#this is in todays issue but the quality is FRIED
glowingkorbat · 3 months
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my latest NT comic
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tmntxthings · 2 years
hi! I was wondering if I could request a comfort fic? I had recently discovered I was being cheated on, and I really, really loved this person (we were together for two years). I’m really pissed off about it and absolutely distraught. Is there anyway I could ask you to write a Donnie x Reader? He’s a huge comfort character for me, haha— thank you so much :)
Inside of My Heart 💜
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author’s note: im so sorry that happened anon, im no therapist but lemme just shout to the world that cheaters are the most despicable people EVER, truly sweet anon you deserve better, and i hope this Donnie fic will keep your spirits up <3
warnings: hmm fluff? and yeah more fluff, maybe one curse word?
It wasn’t everyday that Donnie thought of something he wasn’t good at. But lately he noticed a reoccurring problem. He was more than good at math, science, technology, engineering, (all self-taught btw) and not to mention he had great qualities like being responsible, intelligent, and honest.. most of the time!
But seriously! It was becoming quite obvious that he couldn’t carry a sentence when you were around. He was lacking in the social skills area, if you weren’t asking him for the wifi password or a yes or no question, he’d have a hard time finding the words. His brain would short circuit like it was a literal machine and he’d have to give nonverbal cues or depend on his brothers to pick up his slack.
What frustrated him the most was he had practiced last time! Yes, he had a heads up on when you were coming next, and practiced for days on what you could possibly ask, and he made a spreadsheet for all the responses he would need. It seemed he had poorly guessed what you would talk about, because that day you’d had some issues with a boy to which fried up Dee’s brain completely. He wanted to just throw his brain in the trash like he would with any piece of tech that was destroyed beyond repair.
After you had left that day, he had rushed to his lab. He groaned tearing up his spreadsheet into little pieces and quickly throwing them all into the trash. There that was metaphorically his brain, ripped to shreds and thrown away. He slumped into his swivel chair, dramatically putting his head down, hiding his face from view, arms shielding himself in. You were so nice about it too. You never made him feel weird, or awkward. You’d just smile warmly, like you knew he was trying his best. Which only made him try that much harder, which then led to him failing miserably. He huffed not seeing a clear solution in sight.
“Knock knock,” Mikey chirped from outside the lab. Donnie banged his head once on the table underneath him and then sat up. “Its open,” Mikey scampered in, “heyy Don, wanna do something?” Donnie swiveled in his chair to turn and face his younger brother. Giving him a questionable look so Mikey continued. “Well I was texting Y/n, and they wanna go to this Comic-Con thingy” Donnie’s mouth dropped open. You were interested in that? He wondered if you were going to dress up? “You don’t remember? They were talking about it today but that guy had bailed or something,” Mikey shrugged because he hadn’t really been listening all that much.
Classic Mikey, but Donnie couldn’t believe he had zoned out for that part of the conversation! He would’ve readily volunteered to go with you! But as soon as you had mentioned the other guy… well everyone knows, Donnie clammed up and stopped talking or thinking altogether! He sighed and Mikey looked at his brother, “what’s wrong Donnie? You don’t wanna go??” Now Donnie’s eyebrows were raising, “Mikey what are you talking about they texted you, not me.” He said that with little enthusiasm as he was more than a little jealous but understood why. You probably thought he had ignored you all day…well he kinda had.. unintentionally!
“But I told them that I couldn’t go and that you were already going!” Donnie’s eyes widened, “you said what?!” Mikey re-explained, “I said ‘I’m not going but Donnie already has a ticket, I’m sure you guys can go together’ and then I hit send.” Donnie blinked at his younger brother. “I have a ticket???” Mikey held up a ticket, “now you do!” he was smiling wickedly at his older brother now and Donnie saw it all connect. Mikey was setting him up, on purpose. “But, with them by myself?” Donnie started having self doubts. What if you had no fun with just him there? What if it became awkward? What if he couldn’t say anything?! “Donnie you gotta relax,” Mikey took in a deep breath and then released, motioning his hands at his purple clad brother for him to follow suit. So Donnie did, and as he took deep breaths his fear cleared.
“Feel better?” Mikey smiled brightly, and Donnie smirked, “yeah okay thanks little brother I’ll do my best,” Mikey fist bumped the air, “Alright! Mission set-up is a go!” He was skipping all the way out of the lab. Donnie’s immediate thought was to start making another spreadsheet. But as he looked down at the trash can he knew that wasn’t going to work. What he needed to do was text you. Which he found to be significantly easier to do than talk, it allowed him to get his thoughts out and rethink if need be.
‘Hey Y/n it’s Donatello, Mikey told me you were going to cc?’ -Dee👾
‘Hey! Yes I am, would you like to go together?’ -you ✨
‘sounds good to me, sorry i hadn’t really thought about asking when you were here..’ -Dee👾
‘No worries, I know that sometimes ppl like to go and do their own thing’ -you ✨
‘well i think I’d enjoy it more with your company :)’ -Dee 👾
At this message Donnie almost threw his phone across the lab. Instead he gently placed it on the table and took a lap. He couldn’t look, it was so cheesy, but that’s how he truly felt! AGH! He hoped you took it the right way, he hoped it wasn’t weird, he hoped he hoped he hoped!
‘aww! i feel the same way Donnie! I can’t wait, we’re gonna have so much fun c:’ -you ✨
“Yes!” Donnie said aloud, spinning around and around in his chair as he read and reread your message. You were so cute. Your messages made him feel all funny inside. He stopped spinning and got serious, ready to message you back.
‘i have marked my calendar! are you planning on cosplaying? or do you have certain places you were interested in checking out?’ -Dee 👾
‘so this’ll be my first time! should I dress up?’ -you✨
Donnie felt a little pressure. This was your first comic con and you were going with him?! It felt really special suddenly, even more special than his initial reaction. He wanted you to have the best time because in his humble opinion, comic con was a really fun time and it was one of the few places that a teenage mutant ninja turtle could go to and somehow fit in!
‘well since it’s your first time I recommend doing it all. Dressing up is part of the fun, do you have any characters in mind?’ Dee 👾
The two of you texted nonstop that night. Mikey had returned just before bed to check in and left the lab with a satisfied smile on his face. “They’re totally hitting it off!” He said to Leo who couldn’t help a cheshire grin, “what’d I tell ya! they both like each other but are soooo shy it hurts” Leo had recruited Mikey on his master plan to get you and his twin brother actually talking. “So what’s next on the master plan??” Mikey said jumping up and down with excitement, “Now” Leo said, “we wait!” And he resumed reading his Jupiter Jim comic. “Boringggg!” Mikey booed, shoulders slumping. “Our work will pay off dear brother, don’t you worry,” Leo said with so much confidence that Mikey knew it must be true.
[7 months later]
“Okay they may need more of a push,” Leo admitted. Mikey pulled on his bandana ends, “ya think?!”
