#this fic is about kaz but i love how the others fit in with this story 😀
capinejghafa · 2 years
I'm sure this is not so much controversial as it is something of hc in The Etovost Plague by Spikey44... but I lowkey wish Jesper would get some hate from the Dregs for essentially abandoning them. To quote SOC, "Alliances shifted this way and that in the Barrel, but your gang was your family, the only protection that mattered" (Nina, ch. 14). I think it's nice that he can come and go as he pleases in fics but also there's something wild about the Dregs just straight up being insulted that he can do that when they've all had to work hard to earn even a little of Kaz's appreciation.
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aysegust · 2 months
Pairings: (Kaz Brekker x Reader)
A/N: Hello beautiful people! This was a request back in 2021 and I couldn’t write it. Due to my business in studying and since English isn’t my main language, I wasn’t good in writing that well. I loved the request and I didn’t want it to be bad and recently I started to write again due to ease my mind from the anxious things, I wanted to try and give it a shot. I also put a bit weight into Kaz’s way because I felt that would be more fit for the song and fiction. Hope you like it. Inspired by the song named [Moondust by Jaymes Young]
Request: Hey there dear! I saw your song inspired fic for Kaz with War of Hearts and I loved it. Now I'm wondering if you would do one for Kaz with "Moondust" by Jaymes Young (I'm obsessed with that song lately) in which both him and the reader are in love with each other but they decide to keep it quiet believing that it's the best for the other?
Warnings: It’s all honey and glass
Word Count: 1.242
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Looking at you, like a star
From the place, the world forgot
It was a desperate attempt, trying to catch your glance. Kaz, sweared to himself inside, why he was acting this sentimental. Needing to see your face, hearing your angelic voice and to cross his eyes to yours.
Like you were a star, you shone through the bitterness of Ketterdam. Bitterness of his heart. The one thing he admired you about is that you were caring. Whatever Jesper rambles, what Nina wants to eat, Wylan’s info-dumps or Inej’s prayers -even you cared so deeply about what he wanted to say too.
But most of the times, Kaz didn’t share anything. He just stayed silent. However, you were fine with it. You loved to spend time in his silence, it was calming. A mutual understanding was there.
Both of you could relax with each other’s presence.
And there's nothing, that I can do
Except bury my love for you
But Kaz couldn’t be vulnerable. He had to be strong, cold and sharp. The thing about surviving in the Barrel is that you cannot have any weaklings. If you want to rule, you gotta be cold and cautious.
Sometimes as some of the nights passed without your company, he would think to himself. Besides thinking every outcome, Kaz thoughts about you. How, deeply inside his mind, he wants it. He craves your warmth, your affection and your caring nature.
He lived his life in a hell. He lost his family, his childhood. Living his life with a rage that’s just surround his every moment. With vengeance. Always having his guard on. It was tiring in some way.
His enemies thought the weak spot of him is his limp. They weren’t smart or Kaz’s just too cautious to hide the real one. It was you.
But he never showed it. Every heist, every dinner with Crows, all the sessions of your hangouts, he never showed it. He buried into his chest and never dared to admit anything.
As in the other hand, you understood him. In every action he took, what was the motive behind that.
Living in the Barrel and growing up without a stable home and family wasn’t surprising. In addition to that, the traumas buried under the grounds of Barrel.
The first time you realized he may care for you in a different way. After spilling you his past, he trusted you. That night a bright feeling of anger sat inside your chest and you wanted to protect him. What a conundrum.
Unfortunately after that night, as you also let yourself be vulnerable to him, the other day came and you both pretend that night was never really happened. For the sake of the surviving.
Sometimes, most of the times actually, you wanted it. You would’ve wanted to try. Be brave for him, like a lover. But in these circumstances, it was impossible. If you two met in another life maybe, but in this life, ot was just impossible to act on it.
I long to hear your voice, but still I make the choice
To bury my love (to bury my love)
In the Moondust
A week passed after the petty argument inside his office. He was pissed after an unsuccessful heist. The results of the heist cost the loss of money and Inej got hurt, you got hurt. Under his watch, you got hurt.
Kaz went insane. He was extremely violent as he saw you and Inej got hurt because of the hired Grisha’s in Ketterdam.
As you went to his office later that night, you wanted to talk to him. To explain him that you are alright and everything is going to be alright, he lashed out on you. About your optimism and your carelessness.
Which wasn’t true. You were careful, he knew it. He was pissed because seeing you hurt, he had seen it before but those times he hadn’t realized he was in love with you, this time he knew it. The fact that he tried to shut it out, to bury it out. So he was pissed because he almost lost himself and terrified, Kaz Brekker got terrified. Unlikely of him, wrongfully so.
So, you felt hurt after his accusations and you also got angry with him and the two of you argued.
A week passed. As the of you didn’t hold a conversation. Kaz longed to hear your lovely voice. Your rambles, your gorgeous eyes. However, whenever that thought crossed his mind, he closes his eyes momentarily and try to focus on his work and bury the thoughts of you again.
He was dark, crooked and full of vengeance. Opposite to him; you were like a star. You were kind, elegant and you make things around you better. He wasn’t like that, he was destructive while you were constructive.
Nothing can breathe, in the space
Colder than, the darkest sea
His nightmares came to present again. Haunting him as everyday wasn’t just enough but haunting him into his dreams were cruel as always.
He could feel the Jordie’s lifeless, cold hands gripping his collars. Acting like madly and shouting at him about the past, he was feeling to lump on his throat and the uneasy feeling inside of his body. His hands trembling, his head is foggy and the paralyzing feeling of the touch of skin just makes him want to die. To end his suffering.
But he wouldn’t he just couldn’t.
I have dreams about the days
Driving through your sunset breeze
Because you as Jordie pulls him into the water, you on the other hand help him to breathe again. You came into his dreams, after sleep deprived for days, the only time he drifted off to a nap, it filled with you. You were looking at him with your soft eyes. Your warm smile and your blissful laugh.
You waltzed into his dreams so smoothly and it helped him to sleep for couple hours without waking up in a drenched with sweat.
Yeah, I'm living far away, on the face of the moon
I've buried my love to give the world to you
Maybe in another reality he could’ve held you closer but as like the two of you agreed in a silent way that not acting on what you feel to each other was the of protecting each other.
Kaz Brekker and Y/N L/N had to be careful. Surviving in the Barrel wasn’t easy not when you two had enemies, unfinished business and haunting ghosts from the past.
Nina protested it in a way. She was the one who saw it in the first place. She could her Kaz’s heartbeat as hearing your laughter. It was beating fast. Or whenever he entered the Slat, you would directly look at him and your heartbeat, well, it was beating too fast.
She never understood why you two kept it from each other and why the two of you don’t chase the true love but it was a conversation for another day.
You and Kaz maybe didn’t act upon it but what the two of you felt was real. It wasn’t negotiable and it was pure.
The thought busied him throughout the nights. So he promised himself after he got his revenge on Pekka, he would come for you. He would be a better man for you. He would be more for you, he would try so hard to earn you.
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ms-fade · 1 year
Only his.
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Yandere Older!brotherKaz brekker X Sister reader. +18
Dead dove do not eat! PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS! Because this is really filthy- My house of the dragon fics are making me do this.
Warning: Innocent advantage, sibling-cest, dom/sub-con, fingering, chocking, possessive, yandere tendencies, a bit forced but nothing to bad. Spelling mistakes, this being rushed.
Proclaimer: This is the longest smut I have on here, and it’s also my worst one yet. Sorry that I sinned this much.
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There was one person in all of ketterdam who was untouchable, no matter how close they tried to get they would be dead before they could get to her. Kaz Brekker’s sister, just knowing who she was put a price on your head. She was hidden somewhere, no one really knows where and it didn’t matter how hard anyone looked. She was nowhere to be found. She was his everything and all he had left of family, after his mother dying in childbirth with her, then to his father and then his older brother.
She held the most dangerous man in the palm of her hand.
This was your life, anything you wanted all you had to do was asked. A lovely house far in the fields, a beautiful view of the sky but you could never leave. Men and woman guarded every inch of the place to insure your safety, you even had your own cook. Many dresses that fit you just right, and fine like royalty filled up a room just for you. The way you live, it was like you were a princess. Protected but had everything you wanted, expect freedom.
But this was for the best. He kept you locked up for your own safety. He was your older brother and that was his job and you loved him for it. He’d visit as much as he could a week and always brought something new for you. He’d sleep in the room next to you, or you’d crawl into bed with him at night to get close. He didn’t care about touch when it came to you, his demons didn’t push you away but they demanded more.
You didn’t know much from being sheltered for most of your life, only what he said. Being away from the real world made you innocent and naive. You didn’t know about sex or anything of the sort. That was until Nina found out when she visited, “You shelter little bird.” She took ahold of your arm and smirked. “I will get you some books, but this is our secret okay?” You smiled as she held out her pinky. She was your favorite, she understood you and was just so sweet to you.
A week later she gave you two books, only two to start you off with so you could ease in to it. The words, the actions made you confused at first. But it was what the called love, what a man and woman are supposed to do when the love each other. You learn so much about the human body. Like what’s in between a man’s legs or a woman’s that was different from each other.
Each time you would get to the spicy bits your core would heat up, your body felt warm. Your body was begging to be touched but you didn’t know what to do. It was making you frustrated, you needed to have a release. Each night when you’d go to bed you’d dream of what the books said. A man overtop of you and kissing your skin, the moans on your lips.
Kaz started to notice your mood drip down at times. “Sweetheart.” He’d call you when you stared off into space. You’d blush each time, “Hmm?” Your sweet eyes looked at him. “Are you alright?” Each time you’d nod and smile at him, then return to your bouncy self. Each time he got closer to the truth.
It was late in the night and you were supposed to be asleep, kaz had to finish his work in the office there. He was planning another heist, one that would pay a shiny penny. The door creaked open and you stood there, heavy eyes and messy hair. His eyes took you in and his body tensed up, the silk dress sticking to your skin. He saw your breasts and the hardened nipples showing from underneath. Your hips and body are almost on display, at just a thin layer to separate your naked skin from him.
“Y/n, you should be asleep.” You whined at his words and walked closer to him, his mind going crazy at the pout on your lips. You shuffled across the wooden floor to him, “I couldn’t sleep.” He smiled and opened his arms to you and patted his lap. “Come sit, I know you fall asleep with you touch me.” You flashed him a smile and hopped up into his lap. You wrapped your legs around him and made sure not to hurt him.
“Thank you.” You giggled and kissed his cheek and the skin burned underneath your lips. His breath hitched and his head only thinking of all the things he could do to you. He saw the dress ride up your thighs and stretched, your underwear was on his pants and he could see the little white cloth. But he had to hold himself back and take a deep breath that only smelled of your scent, almost pushing himself over the edge.
At this moment your body was complete on fire and you could fell the wetness in your underwear and on your pussy lips. You thought with him it would cool you down but it only made it worse. His body was just making you drool. The passed few nights it wasn’t just some random guy you saw in a dream, it was him touching you.
“Kaz.” You whispered into his neck where you rested your head. You heard him answer in a hum. Your face burnt up in embarrassment and frustration at the question you were going to ask. “Never mind.” You shook your head and tried to forget about it. Kaz didn’t like when you kept things to yourself, he needed to know everything about you.
So his hands found your hips and pulled you back so you leaned up on his lap, your body pressing just right down onto him. “Speak your mind.” His voice deepens and his hands tighten against the skin of your hips. You swallowed and turned your head to the side, he watched the redness brighten up on your cheeks. Your hair fell in front of your face and tried to hide you. This amused him, he liked when you blushed and got shy.
“Come on, be a good girl and tell me.” He knew just how much you liked when he praised you and used that voice with you. He learned you’d listen to anything he would say if he talked down to you. You huffed and crossed your arms, “You love me right?” He almost laughed at your ridiculous question and wondered how the hell you could ever asked him that.
But he stopped the laugh in his chest but he did smile, “More then anything, you now that.” You nodded. “I love you too. You’re all I have kaz.” You placed your hands on his chest. He watched you face him and your eyebrows frown, with beaming eyes that stared at him. “Then why do you never touch me?” He froze up and his eyes went wide.
How could even know those words- No, you didn’t mean anything sinful by it.
“I touch you all the time.” He answered. “Not like that.” he raised a brow as you took his hand into yours. “You never touch me here.” You place his hands on your chest and he felt the soft skin underneath. He couldn’t stop the groan coming from his lips at your warmth, “And how do you know i should?” Kaz couldn’t stop himself from moving his hands across your breast and gave it a soft message.
“It’s when people love each other, more then anything and want the other- Do you not love me enough?” Your voice sadden and tears started to collect in your eyes. He shh’d you and leaned up closer, “You’re the only thing I love in this world.” You sniffed and smiled a bit. “I just didn’t know if you were ready for me,” his face got closer to yours and his eyes glanced down to your lips and back up to your eyes. “Do you want me to touch you?”
Kaz heard you take a breath and your body twitch a bit. “Please.” You whispered a beg and that’s all it took as he crashed his lips onto yours for the first time. All this time of yarning for you, your body and soul was finally here. But this was the part where he lost all control for what he once worried about and now all he wanted to do was please you.
As his lips moved against yours his hands went down to your dress and put them inside. He felt your skin that was hot under his fingertips, you’d gasp a bit in his mouth. He realized he couldn’t feel around your body because of the fabric so he pulled back. “Get up.” He demanded and pushed you back softly off his lap. “Take it off and get on the desk.”
You obeyed his commands and lifted your dress up and over your head, it finding its way to the floor. His eyes glued to your naked body as saw it up close, not covered in water and soup or by a towel. You sat back on the table and he watched your chest bounce as your moved, his cock fully hardened. You saw his hunger gaze and being finally naked made you want to hide but you didn’t.
“You’re breathtaking.” He complimented you and got out of his seat. You blushed and smiled at his praise. He got in between your legs and his hands found their way up to your nipples again. “I want you to hold nothing back.” As soon as he said that his fingers pitched the sensitive skin of your nipples. You gasped and your back arched at the new feeling and the pain.
