#this is just an overview im going to do in depth stuff later
raytorosaurus · 2 years
ive been seeing talk of warner apparently forcing mcr to make a 4th album when they wanted to end with black parade. did they say this or is this a rumor? where does it come from? im a new fan so tumblr asks are the only way to get even a semblance of context
oh wow don't worry that's definitely not true lol. i guess i can see how it was a rumour because gerard did originally intend for the black parade to be the last album mcr did, like, before they even made it. but also he originally intended for bullets to be their one and only album for a bit too and ray convinced him to keep going, and then the black parade world tour was so gruelling that, again, ray convinced gerard to take a step break and take a break from mcr because otherwise they inevitably would have broken up from the stress. they took a couple years off mcr without setting a specific date to come back, so that when they decided to come back it would be for the right reasons. and then when they did, they set a bunch of rules for the new album because the black parade writing and touring process had been so mentally and physically draining. one of the rules was the new record would have no concept, it would have a more stripped-back punk rock sound etc etc. and that's where conventional weapons came from. they were literally gearing up to release it and starting promo for it when frank came up the the na na na riff just before gerard went on a week-long holiday to the californian desert, where he couldn't get it out of his head. gerard decided they needed to scrap everything and start from scratch, because conventional weapons didn't feel representative of what mcr could be, partly because it didn't have a ~concept. the rest of the guys were onboard except for bob, who did not survive the band's transition into danger days LOL. and then danger days was actually written really quickly and they were psyched about it. or at least mostly - frank said some stuff in interviews after the breakup that implied he wished they had a little more time to work on danger days and that he might have preferred conventional weapons overall, and i think there's kind of an (oversimplified, if you ask me) conception that conventional weapons was ~frank's album and danger days was ~ray's. but anyway, if anything it says how lenient their label was with them at that stage, probably largely due to their a&r guy craig aaronson's championing of them, that they were even allowed to scrap an album they'd already started promoting and write a new one. i'd say that rumour was also partly propagated by danger days being kind of badly received by some fans given it was such a divergence from some of their previous stuff, and also because apparently it was pretty heavily advertised and a lot of people felt like they'd gone "commercial" and felt kind of alienated from the band. gerard was also struggling a lot with his mental health at the time so i think that era leaves a bad taste in people's mouths for that reason, even though it's certainly not the only era in the band's history that that's true for.
anyway, most of that information is just compiled from memory from a bunch of different sources, but if you can get access to it (i honestly think it's worth buying as an ebook), tom bryant's not the life it seems is a really good overview of the band's history. it's a little bit sensationlised at times and certainly very frank-centric because music journalists love frank and he was (and still kind of is tbh) really the only one who agreed to doing mcr-related interviews for a long time, but it's a great read if you can stomach the content warnings.
also for new fans in general, this blogspot is a great resource that has practically every magazine interview mcr ever did up until 2009 scanned in. this blog also has a great list of scans that continue later.
from memory this nme interview is one of the ones that went pretty in-depth about the transition from conweap into dd, cw for ed and fatphobia though.
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pelagaios-a · 7 years
do not reblog;;
so as some of you may or may not know ( depending on how long you’ve been following me here ) in May I went on closing night to see the Lightning Thief: the Percy Jackson Musical with @wisdomwalked !!! it was absolutely amazing and totally worth the trip into NYC for the day and I have a post [ here ] about some of the stuff that went on. with the release of the soundtrack ( which I literally got in the mail Saturday --- thank you preorder ) I wanted to talk about the songs and their parallels / etc to the content in the Lightning Thief ( book 1 ). below I am going to have a lot of links ( I have put together the lyrics for the album ) and quotes and stuff so I guess bare with me here and I hope I make sense lmao.
to start off I’m going to skip a lot of the other songs since I wanted to address the song [ Good Kid ] and the following related songs [ Their Sign ] / [ Son of Poseidon ] and [ The Last Day of Summer ]. which you may be like, kat ??? what do they share ??? well, let me tell you.