The comic con date had went smoothly. The two of you had a blast and Donnie kept the picture the both of you had taken on his bedside. You were definitely closer to Donnie and he to you, yet nothing progressed past the friendship. Donnie was just happy to be able to talk to you normally, that had been a big step to him. So he didn’t want to push his luck any further. Every time the two of you were in the same room he’d be on cloud nine, though it wasn’t exactly written on his face. So if he felt that way just by proximity, just imagine how he felt when you spoke to him. Over the moon, up into the stars and way high in the galaxy. That’s how he felt. It was a regular movie night at the lair, everyone present, April sat on the far end, then you, then Donnie, then Raph. All on the couch. While Mikey and Leo occupied bean bags on the floor.
Leo and Mikey had been whispering the entire Lou Jitsu movie. Donnie twitched with aggravation every time you looked down and noticed his two idiotic brothers who would not stop talking! For Galileo’s sake it was one of Mikey’s favorites and Leo had freaking picked it out. Donnie wanted to yank at their bandanas but with you sitting right next to him, you’d definitely notice and he didn’t want that. No he’d suffer through ten more movies like this one if he had to. Raph had the remote and paused, “restroom break!” He announced with a surprising amount of dignity as he left the living room. Donnie looked over at you, and you turned facing him. He smiled and immediately looked away. Gosh you were so cute.
“Hey, Y/n” Leo said tapping on your knees with one of his fingers, “yes?” you said looking down at his twin. “Could you do me a favor?” Leo smiled charmingly and Donnie’s face twisted, rolling his eyes. “Depends..” you grinned back. Was this what flirting looked like? The thought came and went and slapped Donnie in the face. Where had that come from?! Was it because Leo was touching you and he never touched you before? Or was it because you had graced his brother with a smile? Or was it the combination of those things?? “Can you walk me to my room, I think I’m done with the movie” and that had Donnie glaring. It made no sense at all as to why you would do that and why Leo would even ask. He was up to something devious Donnie just knew it. “Uh?” You looked over at April who was holding back a laugh, “walk you to your room?” You questioned seeing just how ridiculous the request was. “Yeah I’ve gotta show you something before ya head back up,” and as Leo talked he rose to his feet, seemingly serious about this whole ordeal. Not laughing and saying just kidding like Donnie had hoped.
“Really Leo?” Donnie gritted out. Leo looked over at his twin, “what?” He smiled smugly. “What’re you doing??” The purple clad turtle seethed. “Just trying to show my friend something,” Leo emphasized the word friend dramatically. “C’mon” he reached out and grabbed your hand, half dragging you behind him. You were sputtering looking back to Donnie and that had him up on his feet. “Leo stop it.” He said and immediately his brother let go of your hand. “Oh sorry, I got a little carried away huh?” He smiled but didn’t look sorry at all. And when he leaned down towards your ear, and Donnie watched as you flushed, he had had enough!
He rushed forward, grabbing your hand and wordlessly pulled you out of the living room, into his lab and bolted the door shut. He hadn’t let go of your hand the entire time, it really wasn’t on his mind actually. What was, was Leo leaning down, getting wayyy too close and your reaction! It had him dropping your hand and he couldn’t even turn to face you. Why had he just dragged you here? “Donnie?” you whispered cautiously. “Do you like him?” He might as well get it over with. Rip the bandaid off the wound. “What?!” You exclaimed and Donnie finally turned to face you. “Do you like Leo?” Each word being raised with his voice until he was shouting his brothers name. “No!” You shouted back defensively, crossing your arms.
“Sure looked like it,” he muttered. And you flushed embarrassed again, but it wasn’t the feel-y good kind, it was the angry kind. “Believe what you want Donatello, I’m telling you no.” You huffed and tried to push past him to leave. He stood in your way. “Move Donnie!” You said exasperated until your hands shot out reaching for the bolt to unlock the door and he moved in front of it. Your hands landing on his plastron and he stiffened. You flushed again, “sorry” you muttered knowing he didn’t like to be touched but still being too angry to feel badly. He had done it to himself anyways.
“Y/n,” Donnie started and then stopped. Hands going up and then falling back down. It was returning, he couldn’t think of any words! He felt helpless and it was so overwhelming that it showed on his face. Your guard went down swiftly, “hey I’m really sorry Donnie, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,”
and that was what he had been trying to think of, been trying to say. He smiled weakly, “that’s what I wanted to tell you.. but sometimes it’s hard to think of the right words,” he blew out a breath. “happens to us all,” you reassured him. There you went, he thought to himself, making him feel ten times better, like he wasn’t a complete failure. “…Y/n, honestly I don’t know what came over me, I guess I got jealous,” Donnie hung his head as he admitted his emotions. He felt more vulnerable now than he ever did without a battle shell. “Jealous? Of Leo?” Your eyes widened at the idea. “Donnie!” You chided, and he felt sheepish, “he was leaning over you and touching you and,” his hand went up flailing around as if that explained it all.
“Donnie, I don’t like Leo,” he nodded, “yeah I know you said that,” he sighed, “I like you.” You said blushing furiously and Donnie sighed again not hearing you, “yeah I know,” his hand went up to his face, completely missing your previous statement. But as he looked into your eyes and saw you staring at him with blushing cheeks, he replayed the whole statement over. “Wait,” he said as his brain exploded. “Me??” Donnie said softly. And you nodded. “Yes you Othello Von Ryan,” and it was his turn for his skin to darken. “Oh,” was the only word that would come out, and you giggled. He laughed too and quickly said, “I like you too!” finally finding the words. “I’d been hoping so,” and the smile you graced him with was beauty beyond compare. He swooned, and couldn’t believe what was happening. It was like every secret longing that he had hoped for and kept stowed away in his heart was finally set free.
“Y/n, I like you a lot,” he gushed unable to stop the flood of emotions. “Donnie you’re gonna turn me into a tomato!” You said hiding your face in your hands because you could just feel how hot your face felt. “I think you look absolutely adorable,” and the compliment only made you blush deeper! “Donnie!” And he laughed happily, slowly taking your hands away from your face and finding the courage to go even a step further. He placed a chaste kiss to your knuckles, “I mean it Y/n.” He spoke seriously with his handsome smile. “Me too,” you confirmed and the moment couldn’t be anymore perfect.
“I KNEW IT!” Mikey called out from behind the lab door. “No, I think I called it from the beginning,” Leo’s voice could be heard farther away. “Don’t you guys act like I didn’t tip you off to begin with!” April hollered for her credit.
Yes, moment totally perfect, and the two of you burst into laughter.
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romanarose · 1 year
Acts of Service with the Triple Frontier Boys
Triple Frontier Master List All fanfic masterlist
Physical Touch Word of Affirmation Quality Time
Just thoughts of how the TF boys express their love for you in acts of service. Let me know if you'd like to see the other love languages!