“I’ve dreamed of this, to feel and hear you.” He leaned down and groaned in your ear, his hands still working on your chest. “Do you know how much I had to hold back?” He sounded rough and desperate. His lips kisses your neck and you moaned and titled your head to the side for him to have more room. “Fuck.” He growls and sinks his teeth in your skin.
You squealed at the pain and your pussy clinched at the feeling. “Kaz.” You called his name and he smirked. “That’s right, I’m the on making you feel good.” He pulled his hands back and yanked your hips forward to the edge of the desk. His fingers tugged the cloth of your underwear down and down to fall on your ankles.
You gasped at being fully on displayed for him, he could see your puffy pussy. “Look at you,” he teased as he stared at you, “So pretty.” You looked away from him and leaned onto your hands. “You’re just saying that.” You felt a bit self conscious because you had no idea what you were supposed to look like.
“Don’t say that, never say that again. I’m your elder brother and I’ll never lie to you.” He expressed and you felt at ease. He pushed your thighs apart to get a better view at your cunt, the glossy sopping hole. “You know what I’m going to do with my hands?” He asked, if you knew you could touch each other then he needed to know everything you did.
You nodded, “I want them in me, I want to learn the feeling.” As if he couldn’t get any more turned on his cock throbbed at your tone, soft and needy. “It might hurt for the first, but you’ll be crying in pleasure when I’m done.” His hand moved up to your mouth and he shoved his fingers in. You chocked a bit and gasp, he didn’t really give you a warning. But you had read about this, you were supposed to suck them. So you moved your tongue across his fingers and closed your mouth to get it coated with your spit.
Kaz watched you closely and he thought about how good it would feel to have your mouth wrapped around his cock. But he’d have to wait for that because tonight was about you. He pulled his hand away from your mouth and placed it in between your thighs. His fingers dragged through your slit and clit, you moaned at the sweet felling. He likes your reactions so far but he couldn’t wait to see you cry from just his fingers, he needed to hear you scream for him.
So he took one finger and pressed it at your entrance and slowly pushed it in, and because you were already aroused it slipped in easily. You moan and lean back slight to part your legs, it hurt for a minute but he didn’t care. Half of him liked to see you in pain. He started to move his finger in and out at a slow pace and enjoyed to watch it. “Kaz.” You whimpered at the feeling, it was so good. You wanted more, you needed more of him.
He looked up at you and started to thrust his finger in faster and it was too much for you and you screamed out. Rough and fast his fingers moved within you, you twitched up at the overwhelming speed. You tried to grab his wrist put he just slapped you away, he was having to much fun. You closed your eyes and moaned out, small tears came out the corner of your eyes.
“You can’t even take what you asked for,” he taunted and laughed, “is it too much for you?” His voice wasn’t sweet and caring, it was teasing and amused. You couldn’t speak so you just nodded your head, your pussy squealing at the fast movements. “To fucking bad.” You whined and cried.
Kaz shifted his weight and pushed his fingers in so far to get farther within you and curled just right. “Fuck.” You cried out and arched up. Kaz looked at you and glared at the word, you were forbidden to use such filthy words. He precious girl.
His other hand reached up and grabbed your throat into his grasp and squeezed the sides and took ahold of you. Your eyes shot opened, you felt panic and shocked. “Did I tell you to use such words?” You head shook as much as he let you. Your voice didn’t get passed his grip. “That’s the only pass I give you, or I will make it so you can’t walk.” He forced your head closer to him as his gaze darkened.
“Do you understand?” You wanted to whimper and get away from him, he’d never be so rough with you. But for some reason it was intoxicated how he controlled you. When you nodded your head yes and he let you go, and you gasped for air to refill your lungs. You didn’t get a break as he pulled his fingers out of your pussy and yanked you off the desk.
You wanted to question his actions but you saw him fiddling with his belt and you understood what he was doing. You started to get excited at the thought of seeing his cock, something you had only pictured before. “You look desperate.” He teased and made you roll your eye, which he caught.
He spin you around and slammed you onto the desk, your ass up in the air and bend for him. “You must really like to test me,” his nails dug into the soft skin on your ass and it made you cry out. It made you shake underneath his touch. “I was going to be easy, but maybe you need a reminder to follow the rules.” You wanted to fight back but you knew he didn’t like back talking so you sat still.
You felt something pressed against your pussy and you felt your stomach turn, it was his cock. “You want to be a good girl for me?” He asked and your heart screamed, it was all you ever did. Kaz taught you that you needed to be good for him, like it was your life purpose. You never had another choice. “Yes. Please, I’ll be good.” You howled with a desperate voice.
Kaz took his hands stretched you part and pushed his cock head through your walls, slowly going in. It took a minute for you to take him and get passed the tip. You’d never been so full before and it hurt, so you gripped the table at the pain. “Kaz” you whispered a plead but he just kept going in and you cried at the pain. You were thankful that you were so wet that it helped him inside.
Kaz thrusts up and bottoms out within you and your voice filled up the room along with a groan from him. Kaz pulled out of you and slammed back into you before you had gotten used to his size. You sobbed and hit your head on the wooden table and your legs moved a bit. “You’re going to take what I give you.” He started to move and didn’t care if you were ready or not, you’d get used to it soon.
It only took a few thrusts before you were sobbing in pleasure and you started to try and move back for more. Your pussy leaked onto your own thighs and onto his cock, it making your ass sticky. Your stomach curled up at the feeling but the way he sounded made it more pleasurable.
Kaz couldn’t handle the feeling of your little hole finally around him, that he already felt like filling you up. He was addicted to the feel before he could even fuck you and now he’d at least fuck you once a week. “That’s a good girl,” he brought his hand and slapped your cheek with a hard blow. You jumped a bit at the surprise and clinched around him, “Take me so fucking well.”
He growled and his hips went faster and his cock hit your insides. “Kaz.” You whined at the feeling growing in your stomach and you tried to suck him in. Kaz couldn’t bare the feeling of you clinching around him so he went faster and harder to get you to cum faster. “Cum- Oh, shit. You better fucking come.”
You voice got higher and your eyes rolled back as you began to see stars and with a few more thrust your mind went black and a wave flashed through your body. Your legs wobbled and your cunt pulsed around him and he felt your cum leak onto him and that pushed him over the edge. You felt his hot cum shot inside of you and it made you feel fuzzy. Your body shook with the feeling of your release and being filled up.
He groaned and stop his movements and let every bit of his cum leak into you. He breathed hard and didn’t pull out out of you for a minute and rested. That aloud you to have a breath and your eyes become heavy and your body got tired.
“I’m sorry,” he said and then grabbed a fistful of your hair and yanked your head back, your body was pulled up and your back hit his chest. “But I can’t stop here.” His hips slapped up again and your body began to shake and your mind went blank again. “To much- need to rest.” You begged him. But he wrapped his arms around your arms and over you.
“You’ll rest when I’m done.” you couldn’t do anything but cry in pleasure as he continued to fuck up into you. It was just too much and you were so sensitive at just coming and it being yours first real time. “Just take it.” He kissed behind your ear.
“Such a good girl.” It wasn’t until he pumped you full three times and you collapsed in his arms that he stopped. No matter how much you begged at overstimulation, or how many times you came around him. He fucked you full until you could stand.
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euphoniumpets · 1 year
Second in command | Nikolai Lantsov x Starkov! Reader
Summary: After being tested in Keramzin, you found yourself in the little palace and after joining the second army, you got captured by the grisha hunters that led you into a terrible fate. However, after getting rescued by the hands of dirtyhands of himself, Kaz Brekker saw you as an great investment for his team. After reuniting with Alina and Mal throughout the kidnapping and going on your seperating your ways, you meet the prince himself and joins him on his ship and as the third charm, Alina and Mal joins your ship after running away.
Requested? yes: I was wondering if i could req a Nikolai lantsov x Starkov! reader? Where she (as alina's older sister) and Alina somehow got separated after getting captured by grisha hunters, but she escaped and eventually went on to become a crow. They finally reunite when Alina & Mal running away from Bohdan, unexpectedly sees her in Sturmhond's crew, and especially how close Sturmhond seems to be with Reader.
A/N: lol, my goal is to fill tumblr with Nikolai Lantsov fics.
Warnings: ptsd, violence, blood and gore, mentions of scars.
he seriously taking my breath away in this gif
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You could remember when you were a child, your life got taken away abruptly. You never had a choice to taking care of your younger sister back at the orphange and had to have your head straight. That all changed when the Grisha people came to test you.
You had hoped that Alina would come with you and as well Mal. You could remember the screams that left your lips as they dragged you away to the little palace.
It was then you hated the place. You hated how the people looked at you because you were an outsider. At first, you had a hard time fitting into the place. You couldn't control your powers, let alone to use your power to create a wave with your powers.
It took time and when you finally mastered your powers, the general had assigned you to the second army. You had made a few friends there, back at the little palace and Zoya was one of them.
Zoya was a popular girl there and you didn't knew why the two of you matched so well. Zoya thought that you were an odd, quiet girl who stood out in the background and often thought to herself why she tried hard to befriend you.
You had asked the same questions for years and the two of you befriended each other. The two of you got assigned by the general since the two of you were a trusted companion during the sea and since Zoya was an excellent squaller.
The general had assigned the two of you to rescue some Grisha that had been caught by grisha hunters, however, you got seperated at the sea with yoru crew, losing Zoya in the process and then getting captured by the Grisha hunters that they considered themselves as the drüskelles.
You met a heartrender there at the same ship, lovely woman that one and the one thing you liked Nina Zenik was with her quick wits. You couldn't use your powers since they were being tied up, your hands were no use.
The ship settled down in Ketterdam and somehow, you got lucky when you could escape from the ship. You was about to move toward Nina to help her out of her chains, but she shook her head. ''Go,'' Nina replied, making you frown at her.
''What about you?'' You asked her. ''I'll be fine, go when you have the chance,''
''I will to leave you behind,'' You argued. ''But you have to,'' Nina replied. ''Go before they come back,''
''How will I ever repay you?'' You asked. ''Spare me a waffle if I survive,'' Nina responded with a smile. You shook your head before you sprinted out of the ship.
You could hear one of the Drüskelle shouting in Fjerdan as you ran through the city of Ketterdam. Upon stumbling, you saw a crow in front of you before you saw the Grisha hunters coming towards you.
They approached you as they tried to fight you, however, you waved your hands in motion as the water from the fountains moved towards them, knocking them down.
One of them stood up from the ground and was about to attack you again before a knife was thrown into their chest. You looked at the man in shock before turning around and saw a female and two males behind you.
''I suggest you will leave this place before we do something that you will regret,'' The man in the hat spoke with a dangerous low tone and looked at the Grisha hunters.
''She belongs to us, she's a witch that has escaped,'' One of the Grisha hunters sneered and looked at you wiht disgust. ''She does no longer belong to you, leave, or we will do something that you will regret,''
''Literally,'' The man next to the hat replied and showed the guns in his hands. The Grisha hunters huffed and didn't say a word before they left the place.
And now, three years later, here you were with the dangerous criminals in Ketterdam as a crow. Looking back, you often thought to yourself if you missed your old home, and it had changed over the years since the crows was your family.
You were lucky that day after Kaz and the others had set you free from the Grisha hunters. However, you wanted to do something so much more than running in a club with gangs. You longed for the adventure and after hearing a rumor about a pirate named Sturmhond and his crew being in Ketterdam for contacts and recruiting vaulable asset to his crew.
After saying goodbye to the crows and making your way to contact Sturmhond, you were overjoyed that he recieved it and arranged a meeting.
Upon first glance, you never expected him to be soo... young for being a pirate. It was an odd thing, that he was a little too young and almost too handsome, you wanted to think that.
Most pirates that you've seen when you got captured and during your time at the sea, however Sturmhond was different. You didn't thought much of it.
''So, Y/N,'' Sturmhond replied and looked at the letter in his hand where you had wrote him the message that you were interested of joining his crew.
''What makes you so valuable to be with our crew?'' He questioned, leaned into the chair and sent you a flirtatious grin. ''I'm a tidemaker, a powerful one,'' You spoke, ignoring the comment he made. The only downside was that he was a flirtatious pirate.
You watched him as he looked at you with a thoughtful look before shrugging his shoulders. ''Alright, you are accepted into our crew, Tamar will show your room,'' He spoke and you looked at him with a deadpanned expression.
''I'm sorry, is that just it? No other questions or...?'' You trailed off as he chuckled. ''No, I trust you enough with your beauty,'' Sturmhond remarked.
And that's how it has been ever since you met Sturmhond. He was reckless, funny, caring, and most of all, he was very flirty with you.
Only you and you noticed it. The whole crew noticed it that Sturmhond had fallen in love with you and he was sure that he would make it that everybody will know it.
It bothered you, in fact, you were annoyed by his comments but deep down, it made your heart warm.
After hearing that you got new arrivals when your crew had prepared for your next journey during the night, you were shocked to see your sister and Mal again after so many years.
You didn't spoke much of your family and Sturmhond knew that was a sensitive spot for you. You spoke so highly of your sister sometimes throwing in comments like: ''Alina would've like this'' or that ''Mal was the protective one over you'' and he finally got to see how they acted and know.
You two didn't got the time to speak or catching up since Alina and Mal would drag you with them and catch everything up, but they didn't miss the longing eyes in Sturmhond. They had always a suspicion that Sturmhond had feelings for you, but never spoke it about it.
After crossing the Fold and Alina's attempt to getting it down, you never expected to find about who Sturmhond really was. After knowing in for four years and trusting him, you got your answers right when he revealed to be the prince of Ravka.
You thought all of it was a joke when Alina had punched him in the face and wanted to confront him. Alina had walked away after that and cooled off somewhere with Mal as you walked inside of his tent.
''Can we speak?'' You asked as he turned around. It all was so different now when he wasn't wearing his regular clothes.
