shades, at times? Has it been difficult portraying such different characters or it comes naturally to you?
No, its not difficult but I enjoy playing such different characters. Because aap same-same play karke toh bore ho jaaoge na. (You will get bored playing the same characters) Its like having daal khichdi everyday, though its good but not everyday, you see. But yes, one thing is there that playing a different character requires a lot of prep and all.
I am glad that I have been offered such different characters you know where I get to play different sides of me. I honestly want to say that ‘me’ playing different characters is like ‘me’ playing different sides of  myself. In Girgit, I played that more angrier side of me or the desi side of me, in the current show Katha, I am how I am in everyday life. Then Lashtam Pashtam , my first film didn’t do well unfortunately, but is very close to my heart. And Ads toh I love doing. I think Ads just keep everything rolling keep the actor in me rolling, keeps money rolling, so that’s the biggest reason probably, I could consistently survive in the city.
12. What is the best and the worst thing about being an actor?
Best thing is you get to play different character every single day but more than that its what you love doing I mean I get paid for whatever I do but God forbid, even if I wasn’t getting paid, I would have still done it and loved it the way I do now, why because when I am on set, when I am in front of the camera, when I am acting, I just forget time. So many times, we shoot for 14-18 hours in a day, though that’s not healthy, but there is no tiredness,  maybe some physical fatigue but mentally, I don’t get tired because that is something, i love doing. So, I am, you know, by God’s grace fortunate enough to follow my passion, in my professional life.
And the worst thing could probably be rejections, I guess. But these rejections also makes one a stronger person altogether. After all those Nos, a single Yes does the magic makes you to be grateful, to be at peace with yourself that All is Well. I always feel one thing that any artist who is working from his or her passion might or might not be as successful as they aspire to be, at a certain point of time, but they see so much in such a short span of life that they surely become humble and good human beings.
Who is the real Samar? What does he like, what he dislikes and what interests him the most.
That’s a tough one to answer because I think the line really merges where I can differentiate myself from my professional life why because whatever I am doing in my professional life is so close to me personally that the line really merges. I love to act and that’s what I am doing.
As such there is no specific thing which I dislike,  I would say may be just few traits in me which I dislike.
I really love spending time with my family though we fight a lot (and he laughs) but it’s a very good time with them. Apart from the work, travelling is definitely something which interests me and yes meeting friends. Honestly speaking, I am really not a materialistic kind of person who would say it mere ko ye achha lagta hai vo achha lagta hai (I like this, I like that) I am content with a happy and  peaceful mind. And if I am already sounding like a Saint… let me tell you, I also love dancing and playing cricket.
What do you miss the most after becoming an actor? 
That’s again a tough one. I miss being with my family ofcourse but actually, since the time I have grown up this is the only life I have seen I am here in Mumbai since the time I was 23 post my engineering. Having said that one thing does bother me, not always because I feel God has really been kind in giving me consistent work and that too of my choice. But at times when I look at my friends who are in IT companies, I see they have a certain stability because they are sure of their job and we actors have to prove ourselves at every point. But that only is the beauty of this acting field that makes you stronger. Having said that, I also feel any other job will get me security but then I will not be sure of happiness whereas acting field may be insecure but thergives me lot of happiness.
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What life is to you?
Life to me is living every small moment and finding happiness and contentment and peace in smallest of things I do everyday. Half of the time, we human beings are either in the future or in the past and we are kind of ruining up our present so as much as I give this advice to anyone, I try to follow it up every single day. Also one thing lately I have realized that if sometimes, things are not happening as you have planned, its okey. You never know what is kept in store for you. So let the supreme power bhagvaan keh lo God keh lo let him decide ofcourse hamara farz hai kaam karna mehnat karna (our job is to work, to make effort) but if some unexpected thing has happened and suddenly we are like Oh my God why this thing has happened that moment, just wait and watch there might be some good in it which time only will tell. So that’s the reason I try to live in today and not think much about tomorrow.