Warnings: Refernces to abuse in the past (v vague, brief), nightmares, drinking, sleeping issues, but it's mostly soft
Will Miller
Will had gotten up at an ungodly hour. Well, he always did. Will got up before you, going for a run if the weather was nice, and working out in the basement if it wasn't. Today was one of those days. You stayed in bed sleeping until the alarm went off, it looked too cold and snowy out there. Then you hit snooze. and again. and again. and- OH SHIT! You're gonna be late. You always allot for hitting snooze up to five times, but you forgot about the cold! Scrambling out of bed, you quickly dress and head for the door, preparing to scrap ice off your freezing cold car and sit in it, knowing it wouldn't really warm up before you got to work. As you scramble out the door, wrapping your scarf around your neck, you suddenly realize why you didn't hear the familiar sound of Will's weights. The walkway, steps, and driveway were shoveled and salted, and your car had already had all the snow removed and ice scrapped. It was running (doors locked of course) and would be nice and warm for you. Shit, you had enough time you could stop at McDonalds for a McMuffin...
When Will came home that night, after a long day, he found the dinning room table set, wine on the table and a multiple course meal laid out before. He never did anything for something in return, coming home to you was gift enough, but nights like this, when he was tired and aching, knowing he had good food waiting for him at home made every aching step that much easier. Aw shit, you made pie?!?!?! You had that Miller sweet tooth wrapped around your pretty little finger
Francisco Morales
Frankie showed his love in small ways, things you never failed to notice. He was used to self-sacrifice, but with you, it didn't feel like a sacrifice at all. You always thanked him, verbally or with a smile when he opened the door for you, brought you coffee in the morning, or ordered for you when you were anxious (always remember exactly how you liked your burrito bowl). But what got you was years into the relationship. Frankie was in the bathroom when the food came, burgers and fries for everyone, and you snatched the pickle right out of his basket, and Benny made the comment "Damn, he must really love you if he lets you eat the pickle", to which you reply "Frankies doesn't like pickles?" This set off a chain of reactions from the boys, assuring you that no, no Frankie loves pickles, and always tries to steal theirs. If you weren't already married you would propose to him right there, as he exited the bathroom, shaking his wet hands and griping about no paper towels.
You wake up to an empty bed, and realize Frankie must've had a nightmare. You really wished he would wake you when this happened, but you knew it was hard for him to ask for help. You find him asleep on the living room couch, his comfort hat on as How I Met Your Mother played loudly in front of him, no doubt an attempt to stay away. Careful not to wake him, lest he never go back to sleep, you turn off the tv, pull a blanket over him, and put on a nightlight as you turned the lights off, just in case he had another one.
Benny Miller
"BENNYYYYYYYYYY" You shout loudly through your cell phone. "I know it's late but Uber's are like, $70 right now!"
"I'll be there in 10, honey"
Benjamin was there in 8. He picked you up, and all your friends. As you sat in the front seat, you watched as he helped them into their respective places. When asked how they all made it to bed alive after all that fireball, they told you how Benny (who they were all comfortable around, and who had asked before entering their homes) had held their hand as they got their heels off, had them each drink water, and chastely waited in the hallway until he was sure they safely in bed. You had woken up that morning with a raging headache and nausea, but promptly found a trashcan by your bedside. Benny came in when he heard you throwing up, entering with a slightly sarcastic, but none the less sweet "morn'n sunshine" He cleaned out the soiled trashcan, and spend the better part of the day taking care of you as you promised repeatedly to never drink again.
You wake up to your phone buzzing at 2 am, Benny gone from your bed, and his name lighting up your phone. "Benny? What's wrong?" Benny explains he couldn't sleep, a common occurrence for him, so he went for a run. Ben was prone to long bouts of depression, and thought he could just exercise them away. He found himself 2 miles down the road, unable to take another step. You hoped in your car, quickly parking and running to him as he lay sprawled out on the grass. He apologized for waking you, but said he just couldn't move. Something wasn't connecting in his brain. He felt exhausted despite running a forth of his usual. Drained. Taking off your flannel, you lay beside him and pull it over the two of you. 'It's okay, we'll lay here until you're ready'
Santiago Garcia
Santi was protective by nature. He kept you tightly around him at bars and crowds, unless of course you wanted to do something or talk to someone. He wouldn't stop you from doing stuff, of course, but if he could be there to protect you in any way you could. He'd pull you in away from the street when you walked so that you were on the inside of the sidewalk, cover the end of a table if you went over to grab something so you didn't hit your head, and if he stopped too fast to avoid an accident, his hand was always in front of you like a seat belt. There were things of course he couldn't protect you from, things that happened long before he knew you. But Santi was always there. Holding you every nightmare, taking you to every therapy appointment and going in with you if that'd what you needed, and letting you cry if you just needed to be sad. One day ou said you felt like you could scream, like something was clawing inside you. He drove you out to the beach, where no one was in January, and let you scream your lungs out as he stood with you in the cold.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine"
"Get your ass inside"
You had caught Santi bent over when you were bringing him lemonade as he mowed the lawn. Sitting him on the couch you bring out two packs of peas wrapped in towels, you prop his legs up on the coffee table you usually yelled at him to get his feet off, and handed him the lemonade and remote, going outside to mow the lawn for him, something you hated doing, but decided to try and at least help with from now on, since his knees seemed to bother him more.
How you enjoyed! I love my TF boys <3
LMK if you'd like to be added or removed from my tag list! I decided I'll keep one tag list for triple frontier, and one for moon knight, so if you only want to be on one or the other!
@welcometostayingawake @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @kittyofalltrades @luciannadraven33 @littlenosoul @jake-g-lockley @milkymoon2483 @in-between-the-cafes @howaboutcastiel
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thekitchnpro · 3 years
Want to Achieve Restaurant Quality Deep Fried Food? Follow These Rules!
New Post has been published on https://thekitchnpro.com/want-to-achieve-restaurant-quality-deep-fried-food-follow-these-rules/
Want to Achieve Restaurant Quality Deep Fried Food? Follow These Rules!
Have you ever gone out to eat and found yourself devouring the best French fries or fish fry? Do you ever wish you could make those same foods at home? Well, today, we are going to share the rules you must follow when you want to achieve restaurant quality deep fried foods. You might want to get ready, because your taste buds will want you to start cooking right away!
Want to Achieve Restaurant Quality Deep Fried Food? Follow These Rules!
  Choose the Right Oil
Lighter fried foods require vegetable oils for frying. However, you may prefer corn oil if you like a stronger taste. No matter which oil you choose, you must never let the temperature reach the smoking point. If you do, the smoke can be harmful and will leave a flavor you will never want to eat. 
Use a Large Quantity of Oil
You may be tempted to use the least amount of oil as possible when you are frying foods at home. Lesser amounts of oil can cause burning of the food. And since the temperature of the oil drops quicker when food is placed in smaller amounts of oil, you won’t get the crispiness you want at the end. 
Use the Proper Batter
Moist foods must be dipped into a lighter batter, so the result is not mushy food after frying. Drier foods can be dipped into a heartier batter without any issues after cooking. 
Fry Smaller Batches
You may be in a hurry to get dinner on the table, but deep-frying foods in large batches can result in a soggy mess that no one will eat. We recommend placing a couple pieces of food into the oil and frying everything in small batches. This will ensure the oil temperature doesn’t drop too quickly.  