to start off in the song Good Kid ( x ) we get the lyrics
six schools in six years, been kicked out of every place everything I ever do is wrong never find where I belong everybody on my case
the same old story, the same old song don’t act up, don’t act out, be strong
I keep my head down I keep my chin up but it ends up all the same with pack your bags Percy, you’re always to blame
and I say this because in the song Their Sign ( x ) we get
he show'd no sign that he ever existed no sign he might actually care my mom raised me all on her lonesome when I would reach out, no one else would be there !
which we get compounded with this set from Son of Poseidon ( x )
seems my good intentions always crash and burn everything I try to do will fail never once will I prevail going wrong at every turn
then as I have said [ before ] Luke hijaks the tune to good kid in the Last Day of Summer ( x ) and tells Percy
it doesn't pay to be a good kid a good kid a good son
Good Kid is literally the first song that comes to mind for me from this album --- possibly because it was the only release before the musical --- but it touches on a lot of aspects people forget about Percy within canon and brings to light a lot of his own thoughts and insecurities. I know I’ve said it before but he really does not have the best self image even at the most opportune of times let alone the fact his life is a trainwreck more often then not. Percy spent his life growing up alone ( Grover is literally his first friend --- think on that ) and was commonly the target of bullies. not only this, but he’s referenced being called stupid / problematic / not worth someones time by adults in his life ( I imagine teachers alongside the verbal abuse Gabe subject him to ). in his mind ??? the only person who cares about him is his mother and even then he’s rather worthless due to the fact he makes life so, so much harder for her then she deserves. all these lyrics ESPECIALLY the lyrics throughout Good Kid reference a child who is looking for someone --- anyone --- to accept him. I mean the damn song ends with
I swear I never stole anything I never meant to hurt anyone I swear, I swear that I’m a good kid a good kid, who’s had a bad run
and all I need is one last chance to prove I’m good enough for someone
he literally just wants a place to feel accepted and Camp Half Blood offered that but then they told him to leave --- remember that Percy did not have a choice in this quest or he would have been killed outright by Zeus. he’s twelve and sent on a quest everyone thought he would fail. explain to me how that helps ??? answer: it doesn’t ( “ no one ever tells me that they’re proud no one asks me, Percy, how'd you’d like to come around and stay” ). so I say again: these four songs alone touch on a lot of how he thinks of himself that gets breezed over since, as Percy is the narrator and plays off his own problems, fanon / the fandom / most people tend to brush over or ignore. he literally is looking for acceptance but does not expect any. Percy says he reached out but ??? it’s referenced in the past. it’s not something he does anymore. how literally fucked up is this.
and then there’s the [ Prologue / the Day I Got Expelled ] which follows the first chapter or so of the book. some of the stuff said just ??? really upsets me due to the connotations ( x ) which like, I am not getting into the big breakdown of this song right now since there is a LOT to talk about but I will bring up some lyrics:
look! I didn't want to be a halfblood I didn't ask to be a hero seeking grace being a halfblood, it's scary it mostly gets you killed in very nasty ways
now as most of us know, Percy has the Iconic™ line “look, I didn’t want to be a halfblood” at the start of book 1. to start the show off, though, they played a little deeper into it. that line up there I think very well plays off my [ hero headcanon ]. Percy never once has reference liking the idea of being a hero and right here he states at the beginning this is nothing he wants, nothing he wanted, and he really wishes this was not his life. the song then goes on to bring up other stuff but man this part to start it off. which ??? sets the mood for the rest of the musical in a way, I think. like, sure it had lighthearted and funny moments, but there’s always this thought in the back of your head that Percy never starts to like it or enjoy it or anything. every moment is something he wishes weren’t his, in a way. not to mention they don’t downplay his character in the slightest --- we get a good look into his mind from a perspective that starts to show it more outward then inward ( because let’s be honest, Percy brushing it off let’s us brush it off and the musical didn’t allow much room for “brushing off” ).