Please tell us about your upcoming projects?
At the moment, Katha- Ankahee is taking most of my time. Also TVCs are going on, as usual.  Recently I did a TVC of  Kia Car then I shot for Llyod  Washing Machine and both are quite prestigious ones and I feel fortunate again, to have got a chance to be in them. And talks are on for a Web Series. So, that’s about it.
You have got an over whelming response from fans for playing the role of Ehsan. People are loving you and your character so what do you have to say to your fans.?
My fans and my admirers who really like my work, thankyou so much! I feel it takes lot of effort to actually search someone on Instagram and then drop a message which is quite over whelming and thankyou so much guys for your time and all the love. I literally try and read every single DM and reply to it because it really means a lot.
Ideally people say that one should not look for validation outside, one should be content and validated within oneself. But trust me when you get validation from outside that too with so much of love, it really feels good yaar! I cherish it, am really enjoying it and grateful for it. Thankyou so much guys, whatever messages you send and whatever love you give it really inspires me every single day to entertain you and do my best. Thankyou so much!
Well, thanks to you Samar for taking out time for us. And your fans are really going to have a great time reading this interview and going to get inspired as well, for sure! Good wishes for all your upcoming projects.
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preid1 · 1 year
Entertainment Media Publishing and Distribution
Mastery Journal
My original goals for this class were to gain as much knowledge from this course so I can add some new services to my business. At first glance I thought I would be learning just basic steps to help my clients, but found that this information will also help me personal as I develop in the entertainment industry. The goals we met with a professor whose lectures are detailed and clear in presentation. Listening to Professor Craft’s video is a true game changer and I was able to update my service to offer my current and future clients. The case studies were also helpful and being able to do discussion with my classmates was a plus. I learnt how to write a query letter to gain an agent for the different projects from film, music, book publishing and more. I was also able to practice my craft with each weekly assignment. 
I am able to apply what I have learnt to my professional life through implementing what I have gain from this course to help me client especially my target audience who are younger and their family get really clear on what to expect in this industry. This course also gave me an competitive edge as I know when I graduate the program I am leaving full prepared for the entertainment industry. In my personal life I have also gain so much richness from this course. I am a singer and songwriter and before this course I didn’t know how to go about even pitching myself as a songwriter, but now I have everything and more that I need to confidently take the necessary steps to not only complete my songs. All the feeling of not knowing left my mind weekly as the course chapters and assignments opened my eyes to a world of possibilities for me as a business owner and artist. 
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nxmuzluv · 2 years
nights w ariana :)) (rewritten)
ok so
i originally wrote hcs like this about,,, 2 years ago,, back in december 2020 i believe
(oh good god that was forever ago)
,,but looking at them now
i realized that i wanna update them lol
so here we go !!
so !
ariana’s an actress, & she also happens to be the chairwoman of her own conglomerate
(that will be explained in further detail in due time lol)
(aka never ! /j)
so tbh
the length of her days can vary swjsjiwejrkfsd
if she’s just, y’know,, working normally
then her days will last anywhere from 8 to 12 hours (company policy the chairwoman gets to go home first WUEJDKSJFKS)
if she’s filming something tho,, like a movie mayhaps
then hhhh
expect ari to wake up & come back at the ass crack of dawn lmao
,,,occasionally sdjwiejdsk
most of the time, ari’s days on set consist of just,, waiting, & on days w things like last min touch ups or sumn, she gets to go home p early
so, her days r like,,, 9 or so hours long
on the days where she has to film, tho ????? oh god lol
they last between 12 to 14 hours,, yeah WUEKSDKSCSKD
most of the time, the directors ariana works w don’t like keeping the cast & crew on set for longer than 12 hours (especially her dad lmao), but sometimes that’s,, just not possible pfft
once, ari was literally on set for 17 hours
im not kidding SDJKWESD
no fucking joke, she literally came back at 1 am
(thank god for her directors tho !!)
lol anyways !