Keep the Oil a Constant Temperature
It can be difficult to keep the oil in your pan at a constant temperature. If the pan is pale, your oil is not ready. However, if your oil is too hot, it will smoke and can even burn the outside of your pan. 
Drain Your Foods Properly
When you drain your fried foods, how do you do it? If you are like many people, you stack the food on top of the last piece. This is not the right way to do it, because the hotter foods will cause the food below to become soggy. Instead, you should place the food on frying paper for a few minutes before placing it on another plate. 
Salting Your Fried Foods
You must never salt your fried foods until you are ready to serve them. This will ensure the oil is dried and the salt won’t absorb and create an awful taste.
These are the seven rules you must follow if you want restaurant quality fried foods at home. Skipping any of these rules will give you fried foods that are nothing like what you will taste at your favorite restaurant.
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hospitalterrorizer · 8 days
thursday - friday
sooo tired.
today was really nice, i worked on 2 songs, which is less than i wanted but.. idk. it's been a while since i've just sat around and felt pretty and felt normal i guess. even with the bugs. idk. maybe it's just because i had icecream today and was basically productive, i sent over that new poem to my friend for that one to maybe be published if the strange and long one does not do. and then i kind of just played vtmb for a while. which really makes me happy, so odd.
or not odd. it's just odd that certain atmospheres in things can do that to me, silent hill, dark souls (and all the soul games really), that game, some parts of nier automata, some parts of resonance of fate (the towns... i almost wish that game had a lot more town-related stuff in it somehow). just places to wander around, is maybe one of the biggest parts of this.
that makes me think, maybe i should play through some sh games since this computer is better than my last. i also should maybe not think so much about playing video games. but i will have more free time and maybe they'll help me not go crazy or something in roach house.
anyways...what else. listening to someone i know's album, so far it's really good. i am in a discord server with her, we have hardly interacted, we're just mildly around one another, but i tend to admire what she does musically.
in a weird way it reminds me of some of the neo-no-wave stuff i like, i think in the drum mixing especially. the mixing on the record is really interesting generally, everything feels rather spacious in an odd way, or there's a lot of distance, i think w/ my album being so uh,,, fried sounding i guess, is a way to put it, fried + compressed, this is much more delicate and shambling in a different way. i would hope my record is shambling but you know, i dunno. it's how i think of it.
listening to my record now, i think on a couple of these songs, i can hear the doubling i'm doing adding too much... idk, water-y-ness to some songs almost? it's weird. it almost gets like, to this death-surf-y thing kinda which i'm partially way into but also it gets in the way of some things, and sorta makes some sounds become too much of a, idk, it lends a mildly weird quality to the mids i think, something like, vacuous i guess. maybe that's an eq curve issue though. that's hard to figure out. these songs are all definitely closer to what i want though.
strangely very excited to continue working on songs, even though ableton is so fussy with these tracks off the old laptop (before, it really did feel much harder and more stressful) ...there is something rewarding i guess, especially at this point. the songs go from like feeling rather flat, i guess, not that i noticed them that way, to feeling way denser, and it's not because of anything other than some stuff i do to create a sense of space, which is rather nice.
anyway, i really must sleep now so,
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e-electronics · 19 days
Sony TV Repairs: Restoring Your Entertainment Experience
 Sony TVs are renowned for their superior picture quality, innovative features, and sleek design. However, even the most advanced electronics can encounter issues over time. When your Sony TV malfunctions or encounters a problem, prompt and reliable repairs are essential to restoring your entertainment experience.
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Expert Diagnosis: The first step in Sony TV repairs is expert diagnosis. Qualified technicians will carefully assess the issue with your TV, whether it's a blank screen, distorted images, or audio problems. With their expertise and specialized tools, they can pinpoint the root cause of the issue accurately.
Quality Parts Replacement: Once the problem is identified, the next step is to replace any faulty components with high-quality parts. Whether it's a malfunctioning circuit board, a damaged screen, or a faulty power supply, experienced technicians have access to genuine Sony parts to ensure optimal performance and longevity.
Skilled Repair Techniques: Sony TVs are complex electronic devices, and repairing them requires specialized skills and techniques. From soldering components to reprogramming software, skilled technicians employ a variety of methods to restore your TV to full functionality. Their attention to detail and precision craftsmanship ensure that repairs are conducted with the utmost care and professionalism.
Thorough Testing: After repairs are completed, thorough testing is conducted to verify that the issue has been resolved and that your TV is functioning correctly. Technicians meticulously check all functions and features, including picture quality, sound output, connectivity options, and smart TV capabilities, to ensure a seamless viewing experience.
Convenience and Efficiency: In today's fast-paced world, convenience is key. Reputable repair services offer flexible scheduling options and efficient turnaround times to minimize downtime and inconvenience for customers. Whether it's onsite repairs or pickup and delivery services, they strive to make the repair process as convenient and hassle-free as possible.
Warranty Coverage: Most reputable repair services offer warranty coverage on their repairs, providing customers with peace of mind and assurance that their investment is protected. If any issues arise after repairs are completed, customers can rest easy knowing that they are covered under warranty for additional support and assistance.
In conclusion, Sony TV repairs are essential for restoring your entertainment experience and ensuring that you can continue to enjoy the stunning visuals and immersive sound that Sony TVs are known for. With expert diagnosis, quality parts replacement, skilled repair techniques, thorough testing, convenience, and warranty coverage, reputable repair services offer comprehensive solutions to address any issues your TV may encounter. So, if your Sony TV is in need of repair, don't hesitate to seek out professional assistance to get it back up and running smoothly.
Visit us on - https://www.europeanelectronics.com.au/
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For More Info -
Contact: 03 9553 4300
Time: Mon-Fri( 9am- 5pm)
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Steaming Sensations: Elevate Your Culinary Game with A Dumpling Steamer
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In the realm of culinary delights, few things evoke as much comfort and satisfaction as the humble dumpling. Whether it's the delicate folds of a potsticker, the pillowy softness of a bao bun, or the savory goodness of a shumai, dumplings are a universal favorite. And while they can be enjoyed fried or boiled, there's something truly magical about steamed dumplings that sets them apart. Enter the unsung hero of dumpling-making: the dumpling steamer.
What is a Dumpling Steamer?
A dumpling steamer is a kitchen tool specifically designed for the art of steaming dumplings. It typically consists of a multi-layered pot with a perforated base and a lid that traps steam, allowing it to circulate and cook the dumplings evenly. While it may seem like a specialized gadget, investing in a dumpling steamer can revolutionize your culinary endeavors and elevate your homemade dumplings to restaurant-quality perfection.
What are the features to look at when choosing a Dumpling Steamer?
When selecting a dumpling steamer, there are several features to consider to ensure that you choose the right one for your needs. Here are some key features to look for:
Material: Examine the quality and durability of the dumpling steamer. Opt for models crafted from premium materials like stainless steel for their resilience, resistance to corrosion, and ease of cleaning. Prioritize sturdy build quality to withstand the rigors of a commercial kitchen environment.