this all is one of the huge reasons I find the song [ Strong ] so important. not only is it a song entirely dedicated to Sally and Percy but it’s a song about how you’re strong because of your differences which ??? I think for a lot of people even outside the pjo universe would find important. like ( x )
normal is a myth everyone has issues they're dealing with and there's a place you'll need to go where you belong where the things that make you different are the things that make you special special like your father yes Percy, you are special
like food the color blue all the things that make you, you are the things that will make you strong so be strong
like, I don’t know whether I say it or just think it anymore ( ignoring the people who get my Percy feeling dumps ) but so much is out there coming at him from every side and this song puts a lot of focus on 1. the fact he needs another voice to remind him he’s more then what other people say ( “what was he a screw up to? sorry mom, if I was only normal... “ / “ mom if you're weird, you're weak” ) because he’s so hard on himself 2. just how important ??? Percy’s mother is, most especially to him --- she is one of his major reasons to keep going --- and 3. it again shows more of his self image. Sally Jackson is literally the sweetest most important character in this whole series and this song does a good job of summing that up. Percy at his point has one friend he thinks is ditching him and no prospects and he just failed again. in his mind whats the point? the song here is just.... god I don’t even know how to word how important this song is across the board.
anyway, I know I didn’t include every song on the soundtrack ( there are 19 total --- while all include Percy some are just about other characters which I don’t think ??? I’m going to discuss here. like [ Another Terrible Day ] / [ Put you in Your Place ] / [ My Grand Plan ] / [ The Tree on the Hill ] or [ D.O.A. ] which, while play into Percy’s journey and whatnot, are not about him or his growth in a way. I may touch on them slightly later ??? but definitely not right now.
tada tho here’s my brief pjo musical Percy synopsis I guess...
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gg-astrology · 5 years
Can you read Shannon Williams's future in 2019? Thank you for the past predictions ❤️💜
Hey there! 💕 Thanks for dropping by again! 💕 I could do a transit thing for her and it’ll be general to everyone as well, but I’d also like to recommend trying out tarot readings (if you’re into that) or other types of readings for faster results maybe (it takes time to cast for horary readings, and with transit/progressed its like-- I can’t say much without her birthtime?)💕
Not that it’s a bad thing but like, since we don’t have her birthtime I’m very limited on what I can say about her especially with her houses, context, signs most of the time. So all in all-- this wouldn’t be very accurate, I hope you enjoy it as a practice run nevertheless! 💕
Note: This is a progressed chart, starting at 26 May 2019 (on her birthday) -- since the last one we did was in December 2018, this one is starting a little later. Also since we don’t have her birthday, I’m only using 12pm standard, so the houses themselves aren’t accurate and some of the signs may shift/change as well (we’re going to disregard the axis here too because we don’t know her birth-time).
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Also to note: this isn’t the same as the last chart. That was casted on the day, this one is looking at transits and progressed. I honestly can’t vouch for accuracy with this one since we’re missing her birthtime.The reason I’m doing this is to see how it turns out, test it, experiment with it and practice it. I hope you understand 💕
Alrighty, first thing’s first is her luminaries. Most noticeably the Pisces Moon that shifted from her Natal Gemini into Pisces.
Regardless of houses (inaccuracies) it does signify a challenge emotionally, subconsciously. Pisces being squares to Gemini means she’ll have to adapt her way of thinking, processing, getting through to other people. Her emotions may be more sensitive, turbulent, having to shift from big to small to big again often. 
Emotions comes quicker but also slower, it’s paradoxical. It’s like feeling things become easier, but identifying what or why they’re feeling something-- the underlying rationality beneath it becomes harder to explain to others.
Imagination, creativity, flowing of self-expression but also some frustrations (if they notice it) that comes with the territory as well. 
There’s still that modality to them, but the approach to emotionality becomes different. Instead of seeking stimulis (and others through it) it might become more subdued, more self-focused. The concentration here is in the self, depleting from others and ‘getting to know the self’.
Pisces Moon works different from Gemini Moon in a way that certain things become unexplainable, frustration starts when the person cannot explain how they feel, why they feel that way or how they could come across with others. They may become talkative about their emotions (Moon-Mercury aspect see later) -- but they may also be reluctant to confront/face the core of their problem (procrastinate away from it).
They emphasize/sympathize with others, however they may have difficulties truly connecting because the sense of self is stronger too (self-focused)-- as in, they exert themselves more but also retreat back into themselves. There’s a stronger inner-activity here than her previous placement, so the inner-life is enriched and that may be prone to vivid imagination/day-dreams (more often). 