''Yeah, I think we need to,'' Sturmhond - or Nikolai replied. ''What do I call you now? Sturmhond or Moi Tsar?'' You asked uncertianly as you heard him chuckle.
''Just call me Nikolai,'' He responded with a soft smile. ''I know I haven't been truthful about my identity and I understand that you don't want to be in my second anymore,''
''You still want me to be it? Your second?'' You asked him with wide eyes.
''Of course? You've always been my second, Y/N,'' Nikolai replied and began to step closer to you. ''You're the one who belongs to my heart,''
''So, how much this change, about us?'' You asked quietly and looked down. You felt him lift up your chin to meet his eyes.
''Nothing,'' He replied and flickered down at your lips. ''Really?'' You questioned with wide eyes.
''Really, really,'' He responded as a small smile formed on his lips and then leaned down to meet yours.
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sophierequests · 1 year
a deal is a deal // set it up part one
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Pairing: Kaz Brekker x gn!Reader
A/N: I have no words or reason for this fic. I watched the movie 'Set It Up' recently, and I just knew that I had to write a fic inspired by it. I didn't intend on indulging in it this much, but this fic will definitely be a two-partner since I have written almost 10K words and I can't possibly post that monstrosity in good conscience. I absolutely love the concept of matchmaking and fake dating, so consider this fic one huge clusterfuck of tropes I enjoy. And I hope all of you can enjoy it too <3
You can find part two here!
Summary: Wylan and Jesper are helplessly pining over each other, and everyone is starting to get sick of it. Especially Kaz and the reader seem to have suffered enough under their friends' behaviour. So of course, the only reasonable conclusion is to set them up.
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 5.0K
Warnings: Cursing, feelings, Kaz being a little bitch, pining, mention of his touch aversion
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“Unless you saw someone cheat at Three Man Bramble, I don’t appreciate you spying on paying customers.” You were close to falling off your barstool when Kaz’s voice materialised beside you all of a sudden.
“For Saints’ sake, Kaz!” you hissed at the darkly-clad man leaning against the bar to your left, a certain look of amusement accentuating his features as he saw the way you panickedly held onto the counter. He shook his head at how easily startled you were. “You can’t just sneak up on people like that. I was dangerously close to knocking you out.”
He raised his brows, throwing a telling glance at his cane, and then back at you. Sneaking around wasn’t exactly his speciality. At least not during the main business hours of the Crow Club. He preferred to make his presence known.
“Didn’t I just tell you to stop prying?” Kaz repeated nervelessly when your eyes returned to the card’s table you had been staring at for about half an hour now. Not that he would know how long you had been sitting here. It’s not like he had been watching you during said half an hour. He had other - a lot more significant - tasks to tend to, rather than wasting his time by letting himself get distracted by you.
“Shush,” you silenced him quickly, craning your head slightly towards him to get a better view of your stalking victims. “I’m not spying on paying customers. I’m spying on Jesper and Wylan. That’s as far away from paying customers as it can get.”
“And why exactly would you do that?”
“Jesper went right to the gambling tables after we came back from the job earlier, and he has stayed there ever since. I assume you can guess who has been standing right next to him for just as long? Our little merchling is so in love, it’s painful to watch,” you whispered excitedly, completely ignoring the fact that Kaz was not one to necessarily care for dull relationship gossip.
“I should stop giving you this much time off if this is how you choose to spend it,” he grumbled, subtly following your gaze to watch the terribly awkward scene between the two Crows. Not because he genuinely cared about their immature ways of expressing their emotions, of course.
“Don’t be such a grump, Brekker,” you snorted, giving him a playful eye roll. “Admit it, they’d make such a cute couple! They could probably even compete with Nina and Matthias - don’t tell her I said that.”
“Judging by the fact that Zenik and Helvar were blood-sworn enemies before they fell into their…situationship, that won’t be such a difficult task.”
“See! You think they’d be a great fit too! What a shame one is just as oblivious as the other,” you sighed, twirling around the few remaining ice cubes that floated around in your drink.
“And you think staring them down will help ease their obliviousness?” Your head turned to face him fully, a mischievous glimmer present in your eyes. A glimmer he really didn’t like.
“Help me,” you blurted out.
“Help you with what?” he asked, a quizzical expression on his face.
“Oh, uhm, I have no concise plan yet since I thought you’d just immediately say no to me asking you for help. What I know is that I can’t watch them tiptoe around their feelings any longer. I need to do something. And you are precisely the right person to help me with that.”
“What exactly makes me the ‘right person’ to help you with getting these two idiots together?”
“Think about it. I’m Wylan’s best friend, you’re Jesper’s best friend - don’t you dare deny it! Together we can get all the intel - all the important information on how they feel about each other. It’s perfect! We could set them up and they wouldn’t even notice our involvement.”
“Absolutely not,” Kaz answered determinedly, choosing to not indulge in your childish games any longer. “As long as it’s not affecting their job performance, their relationship is none of my concern. I have more important things to do than worry about their problems with intimacy.”
“Come on, Kaz. Please?” you pouted as the man in question already shifted to head back to his office again.
“No, Y/N. They’ll be fine without our interference,” he tactfully ignored your overly dramatic plea.
“Alright, alright,” you mumbled, watching him leave with a hint of disappointment settling in your chest. “You’ll regret it eventually.”
“I’m sure I will.”
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“Jesper, you’ll need to- Jesper? Jesper, focus,” Kaz ordered, having to pry the sharpshooter’s eyes away from the window for what felt like the hundredth time today. He, Inej and the lovesick Zemeni boy had been working on the details of a minor upcoming job for over two hours, seemingly not making any noticeable progress. It was safe to say that this issue was instantly accredited to Jesper, whose mind appeared to be somewhere completely else.
Even though Kaz didn’t want to admit it, he did regret not taking you up on your offer of trying to get the two together. It had become more and more evident that they were too blind to see that their feelings were mutual, and Kaz was starting to get sick of it. Why couldn’t they just act on their feelings and spare everyone around them the pain of having to watch them act like insecure little kids? What did they have to lose? It was ridiculous, really.
Kaz knew that he was close to losing his patience. And his composure would jump out of the window soon after if things didn’t change.
“Sorry boss,” Jesper apologised hastily, sitting up a bit straighter and at least acting as if his attention was back on the mindless scribbles in front of him. “I was just a bit lost in thought. The…weather is so pretty today, after all.”
The weather in question was a mixture of dark gloomy clouds and the occasional rain shower - a typical day in Ketterdam, but definitely far from pretty. Maybe the weather that Jesper had in mind was ginger and able to play the flute, Kaz thought.
“We should probably leave this here,” he let out a huffed breath, meeting Inej’s confused glance.
“What? But the jo-”
“The job can only work if everyone is on the same page,” he interjected Jesper’s unnecessary attempt at defending himself. “You can leave - both of you. I’ll see what I can work out on my own.”
“Are you sure you won’t need any help with this?” the Suli girl asked hesitantly, waiting for her friend to give them another task instead of just letting them off the hook this easily.
“No, it’s fine. Go,” he nodded towards the door, his eyes following Jesper, who was already on his way out. Before Inej could do the same, he decided to give her one last task. “Inej? Tell Y/N to come up here in the next five minutes. I need to discuss something with them.”
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“You wanted to see me, boss?” you questioned as soon as you entered Kaz’s semi-tidy office space. When Inej told you that he wanted to speak to you, your heart almost sunk to the bottom of your stomach. People being called up to speak to Kaz rarely ever got out with their dignity still intact.
“Sit,” he demanded, his gaze never leaving the papers on his desk as he motioned for you to sit in the chair across from him.
“Kaz, if this is about th-”
“Don’t start. Whatever you were about to tell me has probably not been brought to my attention yet, so I won’t allow it to occupy my mind until it pops up on its own. Now sit.”
You carefully obeyed his request, slowly sinking into the offered chair while your eyes still remained fixed on the man in front of you.
“He has become absolutely insufferable,” Kaz sighed, letting his fountain pen drop out of his hand and finally acknowledging your physical presence with a defeated glare. “I didn’t even think it was possible for him to become even more intolerable.”
“Who exactly are you talking about?”
“Who do you think I’m talking about? Our favourite bawdy flirt-gill has been acting like an infatuated teenage girl and it is driving me mad.”
“Oh! You’re talking about Jesper!” you let out a stifled laugh upon seeing his tired expression. “So you’re basically admitting that I was right about us having to intervene?”
“I’m merely admitting that there was some truth to what you were saying. Don’t get it twisted and don’t get used to it,” he corrected dryly. “And wipe that self-satisfied grin off your face. I didn’t call you up here to bask in your supposed victory.”
“Well, what else am I supposed to do about it?” you replied sheepishly, fully aware that you were dangerously close to testing your limits.
“I’m agreeing to whatever you had in mind as long as it stops Jesper from acting like this.”
“Consider it a deal.”
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“When I told you that I’m agreeing to whatever you had in mind as long as it stops Jesper from acting like a dotty puppy, I didn’t mean that you were allowed to barge into my office whenever you please,” your boss grumbled, watching you stumble through the door like you had one drink too many.
“Good morning, Kaz, it’s lovely to see you too,” you dismissed his very obviously spiteful remark, walking right up to the chair you had dubbed yours. “I’ve been thinking a lot about our two problem children and I had an idea.”
“Oh, so miracles do happen,” he jeered, letting himself lean back in his chair as he watched you get comfortable.
“With all due respect - which isn’t a lot - go fuck yourself.”
“I’ll consider it once you’re done telling me about that magnificent idea of yours.”
“Okay, so, Wylan just stopped me in the hallway to ask whether I want to get coffee with him next Friday.” A waterfall of words began to tumble out of your mouth, giving Kaz quite a few difficulties following what you were trying to say. “So, wouldn’t it be an absolute coincidence if Jesper would also go out for a coffee on Friday? It would be such a nice change of pace for them to spend time with…different people - other than us.”
“I am not asking Jesper to go get coffee with me,” Kaz replied laconically, giving you a dissatisfied look in an attempt to convey that he was not too fond of your musings.
“I am not asking you to get a coffee with Jesper - Saints, that man is going to think that you have a thing for him. We don’t even have to leave the Slat for this plan to work.”
“Now I’m intrigued.”
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“Please explain to me again why specifically I have to join you on that job?” Jesper bemoaned as he followed Kaz down the stairs. He was not in the mood for playing his boss’ bodyguard today. He wasn’t even in the mood to leave the Slat. It didn’t help that a certain merchling had been occupying his mind for the entirety of last week, pushing every coherent thought to the furthest corner of his brain. “Can’t you ask Inej? Or Matthias? Or literally anyone else? Wait, why don’t you just ask Y/N? You two seem to be getting along surprisingly well recently.”
“Y/N is already busy,” Kaz objected skilfully. “And having a normal work relationship is not the same as ‘getting along surprisingly well’. Flush these thoughts out of your system immediately.”
“I’m just saying,” Jesper snickered, putting his hand up in front of him defensively.
“Kaz? Jesper?” your cheery voice greeted them as soon as they entered the living room area. Wylan and you had been lounging on the couch for quite some time now, simply chatting about life - and love, even though Wylan refused to give you too much information on his ill-fated crush. Of course, you had ulterior motives for staying that long, but your friend didn’t know that. “What are the two of you up to?”
"We have a job near Fourth Harbour," Kaz replied sternly.
"And he's forcing me to come with him," the sharpshooter groaned, his eyes drifting towards the timid boy sitting next to you, flashing him a cocky wink. "What are you up to? Whatever it is, it looks like a lot more fun than whatever Mister Ruin-My-Mood has in store for me."
"Jesper," Kaz warned, throwing you a quick glance, wordlessly asking you to take over.
"We wanted to head out for coffee and some sweet treats later," you mused, watching Jesper's expression turn sour.
"Won't you look at that, Kaz? This is what other friends do in their spare time," he grumbled.
"Hey, why don't you two just go and grab a coffee?" you offered, your gaze wandering between the two soon-to-be lovebirds.
"Us?" Wylan stammered, his finger pointing from him to Jesper, who looked equally as befuddled.
"Yes, you. Jes clearly isn't in the mood for going on a job today, and I haven't been on a proper one in ages," you suggested, giving your friends an encouraging smile.
"You genuinely want to join Kaz on a job with just the two of you? Like willingly?" the Zemeni boy joked, nudging your shoulder with his elbow.
"I'm sure I'll manage. Kaz?" You gave him an expectant look, watching as the ghost of a smirk flashed over his lips.
"Fine," he rasped, causing Jesper to break out into a wide grin, whilst Wylan looked a little short of horrified. "Maybe now we'll actually get some work done."
"And maybe we'll finally get some peace and quiet, won't we? I haven’t gone out just to get coffee in such a long time.” His attention turned to the young merch, whose head had turned as red as the soles of Jesper’s shoes.
“I’m sure you will have the loveliest of days,” Kaz deadpanned, gesturing for you to follow him outside into the hallway.
“Enjoy your day!” you called before quickly exiting the living room, leaving Wylan alone to deal with his crush. You could have sworn that he mouthed the word ‘help’ before you crossed the threshold to the corridor.
“That worked way better than I had expected,” he uttered, barely loud enough for you to hear his words clearly.
“I told you it would work,” you bragged, earning a disapproving headshake from the man standing next to you. “You’re not the only mastermind in this team.”
“So what’s the next step in your plan then?”
“We could just stay back here and wait for them to come back. I’m sure they’d tell us if something happened between them.” You locked eyes with him again, the intensity causing goosebumps to spread over his arms. “Or we could get out and follow them. Just to make sure that they’re alright of course.”
“I’m not following them.”
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“This is ridiculous,” Kaz said as he watched you gape at Jesper and Wylan who were currently sitting on the terrace of the café you had pushed them to go to. You found a corner table at the bakery across from where your friends were sitting, giving you the chance to stay unnoticed while also being able to see whatever was going on between them.
“This is fun,” you hummed, leaning a bit further forwards to flash Kaz a cheeky smile, which was slightly hidden by the obnoxious fake roses in the middle of the table. “Don’t you want to see how this will turn out?”