Size and Capacity: Choose a model with enough compartments or racks to handle the desired volume of dumplings efficiently. Also, consider the daily production volume to ensure the steamer can keep up with your demand.
Steam Generation: Consider how the steamer generates steam. Some models feature built-in water reservoirs for automatic steam conversion, while others rely on separate steam generators. Select a steamer compatible with your kitchen's infrastructure and operational requirements.
Timers and Alerts: Prioritize steamers equipped with timers and audible alerts. Timers allow precise control over steaming durations, ensuring consistent results and preventing over or undercooking. Audible alerts signal when dumpling is ready, facilitating efficient management of cooking processes.
Ease of Cleaning: Choose a dumpling steamer that is easy to clean, with smooth surfaces and dishwasher-safe components. Avoid steamers with intricate designs or difficult-to-reach areas that can trap food particles and make cleaning a chore.
Safety Features: Ensure the dumpling steamer includes essential safety features such as heat-resistant handles, safety switches, and automatic shut-off mechanisms to safeguard against accidents and protect kitchen staff.
Price and Warranty: Establish a budget for your dumpling steamer purchase and compare prices across different manufacturers or suppliers. Additionally, review the manufacturer's warranty coverage to address potential manufacturing defects or issues.
A dumpling steamer is a must-have tool for any aspiring home cook looking to elevate their culinary game. From its ability to preserve flavors and textures to its versatility and healthfulness, steaming dumplings offers a multitude of benefits that make it a worthwhile investment. So why wait? Embrace the steaming sensation and take your dumpling-making skills to new heights with a dumpling steamer today.
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Opening up the Cheap Food Section: A Comprehensive Look at the Food Service Industry in Germany
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 In the bustling culinary scene of Germany, fast food occupies a significant position. The Germany Food service market offers a wide range of flavours and experiences, from the scent of freshly baked pretzels to the sizzle of bratwurst on the grill. However, the fast-food industry stands out as a beacon of convenience, flavour, and cultural fusion in this vibrant mosaic.
Understanding Germany's Food Service Market Before delving into the particulars of the fast-food sector, it is essential to comprehend Germany's food service market  broader context. There are a wide variety of eateries in Germany's robust food service industry, from traditional beer gardens serving hearty schnitzels to avant-garde bistros serving creative dishes.
As per statistical surveying, the German food administration market has encountered consistent development as of late, filled by variables like rising expendable salaries, changing shopper inclinations, and an inexorably unique eating society. Customers in Germany are picky about what they eat and place an emphasis on quality, authenticity, and sustainability, which drives demand for diverse and high-quality food options.
The Rise of Fast Food in Germany Despite the fact that Germany has long been associated with culinary traditions that are rich in history and heritage, the fast food industry has experienced a remarkable rise in popularity over the past few decades. There are a number of reasons for this trend:
Changing one's habits: Convenience reigns supreme in today's fast-paced world. With furious plans for getting work done and occupied ways of life turning into the standard, shoppers progressively go to cheap food choices for speedy and brother free dinners.
Globalisation: The impact of worldwide culinary patterns couldn't possibly be more significant. Germany's food culture embraces cultural diversity as well. Offering a taste of exotic flavours and cuisines, international fast-food chains have entered the German market.
Innovative Products: In Germany, fast food restaurants now offer more than just burgers and fries. Fast-food menus now offer everything from gourmet hot dogs to vegan falafel wraps to satisfy a wide range of tastes and dietary preferences.
Key Players in the Fast-Food Industry The fast-food industry in Germany is dominated by a number of prominent players, each with its own distinctive flair. Among them are:
McDonald's: McDonald's continues to dominate the fast-food industry in Germany with its golden arches adorning street corners all over the country. The restaurant chain continues to attract diners of all ages thanks to its renowned Big Macs and crispy McNuggets.
Burger Lord: With its flame-grilled burgers and indulgent Whoppers, Burger King, which is a close competitor of McDonald's, has established itself as a distinct player in the German market. Customers in Germany have embraced it because of its strategic expansion and emphasis on personalization.
Subway: Subway is a refreshing alternative for health-conscious diners looking for new, customizable options. Subway has established itself as the go-to spot for healthy fast food thanks to its made-to-order signature sandwiches and salads.
Neighborhood Top picks: Germany has a thriving ecosystem of local fast-food restaurants and snack bars, each offering a taste of regional cuisine, in addition to multinational chains. These establishments, which range from currywurst stands in Berlin to döner kebab shops in Cologne, give the fast-food industry a new flavour
Opportunities and Challenges The fast-food industry in Germany continues to thrive, but it faces challenges as well. Operators of fast-food establishments face significant obstacles as a result of increased awareness of health and wellness issues as well as increased scrutiny of environmental sustainability. Additionally, the rise of food delivery services and shifting consumer preferences present market participants with both challenges and opportunities.
Be that as it may, with development and versatility at its centre, the cheap food portion in Germany is ready to proceed with development. Fast-food restaurants can stay ahead of the curve and meet the changing needs of German customers by embracing eco-friendly practices, digitalization, and plant-based options.
In conclusion, the fast-food sector contributes significantly to the German food service market in Germany by providing a diverse selection of flavours, convenience, and cultural experiences. As purchaser inclinations advance and cultural patterns shape the scene, cheap food administrators should stay dexterous and receptive to remain important in this aggressive climate. Fast-food restaurants in Germany can continue to delight customers and earn a unique place in the country's culinary history if they adhere to their core values of quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction.
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stylus-22 · 1 month
Is there a Difference between American English and British English | elearning content development
elearning content development
Previously, the world was highly influenced by British English, as England was the superpower. Speaking English was considered to be a posh affair. As a result, English quickly came to be known as a major language in most parts of the world. In India too, the emergence and spread of colonization led to the acceptance of English as a prominent language in India. America on the other hand, ended up speaking English as the early settlers who migrated to the new land were largely British. They took the language with them to the new land and made numerous changes in the language, further creating a new variation of English popularly known as American English.
The popularity of courseware design in USA has increased and it is crucial to create the best quality content. Let us not deny that while designing courseware the correct usage of the required English is essential and it is very common to see individuals get confused between the two. It is not about one being better than the other, both the versions are popular, however, the major concern here is the quality. One has to make sure that there are no inconsistencies while designing courseware, if American English is needed then the entire courseware should follow the same. The courseware cannot contain parts of British English. The same rule should be followed vice versa. To tackle this issue, e learning development companies in USA like Stylus Solutions can provide assistance while avoiding any irregularities in the language to be used.
Here are some examples that might provide a glance over the vast dissimilarities between British English and American English:
Use of VocabularyThe major and highly noticeable difference between American English and British English is the vocabulary. There are many words that are prominent in everyday usage and have completely different meanings in both British as well as American English. For instance, Americans ‘use an elevator’ while the British ‘take the lift.’ French fries are referred to as ‘chips’ in England and Americans call it ‘fries’. The British ‘wear trousers’ but ‘Americans’ wear pants. ‘Vacation’ in American English is termed as ‘holiday’ in British English.