when ari comes home, she’s usually exhausted asf lmao
no matter how long her day was siuewejdks
so, ofc she undresses, ties her hair up, & puts on one of her many silk robes
yes, many MSDKJWEIDS
(the long black one w fur & her initial embroidered >>>>>>>)
(like c’mon morticia addams !!)
n e ways, ari usually likes to make a few calls before it gets too late,, like to her secretary,, her manager,, her cast members,,, anyone of importance at the time lol
just so she can get shit out of the way skwueidjskd
,,,& now she can wind down lmao
ofc, ariana goes and takes a bath,,, not a shower, a bath
bougie ass bitch LMAOWUEKSJDKS
& ofc she takes that “bougie” seriously !!!
cinnamon & lavender candles,, vanilla bubble bath,, lavender & vanilla sugar scrubs,,, bath salts,,, essential oils,,, a wholeass bath caddy,,,, the whole 9 yards fr,, like,,,,, ari literally turns her shared bathroom into a spa,,,,
(that should be me fr)
she has some fruit (preferably strawberries & tangerines !),, there’s some music playing,,, she has a book mayhaps,,,,,
and she’s gonna be in there for like,, 25 mins
if her husband hadn’t washed up before her then,,, idk what to tell him LMAOOO
,,,sorry byakuya WUEISDFKHD
& if i haven’t mentioned vanilla enough, her shampoo and conditioner smells like it lol
ari might be drinking a cup of coffee too,, if not that then mayhaps some champagne,,, or wine,,,, or straight up tequila,,,,,, or she’s just smoking-
(“it smells like nicotine in here, love” “yeah that was me soz lol” /j)
(hers r nicotine free y’all shut up /lh)
and don’t worry miss ma’am’s alcohol tolerance is aight lmao
she won’t be getting blackout drunk bc of 1 or 2 glasses of wine / tequila,,, any more than 4 tho & that’s a fuckin recipe for disaster,,,,,,,,,
lol anyways !
(btw ion know where to put this so,,, b4 drying off, ariana applies some body spray ! the 1 she uses the most smells like,, u guessed it,, vanilla HDKSHEJSD)
after ari takes her sweet mf time in that bathtub (lol), she goes straight to skincare
like a bhad bytch
she’s korean & a huge public figure,, so girlie’s gotta make sure she doesn’t look like fuckin braille in front of the cameras
so ! she uses the 10 step korean skin care routine :))
ofc she’s already removed her makeup & used an oil cleanser while bathing so,,,
(btw her oil cleanser smells like rose water lol)
,,next is a water based cleanser,, exfoliator,,, toner,,,,, literally just look it up ion wanna type all that shit out,,,,,,,,,,,,, /lh
however tho ! ariana does save the face masks for last :)
(her facial spray smells like peaches too !)
after getting her skincare out of da way, ariana finally dries her hair,, usually by combing it out 1st, blow drying it w a brush, & then giving her some moisture lmao (& it’s either grapeseed oil, witch hazel, orrrr olive oil !!)
gotta keep that bih vitalized !!!
(u know ari sometimes washes her hair w rice water too sdkhfiwekdsjfkd,, and she uses homemade egg / coconut / apple hair masks while washing it too lmao)
(she most likely got all this from old hollywood or just like,, ancient asian beauty tips lol)
the 1 thing i’m keeping is that when ari’s organizing her (designer,, which yes, does include her & her sister’s own brands-) makeup or just,, y’know casually scrolling down her phone, byakuya will def blow dry her hair for her
the greatest husband alive y’all,, give my man his flowers rn
random tidbit but,,, i’m listening to bubble pop electric rn & like,, ari would def listen to that atp
she def listens to bad bitch music while getting ready for bed mhm (or getting ready for like,, literally anything lol)
& she sings along bc why wouldn’t she !!!!