“No.” You frowned at the impassive tone of his voice.
“You didn’t have to join me, Kaz.” He didn’t. He knew that. As a matter of fact, the pile of unfinished documents on his desk only seemed to get higher by the minute. Yet, against all his better judgement, he still abandoned his work in an instant just to go and see whether your plan was working or not. It was foolish to agree to it, however, for some reason, he still did. He was going insane - he was sure of it.
“I don’t trust you to not fuck this up on the first chance you get,” he stated after a short moment of him just staring at the empty space beside your head.
“You trust no one, yet I don’t see you holding Matthias’ hand whenever you let him go on a solo job - well, metaphorically holding his hand.”
Before Kaz could defend himself, the waitress approached your table, bringing over both of your drinks. She had a sickly sweet smile on her painted lips that made him want to bash his head onto the table. He resisted said urge in order to not make a scene though.
“I’ll assume the black coffee is for you?” the woman joked, eying Kaz’s grimly-looking outfit from head to toe, silently accepting the cup and placing it in front of him. She handed you the drink you had ordered and turned around to attend to the other guests. “Feel free to call me over in case you need anything else. Enjoy your date!”
Kaz almost choked on his own spit when he heard that. This was not a date. Not in a million years would he consider this a date. He attempted to seek some sort of confirmation that you shared his sentiment, but when he looked at your face, you didn’t even seem to care about the waitress’ atrocious assumption.
“What is it?” you inquired lowly on taking notice of his slightly bewildered expression.
“She thinks that this is a date. Doesn’t that bother you?”
“… No? Why should it have?” Kaz mentally thanked his luck that Nina wasn’t around. If she had been here to hear the way his heart was running wild she would have probably thought he had a heart attack.
“This is not a date.”
“Yes, I’m very well aware of that fact,” you let out a breathy chuckle in response to that. “And that’s exactly why it doesn’t bother me. I know that this isn’t a date. You know that this isn’t a date. So why should it matter what some random waitress thinks?”
“Oh…” For some odd reason, your answer disappointed him. This wasn’t a date, so you were right to say it. But something inside of him was beginning to make itself known.
“Oh no,” you muttered, your gaze back on the people you were actually here for. He did the same, regretting it immediately as he saw the uncomfortable scene playing out in the other café.
Wylan and Jesper were sitting across from each other at one of the tables on the terrace, giving you the perfect view of every interaction between them. But instead of them looking like the happy couple you had imagined they would be by now, Jesper was frantically collecting paper napkins, trying to help Wylan clean up the massive coffee stain that had formed a deep brown blotch on his previously neat beige sweater. And to make things even worse, the clumsy sharpshooter had taken matters into his own hands, pulling the flustered boy closer to him by the collar, whilst wiping a dry napkin over the mess he made - his face a mixture of despair and complete distress.
“Idiots,” Kaz sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in an effort to spare himself the embarrassment of watching them any longer.
“Maybe we should put them in a situation they’re more acquainted with the next time.”
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“Are you familiar with the concept of knocking?” He was close to jumping out of his skin when the door to his office flew open without a warning, only for it to be you standing on the other side with two cups of tea in your hands. He hastily caught himself, acting as if you hadn't just scared him shitless. It was way too late for any person with even an ounce of self-preservation skills to enter his space without giving him any sort of notice, but of course, you just had to be the exception.
“Are you familiar with the concept of locking your door if you don’t want to be disturbed?” you quipped, not waiting for him to give you permission to enter before waltzing right over to his desk. The mug was quickly placed in front of him and you threw yourself into ‘your’ chair.
“This may be the Barrel, but some of its inhabitants still possess the basic manners of announcing their presence when they intend to bother me in my own office.” Kaz eyed your offering suspiciously, pulling the cup towards himself as if he feared that you might have spiked its content. “What is this?”
“I know that it’s tea. I'm not dense,” he said, a bit annoyed now.
“Then why are you asking?”
“What am I supposed to do with it?”
“Kaz, you’re not a toddler. You know what to do when someone places a drink in front of you.”
“Why are you bringing me tea, Y/N?”
“That's an adequate question. I had another idea on how to get Jesper and Wylan to admit their feelings,” you began, enticing Kaz to internally question every single decision in his life that made him end up in this situation.
“And you needed to bring me tea to make me listen to that idea? You're either about to drug me into submission or you’re finally attempting to kill me.”
“Sadly neither - yet. But I had the idea while making tea. And I would have felt bad if I went up here without offering you something to drink too,” you replied meekly, a faint blush settling on your cheeks.
“I hope your idea isn’t tea-related. We shouldn’t bring the two dimwits near anything that's spillable anytime soon.”
"I solemnly swear there are no liquids involved in my idea. At least not explicitly," you assured.
"That better be the case. Let's hear it then," he muttered, begrudgingly taking a sip from his tea whilst waiting for you to collect your thoughts. It startled him how good the drink tasted. He hated that you knew exactly what tea he liked and how he liked to have it.
"You still haven't finished splitting us up in groups for the upcoming heist, have you?"
"If you hadn't dragged me along to play matchmaker, the plan would already stand," he grumbled, looking at the stack of blueprints he had yet to analyse for possible security risks.
"Then I'd like to make one suggestion. How about we - well, you - pair Jesper and Wylan together? We're all pretty familiar with jobs like this, so that shouldn't be an issue. Maybe having them work alongside each other could give their relationship just the push it needs."
Kaz looked like he was about to throw himself out the next best window. It was one thing that you had inserted yourself into the majority of his spare time like an unwelcome flu. Now you were also trying to insert yourself into his work? You were really trying to break him down to bits. And maybe he should let you.
"Please, Kaz. I'll even help you with all your boring preparation and mapping out. I genuinely think this could work," you put forward, knowing that the likelihood of him agreeing to this plan was close to non-existent.
"I'll allow it," he said, averting his eyes to look at basically anything else just to avoid letting them land on you.
"Have you gone deaf? I said that I'll allow it," he repeated.
"Kaz, I swear to every Saint you don't believe in, I'm so close to kissing you - you’re amazing!" you exclaimed jokingly, a wide grin on your face.
"Do it and find out what ditch you'll end up in," he threatened, but you were too excited to care about the murderous look on his face.
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After almost a week of scheming, scheduling and planning in the security of Kaz’s office, you had finally managed to put together a plan that would ensure two things. The success of the job. And the fact that Jesper and Wylan would be staying at each other’s side the whole time.
“I think we can pull this off,” Kaz muttered, visibly still very much in thought.
“You think we can pull this off?” you asked, absent-mindedly twirling one of his pens around your fingers.
“No.” He swiftly snatched it back, putting it down and giving you a self-assured grin. “We will pull this off.”
A few days later, all the Crows had gathered in the cramped attic space, more or less eager to hear about the plans for the upcoming mission.
“Please don’t tell me that we’ll have to go through all of these blueprints again,” Jesper whined as he saw the stack of layout plans that sat at the edge of Kaz’s desk. They had been on jobs in the University District before, so the quite hefty pile of blueprints wasn’t completely unknown to them. More than one evening had been spent slaving over them, spying out every minuscule detail that could give them any sort of advantage. But these plans were new - updated. And everyone dreaded having to do the whole ordeal of looking at them for a second time.
“Y/N and I already went through them, the annotations should suffice. Not much has changed,” Kaz answered, unaware of the suspicious glances his nonchalant comment created. It was well known that you avoided mapping out blueprints like the plague, so this revelation did raise some brows.
“Y/N and you?” Nina and Jesper blurted almost synchronously. They had noticed your absence from their usual evening get-togethers, simply chalking it up to you being under the weather or something. What they hadn’t expected was you sneaking away from them because you went to spend time with the Bastard of the Barrel. Now that they knew the latter had been the case, they had some certain thoughts on what the reason for these nightly visits might be - none of them strictly work-related.
“Congratulations, you have a basic understanding of auditory information processing. Yes, Y/N and I.” Kaz allowed his gaze to shift towards you. It felt odd to not have you sit in front of him, energetically discussing plans and ideas while the noise of Ketterdam’s streets seemed to have fully vanished underneath the sound of your voices. He hated to think that way, but he had grown used to having you around. Whether it be you staggering into his office to propose another utterly insane plot to get your friends to date, or just you keeping him company with whatever talk you could offer. The thought of this routine being ripped away from him once Jesper and Wylan realise their feelings are reciprocated filled him with more dissatisfaction than relief.
“Since when does Y/N care for analysing blueprints?” The Heartrender asked slyly.
“I don’t. It was my forfeit,” you replied before Kaz could. “We had a bet on how much money Jesper would be able to lose in a span of three days. Let’s just say that Kaz really does know you better than I do, Jes.” A lie. A good lie, Kaz thought. The only reason why you would spend your evenings talking to him would probably be the loss of a bet. But that didn’t make the pull on his heartstrings hurt any less.
“Rude,” the sharpshooter pouted.
“Anyway,” Kaz deflected, returning to his actual intention of this meeting. “We also took the liberty of assigning groups and tasks. So I’d advise you to listen carefully.” He adjusted the paper in his hands, letting his eyes fly over your jagged handwriting for the millionth time. “Helvar will pose as a guard - big and brawny with little to think about. One would say it’s the perfect fit.” Matthias let out a dissatisfied grunt at that comment. “Nina and Inej will keep an eye on who leaves, and who enters. And if there is anything suspicious you will alert me.” The two girls gave him a court nod, content that they were able to work together again. “I will attend as a guest. It’ll give me enough time and trust to hopefully get some information on the new ware shipments that are supposed to arrive the week after the ball. Our main objective is getting intel. Any other material acquisitions are just perks. And finally Wylan and Jesper.” The two boys stared at Kaz with an uncomfortable expression. He had never paired them up before. Why was he starting now? “Since the majority of university personnel will be present at the ball, you’ll take care of breaking into the administration’s office. I need some precise data on the involvement of the Council in sponsoring the university.”
“What about Y/N?” A brief pause followed Inej’s simple question.
After all these hours of planning, you had forgotten to add yourself to the equation. You had been so focussed on giving the two lovebirds some alone time that your absence went completely unnoticed. Both of you felt utterly stupid. How could you have missed that?
“They’ll be my date,” Kaz answered a bit too quickly, not letting the thudding of his heart betray his stone-faced expression.
“My condolences.” Matthias gave you an apologetic but calm look, whilst everyone else in the room seemed to be utterly shocked by their boss’ comment. Even you had to suppress the state of absolute shock that had threatened to spread over your face when he referred to you as his ‘date’. Saints, he himself didn’t believe the words that had just slipped out of his mouth.
“I’ll need someone to chat with the merchant spouses, or else I’ll lose my mind. Their presence can buy me enough time to get the information I need,” he explained, but the majority of his friends were too busy interpreting way too much into this situation to acknowledge his reasoning.
Maybe choosing Jesper as a partner would have been easier on his poor heart.
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Grishaverse fics in general: @yesshewrites1 @dal-light
Kaz Brekker: @ell0ra-br3kk3r @juneberrie @writingmysanity @b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r @brekkers-desigirl @fall-writes
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lunarthecorvus · 5 months
My Kanej headcanon
Kanej and a dance
Part 1 to the headcanon here remember this is not a fic just a headcanon/ word vomit
Some context: Kanej have come out to the public as a couple at this point (another hc). This is set 1 year to 2 years after CK. The merchers know that Wylan + Jesper are friends with Kaz + Inej.
They arrive at the event with Wylan and Jesper, theres tons of high power figures, merchers, and the council. As soon as people realise Kaz and Inej have arrived, everyone's stares at them and then immediately turn their heads afraid of the wraith captain and dirtyhands wrath.
Inej links arms with Kaz, and she drags him to a quiet corner in the room away from people. She whispers to him that if they see someone that's a known part of the skin trade, it wouldn't be the most tragic thing of they lost a jewel or two. Inej walks off to go talk to Wylan and Jesper and Kaz thinks saints I love that woman
Inej finds Kaz sat in a chair, observing the people with what could possibly be a scheming face. She walks up to him and offers him her hand, and asks him to dance. Kaz thinks about saying know but then remembers what she said to him back at the Slat and answers yes.
They make it to the dance floor, but when the music starts, they realise that people are staring at them. Kaz feels Inej start to shake and whispers to her to follow his lead. This sacred Inej and made her think that he wanted to dance despite being watched by a whole room of people with faces full of digust. But she then she feels his hand holding firm to hers and sees that he's walking away she copies his pace, eager to get away from the crowds.
He takes her outside onto the stone walk in the backgarden and lets out sigh. He looks back at her, and the look he gives her brings her back to the moment, saints she loves her eyes (kanej eye loving, I couldn't resist). They stand there for a while just simply existing, holding onto each others hand.
A song suddenly comes on, and Kaz turns to her and asks her for this dance. She panics, thinking that he means to go back. But he lets go of her hand and stands a few metres away from her and holds his hand out. She realises that he means to dance here. She always wanted to dance with him but never thought she'd be able to, I mean, can you imagine seeing the bastard of the barrel dance? But since the heist she's seen the parts, he locked away, and they are each beautiful.
Inej takes his hand, and they fit in place as if they were made to fit each other perfectly. It turns out Kaz Brekker can dance, or maybe it's Kaz Rietveld that can dance, possibly both. It doesn't matter, though she loves Kaz no matter which surname or mask he holds.
She asks him how he knew to dance, and he tells the story of a miserable boy forced to dance lessons by his father, and how during boring mercher parties stakeouts he memorised the moves just to keep himself from boredom. Then he returns the question and asks how she knew the moves because he didn't think the suli had the same dances as the kerch, Inej thinks on that and decides that she must've learned the moves as well but her missteps during the dance can be covered up by her acrobatic reflexes, which causes Kaz to laugh and say that some of her missteps were in fact noticeable for which he got a well deserved arm swat and called a shevrati.