Use of SpellingsAmerican English have converted British spellings to generate differences. The use of spellings is another source to spot numerous differences. American English focuses more on how the word looks rather than changing sounds unlike, British English. The British spelling of colour is color in American English. Similarly, words like honour, labour, and favour are spelled as honor, labor, and favor in American English. American English removes the letter ‘u’ to spell the word as it sounds. The ending of verb forms of some words are also changed around in American English. In British English the word organise ends with ‘ise’ while in American English the same word ends with ‘ize’, Other examples of such words are analyse and realise which are written as analyze and realize.
Use of collective nounsCollective nouns are generally used to address a group. In American English collective nouns are always singular unlike British English where collective nouns are used both in singular and plural forms depending on the usage. One such example is, Americans will say, “The band is performing exceptionally today” but in British English one can say “The Band is performing exceptionally today,” or “The band are performing exceptionally today”.
Use of Past tenseBritish English commonly uses past perfect tense, for instance, “I have just given him some chocolates”. Contrary to British English, American English uses simple past along with ‘just’, for example “I just gave him some chocolates.”
Use of PrepositionsPrepositions are also used differently in BRITISH and American English. The British say “They will travel in a train“, while Americans say “They will travel on a train”. When addressing time or a specific day, British English uses the preposition ‘at’, for instance, “She’ll be home at Christmas” The same sentence is framed as “She’ll be home on Christmas” in American English
Use of Question tagsQuestion tags are questions that originate from an existing sentence. The tag follows the statement with the auxiliary verb in the sentence, changing its meaning from positive to negative, for example, ‘The night is chilly, isn’t it?’ or ‘You don’t want the last slice of pizza, do you?’ Including question tags while speaking is very common in British English, it is one kind of validation that the British use. It is not entirely wrong to use question tags in American English, but it is less common and is not commonly used in everyday conversations.
TimeAmerican and British English have differences in the way time structure is vocalized. In American English, time is specified as “quarter after eight” for 8:15. In British English, time is indicated as “quarter past eight”. Variation also exists in the manner of writing time. The Americans always use a decimal point or period while writing time digitally, it is written as 8.00, however, the British use a colon, they write 8:00. In courseware designing, it is essential to address such minor variations.
DateWhile addressing dates too, British and American English follow dissimilar ways. The British say, “John’s wedding anniversary is the 10 of October,” whereas the Americans say “John’s wedding anniversary is on October 10th.” Even when date is written, the format varies, the Americans write “March 16, 2012” and the British write, “16 March 2012”, the comma is not added in the British version.
These are the crucial factors in deciding how much the usage of British English or American English matters. Differences are numerous, but both the variants are correct if consistency is maintained and there is nothing wrong in using either of the versions. The problem arises when both the variants are mixed together, especially in courseware development. The courseware will be considered incorrect. To avoid such instances, contact one of the highly skilled e learning development companies in United State such as Stylus Solutions, to design a consistent, informative and engaging courseware.
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fucktherain · 2 months
12 April 2024 (Fri) 1:14 pm
Good afternoon. I’m still really ill. At this point I’ve got a wet towel (that was supposed to be cold but my body heat has made warm) draped on my face and I’m praying to God that this will end soon. I am even considering believing in the divine if I get better. I’m really hungry, but I’ve lost my appetite. I want to eat fresh fruits to feel cooler, amongst other necessary groceries I need / that I’m running out of. I’ve also got a package I need to pick up at the concierge but I really can’t bear the thought of going out. I don’t want to do my makeup (yes I’m quite self conscious and I feel like I look quite bloated) to go out, but I also don’t want to go out bare-faced (even though I know nobody cares). The concierge and the nearest supermarket (Waitrose) are literally like within 2 minutes walk (basically downstairs from me), but I’m feeling absolutely horrible. I’ve showered last night, but I feel so hot and uncomfortable. I’m sorry I’m complaining again, but I have to get it out of my system. I feel like I can’t complain to anyone else in my life because.. who wants to listen to someone complain? And won’t take help? Like, what can you say to that person? I don’t want to inconvenience anyone, and I know it gets irritating, so this is my place to vent.
Possible solutions is to force myself to go out. Get myself together and get what I need, though it’ll exert myself (I can barely get up without feeling faint – I felt like I was about to pass out a few times these past 3 days) and probably feel worse off. Or, I could get an uber delivery from a supermarket and have it delivered right to my door, but I’ll still have to go out because I have a package I need to retrieve. And also, quality of the groceries may be poorer (they don’t care about the quality of what they’re grabbing). I don’t know. But all I know is I’m in so much pain. My throat has gotten really, really sore as well. The first 1 or 1 and a half days it was fine, but now it hurts to swallow and I have green / yellowy phlegm. Yes, gross, but that’s what’s happening.
Also, the other night, I was thinking about how my period’s been a few days late and I got really paranoid. I did a test and I’m fine. Thank god. I’m not pregnant. It would’ve just been absolutely the cherry on top. I probably would’ve really tried to off myself a that point. Sorry for the suicidal joke. I really need to get better with less self-deprecating statements. 
I feel like I need so many things. I bought some makeup to try to make myself feel better, and it’s arriving tonight. But the essentials - like a face ice pack, fuck. I need it. I’m actually heating up so much. This illness feels like it’s been going on for a week already. Okay. Look on the bright side. Without going through this shit, I probably wouldn’t have resolved to get better. The rain will end. Eventually it has to, some way or another.
I just walked to my living room window to check the weather and temperature. I still felt faint. But what’s lifting my mood is that it’s actually a nice day. It’s sunny for once, and the temperature seems to be just right. It’s 19C, but it feels a bit warmer (at least from my flat). I might go out. I think I will. I don’t want to waste this sunny Friday afternoon, and it’ll do me some good to get fresh air. I didn’t realize how stagnant the air was in my flat – especially my bedroom. I kept it dark, windows shut, just me and my blankets in bed. I still feel sick as fuck, but I’m going to try. This is a bigger step today for me. See? The doom and gloom does expire. I just needed to change my perspective and wait. 
4:48 pm
I did my groceries and I retrieved the package. Some issues arose with a second package I’m receiving today but it’s fine now. I got a bit stressed out but at least it’s okay now. After unpacking my groceries, I went out again. Since it’s such a nice day out, and I’m still living a 10 minutes’ walk away from the famous Greenwich Park, I took another leap. I think that’s an improvement. I still feel sick but at least I’m out in nature. It’s a bit windy but at least the sun is out. I still feel simultaneously hot and cold. My goal here is to write as a form of self improvement. With me, I have so many thoughts and when it’s all just rattling around inside my skull, I just go stir crazy because I’m not really processing them. And historically, writing it all down helps because there’s a sort of… logical process to it. I don’t know if anyone else gets what I’m saying. But historically, it’s been helpful for me. Also, I can’t talk to anyone about my problems. The only one that can help me is me. I feel like I’m at a high risk of sounding very cliche. I’m sitting at a bench but I feel really self conscious with all the people walking past me. I think I’m going to move.