(oooouuu shit i should def make a playlist tbh)
,,,aaaannywayssss !!
here the face masks come into play lol
ari is nawt leaving the room w one on tho,, u can count on tht 1
usually, the ones she prefers r sheet masks,, clay masks r v nice but then u have to wash em off,,, & sometimes peel off masks hurt lmao
she’s not against using clay masks at that time tho :))
(also,, ariana literally has her face masks in a drawer,, said drawer is either next to her side of the bed or on her side of the bathroom)
(hot bitches organize their skincare mhm)
ofc, then she has to just,, sit there & wait so she can take it off,,, usually by watching something,, reading that book of hers,,, being glued to twitter again RWIEJKDJSK
after that tho !
she can finally go downstairs lol
y’know those little under eye masks, tho ??? they’re v popular in korea sjewjkds
ariana puts those on before she leaves (her fav is those honey ones) !
just a lil sumn i wanted to mention teehee
(it’s the insomnia btw-)
if byakuya’s done by the time ari gets down there, then she makes herself a cup of tea,,
(vanilla chamomile always)
,,& then she talks to him abt whatever :)
her job,, her family,,, whatever’s on her mind,,, hell, she probably vents to him sometimes lol
(lowkey unrelated but atp ari’s hair is in a bunch of huge curlers & she still has that damn silk robe on HSJEWHDSJDSK)
(ari putting her hair into curlers for the night,, a genius for tht one actually)
(said curlers r also coated in a layer of hairspray lol)
she always encourages byakuya to do the same, too :))
girlie’s an extrovert (to an extent) one sided convos r not fun !!!!
those 2 don’t stay downstairs for too long lmao,, they’re usually back upstairs within 10 to 15 mins,,, depending on how long their convos last ofc
but that’s the norm usually lol
atp, as soon as ariana gets back upstairs, she applies a bit of perfume
yes, that’s right jkdhewidsjk
she always,, always applies some b4 she goes to bed,,, like she doesn’t want to fall asleep in the middle of what she’s doing & forget to do so lmao
ruins her whole night fr /j
her preferred fragrances r either chanel no 5 (ofc SJDKEWJD), boudoir (from vivienne westwood !), versace crystal noir, desire by d&g, nomade by chloe,, orrrrr,,,, viva la juicy :)) she has a lot more ofc JSJDKSEJ (,,,i might just make a list of em one day who knows-)
(btw hot girls also apply perfume before bed !)
(argue w a wall !!!! /lh)
(,,also damn ari smells good good,,,,,)
ari finally changes into an actual pair of (preferably silk) pjs now HSKEJWKEMJ
(also she’s seriously debating on whether she should take her curlers out or not lol)
(,,she doesn’t but shhhh)
ofc, she takes those under eye mask thingies off too lol,, then she usually puts on some music & scrolls down her phone (bc why wouldn’t she,,,,,,, /lh), reads, or finishes an ep of a drama / anime she’s watching :)) 
like,, kakegurui, what’s wrong w secretary kim, vincenzo, the penthouse, sky castle, strangers from hell, girl from nowhere, crash landing on you, & hotel del luna ??? oooouuu girlie is all over those !!! like c’mon taste !!!!!
(she was literally in hotel del luna btw lol)
she also massages her face while doing stuff, too !
like w rose quartz or jade rollers,,, some gua shas,,,, like i said, BOUGIE
ari usually massages her face for a good,,, mmm,, 10 mins ?? but sometimes she gets uh,, carried away LMAOOOO like it can be 25 mins until she stops jkdhskfdjk SHE DOESNT EVEN NOTICESJDKS
she does tht every morning & every night,, bloating sucks fr
(ari has the tendency to tweeze her eyebrows too lol,, that’s why they’re like,, megan fox circa 2009 thin DKJSKEWIK)
(but they look damn good,, like natural arch n all !!!)
also, here’s sumn cute !
sometimes, ariana gets byakuya to watch said dramas w her,, it’s v cute to see him get so interested outta nowhere :(( (justdon’tlethimwatchhyejin’sbackstory /ref)
ari will also let him read to her,, like she’d just lay on his chest & his voice will even put her to sleep from time to time :(((
& she’s endlessly grateful 4 tht shdkjkewjk
like omg he’d stroke or braid her hair too FUCK :(((((((((
i remember saying back in my old hcs for nights w ari that she’d like,, work on scripts & stuff,,, and that is def sumn i’m taking out bc,,,,,,,
like no tf she would not !! ms ma’am hates working before she sleeps
like ?????? did u forget she has insomnia ??? stfu !!!!