They dance for what feels like years when it was only a few dances, and Inej decides that as long as they are around these people, they'll never be able to be a normal couple. But for now, she's ok with that. She loves every moment of this unconventional relationship she shares with the man she will forever love, no matter how hard some of those moments can be.
Boom dance done. However, there could be another hc to this because I may have thought of another idea for this hc.... enjoy <3
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moondal514 · 2 months
Can I just say I love the way you format fic rec lists! I love the structures and themes you give them! 🩷 Out of curiosity, do you have any fic recs for six of crows rarepairs?
Aw thank you!
Unfortunately I don’t read Six of Crows fic all that often (I’m actually kind of an imposter in that fandom…I haven’t read the books 😅) and when I do I tend to stick to the popular pairings. I don’t want to leave you with nothing though anon, so here are a few of my fave Six of Crows fics I’ve read so far:
still on that tightrope by alltheworldsinmyhead/ @alltheworldsinmyhead
In Fjerda, Ravka, and Shu Han alike, mothers tuck their kids in, kiss their foreheads, and start their goodnight stories with the words: "the Crow Circus always appears out of thin air."
No announcements, no fanfare, no advertisement; just a tidal wave of excited voices spreading across each and every town when, at the dawn of a completely unremarkable day, someone would spot the tents that rose on some field or by some riverbank the night before.
And when the clock strikes midnight; it’s time for magic.
Love love love the dreamy atmosphere in this one, it’s gorgeous
it isn't bad work by demigodbeautiies/ @jackwolfes
It isn’t bad work, really.
He’s lucky to be at the House of the White Rose. Pale skin like yours fits right in, Onkle Felix had said, pinching his cheek when he first stopped in asking - begging - for work. He hadn’t even known it was a high end Pleasure House when he stepped through the doors, flute in hand, ready to ask about a role as a parlour musician. They had laughed at him for that, but seen him through anyway.
And now he was here.
Alternate canon where Wylan finds work after leaving home on the West Stave. What other options does he have?
I adore this one for being a wonderful execution of the type of au I don’t usually go near, but also for the absolutely fantastic nonlinear structure of the main story, which I find inspirational and would love to replicate in my own writing
Dirtyhands Regardless by Serene_Victory_77
A Canon Divergence AU in which Kaz and Jordie both make it out of the Reaper's Barge alive, but Kaz still becomes Dirtyhands. Insights into Kaz's childhood and why he became Dirtyhands while Jordie doesn't, and how Kaz becomes close to the crows.
One of the letters is from Jordie and Kaz stops and stares.
“What?” Inej asks him. She doesn’t look at the scribbled words on the back of the envelope until Kaz tilts it towards her to read, and when she does, her face morphs into one of pure confusion.
Kaz Fucking BREKKER or whatever your name is, if you don’t reply to this letter you are going to be in so much trouble. You’re in trouble regardless, but be prepared, you dumbass. I am so fucking mad at you. - Jordan Rietveld, Lola’s Inn, Lij, Southeastern Kerch.
Nothing gets me like sibling feels and Kaz and Jordie’s relationship in this one really truly gets me
people like us float by ilgaksu/ @ilgaksu
If what we are is what we want to be? What does that make him?
One word: untouchable.
A jaw-dropping gorgeous little Kanej piece
Now We All Are Chosen Ones by endoftheworld/ @endoftheworldhere (WIP)
Kaz Brekker is reaped for the 71st Annual Hunger Games, kicking off a line of Victors that will change Panem forever.
Probably the best Hunger Games crossover ever (and also the fic responsible for me reading Six of Crows fic even though I haven’t read the books 😂), like I have never read a crossover so dedicated to its worldbuilding as this one and it’s fantastic
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astrhae · 1 year
hey your wesper fic emotionally wreck me each time and you are so good at writing and god I adore your nwest fic and all the ones past and your anastasia au and AHHHHHHH and the one you just posetd like god its such a well done hannaki au on love and the past and its present and how love can be hurt but it can heal and god I just keep imaging jespers pov of it all but the way you write wylans hurt is so palpable i can feel it in my tendons and bones and ugh never stop your amazing at this
hi hello!! i'm so glad you like my fics so much (i promise i haven't forgotten about the anastasia au) and akdhdhk i'm also so glad you loved my little exploration of love in the hanahaki fic -- the trope is such a fascinating concept and i wanted to explore what it was to love, and to be loved back. i'm quite sure i lost my track somewhere in the fic, but the original fic concept had alternating jesper and wylan POVs. the pacing went all over the place though, so i stuck with wylan's POV, but please enjoy one of the deleted jesper POV scenes 🥰💙
Jesper, the letter read, and it was Kaz’s writing, a loopy cursive that none would suspect Dirtyhands capable of, Wylan can’t pay all your debts for you. He says come home whenever you’re ready, but I say: either come back now, or don’t. Kaz had always been harsh, and Jesper let himself sit on the edge of the tiny bed. He’d grown spoiled with Wylan, the mansion’s large rooms so full of light, and Wylan’s kindness so full of love. But Jesper had wasted it all – had seen how much his mistakes had cost Wylan, and – Wylan can’t pay all your debts for you. Jesper hated how Kaz always knew how to cut him. The quarters that he’d been given by Queen Zoya were the standard ones given to any Grisha trainee in Ravka, though he was deemed special enough to not share the room with anyone. There was a bed pushed up against an even smaller window, a table that looked one wrong move away from toppling over – any Durast can fix it, the Queen had dismissed – and a closet that scarcely fit the already scant clothes Jesper had brought. “Wylan,” Jesper said the name out loud to himself, if only to hear it again, his thumb tracing the curve of the name on the paper. His first day of training was tomorrow, and he flipped his other hand up, the lines of his palm staring right at him. Jesper didn’t need Kaz’s letter to tell him that he was a coward – a better man would have waited until morning. Would have given Wylan a chance to explain all the secrets, the millions of kruge he’d wasted on Jesper, taking the gamble that Jesper might just pull himself together. But Jesper was a thief, and a liar. Wylan should have known better than to trust him. Wylan should have known better than to love him. The letter crinkled as he gripped tighter to it, on the verge of fracturing. Jesper couldn’t fix a simple table – how was he supposed to fix himself? How was he supposed to fix everything he’d broken? We both know you’re more than just a thief, Wylan’s voice said in his head, and fuck, Jesper hated it. Hated himself. He supposed he was a coward, too. Wylan had forgiven him everything, but love wasn’t just a cycle of apology and forgiveness – just because Jesper apologized, it didn’t make him any better than all the men who had taken things from Wylan, who had used Wylan, and tried to turn Wylan into something he wasn’t. And Jesper – Jesper wouldn’t turn Wylan miserable, trying to fix what wasn’t Wylan’s mistake to fix. “I love you,” Jesper said into the silence. In the loneliness, he didn’t add anything to it. He loved Wylan, like this: half a world away, running and running and running alone, trying to save Wylan from the worst of him. Trying to spare Wylan from the truth of it: that Jesper loved him like an addiction. Like the high after a gunfire shot, metal meeting target and Jesper’s lips meeting Wylan’s, and chasing for more and more and more because touch wasn’t enough. He wanted, he wanted promise, he wanted a future, he wanted forever. Like spinning wheel after wheel and always winning, taking and taking more from the house until – until there wasn’t anything left to take. Anything left to promise, all their broken plans in shards around them. Jesper loved Wylan, like ruin, like ruination. Did that make him a hypocrite? No, he supposed. That only made him someone in love, blind and stumbling, and a thief in the night, trying to hold on to something that was never in his cards to win.
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hello didi it's been a long time how are you?
I saw that thy requests were open and i was wondering if I could please have a kaz x reader where reader is not a dreg for some reason i love fics where reader is not like a dreg or a crow and kaz still likes them
Thank you so much and I love you!!
Midnight Stroll
Request: I was wondering if I could please have a kaz x reader where reader is not a dreg for some reason I love fics where reader is not like a dreg or a crow and kaz still likes them
Hi my love! I’m doing ok, I’ve been pretty busy, but I’ve got some free time this week, how are you? Sorry I haven’t said hi in a while, I hope you’re doing ok. Also omg, you calling me didi is just the sweetest thing ever, I love it. My messages are always open <3
Thank you so much for the request, I haven’t written for Kaz in so long and I missed it. I don’t love the outcome of this, but I tried my best. I didn’t really know what to add to this request, so I’m hoping this was enough and what you were looking for. I hope you like it! If you have any other ideas or requests, especially for Kaz, I’ll gladly take them.
(Warnings: swearing, mention of gangs and weapons, let me know if i missed anything)
The streets of the Barrel were buzzing, the hour growing late as people made their way to the center of town. It was an unusually pleasant night, a breeze coming in from the harbor, the moon out early as the sun was setting. You were sure your luck with it wouldn’t last, and you decided to enjoy it while you could, taking the long way back to your apartment just off the busy stretch of shops.
You work on a case to case basis, employed when your services are needed. Being a jack of all trades wasn’t exactly the most reliable when trying to fit into a group, and after your years in the barrel, you simply stopped trying. You had not one unique skill, at least not one that someone would seek you out for full time, but you could hold your own, and you were incredibly reliable. You made a living off of that, people knowing they could trust you to take care of the little business they had that you weren’t above doing. In fact, you were a little too good at getting people to trust you. 
It’s not that you were particularly a people person, you just had something about you that made people comfortable enough to let their guard down a little, just long enough to get what you needed out of them, or the means to get it out of them if they weren’t so easy to comply. Either way, you always got it done.
You had a relatively uneventful day, everything going smoothly. Your jobs went easy, you were paid well, and you made it back in time to avoid the riffraff of the stray gang members and pickpockets. 
Most of the gangs in the area didn’t like you.
You took a lot of the undercover discrete jobs, lining your pockets with the money gang members thought should be theirs. But you always beat them to the punch, like tonight. Still, while you could hold your own, it was ill advised hanging around. They tended to get too rowdy at night, and you were on the outskirts of Dime Lion territory. 
You made note of the knife strapped to your thigh, covered, but easy to access if need be.
You cut through the square, taking a side street back to your complex. You made it just around the corner, when you heard a familiar shuffle behind you. 
She clearly intended for you to hear her, she always made herself known in some way when she approached you. 
The first few times she was sent out to find you, she scared you out of your skin, and you were amazed at how quiet she could be. By now, you had picked up on her tells, her steps light and quick. She cleared her throat, and you sighed, turning around.
She grinned, chuckling. “Hello to you, too.” 
“I was having a decent day. You can go back and tell him that.”
She watched you, amused at your antics. Kaz had clearly sent her, coming to collect you for whatever scheme he had cooked up.
“What does Kaz want, then?” You asked, bending down to pull out the hidden dagger in your boot. “I suppose I’ll need this?”
She shook her head. “I don’t know. He just asked me to come find you. Said he’s got a good offer.”
“He better. He really could come find me himself, for once. Instead of having you running around the Barrel all day.”
You walked in stride with Inej, keeping up with her pace.
“It’s better than door duty,” she replied.
You smiled, your face brightening. “Jesper! Saints, I missed him. How is he? Staying out of trouble? I hope he’s causing Kaz some grief.”
Inej’s laugh was warm, and you enjoyed the comfort. You really did miss the Crows when you were away from them. Over the years, joining the Dregs had been a thought, but Kaz never asked, and you never pushed for it. Still, he called for you often.
“He’s behaved himself this week. He didn’t see me leave, he’ll be happy to see you. We all are.”
You raised a brow. “All?”
“Yes, all,” she grinned, hoisting herself up onto a wall in the shadows. “Don’t be coy, you know who I’m talking about.”
You fought the blush creeping onto your face, playfully scoffing at her. Before you had a chance to retort, she had already started climbing away in the shadows.
“Be safe!” She called from over her shoulder, and then she was gone.
She had left you a few blocks from the Crow Club, on a street lined with merchants, who were calling out about all their products. You averted your eyes, determined not to get stopped by an overeager seller, and quickened your pace till you made it just outside the club.
You gave a friendly smile to Rotty, who was standing guard. “Hello, Rotty.”
He winked, stepping aside and letting you enter. 
The club was packed, the card tables full. You could hear Jesper across the room, chattering about something as he sipped his drink at the bar. He didn’t see you come in, clearly already mildly tipsy, and too focused on his one-sided conversation with the bartender to notice. 
You rolled your eyes, loudly clapping your hands together to get his attention. “Jesper!”
He turned at the sound of his name, eyes widening when he took in the sight of you. 
“No way!”
He excitedly got up, abandoning his drink. “My love!”
You giggled at his composure, rushing over to meet him in a hug. You wrapped your arms around his middle, squeezing him tight. 
“I missed you,” you murmured into his chest.
He pulled away, swinging his arm around your shoulder, walking you to the stairs that lead to Kaz’s office. 
“I missed you. Why are you here?”
“Kaz called,” you explained. “Inej found me, said he had an offer. Any idea what that’s about?”
He stopped at the stop of the stairs. “No, I’m on tables and the door tonight. Did I miss something?”
You shook your head. “Inej is off somewhere tonight too, so no, I don’t think so. I’ll come find you later if I need you, I guess.”
He nodded, giving you a squeeze, before making his way back down the stairs. “Alright, love. Be careful, Kaz has been in a shit mood today.”
You frowned, groaning. “Isn’t he always?”
You could hear Jesper chuckle as you made your way to Kaz’s door, knocking.
“Come in, Y/N,” you heard, muffled through the door. You sighed, opening the door and stepping in, before closing the door behind you. 
Kaz was sitting at his desk, rummaging through a stack of papers. His hair was disheveled, like he had run his hand through it too many times. His coat was laid out on the desk, his gloves off and tucked neatly next to it. He hadn’t looked up yet.
You raised a brow, confused at the state of him. He didn’t look ready to go anywhere, and he hadn’t acknowledged your presence yet. His gloves were off, a rare sight you had only seen once before, when he had to take them off on a heist. 
You cleared your throat. “How’d you know it was me?”
He finally looked up from his papers, stacking them up before moving them to the side of his desk. He sighed, leaning back in his chair.
“I always know it’s you.”