7:24 pm
I bought a book and got my second package. At the park, my boyfriend messaged me asking if I was free. I said yes. He told me to go to his. I didn’t want to get him sick, so I asked him if he was sure. He assumed that I got over my illness. Eventually, the conversation got to the point where he said ‘if we don’t talk we’ll fall apart’. I know that. I just felt like he didn’t want me around and that he needed his space. I always want to be with him. I want to talk to him always. I want everything to turn out well. I was just waiting for him. So I got home. I’m still in physical pain. 
But at least today I can say I:
got out of my flat (for the first time in 3 days)
did my makeup (in less than 2 hours!)
got 2 packages
threw out trash
went to the park
got the necessary groceries
I am proud of myself for setting goals and surpassing them. I honestly thought I’d just be getting groceries and the packages, but I did much more than that. I think my reward for today was the packages. I’m very happy with my purchases. I’m grateful that I have them. I am trying and doing my best, and that is enough. Only I can save myself.
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healthyheartsgurgaon · 2 months
10 Common Indian Practices That May Raise Cardiovascular Risk
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When it comes to health, awareness is key. Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are among the leading causes of mortality globally, and India is no exception. While genetics and lifestyle choices play significant roles in CVD risk, certain common Indian practices may unwittingly contribute to an increased risk of heart problems. In this article, we delve into 10 such practices that individuals may want to reconsider for the sake of their heart health, with insights from top cardiologists in Gurgaon.
1. Sedentary Lifestyle
In an age where technology facilitates convenience, many Indians lead sedentary lives. Desk jobs, long commutes, and leisure activities centred around screens contribute to a lack of physical activity. Regular exercise is essential for maintaining cardiovascular health, as it helps regulate blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and weight.
2. High Consumption of Fried Foods
Indian cuisine is renowned for its rich flavours, often achieved through frying. While delicious, frequent consumption of fried foods can lead to elevated levels of unhealthy fats in the body, increasing the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease.
3. Excessive Salt Intake
Salt is a staple in Indian cooking, enhancing taste and preserving food. However, excessive salt intake can elevate blood pressure, a major risk factor for cardiovascular problems. Reducing salt intake and opting for herbs and spices for flavouring can help mitigate this risk.
4. Tobacco Use
Despite awareness campaigns, tobacco use remains prevalent in India. Whether through smoking or chewing tobacco products, the habit significantly raises the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular issues. Quitting tobacco is one of the most impactful steps individuals can take for their heart health.
5. Irregular Sleep Patterns
In today's fast-paced world, many Indians struggle with irregular sleep patterns. Poor sleep quality or insufficient sleep can disrupt the body's natural rhythms, contributing to hypertension, obesity, and diabetes, all of which are risk factors for heart disease, as noted by a cardiologist in Gurgaon. It's essential to prioritize sleep hygiene and ensure adequate rest to safeguard cardiovascular health.
6. Stress and Mental Health Neglect
Stress has become a common feature of modern life, and its impact on heart health cannot be overstated. Chronic stress can lead to inflammation, high blood pressure, and unhealthy coping mechanisms such as overeating or substance abuse. Prioritizing mental well-being through relaxation techniques, therapy, or hobbies can significantly reduce cardiovascular risk.
7. Ignoring Routine Health Check-ups
Prevention is better than cure, yet many Indians neglect routine health check-ups until symptoms manifest. Regular monitoring of blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and other cardiovascular markers can help identify issues early on, allowing for timely intervention and the prevention of heart disease.
8. Overconsumption of Sugar
India's sweet tooth is well-known, but excessive sugar consumption can wreak havoc on heart health. High sugar intake is linked to obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome, all of which increase the risk of CVDs. Limiting added sugars in beverages and processed foods is crucial for maintaining a healthy heart.
9. Lack of Dietary Diversity
Traditional Indian diets are diverse and nutritious, but modern dietary habits often lean towards convenience foods high in refined carbohydrates and unhealthy fats. Incorporating a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into daily meals can provide essential nutrients that support heart health.
10. Reluctance to Seek Professional Help
Cultural factors and misconceptions may lead many Indians to delay seeking professional medical help until symptoms become severe. Early intervention and the proper management of risk factors can significantly reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease. Encouraging regular health check-ups and seeking timely medical advice can save lives.
While cultural practices enrich our lives, some may inadvertently compromise our cardiovascular health, as highlighted by a heart doctor in Gurgaon. By acknowledging these common practices and making conscious choices to prioritize heart health, individuals can mitigate their risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. From adopting a more active lifestyle to making healthier dietary choices and managing stress effectively, small changes can yield significant benefits for long-term heart health. Remember, a proactive approach to cardiovascular wellness today can pave the way for a healthier tomorrow.
To book an appointment with our cardiologist: Dr. Monik Mehta (MBBS, MD, DM, FACC)
Interventional Cardiologist, Cardiologist, Cardiac Electrophysiologist
24*7 Helpline No.: +91–9873214382
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thekitchnpro · 3 years
Want to Achieve Restaurant Quality Deep Fried Food? Follow These Rules!
New Post has been published on https://thekitchnpro.com/want-to-achieve-restaurant-quality-deep-fried-food-follow-these-rules/
Want to Achieve Restaurant Quality Deep Fried Food? Follow These Rules!
Have you ever gone out to eat and found yourself devouring the best French fries or fish fry? Do you ever wish you could make those same foods at home? Well, today, we are going to share the rules you must follow when you want to achieve restaurant quality deep fried foods. You might want to get ready, because your taste buds will want you to start cooking right away!
Want to Achieve Restaurant Quality Deep Fried Food? Follow These Rules!
  Choose the Right Oil
Lighter fried foods require vegetable oils for frying. However, you may prefer corn oil if you like a stronger taste. No matter which oil you choose, you must never let the temperature reach the smoking point. If you do, the smoke can be harmful and will leave a flavor you will never want to eat. 
Use a Large Quantity of Oil
You may be tempted to use the least amount of oil as possible when you are frying foods at home. Lesser amounts of oil can cause burning of the food. And since the temperature of the oil drops quicker when food is placed in smaller amounts of oil, you won’t get the crispiness you want at the end. 
Use the Proper Batter
Moist foods must be dipped into a lighter batter, so the result is not mushy food after frying. Drier foods can be dipped into a heartier batter without any issues after cooking. 
Fry Smaller Batches
You may be in a hurry to get dinner on the table, but deep-frying foods in large batches can result in a soggy mess that no one will eat. We recommend placing a couple pieces of food into the oil and frying everything in small batches. This will ensure the oil temperature doesn’t drop too quickly.  
Keep the Oil a Constant Temperature
It can be difficult to keep the oil in your pan at a constant temperature. If the pan is pale, your oil is not ready. However, if your oil is too hot, it will smoke and can even burn the outside of your pan. 
Drain Your Foods Properly
When you drain your fried foods, how do you do it? If you are like many people, you stack the food on top of the last piece. This is not the right way to do it, because the hotter foods will cause the food below to become soggy. Instead, you should place the food on frying paper for a few minutes before placing it on another plate. 