,,,moving on teehee !
ariana likes going to bed at around,, 11 pm or so
a lil later than byakuya ofc (as in a whole hour,,,,, sometimes-)
like she’s still talking w ppl she knows or catching up w,, literally everything while she was away from social media all damn day lmao
ofc, she always has to take her sleeping meds b4 going to bed (or just melatonin gummies lol)
ari remembers to take them on her own ofc, but sometimes byakuya has to remind her y’know ???
like there’s a good chance her brain will be fuckin scattered when she’s filming sumn (& if she’s filming more than 1 thing ???? oooouuuuu good lord,,,,,,)
ari’s easily stressed,, so sometimes she forgets when she’s caught up in a lot of shit lol
so byakuya never fails to remind her :))
(nah bc i’m so deadass !! give my man his “best husband” award right NEOW !!!!)
& after that’s all said n done, now she can curl up in bed & finally rest jdkiweksd
like girlie needs her beauty sleep !!!
uhhh also-
this is rare for her but,, sometimes ari will smoke b4 bed lol
it calms her down a lot, esp since the ones she smokes r flavored, but byakuya’s right next to her & she’s considerate so,,, yeah wuekjskdhs
her favs r mint, btw-
coughs anyways !
,,,,it’s honestly such a gamble when ariana’s sleeping tbh
she’s a sleep cuddler 1 day, & is the exact opposite the next lmao
most of the time tho, she’s most def a sleep cuddler SHDKSEKSJW
in the midst of falling asleep, ari will snuggle up next to byakuya w her head & hand on his chest,, like listening to his heartbeat and being so warm is vvv calming
orrrrr !
ari would be on top of him most of the time :)
and the cutest thing abt that position ???
as they’re falling asleep, she will look up at him & ask for a lil goodnight kiss :(((
WEWKSDHSKD sometimes i forget that ariana has the capability to be this fucking sweet !!!!!
n e ways, ari’s sleeping patterns r pretty,,,, interesting lol
usually, she just sleeps on her side,, like she’s a p peaceful sleeper but she does get a lil shifty sometimes lol (insomnia & some p bad dreams from time to time,, ouch),,, sometimes she sleeps on her stomach tho !
u know what i’m most def keeping tho ???
@raes-ramblings mentioned in their “nights w byakuya” hcs (rip to their dangan writing days,, the tag is so dry w/o u fren) that he would subconsciously push his s/o off the bed,, & yes that does happen to ari
and like,,, sometimes she just fuckin,,, STAYS THERE ??????
but then she does get up eventually & her head hurts bc she kinda just,, crashed lol
byakuya togami if u don’t get ur wife off the floor fuck’s wrong wit u !!!!! /lh
ariana doesn’t take off her curlers that often, but when she does, guarantee her hair will be everywhere the next morning JHDSKDJSWEIS
the bed barely looks slept in tho, so that’s a plus ig lmao
,,andddddd that’s a wrap guys !
good GOD that was long,,,,,
why is this 9 pages on google docs r u KIDDING ME ???!?!?!
,,,,n e who,,,
glad i finished this ! and on my bday at that !!
,,the fact that i started this in JUNE tho,,,,,,
cece make ur hcs shorter & stop taking forever to write sumn challenge (impossible) /lh /hj
ok !
hope u enjoyed this tho ! i certainly enjoyed writing em even tho it took me a month lmao
see u whenever i decide to post again lol !!
(also wish me a happy bday or else /lh)
byeeeeeee :))
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