#this is my Bottom Zoro agenda
Zoro is a bottom because if that lazy bitch gets a chance to be flat on his back, he's taking it
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find-roronoa-zoro · 1 month
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Roronoa Zoro X CisFem Reader
"Law just pulled up!" Ace called from downstairs. 
"Are you sure you want to date this guy?" Sabo stepped into your room crossing his arms, "You were getting along with Zoro so well."
"Can you zip me up?" you turned your back to him, "Zoro is great and everything but he's young and doesn't need an old lady like me holding him back. I'm sure now that he knows how old I am he thinks I'm just desperate to have a husband and pop out a couple of brats."
Sabo scoffed tugging your zipper over your still bruised back, "That's why you should get to know each other right? Prove the desperate 30-something stereotype wrong."
"I've been here before remember James? It's fine. It was just a little crush." you turned straightening out your purple cotton dress, "How do I look?"
"Beautiful as always." he sighed.
"You always were my favorite." you winked ruffling his blond waves, "Don't tell the others."
This was your third date with the doctor. You got along surprisingly well and could sit and talk for long periods of time without awkward silences. He had moments where he could be a bit too honest but you found it a little endearing. 
"You look nice." his smooth voice complimented as you reached the bottom stair. 
"It's nice to have your hard work acknowledged."
"I'm sure you hardly had to try." he smirked. 
"Ugh," Ace gagged, "can you just go already please?" 
"Shut it." you snapped flicking his nose. 
"So, you haven't said what's on the agenda today." You murmured carefully sliding into the passenger seat of Law's '68 Super Bee. 
"Well, the last two dates were a little too stuffy...you know I'm still learning your preferences," the classic engine roared to life, "I thought today could be a little more low key. I know a great sushi place."
"Still sounds fancy." you noted glancing at him.
"It's a cozy little place, trust me you'll be comfortable there." 
"My comfort is in your hands then." you chuckled. 
It was a short drive to the small restaurant, you were still amazed by how much this town had changed since you moved away.
It was indeed a quaint family run restaurant, Law seemed to know the owners. You took your time to eat and talk, finding conversation topics quite easily. Law sort of put up a stern cold front, but you found him to be interesting, funny and warm. It did worry you a bit that despite his looks and personality you hadn't really swooned over him the way you had with Zoro. The greenette had done absolutely nothing and completely swept you away, Law on the other hand was actually putting in effort and nothing. Well, not nothing, you definitely liked him you just wondered how much of it was genuine. 
"Hm?" you hummed watching a smattering of stars become visible in the oncoming night sky. 
His phone rang interrupting whatever he'd intended to say. 
"Yes... Yes," he sighed glancing at you, "I'll be there as quickly as I can." 
"Duty calls?" you guessed. 
"Unfortunately, one of my patients may need another emergency surgery. Worse, I don't have time to drop you off." 
"It's fine. I'll just Uber or something." you gave his shoulder a weak pat. 
Once you'd arrive at the hospital, Law kissed your forehead a told you he'd text you later. You took a seat on a bench after slipping into your sweater and opened your Uber app to order a ride. It only took a few seconds to confirm your trip as someone was near by, you didn't even bother reading the driver info and put your phone in your purse waiting for the marked car. Not even five minutes later a black F-150 pulled up with an Uber sticker in the window. 
"Is everything ok?" A familiar voice called as you stood. 
"You're my Uber?" you scoffed at the irony. 
"Helps make ends meet." Zoro reached across the seat opening the door from the inside, "You didn't answer my question."
"Oh, yeah everything is fine. I was just hanging out with a friend who works here." you cringed at yourself for that one. 
Why were you even compelled to not be truthful?
"Well, you look nice for just hanging out in the hospital." he watched you climb into the cab and buckle up a light flush dusting your cheeks at his compliment. 
"I look nice compared to the last time you saw me looking like a beat up trash person." you chuckled trying to deflect. 
"No, you are a nice looking trash person too." 
You blushed harder. Since when was he a flirt? 
"Speaking of beat up, your face healed nicely." 
"Yeah, thanks for the medicine. It really helped." he breathed, "How's your back?"
"Ugh," you groaned, "still bruised and sore but it's getting better."
"Good. If you ever wanna pay Kid back let me know."
"Nah, you heard Pops. It's best to just move on." you frowned as you turned down your driveway. 
The truck came to a stop behind Thatch's car. 
"Wanna come in for a bit... the guys probably wouldn't mind a surprise hang." 
What were you thinking? You're dating someone. 
"I can't, I haven't met my goal for the night." he declined as you opened the door. 
What was he thinking? This was his chance!
"Have a good night then." you smiled.
"You too."
"Why is Zoro bringing you home from your date with Law?" Sabo inquired from the porch where he sat in the rocking chairs with his new girlfriend. 
"Well, hello to you too baby brother," you sneered and turned toward the brunette at his side with a smile, "Hey Al." 
"Hey F/N." she replied smiling sweetly. 
"And if you must know, Law got called in for an emergency and Zoro just happened to be my Uber driver." you reached for the door.
"So he just left you somewhere?" the blonde clicked his tongue. 
"It was an emergency Sabo, he couldn't make a patient wait. I went to the hospital with him and was safe the entire time." you ruffled his hair, "Though it's nice that you still worry. You two don't stay out too late you'll catch a cold."
"You're back early." Ace commented as you entered the house. 
"Yeah yeah," you waved him off and slouched up the stairs. 
As you got undressed and started to braid your hair your phone pinged in your purse.
A text from a coded number. 
530744 : Next time you need a ride just text me and I'll pick you up for free. 434.555.9946. 
You touched your lips in attempt to keep your smile from growing and saved the number in your contacts. 
Me: Thanks Greenie, I'll be sure to give you a stellar review.
Zoro: and don't forget to tip your driver
Me: shameless.
Zoro: a guys gotta eat.
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