You looked at him, brows furrowed. You didn’t know what to say. “How?”
“You knock twice, and then step back, like you’re waiting for someone to open the door. I can hear the floorboard creak. And then you step forward, like you’re going to knock again, but you never do. You just stand there. You’re the only one who waits like that.”
His voice sounds strained, as if he’s had a long day, and he doesn’t want to be patient enough to explain stupid things to you. 
He still does, though.
You suddenly feel bad for asking, and are uncomfortable by his lack of energy. “Did you need me?”
He nods, standing up and pulling on his gloves. “Whatever you made tonight, I’ll double it if you come on this job with me.”
“What is it?” You ask, although you’re not sure why you asked, you would’ve gone anyway.
He pulls on his coat, then grabs his cane. “I have a meeting at the harbor. I’ll explain on the way. Are you coming?”
You had come for the harbor, and would’ve had a much easier time staying and waiting, had you known that’s where Kaz wanted you. He’d made Inej take the time to come find you, and you had spent a good amount of your evening walking to see him, but you chose not to bring it up. 
He looked tired.
You still didn’t understand what you’re needed for, but you don’t push it, not wanting to further trouble him, and you nod. There’s a faint moment of relief on Kaz’s face, before he nods, opening the door and motioning for you to step through. You murmur a thanks, waiting for him to lock up his office and take the lead, and then you follow him down the stairs. 
On the way out as you follow him through the club, you spot Jesper, who had resumed his post near the door. He shot you a confused look, and you just shrugged, giving him a wave before catching up to Kaz, matching his pace.
For most of the walk, Kaz was silent. As you got closer to the harbor, all that could be heard was the songs from the birds, and the rhythmic tap of Kaz’s cane against the cobblestones. His pace was slower than usual, more of a stroll, and you figured his leg was bothering him a bit. Although, he seemed to be calmer, less stressed than before. He’d occasionally glance your way, before looking forward again. The silence was comfortable, and easy. It always was with Kaz. But you still were unsure about what you were walking into.
Finally, you spoke. “So, what am I here for?”
“The Razorgulls have some business to discuss. I needed someone to be my second. They won’t be expecting you with me, you’ll help keep their guard down. You’re just for show, there won’t be any trouble,” he assured you.
You nodded slowly. “Got it. Why me, though? I hardly have anything on me, just a knife or two. Surely this is more of a skilled matter, in case this goes to shit. Seems like more of a Jesper talent.”
He raised a brow at the question, glancing at you. “Like I said, there won’t be trouble. And you were my only option. Rotty is on the door tonight, Inej is looking into a matter, and Jesper is working.”
You chuckled, retorting. “Jesper was gambling, and a little drunk.”
“So he was,” Kaz said matter-of-factly.
“Am I to believe that you simply enjoy my company, then?” You joked, grinning.
He was quiet for a moment. He finally turned to face you. 
“And what if I do?”
There was no hiding the blush that crept up your cheeks, and you cast your eyes to the floor, smiling to yourself. When you finally looked up at him, he was looking forward again, but the corners of his mouth were turned up into the smallest of smiles. It was clear he caught you.
“I do too,” you muttered, fidgeting with your sleeve.
His faintest of smiles turned into a small grin. 
On the way back after the meeting, which had gone smoothly, you took the long way. You could tell his leg was aching, but he didn’t complain, maintaining the slow stroll. It was quiet for most of the way, only small chatter between the two of you.
You followed his lead, and you noticed you had gone too many streets past the Crow Club, and when you were about to question Kaz, it dawned on you that you were headed in the direction of your apartment.
He was walking you home.
When you made it within a few blocks, you stopped and turned to face him, not letting him go any farther on a bad leg. 
“Go home, Kaz. Rest. I can make it the rest of the way on my own.”
You expected him to argue, say he was fine, but he didn’t. “I know. Inej is over on the next block. She’ll see you make it home. She’s done for the night after.”
You didn’t fight the smile that made its way onto your face. 
“I’m expecting another offer soon, then. I need an excuse to come visit Jesper, of course. He gets lonely, you know.”
He nodded, fighting a grin. “Well, we can’t have that. I’m sure I can think of something for you.”
“I’ll see you soon, then, Kaz. Goodnight.”
He nodded, turning away from you and making his way back to the Crow Club. You watched him go, waiting until you couldn’t hear the click of his cane, and then you headed towards your apartment, expecting the familiar sound of Inej checking in on you to appear.
She jumped down after a few minutes, giving you a knowing smile, and you nudged her shoulder, walking ahead.
“Don’t even start.”
A/N - Hi! Hope you enjoyed this. If you look at my recent posts, I opened my requests for the Grishaverse and a few other fandoms, and I still have a few requests to fill, I’ll get to them as quickly as I can, thank you for waiting.
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imagines-by-cleo · 2 years
Hello!! I recently got into mgsv and I love your fics so much it’s like free therapy to me<3 Are you currently accepting requests? If so, can I get a readerxKaz where Kaz has unrequited feelings to the reader but they end up being together? (And yes NSFW please haha)
But it’s alright if you’re not open for requests, absolutely no pressure!!
Absolutely friend! It makes me so happy that someone out there wants some more metal gear fics!
Kaz is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters ever pretty much so the hardest thing about writing this was picking from the ideas I already had and choosing which ones to save for another fic. Hopefully when I get some more time on my hands I can write more of our Kazzy boi but for now I hope you'll enjoy this!
CW: SMUT, masturbation, accidental voyerism/exhibitionism, sex pollen, unintentional edging, fingering, begging, wall sex, dirty talk, unprotected sex
Kaz usually didn't have a problem with visiting the R&D unit, it was just another part of making sure the base was running smoothly, but ever since he recruited this new girl checking up on operations was getting increasingly difficult.
He stood at the door to the workshop and took a deep breath, his heart dropped knowing you was on the other side. Trying to clear his thoughts before he made a fool of himself in front of you again, his hands were shaking as he reached to open the door. When he stepped through he saw people were drawing up blueprints, putting together weapons, everything was business as usual at least as far as he could tell until his gaze steered toward the desk were you sat alone. Before he knew it he was making a beeline toward your workspace, it wasn’t until he got there that he realized he had no idea what to say to you.
It must have been more than his own discomfort making the room warm. There you sat with your fatigues folded down at the waist leaving your upper half in only a tank top, your exposed skin glistening with a light sheen of sweat. Completely unaware of his presence as you were engrossed in putting together some little device. Which he was glad for since he already lost track of how long he had been standing there staring at you.
"Uhhh, what's this?" He asked, not knowing how else to break the silence.
It was no secret that he was an effortless flirt when it came to literally anyone else, but his usual pick up lines and general amorous attitude didn't feel right to use on you. A little startled at the sudden realization of his presence you looked over at him, eyes wide making him freeze under your gaze.
"Oh, it's just a new design for the codec. We already improved the sound and the broadcasting range so I was just working on the fit, now you can hardly tell you have it on." You explained, extremely proud of your design.
If he was being honest he barely processed a word you said, all too engrossed in just the sound of your voice and the passion in your eyes while you showed him your project. His efforts were focused on keeping his gaze from dropping down to your cleavage.
"Do you want to try it on?" You asked, presenting the device to him and snapping him out of the trance you had him in.
"Yeah, I guess." He replied, leaning forward.
Kaz stiffened up at the touch of your fingers on his skin while you secured the codec around his neck, taking special care to hold his quickening breath and keep from shaking visibly. As if he wasn't feeling akward enough, he felt his pants get ever so slightly tighter, making him change his stance to make it slightly less noticeable.
"See? you'll barely feel a thing." You remarked, once you finished. "I have some other designs I've been working on if you want to see them."
Before he could agree you were already bending over to reach something in a bottom drawer of your desk, exposing the waistband of your brightly colored underwear as you continued searching. Kaz felt dirty looking at you like this even though he had seen more than his fair share of naked flesh in his day, and he was very thankful for the dark sunglasses that hid the direction of his line of sight. Despite what little conscience he had left screaming at him, he couldn't bring himself to look away, watching every little movement of your body as you rummaged through the drawer while the guilt made his heart pound and his face hot.
"Here, this is a new serum I was designing with the medical team for- Are you okay?" You inquired, turning to see his flustered state.
"I'm fine." He answered, perhaps too bluntly while tugging at his shirt collar.
"Are you sure? You must to be roasting in that coat." You continued, with more genuine concern then he believed a man like him deserved.
"Don't worry about it, just tell me more about this thing." He dismissed the subject before taking a seat on the edge of your desk.
Once again he had no idea what exactly you were talking about but he knew he could listen to you for hours. Most of the room was was filled with the scent of gunpowder and oiled metals but through the thick air Kaz could get the occasional whiff of a sweet musk that could only be coming from your perfume. That certainly wasn't helping the tent in his pants go down as he had to pull his overcoat tighter around his body in order to conceal it. The fabric practically suffocated him, but now he didn't have the option of taking it off, eventually he would need to leave before he gave himself heatstroke.
"This looks great, but I have some work I need to get back to." He excused himself, it wasn’t an entire lie but the urgency of the situation was exaggerated.
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep you this long, I must be talking your ear off." You apologized, the thought of disappointing you by sounding disinterested made him panic.
"It's no trouble, you could talk my ear off anytime." Kaz chimed, trying to remedy the situation.
"But not now, of course." You added.
"What?" He asked.
"You have work to do." You reminded him, with a smile.
"Right." He answered, resisting the urge to smack his forehead.
Waiting until after he was out of earshot to begin muttering to himself, Kaz decided it was better to just go straight to his quarters and sort himself out before he went back to work. Stomping down the halls on his way there, thinking of all the things he maybe should have said to you and all the ways he made himself look completely stupid.
At least he could be greatful that you were the only witness to his awkward antics, he couldn't imagine what he would be in for if Ocelot or Snake saw him like that.
It was almost like the scent of your perfume was following him all the way to his room, that sweet musk filling the air even as he closed the door behind him. Ripping off his coat and hat and tossing them across the room before ungracefully throwing himself onto the bed, it was no surprise to find that his little 'problem' hadn't gone away. He frowned looking down at the ever growing bulge in his pants, his stifled cock throbbing and begging to be released.
"Making me hard in the middle of the day like that." He grumbled, unbuckling his belt.
Sighing, he realized as frustrated as he was he couldn't even bring himself to be mad at you. All you did was exist and here he was acting like some horny teenager who couldn't control himself.
"You don't even know what you do to me." He whispered, biting the fingertips of his gloves to pull them off.
Those thoughts kept coming as he slipped his hand under the waistband of his boxers, you invaded every corner of his mind like some kind of virus. He couldn't imagine how you would react if you could see the pictures he crafted in his mind, you were too good for the filthy scenarios he put you in. Of course he respected you, you were an excellent engineer with a brilliant mind and one of the most genuinely good people he had ever met, so why couldn't he stop thinking of fucking you like you were anything less than that?
Your name left his lips like a prayer for forgiveness. There was no concern for volume anymore as he pulled out his hard length and stroked it with a firm grip.
He let his mind wander to a scene of him bending you over that desk of yours and telling you to keep talking about your little inventions while he pounded into you, making you explain every detail while you tried not to whimper and moan. Kaz let out a shuddering sigh, wondering how that sweet voice of yours would sound while you were on the brink of an orgasm.
"I bet you sound so fucking pretty, don't you?" He breathed out.
Having to slow the speed of his strokes in order to savor the thought, he let the image continue to dance in his mind. In a way, this was as close as he could be to you without becoming an absolute nervous wreck, so why not make it last as long as possible?
Remembering how your fingers felt on his skin for that brief time, he moved his hand to his neck, trying to mimic the way you had touched him. Accidentally brushing against a switch on the codec collar he forgot to return before leaving, the speaker made a small feedback noise and a gasp from a familiar voice cane from the other side.
Kaz made a mistake.
Not only did he forget he was wearing it but the damn thing was on the whole time he was touching himself, not to mention he had no idea what you heard or what channel he was on and who else might have heard. Tearing the device off and making sure it wasn't recording anymore, he had to keep himself from throwing it at the wall while he cursed at the tiny object in his hand.
A soft knock came from the other side of the door making Kaz nearly jump out of his skin. It could have only been a minute since he discovered the codec but it felt like hours, someone was probably here to confront him about his broadcast. Hurriedly stuffing his erection back into his pants he went to grab his crutch so he could answer whoever was on the other side. He wiped the sweat from his brow, fastened his belt and smoothed out his hair, trying to look as normal as possible before answering the door.
He was surprised further to see the very subject of his previous fantasies waiting outside, wearing an uneasy look similar to the one he usually wore around you. Before you could even speak he knew he had been caught, his body went stiff as held his breath waiting for you to say anything.
"So uhhh... I forgot to ask for the codec back." You explained, the tone of your voice confirming his fears.
Slowly and wordlessly he handed the device over to you, there was nothing he could say to make this situation any worse. Perhaps there was some comfort in that simple fact, but Kaz began to doubt that once you began to speak again.
"That's not all." You continued, sounding increasingly nervous. "I didn't notice it until you left, but some chemicals from that serum I was working on earlier spilled all over it, and you're probably feeling it's effects right now."
"What? What does the serum do?" He asked, accidentally poisoning himself would be the cherry on top of this shit sundae of a situation.
"You weren't paying attention? That makes sense now, I suppose." You answered bluntly. "It's an aphrodisiac."
"Why would you make that?" The crack in his voice was unexpected, the confusion getting the better of him.
"For interrogations and things like that." You explained, your body was visibly shaking as your breathing grew heavier. "It's only supposed to last a couple hours."
"Say, you're not feeling the same effects are you?" He asked, noticing how flustered you seemed to be.
"Well... maybe a little." You responded, your eyes could never quite meet his. "But not as bad as you, from what could hear."
"Right, how much trouble am I in?" He sighed, taking his glasses off and rubbing the bridge of his nose.
"Not much, you were on a private channel just for testing, but I heard everything." You replied, your face getting redder by the second. "That's the reason I came looking for you, part of it anyway."