Salting Your Fried Foods
You must never salt your fried foods until you are ready to serve them. This will ensure the oil is dried and the salt won’t absorb and create an awful taste.
These are the seven rules you must follow if you want restaurant quality fried foods at home. Skipping any of these rules will give you fried foods that are nothing like what you will taste at your favorite restaurant.
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gokleenkochi · 3 months
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Embrace the New Year with a fresh start for your beloved car! Give it the pampering it deserves by treating it to a complete wash. Let the cleansing water wash away the remnants of the past, leaving your car gleaming and ready for exciting journeys in the upcoming year. Show your appreciation for your trusted companion on the road and usher in the New Year with a sparkling, clean vehicle. Not only does a thorough wash enhance the visual appeal, but it also contributes to the overall well-being and longevity of your car. Start the year on a clean slate and make it a resolution to maintain your car’s brilliance throughout the coming adventures. Cheers to a sparkling New Year and a shining ride ahead!
Taking care of your car throughout the year involves simple yet crucial practices, and among them, regular car washing stands out. This routine not only serves the purpose of cleaning but also acts as a protective measure for your vehicle. A comprehensive car wash effectively removes dirt, grime, salt, and other contaminants that can potentially harm your car’s paint or lead to rust formation. It is a proactive step in mitigating the impact of factors like acid rain on your vehicle, ultimately saving you money by preventing potential costly issues.
A thorough car wash is a practical way to safeguard your car’s finish and maintain its aesthetic appeal. Don’t overlook the importance of interior cleaning. A deep clean for the inside of your car eliminates accumulated dirt, dust, and the remnants of daily life like forgotten fries. This not only preserves the pristine look of your car’s interior but also helps in preventing issues such as the growth of bacteria or mold.
For the residents of Ernakulam, the ultimate solution for home car washing is GoKleen. Our premium services in the region epitomize superior craftsmanship. We offer subscription-based plans for your car’s detailing and washing needs, providing hassle-free services, door-to-door delivery, quality workmanship, and a straightforward subscription process. GoKleen stands out as the best Eco-Friendly Car Wash Service in Kochi, ensuring your car receives the care it deserves.
We take pride in offering two distinctive services: Residential Car Wash and Corporate Car Wash, each designed to cater comprehensively to the unique needs of our clients in the Ernakulam region.Our Residential Car Wash service is tailored to meet the diverse requirements of residential communities. We provide a comprehensive package that addresses the entire spectrum of car washing needs. When engaged by a building or residential complex, our dedicated team efficiently handles the car cleaning needs of the residents. With flexible monthly packages spanning 28 days, offering 4 to 16 washes per month, our services include an interior vacuum coupled with exterior washes scheduled at a mutually agreed-upon time.On the corporate front, we understand the demands of businesses, be they large or small, that maintain a fleet of cars. We also recognize the needs of working professionals who commute early in the morning and return late at night. In response to these scenarios, our Corporate Car Wash service provides unparalleled convenience by bringing our services directly to your business unit. Whether opting for an on-demand service or a monthly subscription, our commitment is to deliver complete care and washing services tailored to your business’s car park. Expect a hassle-free and pristine vehicle maintenance experience with GoKleen.
At Gokleen, we understand that your car is more than just a mode of transportation – it’s a reflection of your style and personality. Trust us to provide the care and attention your car deserves, all from the comfort of your home with our Doorstep Car Wash Service in Kochi. Visit us today and discover the joy of driving a truly immaculate vehicle! Your car deserves the best, and we deliver nothing less. Gokleen Auto Care – Where Every Ride Sparkles!
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archerplumbing · 3 months
Archer Plumbing LLC
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In the heart of Centennial, CO, you'll find a trusted name in the plumbing industry: Archer Plumbing LLC. Recognized as a premier provider for all plumbing needs, our licensed and dedicated team is ready to tackle any issue that comes your way. From the moment you search for a plumber near me, know that you're in reliable hands with Archer Plumbing LLC. Whether it's a leaky faucet, clogged drain, or a more complex plumbing conundrum, we stand at the forefront with solutions tailored to your unique situation. Our commitment to excellence extends through every facet of our services which include comprehensive plumbing repairs, maintenance, and installations. Understanding that plumbing emergencies can arise without warning, we've cultivated a rapid response system to ensure that when you need a plumber near me, we’re just a call away. Centered around Centennial, CO’s vibrant neighborhoods, our reach provides peace of mind for residential and commercial clients alike. Our ethos revolves around not just meeting but exceeding customer expectations with unparalleled service quality. Each engagement with us is underpinned by transparency, efficiency, and long-lasting results - attributes that have cemented our status as centric figures in the community when faced with finding an exceptional plumber near me. Archer Plumbing LLC stands as an emblem of trustworthiness within the bustling expanse of Centennial while reminding residents that top-tier plumbing support is always within easy reach. Contact us today to experience how we make daunting plumbing issues nothing more than minor inconveniences swiftly handled by seasoned professionals.
Contact Us: Archer Plumbing LLC Address: 7673 S Vine St, Centennial, Colorado, 80122 Ph720-740-4880 Website: https://archerplumbingusa.com/
Business Hours: Mon-Fri 07:00 AM to 5PM
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tightpipes · 4 months
Tight Pipes Plumbing & Drainage
Get unparalleled service and high-quality solutions for your plumbing and drainage issues from Tight Pipes in Queensland, Australia. We commit to providing excellence in our service with our meticulous planning and efficient execution. Our skilled team can handle all problems, from massive renovations to minor repairs. Tight Pipes Plumbing & Drainage offers numerous services, including but not limited to renovations, sewer drainage, pre-purchase inspection, and much more. You can rest assured as our staff is equipped with cutting-edge technology and extensive knowledge. We provide customisable solutions relating to your specific situation. Contact us today to experience unmatched service at Tight Pipes Plumbing & Draining.
Phone Number: +61 438 231 807
Business Email: [email protected]
Website: https://tightpipes.com.au/
Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/tightpipesplumbinganddrainage
Instagram URL: https://www.instagram.com/tightpipesplumbing/
Working Hours: Mon-Wed - 05:00 AM to 08:00 PM Thu-Fri - 04:00 AM to 10:00 PM Sat - Sun - Open 24 Hours
Address: Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
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1st Choice Mckinney Duct Cleaning
1st Choice McKinney Duct Cleaning 
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service :  
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A/C Maintenance & Repair
Air Quality Testing
Duct Insulation & Sealing
Heat Pump Installation & Repair
HVAC Repair & Service
Heating Installation & Repair
Furnace Installation
Air Duct Cleaning Near Me
Address :  2414 W University Dr, McKinney, TX 75071
Hours:  Mon-Fri 08:00 AM- 06:00 PM/Sat-Sun 09:00 - 5:00 PM
payment methods: 
American Express 
Master card
Our website: https://1stchoicemckinneyductcleaning.com/
Call us : 469-772-0141 
Our Locations:   75069,75070,75071,75072,75074
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