Another thing to notice is Mercury that shifted from Taurus to Cancer. With Taurus-- in her overview reading we’ve talked about how it takes some time for her to move forward on a certain idea she’s had (or change her mind on something). 
Cancer as a cardinal sign kind of signifies putting things into gear, but through that the person has to learn how to adapt/use their emotionality (like the Pisces Moon) in order to facilitate this motion as well.
Certain things are unexplainable which causes frustration to the Gemini/Taurus person, because it relies heavily on intuition and emotionality. It’s what they’ve learnt/experienced/gained but hasn’t realized they had until they ‘just do it’. So in a way-- the influx of water transition in her chart right now is like a ‘release’ of all the tension her natal placement usually holds for her.
It can feel like a dam flowing however, because it’s usually beyond the scope of what the person can ‘restrict/control’-- thus, frustration builds up within the self and what it wants to do (Taurus/Gemini). 
Water adds an element of learning/absorbing and applying things we’ve experienced by ‘unleashing’ it outwards. Letting it flow, sometimes without our control. It aligns with her south node-- which might be grounding for her to be in to an extent, but it also makes you incredibly self-aware of your short-comings and lessons you still have to partake/learn. 
Other than that, we have her Venus in Taurus right now-- moving from Venus in Aries-- which might point more to canoodling, sensualize tender emotionality/approach with others/relationships. 
Happy stuff, not so much struggling anymore since Taurus is ruled by Venus. So instead of ‘fighting!!!!’ to get what they want, this is more about learning how to stand ground and naturalize their abilities to their benefit (harmoniously)
Aspect wise, Moon-trine-Mercury right now (in water signs) and Sun-conjunct-Mercury (Gemini-Cancer) talks about a persuasive speaker, a spokesperson (not literal- like stand up for themselves), can sometimes have hidden agendas. But learning, growing, maturing. More intouch with themselves (compared to Taurus Mercury in natal) Depth of emotionality should be acknowledged to make the most of this while still in transit.
Sun conjunct Mars while the Moon square Mars-- again, past frustration with not doing what they want to do, mind/emotions are at odds to their actions/long term plan. However they are revitalized/benefiting a lot from this aspect as well, there are lessons to be learnt during this period that is more beneficial to their person/long-run even if it may seem at odds to what they want right now. 
Sun square Jupiter and Mercury square Jupiter-- probably a good idea to steer clear of public reception for now, right now alot of the things they may rush to say may not be received. 
Mostly has to do with not seeing beyond the self (Cancer/Gemini) or trying to insert the self when the conversation at large is more transcendental right now. But generally, the lessons they learn from their Moon may help them grasps a better idea of what the public is receptive towards, as they are part of that public as well (even when its not aspected together) 
Sun and Mercury however is sextile to Saturn -- so if it’s a time to suck up to authority, or try to gain power in corporate/work structure now might be a better time to garner a stable reputation/statues. 
Aim for practicality, long-term foundation. Her Taurus Mercury has that already, but in this case she also has insights from Cancer as well. Try to push for agendas or potentials that will leave room for expansion/growth in the future, when this transit shifts to something else instead and she may need it. Relate to foundational growth, stability, some of the things Cancer might not be prone to like expressing vulnerabilities might also?? help?? (not sure, since it can be kind of hard/uncomfortable for them to do so, but it will open up doors for them as well)
Venus square Uranus, while Mars is trine Uranus -- I think these has been here for a while, but with Venus square Uranus in particular the mind is consumed by thoughts/vibrations of whatever is signifying Uranus for them. It can lead to a person walking down a path, and realizing too late that they got distracted by it they don’t know how to get back to where they’re from. 
It can, however, be a good thing. Since everybody has to learn through life anyways, experience and choosing their own paths even if it doesn’t seem like the ‘right one’ might help with that.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this! 💕 I’m--- wary of all my shannon williams posts ever since she’s?? read?? my overview for her so now im just like ‘can i just ask her for her birthtime and get it done with??’ bUT jksdnfk 💕💕 Anyways, I hope you liked it anyways!
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