"What is it?" He asked.
"I was thinking since this is kind of my fault, I could maybe help you out." You proposed, meeting his gaze and falling silent.
He had to think long and hard before responding, that look you gave him made the offer hard to refuse. "Are you sure about that? I don't want you to feel like you have to do anything for me."
"No, I want to." You replied, Kaz never thought he would hear those words from you. "Just tell me what you need."
The air between the two of you grew heavy, he could almost hear your hearts pounding. This wasn't an opportunity he would pass up, but he wouldn't simply take advantage of the situation.
"If you're sure about this." He chimed, before cupping your cheek in his hand and gently touching his lips to yours. "Let me show you."
As the kiss slowly deepened you set your hands against his chest, grasping at his uniform while he slid his tongue against your bottom lip. Pushing you up against the wall earned a small gasp from you, parting your mouth just enough to allow his tongue to explore inside. His hand dropped to your waist, tracing your curves before wrapping his arm around and pulling you tight against him. You lifted your hips, grinding over the bulge in his pants that was begging for any kind of attention, and would have to wait a little longer unfortunately.
Kaz groaned into your mouth before pulling away to get a look at your face, searching for any kind of doubt or remorse. It occurred to him as you stared back with a slightly awestruck gaze that this was the first time you had seen him without his glasses, he felt as if he was meeting you for the first time.
"Still sure about this? We can stop if you want to." He asked again,
"Keep going." You panted.
Kissing your lips one more time before dipping down below your chin, trailing lower as you moved your hair away to give him more access to your skin. He was absolutely drowning in your scent, trying to get a taste while he teased the spots that gained the most reaction from you with his tongue.
"You smell so sweet." He chided, grinning against your neck.
"It's the chemicals." you giggled.
Serum or not, Kaz couldn't keep his eyes or his mouth off of you. He pulled your jumpsuit off your shoulders inch by inch, kissing every newly revealed bit of your body like it was the only time he would have the chance, because as far as he knew that was likely the case. You looked so cute wiggling out of your clothes, struggling to get your boots out of your pant legs so you didn't have to part from him to take them off.
While he was giving your body the attention it deserved, you were working on uncovering his. Deftly undoing each button on his uniform and gently pulling off his tie. When your hands finally reached the last layer he shuddered at your fingers touching his bare skin, a feeling he wouldn't mind getting used to but for now was completely foreign. His body wasn't as toned as it was the last time someone touched him like this, the sense of pride he felt when a partners fingers explored perfectly firm abs was replaced with an anticipated of rejection.
"You still want this?" He asked.
"Of course." You assured him.
"You're positive?"
"Just fuck me already Kaz." You urged him, sounding as annoyed as you were desperate.
He didn't have to be told twice, pulling your panties to the side and sliding his fingers between your folds to test if you were wet enough. The sounds you made while he explored had him torn between fucking you now or just stuffing you with his fingers until you were screaming his name. It was easy to push one past your entrance given how soaked you were, you must have downplayed your own exposure to the serum.
"I'm not so convinced you're doing this all for me now." He teased, shoving his middle finger as deep inside of you as it could go.
"Please, I need it." You breathed out.
"Show me how much you need it." He ordered.
Without hesitation you put hand behind his head and shoved his mouth against yours, whining and panting helplessly into the kiss. The way you rocked against his hand showed him how impatient you were getting, it wasn’t long before you were palming the front of his pants, wordlessly begging for him to take things to the next level. He had to take extra care and control himself, being so sensitive from bringing himself to the edge right before being interrupted had every touch making him feel like he was about to cum from that alone. When you pulled his cock out it was already twitching and leaking in anticipation, Kaz could honestly say it was the hardest he'd ever been and it would still be a while before he could get the release he needed.
Gritting his teeth he let you give him a few quick pumps before guiding him inside, he hooked his hand under your thigh to lift your leg and spread you just a little wider. He felt like everything was moving in slow motion, the moment he was completely enveloped in your wet heat seemed to last hours. He would have to move slow, ignoring your desperate moans promting him to go faster so he could last longer.
Your body was so close to his, rocking, writhing, squeezeing, flexing. Any part of you that wasn't pressed together was mere inches away, every breath and moan was shared and your bodies moved in perfect unision. It was hard to think that only an hour ago this was could only have been a daydream. He never wanted this to end, your arms around his chest, your legs wrapped around his hips, and your teeth sinking into his shoulder as you tried and failed to stifle your moans. This was more than a drug, this was heaven, he finally found it.
A set of stomping footsteps came down the adjacent hall made Kaz reflexively put his hand over your mouth. A gaurd walked right past the corridor you both were in without even looking in your direction. The two of you stilled as he passed, sobered by the realization that you were out in the open and barely even dressed. As a Commander, Kaz couldn't help but be a little disgusted with the lack of awareness in his soldiers, but for now he was glad he wasn't literally caught with his pants down.
"Can we maybe do this on a bed?" You requested with a slurred voice while your eyes looked over at the bedroom door only a few feet away.
"Good idea." He replied.
He made a less than dignified noise when he pulled out and stuffed his cock haphazardly back into his boxers, there was no way he was going to be able to do that again but for now it was better than walking around with it out. The two of you made your way into his room half dressed and fully determined to continue what you started once Kaz made sure to lock the door behind you. The short distance from the hall to the door felt like miles and the distance from the door to the bed felt longer, luckily he had the sight of you dressed in nothing but a tank top and soaked panties to keep him occupied.
In a race to get undressed he waited for you to get on the bed, not expecting you to shove him on it first and climb on top of him. At first he was understandably taken aback but he discovered he liked this more aggressive side of you that he hadn't seen before. Seeing you completely naked for the first time made his cock twitch as you started to stroke it while straddling him. He couldn't wait any longer, his resolve was wearing thiner with every touch and he would prefer to make you cum before letting go himself.
"What's taking you so long?" Kaz blurted out without thinking.
"Give me a second, I haven't done this before." You answered, shifting your knees to the least awkward position.
"You what?" He almost shouted.
"No, I mean I haven't been on top before. Hang on a second." You clarified, much to his relief.
He sighed as you finally sunk down on him setting a steady pace that didn't last long. His hand settled on your hip, urging you to go faster and faster until the bed was creaking underneath you.
"How's that feel?" He asked, lifting hips to match your every move.
"It's... It's different like this." You whined, the series of dirty wet noises getting louder. "Mmh... I'm making such a mess."
Kaz laughed, he wanted to tease you but at this point he wasn't doing much better. "You're doing so good."
The way you were rolling your hips gave him the impression that you were now focused on chasing your own pleasure, he sharply thrusted up just to hear you gasp and then whisper a few feverish curses. He hadn't done this since he lost his dominant hand but he was determined to make it work as he reached between your thighs, rubbing in circles with his thumb until he found the tiny spot that made you cry out. Your nails raked into the skin on his abdomen, leaving light red stripes he hoped would never fade.
A sense of accomplishment overtook him when your thighs started to shake, letting him know he didn't have to hold back anymore. He lifted his hips into yours while you bounced rhythmlessly on his cock, throwing his head back as he reveled in the feeling completely. Your bodies twitched and flexed together much like before, the intensity growing as you both chased the mind numbing orgasm. Kaz panted and growled like an animal feeling hot spurts of his cum empty into your tight hole and then drip out onto his skin.
Continuing long after you both had finished, he could only guess that you stopped just because your legs didn't have the strength anymore. As you laid overtop of him you covered his neck and the underside of his chin in light kisses, he sat back too exhausted to question your overly amorous attitude. Wrapping his arm around your waist he pulled you down, wanting to feel the warmth of your skin on his for a little longer.
Unsure if this was genuine affection or some other symptom of the chemicals he dared to let himself believe that you meant every touch and kiss, returning them where he could reach to the point where it threatened to get him going again. Nuzzling against him like a kitten and acting like you hadn't touched another person in years, even when you rested your head on his chest you were still drawing shapes on his skin. Kaz wanted to say something, anything to address what had just happened but he feared he would spoil the blissful silence.
"If you're feeling any lingering side effects in the next couple days, I'd be happy to help you out again." You offered.
"Oh yeah? I think I might start feeling something this Friday night" He joked earning a soft laugh from you.
"You're funny, it's too bad we only got together because of an experiment gone wrong." You remarked.
"I think something would have happened eventually." Kaz replied, there was no harm in putting it all out there at this point.
"What do you mean?" You asked, it was hard to believe even now you had no idea.
"I mean you could have got me without the serum." He explained, looking down into your eyes. "You're sweet, smart, and not to mention gorgeous.
"Aww you have a crush on me!" You teased, booping your finger on his nose.
"Cut it out, you're making me blush." He laughed.
"I guess I shouldn't feel too bad about drugging you after all." You replied.
"Don't forget, there's still a couple side effects." He reminded you.
"Already?" You asked after looking down to discover he was ready for another round
"It's your experiment, I thought you would expect this." He answered.
"I think I'll have to run a few more tests." You teased, climbing back on top of him.
"I'm all yours." He promised.
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crowpricorn · 10 months
What do you think of demisexual jesper?:)
I think that, even if he didn't label himself as demisexual, he wouldn't have the relationship with sex and dating that the series and part of the fandom peg him to have. This is just my personal opinion and interpretation, but I believe Jesper to be the goofy boy who flirts all the time but is inherently a romantic at heart. he cares about his first kiss but mostly about his first time: I think he would fuck up (because when doesn't he?) and perhaps drunk-kiss people, and then being the massive people pleaser that he is he would just go with the flow of the rumors about him.
I personally don't give much weight to labels, I just wholeheartedly think that Jesper is not a slut, that he is loyal, a romantic, that he doesn't want to have sex with whoever he meets and that, on the contrary, he just wants to have sex with the person he loves. the vision of jesper that I see around feeds into harmful-ish bisexual stereotypes in my opinion, and it shocks me because I didn't read him like that: I read him like those 17 years old boys I knew from high school that would joke about sex all the time, say they went on countless dates and that they had the biggest dicks, and they were just... virgin boys who joke-flirted and joke talked about sex. that's closer to jesper in my vision than accomplished town slut who, at 17, fucked the whole of ketterdam into submission (and yes, matthias was obviously not serious there, he was just stressing how flirty Nina and jesper are, not claiming their body count // since we also know that Nina, although working in a pleasure house, surely doesn't sell her body).
so yeah I do love demisexual jesper, I think jesper would fit into the demisexual community rather than the whore community (again, I know it's a different world and age but! he is 17!). from how I read it: yes, there's a couple hinted rumors about slut jesper (mostly from kaz's perspective), but they could just be rumors, especially because most of the time... yes, he flirts. but he flirts like a loser! and he had a waffle date with a girl he even forgot to cancel. and he kissed wylan before certain death only for the kiss to be tasteless and meaningless and to find out that that was not wylan. and he had a crush-idealization on his best friend / boss (and who doesn't have crush-idealizations at 15? I did! most (queer) people I know did, mostly on close friends they admired and felt safe with). yes, there's these things in the books but... the way he interacts with wylan, talks about the kiss(es) with wylan... that's very demisexual to me! and even if it wasn't, that's very far away from the town slut idea of him that runs around lately. that's a very human thing (to want to have sex with someone you trust and love, and not casually): he could be a boy who loves sex and has a good relationship with sex, because that's also very much part of the human experience but 1. if he had sex around it wouldn't be healthy, it would be self-destructive because jesper in the Barrel is self-destructive but 2. he doesn't talk and think like a person who even had sex once, let alone countless times, so I genuinely don't understand where slut jesper comes from
also, if you want to deepen the demisexual jesper thing, there's a fic by Randomcat1832 that is all based on jesper's relationship with sex (ace / demi jesper) [I still have to read it but it's been recommended to me as a very good fic] and a couple other fics by nura (@americanbeautiies) that mention / hint demi jesper (here and here) and that I really enjoyed!
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kanerallels · 1 year
501st Follower Celebration!
Ladies and gentlemen, friends, enemies, and assorted others, welcome to my 501st Follower Celebration! I have been planning this one for a while, and I'm VERY excited
The rules for this celebration are pretty simple: pick a number between one (1) and one hundred (100), and I'll tell you about the corresponding au on my list, possibly with a little snippet of what I would write, if I haven't written it. If I have, you get a link to the fic and some background lore (and maybe a snippet. It really depends)
I'll be honest with you guys-- this is like the garage sale of follower celebrations. You never really know what you're gonna get, which is exciting!
But if you prefer knowing, I'll have a little cheat sheet (not super detailed, but you'll be able to find your likes and avoid your dislikes there if you want) below the cut, where I will also be tagging some of my mutuals!
Remember-- any number between 1 and one hundred!! You can also send multiple numbers if you want-- no more than five, I'd say. Thanks for following me, guys, I'm lucky to have you!
(disclaimer: these probably won't get published until after Jacen Syndulla Week, which runs from the 18th to the 24th of June. But after that, they'll start showing up!)
The cheat sheet goes as follows:
1-10 are the Classics. They're some of the first aus I've ever come up with, some of the first I ever posted, and I love them very much. A good example of this would be the Camping Au
11-30 are Modern Aus, which are pretty mundane but I always have fun making Kanera meet in new ways. They're also pretty much always crossovers, because I can do whatever I want. A good example of this would be the Locksmith/Fencing Au
31-40 are my Chenford Aus. They're always centered around Chenford, and the characters from the Rookie first and foremost, although I DEFINITELY cameoed some other characters in there, too
41-50 is Marvel and Misc. Fandom AUs, and largely consists of my Kastle stuff. If you ask exactly the right one, you'll get the most ridiculous crossover I've ever written, and I'm very proud of it
51-70 are the In Universe Star Wars aus, and while most of them are mainly Star Wars characters, there are a couple that are centered around non-Star Wars characters. How Kaz Brekker Saved The Galaxy is a good example of that
71-80 are what I like to call my Feral Gremlin Mode Aus. Aka, if you send them to me I will go Feral Gremlin Mode and possibly write an entire one-shot because I finally have an excuse to write them
81-100 are the Aus Based Off Of Other Pieces of Media! Generally they're inspired by movies, tv shows, or books I've read/watched that remind me of Kanera or the Ghost crew, and then translated so it fits them! A good example of this would be my Batman Au!
For the record: most of these are SWR aus, unless they're marked otherwise, but most aus will have Star Wars characters in it at some point!
Taglist here: @accidental-spice @laughingphoenixleader @thirteenmyspacegirl @heckin-music-dork @singswan-springswan @lucilliantpearl @strige-art @seleneisrising @backgroundagent3 @oldmanwithashield @ladywren7 @firefoxtessa @day-to-day-thots @auroramagpie @opalknight @seleneisrising @cassie-fanfics
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loststarphounix · 6 months
It's Gundham's birthday rn (it's 12am, December 14th in my timezone lmao)
and so, I decided to gift him the best thing I can offer atm:
✨ Kazuichi in lingerie ✨
Kazuichi comes home earlier than Gundham does, and so he has time to prepare his gift to him at home! The devas also joined him for his duties for the day so he won't have them to snitch on him, which is good-
Kazuichi's gift to him is his very own lover wearing the most beautiful lingerie he's seen. Don't ask Kazuichi where he got it, he just does- xD
Gundham comes home later a little after dark, and notices Kazuichi not on the couch waiting for him, which was odd. He goes upstairs and finds him on their bed wearing the pretty pink lingerie he got especially for his birthday~ >.<
( tbh this is just me using gundham's bday as an excuse to ramble about kazuichi in lingerie bc i personally love the idea LMAO )
Ah I feel bad cause I don’t have a fic ready for him, so this might have to do lol TW: pic of lingerie and hand job
Kaz got this lingerie thanks to Sonia 🤣
He asked her for help picking out something nice and she looked in square in the eye and said “say no more”. She actually bought several - nearly a baker dozen all varying in different colors and cuts and some even have faux fur lining. She went to town and they all fit like a glove lol
But the one he decides to wear, is a cute little light pink piece that fits snugly against his hips and chest, which is perfect because Gundham does like seeing Kazuichi’s masculine body incased in feminine clothing. And this is particularly feminine (spoiled caused slight risky photo)
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So he has it on, feeling pretty cute and good about himself. He looks good and though the thigh straps were a bitch to get right, everything is just perfect. And to add the perfect touch, he puts on the custom made pleather dog collar Gundham had made, complete with a dog tag with Kazuichi’s name engraved snug against his neck.
He knows he make a pretty sight and desperately wants to take a picture for future use, but holds off because he can’t trust himself sending to his boyfriend and ruining the surprise 😏
When he hears the front door open, he feels nervous, it keeps his ass firmly planted on the bed and waits anxiously for the other to come into the bedroom.
“In here.” He calls, voice high and excited. “I have a surprise for you~”
And wow ok. Taking him a bit of a minute to get there. Could be his anxiety but it takes Gundham an eternity to get to their bedroom, but it’s worth it when he opens the door, talking about how some irritable parrot was refusing to eat or groom itself and stopping mid word as he took in Kazuichi, sitting in the middle of their bed, legs tucked in to push the strain of the thigh straps taunt against his skin and a gauzy dark pink short shift splay around him like some Disney princess.
Kazuichi is so proud of Gundham’s reaction, he wiggles a bit in excitement as the breeder continues to stare at him in a mix of surprise and desire and in a genius move, he shoulders the shift off, exposing his slightly tan shoulders and he could be seeing things but he swears the others nostrils flare as his eyes focus on the collar.
“You like it? Happy birthday baby-“ is all he can get out before he is suddenly pushed against the sheets and is silenced by the other kissing the soul outta him.
Gundham is just pawing at him, kneading his thighs; hands tugging at the bra to flick a nipple and a wide wicked tongue making a wet strip at the hollow of his throat. Kazuichi was already half hard and it takes no time at all for him to be full mast and he moans as those cold hands brush against his groin.
“My dear, you look delightful. Absolutely delectable.” Gundham growls and Kazuichi shivers cause holy shit he really likes it.
And Kazuichi preens at that, because fuck yeah he knows it. Gundham is just pulling more at the bra and has already pulled down the delicate fabric of the crotch panties, long fingers wrapping loosely around his length and his arches his back on the bed. Something rends in the air and it barely phases him as he thrusts into that pale hand.
“I find that you will enjoy me unwrapping my present fare than I will.” Gundham rumbles I’m part amusement and part hunger as he speeds up his hand slightly.
“Nigh ~ Never know until you do.” He replies with a toothy grin that immediately crumbles as he rides out his orgasm.
“Indeed.” And he watches in semi conscious bliss as pulls away to quickly remove his clothes.
And yeah, this gift was a great idea.
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bardofavon · 8 months
I did it!
Anyways, I loved this chapter, but I wanted to ask about the connection between the darkling and Kaz. Like, they are not bound by the stag since Kaz was the one to kill him, but they ARE connected. How??? Is that going to work the same when the merzost comes into the scene?? And aslo I wanna know about the mental strain Kaz is under since he now has a mini angry man in his mind watching an angry man make plans to kill him.
yay, you figured it out!!
not gonna lie, ever since i made the decision to include the tether i've been waiting for this question ahaha.
i scanned the books like crazy and actually even though the show makes it explicitly clear that the tether is because they're bound to the stag, it's actually never stated in the books that that's the reason. it can be gathered that that's the reason and it makes sense for that to be the reason, but since it's not officially in there and i went "i'm god now and i want it to happen" and decided to do it here anyway, which is why i think i foreshadowed merzost somewhere ??? this fic is too long for me to remember what I foreshadowed.
the darkling is FULLY bullshitting though when he's like "I'm as in the dark as you are, I have no idea how we're connected, it's just the universe bringing us together" because he's been doing some absolutely insane merzost bullshit to get into Kaz's head <3 "this was always going to happen if you left me" is true though, he's been cooking this up for quite awhile and never intended to let a world in which he couldn't contact Kaz exist. but also, i thought it would be fitting to write a situation in which this is possible because they actually are just connected. they're intertwined, they're codependent, kaz was in such a state that his mind was actually pretty easy for the Darkling to slip right in there.
I don't think I'm going to explicitly spell it out too much in the canon of the fic because I don't think Kaz is really as concerned with the "how is this happening" as much as he is the "how can i stop it" but the real full simple answer is "I wanted it to happen and I'm having fun with it so it's happening and there's enough in canon to support a merzost explanation that I'm running with it"
As for the mental strain, there’s a LOT and it’s taking it’s toll. it’s mostly manifesting in Kaz’s inability to make plans involving other people at the moment because he doesn’t know when the Darkling is overhearing, which is somewhat crippling because his plans rely deeply on other people (which is I think why his most recent plans were flopping, he was trying to do it all alone)
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vole-mon-amour · 1 year
2x04 (sorry for no cut but i need to be able to see the entire post on my blog for certain reasons)
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That's my kind of gal.
Why is Nikolai being called Sobachka aka a doggy?
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THEY'RE DOING IT???? AHHHH!!! I dislike how they're rushing through CK, but god, it's one of the greatest moments in the book! This makes me smile.
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"To all of that", including "Yes, I can't do this without you." That's why I ship them. Jesper is so easygoing. He UNDERSTANDS Kaz. What they share is so special. Jesper wouldn't mind big words, but he'll do just fine without them. I can't stress enough how much he loves him & how it's mutual.
The fact that Jesper fucked up the entire thing in the book, and Kaz didn't say him a word until his patience reached it's absolute limit. Even the physical fight they had in Ck until Colm stopped them. How they brushed it off and continued with their lives, their plan, their relationship.
I just love them SO much. I wouldn't change these two for any other ship in this universe. If I was asked to choose just one ship, they'd be the one.
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"Among them, it passed for good luck." <3
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NINA. LMAOOO. Honestly, only she can do that. Which is a bit brutal, but also... She knows her worth and he allows her. But also, that woman is loyal and smart. They'll get there eventually.
I really like the scene where David explains to Alina how it all happened. What Darkling has now and how dangerous it is. As it turns out, I just dislike him near Darkling, but overall he seems to be an alright kind of guy.
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Me: This is my fav character. Also me: Aww, poor baby suffering. He looks so good while at it.
To be fair, I do have a 'I love me some traumatized characters' tag, after all.
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You already did, asshole. Honestly, the fact that he doesn't remember, just like in the book. I can't wait for Kaz's revenge. Get him, my love.
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Which also teaches you what? Never trust Pekka fucking Rollins. He'll destroy you and have no regret whatsoever.
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(whispers) he's so hot while he's at it. It's so much easier watching the show knowing the books, bc otherwise i'd completely lose my mind over this.
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I love him, your honor. The flashback fits so well. The revenge is so sweet when boiling like that. I'm gonna enjoy Rollins' fall.
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My booy. <3
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"The trick is not to love anything." Because Pekka Rollins once killed what Kaz loved the most. His brother. Yeeeah.
"You'll never find your son in time." I'm a bit disappointed. They wasted the masquerade, the pushed this iconic line from near the end of CK in the middle of the season. What are they doing?
That iconic line, though:
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"I want you to remember."
I also find this as a very interesting choice. In the book Inej witnessed Kaz saying that. In here it's Nina and Jesper, which also gives them an understanding of what's going on and what Kaz Brekker really is. I can't say I can complain. It's a smart move. And they nailed this. Even though too early, they nailed this.
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I know Kaz wouldn't appreciate a hug, so I'd like to sit next to him and be there for him. And this is the scene that made me want to cry. Oh, Kaz. I love him with all my heart. What a character.
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That smile. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. ;_; Yeah, crying now. Also, the fact that Nina looks back at Jesper, asking if it's the right time and Jesper shakes his head. I'm not tired to say that Jesper knows him.
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;______; I'm giving this episode 10/10 just for this entire scene. Losing it, besties.
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I'm gonna need so many fics after this episode. Fics that address Jesper's feelings of hearing Kaz's story. I'm gonna need Kaz to call Jesper Jordie. I'm gonna need all of that.
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Jesper: "I like the chaos. The gamble of Barrel life. Never knowing what comes next." Sooo... you like Kaz. :) Also, I remember people talking about this before (during the books), but isn't it suspicious that Jesper likes Wylan for this reason? Because it very much screams Kaz. VERY much. So again, if Kaz was more available... Kazper is canon, one way or another. So much to explore tbh. I'm full of inspiration again (and I haven't even finished my previous 3 wips :)))
Also, the way Jesper easily goes for a quickie with Wylan, which basically means he'd fuck Kaz if he could. Because all the traits show!Wylan has, it's all (and more) in Kaz already. And Jesper knew Kaz for years, so I think the conclusion is very logical.
I'm not giving this 10/10 bc of how they ruined Wesper. But. This was a very long, but a very good episode. So much important information. I even watched parts with Alina and Nikolai, which is VERY rare for me. I'm usually not interested in that part of the show at all.
This is so far my fav episode, but I'm really disappointed that there was no That Iconic Masquerade Line.
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lunarthecorvus · 5 months
My Kanej headcanon
Kaz, Inej, Wylan, and Jesper have a joyful end to the party
Previous chapter
This is a word vomit headcanon not a fic, so it is not written well or proofread, anyway I hope you enjoy :)
When Kaz and Inej finally went back to the party, it was clearing out, and the only people left were drunk merchers stumbling, making their way out of the building. Jesper took a look at Kaz and Inej with their obvious flustered appearance, and their flushed faces didn't help. He let out a wide smirk and was glad that his friends were finally able to have those secret flustered moments, despite all that the world had taken from them. Jesper elbowed Wylan to show him what two of the most vigilant people looked like when they let go of it all.
When the last of the guests left and it was only the band and the crows left, Jesper popped a cork, took a swig, passed it to Wylan, and said "To another successfully dreadful merch party".
Wylan passed it to Inej, who took a drink and offered it to Kaz, who looked at the bottle as if it had personally wronged him. However, Kaz did reach into his coat pocket, pull out a flask, and take a sip. Jesper cheered and told the band to play a song, he offered his hand to Inej, who accepted and all of a sudden Jesper was taking Inej onto the stage where only an hour ago Wylan had said a speech on. Inej let out a laugh, and they danced like they had back on the nights out with Nina back before the Ice court.
Kaz looked at the two people dancing, the woman he deeply loved, and the brother he'd gained. Wylan coughed and said it was nice to see Kaz like this, just happy. Wylan took a look at kazs bewildered but pleasantly surprised look at him and went to walk away when he heard kaz quietly said "You're doing a good job of this Wylan, its good to see you've grown into your skin".
He carried on this walk to the stage, and Jesper immediately roped him into a dance. Inej saw Kaz, ran down to him and grabbed his wrist (she did make sure he was ok first), and dragged him to the stage. Somehow, during this time, Jesper had obtained another bottle, opened it again, and let Kaz take the first drink this time. The sight of Kaz taking a drink made the others let out giddy laughs. They took turns again and continued to dance, enjoying the moment.
A waiter was on their way out when they heard a noise of laughs and peaked in the ballroom to see a group of some of the most deadliest people in the barrel dancing and laughing. They smiled and thought about just how dangerous they were, when all they seemed like a group of young people who had found their family. They hoped that one day they would find people who felt like that.
While Jesper and Wylan were dancing like a tangled mess of limbs. Inej turned to Kaz, who had a had a smirk on his face, which was obviously his attempt to hide a smile. She offered her hand to him, he took her hand, and laid a kiss on it, Inej felt her cheeks heat up and glanced at Kaz, who let out a pleased smile on his face at her reaction. He wrapped his hands around her waist, she wrapped her arms around his neck, and they stood there oribting around in each others presence. After a few minutes, the music stopped, and the band said time was up. Jesper let out an experated overdramatic sigh, which lead Wylan into a fit of giggles and the Inej followed Wylans lead giggling along with him, Kaz and Jesper joined in and the night ended in a fit of laughs.
I hope you like this <3
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